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Chicago, November 13th, 1914.
This bank will open for business on November 16th, to perform
the following functions:-Deposits of reserves from member banks will be received and due
acknowledgment will appear in your statements of account which will go forward
at close of the first day's business. Thereafter daily statements will be
rendered, provided there are any transactions in your account.
We will receive for credit checks drawn by member banks on the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or on any member bank in the Reserve or
Central Reserve cities within this district. (Please note that this does
not include checks drawn by individuals, firms or corporations.)
Re-discounting. We will be in readiness to re-discount commercial
paper as defined by the Federal Reserve Board at Washington. In this
connection you are respectfully requested to read and carefully consider
circular letters bearing date of November 10th, 1914, issued by the
Federal Reserve Board, being regulations numbered 2, 3, 4 , 5 and 6; also
circular number 13, all of which will be mailed to you today under separate
cover. You will be notified of the rate of discount when the same has
been determined.
Attention is directed particularly to the requirements of regulation
number 3, calling for a written statement of an officer to the effect that
all provisions of the Act and requirements of the Federal Reserve Board
have been fully complied with.
Our ability to re-discount will of necessity be limited to some
extent until the new Federal Reserve notes are made fully available. Several
days in advance of maturity all re-discounted paper will be returned for
collection to the member bank from which it was received and charged to its
account at maturity.
The foregoing is intended to indicate the scope of our activities
at the outset. Other functions will be inaugurated from time to time with
respect to which you will receive due advice. It is the hope and expectation
of our Directors that we will, in the near future, be fully equipped to
perform all authorized functions.
An advice has been received from the Secretary of the Treasury
stating that the Comptroller of the Currency will send you direct from his
office forms indicating how reserve calculations are to be made.
The Directors and Officials of this bank assure you of their
desire to co-operate with member banks to the fullest extent in order that
you will receive prompt and efficient service in all your transactions with
this institution.

Bulletin No.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Very respectfully,

