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FED ERAL RE SER VE BANK OF NEW YORK Fiscal A g en t o f the U nited States r Circular No. 4 5 1 9 1 L October 21, 1957 J CASH OFFERIN G 4/g Percent Federal National Mortgage Association Notes of Series ML-1958-B Dated O ctober 29, 1957 D ue Jane 26, 1958 To all Banking In stitution s, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal R eserve D istrict: The subscription books are open today, for one day only, for a cash offering of— 4 % percent Federal National M ortgage Association Notes o f Series ML-1958-B. The notes will be dated October 29, 1957, and will mature June 26, 1958. Complete terms of this offering are set forth in Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, a copy of which is printed on the following pages. Payment for the notes must be made in immediately available funds on October 29,1957, and may not be made by credit to Treasury Tax and Loan accounts. However, after having made payment for the notes, a qualified depositary may, if it desires, credit to Treasury Tax and Loan account any amount of such payment for which it shall be qualified in excess of existing deposits; upon receipt of advice of credit to Tax and Loan account, we will pay to the depositary the amount of the credit. Subscriptions from commercial banks, for their own account, will be received without deposit. A commercial bank will be permitted to subscribe for its own account in an amount not exceeding one-half of its combined capital, surplus and undivided profits. Subscriptions from all others than commercial banks must be accompanied by payment of 2 percent of the amount of securities subscribed for. Subscriptions will be received by this Bank as fiscal agent of the United States. Subscrip tions should be made on official subscription forms, copies of which are enclosed, and mailed immediately. I f filed by telegram or letter, the subscriptions should be confirmed immediately by mail on the forms provided. The subscription books will remain open for on e day, October 21, 1957. Any subscription addressed to a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch or to the Treasury Department and placed in the mail before midnight, Monday, October 21, will be considered timely. A lfred H ayes, President. FE D E R A L N A T IO N A L M O RTG AG E ASSO CIATIO N 4% PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES ML-1958-B Dated and bearing interest from O ctober 29, 1957 Due June 26, 1958 1957 Department Circular No. 997 TREASURY DEPARTM ENT, O Fiscal Service Bureau of the Public Debt I. O FFERIN G OF NOTES 1. The Secretary o f the Treasury, on behalf of the Federal National Mortgage Association, invites subscriptions, at par and accrued interest, from the people o f the United States fo r notes o f the Federal National M ortgage Association, designated 4 % percent notes ol‘ Series ML-1958-B. The amount o f the offering is $750,000,000, or there abouts. The books will be open only on O ctober 21, 1957, for the receipt o f subscriptions. D E SC R IP TIO N O F NOTES 1. The notes w ill be dated October 29, 1957, and will bear interest from that date at the rate o f 4 % percent per annum, payable on June 26, 1958. They will mature June 26, 1958, and will not be subject to call fo r redemption p rior to maturity. M aturing principal, and interest coupons, will be payable when due at any Federal Reserve Bank or Branch, or at the Office o f the Treasurer o f the United States, W ashington. 2. The notes will be issued under authority con tained in Section 3 06 (b ) o f the Federal National M ortgage Association Charter A c t (Title I I I o f the National H ousing A ct, as am ended), which p ro vides that obligations, together with the interest thereon, issued thereunder are not guaranteed by the United States and do not constitute a debt or obligation o f the United States or o f any agency or instrumentality thereof other than the Associa tion. 3. The income derived from the notes does not have any exemption, as such, under the Internal Revenue Code o f 1954. The notes are subject to Federal estate, g ift or other excise taxes. The Federal National M ortgage Association Charter A ct does n ot contain any specific exemption witli respect to taxes now or hereafter imposed on the principal o f or interest on the notes by any State, or any o f the possessions o f the United States, or by any local taxing authority. 4. The notes shall be law ful investments, and may be accepted as security fo r all fiduciary, trust, and public funds, the investment or deposit of which shall be under the authority and control o f the United States or any officer or officers thereof. The notes also shall be eligible as investment securi ties for national banking associations. of th e S ecretary, 5. Bearer notes with interest coupons attached will be issued in denominations o f $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000. The notes will not be issued in registered form . 6 . Transactions in the notes will be subject, so far as applicable, to the regulations and procedures now or hereafter prescribed by the Treasury fo r the conduct o f similar transactions involving market able United States securities. III. IL f f ic e W ashington, O ctober 21, 1957. SU B SC R IPT IO N A N D A L L O TM E N T 1. Subscriptions will be received at the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches and at the Office of the Treasurer o f the United States, W ashington. Commercial banks, which fo r this purpose are de fined as banks accepting demand deposits, may submit subscriptions fo r account o f customers, but only the Federal Reserve Banks and the Treasury Department are authorized to act as official agencies. Others than commercial banks will not be per mitted to enter subscriptions except fo r their own account. Subscriptions from commercial banks for their own account will be received without deposit, but will be restricted in each case to an amount not exceeding one-half o f the combined capital, surplus and undivided profits o f the subscribing bank. Sub scriptions from all others must be accompanied by payment o f 2 percent o f the amount o f notes applied for, not subject to withdrawal until after allotment. F ollow ing allotment, any portion o f the 2 percent paym ent in excess o f 2 percent o f the amount o f notes allotted may be released upon the request o f the subscribers. 2. The Secretary o f the Treasury reserves the right to reject or reduce any subscription, and to allot less than the amount o f notes applied f o r ; and any action he may take in these respects shall be final. A llotm ent notices will be sent out prom ptly upon allotment. IV . PA Y M E N T 1. Payment at par and accrued interest, if any, fo r notes allotted hereunder must be made or com pleted on or before October 29, 1957, or on later allotment. In every case where paym ent is not so completed, the payment with application up to 2 percent o f the amount o f notes allotted shall, upon declaration made by the Secretary o f the Treasury in his discretion, be forfeited. 2. Under arrangements made between the F ed Banks or remitted to or fo r the accounts o f the subscribing banks, as the latter may direct. eral National Mortgage Association and the Treas ury Department, the Treasury w ill deposit on V . G E N E R A L PR O V ISIO N S October 29, 1957, with subscribing banks which 1. A s fiscal agents o f the United States, Federal have qualified to maintain Treasury tax and loan Reserve Banks are authorized and requested to accounts, amounts equal to the notes allotted to receive subscriptions, to make allotments on the such banks fo r themselves and their customers, but basis and up to the amounts indicated by the not in excess o f any amounts fo r which they may Secretary o f the Treasury to the Federal Reserve be qualified in excess o f existing deposits. Banks Banks o f the respective Districts, to issue allotment desiring to avail themselves o f such deposits should notices, to receive paym ent fo r notes allotted, to make delivery o f notes on full-paid subscriptions remit payment for the fu ll amount o f notes allotted allotted, and they may issue interim receipts pend to them by charges to reserve accounts or by drafts ing delivery o f the definitive notes. payable in funds immediately available on or before October 29, 1957. They should also credit on 2. Further inform ation with respect to the or October 29, 1957, to the Treasury tax and loan ganization o f the Federal National M ortgage Asso accounts on their books any amount fo r which ciation, its financial position, and the notes to be issued hereunder, may be obtained upon applica they desire such credit up to the amounts o f their tion to any Federal Reserve Bank, or to the payments for notes allotted. The Treasury has principal office o f the Association in W ashing authorized Federal Reserve Banks, as fiscal agents ton, D. C. o f the United States, to pay from other funds in the account o f the Treasurer o f the United States 3. The Secretary o f the Treasury may at any amounts equivalent to such credits to the respective time, or from time to time, prescribe supplemental or amendatory rules and regulations governing the subscribing banks fo r deposit in their Treasury tax offering, which will be communicated prom ptly to and loan accounts. Such payments w ill be credited the Federal Reserve Banks. to accounts on the books o f the Federal Reserve R O B E R T B. ANDERSON, Secretary o f the Treasury. Subscription Number CASH SUBSCRIPTION For Federal National Mortgage Association 4% Percent Notes of Series ML-1958-B Dated and bearing interest from October 29, 1957, Due June 26, 1958 Subscription books will be open only on October 21 for the receipt of cash subscriptions. Important 1. Subscriptions from commercial banks for their own account will be received without deposit; subscriptions from all others must be accompanied by paym ent o f 2 percent o f the amount o f notes applied for. 2. Commercial banks subscribing fo r account o f customers should hold the 2 percent deposits paid to them by their customers (see certification below ). 3. Am ounts o f notes applied fo r must be in multiples o f $1,000. F ederal R eserve B ank of New Y Dated at ork, Fiscal A gen t o f the United States, Federal Reserve P . O. Station, New Y ork 45, N. Y . .1957 A tten tion : Securities Department— 9th F loor D e a r S ir s Pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, the undersigned hereby subscribes fo r Federal National Mortgage Association 4 % percent Notes o f Series ML-1958-B, as follow s: F o r own a c c o u n t ............................................................................................................. F o r our customers, shown on reverse side (fo r use o f commercial banks) Total subscription................................................................ $............................ Paym ent fo r these securities will be made on or before October 29, 1957, as follow s: By c a s h ........................... ' . . . □ By c h e c k ................................... □ B y c h a r g e t o o u r r e s e r v e a c c o u n t ................................................ □ and on October 29, 1957, the undersigned (fo r qualified depositary banks on ly) ^ nQt credit the Treasury Tax and Loan A ccou nt on its books a sum not in excess o f the total amount o f notes allotted to it, and not in excess o f any amount for which it shall be qualified in excess o f existing deposits (see Treasury Department Circular No. 997, paragraph 2 under ‘ I V P aym ent” ). ' I f a com m ercial bank is subscribing f o r its own account or fo r account o f customers, the follow in g certification is made a part o f this subscription) W e H e r e b y C e r t i f y t h a t w e h a v e r e c e i v e d a p p l i c a t i o n s f r o m o u r c u s t o m e r s i n th e a m o u n t s s e t o p p o s i t e t h e c u s t o m e r s ’ la m e s o n t h e lis t ( o n t h e r e v e r s e s id e h e r e o f ) w h i c h is m a d e a p a r t o f t h is s u b s c r i p t i o n ; t h a t t h e r e h a s b e e n p a i d t o u s ) y e a c h s u c h c u s t o m e r , n o t s u b j e c t t o w it h d r a w a l u n t i l a f t e r a llo t m e n t , 2 p e r c e n t o f th e a m o u n t a p p l i e d f o r ; t h a t w e h a v e lo t m a d e u n s e c u r e d lo a n s , o r lo a n s c o lla t e r a liz e d i n w h o le o r i n p a r t b y t h e s e c u r it ie s a p p l i e d f o r , t o s u p p l y t h e a m o u n t s )f s u c h p a y m e n t s t o a n y o f s u c h c u s t o m e r s ; t h a t w e h a v e n o b e n e f ic ia l in t e r e s t i n t h e a p p l i c a t i o n s o f s u c h c u s t o m e r s , a n d h a t n o n e o f o u r c u s t o m e r s h a s a n y b e n e f ic ia l in t e r e s t in t h e a m o u n t s u b s c r i b e d f o r o u r o w n a c c o u n t . W e F u r t h e r C e r t i f y t h a t th e s u b s c r i p t i o n f o r o u r o w n iu r p lu s a n d u n d i v i d e d p r o fit s . "O S U B S C R IB E R : a c c o u n t d o e s n o t e x c e e d o n e - h a l f o f o u r c o m b i n e d c a p it a l, (F ill in all required spaces before sign ing) Mark ( X ) in proper space to indicate if this is: )riginal subscription ................... confirmation o f a telegram ........... □ Confirmation o f a letter................. (Name of subscriber— Please print or typewrite) □ □ B y. (Official signature) (Title) Address (Spaces below are for the use of the Federal Reserve Bank) B lotter................................ A LL O TM E N T DEPO SIT Exam ined.......................... $ Acknowledged.................. $ Figured Carded................................ Checked A dvised (F o r use o f commercial bank subscribers only) List of customers included in this subscription ( P le a s e p r in t o r ty p e w r ite ) Leave blank Name o f Customer A ddress * A m ount Subscribed Leave blank 4539 F E D E OFLN E W YOREK B A N K Subscription Number F is c a l a g e n t o f t h s U n it e d s t a t e s NOTICE OF ALLOTMENT i For Federal National Mortgage Association 4% Percent Notes of Series ML-1958-B To Subscriber: L On your subscription, numbered as above, fo r $ (par amount) of— FEDERAL N A TIO N A L M O RTG AG E ASSO CIATIO N 4% PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES ML-1958-B D A T E D OCTOBER 29, 1957, DUE JUNE 26, 1958 which you filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, the Secretary o f the Treasury has allotted notes to you in the amount of— $ Im portant 1. To expedite delivery o f the securities allotted to you and to facilitate prompt completion o f this transaction, please fill in, sign and return immediately the attached Letter of Instructions to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Fiscal Agent of the United States, New York 45, N. Y. P aym ent 2. I f payment for securities allotted is made on or before October 29, 1957, payment must be made at par; if made or not available until after October 29, 1957, payment must be made at par plus accrued interest. Payment may be made by check, cash, or charge as follow s: (Original payment on this issue cannot be made by Treasury Tax and Loan account credit) By Check — The check should be made payable to the order o f the FEDERAL RESERVE BAN K OF NEW YO R K , FISCAL AGENT OF TH E UNITED STATES. The securities will not be delivered by this Bank until the proceeds o f a check have been collected. The proceeds o f a check drawn on the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York are immediately available. By Cash — Payment may be made in cash. B y Charge— A member bank may make payment b y requesting us to charge its reserve account, or a nonmember clearing bank may make payment by requesting us to charge its clearing account. T reasury T ax and Loan accoun t cred it ^ 3. (a) If, as a qualified depositary, you signified in your subscription an election to receive a deposit in Treasury Tax and Loan account, this Bank, as fiscal agent o f the United States, hereby authorizes you to credit, as of October 29, 1957, the Treasury Tax and Loan account on your books with a sum up to the amount of notes allotted to you, but not in excess of any amount for which you shall be qualified in excess o f existing deposits. On October 29, 1957, this Bank will pay you an amount equivalent to the Tax and Loan credit by crediting your reserve or clearing account on our books or remitting it as you may direct. (b ) Securities o f this issue allotted to a qualified depositary for its own account may be pledged with the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York as collateral security for deposits in Treasury Tax and Loan account. D eliv ery 4. (a) Delivery of the securities allotted will be made by the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York at its Head Office in New York City, and will not be made before October 29, 1957. (b ) The securities will be delivered over the counter to a representative of the subscriber, provided the representa tive presents a letter o f authority identifying him and signed officially by the subscriber. S a fek eep in g 5. Securities allotted to member banks for their own account may be left with this Bank for safekeeping pursuant to the u s o f our Operating Circular No. 14. F ederal R eserve B an k of N e w Y Fiscal Agent o f the United States. Checked by. ork, (This letter of instructions, accompanied by attached duplicate copy, should be filled in and returned to Federal Reserve Bank of New York) Subscription Number LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS To F ederal R eserve B ank op N ew Y ork , Fiscal Agent o f the United States, Federal Reserve P. 0 . Station, New York 45, N. Y . Attention: 2 Government Bond Division— 2nd Floor Dated a t ....................................................... From (Name and address o f Subscriber) .................................................................1957 On our subscription, numbered as above, for $ (par amount) of— FEDERAL N A T IO N A L M O RTG AG E ASSO C IATIO N 4 % PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES M L-1958-B D A T E D OCTOBER 29, 1957, DUE JUNE 26, 1958 which we filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, we have received your notice o f allotment stating that the Secretary of the Treasury has allotted notes to us in the amount of— A s requested, we send you the following instructions: Payment for the securities allotted will be made— □ 'By char^o to onr reserve account, which you arc authorized to make t j 'B y check and on October 29, 1957, the undersigned (fo r qualified depositary banks only) £j| □ B y cash not credit the Treasury Tax and Loan account on its books a sum not in excess o f the total amount of notes allotted to it, and not in excess of any amount for which it shall be qualified in excess o f existing deposits (see Treasury Department Circular No. 997, paragraph 2 under _“ i y Payment” ). Denominations desired Dispose o f securities issued, as follow s: □ Denomi nation Face amount (Leave this space blank) □ □ 1,000 □ □ 5,000 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned H old in safekeeping (fo r member bank only) 3. H old as collateral for Treasury Tax and Loan account 4. Ship to the undersigned 5. Special instructions: 2. 10,000 100,000 The undersigned (if a bank or trust company) hereby certifies that the securities to be disposed of as indicated in item 2 or 3 above are the sole property of the undersigned. 300,000 (IM P O R T A N T : be accepted.) ’OTAL tter of instructions must be signed ly in the space provided and reimmediately to sral Reserve Bank of New York, Fiscal Agent o f the United States. Submitted by By No changes in delivery instructions will (Please print) By . (Authorized signature(») required) Title .......................... Title ......... .. A d d r e s s ..................................... .............................................................. (Spaces below are for the use o f Federal Reserve Bank of New York) Safekeeping Division Security Custody Department Government Bond Division Payment received Deliver against payment o f $ ..................................... D E L IV E R Y RE C E IP T aived from Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, Fiseal Agent o f the United States, the above described securities allotted in the amount above. Subscriber. B y. Qualified depositary banks desiring to avail themselves of the special Treasury Tax and Loan account privilege ■h*uld execute the following Advice of Credit. Advice o f Credit to Treasury Tax and Loan Account (Date) ;ral Reserve Bank o f New York, 'iscal Agent o f the United States. 'he undersigned hereby certifies that it will deposit on October 29, 1957, to the credit o f the Federal Reserve Bank ew York, Fiscal Agent o f the United States, in the Treasury Tax and Loan Account, to be held subject to withdrawal [emand, the sum o f $ , pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, October 21, 1957, and in accordance with authorization received from you, as Fiscal Agent o f the United States. Vi request payment on October 29, 1957, o f an amount equivalent to the amount credited to the Tax and Loan nit, as follow s: □ By check □ By credit to our reserve account credit to reserve account o f ............................................................................................................................................................... (Name of depositary) By................. (Official signature required) Street address (City, Town or Village, P. O. No., and State) (Title) (This letter of instructions, accompanied by attached duplicate copy, should be filled in and returned to Federal Reserve Bank of New York) Subscription Number LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS To F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k o f N e w Y o r k , Fiscal A gent o f the United States, Federal Reserve P. 0 . Station, New York 45, N. Y . 2 A ttention: Government Bond Division— 2nd Floor From (Name and address o f Subscriber) Dated a t ....................................................... .................................................................1957 On our subscription, numbered as above, for $ (par amount) of— FEDERAL N A TIO N A L M O RTG AG E ASSO C IATIO N 4% PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES ML-1958-B D A T E D OCTOBER 2 9 , 19 5 7, DUE JUNE 2 6 , 1958 which we filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, we have received your notice o f allotment stating that the Secretary o f the Treasury has allotted notes to us in the amount of— $ A s requested, we send you the following instructions: Payment for the securities allotted will be made— A B B O T "I ~ffl|(>Hjjyfi|Jr^harge t6 our reserve account, which you are Authorized to make f ] By check and on October 29, 1957, the undersigned (fo r qualified depositary banks only) |=| □ By cash nQt credit the Treasury Tax and Loan account on its books a sum not in excess o f the total amount o f notes allotted to it, and not in excess of any amount fo r which it shall be qualified in excess o f existing deposits (see Treasury Department Circular No. 997, paragraph 2 under “ IV Paym ent” ). Denominations desired Denomi nation Pace amount Dispose o f securities issued, as follow s: (Leave this space blank) 1,000 5,000 □ 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned □ 2. H old in safekeeping (fo r member bank only) □ 3. H old as collateral for Treasury Tax and Loan account □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: 10,000 100,000 The undersigned (i f a bank or trust company) hereby certifies that the securities to be disposed of as indicated in item 2 or 3 above are the sole property of the undersigned. 1,000,000 (IM P O R T A N T : be accepted.) TOTAL letter of instruction* must be signed y in the space provided and reimmediately to eral Reserve Bank of New York, Fiscal Agent o f the United States. No changes in delivery instructions will Submitted b y ........................ (Please print) By ................................... By (Authorized signature(s) required) Title ......................................... ........................ Title . . . ____ A d d r e s s .................................................... ............................................. (Spaces below are for the use o f Federal Reserve Bank of New York) Safekeeping Division Security Custody Department Government Bond Division Payment received ;■■jt g n e d :________ Couuted Checked . Chocked Delivered Deliver against payment of sign ed: D E L IV E R Y R E C EIPT eived from Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, Fiscal Agent o f the United States, the above described securities allotted in the amount Icated abovo. Subscriber. B y. ualified depositary banks desiring to avail themselves of the special Treasury Tax and Loan account privilege execute the following Advice of Credit. Advice of Credit to Treasury Tax and Loan Account Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, Fiscal Agent o f the United States. m- (Date) The undersigned hereby certifies that it will deposit on October 29, 1957, to the credit o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, Fiscal Agent o f the United States, in the Treasury Tax and Loan Account, to be held subject to withdrawal on demand, the sum o f $ , pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, October 21, 1957, and in accordance with authorization received from you, as Fiscal Agent o f the United States. A We request payment on October 29, 1957, o f an amount equivalent to the amount credited to the Tax and Loan □ By credit to our reserve account unt, as follows: Q B y check y credit to reserve account o f ----- (Name of depositary) By................ (Offioial signature required) Street address (City, Town or Village, P. O. No., and State) (Title) (D U P L IC A T E FO R USE OF F E D E R A L R E SE R V E B A N K OF N EW Y O R K ) Subscription Number LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS To F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k o p N e w Y o r k , Fiscal Agent o f the United States, Federal Reserve P. 0 . Station, New York 45, N. Y . Attention: 3 Government Bond Division— 2nd Floor From (Name and address o f Subscriber) Dated a t ....................................................... .................................................................1957 On our subscription, numbered as above, for $ (par amount) of— FEDERAL N A T IO N A L M O R TG AG E ASSO C IATIO N 4 % PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES ML-1958-B D A T E D O CTO B ER 29, 1957, DUE JUNE 26, 1958 which we filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, we have received your notice of allotment stating that the Secretary o f the Treasury has allotted notes to us in the amount of— $ A s requested, we send you the following instructions: Payment for the securities allotted will be made— iaTg*Pt»m r r r a W M m e d l o make □ and on October 29, 1957, the undersigned (fo r qualified depositary banks only) B y check □ B y cash no(. credit the Treasury Tax and Loan account on its books a sum not in excess o f the total amount of notes allotted to it, and not in excess of any amount for which it shall be qualified in excess o f existing deposits (see Treasury Department Circular No. 997, paragraph 2 under “ IV Paym ent” ). Denominations desired Denomi nation Pieces * Face amount Dispose o f securities issued, as follow s : (Leave this space blank) 1,000 5,000 □ 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned □ 2. H old in safekeeping (fo r member bank only) □ 3. Hold as collateral for Treasury Tax and Loan account □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: 10,000 100,000 T h e u n dersign ed (if a bank or trust co m p a n y ) h ereb y certifies that the securities to b e disp osed o f as in d ica ted in item 2 or 3 a b o v e are the s o le p rop erty o f the u ndersigned. 1,000,000 (IM P O R T A N T s b e a c c e p te d .) TOTAL Thu letter of instructions must be signed , i officially m the space provided and returned immediately to Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Fiscal A gent o f the United States. N o ch anges in d eliv ery instructions w ill Submitted b y ................................................................... — ..... (Please pnnt) (Authorized signature Title ............................................................................ (i) required) Title ............. A d d r e s s ...................................................................................................... (Spaces below are for the use o f Federal Reserve Bank o f New York) Government Bond Division Security Custody Department Safekeeping Division Payment received * signed: Deliver against payment o f $ ..................................... signed: D E L IV E R Y R E C E IP T Received from Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, Fiscal Agent o f the United States, the above described securities allotted in the amount indicated above. Date Subscriber ALLOTM ENT NOTICE FOR GOVERNM ENT BOND DIVISION 4 'To Subscriber: On your subscription, numbered as above, for $ (par amount) o f— FEDERAL N A TIO N A L M O RTG AG E ASSO CIATIO N 4 % PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES ML-1958-B D ATED OCTOBER 29, 1957, DUE JUNE 26, 1958 which you filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, the Secretary o f the Treasury has allotted notes to you in the amount of— $ Date Treas. Tax A Loan Acc. Cash Charge ' ' ' Delivery teller Allotment Premium and/or interest Disposition Purchase price Deposit Principal dae Refund Balance Accrued interest Amount dae Orer counter Safekeeping TT&L 8hip 1 1 Special delivery instructions ALLOTMENT NOTICE FOR SECURITY FILES 5 ■To Subscriber: On your subscription, numbered as above, for $ (par amount) o f— FEDERAL N A T IO N A L M O RTG AG E A SSO C IA TIO N 4 % PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES M L-1958-B D A T E D O CTO B ER 29, 1957, DUE JUNE 2 6 , 1958 which you filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, the Secretary o f the Treasury has allotted notes to you in the amount o f— ALLOTM ENT NOTICE FOR SECURITIES DEPARTMENT 6 To Subscriber: On your subscription, numbered as above, for $ „ (par amount) of— FEDERAL N A T IO N A L M O R TG AG E ASSO C IATIO N 4 % PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES ML-1958-B D A T E D OCTOBER 29, 1957, DUE JUNE 26, 1958 which you filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, the Secretary o f the Treasury has allotted notes to you in the amount of— 4519 a . F E D E R A L RESER VE BANK OF N E W YORK F is ca l a o e n t or . .. K . ^subscription rsumber t h e U n ite d s t a t e s NOTICE OF ALLOTMENT i For Federal National Mortgage Association 4% Percent Notes of Series ML-1958-B To Subscriber: On your subscription, numbered as above, fo r $ (par amount) of— FEDERAL N A TIO N A L M O RTG AG E ASSO C IATIO N 4 % PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES ML-1958-B D A T E D OCTOBER 29, 1957, DUE JUNE 26, 1958 which you filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 907, dated October 21, 1957, the Secretary o f the Treasury has allotted notes to you in the amount o f— $ Im portant ^1 . ro expedite delivery o f the securities allotted to you and to facilitate prompt completion o f this transaction, please fill in, sign and return immediately the attached Letter o f Instructions to the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, Fiscal Agent o f the United States, New York 45, N. Y. Paym ent 2. It payment for securities allotted is made on or before October 29, 1957, payment must be made at par; if made or not available until after October 29, 1957, payment must be made at par plus accrued interest. Payment may be made by check, cash, or charge as follows: (Original payment on this issue cannot be made by Treasury Tax and Loan account credit) B y Check — The check should be made payable to the order o f the FEDERAL RESERVE BAN K OF NEW Y O R K , FISCAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The securities will not be delivered b y this Bank until the proceeds o f a check have been collected. The proceeds o f a check drawn on the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York are immediately available. B y Cash — Payment may be made in cash. B y Charge— A member bank may make payment b y requesting us to charge its reserve account, or a nonmember clearing bank may make payment by requesting us to charge its clearing account. Treasury T ax and Loan account credit 3. (a) If, as a qualified depositary, you signified in your subscription an election to receive a deposit in Treasury Tax and Loan account, this Bank, as fiscal agent of the United States, hereby authorizes you to credit, as of October 29, 1957, the Treasury Tax and Loan account on your books with a sum up to the amount of notes al lotted to you, but not in excess of any amount for which you shall be qualified in excess o f existing deposits. On October 29, 1957, this Bank will pay you an amount equivalent to the Tax and Loan credit by crediting your reserve or clearing account on our books or remitting it as you may direct. (b ) Securities o f this issue allotted to a qualified depositary for its own account may be pledged with the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York as collateral security for deposits in Treasury Tax and Loan account. D elivery 4. (a ) Delivery of the securities allotted will be made by the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York at its Head Office in New York City, and will not be made before October 29, 1957. (b) The securities will be delivered over the counter to a representative o f the subscriber, provided the represent tive presents a letter of authority identifying him and signed officially by the subscriber. S a fek eep in g 5. Securities allotted to member banks for their own account may be left with this Bank for safekeeping pursuant to the erms o f our Operating Circular No. 14. F ederal R eserve B an k op N e w Y Fiscal Agent o f the United States. Checked by ork, (This letter of instructions, accompanied by attached duplicate copy, should be filled in and returned to Federal Reserve Bank of New York) Subscription Number LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS To F e d e ra l R eserve B a n k of N ew 2 Y ork , Fiscal Agent o f the United States, Federal Reserve P. 0 . Station, New York 45, N. Y. Attention: Government Bond Division— 2nd Floor From (Name and address o f Subscriber) Dated a t ....................... .................................................................1957 On our subscription, numbered as above, for $ (par amount) of__ FEDERAL N A T IO N A L M O R TG AG E A SSO C IA TIO N 4 % PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES ML-1958-B D A T E D OCTOBER 29, 1957, DUE JUNE 26, 1958 which we filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, we have received your notice o f allotment stating that the Secretary of the Treasury has allotted notes to us in the amount of— A s requested, we send you the following instructions: Payment for the securities allotted will be made— □ B y charge to our reserve account, which you are authorized to make □ B y check □ B y cash and on October 29, 1957, the undersigned (fo r qualified depositary banks only) jjj ^ j}} nQt credit the Treasury Tax and Loan account on its books a sum not in excess o f the total amount o f notes allotted to it, and not in excess o f any amount for which it shall be qualified in excess o f existing deposits (see Treasury Department Circular No. 997, paragraph 2 under “ IV Paym ent” ). Denominations desired Denomi nation Face amount Dispose o f securities issued, as follow s: □ □ □ □ □ (Leave this space blank) . Deliver over the counter to the undersigned Hold in safekeeping (fo r member bank only) 3. Hold as collateral for Treasury Tax and Loan account 4. Ship to the undersigned 5. Special instructions: 1 2. 10,000 100,000 The undersigned ( i f a bank or trust company) hereby certifies that the securities to be disposed o f as indicated in item 2 or 3 above are the sole property of the undersigned. 1,000,000 (IM P O R T A N T : be accepted.) TOTAL i letter of instructions must be signed id ly in the space provided and re ed immediately to ederal Reserve Bank o f New York, Fiscal Agent of the United States. No changes in delivery instructions will Submitted b y ........................ (Pleaie print) By ................................... Title ....................................... . By (Authorized lignature(s) required) ........................ Title ............. Address................................................................................................. (Spaces below are for the use o f Federal Reserve Bank o f New York) Oovernment Bond Division Security Custody Department Safekeeping Division Payment received pied: Counted Checked . Checked Delivered Deliver against payment o f * ..................................... ned: D ELIVERY RECEIPT Received from Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Fiscal Agent of the United States, the above described securities allotted in the amount indicated above. Date................................... Subscriber...................................................................................... B y............................................................................................... ■*- Quali ualified depositary banks desiring to avail themselves of the special Treasury Tax and Loan account privilege should execute ex< the following Advice of Credit. if To ^ Advice o f Credit to Treasury Tax and Loan Account |Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, Fiscal Agent o f the United States. (Date) The undersigned hereby certifies that it will deposit on October 29, 1957, to the credit o f the Federal Reserve Bank • o f New York, Fiscal Agent o f the United States, in the Treasury Tax and Loan Account, to be held subject to withdrawal demand, the sum o f $ , pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, ,ted October 21, 1957, and in accordance with authorization received from you, as Fiscal Agent of the United States. We request payment on October 29, 1957, o f an amount equivalent to the amount credited to the Tax and Loan ount, as follow s: □ By check □ By credit to our reserve account credit to reserve account o f ............................................................................................................................................................... (Name of depositary) By. (Official signature required) Street address (City, Town or Village, P. O. No., and State) (Title) (D U P L IC A T E F O R USE OF F E D E R A L R E SE R V E B A N K OF N EW Y O R K ) Subscription Number LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS To or N e w Y o r k , Fiscal A gent o f the United States, Federal Reserve P. 0 . Station, New York 45, N. Y . 3 F e d e ra l R eserve B a n k Attention: Government Bond Division— 2nd Floor From (Name and address o f Subscriber) Dated a t ...................................... ................ ................................................................ 1957 On our subscription, numbered as above, for $ (par amount) of— FEDERAL N A T IO N A L M O R TG AG E A SSO C IA TIO N 474 PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES ML-1958-B D A T E D O CTO B ER 29, 19S7, DUE JUNE 2 6 , 1958 which we filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, we have received your notice o f allotment stating that the Secretary of the Treasury has allotted notes to us in the amount of— A s requested, we send you the following instructions: Payment for the securities allotted will be made— - vv. □ B y charge to our reserve account, which you are authorized to make and on October 29, 1957, the undersigned (fo r qualified depositary banks only) j=j □ B y check □ nQt credit the Treasury Tax and Loan account on its books a sum not in excess o f the total amount o f notes allotted to it, and not in excess o f any amount for which it shall be qualified in excess o f existing deposits (see Treasury Department Circular No. 997, paragraph 2 under “ I V Paym ent” ). Denominations desired Denomi nation Pieces * Dispose o f securities issued, as follow s: (Leave this space blank) Face amount 1,000 □ □ □ □ □ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned H old in safekeeping (fo r member bank only) H old as collateral fo r Treasury Tax and Loan account Ship to the undersigned Special instructions: 5,000 10,000 100,000 The undersigned ( i f a bank or trust company) hereby certifies that the securities to be disposed of as indicated in item 2 or 3 above are the sole property o f the undersigned. 1,000,000 (IM P O R T A N T : be accepted.) TOTAL This letter o f instructions must be signed officially in the space provided and re turned immediately to No changes in delivery instructions will Submitted b y ........................ (Please print) By ....................................... Title ......................................... By (Authorised tignature(s) required) ........................ Title ............. Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, Fiscal Agent of the United States. Address................................................................................................. (Spaces below are for the use o f Federal Reserve Bank o f New York) Government Bond Division Safekeeping Division Security Custody Department Payment received signed: Deliver against payment o f * ..................................... signed: DELIVERY RECEIPT Received from Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Fiscal Agent of the United States, the above described securities allotted in the amoont indicated above. Date Subscriber By By ALLOTM EN T NOTICE FOR GOVERNM ENT BOND DIVISION 4 To Subscriber: On your subscription, numbered as above, for $ (par amount) of— FEDERAL N A T IO N A L M O RTG AG E ASSO C IATIO N 4 % PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES ML-1958-B D A T E D OCTOBER 29, 1957, DUE JUNE 26, 1958 which you filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, the Secretary o f the Treasury has allotted notes to you in the amount of— $ Date Treas. Tax & Loan Acc. Charge Cash Delivery teller TT&L Ship Allotment Premium and/or interest Disposition Purchase price Deposit Over counter Safekeeping 1 Principal due Refund Balance Accrued interest Amount due Special delivery instructions ALLOTM EN T NOTICE FOR SECURITY FILES 5 To Subscriber: On your subscription, numbered as above, fo r $ (par amount) o f— FEDERAL N A T IO N A L M O R TG AG E A SSO C IA TIO N 4 % PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES M L-1958-B D A T E D O CTO B ER 29, 1957, DUE JUNE 26, 1958 which you filed pursuant to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, the Secretary o f the Treasury has allotted notes to you in the amount of— ALLOTM ENT NOTICE FOR SECURITIES DEPARTM ENT 6 T o S ubscriber: On your subscription, numbered as above, for $ (par amount) of— FEDERAL N A TIO N A L M O RTG AG E ASSO C IATIO N 4% PERCENT NOTES OF SERIES ML-1958-B D ATED OCTOBER 29, 1957, DUE JUNE 26, 1958 which you filed pursuant to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 997, dated October 21, 1957, the Secretary o f the Treasury has allotted notes to you in the amount o f— FEDERAL RESERVE BANK O F NEW YORK 4519 S E C U R IT IE S D E P A R T M E N T A D V IC E TO S U B S C R IB E R To Subscription No. Date r L Your cash subscription for $ Federal National Mortgage Association 4 % Percent Notes of Series ML-1958-B, Dated October 29, 1957, Due June 26, 1958 has been received by this Bank, as fiscal agent of the United States. Pursuant to Treasury Department Circular No. 997, which specifies the terms o f the above-mentioned obligations o f the Federal National Mortgage Association, allotment notices will be sent out promptly upon allotment, and allotments will be made on the basis and up to the amounts indicated by the Secretary of the Treasury to this Bank. Checked b y ---------------------------------Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k o p N e w Y o r k , Fiscal Agent o f the United States. FEDERAL. R E SE R V E B A N K O F NEW YORK f S E C U R IT IE S D E P A R T M E N T CARD RECORD Ii Subscription No. To Date n L Y our cash subscription for $ Federal National M ortgage nation 4 % Percent Notes o f Series M L -1958-B , Dated Octojber 2 9 , 1957, Due June 26, 1958 has been received by this Bank, as fiscar agent o f the United States. Pursuant to Treasury Department Circular No. 997, which specifies the terms of the above-mentioned obligations o f the Federal National Mortgage Association, allotment notices will be sent out prom ptly upon allotment, and allotments will be made on the basis and up to the amounts indicated by the Secretary o f the Treasury to this Bank. Checked by. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F ederal R eserve B a n k op New Y ork, Fiscal Agent o f the United States. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK S E C U R IT IE S D E P A R T M E N T S E C U R IT Y FILE S C O P Y Subscription No. To Date r n L ii Your cash subscription for $ Federal National M ortgage Association 4 % Percent Notes o f Series M L -1958-B , Dated O c to fe r 2 9 , 1957, Due June 2 6 , 1958 has been received by this Bank, as fiscal ffigent o f the United States. Pursuant to Treasury Department Circular No. 997, which specifies the terms o { the above-mentioned obligations o f the Federal National Mortgage Association, allotment notices will be sent out promptly upon allotment, and allotments will be made on the basis and up to the amounts indicated by the Secretary o f ^the Treasury to this Bank. by. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F ederal R eserve B a n k op N ew Y ork, Fiscal Agent of the United States.