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Federal Open Market Committee
Conference Call
May 31,




Greenspan, Chairman
Corrigan, Vice Chairman

Ms. Seger
Mr. Syron
Messrs. Boehne, Boykin, Hoskins, and Stern,
Alternate Members of the Federal Open Market

Messrs. Forrestal, and Parry, Presidents of the
Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and
San Fransciso, respectively

Kohn, Secretary and Economist
Bernard, Assistant Secretary
Gillum, Deputy Assistant Secretary
Mattingly, General Counsel
Truman, Economist

Messrs. R. Davis, T. Davis, Lindsey, and
Simpson, Associate Economists
Mr. Sternlight, Manager for Domestic Operations,
System Open Market Account
Mr. Cross, Manager for Foreign Operations,
System Open Market Account
Ms. Zickler, Assistant Director, Division of
Research and Statistics, Board of Governors
Mr. Keleher, Assistant to Governor Johnson,
Office of Board Members, Board of Governors
Ms. Low, Open Market Secretariat Assistant,
Division of Monetary Affairs, Board of
Messrs. Doyle and Monhollon, First Vice
Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks of
Chicago and Richmond, respectively
Messrs. Broaddus, Lang, Rosenblum, Scheld, and Ms.
Tschinkel, Senior Vice Presidents, Federal
Reserve Banks of Philadelphia, Dallas,
Chicago, and Atlanta, respectively

Transcript of Federal Open Market Committee Conference Call
of May 31, 1989
[Secretary's note:
this call.]

No transcript exists for the beginning of

CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. Let me suggest the following: I think it
is crucial to get a judgment as to whether, in fact, the money supply
is moving or not. Also, it's not so much what the employment data
are--I suspect they probably will be soft on Friday--but the wage
figures are not irrelevant on the inflation side. We are
significantly split at this stage and a few more days is not going to
make much difference. I would like to meet again on Monday and review
where we stand. I think it's far better that we have a continuing
conversation to reach some form of consensus than worry about too many
conference calls. So I'd like to recommend that we meet again after
we see and can review the data and perhaps get some additional money
supply numbers as well.
MR. ANGELL. Mr. Chairman, I understand your desire to have
some consensus but I'm bothered by a principle that I hope we don't
have to be caught with. It seems to me that historically the Federal
Reserve tends to be slow in terms of changing the direction of policy.
It's always easy, it seems, to get policy [continuing] in one
direction, and I don't like the principle that if we have four people
who don't want to move that that means we can't move. If a minority
can prevent a change, then that stacks the deck exactly in the wrong
direction in regard to previous Federal Reserve errors.
CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. Well, let me say this. I would be
inclined to move on the basis of the current directive; I would move
the borrowing requirement down $100 million early next week provided
we don't run into a significant problem from the data on Friday. My
expectation is that we will not. And, as I've said, I personally am
concerned about what in fact is going on out there. People to whom
I'm talking are indicating to me for the first time a degree of
softness, especially on the price side. I think the crucial question
at this stage is the price side. But I think it is quite legitimate,
as Jerry Corrigan has said, not to move right before the Friday report
but to remember that we have a full two-week period of adjustment.
Today is the last day of the [current] maintenance period, and whether
we wait a few more days to make that adjustment or not isn't going to
matter very much.
VICE CHAIRMAN CORRIGAN. Mr. Chairman, I'd like to make a
procedural point that I think is important: In terms of continuity of
the monetary policy process, I think we have to preserve the
flexibility of the Chairman to have some discretion within the
directive on both sides. I'm not particularly fond of using that
discretion right now, but I really do think the principle of
maintaining an element of flexibility in the policy process is
important notwithstanding my view on the substance of the matter.
MR. HOSKINS. I sound kind of like a broken record, I guess.
Inflation is too high and I don't think that it's coming down.
Nevertheless, having said that, I have more serious concerns now than
previously about the rate of monetary growth. So I would be perfectly
willing to go with the Chairman's suggestion of waiting a few more


days and taking a look at the numbers again. The reason I'm concerned
about the aggregates is that with [a change] of this size--if in fact
they are growing much slower than we think they are--then I can see a
rather rapid [rebound] in the aggregates in response. And I think
that rate of growth would be inappropriate as well. For consistency
and, in a sense, trying to keep within some reasonable bounds in terms
of rates of growth of the aggregates, I'd be willing to consider the
Chairman's proxy.
MR. MELZER. This is Tom Melzer in St. Louis. My view hasn't
changed; the reason I didn't express it is that it's essentially the
same as it was at the last FOMC meeting.
I have watched the data come
out in the meantime and sometimes they give me greater confidence that
that's the right view and sometimes they raise questions.
I think the
data have been mixed.
I made a couple of contacts today. One was to
a major national retailer who said that April sales were very good.
He said sales were strong, and this [assessment] was based on broad
geographic evidence across the board.

Excuse me, is that for April or May?

MR. MELZER. April was very good and May was good up until
Mother's Day and then it went dead.
I just spoke to
he says May at their stores has been very sluggish.


MR. MELZER. Well, this is
stores that I'm
talking about and for them it has been sluggish since Mother's Day;
particular weakness was noted in discount stores.
In June they expect
sales to start out sluggish.
I also talked to a major electrical
equipment manufacturer; they sell electrical equipment to
manufacturers and they are also in retail. The capital [goods
business] has declined and they noted particular softening in the
retail end.
Their sales year-to-year are down. They are not looking
at layoffs but certainly are reducing overtime and possibly the
workweek there. Their capital goods business is still very strong.
They're not getting [unintelligible] order backlogs anymore but they
have leveled off at very high levels; they have a little anxiety about
cancellations, but that still looks okay. And export growth has
softened but it's still relatively strong--in the double-digit area.
In any case, my view is the same as I expressed at the FOMC meeting.
I would have no problem waiting to see the employment numbers and some
additional data, as you've suggested.
CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. Well, why don't we do this: Let's
reconvene Monday. But I will tell you that the calls I've made and
the data that I've looked at suggest that there is a much broader
softening out there than I think I perceived at the FOMC meeting.
We'll find out Friday's data and reconvene on Monday at 4:00 p.m.

Are you going to be here on Monday?

I will be, yes.

gone to Madrid.

I thought you would already be


CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. I'm not leaving until later in the day.
Well, let me double check. If we have to, we can make it at 1:00 p.m.
or 2:00 p.m.

Mr. Chairman?



MR. PARRY. This is Bob.
I wonder if Don could take a look-I know there isn't much time--at what he may be thinking about in
terms of the actual targets, leading up to our reevaluation of our
targets for 1989, to give us a bit of a benchmark for making our

Could you do that?


Don says yes.


I'll recheck the calendar, everybody,
and we will reschedule for sometime early Monday afternoon.
MR. ANGELL. Mr. Chairman, I understand your wishes and I
accede to your wishes.
I do suggest, however, that for some of us
having to wait until we have an employment number before making a
monetary policy move is just--.
I just find it impossible to
associate myself with a monetary move that seems to have to wait until
an employment figure comes out.

Oh, I see.

the outlook and inflation.

No, I was waiting for the wage figure.

I will grant you it is very crucial to

All right, fine.

CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. Friday's employment figure doesn't
bother me. Adjourned until Monday, gentlemen.