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/"C ircular N o . 5 0 0 0 1
L A u g u st 2 . 1961 J

Nomination and Election of Class B Director
For Unexpired Portion of Term Ending December 31, 1963
(B y member banks classified in Group 3 on June 27, 1961, that is, member banks
with capital and surplus of SI,000,000 or less, on that date)
T o M em ber Banlcs o f the Second Federal B eserve D istrict:

In accordance with the provisions of section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, and
Circular No. 5051, dated June 27, 1961, on the election of a class B director of this Bank for the unexpired
portion of the term ending December 31, 1963, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation from that office
of A u g u s t u s C. L o n g , there is shown on page 2 the name of the candidate nominated for such office, and by
whom nominated.
To each bank classified in Group 3 on June 27, 1961, except banks affiliated with holding company
affiliates that have designated another bank to participate in this election,* the following are being sent with
this circular:
(a) Preferential ballot for use in voting for candidate for class B director.
(b) Colored ballot envelope in which the ballot is to be sealed.
(c) Certificate envelope bearing on its face the certificate in regard to the vote.
(d ) Addressed envelope in which all of the foregoing should be returned to me.
The ballot and the certificate on the certificate envelope must be executed by an officer who has been
authorized to cast the vote. A list of the officers designated for this purpose by the respective member
banks in Group 3 formed a part of the above mentioned circular dated June 27, 1961, and a similar
list revised to date forms a part of this circular. In order that the ballot may be secret, the name of the
voting bank or the name and title of its voting officer should not be written on the ballot, but should be
written only on the certificate envelope.
(1) A fter the preferential ballot has been marked,
(2 ) It should be placed in the colored ballot envelope and that envelope sealed.
(3) Then the sealed colored ballot envelope should be placed within the certificate envelope, and
the certificate envelope should be sealed and the certificate thereon executed.
(4 ) Then the certificate envelope containing the sealed colored ballot envelope should be returned
to me in the enclosed addressed envelope.
The law provides that the ballot shall be cast within 15 days after receipt of the list of candidates
transmitted herewith. The polls will open at 10 a.m., August 3, 1961, and will close at 12 o ’clock noon, on
Friday, August 18, 1961, and in order to be counted as valid the ballot must be received by me at or before
the latter time. Upon the closing of the polls, the ballot box will be opened in the board room of this Bank,
the sealed envelopes containing the ballots will be opened, the votes counted and checked by tellers, and
the result of the election announced. The candidate is invited to be present or represented on this occasion.

Because banks in Groups 1 and 2 will not vote in this election, this circular is sent to them without
form s and fo r their inform ation only.
P h ilip

D. R e e d ,

Chairman o f the Board.
A s indicated in Circular N o. 5051, dated June 27, 1961, section 4 o f the Federal Beserve A ct, as amended,
provides that whenever any two or more member banks within the same Federal reserve district are affiliated with the same
holding com pany affiliate, participation b y such member banks in the election o f directors o f Federal reserve banks shall
be confined to one o f such banks, and the holding com pany affiliate may designate the bank to participate in such election.
Consequently, the ballot o f any bank in Group 3 so affiliated cannot be counted as valid unless there is on file with me
evidence that such bank has been so designated.

Candidate for Class B Director
President and Chairman, Executive Committee
Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc., New York, N. Y.




ic k e r s o n

was born in Dedham, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1911, and now resides in Rye,

New York. He received a B. S. degree from Harvard University in 1933. He began his career in 1933 with the
Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc. (until 1946, Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, Inc.), as a service station attendant
and rose to divisional manager in 1941. He was elected a director in 1945 of Mobil Oil Company, Ltd., London,
England (then Vacuum Oil Company, Ltd.), and chairman in 1946. He was elected a director of Socony Mobil Oil
Company, Inc., in 1946, vice president in 1951, president in 1955, and chairman of the Executive Committee and
chief executive officer in 1958.
Mr. Nickerson is an overseer of Harvard College, and a trustee of International House, American Museum of
Natural History, The Rockefeller Institute, and the Committee for Economic Development. He is a director of the
American Petroleum Institute, a member of the National Petroleum Council and of the Council on Foreign Relations.
He is a director of the First National City Trust Company, but will resign, if elected, to comply with the eligibility
requirements of the Federal Reserve Act.

Nominated by the following member banks in Group 3

B lairstow n
B o u n d B rook
D u n ellen
D un ellen
N etcon g
O ra n ge
P a lisad es P ark
P h illip sb u rg
R idgefield P ark

A m en ia
A rca d e
A v o ca
B eacon
B ea con
B ridgeham pton
B u ffa lo
C atskill
C attarau gus
C hateaugay
C h estertow n
C layton
C lift o n S p rin gs
C lyde
C oh octon
C ohoes
C uba
D elh i
D ep osit
D o v e r P lain s
E a st Islip
E ast Setauket
G eneva
G ou v ern eu r

( Continued)

N am e o f B a n k o r T r u s t C om pany

T h e F irs t N ation a l B ank o f B lairstow n
C ou n ty B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y o f S om erset

G reen e
H am pton B a ys


H em pstead

T h e S econ d N a tio n a l B ank a n d T r u s t C om pa n y o f
H em pstead

H erm on
H om er
K en m ore

T h e F irst N ation a l B a n k o f H e rm o n
T h e H o m e r N a tio n a l B ank
S tate B a n k o f K enm ore

K erh onkson
K in d erh ook

T h e K erh on k son N ation a l B ank
T h e N ational U n io n B ank o f K in d e rh o o k

K in g s P ark
L ake
R on konkom a
L ittle F alls
L o w v ille
M a lon e
M id dletow n
M inoa

T h e N ation a l B a n k o f K in g s P a rk

F irst N ation a l B a n k o f D u n ellen
P e o p le ’ s T r u s t C om pany
C itizen s N ation a l B ank o f N e tco n g
S econ d N ation a l B a n k o f O ra n g e
N ation a l B ank o f P alisades P ark

T h e P h illip sb u rg N ational B ank and T r u s t C om pany
R id gefield P a rk T r u s t C om pany

A d d iso n
A lden
A lle g a n y

P lace

N am e o f B ank o r T r u s t C om pany

P lace


T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f A d d iso n
A ld e n S tate B ank
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f A lle g a n y
T h e F irst N a tio n a l B a n k o f A m e n ia
T h e C itize n s C entral Bank
Bank o f A v oca
T h e F ish k ill N ation a l B ank o f B ea con
T h e M atteaw an N ation a l B ank o f B ea con
T h e B rid geh a m p ton N a tio n a l Bank
L in c o ln N a tio n a l B ank

M on ticello
N ew bu rgh
N o rfo lk
N o rw ich
N y a ck

T h e S t. L a w r e n c e C ou n ty N ation a l B a n k o f Canton
T h e T a n n e r s N ation a l B ank o f Catskill
B a n k o f C attarau gus
T h e F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f Chateaugay
C h este r-S ch ro o n -H o rico n B ank
T h e F ir s t N ation a l E x ch a n g e B ank o f C layton
T h e O n ta rio N a tio n a l B ank o f C lifto n S p rin gs
B r ig g s N ation a l B a n k o f C lyde
T h e C oh octon State Bank

T h e F a rm ers N ational B a n k o f D eposit
T h e D o v e r P lain s N a tio n a l Bank
T h e F ir s t N ation a l B ank o f E a st Islip
T h e T in k e r N a tio n a l B a n k o f E a st Setauket
T h e N ation a l B a n k o f G eneva
F ir s t N ation a l B ank in G o u v e rn e u r


T h e N ation a l U n io n B a n k o f M o n tice llo
T h e C olum bus T r u s t C om pany
T h e F irst N ational B ank o f N o rfo lk
T h e C h enango C ou n ty N a tio n a l B ank and T r u st
C om pany o f N o rw ich
T a ppan Z e e N ation a l B a n k o f N yack
T h e F ir s t T r u s t an d D e p o s it C om pany o f O risk a n y Falls,
N. Y.

O x fo r d

T h e N ation a l B ank o f O x fo r d

P a in ted P o st
R ed Creek

T h e F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f P a in te d P o st
T h e R ed C reek N ation a l B ank

R iv erh ead
S alam anca

T h e S u ffolk C ou n ty N a tion a l B a n k o f R iverh ead
S alam anca T r u s t C om pa n y
F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f S cotia

Southam pton

T h e C u ba N ation a l Bank
T h e D e la w a re N a tio n a l B a n k o f D elhi

T h e N ation a l B ank o f L a k e R on konkom a
T h e H e rk im e r C o u n ty T r u s t C om pany
L e w is C ou n ty T r u s t C om pany
T h e F a rm ers N ation a l B ank o f M alon e
O ra n g e C ou n ty T r u s t C om pany
F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f M in oa

O ris k a n y F a lls

S cotia
S e n e ca F a lls

T h e N ation a l B ank o f C ohoes

F irst N ational B a n k in G reen e
T h e H am p ton B a y s N ation a l B a n k

T h e State B ank o f S e n e ca F a lls, N . Y .
F irs t N ation a l B a n k in S idn ey

S to n y B rook

T h e F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f Southam pton
B ank o f S u ffo lk C ou nty

T h e re sa
W a llk ill

T h e F a rm ers N ation a l B a n k o f T h eresa
T h e V a lle y N ation a l B a n k , W a llk ill, N . Y .

W arrensburg
W ills b o ro
W in dh am
W o o d r id g e
W o rce ste r

T h e E m erson N ation a l B ank o f W a rre n sb u rg h
E s s e x C ou n ty-C h am plain N ation a l B ank
T h e N a tio n a l B a n k o f W in dh am
T h e F ir s t N ation a l B ank o f W o o d r id g e
T h e B ank o f W o r c e ste r

1961 Election of Class B Director
For Unexpired Portion of Term Ending December 31, 1963

List of 305 Member Banks in Group 3
( Group 3 consists of member banks with capital and surplus of $1,000,000
or less, on June 27, 1961)
Officers Authorized to Cast V ote

Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company


The F irst National Bank o f A lle n d a le ...........................

. President, V ice President, or Cashier


The Farmers N ational Bank o f Allentown

. President, V ice President, or Cashier


The B roadw ay N ational Bank o f Bayonne


The F irst N ational Bank o f Belvidere

Bem ardsville

Somerset H ills N ational Bank o f Bem ardsville


The F irst N ational Bank o f Blairstown


The Citizens N ational Bank o f Bloom sbury

B ogota

Bank o f B o g o t a ...................................................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

B ogota

The B ogota N ational B a n k ...............................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Boonton Trust C o m p a n y ......................................................

. President, any V ice President, or Treasurer

Bound Brook

County Bank and Trust Company o f Somerset .

. President, any V ice President, Cashier,
Secretary, or Treasurer

Bradley Beach

The F irst N ational Bank o f Bradley Beach

. President, any V iee President, or Cashier


The Branchville N ational B a n k ........................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f B u t l e r ...........................

. President, any V ice President, Cashier, or the
A ssistant to the President


Hunterdon County Trust C o m p a n y ...........................

. President, any V ice President, Treasurer,
or Assistant Treasurer



. President, any V ice President, or Cashier






. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier




. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Carteret Bank and Trust C o m p a n y .................................

. President, any V ice President, or Treasurer


F irst N ational Bank in C a r t e r e t .................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Clark State B a n k ...................................................................

. President, or Executive V ice President

Cliffside Park

The United N ational Bank o f Cliffside Park

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Clinton N ational B a n k ...............................................


The F irst N ational Bank o f C l i n t o n ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Closter N ational Bank and Trust Company

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f C r a n b u r y ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f D u n e l l e n ...........................

. President, or Cashier


The P eop le’ s Trust C o m p a n y ........................................

. President, any V ice President, Treasurer, or
Assistant Treasurer


The Edgewater N ational B a n k ........................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Flem ington

The Flem ington N ational Bank and Trust Company .

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier



The Fords N ational B a n k ...............................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

F o r t Lee

F irst N ational Bank in F o rt L e e ..................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

F o rt Lee

F o rt Lee Trust C o m p a n y ...............................................

President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Secretary and Treasurer


Sussex County Trust C o m p a n y ........................................

. President, any V ice President, or Treasurer


Peapack-Gladstone B a n k ......................................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Glen Bidge

Glen B idge Trust C o m p a n y ...............................................

. President, any V ice President, or Secretary


The C ity National Bank and Trust Company o f
H a c k e n s a c k ............................................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The H ackettstown N ational B a n k .................................


The Peoples N ational Bank o f H ackettstown

H am burg

The H ardyston N ational Bank o f Ham burg



President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier

N E W J E R S E Y ( Continued )


Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast V ote

H ope

The F irst N ational Bank o f H o p e ........................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

K eyport

The P e o p le ’ s N ational Bank o f K e y p o r t ...........................

President, any V ice President, Cashier,
or Secretary

Lake Hiawatha

The Boonton N ational Bank o f Parsippany-Troy Hills,
N ew J e r s e y ................................................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Lam bertville

The Lam bertville N ational B a n k ........................................


Livingston N ational B a n k ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

L on g Branch

L on g Branch Trust C o m p a n y ............................................... President


The M anville N ational B a n k ...............................................


The Farm ers and Merchants N ational Bank o f Matawan President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

M ata wan

The Matawan B a n k ...................................................................


K eansburg-M iddletown N ational B a n k .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

M ilford

The F irst N ational Bank o f M ilford


M illbum -Short H ills B a n k ...........................





President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f M i l l t o w n ..................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Citizens N ational Bank o f N e t c o n g ...........................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


B road N ational Bank, Newark

President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier






The Sussex and Merchants N ational Bank o f N ewton . President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Second N ational Bank o f O r a n g e .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Palisades Park

The N ational Bank o f Palisades P a r k .................................

Park E idge

The F irst N ational Bank o f Park R i d g e ...........................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Perth Am boy

The Perth A m boy N ational B a n k ........................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Phillipsburg N ational Bank and Trust Company . President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Phillipsburg T rust C o m p a n y ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Treasurer


The Second N ational Bank o f Phillipsburg

President, any V ice President, or Cashier






State Bank o f P l a i n f i e l d ............................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank and Trust Company o f Ramsey President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Raritan State B a n k .................................................................... President, Cashier, or Secretary

Ridgefield Park

R idgefield Park Trust C o m p a n y ...............................................

Rochelle Park

Community Bank o f B ergen County, N . J ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f R o s e l l e .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Secretary

Saddle Brook

The Bank o f Saddle B rook & L o d i ........................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f S a y r e v ille .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Sea B right

The Sea B righ t N ational B a n k ...............................................

President, Cashier, or Assistant Cashier

South A m boy

F irst N ational Bank South A m boy— M adison Township President, any V ice President, or Cashier

South Plainfield

The F irst N ational Bank o f South Plainfield .

Spring Lake

F irst N ational Bank o f Spring L a k e ..................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Farm ers N ational Bank o f S u s s e x .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W ashington

T he F irst N ational Bank o f W a s h in g t o n ...........................


W ashington

W ashington Trust Com pany o f W ashington, N . J .

President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
R. D . Stevens, Treasurer

W est Belmar

Belm ar-W all N ational B a n k ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W estw ood

The F irst N ational Bank o f W e s t w o o d .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier





President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W hippany

The F irst N ational Bank o f W h i p p a n y ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W o o d R idge

The W ood R idge N ational B a n k ........................................

W y ck off

The F irst N ational Bank o f W y c k o f f .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company


The F irst N ational Bank o f A d d i s o n .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

A fto n

F irst N ational Bank o f A f t o n ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier



President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f Allegany .


The F irst N ational Bank o f A m e n i a ...........................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

A ngola

The Evans N ational Bank o f A n g o l a .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Citizens Central B a n k ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

A tlanta

A tlanta N ational Bank

A ttica

The Citizens B a n k .......................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

State B a n k ...................................................................






President, any V ice President, or Cashier


........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

. .


The F irst N ational Bank o f A u r o r a .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

A voca

Bank o f A v o c a ......................................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Ballston Spa

The Ballston Spa N ational B a n k ........................................

President, V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f B a t a v i a .................................

President, any V iee President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier


The Bath N ational Bank .


President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Fishkill N ational Bank o f B e a c o n .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier





The Matteawan N ational Bank o f B e a c o n ...........................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

B elfast

B elfa st N ational B a n k .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The B ellport N ational B a n k ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Belm ont

The State Bank o f Belm ont, N . Y ............................................

B olivar

The F irst N ational Bank o f B o l i v a r .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f Boonville . . .

B oonville

The N ational Exchange Bank o f Boonville



The F irst N ational Bank o f B r e w s te r s .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Bridgeham pton

The Bridgeham pton N ational Bank


President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Broadalbin B a n k ...................................................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Gramatan N ational Bank and Trust Company o f
B r o n x v i l l e ................................................................................ President, Cashier, or any Assistant Cashier

B uffalo

Lincoln N ational B a n k ............................................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f C a i r o ........................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst National Bank o f C a le d o n ia .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


F irst N ational Bank in Callicoon


The Cambridge V alley N ational B a n k .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


F irst State Bank, Canisteo, N . Y ............................................

President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f C a n t o n .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier





. . .

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The St. Lawrence County N ational Bank o f Canton

Cape Vincent

Citizens Bank o f Cape V i n c e n t ...............................................


President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Putnam County N ational Bank o f Carmel

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Castleton on

The National Exchange Bank o f Castleton on Hudson . President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Catskill N ational Bank and Trust Company


The Tanners N ational Bank o f C a t s k i l l ...........................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Bank o f C a tt a r a u g u s ...................................................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Central Square

The First N ational Bank o f Central Square

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Central Valley

The Central Valley N ational B a n k ........................................










President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

N E W Y O R K ( Continued )


N am e o f Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote


The F irst N ational Bank o f Chateaugay

Cherry Valley

O tsego County N ational Bank o f Cherry Valley


President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Chester N ational B a n k ..................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Chester-Schroon-Horicon B a n k ...........................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Exchange Bank o f Clayton

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

C lifton Springs

The Ontario N ational Bank o f C lifton Springs

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


T he H ayes N ational Bank o f Clinton

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


B rig gs N ational Bank o f C l y d e ...........................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Clymer State B a n k ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Cohocton State B a n k ..................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier



The N ational Bank o f C o h o e s ...............................................

President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Cold Spring

The N ational Bank o f Cold Spring on Hudson

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f C o o p e r s t o w n ...........................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The N ational Bank o f C o x s a c k i e ........................................

President, or any V ice President


The Cuba N ational B a n k ............................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f C u b a ......................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Bank o f D e l e v a n .......................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Delaware N ational Bank o f D e l h i .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Farm ers N ational Bank o f D e p o s i t ...........................

D olgeville

The F irst N ational Bank o f D e x t e r .................................. President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
A ssistant Cashier
T he F irst N ational Bank o f D o lg e v ille .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

D over Plains

The D over Plains N ational B a n k ........................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f D o w n s v i l l e ...........................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f D r y d e n .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


D undee State B a n k .................................................................... President, or Cashier

East Islip

The F irst N ational Bank o f East I s l i p ...........................

President, or Cashier

East Setauket

The Tinker N ational Bank o f E ast Setauket






President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f E d m e s t o n ...........................


E llenville N ational B a n k ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Ellen ville

The F irst N ational Bank and Trust Company o f Ellenville President, any V ice President, or Cashier

E n dicott

The E n dicott N ational B a n k ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f Fleischmanns

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

F lorida

The N ational Bank o f F l o r i d a ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

F o rt Plain

The F o rt Plain N ational B a n k ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

F ran k fort

Citizens F irst N ational Bank o f F ran k fort





Chairman o f the B oard, President, any V ice
President, or Cashier

Franklin ville

The U nion N ational Bank o f Franklinville





President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Genesee V alley N ational Bank and Trust Company o f
G e n e s e o ........................................................................................ President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Executive Officer


The N ational Bank o f G e n e v a ..................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Trust Company o f Fulton C o u n t y ...........................

President, any V ice President, or Treasurer


The Goshen N ational B a n k ........................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

G ouvem eur

B ank o f G o u v e m e u r ......................................................

President, Executive V ice President & Trust
Officer, any V ice President, or Cashier

G ouvem eur

F irst N ational Bank in Gouvem eur

President, any V ice President, or Cashier






N E W Y O R K ( Continued)

Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company


Officers Authorized to Cast V ote


F irst N ational Bank in G r e e n e ........................................

. Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f Greenwich

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f G r o t o n ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f H a m d e n ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Citizens N ational Bank o f Hammond .

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

H am pton Bays

The H am pton Bays N ational B a n k ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f H a n c o c k ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Second N ational Bank and Trust Company o f
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
H e m p s t e a d ..........................................................................








. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f H e r m o n ...........................


The F irst N ational Bank o f H e u v e lto n ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

H ighland

The F irst N ational Bank o f H ig h l a n d ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

H ighland Falls

F irst N ational Bank in H ighland Falls

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

H obart

The N ational Bank o f H o b a r t ........................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

H olcom b

The Hamlin N ational Bank o f H olcom b

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Bank o f H o l l a n d ...................................................................


The Homer N ational Bank

H udson Falls

The F irst N ational Bank o f Hudson Falls .


The Wheeler N ational Bank o f Interlaken .



The First N ational Bank o f Jeffersonville .



The K eeseville N ational B a n k ........................................

. President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
A ssistant Cashier

Kenm ore

State Bank o f K e n m o r e ......................................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Kerhonkson N ational B a n k ........................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The N ational Union Bank o f Kinderhook .

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

K in gs Park

The N ational Bank o f K in gs P a r k ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

K ingston

The Rondout N ational Bank o f K ingston

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier










. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


. President, any V ice President, or Cashier



. President, any V ice President, or Cashier



. President, any V ice President, or Cashier







The F irst N ational Bank o f L a c o n a ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

L a Fargeville

The F irst N ational Bank o f L a Fargeville .

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Lake George

First N ational Bank o f Lake G e o r g e ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The N ational Bank o f Lake Ronkonkoma .


The N ational Bank o f L i b e r t y ........................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f L i s b o n .................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Little Falls

The H erkimer County Trust C o m p a n y ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Secretary

L ittle Falls

The Little Falls N ational B a n k .................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

M anor

The Livingston Manor N ational B a n k ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Locust Valley

Matinecock B a n k ...................................................................

. President


Lewis County Trust C o m p a n y ........................................

. President, any V ice President, or Secretary


Citizens State B a n k .............................................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Lyons N ational B a n k ...............................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Lyons Falls

The Lyons Falls N ational B a n k .................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

M ahopac

The M ahopac N ational B a n k .................................

. Chairman o f the Board, President, any
V ice President, or Cashier


The Citizens N ational Bank o f M a lo n e ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Farm ers N ational Bank o f Malone

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

M argaretville

The Peoples N ational Bank o f M argaretville .

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier





. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

N E W Y O R K ( Continued )


Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast V ote


The F irst N ational Bank o f M a r i o n ..................................

M arlboro

The F irst N ational Bank o f M a r l b o r o .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
A ssistant Cashier


The Massena B anking and Trust Company

M attituck

The N orth Fork Bank and Trust Company .

President, any V ice President, or Secretary

M aybrook

The M aybrook N ational B a n k ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Treasurer


The F irst N ational Bank o f M e x i c o ...........................

President, or any V ice President

M iddletown

Orange County Trust C o m p a n y ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Secretary

M illbrook

Bank o f M i l l b r o o k ...................................................................

President, V ice President, or Cashier


The M illerton N ational B a n k ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

M ilton

The F irst N ational Bank o f M i l t o n .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

M inoa

F irst National Bank o f M i n o a ...............................................

President, V ice President, or Cashier


Citizens Bank o f M o n r o e ......................................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Montgom ery

F irst N ational Bank in M o n t g o m e r y .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The N ational Union Bank o f M o n t i c e l l o ...........................


The Sullivan County Trust C o m p a n y .................................. President, any V ice President, Treasurer,
or Cashier

M ontour Falls

M ontour N ational Bank in M ontour Falls


The F irst N ational Bank o f M o r a v i a ..................................


The F irst N ational Bank o f M o r r i s .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


President, V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, or V ice President


Nanuet N ational B a n k ............................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

N arrowsburg

The F irst National Bank o f N a r r o w s b u r g ...........................

Newark Valley

The F irst N ational Bank o f Newark V alley


T he Columbus Trust C o m p a n y ...............................................

N ew fane

State Bank o f N e w f a n e ............................................................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier





President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, or any V ice President

N ew Y ork City

(S ee pa ge 10)


The N ichols N ational B a n k ......................................................

N orfolk

The F irst N ational Bank o f N o r f o l k .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

N orth Creek

The N orth Creek N ational B a n k ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f N orth Tarrytown


N orwich


President, any V ice President, or Cashier

The Chenango County N ational Bank and Trust
Company o f N o r w i c h ............................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Tappan Zee N ational Bank o f N y a c k .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Oceanside National B a n k ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f O d e s s a ........................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Ogdensburg Trust C o m p a n y ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Treasurer


Olean Trust C o m p a n y ...................................................................


The Citizens N ational Bank and Trust Company o f
Oneonta ........................................................................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier


W ilber N ational Bank o f O n e o n t a ........................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


State Bank o f O n t a r io ...................................................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Orchard Park

Bank o f Orchard P a r k ......................................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Oriskany Falls

President, any V ice President, Secretary,
or Treasurer


The F irst Trust and D eposit Company o f Oriskany Falls,
N . Y ................................................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Treasurer
The F irst N ational Bank o f O v i d ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Owego N ational B a n k ........................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

O xford

The National Bank o f O x f o r d ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

N E W Y O R K ( Continued )


Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast V ote

Painted Post

The F irst N ational Bank o f Painted P o s t ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Patchogue B a n k ................................................................... President

Paw ling

The N ational Bank o f P a w l i n g ............................................... President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier


The Citizens Bank o f Perry, N . Y ............................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f P e r r y ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Bank o f P h ila d e lp h ia ................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Pine Plains

The Stissing N ational Bank o f Pine Plains


The Citizens N ational Bank o f P o l a n d ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

P o rt Jervis

The N ational Bank and Trust Company o f P ort Jervis


The Fallkill N ational Bank and Trust Company o f
.......................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Farm ers and M anufacturers N ational Bank o f
.......................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Prattsburgh State B a n k .............................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier





President, any V ice President, or Cashier

. President

Red Creek

The R ed Creek N ational B a n k ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Red H ook

The F irst N ational Bank o f Red H o o k ..................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Redw ood

The Redwood N ational B a n k ......................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The First N ational Bank o f R h in e b e ck ..................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Suffolk County N ational Bank o f Riverhead .

R oxbury

The N ational Bank o f R o x b u r y ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Sag H arbor

The Peconic B a n k .......................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


. President


The First National Bank o f S a l a m a n c a ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Salamanca Trust C o m p a n y ......................................................President, any V ice President, Cashier, or


The Adirondack Trust C o m p a n y ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Treasurer


The Saugerties N ational Bank and Trust Company .


The National Bank o f S a v a n n a h ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The N ational Bank o f S ch u y lerv ille ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier


F irst N ational Bank o f S c o t i a ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

. Chairman o f the Board, President, any V ice
President, or Cashier

Seneca Falls

The State Bank o f Seneca Falls, N . Y .................................. President


F irst N ational Bank in S i d n e y ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Silver Creek

The Silver Creek N ational B a n k ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Eastern N ational Bank o f Loug Island, Smithtown President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Solvay B a n k .................................................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f Sou th am pton ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

South Fallsburg

The South Fallsburg N ational B a n k ..................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier


T ioga State B a n k .......................................................................... President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
A ssistant Cashier

Stam ford

The N ational Bank o f S t a m f o r d ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Star Lake

United B a n k .................................................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Stony Brook

Bank o f Suffolk C o u n t y .............................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Farm ers N ational Bank o f T h e r e s a ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Tupper Lake

The Tupper Lake N ational B a n k ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Unadilla N ational B a n k ......................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The N ational Bank o f V e r n o n ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


N E W Y O R K ( Continued )


Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

W addington

The W addington B a n k ......................................................

W allkill

The V alley N ational Bank, W allkill, N . Y ........................

W alton

The N ational Bank o f Delaware County, W alton

W arrensburg

The Emerson N ational Bank o f W arrensburgh .

W ashington ville

Central N ational Bank o f W ashington ville

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W aterville

The N ational Bank o f W a t e r v i l l e ..................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W atkins Glen

Glen N ational Bank o f W atkins G l e n ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W ayland

The F irst National Bank o f W a y l a n d ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W esthampton

Seaside B a n k ..........................................................................

. Chairman o f the Board, President, any
V ice President, or Cashier

W illsboro

Essex County-Champlain N ational Bank


The N ational Bank o f W in d h a m ........................................





. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W inthrop

The F irst N ational Bank o f W in t h r o p ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W oodridge

The F irst N ational Bank o f W o o d r id g e ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W orcester

The Bank o f W o r c e s t e r ......................................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


F ar Rockaway

The N ational Bank o f F ar Rockaway

........................... President

R ic h m o n d

P o rt Richmond

The Richmond County N ational Bank o f P o rt Richmond President, any V ice President, or Cashier



Preferential Ballot
August 2, 1961
Group No. 3
This ballot and the certificate on the certificate envelope must be executed by
an officer who has been authorized to cast the vote and whose designation has been
duly certified to me.
The polls will open at 10 a.m., on August 3, 1961, and will close at 12 o ’clock
noon on Friday, August 18, 1961. This ballot must be returned so as to reach me
before the latter time.
Failure to observe instructions will invalidate this ballot.
P h il ip



D. R e e d ,
Chairman o f the Board.

fo r u n exp ire d p o r tio n o f te rm e n d in g D e ce m b e r 31, 1963
Ca n d id a t e

President and Chairman, Executive
Committee, Socony M obil Oil
Company, Inc.,
New York, N . Y.

A l b e r t L . N ic k e r s o n ,

New Y ork, N. Y.




(Indicate choice
b y X below )



Place marked preferential ballot in the colored ballot envelope and seal that envelope.


Place sealed colored ballot envelope in certificate envelope and seal certificate envelope and
execute certificate thereon.


R eturn sealed a n d executed certificate envelope (w ith sealed colored ballot envelope enclosed
therein) in envelope addressed to M r. Philip D . Reed, Chairman, B oard o f D irectors, Federal
R eserve B ank o f N ew Y ork , Federal Reserve P . O . Station, N ew Y o rk 45, N . Y .

E lectio n of C lass B D ir ecto r
of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
The marked preferential ballot should be placed in this
envelope, and this envelope should then be sealed and
placed in the certificate envelope.

-it'T t,

This Envelope Should Contain Only Ballot in Sealed Colored Envelope
It Will Not Be Opened Until Polls Close
................................ • • .................................y 1 9 6 1 .

Croup N o. 3


r . P h i l i p D. R e e d ,
Chairman of the Board,
Federal Reserve Bank of New York.


In accordance with section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, I hereby certify that
my choice for a class B director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for term of office
ending December 31, 1963, is as indicated thus ( X ) in the column of the ballot sealed herein.
(Name of Bank)

(Location of Bank)

(Signature of officer designated to vote. See list of member banks
in Group 3 in Circular No. 5066.)

CTITLE of Voting Officer)

R oom 515

M r . P h il ip D. R eed ,
Chairman, Board o f Directors,
Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
Federal Reserve P. 0. Station,
New York 45, N. Y.