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FED ERAL RE SE R V E BANK O F NEW YORK Fiscal Agent o f the United States f Circular N o. 4 0 3 5 1 t Octoberl27, 1953 J RESULTS OF BIDDING FOR TREASURY BILLS DATED OCTOBER 29, 1953 T o a ll I n c o r p o r a t e d B a n k s a n d T r u s t C o m p a n i e s , a n d O t h e r s C o n ce r n ed , in th e S e c o n d F e d e r a l R e s e r v e D is t r ic t : A t the time o f printing our Circular No. 4031, dated October 27,1953, announcing an offering o f 91-day Treasury bills, to be dated November 5, 1953, the results of bidding fo r the previous week’s issue o f 91-day Treasury bills, to be dated October 29, 1953, and maturing January 28, 1954, were not available. The results, now available, are: T otal applied fo r . . . . $2,095,953,000 T otal accepted ............ $1,500,199,000 A verage p r i c e .............................. 99.692 (includes .$222,383,000 entered on a non-com petitive basis and accepted in fu ll at the average price shown b elow ) E quivalent rate o f discount approx. 1.220% per annum R ange o f accepted com petitive b id s : H ig h ......................................... 99.697 Equivalent rate o f discount approx. 1.199% per annum L o w ........................................... 99.688 Equivalent rate o f discount approx. 1.234% per annum (8 9 percent o f the amount b id fo r at the low price was accepted) F ed era l R e s e r v e D is tr ic t B oston ................................................ $ N ew Y o r k ......................................... Philadelphia ..................................... C le v e la n d ............................................ R ichm ond ......................................... A t la n t a ................................................ Chicago .............................................. St. L ou is ............................................ M in n e a p o lis ....................................... Kansas C i t y ....................................... D a l la s .................................................. San F r a n c i s c o .................................. T o t a l ......................................... T o ta l A p p lied f o r 21,708,000 1,440,228,000 59,695,000 96,788,000 9,534,000 24,758,000 221,483,000 18,131,000 7,090,000 57,271,000 35,663,000 103,604,000 T o ta l A c cep te d $ $2,095,953,000 16,853,000 908,138,000 59,370,000 91,228,000 9,084,000 24,758,000 185,733,000 18,031,000 6,590,000 52,849,000 31,491,000 96,074,000 $1,500,199,000 A llan S proul, President. FE D E RA L RE SE R V E BANK O F NEW YORK October 28, 1953 T o a ll B a n k i n g I n s t i t u t i o n s in th e S econ d F ed era l R ese rv e D is tr ic t: W e are pleased to announce that Cicero State Bank, Cicero, New York, has become a member o f the Federal Reserve System today. Cicero State Bank first became a member bank on February 27, 1941. It withdrew from membership on November 15, 1949, in order to establish an out-of-town branch. On July 15, 1952, the law was amended to revise the minimum capital requirements for member banks operating out-of-town branches, thus enabling the Cicero State Bank to rejoin the Federal Reserve System. A llan S proul, President.