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Circular No. 10803 "1
September 19, 1995



— Amendments Regarding the Treatment of Derivative Contracts
— Amendments Regarding the Treatment of Certain Transfers
of Assets with Recourse

To All State Member Banks and Bank Holding Companies in the Second
Federal Reserve District, and Others Concerned:

The following statements have been issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System announcing (1) amendments to its risk-based capital standards for banks and bank holding
companies (Appendix A to Regulations H and Y ) concerning the treatment of derivative contracts;
and (2) amendments to its risk-based and leverage capital adequacy guidelines for State member
banks and bank holding companies (Appendix A and B of Regulation H and Appendix A of
Regulation Y) concerning the treatment of certain transfers of assets:

Derivative Contracts
The Federal Reserve Board, along with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, is amending the risk-based capital guidelines for
banks and bank holding companies (banking organizations) regarding the treatment of derivative
The final rule is effective October 1, 1995.
The amendments revise the set of conversion factors used to estimate the potential future
credit exposure of derivative contracts and permit banking organizations to recognize the effects
of bilateral netting arrangements in the calculation of those estimates.
The final rule is based on a revision to the Basle Accord issued by the Basle Supervisors’
Committee (BSC) in April 1995.

Transfers of Assets
The Federal Reserve Board has issued amendments to its capital adequacy guidelines for
state member banks and bank holding companies (banking organizations) with regard to the
regulatory capital treatment of certain transfers of assets with recourse.
The final rule is effective September 1, 1995.
The amendments implement section 208 of the Riegle Community Development and
Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994 (Riegle Act).
The final rule will have the effect of lowering the capital requirement for small business
loans and leases on personal property that have been transferred with recourse by qualified
banking organizations.

Enclosed — for State member banks and bank holding companies, and others who maintain
sets of the Board’s regulations — is the text of the amendments, which have been reprinted from
the Federal Registers of September 5 and August 31, respectively; copies will be furnished to
others upon request directed to our Circulars Division (Tel. No. 212-720-5215 or 5216). (The
related amendments issued by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency or by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation are not included in the enclosures.)
Questions regarding these matters may be directed to Stephanie Martin, Senior Financial
Specialist, Bank Analysis Department (Tel. No. 212-720-1418).


il l ia m



c D onough,


September 5, 1995


Effective October 1, 1995

Part IV
Federal Reserve System
12 CFR Parts 208 and 225
Risk-Based Capital Standards; Derivative
Transactions; Final Rule

[Enc. Cir. No. 10803]

CAG 104/95


Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations

Office of the Comptroller of the
12C F R Part 3
[D o c k e t N o . 9 5 -2 0 ]
R IN 1 5 5 7 -A B 1 4

12 C F R Parts 208 and 225
[R e g u la tio n s H a n d Y; D o c k e t N o . R -0 8 4 5 ]

12 CFR Part 325
R IN 3 0 6 4 -A B 4 3

Risk-Based Capital Standards:
Derivative Transactions
AGENCIES: O ffice o f th e C o m p tro lle r of
th e C u rr e n c y (O C C ), D e p a rtm e n t o f the
T r e a s u ry ; B o a rd o f G o v e rn o rs o f th e
F e d e r a l R e se rv e S y s te m (B o a rd ); a n d
F e d e r a l D e p o sit I n s u r a n c e C o rp o ra tio n
(FD IC ).
ACTION: F in a l ru le .
SUMMARY: T h e O C C , th e B o a r d , a n d th e

F D IC (th e b a n k in g a g e n c ie s ) a re
a m e n d in g th e ir r e s p e c tiv e risk -b a se d
c a p ita l s ta n d a rd s fo r b a n k s a n d b an k
h o ld in g c o m p a n ie s (b a n k in g
o rg a n iz a tio n s , in s titu tio n s ). T h is final
ru le im p le m e n ts a r e c e n t re v is io n to th e
B a s le A c c o r d re v is in g a n d e x p a n d in g
th e s e t o f c o n v e r s io n fa c to r s u s e d to
c a lc u la te th e p o te n tia l fu tu re e x p o s u r e
o f d e riv a tiv e c o n tr a c ts a n d re c o g n iz in g
th e e ffe c ts o f n e ttin g a rr a n g e m e n ts in
th e c a lc u la tio n o f p o te n tia l fu tu re
e x p o s u r e fo r d e riv a tiv e c o n tr a c ts su b ject
to q u a lify in g b ila te r a l n e ttin g
a rra n g e m e n ts . T h e e ffe c t o f th is fin al
ru le is th re e fo ld . F ir s t, lo n g -d a te d
in te re s t ra te a n d e x c h a n g e ra te c o n tr a c ts
a re su b je c t to h ig h e r c o n v e r s io n fa c to rs
a n d n e w c o n v e r s io n fa c to r s a re se t forth
th a t s p e c if ic a lly a p p ly to d e riv a tiv e
c o n tr a c ts re la te d to e q u itie s , p re c io u s
m e ta ls , a n d o th e r c o m m o d itie s . S e c o n d ,
in s titu tio n s a re p e rm itte d to re c o g n iz e a
r e d u c tio n in p o te n tia l fu tu re c r e d it
e x p o s u r e for tr a n s a c tio n s su b je c t to
q u a lify in g b ila te ra l n e ttin g
a rra n g e m e n ts . T h ird , d e riv a tiv e
c o n tr a c ts re la te d to e q u itie s , p re c io u s
m e ta ls a n d o th e r c o m m o d itie s m a y be
re c o g n iz e d in b ila te r a l n e ttin g
a rra n g e m e n ts fo r ris k -b a s e d c a p ita l
p u rp o s e s .
EFFECTIVE DATE: O c to b e r 1 , 1 9 9 5 .

OCC: F o r

iss u e s re la tin g to n e ttin g an d

CAG 105/95

th e c a lc u la tio n o f ris k -b a s e d c a p ita l
r a tio s , R o g e r T u fts , S e n io r E c o n o m ic
A d v is o r ( 2 0 2 / 8 7 4 - 5 0 7 0 ) , O ffice o f th e
C h ie f N a tio n a l B a n k E x a m in e r . F o r leg al
is s u e s , E u g e n e H . C a n to r , S e n io r
A tto r n e y , S e c u r itie s a n d C o rp o ra te
P r a c t ic e s ( 2 0 2 / 8 7 4 - 5 2 1 0 ) , o r R o n a ld
S h im a b u k u ro , S e n io r A tto r n e y ,
L e g is la tiv e a n d R e g u la to r y A c tiv itie s
D iv is io n ( 2 0 2 / 8 7 4 - 5 0 9 0 ) , O ffice o f th e
C o m p tro lle r o f th e C u r r e n c y , 2 5 0 E
S tr e e t, S .W ., W a s h in g to n , D .C . 2 0 2 1 9 .
Board: R o g e r C o le , D e p u ty A s s o c ia te
D ire c to r ( 2 0 2 / 4 5 2 - 2 6 1 8 ) , N o r a h B a rg e r,
M a n a g e r ( 2 0 2 / 4 5 2 - 2 4 0 2 ) , R o b e rt
M o ty k a , S u p e rv is o r y F i n a n c ia l A n a ly s t
( 2 0 2 ) / 4 5 2 —3 6 2 1 ) , B a r b a r a B o u c h a r d ,
S u p e rv is o r y F i n a n c ia l A n a ly s t ( 2 0 2 /
4 5 2 - 3 0 7 2 ) , D iv is io n o f B a n k in g
S u p e rv is io n a n d R e g u la tio n ; o r
S te p h a n ie M a rtin , S e n io r A tto r n e y ( 2 0 2 /
4 5 2 - 3 1 9 8 ) , L e g a l D iv is io n . F o r th e
H e a rin g Im p a ir e d o n ly ,
T e le c o m m u n ic a tio n s D e v ic e fo r th e
D eaf, D o ro th e a T h o m p s o n ( 2 0 2 / 4 5 2 3 5 4 4 ) , 2 0 t h a n d C S tr e e ts , N .W .,
W a s h in g to n , D .C . 2 0 5 5 1 .
FDIC: W illia m A . S ta rk , A s s is ta n t
D ire c to r , ( 2 0 2 / 8 9 8 - 6 9 7 2 ) , C u rtis W o n g ,
C a p ita l M a rk e ts S p e c ia lis t, ( 2 0 2 / 8 9 8 7 3 2 7 ) , D iv is io n o f S u p e r v is io n , o r
Je ffre y M . K o p c h ik , C o u n s e l, ( 2 0 2 / 8 9 8 3 8 7 2 ) , L e g a l D iv is io n , F D IC , 5 5 0 1 7 th
S t., N .W :, W a s h in g to n , D .C . 2 0 4 2 9 .

I. Background
T h e B a s le A c c o r d 1 e s ta b lis h e d a risk b a s e d c a p ita l fra m e w o rk fo r a s s e s s in g
c a p ita l a d e q u a c y th a t w a s im p le m e n te d
in th e U n ite d S ta te s b y th e b a n k in g
a g e n c ie s in 1 9 8 9 . U n d e r th is fra m e w o rk ,
o ff-b a la n c e -s h e e t t r a n s a c tio n s a re
in c o r p o r a te d in to th e ris k -b a s e d
s tr u c tu r e b y c o n v e r tin g e a c h ite m in to a
c r e d it e q u iv a le n t a m o u n t th a t is th e n
a s s ig n e d to th e a p p r o p r ia te c r e d it risk
c a te g o r y a c c o r d in g to th e id e n tity o f th e
o b lig o r o r c o u n te r p a r ty , o r if r e le v a n t,
th e g u a r a n to r o r th e n a tu re o f c o lla te ra l.
T h e c r e d it e q u iv a le n t a m o u n t o f an
o ff-b a la n c e -s h e e t in te re s t r a te o r
e x c h a n g e ra te c o n tr a c t (ra te c o n tr a c t) is
d e te r m in e d b y a d d in g to g e th e r th e
c u r r e n t re p la c e m e n t c o s t (c u r r e n t
e x p o s u r e ) o f th e c o n tr a c t a n d an
e s tim a te o f th e p o s s ib le in c r e a s e in
fu tu re re p la c e m e n t c o s t (p o te n tia l fu tu re

e x p o s u r e , a ls o re fe rre d to as th e a d d -o n )
in v ie w o f th e v o la tility o f th e c u r r e n t
e x p o s u r e o f th e c o n tr a c t. T h e m a x im u m
ris k c a te g o r y fo r ra te c o n tr a c ts is 5 0
p e r c e n t.2

Current Exposure
F o r ris k -b a s e d c a p ita l p u r p o s e s , a ra te
c o n tr a c t w ith a p o s itiv e m a r k -to -m a rk e t
v a lu e h a s a c u r r e n t e x p o s u r e e q u a l to
th a t m a rk e t v a lu e . If th e m a r k -to -m a rk e t
v a lu e is z e ro o r n e g a tiv e , th e n th e
c u r r e n t e x p o s u r e is z e ro . T h e s u m o f
c u r r e n t e x p o s u r e s fo r a d e fin e d s e t o f
c o n tr a c ts is s o m e tim e s r e f e rr e d to a s th e
g ro s s c u r r e n t e x p o s u r e fo r th a t s e t o f
c o n tr a c ts . W h e n th e y w e r e in itia lly
is s u e d , th e B a s le A c c o r d a n d th e
b a n k in g a g e n c ie s ’ ris k -b a s e d c a p ita l
s ta n d a rd s p ro v id e d , g e n e r a lly , th a t
c u r r e n t e x p o s u r e w o u ld b e d e te r m in e d
in d iv id u a lly fo r e a c h ra te c o n tr a c t
e n te r e d in to b y a b a n k in g o rg a n iz a tio n .
In Ju ly 1 9 9 4 th e B a s le A c c o r d w a s
re v is e d to p e rm it in s titu tio n s to n e t, th a t
is , o ffse t, p o s itiv e a n d n e g a tiv e m a rk -to m a r k e t v a lu e s o f ra te c o n tr a c ts e n te r e d
in to w ith a sin g le c o u n te r p a r ty su b je c t
to a q u a lify in g , le g a lly e n fo rc e a b le ,
b ila te r a l n e ttin g a rr a n g e m e n t. E ff e c tiv e
a t y e a r-e n d 1 9 9 4 , th e b a n k in g a g e n c ie s
e a c h a m e n d e d , in a u n ifo rm m a n n e r,
th e ir ris k -b a s e d c a p ita l s ta n d a r d s to
im p le m e n t th e r e v is io n to th e A c c o r d .3
A c c o r d in g ly , U .S . b a n k in g o rg a n iz a tio n s
w ith q u a lify in g , le g a lly e n fo rc e a b le ,
b ila te r a l n e ttin g a r r a n g e m e n ts m a y
r e p la c e th e g ro s s c u r r e n t e x p o s u r e o f a
s e t o f c o n tr a c ts in c lu d e d in s u c h an
a rr a n g e m e n t w ith a s in g le n e t c u r r e n t
e x p o s u r e fo r p u r p o s e s o f d e te r m in in g
th e c r e d it e q u iv a le n t a m o u n t fo r th e
in c lu d e d c o n tr a c ts .

Potential Future Exposure
T h e p o te n tia l fu tu re e x p o s u r e p o r tio n
o f th e c r e d it e q u iv a le n t a m o u n t fo r ra te
c o n tr a c ts is a n e s tim a te o f th e a d d itio n a l
c r e d it e x p o s u r e th a t m a y a r is e as a
re s u lt o f f lu c tu a tio n s in p r ic e s o r ra te s .
T h e a d d -o n fo r p o te n tia l fu tu re
e x p o s u r e is e s tim a te d b y m u ltip ly in g
th e n o tio n a l p r in c ip a l a m o u n t 4*o f th e
c o n tr a c t by a c r e d it c o n v e r s io n fa c to r
th a t is d e te r m in e d b y th e re m a in in g
m a tu rity o f th e c o n tr a c t a n d th e ty p e o f

2 Exchange rate contracts with an original
maturity of 14 calendar days or less and
instruments traded on exchanges that require daily
1 The Basle Accord is a risk-based framework that receipt and payment of cash variation margin are
excluded from the risk-based capital ratio
was proposed by the Basle Committee on Banking
Supervision (Basle Supervisors Committee) and
3 The Board issued its amendment on December
endorsed by the central bank governors of the
7, 1994 (59 FR 62987), the OCC and FDIC issued
Group of Ten (G—10) countries in July 1988. The
their amendments on December 28, 1994 (59 FR
Basle Supervisors Committee is comprised of
66645 for the OCC Final rule and 59 FR 66656 for
representatives of the central banks and supervisory
the FDIC final rule).
authorities from the G -10 countries (Belgium,
Canada, France, Germany. Italy, Japan, Netherlands,
4 The notional principal amount is a reference
Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the
amount of money used to calculate payment
United States) and Luxembourg.
streams between counterparties.

Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations
c o n tr a c t. T h e o rig in a l c o n v e r s io n fa c to rs
in th e B a s le A c c o r d a n d th e b a n k in g
a g e n c ie s ’ risk -b a se d c a p ita l s ta n d a rd s
a re set fo rth in th e fo llo w in g m a tr ix :

Remaining maturity
One year or less .......
Over one y e a r...........

rate (in

rate (in

An individual add-on for potential
future exposure is calculated for all rate
contracts regardless of whether the
market value is zero, positive, or
negative, or whether die current
exposure is calculated on a gross or net
basis. The banking agencies’ recent
amendments to expand the recognition
of bilateral netting arrangements did not
revise the calculation of the add-on for
potential future exposure. Accordingly,
an add-on is calculated separately for
each individual contract subject to a
qualifying bilateral netting arrangement.
These individual potential future
exposures are added together to arrive at
a gross add-on amount. The gross add­
on amount is added to the net current
exposure to determine one credit

e q u iv a le n t a m o u n t fo r th e c o n tr a c ts
su b je c t to th e q u a lify in g b ila te ra l n e ttin g
a rra n g e m e n t.
C o m m e n te rs to th e B a s le p ro p o s a l to
e x p a n d th e re c o g n itio n o f b ila te ra l
n e ttin g a rr a n g e m e n ts u rg e d re g u la to rs to
a ls o re c o g n iz e r e d u c tio n s in p o te n tia l
fu tu re c r e d it e x p o s u r e a ris in g fro m s u c h
a rra n g e m e n ts . T h e y a ls o c o m m e n te d
th a t c o m m o d ity a n d e q u ity d e riv a tiv e
tr a n s a c tio n s s h o u ld b e e lig ib le fo r
n e ttin g fo r ris k -b a s e d c a p ita l p u rp o s e s .
A c c o r d in g ly , in Ju ly 1 9 9 4 th e B a s le
S u p e rv is o r s C o m m itte e p ro p o s e d
re v is io n s to th e B a s le A c c o r d re g a rd in g
th e risk -b a se d c a p it a l tre a tm e n t o f
d e riv a tiv e tr a n s a c t io n s .5 U n d e r th e
p ro p o s e d r e v is io n , th e m a t r ix o f
c o n v e r s io n fa c to r s u s e d to c a lc u la te
p o te n tia l fu tu re e x p o s u r e w o u ld b e
e x p a n d e d to ta k e in to a c c o u n t
in n o v a tio n s in th e d e r iv a tiv e s m a rk e ts.
S p e c if ic a lly , th e B a s le C o m m itte e
p ro p o s e d th a t h ig h e r c o n v e r s io n fa c to rs
b e a d d e d to a d d r e s s lo n g -d a te d
tr a n s a c tio n s (th a t is, c o n tr a c ts w ith
re m a in in g m a tu ritie s o v e r fiv e y e a rs)
a n d n e w c o n v e r s io n f a c to r s b e a d d e d to
e x p lic itly c o v e r c e r ta in ty p e s o f
d e riv a tiv e s tra n s a c tio n s n o t d ir e c tly


m e n tio n e d b y th e A c c o r d w h e n it w a s
e n d o rs e d in 1 9 8 8 . T h e s e in c lu d e
c o m m o d ity -, p r e c io u s m e ta l-, a n d
e q u ity -lin k e d d e r iv a tiv e tr a n s a c t io n s .6
T h e p ro p o s e d r e v is io n a ls o w o u ld h a v e
fo rm a lly e x te n d e d th e r e c o g n itio n o f
q u a lify in g b ila te r a l n e ttin g a rra n g e m e n ts
to c o m m o d ity , p r e c io u s m e ta l, an d
e q u ity d e riv a tiv e c o n tr a c ts so th a t th e s e
ty p e s o f t r a n s a c tio n s c o u ld b e n e tte d
w h e n d e te r m in in g c u r r e n t e x p o s u r e for
th e n e ttin g c o n tr a c t. In a d d itio n , th e
p ro p o s e d re v is io n s e t fo rth a fo rm u la for
in s titu tio n s to e m p lo y in re c o g n iz in g
re d u c tio n s in th e p o te n tia l fu tu re
e x p o s u r e o f d e riv a tiv e s c o n tr a c ts th a t
c a n re s u lt fro m e n te r in g in to q u alify in g
b ila te r a l n e ttin g a rr a n g e m e n ts .

II. The Agencies’ Proposals
After the Basle Supervisors
Committee issued its proposed revisions
to the Basle Accord, the banking
agencies each issued for public
comment proposals to amend their
respective risk-based capital standards
based on the international proposal. 7
The agencies’ proposed conversion
factor matrix is set forth below:

Conversion Factor Matrix 1
(Amounts in percent]
Interest rate

Residual maturity
Less than one year .........................................................................................
One to five y e a rs .............................................................................................
Five years or more ..........................................................................................

Foreign ex­
change and




metals, ex­
cept gold

Other com­

1 For contracts with multiple exchanges of principal, the factors are to be multiplied by the number of remaining payments in the contract.
2 For contracts that automatically reset to zero value following a payment, the remaining maturity is set equal to the time remaining until the
next payment.

The proposed matrix was designed to
accommodate a variety of contracts and
was intended to provide a reasonable
balance between precision, on the one
hand, and complexity and burden, on
the other.
The agencies also proposed the same
methodology as the Basle Supervisors
Committee to calculate a reduction in
the add-on amount for contacts subject
to qualifying bilateral netting
arrangements. Under the agencies’
proposals, institutions would apply the

following formula 8 to adjust the amount
of the add-on for potential future
Anet = 0 . 5 ( A gross +(NGR x A g ro ss))
Where Anct is the adjusted add-on for
all contracts subject to the netting
arrangement, AgTOss is the amount of the
add-on as calculated under the current
agency standards, and NGR is the ratio
of the net current exposure of the set of
contracts included in the netting
arrangement to the gross current
exposure of those contracts. The
proposals would have given partial
credit to the effect of the NGR by

The proposed revisions are contained in a
document entitled “The capital adequacy treatment
of the credit risk associated with certain offbalance-sheet items” that is available upon request
from the Board's or OCC’s Freedom of Information
Offices or the FDIC's Office of the Executive

'’In general terms, these are off-balance-sheet
derivative contracts that have a return, or a portion
of their return, linked to the price or an index of
prices for a particular commodity, precious metal,
or equity. These types of transactions were not
specifically addressed in the 1988 Accord (or in the
banking agencies’ original risk-based capital
standards) because they were not prevalent in the
derivatives markets at that time.

CAG 106/95

applying a weighted averaging factor of
0 .5 .

Under the proposals, institutions
would calculate a separate NGR for each
counterparty with which it has a
qualifying bilateral netting contract. The
proposals requested general comments
as well as specific comment as to
whether the NGR should be calculated
on a counterparty-by-counterparty basis
or on an aggregate basis for all contracts
subject to qualifying bilateral netting

7The Board issued its proposal on August 24,
1994 (59 FR 43508), the OCC issued its proposal on
September 1 ,1 9 9 4 (59 FR 45243), and the FD1C
issued its proposal on October 19, 1994 (59 FR
"This formula may also be expressed as: A,*., =
(l-P)Ag„», + P(NGR x A?rms) |P or policy factor =


Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations

III. Comments Received
The banking agencies together
received nineteen public com m ents on
their proposed amendments. Fifteen of
the commenters were banks and bank
holding companies and four were
industry trade associations and other
organizations. Commenters generally
supported the proposed amendments, in
particular the recognition of the effects
of bilateral netting arrangements in the
calculation of potential future exposure,
and several urged adoption of the
amendments as soon as possible.
Commenters offered suggestions and
opinions on several aspects of the
proposals including the conversion
factors, the formula for recognizing
potential future exposure, ways of
calculating the NGR, and recognizing
additional risk-reducing techniques.

Expanded Matrix
Over one half of the comm enters
addressed the proposed expanded
conversion factor matrix. Of these
commenters, most indicated the
proposed factors were generally
reasonable and acceptable. Several
commenters discussed the underlying
assumptions used in the simulation
models for arriving at the proposed
factors for commodity transactions and
expressed concern that the conversion
factors for certain comm odity derivative
transactions were too high. One
comm enter suggested the conversion
factor for commodity contracts across all
time bands should be twelve percent.
Another comm enter expressed the view
that the proposed conversion factor for
interest rate contracts with remaining
maturities greater than five years (1.5
percent) was an excessive increment
over the current 0.5 percent conversion
factor for interest rate contracts with
remaining maturities greater than one
year. This commenter suggested an
additional time band for interest rate
contracts with five to eight years
remaining maturity and a corresponding
conversion factor of 1.0 percent.
Another comm enter suggested there
should be no capital charge for potential
future exposure for commodity
contracts based on two floating indices.
One comm enter supported continuing
the existing time band of “ one year or
less” as opposed to the proposed time
band of “less than one year.” Two
commenters expressed the view that the
proposed time band for contracts with
remaining maturities greater than five
years was unnecessary. One commenter
suggested adding a time band and
appropriate conversion factors for
contracts with remaining maturities
between one and two years.

CAG 107/95

Several commenters discussed the
matrix footnotes. One suggested
extending the footnote applicable to
equity contracts with automatic reset
features following a payment to any
derivative contract with effective early
termination or periodic reset features.
With regard to the footnote pertaining to
contracts with multiple exchanges of
principal, one com m enter requested
further clarification on the types of
contracts included, while another
expressed the view that multiplying the
conversion factor by the number of
remaining paym ents in a contract was
too conservative. A few comm enters
recommended clarification as to the
appropriate capital treatm ent when
transactions are leveraged or enhanced
by a stated multiple.

Netting and Potential Future Exposure
A number of comm enters discussed
the proposed formula for recognizing
the effects of bilateral netting
arrangements in the calculation of
potential future exposure. Most of these
commenters supported the use of the
NGR as a reasonable proxy to estimate
the risk-reducing benefits of netting
arrangements. Several comm enters
supported giving full weight to the NGR
or, alternatively, weighting the NGR
with a higher averaging factor than the
proposed 0.5 factor. A nother com m enter
offered a revised formula that would
weight the netting portion of the
formula by two and divide the entire
formula by three. This com m enter stated
the revised formula would effectively
reduce the credit equivalent amount and
place greater emphasis on the portion of
the formula affected by a netting
arrangement. One com m enter suggested
that net credit risk should be the basis
for the add-on amount.
Several commenters addressed the
proposal’s specific request for comment
on whether the NGR should be
calculated on a counterparty-by­
counterparty basis or on an aggregate
basis across all portfolios eligible for
capital netting treatment. A few
commenters supported a counterpartyby-counterparty NGR as providing a
more accurate indication of credit risks.
Other commenters preferred an
aggregate NGR, characterizing an
aggregate NGR as less burdensome to
calculate. Two comm enters suggested
applying a single NGR to all
counterparties within each risk weight

Other Comments
Several commenters encouraged
recognizing other risk reducing
techniques such as margin and
collateral agreements, frequent

settlement of mark-to-market values,
and periodic resetting of terms and early
termination agreements. One
commenter suggested there should be
no capital charge for potential future
exposure when current exposure is less
than a certain level (e.g., negative $1
million). One commenter suggested
using negative net mark-to-market
values to offset potential future
exposure. A few commenters supported
the use of internal systems to calculate
capital requirements and recommended
continued monitoring of developments
in the banking industry.


IV. Final Rule

After consideration of the com m ents
received and further deliberation on the
issues involved, the banking agencies
have determined to adopt a final rule
that is substantially the same as
proposed. The final rule amends the
matrix of conversion factors used to
calculate potential future exposure and
permits institutions to recognize the
effects of qualifying bilateral netting
arrangements in the calculation of
potential future exposure. The final rule
is consistent with a revision to the Basle
Accord announced by the Basle
Supervisors Committee in April 1 9 9 5 .9

Expanded Matrix
The banking agencies believe that the
proposed conversion factors generally
provide a reasonable measure of
potential future exposure for long-dated
interest rate and exchange rate contracts
and for other derivative instruments not
addressed in the original A ccord. In
addition, the banking agencies believe
that the proposed matrix adequately
accommodates a variety of contracts and
appropriately provides a reasonable
balance between precision, and
com plexity and burden. The agencies,
however, have taken into consideration
issues raised by comm enters regarding
the simulation methods used to arrive at
the conversion factors for other
commodities. After additional
simulation analysis, the agencies have
concluded that the conversion factor for
other comm odity transactions with
maturities of one year or less should be
lowered from 12 percent to 10 percent.

Any off-balance-sheet derivative
contract not explicitly covered by the
expanded matrix is subject to the add­
on conversion factors for other
’ The revision to the Basle Accord is in an annex
with the heading “Forwards, swaps, purchased
options and similar derivative contracts” that was
issued along with the Basle Supervisors
Committee's consultative proposal on Market Risk
on April 1 2 ,1 9 9 5 . This document is available upon
request from the Board’s and OCC’s Freedom of
Information Offices and the FDIC’s Office of the
Executive Secretary.


Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations
commodities. Furthermore, in response
to comm enters’ concerns, the banking
agencies have revised the proposed time
band of “less than one year” to “one
year or less” to maintain consistency
with the existing time bands for
remaining maturity.
The proposed matrix included a
footnote applicable to equity contracts
that automatically reset market value to
zero following a payment. Under the
proposal, the remaining maturity of
such contracts would be the time until
the next payment. Several commenters
asserted this treatment should extend to
a wider range of contacts. The agencies
have determined that for contracts
structured to settle outstanding
exposure to zero following specified
payment dates and where the terms of
the contract are reset so that the market
value of the contract is zero on these
dates, the remaining maturity may be set
equal to the time until the next reset
date. However, the agencies believe that
a long-dated interest rate swap, with, for
example, a six-month zero reset
provision, represents a greater risk than
an interest rate swap that terminates
after six months. The final rule provides
that the minimum add-on conversion
factor for interest rate contacts with
remaining maturities of greater than one
year is 0.5 percent.
Under the final rule, which is
identical to the proposal in this regard,
gold derivative contracts are accorded
the same conversion factors as exchange
rate contracts. However, while exchange
rate contracts with original maturities of
fourteen calendar days or less may be
excluded from the risk-based ratio
calculation,10 gold contracts with such
original maturities are to be included.

Finally, the agencies note that the
conversion factors are to be regarded as
provisional and may be subject to
amendment as a result of changes in the
volatility of rates and prices.
N e ttin g a n d P o ten tia l F u t u r e E x p o s u r e

The final rule adopts, in substantially
the same form, the proposed
methodology for reducing potential
future exposure for contracts subject to
qualifying bilateral netting
arrangements. The agencies have
considered the argument presented by
several commenters that the proposed
formula did not give sufficient
10 Exchange rate contracts with original maturities
of 14 calendar days or less are normally excluded
from the risk-based capital ratio. When such
contracts are included in a bilateral netting
arrangement, however, the institution may elect
consistently either to include or exclude all markto-market values of those contracts when
determining net current exposure. These contracts
should continue to be excluded when determining
potential future exposure.

CAG 108/95

recognition to reductions in credit risk
resulting from participating in
qualifying netting arrangements. These
comm enters suggested giving full
weight to the NGR or, alternatively, that
it be weighted at 90 percent. The
agencies believe that only partial weight
should be given to the NGR as it is
neither a precise, nor a stable indicator
of future changes in net exposure
relative to changes in gross exposure.
The agencies agree, to a limited extent,
with comm enters that a 0 . 5 averaging
factor (referred to as the policy or P
factor) m ay not sufficiently recognize
reductions in potential future exposure
resulting from qualifying bilateral
netting arrangements and have
determined that the P factor should be
raised to 0.6. This weight represents an
appropriate compromise between
recognizing effects of bilateral netting
arrangements in calculating the add-on
and providing a cushion against
additional exposure that may arise as a
result of fluctuations in prices or rates.
The formula adopted by the agencies is
expressed as:
A IM:, = ( 0 . 4 x A g ro s s ) + 0 . 6 ( N G R x A g roSS)

The agencies have also considered
comm ents discussing whether the NGR
should be calculated on a counterpartyby-counterparty basis (that is, an
individual NGR for each bilateral
netting contract) or on an aggregate basis
for all contracts subject to legally
enforceable netting arrangements. The
agencies have determined that an
institution may elect to calculate
separate NGRs for each of its bilateral
netting arrangements or an aggregate
NGR so long as the method chosen is
used consistently and is subject to
exam iner review.
Regardless of the method employed
by an institution to calculate its NGR(s),
the NGR should be applied separately
and individually to each of the
institution’s bilateral netting
arrangements. If an institution
calculates an NGR for each bilateral
netting arrangement, then it should use
a different NGR when determining the
potential future exposure for each
bilateral netting arrangement. If an
institution aggregates its net and gross
replacement costs across all bilateral
netting contracts to determine a single
NGR, then it should use the same NGR
when determining the potential future
exposure for each bilateral netting
Institutions with equity, precious
metal, and other commodity contracts
included in bilateral netting contracts
should now include those types of
transactions when determining the net
current exposure for the bilateral netting


contract and when determining
potential future exposure in accordance
with this final rule.

The final rule permits, subject to
certain conditions, institutions to take
into account qualifying collateral when
assigning the credit equivalent amount
of a netting arrangement to the
appropriate risk category in accordance
with the procedures and requirements
currently set forth in each agency’s riskbased capital standards.
Finally, the agencies note that the
methodology for recognizing the effects
of qualifying bilateral netting
arrangements is subject to review and
revision as determined to be
V. Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis

Pursuant to section 605(b) of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, the agencies
do not believe that this final rule will
have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small business
entities in accord with the spirit and
purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility
A ct (5 U.S.C. 601 e t s e q . ) . In this regard,
while some institutions with limited
derivative portfolios may experience an
increase in capital charges, for most of
these institutions the final rule will
have no effect. For institutions with
more developed derivative portfolios,
the overall effect of the rule will likely
be to reduce regulatory burden and
decrease the capital charge for certain
derivative transactions. In addition,
because the risk-based capital standards
generally do not apply to bank holding
companies with consolidated assets of
less than $ 1 5 0 million, this final rule
will not affect such companies.
VI. Paperw ork Reduction Act and
Regulatory Burden

The agencies have determined that
this final rule will not increase the
regulatory paperwork burden of banking
organizations pursuant to the provisions
of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
U.S.C. 3501 e t s e q . ) .
Section 302 of the Riegle Community
Development and Regulatory
Improvement A ct of 1994 (Pub. L. 1 0 3 3 2 5 ,1 0 8 Stat. 2160) provides that the
federal banking agencies must consider
the administrative burdens and benefits
of any new regulation that imposes
additional requirements on insured
depository institutions. As noted above,
the rule may result in higher capital
charges for some institutions and lower
charges for others, but any additional
paperwork or recordkeeping burden
should be minimal. The rule provides a
more accurate measure of risks related
to derivative contracts and the capital
required to cover those risks.


Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations

Section 302 also requires such a rule
to become effective on the first day of
the calendar quarter following
publication of the rule, unless the
agency, for good cause, determines an
earlier effective date is appropriate.
Accordingly, the agencies have
determined that an effective date of
October 1 ,1 9 9 5 is appropriate.
VII. OCC Executive O rder 12866

It has been determined that this final
rule is not a significant regulatory action
as defined in Executive Order 12866.
VIII. OCC Unfunded Mandates Act of

Section 202 of the Unfunded
Mandates A ct of 1995 (Unfunded
Mandates Act) (signed into law on
March 2 2 ,1 9 9 5 ) requires that certain
agencies prepare a budgetary impact
statement before promulgating a rule
that includes a federal mandate that
may result in the expenditure by state,
local, and tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or by die private sector, of
$100 million or more in any one year.
If a budgetary impact statement is
required, section 205 of the Unfunded
Mandates A ct also requires the agency
to identify and consider a reasonable
number of regulatory alternatives before
promulgating a rule. The OCC has
determined that this joint agency final
rule will not result in expenditures by
state, local and tribal governments, or by
the private sector, of more than $100
million in any one year. Accordingly,
the OCC has not prepared a budgetary
impact statement or specifically
addressed the regulatory alternatives
As discussed in the preamble, this
joint agency final rule amends the riskbased capital guidelines to (1) revise
and expand the credit conversion
factors used to calculate the potential
future credit exposure for derivative
contracts and long-dated interest rate
and foreign exchange rate contracts and
(2) permit banks to net multiple
derivative contracts subject to a
qualifying bilateral netting contract
when calculating the potential future
credit exposure. While the impact of
this final rule on any particular national
bank will depend on die composition of
its derivatives portfolio, the OCC
believes that this final rule generally
will have little or no impact on most
banks since most banks have limited
derivative portfolios. For those banks
with more developed derivatives
portfolios, the OCC believes that the
effect of this final rule will likely be a
decrease in the capital requirements for
certain derivative contracts.

CAG 109/95

List o f Subjects

12 CFR Part 3
Administrative practice and
procedure, Capital, National banks,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Risk.

12 CFR Part 208
Accounting, Agriculture, Banks,
banking, Confidential business
information, Crime, Currency, Federal
Reserve System, Flood insurance,
Mortgages, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Securities.

12 CFR Part 225
Administrative practice and
procedure, Banks, banking, Federal
Reserve System, Holding companies,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Securities.

12 CFR Part 325
Bank deposit insurance, Banks,
banking, Capital adequacy, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements,
Savings associations, State nonmember


Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations

2. In part 208, appendix A is amended
by revising the last paragraph of section
III.C.3. and footnote 40 in the
introductory text of section III.D. to read
as follows:

in.* * *

Authority: 12 U.S.C. 36, 248(a), 248(c),
321-338a, 371d, 461, 481-486, 601, 611,
1814, 1823(j), 1828(o), 1831o, 1831p-l, 3105,
3310, 3331-3351, and 3906-3909; 15 U.S.C.
78b, 781(b), 781(g), 78l(i), 78o-4(c)(5), 78q,
78q-l and 78w; 31 U.S.C. 5318; 42 U.S.C.
4012a, 4104a, 4104b.

E. Derivative Contracts (Interest Rate,
Exchange Rate, Commodity— (including
precious metals) and Equity-Linked
S c o p e . Credit equivalent amounts are
Appendix A to Part 208— Capital
computed for each of the following offbalance-sheet derivative contracts:
Adequacy Guidelines for State Member
a. Interest Rate Contracts. These include
Banks: Risk-Based Measure
single currency interest rate swaps, basis
swaps, forward rate agreements, interest rate
options purchased (including caps, collars,
in.* * *
and floors purchased), and any other
c. * * *
instrument linked to interest rates that gives
3. * ■* *
rise to similar credit risks (including whenCredit equivalent amounts of derivative
issued securities and forward forward
contracts involving standard risk obligors
deposits accepted).
(that is, obligors whose loans or debt
b. Exchange Rate Contracts. These include
securities would be assigned to the 100
cross-currency interest rate swaps, forward
foreign exchange contracts, currency options
percent risk category) are included in the 50
purchased, and any other instrument linked
percent category, unless they are backed by
collateral or guarantees that allow them to be to exchange rates that gives rise to similar
credit risks.
placed in a lower risk category.
c. Equity Derivative Contracts. These
include equity-linked swaps, equity-linked
£) *
* 4 0 *
options purchased, forward equity-linked
contracts, and any other instrument linked to
In part 208, appendix A is amendedequities that gives rise to similar credit risks.
d. Commodity (including precious metal)
by revising the section III.E. heading
Derivative Contracts. These include
and section III.E. to read as follows:
commodity-linked swaps, commodity-linked
options purchased, forward commoditylinked contracts, and any other instrument

22Derivative contracts are an exception to the
general rule of applying collateral and guarantees to
the face value of off-balance sheet items. The
sufficiency of collateral and guarantees is
determined on the basis of the credit equivalent
amount of derivative contracts. However, collateral
and guarantees held against a qualifying bilateral
netting contract is not recognized for capital

purposes unless it is legally available for all
contracts included in the qualifying bilateral netting
23 Notwithstanding section 3(b)(5)(B) of this
appendix A, gold contracts do not qualify for this
"T h e sufficiency of collateral and guarantees for
off-balance-sheet items is determined by the market

value of the collateral or the amount of the
guarantee in relation to the face amount of the item,
except for derivative contracts, for which this
determination is generally made in relation to the
credit equivalent amount. Collateral and guarantees
are subject to the same provisions noted under
section III.B. of this appendix A.

12 C FR C H A P T E R II

For the reasons set out in the joint
preamble, the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System amends 12 CFR
parts 208 and 225 as set forth below.
The authority citation for part 208
continues to read as follows:

CAG 110/95

Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations
C a lcu la tio n o f c re d it eq u iv a le n t
linked to commodities that gives rise to
a m o u n ts , a. The credit equivalent amount of
similar credit risks.
Exceptions. Exchange rate contracts witha derivative contract that is not subject to a
qualifying bilateral netting contract in
an original maturity of fourteen or fewer
calendar days and derivative contracts traded accordance with section III.E.3. of this
appendix A is equal to the sum of (i) the
on exchanges that require daily receipt and
current exposure (sometimes referred to as
payment of cash variation margin may be
the replacement cost) of the contract; and (ii)
excluded bom the risk-based ratio
an estimate of the potential future credit
calculation. Gold contracts are accorded the
exposure-of the contract.
same treatment as exchange rate contracts
The current exposure is determined by
except that gold contracts with an original
the mark-to-market value of the contract. If
maturity of fourteen or fewer calendar days
the mark-to-market value is positive, then the
are included in the risk-based ratio
current exposure is equal to that mark-tocalculation. Over-the-counter options
market value. If the mark-to-market value is
purchased are included and treated in the
zero or negative, then the current exposure is
same way as other derivative contracts.


zero. Mark-to-market values are measured in
dollars, regardless of the currency or
currencies specified in the contract, and
should reflect changes in underlying rates,
prices, and indices, as well as counterparty
credit quality.
The potential future credit exposure of
a contract, including a contract with a
negative mark-to-market value, is estimated
by multiplying the notional principal amount
of the contract by a credit conversion factor.
Banks should use, subject to examiner
review, the effective rather than the apparent
or stated notional amount in this calculation.
The credit conversion factors are:


C o n v e r s io n F a c t o r s
(In percent)

Remaining maturity

One year or le s s ..............................................................................................
Over one to five y e a rs.....................................................................................
Over five years .................................................................................................

Interest rate


rate and




metals, ex­
cept gold

d. For a contract that is structured such
individual contracts, with the effect that the
c. A bank netting individual contracts for
that on specified dates any outstanding
bank would have a claim to receive, or
the purpose of calculating credit equivalent
exposure is settled and the terms are reset so
obligation to pay, only the net amount of the
amounts of derivative contracts, represents
that the market value of the contract is zero,
sum of the positive and negative mark-tothat it has met the requirements of this
the remaining maturity is equal to the time
appendix A and all the appropriate
market values on included individual
until the next reset date. For an interest rate
documents are in the bank’s files and
contracts in the event that a counterparty, or
contract with a remaining maturity of more
a counterparty to whom the contract has been available for inspection by the Federal
than one year that meets these criteria, the
Reserve. The Federal Reserve may determine
validly assigned, fails to perform due to any
minimum conversion factor is 0.5 percent.
that a bank’s files are inadequate or that a
of the following events; default, insolvency,
e. For a contract with multiple exchanges
contract, or any of its underlying
liquidation, or similar circumstances.
of principal, the conversion factor is
ii. The bank obtains a written and reasoned individual contracts, may not be legally
multiplied by the number of remaining
legal opinion(s) representing that in the event enforceable under any one of the bodies of
law described in section III.E.3.a.ii. of this
payments in the contract A derivative
of a legal challenge—including one resulting
appendix A. If such a determination is made,
contract not included in the definitions of
from default, insolvency, liquidation, or
the netting contract may be disqualified from
interest rate, exchange rate, equity, or
similar circumstances—the relevant court
commodity contracts as set forth in section
and administrative authorities would find the recognition for risk-based capital purposes or
underlying individual contracts may be
I1I.E.1. of this appendix A, is subject to the
bank’s exposure to be the net amount under:
treated as though they are not subject to the
same conversion factors as a commodity,
1. The law of the jurisdiction in which the
netting contract.
excluding precious metals.
counterparty is chartered or the equivalent
d. The credit equivalent amount of
f. No potential future exposure is
location in the case of noncorporate entities,
contracts that are subject to a qualifying
calculated for a single currency interest rate
and if a branch of the counterparty is
bilateral netting contract is calculated by
swap in which payments are made based
involved, then also under the law of the
adding (i) the current exposure of the netting
upon two floating rate indices (a so called
jurisdiction in which the branch is located;
contract (net current exposure) and (ii) the
floating/floating or basis swap); the credit
2 . The law that governs the individual
exposure on such a contract is evaluated
contracts covered by the netting contract; and sum of the estimates of potential future credit
exposures on all individual contracts subject
solely on the basis of the mark-to-market
3. The law that governs the netting
to the netting contract (gross potential future
exposure) adjusted to reflect the effects of the
g. The Board notes that the conversion
iii. The bank establishes and maintains
netting contract.50
factors set forth above, which are based on
procedures to ensure that the legal
e. The net current exposure is the sum of
observed volatilities of the particular types of characteristics of netting contracts are kept
all positive and negative mark-to-market
instruments, are subject to review and
under review in the light of possible changes
values of the individual contracts included in
modification in light of changing volatilities
in relevant law.
the netting contract. If the net sum of the
or market conditions.
iv. The bank maintains in its files
mark-to-market values is positive, then the
N ettin g, a. For purposes of this appendixdocumentation adequate to support the
net current exposure is equal to that sum. If
A, netting refers to the offsetting of positive
netting of derivative contracts, including a
the net sum of the mark-to-market values is
and negative mark-to-market values when
copy of the bilateral netting contract and
zero or negative, then the net current
determining a current exposure to be used ih
necessary legal opinions.
the calculation of a credit equivalent amount.
A contract containing a walkaway clause
if the defaulter or the estate of the defaulter is a net
Any legally enforceable form of bilateral
is not eligible for netting for purposes of
creditor under the contract.
netting (that is, netting with a single
calculating the credit equivalent amount.49
"F o r purposes of calculating potential future
counterparty) of derivative contracts is
credit exposure to a netting counterparty for foreign
recognized for purposes of calculating the
49A walkaway clause is a provision in a netting
exchange contracts and other similar contracts in
credit equivalent amount provided that:
contract that permits a non-defaulting counterparty
which notional principal is equivalent to cash
The netting is accomplished under a
to make lower payments than it would make
flows, total notional principal is defined as the net
written netting contract that creates a single
otherwise under the contract, or no payment at all,
receipts falling due on each value date in each
legal obligation, covering all included
to a defaulter or to the estate of a defaulter, even

CAG 111/95



Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations

exposure is zero. The Federal Reserve may
determine that a netting contract qualifies for
risk-based capital netting treatment even
though certain individual contracts included
under the netting contract may not qualify.
In such instances, the nonqualifying
contracts should be treated as individual
contracts that are not subject to the netting
f. Gross potential future exposure, or Agn*s
is calculated by summing the estimates of
potential future exposure (determined in
accordance with section III.E.2 of this
appendix A) for each individual contract
subject to the qualifying bilateral netting
g. The effects of the bilateral netting
contract on the gross potential future
exposure are recognized through the
application of a formula that results in an
adjusted add-on amount (Am,). The formula,
which employs the ratio of net current
exposure to gross current exposure (NGR) is
expressed as:
Ane, = ( 0 .4 x A ( r o u ) + O.efNGRxAgros*)
h. The NGR may be calculated in
accordance with either the counterparty-by­
counterparty approach or the aggregate
i. Under the counterparty-by-Qpunterparty
approach, the NGR is the ratio oi the net
current exposure for a netting contract to the
gross current exposure of the netting
contract The gross current exposure is the
sum of the current exposures of all
individual contracts subject to the netting
contract calculated in accordance with
section III.E.2. of this appendix A. Net
negative mark-to-market values for
individual netting contracts with the same
counterparty may not be used to offset net
positive mark-to-market values for other
netting contracts with that counterparty.
ii. Under the aggregate approach, the NGR
is the ratio of the sum of all of the net current
exposures for qualifying bilateral netting
contracts to the sum of all of the gross current
exposures for those netting contracts (each
gross current exposure is calculated in the
same manner as in section III.E.3.h.i. of this
appendix A). Net negative mark-to-market
values for individual counterparties may not
be used to offset net positive mark-to-market
values for other counterparties.
iii. A bank must consistently use either the
counterparty-by-counterparty approach or
the aggregate approach to calculate the NGR.
Regardless of the approach used, the NGR

should be applied individually to each
qualifying bilateral netting contract to
determine the adjusted add-on for that
netting contract
In the event a netting contract covers
contracts that are normally excluded from the
risk-based ratio calculation—for example,
exchange rate contracts with an original
maturity of fourteen or fewer calendar days
or instruments traded on exchanges that
require daily payment and receipt of cash
variation margin—a bank may elect to either
include or exclude all mark-to-market values
of such contracts when determining net
current exposure, provided the method
chosen is applied consistently.
4. R isk W eights. Once the credit equivalent
amount for a derivative contract, or a group
of derivative contracts subject to a qualifying
bilateral netting contract, has been
determined, that amount is assigned to the
risk category appropriate to the counterparty,
or, if relevant, the guarantor or the nature of
any collateral.51 However, the maximum risk
weight applicable to the credit equivalent
amount of such contracts is 50 percent.
5. A v o id a n c e o f d o u b le c o u n tin g , a. In
certain cases, credit exposures arising from
the derivative contracts covered by section
III.E. of this appendix A may already be
reflected, in part, on the balance sheet. To
avoid double counting such exposures in the
assessment of capital adequacy and, perhaps,
assigning inappropriate risk weights,
counterparty credit exposures arising from
the derivative instruments covered by these
guidelines may need to be excluded from
balance sheet assets in calculating a bank’s
risk-based capital ratios.
Examples of the calculation of credit
equivalent amounts for contracts covered
under this section III.E. are contained in
Attachment V of this appendix A.
In appendix A to part 208,
Attachments IV and V are revised to
read as follows:






Attachment IV—Credit Conversion Factors
for Off-Balance-Sheet Items for State
Member Banks

100 Percent Conversion Factor
1. Direct credit substitutes. (These include
general guarantees of indebtedness and all
guarantee-type instruments, including
standby letters of credit backing the financial
obligations of other parties.)

2. Risk participations in bankers
acceptances and direct credit substitutes,
such as standby letters of credit.
3. Sale and repurchase agreements and
assets sold with recourse that are not
included on the balance sheet.
4. Forward agreements to purchase assets,
including financing facilities, on which
drawdown is certain.
5. Securities lent for which the bank is at
50 Percent Conversion Factor
1. Transaction-related contingencies.
(These include bid-bonds, performance
bonds, warranties, and standby letters of
credit backing the nonfinancial performance
of other parties.)
2. Unused portions of commitments with
an original maturity exceeding one year,
including underwriting commitments and
commercial credit lines.
3. Revolving underwriting facilities (RUFs),
note issuance facilities (NIFs), and similar
20 Percent Conversion Factor
Short-term, self-liquidating trade-related
contingencies, including commercial letters
of credit.
Zero Percent Conversion Factor
Unused portions of commitments with an
original maturity of one year or less, or which
are unconditionally cancellable at any time,
provided a separate credit decision is made
before each drawing.
Credit Conversion for Derivative Contracts
1. The credit equivalent amount of a
derivative contract is the sum of the current
credit exposure of the contract and an
estimate of potential future increases in
credit exposure. The current exposure is the
positive mark-to-market value of the contract
(or zero if the mark-to-market value is zero
or negative). For derivative contracts that are
subject to a qualifying bilateral netting
contract, the current exposure is, generally,
the net sum of the positive and negative
mark-to-market values of the contracts
included in the netting contract (or zero if the
net sum of the mark-to-market values is zero
or negative). The potential future exposure is
calculated by multiplying the effective
notional amount of a contract by one of the
following credit conversion factors, as

C o n versio n F a c t o r s
[In percent]

Remaining maturity

Interest rate

One year or le s s ..............................................................................................
Over one to five y e a rs.....................................................................................
Over five y e a rs ............ ....................................................................................
51For derivative contracts, sufficiency of
collateral or guarantees is generally determined by
the market value of the collateral or the amount of
the guarantee in relation to the credit equivalent

CAG 112/95

rate and


amount. Collateral and guarantees are subject to the
same provisions noted under section m.B. of this
appendix A.





metals, ex­
cept gold

Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations
NGR is the ratio of net current exposure to
gross current exposure.
No potential future exposure is
calculated for single currency interest rate
swaps in which payments are made based
upon two floating indices, that is, so called
floating/floating or basis swaps. The credit
exposure on these contracts is evaluated

For contracts subject to a qualifying
bilateral netting contract, the potential future
exposure is, generally, the sum of the
individual potential future exposures for
each contract included under the netting
contract adjusted by the application of the
following formula:
A n e i= (0 . 4 x A g r o « ) + 0 . 6 ( N G R x A g r o * * )

Attachm en t V — C

a l c u l a t in g


r e d it

E q u iv a l e n t A m o u n t s


Type of contract
(1) 120-day forward foreign exchange ...............................
(2) 4-year forward foreign exchange ..................................
(3) 3-year single-currency fixed & floating interest rate
sw a p ....................................................................................
(4) 6-month oil sw ap..............................................................
(5) 7-year cross-currency floating & floating interest rate
sw a p ....................................................................................
Total .............................................................................


fo r


solely on the basis of their mark-to-market
value. Exchange rate contracts with an
original maturity of fourteen days or fewer
are excluded. Instruments traded on
exchanges that require daily receipt and
payment of cash variation margin are also
D e r iv a t iv e C o n t r a c t s


Current ex­
posure (dol­






-12 0 ,0 0 0












-1,50 0 ,0 0 0



a. If contracts (1) through (5) above are subject to a qualifying bilateral netting contract, then the following applies:

Potential fu­
ture expo­

Net current






Note: The total of the mark-to-market values from the first table is -$1,3 7 0 ,0 0 0 . Since this is a negative amount, the net current exposure is


b. To recognize the effects of bilateral netting on potential future exposure the following formula applies:
A nct= (* 4xAgross)+.6(NGRxAgros,)

c. In the above example where the net current exposure is zero, the credit equivalent amount would be calculated as follows:
AneI=(0.4x$2,900,000)+0.6 (0x52,900,000)


The credit equivalent amount is $1,160,000+0=51,160,000.
d. If the net current exposure was a positive number, for example $200,000, the credit equivalent amount would be calculated
as follows:
The credit equivalent amount would be $2,325,800+5200,000=52,525,800.

1. The authority citation for part 225
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(13), 1818,
1828(o), 1831i, 1831p—1 , 1843(c)(8), 1844(b),
1972(1), 3106, 3108, 3310, 3331-3351, 3907,
and 3909.

2. In part 225, appendix A is amended
by revising the last paragraph of section
III.C.3. and footnote 43 in the
introductory text of section III.D. to read
as follows:

CAG 113/95

Appendix A to Part 225— Capital
Adequacy Guidelines for Bank Holding
Companies: Risk-Based Measure






III. * * *
c. * * *

3. * * *
Credit equivalent amounts of derivative
contracts involving standard risk obligors
(that is, obligors whose loans or debt
securities would be assigned to the 100
percent risk category) are included in the 50
percent category, unless they are backed by
collateral or guarantees that allow them to be
placed in a lower risk category.






* * *4 3 ***





In part 225, appendix A is amended
by revising the section III.E. heading
and section to read as follows:
III. * * *
E . D e r i v a t i v e C o n t r a c t s ( I n t e r e s t R a te ,
E x c h a n g e R a te , C o m m o d ity - ( in c lu d in g *

4,The sufficiency of collateral and guarantees for
off-balance-sheet items is determined by the market
value of the collateral or the amount of the
guarantee in relation to the face amount of the item,
except for derivative contracts, for which this
determination is generally made in relation to the
credit equivalent amount. Collateral and guarantees
are subject to the same provisions noted under
section III.B. of this appendix A.


Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations

p r e c i o u s m e t a ls ) a n d E q u ity -L in k ed
C o n tra cts)
1. S c o p e . Credit equivalent amounts

computed for each of the following offbalance-sheet derivative contracts:
a. Interest Rate Contracts. These include
single currency interest rate swaps, basis
swaps, forward rate agreements, interest rate
options purchased (including caps, collars,
and floors purchased), and any other
instrument linked to interest rates that gives
rise to similar credit risks (including whenissued securities and forward forward
deposits accepted).
b. Exchange Rate Contracts. These include
cross-currency interest rate swaps, forward
foreign exchange contracts, currency options
purchased, and any other instrument linked
to exchange rates that gives rise to similar
credit risks.
c. Equity Derivative Contracts. These
include equity-linked swaps, equity-linked
options purchased, forward equity-linked
contracts, and any other instrument linked to
equities that gives rise to similar credit risks.

d. Commodity (including precious metal)
Derivative Contracts. These include
commodity-linked swaps, commodity-linked
options purchased, forward commoditylinked contracts, and any other instrument
linked to commodities that gives rise to
similar credit risks.
e. Exceptions. Exchange rate contracts with
an original maturity of fourteen or fewer
calendar days and derivative contracts traded
on exchanges that require daily receipt and
payment of cash variation margin may be
excluded from the risk-based ratio
calculation. Gold contracts are accorded the
same treatment as exchange rate contracts
except that gold contracts with an original
maturity of fourteen or fewer calendar days
are included in the risk-based ratio
calculation. Over-the-counter options
purchased are included and treated in the
same way as other derivative contracts.
2. C a lcu la tio n o f c r e d i t e q u iv a le n t
a m o u n t s , a. The credit equivalent amount of
a derivative contract that is not subject to a
qualifying bilateral netting contract in
accordance with section III.E.3. of this

appendix A is equal to the sum of (i) the
current exposure (sometimes referred to as
the replacement cost) of the contract: and (ii)
an estimate of the potential future credit
exposure of the contract.
b. The current exposure is determined by
the mark-to-market value of the contract. If
the mark-to-market value is positive, then the
current exposure is equal to that mark-tomarket value. If the mark-to-market value is
zero or negative, then the current exposure is
zero. Mark-to-market values are measured in
dollars, regardless of the currency or
currencies specified in the contract and
should reflect changes in underlying rates,
prices, and indices, as well as counterparty
credit quality.
c. The potential future credit exposure of
a contract, including a contract with a
negative mark-to-market value, is estimated
by multiplying the notional principal amount
of the contract by a credit conversion factor.
Banking organizations should use, subject to
examiner review, the effective rather than the
apparent or stated notional amount in this
calculation. The credit conversion factors are:

Conversion Factors
[In percent)

Remaining maturity

One year or le s s ................................................................................................
Over one to five y e a r s .....................................................................................
Over five years ..................................................................................................

Interest rate

rate and


d. For a contract that is structured such
and negative mark-to-market values when
that on specified dates any outstanding
determining a current exposure to be used in
exposure is settled and the terms are reset so
the calculation of a credit equivalent amount.
that the market value of the contract is zero,
Any legally enforceable form of bilateral
the remaining maturity is equal to the time
netting (that is, netting with a single
until the next reset date. For an interest rate
counterparty) of derivative contracts is
contract with a remaining maturity of more
recognized for purposes of calculating the
than one year that meets these criteria, the
credit equivalent amount provided that:
minimum conversion factor is 0.5 percent.
i. The netting is accomplished under a
e. For a contract with multiple exchanges
written netting contract that creates a single
of principal, the conversion factor is
legal obligation, covering all included
multiplied by the number of remaining
individual contracts, with the effect that the
payments in the contract. A derivative
banking organization would have a claim to
contract not included in the definitions of
receive, or obligation to pay, only the net
interest rate, exchange rate, equity, or
amount of the sum of the positive and
commodity contracts as set forth in section
negative mark-to-market values on included
III.E.l. of this appendix A is subject to the
individual contracts in the event that a
same conversion factors as a commodity,
counterparty, or a counterparty to whom the
excluding precious metals.
contract has been validly assigned, fails to
f. No potential future exposure is
perform due to any of the following events:
calculated for a single currency interest rate
default, insolvency, liquidation, or similar
swap in which payments are made based
upon two floating rate indices (a so called
ii. The banking organization obtains a
floating/floating or basis swap); the credit
written and reasoned legal opinion(s)
exposure on such a contract is evaluated
representing that in the event of a legal
challenge— including one resulting from
solely on the basis of the mark-to-market
default, insolvency, liquidation, or similar
g. The Board notes that the conversion
circumstances—the relevant court and
factors set forth above, which are based on
administrative authorities would find the
observed volatilities of the particular types of banking organization’s exposure to be the net
instruments, are subject to review and
amount under:
modification in light of changing volatilities
1. The law of the jurisdiction in which the
or market conditions.
counterparty is chartered or the equivalent
N ettin g , a. For purposes of this appendixlocation in the case of noncorporate entities,
A, netting refers to the offsetting of positive
and if a branch of the counterparty is

CAG 114/95





metals, ex­
cept gold

involved, then also under the law of the
jurisdiction in which the branch is located;
. 2 . The law that governs the individual
contracts covered by the netting contract; and
The law that governs the netting
iii. The banking organization establishes
and maintains procedures to ensure that the
legal characteristics of netting contracts are
kept under review in the light of possible
changes in relevant law.
iv. The banking organization maintains in
its files documentation adequate to support
the netting of derivative contracts, including
a copy of the bilateral netting contract and
necessary legal opinions.
b. A contract containing a walkaway clause
is not eligible for netting for purposes of
calculating the credit equivalent amount.53
c. A banking organization netting
individual contracts for the purpose of
calculating credit equivalent amounts of
derivative contracts represents that it has met
the requirements of this appendix A and all
the appropriate documents are in the banking
organization’s files and available for
inspection by the Federal Reserve. The
Federal Reserve may determine that a
53 A walkaway clause is a provision in a netting
contract that permits a non-defaulting counterparty
to make lower payments than it would make
otherwise under the contract, or no payment at all.
to a defaulter or to the estate of a defaulter, even
if the defaulter or the estate of the defaulter is a net
creditor under the contract.

Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations
banking organization’s files are inadequate or
that a netting contract, or any of its
underlying individual contracts, may not be
legally enforceable under any one of the
bodies of law described in section III.E.3.a.ii.
of this appendix A. If such a determination
is made, die netting contract may be
disqualified from recognition for risk-based
capital purposes or underlying individual
contracts may be treated as though they are
not subject to the netting contract.
d. The credit equivalent amount of
contracts that are subject to a qualifying
bilateral netting contract is calculated by
adding (i) the current exposure of the netting
contract (net current exposure) and (ii) the
sum of the estimates of potential future credit
exposures on all individual contracts subject
to the netting contract (gross potential future
exposure) adjusted to reflect the effects of the
netting contract.54
e. The net current exposure is the sum of
all positive and negative mark-to-market
values of the individual contracts included in
the netting contract. If the net sum of the
mark-to-market values is positive, then the
net current exposure is equal to that sum. If
the net sum of the mark-to-market values is
zero or negative, then the net current
exposure is zero. The Federal Reserve may
determine that a netting contract qualifies for
risk-based capital netting treatment even
though certain individual contracts included
under the netting contract may not qualify.
In such instances, the nonqualifying
contracts should be treated as individual
contracts that are not subject to the netting
f. Gross potential future exposure, or Agross
is calculated by summing the estimates of
potential future exposure (determined in
accordance with section III.F.2 of this
appendix A) for each individual contract
subject to the qualifying bilateral netting

g. The effects of the bilateral netting
contract on the gross potential future
exposure are recognized through the
application of a formula that results in an
adjusted add-on amount (Ana). The formula,
which employs the ratio of net current
exposure to gross current exposure (NGR), is
expressed as:

h. The NGR may be calculated in
accordance with either the counterparty-bycounterparty approach or the aggregate
i. Under the counterparty-by-counterparty
approach, the NGR is the ratio of the net
current exposure for a netting contract to the
gross current exposure of the netting
contract. The gross current exposure is the
sum of the current exposures of all
individual contracts subject to the netting
contract calculated in accordance with
section II1.E.2. of this appendix A. Net
negative mark-to-market values for

For purposes of calculating potential future
credit exposure to a netting counterparty for foreign
exchange contracts and other similar contracts in
which notional principal is equivalent to cash
flows, total notional principal is defined as the net

CAG 115/95


individual netting contracts with the same
Attachment IV—Credit Conversion
counterparty may not be used to offset net
Factors for Off-Balance-Sheet Items for
positive mark-to-market values for other
Bank Holding Companies
netting contracts with the same counterparty.
100 Percent Conversion Factor
ii. Under the aggregate approach, the NGR
is the ratio of the sum of all of the net current
1. Direct credit substitutes. (These include
exposures for qualifying bilateral netting
general guarantees of indebtedness and all
contracts to the sum of all of the gross current guarantee-type instruments, including
exposures for those netting contracts (each
standby letters of credit backing the financial
gross current exposure is calculated in the
obligations of other parties.)
same manner as in section III.E.3.h.i. of this
2. Risk participations in bankers
appendix A). Net negative mark-to-market
acceptances and direct credit substitutes,
values for individual counterparties may not
such as standby letters of credit.
be used to offset net positive current
3. Sale and repurchase agreements and
exposures for other counterparties.
assets sold with recourse that are not
iii. A banking organization must use
included on the balance sheet.
consistently either the counterparty-by­
4. Forward agreements to purchase assets,
counterparty approach or the aggregate
including financing facilities, on which
approach to calculate the NGR. Regardless of drawdown is certain.
the approach used, the NGR should be
5. Securities lent for which the banking
applied individually to each qualifying
organization is at risk.
bilateral netting contract to determine the
50 Percent Conversion Factor
adjusted add-on for that netting contract.
1. Transaction-related contingencies.
i. In the event a netting contract covers
contracts that are normally excluded from the (These include bid-bonds, performance
bonds, warranties, and standby letters of
risk-based ratio calculation—for example,
credit backing the nonfinancial performance
exchange rate contracts with an original
of other parties.)
maturity of fourteen or fewer calendar days
2. Unused portions of commitments with
or instruments traded on exchanges that
an original maturity exceeding one year,
require daily payment and receipt of cash
variation margin—an institution may elect to including underwriting commitments and
commercial credit lines.
either include or exclude all mark-to-market
3. Revolving underwriting facilities (RUFs),
values of such contracts when determining
note issuance facilities (NIFs), and similar
net current exposure, provided the method
chosen is applied consistently.
4. R isk W eights. Once the credit equivalent 20 Percent Conversion Factor
amount for a derivative contract, or a group
Short-term, self-liquidating trade-related
of derivative contracts subject to a qualifying
contingencies, including commercial letters
bilateral netting contract, has been
of credit.
determined, that amount is assigned to the
risk category appropriate to the counterparty, Zero Percent Conversion Factor
or, if relevant, the guarantor or the nature of
Unused portions of commitments with an
any collateral.55 However, the maximum risk original maturity of one year or less, or which
weight applicable to the credit equivalent
are unconditionally cancellable at any time,
amount of such contracts is 50 percent.
provided a separate credit decision is made
5. A v o i d a n c e o f d o u b le c o u n tin g , a. In
before each drawing.
certain cases, credit exposures arising from
Credit Conversion for Derivative Contracts
the derivative contracts covered by section
III.E. of this appendix A may already be
1. The credit equivalent amount of a
reflected, in part, on the balance sheet. To
derivative contract is the sunf'of the current
avoid double counting such exposures in the
credit exposure of the contract and an
assessment of capital adequacy and, perhaps, estimate of potential future increases in
assigning inappropriate risk weights,
credit exposure. The current exposure is the
counterparty credit exposures arising from
positive mark-to-market value of the contract
the derivative instruments covered by these
(or zero if the mark-to-market value is zero
guidelines may need to be excluded from
or negative). For derivative contracts that are
balance sheet assets in calculating a banking
subject to a qualifying bilateral netting
organization’s risk-based capital ratios.
contract, the current exposure is, generally,
b. Examples of the calculation of credit
the net sum of the positive and negative
equivalent amounts for contracts covered
mark-to-market values of the contracts
under this section III.!?, are contained in
included in the netting contract (or zero if the
Attachment V of this appendix A.
net sum of the mark-to-market values is zero
or negative). The potential future exposure is
calculated by multiplying the effective
In appendix A to part 225,
notional amount of a contract by one of the
Attachments IV and V are revised to
following credit conversion factors, as
read as follows:






receipts falling due on each value date in each
55 For derivative contracts, sufficiency of
collateral or guarantees is generally determined by

the market value of the collateral or the amount of
the guarantee in relation to the credit equivalent
amount. Collateral and guarantees are subject to the
same provisions noted under section II1.B. of this
appendix A.


Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 1995 / Rules and Regulations

Facto rs
[In percent]

o n v e r s io n

Interest rate

Remaining maturity

A n e t= (0 .4 X A g ro *t)+ 0 -6 (N G R x A g ro s s^

Attachm en t V — C



One year or le s s ..............................................................................................
Over one to five y e a rs.................................................................. ..................
Over five y e a r s .................................................................................................

For contracts subject to a qualifying
bilateral netting contract, the potential future
exposure is, generally, the sum of the
individual potential fiiture exposures for
each contract included under the netting
contract adjusted by the application of the
following formula:

rate and

NGR is the ratio of net current exposure to
gross current exposure.
2. No potential future exposure is
calculated for single currency interest rate
swaps in which payments are made based
upon two floating indices, that is, so called
floating/floating or basis swaps. The credit
exposure on these contracts is evaluated

a l c u l a t in g


r e d it

E q u iv a l e n t A m o u n t s


Type of Contract
(1) 120-day forward foreign exchange ...............................
(2) 4-year forward foreign exchange..................................
(3) 3-year single-currency fixed & floating interest rate
sw a p .....................................................................................
(4) 6-month oil sw ap .............................................................
(5) 7-year cross-currency floating & floating interest rate
sw a p .....................................................................................
Total .............................................................................


fo r




metals, ex­
cept gold



solely on the basis of their mark-to-market
value. Exchange rate contracts with an
original maturity of fourteen or fewer days
are excluded. Instruments traded on
exchanges that require daily receipt and
payment of cash variation margin are also
D e r iv a t iv e C


o ntracts


Current ex­
posure (dotlars)





-12 0 ,0 0 0






-250 ,0 0 0






-1,5 0 0 ,0 0 0



a. If contracts (1) through (5) above are subject to a qualifying bilateral netting contract, then the following applies:

Total ...........................................................................................................................................................

Potential fu­
ture expo­

Net current





Note: The total of the mark-to-market values from the first table is -$1,3 7 0 ,0 0 0 . Since this is a negative amount the net current exposure is
b. To recognize the effects of bilateral
netting on potential future exposure the
following formula applies:

The credit equivalent amount would be

A n e i= (0 .4 X A g ro ss)+ 0 .6 (N G R x A gro»s)

By order of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, August 25,1995.
Jennifer J. Johnson,

c. In the above example, where the net
current exposure is zero, the credit
equivalent amount would be calculated as
Anet= $l,160,000

The credit equivalent amount is

d. If the net current exposure was a
positive number, for example $200,000, the
credit equivalent would be calculated as
A net—$2,325,800

CAG 116/95

Deputy Secretary of the Board.

August 31, 1995


Effective September 1, 1995

Part IV
Federal Reserve System
12 CFR Parts 208 and 225
Capital; Capital Adequacy Guidlines;
Final Rule

[Enc. Cir. No. 10803]

CAG 117/95


Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 169 / Thursday, August 31, 1995 / Rules and Regulations

12CFR Parts 208 and 225
[Regulations H and Y; Docket No. R-0870]

Capital; Capital Adequacy Guidelines
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.
ACTION: Final rule.


The Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System (Board) is
amending its risk-based and leverage
capital adequacy guidelines for state
member banks and bank holding
companies (collectively, banking
organizations) to implement section 208
of the Riegle Community Development
and Regulatory Improvement Act of
1994 (Riegle Act). Section 208 states
that a qualifying insured depository
institution that transfers small business
loans and leases on personal property
with recourse shall include only the
amount of retained recourse in its riskweighted assets when calculating its
capital ratios, provided that certain
conditions are met. This rule will have
the effect of lowering the capital
requirements for small business loans
and leases on personal property that
have been transferred with recourse by
qualifying banking organizations.
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 1, 1995.


Rhoger H Pugh, Assistant Director (202/
7 2 8 -5 8 8 3 ); Norah Barger, Manager (202/
4 5 2 -2 4 0 2 ); Thomas R. Boemio,
Supervisory Financial Analyst (202/
452—2982); or David A. E lk es, S e n io r
Financial Analyst (2 0 2 /4 5 2 -5 2 1 8 ),
Division of Banking Supervision and
Regulation. For the hearing impaired
o n l y , Telecommunication Device for the
Deaf (TDD), Dorothea Thompson (202/
4 5 2 -3 5 4 4 ), Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, 20th and C
Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20551.

The Board’s current regulatory capital
guidelines are intended to ensure that
banking organizations that transfer
assets and retain the credit risk inherent
in those assets maintain adequate
capital to support that risk. For banks,
this is generally accomplished by
requiring that assets transferred with
recourse continue to be reported on the
balance sheet in their regulatory reports.
Thus, these assets are included in the
calculation of banks’ risk-based and
leverage capital ratios. For bank holding
companies, transfers of assets with
recourse are reported in accordance
with generally accepted accounting

CAG 118/95

principles (GAAP). GAAP treats most
such transactions as sales, allowing the
assets to be removed from the balance
sheet.1 For purposes of calculating bank
holding com panies’ risk-based capital
ratios, however, assets sold with
recourse that have been removed from
the balance sheet in accordance with
GAAP are included in risk-weighted
assets. Accordingly, banking
organizations are generally required to
maintain capital against the full amount
of assets transferred with recourse.
Section 208 of the Riegle Act, which
Congress enacted last year, directs the
federal banking agencies to revise the
current regulatory capital treatment
applied to depository institutions
engaging in recourse transactions that
involve small business obligations.
Specifically, the Riegle A ct states that a
qualifying insured depository
institution that transfers small business
loans and leases on personal property
(small business obligations) with
recourse need include only the amount
of retained recourse in its risk-weighted
assets when calculating its capital
ratios, rather than the full amount of the
transferred small business loans with
recourse generally required, provided
two conditions are met. First, the
transaction must be treated as a sale
under GAAP and, second, the
depository institution must establish a
non-capital reserve in an amount
sufficient to meet the institution’s
reasonably estimated liability under the
recourse arrangement. The aggregate
amount of recourse retained in
accordance with the provisions of the
Act may not exceed 15 percent of an
institution’s total risk-based capital or a
greater amount established by the
appropriate federal banking agency. The
Act also states that the preferential
capital treatment set forth in section 208
is not to be applied for purposes of
determining an institution’s status
under the prompt corrective action
statute (section 38 of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Act).
The Riegle Act defines a qualifying
institution as one that is well
capitalized or, with the approval of the
appropriate federal banking agency,
adequately capitalized, as these terms
1 The GAAP treatment focuses on the transfer of
benefits rather than the retention of risk and, thus,
allows a transfer of receivables with recourse to be
accounted for as a sale if the transferor (1)
surrenders control of the future economic benefits
of the assets, (2) is able to reasonably estimate its
obligations under the recourse provision, and (3) is
not obligated to repurchase the assets except
pursuant to the recourse provision. In addition, the
transferor must establish a separate liability account
equal to the estimated probable losses under the
recourse provision (GAAP recourse liability

are set forth in the prompt corrective
action statute. For purposes of
determining whether an institution is
qualifying, its capital ratios must be
calculated w i t h o u t r e g a r d to the
preferential capital treatment that
section 208 sets forth for small business
obligations. The Riegle Act also defines
a small business as one that meets the
criteria for a small business concern
established by the Small Business
Administration under section 3(a) of the
Small Business A ct.2
To meet the statutory requirements of
section 208 of the Riegle A ct, the Board
issued a proposed rule amending its
risk-based and leverage capital
guidelines for state member banks (60
FR 6042, February 1, 1995). Although
section 208 pertains only to insured
depository institutions, the Board also
proposed amending its risk-based
capital guidelines for bank holding
companies in order to maintain
consistency among banking
organizations in the calculation of
regulatory capital ratios.3
The proposal noted that in view of the
requirement that the preferential capital
treatment set forth in section 208 be
disregarded for prompt corrective action
purposes, the Board expected that it also
would disregard the preferential capital
treatment for purposes of determining
limitations on an institution’s ability to
borrow from the discount window and
that it would consider disregarding this
treatment for purposes of determining a
correspondent’s capital level under the
limitations of the Board’s Regulation F
(limitations on interbank liabilities).
The regulations governing these matters
are based in part on regulations
implementing the prompt corrective
action statute. The comm ent period on
the Board’s proposal ended on February
27, 1995.

Comments Received
In response to its proposal, the Board
received letters from four public
commenters consisting of three banking
organizations and one banking trade
association. All four organizations
2 See 15 U.S.C. 631 et seq. The Small Business
Administration has implemented regulations setting
forth the criteria for a small business concern at 13
CFR 1 2 1 .101-121.2106. For most industry
categories, the regulation defines a small business
concern as one with 500 or fewer employees. For
some industry categories, a small business concern
is defined in terms of a greater or lesser number of
employees or in terms of a specified threshold of
annual receipts.
3 The Board did not propose amending its
leverage capital guidelines for bank holding
companies since all transfers with recourse that are
treated as sales under GAAP are already removed
from a transferring bank holding company’s balance
sheet and, thus, are not included in the calculation
of its leverage ratio.

Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 169 / Thursday, August 31, 1995 / Rules and Regulations
supported the Board’s proposal to lower
the capital requirements for both state
member banks and bank holding
companies on recourse transactions
associated with transfers of small
business loans and leases. Three
respondents favored extending the
preferential capital treatment to other
types of assets. Two commenters argued
that not applying the preferential capital
treatment for purposes of determining
an institution’s prompt corrective action
category, its ability to borrow from the
discount window, or limitations on
interbank liabilities would diminish the
benefits of the proposed capital

Three respondents noted that under
the proposal, capital would be required
to be maintained for the entire amount
of recourse retained while further
requiring that a liability reserve be
established for expected future losses
associated with the recourse
arrangements. These commenters stated
that this requirement would result in a
partial duplication of capital charges
and, accordingly, argued that the
retained recourse liability should be
reduced by the aqiount of the reserve
before calculating capital requirements.
Final Rule

After consideration of the comments
received and further deliberation on the
issues involved, the Board is
implementing section 208 of the Riegle
Act by adopting a final rule amending
the risk-based and leverage capital
guidelines for state member banks. In
general, the final rule reduces the
amount of capital that banking
organizations are required to hold
against small business obligations
transferred with recourse. The final rule
provides that qu alify in g in s titu tio n s that
transfer small business obligations with
recourse are required, for risk-based
capital purposes, to maintain capital
only against the amount of recourse
retained and, for leverage ratio
purposes, are not required to maintain
any capital at all against such
obligations transferred with recourse,
provided two conditions are met. First,
the transaction must be treated as a sale
under GAAP and, second, the
transferring institutions must establish,
pursuant to GAAP, a non-capital reserve
sufficient to meet the reasonably
estimated liability under their recourse

As proposed, to maintain consistency
in regulatory capital calculations among
the banking organizations, the Board is
also issuing a parallel final amendment
to its risk-based capital guidelines for
bank holding companies. The Board
notes that the final rule, consistent with

CAG 119/95

section 208 and its proposal, applies
only to transfers of obligations of small
businesses that meet the criteria for a
small business as established by the
Small Business Administration. The
Board also notes that the capital
treatment specified in section 208 and
in this final rule for transfers of small
business obligations with recourse takes
precedence over the capital
requirements recently implemented for
transactions involving low levels of
In setting forth this final rule, the
Board has considered the arguments
made by commenters for reducing the
amount of retained recourse against
which capital would be assessed by the
amount of the recourse liability reserve
that is established pursuant to GAAP.
Section 208, however, requires
qualifying institutions selling small
business obligations with recourse to
establish and maintain a reserve equal
to the amount of its reasonable
estimated liability under the recourse
arrangement a n d maintain capital
against the amount of retained recourse.
The Board notes that the reserve
required under GAAP for the reasonable
estimated liability on assets transferred
with recourse is established to cover
expected losses while regulatory capital
is maintained to absorb unexpected
losses beyond those that were estimated
and expected. Thus, the Board believes
that it is appropriate to assess risk-based
capital against the full amount of
recourse, as well as require the
establishment of a liability reserve
pursuant to GAAP.
However, the final rule does not, as
proposed, amend the leverage capital
guidelines for state member banks to
require that the off-balance sheet
amount of retained recourse on small
business loans sold with recourse be
included in the calculation of the
leverage ratio. The Board, has concluded
that the leverage ratio should continue
to be based primarily on the amount of
average total on-balance-sheet assets as
reported in the Call Report.
The Board’s final rule extends the
preferential capital treatment for
transfers of small business obligations
with recourse only to qualifying
institutions. A state member bank will
be considered qualifying if, pursuant to
the Board’s prompt corrective action
regulation (12 CFR 208.30), it is well
capitalized or, by order of the Board,
adequately capitalized.4 Although bank
Under 12 CFR 208.30, a state member bank is
deemed to be well capitalized if it: 1) has a total
risk-based capital ratio of 10.0 percent or greater; 2)
has a Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 6.0 percent
or greater; 3) has a leverage ratio of 5.0 percent or
greater; and 4) is not subject to any written


holding companies are not subject to the
prompt corrective action regulation,
they will be considered qualifying
under the Board’s final rule if they meet
the criteria for well capitalized or, by
order of the Board, for adequately
capitalized as those criteria are set forth
for banks. In order to qualify, an
institution must be determined to be
well capitalized or adequately
capitalized without taking into account
the preferential capital treatment the
rule provides for any previous transfers
of small business obligations with
Under the final rule, the total
outstanding amount of recourse retained
by a qualifying banking organization on
transfers of small business obligations
receiving the preferential capital
treatment cannot exceed 15 percent of
the institution’s total risk-based capital.5*
By order, the Board may approve a
higher limit. If a banking organization is
no longer qualifying (i.e., becomes less
than well capitalized) or exceeds the
established limit, it will not be able to
apply the preferential capital treatment
to any transfers of small business
obligations with recourse that occur
while the institution is not qualified or
above the capital limit. However, those
transfers of small business obligations
with recourse that were completed
while the banking organization was
qualified and before it exceeded the
established limit of 15 percent of total
risk-based capital will continue to
receive the preferential capital treatment
even when the institution is no longer
qualified or the amount of retained
recourse on such transfers subsequently
exceeds the capital limitation.
Section 208(f) provides that the
c a p ita l o f an in su red d ep ository

institution shall be computed without
regard to section 208 when determining
agreement, order, capital directive, or prompt
corrective action directive issued by the Board
pursuant to section 8 of the FDI Act, the
International Lending Supervision Act of 1983, or
section 38 of the FDI Act or any regulation
thereunder, to meet and maintain a specific capital
level for any capital measure.
A state member bank is deemed to be adequately
capitalized if it: 1) has a total risk-based capital
ratio of 8.0 or greater; 2) has a Tier 1 risk-based
capital ratio of 4.0 percent or greater; 3) has a
leverage ratio of 4.0 percent or greater or a leverage
ratio of 3.0 percent or greater if the bank is rated
composite 1 under the CAMEL rating system in its
most recent examination and is not experiencing or
anticipating significant growth; and 4) does not
meet the definition of a well capitalized bank.
5 Thus, a transfer of small business obligations
with recourse that results in a qualifying banking
organization retaining recourse in an amount
greater than 15 percent of its total risk-based capital
would not be eligible for the preferential capital
treatment, even though the organization’s amount of
retained recourse before the transfer was less than
15 percent of capital.


Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 169 / Thursday, August 31, 1995 / Rules and Regulations

whether an institution is adequately
capitalized, undercapitalized,
significantly undercapitalized, or
critically undercapitalized for purposes
of prompt corrective action under the
Board’s prompt corrective action
regulation (12 CFR 208.33(h)).
The caption to section 208(f) of the
Riegle Act, “Prompt Corrective Action
Not Affected,” and the legislative
history indicate section 208 was not
intended to affect the operation of the
prompt corrective action system. See S.
Rep. No. 1 0 3 - 1 6 9 ,103d Cong., 1st Sess.
38, 69 (1993). However, the statute does
not include “well capitalized” in the list
of capital categories not affected. The
prompt corrective action system deals
primarily with imposing corrective
sanctions on institutions that are less
than adequately capitalized. Therefore,
allowing a bank that is adequately
capitalized without regard to section
208 to use the section’s capital
provisions for purposes of determining
whether the bank is well capitalized
generally would not affect the
application of the prompt corrective
action sanctions to the bank.6 Other
statutes and regulations treat a bank
more favorably if it is well capitalized
as defined under the prompt corrective
action statute, but these provisions are
not part of the prompt corrective action
system of sanctions. Permitting an
institution to be treated as well
capitalized for purposes of these other
provisions also will not affect the
imposition of prompt corrective action
There is one provision of the prompt
corrective action system that could be
affected by treating an institution as
well capitalized rather than adequately
capitalized. In this regard, if the
institution’s condition is unsafe and
unsound or it is engaging in an unsafe
or unsound practice, section 208.33(c)
of the Board’s prompt corrective action
regulation (12 CFR 208.33(c)) authorizes
the Board to reclassify a well capitalized
institution as adequately capitalized and
require an adequately capitalized
institution to comply with certain
prompt corrective action provisions as if
6 It is very unlikely but theoretically possible for
a banking organization that is undercapitalized
without using the preferential capital treatment in
section 208 to become well capitalized if the
provisions of section 208 are applied. Since, in the
Board's view, section 208 was not intended to affect
prompt corrective action sanctions, allowing an
undercapitalized institution (without taking into
account section 208) to be treated as well
capitalized (taking into consideration section 208)
would be an inappropriate application of the
preferential capital treatment permitted under
section 208. Thus, undercapitalized banking
organizations will not be able to use the capital
provisions of section 208 for purposes of improving
their prompt corrective action capital category.

CAG 120/95

that institution were undercapitalized.
Because the text and legislative history
of section 208 of the Riegle Act clearly
indicate that Congress did not intend to
affect prompt corrective action
sanctions, the Board believes that the
provisions of section 208 do not affect
the capital calculation for purposes of
reclassifying a bank from one capital
category to a lower capital category,
regardless of the bank’s capital level.
Thus, an institution may use the
capital treatment described in section
208 of the Riegle Act when determining
whether it is well capitalized for
purposes of prompt corrective action as
well as for other regulations that
reference the well capitalized capital
category.7 An institution may not use
the capital treatment described in
section 208 when determining whether
it is adequately capitalized,
undercapitalized, significantly
undercapitalized, or critically
undercapitalized for purposes of prompt
corrective action or other regulations
that directly or indirectly reference the
prompt corrective action capital
categories.8 Furthermore, the capital
ratios of an institution are to be
determined without regard to the
preferential capital treatment described
in section 208 of the Riegle Act for
purposes of being reclassified from one
capital category to a lower category as
described in the Board’s prompt
corrective action regulation (12 CFR
Section 208(g) of the Riegle Act
required that final regulations
implementing the provisions of section
208 be promulgated not later than 180
days after the date of the statute’s
enactment, i.e., by March 2 2 ,1 9 9 5 . In
order to meet the spirit of the statute,
the preferential capital treatment may be
applied by qualifying banking
organizations for those transfers of small
business obligations with recourse that
occurred on or after March 22, 1995,
provided certain conditions are met.
7 A institution that is subject to a written
agreement or capital directive as discussed in the
Board’s prompt corrective action regulation would
not be considered well capitalized. Also,
undercapitalized banking organizations will not be
able to use the capital provisions of section 208 for
purposes of improving their prompt corrective
action capital category. (See footnote 6.)
“Under the provisions of section 208, the capital
calculation used to determine whether an
institution is well capitalized differs from the
calculation used to determine whether an
institution is adequately capitalized. As a result, it
is possible that an institution could be well
capitalized using one calculation (i.e., one that
considers the preferential capital treatment) and
adequately capitalized using the other (i.e., one that
is calculated without regard to the preferential
capital treatment). In this situation, the institution
would be considered well capitalized.

The Board also notes that Section
208(a) of the Riegle Act provides that
the accounting principles applicable to
the transfer of small business
obligations with recourse contained in
reports or statements required to be filed
with the federal banking agencies by a
qualified insured depository institution
shall be consistent with GAAP.9 The
Board, in consultation with the other
agencies and under the auspices of the
Federal Financial Institutions
Examinations Council, intends to ensure
that appropriate revisions are made to
the Consolidated Reports of Condition
and Income (Call Reports) and the Call
Report instructions to implement the
accounting provisions of section 208.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
This rule reduces the capital
requirements on transfers with recourse
of small business loans and leases of
personal property. Therefore, pursuant
to section 605(b) of the Regulatory
Flexibility A ct, the Board hereby
certifies that this rule will not have a
significant econom ic impact on a
substantial number of small business
entities (in this case, small banking
organizations). Accordingly, a
regulatory flexibility analysis is not
required. The risk-based capital
guidelines generally do not apply to
bank holding companies with
consolidated assets of less than $150
million; thus, the rule will not affect
such companies.
Paperw ork Reduction A ct and
Regulatory Burden
The Board has determined that this
rule will not increase the regulatory
paperwork burden of banking
organizations pursuant to the provisions
of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
U.S.C. 3501 e t s e q . ) .
Section 302 of the Riegle Community
Development and Regulatory
Improvement Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 1 0 3 325, 108 Stat. 2160) requires that new
regulations take effect on the first day of
the calendar quarter following
publication of the rule, unless the
agency determines, for good cause, that
the regulation should become effective
on a day other than the first day of the
next quarter. October 1, 1995 would be
9 Transfers of small business obligations with
recourse that are consummated at a time when the
transferring banking organization does not qualify
for the preferential capital treatment or that result
in the organization exceeding the 15 percent capital
limitation will continue to be reported in
accordance with the instructions of the
Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (Call
Reports) for sales of assets with recourse. The Call
Report instructions generally require banks
transferring assets with recourse to continue to
report the assets on their balance sheets.

Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 169 / Thursday, August 31, 1995 / Rules and Regulations
the first day of the calendar quarter
following publication of the rule that
would also satisfy the requirements of
the Administrative Procedures Act (5
U.S.C. 553(d)). The Board has decided
that the final rule should be effective
immediately since the rule relieves a
regulatory burden on banking
organizations that transfer small
business obligations with recourse by
significantly reducing the capital
requirements on such obligations. This
immediate effective date will permit
banks to treat transfers of small business
obligations as sales and to reduce the
capital requirement for any such sales.
Also, there is a statutory requirement for
the banking agencies to promulgate final
regulations implementing the provisions
of section 208 by March 2 2 ,1 9 9 5 . For
these same reasons, in accordance with
5 U.S.C. 553(d) (1) and (3), the Board
finds there is good cause not to follow
the 30-day notice requirements of 5
U.S.C. 553(d) and to make the final rule
effective immediately.
List of Subjects
1 2 C F R P a rt 2 0 8

Accounting, Agriculture, Banks,
banking, Confidential business
information, Crime, Currency, Federal
Reserve System, Flood insurance,
Mortgages, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Securities.
1 2 C F R P a rt 2 2 5

Administrative practice and
procedure, Banks, banking, Federal
Reserve System, Holding companies,
R ep orting and record k eep ing

requirements, Securities.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, the Board amends 12 CFR
parts 208 and 225 as set forth below:
P A R T 2 0 8 — M E M B E R S H IP O F S T A T E
(R E G U L A T IO N H )

1. The authority citation for part 208
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 36, 248(a), 248(c),
321-338a, 3 7 l d ,4 6 1 ,4 8 1 -4 8 6 , 6 0 1 ,6 1 1 ,
1814, 1823(j), 1828(o), 1831o, 1831p-l, 3105,
3310, 3331-3351, and 3906-3909; 15 U.S.C.
78b, 781(b), 781(g), 78l(i), 78o-4(c)(5), 78q,
7 8 q -l and 78w; 31 U.S.C. 5318; 42 U.S.C.
4012a, 4104a, 4104b.

2. In part 208, appendix A, section
is amended by adding a new
paragraph 5. to read as follows:

III .B .

Appendix A to Part 208— Capital
Adequacy Guidelines for State Member
Banks: Risk-Based Measure





* * *

CAG 121/95


B. * * *
. 5. S m a l l B u s in e s s

Lo a n s a n d Leases on

P e rs o n a l P r o p e r t y T r a n s fe r r e d w it h R e c o u rs e .

a. Notwithstanding other provisions of this
appendix A, a qualifying bank that has
transferred small business loans and leases
on personal property (small business
obligations) with recourse shall include in
weighted-risk assets only the amount of
retained recourse, provided two conditions
are met. First, the transaction must be treated
as a sale under GAAP and, second, the bank
must establish pursuant to GAAP a non­
capital reserve sufficient to meet the bank’s
reasonably estimated liability under the
recourse arrangement. Only loans and leases
to businesses that meet the criteria for a small
business concern established by the Small
Business Administration under section 3(a)
of the Small Business Act are eligible for this
capital treatment.
b. For purposes of this appendix A, a bank
is qualifying if it meets the criteria set forth
in the Board’s prompt corrective action
regulation (12 CFR 208.30) for well
capitalized or, by order of the Board,
adequately capitalized. For purposes of
determining whether a bank meets the
criteria, its capital ratios must be calculated
without regard to the preferential capital
treatment for transfers of small business
obligations with recourse specified in section
III.B.5.a. of this appendix A. The total
outstanding amount of recourse retained by
a qualifying bank on transfers of small
business obligations receiving the
preferential capital treatment cannot exceed
15 percent of the bank’s total risk-based
capital. By order, the Board may approve a
higher limit.
c. If a bank ceases to be qualifying or
exceeds the 15 percent capital limitation, the
preferential capital treatment will continue to
apply to any transfers of small business
obligations with recourse that were
consummated during the time that the bank
was qualifying and did not exceed the capital
d. The risk-based capital ratios of the bank
shall be calculated without regard to the
preferential capital treatment for transfers of
small business obligations with recourse
specified in section III.B.5.a. of this appendix
A for purposes of:
(i) Determining whether a bank is
adequately capitalized, undercapitalized,
significantly undercapitalized, or critically
undercapitalized under prompt corrective
action (12 CFR 208.33(b)): and
(ii) Reclassifying a well capitalized bank to
adequately capitalized and requiring an
adequately capitalized bank to comply with
certain mandatory or discretionary
supervisory actions as if the bank were in the
next lower prompt corrective action capital
category (12 CFR 208.33(c)).






3 .'In part 208, appendix B, section II.
is amended by redesignating paragraph
c. as paragraph g. and adding new
paragraphs c., d., e., and f to read as


Appendix B to P art 208— Capital
Adequacy Guidelines for State Member
Banks: Tier 1 Leverage M easure
II. * * *
c. Notwithstanding other provisions of this
appendix B, a qualifying bank that has
transferred small business loans and leases
on personal property (small business
obligations) with recourse shall, for purposes
of calculating its tier 1 leverage ratio, exclude
from its average total consolidated assets the
outstanding principal amount of the small
business loans and leases transferred with
recourse, provided two conditions are met.
First, the transaction must be treated as a sale
under generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP) and, second, the bank
must establish pursuant to GAAP a non­
capital reserve sufficient to meet the bank’s
reasonably estimated liability under the
recourse arrangement. Only loans and leases
to businesses that meet the criteria for a small
business concern established by the Small
Business Administration under section 3(a)
of the Small Business Act are eligible for this
capital treatment.
d. For purposes o f this appendix B, a bank
is qualifying if it meets the criteria set forth
in the Board’s prompt corrective action
regulation (12 CFR 208.30) for well
capitalized or, by order of the Board,
adequately capitalized. For purposes of
determining whether a bank meets these
criteria, its capital ratios must be calculated
without regard to the preferential capital
treatment for transfers of small business
obligations with recourse specified in section
II.c. of this appendix B. The total outstanding
amount of recourse retained by a qualifying
bank on transfers of small business
obligations receiving the preferential capital
treatment cannot exceed 15 percent of the
bank’s total risk-based capital. By order, the
Board may approve a higher limit.
e. If a bank ceases to be qualifying or
exceeds the 15 percent capital limitation, the
preferential capital treatment will continue to
apply to any transfers of small business
obligations with recourse that were
consummated during the time that the bank
was qualifying and did not exceed the capital
f. The leverage capital ratio of the bank
shall be calculated without regard to the
preferential capital treatment for transfers of
small business obligations with recourse
specified in section II of this appendix B for
purposes of:
(i) Determining whether a bank is
adequately capitalized, undercapitalized,
significantly undercapitalized, or critically
undercapitalized under prompt corrective
action (12 CFR 208.33(b)); and
(ii) Reclassifying a well capitalized bank to
adequately capitalized dnd requiring an
adequately capitalized bank to comply with
certain mandatory or discretionary
supervisory actions as if the bank were in the
next lower prompt corrective action capital
category (12 CFR 208.33(c)).






Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 169 / Thursday, August 31, 1995 / Rules and Regulations

P A R T 2 2 5 — B A N K H O L D IN G
C O N T R O L (R E G U L A T IO N Y )

1. The authority citation for part 225
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(13), 1818,
18280, 1831i. 1831p—1, 1843(c)(8), 1844(b),
1972(1), 3106, 3108, 3310, 3331-3351, 3907,
and 3909.
2. In part 225, appendix A, section
III.B. is amended by adding a new
paragraph 5. to read as follows:
Appendix A to Part 225— Capital .
Adequacy Guidelines for Bank Holding
Companies: Risk-Based Measure

m. * * *
B. *



S m a l l B u s in e s s L o a n s a n d L e a s e s o n

P e rs o n a l P r o p e r ty T r a n s fe r r e d w it h R e c o u rs e .

a. Notwithstanding other provisions of this
appendix A, a qualifying banking

CAG 122/95

organization that has transferred small
business loans and leases on personal
property (small business obligations) with
recourse shall include in weighted-risk assets
only the amount of retained recourse,
provided two conditions are met. First, the
transaction must be treated as a sale under
GAAP and, second, the banking organization
must establish pursuant to GAAP a non­
capital reserve sufficient to meet the
organization’s reasonably estimated liability
under the recourse arrangement. Only loans
and leases to businesses that meet the criteria
for a small business concern established by
the Small Business Administration under
section 3(a) of the Small Business Act are
eligible for this capital treatment.
For purposes of this appendix A, a
banking organization is qualifying if it meets
the criteria for well capitalized or, by order
of the Board, adequately capitalized, as those
criteria are set forth in the Board’s prompt
corrective action regulation for state member
banks (12 CFR 208.30). For purposes of
determining whether an organization meets
these criteria, its capital ratios must be
calculated without regard to the capital

treatment for transfers of small business
obligations with recourse specified in section
IIl.B.5.a. of this appendix A. The total
outstanding amount of recourse retained by
a qualifying banking organization on
transfers of small business obligations
receiving the preferential capital treatment
cannot exceed 15 percent of the
organization’s total risk-based capital. By
order, the Board may approve a higher limit.
If a bank holding company ceases to be
qualifying or exceeds the 15 percent capital
limitation, the preferential capital treatment
will continue to apply to any transfers of
small business obligations with recourse that
were consummated during the time that the
organization was qualifying and did not
exceed the capital limit.

By order of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, August 25, 1995.
Jennifer J. Johnson,
D e p u ty S e c re ta ry o f th e B o a rd .

(FR Doc. 9 5 -21607 Filed 8 -3 0 -9 5 ; 8:45 am]