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FE D E R A L R E S E R V E BANK O F NEW YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States r Circular N o. 4 4 5 6 1 L May 6, 1957 J 3*4 Percent Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series B-1958 or 3% Percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1962 O FFE R ED IN E XC H A N G E FO R 1% Percent Treasury Notes of Series B-1957 T o A ll B anking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal R eserve D istrict: The subscription books are open fo r exchange offerings o f— 3y2 percent Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness o f Series B-1958, and 3 % percent Treasury Notes o f Series A-1962 in exchange fo r the 1 % percent T reasury N otes o f Series B-1957, m aturing M ay 15, 1957. The new certificates will be dated M ay 1, 1957, and w ill mature A p ril 15, 1958. A ccrued interest on the m aturing notes from N ovem ber 15,1956, to M ay 1, 1957 ($7.49655 per thousand) will be paid to subscribers fo r the new certificates follow ing acceptance o f the notes tendered in exchange. F inal coupons must be attached to the notes tendered in exchange. The new notes w ill be dated M ay 1, 1957, and w ill mature F ebruary 15, 1962. A ccrued interest on the m aturing notes from N ovem ber 15,1956, to M ay 1,1957 ($7.49655 per thousand) will be paid to subscribers fo r the new notes follow in g acceptance o f the notes tendered in exchange. Final coupons must be attached to the notes tendered in exchange. The terms o f these offerings are set forth in T reasury D epartm ent Circulars No. 988 and No. 989, both dated M ay 6, 1957; a cop y o f each is printed on the follow ing pages. Subscriptions will be received b y this Bank as fiscal agent o f the U nited States. Cash sub scriptions will not be received. Subscriptions should be submitted in triplicate on official sub scription form s, copies o f which are enclosed, and should be mailed im m ediately; i f filed by telegram or letter, the subscriptions should be confirm ed im mediately by m ail on the form s provided. The subscription books will remain open fo r three days only, from M onday, M ay 6, until the close o f business W ednesday, M ay 8. A n y subscription addressed to a F ederal Reserve Bank or Branch or to the T reasury D epartm ent and placed in the m ail b efore mid night M ay 8 w ill be considered timely. A lfred H ayes, President. U N IT E D S T A T E S O F A M E R IC A 31/2 PERCE N T T R E A S U R Y CER TIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS OF SERIES B-1958 Dated and bearing interest fro m M ay 1, 1957 1957 Department Circular N o. 988 D ue A p ril 15, 1958 TREASU RY DEPARTM ENT, O Fiscal Service Bureau of the Public Debt L O FF E R IN G O F CERT IFIC A T E S 1. The Secretary o f the Treasury, pursuant to the authority o f the Second Liberty B ond A ct, as amended, invites subscriptions from the people of the United States fo r certificates o f indebtedness of the United States, designated 3^2 percent Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness o f Series B-1958, in exchange fo r 1 % percent Treasury Notes o f Series B-1957, m aturing May 15, 1957. Exchanges will be made at par with an adjustment o f interest as o f May 1, 1957. The amount o f the offering under this circular will be limited to the amount o f maturing notes tendered in exchange and accepted. The books will be open only on M ay 6 through M ay 8 fo r the receipt o f subscriptions fo r this issue. 2. In addition to the offering under this circular, holders o f the m aturing notes are offered the privi lege o f exchanging all or any part o f such notes for 3 % percent Treasury Notes o f Series A-1962, which offering is set forth in Departm ent Circular No. 989, issued simultaneously with this circular. IL D E SC R IP TIO N O F CERT IFIC A T E S 1. The certificates will be dated M ay 1, 1957, and will bear interest from that date at the rate of 3y<2. percent per annum, payable on a semiannual basis on October 15, 1957, and A p ril 15, 1958. They will mature A p ril 15, 1958. They will not be subject to call fo r redemption prior to maturity. 2. The income derived from the certificates is subject to all taxes imposed under the Internal Revenue Code o f 1954. The certificates are subject to estate, inheritance, g ift or other excise taxes, whether Federal or State, but are exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on the principal or interest thereof by any State, or any o f the pos sessions o f the United States, or by any local taxing authority. 3. The certificates w ill be acceptable to secure deposits o f public moneys. They will not be accept able in payment o f taxes. 4. Bearer certificates with interest coupons at tached w ill be issued in denominations o f $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $1,000,000, $100,000,000 and $500,000,000. The certificates will not be issued in registered form. 5. The certificates will be subject to the general regulations o f the Treasury Department, now or f f ic e of th e S ecretary, W ashington, M ay 6, 1957. hereafter prescribed, certificates. III. governing United States SU B SC R IPT IO N A N D A L L O T M E N T 1. Subscriptions will be received at the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches and at the Office of the Treasurer o f the United States, W ashington. Banking institutions generally may submit sub scriptions fo r account o f customers, but only the Federal Reserve Banks and the Treasury D epart ment are authorized to act as official agencies. 2. The Secretary o f the Treasury reserves the right to reject or reduce any subscription, and to allot less than the amount o f certificates applied fo r ; and any action he m ay take in these respects shall be final. Subject to these reservations, all subscriptions will be allotted in full. Allotm ent notices will be sent out prom ptly upon allotment. IV . PAYM ENT 1. Paym ent at par fo r certificates allotted here under must be made on or before May 15, 1957, or on later allotment, and may be made only in Treasury Notes o f Series B-1957, m aturing May 15, 1957, which w ill be accepted at par, and should accom pany the subscription. Coupons dated May 15, 1957, must be attached to the notes when sur rendered, and accrued interest from November 15, 1956, to M ay 1, 1957 ($7.49655 per $1,000) will be paid to subscribers follow in g acceptance o f the notes. V. G E N E R A L PR O V IS IO N S 1. A s fiscal agents o f the United States, Federal Reserve Banks are authorized and requested to re ceive subscriptions, to make allotments on the basis and up to the amounts indicated by the Secretary o f the Treasury to the Federal Reserve Banks of the respective Districts, to issue allotment notices, to receive payment fo r certificates allotted, to make delivery o f certificates on full-paid subscriptions allotted, and they may issue interim receipts pend ing delivery o f the definitive certificates. 2. The Secretary o f the Treasury may at any time, or from time to time, prescribe supplemental or amendatory rules and regulations governing the offering, which will be communicated prom ptly to the Federal Reserve Banks. G. M. H U M PH R E Y , Secretary o f the Treasury. U N IT E D S T A T E S O F A M E R IC A 3 % PERCEN T T R E A S U R Y N OTES OF SERIES A-1962 Dated and bearing interest from May 1, 1957 1957 Department Circular N o. 989 D ue February 15, 1962 TREASU RY DEPARTM ENT, O f f ic e Fiscal Service Bureau of the Public Debt L O FF E R IN G OF NOTES 1. The Secretary o f the Treasury, pursuant to the authority o f the Second Liberty B ond A ct, as amended, invites subscriptions from the people o f the United States fo r notes o f the United States, designated 3 % percent Treasury Notes o f Series A-1962, in exchange for 1 % percent Treasury Notes o f Series B-1957, m aturing May 15, 1957. E x changes will be made at par with an adjustment of interest as o f May 1, 1957. The amount o f the offer ing under this circular will be limited to the amount o f m aturing notes o f this series tendered in ex change and accepted. The books w ill be open only on M ay 6 through M ay 8 fo r the receipt o f sub scriptions fo r this issue. 2. In addition to the offering under this circular, holders o f the m aturing notes are offered the privi lege o f exchanging all or any part o f such notes for 3y2 percent Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness o f Series B-1958, which offering is set forth in Department Circular No. 988, issued simultaneously with this circular. II. D ESC R IP TIO N O F NOTES 1. The notes will be dated May 1, 1957, and will bear interest from that date at the rate o f 3 % per cent per annum, payable on a semiannual basis on A ugust 15, 1957, and thereafter on February 15 and A ugust 15 in each year until the principal amount becomes payable. They w ill mature Febru ary 15, 1962, and will not be subject to call fo r redemption p rior to maturity. 2. The income derived from the notes is subject to all taxes imposed under the Internal Revenue Code o f 1954. The notes are subject to estate, in heritance, g ift or other excise taxes, whether Federal or State, but are exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on the principal or inter est thereof b y any State, or any o f the possessions o f the United States, or by any local taxing authority. 3. The notes will be acceptable to secure deposits o f public moneys. They will not be acceptable in payment o f taxes. 4. Bearer notes with interest coupons attached will be issued in denominations o f $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $1,000,000, $100,000,000 and $500,000,000. The notes will not be issued in regis tered form. of t h e S ecretary, W ashington, May 6,1957. 5. The notes will be subject to the general regu lations o f the Treasury Department, now or here after prescribed, governing United States notes. in. SU B SC R IPT IO N A N D A L L O T M E N T 1. Subscriptions w ill be received at the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches and at the Office o f the Treasurer o f the United States, W ashington. Banking institutions generally may submit sub scriptions fo r account o f customers, but only the Federal Reserve Banks and the Treasury D epart ment are authorized to act as official agencies. 2. The Secretary o f the Treasury reserves the right to reject or reduce any subscription, and to allot less than the amount o f notes applied f o r ; and any action he may take in these respects shall be final. Subject to these reservations, all subscrip tions will be allotted in full. Allotm ent notices will be sent out prom ptly upon allotment. IV . PA Y M E N T 1. Payment at par fo r notes allotted hereunder must be made on or before May 15,1957, or on later allotment, and may be made only in Treasury Notes o f Series B-1957, m aturing M ay 15,1957, which will be accepted at par, and should accom pany the sub scription. Coupons dated May 15, 1957, must be attached to the notes when surrendered, and ac crued interest from November 15, 1956, to M ay 1, 1957 ($7.49655 per $1,000) w ill be paid to sub scribers follow in g acceptance o f the notes. V. G E N E R A L PR O V ISIO N S 1. A s fiscal agents o f the United States, Federal Reserve Banks are authorized and requested to re ceive subscriptions, to make allotments on the basis and up to the amounts indicated b y the Secretary o f the Treasury to the Federal Reserve Banks of the respective Districts, to issue allotment notices, to receive payment for notes allotted, to make de livery o f notes on full-paid subscriptions allotted, and they m ay issue interim receipts pending de livery o f the definitive notes. 2. The Secretary o f the Treasury may at any time, or from time to time, prescribe supplemental or amendatory rules and regulations governing the offering, which will be communicated prom ptly to the Federal Reserve Banks. G. M. H U M PH R E Y , Secretary of the Treasury. (Please type or print legibly) Submit in Triplicate C -l Subscriber's Reference No. Subscription Number EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States o f America 3*4 Percent Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness of Series B-1958 Dated May 1, 1957, Due April 15, 1958 From. Dated at .1957 F ederal R eserve B a n e op N e w Y ork, Fiscal A gent o f the United States, New York 45, N. Y . Attention Government Bond Division D ear S ir s : Subject to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 988, dated May 6, 1957, the undersigned hereby subscribes for United States o f America 3 % percent Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness o f Series B-1958, as follow s: F or own a c c o u n t......................................................................................................... F or our customers as listed on reverse side (fo r use o f banking institutions) Total subscription.............................................................. $................................. and tenders in payment therefor a like par amount o f 1 % % Treasury Notes of Series B-1957, maturing May 15,1957, with May 15, 1957 coupons attached. Delivered to you herewith............................................................................................................. $................................. To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u .......................................................................... $................................. To be delivered b y ............................................................................................................................ $................................. Pay interest due subscriber in accordance with Section IV o f Treasury Department Circular No. 988 on notes surrendered, as follow s: □ By check □ B y credit to our reserve account N OTES SU RREN D ERED C E R T IF IC A T E S D E SIR E D IN E XC H A N G E ( L it* serial Humbert on rev erte tid e) Denomi nation ,c<# * Face amount (Leave this tpace blank) Denomi nation Pieces 1,000 * 1,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 TOTAL TOTAL Dispose o f securities issued, as follows: ] 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned ] 2. H old in safekeeping (fo r member bank only) ] 3. H old as collateral fo r Treasury Tax and Loan Account T h e u n d e r s ig n e d h e r e b y c e rtifies th a t th e s e c u r itie s t o b e d is p o s e d o f a s in d ic a te d in item 2 o r 3 a b o v e a r e th e »o le p r o p e r ty o f th e u n d e r sig n e d . □ □ (L ea ve this space llarilc) Face amount 4. Ship to the undersigned 5. Special instructions: ( I M P O R T A N T : N o c h a n g e s in d e liv e r y in stru c tio n s w ill b e a c c e p te d . A s e p a r a te su b s c rip tio n m u s t b e s u b m itte d f o r e a c h g r o u p o f se c u ritie s a s to w h ic h d iffe r e n t d e liv e r y in stru c tio n s a r e g i v e n .) Submitted by (P le a s e p r in t ) The subscription books will open on May 6, and close at the close of business May 8, 1957. B y .................. By (Authorized signature(s) required) Title ........................................................................... Title ................. A d d r e s s ......................................................................................................... ( S p a c e s b e lo w a r e f o r th e u s e o f th e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k o f N e w Y o r k ) G overn m en t B ond V au lt R ecord S a f e k e e p in g Received Counted Received Ohecked Checked Checked and delivered R ecord Received from F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k o p N e w Y States obligations in the amount subscribed for. ork the above described United I List of Customer! Included in this Subscription (L tm ttU t •pace blank) Subscribed Name of Customer (PU *m print «r typewrite) F DEN OM IN ATIO N S AN D SE R IA L NUMBERS OP NOTES SURRENDERED ( Address Duplicate SECURITY RECORDS “OUT TICKET” Subscriber'a Eeferenee N o. C-2 Subscription Number EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 3% Percent Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series B-1958 Dated May 1, 1957, Due April 15, 1958 From. Dated at .1957 F ederal R eserve Bank op New Y ork, Fiscal Agent o f the United States, New York 45, N. Y. Attention Government Bond Division D ear S ir s : Subject to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 988, dated May 6, 1957, the undersigned hereby subscribes for United States o f America 3 % percent Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness o f Series B-1958, as follows : For own a c c o u n t......................................................................................................... F or our customers as listed on reverse side (fo r use of banking institutions) Total subscription.............................................................. $................................. and tenders in payment therefor a like par amount o f 1 % % Treasury Notes of Series B-1957, maturing May 15, 1957, with May 15, 1957 coupons attached. Delivered to you herewith............................................................................................................. $................................. To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u .......................................................................... $................................. To be delivered b y ............................................................................................................................ $................................. Pay interest due subscriber in accordance with Section IV of Treasury Department Circular No. 988 on notes surrendered, as follows: □ B y check □ By credit to our reserve account NOTES SU RREN D ERED C E R T IF IC A T E S D E SIR E D IN E XC H A N G E ( List serial numbers on reverse side) Denomi nation cea $ Face amount ( Leave this space blank) Denomi nation Piecee $ 1,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 TOTAL TO T A L Dispose of securities issued, as follows: 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned | 2. H old in safekeeping (fo r member bank only) 3. H old as collateral fo r Treasury Tax and Loan Account rhe u n d e rsig n e d h e re b y certifies that th e securities t o be lisp ose d o f as in d ica te d in item 2 or 3 a b o v e are the tola p r o p e rty o f the u ndersigned.________________ __________ Submitted by (L ea ve this space blank) 1,000 5,000 □ □ Face amount .. 4. Ship to the undersigned 5. Special instructions: (I M P O R T A N T : N o changes in d elivery instructions w ill be a ccep ted . A separate subscription must b e subm itted f o r each grou p o f securities as to w h ich differen t d eliv ery instructions are g iv e n .)______________________ (Please print) The subscription books will open on May 6, and close at the close of business May 8, 1957. A d d r e s s ....................................................................................................... (S p a c e s b e lo w are f o r the u se o f the F ed eral R eserve Bank o f N ew Y o r k ) SECURITY RECORDS “IN TICKET” Subscription Number List of Customers Included in this Subscription ( Leave this space blank) Am ount Subscribed Name o f Customer ( Pitase print or typewrit*) 1 DEN OM IN ATIONS AND SE R IA L NUM BERS O F NOTES SURRENDERED Address Triplicate BLOTTER RECORD Subscriber’ s Reference N o. C-3 Subscription Number EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States o f America 3*4 Percent Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness o f Series B-1958 Dated May 1, 1957, Due April 15, 1958 From. Dated at .1957 F ederal R eserve B a n k of New Y ork, Fiscal Agent o f the United States, New Y ork 45, N. Y. Attention Government Bond Division D Sir s : ear (Leave blank) Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 988, dated May 6, 1957, the undersigned hereby subscribes for United States o f America 3^ percent Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness o f Series B-1958, as follow s: F or own account .. F or our customers Total subscription.............................................................. $................................. and tenders in payment therefor a like par amount o f 1 % % Treasury Notes o f Series B-1957, maturing May 15, 1957, with May 15, 1957 coupons attached. Delivered to you herewith............................................................................................................. $................................. To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u .......................................................................... $................................. To be delivered b y ............................................................................................................................ $................................. Pay interest due subscriber in accordance with Section IV of Treasury Department Circular No. 988 on notes surrendered, as follows: □ B y check □ B y credit to our reserve account C E R T IF IC A T E S D E S IR E D IN E X C H A N G E NOTES SURRENDERED see* Denomi nation $ Face amount (Leavt this spact blank) Pieces Denomi nation * 1,000 1,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 TOTAL TO T A L Dispose o f securities issued, as follows: ] 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned ] 2. H old in safekeeping (fo r member bank only) ] 3. H old as collateral fo r Treasury Tax and Loan Account acknowledge receipt o f the notes tendered in exchange for United itea o f Am erica 3 % % Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness o f •ies B-1958, dated M ay 1, 1957, due A pril 15, 1958. The certificates >tted will be delivered in accordance with your instructions on ,y 15, 1957. (L eave this space blank) Face amount □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: NONNEGOTIABLE RECEIPT No.. Jotice: I f the new securities are to be delivered at the Federal Reserve Bank o f New Y ork over the counter to your representative the follow ing authority should be exeouted only on the date o f delivery. Y ou are hereby authorized to deliver to (Name of Representative) hose signature appears below $....................................... VP»* amount f securities issued in exchange fo r those above described. Name. F ederal R eserve B a n k of New Y ork, Fiscal Agent o f the United States, Government Bond Division Issues & Redemption Section (Please Print) (par amount) (Official Signature Required) (Signature of Authorized Representative) Teller (Please type or print legibly) Submit in Triplicate N -l Subscriber’ s Reference No. Subscription Number EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States o f America 3 % Percent Treasury Notes o f Series A-1962 Dated May 1, 1957, Due February 15, 1962 From. Dated at .1957 F ederal R e serve B a n k op N ew Y ork, Fiscal Agent o f the United States, New York 45, N. Y. Attention Government Bond Division D ear S ir s : Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 989, dated May 6, 1957, the undersigned hereby subscribes for United States o f America 3 % percent Treasury Notes o f Series A-1962, as follow s: F or own a c c o u n t...................................................................................................................................... $ F or our customers as listed on reverse side (fo r use o f banking institutions) $................................. ......................... Total subscription. and tenders in payment therefor a like par amount o f 1 % % Treasury Notes of Series B-1957, maturing May 15, 1957, with May 15, 1957 coupons attached. Delivered to you herewith............................................................................................................. $................................. To be withdrawn from securities held by yo u .......................................................................... $................................. To be delivered b y ............................................................................................................................ $............................. Pay interest due subscriber in accordance with Section IV o f Treasury Department Circular No. 989 on notes surrendered, as follows: □ B y check □ B y credit to our reserve account N OTES SU RREN D ERED NOTES D E SIR E D IN E XC H A N G E (List serial numbers on reverse side) Denomi nation •08 t Face amount (Leave this space blank) Denomi nation Pieces 1,000 $ (Leave this space blanlc) Face amount 1,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 TOTAL TO T A L ... Dispose o f securities issued, as follows: 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned 2. H old in safekeeping (fo r member bank only) 3. H old as collateral fo r Treasury Tax and Loan Account □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: (IM P O R T A N T : N o changes in d eliv ery instructions w ill b e a ccep ted . A separate subscrip tion must be subm itted f o r each grou p o f securities as to w hich differen t d eliv ery instructions are g iv e n .) 'h e u n dersig n ed h ereb y certifies th at th e securities t o be >osed o f as in d ica ted in item 2 or 3 a b o v e are the o le p ro p e rty o f the u ndersigned . Submitted by The subscription books will open on May 6, and close at the close of business May 8, 1957. (Please print) By ............. By (Authorized signature(s) required) Title . . ..................... Title ................. Address (S p a ce s b e lo w are fo r the use o f the F ed eral R eserve Bank o f New Y o r k ) G overn m en t B ond V au lt B ecord S a f e k e e p in g Beceived Counted Beceived Checked Checked Checked and delivered B ecord Beceived from F e d e r a l B e s e r v e B a n k o k N e w Y States obligations in the amount subscribed for. ork the above described United List of Customers Included in this Subscription <Ltav* this space blank) Amount Subscribed Name o f Customer ( Please Print or typewrite) DENOMINATIONS AND SERIAL NUMBERS OF NOTES SURRENDERED Address Duplicate SECURITY RECORDS “ OUT TICKET” N-2 Subscriber’s Reference No. Subscription Number EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States o f America 3 % Percent Treasury Notes o f Series A-1962 Dated May 1, 1957, Due February 15, 1962 F rom . Dated at .1957 F ederal R eserve B a n k op N ew Y ork, Fiscal Agent o f the United States, N ew Y o r k 45, N . Y . Attention Government Bond Division D e a r S ir s : Subject to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 989, dated May 6, 1957, the undersigned hereby subscribes for United States of America 3 % percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1962, as follow s: F or own a c c o u n t...................................................................................................................................... $................................. F or our customers as listed on reverse side (fo r use o f banking institutions) ......................... $................................. Total subscription.............................................................. $................................. and tenders in payment therefor a like par amount o f 1 % % Treasury Notes o f Series B-1957, maturing May 15,1957, with May 15, 1957 coupons attached. Delivered to you herewith............................................................................................................. $................................. To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u .......................................................................... $................................. To be delivered b y .................................................................... ....................................................... $................................. Pay interest due subscriber in accordance with Section IV of Treasury Department Circular No. 989 on notes surrendered, as follows: □ B y check □ B y credit to our reserve account N OTES SURRENDERED NOTES D E SIR E D IN EXCH AN G E (List serial numbers on reverse side) Denomi nation ces $ Face amount (Leave this space blank) Denomi nation Pieces 1,000 $ 5,000 Face amount (Leave this space blank) 1,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 TO T A L TO TAL Dispose of securities issued, as follows: ] 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned ] 2. Hold in safekeeping (fo r member bank only) ] 3. Hold as collateral for Treasury Tax and Loan Account T h* u n d e r s ig n e d h e re b y c e rtifies th a t th e se c u ritie s to b e d is p o s e d o f a s in d ic a te d in item 2 or 3 a b o v e a r e the to le p r o p e r ty o f th e u n d e r s ig n e d . __ ___________________ □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: ( I M P O R T A N T : N o c h a n g e s in d e liv e r y in stru c tio n s w ill b e a c c e p te d . A s e p a r a te su b s c rip tio n m u st b e s u b m itte d f o r e a c h g r o u p o f se c u ritie s a s to w h ic h d iffe r e n t d e liv e r y in stru c tio n s a r e g i v e n .) Submitted by (Please print) The subscription books will open on May 6, and close at the close of business May 8, 1957. Address ( S p a c e s b e lo w a r e f o r th e u se o f th e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k o f N e w Y o r k ) SECURITY RECORDS “IN TICKET” Subscription Number List of Customers Included in this Subscription ( Leave this space blank) Amount Subscribed, Name of Customer ( Please print or typewrite) DENOMINATIONS AND SERIAL NUMBERS OF NOTES SURRENDERED Address Triplicate BLOTTER RECORD N -3 Subscriber’s Beference No. Subscription Number EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION F o r U n ited States o f A m erica 3 % P e rce n t T reasu ry N otes o f Series A -1 96 2 D ated M ay 1, 1 95 7, D u e F e b ru a ry 15, 1962 ?rom. Dated at .1957 F ederal R eserve B a n k op New Y ork, Fiscal Agent of the United States, New York 45, N. Y. Attention Government Bond Division D e a r S ir s : (Leave blank) Subject to the provisions o f Treasury Department Circular No. 989, dated May 6, 1957, the undersigned hereby subscribes for United States o f America 3 % percent Treasury Notes of Series A-1962, as follows: F or own account .. F or our customers Total subscription.............................................................. $................................. and tenders in payment therefor a like par amount o f 1 % % Treasury Notes of Series B-1957, maturing May 15,1957, with May 15, 1957 coupons attached. Delivered to you herewith............................................................................................................. $................................. To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u .......................................................................... $................................. To be delivered b y ............................................................................................................................ $................................. Pajr interest due subscriber in accordance with Section IV o f Treasury Department Circular No. 989 on notes surrendered, as follows: □ B y check □ By credit to our reserve account NOTES D E SIR E D IN E XC H A N G E N OTES SU RREN D ERED Denomi nation $ Face amount (Leave this space blank) Denomi nation Pieces $ 1,000 1,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 TOTAL TO T A L dispose o f securities issued, as follow s: 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned 2. H old in safekeeping (fo r member bank only) 3. H old as collateral fo r Treasury Tax and Loan Account icknowledge receipt o f the notes tendered in exchange for United 38 o f Am erica 3 % % Treasury Notes o f Series A-1962, dated 1, 1957, due February 15, 1962. The notes allotted will be ered in accordance with your instructions on M ay 15, 1957. □ □ (Leave this space blank) Face amount 4. Ship to the undersigned 5. Special instructions: NONNEGOTIABLE RECEIPT No.. tic e : I f the new securities are to be delivered at the Federal Reserve Bank o f New Y ork over the counter to your representative the follow ing authority should be executed only on the date o f delivery. You are hereby authorized to deliver to (Name of Representative) ose signature appears below $....................................... ..par amount securities issued in exchange for those above described. Name. (Please Print) F e d eral R eserve B a n k op ork, (par amount) (Official Signature Required) (Signature of Authorized Representative) New Y Fiscal Agent o f the United States, Government Bond Division Issues & Redemption Section Teller