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FED ERAL RE SE R V E BANK OF NEW YORK Fiscal A g en t of the U nited States r C ircular N o. 4 3 5 9 "I L A u g u st 8, 1956 J T R E A S U R Y ’S C U R R E N T C A SH O F F E R IN G 2% P ercen t T a x A n tic ip a tio n C ertificates o f In d eb ted n ess o f S eries B-1957 A m o u n t o f S u b scrip tio n s and B asis o f A llo tm e n t To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict: The following statem ent was made public today: The T reasury today announced a 29 percent allotm ent on subscriptions in excess of $100,000 fo r the cu rren t cash offering of $3 billion of 2% percent tax anticipation certificates. Subscriptions for $100,000 or less will be allotted in full. Subscriptions for more th an $100,000 will be allotted not less th an $100,000. R eports received thus fa r from the F ederal Reserve Banks show th a t subscriptions to tal about $10,600 million. D etails by F ederal Reserve Dis tricts as to subscriptions an d allotm ents will be announced when final reports are received from the F ederal Reserve Banks. A lfred H ayes, President.