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A meeting of the executive committee of the Federal Open Market
Committee was held in the offices of the Board of Governors of the Fed
eral Reserve System in Washington on Monday, June 28, 1943, at 9:10 a.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Sproul, Vice Chairman

Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Goldenweiser, Economist
Messrs. John H. Williams, Bryan, and
Wheeler, Associate Economists
Mr. Wyatt, General Counsel
Mr. Dreibelbis, Assistant General Counsel
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman
of the Board of Governors
Messrs. Piser and Kennedy, Chief and
Assistant Chief, respectively, of the
Government Securities Section, Divi
sion of Research and Statistics of
the Board of Governors
Mr. Miller, Assistant Vice President of
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
(in the absence of Mr. Rouse, Manager
of the System Account, who had re
mained in New York in connection with
the Treasury financing that had just
been announced)
Mr. Berntson, Clerk in the Office of the
Secretary of the Board of Governors
Messrs. Szymczak, McKee, Draper, Fleming,
McLarin, and Day, members of the Federal
Open Market Committee
Messrs. Leach, Young, and Peyton, alternate
members of the Federal Open Market Committee
Messrs. Alfred H. Williams, Leedy, and Gilbert,
Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks of
Philadelphia, Kansas City, and Dallas, re


-2Messrs. Hitt and Powell, First Vice Presi
dents of the Federal Reserve Banks of
St. Louis and Minneapolis, respectively
Messrs. Sienkiewicz and Edmiston, Vice Pres
idents of the Federal Reserve Banks of
Philadelphia and St. Louis, respectively
Mr. Dolley, Economic Adviser of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas
Upon motion duly made and seconded,
and by unanimous vote, the minutes of the
meeting of the executive committee of the
Federal Open Market Committee held on May
15, 1943, were approved.
Upon motion duly made and seconded,
and by unanimous vote, the actions taken
by the members of the executive committee
on May 29 and June 4, 1943, in increasing
to $500,000,000 and $1,000,000,000, re
spectively, the limitations on the author
ity of the New York Bank to increase or
decrease the amount of securities held in
the System account and to purchase for
the System account short-term certificates
of indebtedness for the temporary accommo
dation of the Treasury, were approved,
ratified, and confirmed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded,
and by unanimous vote, the transactions
in the System account during the period
May 17 to June 26, 1943, inclusive, as
reported daily by the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York to the members of the
executive committee, were approved, rati
fied, and confirmed.

Thereupon the meeting recessed to reconvene following the meet
ing of the Federal Open Market Committee.

