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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361- 209 So. LA SALLE STREET ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMENT BONDS D, A. JONES. A9ST, CA8HIER A, H. VOGT, ASST. CASHIER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P. 0. BOX 80!5 Circular No. 164 March 21, 1919. ·TO THE BANK OR TRUST CuMPANY ADDRESSED: We are in receipt of advice from the Secretary of the Treasury reading in part as follows: "The Secretary of the Treasury has authorized the Federal Reserve Banks until further notice to redeem in cash before maturity at par and accrued interest to date of redemption Treas~ ury Certificates of Indebtedness of series Five A, dated December 5, 1918 at the holder's option, the right being reserved however to make such redemption only after ten days notice from the holder to the Federal Reserve Bank of the District of the intention to exercise such option." In accordance with the above we will redeem for cash at par and accrued interest to date of redemption any such certificates presented to us for that purpose. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department.