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Bulletin No. 97.
February 20, 1918 .
TO ME?IDER BANKS OJ!' DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN : It has come to our attontion from the periodical reports re cei vcd by this bank , that notwithstanding ·tho fact that certain membe r
b~nks report changes in their capital o_ surplus accounts , or both , appl i cations for corresponding adjustments in their holdings of capital
sto ck in the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago have not been received .

Tf your ba~k has increased or decreased its capital or surplus
since your last allotment of stock in this bank , please let us know at
once and the proper blanks will bo sent you .
In Bulletin No . 28 , under date of March 17 , 1915 , yo u were ad vis ed t hat "Tn order to obviate the necessity for daily ad j ust mant cf stock ledger accounts and the consequent confusion which results from continuous changes in the
stock holdings of member banks occasioned by the increase or decrease of their capit~l or surplus , you
will please file applications qtlartorly - that is , on
the first days of Je.nuary , April , July and October of
each year - in all cases where ~dditional stock is t o
be issued or part of tho stock held is to bo surrendered ."
Al s o that "National banks which have increased or decreased their
surplus since the last report of condition to the Comptroller of the Currency should send a cerificate to that
effect to ihe Comptroller conte~poraneously with fili ng
their applications with t he Federal Reserve Bank - th i s
in order that the records of tho Comptroller ' s office
may be in accord with those of the Federal Reserve Board . "
You requested to forward your application promptly e.nd we
shall endeavor to secure its approval by ~he Federal Reserve Board a t once
in order that you may be able to readjust your capital stock in this bank
as of April 1, 1918 .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Ass i stant Federal Reserve Agent .