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Fiscal Agent of the United States

r Circular No.


4 4 28*1
February 19, 1957 J

Deposits o f March Tax Collections in Treasury Tax and Loan Accounts

To all Treasury T ax and Loan D epositaries
in th e Second Federal Reserve D istrict:

The T reasury Departm ent has announced that D irectors o f Internal Revenue w ill be
instructed to make special deposits with F ederal R eserve Banks, during the period M arch 1
through A p ril 5, 1957, o f checks o f $10,000 or m ore, representing paym ents o f corporation
and individual income taxes.

The T reasury has also announced that drawee banks

qualified as Special D epositaries o f P ublic M oneys m ay receive 50 per cent o f these rem itĀ­
tances fo r deposit in T reasury T ax and L oan Accounts, subject, however, to the condiĀ­
tion that the T reasury may find it necessary either to increase or decrease the percentage
amount o f the checks fo r credit to the T ax and L oan A ccounts from time to time
during the period, if such action is required to prevent undue fluctuations in the amount
o f the balances in the accounts o f the T reasurer o f the U nited States with F ederal
R eserve Banks.
W e w ill prepare daily a special form o f cash letter, with an attached certificate
form , fo r the M arch tax checks included in the special deposits o f the D irectors o f Internal
Revenue during the period. The amount shown in the certificate will be fo r 50 per cent
o f the amount o f those checks eligible fo r credit to T reasury T ax and Loan A ccounts or
fo r such other percentage o f the amount o f the checks as the T reasury m ay subsequently
specify. Special depositaries w ishing to accept fo r deposit in T ax and Loan Accounts the
amount shown in the certificate attached to the cash letter should execute and return the
certificate, in accordance w ith the instructions contained in the cash letter.
A dditional copies o f this circular will be furnished upon request.




