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Matters for consideration at the meeting of the Federal Open Market
Committee to be held on Tuesday, March 5, 1968, at 9:30 a.m.

Advices of the election of the following members and alternate members
of the Federal Open Market Committee for the year commencing March 1,
1968, have been received by the Secretary and they have executed their
oaths of Office (with the exception of one alternate member, who is
expected to have executed his oath by the time of the meeting):



Alternate Member

George H. Ellis
Alfred Hayes
W. Braddock Hickman
Monroe Kimbrel
Hugh D. Galusha, Jr.

Karl R. Bopp
William F. Treiber
Charles J. Scanlon
Philip E. Coldwell
George H. Clay

Election of officers to serve until the election of their successors
at the first meeting of the Committee after February 28, 1969:

Vice Chairman
Secretary and Assistant Secretaries
General Counsel and Assistant General Counsel
Economist and Associate Economists


Selection of a Federal Reserve Bank to execute transactions for the
System Open Market Account.


Selection of (a) Manager of the System Open Market Account, and (b)
Special Manager for foreign currency operations for such Account.


Approval of the minutes of actions taken at the meeting of the
Federal Open Market Committee on February 6, 1968.


Acceptance of memorandum of discussion for the meeting of the
Federal Open Market Committee held on February 6, 1968.


Review of certain continuing authorities.

Procedure for allocation of securities in System Open Market
Account. (Description attached of current procedure, as last
revised on March 2, 1965.)


Distribution of periodic reports prepared by the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York for the Federal Open Market Committee. (Copy
attached of proposed authorization for distribution of such


Authority for Chairman to appoint a Federal Reserve Bank as
agent to operate the System Account temporarily in case the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York is unable to function.
(Note: This authorization was first given in March 1951.
The report of the Subcommittee on Defense Planning, approved
by the Committee at its meeting on January 10, 1956, contained
the recommendation that this authorization be reaffirmed, and
that has been done at the first meeting in March of each year


Resolution to provide for the continued operation of the Federal
Open Market Committee during an emergency; and Resolution authorizing certain actions by the Federal Reserve Banks during an
emergency. (Copies attached. These resolutions were first
adopted on March 6, 1956, pursuant to the approval by the Committee on January 10, 1956, of the report of the Subcommittee
on Defense Planning dated January 9, 1956. The resolutions
were renewed in the form attached on March 7, 1967.)


Authorization for System personnel assigned to the Office of
Emergency Planning, Special Facilities Division, to have access
to the foregoing resolutions relating to emergency operations.
(Note: At the meeting on December 16, 1958, the Committee
authorized System personnel assigned to the Office of Emergency
Planning, Special Facilities Division, on a rotating basis to
have access to the resolutions referred to under d. and e. above.
This authorization was reaffirmed on March 7, 1967.)


Resolution requesting a report of each examination of the
System Open Market Account by the Board's examining force.
(Note: The resolution requesting the Board of Governors to
cause its examining force in the future to furnish the
Secretary of the Open Market Committee a report of each
examination of the System Open Market Account was adopted
on June 21, 1939. Excerpts from the minutes showing the
origin of this resolution are attached. The procedure then
established was reviewed at the meeting on March 7, 1967, at
which time it was continued without change.)



Review of procedure for granting access to minutes and other
records of the Federal Open Market Committee. (Memorandum


Review of continuing authority directive to the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York with regard to transactions in U.S. Government
securities, bankers' acceptances, and agency issues.
(Copy attached.)


Review of authorization for System foreign currency operations and
foreign currency directive.
(Copies attached. See forthcoming
memorandum from Secretariat recommending certain revisions in


Report by the Special Manager for foreign currency operations on
such operations since the meeting of the Federal Open Market
Committee on February 6, 1968; action with respect to transactions
during such period; and consideration of recommendations of the
Special Manager.


Report by the Manager of the System Open Market Account on open
market operations since the meeting of the Federal Open Market
Committee on February 6, 1968; and action with respect to transactions during such period.


Staff reports on economic and financial developments.


Discussion of factors bearing on monetary and credit policy; and
derivation of consensus regarding open market operations in the
forthcoming period.


Current economic policy directive to the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York. (Copy of February 6, 1968, directive attached.)


Confirmation of date for next meeting (April 2, 1968).
