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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND Dll!!:PARTMENT ROOM 361- 209 So . 1..A SALLE STREET ADDRl!!:815 ALL CiOMMUNICATIONS RELATIVII!: TO 80VEANMENT BONDS · • &.CRAMER, A•sT . CA9Hll!:lfll D. A . JONES. AsaT. CASHlll!:R .. H. VOGT, ACT IN Gf As ■ T , CA ■ H IK: N P. o. BOX a o s Circular No. 113 October 14, 1918. CONVERSION OF REGISTERED BONDS WITH CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP TO THE BANK OR TROST COMPANY ADDRESSED: The Treasury Department has modified the provisions contained in Department Circular No. 114, dated May 9, 1918, with respect to bond conversio n, in the following particul -ri CuNVERSION OF REJISTERED BONDS WITH CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP. In the event a registered bond has been duly assigned for transfer, the transferee may execute a second assignment to "the Secretary of the Treasury for conversion", and such registered bond so assigned, when received at the Department, ~ill be converted in regular course and 41t bond issued in the name of such transfere e. In submitting the above class or transactions please observe the requlrements that a separate form (310-B, 311-B or 312-E) be used and that other t r ansactions be not listed en the same form. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department