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A meeting of the executive committee of the Federal Open Market
Committee was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of the Fed
eral Reserve System in Washington on Tuesday, November 9, 1937,

at 11:15

a. m.


Eccles, Chairman
Harrison, Vice Chairman
Szymczak (alternate for Mr. Ransom)
Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. Goldenweiser, Economist
Mr. Williams, Associate Economist
Mr. Burgess, Manager of the System Open
Market Account

The committee considered the advisability of instituting pur
chases of additional securities for the System open market account
under the resolution adopted by the Federal Open Market Committee at

meeting on September 11-12, 1937, which authorized the executive

committee to increase by not exceeding $300,000,000 the amount of
securities held in the account.
At the conclusion of the discussion, upon
motion duly made and seconded and by unanimous
vote, the executive committee directed the Fed
eral Reserve Bank of New York to increase, dur
ing the next two weeks, the amount of Government
securities held in the System open market account
by $50,000,000; the securities acquired to have
maturities not to exceed five years. This action
was taken with the understanding that the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York would purchase such se
curities at such times and in such amounts, be
ginning immediately, as conditions permit without
disturbing the market.
It was also understood that a meeting of the
Federal Open Market Committee would be called to
convene in Washington on Tuesday, November 16, 1937,
for the consideration of possible further steps for
dealing with developments in business and credit

Upon motion duly made and seconded and by
unanimous vote, the minutes of the meeting of the
executive committee held on September 11-12, 1937,
were approved.
Upon motion duly made and seconded and by
unanimous vote, the transactions in the System open
market account since the period covered by similar
action taken by the executive committee at its
meeting on September 11-12, 1937, up to and in
cluding November 8, 1937, were approved, ratified
and confirmed.

was agreed that the usual authority to replace maturing

securities and to make shifts of securities in the account should be
Thereupon, upon motion duly made and seconded,
and by unanimous vote, the executive committee di
rected the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, until
the adjournment of the next meeting of the executive
committee and superseding all directions and author
izations given at previous meetings,
(1) To replace maturing securities in the System
open market account by purchases of like amounts of
Treasury bills or Treasury notes maturing within two
(2) To make such other shifts of securities in
the account (which may be accomplished when desirable

through replacement of maturing securities) as may
be necessary in the practical administration of the

up to an aggregate of $100,000,000 of pur

chases and a like amount of sales or redemptions;
(3) To increase or decrease temporarily the
amount of securities in the account between weekly
statement dates by not more than $25,000,000 when
necessary in making replacements or shifts pursuant
to the above provisions of this resolution, provided
that the amount of securities in the account as of
any weekly statement date shall not be changed from
that of the preceding weekly statement date except
in accordance with the following clause of this
resolution; and
(4) Upon approval by a majority of the members
of the executive committee, which may be obtained
by telephone, telegraph, or mail, to make such
other shifts or such purchases or sales (which would

include authority to allow maturities to run off
without replacement) for the account as may be found
to be desirable within the limits of the authority
granted to the executive committee by the Federal
Open Market Committee.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

