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Circular No. 10461 ~|
June 14, 1991

Proposed Amendments to Regulations G and T
Comments Due July 15, 1991
To All Banks, Brokers and Dealers, and Persons Extending
Securities Credit in the Second Federal Reserve District:

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has issued for comment proposed
amendments to its Regulations G and T to exclude from certain margin rules deposits of margin
securities with clearing agencies regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission or the
Securities and Exchange Commission, provided these deposits are made in connection with action
by the clearing agency to issue options or to guarantee performance on futures contracts or options
on futures contracts. Printed below is the text of the proposal, as published in the Federal Register
o f June 5.
Comments on the proposal should be submitted by July 15, 1991 and may be sent to the Board,
as specified in the notice, or to our Compliance Examinations Department.
E. G e r a l d C o r r ig a n ,

12 CFR Parts 207 and 220
[Docket No. R-0732; Regulations G and T ]

Amendments to Margin Regulations
T o Accommodate Deposit
Requirements of Regulated Clearing

May 30,1991.
a g e n c y : Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve, System.
a c t io n : Proposed rule.
The Board is proposing to
amend Regulation G and Regulation T to
exclude horn the limitations of the
margin rules the deposit of margin
securities with clearing agencies
regulated by the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission or the Securities
and Exchange Commission, provided
these deposits are made in connection
with action by the clearing agency to
issue options or to guarantee
performance on futures contracts or
options on futures contracts.
DATES: Comments should be received on
or before July 15,1991.
sum m ary:

ADDRESSES: Comments, which should
refer to Docket No. R-0732, may be
mailed to Mr. William W. Wiles,
Secretary, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC 20551, or delivered at the C Street
entrance between 8:45 a.m. and 5:15 pjn.
weekdays to room B-2223. Comments
may be inspected in room B-1122
between 8:45 a.m. and 5:15 p.m.

Laura Homer, Securities Credit Officer,
or Scott Holz, Attorney, Division of
Banking Supervision and Regulation
(202) 452-2781; for the hearing impaired,
only. Telecommunications Device for
the Deaf (TDD), Dorothea Thompson,
(202) 452-3544.

Regulation G requires registration of
persons other than banks, brokers or
dealers who extend or maintain credit
(over prescribed minimum amounts)
secured directly or indirectly by margin
stock. If the credit is to purchase or
carry margin stock, limitations are
placed on the valuation of the stock


R E G IS T E R ,

collateral. Regulation T prohibits a
broker-dealer from borrowing in the
ordinary course of business on the
collateral of exchange-traded stock from
any lender other than a bank. On prior
occasions the Board has found
guarantees and certain business
relationships to involve an extension of
credit. Therefore, registration of a
clearing firm under Regulation G would
be required under the Board’s traditional
view of the term if margin securities are
deposited as collateral. Broker-dealers
would also be prohibited from
borrowing from the non-bank lenders
under that reasoning.
In May, 1983, in conjunction with a
completely revised and simplified
Regulation T (48 FR 23161, May 24,
1983), the Board added a provision
permitting clearing members of an
options clearing agency to deposit
certain margin stock with the clearing
agency as the required margin for
options transactions. No changes in
Regulation G were made at that time as
the persons who would make the
deposit were all subject to Regulation T
and it w as felt that the corollary

VOL. 56, NO. 108, pp. 25641-25642


Regulation G issue w as implicitly
decided. In March of 1984, the provision
was expanded (49 FR 9559) in
conjunction with an SEC action on the
issue. The present rule provides that the
provisions of Regulation T do not apply
to the deposit of securities with an
options clearing agency registered with
the SEC provided the deposit complies
with the rules approved by the SEC.
Options and futures exchanges trade
standardized contracts and the clearing
agency guarantees settlement. A person
wishing to offset an obligation or take a
profit in these markets does not need to
search for the original counterparty to
the contract as the clearing agency has
been substituted for both sides. This
fungibility of contracts and substitution
enables a person to pay the price or
receive the profit at any time as long as
someone is willing to take similar action
on the other side of the contract. The
deposit, changed daily at both futures
and options clearing agencies, reflects
the current value of the underlying
product, security or index established by
trades on the exchange.
The proposed rule will eliminate the
need for registration and regulation
under Regulation G of clearing agencies
for the regulated futures markets,
provided the deposit complies with rules
of the CFTC. It will accord the clearing
arm of the CME and other futures
clearing agencies the same exemptive
treatment in performing the clearing
function that the Board has given to an
options clearing agency.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Board believes there will be no
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities if
this proposal is adopted. Comments are
invited on this statement.
Paperwork Reduction Act
No additional reporting requirements
or modifications to existing reporting
requirements are proposed.

List of Subjects
12 CFR Part 207
Banks, Banking, Brokers, Credit,
Federal Reserve System, Investment
companies, Investments, Margin, Margin
requirements, National Market System
(NMS Security), Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Securities.
12 CFR Part 220
Banks, Banking, Bonds, Brokers,
Commodity futures, Credit, Federal
Reserve System, Foreign currencies,
Investment companies, Investments,
Margin, Margin requirements, National
Market System (NMS Security),
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Securities.
For the reasons set out in this notice,
and pursuant to the Board’s authority
under sections 3, 7,8,17, and 23 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (15 U.S.C. 78c, 78g, 78h, 78q,
and 78w), the Board proposes to amend
12 CFR parts 207 and 220 as follows:

contracts of sale of a commodity for
future delivery or options on such

1. The authority citation for part 220
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs. 3, 7, 8,17 and 23 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
(15 U.S.C. 78c, 78g, 78h, 78q, and 78w).
2. In § 220.14 the section heading and
paragraph (b) are revised to read as
§ 220.14 Clearance of Securities, Options,
and Futures.






Deposit o f securities with a
clearing agency. The provisions of this
part shall not apply to the deposit of
securities with an options or futures
clearing agency for the purpose of
meeting the deposit requirements of the
agency if:
(1) The clearing agency issues options
on any security, certificate of deposit,
securities index or foreign currency or
guarantees performance of contracts of
sale of a commodity for future delivery
1. The authority citation for part 207
or options on such contracts;
continues to read as follows:
(2) The clearing agency is registered
Authority: Secs. 3, 7, 8,17 and 23 of the
with the Securities and Exchange
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
Commission or is the clearing agency for
(15 U.S.C. 78c, 78g, 78h, 78q, and 78w).
a contract market regulated by the
2. Section 207.1 is amended by adding
Commodity Futures Trading
a new sentence at the end of paragraph
Commission; and
(3) The deposit consists of any margin
security and complies with the rules of
§ 207.1 Authority, purpose, and scope.
the clearing agency that have been
approved by die Securities and
Purpose and scope. * * * This part
Exchange Commission or the
does not apply to clearing agencies
Commodity Futures Trading
regulated by the Securities and
Exchange Commission or the
By order of die Board of Governors of the
Commodity Futures Trading
Federal Reserve System, May 30,1991.
Commission that accept deposits of
William W. Wiles,
margin stock in connection with the
Secretary of the Board.
issuance of options on any security,
[FR Doc. 91-13192 Filed 8-4-91: 8:45 am]
certificate of deposit, securities index or
foreign currency or the guarantee of