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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361·2.0SI SO. LA SALLE ST. \ ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICAf lON S RE LATIVE TO GOVERNMENT ■ONDS S. B . CRAMER , ASST. CUHISR 0 . A . JONES. A•ST. CASHIEJI P . O . lilOX 80!5 A.H. VOGT . ACTING AS8T. CASHI ER Circular No . 84 , May 22 , 1918. THIRD LIBERTY LOAN Jngtructions -- May 28 , 1918 Payment . TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: We encJose herewith original fo r your use in making payment due May 28, 1918 . Form 304 2 Form 304 - copy for your file . 3 Form 304 - specimen for your guidance, showing payment form correctly filled out in a hypothetical case. 4 Suggested Procedure for filling out Form 304. 1 Please read the entire specimen form (printed matter as well as figures) before making any entries on the original form . Note that accrued interest on the 951o payment is computed by multiplying the par value amount of bonds for which payment is completed May 28 , 1918 , by $2 .08458 per $1 , 000 . This method simplifies the calculation and makes due allowance for t he fact that 51o was paid with the application . No acc rued interest is to be paid at this time on the 201o payment. Note also that the total amount of Coupon Bonds desired , plus the total amount of Registered Bonds ordered , exactly equal~ the par value of bond s on which payment is completed May 28 , 1918 . If you have not on ha nd a sufficient supply of Form 301-A , "Third Lib erty Loan Directions for Issue of U. S. Registered 4tfo Gold Bonds of 1828" advise 1.1s promptly how many copies you need . Remember the May 28 Payment is to be mai1ed at the close of busines s May 28, 1918, thus enabling you to include payments received that day . If payment is to be made by your correspondent , fill out Form 304 and forward to such correspondent , instructing them to pr esent it when making payment . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department .