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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF N E W YORK , _ n Loan Department r Circular No. 4201 { November 22, 1921J R a t e s of I n t e r e s t o r D i s c o u n t R e c e i v e d b y O n P a p e r Offered f o r Banks Rediscount To all Member Banks in the Second Federal Reserve District: In order t h a t the officers of this bank might be fully informed of prevailing rates of interest and discount in this district, certain of the member banks have heretofore been good enough to furnish us periodically with reports of the rates which they are charging upon various classes of loans and investments. This information has proved to be of such value t h a t it has been decided to supplement it by requesting member banks to report the rate of interest or discount received by them upon each note or bill offered to us for rediscount. As this additional information will assist us in keeping in touch with credit conditions throughout the entire district, the banks applying for rediscounts will, we trust, be ready to cooperate by filling out the appropriate column in the new forms of application blank, copies of which are enclosed herewith. Very truly yours, B E N J . STRONG, Governor tn»10MU-21 SPECIAL FORM OF APPLICATION FOR REDISCOUNT OR ADVANCE SECURED BY OBLIGATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SHEET NO. To be made in duplicate. KEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK, 192 Dated Corner Nassau and Pine Streets, New York, N. Y. hereby makes application for:— The Hank <>f which are listed in detail in the (a) The rediscount of notes aggregating $ following schedule: days, secured by bonds, notes, or (b) An advance of $ upon its promissory note for certilicttel of indebtedness of the United States Government or by our mers notes so secured aggregating $ which are listed in detail in the following schedule: Y«m are hereby authorized to charge the rediscount! or advance above described to our account with you at maturity. RATI OP INTIUMT MAKER ADDRESS INOOR8CRS DISCOUNT MCCIVID AMOUNT NOTE OF A M O U N T OPCOLLATERAL TOTALS li • *£3-5 I, , Cashier of the Bank of , hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the original loans which are evidenced by the notes listed in the foregoing schedule, were made for the purpose of carrying or trading in bonds, notes or certificates of indebtedness of the United States Government, and are secured by a pledge of the collateral above described. On this date the total amount of money borrowed by this bank on bills payable, rediscounts or otherwise, | Federal Reserve Bank $ H ] Other Banks $ Cashier • I C iNtTNUCTIONS AND • M C l M f N F O K M O N MACK To APPLICATION FOR REDISCOUNT OR ADVANCE THE F E D E R A L R E S E R V E BANK OP N SHEET NO. To be made in duplu Dated KK, 192 ner Nassau and Pine Streets, New nk of hereby mak< ting $ : accepta are listed in detail in the folk) (b) An advivu> of $ accept i are hereby autl upon its prot which , which secured by the notes, drafts, bills of exchange or ! in detail in the following schedule: the rediscounti or advance above described to our account with yo maturity. MAKER • • T O N « T WORTH ADDRESS INOORSERS IU8INE8B / O M W A T I N O \ MATURITY m AMOUN TOTAL I , Cashier of t h e Bank of • n e r e D > ' certify that to t h e best of m y knowledge and belief, t h e original loans which are evidenced b y the notes, drafts, bills of exchange or acceptances listed in the foregoing schedule, were made for agricultural, industrial or commercial purposes, and I further certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, t h e n o t e s draft?, bill* of exchange or acceptances listed in this schedule are eligible for rediscount with or purchase by F e d e r a l Reserve Banks under the regulations of t h e Federal Reserve Board. O n this date the total amount of money borrowed by this bank on bills payable, rediscounts or otherwise, i s : F e d e r a l Reserve Bank $ 0 t h e r RankS $ Cashier. PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY Please give, with respect to each name, commercial agency rating if available, and your estimate of present net worth, if your files contain such information. Indicate your estimate of the net worth by placing the letters "N. W." before your figures. Insert the name of the agency at the top of the column if ratings are given. Insert either a " D " or a " P " in the column headed "Depositors or Purchased" to indicate whether the paper was discounted for a depositor or purchased. The "D" should appear on the line with the name of the discounter. Please show in the appropriate column the rate of interest or discount received by you on all paper offered for rediscount. Insert an "S" in the column headed "Statement," on the line with each party whose statement is on file. Notes, drafts, bills of exchange and acceptances submitted for rediscount or as collateral should be indorsed in blank in the following form: First National Bank, Blankville, N. Y. Cashier. Each indorsement of a member bank should be signed by an officer whose signature and authority to indorse have been filed with this bank. A promissory note of a member bank must have a maturity not exceeding fifteen days from date of discount. Industrial and commercial paper must have a maturity not exceeding ninety days from date of rediscount, or from date of advance, if used as collateral. Agricultural or live stock paper must have a maturity not exceeding six months from date of rediscount, or from date of advance if used as collateral. For further information regarding paper eligible for rediscount or purchase by Federal Reserve Banks, see Regulations A and B, Series of 1920, Federal Reserve Board. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK O F N E W YORK. SPECIMEN FORM O F APPLICATION SHOWING DESIRED ARRANGEMENT OF DETAILS UMB ADDRESS 'ROt BUSINESS EOT'O N E T W O R T H OR R A T I N G ( XAgency \ MATURITY It-J D O W S E R S C . P . Scudder A . P . Crawford Blankville ir Fanner N.W. 10,000 Feed & Grain 50/75 - l j - 8/3 50 For purchase of fee£ P . J . Crockett West B l a n k v i l l e Farmer For purchase of horse N.W. 3,5C0 8/15 6 200 W.B. Richter Annie Richter Uf r.Basl© t s 20/35 - 2 Wife N.W. 1,000 For purchase of m a t e r i a l s 8/30 6 1,050 General Building Co. Jones Brick Co- Brooklyn Builders 75/l25-l|Blankville Brick Mfrs. 35/50-2 For purchase of t r i c k Over Chicago Packers 1,000,000 9/18 Western Packing Co. Blankville 4,500 6 5,000 9/33 v Unit ed Woolen Co. A.B. Jones James. & Co. Boston M f r s . Woolajs 500/750-1 President 10/1 2,500 Blankville Hardware 10/20-2! 10/10 For purchase of hardware for seasonal requirements 850 8 Morris Harvey Blankville Cattle dealer 2/3-3 For. purchase of c a t : l e . Collateral, C/W on ten head c a t t l e . 10/15 500 9 Blankville B u t t e r & "E^ 35/50-1 C o l l a t e r a l W/R's fo ? 10,000 l b s . b u t t e r . 10/22 1,500 75/125-1 10/30 N.W. 25,000 N.W. 10,000 I.W. 40,000 materials. 7,500 10 A. F . Schmidt Co. Home F u r n i t u r e Co., I n c . Blankville Mfrs* H A.S. Cox President J . B . Cox Secretary »t Samuel Hood Physician For purchase of lumier and other £. "i PLEASE NOTE SPACE LEFT BETWEEN EACH ITEM. $23,650