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FE D E RA L RE SE R V E BANK OF NEW YORK r Circular No. 4 655*1 L October 29, 1958 J REVISED RESERVE REPORT FORMS T o all M em ber Banks in the Second Federal R eserve D is tr ic t: For approximately a year, member banks in the Second Federal Reserve District have been reporting to us their daily vault cash balances for purposes of a survey undertaken by this Bank. As you may recall, this survey was inaugurated in order to provide us with information required for a study of proposals for the inclusion of at least a part of vault cash in the reserve base. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has now decided to extend this report to all member banks in the United States and at the same time also to collect daily data on United States Government demand deposits. Accordingly, we request your further cooperation in reporting to us daily vault cash balances and United States Government deposits. In order to simplify the reporting procedure as much as possible, we ask that you report these two items in the same way that you already report your daily net demand and time deposits. We have added a per forated supplement, “ Report of Vault Cash and United States Government Demand Deposits,” to the regular “ Report of Net Demand and Time Deposits” (Form R. B. 20 for weekly reports by central reserve and reserve city banks, and Form R. B. 13 for semimonthly reports by country banks). A supply of the appropriate report form, with the perforated supplement, is being sent to you under separate cover. Weekly reporting banks are requested to commence reporting on the revised form for the week ending November 5, and semimonthly reporting banks, for the half month ending November 15. Please discard your present supplies of the form, “ Report of Vault Cash Holdings,” and Form R. B. 20 or Form R. B. 13. You will note that the amount of vault cash to be reported on the revised forms is to be based on the vault cash balances shown on your books at the beginning of business each day, instead of at the close of business each day. I f you should need any assistance in the preparation of the supplemental part of the report, our Financial and Trade Statistics Division will be glad to help. A lfred H ayes, President.