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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361-209 SO. LA SALLE ST. D . A . JONES , ASST, CASHIER A . H . VOGT, ASST . CASHIER ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMENT BONDS P.O . BOX 805 VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN Information regarding Final Summary of Subscriptions and Uay 20, 1~19, Payment Letter. Circular Ho. 169 llaJ 6, 1919 TO TBB BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: The Final Summary of Subscriptions and Payment Letter which in previous Loans have been on separate forms, have now been combined on one form {No. 505) and will be forwarded to reach you on or before Saturday, MaJ 10. You will not be required to mail this combined form (No. 505) until the close of business May 20; this in order that you may include payments received that day. IT IS IMPORTANT, HOWEVER, THAT IT BE UAILED PROMPTLY, AS ACCRUED INTEREST WILL BE CHARGED FROM MAY 20 TO DATE OF RECEIPT BY US ON A~L PAYMENTS BEARING A POSTMARK LATER THAN MAY 20. 1oi PAYMENT on all of your subscriptions NOT previously subscribed and paid for in full must accompany the Final Summary of Subscriptions {Form 605). 90t PAYMENT must also accompany this same form on any subscriptions of $10,000 or less on which you desire to complete payment as of llay 20. Subscriptions for amounts over $10,000 are subject to allotment. Therefore, you should not remit to us, nor should you accept from your subscribers , more than the initial IOfo payment on such subscriptions, until you have received notice of allotment, which will be a form for your use in completing payment on allotted subscriptions, and should reach you about June 3. METHOD OF PAYMENT - Any of the above payments, including the 90% on that portion of the allotted subscriptions on which you wish to complete payment on receipt of allotment letter, may be made as follows: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (a) (b) (c) Chicago exchange. Credit in War Loan Deposit Account, or O. s. Treasury certificates of indebtedness of any issue now outstanding (except those issued in anticipation of taxes) - face value only. Do not include accrued interest, this will be remitted by Cashier's check as a separate transaction. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department.