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September 18, 1979
Prefatorv Note
This transcript has been produced from the original raw
transcript in the FOMC Secretariat's files. The Secretariat has
lightly edited the original to facilitate the reader's understanding.
Where one or more words were missed or garbled in the transcription,
the notation '"unintelligible"
has been inserted. In some instances,
words have been added in brackets to complete a speaker's thought or
to correct an obvious transcription error or misstatement.
Errors undoubtedly remain. The raw transcript was not fully
edited for accuracy at the time it was produced because it was
intended only as an aid to the Secretariat in preparing the record of
the Committee's policy actions. The edited transcript has not been
reviewed by present or past members of the Committee.
Aside from the editing to facilitate the reader's
understanding, the only deletions involve a very small amount of
confidential information regarding foreign central banks, businesses,
and persons that are identified or identifiable. Deleted passages are
indicated by gaps in the text. All information deleted in this manner
is exempt from disclosure under applicable provisions of the Freedom
of Information Act.

Staff Statements AwDended to the TranSCriDt
Mr. Pardee, Manager for Foreign Operations
Mr. Sternlight, Manager for Domestic Operations
Mr. Kichline, Associate Economist
Mr. Axilrod, Economist

Meeting of F e d e r a l Open Market Committee
September 1 8 , 1979

A meeting of t h e F e d e r a l Open Market Committee was
h e l d i n t h e o f f i c e s of t h e Board of Governors of t h e F e d e r a l
R e s e r v e System i n Washington, D . C . , on Tuesday, September 18,
1979, b e g i n n i n g a t 9:30 a . m .


M r . V o l c k e r , Chairman
M r . Balles
M r . Black
M r . Coldwell
M r . Kimbrel
M r . Mayo
M r . Partee
M r . Rice
M r . Schultz
X r s . Teeters
M r . Wallich

Messrs. G u f f e y , M o r r i s , Roos, T i m l e n , and Winn,
A l t e r n a t e Members of t h e F e d e r a l Open Xarbet
X d e s s r s . Baughman and E a s t b u r n , P r e s i 2 e n t s of
t h e F e d e r a l Reserve Banks of D a l l a s a n d
Philadelphia, respectively

?$r. Altmacn, S e c r e t a r y
M r . Bernard, Assistant Secretary
M r . P e t e r s e n , G e n e r a l Counsel
MI-. O l t m a n , Deputy General Counsel
M r . Axilrod, Economist
M r . Holmes, A d v i s e r f o r Market O p e r a t i o n s
Messrs. F t t i n , Henry, Keir, Keran, K i c h l i n e ,
P a r t h e m o s , S c h e l d , Truman, and Z e i s e l ,
A s s o c i a t e Economists

S t e r n l i g h t , Manager
O p e r a t i o n s , System
M r . P a r d e e , Manager f o r
System Open Market


f o r Domestic
Open Market Account
Foreign Operations,


- 2 -

Mr. Coyne, A s s i s t a n t t o t h e Board o f
Messrs. G e m m i l l and K a l c h b r e n n e r , A s s o c i a t e
D i r e c t o r s , D i v i s i o n of I n t e r n a t i o n a l
F i n a n c e a n d D i v i s i o n of R e s e a r c h and
S t a t i s t i c s , r e s p e c t i v e l y , B o a r d of Governors
M r . P r e l l , A s s o c i a t e Research D i v i s i o n
O f f i c e r , D i v i s i o n o f Research and
S t a t i s t i c s , Board of G o v e r n o r s
M s . F a r a r , Economist, Open Market S e c r e t a r i a t , Board of Governors
M r s . Deck, S t a f f A s s i s t a n t , Open Market
S e c r e t a r i a t , Board of Governors

Messrs. F o r r e s t a l , Gainor and M o r i a r t y ,
First V i c e Presidents, Federal
Reserve Banks of A t l a n t a , M i n n e a p o l i s ,
and S t . Louis, r e s p e c t i v e l y

Messrs. Balbach, Boehne, Burns, T. D a v i s ,
Eisenmenger, and Fousek, S e n i o r Sice
P r e s i d e n t s , Federal R e s e r v e Banks of
S t . L o u i s , P k i l a d e l p h i a , gallzs, S a n s a s
C i t y , B o s t o n , and, 5e-w P o r k , r e s p e c t i v e l y
Messrs. C o r r i g a n and D a n f o r t h , V i c e P r e s i d e n t s ,
F e d e r a l R e s e r v e Banks of New York and
Minneapolis, r e s p e c t i v e l y
:ds- L o v e t t , S e c u r i t i e s T r a d i n g O f f i c e r ,
F e d e r a l X e s e r v e BaDk of Kew York

Transcript of Federal Open Market Committee Meeting of
September 18, 1979
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We‘ll come to order, if I can find my copy
of the agenda! I might tell you before we start that we will have a
small alteration in procedure after the meeting. Instead of traipsing
over to the dining room for lunch, I thought we would expedite things
by bringing you a few sandwiches over here. So, we’ll give you a
break after the meeting and then we will proceed [with discussions]
around this table while we’re being fed--adequately, I hope. We will
experiment with this procedure and see how it goes. But that does not
mean that we should not conclude our work before the usual lunch hour.

It probably will have that effect.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. If it has that effect, we’ll have another
change of procedure at the next meeting! [I need to] get approval of
the minutes [of the August meeting]. Without objection, they are
approved. Mr. Pardee.

[Statement--see Appendix.]




MR. BAUGHMAN. Would you explain briefly for me how the
foreign exchange swap conducted by the Bundesbank sops up domestic
MR. PARDEE. We’re in the process of preparing a paper on
that, which I hope we will be able to circulate to the Committee.
They have dollars in their portfolio. They sell those dollars spot to
the market in exchange for marks. Since what they are effectively
doing now is simply selling a participation in their holdings of
Treasury bills, there are no dollars rattling around in the exchange
market. It‘s simply that the G e m a n banks come in with marks on a
spot basis and they will be getting them back in 1 month or 2 months,
depending on the maturity of [the bills]. So the operation is
absorbing marks coming in from the banking system. One of the
problems that the Bundesbank has with this operation is that they may
be taking liquidity away from the German banks by this process, but
they are not mopping up really the [other] side--the effect on the
monetary aggregates of the demand for deposits with German banks.

Thank you.

MR. ROOS. Scott, you alluded to the fact that as the energy
induced segment of inflation improves--or recedes--it may bring some
improvement into the picture. Don‘t most of the foreign exchange
market partipants really look at the monetary induced part of the
inflation picture, which of course reflects money growth? Don’t they
look at that? Don’t they recognize that if total inflation were to be
reduced from 10 to 8 percent, we’d still have the basic underlying
money induced part of the inflation? Won‘t that still be their
primary concern in terms of the market?
MR. PARDEE. Well, the market is concerned about inflation
however it is induced. There are some monetarists in the market who



do follow closely the aggregates, but they are just one segment.
There are others who worry about other things. There are even some
chartists out there who couldn't care less about any of these broader
numbers that we work with. But they are concerned about inflation,
however it is induced.

Mr. Balles.

MR. BALLES. Mr. Chairman, I don't know what credence we
ought to put in the rumors, and maybe we shouldn't even bring them to
this table. One of my directors called up very excited yesterday
about a rumor that the dollar was going to be devalued, mind you,
sometime in October. I suspect, but I don't really know, that this is
a pretty distorted view of what comes out of the press reports about a
possible realignment of European currencies from the meeting scheduled
this coming weekend. Is there anything that we ought to know about
that or are you in a position to tell us?
MR. PARDEE. People in the market have a lot of questions as
to what happened over the weekend--there was no communique--and I
really don't know anything further. As for a devaluation of the
dollar at this stage, there's no mechanism to do it since we are on a
floating rate basis. As I Said, we have been looking at this 180
[German mark] rate that the market has, but we're not wedded to that
rate any more than we were to other rates. It's just that we are
caught in this box. The moment we back away or seem to be somehow
weak in any sense, all of a sudden the speculators--and these include
people on the I M M and some of the banks--jump on it. And even more we
have corporate treasurers and foreign central banks outside the G-10,
who as I say may be sitting on their hands at this moment. But if the
dollar should suddenly start [falling], then they will sell. It's a
very highly unstable equilibrium condition we're in now, where as soon
as the dollar begins to weaken, then we have selling pressure rather
than sort of an equilibrating inflow of demand for dollars. So as
long as the environment remains this highly charged, with so many
silly things going on--1 had one fellow tell me that the dollar was
going down because it always goes down in September and that's why he
was selling dollars. We have the IMF meeting, we have all these other
meetings, and obviously the dollar, for one reason or other, isn't
going to come out of this period strong. Yet these people are willing
to admit that they see around the corner an improvement in the
underlying conditions because of the data that have come in over the
past month and other recent months.


Mr. Partee.

MR. PARTEE. To say a word in favor of devaluation, it
strikes me, Scott, that we're not the only ones by far having trouble
maintaining our currency against the mark. I notice, for example,
that last week the Swiss were buying their own currency in quantity
and selling dollars in order to finance it at the same time we were
selling marks and buying dollars; the two institutions were working at
cross purposes. And the Germans don't seem to be doing terribly much
to keep their rate from rising either. I notice, for example, that
the figures you've cited and that we've looked at don't show the
German intervention as being very substantial over this period. Well,
if everybody is having difficulty maintaining [their currencies]
against the mark and if the Germans don't much care and aren't doing


-3 -

anything about it. why is it that we persist in throwing great amounts
of money into maintaining this pegged rate of 180 or 181 whatever it
is? That's the difficulty with going away from the idea of
intervening [only] in disorderly markets. This is not a disorderly
market definition. but we intervened in quantity in order to maintain
a pegged rate. I do believe the term "devaluation" has some
significance when countries operate as if there is a fixed exchange
fixed exchange rate.

I don't think we're operating as if we have a

MR. PARTEE. It's been quite a while that we've been trying
to keep the rate at 180 or 181.
MR. PARDEE. The Swiss also have bought dollars once the
market psychology tipped in the other direction. So their earlier
sales were in conjunction with a policy of aligning their rate with
the mark and, as I said, that did trigger some sentiment that the
Bundesbank was hitting on the exchange rate. But once the franc began
to rise, they bought dollars just as vigorously as they'd been selling
dollars before and they are still prepared to do so. They're
interested in stability.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. A couple of comments. I don't think it's
right to say we're in an interest rate war or anything of that sort,
as some of the circus newspaper commentary suggests. As near as I can
see, what the Bundesbank has been doing generally is well justified by
their internal situation and normal criteria that they would use.
Their inflation rate has been going up, and they unquestionably don't
like that, and their economy has been doing pretty well. And they
seem to be--ebullient may be too strong a word--quite confident about
the immediate outlook there. By immediate I'm talking 6 to 9 months,
which is rather encouraging from our standpoint and I think from the
world's standpoint if it's true. They seem to have a good deal of
confidence in it. That does not say that they would mind particularly
if the mark appreciated, and that notion is fairly well imbedded in
market thinking. On the other hand, I don't think the other Europeans
want the mark to appreciate because of the opposite side of that coin
from their standpoint and their own inflationary problems. So they
are at kind of an impasse within Europe. I think our concern, given
the psychological situation and the real situation that Scott
outlined, is whether we can have a moderate decline in the dollar
against the mark. It's true that the dollar has been appreciating
against most other currencies. But if the market gets in its head
that the dollar is really going down, would we be able to stop it
without spending a lot more money than we're already spending? That
is the question. And let me say that it would make me very nervous to
try to control a depreciation at this point, given the underlying
MR. PARTEE. But what do we do if the rate really does need
to be 170 instead of 180?
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, [you say] "does need to be."
don't know what that implies.





In terms of purchasing power parity, rates of

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. What can you say about that? In terms of
purchasing power parity, you can argue that if 180 was right six
months ago, something less than 180 ought to be right now. But that
assumes that 180 was right some months ago, which nobody knows. In
fact, I get the impression that many people here and abroad [thought
that 180 was really too low six months ago. And I think you have to
argue that; otherwise the logic would follow pretty precisely. But
there is this question of how to prevent the [decline] from getting
out of hand if it happens. Just in case any of you are wondering,
this was not a great decision-making meeting in Paris last weekend. A
lot of it was devoted to [issues] on the IMF agenda, which are not
particularly relevant to current exchange market or economic policy
developments. But there was an exchange of views about the business
outlook and about policy without any attempt to arrive at any specific
operating conclusion. These meetings are a chance to exchange views
about the outlook and about policy postures, but [the issue] was not
pressed very far, certainly not in an opertional mode. Have you got
any recommendations, Mr. Pardee?
MR. PARDEE. Well, if you want to cover them now, yes. Over
the next month we will be going through the first cycle of renewal of
the swaps that we incurred in the operations in late June and in late
July. These involve some 17 swaps, totaling $1,797,000,000. It's the
first renewal; I'm just reporting it.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We have a proposal to provide for the
first renewals if and when necessary, I take it, and I assume they
will be necessary. Any discussion? Without objection, I think that
is done. Now we have to ratify the transactions, too. I guess I
skipped over that. Would someone like to so move? Without objection
they will be ratified. Mr. Sternlight.



[Statement--see Appendix.]
Comments or questions?

MR. COLDWELL. Well, on the last point, I think it's
ridiculous. Can't we at least get some action [by] the responsible
part of Congress to quit this nonsense?
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Would you like to volunteer, Mr. Coldwell?
I think we can duly note that that's the unanimous view.
MR. MAYO. Doesn't the new bill give us some promise, though,
that they're going to try to put in a system where the [increase in
the debt ceiling] would be sort of automatic without all the testimony
and hocus pocus?

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don't know how automatic it will be; I
know very little about it. I know they're trying to hoist it off on
the budget committee and I don't know whether that's going to
MR. STERNLIGHT. They're trying to tie the debt ceiling to
the budget resolution, but whether that will--



CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. There obviously is logic in that, but
whether it's just going to make the budget resolution that much more
difficult, [I don't know]. Mrs. Teeters.
MS. TEETERS. The problem of putting it in the budget
resolution is that the resolution is not signed by the President.
They have to make some sort of alteration in their resolution in order
to have it signed by the President.
MR. WALLICH. I would remind you that this is an opportunity
to talk about the budget deficit and, therefore, not to be completely
despised even though it is rather illogical to first vote [in favor
of1 the deficit and then refuse to allow it to be financed. But it
gives the defeated party a chance to come back a second time and


That's the theory.

It seldom happens in

any very orderly way.

MR. MAYO. Well, it's such a waste of time. The Secretary of
the Treasury and the staff have to spend untold hours getting ready
for something that really involves just spinning wheels.

It seems like it comes around a couple of times

a year now.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Among other things, [they] have escalated
[the] social security [issue]. It's fully escalated because it was
attached to a debt ceiling goal once when we sat there and wondered
whether it should be vetoed or not.
We have to ratify the [domestic] transactions, if there are
no further questions.

So moved.


Without objection, that is done. Mr.

[Statement--see Appendix.]

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I wonder if we can confine our comments
now to rather pointed questions. Mr. Coldwell.
MR. WALLICH. Jim, in the change of your output [forecast]-and I don't mean to be critical because you've obviously got to change
it as things [evolve]--there seems to be a shift, by a rather sizable
amount, between the third and fourth quarters on real GNP. You've
increased the third quarter by 2-1/2 percentage points and decreased
the fourth quarter by 1.1 percentage points. I hear what you're
saying in terms of consumption being a cause of the third-quarter
increase as opposed to prior expectations. I gather that inventories
went up a bit faster than you had anticipated, which may be the cause
of most of the shift. The fourth quarter, though, I read you as
saying GNP declines in conjunction with [reduced] housing starts and
maybe capital spending. Am I reading you right? Are those the
principal reasons for this shift?



MR. KICHLINE. Those don't account for most of the revisions.
We have anticipated them for some time. The bulk of the difference
between Q3 and Q4--that is, getting a deeper negative in Q4--is the
inventory side. Other than that, we have had most of the changes
built in for some time. The biggest changes really were in Q3 and
represent past data. As a matter of fact, in real terms we raised
final sales in the third quarter by about $6 billion and $4-1/4
billion of that is consumption. A lot of that is autos. So I would
say that for the third quarter final sales are stronger, and the
fourth quarter mainly involves adjusting downward the drag of
MR. COLDWELL. For the fourth quarter you're saying
consumption is reasonably stable?
MR. KICHLINE. It's declining slightly in real terms; it's
down 1 percent in real terms and we had it down a half percent in real
terms last month.
MR. COLDWELL. S o your swing in these two quarters is
principally an inventory swing. Is that what you're saying?
MR. KICHLINE. Well, it's [a swing of] $16 billion dollars
from the third quarter to the fourth quarter, and that would translate
into roughly 2-112 to 3 percentage points at an annual rate.


Which is about the difference--

MS. TEETERS. One question, Jim: Is this the first time
you've shown an actual liquidation of inventories?
MR. KICHLINE. I think we had the courage of forecasting a
minus 0.1 a couple of months ago, but it was very small.

And you haven't shifted the timing of that

MR. KICHLINE. No, but the size of it has become different;
that is, the second- and third-quarter accumulation has been larger
than we had anticipated earlier and we now have a larger correction in
the fourth quarter.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You have a pretty good decline in goods
consumption in that quarter. Mr. Timlen.
M R . TIMLEN. Jim, my question relates to the development of
last Friday, the apparent settlement of the General Motors
negotiations. I was wondering if you had any hard information as to
the terms of that contract as signed and what implications it may have
for prices and as a precedent for other contracts or a possible
reopening of contracts in 1980.
MR. KICHLINE. Well, we don't have detailed information. We
checked late last night and found that the Council on Wage and Price
Stability didn't have the contract yet, so I didn't get so discouraged
about not knowing the details. We do know that the wage increase was
pretty much in line with past contracts; on our estimate we would
assume that it might amount to about a 28 percent wage increase over 3



years. Pension benefits for current retirees were also raised but we
don't know how that would be valued and we don't have the details.
Our general expectation right now is that it probably is in the 33 to
35 percent range for a 3-year period. I don't know how that will be
priced out by the Council on Wage and Price Stability. It may well
fit within the guidelines. But in any event-MR. PARTEE. That's about the area of the teamsters
[settlement], isn't it?
MR. KICHLINE. That's right, it's not really out of line with
what we had expected earlier but it is a sizable increase. S o the
publicity associated with that I think would have a negative effect in
terms of holding wages down.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don't have much better information but
what I have conforms with what Mr. Kichline just said. Mr. Balles.
MR. BALLES. Jim, you have a rather strange looking pattern
in the quarterly trend in the GNP deflator, if I've got the right
numbers here. For this year it's 9.3 percent in the first quarter,
9.2 in the second, 8.1 in the third, and then it suddenly jumps to
10.3 in the fourth quarter. There's probably an answer for that, but
what is it?


The federal government pay raise.

Could that be the entire [reason] as far as you

see it?
MR. KICHLINE. Well, that's a large part of it. The pay
raise will be a I percent increase, and I don't think the seasonals
take proper account of that. It's a shift in mix. The fixed weight
[measure] is actually declining 0 . 2 percent from the third to the
fourth quarter. There may be other factors at work, I'm not sure.
But the fourth quarter usually is one to look at for a pay raise at
the federal level.

MR. BALLES. I realize that that's a factor. I'm just
surprised at the magnitude--that it could swing the whole GNP deflator
by a point and a half. I'm not questioning the figure; I'm just
expressing my surprise.
MR. KICHLINE. I don't know, something else may be at work.
I just can't answer your question other than that the federal pay
raise is one influence and I would think it would be the major factor.
MR. TRUMAN. We also have [for] the third quarter an increase
in the import prices--because of the oil price increase--which has a
depressing effect on the measured GNP deflator in the third quarter.
so some of the third quarter "lowness,"if I might put it that way, is
in the deflator itself; we don't see so much in the fixed weight, PCE


Mr. Winn.

MR. WINN. I think we ought to look at the wage behavior of
this year with a sense of encouragement, not discouragement. With



inflation running what it is, I think it's surprising that the
settlements in the electrical area and even in the automobile area for
current employees have been remarkably restrained. Maybe they've done
a better job than we have here in terms of inflation problems.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You say even "in the automobile area." I
take it you-MR. WINN. Well, in this case, for current employees it looks
as if the total cost might come out to 11 percent--that's my estimate
--on an annual basis. [The total is] 33 to 35 percent and part of
that is for the retirees, not for the current employees. So if you
adjust that back down, given double digit inflation behavior, I think
that's remarkable restraint, really, in the labor area.

MR. TIMLEN. But does the 33 and 34 percent include the extra
time off, extra vacations?

It does not.

But the electrical settlement really wasn't that--

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, I think what you say has some
validity looking backwards. I don't know where to put the automobile
agreement; I have a little doubt about that. That's a question we
have: Looking forward, will that rather favorable record, considering
what has been happening in prices, be sustained? I think this is one
of the major issues we have here.
MR. WINN. I understand that this is not making our problem
any easier, but I think we ought to recognize that there has been some
restraint this year.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I might say in terms of these guidelines
that I don't feel up-to-date on that and I don't know the details. I
understand the argument has been whether to have a guideline at all,
with the alternative being this tripartite labor/management/public
commission to look at wage settlements and pricing behavior. It gets
posed in those [unintelligible] terms because I take it that labor has
said that they will not participate in a tripartite arrangement with
any numerical guideline. The Administration likes the idea of the
tripartite commission but has not been willing, so far anyway, to go
along with the idea of giving [the commission] absolutely no guidance
in terms of numerical guidelines. That's where the impasse is.
MR. MORRIS. Well, I think they'd be well advised to drop the
guidelines. To raise the guideline going into a recession doesn't
seem to me to be a great contribution toward stability. And all these
inequities and distortions are building as we go along.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, that's a tempting course except when
you look at what I think Willis, by implication, was referring to.
Wages have been fairly well restrained given this price behavior and
given the pressure for a catch-up. S o , is it really wise to drop [the
guidelines] right now? That's basically the issue they're struggling
with--the fear that everybody will say they want a very sizable catchup. I was startled the other day when the FAC was here. At a dinner



--I think most of the Board members were there--the bankers were
arguing for some catch-up and some understanding. They were arguing
in general terms until one banker kind of let the cat out of the bag
and said we want, for instance, 11 percent this year. That is quite a
bit; he's talking about a nonunionized work force that presumably was
[getting] 7 percent. Well, if you suddenly jump from 7 to 11, even
nominally--I don't know how typical that is but this is the way one
fellow was thinking--where does that leave you? That's what they're
worried about. They say that's just a catch-up and it's only for one
year, but if you build it into your [whole] labor force what happens?
It's not an easy issue. I was tempted by the position that you took
and the more I thought about it, it seemed awfully risky. The
recession hasn't gone far enough to have any restraining influence.
A y other questions on [the staff's presentation]?
MR. WINN. I'd just like to make one more comment, Paul. It
seems to me that we're in an environment in which we have the most
advertised recession in history, with talking our way into it perhaps
contributing more because I think we're going to get an uptick in this
third quarter, too. I don't know how that's going to be manipulated
from a press [standpoint]. When you talk to business people they all
tell you that their business is still very strong. But then they will
"bad mouth" because everybody else is bad mouthing and that's what
they read. I think psychologically we may have built ourselves into a

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. A strange phenomenon, I confess, is that
everybody has assumed we are in a recession and we are getting an
increase in the gross national product. I don't know. That's still a
forecast, of course.

The businessmen always say that, Willis.

I know, but they read it in the press.

MR. PARTEE. Their business is off 1 percent from the very
highest level it ever reached: that's a very good rate of operation.
It's the inflection, and I thought the Redbook started to point out
quite a few areas of inflection.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. If I may just add one question, Mr.
Kichline: How do you get an increase in output per hour in the fourth
quarter while the gross national product is declining significantly?
M R . KICHLINE. We have a substantial employment adjustment
built into this forecast, so it's coming out of labor input.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That would be unusual at that early
stage--wouldn't it--of a decline [in activity]? Can that adjustment
move that fast?
MR. KICHLINE. Well, it's part of what would be a fairly
smooth and rapid adjustment, which is built into our forecast on the
inventory side. My view would be that I have been surprised that we
haven't had more in the way of reduction of labor input to date. And
in light of new information on inventories and final sales, it becomes
clear. But I don't think it's unusual. The August reading was one
that seems to me to point in that direction and once that has begun,



if you look back at prior recessions, it has gone on quite quickly for
several months in a row. So I would think we're on reasonably safe
ground in expecting labor input to drop off in the fourth quarter.
the end of the year?

You have unemployment getting to where by

MR. KICHLINE. Averaging about 6 . 9 percent for the fourth
quarter, so it would be close to a 7 percent or 7 . 2 percent rate [in

MR. WINN. I don't want to monopolize this, but I'd like to
raise one more question about your inventory calculation for the
fourth quarter. We're going to have a big crop harvest in corn and
soy beans and with the price changes being what they were I wonder if
that may not throw the inventory calculation off again in that period
[unintelligible] storage space.
MR. KICHLINE. That's right. I'd say the price side is a
very tricky part of this. We have in the third quarter an inventory
valuation adjustment of slightly over $40 billion, and once it gets
into those huge ranges, it becomes very difficult. In the fourth
quarter, we expect something smaller but still large to prevail. On
the crop side, I would only say that exports have been coming along
very well; it may not show up in nonfarm or farm inventories here. In
addition we have built into the forecast some taking up of those crops
by the Federal government in terms of the Commodity Credit
Corporation, so it may not appear in private sector inventories.

MR. MAYO. One of the main problems on the crop issue is the
inability to move the crops. Rail capacity is very low. With the
Rock Island strike and so forth, the Iowa farmers are really going to
[unintelligible]; they just can't move anything. They still have a
large share of last year's crop sitting there.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Mr. Axilrod, do you want to give us a
perspective on financial relationships?



CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me ask a couple of questions. You
went over three reasons why the money supply increased more rapidly
over the late spring and summer. It struck me last night that there
may be an additional reason. I'll just comment on it. You do all
these equations and everything else to get something called gross
national product, which is the gross domestic product. And you have a
price rise in there, whatever it is, of less than 10 percent or around
10 percent. In fact, we've had a big increase in the oil bill as
well, which doesn't enter into the gross national product. It leads
to a considerable discrepancy on other price indices from the gross
national product deflator. [What] if we said in some sense that the
additional money supply was financing the additional oil imports?
MR. AXILROD. It's quite possible; these equations may very
well not be picking up the true transactions needs if they don't have
the full price effects of the imported prices in them. And they
don't. The GNP is measuring domestic output prices. So that's quite
possible, in which case we would not really be supplying more money


than historical relationships would suggest but about the same amount.
In either event, [money growth] would be rapid but we‘d have a
somewhat different explanation of what we might expect in the future.
It would tend to argue less, I would think, for a slowdown in the
future [stemming from people1 just deciding to invest their excess
cash but would depend more critically on a real slowing in the
import prices.


Or one would hope to get a leveling in the


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I was confused last night when I looked
hastily at these flow-of-fundsprojections. Maybe there is an obvious
explanation but we talk about short-term credit demands and commercial
bank demands being very heavy these days. When we look at these
figures for the half year--we only have them on the half-year basis-they show a decline in total credit demands. There’s a decline in the
first half of the year and then a further decline in the second half.
If I look at bank credit it slows from the first half to the second
half and the decline is a little steeper in business loans. If I look
at demands for nonfinancial corporate businesses, they are declining;
the rate of growth in short-term debt declines significantly. And I
look at the household [sector] and they have a rapid increase in
deposits and a decline in direct purchases of credit market
instruments. I don’t know where money market funds are in there. Are
they under credit market instruments?

They’ve been shifted, I think, this month.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, that helps explain it. Even so,
[their growth] was fast in the first half of the year, too. But this
column of figures seems a little inconsistent with what we talk about
happening in the market in the short run. Is that because we got a
drastic change in the fourth quarter or what?
MR. AXILROD. Well, there is a considerable drop in what we
projected in bank loans and commercial paper raised in the fourth
quarter. A l s o , we were talking mainly about business credit demands
but there has been a slackening currently in consumer credit demands.
S o we have a little tapering off in the current quarter relative to
the second quarter and essentially we are in a downward trend in terms
of credit demands and credit funds raised in the second half of the
year beginning about now--just as we‘re supposed to be getting a lower
growth in money beginning about now. These are in our projections.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I haven’t looked at the quarterly figures,
but one reading of this is that it does [suggest that] we’re on the
verge of a rather steep decline in the fourth quarter. Do you have
quarterly figures?
MR. AXILROD. Well, we have total funds raised coming down in
the third quarter relative to the second, but the second quarter was
an unusual peak. And the third quarter is above the first quarter,
though well below the second and then it goes down further in the
fourth quarter. But again, the fourth quarter remains above the first



MR. KICHLINE. I might note that in the third quarter the
evidence we now have--or at least it is our current projection on the
consumer side--suggests that household funds borrowed will drop $14
billion at an annual rate from the second-quarter level. And going
into the fourth quarter, that's down another $1 billion. So in the
household sector, we think [a slowdown in borrowing] is under way in
the third quarter. With regard to nonfinancial businesses, we
currently project total funds raised to be down about $8 billion in
the current quarter and down an additional $18 billion in the fourth
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. But the third quarter will show a big
increase in bank loans and-MR. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, it's not all that unusual to have a
burst in bank credit as the economy moves into recession. The cash
flow of business is--

these figures.

My question is why it didn't show up in

MR. KICHLINE. We have business loans projected to be
increasing slightly less than the terrifically high second-quarter
pace. So in the current quarter it is down $6 or $1 billion at an
annual rate.

It is down.

And it drops $14 to $15 billion in the fourth

MR. AXILROD. However, I would
partly offset in the short-term markets
the commercial paper market. We have a
has lower business loans than we had in

add, Mr. Chairman, that that's
by an increase in borrowing in
projection for September which
July and August.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I have a quarterly figure here now, which
shows a very sharp drop in the fourth quarter in the short-term debt
of nonfinancial corporations. It's very sharp. Mr. Roos.
MR. ROOS. Yes sir, Mr. Chairman. In listening to Steve, I
found myself very much confused or disturbed by an underlying question
that maybe he or someone else can answer. In Steve's analysis of
what's happening in M1, he decribed three possible or at least two
exogenous factors. One is the public's desire to draw down cash
balances and the possibility that somewhere along the line the public
added to cash balances. Steve did allude to the possibility that we
contributed to the explosion of M1 by trying to stabilize the fed
funds rate at a time of strong credit demands. I think you, Mr.
Chairman, mentioned the possibility of the oil situation contributing
to this. I get the feeling that we sort of feel that these exogenous
factors that are beyond our control are really what leads to an
unexpected explosion in the rate of M 1 growth. Then when Steve gets
to his suggested alternatives, he essentially concentrates, if I heard
him correctly, on what we ought to do on the fed funds rate--either
stand pat or let it tick [up] or let it recede. My question, and I
ask this really as a noneconomist, is: Can't we through our open
market operations control the rate of M1 growth in spite of these



exogenous factors? I get the feeling that we continue to react to
some [developments1 out there that we can’t control. Couldn’t we in
this room this morning, if we decided that we really wanted to, set a
target for M1 growth and mechanically through open market operations
over a long period of time achieve that target?

The answer is yes.

MR. AXILROD. I’ll be very elliptical, Mr. Chairman, in the
interest of saving time. I was of course couching my own discussion
in the terms in which the Committee has been framing its policies. If
the Committee had been framing its policies in terms of the monetary
base or reserves or something like that as an operating device, I
would have couched the discussion in those terms. It’s perfectly true
that the monetary base or reserves have expanded much more rapidly in
the past two or three months than they had in the previous two or
three months. In part that‘s because of efforts to hold the funds
rate down; in part it’s because currency, which has a bigger weight in
the base, has increased more rapidly. And in part it’s because banks
have begun adding to holdings of CDs and absorbing more reserves that
way, whereas in the two or three previous months when M1 had been
growing CDs had been dropping, releasing reserves available to support
money. So reserve growth didn’t have to be as rapid in order to
support the same amount of money. I add those latter factors in order
to indicate how complicated it is to have a relationship between
reserves and money that is stable because the deposit mix and thus the
need for reserves is constantly shifting, and preferences for currency
versus deposits are constantly shifting. So it’s very hard to come
before the Committee and say: If you set the monetary base or
reserves to grow this much, I can guarantee this much money. And it
would be even more difficult to tell the Committee what federal funds
rate or what interest rates are likely to emerge from that--questions
the Committee obviously would want to and need to know.
S o I’m not saying it’s impossible and I‘m not even really
indicating my preferences in the matter. But it’s not going to be any
less difficult, in a practical way, to control money with reserves
than it is to control it with the federal funds rate because it will
always involve the Committee in two decisions. [First], what should
be its fundamental target. Is the money target that it is setting
right or wrong and should it [change] in light of changing
circumstances? And [second], what is it going to do about interest
rates? Does the Committee in fact want them to go up or down in the
way that they would be going if we adhere fairly ridgidly to a preset
reserve target. I hasten to add that I don’t mean to say that I don‘t
think it would be useful to have a reserve or a base target.
Personally, I happen to think it would be useful.

M R . ROOS. Well, Paul, the reason I asked the question--and I
ask it purely in a constructive way, not to just reopen the classical
argument--is because of the problems that we’ve had in controlling
money growth. [Given] your statements, which I think are great, that
we’re never going to accomplish our ultimate goal until we achieve
some discipline in terms of monetary growth, couldn‘t we discuss these
issues again? Maybe I am out of order to raise this now, but couldn’t
there be a discussion again of whether or not our traditional policy



of targeting on interest rates, in spite of the possible adverse
consequences in terms of money growth, [is appropriate]? Shouldn’t
this be given another look in view of everything you‘ve said and in
view of the less than happy experience that the FOMC has had over the
past years in achieving its goals of stability in terms of the
inflation problem? Shouldn‘t we take a look at this in some way?
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. My feeling would be that you’re not out of
order in raising that question, Mr. Roos. We would be out of order in
having an extended discussion of it today, because I don’t think we’re
going to resolve it. I presume that today, for better or worse, we
have to couch our policy in what has become the traditional framework.
But I think it is a very relevant question, which has come up from
time to time, and I think we should be exploring it again in the
relatively near future. And I would plan to do so.


we still have the Committee on the Directive?

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I think we do, and we‘ll consult with that
Committee. Are there any other questions specifically directed toward
Steve‘s report before we open [the discussion1 up more generally?
MR. BALLES. Steve, I’d just like to deal with the first of
the three possible explanations that you gave. If I heard the words
right, I interpreted you as saying that there has been some revival in
money demand.
MR. AXILROD. In the first one, I was trying to say that to
some extent people may have reduced their demand deposits and savings
deposits earlier because of ATS accounts and the high interest rates
and found that they just couldn‘t run with such small deposits so
they’ve put some back in. [I would] just sort of forget that
addition; it‘s an offset.

MR. BALLES. I realize that‘s a possibility. I must say I’m
skeptical, though, as I look at the sharp rise we‘ve had in short-term
interest rates in that same period when the growth of the Ms has taken
place. I would have thought that would have encouraged further the
use of RPs and money market instruments, and we know from the facts
that that did occur. So I find it difficult to believe that that’s a
plausible explanation or a very solid one.
MR. AXILROD. Of the three explanations, I would put the
lowest probability myself on that one.


I would, too.

MR. AXILROD. It’s relatively low, but in the absence of
evidence I was reluctant even to weigh them.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, if there are no other questions-MR. PARTEE. Well, on that point though, John, we were
getting an increase in velocity of 9 . 8 percent in the fourth quarter
and 12.3 percent in the first quarter. That just couldn’t continue.
It may have gone too far the other way: it was negative in the second
and third quarters--or slightly negative. Certainly something was



going on there in the way of a shift.
couldn't continue.

It was a rate that just

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I'm still confused somewhat by these
figures when 1 look at the quarterly flow of funds. We have had
higher interest rates recently, which are normally accompanied by an
increase in individual purchases of credit market instruments, if I
remember these flow-of-funds ambulations correctly, and a decline in
deposits. Instead, we had an enormous increase in deposit holdings by
individuals and a very big decline in the rate of growth of credit
market instrument holdings during the third quarter when interest
rates were rising. We'd normally expect the reverse to happen.
MR. KICHLINE. Well, that's in part the definition of money
market mutual funds, the problem in the switch from--

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You just [reclassified them] between those
two quarters without telling anybody.
MR. KICHLINE. No, but money market funds grew very rapidly
[and] the structure was changed. Between the second and third
quarters money market funds are expected to have grown very rapidly at
an annual rate.

And they're in deposits.

MR. KICHLINE. And they're in deposits, not in credit market
instruments. So if you look at past history, it's quite a distorted

TEETERS. Didn't you correct the history?

MR. KICHLINE. Well, we didn't have
funds pre-1974, so if you look at--


money market mutual

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You didn't reclassify them between the
second and third quarters; it's just that they've grown more rapidly.
MR. PRELL. The second quarter was also changed. The numbers
are consistent. What you have in the first half of the year in effect
was that households purchased a lot of Treasury securities at a time
when foreign central banks were selling off Treasury securities. In
terms of the overall pattern of flows--

MR. KICHLINE. Excuse me, relative to 1966, 1969, and 1970,
given our treatment of these securities today, we're finding a money
market type instrument being classified as a deposit. It's really the
same [phenomenon] as in 1966, 1969, and 1970 when funds moved out of
banks into other higher yielding instruments.

MR. AXILROD. There is one other factor, Chairman Volcker.
Beginning in that period in the second half where we had that sharp
swing back to savings deposits, which I have been interpreting as part
of this precautionary mood [response], they had been declining rather
sharply. Then they've been increasing in very recent months and that
swing would also affect these numbers. It may not be the major factor
but it's another element different from previous cycles that may be
affecting these numbers.



CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, let's proceed with general comments
on the business outlook and policy prejudices--or policy orientation
anyway. Mr. Baughman.
MR. BAUGHMAN. Mr. Chairman, first let me make just a comment
on retail sales. We are probably the only District that has
maintained that questionable old series on department store sales, but
in the four weeks ending on September 8, such sales showed a very
strong increase relative to the year-ago period. All in all, that
average was up 10 percent whereas cumulatively through [September 81
from the beginning of the year it's up 7 percent.


It was up how much?

MR. BAUGHMAN. It was up 10 percent from a year ago in the
four weeks ending September 8; and from the beginning of the year
through those four weeks it's up 7 percent. So there was a definite
step-up, compared to what had preceded that 4-week period, which
occurred pretty generally across the metropolitan areas in the
District. Those [whose sales] I had reported earlier as being very
strong attributed it to an apparent increase in purchasing by people
coming from Mexico. They continued strong but they did not show the
surge that other centers did in that last 4-week period. That's just
by way of suggesting that in our part of the country, at least, there
seems to have been something happening to nonautomotive retail sales
because these were department store sales.

With respect to the financial sector, as I was listening to
Steve's comments, they seemed almost exactly to replay some
conversations we had in the District last Wednesday evening, at which
Governor Teeters was present. [Those comments were] to the effect
that in a prior period with 13 percent interest rates, bankers were
working very hard to discourage borrowers. At the present time they
are still out searching for loans. Apparently they find it profitable
to add to loans now, whereas in the earlier period they did not. They
say that they feel no credit restraint and they do not see a
reluctance on the part of their customers to borrow. There was a
comment, for example, that 13 plus 3 percent for real estate loans-these were bankers talking so the loans were not primarily residential
mortgage loans--just doesn't seem to deter people. They go ahead and
sign up and don't even ask a question as to whether they couldn't do
it for less.
With respect to labor markets, the thrust of the conversation
in our part of the world is tight labor, high turnover, and losses of
efficiency as a result of high turnover. I don't know whether we have
that sort of situation in labor markets elsewhere or not. But it
seems to me--and I am inclined to disagree a little with the view
Willis winn was expressing that we are lucky not to have more than an
11 percent annual rate of increase contracted for 3 years in the
automobile industry--that building that sort of [wage increase] into
the economy almost guarantees that we are not going to make any
significant progress fighting inflation for 3 years. That's
particularly so in an industry where the indications are that it's
moving to supply a diminishing proportion of the domestic market. So
we have a market structure that is permitting wages and prices to be
pushed up in that industry. And we're really exporting jobs from the
industry and importing increasing amounts of automobiles produced



abroad. That Seems to me to be inconsistent with moving toward the
objectives we presumably have in mind.
I don't see any answer to this problem in our conventional
use of monetary and fiscal tools except a very, very long, drawn out
and very painful one. So it seems to me that we should be trying to
encourage the government to think of ways to break into some of these
wage and price processes in the interest of trying to move more
rapidly to moderate inflation without going through the necessity of
creating horrendous amounts of unemployment for a long period of time.
That's all I have, M r . Chairman.

Governor Coldwell.

MR. COLDWELL. Mr. Chairman, I have been listening here for
some time, trying to cipher out what I think this economy is going to
do. I think Steve's comment that it is uncertain is probably a good
portrayal of my position. I have doubts that the staff's switch
between the third and fourth quarter is going to come out as perfectly
as they show it here. I doubt that they would defend the precision of
the 0.7 [forecast] or anything like that anyway. It seems to me that
we still have some strength left in this economy. And the portrayal
of credit demands still reflects, I think, the basic attitude that
inflation will continue. If there is anything certain in this world
right now it seems to be that inflation will continue, whether at the
current 10 percent rate in the fixed weighted index or at 9 percent
plus. I am bothered about this forecast showing even through the end
of 1980 more than 9 percent inflation in terms of the average from Q4
'79 to Q4 '80. The prospects we have had detailed for us by the staff
have shown weakening, tied primarily as I understand it to an
inventory position and personal income assumption. Housing is
expected to decline, but barring a change in attitudes--unless the
ceiling rates in state usury laws become more binding--it still
appears to me a pretty speculative area of inflation. Oil [prices],
of course, are something that seem to move ahead; and with a minimum
of 10 percent inflation for this year, I suspect we are going to get
another shock in oil prices next year, unless somebody can find some
way to dampen the demand severely.
S o , as I look over what is coming up, with high aggregates
growth with which we are financing these [activities], with rates not
dampening the strong credit demands--that is, the financial side of
the economy still indicating strength--the recession seems uncertain
and the inflation certain. I still think that the policy position of
this Committee ought to be to do what it can to dampen inflationary
expectations. That doesn't mean that we have to charge into major
changes in either the federal funds rate or anything else. I suspect
the answer I would come out with is that we have to get the money
supply figures under better control, which means putting some rather
severe limits on what we would accept as a peak rate of money supply
growth over the coming 2-month period. And if we exceed that, then we
take another tightening step and so be it. If the money supply growth
does subside, as the staff seems to think it will eventually anyway,
then we can afford to be a little more relaxed and perhaps even turn
[rates around], following the market down. But for the coming period,
Mr. Chairman, I would counsel the Committee to continue the path it
has been on, slowly moving up its [funds rate] targets to force a
curtailment in money supply growth.



CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me just interject, if I may, to the
presidents in particular: We have a lot of discount rate proposals
in, and anybody who wants to comment on what has been proposed as your
turn comes up, [please do sol. Let us know what course [you favor] or
what rationale you want to present or whether you disagree with your
MR. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, do you want us to do that now or
when we get to the specifications?
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I think in a general way you could do it
now, but you may want to return to it more precisely when we get to
the specifications. Governor Wallich.
MR. WALLICH. Mr. Chairman, it seems to me that we face
basically a question of timing. If the economy goes into recession,
as it may already have done--interrupted temporarily maybe, but
perhaps a more prolonged one than we originally thought--at some point
we have to ease. But at the present time it seems to me the signs are
still on the other side. The aggregates have been very strong; in a
sense that’s been an easing rather than a tightening even though
interest rates have risen. Inflation shows itself to be more
persistent than before and we have the old picture where we tend to
underestimate inflation. That also means that real interest rates are
less than one thinks, at least the upper end. We are now getting to
the point where we are getting positive real interest rates. I guess
Chase with its move [of the prime] to 13 percent made us honest. But
that is only before taxes. And as we look down the road, it seems to
make people increasingly accepting [continued] high inflation and
thereby perceiving a lower long-term real interest rate.

Now. the economy itself seems to me very spotty. What we
have in good part is an automobile recession. This is reflected in
the Redbook. Many parts of the country are still very strong and if
we were to ease at this time those strong areas would of course bump
against their ceilings increasingly and produce more demand pressure
and inflation there. I would add that there are other things that
might give us concern about high nominal interest rates. Most have
not yet materialized. The suspicion that there might be some sort of
crunch ahead seems not to be valid based on what we hear. There are
no real supply constraints on credit. We think of how we’ve shielded
the housing sector through the money market certificate. That just
means that we need more restraint across the board in all sectors-that is, in lower aggregates or higher interest rates. I would remind
you again that what’s going on in the Euro-markets means that the
relevant monetary aggregates that we ought to focus on, if we had the
data, are growing faster than what we see.
Finally, as to the immediate situation, it seems that the
market interprets the behavior of the aggregates and of the economy as
something that will cause us to tighten. So while we should not
slavishly follow what the market seems to expect, nevertheless we have
to recognize that we disappoint the market at a cost--at a cost in
credibility--and I see no reason for that at this time. I would
therefore argue in favor of a mild increase in the funds rate in order
to slow the aggregates. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. Eastburn.



MR. EASTBURN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would like to take
a little different position than has been taken up to this point. I
believe one thing that is very good in the discussion that we have
been having is that we are talking about longer-run strategy--a kind
of cyclical strategy, I think. Everything that has been said up to
now is in that vein, and that’s good because I think one of the
problems we have in these meetings is that we tend to operate monthto-month and get short-sighted. My strategy is somewhat different
than Phil’s or Henry’s. I happen to think we are in a mild recession
and that the recovery will be a protracted one. In that situation I
also think that in our strategy we need to avoid mistakes that we have
made in past cycles. One mistake that we have made is overstaying
restraint and the other mistake is overstimulating when the economy
weakens. I think Phil is entirely correct that we need to take an
action that [makes] a dent on expectations; it’s just that my course
would differ somewhat from his because I feel we need to take
increasing care to avoid precipitating a serious recession. That
would have bad effects on expectations that would ultimately confirm
inflationary expectations because it would precipitate action that
would be designed to stimulate the economy and would in the longer run
have negative effects on expectations.

That means that in the current situation I would be willing-not happy, but willing--to see somewhat higher growth rates in money
for a time than I would ordinarily like to see. But that‘s in the
expectation that we will be getting slower growth in the months ahead.
I think it also means that we will have to exercise care against
overstimulating as the economy proceeds to weaken, and that means
resisting somewhat declines in interest rates that might otherwise
occur and having somewhat slower money growth than we would have had
in similar periods in the past. In other words, [I’m suggesting] a
strategy of kind of leveling off the peak and filling in the valley.
There are risks in that, many risks. First of all is the
assumption that the economy will behave the way I am assuming. Second
is that the money supply in fact will start to slow down in coming
months. But for the moment I would take that risk and stand pat; I‘d
stay where we are and live with somewhat higher growth rates than I
ordinarily would like to see. If that proves to be wrong and money
growth continues exceptionally strong--that is, above the ranges--then
I think we have to move the federal funds rate up. But [for now] I
would stay essentially where we are.
MR. MAYO. Mr. Chairman, I have increasing difficulty in
trying to define how tight credit is. We see the ambivalence, if one
can use that term, in our own area with farm credit, small business
credit, credit for builders and so forth very tight. Banks are very
tight and it doesn’t filter down like it’s supposed to in a fluid
system from the big banks. We don’t have the moral suasion problem
that we had five years ago--or if we do, we really haven‘t recognized
it--where many of us made real efforts to contact individual banks
about their overextension of acquisition credit and REIT credit and so
forth. So I guess this leads to a question to Steve or anyone else on
the staff who wants to volunteer: What is your interpretation of the
extent of the insulation of the large banks from our attempts at
credit tightening because of the availability of funds from abroad?



That makes it extremely difficult for us to define how far we can go,
much less [how to1 implement whatever definition we arrive at.
MR. AXILROD. Well, perhaps not in complete answer but in
partial answer, President Mayo, I would think that the availability of
Euro-dollar funds abroad has made it necessary to have interest rates
a little higher in this market than we would otherwise because large
firms can simply borrow a little cheaper abroad than they can here.
On the general point you are raising, what I tried to say earlier was
that my instinct was that the 13 percent prime rate was producing some
real restraint. In simple terms, if people expect the rate of price
inflation to be less than 13 percent, it's immediately a very
restrictive rate. Now, we will have [firms] perhaps expecting that
their sales are going to weaken, in which case that adds to the
restrictiveness. So the rate is the main factor at present, and the
need for higher rates domestically is greater because of this lower
rate in Euro-dollar markets.
through the rate?

So you think we can offset the availability

MR. AXILROD. If we can't, I think we probably have to throw
out the history of economics.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Are you suggesting, Mr. Mayo, that we
ought to think about some kind of moral suasion?
MR. MAYO. I'm raising the issue, Paul. I haven't made up my
It's an issue that we have not discussed around this
table in this cycle and we certainly did five years ago.

own mind on it.

would like to make?

Do you have any concluding comment you

MR. MAYO. No, I'm throwing this up for grabs at this point.
I don't know how to attack the moral suasion issue this time, Paul,
because of the availability of such a flood of funds in the
international markets. We are not talking about what was an attempt
in a mild way at "credit allocation"--if I may use the naughty tern-five years ago when we were trying to get [banks] to stay away from
purely acquisition credit and trying to keep the REIT situation stable
yet not expanding. This time what I have in mind in bringing this up
certainly doesn't relate to our banks and foreign loans; it isn't that
aspect of it. And I don't know to what extent moral suasion could do
us much good here. It's a much broader question to go out and say to
the big money market banks that we would prefer that you not borrow
from abroad. That's a very hard thing to say. What do we do about
it? I don't know, but I think it's a worthwhile question to kick
around a bit.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Some of this borrowing from abroad, I
think, is just borrowing back money that Americans put abroad in the
first place.

That's true


I'm not sure how much, net, there is.



MR. MAYO. Well, to the extent oil money or OPEC money is
involved and that's sloshing around, that somehow gets to the big
banks and insulates them from monetary policy. I hope that Steve's
answer on [rates] is an accurate statement. I certainly do.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Obviously, if anybody else wants to
comment on this question, I would be delighted to have the comments.
My own feeling has been that it's probably pretty late in the day to
begin talking about moral suasion. I don't know whom we would morally

That's the real problem.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We may do more damage, unless we see
particular speculative problems and takeovers or whatever. I'm not
sure [how we can succeed in3 that process.
MR. WINN. On this issue, Paul, I hear more comment in the
market about credit controls of various types as the way of doing it
to avoid Reg-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. My response would be a fortiori applied to
credit controls. I don't know what we want to control at this
particular point in the cycle, but--. Mr. Kimbrel.
MR. KIMBREL. Mr. Chairman, from our vantage point we are
seeing some contrasting developments early on. The farmers are very
excited; generally expectations are for one of the best farm years
ever. Business people are still reading the papers and saying " I read
that but I don't feel it in my business." Developments in residential
sales and construction in the area are harking back to the early '70s.
It's incredible some of the stories we are hearing about sales and
possibilities in certain areas of the District. We add to that, of
course, the visit of an unwanted gentleman hurricane in the Mobile
area and that confuses things. The banks were not open yesterday, and
we are not sure that they are going to be open today. And 10,000
people are still without power. So, we don't know what the total
impact of that is going to be.
Business loans in the District have not followed the national
pattern. They are somewhat weak, but consumer attitudes are also
discouraged and uncertain. Add to that [what we said in] our earlier
discussion of the growth in the aggregates and the apparent lack of
restraint on [such growth] in recent months. [Nevertheless,] at the
directors meeting last Friday the feeling was I think unanimous that
there is not going to be a credit crunch but that inflation is going
to be about as strong [as it has been] for at least the rest of the
year. Add to that the uncertainty of foreign exchange markets, and I
have to associate myself with the expectation that maybe [the
slowdown] has gotten somewhat deeper during the last month since I
have been involved with the Desk and I think there is really some
urgency that we ought to be directing more attention to restraining
money growth. I don't detect in the markets any great concern that if
we do that, they are going to fall out. So I would hope that we would
at least maintain our present posture with possibly some leaning
against any new growth--as much as anything else to try to preserve
our credibility. I recognize that we have been hoping for slower
[monetary] growth for some months; but it hasn't come and I am not



persuaded that it's imminent. I guess that pretty well suggests that
I would have no difficulty agreeing with our directors' recommendation
to increase the discount rate a full 1/2 percentage point.
MR. BLACK. M r . Chairman, I don't have any serious quarrel
with the staff's projections on the economy. But I think they are
probably on the optimistic side, if they've missed, because it seems
to me that this trouble we have is more in the nature of a worldwide
problem with the petroleum shortage, inflation, and turmoil in the
foreign exchange market. So I would not see nearly the improvement in
the foreign trade sector that the staff has projected. I think all
these problems are going to intensify the domestic problem. In
dealing with the recession that we are in, I think we have a unique
set of problems here that we really haven't [encountered] in the
postwar period, as Dave Eastburn indicated. I don't think the past
action in earlier recessions gives us much of a guide as to how we
ought to proceed in this one. There was an excellent article by Paul
McCracken in The Wall Street Journal yesterday that spelled out the
sort of procedures I think we ought to follow. What I believe we have
to do, since I think inflation is the main problem, is to address that
problem almost entirely. More troubles are going to build up and we
also are going have more serious problems on all fronts, including the
unemployment front down the road. And to me dealing with inflation
means getting a hand on the aggregates.
As we set our targets today and as we approach the end of the
year--when we are going to be judged as to whether we have hit our
long-run targets or we haven't--we ought to bear in mind that there is
a good deal of confusion among the public and probably on the part of
some members of Congress. I find it confusing myself [as to] what our
M1 targets really are for the fourth quarter of last year to the
fourth quarter of this year. You will remember that in July we
decided we would not change them; we left the M1 range at 1-1/2 to
4-1/2 percent but the consensus around the table as I read it was that
for internal purposes we would think of that as being 3-1/2 to 6
percent since we revised downward our estimate of the ATS/New York NOW
account effect from 3 to 1-l/2 percentage points. Now, this spurt in
the aggregates that we had in August and September is going to make it
very difficult for us to get a good fourth-quarter rate. And under
all three alternatives in the staff's projections they are talking
about a rate from the fourth quarter of last year to the fourth
quarter of this year of 5.3 percent. If we add to that the 1-1/2
percent ATS/New York NOW account [effect], that comes out to 6 . 8
percent, which I find is sufficient evidence to indicate that we have
been too easy. Although I sympathize with Bob Mayo's position--it's
hard to judge these things sometimes--when I see bankers out fighting
for loans as they are now and I see a lot them adding to their
investments, I have to conclude that credit conditions may not be as
tight as they appear [on the basis of] interest rates alone.
Looking back in the history of economic thought, when we
didn't have all the statistics we now have there was considerable
feeling on the part of economists at the time that you could look at
the behavior of the foreign exchange rate and the price of gold and
that would tell you whether you had too much money or not. [Those
indicators] clearly say to me that we are much too easy. But I view



these long-run targets that we established in July as calling for a
midpoint of 6 percent pre-ATS and 4 - 1 / 2 percent post-ATS, and I think
we ought to endeavor to come as close as possible to these midpoints.
I think this use of homeopathic doses of federal funds rate increases
in the past has pretty well ruled out any hope we have of achieving
this if indeed we can control the aggregates by manipulating the
federal funds rate. I have some doubts about that and some sympathy
for Larry Roos's approach, but I do think we want to offset as much of
the second and third quarter overshoots as possible, and I would-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I'm not quite sure what target you are
talking about, Bob. Maybe you can-MR. BLACK.

This is M1, Mr. Chairman.


Did you say


6 percent midpoint on our



That's what it would be pre-ATS


Pre any ATS.

MR. BLACK. That's right, without any ATS. I believe that's
what we were thinking about. Then you remember we went to 1-1/2 to
4 - l / 2 percent, which gave u s a 3 percent midpoint when we thought the
ATS effects were--

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You are talking about a concept that isn't
portrayed on our nice little charts at all.

That's right.

MR. PARTEE. He's adding the ATS back in
M R . BLACK. That's right. I think that's the way we have to
judge it. At least we have to clear up that confusion ourselves.
Lord help you when you have to explain this to the Congress and to the
public because I get confused every time I think about it! When we
get down to the specifics, I would like to propose that we take some
actions to try to get close to these targets, although I don't think
we can achieve them [fully] because of past misses.


Mrs. Teeters.

MS. TEETERS. I think you have overlooked that [Ml growth in]
August came in at 6 . 8 percent. We haven't had a continuous 10 percent
rate of growth; at the end of August the rate of growth of the money
supply dropped. And if you look closely, it's in currency. The rate
of increase in demand deposits has been coming down a l l summer. Can
someone explain to me why we have a sudden increase in demand for
currency? I don't know the explanation for that. I would point out
to you that we have raised interest rates 100 basis points [very
recently]. That's a big increase in basis points. We have a prime
rate of 1 3 percent, and nobody pays prime--it's prime plus. So we are
talking about interest rates in the market that are 15 to 18 percent,
and it's not just on consumer loans. We have really gone very far,
very fast in the past 6 to 8 weeks. I think it's time that we slow
down and see what we are doing because the major impact [of our



tightening actions1 is going to be in the fourth quarter of this year
and the first quarter of next year.
I’m a little puzzled about this availability argument. The
lack of availability previously has always been in one [sector]; it
has always been in the mortgage market. I suspect that in other areas
of the market there was really enough money available, except maybe in
the summer of ‘74. Now that we have said that we don’t want to put
all of the restraint on one industry, the word goes around that there
is plenty of available money and nobody is being hurt by this. People
have got to be squeezed out of the markets at this point. It may not
be the big banks or big corporations, and it may mean [the restraint]
is going to be focused again on certain areas of the country. The
Sunbelt seems to be almost imune to any sort of restraint. And as we
move [rates] around, it make it harder for New England and for the
upper middle West, along with other areas of the country. I’m
extremely reluctant to raise either the discount rate or the federal
funds rate at this point.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I’m not sure it is a fact that everybody‘s
paying more than the prime rate. There are still some reports around
that quite a few people are paying less than prime.

And the compensating balances.

major factor.

I don’t know why that should be--

Well, the competition of the European banks is a

MR. PARTEE. Well, it‘s very short-term money
it’s probably bigger--

I’m not sure it’s all short term.

I think

MR. PARTEE. I think Nancy’s point is that most borrowers pay
something more [than prime] and a 20 percent compensating balance.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. There are reports that some banks are
still making fixed rate loans at something less than prime.
MR. SCHULTZ. Furthermore, there was actually an announcement
by the Bank of America that it was going to make automobile loans at
12 percent--a lower rate just to help out the automobile dealers as a
sales mechanism. It would be an unusual situation, but it certainly
doesn‘t indicate much tightening.

Mr. Morris.

MR. MORRIS. I sort of lean [in the same direction as] Dave
Eastburn and Nancy Teeters at this juncture. The evidence seems to me
to indicate that recession momentum is gathering force very rapidly
and that the recession is likely to be more severe than the staff
forecasts. I had hoped, since it was the best forecast recession
ever, that we would get some restraint on inventory accumulation. But
the whopping increase in inventories in July plus the big demand for
business loans at banks in the last 4 or 5 weeks suggest to me, even
though oil inventories may be down some recently, that we’re still



getting very big inventory accumulation in August and early September.
This, of course, suggests that when we start turning that corner,
we’re likely to have a pretty big inventory swing, probably bigger
than is in the projection. I also agree with Nancy on the point that
in the past [several] weeks we‘ve moved short-term rates almost 150
basis points; long-term rates in some cases [have risen] almost 50
basis points. I can‘t ever remember a month in which we‘ve moved
rates more than that. We’ve gotten a lot of bang for the buck in
terms of the relationship of the relatively small move in the funds
rate to the very big moves in the rest of the market. I think we have
yet to see the effects on economic activity of the actions we have
taken. So, I would come out the same place Dave did; I think we ought
to behave a little differently going into a recession than we would
behave in a continuing boom environment.
All history teaches us that when the inventory accumulation
starts to abate we will get a slackening in the aggregates. And I
think the long-run track of the aggregates up to now has not been bad.
Over the past 12 months [we’vehad growth of] a little less than 5
percent on M1 and a little less than 8 percent on M2, and I think
that’s about what we would have wanted to come out with a year ago.
So it seems to me that we ought to stand pat for the next month. As
far as the discount rate is concerned, it seems to me that we ought to
hold that in reserve in case we need to use it. In the event that we
get a run on the dollar, it would be nice to have a symbolic gesture
in the closet that would permit us to announce another 1 percentage
point increase in the discount rate, which would attract a lot of
attention in Europe and so on. So I would rather save that weapon for
future use. As far as moral suasion is concerned, we might have had
that as a part of the package last November 1, but I think it’s much
too late now. I think the recession will substitute for moral

Mr. Timlen.

MR. TIMLEN. Mr. Chairman, you expressed some interest in the
discount rate actions at the Reserve Banks. Two weeks ago the
directors of the [unintelligible] New York Bank voted a 114 percent
increase in the discount rate. When the officers came in that
morning, they were very troubled as to what our recommendation should
be on the rate. There was some feeling to do nothing, some feeling to
do a 114 point, and some feeling to do a 1 1 2 point. I think on
balance the strongest sentiment was to take a small, but not
insignificant step and therefore to recommend a 1/4 point. Well,
later in the morning we heard that the projections on the monetary
aggregates were reduced somewhat, so the officers decided on balance
to propose that we wait a couple of weeks. Having made the
recommendation to the directors that we do nothing [on the discount
rate], the directors expressed some sentiment that it would be well to
coordinate the action of the Bank with [developments] in the open
market that were identified with the new Chairman, so that on their
own initiative our directors moved and voted a 114 percentage point
increase in the discount rate. [Our board] will be meeting on
Thursday of this week and I would suspect with further market
developments and administered rates, there might be some sentiment for
something more than the action taken two weeks ago. As an aside, I
might say that there’s a good deal of talk in the markets in New York
about the possibility of an impending credit crunch. As we look at



the situation in the individual major banks, however, we can't find a
commercial bank that may be faced with a credit crunch.
In terms of the general situation, my views are very close to
Governor Coldwell's. I don't think the situation is particularly
dissimilar from the one we faced last month. Inflation is still for
me a matter of major concern. The monetary aggregates still are on
the high side, and the dollar--which I don't think Phil mentioned-continues to be under recurring pressures in the foreign exchange
markets. I must admit that we cannot overlook signs of weakness in
the economy. Unemployment is edging up and there is the question of
inventory accumulation. [It's unclear] whether there has been a
correction in the automobile industry but that is a possibility. I
think it's important that we not have the problem of a General Motors
strike. We do have a problem that the settlement was expensive. I
think it's important that the Federal Reserve not indicate that it is
weakening in any respect in its resolve to fight inflation or restrain
growth in the aggregates, so I would favor some further tightening at
this time.

Mr. Partee.

MR. PARTEE. Well, I've been gone for a couple of a weeks and
I feel a little out of it. A significant recession is not a certainty
but it's a high probability. One could read this as an automobile-led
correction and a shift in real income from consumers to producers and
distributors of oil, both of which have had a marked effect on retail
demand. But I guess I'd go along with Frank that the indicators all
point to mounting tendencies toward weakness in the economy. And it
seems unlikely that we'll get a smooth and easy inventory correction
as the staff is projecting. S o if in fact these pressures continue to
mount, we'll probably have a deeper recession than is forecast by the
I've been concerned over the last 4 to 6 weeks, as Nancy has,
about the possibility of overshooting. I think it's important, very
important, that we try to keep the aggregates within the ranges that
we specify. And I think it was very appropriate that we moved
interest rates up significantly over the summer because of the bulge
in the aggregates in the spring and summer, which was to a
considerable degree unexpected. But we have to remember that those
changes in rates affect money growth with a lag. We've had the
increase in rates and we have another lagged response yet [to come].
We also have to remember, as Nancy said, that if we look at M1 there
has been a significant slowing in demand deposit growth. It was [at
anannual rate of] 17 percent in June, 10 percent in July, and is
forecast at 3-1/2 percent in August. That has been masked by an
explosion in currency. We don't really know [why that has occurred].
It seems most likely to be some kind of aberration; we don't really
think it will be sustained. Feeling that we have moved rates quite a
bit in the last month or two and that the aggregates are in a lagged
way likely to be reflecting that, I also agree with Nancy. I think
the best thing to do, as the Committee often has done over the last
decade or so, is to pause for a while and see what develops.

Mr. Balles.



MR. BALLES. I was going to ask Nancy if that explosion in
currency is a part of the underground economy that she testified on.

It‘s the Susan B. Anthony dollar.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. How much of that is the Susan B. dollar?
There were $300 million of those going out beginning in July?
M R . BALLES. Well, in addition to the Sunbelt, the area west
of the Rockies is not feeling very much if any recession yet.
Aerospace, electronics, and agriculture in general are all quite
strong. One indication is that the [volume of] help wanted ads in the
Los Ancreles Times is almost unreal. The latest count that I heard
from someone was 98 pages [of such ads1 in a recent Sunday edition.
So a lot of jobs are going begging. We have had, of course, as is
true around the nation, some decline in auto sales and in housing
starts but considerably less percentage-wise than the country as a

AS far as the national outlook, we don’t have any huge
quarrel with the Board‘s staff view. We still expect the economy to
bottom in the first half of 1980 and quite possibly in the first
quarter. There‘s always the risk that things could get worse than our
staff is now forecasting, but I’m reserving judgment on that until we
get some evidence that that’s a likelihood.

In addition to the input that we bring to these meetings and
the usual sources of our own research staff and directors, last Friday
when Vice Chairman Schultz visited us in San Francisco we called in a
special small group of bankers, businessmen, and academicians for a
very frank exchange of views. We sounded them out about their
feelings on the economy and on Fed policy, and I must say, Fred, that
I thought the reactions were quite candid and somewhat humiliating in
a way. The bankers generally expressed the view that as yet there’s
very little evidence that the high level of interest rates is having
any significant total effect on cutting off credit demand. Now, one
has to add to that the expressions we got from them in our usual goaround with bankers and bank directors that these high rates are
having a cutting effect on the so-called middle market for business
borrowers--the smaller firms--and for mortgage loans and some small
farmers. That’s where the incidence of the high interest rate effect
has been felt thus far in our part of the country. But as a general
matter, even if the businessmen present were mostly from big concerns,
they simply indicated that the higher rates per se are not having any
effect at all on their capital projects. If a project is worthwhile,
it‘s not going to get cut off by a one or two percentage point
increase in the cost of funds. A minority expressed the view that
this is leading to some greater caution on inventory policy, which is
already being viewed as quite cautious. One major real estate
developer present indicated that the higher rates are just built into
their projects and aren’t having any dampening effect at all.
It was by the economists that we really got blasted. They
came from Stanford, Berkeley, the University of California at Davis,
and from a number of major banks in town. Quite frankly, they were
highly critical of what they called pro-cyclical Fed policy and the
extreme swings in the growth rates of money and credit that they‘ve
witnessed over the past year--the very low rate from, say, October to



March and the very high rate on balance from April to September. The
clear majority view in that group--and the bank economists were quite
similar to the academic economists--was that it's vital that we give
more attention to that now than to what would be a more conventional
counter-cyclical policy. My own view is that [we should make] an
attempt at the gradualism that we announced several years ago. I
remember your predecessor twice removed I guess, meaning Chairman
Burns, [said] that the System's strategy would be to gradually lower
the rate of monetary growth as a long-run strategy for getting
inflation under control. What happened, I'm afraid, is that while the
ranges have been brought down a little in the last several years,
we've seen a great deal of evidence of the actual rates of monetary
growth accelerating. I continue to feel, as I expressed last month,
that we're going to get some automatic cushioning effect to this
recession from fiscal policy, perhaps supplemented--there seems to be
more and more talk about it [though I don't know] whether anything
will happen or not--by discretionary tax cuts. So I lean toward the
view that we may have to use monetary policy as the principal weapon
to break inflationary expectations and to get some deceleration in the
actual rate of inflation.
Our directors clearly voted to increase the discount rate to
reinforce what they thought should be a further snugging up in our
efforts to get the rate of growth in the aggregates down somewhat.
Almost fortuitously we've had a counter-cyclical policy since spring.
If in fact the first quarter proves to have been the peak of the
previous cycle, then in the second and third quarters we've had a
counter-cyclical policy of considerable magnitude given the rate of
monetary expansion that has taken place. And perhaps it's a bit too
much to also get on top of the inflation problem. Bottom line I come
out pretty much as Phil Coldwell, Henry Wallich, and Bob Black did. I
think we should lean toward a little higher funds rate and a little
better control in linking our short-term targets with our long-term
targets if there's to be any success on the inflation front. I think
it was last April, Steve--at just about the wrong time--that I raised
with you in front of God and everybody here the fact that you had been
overforecasting the rate of monetary growth. You sure got that fixed!
Correct me if I'm wrong--1 don't have the exact figures with me--but I
think month by month the Bluebook forecasts have in fact understated,
and perhaps by a significant margin, the subsequent [monetary] growth
we've experienced. I may again be raising that issue at the wrong
time, but the recession will take care of that.


It's a good leading indicator, John!

MR. BALLES. Until I see it, I guess I'm not going to believe
it. I am concerned on balance that it may not have been bad that we
had a real surge in monetary and credit expansion because of this
recession. But I think we may have overdone that in view of the
continued problem of getting inflation under control. So I would vote
for a little snugging up.

M r . Rice.

MR. RICE. Mr. Chairman, probably not surprisingly, I would
associate myself with the remarks made by Dave Eastburn, Nancy
Teeters, Frank Morris, and Chuck Partee. I can therefore be very
brief. I think it's time to give more weight to what is happening in



the real economy. The economy is clearly weakening; the staff
analysis is very clear on this. It's really very hard to see where
the strength in the economy is that some people are worrying about.
Most of the indicators seem to me to point toward weakness and further
weakening in the economy. Retail sales in real terms have been
declining since last May. Industrial production has turned down. GNP
is projected to decline further after the current quarter, which is
close to an end. It seems to me that, as Governor Wallich pointed
out, we are faced with a problem of timing. And I would say that at
this time it would be inappropriate to take any monetary action that
would have the effect of further weakening an already weakening
economy. In response to the concern about inflation, which I share, I
would have to say that in my judgment any action that we might take
today is unlikely to have any effect on the inflation rate within the
next 6 to 9 months. So whatever tightening of policy might be adopted
today would be largely symbolic. Also, I would note that even at the
current federal funds rate--even with the current degree of tightness
--the monetary aggregates, M1, M2, and M3, would probably fall within
the long-run ranges of growth that have been set for the period from
the fourth quarter of '78 to the fourth quarter of '79. Given the
outlook, there's a strong prospect that the growth in the monetary
aggregates will indeed decline. Therefore, in the current
circumstances I would not favor any increase in the federal funds rate
nor would I favor an increase in the discount rate. I would want to
stand pat. I would not argue at this time for an easing of policy,
but I would certainly argue that any further tightening would be a
dangerous step to take.

Mr. Winn.

MR. WINN. I guess we're going to have to rearrange the
seating here a little; we're kind of [taking] sides and I'm out of
place here in terms of my approach! I think we're dealing with
expectations in a variety of ways, and when we [focus on1 our cyclical
analysis we forget the changes in price behavior that we're faced
with. [Prices] are not going to behave in the traditional way in the
future, but they're still one of the canker sores we have to deal
with. With the publicity we've had recently [regarding] our behavior
we have a real problem of expectations and a growing cynicism in the
markets. The markets don't believe that the System has the resolve to
cope with these problems; [they think] that we tend to shift our
targets and keep our interest rates stable so that if we miss our
target we just push it up and say we're going to catch up later on.
They're getting rather pat in the way they view our activities. I
feel that we need to change their expectations about us in terms of
our behavior, as I argued last time.

Consequently, I'd be in favor of widening the federal funds
rate spread and I'd let the rate behave on the basis of what actually
happens marketwise. Secondly, I'd use this opportunity to change the
discount rate because it doesn't really change market [rate] levels:
it would change expectations because there isn't an immediate foreign
exchange pressure that forces us into doing some of these things. We
can use it to have an announcement effect without actually changing
the level of rates marketwise, reinforcing a resolve to do things a
little differently and, therefore, changing expectations. I'm not in
favor of really hiking the rate level at this stage unless the
aggregates do continue their rapid growth.



I'd point out to those who mentioned the decline in demand
deposits that this represents part of the continual shifting and
changing in the nature of the money concept, as people take advantage
of opportunities to keep their funds at work with RPs and other
things. Consequently, I am still concerned about our overshoot in
this area. With all of our comments and people pointing to us as
being concerned about this development, I'd like us to show by some
action that we are concerned without necessarily changing the rates
significantly. In terms of expectations, I have one that is
different from those of the group: I'm not sure we're going to get a
mild [recession] next spring. I think we're going to get an uptick
this quarter. That is going to change expectations for the final
quarter and we may get a stronger final quarter than projected. I
think the basic forces of decline are with us. What I can't see is
the bail-out after we get into a substantial decline. I don't see the
forces there to provide the uplift. So I think it can degenerate into
a somewhat larger decline than has been projected, with the fiscal
implications and the consequent problems with respect to continued
price inflation. And I'm worried on that score.

Mr. Guffey.

M R . GUFFEY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. With respect to
economic conditions in the Tenth District, we are enjoying--as others
have said regarding the agricultural area--probably the finest crop in
history. And it's a reality; most of it is already [harvested] or is
ready to come into the bins. The problem has been more real in the
sense that Bob Mayo mentioned; [producers] cannot move that crop,
particularly to the port facilities for export, because of the
shortage of rail cars as well as the Rock Island strike. It is
putting some pressure upon the financial community to continue to
finance inventories that had built up a year or two years before. But
it also is fairly clear that some weakness is developing, particularly
in retail sales--as affected by the auto situation--but also in
residential sales. To my knowledge--and I have inquired around the
region--1 can find no area within our District where any speculative
houses are being built at the moment. Everything is being built on
contract. If there is no contract, there is no building.

Turning to my own view of the staff's expectations for the
national economy, it seems to me that they are quite reasonable,
though maybe a bit bullish. I would expect to have a bit deeper and
more prolonged recession from the actions that have already been
taken. Traditionally, when consumer expectations turn, they turn and
don't come back very quickly.
With regard to growth in the aggregates, as has been
mentioned, to be sure over the year [Ell looks very reasonable at
about 5.3 percent without ATS. I believe that is the figure. But
equally important, it seems to me, both last month and again this
month we've been looking at accelerating rates of growth in the
aggregates. If you focus on M1, the staff projection is almost 10
percent for September. But I would like to point out that most of
that has already occurred in the first two weeks of September. And
two events have taken place, both the Social Security payment as well
as the anticipation of the September 15 tax payment date. From here
on out the staff projections are essentially flat. It would seem to
me that if the seasonals play any part in the first two weeks of



September--about which there seems to be some doubt--we may not be
getting the aggregates growth now that we tried to react to in August.
Lastly, I would join with others who have said that we have
moved very rapidly. S o it seems to me time to pause now to see [the
effects of] what we've done. We talk about the 13 percent not
cutting, but it hasn't been in place very long. People either had
been committed before and haven't backed off or they haven't made
judgments as to whether they're going to continue to borrow in the
future. I would say that in the financial area of the Tenth District,
the 13 percent rate has already taken a toll; several correspondent
bankers have told me that at a 13+ percent rate they are withdrawing
from requests to finance additional cattle operations simply because
the economics don't pan out. As a result we could quite likely see in
the future a withdrawal of the inventory levels of cattle that would
have been coming on stream in the period ahead.
In talking to staff and others and seeking advice, I would
note that one person characterized the situation we're looking at
right now as a situation akin to preparing a chicken for the table.
That is, the chicken's activity increases substantially right after
you cut off his head. If you react to that increased activity by
striking with the ax again, that greatly increases the risk of
damaging the meat. That may be exactly where we are now. So with
that, I would propose that we stand pat at the moment with respect to
the federal funds rate but use the discount rate for an announcement
effect. As Willis pointed out, the discount rate has no real effect
on market interest rate levels and the alignment issue is beginning to
be a problem in our District. Thus, I would propose that the discount
rate be raised at least 1/4 point, or perhaps 1/2 point.
Well, I think we've had some barnyard
reasoning! Mr. Roos, would you like to make a few comments?

MR. ROOS. First of all, being from the other end of the same
rural state, I would have to disagree with Roger's analogy. When one
prepares a chicken for serving, one usually has the best results if
the dish is served up without any guts, whereas I think monetary
policy--well, I'll stop at that.
I'd like to take up very briefly some of the things that have
been said. First of all, I'd invite your attention to page 10 [of the
Bluebook], the upper graph showing the growth of M1 during this year.
[Some would] conclude that [policy has been appropriate] because the
average of M1 for the year appears to fall between our targets. I
would point out that the roller coaster effect that we've experienced
is really very damaging to stability. If you remember your friend's
button that I wore to one meeting--and was nearly fired as a result--I
implied that that dip early in the year would result in recession.
The dip occurred and we are experiencing a recession. I don't think
the up and down movement is a good thing. I also am concerned-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER.

Are you projecting a boom now for the next

6 months, Mr. ROOS?

MR. ROOS. Yes. I hear some of my friends say that we have
moved interest rates up 100 basis points. I don't think we moved
those rates; I think strong credit demand and inflationary



expectations moved those rates up. If anything, we have leaned
against what the [increase in rates1 would have been had we not
expanded the money supply. Furthermore, for those who feel that a
further rise in interest rates would have the effect of lengthening
and deepening the recession, I would point out that if--in order to
maintain the fed funds rate at its present level--we permit [such]
growth of the aggregates to continue, the public perception [will be
one1 of excessive aggregates growth. And I think the result will be
interest rates that are even higher than they are now, in spite of our
attempt to keep rates where they are or to stand pat.
Specifically, I think we have no choice but to do whatever we
can to bring M1 growth back under control. I would urge two steps.
One, our board was unanimous in its recommendation that the discount
rate be moved up 1/2 point. [Second], whatever the range for M1, I
think the upper limit of the M1 range for the period ahead should not
exceed 5 percent exclusive of ATS or 6-1/2 percent with ATS. I think
the best thing we have going for us is [the public’s] belief--in
reaction to the excellent statements by our Chairman--that we are
determined to maintain monetary discipline. If we do anything that
can be interpreted as a move toward ease, I think our last thread of
credibility will be lost. And a very important new policy that has
been enunciated by Chairman Volcker will be less than truly effective
if we do that. S o , that‘s my thinking.

Midwest, Mr. Gainor?

Have you any brief wisdom from the upper

M R . GAINOR. I will be brief, Mr. Chairman. We feel a bit
behind the times in the Ninth District. We hear in the national press
that the recession is half over and it hasn’t even hit us yet.
Unemployment is very low in our District, less than 3 percent, and
labor markets are tight. Industrial production is strong. The only
questionable areas have been tourism, which was affected earlier in
the summer by the gasoline shortage, and [agriculture where] we have a
problem with the transportation of grain, as was alluded to earlier.

With respect to the national perspective, we continue to be
concerned about inflation and about the international position of the
dollar. We believe the Committee should try to get the numbers under
control while it‘s still politically feasible to do so. Our directors
have recommended an increase in the discount rate change of 1/2
percentage point, which we suggested. And we would favor further
limiting growth of the aggregates.

Mr. Schultz.

MR. SCHULTZ. Well, I’ve only been on this [Committee] for
six weeks and we’re having a little barnyard humor, so I’ll just say
that unfortunately I feel like the little boy who dropped his bubble
gum in the barnyard! It’s a very difficult time to be here. I think
we have a Hobson‘s choice. It seems to me that the likelihood is that
the economy is going to weaken and we‘re going to get accused of
overkill, overstaying [a restrictive policy]. The problem is, if we
look at it on the other side, that’s conjectural; the facts are that
the aggregates continue to grow. And it’s hard to find where monetary
policy is biting very much. We see a little in real estate, and a few
banks talk about their consumer credit [lending] at a fixed [interest]



rate so they‘re beginning to slow down. But by and large it’s hard to
find very much bite any place. I call around the country and I don’t
find very many people screaming very hard. There just isnrtvery much
pain out there. I‘d love to believe these numbers but the problem is
I don’t know what inflation is doing to them. I don‘t know what
people are really doing in response to that and what kind of variances
we have. So I‘m afraid I just have to go with what I can see and what
I know to be the facts. And those are that the economy still looks
pretty strong and the aggregates continue to rise.
So I come down on the side of some further tightening. I
would go with an increase in the discount rate and some moderate
tightening in the federal funds rate, though probably not very much.
I would like to see the range widened to at least 100 points and at
some point in time deal with the stimulative problem that President
Eastburn talked about when we start coming out [of recession]. I’d
like to see us go to an aggregates directive but now probably is not
the time, with all the volatility. But my feeling is that we need to
take another [tightening step].

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I have failed in one of my objectives,
which was to get us out to the coffee break early. Perhaps reflecting
my long experience in this particular chair, Mr. Schultz, the
decisions don‘t get any easier from meeting to meeting. If we have a
geometric progression, I’ll really be in trouble at the next meeting!
Let me just make a couple of comments before we go out for
coffee. There is a very strong possibility of recession on the one
side. We’ve had that possibility for almost six months now and we
still have the unemployment rate at a level that some consider to be
the natural rate. I don’t know whether it is or it isn‘t, but we had
a lot of discussion earlier, which may be reflected in some of the
comments about labor markets still being fairly tight. And,
obviously, we have inflation as strong as ever. We have a difficult
timing problem. Difficult or not we have a timing problem if the
business outlook develops more or less as projected, in that we don’t
have a lot of flexibility--at least flexibility in a tightening
direction--in terms of what we can do in the midst of a real downturn.
As I read the recent business news, which is always
difficult, I feel a bit reassured by the most recent trends. There’s
a little more stability in retail sales in real terms and some decline
in production. What we [believe] is happening in inventories is
probably consistent with the type of outlook the staff has projected
of a rather mild recession. I think the major risks are still on the
lower side, but what we see now is not inconsistent with that kind of
situation evolving. In looking at the business outlook, it does seem
to me that the main problem lies in the area of income and
consumption. I noticed on one of the [Greenbook] tables that you have
indicated an effective tax rate and it shows [a rise that] in one
sense looks rather gradual. But in an historical perspective I
suspect there’s a rather sharp increase in effective tax rates, which
has been draining off income. And of course we have the higher oil
prices draining off real income. That does seem to me to be the heart
of the business problem we have.

We‘ve had some questions raised about what monetary policy
can do about inflation. I understand those questions, but there‘s the



other question about what monetary policy can do about this particular
conjuncture of adverse business developments--if they are adverse.
The heart of the problem really lies in consumption and income. That
suggests to me that perhaps the appropriate cyclical action when we
get to it lies mainly in a tax policy rather than in the financial
markets easing and the money supply growing. In terms of what we can
do with monetary policy, we do have this question of what happens to
wages in the short run. I don’t think we have a situation that some
of my friends in the Bundesbank think they deal with--that when the
monetary authorities say something, the labor unions jump. I don’t
think that is quite the situation we face here! But we are in a
rather crucial period in terns of how much the probably deteriorating
inflationary expectations now get built into the wage structure. In a
general way that has something to do with what we do. It‘s awfully
hard to evaluate the significance of the gold price speculation, but I
can’t imagine that it’s very good in terms of confidence in either
inflation or the financial structure.
Exchange markets remain in a very tender position, even
though--and this came out quite clearly at the meeting last weekend-the expectation is very strong that if we wait a while, and we have to
wait some months, the current accounts are moving quite nicely
[toward] what is called equilibrium. I don’t know whether one can
quite call it equilibrium if it’s achieved at the expense of a
recession. The German and Japanese current accounts are both
deteriorating quite a lot, partly under the impact of oil. Ours has
gotten better. We expect it to get quite a lot better by next year,
although not in coming months. And I feel reasonably encouraged that
growth is pretty strong abroad. There are worries there about the
impact of the oil situation but that is not very visible yet. It does
seem to have some momentum, at least in Japan and Germany, which I
think is a favorable background. We don’t yet clearly face a
situation where the United States going into a recession tips the
whole world into a recession. There are some areas of support there
that I think are quite important.
Well, I don’t know where that leaves us precisely. I share
the view that has been widely expressed that this isn’t the time for
any easing, in the visible sense, of interest rates. I would hope
that that’s an ingredient of whatever we decide. I also share the
view that has been quite widely expressed that we have to show some
resistence to the growth in money. I would note that that remains a
source of political support for us. It’s not every day that we get a
letter from the leader of the Black Caucus [in the House] exhorting us
to show more restraint on the money supply side. So I‘m going to
carry that letter close to my heart, whatever we decide today. And
[he was] speaking on behalf of the whole subcommittee, at least, of
the House Committee on Banking and Currency--the Subcommittee on
Domestic Monetary Policy. So, I do think that those two ingredients
at least ought to be in whatever policy we decide here. With that,
why don’t we break briefly and come back and be prepared to decide
what we will do.
[Coffee break]
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don‘t think this gavel has ever been
used before in these meetings. It’s not very tight. Mr. Altmann,
will you please take care of repairing the gavel?



Well, let me just try to get something on the table that
seems to approach most closely a concensus in numerical terms and you
can take whatever shots at it you would like. A s I listened, among
the voting members of the Committee at least, I think there was a
majority desire--but clearly not unanimous--to make a little move on
the federal funds rate. So I would propose 11-1/2 percent on that at
this point. I am not particularly eager to make a major move now or
in the foreseeable future, so I would suggest that we put a band
around that of 11-114 to 11-3/4 percent, which ought to [result in a]
reconsideration before a very major step on the funds rate. There is
a desire by most people to constrain the aggregates and that may
require going [with ranges1 below any of these alternatives we have
[in the Bluebook]. Consistent with the notion that we‘re not looking
for any easing in the immediately foreseeable future, it may make some
[sense] to broaden the MS aggregate [range] on the down side. Let me
suggest 3 to 8 percent for M1. And in the interest of symmetry, I
think that means about 6 to 10 percent on M2.
MR. PARTEE. You shouldn‘t cut a point and a half off the top
of M2 for that M1 change. M1 is about half the [M21 total.

Are you saying that is consistent?

MR. PARTEE. No. it is not consistent.

6-1/2 to 10-1/2.


Yes, that might be pretty close.


The current projection for M2 is what?

9-1/2 percent.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. 9-1/2. All right, let me modify my
suggestion for M2 to 6-1/2 to 10-1/2 percent. Who wants to shoot?

Please state them again, Mr. Chairman.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. For M2, with Mr. Partee’s modification,
6-1/2 to 10-1/2 percent; 3 to 8 percent on M1; 11-1/4 to 11-3/4
percent on the funds rate, meaning we would go to 11-1/2 percent. And
I would interpret this to mean that we wouldn’t go above 11-1/2
percent unless the aggregates got to or above the upper ends of the
ranges that we‘re talking about.

This is a money market directive?

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I think that probably implies a money
market directive but in a sense, if we give full weight to the
projections we now have, we’re starting out in the upper part of the
MS. TEETERS. We’re above the range [for Ml].
September projected at 10 percent?


Well, I was talking about the two-month



MS. TEETERS. What is the projection?

7 percent.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. It's 7 percent, so we're within the range
but in the upper part of it. In effect by moving to 11-1/2 percent
[on the funds rate], if we adopt this philosophy, we wouldn't move
further unless growth actually got to or above the upper ends of these
specified ranges. I'm just putting this on the table. Let's hear
what comments you have.
MR. KIMBREL. I'm very much in tune with that, Mr. Chairman.
That's almost my prescription.


Larry Roos.

MR. ROOS. I believe our range last month for M1 was 4 to 8
and you would adjust it to 3 to 8 percent. The 8 percent bothers me,
Mr. Chairman, because that 8--when we add 1-1/2 for ATS--means we
really would tolerate a 9-1/2 percent growth in M1 if we let M1 go to
the top of these specifications. That's a heck of a growth rate if
we're trying to correct the overshoot that we probably already have.
That's my only reaction. I repeat that I really don't think [we
should have] anything over 6-1/2 percent as the upper limit; the upper
limit is much more important than the lower limit under the present

MR. COLDWELL. Except that the lower limit does keep us from
moving [the funds rate] down.
MR. WALLICH. Well, we're already there if September comes in
as expected at 10 percent; that is 5 percent for the two months. So
it would take 6 percent [growth] to move up. That's not a great deal
and yet it is a very high rate if, as Larry says, [we tolerate1 8
percent plus 1-1/2 for ATS. On the down side, the 3 percent, we'd
have to get minus 4 percent for the second month, which strikes me as
pretty extreme. It's a useful precaution but I would prefer to
achieve the same objective by having a skewed [funds rate] range of
11-1/4 to 12 percent or so and go to 11-1/2 percent.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You're assuming in these calculations that
we know the second half of September, which we don't really know.
MR. AXILROD. May I say, Mr. Chairman, technically the ATS
effects recently have been running only 1/2 percent, not 1-1/2
MR. BLACK. May I ask a question about the ATS effects?
that for the whole year, Steve, or were you talking about recent


I was referring to the recent months.
I'm sorry, Henry, I didn't understand your

MR. WALLICH. I think that 8 percent is high, and I think the
3 percent, while it accomplishes my purpose of avoiding a decline [in



the funds rate1 is almost unrealistic because it means, assuming
September comes in as projected, that we have to have minus 4 percent
[Ml growth] in October. And that doesn't seem very likely. so just
in the interest of plausibility, I would prefer to modify this M1
range, but I don't feel strongly. If that's the best way of
qualifying the funds rate movements, it can be done that way.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. As I observe these figures from week to
week, there is nothing one can assume about the last two weeks of
MR. COLDWELL. Well, Mr. Chairman, I have just a slight
reservation on this on the 8 percent side. I guess I'd rather have
11-1/4 to 12 percent [on the funds] range, using 11-1/2 as the
"midpoint" but also using 11-3/4 as a possibility if those
[aggregates] start moving up strongly toward the top of the range.
I'm a little bothered about just nailing the rate at 11-1/2 percent
and saying that's what it's going to be and we're going to reassemble
if anything happens on either side of it. If that's the way we're
going to work the game, then why don't we just say it?

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, I'm not quite saying that. If the
aggregates were strong enough, I think we could use this whole range
MR. COLDWELL. If the aggregates were strong enough? You
would say that [Ml growth] would have to get up to the full 8 percent
in order to move even to the 11-3/4 percent?
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, we're not so far from that on the
current projection. It's just a matter of judgment. At this
particular phase in the business cycle, should we be moving more than
that without at least having a telephone call? I don't think there is
any question about that.
MR. COLDWELL. I have no objections to having a telephone
call. I'm a little bothered about saying that [Ml growth] has to be
at 8 percent [before we confer] because I think 8 is too high. If it
means that we've got to go up to 11-3/4 percent, then I'd rather take
the decision now that we're going to go to 11-3/4 percent if [Ml
growth] is up in that area.

Phil, what would your preference be on ranges?

MR. COLDWELL. If I had a preference straight out, the range
would be 3 to 7 percent, but I'm persuaded that with the present
projection 8 percent growth is a possibility. All I'm saying is that
I'd much prefer to make sure that we do use some of the [funds] range
if we're approaching that [upper limit]. I just think 8 is too high.
If it got up in the 7 percent range, I'd like to see us nibbling
toward usage [of the upper part of the funds range].

MR. TIMLEN. If I had my preference, I'd have the same ranges
suggested by the two governors: [a funds range] of 11-1/4 to 12
percent with an M1 range of 3 to 7 perent--I think the 8 percent looks
very high--and an M2 range of 5-1/2 to 9-1/2 percent. I don't feel
that this is strongly different from the numbers you put down. And I
agree with Phil that if the numbers are coming in pretty high, I would



[want to1 feel that we could go to 11-3/4 percent and not be blocked
by the 11-1/2 percent.
MR. COLDWELL. I wouldn't mind the 11-3/4 percent top on it,
Tom. if we were going to use that top as [Ml growth] moved up toward
the 8 percent. But I wouldn't require it to get to 8 percent before
we use [the top of the funds range].
MR. BLACK. Use an aggregates directive and it becomes much
more acceptable to me with those ranges.
MR. PARTEE. If I had my preference, I would put 9 percent as
the top because I think we will have a large [number in] September.
[Ml growth1 will be probably on the order of 10 percent; it could be
12 or it could be 8 or something like that. Why, when October [Ml
growth] is moving down, would we raise the funds rate? There's an
inconsistency about the whole thing. Also, I might point out that a 9
percent increase in money with the rate of inflation that we have and
cannot stop--it will be there in fuel and in food prices over this
period--is not a terribly high increase in the money supply.
MS. TEETERS. Mr. Chairman, I think setting this 11-1/4 to 12
percent [funds rangel and a 7 percent top on [the M1 rangel just
automatically assures that we're going to start raising the interest
rates again.

That's not what I proposed.

MS. TEETERS. I would go with 3 percent [as the lower limit]
and I would put 9 percent [as the top]. I think your proposal is being
pretty [forceful] in putting it so low. I have noticed that the
aggregates only work on the up side. During the long period of time
the money supply was declining, we ignored the bottom level of [the M1
range] for six solid months--for [apparently] good reasons. I didn't
think it was the right thing to do at that time. But we only seem to
get excited when M1 growth goes over the top of its range rather than
when it goes to the floor.
over the top.

We have had a little more experience going

MS. TEETERS. Not in my-MR. WALLICH. Like disorder in the exchange market, it only
occurs on the down side.

Bob Mayo.

MR. MAYO. I didn't elaborate on my own position earlier but
I find I am much more comfortable with Alternative B as presented [in
the Bluebook]. I would not object to going to the 11-1/2 percent
midpoint with the 11-1/4 to 11-3/4 percent range. I don't think I
would widen the range right now though, to 11 to 12 percent, say. I
don't find the 9 percent [for the M1 range] too high either; I think 5
to 9 and I-1/2 to 11-1/2 are all right. Once I decide that I want the
midpoint [of the funds range] at 11-1/2 percent, I think [the
question] is about the tightening that I want to see done. And, like
Mr. Guffey and Mr. Winn, I would rely on a little psychology here and



move up the discount rate a half percentage point and have that be our
announcement effect rather than have any tightening other than what I
might say is more of an accommodation to the market. If the market
tightens, I wouldn’t have any problem going to 11-1/2 percent but I
wouldn’t do any more than that. I think we have to keep the pressure
on; I don’t want to see any sign of easing whatsoever. And I think we
can do it with that prescription.

John Balles.

MR. BALLES. Well, I guess I could live with the ranges that
you proposed, Mr. Chairman, if we had an aggregates directive. When I
keep in mind that part of the proposal was a money market directive
that does bother me. [I say that] simply in the sense that at some
point if we have any intent at all of coming within even the upper end
of the ranges we’ve specified--and I think we’ve got to do that if
we‘re going to make any progress gradually on inflation--we’regoing
to have to do something to keep from moving farther and farther away
from both the midpoints and the upper end. So I’d like to throw out
the possibility, while we‘re still in the discussion phase here, of an
aggregates directive to accompany these ranges that we’ve talked
about. On the federal funds rate specifically, I would join those who
think we ought to set the range a little higher, at 11-1/4 to 12
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Now, that‘s a real difference. I’m not
sure the other difference as stated is particularly significant as I
read it. If we‘re starting off at 11-1/2 with a I percent current
projection, we haven’t got much room anyway whether we have an
aggregates or a money market directive. I suspect they‘re the same on
the up side; they might be different on the down side. Because we
haven‘t got any room in there anyway, you‘ve in effect taken the move.
M R . BLACK. I think, Mr. Chairman, we could move [the funds
rate] to 11-1/2 percent and then wait a week and take another look at
the projections. Chuck mentioned a while ago that October is going to
come in very low but I‘m not at all sure that is true. I know that’s
what the projections say. So, that‘s what I would do.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, if that‘s the case, we’d have to
move up under either [form of the directive].
MR. BLACK. Well, if we move it to 11-1/2 percent, I think
we’ve done it for the time being and we can wait until the projections
come in and move further. I would align myself exactly with John on
his specifications, with an aggregates directive. I have the same
problem with a money market directive. That takes us further off
target than we now are.
rather than substance.

I think we‘re in the area of religion

MR. BLACK. Well, I don’t think it’s that, Mr. Chairman. I
think it’s a question of how serious we are about the aggregates. And
as I guess everybody knows, I’m right serious about them.
MR. MAYO. Well, I am too, Bob, but I have trouble paying too
much attention to the two-month figures.



MR. BLACK. I do too, Bob, but we have had year after year of
excessive growth and at some point we have to act in the short run if
the long run is going to come out right. And I don't think we have,
though recently we've done pretty well.
That's what I'm arguing for, Bob. I think we've
got a position in place now where we have the pressure on. Sure, we
ought to be ready to reverse but I think we ought to be very careful
not to tighten unnecessarily more than the 118 point we're talking
MR. BLACK. I hope you're right, Bob, because I don't want to
see interest rates go up. But I'm afraid they'll have to if we're to
avoid [even] higher rates, a more serious recession, and more
unemployment further down the road.


Who else would like to get into this?

MR. GUFFEY. Mr. Chairman, I'd like to join Bob Mayo with
respect to the "B" ranges and standing pat at the moment. I would
like to suggest--this is not a substantive issue--that if we have an
aggregates directive with a 9 percent top [on the M1 range1 that's
really about the same thing as if we have a money market directive
with the ranges that you have already suggested. Either one of those
is acceptable to me.
MR. COLDWELL. I think there's a possibility, Mr. Chairman,
of some compromise here. To take off on Bob Black's suggestion-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, let's hear from the others first.
Governor Wallich, you didn't give ranges, or at least Mr. Altmann
didn't record them.
MR. WALLICH. I would go with 3 to 8 and 6-112 or 6 to 10;
that would be my preference.

Governor Rice.

I would go with Alternative B.

MR. WALLICH. I should have added that I would prefer a money
market directive because of the sensitivity of a y interest rate
movement now.
MR. BAUGHMAN. Mr. Chairman, first I think the Board should
approve the half percentage point increase in the discount rate for
those Reserve Banks that have in a request for that. Secondly, along
with those who would like to see more emphasis on the aggregates, I
think it would be desirable to go to an aggregates directive. In
terms of the ranges, I could accept either those you have specified or
those in Alternative C. Yours are a little more restrictive than
those in "C,"but with an aggregates directive hitched to Alternative
C they would not be greatly different. And along the lines of Willis
Winn's suggestion--and also consistent with the argument for more
attention to the aggregates instead of a very narrow funds range--1



would allow a little more [flexibility] on the funds rate with a range
such as 11-1/4 to 12-1/4 percent.

Mr. Eastburn.

MR. EASTBURN. I would support Alternative B, but I do think
the arguments for a discount rate increase are good and I’d be
prepared to recommend that.

MR. MORRIS. I would certainly subscribe to your
recommendation, Mr. Chairman.


Mr. Winn.

MR. WINN. I’d just spread the [range on the funds] rate, M r .
Chairman, but I wouldn’t quarrel too much [with your proposal]. I’d
go with 11 to 12 percent and an aggregates directive.


Mr. Gainor.

MR. GAINOR. We prefer an aggregates directive, Mr. Chairman,
and we could go with the ranges you prescribed.

Governor Schultz.

MR. SCHULTZ. I‘m happy. At some point in time I’d like to
see us go with a wider [federal funds] range and the aggregates
directive but right now, considering the volatility problem, I’d be
happy with your proposal.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, there‘s no question that on the
aggregates 3 to 8 percent is the [best compromise for M11. It hits
both the majority and the midpoint of all the concerns; there are some
higher and some lower, but there is a majority for that. It’s the
same for M2 at 6-1/2 to 10-1/2 percent. The difference of opinion
lies more on where to put the upper point of the [funds range]. There
was some dissent perhaps, but the great majority wanted to or are
willing to go to 11-1/2 percent now. There is some difference of
opinion on the upper point of the range; there is one who disagreed on
the lower end of the range. I count 5 who would like to go higher on
the upper end. And there is obviously a disagreement on the
[selection of an] aggregates or money market directive.
I would just make two comments, both of which have already
been made. One is [that it‘s hard to] go much lower on the aggregates
ranges if we’ve got two high weeks in September already. Even if the
rest of September comes out on the low side, it’s got to get pretty
damn low. And if we go down very far on that aggregate, we would be
raising rates. There’s quite clearly a possibility of raising rates
in the midst of a pronounced decline in the growth of the aggregates
from week to week. I question whether we want to do that.
The other comment is on the aggregates against the money
market directive. There may be a difference; I find it hard to see
what the difference is on the up side. I see some difference on the
down side. With an aggregates directive we might [move the funds



rate] down more rapidly and sharply if the [aggregates] came in weak.
But if we had 8 percent on the up side and we’re at 7 percent to start
with, then the difference [of opinion] may be, if it stays at I
percent, [whether] we go up still further. I think that is the only
substantive difference and it is a substantive difference. I guess I
contemplated in my proposal that 11-1/2 percent is in fact above the
midpoint, so we would already have gone above the midpoint and we
would not move any further if the projection remained unchanged. It
would take a further increase in the aggregates projection to raise
the federal funds rate all other things equal, including the exchange
market and everything else that might influence what we do. That‘s
what the argument is about, as I see it, apart from the difference on
the down side. Do you want to go above the 11-1/2 without the current
aggregates projection for the two-month period changing? If it went
up as much as a percentage point, we might go up under either
formulation [of the directive]. If it stayed the same, on my original
formulation we presumably wouldn‘t move. If the people who favor an
aggregates directive mean that we should move under that circumstance,
you ought to say so. I think that’s what they would be voting for. I
don’t think this difference is enormous.
M R . STERNLIGHT. We‘d also appreciate some guidance as to the
Committee’s feeling if [the projection] went up something less than
that full percentage point. I know these are fine lines to draw, but
we have to make those decisions.


It‘s a very fine line as far as I’m

MS. TEETERS. Well, with the lower limit of 3 percent we
wouldn’t move. The possibility of coming in at 3 percent is just
about zero, as far as I can see.

It’s not zero, but it‘s very low.

MS. TEETERS. It’s probably a negative probability!
[Laughter] You‘ve got this stacked in one direction.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, does it make a big difference,
Nancy, whether we make it 3 to 8 or 4 to 8 ?


Not much.
Not much.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don’t think it does. A range of 3 to 8
says we really don’t want to move [the funds rate] down unless
something important happens. Well, let‘s leave the money
market/aggregates issue open for the moment. I guess I’m left
thinking--I’m reluctant to say this because it’s what I said before-that the nearest thing to a consensus is 3 to 8 percent for M1, 6-1/2
to 10-1/2 percent for M2, go to 11-1/2 percent now on the funds rate
and make the range 11-1/4 to 11-3/4 percent. Any discussion? I don’t
know whether these are all absolute preferences, but there seems to be
a majority for that. The major difference among those three
specifications is whether [the funds rate range] should be 12 percent
on the upper side.



MR. WALLICH. I could live with that. we would have a
conversation if [Ml growth1 strikes at the up side and go to 11-3/4
percent. We’d have a second conversation to go beyond that.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. My basic feeling is that I think we ought
to have a conversation at this stage of the game if we want to put the
funds rate up that high. We shouldn‘t just put it on automatic pilot
at this point.

Even to 11-3/4 percent?

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I could think of a marginal circumstance
in which we might want to have a conversation but I could think of
nomarginal circumstances where if that is the directive, we would go
ahead. I think you’ll just have to leave that up to me. That kind of
decision also depends some on the economic news we get and to some
extent certainly [on developments in] the foreign exchange market--the
typical reservations we always put on these things. Maybe we ought to
have a renewed expression of views; not everybody expressed
themselves. Let’s assume those were the specifications. How many of
the voting members would want an aggregates directive? 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5.
How many would want a money market directive? We’ll see how many
don’t vote! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. There is somebody besides myself who
didn’t vote.

I didn‘t vote.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You don’t like either one.

That‘s right.

Well, I would prefer a money market

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. But the whole thing is [beyond] your pale.
I would feel somewhat more comfortable with the money market
[formulation] under existing conditions. I think we are very much
probing the outer limits of what we should do at the moment in terms
of the basic economic situation. So I guess we’ll just put the vote
that way: 3 to 8 percent, 6-1/2 to 10-1/2 percent, 11-1/4 to 11-3/4
with an 11-1/2 percent midpoint, and a money market directive.
MR. MAYO. A very technical point Paul: 6-1/2 to 10-1/2
percent is a smaller range for M2 than we have for M1. Does that make
sense? Should it be 5-1/2 to 10-1/2 percent? It’s the least
important [number] we‘re talking about.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don’t have a strong opinion on that one.
Does anybody else want to comment?

Or at least have the same [width] range.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I would judge that we may already have
stretched some people‘s tolerance in making the M1 range 3 to 8
percent, Bob. So maybe we ought to leave it at that.

It’s a question of consistency.

MR. PARTEE. I’m concerned about that M2 number because I do
believe we’re getting considerable shifts [of funds1 from the S&Ls to



the commercial banks. But that, of course, would tend to result in a
higher number rather than a lower one. It wouldn’t go the other way
unless market rates were quite a bit lower, which isn’t in prospect.
MR. MAYO. It just seems, if we’re going to have a 5-point
range on M1, that we should have no less than a 5-point range on M2
5-point range?

Is there a strong preference for the

MR. BLACK. Just to show my flexibility, Mr. Chairman, I‘ll
say that I would go along with that.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let’s just have a quick expression of
preference on that. Do most people want to join Mr. Mayo on making
this amendment?

I‘m sorry, would you repeat the numbers?

MR. MAYO. I‘m suggesting 5-1/2 instead of 6-1/2 percent on
the lower end of the M2 range.


Just as a general principle.


I don’t notice any upswelling of support.

I don’t either, but I don’t [hear] any objection.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I wouldn’t have any great objection myself
but let‘s stick with where we were. I guess we are ready for the
Chairman Volcker
President Balles
President Black
Governor Coldwell
President Kimbrel
President Mayo
Governor Partee
Governor Rice
Governor Schultz
Governor Teeters
First Vice President Timlen
Governor Wallich



The vote is 8 for, 4 against.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We have one other item on the agenda, as I
recall. We can cover it quickly, I think. You have a memo, which I
assume you have all read, which concludes that we should continue the
practice of lending securities to government security dealers in case
they need them to make up for failures. We would charge them roughly
three times as much as the market rate.

STERNLIGHT. Well, it’s either double or three times.



CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Charging three times the market rate is a
practice we have been following for some years, and I take it we
review that practice periodically.
MR. STERNLIGHT. It has been on about a 6-month review.
or Mr. Peterson?


Are there any questions of Mr. Sternlight

A very well argued brief there!


MR. WINN. Paul, marketwise, is there any way we could make
this shift [in the funds rate] today rather than tomorrow, to throw
the markets a little off balance in their shooting duck attitude
toward us?
MR. STERNLIGHT. Well, the way the funds market has gone this
week, the funds rate has been averaging, through yesterday, 11.39
percent. But actually, the funds rate on the day yesterday was about
11-1/2 percent and today it was starting out on the firm side. We
went in early because the funds rate had moved to 11-5/8 percent, so
we were trying to hold down the funds rate at--

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Sounds like an easy transition. I take it
there is no objection to the lending of securities. The meeting is
adjourned, and it’s one minute before one o’clock.