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Federal Open Market Committee
Conference Call
October 20, 1987



Greenspan, Chairman
Corrigan, Vice Chairman

Messrs. Black, Forrestal, Hoskins, and Parry,
Alternate Members of the Federal Open Market
Messrs. Melzer, and Morris, President of the
Federal Reserve Banks of St. Louis, and
Boston, respectively
Kohn, Secretary and Staff Adviser
Bernard, Assistant Secretary
Bradfield, General Counsel
Truman, Economist (International)


Prell, Associate Economist

Mr. Sternlight, Manager for Domestic Operations,
System Open Market Account
Mr. Cross, Manager for Foreign Operations,
System Open Market Account

Coyne, Assistant to the Board of Governors

Mr. Czerwinski, First Vice President, Federal
Reserve Bank of Kansas City

Transcript of Federal Open Market Committee Conference Call
of October 20, 1987
[Secretary's note: There were telephone conferences each
workday from October 19, 1987, through October 30, 1987, but the
conference call of October 20 was the only one for which a transcript
was prepared. Further, there is no transcript record of the beginning
of this call.]
[Should we retain] the $600 million [borrowing
assumption] for the two-week period until the next FOMC meeting, or
would we want some leeway here for a somewhat lower possibility, given
the day-to-day watch?
CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. I think we're playing it on a day-to-day
basis. And in a crisis environment, I suspect we shouldn't really
focus on longer-term policy questions until we get beyond this
immediate period of chaos.
MR. ANGELL. But I presume that there's at least an
acceptance by the members of the Committee that the $600 million on
borrowings is not necessarily in place in the coming two weeks as well
as in the reserve maintenance period now ending.
Governor Angell's comment on this?

Does anybody disagree with

MR. STERNLIGHT. Mr. Chairman, I'd like to think that there's
a particular element of flexibility here because I suspect there may
be some greater reluctance by banks to borrow in this kind of-I think that one
MR. JOHNSON. I agree with Peter on that.
of the problems we may run into, and we've already seen it, is a
strong unwillingness to borrow. And trying to force the borrowing
target in that environment could result in an unbelievable funds rate.
So, I agree with Peter; he needs the flexibility, at least for a
while, to manage that situation. We just don't know what we're up
against, at least for a while, in this kind of situation.
MR. HELLER. I agree with what both Governors Angell and
Johnson have said and I think we also need to watch the fed funds rate
in that environment. As long as we are where we are, I think we are
in good shape; given the fact that Treasury bill rates have dropped so
much, we really have some room in that arena. So, I'm agreeing with
our press statement this morning: That's what we said we would want
to do, so let's do it.
CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. I want to ask Sam Cross if he will
explain to us why the dollar is as strong as it is in this
MR. CROSS. That's a very good question and I wish I had a
good answer for it. We've been asking ourselves and others that,
without any really very convincing response. Certainly, there has
been some liquidating of things abroad as people have brought funds
back into the United States either for meeting their own liquidity
needs or for other purposes. Also, with all the world tending to be
under the same, or at least a downward, pressure in fairly substantial


under the same, or at least a downward, pressure in fairly substantial
amount, that may be having an influence. Another factor in the past
24 hours is that the climate has looked much better for the
cooperative activities among us, the Germans, and the Japanese.
That's reflected in the statements that followed Secretary Baker's
meeting with Mr. Soltenberg, and the Japanese comments this morning
add to that.
Also, the statement of the Federal Reserve this morning
was favorably noted.
I'm not sure that adds up to a very convincing
CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. In part, I think, the issue obviously is
that potentially defaulting investors in dollar securities were
drawing funds out of other currencies.
That presupposes that the
declines in the other markets were not doing the reverse, which I
assume is where you come out.
Perhaps reflecting what Peter is talking
about, in our bond market there has been some tendency to move into
Treasury bonds as kind of an attractive place at this point, given the
chaos in so many of the equity markets around the world. But I think
there certainly has been liquidation of overseas positions. And we've
heard reports, certainly from our colleagues in Canada and from one or
two other places, that they have seen investment firms and others
liquidating positions, for example in Canadian dollars, and bringing
them back.
VICE CHAIRMAN CORRIGAN. Mr. Chairman, Jerry Corrigan here.
Can I just make two quick comments?
[Unintelligible] you may have
covered this before I came in the room, but I would want to say that
just because we have not seen hard evidence of any sizable or
troubling losses, obviously that doesn't mean that they may not be
It's quite clear that a lot of people are not entirely sure
where they are.
It's also worth keeping in mind the margin calls for
the funds.
The New York Stock Exchange for the big clients may start
to [unintelligible].
I'm not sure what was being said before about
monetary policy over the near term, but the second point I would make
is that certainly, we've got to have maximum flexibility, at least for
the days ahead.
But I'm not willing to prejudge at all the question
of where borrowing should or should not be in a more permanent fashion
at this point.

I sense that that is the consensus as a


I'm not so sure of that.

I think we stated it that way, and since
I got very little response, I assume that was acquiescence.
I agree with what Jerry said. When you really
don't know where you're going to be, you might as well assume the same
situation until you reassess at some point.
I think that's where we
CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. Any other issues before the group this
Gentlemen, I think it would be useful to do more of these
[conference calls] rather than less during this period to make certain
that we're all feeding whatever information and insights we have into


the system. So, if you don't mind, I'd like to schedule another one
of these for tomorrow at some point, hopefully after the close, if
that's adequate or appropriate for everybody.