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FE D E R A L R E SE R V E BANK O F N E W Y O R K J" Circular N o. 4 5 8 3 1 L M arch 21, 1958 J Operating Ratios o f Member Banks in the Second Federal Reserve District fo r the Y ear 1957 To all Member Banks in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict: The average operating ratios of member banks in the Second District for 1957 are presented in this circular for your information. Each o f the ratios is shown for both 1956 and 1957, and a number of key ones are highlighted in the accompanying charts. All of the ratios are expressed in percentages and are arithmetical averages o f the ratios of the individual banks in each group, rather than ratios based on aggregate dollar figures. In order that you may com pare the performance o f your bank with that of others of a similar size, a column has been left blank at the end of each group for your entries. with the exception of Group V I banks, on both Gov ernment and other types of securities as well. For the average bank the rate of return on loans increased from 5.56 to 5.78 per cent and that on United States Government securities from 2.41 to 2.51 per cent. Although the highest average loan rates in the District SELECTED O P E R A T IN G R A T IO S O F S E C O N D D IST R IC T M EMBER B A N K S 1 9 5 6 A N D 1957 EZ2'9 5 6 "While the ratio o f aggregate net profits of all banks in the District to aggregate capital accounts rose dur ing 1957, the average ratio for District member banks was the same in 1957 as in 1956, or 6.6 per cent. The stability of this average ratio (ratio number 3), as is often the case, conceals a number o f diverse trends which affected the earnings positions of District banks during the year. Earnings and expenses relative to total assets increased for all groups of banks shown in the circular. However, the larger banks generally experienced a somewhat better increase in the rate of return on their loans and investments than the smaller banks, and they were apparently able also to keep a tighter rein on the increase in over-all operating ex penses. In addition, reductions during 1957 in nonre curring charges were somewhat greater for the larger banks. The actual ratios of net profits to capital accounts in 1957 for the groups of banks outside New York City ranged from 5.9 per cent for banks in Group II to 7.5 per cent for Group IV banks, while the rate of return on capital for New York City banks ranged from 5.3 to 9.6 per cent. O p e r a t in g I n c o m e The greater improvement during 1957 in operating earnings of the larger banks reflected primarily two factors: differences in the proportion o f the various types o f assets held by the large and small banks and a greater increase in the yields realized by the larger banks on their earning assets. The ratios which show the distribution of the banks’ assets (numbers 30-34) suggest that the higher earnings of the larger banks may be partly attributed to the higher concentration of their assets in loans. For the average bank in the District the percentage of its assets in loans rose from 40.3 per cent in 1956 to 41.7 per cent in 1957. For Group Y II banks (the eight largest banks in the Dis trict) loans rose from 48.0 to 49.6 per cent o f their assets, and for Group I banks (the sixty member insti tutions with deposits o f less than 2 million dollars) the ratio declined from 38.7 per cent to 38.5 per cent. All groups o f banks shown in the circular benefited from higher average rates o f return on loans and, R atio number 1. N e t c u r r e n t e a r n i n g s b e f o r e in c o m e t o x e s t o to ta l c a p it a l a c c o u n ts S'. P r o fits b e f o r o in c o m e t a x e s t o t o t a l c a p it a l a cco u n ts 3 . N et p r o fits t o t o t a l c a p it a l a c c o u n ts 4 . C ash d i v i d e n d s d e c l a r e d t o t o t a l c a p ita l a c c o u n ts 3 9 . t a l e p a i d o n t im e d e p o s it s f c % ^ !9S 7 are at small banks, loan rates rose more rapidly during 1957 at the larger banks than at the small banks. Many of the larger institutions benefited from an increase in rates charged “ prime” borrowers (these were raised to 414 per cent in August 1957). Most “ prime” bor rowers require lending facilities that can be provided only by banks with large resources. Also, average rates at the larger banks were farther below the legal maximums at the beginning of the year and hence had more room in which to move up. The average rate o f return on United States Govern ment securities rose from 2.41 to 2.57 per cent during 1957, but the average amount of Government securi ties held by the District banks declined, although not so much as in 1956. Consequently, the proportion of operating earnings derived from these investments de clined for most banks. Member bank holdings of other securities rose to 10.8 per cent of total assets, the high est since World War II, and most banks showed an increase in the rate o f return on these securities. The proportion o f total current earnings derived from service charges on deposit accounts and from trust department earnings remained unchanged for the average District bank during 1957. However, trust department earnings are a more important source of income for the large institutions, and deposit service charges are more important to small banks. Because of the concentration of trust departments in larger banks, the decline in the ratio of trust department earnings to total earnings, from 3.0 to 1.4 per cent, holds little significance for many banks in Groups I-III (those with deposits of less than 20 million dollars). Few banks in the smaller deposit size groups have an active trust department. Out of every eight banks in Groups I-II, only one bank provides trust services to its customers, compared with approxi mately 86 per cent of the banks in Groups IV-VII. O p e r a t in g E x p e n s e s The higher operating expenses incurred by the banks in 1957 are highlighted in the ratio of total expenses to total assets, which increased from 2.61 to 2.87 per cent. While salaries and wages, the largest expense items, were higher in 1957, the ratio o f sala ries and wages to total earnings was slightly lower for each group of member banks. The decline in this ratio from 29.9 to 28.9 per cent reflects a continuation of a trend started in 1952. Interest on time deposits increased proportionately more than any other expense item. After Regulation Q was revised in December 1956, to permit an increase in rates of interest on time deposits, the banks began to solicit savings accounts and other time accounts more actively. As a result, the average ratio of inter est paid on time deposits to current operating earn ings moved up from 18.8 to 22.6 per cent, and the average rate of interest paid on total time deposits increased from 1.67 to 2.08 per cent. Since most o f the banks in Group Y (banks in Manhattan with deposits of less than 100 million dollars) raised their rates con siderably earlier in the year than most other banks, the effective rate paid on time deposits by this group of banks in 1957 increased even more sharply, rising from 1.77 to 2.62 per cent, and the proportion o f their earnings paid out in the form o f interest on time deposits increased from 11.0 per cent in 1956 to 16.6 per cent in 1957. The effectiveness of the higher rates of interest in attracting time deposits is in part demonstrated by the rise in the ratio of time deposits to total deposits. On the average, time deposits accounted for 45.8 per cent o f total deposits in 1957, compared with 44.4 per cent in 1956. Although this average ratio of time deposits to total deposits is more representative of the smaller District banks (the average ratio is an average of the ratios for individual banks, and there are more small banks than large), the larger institu tions also showed a considerable increase in the pro portion of their deposits in time accounts. New York City banks generally succeeded in in creasing their earnings faster than their expenses during 1957, and the average ratio of their net cur rent operating earnings to total earnings (number 20), rose slightly for the year. For the average District bank, however, this ratio declined from 29.2 to 26.7 per cent. All the bank groups outside Manhattan (Groups I-IV) showed a decline in the ratio of their net current income before taxes to their total capital accounts during 1957. N o n r e c u r r in g I t e m s Another factor responsible for the higher return on invested capital both before and after taxes which was secured by the larger banks in the District in 1957 was a proportionately smaller addition to valuation reserves by the larger than by the smaller banks in the District. Although net additions to valuation re serves as a percentage of total earnings declined only from 2.8 to 2.2 per cent for the average bank, Group V I banks, for example, showed a decline from 4.0 to 0.4 per cent and banks in Group II an increase from 1.6 to 1.8 per cent. Generally, the percentage of earn ings allocated to valuation reserves remained higher for banks in Groups IV through V II than for the small banks. In addition, the net losses on securities rose for most larger banks, with the exception of Group VI, and moved slightly down on the average for all other banks. The net losses on securities reflect primarily a considerable amount o f switching for tax purposes, a transfer of funds into higher yielding securities, and, to a lesser degree, the liquidation of investments in order to provide loanable funds. The smaller additions to valuation reserves was one of the items responsible for the higher net profit on total earnings (ratio 24) of banks in Group IV and New York City banks. The ratio was off from 15.1 to 14.2 per cent on the average for the District. D iv id e n d s a n d R e t a in e d E a r n in g s Cash dividends declared, as a percentage of invested capital, rose slightly during 1957 from 2.8 to 2.9 per cent for the average District member bank. For many small banks the ratio of cash dividends declared to total capital accounts remained constant, while for Group IV banks and all groups of New York City banks except Group V it increased. Furthermore, the capital account of the average banks rose somewhat more in 1957 than in 1956. A lfred H ayes, President. 1957 Average Operating Ratios of Member Banks in the Second District, Grouped According to Size of Deposits and Proportion of Loans to Total Assets (All ratios are expressed in percentages and are arithmetical averages of the ratios of individual banks in each group, rather than ratios based on aggregate dollar figures.) N o te : SUMMARY RATIOS G R O U P I— Deposits under S2 million A L L BA N K S Second District Balance-sheet figures used as a basis for the 1957 ratios are averages o f am ounts reported fo r D ecem ber 31, 1956, M arch 14, 1957, June 6, 1957, O ctober 11, 1957, and D ecem ber 31, 1957. N u m b er o f b a n k s .. G roup average 30-39.9 40 and up D Under 2C 20-29.9 A B 1957 1956 1957 586 559 70 60 13.1 12.7 9 .7 9 .2 9 .7 9 .8 8 .3 8 .2 6 .6 6 .6 6 .3 6 .0 5 .6 2 .8 2 .9 2 .0 2.1 1.8 2* c 14 M AN H ATTAN , G rou p average YOU R BANK 1956 1957 Loans t o total assets, per cent— 1957 Under 20 20-29.9 B A 30-39.9 4 0 and up D c NEW YO RK YOUR BAN K 2 G roup average £© 1956 1957 a 3 226 220 E 3 G R O U P IV — D eposits over $20 million G rou p average Loans t o total assets, per cent— 1957 U nder 20 20-29.9 A B ' 4 Y O U R NOTES B A N K S IN M A N H A T T A N , N E W Y O R K C I T Y CITY G R O U P I I I — D eposits o f $5 m illion t o $20 million G R O U P II— D eposits o f $2 m illion to $5 million Loans t o total assets, per cent— 1957 1956 ODTSIDE 13 31 154 140 6 12 40 82 7 .6 9 .3 10.0 11.2 10.7 10.7 10.6 9 .8 11.1 l 13.5 12.7 7 .3 7 .7 8 .9 9 .1 8 .5 9 .4 8 .6 7 .9 8 .7 2 10.0 9 .7 5 .3 6 .4 6 .5 5 .9 7 .0 6 .4 5 .4 6 .0 3 6 .7 6 .7 4 .8 7 .7 1.9 2 .3 2 .4 2 .4 2 .4 2 .1 2 .8 2 .3 4 2 .7 2 .7 2 .3 2 .5 30-39.9 4 0 andup D c YOU R BANK 110 1956 1957 112 115 GROUP V D eposits under $100 million Loans t o total assets, per cent— 1957 Under 20 20-29.9 A B 1* 30-39.9 C 40 and up D 4 29 81 YOUR BANK G R O U P V II D eposits over $1 billion G R O U P VI D eposits $100 million to $1 billion 1956 1957 1956 1957 1956 1957 9 9 7 7 8 8 YOUR BANK Line Num ber BANKS 25 81 9 .3 11.5 12.0 13.7 16.4 16.2 14.8 1 5 .1 16.7 11.4 12.8 2 0 .0 2 1 .2 17.0 18.3 1 5 .3 10.5 9 .1 10.2 10.3 11.6 10.5 11.2 11.8 8 .2 8 .0 15.5 19.7 12.7 1 4 .4 2 6 .5 6 .7 6 .7 7 .5 7 .4 7 .8 7 .3 4 .4 5 .3 7 .8 9 .6 7 .0 7 .8 3 2 .7 2 .8 3 .6 3 .8 3 .2 3 .4 4 .0 2 .9 2 .6 3 .8 4 .5 4 .9 5 .1 4 5 Percentage of Total Capital Account* 1. 2. 3. 4. Net current earnings before income taxes................... Profits before income taxes......................................... Net profits................................................................... Cash dividends declared ............................................. Percentage of Total Assets 5. 6. 7. 8. Total earnings ............................................................. Total expenses ............................................................ Net current earnings before income taxes ................. Net profits .................................................................. 3.69 3.9 2 3.71 3.83 3.34 3 .6 2 4.1 9 3 .6 6 3.87 2 .9 4 3.3 7 3 .6 3 4 .1 3 5 3 .6 8 3 .9 2 2.9 5 3 .4 2 3 .6 8 4.24 3 .7 9 4 .0 5 3 .1 7 3 .6 2 4 .2 7 3 .4 8 3 .8 0 3 .6 5 4 .0 2 3 .0 9 3 .4 2 2.61 2.87 2 .6 5 2.83 2.4 5 2.7 6 3.0 9 2.61 2.86 2 .0 0 2.42 2 .7 0 3 .0 7 6 2.64 2.9 2 2.1 3 2 .6 0 2.76 3.14 2 .6 6 2 .9 3 2 .1 9 2 .6 2 3 .0 9 2 .6 8 2 .8 9 1.85 2 .0 3 1.62 1 .7 6 6 1.08 1.05 1.05 1.00 0.88 0 .8 6 1.10 1.05 1.01 0 .9 4 0 .9 5 0 .9 4 1.05 7 1.05 1.00 0.8 2 0 .8 2 0 .9 2 1.10 1.13 1 .1 2 0 .9 8 1.00 1.17 0 .8 0 0 .9 1 1.80 1.99 1.47 1.65 7 0.55 0 .5 5 0 .6 6 0 .6 6 0 .6 6 0 .5 0 0.71 0.6 1 0 .5 6 0 .6 2 0 .5 9 0 .5 3 0 .5 7 8 0 .5 2 0 .5 2 0.3 9 0 .5 5 0 .5 0 0.54 0 .4 6 0 .5 2 0 .4 6 0 .5 2 0 .5 1 0 .3 2 0.3 9 0 .7 0 0 .9 2 0 .5 9 0.71 8 SOURCES A N D DISPOSITION O F EARNINGS Percentage o f Total Earnings 9. Interest on United States Government securities....... 2 1 .5 2 0 .4 23.7 23.1 32.3 2 3 .8 17.4 10. Interest and dividends on other securities ................. 6 .6 6 .9 6 .5 7 .6 13.1 7 .3 4 .8 Earnings on loans1 ...................................................... 12. Service charges on deposit accounts .......................... 13. Other current earnings ............................................... 14. Total earnings ......................................................... 15. Trust department earnings2 (part o f item 13)............... 16. Salaries and wages...................................................... . 17. Interest on time deposits............................................... 18. Other current expenses ................................................ 19. Total expenses ........................................................... 20. Net current earnings before income taxes ................... 21. Net profits and recoveries or losses(-)3....................... 22. Net increase( - ) or decrease( + ) in valuation reserves4. 23. Taxes on net income .................................................... 24. Net profits ................................................................ 5 9 .8 6 0 .8 6 1 .6 60.9 4 3 .9 6 0 .6 7 0 .5 7 .3 7 .3 5 .6 5 .8 7 .8 5 .4 5 .1 6 .5 11 . - 4 .8 4 .6 2 .6 2 .6 2 .9 2 .9 2 .2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 .0 100.0 3 .0 3 .0 * * • 0 2 3 .3 1 00 .0 0 2 1 .0 5 2 .2 2 9 .7 24 .1 15.6 18.0 17.1 2 4 .1 2 1 .3 15.1 19.0 19.2 13.1 13.4 13.6 12.3 9 6 .9 7 .1 6 .7 10.7 8 .4 5.4 6 .6 7 .1 17.7 9 .6 5 .4 3 .8 5 .3 3 .9 2 .9 4 .3 4 .0 10 5 7 .9 5 9 .4 29.3 4 5 .2 5 4 .7 6 7 .1 6 0 .7 6 1 .4 4 4 .0 5 4 .2 6 5 .3 6 1 .5 6 0 .3 5 6 .7 5 7 .8 6 3 .8 65 3 11 8 .1 8 .0 9 .9 8 .6 7 .5 8 .1 8 .0 10.3 8 .0 7 .8 8 .1 7 .9 1 .6 1 .7 2 .6 2 .4 12 2 1 .9 49.4 32.9 25 .1 16.8 6 .8 6 .5 11.1 10.6 7 .9 4 .9 2 2 .1 10 6 0 .7 6 2 .4 30.1 4 3 .8 5 7 .2 7 0 .0 11 6 .5 5.4 9 .9 6 .9 5 .9 12 8 .3 9 13 4 .8 4 .4 3 .8 4 .5 4 .2 4 .4 14 100.0 1 00 .0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 .8 15 2 .0 • 1 .5 1.7 2 8 .5 16 2 9 .2 3 4 .1 2 8 .7 2 8 .3 2 .7 2 .7 4 .0 2 .8 2 .9 2 .4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 .0 100.0 1.2 1 .2 2 .8 * 1 .5 2 9 .9 2 9 .0 26.0 3 0 .0 3 0 .2 100.0 1.8 6 .6 6 .4 3 .9 6 .9 6 .4 100 .0 1 00 .0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.9 3 .1 3 .1 1 .0 3 .7 2 7 .9 3 0 .3 2 9 .0 2 8 .1 100 .0 13 7 .6 7 .3 2 4 .7 2 4 .2 15.7 16.0 100 .0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 .0 100.0 3 .0 4 .7 5 .1 19.3 18.9 8 .8 8 .6 2 9 .6 2 9 .0 3 5 .0 33.6 29.1 2 8 .4 2 7 .4 2 6 .2 16 19.6 2 1 .1 11.0 16.6 2 .6 3 .3 5 .7 6 .7 17 100.0 100.0 14 15 29.9 2 8 .9 3 1 .5 30.6 18.8 2 2 .6 19.1 22.6 2 5 .9 2 4 .9 2 0 .9 2 0 .1 2 3 .6 26.7 20.2 2 2 .7 2 4 .3 17 2 0 .2 2 4 .4 14.6 27 2 2 5 .3 23.7 16.8 2 0 .8 2 1 .8 22.1 2 1 .8 2 1 .3 2 0 .8 18.0 2 0 .3 2 2 .7 2 1 .2 2 1 .3 15.2 2 1 .6 2 1 .5 2 1 .6 18 2 2 .2 2 1 .9 2 3 .3 2 0 .3 2 1 .4 2 2 .4 2 3 .2 2 2 .6 19.0 2 3 .3 2 2 .5 3 1 .1 2 5 .5 18.9 18.8 19.3 1 8 .8 18 7 0 .8 7 3 .3 7 1 .9 7 4 .0 73.4 7 6 .3 7 3 .7 7 1 .2 73.9 67.9 7 1 .8 7 4 .4 7 4 .4 19 7 1 .6 7 4 .6 7 2 .0 7 6 .2 7 5 .0 7 4 .0 7 0 .3 7 2 .4 6 8 .9 7 2 .5 7 2 .6 7 7 .1 7 5 .7 5 0 .6 5 0 .5 5 2 .4 5 1 .7 19 2 9 .2 26.7 28.1 26.0 26.6 2 3 .7 2 6 .3 2 8 .8 26.1 32.1 2 8 .2 2 5 .6 2 5 .6 20 2 8 .4 2 5 .4 2 8 .0 2 3 .8 2 5 .0 2 6 .0 2 9 .7 2 7 .6 3 1 .1 2 7 .5 27.4 2 2 .9 2 4 .3 49.4 4 9 .5 47.6 4 8 .3 20 3 .2 21 - 6 .9 21 - 4 .3 - 2 .8 - 3 .7 - 2 .2 - 3 .6 - 0 .2 - 2 9 .5 1.2 - 1.2 - 3 1 .1 3 0 .1 0 .5 - 1 .7 - 0 .2 - 2 .2 - 1 .3 - 1.4 - 3 .5 - 1.6 - 3 .2 - 1.8 - 1.9 - 1.9 - 3 .8 - 1.4 - 3 .0 - 1 .6 - 28.3 4 .8 - 4 .0 - 8 .6 - 2 .4 - 2 .0 - 5 .2 - 1 .2 - 1.2 - 4 .3 - 2 .0 - 4 .4 - 4 .7 - 4 .2 - 7 .4 - 4 .1 - 2 .0 - 6 .1 - 3 .6 - 2 .9 - 2 .7 - 4 .1 - 4 .0 - 0 .4 - 6 .6 - 7 .7 - 1.2 - 6 .9 - 4 .0 - 3 .0 - 0 .4 - 6 .6 - 5 .2 - 2 .0 22 3 .7 22 FO O TN O TES 7 .0 6 .6 6 .1 6 .4 6 .0 6 .2 6 .6 6 .9 6 .4 7 .3 5 .6 6 .5 6 .4 23 6 .9 5 .9 1 .2 5 .1 5 .2 6 .6 6 .5 6 .9 6 .2 6 .3 7 .3 6 .9 5 .1 19.2 2 3 .5 16.6 17.2 23 15.1 14.2 18.2 17.2 19.9 13.6 17.0 16.8 14.7 2 1 .0 17.4 14.5 14.0 24 14.3 13.5 13.0 16.3 13.5 13.0 12.4 1 2 .9 14.6 14.4 1 2 .0 9 .0 10.3 19.3 2 2 .6 19.2 2 0 .5 24 1 Includes service charges and other fees on loans. 2 Banks not reporting this item or reporting negli gible amounts were excluded in computing this average. 3 Includes recoveries, charge-offs, profits, or losses charged or credited to either undivided profits or valua tion reserves. 4 Represents the net increase or decrease for the year in valuation reserves against loans and invest ments. Calculated by deducting the balances in Schedule D of the earnings and dividends report at the end of the preceding year from the balance on hand at the end of the current year. 5 Transfers to and from valuation reserves for losses on securities excluded. 6 Transfers to and from valuation reserves for losses on loans excluded. * Averages are not shown when fewer than three banks are in a group. RATES OP RETURN O N SECURITIES A ND LOANS Return on Securities 25. Interest on United States Government securities___ 26. Interest and dividends on other securities................ 27. Net profits and recoveries or losses (-) on total securities-' 2 .4 1 2 .5 7 2 .5 2 2 .5 9 2 .5 2 2 .4 3 2 .6 7 2 .5 1 2.63 2 .5 8 2.60 2 .5 8 2 .6 7 25 2 .3 8 2 .5 7 2.57 2 .5 4 2 .6 1 2.54 2 .3 2 2 .5 1 2 .4 8 2 .4 9 2 .5 1 2 .0 7 2 43 2 . OS 2 .3 7 2 .1 7 2 .3 5 25 2 .3 1 2 .4 4 2.46 2 .6 8 3 .2 6 2 .4 8 2 .4 5 2 .3 9 2 .4 5 3.24 2 .4 4 2 .3 9 2 .4 3 26 2 .1 9 2 .3 0 3 .5 1 2 .1 7 2 .2 9 2 .3 0 2 .2 1 2 .4 1 2 .3 9 2 .3 2 2 .4 5 3 .0 6 3 .5 8 3 .3 5 2 .9 1 2 .4 5 2 .7 3 26 - 0 .0 5 0 .0 3 0 .2 0 27 - 0 .9 3 27 5 .8 4 5 .9 6 28 4 .5 0 28 - 0 .0 1 0 .0 8 0.11 - 0 .0 5 29 - 0 .2 8 - 0 .0 8 - 0 .2 5 - 0 .1 3 - 0 .1 7 - 0 .0 4 - 0 .0 8 - 0 .0 6 - 0 .0 7 - 0 .1 6 - 0 .1 8 - 0 .1 3 - 0 .2 3 - 0 .1 4 - - 0 .3 3 - 0 .2 5 - 0 .3 6 - 0 .0 6 - 0 .0 2 - 0 .2 2 - 0.06 - 0 .3 0 - 0 .1 2 - 0 .3 5 - 0 .0 7 - 0 .3 8 - 0 .0 8 - 0.11 - 0 .0 6 - 0 .2 9 - 0 .4 3 - 0 .4 1 - 0 .1 4 - 0 .5 2 - 0 .1 5 - 0 .7 5 - 0 .2 4 - 0 .0 9 - 0 .6 8 Return on Loans 28. Earnings on loans1 .................................................... . 29. Net losses (-) or recoveries on loans6 ........................ 5.56 5 .7 8 - 0 .0 8 5 .9 9 6 .1 5 5 .7 4 6 .2 2 - 0 .1 9 6 .2 8 5.68 - 0 .0 7 5 .8 8 - 0 .0 7 5.54 0 .0 7 5 .6 5 0 .1 6 - - 29 5 .5 4 - 0 .0 6 - 0 .0 8 - 0 .0 2 5.64 5 .6 1 5 .2 6 5 .7 8 5.94 5 .3 3 5 .6 4 5 .3 6 5 .3 7 - 0 .0 6 5 .1 3 5 .7 6 - 0 .0 9 5.46 4 .2 1 - 0 .0 3 4.11 4 .6 6 - 0 .1 6 DISTRIBUTION O F ASSETS Percentage of Total Assets 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. United States Government securities Other securities ............................... Loans ............................................... Cash assets ...................................... Real estate assets ............... 3 1 .5 2 9 .9 3 3 .3 3 3 .0 4 2 .2 3 5 .0 27.0 3 2 .5 3 1 .2 5 5 .8 4 2 .7 3 4 .9 2 5 .9 30 3 2 .6 3 0 .7 5 8 .9 3 9 .7 3 3 .9 2 5 .2 2 8 .5 2 6 .9 3 0 .7 3 0 .8 25.1 3 0 .5 2 9 .1 2 2 .5 2 2 .1 19.1 17.7 30 10.4 10.8 9 .4 1 0 .4 14.9 1 0 .6 8 .0 10.1 10.0 11.0 14.2 12.2 8 .3 31 1 1 .2 11.7 7 .8 15.1 13.4 9 .8 10.9 1 1 .5 2 3 .7 1 4 .5 9 .5 4 .9 6 .0 4 .5 4 .3 5 .6 5 .1 31 4 0 .3 4 1 .7 3 8 .7 3 8 .5 2 5 .6 3 5 .2 4 7 .2 3 9 .9 4 1 .6 16.1 2 6 .0 3 5 .6 4 8 .7 32 3 9 .0 4 0 .7 16.4 2 7 .5 3 5 .6 4 8 .2 4 3 .2 4 4 .3 2 6 .3 3 6 .6 4 8 .4 4 2 .4 4 2 .4 4 6 .7 4 7 .4 4 8 .0 4 9 .6 32 16.5 16.1 1 7 .6 17.2 16.6 18.3 16.5 16.2 15.8 16.6 16.1 16.1 15.5 33 1 5 .9 15.5 16.2 16.4 15.6 15.2 15.9 1 5 .7 17.9 16.6 1 5 .2 2 0 .8 2 0 .8 2 4 .4 2 3 .8 2 4 .9 2 4 .4 33 1.1 1 .2 0 .9 0 .9 0 .6 0 .7 1 .2 1 .1 1 .2 0 .5 0 .8 1 .0 1 .4 34 1 .2 1 .3 0 .6 1 .1 1 .3 1.4 1 .2 1 .3 1 .2 1 .2 1 .3 0 .9 1.1 0 .5 0 .6 0 .6 0 .6 34 8 .7 8 .7 11.0 11.1 12.0 9 .8 11.1 9 .8 9 .9 9 .1 9 .4 9 .8 10.1 35 8 .0 8 .1 9 .8 7 .6 7 .9 8 .2 7 .0 7 .0 6 .8 6 .7 7 .2 7 .3 7 .3 9 .4 9 .9 8 .8 9 .1 35 17.5 1 6 .8 2 3 .7 2 3 .2 2 9 .8 2 1 .3 19.7 2 0 .5 19.8 4 0 .3 2 3 .5 2 0 .3 17.5 36 16.1 1 5 .5 4 2 .3 17.7 15.8 13.9 12.8 1 2 .3 1 3 .4 1 2 .9 12.1 16.9 16.5 17.5 18.1 15.7 1 5 .7 36 9 .6 9 .7 1 2 .5 12.6 13.8 1 0 .9 12.6 11.0 11.2 10.1 10.4 11.1 11.4 37 8 .8 8 .9 11.3 8 .4 8 .6 9 .1 7 .7 7 .7 7 .4 7 .3 7 .9 8 .1 8 .1 10.9 11.6 10.1 10.7 37 4 4 .4 4 5 .8 4 6 .5 4 7 .1 4 9 .1 4 7 .9 4 7 .3 4 7 .0 4 7 .9 4 2 .5 3 9 .8 4 4 .8 5 0 .9 38 4 6 .9 4 9 .0 3 4 .8 4 7 .6 4 8 .3 5 0 .4 4 0 .3 4 2 .0 4 2 .9 3 8 .1 4 3 .5 2 4 .5 2 5 .9 1 4 .3 1 4 .9 11.5 1 2 .2 38 Prepared by 39 F i n a n c i a l a n d T r a d e St a t is t ic s CAPITAL AN D DEPOSIT RATIOS 35. Capital accounts to total assets................................... 36. Capital accounts to total assets, less United States Government securities and cash assets......................... 37. Capital accounts to total deposits................................... 38. Time to total deposits ................................................. 39. Interest on time deposits ................................. 1.67 2 .0 8 1.63 1.96 68,406 7 2 ,3 9 7 1,391 1,452 1,456 1 ,5 2 2 1,411 3,283 3 ,3 0 3 3,406 3 ,2 3 5 3 ,2 9 6 3 ,3 0 9 40 10,165 10,301 7 ,4 3 9 9 ,1 1 3 9,999 10,904 79,590 8 2 ,2 1 4 28,344 73,262 88,813 5 1 ,2 6 8 5 4 ,9 1 3 412 ,945 401 ,463 3 ,1 1 4 ,9 2 1 3 ,1 1 1 ,7 9 6 40 6 ,4 0 4 7 ,0 9 8 173 ,8 ! 193 171 177 355 361 332 334 356 370 41 8S1 903 772 761 854 975 6 ,0 7 8 6 ,3 5 0 2 ,0 8 0 5 ,4 3 9 6 ,9 4 3 4 ,0 8 3 4 ,3 4 0 4 2 ,4 1 0 4 4 ,2 2 9 309 ,043 328 ,586 41 1.87 2 .0 4 2 .0 3 1.69 2 .0 4 2.03 1.66 1.95 2 .1 5 39 1.67 2 .0 9 1.31 2 .1 2 2 .0 7 2 .1 4 1 .6 9 2 .1 7 1.66 2 .0 5 2 .2 4 1.77 2 .6 2 1 .1 3 1 .4 3 1 .6 5 2 .0 4 AVERAGE BAN K IN GR OUP— In thousands of dollars 40. Total deposits ................................................. 41. Capital accounts ................................... Note: Year-to-year comparisons by size-groups may be affected by mergers and shifts of banks from one size-group to another. D iv is io n R esearch D epartm en t D IS T R IB U T IO N O F S E C O N D D IS TR IC T M EM BER B A N K S O U T S ID E N E W Y O R K C IT Y A C C O R D IN G T O S IZ E O F C E R TA IN K E Y R A T IO S 1957 GROUP I G R O U P II * G R O U P III G R O U P IV * R A T I O OF T O T A L C U R R E N T E A R N I N G S T O T O T A L ASSETS P e r c e n t of a l l b a n k s i n g r o u p Per cent Percent Per cent R A T I O OF T O T A L EXPENSES T O T O T A L ASSETS 2.00 2 .SO 3.00 3 .5 0 4 .0 0 4.00 2 .0 0 2.50 3 .0 0 3 .5 0 4 .0 0 4.00 2 .0 0 2 .5 0 3 .0 0 3 .5 0 4 .0 0 2 .0 0 4.00 2.50 3.00 3 .5 0 4.00 4.00 1.70 2.10 2 .1 0 R ATIO OF NET CURRENT E A R N IN G S 8EFORE IN CO M E TAXES T O T O T A L ASSETS 0 30 0 .9 0 1.30 1.70 2.10 0 50 2.19 0 .9 0 1 .3 0 1.70 2.1S 2 . !0 0.50 0 .9 0 1 .3 0 1.70 2 .1 0 0 50 2.10 0 .9 0 1 .3 0 R A T I O OF NET PROFITS T O T O T A L ASSETS A V. 0.52 0 0.30 0.C0 0 .9 0 u n d e r $2 m i l l i o n 0 1.20 J . 2 0 ♦ Banks w ith total deposits * 0.3# 0 .6 * 0 .9 0 1.20 1.20 Banks with total deposits $2 m i l l i o n t o $5 m i l l i o n * B a n k s with total d ep os it s $5 m i l l i o n to $20 m i l l i o n * B a n k s with total d ep os it s o v e r $20 m i l l i o n