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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Fiscal A gen t o f the U nited States I"Circular No. 5 0 9 4 "1 L October 5, 1961 J TREASURY’S CURRENT CASH OFFERING Amounts of Subscriptions and Bases of Allotments To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: The following statement was made public today by the Treasury Department: Public subscriptions total about $5,684 million for the additional offering of $2,000 million, or thereabouts, o f S1/^ percent Treasury Notes of Series D-1963, due May 15, 1963, which are to be issued for payment on October 11, 1961. Total public subscriptions accepted amount to about $2,176 million. In addition to the amount allotted to the public, $100 million of these notes will be allotted to Government Investment Accounts. The Treasury announced a 37 percent allotment on all subscriptions in excess of $100,000. Subscriptions for $100,000 or less will be allotted in full. Subscriptions fo r more than $100,000 will be allotted not less than $100,000. Subscriptions total about $5,341 mil lion from commercial banks for their own account and $343 million from all others. Details by Federal Reserve District as to subscriptions and allotments will be announced next week. A lfred H ayes, P re s id e n t.