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"FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO 79 WEST MONROE STREET Bulletin No. 103. March 27, 1918. TO BANKS ANU BANKERS IN FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT NUUBER SEVEN Under date of February fifth, we called your ~ttention to the alarming situation with respect to seed corn and the absolute necessity of making the proper tests in order that a good crop might be secured . We are in receipt of a letter from John H. Rich, Chairmn, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, dated March twenty-third, in which he calls special attention to the importance of testing all corn which is intended for use in planting . We quote from this letter: "A seed corn tester that has been most commonly used in the Northwest wtll handle 600 ears of corn at one time. !tis manifestly slow and laborious work for a farmer to test a seed supply for 100 acres or better***. We have discovere d through the help of Mr. D. A. Wallace of St. Paul *** the Lawton seed corn tester*** . We know that this device is sound and practical and will do the work . Instead of from 6 to 16 ears of corn it will test 600 ears of corn at one time and gives a result in 4½ da7s. On learning of the facts , my department took the matter up in connection with The Farmer, an agricultural publication in St. Paule Minnesota, of which Mr . Wallace is editor*** . In two weeks' time we have put some 2,000 of these testers at work and they are now testing 10 , 000 bushels of seed corn per week . *** Suggest that you take the same action we have in calling the att ention of your banks to the device and offering it to them the same a s we have at the cost of manufacture, plus the parcel post rate . *** Have determined that we can cover the manufacturing and distribution expenses at a rate of $1.60 each***. Orders••* a t the rate of $1.60 each••• can be transmitted direct to Mr . Wallace, who will be ready to make immediate shipment . " We are glad to give you the benefit of Mr. Rir.h 's letter in the hope that it may be helpful in the present situation, and would suggest if you are interested that you writ e or wire for further details to Mr . D. A. Wallace , Editor , The Farmer, St . Paul, Minnesota. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Very truly yours, JAMES B. McDOUGAL, Governor.