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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO 79 OFFICERS WEST MONROE STREET • DIRECTORS C . H . BOSWORTH JAMES B . Ml: DOUGAL GOVERNOR C.R. Mc;:KAY DEPUTY GOVERNOR W . F. MC:'LALLEN SECRETARY B . G. Ml:-'CLOUO CASHIER W. F.MC:LALLEN CHAIRMAN AND ~EDERAL RESERVE AGENT OEPUTV FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT J.B. FORGAN , CHICAGO , ILLINOIS M.B . HUTCHISON. O TTUMWA ,10WA G. M. A EVN O LO S,CHICAGO, ILLI NOi S E . L.JOHNSON ,WATE RLOO, 10WA A . H . VOGEL , MlLWAUKEE , WISCONSIN E . T . MEREDITH , DES MOINES.IOWA H . B. JOY , DETROIT, MJCHlGAN :i3ull et in Ho . 35. September 15, 1915. TO MEMBER BAN'".rCS OF DISTRIC~ NUMBER SEVEN : Comparison of Report s of Condit ion as submitted to the Comptrolle1· of thfl Currenc~,, u ith om· Capi t2,.l Stoel~ Re co rd show t hat a number of our member ba.111:s havo i nc roe.sod their capit a l or surplus , or botl-1, and hc.,ve not made apµ l i c at ion for add i t i o112.l c ap it a l stock in this Federal Reserve Bank as re r{uirec. by l mv. If you have i ~ a s ed or decreased your c apit al or surplus s i nce your l as t stock a llotment, please advise us at once, and the ~)ro:oer ·blank ,;,-,ill be sent t o ;you. In Bulletin No. 28 , under date of Mrrc~ 17th, 1915, you v~re advis ed th2,t "In order t o obvi2,te ~he necessHy for dnily adj ustment of stock lec.ger accounts and the conse rruent confusio:;.1 v:hich results from continuous changes in the st ock holdines of membe r banks occt.:l,siorieu by the increese or dec r e~se of the ir capi t ~l or surp lus , you v:ill p lease f il e appl ic at io::is quarterly - tha t is on the first day s of Januo,ry, April, ..ru1;,: 2.nC. October of ec;3,ch year - in a n c a.sos whe r e cddi tional stocl{ is to be is su ed. or part of the stock held is to be s urre ndered ." Also tho,t Na.t iono.1 banlrn v,hi ch have increased or f.ecreasecl their surpl ns s ince tlie. lest report of ccncl:i.tion to the Uor.,ptroll e r of the Cu:~rency should send a ce:.:tific,:cte to that effect to the Comptroller contemporaneous l y with filing their 2pp licc.1t ion s Y1i th the TI'ede r :1,l Rescrv 12 BJ.nlr - this in order that t he :;.·ecords of the Compt r ollor ' s office may be i n accord. \7i th those of the Federal Res·erve Bo;:;.rd. 11 11 I f yoi..1 send in your app lic ati on 2.t once we \till ende2.vor to :;:1ave it appro ved by the Pederc:1 Reserve Bo arc: so that you c an malce p2.yment by Oct ober first ;:,,s requested in Bullet in :j/:28 . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. F. McLALLF.N ._ J)eputy Fedor2_l Rcsel"ve Agent,