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A meeting of the executive committee of the Federal Open Market

Committee was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of the Fed
eral Reserve System in Washington on Thursday, March 19, 1936, at 5:55
p. m.

Mr. Eccles, Chairman


Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. Wyatt, General Counsel
Mr. Burgess, Vice President, Federal
Reserve Bank of New York

Mr. Harrison called attention to the fact that, pursuant to the
by-laws adopted by the Federal Open Market Committee, the Committee had
granted certain authority to the executive committee and had selected the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York as the bank through which transactions
should be executed for the System open market account,
out that as a practical matter it

He also pointed

would be necessary for the Federal Re

serve Bank of New York to have authority from the executive committee to
carry on certain operations in the interest of the proper administration
of the System open market account.
Thereupon, pursuant to motions duly made
and seconded, the executive committee, by unani
mous vote, granted authority to the Federal

Reserve Bank of New York between now and the
next meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee,
(1) to replace maturing securities in the System
account by the purchase of like amounts of bills
or of notes maturing within two years, (2) to make
shifts, up to an aggregate of $25,000,000, of
securities in the account into other Government
securities having maturities within a range of
one year from those of the securities sold, (3)


-2upon approval by a majority of the members of
the executive committee, which might be ob
tained by telephone, telegraph, or mail, to
make any other shifts over and above $25,000,000
as might be found to be desirable within the
limits of the authority granted by the Federal
Open Market Committee, (4) to effect, with the
approval of a majority of the executive
committee, which might be obtained by telephone,
telegraph or mail, such rellotments of securi
ties between the Federal reserve banks as may be
desirable in accordance with the practice which
it has followed under the formula and authority
of the Federal Open Market Committee as con
stituted prior to March 1, 1936.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

