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f Circular No. 4 1 5 9 1
L October 29, 1954 J

Nomination and Election of Directors
(By member banks in Group 3 only, that is, member banks having capital and
surplus of $500,000 and less)

To M em ber Banks in the Second Federal B eserve D istrict:

In accordance with the provisions of section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, and
4148, d a t e d S e p t e m b e r 24, 1954, i n r e g a r d t o e l e c t i o n o f d i r e c t o r s o f t h is B a n k f o r t e r m s o f
o ffic e f r o m J a n u a r y 1, 1955, t o D e c e m b e r 31, 1957, t o s u c c e e d F. P a l m e r A r m s t r o n g , c la s s A d i r e c t o r , a n d
J o h n E. B i e r w i r t h , c la s s B d i r e c t o r , w h o s e t e r m s e x p i r e D e c e m b e r 31, 1954, t h e r e a r e s h o w n o n p a g e s
2 a n d 3 th e n a m e s o f th e c a n d id a t e s n o m i n a t e d f o r s u c h d i r e c t o r s , a n d b y w h o m n o m in a t e d .
C ir c u la r N o.

To each bank in Group 3, except banks affiliated with holding company affiliates which have desig­
nated another bank to participate in this election,* the following are being sent with this circular:
(a) Preferential ballot for use in voting for candidates for class A director and class B director.
(b) Colored ballot envelope in which the ballot is to be sealed.
(c) Certificate envelope bearing on its face the certificate in regard to the vote.
(d) Addressed envelope in which all of the foregoing should be returned to me.
The ballot and certificate on the certificate envelope must be executed by an officer who has been
authorized to cast the vote. A list showing the officers designated for this purpose by the respective
member banks in Group 3 was attached to the above mentioned circular dated September 24, 1954, and a
similar list amended to October 26, 1954, is attached to this circular beginning at page 4. In order that the
ballot may be secret, the name of the bank and the name and title of the voting officer should not be written
on the ballot, but should be written only on the certificate envelope.
(1) After the preferential ballot has been marked,
(2) It should be placed in the colored ballot envelope and that envelope sealed.
(3) Then the sealed colored ballot envelope should be placed within the certificate envelope,
and the certificate envelope should be sealed and the certificate thereon executed.
(4) Then the certificate envelope containing the sealed colored ballot envelope should be
returned to me in the enclosed addressed envelope.
The law provides that the ballot shall be cast within 15 days after receipt of the list of candidates
transmitted herewith. The polls will open on November 1, 1954, and will close at 12 o ’clock noon, on Tuesday,
November 16, 1954, and in order to be counted as valid the ballot must be received by me at or before
the latter time. Upon the closing of the polls the ballot box will be opened in the board room of this Bank,
the sealed envelopes containing the ballots will be opened, the votes counted and checked by tellers, and the
results of the election announced. The candidates are invited to be present or represented on this occasion.

Because banks in Groups 1 and 2 will not vote in this election, this circular is sent to them without
forms for their information only.



Chairman of the Board.
A s indicated in Circular N o. 4148, dated September 24, 1954, section 4 o f the Federal Reserve A ct, as amended,
provides that whenever any tw o or more member banks within the same Federal reserve district are affiliated w ith the same
holding com pany affiliate, participation b y such member banks in the election o f directors o f Federal reserve banks shall
be confined to one o f such banks, and the holding com pany affiliate may designate the bank to participate in such election.
Consequently, the ballot o f any bank in Group 3 so affiliated cannot be counted as valid unless there is on file w ith me
evidence that such bank has been so designated.

Candidate fo r Class A D irector

President and Trust Officer, Bound Brook Trust Company, Bound Brook, N. J.
F e r d . I. C o l l i n s was born August 4 , 1 8 9 0 in Newark, New Jersey.
He began his banking career in 1 9 0 6 with a
Newark, New Jersey, bank. He subsequently was employed by a New York City bank and then by the Plainfield Trust
Company, Plainfield, New Jersey, in various clerical capacities. He joined the Bound Brook Trust Company in 1 9 2 3
as secretary-treasurer after having served the three prior years as a junior officer in the Cranford Trust Company,
Cranford, New Jersey. He became a director of the Bound Brook Trust Company in 1 9 2 6 , vice president in 1 9 2 8 , and
president in 1 9 3 4 . Mr. Collins has served as treasurer, vice president, and president of the New Jersey Bankers
Association and is now an honorary vice president and member of the Executive Committee of that Association. He
has served as a member of the Executive Council of the American Bankers Association. He has been active in the
American Institute of Banking, being a graduate of the New York Chapter, class of 1 9 1 5 , and in local banking and civic
circles. He attended the Graduate School of Banking at Rutgers University.

N om inated b y the fo llo w in g m em ber banks in G rou p 3



A lle n to w n
B o o n to n
B o u n d B rook
D u n ellen
D u n ellen

E ast Setauket
E ast S y ra cu se

T h e T in k e r N a tio n a l B a n k o f E ast Setauket
B a n k o f E a st S y ra cu s e


E lle n b u rg D e p o t
E lle n v ille

T h e S tate B a n k o f E lle n b u rg
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C om pa n y
E lle n v ille
T h e F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f E lm s fo r d
T h e E n d ico tt N a tion a l B ank
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f F leisch m a n n s


T h e F a rm e rs

N ation a l B a n k o f

A lle n to w n

L ittfe F a lls
M ad ison

T h e L it t le F a lls N ation a l B ank
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f M adison

P h illip sb u rg

P h illip sb u rg T r u s t C om pany
R a rita n S tate B ank
R id g efield P a r k T r u s t C om pany
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B ank o f R oselle

R oselle
Sou th O ra n ge
S p r in g L a k e
S u ssex
W e s t O ra n ge

B ea con
B ea con

G eneseo

P e o p le ’ s T r u s t C om pany
L e e T r u s t C om pany
C en tral N ation a l B a n k o f F re e h o ld
K ea n sb u rg N ation a l Bank
K e y p o r t B a n k in g C om pany
L a m b e rtv ille N a tio n a l B a n k

S ou th O r a n g e T r u s t C om pany
F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f S p r in g L a k e
T h e F a rm e rs N ation a l B a n k o f S u ssex
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f W e s t O ra n ge

A d d iso n
A ld e n
A m en ia
A rca d e
A v o ca
B a ld w in
B a llston Spa

E lm s fo r d
E n d ico tt
F leisch m anns

B oon ton T r u s t C om pa n y
B o u n d B r o o k T r u s t C om pany
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f D u n ellen

K ea n sb u rg
K e y p o rt
L a m b ertville

R a ritan
R id gefield P a rk

(C o n tin u e d )

N am e o f B a n k o r T r u s t C om pany

T h e B eth el N a tio n a l B a n k

F ort

F o rt L e e
F reeh old


P lace

N am e o f B a n k o r T r u s t C om pany

P la ce


T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f A d d iso n
A ld e n S tate B ank
T h e F ir s t N a tion a l B a n k o f A m e n ia
T h e C itize n s B a n k o f A r c a d e
B ank o f A v o c a
T h e B a ld w in N a tio n a l B a n k and T r u s t C om pany

G en ev a

G enesee V a lle y N a tio n a l B a n k and T r u s t C om pa n y o f
G eneseo
T h e N ation a l B a n k o f G en eva

G ra n d G o rg e
H o o s ic k F a lls

T h e F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f G ra n d G o rg e
T h e P e o p le s -F irst N a tio n a l B a n k o f H o o s ic k F a lls

Ilio n
Ilio n
K in g s P a rk
Ron konkom a
M a d rid

Ilio n N ation a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C om pa n y
T h e M a n u fa c tu r e r s N a tio n a l B a n k o f Ilio n
T h e N a tio n a l B a n k o f K in g s P a rk

M a y v ille
M in o a

T h e S tate B a n k o f M a y v ille , M a y v ille , N e w Y o r k
F ir s t N a tion a l B a n k o f M in o a

M o n tic e llo
M o r r is
N ew b u rgh
N e w fa n e
N o rth C reek
O n e id a
O w ego
O x fo r d
O y s te r B a y
P ort L eyden

T h e N ation a l U n io n B a n k o f M o n tic e llo
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f M o r r is
T h e N ational B a n k o f N ew bu rg h
S tate B a n k o f N e w fa n e
T h e N o rth C reek N a tio n a l B ank
M ad ison C o u n ty T r u s t C o.
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f O w e g o
T h e N a tio n a l B a n k o f O x fo r d
O y s te r B a y T r u s t C om pa n y
T h e P o rt L e y d e n N a tio n a l B a n k

P ou g h k eepsie


P ou g h k eepsie

T h e B a llsto n Spa N ation a l B ank
T h e B ath N a tio n a l Bank
T h e F ish k ill N a tio n a l B a n k o f B e a co n
T h e M a ttea w a n N ation a l B a n k o f B ea con

T h e N a tio n a l B a n k o f L a k e R on k on k om a
M a d rid B ank

F a rm ers a n d M a n u fa c tu r e r s N a tion a l B a n k
P ou ghkeepsie
M erch an ts N a tio n a l B ank & T r u s t C om pa n y o f
P ou gh k e e p sie

R ed H ook

T h e F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f R e d H o o k

S aran ac L a k e

A d ir o n d a ck N a tion a l
S a ra n a c L a k e

S au gerties
S c h u y le rv ille

T h e S a u ge rtie s N a tio n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C om pa n y
T h e N ation a l B ank o f S c h u y le rv ille

S eneca F a lls


S id n e y
S m ith tow n

F irs t N a tio n a l B a n k in S id n e y
B ank o f S m ithtow n



T ru st

C om pany


L in c o ln N a tio n a l B ank
T h e F ir s t N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t
C am den
F ir s t S ta te B a n k , C a n isteo, N . Y .

C ato

T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f Cato
T h e T a n n e r s N a tio n a l B a n k o f Catskill
T h e C h ester N ation a l B ank

S p a rk ill
S p r in g V a lle y

T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B ank o f Spa rk ill
Ram apo T r u s t C om pa n y

C laren ce
C oop erstow n

B a n k o f C laren ce
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f C oop erstow n

T h e re sa
U n adilla

T h e F a rm e rs N a tio n a l B a n k o f T h eresa
T h e U n a d illa N ation a l B ank

C uba

T h e C u ba N a tion a l B ank
T h e D ela w a re N ation a l B a n k o f D e lh i

W a lto n


W a v e r ly

T h e C itizen s N ation a l B a n k o f W a v e r ly

W e lls
W e s tb u r y

T h e H am ilton C o u n ty N ation a l B a n k o f W e lls
B ank o f W e s t b u r y T r u s t C om pa n y

B u ffalo
Cam den

D elh i
D e R u y ter
D o lg e v ille
D o v e r P la in s

C om pa n y


D e R u y te r S tate B ank
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f D o lg e v ille
T h e D o v e r P la in s N a tio n a l B ank



S eneca
N. Y.

C ou n ty

F ir s t N a tio n a l
W a lto n

T ru st C om pany o f



T ru st



Sen eca F a lls,

C om pa n y


C andidate fo r Class B D irector

President, National Distillers Products Corporation, New York, N. Y.
J o h n E. B i e r w i r t h was born in Brooklyn on April 21, 1895.
He was educated at Hotchkiss School, Lakeville,
Connecticut, and received the degree of A.B. from Yale University in 1917. From 1919 through 1929, he was vice
president and director of Thompson-Starrett Company, Inc. He became affiliated with The New York Trust Company
as a vice president in 1929 and became president and trustee in 1941, which position he held until 1949. Since 1949,
he has been the president and a director of the National Distillers Products Corporation. Mr. Bierwirth is a director of
Avco Manufacturing Corporation, Bell Aircraft Corporation, Container Corporation of America, General Time
Corporation, National Shares Corporation, Owens Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line
Company, Trans World Airlines, Inc., National Petro-Chemicals Corporation, Mercantile Stores, Inc., and Presbyterian
Hospital of the City of New York.

Mr. Bierwirth has been serving as a class B director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since March 20, 1953.

N om inated by the fo llo w in g m em ber banks in G rou p 3

P la ce
B ethel
W e s tp o r t

P la ce

N am e o f B ank o r T r u s t C om pany

E ast Setauket

T h e B ethel N ation a l B a n k
F irst N ation a l B ank in W e s tp o r t

E a st S yra cu se
E lle n b u rg D e p o t
E lle n v ille


(C o n tin u e d )

N am e o f B a n k o r T r u s t C om pany
T h e T in k e r N a tio n a l B a n k o f E ast Setauk et
B a n k o f E ast S y ra cu se
T h e S tate B a n k o f E lle n b u rg
T h e F ir s t N ation a l B a n k a n d
E lle n v ille

T rust

C om pa n y


A lle n to w n
B oon ton

T h e F a rm ers N ation a l B a n k o f
B oon ton T r u s t C om pany

B o u n d B ro o k
D u n ellen

B ou n d B rook T r u s t C om pany
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f D un ellen

F leisch m anns
G eneseo

T h e F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f E lm s fo rd
T h e E n d ico tt N ation a l Bank
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B ank o f F leisch m anns
G e n e v e V a lle y N ation a l B ank and T r u s t C om pa n y o f

D u n ellen

T h e P eop le’ s T r u s t C om pany
F o r t L e e T r u s t C om pany

G eneva

T h e N ation a l B ank o f G eneva

T h e C en tral N ation a l B a n k o f F re e h o ld
T h e K ea n sb u rg N a tion a l Bank

G ra n d G o rg e
H o o sick F a lls


U ion

I lio n

F ort L ee
F reeh old
K ea n sb u rg
K e y p o rt
L a m b ertville
L ittle F a lls
M ad ison
P h illip sb u rg
R aritan
R id gefield Parle
R oselle
Sou th O ra n ge
S p r in g L a k e
S u ssex
W e s t O ra n ge

B a ld w in
B a llston Spa

K e y p o rt B a n k in g C om pany

T h e F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f M ad ison
P h illip sb u rg T r u s t C om pany
R a rita n S tate B ank
R id gefield P a rk T r u s t C om pany
T h e F ir s t N ation a l B ank o f R oselle
S outh O ra n g e T r u s t C om pany
F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f S p r in g L a k e
T h e F a rm ers N ation a l B a n k o f S u ssex
T h e F irst N ational B ank o f W e s t O ra n g e

C anisteo
C ato

F ir s t S tate B a n k , C anisteo, N . Y .
T h e F irst N ation a l B a n k o f C ato

C larence
C oop erstow n

F ir s t N a tion a l
^tlU U V U



T ru st

T h e S tate B ank o f M a y v ille , M a y v ille , N e w Y o r k
F irs t N ation a l B ank o f M in oa

M on ticello
M o r r is
N ew bu rgh

T h e N a tio n a l U n io n B a n k o f M o n tice llo
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f M o r ris
T h e N ation a l B a n k o f N ew b u rgh

P ou gh k eepsie
R ed H ook
S a ra n a c Lake

T h e M atteaw a n N ation a l B a n k o f B ea con
L in co ln N a tio n a l Bank

M a y v ille
M in oa

P ort Leyden
P ou gh k eepsie

T h e C itizen s B a n k o f A r c a d e
B a n k o f A v o ca
T h e B a ld w in N a tio n a l B a n k and T r u s t C om pany
T h e B a llston Spa N ation a l B ank
T h e B ath N ation a l B ank
T h e F ish k ill N a tio n a l B ank o f B ea con

T h e N ation a l B a n k o f K in g s P a rk

O neida
O w eg o
O x fo r d
O y s te r B ay

T h e F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f A d d iso n
A ld e n S ta te B ank
T h e F ir s t N a tion a l B a n k o f A m en ia

S au g erties
S ch u y le rv ille
C om pa n y


Sen eca F a lls
S id n e y
S m ith tow n
S pa rk ill

T h e T a n n e r s N a tio n a l B a n k o f C atskill
T h e C h ester N ational B ank
B a n k o f C larence
T h e F ir s t N a tion a l B a n k o f C oop erstow n

F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f G ra n d G o rg e
P e o p le s -F ir st N ation a l B a n k o f H o o s ic k F a lls
N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C om pa n y
M a n u fa c tu r e r s N a tio n a l B a n k o f Ilio n

K in g s P ark
R on konkom a
M a d rid

N e w fa n e
N orth Creek


B ea con
B ea con
B u ffalo
Cam den

C h ester

E lm sfo rd
E n dicott

T h e L a m b ertv ille N ation a l B a n k
T h e L ittle F a lls N a tio n a l B ank

A d d ison
A lden
A m en ia
A rca d e
A v o ca

A llen tow n


T h e N a tio n a l B a n k o f L a k e R onkonkom a
M a d rid B ank

S tate B a n k o f N e w fa n e
T h e N o rth C reek N ational B a n k
M a d ison C ou n ty T r u s t C o.
T h e F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f O w e g o
T h e N a tio n a l B a n k o f O x fo r d
O y s te r B a y T r u s t C om pany
T h e P o r t L e y d e n N ational B ank
T h e F a rm e rs and M a n u fa ctu re rs N ation a l B a n k o f
P ou gh k eepsie
M e rch a n ts N ation a l B ank & T r u s t C om pa n y o f
P ou gh k eepsie
T h e F ir s t N ation a l B a n k o f R e d H ook
A d ir o n d a ck N a tio n a l B ank and T r u s t C om pa n y o f
S a ra n a c L a k e
T h e S a u g e rtie s N ation a l B ank and T r u s t C om pany
T h e N ation a l B a n k o f S ch u y le rv ille
T h e S e n e ca C o u n ty T r u s t C om pany o f S e n e ca
N. Y.

T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B ank o f Spa rk ill

S p r in g V a lle y

R a m a po T r u s t C om pany

T h eresa
U n a d illa

T h e F a rm ers N ation a l B ank o f T h e re sa
T h e U n a d illa N ation a l B ank

W a lto n


D elhi

T h e C uba N ation a l B ank
T h e D elaw are N ation a l B a n k o f D elhi

D e R u yter
D o lg ev ille

D e R u y te r S tate B ank
T h e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f D o lg e v ille

W a v e r ly

T h e C itizen s N a tion a l B ank o f W a v e r ly

W e lls

T h e H am ilton C ou n ty N ation a l B a n k o f W e lls

D o v e r P lain s

T h e D o v e r P la in s N ation a l B ank

W e s tb u r y

B a n k o f W e s tb u r y T r u s t C om pany



F ir s t N ation a l B a n k in S id n e y
B ank o f S m ith tow n

F ir s t N ation a l
W a lto n


an d

T ru st

C om pa n y


1 9 5 4 E le ctio n o f D irectors

List of 411 Member Banks in Group 3
Revised to October 26, 1954

Group 3 consists of member banks having capital and surplus of $500,000 and less
South Norwalk
Stam ford
W estport

Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast V ote

The Bethel National B a n k ...............................................
The F irst N ational Bank and Trust Company
o f R id g e fie ld ..........................................................................
The City N ational Bank o f South N orw alk . . . .
The Security Bank and Trust Com pany . . . .
F irst N ational Bank in W e s t p o r t ..................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, or Treasurer
President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Allentow n
A tlantic
H ighlands
B ayonne
Bloom field
Bloom sbury
B ogota
B ogota
Bound Brook
B radley Beach

The F irst N ational Bank o f A lle n d a le ...........................
The Farm ers N ational Bank o f Allentown

. President, V ice President, or Cashier
. President, V ice President, or Cashier

The A tlantic H ighlands N ational B a n k ...........................
The B roadw ay N ational Bank o f Bayonne . . . .
The Belm ar N ational B a n k ...............................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B e l v i d e r e ...........................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B la ir s to w n ...........................
Community Trust Company o f Bloom field . . . .
The Citizens National Bank o f Bloom sbury
Bank o f B o g o t a ...................................................................
The B ogota N ational B a n k ...............................................
The Boonton N ational B a n k ........................................
Boonton Trust C o m p a n y ......................................................
Bound B rook Trust C o m p a n y ........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B radley Beach .
The Branchville N ational B a n k ........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B u t l e r ..................................


C alif on
Cedar Grove
C lifton

The Citizens N ational Bank and Trust Company
o f C a l d w e l l ..........................................................................
Hunterdon County Trust C o m p a n y ..................................
Carteret Bank and Trust C o m p a n y .................................
F irst N ational Bank in C a r t e r e t ........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f Cedar Grove .
Bank o f A l l w o o d ...................................................................
The Clinton N ational B a n k ...............................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f C lin t o n .................................
Closter N ational Bank and Trust Company . . . .


President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Treasurer
President, any V ice President, or Treasurer
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
the Assistant to the President

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. President, any V ice
. President, any V ice
President, any V ice
. President, any V ice
. President, any V ice
. President, any V ice
. President, any V ice

President, or Treasurer
President, or Cashier
President, or Cashier
President, or Cashier
President, or Cashier
President, or Cashier
President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f C r a n b u r y ...........................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f D u n e lle n ...........................


The P e o p le ’ s Trust C o m p a n y ...............................................

Edgew ater

The Edgew ater N ational B a n k ........................................

. President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, Treasurer, or
Assistant Treasurer
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f Englishtown .




. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Farm ingdale

The F irst N ational Bank o f Farm ingdale .




. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Flem ington

The F lem ington N ational Bank and Trust Company .

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F ords N ational B a n k ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


N E W JE R SE Y ( Continued)

F o rt Lee
F o rt Lee
Ham burg
H ope
J amesburg
K eyp ort
K eyport
Lam bertville
L ittle Falls
L on g Branch
L on g Branch
M ilford

Officers Authorized to Cast V ote

Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company


President, any V ice President, or Cashier
F irst N ational Bank in F o rt Lee
F o rt Lee Trust C o m p a n y ............................................................. President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Secretary and Treasurer
Sussex County Trust C o m p a n y ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Treasurer
The Central N ational Bank o f F r e e h o l d ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The U nion N ational Bank o f F r e n c h to w n ........................... President, or Cashier
Peapack-Gladstone B a n k ............................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The H ackettstown N ational B a n k ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Haledon N ational B a n k ............................................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The H ardyston N ational Bank o f Ham burg
. . . .
The F irst N ational Bank o f H o p e ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f J a m e s b u r g ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The K eansburg N ational B a n k ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The K eyp ort B anking C o m p a n y ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The P e o p le ’ s N ational Bank o f K e y p o r t ........................... President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
The Lam bertville N ational B a n k ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Little Falls N ational B a n k ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Livingston N ational B a n k ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Long Branch Banking C o m p a n y .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
L on g Branch Trust C o m p a n y ............................................... President
The F irst N ational Bank o f M a d is o n ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Manasquan N ational B a n k ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Farm ers and Merchants N ational Bank o f Matawan President, any V ice President, or Cashier
T he Matawan B a n k ................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f M i l f o r d ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier

M illtown
N etcong
Palisades Park
Park R idge
Rochelle Park
Sea B right
South Am boy

The F irst N ational Bank o f M illt o w n .................................
The Citizens N ational Bank o f N e t c o n g ...........................
The F irst N ational Bank o f O r a d e l l .................................
The N ational Bank o f Palisades P a r k .................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f Park R i d g e ...........................
Phillipsburg T rust C o m p a n y ......................................................
M id-City Trust C o m p a n y ......................................................
Raritan State B a n k ...................................................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Treasurer
President, any V ice President, or Treasurer
President, Cashier, or Secretary

Ridgefield Park Trust C o m p a n y ........................................
Rochelle Park Bank, o f Rochelle Park, N . J ........................
The F irst N ational Bank o f R o s e l l e .................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f S a y r e v ille .................................
The Sea B rig h t N ational B a n k ...............................................
Peoples National Bank o f S e c a u c u s ........................................
The Second N ational Bank o f S o m e r v ille ...........................
The F irst N ational Bank o f South A m b o y ...........................

President, any V ice President, or Secretary
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, Cashier, or Assistant Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier

South Orange

South Orange Trust C o m p a n y ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Treasurer

South Plainfield

The F irst N ational Bank o f South Plainfield .

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Spring Lake

The F irst N ational Bank o f S p r in g fie ld ...........................
F irst N ational Bank o f Spring Lake .


The Farmers N ational Bank o f S u s s e x .................................

W ashington

W ashington Trust Company, o f W ashington, N. J . .

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

. .


President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier

W est Orange

The F irst N ational Bank o f W est Orange

W estw ood

The F irst N ational Bank o f W e s t w o o d .................................

W hippany

The F irst N ational Bank o f W h ip p a n y ..................................

W yck off

The F irst N ational Bank o f W y c k o f f .................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


A fto n

The F irst N ational Bank o f A d d i s o n ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
F irst N ational Bank o f A f t o n ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


N E W Y O R K (Continued)


Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast V ote

A lfre d
A llegany
Am enia
A m ityville
A ngola
A rgyle
A tlanta
A ttica
A urora
A voca
Ballston Spa

A lden State B a n k ..........................................................................
U niversity B a n k ..........................................................................
T he F irst National Bank o f A l l e g a n y ..................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f A m e n i a ..................................
The Bank o f A m it y v ille .............................................................
The N ational Bank o f A n d e s ......................................................
The A ndover N ational B a n k ......................................................
The Evans N ational Bank o f A n g o l a ..................................
The Citizens Bank o f A r c a d e ......................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f A r d s l e y .................................
The N ational Bank o f A r g y l e ...............................................
The Athens N ational B a n k ......................................................
Atlanta N ational B a n k .............................................................
The Citizens B a n k ..........................................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f A u r o r a ........................................
Bank o f A v o c a .................................................................................
The B aldw in N ational Bank and Trust Company .
The Ballston Spa N ational B a n k ........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B a t a v i a ..................................

B atavia
B elfa st
B ellport
Belm ont
Bridgeham pton

Genesee Trust C o m p a n y .............................................................
The Bath N ational B a n k .............................................................
The Fishkill N ational Bank o f B e a c o n .................................
The Matteawan N ational Bank o f B e a c o n ...........................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B e l f a s t ........................................
T he B ellport N ational B a n k ......................................................
The State Bank o f Belm ont, N . Y ............................................
Bank o f B l a s d e l l ..........................................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B o l i v a r ........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B o o n v ille .................................
The N ational Exchange Bank o f B o o n v ille ...........................
The F irst N ational Bank o f B r e w s te r s ..................................
T he Bridgeham pton N ational B a n k ........................................
The Broadalbin B a n k ...................................................................
Lincoln N ational B a n k .............................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f C a i r o ........................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f C a l e d o n i a ...........................
F irst N ational Bank in C a l l i c o o n ........................................
The Cambridge V alley N ational B a n k ..................................
The F irst N ational Bank and Trust Company o f Camden

Cape V incent
Castleton on

President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Chairman o f the B oard, President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier 1

President, any V ice President, or Secretary
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Chairman o f the B oard, President, any
V ice President, or Cashier
Camillus B a n k ................................................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Canaseraga State B a n k .............................................................
The F irst National Bank o f C a n d o r ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
First State Bank, Canisteo, N . Y ............................................ President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f C a n t o n ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The St. Law rence County N ational Bank o f Canton .
Citizens Bank o f Cape V i n c e n t ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Putnam County National Bank o f Carmel .
Carthage N ational Exchange B a n k ........................................ Chairman o f the B oard, President, any V ice
President, or Cashier


The N ational Exchange Bank o f Castleton on Hudson .
The F irst N ational Bank o f C a t o ........................................
Catskill N ational Bank and Trust Company . . . .
The Tanners N ational Bank o f C a t s k i l l ...........................
Bank o f Cattaraugus . ' .............................................................
The Cazenovia N ational B a n k ...............................................


Central Islip

The Central Islip N ational B a n k ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Central Square

The F irst N ational Bank o f Central Square

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Central Valley

The Central V alley N ational B a n k ......................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier







V ice
V ice
V ice
V ice
V ice
V ice




NEW Y O R K ( Continued)

Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company

Cherry Valley
C lifton Springs
Cold Spring
D eposit
De Ruyter
D obbs Ferry
D over Plains
East Islip
East Setauket
East Syracuse
Ellenburg D epot
E lm sford
E ndicott
F air Haven
Fort. Plain

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

The Chappaqua N ational B a n k ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f C h a t e a u g a y ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Otsego County N ational Bank o f Cherry V alley .
The Chester N ational B a n k ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Chester-Schroon-Horicon B a n k ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Cicero State B a n k ..........................................................................
Bank o f C la r e n c e .......................................................................... President
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst National Exchange Bank o f Clayton .
The Ontario N ational Bank o f C lifton Springs .
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The H ayes N ational Bank o f C l i n t o n ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
B riggs N ational Bank o f C l y d e ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Clymer State B a n k .......................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f C o b l e s k i l l ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Cohocton State B a n k ............................................................ President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank o f Cold Spring on Hudson
The F irst N ational Bank o f C o o p e r s t o w n ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Cornwall N ational B a n k ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank o f C o x s a ck ie ............................................... President, or any V ice President
The Croghan N ational B a n k ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Cuba National Bank . . . .
........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f C u b a ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Bank o f D e l e v a n ..........................................................................
The Delaware N ational Bank o f D e l h i ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Farm ers N ational Bank o f D e p o s i t ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
De Ruyter State B a n k ................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f D e x t e r ........................................ President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier
D obbs Ferry B a n k .......................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The First N ational Bank o f D o lg e v ille ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The D over Plains N ational B a n k ........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst National Bank o f D o w n s v ille ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f D r y d e n ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Dundee State B a n k ................................................................... President, or Cashier
The First N ational Bank o f East I s l i p ........................... President, or Cashier
The Tinker N ational Bank o f East Setauket .
Bank o f East S y r a c u s e ............................................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst National Bank o f E d m e s to n ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The State Bank o f E lle n b u r g ...................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank and Trust Company o f Ellenville President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Home N ational Bank o f E lle n v ille ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst National Bank o f E l m s f o r d ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The E n dicott N ational B a n k ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F air Haven N ational B a n k ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f F a l c o n e r ................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f F le isch m a n n s ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank o f F l o r i d a ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F o rt Plain N ational B a n k ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Chairman o f the B oard, President, any V ice
Citizens F irst N ational Bank o f F ran k fort .
President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Union N ational Bank o f Franklinville .
President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Citizens Trust Company o f Fredonia, N ew Y ork .
Assistant Cashier
The N ational Bank o f F r e d o n i a ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Union N ational Bank o f F r ie n d s h ip ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Fultonville N ational B a n k ............................................... President, or Cashier
The Gainesville N ational B a n k ............................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Genesee Valley N ational Bank and Trust Company President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
o f Geneseo
Executive Officer


The N ational Bank o f G e n e v a ...............................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Glen Cove

The F irst N ational Bank o f Glen C o v e .................................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Glen Head

The F irst N ational Bank o f Glen H e a d ........................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


N E W Y O R K (Continued)
Grand G orge
Ham mond
H am pton Bays
H artw ick
H ighland
H obart
H olcom b
H olland
H oosick Falla
Hudson Falls
J ohnstown
K inderhook
K in g s Park
K in gston
K in gston
L a Fargeville
Lake George
Lake Luzerne
L ittle Falls
L ocu st Valley

N am e o f Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

The Goshen N ational B a n k ...............................................
. W . R. W ells, Cashier
Bank o f G o u v e r n e u r ................................................................... . President, Executive V ice President & Trust
Officer, any V ice President, or Cashier
F irst N ational Bank in G ou v e rn e u r........................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f Grand G orge . . . .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The W ashington County N ational Bank o f Granville .
. President, any V ice President, Assistant V ice
President, or Cashier
F irst N ational Bank in G r e e n e ........................................
. Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f G r e e n p o r t...........................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f Greenwich . . . .
. Judson Edie, President
The F irst N ational Bank o f G re e n w o o d ...........................
The F irst N ational Bank o f G r o t o n ..................................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f H a m d e n ...........................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
T he Citizens N ational Bank o f Ham mond . . . .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The H am pton B ays N ational B a n k ..................................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
T he F irst N ational Bank o f H a n c o c k ................................. . President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f H arrisville . . . .
. F red E. W hipple, Cashier
The H artw ick N ational B a n k ...............................................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank o f Haverstraw and Trust Company . President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f H e r m o n ...........................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f H e u v e lto n ...........................
The F irst N ational Bank o f H ig h l a n d ...........................
The N ational Bank o f H o b a r t ................................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Thfi Ham lin National R a n t nf TTnlrnmh
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Bank o f H o l l a n d ...................................................................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
T he H om er N ational B a n k ...............................................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Peoples-First N ational Bank o f H oosick Falls .
The F irst N ational Bank o f Hudson Falls . . . .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Ilion N ational Bank and Trust Company . . . .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The M anufacturers N ational Bank o f Ilion
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The W heeler N ational Bank o f Interlaken . . . .
The Irvin gton N ational Bank and Trust Company .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f I s l i p ..................................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f Jeffersonville . . . .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Johnstown B a n k ................................................................... . President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
N orthern Westchester B a n k ...............................................
. President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
The Keeseville N ational B a n k ........................................
Assistant Cashier
The Kerhonkson N ational B a n k ........................................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational U nion Bank o f Kinderhook . . . .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank o f K in gs P a r k ..................................
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Ulster County Bank o f K in gston .
. F . J. R. Clarke, President
The Rondout N ational Bank o f K in gston . . . .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f L a c o n a ..................................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f L a Fargeville . . . .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
F irst N ational Bank o f Lake G e o r g e ...........................
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Luzerne-Hadley B a n k ...............................................
T he

N ational Bank o f Lake Ronkonkom a . . . .
Sullivan County N ational Bank o f L ib erty .
Lindenhurst B a n k ......................................................
F irst N ational Bank o f L i s b o n ..................................
L ittle Falls N ational B a n k ........................................

. President, any
President, any
. President, any
. President, any
. President, any

V ice
V ice
V ice
V ice
V ice




Low ville

The Livingston M anor National B a n k ...........................
The Stew art N ational Bank o f L i v o n i a ................................. .
M atinecock Bank o f L ocu st V a l l e y .................................
T he B la ck R iver N ational Bank o f Low ville .

Low ville

Lew is County Trust C o m p a n y ........................................

. President, any V ice President, or Secretary


Citizens State B a n k .............................................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Lyons N ational B a n k ...............................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Lyons Falls

The Lyons Falls N ational B a n k ........................................

. President, any V ice President, or Cashier


President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier

NEW Y O R K (Continued)

P lace
M adrid
M ahopac
M alone
M alverae
M arathon
M arcell us
M argaretville
M arion
M arlboro
M aybrook
M ayville
M exico
M iddleburg
M iddleville
M illbrook
M illerton
M ilton
M onroe
M ontgom ery
M onticello
M onticello
M ontour Falls
M oravia
M orris
M orrisville
N arrowsburg
Newark Valley
N ew fane
New Paltz
New Y ork City
N ichols
N orfolk
N orth Collins
N orth Creek
Tarry town
N orw ich
N orw ood
Old F orge
O ntario

Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast V ote

M adrid B a n k .................................................................................. Cashier
The M ahopac N ational B a n k ....................................................... Chairman o f the Board, President, any
V ice President, or Cashier
The Citizens N ational Bank o f M a l o n e ................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Farm ers N ational Bank o f M a l o n e ............................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Bank o f M a lv e m e .....................................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f M a r a th o n ................................... President
The F irst N ational Bank o f M a r c e llu s ....................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Peoples N ational Bank o f M argaretville . . . .
Frank Battle, Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f M a r i o n ................................... President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
A ssistant Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f M a r lb o r o ................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The M aybrook N ational B a n k .................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The State Bank o f M ayville, M ayville, New Y ork .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The First N ational Bank o f M e x i c o .......................................... President, or any V ice President
The First N ational Bank o f M id d le b u r g h .............................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The M iddleville N ational B a n k .................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Bank o f M illb r o o k ............................................................................President, V ice President, or Cashier
The M illerton N ational B a n k ........................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f M i l t o n .......................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f M i n e o l a ....................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
First N ational Bank o f M i n o a .................................................President, V ice President, or Cashier
Citizens Bank o f M o n r o e ......................................................................................................................................................
F irst N ational Bank in M o n t g o m e r y ....................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Union Bank o f M o n t i c e l l o .............................President, V ice President, or Cashier
The Sullivan County Trust C o m p a n y ................................... President, any V ice President, Cashier,
or Treasurer
M ontour N ational Bank in M ontour F a l l s .....................................................................................................................
The F irst N ational Bank o f M o r a v i a ................................... President, or V ice President
The F irst N ational Bank o f M o r r i s .......................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f M o r r is v ille ................................... President
N anuet N ational B a n k .............................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f N a r r o w s b u r g .............................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f Newark Valley . . . .
The N ational Bank o f N e w b u r g h .......................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
State Bank o f N e w f a n e .............................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The H uguenot N ational Bank o f New Paltz . . . .
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
( See pa ge 11)

Nichols N ational B a n k ........................................................President, any
F irst N ational Bank o f N o r f o l k ....................................President, any
Bank o f N orth C o l l i n s ........................................................President, any
N orth Creek N ational B a n k ................................................. President, any

V ice
V ice
V ice
V ice




The First N ational Bank o f N orth Tarrytown .
. President
The Chenango County N ational Bank and Trust
Company o f N o r w i c h ............................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
State Bank o f N o r w o o d .............................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Oceanside N ational Bank (P . O., Rockville Centre,
N . Y . ) ........................................................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f O d e s s a .......................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f Old F o r g e ....................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Olean Trust C o m p a n y .....................................................................President, any V ice President, Secretary,
or Treasurer
Madison County Trust Co............................................................ President
State Bank o f O n t a r i o .............................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Orchard Park

Bank o f Orchard P a r k .............................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Oriskany Falls

The F irst Trust and D eposit Company o f Oriskany Falls,
N . Y .................................................................................................. President, any V ice President, or Treasurer
The F irst N ational Bank and Trust Company o f Ossining President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f O v i d .......................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The F irst N ational Bank o f O w e g o .......................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier


The Owego N ational B a n k ........................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier


N E W Y O E K (Continued)

O xford
Oyster B ay
Oyster B a y
Painted P ost
Paw ling
P earl R iver
P earl R iver
Philm ont
Pine Bush
Pine Plains
P o rt Jervis
P o rt Jervis
P o rt Leyden
P rattsbu rg
R ed Creek
R ed H ook
Redw ood
R oxbury
Sag H arbor
Saranac Lake
Seneca F alls
Seneca F alls
Silver Creek
Silver Creek
Silver Springs
South Fallsburg

Nam e o f Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

The N ational Bank o f O x f o r d .................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
N orth Shore Bank Trust C o m p a n y ..........................................President, any V ice President, or Assistant
O yster B a y Trust C o m p a n y ....................................................... President, any V ice President, or Secretary
The F irst N ational Bank o f Painted P o s t .............................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Patchogue B a n k .................................................................... President
The Peoples N ational Bank o f P a t c h o g u e ............................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank o f P a w l i n g ................................................ President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier
F ir st N ational Bank and Trust Com pany o f Pearl R iver President, any V ice President, or Cashier
State Bank o f P earl River, N ew Y o r k ................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Peekskill N ational Bank and Trust Company .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Citizens Bank o f Perry, N . Y ............................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f P e r r y ..........................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank o f P h e l p s ................................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Bank o f P h ila d e lp h ia .............................................................................................................................................................
Philm ont N ational B a n k ..............................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank o f Pine B u s h ..........................................President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Stissing N ational Bank o f Pine Plains . . . .
The Citizens N ational Bank o f P o l a n d ................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f P o rt J e r v i s ............................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank and Trust Company o f P o rt Jervis President
The P o rt Leyden N ational B a n k ..........................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Farm ers and M anufacturers N ational Bank o f
.......................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Merchants N ational Bank & Trust Company o f
P o u g h k e e p s i e ...........................................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Prattsburgh State B a n k ......................................................................................................................................................
The Red Creek N ational B a n k .................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f R ed H o o k ................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Redwood N ational B a n k ....................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f R e m s e n ................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f R h in e b e c k ................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f Richfield Springs .


President, any V ice President, Cashier, or
any A ssistant Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank & Trust Company o f Roscoe President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank o f R o x b u r y ................................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The P econ ic B a n k ........................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f S a la m a n c a ................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Salem N ational B a n k ...............................................................................................................................................
Adirondack N ational Bank and Trust Company
o f Saranac L a k e ....................................................................President
Saratoga N ational Bank o f Saratoga Springs
The Saugerties N ational Bank and Trust Company



. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
. Chairman o f the Board, President, any V ice
President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank o f S a v a n n a h .................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Schoharie County B a n k ....................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The N ational Bank o f S ch u y le rv ille......................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Glenville N ational Bank o f S c o t i a ..........................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
T he Seneca County Trust Com pany o f Seneca Falls, N. Y . President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The State Bank o f Seneca Falls, N . Y ...................................President
F irst N ational Bank in S i d n e y ................................................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The F irst N ational Bank o f Silver C r e e k ............................ President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Silver Creek N ational B a n k .................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The Silver Springs N ational B a n k ..........................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
N ational Bank and Trust Com pany o f Skaneateles .
. President, any V ice President, or Cashier
B ank o f S m i t h t o w n ....................................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Solvay B a n k ..................................................................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
The South Fallsburg N ational B a n k ..........................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Bank o f S o u t h o l d ...................................................................................................................................................................
T he F ir st N ational Bank o f S p a r k i l l ...................................President, any V ice President, or Cashier



NEW YORK ( Continued)


Name of Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote


The Farmers & Merchants Bank of Spencer, N . Y . .

Spring Valley
Stony Brook
Tupper Lake
Watkins Glen

Ramapo Trust C om p an y.............................................................
The Citizens National Bank of Springville...........................
The National Bank of S tam ford...............................................
Bank of Suffolk C o u n ty ............................................................
The Tarrytown National Bank and Trust Company .
The Farmers National Bank of T h e r e s a ...........................
The Crestwood National Bank in Tuckahoe . . . .
The Tupper Lake National B a n k ........................................
The Unadilla National B a n k ......................................................
The National Bank of V e r n o n ........................................
The Waddington B a n k ............................................................
The First National Bank and Trust Company of Walton
The National Bank of Wappingers F a l l a ...........................
The Emerson National Bank of Warrensburgh . . . .
The First National Bank of W a r w i c k .................................
Central National Bank of Washingtonville...........................
Bank of W a t e r f o r d ...................................................................
The National Bank of W a t e r v i lle ........................................
Glen National Bank of Watkins G l e n .................................
The Citizens National Bank of W a v e r l y ...........................
The First National Bank of W a y la n d ..................................
The First National Bank of W eedsport.................................
The Hamilton County National Bank of Wells . . . .
The Citizens National Bank of W e llsv ille ...........................
Bank of Westbury Trust Com pany........................................
The Wheatley Hills National Bank of Westbury .

President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier


Seaside B a n k ................................................................................

West Winfield

The Lake Champlain National Bank of Westport .
The West Winfield National B a n k ........................................

Whitney Point


Chairman of the Board, President, any
Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Caahier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier

Merchants National Bank of Whitehall . . . .
First National Bank of W hitesville.................................
First National Bank of Whitney Point . . . .
Essex County National Bank of Willsboro .
National Bank of W in d h a m ...............................................
Windsor National B a n k ......................................................
First National Bank of W in th ro p ..................................
First National Bank of W o lc o tt ..................................
First National Bank of W oodridge..................................
Bank of W o r c e s t e r .............................................................

President, any Vice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Treasurer
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Preaident, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier

President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier


College Point
Great Kills

College Point National Bank of New York .




The South Shore Bank of Staten I s la n d ...........................


President, or Cashier





P re fe re n tia l B allot
October 29, 1954
Group N o. S
This ballot and the certificate on the certificate envelope must be executed by
an officer who has been authorized to cast the vote and whose appointment has
been duly certified.
The polls will open on November 1, 1954, and will close at 12 o ’ clock noon on
Tuesday, November 16, 1954. This ballot must be returned so as to reach me before
the latter time.
Failure to observe instructions will invalidate this ballot.
J a y E . Cran e,

Chairman o f the Board.


f o r te r m o f o ffic e fr o m J a n u a ry 1, 1955 t o D e c e m b e r 31, 1957

C a n d id a t e
F erd. I. C o l l in s ,

Bound Brook, N. J.




f o r te r m o f o ffic e fr o m J a n u a ry 1, 1955 t o D e c e m b e r 31, 1957

E. B i e r w i r t h ,
New York, N. Y.


National Distillers Products Corporation.
New York, N. Y.


(In d ic a te ch oice
by X below )

President and Trust Officer,
Bound Brook Trust Company,
Bound Brook, N. J .

C a n d id a t e




(In d ic a te ch o ice
b v X b e lo w )



M a rk th is preferen tia l ballot to in d ica te choice.


P la ce preferen tia l ballot so m ark ed in the co lo re d ballot e n v elope and seal that envelope.


P la ce sealed colored ballot en v e lo p e in certificate e n v elope and seal certificate envelope a n d execute
c ertifica te thereon.


R etu rn sealed an d e x e cu te d certificate envelope (w ith sealed co lo re d ballot enveloj>e enclosed
th erein ) in en velop e ad d ressed to M r . J a y E. C r a n e , C h airm an, B oa rd o f D ire cto rs , Federal
R e se r v e B ank o f N e w Y o r k , F e d e ra l R e se rv e P . O . Station , N e w Y o r k 45, N . Y .

E l e c t io n


D ir e c t o r s

of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
The marked preferential ballot should be placed in this
envelope, and this envelope should then be sealed and
placed in the certificate envelope.


This Envelope Should Contain Only Ballot in Sealed Colored Envelope
It W ill Not Be Opened Until Polls Close


G ro u p N o . 3

(D a t e )

To M r . J a y E . C r a n e ,
Chairman of the Board,
Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
In accordance with section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, I hereby certify that
my choices for a class A director and a class B director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
for terms of office from January 1, 1955 to December 31, 1957, are as indicated thus (X ) in the
columns of the ballot sealed herein.
(N a m e o f Bank)

(L oca tion o f

(S ignature o f officer designated to vote. S ee list o f m em ber banks
in G roup 3 in C ircu la r N o. 415 9.)

( T I T L E o f V o tin g O fficer)




. Ja y E . C

ra n e,

Chairman, Board o f Directors,

Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
Federal Reserve P. 0 . Station,
New York 45, N. Y.