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For use at 2:00 p.m., E.S.T.
January 13, 2010

Summary of Commentary on ____________________

By Federal Reserve District

January 2010




Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
First District - Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1
Second District - New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-1
Third District - Philadelphia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III-1
Fourth District - Cleveland …. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-1
Fifth District - Richmond ……. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-1
Sixth District - Atlanta ..……. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-1
Seventh District - Chicago … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII-1
Eighth District - St. Louis …. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VIII-1
Ninth District - Minneapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX-1
Tenth District - Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X-1
Eleventh District - Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1
Twelfth District - San Francisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XII-1


Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts indicated that while economic
activity remains at a low level, conditions have improved modestly further, and those
improvements are broader geographically than in the last report. Ten Districts reported
some increased activity or improvement in conditions, while the remaining two—
Philadelphia and Richmond—reported mixed conditions. The last Beige Book reported
eight Districts with increased activity or improving conditions and four Districts showing
little change and/or mixed conditions.
Most Districts reported that consumer spending in the recent 2009 holiday season
was slightly greater than in 2008, but still far below 2007 levels. Retail inventory levels
remain very lean in nearly all Districts. Auto sales held steady or increased slightly since
the last Beige Book in most Districts. Reports on tourism were mostly flat or weak, but
for two Districts whose ski resorts enjoyed early season snowstorms. Nonfinancial
services activity generally improved in Districts that reported on this sector. Of five
Districts reporting transportation services, volumes were slightly up or mixed.
Manufacturing activity has increased or held steady since the last report in most Districts.
Among Districts reporting on near-term expectations, the manufacturing outlook was
optimistic, but spending plans remain cautious.
Toward the end of 2009, home sales increased in most Districts, especially for
lower-priced homes. Home prices appeared to have changed little since the last Beige
Book, and residential construction remained at low levels in most Districts. Commercial

Prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and based on information collected on or before
January 4, 2010. This document summarizes comments received from businesses and other contacts outside
the Federal Reserve and is not a commentary on the views of Federal Reserve officials.

real estate was still weak in nearly all Districts with rising vacancy rates and falling rents.
Since the last report, loan demand continued to decline or remained weak in most
Districts, while credit quality continued to deteriorate. Cold weather at the end of the year
adversely affected some late crops and stressed livestock, but above-average yields for
early crops were reported by some Districts. Energy-related production has risen
moderately since the last Beige Book.
Although some hiring was reported in a few Federal Reserve Districts, labor
market conditions remained generally weak with modest wage increases appearing in just
a few Districts. Price pressures remained subdued in nearly all Districts, though increases
in metals prices were reported and agricultural prices have been mixed.
Consumer Spending and Tourism
Consumer spending in the recent 2009 holiday season was modestly greater than
in 2008 for eight Districts, although as retailers in the Philadelphia and San Francisco
Districts noted, 2008 sales were so low compared with 2007, that the relatively small
2009 gains did not represent a significant shift in trend. Consumers were variously
described as cautious, price sensitive, and focused on necessities, but sometimes willing
to spend on discretionary purchases. Kansas City and New York reported holiday sales
comparable to prior year sales, while Cleveland and Richmond reported weaker holiday
sales in 2009 than in 2008. Entering the holiday period, retail inventories were
maintained or lowered further to lean levels in the Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland,
and New York Districts. Some Chicago retailers reported running out of high-demand
items during the holiday season, but inventory levels rose slightly in the Kansas City

Auto sales were flat or up slightly for some dealers since the last Beige Book in
the Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, and Philadelphia Districts. Dealer incentives boosted
year-end inventory clearance according to Chicago District contacts. In the Dallas,
Minneapolis, New York, and San Francisco Districts auto sales held steady or were
mixed across states. The Kansas City and Richmond Districts reported lower auto sales
since the last report. Some dealers in the Cleveland and New York Districts cited
difficulties securing floor-plan financing. Difficulties securing customer financing was a
concern cited by some Kansas City District dealers, while Philadelphia District dealers
credited easier financing for supporting their recent sales.
Early-season snowstorms gave ski resorts a big lift in the Richmond and
Minneapolis Districts; otherwise travel and tourism reports were mostly flat or weak in
these and other Districts. One Minnesota-based travel services firm shut down due to lack
of demand, and Richmond’s tourism contacts reported consumers searching for deeply
discounted packages and dining out less despite special offers. The New York, Atlanta,
and Kansas City Districts also reported flat or weaker tourism. New York City’s
Broadway theaters reported weaker attendance this past holiday season than in 2008.
Atlanta reported sluggish tourism throughout their District, but expected a boost from
hosting upcoming National Football League events, and from strong 2010 cruise line
bookings—a result of deep discounting. Kansas City and San Francisco noted sluggish
business travel, placing downward pressure on airline passenger volumes, while Dallas
reported airline demand recovering and fares stabilizing. The San Francisco District
reported greater visitor volumes in Hawaii and Las Vegas, while occupancy rates in
Seattle and Southern California were down.

Nonfinancial Services
Districts reporting on nonfinancial services generally indicated an upward trend in
activity, although in some areas reports were mixed. Boston reported widespread positive
activity in advertising, consulting, private equity firms, healthcare, biotechnology,
education, and government services. High-tech service firms reported favorable
conditions in Kansas City. New York reported a general pickup in activity. Health care
providers reported increased demand in the San Francisco District, while professional
services, especially advertising and accounting weakened. The Minneapolis District also
reported mixed results across sectors, while activity in the Richmond District was
generally down. Hiring through staffing firms was reported up in New York, Cleveland,
Chicago, and Dallas with office and health care workers in greatest demand. Direct firm
hiring was reported up in the St. Louis District, flat in Dallas, flat to down in New York,
and down in Richmond.
Among the five Districts reporting on transportation services, activity was mostly
up slightly, or mixed. Freight shipping volumes were up slightly in the Atlanta,
Cleveland, and Dallas Districts, while Kansas City reported a slight slowdown in activity.
The Richmond District’s port activity gained from increased international trade,
especially imports of high-end vehicles, but intermodal firms in the Dallas District
reported that imports dropped and exports flattened producing no increase in cargo
volumes. Dallas also reported continued declines in rail cargo volume.
Manufacturing activity has improved since the last report in six Districts. New
York reported a general pickup in activity, broad optimism, and some increase in

employment. Production was stable or slightly up in the Cleveland District. Firms in the
Cleveland District expect greater export opportunities going forward, but steel firms
expect slow growth in overall demand. Manufacturers in the Chicago District cited gains
at firms tied to the auto industry and those benefiting from an increase in exports to Asia.
Firms in the Boston District also cited Asian exports as well as defense work as sources
of their positive demand, but identified weak demand for exports to Europe and for
products related to energy sectors and commercial construction. San Francisco reported a
modest net improvement in manufacturing activity, with semiconductors strengthening
and aircraft and parts stabilizing at moderate levels. Metal fabricators and housing
products have also stabilized, but at very low levels.
Three Districts reported mixed results for manufacturing. Food products,
furniture, and chemical firms reported slight increases in the Philadelphia District while
other manufacturing sectors continued to decline. Dallas reported strength in high-tech
and corrugated packaging, seasonal increases in food producers, little change in
fabricated metals and petrochemicals, seasonal decreases in aircraft components, and
weaknesses in emergency vehicles and construction-related manufacturing. The
Minneapolis District reported manufacturing activity up in Minnesota, but down in the
Dakotas based on a recent survey of new orders.
Manufacturing activity was weak in the other Districts. Richmond reported
widespread weakness across shipments, new orders, and employment within its
manufacturing sector and Atlanta saw orders and production drop back after an increase
in November. The St. Louis District reported a continued decline in activity, persistent
weakness in employment, and plant closings, on net.

Manufacturers’ expectations for the near future as reported from the Boston,
Chicago, Cleveland, Kansas City, New York, and Philadelphia Districts were all
optimistic, although Kansas City firms were less optimistic than the last report. Capital
spending plans remained more cautious. Only Boston and Philadelphia reported that
firms were planning to increase capital spending in the current year. Cleveland, Chicago,
and Kansas City reported expectations of continued modest spending.
Real Estate and Construction
Homes sales increased toward the end of 2009 in most Federal Reserve Districts,
except San Francisco, where demand for housing has been steady, and Kansas City,
where residential real estate activity has eased since the last Beige Book. In New York,
Richmond, and Atlanta, residential real estate activity was described as mixed across
areas of the District. In the Atlanta District, existing home sales increased, but new home
sales decreased. In all Districts, sales of lower-priced homes tended to increase
proportionately more than sales of higher-priced homes, due at least in part to the firsttime buyer federal tax credit, according to real estate contacts. In several Districts real
estate contacts reported that the original expiration date for the credit boosted sales in
November and led to a more than usual slowdown in sales in December. However, some
contacts noted that the extension of the credit into 2010 could give an added impetus to
the expected seasonal sales upturn this spring. Residential construction activity remained
at low levels in most Districts, although home building was reported to have increased in
the Chicago and Minneapolis Districts. Home prices appeared to have changed little since
the last Beige Book, overall. Boston, Philadelphia, and Cleveland reported declines in

home prices since the last Beige Book. Richmond reported nearly steady prices. Dallas
reported some firming in prices.
Nonresidential real estate conditions remained soft in nearly all Districts. New
York, Philadelphia, Kansas City, and San Francisco reported further weakening in
demand for commercial and industrial space. Boston received mixed reports on sales and
leasing activity from commercial real estate contacts in the District, and Minneapolis
reported some increases in sales of commercial buildings. Richmond reported that sales
of nonresidential properties remained slow, but that leasing of office and retail space has
picked up. Vacancy rates were rising and rents were declining in most Districts. Several
Districts reported that landlords were focused on tenant retention and that slack demand
was allowing tenants to negotiate lease extensions at low rents and with favorable
allowances. San Francisco reported that lower rents appeared to be supporting an upturn
in leasing in some parts of that District, although vacancy rates continued to rise.
Nonresidential construction activity was generally weak in all Districts, although St.
Louis reported some gains in construction of education facilities and Cleveland reported a
recent increase in nonresidential contracting.
Banking and Finance
Loan demand continued to decline or remained weak in most Districts. St. Louis,
Kansas City, Dallas, and San Francisco noted general declines or soft loan demand. New
York reported declining demand for all types of loans except residential mortgages for
which demand has been steady. Philadelphia reported continuing declines for all
categories of credit. Cleveland noted declining demand for business loans and
underutilization of commercial credit lines. Richmond reported that commercial and

industrial loan demand was steady to slightly up since the last Beige Book but still down
year-to-year. Chicago noted low utilization of commercial credit lines but an uptick in
financing of mergers and acquisitions. Other recent increases were reported for mortgage
refinancing in the Atlanta District and auto loans in the Chicago District. San Francisco
noted a small improvement in venture capital financing and initial public offerings.
A number of Districts reported that credit quality continued to deteriorate.
Financial institutions in the New York District reported ongoing increases in
delinquencies for all types of loans. Banks in the Philadelphia District reported that
delinquencies and defaults continued to rise for all types of loans, although less sharply
than at the time of the previous Beige Book. Cleveland received reports of steady
consumer credit quality but high and rising commercial loan delinquencies. Kansas City
noted year-over-year declines in credit quality among financial institutions in the District,
and Dallas and San Francisco reported continued deterioration at financial institutions in
their Districts.
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Federal Reserve District Banks reporting on agricultural conditions generally
indicated that cold weather at the turn of the year had adversely affected crops and
stressed livestock. Atlanta noted damage to citrus crops from the cold, and Chicago and
Minneapolis reported that winter storms halted corn harvesting, and impeded tillage and
fertilizer application. However, Dallas reported that rain improved soil conditions after a
dry period in that District. Corn and soybean crop yields before the onset of cold weather
and storms were described as above average in the Chicago and Kansas City Districts.
Kansas City also reported that the winter wheat crop was progressing normally. San

Francisco reported an increase in sales of agricultural products, with a boost from a rise
in demand from foreign countries. Agricultural prices have been mixed. Grain and
soybean prices were mostly on the rise, according to reports from Chicago and Kansas
City. Chicago also reported increased prices for milk and hogs, but a decline in cattle
Production of energy-related materials has risen moderately since the last Beige
Book. Atlanta reported that oil production has continued to increase. Minneapolis
reported an increase in oil and gas exploration, and Kansas City and Dallas reported
increases in drilling. San Francisco noted an increase in extraction of natural gas but a
continued low rate of oil extraction. In contrast to generally rising oil and gas production,
coal production was reported to have declined by Cleveland and St. Louis, and falling
iron mining activity was reported by Minneapolis.
Employment, Wages and Prices
Labor market conditions remained soft in most Federal Reserve Districts,
although New York reported a modest pickup in hiring and St. Louis reported that several
service-sector firms in that District recently announced plans to hire new workers. In the
Richmond District, temporary employment agencies gave mixed reports, but some noted
increased demand for administrative and sales workers, laborers, and warehousing and
distribution workers. Wage pressures remained subdued in most Federal Reserve
Districts, and Atlanta noted continued wage freezes at some employers in that District.
However, Boston reported some modest pay increases, and Minneapolis indicated that
wages in that District have been level or rising moderately.

Price pressures remained subdued in nearly all Federal Reserve Districts, although
increases in metals prices were noted in Boston, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Dallas, and San
Francisco. Raw materials prices, other than metals, were reported to be mostly steady,
although firms in the New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago Districts noted some
increases in the cost of the inputs they use. Agricultural commodity prices were reported
on the increase by Chicago, Kansas City, and Dallas. Most Districts reported that retail
prices have been steady.

First District business contacts report that activity has picked up in recent months. For
retailers and some advertising and consulting firms, the pickup has led to flat to positive yearover-year sales, while manufacturers’ revenues mostly remain below year-earlier levels. A couple
of commercial real estate contacts see very modest improvement while others remain downbeat;
residential real estate sales (but not prices) are up substantially in response to the 2009 new
homebuyers’ tax credit. Prices are generally said to be stable, except for selected metals prices,
which are reported to be rising. With some exceptions, First District business respondents say
employment is level or up slightly; some firms intend to raise pay levels modestly in 2010. The
outlook remains cautious.
Contacted retailers in the First District report mostly positive sales results for the months
of November and December. Same-store sales vary from flat to positive mid-single-digits yearover-year. Respondents say sales and holiday spending are better than expected overall and that
consumers seem to be more willing to make discretionary purchases. Most also believe, however,
that consumers are much more cautious today than in previous years; as one contact said, ―people
are not going to be so quick to go into debt in order to buy a $1,000 handbag.‖ All respondents
are cautiously optimistic in their outlook; none expects robust sales in 2010, although some are
more upbeat than others.
Contacts continue to manage inventory levels cautiously, with several retailers reporting
that levels have been intentionally decreased from prior year. Capital spending also remains
carefully controlled, with some contacts cautiously increasing spending in ways they believe will
enhance the company’s long-term growth potential. Respondents are increasing headcount in line
with new store openings and say hiring restrictions have been removed in order to take advantage
of available talent. A few contacts indicate that merit increases have been restored. Selling prices
are reportedly stable.
Manufacturing and Related Services
Many manufacturing and related services contacts headquartered in the First District
report quarter-over-quarter improvements in demand during the final months of 2009. For the
most part, gains in sales or orders are characterized as slight, selective, or from a depressed base.
Some capital goods and consumer durables manufacturers either have seen no improvements to
date or have experienced setbacks in demand after a short period of improvement. The most
robust sales gains are due to rising Asian and defense-related demand; European, energy-related

and commercial-construction-related demand are described as depressed or weakening. Most
manufacturing contacts characterize their inventory levels as tight or under tight management.
Manufacturers report that metals prices are rising, but that most other materials costs
continue to hold steady. Some respondents are planning to raise prices for services or nondurable
products. After a period marked by price erosion, a maker of building equipment is considering
raising selling prices in response to higher metals costs; on the other hand, a furnishings
manufacturer reports continued downward pressure on prices and no ability to pass along higher
input costs. Most other contacts indicate that selling prices are holding steady.
Having reduced employment levels over the past year, most contacts are now holding
domestic headcounts relatively steady or increasing them modestly. Some anticipate making
further reductions in 2010, however. Manufacturers’ budgets call for merit pay increases of under
3 percent in the coming year. Many firms expect to adjust the timing and/or magnitudes of pay
and benefit adjustments in response to business developments.
Manufacturing respondents are planning for level or slightly higher capital spending in
the New Year, mostly financed internally. Contacts indicate that they have adequate plant
capacity to meet somewhat higher demand. Some firms are planning new investments in IT,
factory reorganization, or product development. Several respondents mention the possibility of
making acquisitions.
Manufacturers and related services providers are guardedly optimistic about business
conditions over the coming 6 to 12 months. Contacts expect growth in revenues and profits, but
they cite a variety of factors that are likely to constrain the extent of recovery or possibly even
derail it.
Selected Business Services
The majority of First District advertising and consulting contacts report positive results in
the fourth quarter, with demand rising up to 30 percent quarter-over-quarter. On a year-over-year
basis, business ranged from down 25 percent to up 23 percent. Demand from private equity firms
is starting to pick up, but continues to be very slow. Fewer uncertainties about health care reform
are driving up demand from healthcare and biotechnology companies. Demand from educational
institutions, from the government, and from the tourism sector is strong as well.
Contacted companies continue to experience price pressures but are managing to hold
prices steady or to negotiate supplier’s prices in the fourth quarter. Contacted firms plan to raise
prices by 3 percent to 10 percent in 2010. Hiring will increase in most firms to hold workforce
stable or to increase headcounts to keep up with sharp demand increases. Base compensation will

go up modestly—by 2 percent to 5 percent—in 2010. Bonuses in some firms are expected to be
much higher next year than this.
Contacted advertising and consulting firms say they are either cautiously or very
optimistic about next year’s outlook. Projections of demand growth range from zero percent to 50
percent. Cost controls, increases in demand, and new sales strategies are expected to drive
profitability up in 2010.
Commercial Real Estate
While some contacts remain downbeat about the region’s commercial real estate market,
others note modest improvements in market conditions. Reports of leasing and sales activity are
somewhat mixed. Activity is ―very limited‖ in Hartford and, according to one contact, ―very
slow‖ in Boston. However, another Boston contact reports a modest increase in office leasing
volume in recent weeks—at rock-bottom rents—and a Providence contact perceives an increase
in deals under negotiation. While one contact describes Boston’s investment sales market as
―dreadful,‖ another reports that volume is higher recently than it was earlier in the year. In
Hartford, deals consist of short-term renewals of expiring leases, in which tenants have been
willing to pay asking rents in exchange for flexibility on the lease term. In Providence, tenants
continue to drive very hard bargains on both rents and improvements. A contact at a Bostonbased mutual bank noted an increase in commercial real estate loan delinquencies and in the
number of borrowers asking to restructure loans based on anticipated repayment problems.
Two contacts currently express greater optimism concerning the outlook for 2010 than in
the previous report, while others remain pessimistic or uncertain. The sources of optimism
include anticipated demand for commercial space by the public sector, positive GDP growth
forecasts, and stock-market-related improvements in investor sentiment. Sources of pessimism
include weakness in retail sales, slow employment growth, and looming bank failures related to
commercial real estate loans.
Residential Real Estate
Home and condo sales in New England increased significantly in November 2009
compared to the previous November. Much of this increase can be attributed to the original
November 30th deadline for the first-time homebuyer tax credit. Although the tax credit has since
been extended and expanded, many consumers earlier set up deals for November closings to take
advantage of the credit they thought would not be available after the month ended. Thus,
November home sales increased from 50 percent to 75 percent year-over-year across the region.
In addition to the expiring tax credit, contacts attribute the steep year-over-year increases to the
fact that November 2008 was a particularly poor month for home sales because of the stock

market collapse in the fall of 2008. Nevertheless, pending sales numbers in November looked
strong in Boston and the rest of Massachusetts, suggesting that sales may continue to increase in
the coming months, at least until the new tax credit expires. Contacts are concerned, however,
that ongoing declines in inventory in Massachusetts and Rhode Island will constrain sales unless
the expansion of the tax credit to ―move-up buyers‖ brings more sellers into the market.
Home prices did not show as much improvement as sales in November. Median prices
declined modestly year-over-year in New Hampshire and Maine, while increasing by about 1
percent in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. However, as in recent months, median prices were
probably affected by the concentration of sales among first-time homebuyers. Condo markets also
saw large sales increases and moderate price declines in November.

II - 1
The Second District’s economy has shown further signs of improvement since the
last report, with indications of a modest pickup in the labor market; prices remain relatively
stable. Business contacts, in general, report some expansion in activity, with manufacturing
contacts also indicating that they are adding workers. Retailers mostly report that holidayseason sales were roughly on par with 2008 levels but ahead of plan; inventories were
characterized as much leaner going into the season than last year, leading to less discounting
than in 2008 in most cases. Auto dealers report mixed sales results for November and
December, but they express a general sense of optimism about the outlook for 2010.
Tourism activity in New York City showed some signs of tapering off towards the end of the
year. Commercial real estate markets were steady to softer in the fourth quarter, with the
sales/investment market remaining moribund. Residential real estate markets showed signs
of stabilizing. Finally, bankers report steady demand for home mortgage loans but further
weakening in loan demand in other categories; they also note ongoing increases in
delinquency rates in all categories.
Consumer Spending
Retailers generally report that holiday-season sales were little changed from 2008
levels but moderately ahead of plan, as many stores carried significantly lower inventories
than last year. Two major chains indicate that their sales were modestly above plan in
December, led by sales of winter apparel; one contact noted that cosmetics and fragrances
sold particularly well, while another noted that fine jewelry was one of the weaker categories.
Contacts at these chains report less discounting and fewer clearance sales—both before and
after Christmas—than in 2008. Separately, a survey of small retailers across New York State
also indicates that sales were generally on or a bit ahead of plan in December, led by sales of
cold-weather apparel; most of these retailers noted that they held lean inventories. Contacts

II - 2
at two major malls in upstate New York describe sales as relatively strong and ahead of
plan—buoyed, in part, by brisk demand from Canadian shoppers—though there was a strong
preference for lower-priced merchandise, and discounting was reported to be steep. At these
malls, stores that were reluctant to discount generally showed poor results; electronics
retailers reportedly fared particularly well.
Auto dealers indicate mixed results: contacts in the Rochester area report that sales
continued to improve in November and early December and were running ahead of
comparable 2008 levels. In contrast, dealers in the Buffalo area describe sales as sluggish,
continuing to run roughly 20 percent lower than a year earlier. Still auto dealers across
western New York say they are optimistic about sales prospects for 2010; they maintain that
credit availability for consumers has improved, but that the dealers themselves continue to
face tight ―floor-plan‖ credit—a revolving credit line that a dealership uses to purchase
Tourism activity in New York City has been steady to weaker since the last report.
Manhattan hotels report that occupancy rates were steady at fairly high levels in November
and the first half of December and remained slightly above comparable 2008 levels; room
rates were still down roughly 15 percent from a year earlier but appear to have leveled off
since mid-year, when year-over-year drops hovered around 30 percent. Broadway theaters
report that attendance was notably sluggish during this past holiday season: the seasonal
pickup was much weaker than usual, and December attendance fell below year-earlier levels,
though revenues were up modestly, reflecting higher ticket prices in 2009 than in 2008.
Finally, the Conference Board reports that consumer confidence among residents of the
Middle Atlantic states (NY, NJ, Pa), declined modestly in December.

II - 3
Construction and Real Estate
Commercial real estate markets in the District were mixed but, on balance, softer
since the last report. Manhattan’s office vacancy rate leveled off in the final quarter of 2009,
but asking rents on Class A properties reportedly tumbled by 15 percent and were down 26
percent from a year earlier. Office markets surrounding New York City were mixed: asking
rents declined moderately, while vacancy rates were little changed overall—up slightly in
Westchester and Fairfield Counties but down slightly in northern New Jersey and Long
Island. Office markets in upstate New York were generally stable, on balance, with faint
signs of improvement in the Buffalo and Albany areas but modest softening in metropolitan
Rochester. Sales transactions of office properties were exceptionally low throughout the
District in the fourth quarter, and, in most cases, down from both the third quarter and a year
Housing markets have been mixed but, on balance, steady since the last report.
Home sales reportedly slowed considerably in the Buffalo area in November and early
December, though prices remained higher than a year ago; this slowing is partly attributed to
the expiration of the [now extended] homebuyer tax credit. Contacts in northern New Jersey
report that resale activity and prices have picked up modestly, though both remain at fairly
depressed levels; the uptick in prices may be partly due to fewer distress sales. New home
construction in northern New Jersey remains stable at an exceptionally low level, with a
modest pickup in multi-family development offsetting further weakening in the single-family
sector. New York City’s housing market has shown some signs of stabilizing. Co-op and
condo prices continued to decline in the fourth quarter but at a more moderate pace than
earlier in the year—in both Manhattan and the outer boroughs. Moreover, the number of
transactions picked up, both from the third quarter and from a year earlier, and the inventory
of unsold units, though still fairly high, fell 25 percent from late-2008 levels. Manhattan’s

II - 4
apartment rental market also showed signs of stabilizing in December, as both rents and
inventories were virtually unchanged from November. Still, rents remain well below yearearlier levels, especially when landlord concessions (fee waivers and free rent for 1-2
months) are factored in, though some of the more aggressive incentives are reportedly being
scaled back.
Other Business Activity
A major New York City employment agency, specializing in office jobs, reports that
hiring activity has picked up a bit—primarily from the city’s financial industry—during what
is usually a slow season. More generally, contacts at manufacturing firms report some
ramping up in employment, whereas contacts in other sectors continue to report steady to
declining employment at their firms; however, both manufacturers and other firms plan to
increase employment levels in the first half of 2010. Retailers generally report that they
tended to boost holiday-season staffing levels by giving existing workers longer shifts to a
greater extent than last year, as opposed to hiring and training temporary seasonal workers;
this also suggests somewhat fewer impending post-holiday layoffs than a year ago.
Looking at overall business conditions, both manufacturing and non-manufacturing
contacts report a pickup in activity; manufacturers remain broadly optimistic, while nonmanufacturers now express a less negative view of the current business climate and are
considerably more optimistic about the general outlook than they have been in well over a
year. Contacts report little change in their selling prices, on balance, though a growing
proportion indicate some pickup in price pressures and expect input prices to rise in the
months ahead.
Financial Developments
Second District banks report that demand continued to decrease for all types of loans
except residential mortgages, where demand is reported to be steady. Bankers also report

II - 5
decreased demand for refinancing. For all loan categories, respondents continue to indicate
tightening of credit standards. Contacts note an increase in the spreads of loan rates over
costs of funds for all loan categories except residential mortgages, where they report no
change. Respondents also indicate further decreases in average deposit rates.
respondents report ongoing increases in delinquency rates across all loan categories.


III - 1

Economic conditions in the Third District have been mixed since the last Beige
Book. Manufacturers, on balance, reported a modest increase in shipments and new
orders. Retailers indicated that sales increased marginally for the holiday shopping period
compared with a year ago. Motor vehicle dealers indicated that sales have improved
slightly. Third District banks continued to report decreases in loan volume outstanding
and further declines in credit quality. Residential real estate agents and home builders
said sales were seasonally slow in December following an increase in November.
Nonresidential real estate leasing, purchase, and construction activity continued to
decline. Business firms in the region indicated that prices of most goods and services
have been steady, although reports of higher commodity prices have become more
widespread since the last Beige Book.
The consensus among Third District business contacts is that business conditions
will improve slowly in most sectors during the first half of 2010. Manufacturers forecast
a rise in shipments and orders during the next six months, on balance. Retailers expect
sales to rise if overall economic conditions improve. Auto dealers expect sales in 2010 to
be somewhat above the level in 2009. Bankers expect demand for credit to pick up by
mid-year. Residential real estate contacts believe housing demand will rise as spring
approaches. In contrast, contacts in nonresidential real estate expect leasing and
construction to remain weak through most of the year.

Third District manufacturers reported increases in shipments and new orders, on
balance, from November to December, although the number of firms posting gains did
not exceed the number recording declines by a wide margin. Makers of food products,
furniture, and chemicals noted increased demand for their products. Declines in demand
were reported from most of the other major manufacturing sectors in the District. Firms
reporting increases in orders generally indicated that the gains have been slight. One said
that ―business is getting a little better, but nothing to write home about,‖ and another said
that ―we’re keeping busy but it’s hand to mouth; there’s no backlog.‖

III - 2
Third District manufacturers expect business conditions to improve during the
next six months, on balance. Among the firms polled in December, about four-tenths
expect new orders and shipments to increase during the first half of the year; about twotenths expect decreases. Several firms noted that the outlook for future taxes, health-care
regulations, and energy costs were negatively affecting their expectations as well as those
of their customers. Although the area manufacturers planning to increase capital spending
outnumber those planning to decrease capital spending, the positive ratio has not
increased since the last Beige Book.

Third District retailers reported marginal year-over-year increases in sales, on
balance, for December. A snowstorm on the weekend before Christmas curtailed
shopping, and many stores closed. However, many stores were open for extended hours
in the four days before Christmas, and several retailers estimated that they recouped sales
lost on the weekend. Several Third District retailers noted that the sales improvement for
the 2009 holiday period compared with 2008 did not represent a significant shift in the
sales trend. Poor results in 2008 made a gain for 2009 easier, according to this view.
Looking ahead, store executives say sales will increase significantly only if employment
and financial conditions improve.
Some Third District auto dealers reported improvement in sales in December,
although, for most, sales have been roughly steady. Dealers said financing for buyers has
become somewhat more available, helping to support the sales rate. Looking ahead,
dealers expect total sales in 2010 to slightly exceed sales in 2009.

Total outstanding loan volume at Third District banks continued to slip in
December, according to bankers contacted for this report. Bankers said lending activity
has been soft in nearly all major consumer and business credit categories, mainly due to
slack demand, although some lenders reported slow growth in their auto lending. Besides
low demand, some bankers indicated that overall loan volume was declining because of
write-offs. Credit quality remained a concern for Third District bankers. Although most

III - 3
of those contacted for this report said delinquencies and defaults have been rising less
rapidly recently than they had through most of 2009, bankers expect charge-offs to
remain high for some time.
Looking ahead, Third District bankers see slow loan growth starting around midyear as the economy recovers and loan demand picks up. Until then they expect writeoffs and the continuation of stringent credit standards to limit expansion in lending. One
banker said that ―standards of lower loan-to-value ratios and higher credit scores are
being maintained and that will limit loan growth,‖ and another said that ―we are focused
on preserving capital and minimizing future losses.‖

Real Estate and Construction
Sales of new and existing homes were seasonally slow in December after a gain
from October to November, according to local real estate agents and home builders. Real
estate agents said the number of homes listed for sale remained high relative to the sales
rate, and average selling prices continued to fall. Most of the real estate agents surveyed
for this report characterized the market as ―stabilizing‖ or ―hitting the bottom.‖ They
expect sales to rise in the spring with a boost from the extended home-buyer federal tax
credit. However, they do not expect sales prices to begin to move up with the expected
increase in sales. Most agreed with the opinion expressed by one agent that ―prices might
begin to stabilize in 2010.‖
Nonresidential real estate firms indicated that leasing, purchase, and construction
activity continued to decline as 2009 came to a close. They also reported that vacancy
rates remained on the rise. Contacts said that building owners have been reducing rents as
leases come due for renewals, and tenants have been generally renewing leases for less
space and shorter terms. One contact said that ―slower general business activity has
resulted in many properties not generating cash flow. They are not worth the same
amount of money they were worth a few years ago.‖ According to this contact, recent and
prospective declines in commercial property values have induced many property owners
to withhold them from the market and have deterred many buyers from making
purchases. Contacts expect nonresidential real estate markets to remain weak through
most of 2010.

III - 4
Reports on input costs and output prices have been mixed since the last Beige
Book. The number of manufacturing firms noting increases for the commodities they use
has risen, but most continued to report that they have not raised the prices of the products
they make. Retailers have generally kept their selling prices steady, although discounts
became more common toward the end of the holiday shopping period. Business firms in
all sectors expect increases in energy costs and some commodity prices during 2010.

IV - 1
The economy in the Fourth District has shown some signs of improvement since
our last report, although overall activity remains at a low level. Reports from
manufacturers indicated that production was stable or slightly up, with several citing
growth opportunities in off-shore markets. Little change was seen in new-home
construction, whereas non-residential builders reported a small increase in contract
awards. Financing remains a major issue for residential and commercial contractors.
Sales by District retailers and auto dealers were flat. Energy production held steady, and
reports showed a slight upturn in freight transport volume. Business and consumer
lending activity remains soft, while the growth rate in core deposits is starting to decline.
The labor market remains weak, but some business owners started recalling a few
workers or increased production hours. Staffing-firm representatives reported an
increased number of job openings, especially in the healthcare industry. Given the weak
labor market, wage pressures are contained. We heard many reports of rising prices for
metals, especially steel. Otherwise, raw material and product pricing were relatively
stable. Capital spending and inventories remain under tight control.
Manufacturing. Reports from District factories showed that production was
largely stable or slightly up during the past six weeks, with any reductions being
attributed to seasonal factors. Comparing on a year-over-year basis, most of our contacts
told us that production levels have not changed or have showed a moderate rise.
Manufacturers are more upbeat in their outlook since our last report, and many expect
volume to slowly increase during 2010, with several citing opportunities in export
markets. Steel shipments were in line with expectations or exceeded them, although
volume reports varied widely. Increased volume was attributed primarily to military
spending and other government-funded projects. Our steel contacts expect slow growth
and are uncertain about which industries will drive demand. District auto production
showed a modest decline during November on a month-over-month and year-over-year
basis for domestic and foreign nameplates.
Manufacturers reported that they have completed rebalancing their inventories.
Capacity utilization is holding steady, but at rates substantially below pre-recession
levels. Investment in capital projects remains weak, with spending expected to continue
on the low side during 2010. We heard many reports of a rise in metal prices (especially
steel). Steel increases were attributed to rising scrap costs, which prompted steel
producers and service centers to raise their own prices. Otherwise, the cost of raw
materials was generally stable. About half of our respondents said that they have

IV - 2
increased work hours or recalled a few production employees, and wage pressures are
Real Estate. Reports indicate little change in new-home construction during the
past six weeks, while sales on a year-over-year basis are slightly better. Purchases of
entry-level homes continue to do well, and a few builders reported a recovery in the
move-up category. Looking forward, about half of our contacts characterized themselves
as cautiously optimistic. Other contractors see little improvement, which they attributed
in part to downward pressure on prices resulting from a new wave of foreclosures. Home
builders reported that banks are unwilling to lend money for purchasing land or
constructing spec houses, resulting in a substantial depletion of inventories. List prices of
new homes remained stable or were reduced slightly during the past few months, while
construction material costs held steady. General contractors continue to operate with
skeleton crews, and many subcontractors are struggling to keep busy.
Reports on activity in non-residential construction, including public works, were
mixed. Although most of our contacts said that business has fallen on a year-over-year
basis and many have nearly depleted their backlogs, inquiries have improved and we
heard several reports of contract awards. A majority of contractors now expect at least a
slight improvement in activity during 2010. We continue to hear numerous accounts of
difficulties in obtaining financing and refinancing. Construction material prices were
stable. Half of our respondents reported that they have reduced their workforces since
our last report. Many subcontractors are struggling and are charging substantially lower
Consumer Spending. Most District retailers characterized sales for the period
from mid-November to mid-December as flat, when compared to the previous 30-day
period. The exception was a restaurant chain, which showed a moderate increase in
revenues. Results of a year-over-year sales comparison tended toward the down side.
Although holiday shopping gave a modest boost to the purchase of discretionary items,
consumers continue to focus on buying necessities and are looking for value-priced
substitutes. Several of our contacts are uncertain about future sales. Others expect sales
for the first quarter of 2010 to remain flat or to rise slightly at best. Vendor pricing has
been relatively stable, although we heard some reports of rollbacks in store prices for
basics. A few contacts told us that they are making less use of promotions and
markdowns. Retail inventories continued on the lean side. Auto dealers reported that
new-vehicle sales have flattened out at a low level since the cash-for-clunkers program
ended. On a year-over-year comparison, most vehicle sales figures showed no change or

IV - 3
were slightly up. Used-vehicle purchases were characterized as good, if not better, than
those for new-vehicles, resulting in some upward pressure on prices. Dealers were
evenly split in their expectations of future sales: flat in the first quarter of 2010 versus a
modest increase. Several dealers cited lean inventories and difficulties in obtaining floorplan financing as reasons for low sales. There has been little change in staffing levels
other than seasonal hiring by retailers and job losses at dealerships that closed.
Banking. Demand for business loans remains weak, and lines of credit are
underutilized. Bankers experiencing increased lending volume attributed it to refinancing
existing debt from other institutions. Interest rates and spreads were steady to slightly up.
On the consumer side, conventional loan demand was generally characterized as weak to
steady at best, while activity in the residential mortgage market slowed further due to
seasonal factors. On balance, core deposits continued to grow, although a few bankers
said that the rate of growth has tapered off. Interest margins are steady to slightly up.
Credit availability remains tight, with some additional incremental tightening of lending
standards, especially for commercial real estate loans. In general, the credit quality of
loan applicants remains weak or has deteriorated further. Consumer loan delinquencies
are relatively stable, while delinquencies among commercial borrowers (especially real
estate) remain elevated or are rising. Most banks have not changed the size of their
workforces. However, three of our contacts said that they are in a long-term process to
reduce employment as a result of restructurings and mergers.
Energy. Little change in oil and gas production was reported, although it is
expected to increase slightly due to seasonal factors. Spot prices for oil are stable within
a narrow range, while those for natural gas were up a little. Coal executives told us that
the sharp decline in output has flattened out, with no upturn expected during the next few
months. The cost of production equipment and materials remains stable. Capital
spending by oil and gas producers was on plan or a little higher than expected, whereas
investments in coal production remain at depressed levels. Oil and gas employment held
steady, while coal saw some additional workforce reductions. Wage pressures are
Transportation. Freight transport executives reported a slight improvement in
shipping volume since our last report. However, shipments are below year-ago levels
and margins remain depressed. Most of our contacts expressed uncertainty about nearterm activity and expect only modest improvements in volume during 2010. A few
executives attributed potential changes in federal government regulations and policies as
the driving force behind the uncertainty. Capital spending remains at low levels,

IV - 4
although some pickup is anticipated during the next six months. Hiring was limited to
replacement only.


Overview. Economic reports across the Fifth District varied in our latest assessment,
with a few major sectors reporting moderate contractions over the last month. On the downside,
both retail and services firms reported declining revenues, continuing a pattern that had been in
place for some time. Manufacturing activity, which had been edging higher since spring, turned
down in December, although furniture and textile makers reported an uptick in demand. On the
more positive side, both import and export activity at District ports improved, and banking
activity received a modest boost, particularly from increased lending for equipment. Conditions in
the real estate sector were little changed from our last report, but some encouraging signs were
noted in office and retail leasing. Finally, both tourism and temporary employment services
reported mixed results for activity over the past month; temporary employment, however, is
expected to improve over the near term.
Retail. Revenues generally declined at retail businesses in recent weeks, although a few
contacts reported some improvement in sales. Managers at most department stores said sales fell;
several grocery store managers also reported a drop in sales even as customer traffic increased.
Big-ticket sales languished, notably at automobile dealerships. However, an executive at a
hardware chain in central Virginia reported that revenues and customer traffic were up slightly,
which he attributed, in part, to ―a little movement‖ in the local housing market. A contact
representing several retail establishments also reported revenue growth at small and mid-sized
stores despite early discounts, and a manager at a large North Carolina bookstore said customer
traffic was ―hopping.‖ A severe snowstorm the weekend before Christmas had a mixed effect on
holiday sales, with reports of sales activity ranging from ―through the roof‖ to dramatic declines.
However, retail job cuts were more widespread since our last report; retail wages were flat, and
prices moved up further.
Services. Revenues at most services firms declined since our last report, but contacts at
financial services establishments reported a bit of strengthening in mid-December. Managers at
hotels and restaurants reported slower business and specialty contractors continued to experience
declining revenues, while demand for services was unchanged at most business-to-business
services providers. However, several contacts at financial services firms reported an uptick in
revenues—one manager described the mood by saying there was a little more optimism about the
markets, but his clients were not optimistic about the economy yet. He quipped, ―The economy is

still in intensive care.‖ Employment and wages edged down slightly at services firms; prices were
unchanged since our last report.
Manufacturing. District manufacturing slipped in late November and December,
although there were some signs of cautious optimism. Contacts reported widespread weakness
across shipments, new orders and employment. A window manufacturer said that his business
was closing three warehouses and one manufacturing plant in order to align his company to the
continued weak economy. A producer of machinery noted that he had experienced the worst
month in over a decade and indicated that, if he did not see some improvement after the first of
the year, he was not sure how long his company would survive. A textile manufacturer said that,
―We have turned the corner,‖ but added that the biggest issue was getting credit for his customers.
A furniture manufacturer noted that residential furniture sales had improved somewhat, although
commercial sales remained very soft. A producer of electrical components indicated that export
business carried his firm during weak domestic demand. Contacts reported that raw materials
prices increased at a slower pace and finished goods prices changed little from a month ago.
Port authorities in the District reported moderate but widespread gains in export and
import activity in November and early December, compared to earlier months this year. Several
port officials reported both an increase in the number of vessels and the amount of cargo being
carried per vessel since the start of the fourth quarter. Shipping lines, according to one official,
have adapted ―super slow‖ shipping policies (running ships at slower speeds to conserve fuel),
because capacity is abundant and fuel costs are high. High-end vehicles led import gains. Other
types of heavy cargo, as well as container goods, also crept up from third-quarter levels.
Finance. Loan demand was generally described as either unchanged or slightly higher
since our last report, with modest gains noted particularly for equipment spending. While
consumer and mortgage loan demand was weak, commercial demand increased in some areas of
the District. Several bankers cited examples of small businesses replacing and in some cases
expanding their purchase of new equipment; in many instances the borrowers were aided by
Small Business Administration programs that guaranteed a portion of the loan. One banker
reported that increased spending on public infrastructure contributed to a major purchase of heavy
equipment by a construction firm. Nonetheless, most bankers reaffirmed that small businesses
were still experiencing a large number of loan rejections due to tight credit standards and weak
earnings. Indeed, lending activity remained well below year-ago levels, and several bankers in
less urban areas of the District stated that demand was weak, continuing the trend of the last
several months.

Real Estate. Residential real estate agents gave mixed signals on house sales activity in
the Fifth District. The Fredericksburg housing market had steady sales and a local agent noted
that the tax credit program was ―keeping people in the game.‖ However, in Richmond, a contact
reported that while buyers continued to look, few had shown urgencies in making offers. Several
respondents expressed concern for their markets once the federal tax credit program ends and
interest rates start to rise. One contact noted that some banks anticipated a large number of spring
foreclosures and were accepting lower prices on the real estate they owned. House prices
remained generally steady across much of the District. However, weak consumer confidence
remained a constraint. Contacts across the District reported that houses priced in the low-tomiddle range remained their best sellers, while sales in the higher price range were rare.
While the sales side of commercial real estate markets remained anemic, agents in the
District reported an uptick in office and retail leasing activity over the last two months. Several
agents noted that landlords were lowering their leasing rates in exchange for an extension of the
length of the lease. In addition, one agent stated that more businesses were making decisions to
either expand or upgrade their current facilities. One agent noted that national retail chains,
attracted to the relatively low unemployment rates across the District, were actively seeking new
sites in anticipation of an expansion in retail spending when the economy improved. In most
cases, demand for retail space was also being driven by bargain hunters trying to take advantage
of low rental rates. However, one agent noted that retail space in small strip malls was still
suffering from high vacancy rates, while downtown retail space was generally in ―good shape.‖
Finally, government agencies were identified by one agent as a key source of leasing demand
and, in some cases, were the motivation behind new office construction in the area.
Tourism. Assessments of tourist activity varied since our last report. Contacts along the
coast generally reported that bookings were somewhat weaker, which they attributed to people’s
lack of confidence in the economy. An hotelier at Virginia Beach and an analyst on the Outer
Banks of North Carolina said that tourists were looking for deeply discounted packages. In
addition, holiday party bookings were practically nonexistent because groups were having their
office Christmas parties on-site. Tourism contacts in Virginia and in the Carolinas characterized
consumer spending habits as somewhat weaker than a year ago. They noted that consumers were
eating out less than ever before, despite the ―specials‖ offered at area restaurants. On a brighter
note, respondents at ski resorts reported an historically high number of bookings, which they
credited to significant snow accumulation from a major snowstorm that struck the Atlantic Coast
on the last weekend before Christmas. A manager at a ski resort in Virginia said that visits were
up 40 percent—the highest number of visits in the last 20 years.

Temporary Employment. Temporary employment agents gave mixed reports on recent
demand for workers across the District, but were upbeat about future demand. Several agents in
Raleigh reported generally improving demand and expected even more strengthening in the
coming months. One agent reported that many of his customers were both filling vacant positions
and expanding hiring. Another agent noted that several manufacturing companies were hiring
contract workers. However, other manufacturing clients were very apprehensive about hiring due
to concerns over the underlying strength of their order books. In addition, several agents reported
weak demand over the past six weeks, but expected stronger demand over the next six months. A
Hagerstown agent expected stronger demand for workers due to a slight improvement in the
overall economy. Likewise, a Richmond agent was optimistic about stronger demand for workers
at her agency in the near future, due also to some signs, albeit slight, of economic recovery as
well as actual improvements in selected divisions of the agency. In general, among the most
available positions were in warehouse and distribution centers, general and day labor, and
administrative, sales, and quality assurance.

VI - 1
Summary. On balance, reports from contacts for late November through
December suggested overall economic conditions improved in the Sixth District. Most
merchants remarked that holiday sales were slightly better than expected, while vehicle
dealers noted a pickup in traffic and sales. Hospitality industry contacts observed that
while current conditions remained weak, they saw some signs of improvement going into
2010. The information on home sales was mixed. The majority of Realtors reported that
existing home sales were above year-ago levels, whereas new home sales and
construction activity remained soft. The proportion of manufacturers reporting an
increase in new orders and production moved lower in December. Most banking contacts
reported that credit standards were unchanged relative to late November. There were
fewer reports of layoffs in the District in December, but seasonal hiring was also
described as being weaker than last year. Prices remained relatively stable for most
Consumer Spending and Tourism. The majority of District retailers indicated
that holiday sales were better than expected and that discounts were not as deep as last
year. Some retailers noted they had lowered prices on certain items in order to draw
customers in hopes that they would also purchase other goods with higher margins.
Overall, retailers continued to keep inventory levels low. The outlook among merchants
was mixed, with almost half expecting a decrease in sales and a third expecting an
increase in sales in the first few months of 2010. District vehicle sales remained below
the level of a year earlier, but most contacts reported a pickup in year-end activity.
Tourism-related spending remained sluggish throughout the District. Industry
contacts reported that hotel reservations and room rates remained below year-ago levels,
but the near-term outlook was showing signs of improvement. South Florida hotels and
restaurants are expected to gain from two major National Football League events coming
to the area in late January and early February. Cruise lines are also reporting strong
bookings for 2010, mostly because of heavy discounting.
Real Estate and Construction. Reports from District housing contacts were
mixed during November and December. The majority of Realtors reported that existing
home sales remained above year earlier levels, while homebuilder reports indicated that

VI - 2
new home sales fell below year earlier levels. Realtors noted that the housing stimulus
continued to boost sales. The near-term outlook among most contacts improved
modestly. However, construction activity remained soft, while homebuilders continued
to report difficulty in competing with bank-owned property.
Commercial construction activity remained at very low levels according to reports
from contractors. More projects were put on hold, resulting in less activity expected to
get underway for the early part of 2010. Commercial vacancy rates remained elevated
and contacts continued to report downward pressure on rents.
Manufacturing and Transportation. After improving in November, production
levels in the District’s manufacturing plants contracted in December. Fewer contacts
reported increased production levels and more noted cutbacks. Likewise, new orders
slipped in December after rising during the previous month. With regard to finished
inventory, about half of manufacturing contacts noted cutbacks in inventory in
November, while in December forty percent reported reductions. Transportation contacts
indicated that freight demand remained weak but had modestly improved over the past
month. Railway contacts reported that regional rail shipments were flat from a year
earlier with gains seen in shipments of motor vehicles, chemicals, and some metals.
Banking and Finance. Most banking contacts noted that credit standards
remained relatively tight for most types of loans. Banks continued to require more
documentation and allowed fewer exceptions than had been the case in recent years. A
few contacts reported easing credit terms for their strongest customers. However, most
reports noted a tightening of credit standards for commercial real estate loans.
Lending varied across the District, with increases noted in mortgage refinancing
and loans to tax-exempt entities. Businesses also appeared to be shopping around for
better loan terms, especially where more restrictions had been placed on loan renewals
with the current lender. Contacts also noted an increase in credit requests from
―unqualified‖ applicants.
Employment and Prices. Reports of layoffs continued to decelerate throughout
the District in November and December. However, holiday-related hiring also appeared
to be weaker than normal. Firms remained reluctant to hire permanent staff, but some
noted increasing temporary hiring and an increase in hours. A few firms also noted that

VI - 3
they do not anticipate bringing their workforce back to previous levels because of the
efficiencies realized from recent layoffs. Many firms and government entities continued
to enforce wage freezes.
District homebuilders continued to note stable input prices for the reporting
period, while most retailers noted that retail prices remained at or slightly down from last
Natural Resources and Agriculture. District crude oil production continued to
increase moderately in November through mid-December, with the number of rigs
operating in the Gulf of Mexico up slightly from lows seen in August. Despite the
increased production, crude inventories in the region continued to drop as cold weather
and holiday travel boosted energy consumption. Most District areas reported excessive
surplus soil moisture levels in November and December. Unusually cold temperatures in
parts of Florida during early January may have impacted the state’s citrus crop.

VII - 1

Summary. Economic activity in the Seventh District increased in December.
Contacts expected activity to continue to rise into 2010, although the pace of recovery
was likely to be moderate. Consumer spending increased, while business spending was
little changed. Manufacturing improved, but construction remained weak. Commercial
real estate conditions deteriorated, but residential real estate activity continued to pick up.
Credit conditions improved marginally. Price pressures increased for raw materials, while
wage pressures were minimal. Prices for soybeans, wheat, milk, and hogs moved higher,
while corn and cattle prices moved lower.
Consumer spending. Consumer spending increased in December. The holiday
shopping season was better than a year ago, particularly for sales of clothing, toys, gift
cards and entertainment items. Customers remained price sensitive, and there were
considerably more specials and promotions this year as retailers were willing to accept
lower margins to attract consumers. Inventories declined from their already low levels,
and contacts indicated that some stores were starting to run out of items in high demand.
Sales of consumer durables and luxury items remained weaker, but contacts also reported
greater optimism that demand was building for big-ticket items like household
appliances. Early in December, auto sales were at the same pace as the previous reporting
period, but then picked up later in the month. Contacts noted that GM dealer incentives
put in place to clear discontinued inventory by year-end boosted sales of Pontiacs and
Business spending. Business spending was little changed from the previous
reporting period. Most contacts expected to maintain their current level of capital
expenditures in 2010, noting that sales and capacity utilization had yet to improve enough
to justify higher expenditures on plant and equipment. Furthermore, a manufacturing
contact noted that equipment capacity was not a problem in his industry; but with the
deep cuts to the labor force over the past year, workers would be the greater need to meet
projected growth. Current labor market conditions continued to be weak, although the
volume of large layoffs declined and some permanent hiring was reported. Several
contacts noted an increase in the demand for temporary workers. In addition, a large

VII - 2

staffing firm reported that billable hours increased, particularly from the manufacturing
sector and larger businesses. In contrast, permanent hiring continued to be low. A
recruitment firm indicated that the transition from temporary to permanent hiring will
likely take longer than following recent downturns as employers are remaining
particularly conservative in their hiring plans coming out of this recession.
Construction/real estate. Construction activity remained weak in December.
Residential development picked up slightly for single-family homes, but remained at a
low level for condominiums and townhomes. Contacts indicated that builders were being
cautious, working off existing undeveloped lots and planning to maintain low levels of
spec homes. In contrast, sales continued to increase. The extension and expansion of the
federal homebuyer tax credit contributed to higher sales, although a contact noted that it
was having a smaller impact than expected on the single-family market. In the
multifamily market, many sales were driven by steep price discounts. Demand continued
to be weak for nonresidential construction, although a contact indicated that interest had
increased from his manufacturing, particularly automotive-related, customers.
Commercial real estate conditions deteriorated further. Vacancy rates and subleasing
activity increased putting additional downward pressure on rents.
Manufacturing. Manufacturing activity improved in December. Manufacturers
with ties to the auto industry noted further improvement in demand. In addition,
exporters, particularly those to Asia, continued to do well. In general, contacts noted that
order books were filling up for the first quarter of 2010, and many expected to see a
further uptick in production in the coming months. While overall activity remained low,
pending changes to EPA emissions standards continued to benefit manufacturers of
medium and heavy-duty trucks and parts; although this was seen as quickly waning going
into 2010. Contacts generally expected that the gradual improvement in activity since last
summer would continue into 2010. For instance, a contact noted that his business was
likely to benefit from the fact that several large customers had freed up funds for capital
expenditures put on hold in 2009. However, some contacts expressed doubt as to whether
the current pace of recovery was sustainable. For example, a contact indicated that his
customers were unlikely to increase their orders until their own sales had improved for a
considerable period.

VII - 3

Banking/finance. Credit conditions improved marginally in December. Credit
spreads narrowed; and even with longer-term yields increasing, net corporate funding
costs for a number of District firms declined. Banking contacts reported little change in
business loan demand with continued low utilization of credit lines and most C&I lending
going to refinance or pay off existing debt. Contacts did, however, indicate an uptick in
financing for mergers and acquisitions as well as investment in distressed real estate. In
contrast, small businesses continued to report difficulty in obtaining bank credit. Declines
in asset quality showed further signs of leveling off and, outside of commercial real
estate, were expected to improve in 2010. Consumer loan demand increased slightly, with
credit card receivables ticking up and low mortgage rates continuing to stimulate
mortgage lending. Charge-off and delinquency rates were reported to be better than
expected, and several contacts expected to see further improvement in 2010.
Prices/costs. Price pressures increased for raw materials in December. Contacts
indicated that lead times were rising as supplier capacity had yet to be fully brought back
on-line while foreign and domestic demand continued to improve. Many expected a
further round of commodity price increases to ensue in the first quarter of 2010. Recent
tax increases were also indicated to be putting pressure on wholesale prices of items like
cigarettes and soft drinks. However, pass-through of cost pressures to downstream prices
was small on balance, as contacts indicated pricing power remained limited in many
industries. Wage pressures were minimal, although union wage increases were noted by
some construction contacts as putting additional pressure on costs.
Agriculture. Some farmers still had corn in the field when snows blanketed the
ground in December. The weather also prevented much of the normal fall tillage and
fertilizer application. Still, corn and soybean yields were above average throughout the
District. Furthermore, storage of the crop has not been a problem, since end users,
especially ethanol plants, kept buying grain as it was harvested. Even with increased
drying costs, corn prices were high enough for returns to approach breakeven; and with
soybean prices moving higher, most farmers should more than cover their costs for
soybeans. Wheat, milk, and hog prices also increased, whereas corn and cattle prices
decreased from the previous reporting period. The reduced number of dairy cows helped
boost milk prices. Some small dairy operations or those that raise their own feed were

VII - 4

able to avoid further losses. Smaller dairy producers continued to benefit from
government payments that larger producers had tapped out. Hog farms also drew closer
to breakeven, but cattle operators faced pressures made worse by very cold temperatures
which required the consumption of extra feed.

VIII - 1
Eighth District - St. Louis
Economic conditions in some areas of the Eighth District have shown further
signs of improvement since our previous report.

In general, manufacturing activity

continued to decline while service sector activity increased. Early reports from retailers
in the District indicate a slight increase in holiday sales compared with a year ago.
Residential real estate markets showed signs of improvement in parts of the District,
while commercial real estate market conditions remained weak. Overall lending at a
sample of small and mid-sized District banks declined in the three-month period from
mid-September to mid-December.
Manufacturing and Other Business Activity
Manufacturing activity has continued to decline since our previous report, with
persistent weakness in employment. Although several manufacturers reported plans to
open plants and expand operations in the near future, a larger number of contacts reported
plans to close plants and lay off employees. Firms in the shoe/apparel, furniture, and
appliance manufacturing industries announced plans to relocate production to the
District. A firm in wood product manufacturing also announced plans to hire additional
workers to launch a new product. In contrast, contacts in the electrical components;
chemical product; construction materials; machinery; heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning; and auto manufacturing industries announced plans to lay off workers,
often citing weak product demand.
The District’s service sector continued to expand in most areas. Contacts in
business support services, leisure/hospitality services, and medical services announced

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plans to hire new workers. A firm in business support services also announced plans to
lift a wage freeze and to reinstate benefits. Early reports from contacts in the retail sector
generally expressed optimism about increased holiday sales. One contact also noted that
small to mid-sized retailers are adding stores to gain long-term market share.
Real Estate and Construction
Residential real estate markets are showing signs of improvement in parts of the
Eighth District. Compared with the same period in 2008, November 2009 year-to-date
home sales were up 1 percent in St. Louis and held steady in Louisville. Over the same
period, year-to-date home sales were down 3 percent in Little Rock and 10 percent in
Memphis. Residential construction continued to be weak throughout most of the District.
November 2009 year-to-date single-family housing permits fell in most District metro
areas compared with the same period in 2008. Permits declined 6 percent in Little Rock,
16 percent in St. Louis, 18 percent in Louisville, and 36 percent in Memphis.
Commercial and industrial real estate market conditions remained weak
throughout most of the District. A contact in St. Louis noted that commercial real estate
has stalled. A contact in Memphis noted that the focus now is on retaining tenants rather
than recruiting new ones.

A contact in south-central Kentucky reported that while

commercial construction is relatively strong, it consists mainly of education-related
projects. Industrial real estate and construction contacts throughout the District also
reported a sluggish environment. A contact in Memphis does not expect the industrial
real estate market to improve until signs of a more sustainable recovery are evident.

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Banking and Finance
Total loans outstanding at a sample of small and mid-sized District banks
decreased 2.1 percent in the three-month period from mid-September to mid-December.
Real estate lending, which accounts for 73.5 percent of total loans, decreased 1.6 percent.
Commercial and industrial loans, accounting for 16.5 percent of total loans, decreased 3.5
percent. Loans to individuals, accounting for 5.3 percent of loans, decreased 2.2 percent.
All other loans decreased 4.0 percent and accounted for 4.7 percent of total loans. Over
this period, total deposits increased 2.0 percent.
Agriculture and Natural Resources
As of mid-December, year-to-date bales of cotton ginned (separated from the
seed) in the District states were down by 31 percent over the same period in 2008.
Arkansas had 36 percent fewer bales ginned than the previous year, Mississippi had 40
percent fewer, Missouri had 29 percent fewer, and Tennessee had 10 percent fewer. In
November, total commercial red meat production in District states was 2 percent higher
compared with year-earlier levels, but year-to-date production was 1 percent lower
compared with year-earlier levels. Also, the total weight of young chickens slaughtered
was 3 percent higher than the previous November, but year-to-date totals were 7 percent
lower. Total coal production in District states in December was 4 percent lower than the
previous December, while total coal production in 2009 was 4 percent higher than in

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Overall economic activity in the Ninth District grew tepidly since the last report.
Consumer spending, tourism, energy, mining and residential construction and real estate
saw modest increases. Manufacturing and services were mixed, while commercial
construction was stable. Decreases in activity occurred in agriculture. Labor markets
remained weak, but the pace of job losses has slowed. Meanwhile, wage increases were
modest, and overall prices remained flat.
Consumer Spending and Tourism
Consumer spending increased modestly. A representative of a Minneapolis area mall
expected holiday sales to finish 2.5 percent higher than a year ago, while a manager at
another Minneapolis area mall noted that holiday traffic was relatively heavy and that
store owners were generally pleased. Bank directors reported that holiday sales during
December were soft in western South Dakota, but up somewhat in North Dakota. Brisk
retail activity was reported in central Montana the day after Christmas. Larger retailers
noted an increase in Internet sales during the holiday shopping season.
A Minnesota auto dealer noted that November and December sales were up from
a year ago. Meanwhile, a representative of an auto dealers association in North Dakota
reported that recent vehicle sales were generally soft.
Winter tourism activity was up from a year ago. Tourism activity increased in
northwestern Wisconsin due to excellent snow conditions for snowmobiling and skiing.
In western South Dakota, winter sports have also benefited from a deep snow cover; a
local tourism official noted strong numbers of vehicles with snowmobile trailers and ski
racks. A Minnesota ski resort reported that activity picked up during the holidays;
advanced bookings were about on par with a year ago.
Construction and Real Estate
Commercial construction was flat at low levels. A commercial builder in the
Minneapolis-St. Paul area said that recent activity was very slow, but the builder
expected more projects to bid on in the first part of 2010. Residential construction
increased across most of the District. The number of residential permits in November was
up compared with a year ago in Sioux Falls, SD., Fargo, ND., Rochester, Minn., and in
the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.

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Commercial real estate markets saw a slight uptick from very low levels of
activity. The value of commercial properties sold in Minnesota increased in November
from October. However, recent vacancy rates for many commercial real estate sectors
were higher than a year ago across most of the District. Meanwhile, residential market
activity increased in November. The dollar volume of closed sales in Minnesota
increased nearly 46 percent in November from a year earlier as first-time home buyers
took advantage of federal tax credits.
Overall activity was mixed in the professional business services sector. A Minnesotabased travel services firm shut down due to decreased demand. A health care provider
noted that people deciding on elective surgery are asking for limited procedures at reduced
cost. However, an environmental engineering firm noted solid orders.
Manufacturing output was mixed. A December survey of purchasing managers by
Creighton University (Omaha, Neb.) showed that manufacturing activity increased in
Minnesota and decreased in the Dakotas. This survey showed strong new orders in
Minnesota and South Dakota, but decreased new orders in North Dakota. In South
Dakota, a pipe maker plans to open a production facility, but a trailer manufacturer shut
Energy and Mining
Activity in the energy and mining sectors increased slightly. Mid-December oil and gas
exploration increased from mid-November. A proposed large-scale wind energy project
was recently announced for eastern South Dakota. Meanwhile, late December prices for
copper, platinum and nickel increased from mid-November, which aided the profitability
of Montana mines. An iron ore mine plans to restart a production line in early 2010, but
output at iron ore mines in Minnesota dropped about 5 percent in November from
Agricultural activity declined. The wet fall caused farmers to incur extra drying expenses,
and some shortages of propane were noted. A portion of the corn crop will have to be
harvested in the spring because winter storms halted the already late harvest; this may

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constrain overall production from expected high levels. The heavy winter storms put stress
on some cattle herds.
Employment, Wages and Prices
Labor markets remained weak, but the pace of job losses has slowed. While employment
levels are lower than a year ago, employment increased slightly in November from a
month earlier in Minnesota and the Dakotas. Nevertheless, some layoffs were announced.
In Montana a paper mill will close, affecting over 400 workers. In Minnesota a call center
closure will eliminate about 60 jobs, and an information management firm will cut 120
positions. In contrast, a financial services firm announced plans to add 50 to 75 jobs in
South Dakota. According to respondents to a recent St. Cloud (Minn.) Area Business
Outlook Survey, 19 percent expect to increase employment at their companies over the
next six months, while 15 percent expect decreases.
Wages generally remained level or rose modestly, and this trend may continue.
For example, wages for most employees at the University of Montana will be frozen for
the next two years. Of the respondents to the aforementioned St. Cloud survey, 19
percent plan to increase wages and benefits over the next six months, while 6 percent
plan decreases.
Prices generally remained flat since the last report. For example, recent Minnesota
gasoline and fertilizer prices are about level with mid-November. However, natural gas
and some metal component prices have increased since the last report.


The Tenth District economy expanded more modestly in late November and
December than in the previous survey period. Overall holiday consumer spending was
little changed from a year ago, but sales in some areas were hampered by extremely bad
year-end weather. Growth in manufacturing activity moderated from the previous
survey, and businesses’ capital spending plans remained modest. The rebound in
residential real estate lost some steam, and commercial construction activity weakened
further. Bank loan demand remained sluggish, and overall loan quality was poor. By
contrast, energy activity continued to rise from low levels, and agricultural conditions
improved. Price pressures were limited, and wage pressures remained low due to
weakness in the labor market.
Consumer Spending. Consumer spending growth softened somewhat from the
previous survey. Overall, holiday retail sales were little changed from a year ago. Some
contacts reported slight increases from a year ago, but extremely bad weather limited
holiday sales in other areas. Store managers generally reported stronger sales of
discounted items and winter gear, while sales of luxury items such as jewelry were
relatively weak. Store inventories were up slightly, but most contacts expected a
decrease in the months ahead. Restaurant traffic edged up marginally from the previous
period, and expectations were more positive. Auto sales dropped after steadying in the
previous survey, though most dealers expected some improvement in future months.
Auto inventories were still fairly high and expected to rise, and some contacts noted
continued difficulties obtaining customer financing. Travel and tourism activity
weakened further, with one contact noting considerably less business travel. Nearly all
tourism contacts expected a continued slowdown in activity.
Manufacturing and Other Business Activity. Growth in manufacturing
activity moderated somewhat in late November and December, while other business
activity was mixed. Overall growth in factory production slowed, while employment

remained essentially flat. Plant managers also reported smaller gains in shipments and
new orders. Expectations for future factory activity were slightly less optimistic than in
previous surveys, but factory output was still expected to rise moderately in the first half
of 2010. Transportation services activity slowed slightly in late November and
December, but contacts expressed more optimism about future months. High-tech
services firms reported mostly favorable business conditions and were generally positive
about the months ahead. Despite generally positive outlooks, businesses’ capital
spending plans – especially among manufacturers – were fairly modest for 2010, as
considerable excess capacity remains. Still, some business spending was occurring to
replace outdated IT and other equipment.
Real Estate and Construction. Residential real estate activity eased somewhat
after a rebound in the previous survey, and the downturn in commercial real estate
activity continued. Housing starts dampened slightly, as several builders noted continued
financing difficulties, but expectations improved from the previous survey. Home sales
also eased from the previous survey, but levels were higher than a year ago and
expectations strengthened due to the renewed homebuyer tax credit. Sales were strongest
in the low-end market, with continued weak demand for higher-priced homes. Several
real estate agents reported sales were limited by tighter credit restrictions and appraisal
guidelines. Mortgage lenders reported that overall mortgage activity edged down slightly
from last month, with fewer home purchase and refinancing loans. Commercial real
estate activity continued to deteriorate across the District, with few improvements
expected in the near future. Vacancy rates continued to rise, and prices and rents
declined further. Construction supply firms reported especially weak sales, which most
contacts attributed to a slowdown in lending and weak commercial construction activity.
Banking. Bankers reported weaker loan demand, stable deposits, and a continued
negative outlook for loan quality. Overall loan demand declined at a somewhat faster
pace than in the previous two surveys. Demand fell moderately for both commercial and
industrial loans and commercial real estate loans. In addition, demand for residential real

estate loans and consumer installment loans edged down. A few banks tightened credit
standards on commercial real estate loans. As in the previous survey, however, credit
standards for other loan categories were little changed. When asked about the cause of
the continued weakness in bank lending, two-thirds of respondents cited weak demand
from creditworthy borrowers, and some banks mentioned pressure from regulators.
Almost all respondents reported lower loan quality than a year ago, and about a third
expected loan quality to decline further in the next six months. Deposits were essentially
unchanged, following several months of steady growth.
Energy. Energy activity was up modestly from the previous survey, but remained
below year-ago levels. Most contacts reported an increase in drilling activity and were
optimistic about the months ahead, as crude oil prices remained relatively high and
natural gas prices finally turned upward. With natural gas inventories still at historically
high levels, however, some producers worried that gas prices might fall if recent cold
winter weather across the country did not continue. Most energy firms expected their
capital expenditures to increase or remain unchanged over the next twelve months, with
very few planning decreases.
Agriculture. Agricultural conditions improved since the last survey period.
Farmers enjoyed above average corn and soybean yields, especially in Nebraska and
Kansas. Despite planting delays, the winter wheat crop was progressing normally and
was reported in good condition with ample snow cover. The post-harvest rise in corn and
soybean prices spurred strong marketing opportunities and higher incomes for farmers.
Livestock prices moved higher, narrowing losses for producers. Cattle feeding
enterprises were operating at breakeven levels, but dairy and hog operations still faced
significant losses. District contacts reported that farmland values firmed in the fourth
quarter amid robust demand for good quality farmland and a limited number of farms for
Wages and Prices. Price pressures were modest, and wage pressures remained
limited due to weak labor markets. Manufacturers reported mostly stable prices, but

some noted lower profit margins due to rising commodity prices and little ability to pass
through. Overall retail prices continued their downward trend, and most contacts
expected prices to fall further in coming months. However, builders and transportation
firms reported a slight uptick in input prices. Almost no firms reported labor shortages,
resulting in little if any wage pressures. Hiring plans at many firms also remained
minimal, which some firms attributed to uncertainty surrounding future employee health
care costs.

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Overview Economic conditions in the Eleventh District continued to firm up over the
past six weeks. Contacts in several industries, most notably retail, high-tech manufacturing and
staffing services, reported improved demand. While conditions appeared to be recovering in
many sectors and outlooks were becoming more positive, most contacts only expected a slow and
modest improvement in the near term.
Prices Price pressures were generally subdued, with a few exceptions. Intermodal firms
continued to drop prices to attract new customers, and legal, staffing and accounting service firms
noted ongoing pressure to discount fees. Pricing of construction-related materials remained very
competitive. In contrast, staffing firms said that a large increase in the state unemployment
insurance tax in January 2010 will significantly raise costs and squeeze margins as pass-through
to clients has been mixed. Airlines noted that fares were stabilizing, and retailers said prices were
reverting back to relatively normal levels. Paper and corrugated-box manufacturers reported
rising raw material costs and an uptick in selling prices. There were also reports of slight
increases in crop and industrial metal prices.
Crude oil prices briefly fell below $70 during the reporting period, but have climbed back
up to near $80. These gains have been driven by improved economic data, longer-term dollar
weakness, and conflicts involving Russia, Iran and Nigeria. Contacts noted that proposed price
increases for polyethylene and polypropylene did not stick in December. Prices of other chemical
products were stable. Despite recent increases in natural gas prices due to cold weather, contacts
said high inventories, weak industrial demand and rising production point to continued weakness
in natural gas markets.
Labor Market Most respondents noted stable employment levels. Still, a few
construction-related manufacturing firms continued to report payroll declines. Contacts in the
energy industry reported that several firms had announced plans to reorganize operations and
move a large number of professional jobs overseas. On a positive note, an aircraft components
manufacturer noted an uptick in staff levels, and a primary metals manufacturer reported an
increase in work hours. Retailers said holiday hiring was reasonable.
Wage pressures were mostly nonexistent but a handful of firms said they planned on
giving small pay increases next year. Although employer matches to 401(k) plans remained
suspended at most firms, one company reported plans to partially reinstate employer
contributions to retirement plans.

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Manufacturing Construction-related manufacturers reported continued weakness in
demand. Most contacts say there is excess capacity in the industry, and capital spending plans are
on hold except for maintenance-related projects. The outlook remains bleak, especially for
manufacturers tied to commercial construction. Fabricated metals producers noted no change in
Contacts in high-tech manufacturing report orders and sales continue to grow at a
moderate to strong pace, partly due to continued improvement in the world economy. One
respondent noted that Windows 7 was helping personal computer sales, and that demand for
smart phones and laptops was increasing strongly. Inventories remain very lean but at desired
levels. The outlook is for continued moderate to strong growth over the next six months.
Reports from transportation manufacturers were mixed. Aircraft components
manufacturers reported a seasonal decline in demand, but remained positive in their outlook for
next year. Manufacturers of emergency vehicles noted a slowdown in the pace of orders, and
added that thinning backlogs were pointing to a potential slowdown in business around mid-2010.
Demand for corrugated packaging continued to improve, and outlooks for 2010 were optimistic.
Food producers reported a seasonal pickup in demand.
Demand for petrochemicals was little changed. Modest gains in domestic demand
continued but growth in exports slowed somewhat. Contacts say with new petrochemical
facilities coming on line in the Middle East, processors are holding back on building inventories
until they see the effect of these new facilities on U.S. exports.
Retail Retail activity increased during the reporting period, and retailers said that the
holiday season was shaping up to be a reasonable one. Discount stores reported an uptick in
demand for non-food items, with sales of electronics and household goods faring better than
expected. Department store sales were also ahead of expectations. Still, discounting was prevalent
as consumers remained price-conscious. The outlook is cautiously optimistic, with contacts
expecting a slow recovery in business.
Automobile sales held steady over the past six weeks. Contacts say the worst has passed,
and they expect demand to remain flat in the near term.
Services Staffing firms said demand for contract work continued to improve but orders
for direct hires were flat at low levels. Although orders were widespread across sectors, demand
was strongest for call center, clerical, healthcare administrative and manufacturing staff. Demand
for legal services remains depressed, but contacts noted a slight uptick in inquiries from clients on
merger and acquisition-related services. Accounting firms reported steady demand for their

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Reports from transportation service firms were mixed. Intermodal firms reported no
improvement in cargo volumes over the past month as imports have dropped and exports are not
picking up as expected. Small parcel shipping and large freight volumes increased further,
continuing a trend that began in the summer. Contacts in railroad transportation noted continued
declines in cargo volumes as increases in grain, chemicals, petroleum products and automobile
shipments were more than offset by declines in shipments of coal, pulp, paper, lumber, wood,
crushed stone and metals. Airline demand appears to be recovering, fares are stabilizing, and
contacts note that the outlook is slightly brighter for 2010.
Construction and Real Estate New and existing home sales rose over the past six
weeks. Homebuilders said that while overall starts remained at low levels, the momentum from
the homebuyer tax credit was helping demand, especially in the entry-level segment. Prices
continued to firm. Several contacts said smaller builders were still unable to access credit to
finance new construction. Outlooks were guarded but optimistic.
Conditions in the apartment sector were weak, as occupancy rates continue to fall and
rents are edging down. Elevated construction activity has led to an oversupply of apartments,
although contacts say activity will slow in the near term. Outlooks are modestly optimistic.
Respondents expect a recovery in most of the major Texas markets in 2010.
Office and industrial leasing activity remained feeble. Contacts said ―nothing is going on
and business is very slow.‖ There is still some concern over how commercial real estate loans
will be worked out as they come due, given the decline in collateral value. Investor interest
continues to rise, however, with one respondent reporting a significant increase in the number of
bids for properties on sale.
Financial Services Loan demand remained soft. Commercial real estate lending was
scarce, and community banks continued to curtail residential real estate lending due to tough
regulatory requirements. Loan pricing was slowly returning back to ―normal,‖ as some contacts
have removed pricing floors or returned to original base rates such as prime. Deposit growth was
steady but credit quality continued to deteriorate. Despite weak conditions, contacts at most
financial services firms—excluding those that failed—said they have managed to end the year
with flat or very modest growth in loan volumes. The primary concern among most contacts is
still the uncertainty surrounding impending regulation. The outlook remained cautious and most
contacts said they did not expect any significant improvement until at least fourth quarter of 2010.
Energy The rig count continued to rise over the past six weeks. Current oil prices are
driving up most types of oil-directed drilling activity. The increase in shale-based natural gas

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drilling, however, remains focused in a few areas, with some traditional gas-bearing regions
continuing to see consolidation and downsizing.
Agriculture Rainfall continues to boost agricultural conditions across the state. Farmers
have been able to plant the winter wheat crop into moist soil. Nearly all crops have been
harvested, and the crop outlook for 2010 has improved. Although drought conditions have been
alleviated, the dry spell has tightened producers’ cash flow and contacts say delayed disaster
payments may prevent some farmers from planting the next round of crops.

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Economic activity in the Twelfth District appeared to pick up slightly during the
reporting period of December through the beginning of January. Upward pressures on prices
were quite modest, and upward pressures on wages were virtually nonexistent, despite sustained
productivity gains in some sectors. Holiday season retail sales were up from the preceding year
but were slow compared with prior years, while demand for services remained weak on net.
Manufacturing activity continued at very low levels for some product lines but appeared to
improve further on balance. Agricultural producers reported solid sales, while demand was
mixed for providers of energy resources. Conditions in housing markets appeared to be largely
stable, but demand for commercial real estate continued to deteriorate. Contacts from financial
institutions reported mostly stable loan demand and further declines in credit quality.
Wages and Prices
Upward price pressures were quite limited during the reporting period. Commodity
prices in general were stable, although contacts noted increases for selected commodities such as
natural gas, aluminum, and zinc. Substantial discounting continued to hold down final prices for
a variety of retail items, and persistently weak demand further reduced the prices for various
services, notably lodging and professional services.
Upward wage pressures were largely absent, as compensation gains were held down by
high unemployment and limited hiring in most sectors and regions. The majority of contacts
expect that the pace of productivity improvements achieved in their respective industries over the
past year will continue in 2010; they therefore expect hiring to remain subdued for a prolonged
period, even if product demand improves.
Retail Trade and Services
Retail sales improved modestly but remained somewhat weak on net. Discount chains
and traditional department stores alike reported that holiday season sales were up slightly

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compared with 2008, although contacts in general cautioned that sales were still well below the
levels recorded in 2007 and prior years. Consumers continued to emphasize necessities and
lower-priced options for many types of consumer goods. However, further demand
improvements were noted for some nonessential and higher-priced items, including furniture and
household appliances. Sales of new automobiles remained very weak overall, although
improvements in demand were noted for larger vehicles such as SUVs. Sales of used
automobiles strengthened, reportedly spurred in part by price declines arising from increased
supplies of formerly leased or rented vehicles.
Demand for services continued to be weak overall. Sales slid further for providers of
professional services, notably advertising and accounting, and providers of real estate services
such as title insurance reported that activity was largely stable at low levels. By contrast,
providers of health-care services reported improved demand and increased patient volumes
during the reporting period. Travel and tourism activity in the District was mixed: contacts in
Southern California and Seattle noted that occupancy rates were down, while contacts in Hawaii
and Las Vegas pointed to further improvements in visitor volumes. Activity was especially
sluggish in the business travel segment of the market, which continued to place downward
pressure on airline passenger volumes and traffic.
District manufacturing activity was mixed but showed modest improvement on net
during the reporting period of December through the beginning of January. Manufacturers of
semiconductors reported further strengthening in demand, with rising sales and balanced
inventories noted. Makers of commercial aircraft and parts saw limited new orders, but an
existing order backlog combined with a decline in delivery deferrals kept production activity
largely stable at moderate levels. By contrast, production activity remained at extremely low
levels for metal fabricators, for whom demand has been very weak for an extended period.
Manufacturers of housing products such as windows and doors also reported that new orders

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remained very low, causing them to keep inventories unusually lean. Similarly, production
activity at petroleum refineries remained well below the five-year average as producers attempted
to reduce excess inventories.
Agriculture and Resource-related Industries
Demand for agricultural products was solid, with further sales gains noted, while
demand was mixed for extractors of natural resources used for energy production. Sales
expanded for assorted crops, and inputs remained readily available with generally stable prices
noted. The lower exchange value of the dollar caused overall demand and prices to rise for
selected commodities with extensive overseas markets, such as cotton. Oil extraction activity
remained at low levels as the price of oil slid a bit. By contrast, demand for natural gas rose in
response to the onset of cold winter weather in much of the District, prompting reactivation of
some dormant wells.
Real Estate and Construction
Demand for housing appeared to be largely stable, while demand for commercial real
estate eroded further. After accounting for normal seasonal variation, the pace of home sales was
mixed across areas but appeared little changed on net compared with the previous reporting
period; contacts noted that low mortgage interest rates helped to sustain sales in general.
However, an extensive supply of foreclosed properties in some areas caused inventories to remain
somewhat elevated, which in turn has restrained the pace of new home construction. Demand
weakened further for commercial real estate, with vacancy rates for office and industrial space
rising further in many parts of the District. However, one contact in the Pacific Northwest noted
that the market may be approaching a bottom, citing an increase in leasing activity in response to
favorable terms for tenants.
Financial Institutions
District banking contacts reported that loan demand was largely stable compared with the
prior reporting period, while credit quality declined further. Demand for commercial and

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industrial loans continued to be restrained by businesses’ uncertainty about the economic
environment and resulting caution in their capital spending plans. Demand for consumer loans
also was characterized as largely unchanged at low levels. Contacts reported additional loan
losses and continued tight standards for business and consumer lending. Further small
improvements in venture capital funding and IPO activity were noted.