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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO 79 WEST MONROE STREET Bulletin No. 88. November SO, 1917. Dear SirsIn view of the ext~nsive fiscal operations which will be undertaken by the Government during the period of the war, it seems most desirable that those in charge of these operations and the member banks themselves should be able to have a clear view at all times of the financial situation. To this end the Federal Reserve Board has decided that the member banks in 82 of the most important cities be requested to transmit once a week to their respective Federal Reserve Banks a condensed statement showing the principal items, such as deposits, loann, investments, cash, Government obligations and loans on such aecurities. Such statements when tabulated should reflect quite accurately the changing conditions in money and credit. The information given will be valuable to the business community and to the banks. As many of the leading State banks and trust companies are now members of the System, it will be possible foe the first time regularly to publish statistics which will include figures in b~th the nati onal bank s and the state banking institutions. We therefore respectfully request that you report to us at the close of business Friday of each week, beginning December 7th, figures in even thousands showing total ot principal items as followsi l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. United States securities owned. Loans secured by United States Bonds and Certificates. All other loans and investments. Cash in vault. Net deposits. (a) Demand (b) Time Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank. Reports from member banks in the following named cities of this Dis~rict will be summarized and telegraphed to the Federal Reserve Board for publication each week: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO 79 WEST MONROE STREET Chicago, Illinois Detroit, Michigan Milwaukee, Wisconsin Indianapolis, Indiana Des Moines, Iowa Sioux City, Iowa Cedar Rapids_, Iowa Dubuque, Iowa Grand Rapids, Michigan Peoria, Illinois 1oliet, Illinois. We enclose herewith forms for your use, and request that you begin sending us reports at close of business Friday, December 7th and each following Friday until further notice, and that the reports be mailed to reach us each Monday. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Respectfully, J.B. McDOUGAL, Governor.