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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361 - 209 So. LA SALLE STREET ADDRESS ALL C OMMUNI C ATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMENT BON09 S . B . CRAMER , ASST. CASHIER 0 . A . JONES , ASST. CAS H I ER 4 . H . VOGT, A C T I NG AS ST , CASHIER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P . 0 . BOX 805 Oircular No . 138 January 7, 1919. FOORTH LIBERTY LOAN EXCHANGE OF COUPON BONDS FOR REGISTERED BONDS TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: We are now prepared to receive Fourth Liberty Loan Coupon Bonds to be exchanged for Registered Bonds. For this purpose list Coupon Bonds on Form 1031; also instructions for registration . Send the bonds to us by registered mail, together with your Chicago draft to cover postage and insurance charges, in acc.ordance with the instructions contained in Form 314. Send us under separate cover notice of shipment on Form 1028B, in order that we may effect insurance . Copies of the forms mentioned above have been sent to all of the banks and trust companies in this dis trict in connection with the handling of the same operati on on former loans. Additional copies will be furnished upon request, in which reque st the form numbers and quantity desired should be specified . FEDERAL RESERV~ BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department 6176 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT DAT~- - - - - - - - - - ..,_ PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO AUDITING DEPARTMENT, P. 0. BOX 805, CHICAGO, ILL. 'E ENCLOSE HEREWITH THE FOLLOWING UNITED STATES 4 % REGISTERED BONDS, rHE FIRST LIBERTY LOAN OF 1917, CONVERTED; IF FOUND CORRECT PLEASE I AND RETURN THIS FORM AT ONCE: QUANTITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DENOMINATION VALUE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis