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o. 37.



Chicago, October 14, 1915.



On December 31st next the terms of Messrs. G. M. Reynolds,
Class "A" Director, and A. H. Vogel, Class "B" Director, of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago will expire.
The Federal Reserve Board has designated November 16th as the
date for opening the polls for the election of their successors, who will serve
for terms of three years each. Of the two retiring Directors, Mr. Reynolds was
chosen by Group 1 and Mr. Vogel by Group 3; therefore these two groups
only will vote at the coming election.
Group 1 is comprised of all member banks whose capital and
surplus equals $120,000 or more.
Group 3 is comprised of all member banks whose capital and
surplus is $59,000 or less.
Directors of each member bank in Group 1 may nominate one
candidate for Director of Class "A," and Directors of each member bank in
Group 3 may nominate one candidate for Director of Class "B." Directors
of each member bank in Groups 1 and 3 shall elect a "District Reserve
Elector," who shall cast votes in behalf of his bank for the Directors to be
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Blanks are enclosed herewith to all member banks in the District,
upon which the Board of Directors of each bank in Group 1 and Group 3
should, by resolution in the form printed on the blanks, certify its nomination
for Director and its choice of Elector, and forward to the Chairman of the
Board of Directors of the Federal Reserrn Bank of Chicago as soon as possible
after it has taken action.
The period within which these certifications of Electors and
nominations of Directors may be made will terminate on November 10, 1915.
Electors whose names are received after three o'clock in the afternoon of
that day will not be entitled to vote, nor will nominations received thereafter
be listed.
Each bank in Group 1 has the privilege of nominating a candidate for Class "A" Director.
Each bank in Group 3 has the privilege of nominating a candidate for Class "B" Director, but each bank in Groups 1 and 3 must elect
an Elector.
Elector in Group 1 will vote only on Class "A" Director.
Electors in Group 3 will vote only on Class "B" Director.
Class "A" candidates shall be representative of the stockholding
banks of this district and may be officers, directors, stockholders or employes
of such banks.
Class "B" candidates must be actively engaged in this district in
agriculture, commerce or some other industrial pursuit and must not be
officers, directors or employes of any bank.
ยทยท Prior to November 16th the formal list of candidates nominated
will be mailed to each elector, with the names of the banks nominating them,
together with a preferential ballot providing for the recording of first, second
and other choices for each of the Directors to be elected. Within fifteen days
from the receipt of such list and ballot, every elector must record his votes.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



The announcement of the results of the election will be made on
or aboJ.It December first.
While only banks m Groups 1 and 3 will nominate and elect
Directors, this circular is sent to all members in the district for their information.
In returning the enclosed forms, please observe the follo-wing
Write plainly, or fill in on the typewriter the information called for.
See that the signature of your district reserve elector is signed
on the certificate card.
Be careful to use the forms bearing the number of the group to
which you belong.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Affix the seal of your bank to each certificate.


