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[ January No. 1337*1
17, 1934J

With Respect to the Order of the Secretary of the Treasury Dated January 15, 1934,
Supplementing the Order of December 28, 1933, Requiring the
Delivery of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates to the Treasurer of the United States

To each Banking Institution in the
Second Federal Reserve District:

At the request of the Secretary of the Treasury we transmit to you
herewith, printed on the following page, a copy of instructions from
the Secretary of the Treasury dated January 17, 1934, with respect to
the order of the Secretary of the Treasury dated January 15, 1934,
supplementing the order of December 28, 1933, requiring the delivery
of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates to the Treasurer of the
United States.
We are requested by the Secretary of the Treasury to request you
to give to the instructions the widest publicity possible and particularly
to call them to the attention by telegraph or telephone of each of your
customers whom you have any reason to believe holds any gold coin,
gold bullion or gold certificates required to be delivered.



With Respect to the Order of the Secretary of the Treasury Dated January 15, 1934,
Supplementing the Order of December 28, 1933, Requiring the
Delivery of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates to the Treasurer of the United States
January 17,1934.
The order of the Secretary of the Treasury dated January 15, 1934, supplementing the order of
December 28, 1933, requiring the delivery of gold coin, gold bullion and gold certificates to the
Treasurer of the United States provides, in part, as follows:
fix midnight of Wednesday, January 17, 1934, as the expiration of the period within which
any gold coin, gold bullion, or gold certificates may be paid and delivered to the Treasurer
of the United States in compliance with the requirements contained in such order of December
28, 1933, as amended.
In the event that any gold coin, gold bullion or gold certificates withheld in noncompliance with the said order and of this order are offered after January 17, 1934, to the Secretary of the Treasury, the Treasurer of the United States, any United States Mint or Assay
Office, or to any fiscal agent of the United States, there shall be paid therefor only such part
or none of the amount otherwise payable therefor as the Secretary of the Treasury may
from time to time prescribe and the whole or any balance shall be retained and applied to
the penalty payable for failure to comply with the requirements of such order and of this
order. The acceptance of any such coin, bullion, or certificates after January 17, 1934, whether
or not a part or all of the amount otherwise payable therefor is so retained, shall be without
prejudice to the right to collect by suit or otherwise the full penalty provided in Section
11 (n) of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, less such portion of the penalty as may
have been retained as hereinbefore provided."
Subject to the rights reserved in said order of January 15, 1934, supplementing the order of
December 28, 1933, requiring the delivery of gold coin, gold bullion and gold certificates to the
Treasurer of the United States, and without prejudice to the right to alter or amend these instructions from time to time by notice to the Treasurer of the United States, the United States Mints and
Assay Offices, and the Federal Reserve Banks, I do hereby prescribe that in the event that any gold
coin, gold bullion or gold certificates held in noncompliance with said order of December 28, 1933, as
amended, and said order of January 15, 1934, are offered after January 17, 1934, to the Secretary
of the Treasury, the Treasurer of the United States, any United States Mint or Assay Office or to any
fiscal agent of the United States, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Treasurer of the United States,
any United States Mint or Assay Office, and the fiscal agents of the United States shall pay for such
gold coin and gold certificates the dollar face amount thereof, and for gold bullion $20.67 an ounce.
Member banks of the Federal Reserve System may receive such gold coin, gold bullion and gold
certificates for account of the Treasurer of the United States and forthwith forward the same to the
Secretary of the Treasury, the Treasurer of the United States, any United States Mint or Assay Office
or any fiscal agent of the United States, whichever is nearest.

Secretary of the Treasury.




January 16, 1934.
To Member Banks in t h e Second Federal
Reserve D i s t r i c t and o t h e r s concerned:
At the r e q u e s t of t h e S e c r e t S e r v i c e D i v i s i o n o f t h e Treasury Department,
New York D i s t r i c t , we a r e forwarding t o a l l member banks i n t h e Second F e d e r a l
Reserve D i s t r i c t t h e following information which we have r e c e i v e d from t h e Secret
S e r v i c e D i v i s i o n d e s c r i b i n g a new c o u n t e r f e i t note which h a s r e c e n t l y appeared i n
c i r c u l a t i o n in t h e New York D i s t r i c t :
On t h e FEDEF.AL RESERVE B N OF N W YORK, of t h e 1928 B
S e r i e s and bears Check L e t t e r f B, • Face P l a t e No. 2 , Back
P l a t e No. 5 ; s i g n a t u r e s o f W. 0 . W O S and A. W. MELLON,
p o r t r a i t o f HAMILTON. This note i s p r i n t e d on one sheet of
paper from p h o t o - e t c h e d p l a t e s and i s of f a i r workmanship,
but should not deceive t h e average currency h a n d l e r .
In our l e t t e r (dd) of January 16, 1934, a d e s c r i p t i o n was given of a
c o u n t e r f e i t $10 F e d e r a l Reserve note bearing a p o r t r a i t o f A R H M LINCOLN-.BAA
The T r e a s u r y Department has informed us t h a t i t i s a $5 n o t e and not a $10 n o t e ,
as f o l l o w s :
S e r i e s o f 1928 A; Check L e t t e r ? E, • Face p l a t e No. 2 9 , Back
P l a t e N o . 319, b e a r i n g s i g n a t u r e s o f W. 0 . W O S and A. W. MELLON,
p o r t r a i t o f LINCOLN,
This n o t e i s a poor r e p r o d u c t i o n , p r o b a b l y p r o i u c e i by
phot o-rnechanical p r o c e s s , and p r i n t e d on one sheet of p a p e r ,
i s not dangerous and should not deceive t h e o r d i n a r y handler of
The Treasury Department, Secret Service Division, requests that banks
and others to whom counterfeit Government obligations may be presented endeavor
when practicable to obtain information regarding their source and history. Any
information of t h i s kind should be forwarded to the Treasury Department, Secret
Service Division, Customs House, N v York, N. Y.

George L. Harrison,
Governor ..