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A meeting of the executive committee of the Federal Open Market
Committee was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of the Fed
eral Reserve System in Washington on Wednesday, March 2, 1955, at

5:44 p.m.


Martin, Chairman
Sproul, Vice Chairman

Messrs. Balderston, Earhart, Fulton, Irons,
Robertson, and Szymczak, Members of the
Federal Open Market Committee

Riefler, Secretary
Thurston, Assistant Secretary
Vest, General Counsel
Thomas, Economist
Rouse, Manager, System Open Market
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary, Board
of Governors
Mr. Miller, Chief, Government Finance
Section, Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors
Mr. Gaines, Securities Department, Fed
eral Reserve Bank of New York
Messrs. Erickson, Johns, Powell, and Young,
Alternate Members of the Federal Open
Market Committee
Messrs. Williams, Bryan, and Leedy, Presidents
of the Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia,
Atlanta, and Kansas City, respectively.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, and
by unanimous vote, Mr. Sproul was re-elected
Vice Chairman of the executive committee to
serve until the election of his successor at
meeting of the committee after
the first
February 29, 1956.

-2Upon motion duly made and seconded, the
minutes of the meeting of the executive com
mittee held on February 8, 1955 were approved.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, and
by unanimous vote, the transactions in the
System Open Market Account for the period
since that covered by similar action of the
executive committee on February 8, 1955, were
approved, ratified, and confirmed.
Chairman Martin suggested that open market operations be carried
out in the light of the discussion at the meeting of the full Committee
earlier today, namely, that the committee endeavor to continue about the
present degree of tightness or ease in the money market with a view to
fostering growth and stability in the economy by maintaining conditions
that would encourage recovery and avoid the development of unsustainable
expansion, and that it

be understood that action could be taken either to

bring about greater ease or less ease in the market within the terms of
the Committee's general directive, depending upon what seemed necessary
at the time.
Mr. Sproul stated that at the meeting of the executive committee
on February 8, he had raised a question as to the desirability of providing
reserves through purchases of short-term securities other than bills at a
time when the market was becoming bare of Treasury bills.

Mr. Robertson

had raised the question whether the New York Bank already had authority
to operate in a sector of the short-term market other than in bills.


Sproul stated that under the action taken by the executive committee at
its meeting on June 23,


the executive committee had instructed the



management of the System Open Market Account to confine its
Treasury bills.


at this time since it

operations to

Sproul suggested that this instruction be reviewed
had been adopted under different conditions from

those now existing.
Chairman Martin inquired whether Mr. Sproul felt it

would be

desirable to amend the instruction to which he had referred, so as to
indicate that in

the future operations for the account be carried on

through purchases or sales of short-term Treasury securities, preferably
bills, and Mr. Sproul responded that this would seem to be a broad in
struction which would apply under existing conditions.
Thereupon, Mr. Mills moved that the New
York Bank be instructed to effect transac
tions for the System Account through pur
chases or sales of short-term Treasury securi
ties, preferably bills. This motion was ap
proved by unanimous vote.
In response to a question from Chairman Martin, Mr. Rouse sug
gested that, in view of the tax payment period that would occur during
the next

few weeks,

the limitation in the second paragraph of the direc

tive to be issued to the New York Bank be increased from $500 million to

$750 million.
Thereupon, upon motion duly made and
seconded, the executive committee voted
unanimously to direct the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York until otherwise directed
by the executive committee
(1) To make such purchases, sales, or exchanges (in
cluding replacement of maturing securities and allowing
maturities to run off without replacement) for the System



account in the open market or, in the case of maturing se
curities, by direct exchange with the Treasury, as may be
necessary in the light of current and prospective economic
conditions and the general credit situation of the country,
with a view (a) to relating the supply of funds in the
market to the needs of commerce and business, (b) to fos
tering growth and stability in the economy by maintaining
conditions in the money market that would encourage re
covery and avoid the development of unsustainable expansion,
and (c) to the practical administration of the account;
provided that the total amount of securities in the System
account (including commitments for the purchase or sale of
securities for the account) at the close of March 2, 1955
shall not be increased or decreased by more than $70 mil
To purchase direct from the Treasury for the ac
count of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (with dis
cretion, in cases where it seems desirable, to issue parti
cipations to one or more Federal Reserve Banks) such
amounts of special short-term certificates of indebtedness
as may be necessary from time to time for the temporary
accommodation of the Treasury; provided that the total
amount of such certificates held at any one time by the
Federal Reserve Banks shall not exceed in the aggregate

$750 million.
Mr. Rouse suggested that consideration be given to the inclusion
in the directive from the executive committee to the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York of a paragraph such as had been incorporated in the
directive from November 6, 1953 to November 9, 1954, inclusive, which
would authorize the sale of Government securities from the System Account
to the Treasury for gold certificates.

The purpose of such an authoriza

tion, Mr. Rouse said, would be to assist the Treasury in complying with
debt limitation provisions should that be necessary during the next few

It was understood that this would be considered at the next

meeting of the executive committee.

-5Mr. Sproul then referred to a report of operations of the Se
curities Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York which was
prepared under date of January 1955, copies of which were sent to all
members of the Federal Open Market Committee and to other Reserve Bank
Presidents by him under date of February 1, 1955.

Mr. Sproul suggested

that it would be helpful if the members of the Committee and other Reserve
Bank Presidents would study this report dealing with coordination of ac
tivities between the Committee and the management of the System Open
Market Account and make any comments or recommendations they felt would
be desirable.

He added that their comments would be welcomed by the

Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Chairman Martin stated that he would like to second Mr. Sproul's
suggestion and to reiterate what he had said at the meeting of the full
Committee earlier today, that the report to which Mr. Sproul referred

was a very real contribution to the work of the Open Market Committee and
should prove to be very helpful.
Mr. Thomas stated arrangements had been completed whereby the
telephone hookup between the New York Bank and representatives of members
of the executive committee, made at 10:45 each morning in accordance with
the understanding at the meeting of the executive committee on May 11, 1954,
would include the Richmond Bank commencing tomorrow morning in place of
the Philadelphia Bank, as had been the case while Mr. Williams was a mem
ber of the executive committee.


It was agreed that the next meeting of the executive committee

would be held on Tuesday, March 15, 1955, at l0:45 a.m.
Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
