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Circular No. 10224 "1
January 27, 1988


Election of Class A Director
(By member banks classified in Group 1 on December 23, 1987, that is, member banks with
capital and surplus off more than $400,000,000 on that date)
To the Member Banks o f the Second Federal Reserve District:
In accordance with the provisions o f section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as am ended, and Circular No. 10215,
dated D ecem ber 23, 1987, on the nom ination of a class A director of this Bank for the unexpired portion o f the term
ending D ecem ber 31, 1988, there is shown on page 2 the nam e of the candidate nom inated for such office, and by
whom nom inated.
To each m em ber bank classified in Group 1 on D ecem ber 23, 1987, the following are being sent with this
(a) Ballot for use in voting for candidate for class A director.
(b) Pink ballot envelope in which the ballot is to be sealed.
(c) Certificate envelope bearing on its face the certificate in regard to the vote.
(d) A ddressed envelope in which all of the foregoing should be returned to me.
The ballot and the certificate on the certificate envelope m ust be executed by an officer who has been authorized
to cast the vote. A list o f the officers designated for this purpose by the m em ber banks in Group 1 was contained in the
above-m entioned circular dated D ecem ber 23, 1987, and a sim ilar list revised to date is contained herein. In order
that the ballot may be secret, the nam e of the bank and the nam e and title of the voting officer should not be written on
the ballot, but should be written only on the certificate envelope.
(1) The ballot should be marked.
(2) The m arked ballot should be placed in the pink ballot envelope and that envelope sealed.
(3) Then the sealed pink ballot envelope should be placed within the certificate envelope, and the certificate
envelope should be sealed and the certificate thereon executed.
(4) Then the certificate envelope containing the sealed pink ballot envelope should be returned to m e in the
enclosed addressed envelope.
The law provides that the ballot shall be cast within 15 days after receipt of the list o f candidates transm itted
herewith. The polls will open at 10 a .m ., January 28, 1988, and will close at 12 noon on Friday, February 12, 1988,
and in order to be counted as valid the ballot m ust be received by me at or before the latter time. Upon the closing of
the polls the ballot box will be opened in the board room o f this Bank, the sealed envelopes containing the ballots will
be opened, the votes counted and checked by tellers, and the result of the election announced. The candidate m ay, if
he so desires, be present or represented on this occasion.
Because banks in Groups 2 and 3 will not vote in this election, this circular is sent to them w ithout fo rm s and fo r
their information only.
John R. O pel ,
C hairm an o f the Board.

Candidate for Class A Director
Chairm an and C hief Executive Officer
M anufacturers H anover Trust Com pany
New Y ork, N .Y .
F. M c G i l l i c u d d y was bom in H arrison, New Y ork, on D ecem ber 30, 1930. He re­
ceived a B . A. degree from Princeton University in 1952 and an L L .B . degree from H arvard U niver­
sity in 1955.
Jo h


M r. M cG illicuddy began his banking career with M anufacturers H anover in 1958, becom ing
Vice President in 1962 and Senior V ice President in 1966. In 1969 he was prom oted to Executive
Vice President and A ssistant to the Chairm an. He was appointed Vice Chairm an in 1970, President
in 1971, and Chairm an and C hief Executive O fficer in 1979.
Am ong his m any civic and professional activities, Mr. M cG illicuddy is a director of Allegis
Corporation, The Continental C orporation, Kraft, Inc., and USX C orporation. He is chairm an of
the board o f M anufacturers H anover Lim ited, a London-based m erchant bank. He is also a m em ber
o f the Business Roundtable, The Business Council, the Association o f Reserve City B ankers, and
the Conference B oard, Inc.; a tm stee of Princeton University and the New York Public Library; a
director of the N ational Football Foundation and Hall o f Fam e, Inc., National M ultiple Sclerosis
Society, New York City Partnership, In c ., and the New York C ham ber o f C om m erce and Industry.
In addition, M r. M cGillicuddy is a m em ber o f the Executive Com m ittee o f The C ardinal’s
Com m ittee of the Laity, and the Board o f Governors of The Society of the New York H ospital.
In 1986 and 1987, he served as the m em ber of the Federal A dvisory Council o f the Federal
Reserve System representing the Second Federal Reserve District.

Nominated by the following member banks in Group 1
P lace

N am e o f B ank or Trust C om p any

N e w Y ork C ity

B ankers Trust C om pany
C h em ical B ank


Group No. 1

January 2 7 ,1 9 8 8

T h is b allot and the certificate on the certificate e n v e lo p e m ust be e x ecu ted b y an o ffice r
w h o has b een authorized to cast the vote and w h o se d esign ation has b een d u ly certified to
m e.
T h e p o lls w ill op en at 10 a .m . on January 2 8 , 198 8 , and w ill c lo s e at 12 n oon on Fri­
d a y , February 1 2 ,1 9 8 8 . T h is ballot m ust be returned so as to reach m e b efore the latter tim e.
Failure to ob serve instructions w ill invalid ate this ballot.

John R. O pel ,

Chairman of the Board.

for unexpired portion of term ending December 31, 1988

C a n d id a t e

John F. M c G il l ic u d d y

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company
New York, N.Y.

(Indicate vote
by X below)


1. Mark this ballot to indicate vote.
2. Place marked ballot in the pink ballot envelope and seal that envelope.
3. Place sealed pink ballot envelope in certificate envelope and seal certificate envelope and execute certificate
4. Return sealed and executed certificate envelope (with sealed pink ballot envelope enclosed therein) in envelope
addressed to Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Federal Reserve P.O. Station,
New York, N.Y. 10045.

E lec tio n


D ir e c t o r s

of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
The marked preferential ballot should be placed in this
envelope, and this envelope should then be sealed and
placed in the certificate envelope.

<LiLK. I ir

1 ju i

Jidi v

s ii

This Envelope Shoeld Contain Only Ballot in Sealed Pink Envelope
It Will Not Be Opened Until Polls Close
Group No. 1

To M r . John R. O pel ,
Chairm an o f the Board,
Federal Reserve Bank o f New York.
In accordance with section 4 o f the Federal Reserve Act, as am ended, I hereby certify that my
vote for a class A director o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York for the unexpired portion o f the
term ending D ecem ber 31, 1988 is as indicated (by X) on the ballot sealed herein.
(Name of Bank)

(Signature of officer designated to vote. See list of member
banks in Group 1 in accompanying circular.)

(Location of Bank)

(TITLE of Voting Officer)

Chairman, Board of Directors
Federal Reserve Bank off New York
Federal Reserve PoQo Station
New York, NcY0 10045

Special Election of Class A Director
For Unexplred Portion off Terns Ending December 31, 1988

List of the 10 Member Banks in Group 1
(Group 1 consists of member banks with capital and surplus of more than $400,000,000,
on December 23, 1987.)


Name of Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote


Marine Midland Bank, N. A........................................................... . Chairman of the Board, Vice Chairman, or Secretary

New York City

The Bank of New Y o rk................................................................. . Chairman of the Board, President, Senior Executive Vice
President, or any Executive Vice President
Bankers Trust Company............................................................... . President, or any Vice President
The Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association)...................... . Chairman of the Board, President, Vice Chairman of the
Board, any Vice President, or Secretary
Chemical B an k ...............................................................................

Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice Chairman, or

Citibank, N.A..................................................................................

Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Executive
Committee, any Vice Chairman, President, any
Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President,
any Vice President, or Cashier

Irving Trust Company.....................................................................

Chairman of the Board, President, any Executive Vice
President, or any Vice President

Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company.........................................

Chairman of the Board, President, or any Vice President

Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New Y ork.............................

Chairman of the Board, a Vice Chairman, President, any
Vice President, Cashier, or Secretary

Republic National Bank of New York.............................................

Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice President, or