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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361- 209 SO . LA SALLE ST . ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMENT BONDS D . A . .JONES , ASST . CASH I ER L. G . M EYE R , ACTING ASST. CASHIER V, LAMONT1 AcTINGASST. CASHl~R Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P . O . BOX B05 October 6, 1919. Circular Ro. 218 ' TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness Nos. 8132 to 8140 inclusive, $500 each, dated July 15, 1919, due March 15, 1920, have been reported by the Union Savings and Trust Company, Bluffton, Indiana, as lost. In case these Certificates should be presented to your institution , kindly notify us at once, giving the name and address of the partJ presenting them. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department