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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 381•209 SO.LA SALLE ST. ADDIIIIESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO OOVERNMENT •ONDS S , B . CRAMER , AS S T, CASHIUI D. A ,JONES, A SST. CASHIIE" A , H . VOGT . ACTING A&ST, CA.HIIJI P . 0 . BOX 805 Circular No . 80 ay 8 , 191a. NOTICES OF PAYMENTS DUE ON THIRD LIBERTY LOAN SUBSCRIPTIONS. TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: We enclose a sample of Form 1031-E, - notice to Third Liberty Loan subscribers of payments due on the Government installment dates , a supply of which we can furnish upon request , without charge . We are also prepared to supply you with the official Government f ranked penalty envelopes (Form 1031-CD), for mailing these forms . Please be advised that under no circumstances are you to use the penalty envelopes otherwise than for mailing these forms to Liberty Loan subscribers . Violation of this regulation will result in forfeiture of t he franking privilege and , furthermore, may subject the offender to the 300 penaJty for private use of franked envelopes to avoid payment of posta e. Please advise us promptly how many of each form you will need . Order by f orm number . Do not overestimate your needs . supplies can be furnished as required . Additional We have on file orders from ~any banks for Form 1031- C (request to care for past due payments) and Form 1031- D (notice that bonds are r eady for delivery) and for the official penalty envelopes , Form 1031-0D. Shipment of these supplies will commence at once . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department ', Form 1031-E- IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS United States 4¼ per cent Gold Bonds of 1928 Third Liberty Loan Referring to your subscription to Third" Liberty Loan Bonds, you are hereby notified that the next installment payment of_ _ __ __ % will be due May 28th, 19 I 8, July 18th, 1918, August 15th, 19 I 8; (Strike out dates not applicable.) at the following named bank, which bank you have designated as your agent in connection with your subscription: (Bank or Trust Co. name he re.) (Address) Please give the matter your immediate attention. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Agent for United States T reasury D epartment.