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TRANSACTIONS INCIDENT TO TRADE WITH MEMBERS LICENSED TRADE AREA " NOT "THE PROCLAIMED LIST INVOLVING OF " T H E PERSONS OF CERTAIN BLOCKED GENERALLY NAMED IN NATIONALS" Treasury Department FOREIGN FUNDS CONTROL As GENERAL LICENSE NO. UNDER EXECUTIVE SECTION FIRST 5(b) WAR (1) actions wares bers the on ACT, general of, or on or provided (a) Such the involves since the (b) List country licensed Such transaction tain Blocked has at Order had any banking cepting for or cense, ized, or bona not fide any such the Order that: of or whose Blocked trans- of goods, the area, had of, or of by, or of or a ( i i ) has any complied name not is national at interwith: pursuant appears Nationals", thereof mem- members national are on b e h a l f person not involve or within or (ii) the on on (ii) the to "The any gener- or since within blocked the the drawn, under letters transfer of (i) List of country any Cer- or licensed effective any any or or na- trade date (from such States, of of the credit, in to this and is is or to ac- themselves making any with any general herein shipping transaction exportation or connection transaction the prior credit, reimbursing of pursuant other itself United letters credit, exportation importation any generally advising drafts (i) in which Proclaimed and or in property on " T h e within time s ha 11 s a t i s f y otherwise) any trade date appears engaging of THE all of the 9193, BY area; made, or 1944 CONTROL* transaction licensed national does paying importation such by, interest ; or (i) any between conditions institution payment or and in w h i c h Certain or confirming payments other of any area FUNDS exporting States direction any AMENDED licensing and and Nationals*', thereof issuing, not (i) name area, Any is trade whose tional (c) terms of ally person the property transaction Proclaimed if effective direction blocked area 21, ORDER NO. AS FOREIGN granted generally following TO United trade to the EXECUTIVE importing the trade pursuant the hereby the licensed within transaction time is between licensed country RELATING to February AS AMENDED, WITH THE ENEMY A C T , license generally 53, AS AMENDED, 1941, incident merchandise behalf such est, A generally blocked any POWERS the 838 9, OF THE T R A D I N G ordinarily and of ORDER NO. amended li- author- documents incident to customary or a in • P a r t 1 3 1 ; - S e c . 5 < b ) , 4 0 S t a t . 4 1 5 and 9 6 6 ; S e c . 2 . 4 8 S t a t , i ; 54 S t a t . 1 7 9 ; 5 5 Stat. 83 8 : E x . O r d e r 8 3 8 9 . A p r i l 1 0 . 1 9 4 0 . » s amended b y E x . O r d e r 8 7 8 5 . J u n e 1 4 , 1 941 , E x . Order 8 8 3 2 . J u l y 2 5 . 1 9 4 1 . E x . O r d e r 8 9 6 3 . D e c . 9 . 1 941 . and E x . Order 8 9 9 8 . D e c . 2 6 . 1 9 4 1 : Ex. O r d e r 9 1 9 3 . J u l y 6 . 1 94 2 : R e g u l a t i o n s , A p r i l 1 0 , 1 9 4 0 . a s a m e n d e d J u n e 1 4 , 1 9 4 1 , a n d J u l y 2 6 . 1 94 1 • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 4 - 4 - 2 the normal course importation sums of ( i i ) such (2) United so to such the area (3) suant in to solely a in not General by a bank order the or the for shall not withdrawal from any be also bank; deemed to account; are in and area any paragraph engage in licensed transaction trade to area of the such pur- a blocked same extent, transaction however, payment, provided complied the while country. national any general generally provided, permit made within to any though this to licensed of the and be authorized, authorize trade as of licensed the such license. business blocked account such conditions is of with will this referred generally licensed blocked and a or of hereby within of circumstances, of also value transaction; is doing national shall the such conditions transaction License account terms is nationals generally same and persons the corresponds conditions country such within of the the any involving are terms license that paragraph following to that exportation and blocked engage who for a and reasonably financing terms other of extent within under all to the country and the same This engaged or all to transaction trade importation pursuant licensed, (1) in national States business, involved to Subject any of exportation money pursuant license or - were that this transfer further or that the with: New m a t e r ia 1 A p r i l 13, (a) Such the transaction direction Proclaimed blocked (b) transaction area, has at Order had any (4) As (a) The used in term not of, name or pursuant appears Nationals", thereof involve Nationals", any whose Blocked appears thereof on b e h a l f not or within on (ii) the to "The any gener- area; does name Blocked or person national trade whose by, any Certain or Such tain not (i) of licensed national List country ally person is of not time or or the in w h i c h Proclaimed ( i i ) within on property on " T h e any blocked generally since the (i) List of country licensed effective any Cer- date or trade of the mean the interest. this general "generally license: licensed trade area" shall following: (i) the Amer ica n Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, (13) Republics Brazil, (7) (10) El Honduras, Panama, (2 0 ) (3) (17) Cuba, (8) Salvador, (14) Paraguay, Venezuela; , (4) i.e. , (1) Chile, The (18) (2) Colombia, (6) Republic, (9) Dominican (11) Mexico, Argentina, (5) Guatemala, (15) Peru, (12) Haiti, Nicaragua, (19) Uruguay, (16) and 1943 -3 (ii) the British United Commonwealth Kingdom Ireland), tralia, (England, (2) New the (9) (6) all (3) Egypt, and by United the (10) of (iv) the Faroe Islands; (v) the Netherlands (vi) the Belgian ( 1 ) S y r i a and l a n d s ; a nd ) Isle or by any under British Aus- Africa of Man, (8) the territories Socialist and (5) Iraq, British administered Dominion; Republics; Indies; and Ruanda -Urund i ; Lebanon; (1) French (2) New C a l e d o n i a ; Equatorial in Provided, however, or other (2) Africa, the New including Tahiti; (4) Hebrides the the Is- Cameroons; French Estab- India; area" shall trolled and (3) lishments trade or the protectorates West (Canada, South the Northern I c e la nd ; (ix ) x (4) of (1 ) and Greenland; (v i i i ) ( Soviet Congo Dominions mandated Kingdom Union i.e. , Scotland Ang 1 o - E g y p t ia n S o u d a n , and the Nations, Union Eire, all (iii) (vii) the (7) colonies Crown, of Wales, British Zealand, Newfoundland), India, - not occupied authority that the include by the of Japan, term " g e n e r a l l y any territory military, naval Germany, or or licensed which is police Italy, conforces or allies t he r e o f . (b) The term shall divisions ( c ) The any mean tionals" the of of the comprising term "The shall to "member" mean as the the Proclaimed "The generally foreign generally List Proclaimed amended proclamation and of of Certain List 17, or licensed of supplemented July licensed countries trade area political sub- trade Blocked Certain N a t i ona I s " Blocked promulgated Na- pursuant 1941. RANDOLPH Acting area. Secretary of PAUL the Treasury P a r a g r a p h (4 ) ( c ) d e l e t e d and p a r a g r a p h ( 4 ) ( d ) renumbered p a r a g r a p h (4 ) ( c ) F e b r u a r y 2 1 . 1944