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February 6 , 1979
Prefatory Note
This transcript has been produced from the original raw
transcript in the FOMC Secretariat's files. The Secretariat has
lightly edited the original to facilitate the reader's understanding.
Where one or more words were missed or garbled in the transcription,
the notation "unintelligible" has been inserted. In some instances,
words have been added in brackets to complete a speaker's thought or
to correct an obvious transcription error or misstatement.
Errors undoubtedly remain. The raw transcript was not fully
edited for accuracy at the time it was produced because it was
intended only as an aid to the Secretariat in preparing the record of
the Committee's policy actions. The edited transcript has not been
reviewed by present or past members of the Committee.
Aside from the editing to facilitate the reader's
understanding, the only deletions involve a very small amount of
confidential information regarding foreign central banks, businesses,
and persons that are identified or identifiable. Deleted passages are
indicated by gaps in the text. All information deleted in this manner
is exempt from disclosure under applicable provisions of the Freedom
of Information Act.

Staff Statements Aouended to the TranSCriDt
M r . Pardee, Deputy Manager for Foreign Operations
Mr. Sternlight, Deputy Manager for Domestic Operations
Messrs. Kichline, Zeisel, and Truman, Associate Economists
Mr. Axilrod, Economist
Mr. Axilrod, Economist
Mr. Holmes, Manager, System Open Market Account

M e e t i n g of F e d e r a l Open M a r k e t C o m m i t t e e
F e b r u a r y 6 , 1979

A m e e t i n g o f t h e F e d e r a l Open Market C o m m i t t e e was
h e l d i n t h e o f f i c e s o f t h e B o a r d o f G o v e r n o r s of t h e F e d e r a l

Reserve S y s t e m i n W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . , on T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 6 ,
1979, at 9:00 a.m


M r . M i l l e r , Chairman
M r . V o l c k e r , V i c e Chairman
M r . Baughman
M r . Coldwell
Mr. E a s t b u r n
M r . Partee
Mrs. T e e t e r s
M r . Wallich
M r . Willes
Mr. Mayo, A l t e r n a t e

Messrs. B a l l e s a n d B I a c k , A l t e r n a t e Members of
F e d e r a l Open M a r k e t Committee

Messrs. G u f f e y , M o r r i s , and Roos, ? r e s i d e n t s
of t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e Banks of K a n s a s
C i t y , B o s t o n , a n d St. L o u i s , r e s p e c t i v e l y

M r . Altmann, S e c r e t a r y
Mr. B e r n a r d , A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y
M r . Guy, D e p u t y General C o u n s e l
M r . Mannion, A s s i s t a n t General Counsel

Mr. A x i l r o d , E c o n o m i s t
Messrs. B u r n s , J . D a v i s , R . Davis, E t t i n ,
K e i r , K i c h l i n e , P a u l u s , Truman,
and Z e i s e l , Associate Economists
Xr. H o l m e s , M a n a g e r , S y s t e m Open Market

2 16 179

- 2 -

M r . S t e r n l i g h t , Deputy Manager for
Domestic O p e r a t i o n s
Mr. P a r d e e , Deputy Manager for F o r e i g n

M. Coyne, A s s i s t a n t t o t h e Board of
M r . K a l c h b r e n n e r , Associate D i r e c t o r ,
D i v i s i o n of R e s e a r c h and S t a t i s t i c s ,
Board of Governors
tdr. G e m m i l l , Associate D i r e c t o r ,
D i v i s i o n of I n t e r n a t i o n a l F i n a n c e ,
Board of Governors
Ms. F a r a r , E c o n o m i s t , Open Market
S e c r e t a r i a t , Board of Governors
Ms. B e l t o n , S e c r e t a r y , Open Market
S e c r e t a r i a t , Board of Governors

Messrs. Fossum and MacDonald, F i r s t Vice
P r e s i d e n t s , F e d e r a l Reserve Banks
of A t l a n t a and C l e v e l a n d , r e s p e c t i v e l y
Messrs. B a l b a c h , Boehne, B r a n d t , T .
Davis, Eisenmenger, Keran,
P a r t h e m o s , and S c h e l d , S e n i o r
Vice P r e s i d e n t s , F e d e r a l Reserve
Banks of S t . L o u i s , P h i l a d e l p h i a ,
K a n s a s C i t y , A t l a n t a , Boston,
San F r a n c i s c o , Richmond, and
Chicago, r e s p e c t i v e l y

M r . Meek, M o n e t a r y A d v i s e r , F e d e r a l
R e s e r v e Bank of N e w York

Transcript of Federal Open Market Committee Meeting of
February 6 , 1979
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to our historic meeting. It‘s not only earlier [in the month
than usual] but also involves for the first time the new HumphreyHawkins process. I assume that doesn’t mean much [will be different],
but it does mean, [since we cancelled our regularly scheduled meeting
in January], that we haven’t met as frequently. So if I forget your
names, it‘s because I haven’t seen you for so long! We do have a
couple of absentees because of our rescheduling. Willis Winn is not
able to be here, and I understand that Bob Mayo will be voting as his
alternate. Is that correct?


CHAIRMAN MILLER. Okay. And Mr. Kimbrel is not able to
attend. So from the Cleveland and Atlanta Federal Reserve Banks, we
have First Vice Presidents Walter MacDonald and Kyle Fossum here. I
think all the Reserve Banks are covered.
I have a very sad chore to face--it’s happened to me twice in
my short tour here, which is historic in my experience--and that is to
inform you that we have lost another of our close associates. I
wonder if we could take just a moment in memory of Tom O‘Connell.
[Pause] Thank you.
Our first order of business this morning is to deal with the
minutes of the last meeting, which was on December 19. They have been
circulated. Are there any corrections or additions? If not, we will
record them as approved. The next item on the agenda is the report on
foreign currency operations from Scott Pardee.
MR. PARDEE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you, Scott. Any questions


Mr. Chairman.


Yes, Ernie.

MR. BAUGHMAN. This may not be the appropriate place for this
question, but do you see anything [in] the international developments
that are affecting currency [flows] that would help explain what we
are seeing in the measures of the domestic monetary aggregates?
MR. PARDEE. I don’t think I am qualified to answer that, but
I don’t know of anything.
MR. HOLMES. I’m not sure anybody is, Scott. We have not
been able to draw any very close connection between the two, Ernie.
It may be there, but we have not been able to find it.

Yes, Dave.



MR. EASTBURN. Scott, what conditions would be necessary to
permit a decline in the funds rate without a serious impact on the
dollar? I presume that a decline at this time would have adverse
effects on the dollar.
MR. PARDEE. Yes, I think it would. Perhaps more time with a
sense of stability in the market and a less jittery atmosphere [would
help]. We had a very jittery atmosphere in January. The dollar has
shown more resilency over the weeks since January 1. It was able to
absorb the impact of the measures taken by the German monetary
authorities. S o it's a matter of [some additional] weeks of stability
in the market; and, of course, it would help to have some improved
fundamentals. Nevertheless, I was surprised myself that the market
weathered the German actions as well as it did.
MR. EASTBURN. Would it require obvious indications of a
weakening in our economy?
MR. HOLMES. Dave, there are a number of factors on the
fundamental side, including an improvement in the trade deficit,
perhaps a sign of real moderation in the economy and, of course, less
inflation, which nobody expects in the short run. All those things 1
think would take the onus off a decline in the funds rate.
MR. EASTBURN. I was trying to find out to what extent they
really want us to have a recession.
M R . PAFLDEE. The knee-jerk reaction at the moment in exchange
markets is to respond positively to any indication that the U.S.
economy is a little less buoyant. After the decline in the leading
indicators, there was some buying of dollars. So, any indication that
the economy is cooling off is seen as bullish for the dollar by some
market participants who are willing [to buy dollars] just after the
numbers come through.

MR. BLACK. Scott, suppose we only had continued weakness in
the aggregates and we edged the fed funds rate down. Do you think we
would still get the kind of reaction you are talking about?
MR. PARDEE. It depends on what else is going on in other
places. The same numbers can have a different effect if they come
through one day [versus another day].

CHAIRMAN MILLER. If it happens on the same day that there is
a large strike in the Baltimore Canyon, the answer is that it would
have no effect on the dollar.
MR. BLACK. But I was really asking, other things equal,
would the market think [weak money growth] was sufficient reason for
our lowering the federal funds rate?

MR. PARDEE. When the Germans tightened, they first had their
vice president give a speech that made everybody mad and had people
expecting a very sharp tightening of monetary policy. When they did
tighten, it was less [than expected1 and a lot of people had to
scramble to cover positions. So it depends on how it's done and what
the context is at the time.


-3 -



MR. ROOS. If whatever policy we adopted were publicly
[announced] by the Chairman or whomever as having certain specific
objectives, wouldn’t that help clear the air? In other words, do the
exchange markets have to function shrouded in mystery about all of
this? If we were to let the fed funds rate drift down, why couldn’t
we make clear to the world why we are doing that?
MR. PARDEE. It’s a question of credibility. We have gone
for so many months trying to establish credibility and it is a very,
very slender reed at this stage. As I said, the initial reaction to
the statements coming out of Washington was negative, or skeptical.
It was filtered through the various news services. Chairman Miller in
his speech to the Economics Club in New York managed to talk directly
to market participants and finally they [understood] what he has been
saying rather than having it filtered through the press. So if it’s
just a statement of what you are doing, that won’t satisfy people
unless you can really impress them.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Thank you, Scott. Our next step is to
ratify, if you are willing, the transactions since the previous
meeting. Is there any objection? Hearing none, we will approve those
transactions. Next we have the report on domestic open market
operations. Peter Sternlight.
MR. STERNLIGHT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Appendix. ]


CHAIRMAN MILLER. Diversity is the spice of life. [In some
respects] it’s too bad that it’s a good thing. Peter, I guess there
will be four times a year now when the period between meetings will be
a little different than in the past. Should we put your [intermeeting
leeway] authority on a per week or per month basis? Would that help
or would it add to the problem?
MR. STERNLIGHT. It depends so much on what one expects the
particular factors affecting reserves to do that I don‘t know whether
it would be logical to tie [that authority] merely to the length of
the intermeeting periods. Maybe we should undertake some further
study of it and, if it seems appropriate, come back with a
recommendation for a possible increase in that standard leeway.

All right.

Questions or comments?


MR. COLDWELL. Mr. Chairman, I think we ought to keep the
[intermeeting leeway] at $5 billion if there is a substantial
possibility that--


It‘s $3 billion, not--


$ 3 billion is the standard.

MR. COLDWELL. I know. I‘m saying that we ought to keep it
at the $5 billion [we authorized for this past intermeeting period1
because I think there is a possibility that we may get a very sharp
movement in float, especially if the weather happens to clear up, and
the Desk will need to do some rather sizable offsetting purchases.



And, anyway, this is a 6-week intermeeting period.
we keep it at $5 billion.

So I would suggest

MR. PARTEE. I think that's a good idea. I really don't know
what great 1-elevance it has, and we certainly can raise it easily
enough, but I think Phil's right. It's a 6-week interval and there is
a lot of churning in the market. We don't know what the weather is
going to be. Why not make it $5 billion?
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, we had [increased it to $5 billion
and then raised it $1 billion more, which] put it at S 6 billion. So,
when you say "keep it," YOU really mean "set it" at $5 billion.

Set it at $5 billion.

MR. PARTEE. You remember we had it at $5 billion and then we
raised it.
M R . COLDWELL. We raised it another $1 billion.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Any other comments or questions? Shall we
authorize $5 billion between now and the next meeting? Will that be

So moved.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. So moved and seconded. All in favor say
"Aye." Opposed? So voted. We also need to ratify the transactions
since the previous meeting. Is there any dissent from approving those
actions as reported to you in the usual [written] report plus the
verbal report? Hearing none, we will approve that. Thank you very
much, Peter.
Now we turn to the longer-run ranges for the monetary
aggregates. A number of presidents and governors mentioned after the
last meeting that they liked the experiment we tried of combining the
discussion of one's viewpoint on the economy with its policy
implications. As I said at the time, if that turned out to be
something that people felt was a more useful way to [approach our
policy deliberations], we would continue it. We may have to modify it
at this meeting because we're dealing with both long- and short-range
issues, but I'll take into account the general reaction I got to our
effort to lean in that direction and see if we can continue that sort
of [approach]. To get into the subject this morning of our long-run
ranges for the monetary aggregates, we're going to start off with some
reports from Jim Kichline, Jerry Zeisel, and Ted Truman. Jim.


CHAIRMAN MILLER. I suggest that we take a few minutes to see
if there are any questions of Jim or [his colleagues]. Yes, Larry.
MR. ROOS. I have a question. Jim, on the last page of the
monetary policy alternatives section, where you show projected growth
in Ml of 6-114 percent, the footnote indicates that that is in the
absence of ATS accounts. In other words, if you included ATS
accounts, that 6-114 percent would be considerably higher?



M R . KICHLINE. I'm sorry, the footnote perhaps is misleading
It would be something like 3 percent growth in observed M1.


In other words, it's really adjusted.

MR. KICHLINE. That's right.
MR. ROOS. Okay.
MR. MAYO. Jerry, 1 find myself quite comfortable with almost
every page of this fine presentation except the unit cost indicators.
I'm just wondering if you're whistling [in the dark] a bit both on
compensation per hour and on productivity. On the trend in
productivity, I suppose there's a natural inclination to say: Well,
we really don't understand It, so let's level it out. Yet there's
also a natural tendency, if things continue tight this year, as
projected in other parts of this forecast, for output per hour to
decline further. And, of course, if both compensation and
productivity should move in the wrong direction, unit labor costs are
going to look rather sick.
MR. ZEISEL. You're absolutely right. And, of course, this
is one of those areas, among others, about which we know relatively
little. We know almost nothing about this, particularly recently. We
have an assumption of a 1 percent rate of increase [in productivity];
our feeling is that under the pressures of rapidly rising wages,
businessmen will be doing what they can to keep their costs under
control. In fact, we're in a sense building in a slight adjustment of
employment-to-production levels. We feel that this has gotten out of
hand to some extent over the last year, and [that efforts will be
directed toward] somewhat more effective control of the size of the
labor force and labor costs in 1979 and 1980. But, as you know, it's
not a terribly optimistic forecast at 1 percent for growth of
MR. MAYO. I find it optimistic. That's my problem, I guess.
I hope you're right, but I don't believe it at this point.


John Balles.

MR. BALLES. Jim or Jerry, in an otherwise exceptionally well
done presentation, I was startled by only one thing and that was your
figures with respect to the impact of fiscal policy. You have a chart
that shows the full employment surplus for this fiscal year at $8.7
billion, which is a startling contrast to the Administration's high
employment deficit figure of $23 billion. In fiscal 1980, the
Administration's so-called high employment deficit, based on a 5.1
percent high employment unemployment rate, is $ 8 billion and you show
a [full employment] surplus of $23 billion. Your expenditure and
income figures are moderately different but not enough to account for
that vast difference. I'd like you to explain that if you will.
MR. ZEISEL. All right. There are differences between our
estimates of the change in the high employment surplus/deficit and
those of the Council [of Economic Advisers]. These are not
projections of levels; we specifically did not project levels because



there is a pretty universal sense that one can get almost any level
one likes depending upon the assumptions used. And, in economic terns
or analytic terms, a change in the full employment surplus or deficit
is more significant. But even taking that into consideration, for
1979 the numbers from the Council suggest a somewhat more stimulative
situation than we have [in our forecast]. We have looked into this
very carefully and have talked to them in great detail. Part of the
answer is that we have higher inflation assumptions than they do, but
that's only part of it. The rest is apparently a rather technical
problem involving the fourth quarter of 1978 and the first quarter of
1979 in the sense that they got locked into a fourth-quarter estimate
of GNP which turned out to be weak, as you will recall. They were
assuming something like 4 percent, and we got 6 percent. They had
built up their high employment levels from that and then brought them
down. I won't go into the details, but basically we feel we're right
for 1979. We're trying to work it out. For 1980, we're really not
very far off; the change is in the same direction and the differences
are not major.
MR. BALLES. Well thanks, Jerry. If you happen to have an
explanatory memo on the technical details--we don't have time to go
into it now--1, for one, would be very pleased to see it.

I have three.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Which one do you want?
MR. BALLES. It really does have a bearing [on our decisions]
because if fiscal policy is going to be on the restrictive side--and
you may well be right, I'm not challenging you--that obviously has
some implications for what we can do on the monetary policy side. So
I'm going to be very interested in seeing how you got these different

M R . PARTEE. When you say '"change,"
Jerry. you mean that
there's an improvement in each year from 1976 through 1980. You're
just bringing them up.

MR. ZEISEL. There's a movement toward [restraint] in each
year by differing amounts.


I see. Well, I hadn't quite noticed that


From stimulus to restraint, yes. Mark

MR. WILLES. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'd just like to ask
one question about the monetary policy assumption. Up until the
fourth quarter of 1978, money grew on average about 8 percent. You
have an assumption of 6-1/4 percent, adjusting for ATS. Does that
also include any adjustment for the 2 percent shift in the demand for
M R . KICHLINE. Yes, it does. It's consistent with the
Bluebook; in effect, you add 2 percent to the 6-1/4 percent. A s you
know, in the fourth quarter--and apparently in the current quarter,
the way things are shaping up--the money demand function has begun to



differ from actual experience. We're picking up some of the drift
that Steve Axilrod had assumed a year ago. It didn't show up for 3
quarters, but we held on to that assumption and it eventually showed
up. So we do add 2 percent to the 6-1/4 percent.
MR. AXILROD. It's not quite believeable, but we did assume 6
months ago, even 9 months ago, that we would begin to get this drift
around the fourth quarter of 1978. It has begun to develop; whether
it will continue or not we can't be certain, but we had assumed it and
we have continued to assume it.
MR. WILLES. When you say add 2 percent, what I'm trying to
figure out is what measured M1 growth will be consistent with this.
We can take 3 percent off for ATS?
for NOWS?

Right, about 3-1/4 percent.

That's all.

That's all. Now, what about the shift in demand

MR. AXILROD. Well, if we don't get that 2 percent shift,
then at the level of interest rates assumed the actual growth will
turn out to be 5-1/4 percent if we're right about the ATS [effect].
MR. KICHLINE. Another way of viewing it, in terms of what
you're suggesting, is that the observed 3-1/4 percent rate of growth
in money in pre-1974 days has the power of 5-1/4 percent money because
of the effect of [the shift].
MR. PARTEE. That's how they get rates as low as they did.
If we didn't have that shift in demand for money, interest rates would
be higher.
MR. WILLES. And another way of saying it is that if measured
money adjusting for ATS is 6-1/4 percent, without the shift it's
really 8-1/4 percent.
MR. AXILROD. For this level of interest rates, if we don't
get the shift we'd have 8-1/4 percent.
MR. WILLES. For this level of interest rates--which in
effect means if that shift takes place, then there'd be no change in
monetary policy in terms of M 1 from the past two years on your
assumption for the forecast period. Right? If that shift takes
place, then you're not assuming any additional restriction in monetary
policy from what we have had over the last two years.


That's right.

MR. AXILROD. I think that's correct. The only caveat that I
would note is that this isn't a new assumption. We have essentially
been assuming that this shift would take place at this time.

It wasn't taking place last year.
That's right.
And we got 8 percent growth.




That's right.

MR. WILLES. If we get 6 percent growth plus the 2 percent,
then we're essentially where we were in '78 and most of '77.
SPEAKER(?). That's right.
MR. WILLES. All right, thank you.
MR. MAYO. Except that we're substituting some velocity for
some money supply.


That's right.

MR. COLDWELL. That's what we've been doing.

So the published figures are going to come out--


3 percent.

MR. MAYO. Yes, that's right. In other words, we're sticking
our necks out a little on some velocity estimates. We need to pay a
little more attention to them this time, if we read the Bluebook
literally, than we have before.

MR. AXILROD. That's one way of putting it.
side of the demand for money.

It's the other

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Let us proceed then to ask Steve Axilrod to
give his comments and recommendations on the longer-run ranges. Then
we'll go around and have each of you give us your input on how you see
the economy and the policy implications in tenns of how you see the
long-run ranges.

[Statement--see Appendix.]


[What about] bank credit, Steve?

M R . AXILROD. Well, I think I would stay with the alternative
B range, which is 1 percentage point lower than what we now have; that
would seem to me quite consistent with the slowing in growth.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. I would just like to remind everyone--as
you know since we've talked about the Humphrey-Hawkins legislation and
Steve mentioned this--that what we're really talking about involves
one important difference in setting long-term ranges. And that is
that we will not in this calendar year have new ranges based upon new
base periods. we are now going to operate for the whole year on a
fourth quarter-to-fourth quarter basis. So these ranges will not have
the famous Henry Wallich base drift that has allowed us to go with the
times. We will have [the opportunity for] a mid-course correction; in
July we're supposed to report on any changes we think appropriate for
the ranges for this year. That does not mean updating the base to the
second quarter or [adopting a range] for the third quarter of '79 to
the third quarter of '80. It means relooking at the ranges set for
the fourth quarter of '78 to the fourth quarter of '79. And we'll be
asked to give at that time the first indications of our policy



objectives for the calendar year 1 9 8 0 .

So that's an important

Specifically, in our report, which the Board of Governors
will file in time for us to testify on the 20th of February, we'll
need to report on "the objectives and plans of the FOMC with respect
to the ranges of growth or diminution in the monetary and credit
aggregates for this calendar year, taking account of past and
prospective developments in employment, unemployment, production,
investment, real income, productivity, international trade and
payments, and prices." We also need to provide the relationship of
these objectives to the short-term goals set forth in the President's
Economic Report. So this is what we're going to be doing.
what I think might be most helpful, having had Steve's
recommendation, is to go around the table and have each of you make
any comments you wish about the economic outlook and your views on how
that should be translated into these ranges. Then we'll be able to
see if we can synthesize some decision from that. I think last time
we started in this direction [around the table] so this time why don't
we start the other way.

May I ask a question?



MR. ROOS. Excuse me. Obviously, we're all very much
interested in the recent behavior of the aggregates, and I was very
much impressed with Steve's eloquence in describing what he considers
to be some of the reasons for that behavior. But I don't have the
intellectual capacity, Steve, to absorb all this as you say it. Would
it be proper procedure to ask Steve to send me at least, and anybody
else who wants it, the first part of your report in writing? [I would
like to see in writing] your rationalization for why this behavior is
occurring because it would be helpful to us.

Too bad we didn't have a tape recorder on.

[Unintelligible] if that's how it works.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Actually, I think we did have the tape
recorder on. Certainly we can have it transcribed and sent to you.
That's no problem at all.



CHAIRMAN MILLER. I forgot that there's no green light [in
front of me, as there is at Board meetings, to indicate that the tape
recorder is on]. But we have the recorder on without a green light at
the FOMC meetings. So, we'll start with Paul.
VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, so far as the economy is
concerned, I have been interested in whether the higher numbers of the
fourth quarter are being carried over into a mood of more business
buoyancy than we have had in recent months. I have contacted [several
people in] the business community recently and they suggest that that
is the case. I don't know whether that's just a lagging indicator or
whether it's significant. One has the feeling that, without doing



anything very dramatic, people may be reaffirming their capital
spending intentions anyway and that there's a little less certainty in
people's minds that we're going to have a recession. I continue to
feel that we could have a recession, but it's by no means certain. I
wouldn't rule one out, by any means, in the second half of the year.
But in terms of the recession outlook itself, I think the number one
problem continues to be the concern about the price level. The
greatest risk to the economy, as well as [to actual] inflation, is
people having the feeling that prices are getting out of control. I
think the tenor of our policy should still be in the direction of
reinforcing and building on the degree of credibility that has been
gained in recent months, both in the Administration and in the Federal
Reserve. That should be our first priority. I don't think we can do
much about the uncertainty on the business side by a gesture toward
easing policy at this point; I think that would be a mistake. It
would probably increase the risks of recession.
When I l o o k at these long-term ranges, let me say that there
is one influence on the aggregates recently that hasn't been mentioned
and that people at my Bank think might be quite important. And that
is the increase in Federal Reserve float; it has been quite sharp and
unprecedented. Whether it has had an influence or not depends upon
how corporations in particular look upon their bank balances and
whether they're operating in effect off their own check book or off
the amount of money the bank tells them they have in the bank. If it
is the latter--and I'm sure that's true of a lot of corporations--the
increase in float has the perverse effect of pushing down the reported
money supply in a way that isn't real.
MR. PARTEE. Well, the recipient of the check has less,
according to the bank.

VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The recipient couldn't have less. He
has the same as he would otherwise have. He cashes the check but-MR. COLDWELL.

But the Federal Reserve--

more and he spends the money.

The fellow who writes the check has

MR. COLDWELL. The Federal Reserve grants the credit.
funds not received.

That's assuming that the bank gives credit for


They do that.

They certainly don't give me credit!


But they do to big corporations.

MR. AXILROD. President Volcker, we've looked into that with
your staff. There may be a lot of biases in the money supply. To get
a measured bias from what you're talking about, it appears that it has
to be transferred between two zero balance corporate accounts. So we
don't believe the effect would be very large.



VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, my staff pretty well convinced
me that it goes in this direction. Nobody knows, but the change in
float has been so big that I think it might have had an [effect].
We'll see when float goes down what it is.
aren't we?

I assume we're going to get float down,

this explanation is right.

Then we'll have the reverse effect if

MR. PARTEE. I hope you're right because it certainly would
help to explain January if you are right.
VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. In any event, this makes it
particularly difficult. We've had this big increase in money market
funds along the lines of a change in appraisals of cash balances
versus other media. But, in looking at numbers for the long-term
aggregates, I come up with ranges for M2 and M3 about like those in
alternative A, but the M1 range in "A" looks too high to me. Just
adding the 3 percent for ATS produces an upper limit that seems much
too high to me. I would suggest something like 1 to 4 percent for M1.
So, these numbers that I'm suggesting are about 1 percentage point
lower than what Mr. Axilrod just suggested.


It sounds like alternative B.

VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, it's more like "B" for M1, but
I would go along with " A " for M2 and M3.

Thank you, Paul.


MR. PARTEE. Well, we're going to have to address a number of
issues and make a number of linkages to get to these long-range
aggregates. The first is the question of the correctness of the
staff's economic projection. I can't say that I see anything much
wrong with it except that I was reminded of Governor Shepardson's
comment one time many years ago after a chart show like this. There
is a tendency, which I noticed throughout your charts, for the dotted
lines on the right hand side of the charts, [representing your
projection], to be a lot more stable than the solid lines on the left
side [depicting actual data for the past]. And I wonder why that is!
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, I think the staff can guarantee that
their dotted lines will not be achieved.
MR. PARTEE. In a way, that's the problem here. Because
although I understand why the dotted lines are fairly straight, the
line for the rate of growth in the real economy is straight at an
extraordinarily low level. That is, for 6 quarters running the line
shows an increase in real GNP of around 1-1/2 percent.


Plus or minus 3 percent.

MR. PARTEE. And the staff has 6 quarters of industrial
production increases of 1-1/2 percent or thereabouts. Similarly, for
consumption and investment and business inventories, the [growth] rate
numbers are all very stable and really quite moderate. The question I



suppose a business cycle economist would have to ask is whether we can
have 6 quarters of such low growth without something happening--either
[the economy1 tipping into recession because of a lack of momentum or
something coming, say, from the international area in military
preparedness [spending] or something like that which would in some way
speed up the [expansion] process. I have to say that I’m inclined to
think that we’ll tip into recession during this period. But even if
we do [not] tip into recession, there is a second problem as I see it.
And that is that if the staff forecast is correct--and I still think
it’s on the optimistic side rather than the pessimistic side from the
standpoint of real activity--it is below the Administration’s goals,
particularly for 1 9 8 0 , and we do have to associate what we’re doing
with the short-run goals of the Administration. I looked it up,
Nancy, and it is clearly two years.

TEETERS. At this time?

MR. PARTEE. Yes, at this time we have to say what the
relationship of our policy for the next year is to the 2-year shortrun goals [of the Administration].



MR. PARTEE. No. It’s clear if you read the language of the
Act, as I did yesterday afternoon.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, Chuck, I think that’s another issue.
I have the language right here and we are to give our objectives o l l
for 1 9 7 9 .

PARTEE. We are to give our monetary objectives--

CHAIRMAN MILLER. And we’re to say what the relationship is
to the [Administration‘s] short-term goals--the relationship for 1 9 8 0
would be my guess.
MR. PARTEE. But you see, maybe this [requirement] was
somewhat deliberate on the presumption that monetary policy has a
leading effect on the economy. If you look at this [forecast], you
see that although we‘re not far [from the Administration] for 1 9 7 9 on
the real and the nominal, in 1980 we depart quite a bit further. And
the reason for that is that in the second half of 1 9 7 9 when the
Administration goal shows a recovery in housing we don‘t have one.
It’s one of the biggest single differences. Therefore, I’m inclined
to think that unless policy does something on the real side, we‘re
going to run short of the stated goals of the Administration. Now, it
could be argued--and perhaps this is the best thing to do--that we‘re
also going to miss their goals on the inflation side because it
certainly seems improbable that the rate of inflation will decline to
the extent that they have in their projections. But one of the
developments that takes place when we’re talking as we are about such
a very low rate of increase in the economy is a rise in the
unemployment rate. And that gets the unemployment rate to a fairly
significant level--over 7 percent in the staff projection--by the end
of the forecast period. In my view it will get to 7 percent by the
end of this year, not next year. I think the economy is that much
weaker. S o we do have that problem.



Now, with ATS and velocity and shifts in the demand schedule
and all that, we can probably assert that almost anything we put down
is consistent with the objectives of Humphrey-Hawkins and indeed it
may be because the range of variation and experience on, say, the
demand schedule alone is larger than the kinds of variations that we
talk about in the growth of the aggregates. But we do have this
additional problem, as You said in the beginning, Mr.Chairman, that
we’re going to have to stick with these ranges throughout the year.
And, therefore, they will become a little more binding than before. I
think 2 to 5 percent or even 2 to 4-112 percent on M1 is okay, but we
ought to say we’re assuming that ATS and NOW accounts will continue to
come in at something like their recent rate, which has had an effect
of about 3 percentage points on the observed growth rate in M1. Then,
if that changes, which in my opinion it might well do, we will be able
to say it has changed and therefore the recorded numbers have changed.
But on M2 and M3, I‘m inclined to want somewhat higher growth ranges
than might otherwise be indicated by the present situation because I
think it will be very difficult to say we‘re going to have
substantially lower growth in M2 and M3 as well as M1 in this period
to come. So I would take the risk of having a wider range, even
though it might result in some criticism from the Congress. I would
pick the numbers that Steve last mentioned--5-1/2 to 8-112 percent for
M2, believing myself that it’s more likely to be 5-112 than 8-112, and
6-112 to 9-112 percent for M3, believing that it’s likely to be 6-112.
And, as I say, I’d choose 2 to 4-112 percent or something on that
order for M1. I think we stand a fair chance of being able to live
within those ranges as the year goes on.

Thank you, Chuck. Nancy.

MS. TEETERS. Well, I have the same problem with the staff
forecast. The economy is either going to recover or we‘re going to
have a recession. I think the probabilities are on the side of a
recession, but I don’t see it occurring until the end of this year and
the early part of next year. Part of the reason that we deviate from
the Administration’s forecast for 1980 has to do with the statement in
the very opening paragraphs [of Part 1 of the Greenbook] where it says
“and we assume that interest rates will not be changed over the
forecast period.” I know that the Administration has forecast, for
the first time on record, a decline in interest rates over the coming
two years. So in a way they’ve really put the monkey on our backs.
If we relax interest rates we get better results; we get closer to the
Administration‘s projections though we don’t make it completely.
There’s no combination that we’ve looked at that resulted in a
complete reconciliation of the inflation and unemployment goals of the
Administration. On the other hand, it seems to me that the
unemployment rates [in the staff’s forecast] are going to be
politically unacceptable. If we force them up, the Congress will
force upon us an extremely [expansionary] fiscal policy, which I
really don’t think we need at this point.

As a result, I guess I’m more willing to ease a little on
interest rates and let the money supply grow. If you look at Appendix
I of the Bluebook, the funds rate associated with alternative B rises
from the current 10 percent to 10-314 percent; in alternative [C] it
goes from the current 10 percent to 11-3/8 percent. I don’t think we
need that. In the current situation, with the continuing strength
that’s carrying forward in the beginning part of this year, I don‘t



think we need rising interest rates. On the other hand, I‘m not at
all convinced that we should lower interest rates. So, I would go for
a policy that would keep the funds rate at about 10 percent, knowing
that in [July]. when the FOMC meets again on Humphrey-Hawkins, we can
change the ranges. We can’t change the base, but we can change the
ranges in the middle of the year. And we‘ll have a lot better idea
about where we‘re going by midyear. That is always true; the world is
always clearer six months down the line. So I would opt for 2 to 5
percent for M1, 6 to 8-1/2 or maybe 5-1/2 to 8-1/2 percent for M2, and
7 to 9-1/2 or 6-1/2 to 9-1/2 percent for M3, with the idea that we
will keep the federal funds rate at or slightly below 10 percent.

Thank you, Nancy.


MR. BLACK. Our assessment of the economy pretty much
parallels what I think Paul Volcker was saying. We come out with
about the same growth in real GNP as the Board staff but we feel that
the inflation rate is going to be above the staff’s estimate. We
expect the rate for the full year to run somewhere around 8-1/2 to 9
percent. So far as the economy for the year is concerned, I have a
lot of sympathy with the views expressed by both Chuck and Nancy. I
can’t view with equanimity even the lower inflation rate that is
forecast by the staff because with that kind of rate it seems to me
that the economy is bound to develop excesses either domestically or
internationally that might well tip it downward. But for the time
being I come back to Paul’s original statement that inflation is the
main problem at the moment. So we would advocate the same policy that
we‘ve been suggesting for the last several meetings of a gradual
deceleration in the rate of growth in the aggregates. We have couched
this more in terms of M1 and would suggest edging the growth of M1
down in the four quarters ending in each quarter of the year. And for
the fourth quarter of last year we had hoped M1 growth would be down
to 7 - l / 2 percent before adjusting for ATS accounts and about 7.2
percent after. As luck would have it, we ended up almost exactly at
that point.

Good planning!

MR. BLACK. Well, an accident really. But we would now
suggest that for the fourth quarter of ‘78 to the fourth quarter of
‘ 7 9 , we ought to be thinking in terms of 6 percent [Ml growth1 before
ATS. Of course, the question of what we really want depends on the
estimate of what ATS accounts will do. We think the staff is about
right with its estimate of a 3 to 3-1/2 percent [effect on that
growth] rate, so we would favor about a 3 percent midpoint [in the
range] for growth in Ml. This leads us to favor the range under
alternative B of 1-1/2 to 4-1/2 percent. We have a lot more trouble
with M2 because there is so much uncertainty surrounding it, as has
been mentioned by several people. The growth in money market funds
may be the main factor at work here, but we have [uncertainties
regarding] unit trust accounts, C D s , Eurodollars, money market C D s
[at] S&Ls, and Treasury bills. All these things make this very
difficult to figure out. But we think M2 clearly ought to come down
and we can’t think of anything better than what the staff has put
down, so we would buy the 4-1/2 to 7-1/2 percent M2 range in “B.” We
would also buy the staff’s “B“ ranges on M3 and bank credit.


Thank you, Bob.




MR. MACDONALD. Following in Bob's vein, let me say that
business activity is relatively strong in our District. Many
businessmen, however, are apprehensive about [the economy] later in
the year. People are especially concerned about the consumer being
over-extended in the housing market. The strengths in our District
include steel and machine tools, but inflation continues to be the
overriding source of concern for everybody from the consumer to the
manufacturer. Among the unknowns are energy, the Iranian situation,
and wage settlements coming up this year. For these reasons I would
not suggest easing policy; I'd wait until we can better judge the
economy and the slowdown in the Ms. I agree with President Volcker on
a 1 to 4 percent M1 range and a 4 to I percent M2 range, and [then]
following alternative B in the Bluebook.

Thank you, Walter.


MR. EASTBURN. Well, Chuck has expressed my views about the
projections--the lowness and the smoothness of the dotted lines--very
well and I won't repeat that. I would say, however, that the often
[repeated] statement that we have no imbalances in the economy
overlooks the fact that we have an 8 to 10 percent inflation rate, and
I think that's a severe imbalance. I suspect we'll have a recession
toward the end of the year.
A s far as the long-run ranges are concerned, I think we need
to give evidence that we are proceeding on a course of systematically
cutting back our ranges to deal with inflation over a longer-term
period, yet not cutting them back so drastically as to precipitate a
recession. That's because I think that a recession could be in the
long run the most inflationary thing we could do. I have no strong
feelings about the specific numbers that have been cited. But I like
Steve's alternate suggestion on M2 and M3 much better than alternative
B. Because there is such great uncertainty about what's really going
on and what's going to happen to the demand for money, I'd be inclined
to be on the upper side. One way to handle this would be simply to
knock 112 percentage point off our current ranges as an indication of
proceeding on a systematic course of getting [the ranges down]. That
would come close to what Steve has suggested with the expection of M1,
which would then be 1-112 to 5-1/2 percent. I think that might be a
good middle position.


Thank you, Dave.


MR. FOSSUM. We certainly see no signs of impending recession
in the Sixth District, and this view is supported by almost all of our
directors at our head office and branches who seem by and large to
feel that their own areas of business are apt to fare better than the
national economy. This attitude is particularly prevalent in Florida
which, unlike the situation in '73 and ' 7 4 . has seen little or no
speculation or overbuilding. I would add our voice to Bob Mayo's,
however, in that our projections on the economic outlook are somewhat
less optimistic than the Greenbook's. We expect real growth more in
the 1 to 1-1/2 percent range and we think 6-1/2 to 6-3/4 percent on
unemployment seems more likely. But our chief disagreement would be
on the inflation outlook where we see it somewhat worse than the
Board's staff; we estimate that it will probably be in the 8-112 to 9
percent range.



As for the long-term ranges, for M1 we would be inclined to
go with the 1 to 4 percent that Paul Volcker and others have
suggested. But we'd be inclined to support the ranges in alternative
C for the other aggregates; those somewhat higher ranges I think would
be consistent with our appraisal of the outlook.

Alternative C for M2 and M3?

Yes, for M2, M3, and bank credit.


Thank you, Kyle.


MR. ROOS. Mr. Chairman, we just concluded a series of
meetings with the chief executive officers of major industrial
companies in our area and, as many others have said, we saw
practically no evidence of anything but a strong economy. They were
almost unanimous in that point of view. However, while the economy is
strong, at least in our part of the world, we do have some concern
about the abruptness and extent of the decline in the basic money
supply over the past three months. Our concern arises from a belief
that if the money supply were to be reduced abruptly for several
quarters from an 8 percent rate to a 4 percent rate or less--those
rates being for the old M1--we would indeed have a recession. We also
feel, of course, that through monetary policy we are capable of
guiding the extent of the decline in the money supply. The recent
decline could be attributed to what Peter pointed out, that we have
been sellers of a significant amount of dollars--$5 billion plus--out
of our portfolio as a means, I would assume, of pegging our fed funds
rate at a rate of 10 percent or slightly above. What I am driving at
is that, although the jury is still out, I think we should very
carefully watch these money trends in the next two to three months. I
really am more concerned right now with the fact that if we set the
lower level for the M1 range at something like 1 percent and add 3
percentage points to it [for the ATS effect], in round figures we
could be reducing the rate of money growth rather quickly from 8
percent to 4 percent. And I think that could precipitate the type of
recession that all of us would like to avoid.
So specifically, I would suggest a narrowing of the M1 range
to perhaps 2-112 to 4 percent. I would very strongly urge that we
permit the fed funds rate to drift down, if necessary, in order to
attain the growth in the aggregates that we prescribe. To do that I
would welcome, and in fact would recommend, a widening of the fed
funds rate range. I wouldn't even be concerned--although you will
probably feel this is a radical point of view--about a fed funds
target of something like 9 to 10-1/2 percent and a narrowing of our
attention to the aggregates, with specific concern on the lower parts
of the ranges for those aggregates. As far as M2 and M3 are
concerned, I could live with the alternative A specifications proposed
by the staff.

table to Roger.

Thank you, Larry.

We'll hop across the

MR. GUFFEY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. With respect to 1919,
we agree rather closely with the staff's projections, except that we
think the first quarter may not be quite as strong as suggested by the
staff. But f o r the year as a whole we are fairly close--perhaps a bit



more pessimistic but in a range that probably doesn't make much

In meetings with businessmen and others in our part of the
country, the sentiment is fairly strong that we will escape a
recession in 1979--that these straight lines projected by the dots
might really come true. Philosophically they believe that there is a
little better chance that that will be the case [than not].
With regard to the aggregates, I noticed that Steve mentioned
the possibility of some political problem with widening the ranges
from what he put into the Bluebook. But he ended up with a range of 3
percentage points range rather than 4; he went from a range of [2 to
61 percent to a range of 2 to 5 percent. But there are a lot of
uncertainties about M1 specifically that have been mentioned around
the table. One, for example, is the shift in demand for money; that
might amount to 2 percent. Another relates to the effect of ATS
accounts, about which we know very little--we are 3 months into this-and the projection is that it could be as much as 3 percent. Given
these uncertainties, it seems to me that even under the new HumphreyHawkins bill there would be some advantage to having an M1 range a bit
wider than 3 percentage points; perhaps we should maintain the 4
percentage point width that we went with in October because of
uncertainty. So, I would like to see the width of the M1 range at 4
percentage points, with a range of 1 to 5 percent. Hopefully, as we
get more experience with ATS accounts we can narrow it a bit. But I
don't see that there will be a great deal of criticism in maintaining
that 4 percentage point span for M1. With respect to M2 and M3, I
would agree with those around the table who would like to see the
numbers increased a bit from those in alternative B of the Bluebook,
again because of various uncertainties. A s a result, I'd have an M2
range of 5 to 8 percent, which again is a 3-point band, and an M3
range of 6 to 9 percent.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Thank you, Roger. My list says "Boy" Mayo,
but I think it's supposed to be Bob.
MR. MAYO. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. As one of the elder
people around the table, I do indeed thank you!
First, my answer to Chuck on the Shepardson phenomenon is
that this merely indicates again that people on the staff are more
comfortable with actuals than they are with estimates, and my solution
is to make the solid lines straighter instead of putting more jiggles
in the dotted lines.

A little seasonal adjusting.

MR. MAYO. Right. I find that this phenomenon is typical of
a lot of businessmen, too. That is, they say: Well, we might have a
recession, but I don't see it in my business; I'm not going to have
one. And by gum you can go back to 1973 and 1974 and they were saying
exactly the same thing. So they have a dotted line problem as well;
it isn't just us economists.

I have one question and one observation before we get to the
figures. The question, Steve, relates to the assumption of a 3
percentage point adjustment f o r ATS accounts--and I assume New York



NOWs--throughout 1979. What is your feel on this? I would have come
to the conclusion independently, without doing any real work on it,
that this would be a declining percentage during 1979 and that by the
end of the year it might only be 1 or 1-1/2 percent. But I don’t know
what I am talking about; it’s just a feel.
MR. AXILROD. We have it declining in 1980. At the end of
1979 ATS accounts in total are, on our assumption, around [$26]
billion. If half of that comes out of demand deposits that’s about
$13 billion. The total amount of deposits that are eligible about
that time is $100 billion. So it’s fairly modest if you look at it
that way. It‘s a little more than 12 percent of the total that can be
transferred. So I don’t feel too bad about it as an estimate. In
part, the reason I recommended 2 to 5 percent as a possibility to
consider is that my instinct is a bit like yours. It may be wrong,
but my instinct is that in the 3 to 3-1/2 percent area it’s more
likely to be 3 percent or a perhaps shade under.
MR. MAYO. That’s all it could be at this time, that‘s true.
My other point is an observation on the President‘s Economic Report.
It’s terribly obvious, at least to me, that the Council was trying
very hard to come up with figures that somehow will tie in with the
Humphrey-Hawkins goals down the line and has concluded that it is
impossible. This is more evident, obviously, in ’81 and ’82 than it
is in their look at ‘79 and ‘80. But to me that explains why we are a
little more pessimistic.
MR. PARTEE. I think, Bob, that ‘79 and ‘80 are legitimate
projections and the next three years are nothing but a straight line

M R . MAYO. Well, that’s true. But even in ‘80 I think one of
the main reasons we are more pessimistic than the Council relates to
their attempt to have a dotted line again.


They’re aware that it’s an election year also.

I have heard about that, yes! My second
observation on the Council report, which hasn’t been mentioned here,
is that there is a [notable] lack of discussion in the report of the
whole capital investment problem, and investment is one of the items
in Humphrey-Hawkins that gets a pretty high priority as I read the
Act. I sympathize with the Council‘s inability to figure out what can
be done to achieve a proper level of investment and productivity, but
they really haven’t come up with anything.

To turn to the issue of the moment, I have no real objections
to Steve’s prescription for M1 of a 2 to 5 percent range. I
originally thought we could perhaps get away with 2 to 4 percent, but
I think narrowing the range by 1 percentage point is about all the
discipline we should enforce on ourselves with the lesser flexibility
in our goal-setting procedure than has been the case under the joint
resolution. So, 2 to 5 percent is all right with me. I feel a little
differently than Steve does, though, on M2 and M3. I think once we
deviate from the range we might just as well not be timid about it.
I’d deviate a little more and not just by 1/2 percentage point as he
suggested. So, I would go to 5 to 8 percent on M2 and 6 to 9 percent
on M3. The importance of the analysis in the eyes of the public, in



the eyes of the market, and in the eyes of the Congressmen is perhaps
a 10 to 1 on emphasis on M1; that's the critical measure. They will
accept our reasoning more logically on M2 and M3 if indeed [the
ranges] do turn out that [way]; some would criticize us for, in
effect, undermining the housing market and so forth by goals that were
too low on M2 or M3.

Thank you, Bob.


MR. WILLES. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I won't quibble with
the staff's forecast. I would simply point out that we think they have
done an incredibly good job on a horrendously difficult task. In
terms of the probabilities, there is the possibility that the economy
could be stronger as well as weaker. If businessmen really were
convinced that we were doing something about inflation, then those
business numbers could come in significantly stronger. That's what we
keep hearing in some of our Districts at least. They are telling us
that's a possibility.
with regard to policy, I have been fascinated by the
discussion today. Humphrey-Hawkins presents both a major dilemma and
a major opportunity, it seems to me. I feel very shaky about
simulating econometric models out into 1980. In fact, [at our Bank]
we happen to feel shaky about simulating them period. We are not sure
they work. But, clearly--and I think the staff would agree--they work
less well for 1980 than they do for 1979. On the other hand, given
our view of the world, if we were to announce and then follow through
on a credible policy, our feeling is that we can have a very salutary
impact on what happens in 1980. Without boring you with all the gory
details, our theory would tell us that we can in fact have less
inflation without more unemployment in 1980 if we have policies in
1979 that are consistent with that [objective]--policies that are
firmly held to so that people really believe we are going to follow
through on them. That suggests to me that while the staff's forecast
for 1980 shows relatively little [improvement] on price performance
and rising unemployment--and I think that may well be the case--we
have the possibility in 1979 to lay the groundwork for a much better
performance on prices. That better performance would not depend on
slack in the economy but on the way people operate given what they
think is going to happen with government policy on inflation.
In our view, then, that makes what we do with the long-run
ranges this time absolutely critical because this is when we announce
them to the world and then have to deliver on them. Ignoring the
politics for a minute--1 know I play these numbers games and somehow
they seem very important to me and maybe not so important to other
people--let's look at the range that Steve gave for M1, which was 2 to
5 percent. If you take the 5 percent, add 3 percentage points for ATS
and 2 percentage points for a downward shift in the demand for money,
that's a potential maximum growth of 10 percent. If you take the
midpoint of 3-1/2 percent [in Steve's range], which presumably would
be our target, and add those 5 percentage points for the same reasons,
that would give us an 8-1/2 percent target for 1979. That's exactly
[the growth] we had in '77 and '78, and I think that was too
expansionary. We got too much inflation by allowing money to grow on
average at around 8 percent. So I, for one, would feel very
uncomfortable with a target of 3-1/2 percent. If we just follow
through the logic for a minute without thinking of the politics, which



I am not equipped to do, a desirable range for M1 would be something
like 0 to 3 percent. That would give us a midpoint of 1-1/2 percent;
and if the assumptions on ATS and the shift in the demand for money
are right, then we get 6-1/2 percent growth at the midpoint.

What if they are wrong?

MR. WILLES. Well, I'm getting to that. If they are wrong-if all we get is ATS, for example, and not the downward shift in the
demand for money--we then move up to the top part of the range which
would be 3 percent plus the ATS, which is again 6-1/2 percent. If
there is a greater shift in the demand for money then, of course, it
would go the other way. We are all guessing at this point but there
seems to be the possibility that the shift could be greater as well as
smaller. So it seems to me that if we want to change policy--and
maybe we don't--from the 8 percent growth we have had, then we have to
move the M1 range down to something below what anybody to this point
has suggested. I would suggest that the range be 0 to 3 percent which
in my mind says, given the most likely set of assumptions, that we
would really be going from 8 percent to 6-1/2 percent under the old
rule. For M2, whatever you all decide is fine with me; I can't
understand M2 or M3 or any of the other aggregates, with due apologies
to my friends from San Francisco.

But you do understand M1.

MR. WILLES. Well, with a rather wide range of uncertainty.
MR. BALLES. I'll just send you that M2 [study], Mark.
Frank will do the same thing.


Thank you, Mark.



MR. BALLES. With regard to the business situation, our staff
forecast is quite similar to the Board staff forecast in broad
outline. The differences are not worth talking about because they are
all within the range of the forecasting errors. So we have no
problems there. Given that essential agreement, the issue comes down
to the appropriate posture for monetary policy. When I first took a
look at the Bluebook, Steve, I got quite a jolt. I thought you might
really be arguing for what was in alternative B or even alternative A.
But in summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of different
ranges here, I think you have landed by coincidence or mental
telepathy or something else almost exactly where I came out in
wrestling with this. On M1 I would perhaps be inclined to go down to
the alternative B level, given the staff's estimate on the ATS
effects, which I have no reason to quarrel with and I know that's a
difficult estimate to make. I could settle for either 1-1/2 to 4-1/2
percent as in alternative B or what you suggested, Steve, which was 2
to 5 percent. And for much the same reasons, which I won't take up
your time to repeat, I think we would be well advised to come out with
the [other] specifications Steve ended up with on balance--and
considering what he called the PR effects or the Congressional
relations effects--6 to 8-1/2 percent on M2 and 7 to 9-1/2 percent on
M3. Among other things, Steve may remember that I tend to be one of
the doubting Thomases around the table on shifts in money demand.
such a shift is plausible and possible; it may even be a fact. But
the trouble is, as we all know, that we don't know for sure until



after the game is over. Sometimes we are wrong and sometimes we are
right. It‘s a difficult bet to make. So, I concur with the way Steve
came out as a means of hedging our bet. I think we would be well
advised to do that, particularly in view of Steve‘s remarks that if we
make too radical a downward shift in the ranges--even though policy
within those ranges may, and I hope will, remain relatively on the
tight side in view of the inflation problem--we could get some very
severe public reactions, setting in train a whole new set of
expectations of a credit crunch. So that’s why I come out where I do,
Mr. Chairman.

Thank you, John. Ernie.

MR. BAUGHMAN. Mr. Chairman, on the general economic picture
I think the staff projections are about as defensible a set of
projections a s one can put together at the present time, and I would
not pick on any particular aspect of them. I have made a concerted
effort since our last meeting, in view of my judgment that the
prospects were rather good that we would have greater capital
expenditures in ‘ I 9 than was being forecast or than the surveys were
suggesting, to engage businessmen in discussion on this point. I have
to report that I was unable to persuade even one of them that the
prospects for capital expenditures are higher than are currently being

In the Dallas area?

MR. BAUGHMAN. That’s where I had most of my conservations.
And this is on the grounds that they are playing their cards close to
their chests. They would much rather fix up, patch up, or put in a
new machine when an old one breaks down and in fact go to overtime on
their labor costs as compared with expanding basic capacity. It
leaves them in a much more flexible situation. Also, they are able to
pass on cost and price increases without much difficulty. The market
takes it. So they just feel that’s the better way to go in the
present environment. That substantially increases the possibility
that we may have a sustained low growth situation, at least until that
attitude is changed, because that seems to me to be a key element in
[downturns]. And a major determinant of periods of economic expansion
has been a surge in capital investment, which has brought very heavy
pressure on the labor markets, materials markets, and credit markets.
we do not see that at this time and, if our forecast is reasonably
dependable, we are not projecting that we will see it for some time
yet to come.

There is another element in the picture that seems to
increase the possibility [of a low growth outlook], and that is that
neither consumers nor businessmen nor financial managers have yet
fully adjusted to an expected ongoing rate of inflation somewhere near
what we have forecast and, therefore, I think we will see a continued
rapid buildup of debt. I’m concerned that the debt structure will
become increasingly shaky and that to me is one of the bad aspects of
a sustained period of either high optimism or rapid inflation. It
means that when [inflation] does come to an end, we will have much
more widespread debt distress and a much more difficult economic
problem to handle. But it seems to me that we are likely to see that
[buildup of debt1 continue for the next couple of years before we get
into the painful adjustment part of it.



One other general comment is that I think a set of economic
programs and policies proposed by the government, which contemplates I
to 8 percent ongoing inflation, is quite inadequate and quite
unacceptable, particularly in this country. I believe there is a set
of policies that could enable us to move promptly to wring inflation
out of the economy without going through a recession and without
substantially increasing unemployment, but thus far we seem to be
committed to the idea that we must disavow using it.
Well, having accepted the economic prospects and what seems
to be a consistent set of monetary data along with them, I would opt
for alternative B. Nevertheless, I am somewhat concerned about the
sort of thing that Mark Willes mentioned--namely, that it's possible
if we were at the top of the range on M1 to have growth that I think
would be too much. That's all I have, Mr. Chainan.

Thank you, Ernie.


MR. MORRIS. Mr. Chairman, I have a very different perception
of the economy than the staff has presented to us. I would like to
think we could fine-tune the economy as nicely as our projection. But
it seems to me that in the past month we have seen a very unusual
combination of numbers. We've seen indicators not only in December
but continuing in January that suggest the economy is coming on very
strong. At the same time we have had an unusual deceleration in the
growth of the monetary aggregates and bank credit. And the latest
unusual phenomenon to add to these other two is that we have seen,
despite a steady federal funds rate, a decline in short-term money
rates. Now, this combination of a very strong economy, very weak
monetary growth, and a decline in short-term money rates is rare. I
looked back in history to find out when we usually get this
combination, and I find that it typically occurs in months immediately
preceding a business cycle peak. I think the closest parallel was
January, 1 9 6 0 , when the economy was charging ahead following the
resumption of steel production. Everybody was talking about the
sizzling ' 6 0 s . Both monetary and fiscal policy were moving toward
restraint. And to me the first indicator of the 1960 recession was
the surprising weakness in short-term money rates in January of that
year. So I have concluded that the most probable expectation is a
cycle peak in the second quarter and a mild recession in the last half
of this year.
Now, in that environment, I think the projected decline in
the demand for money is not going to happen. So, Mark, I don't think
you have to worry too much about that 2 percent. I was concerned,
too, when I looked at the Bluebook. I think we should lower the
ranges modestly. But the Bluebook reductions looked awfully big to
me, given my expectations. But Steve has saved the day, after writing
the Bluebook, by immediately disavowing it as imprudent. I think the
numbers that Steve-CHAIRMAN MILLER.

He just wanted to check to see whether you

read it!
MR. MORRIS. Yes. I think the numbers he came up with
[today] are very prudent; I would like to see a widening of the M 2 and
M3 ranges to 5 - 1 / 2 to 8 - 1 / 2 percent and 6 - 1 / 2 to 9-1/2 percent but
[otherwise] I think his suggested ranges are very appropriate.




Thank you, Frank.


MR. COLDWELL. Mr. Chairman, I guess I have a bit of a biased
view of the world at the moment.


Join the others!

M R . COLDWELL. The prospects are highly uncertain but still
couched on the favorable side. The hard evidence we have had to date
is for a strong economy with a very high rate of inflation. As for
the monetary aggregates, I must admit I have never had much hope for
them. And what they’re showing right now I would say is of doubtful
validity. We are uncertain as to the implications and we can’t even
describe why the changes are occurring. The information we have about
the Administration’s estimates for 1979-80 suggest that those
projections are unrealistic. I don’t think we are going to get a
reduction in the rate of inflation, the rate of unemployment being
held down, and a resumption of growth as promptly as they show. Even
our own staff’s forecasts I would quarrel with in terms of the rate of
inflation; I don’t think it will go down that smoothly. In my view
the possibility is high that our rate of inflation will be in the 9
percent range.

On net, then, the result is that we may face a problem of
communication with the Congress, a little communications gap. In
terms of [our objectives], I hope the Committee comes out somewhere in
the area of 1 to 4 percent on M1, 5 to 8 percent on M2, and 6 to 9
percent on M3. I‘m coppering my bets a bit but I wouldn‘t go as far
as Mark has. I don‘t think it is desirable to hold out to the rest of
the world that there is the potential of a 6 to 10 percent increase in
M1 if we are going to tell them that we have a 3 percent shift because
of ATS and another 2 percent downward shift; that I think is
unrealistic. I don’t like the idea of narrowing the ranges in a
period of extreme uncertainty.

Thank you, Phil. Henry.

MR. WALLICH. Everything that can be said is bound to have
been said. I’m impressed by the fact that in the two quarters before
what must be the best advertised and predicted recession, if it comes,
the economy has been growing well above potential--at 6 percent and 4
percent rates--and we have had a steady pattern of underpredicting
inflation. The rate of inflation is always worse than we think it is.
We have, as we have learned from the Economic Report, far less room on
the up side in terms of where the potential limits are than we
thought. The Council cut that from 5 or 5-1/2 percent, I think to
2-1/2 percent. The outlook may well be as the staff describes, but I
have the impression that outside forecasters are postponing the timing
of the recession, pushing it ahead. As for the signals that
frequently are implicit in the soft money supply or weak aggregates
that Frank Morris referred to, while I think our staff reads those
too, those signals seem to me to have been somewhat disavowed by the
course of events. Meanwhile the dollar is still very vulnerable even
though it has improved. And on the financial side we are told by many
observers that monetary policy really isn’t biting. I personally
think that real interest rates are barely positive and they’re
negative after taxes. Nonprice terms of lending are gradually being
tightened, but that’s the main biting element, though some restraint



may be coming from the weak liquidity position of corporations. Those
are the elements of restraint that I see.
Well, in the light of this, I think we do have considerable
risks on the up side. more on inflation than on GNP. I'd like to fix
the aggregates accordingly, and I share the numerology that Mark
Willes engages in. I see three factors of shift, as it were. One is
the A T S shift of 3-1/4 percent: two seems to be the demand curve
shift. The third, which of course others have recognized too, is the
increase in velocity that comes with rising interest rates. so these
three things really have to be factored in. When you are concerned
about where this added velocity is coming from, bear in mind all the
quasi-monies that are being increasingly used now--the Euro markets,
RPs, and money market funds. We overlook what are sources either of
money or of increases in velocity which make that 2 percent shift not
at all that ambitious, it seems to me. So my numbers would be 1/2 to
3-l/2 percent on M1--this is alternative C, which I have modified just
a little--4 to 7 percent on M2 and 5-1/2 to 8-1/2 percent on M3.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Thank you, Henry, and thank you all. I
would suggest, before we try to synthesize this and before I give you
my own reaction, that we take our coffee break. The coffee has been
cooling €or the last half hour. S o , why don't we do that and then we
will resume.
[Coffee break]
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Let's see, are most of us here? A l l those
who count are. Well, let's see if we can resolve the problems that we
face on these long-run ranges. I was first guided by the eloquence of
the discussion that has already occurred. Then to be practical I
looked at the numbers that come out on paper and the eloquence goes
away and the practicality comes out. I don't think we will be able to
bracket everyone's first desire and have numbers that will be
supportable. Perhaps we should try to do something unusual, and that
is concentrate first on M1. If we throw out a lot of numbers. we may
get confused. It seems to me that I heard perhaps less immediate
concern about--or firmness in people's views on--the ranges for M2 and
M3. If you are agreeable, I would like to see if those of us on the
Committee could [reach a consensus] on what we should use for M1 and
then see if we can adapt the M2 and M3 to it. Will that be all right
with everyone? That's an unusual procedure, I know. AS I looked down
the numbers [you suggested] and then asked myself what I think is
desirable, considering the probabilities on A T S and a shift in the
demand function of money, it seems to me that 1-1/2 to 4-1/2 percent
brackets most people's views [for Ml] and is probably a range that we
could live with in terms of our own objectives. Now, there are a few
people outside that range but that seems to be most compatible with
[the preferences of] most of the members. I'd like to try that out
and see if it is supportable. It happens to be exactly consistent
with Ernie Baughman's suggestion. He's the only one, I guess, who had
the right number! The rest were bracketed around that.

But maybe for the wrong reason!

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Chuck came close with 2 to 4-1/2 percent.
I don't know whether he's willing to drop his bottom number to 1-1/2



MS. TEETERS. Gentlemen, may I point out that that implies
rising interest rates on our-MR. PARTEE.


1 - 1 / 2 percent?

The 1-1/2 to 4-112 percent.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. The [lower] end of that, yes, but it
depends. If we are at the upper end of that and if some of these
other things take place, our money rate growth will be faster than it
has been.

That's right

CHAIRMAN MILLER. On the up side [Ml growth] will be faster
than it has been: on the down side it could be consistent with what we
have had or it could be lower. So, what we are really doing is
widening the [range], which just means I will catch a little devil
from the Chairmen of the [Banking] Committees, but I am willing to do
that. They won't like this spread, but if we take this spread plus
the variables and add them, we have a range of minus something to plus
10 percent. That's how I read it, as I look at the mathmetics or make
certain assumptions. That's why it seems to me to be a range we can
live with. Now. I also believe that we have to be sincere about being
willing to rearrange these ranges at midyear. At that point we may be
wise to begin to narrow them because we will have six months of actual
data and we will be looking at what we should do for the balance of
the year within the same cone. Whether the cone should go out and
then close in after midyear when we've seen [some data], I don't know.
Anyway, how many of the voting members could support a range of 1 - 1 / 2
to 4 - l / 2 percent now?
MR. PARTEE. I would point out, Nancy, that there was no
reference made to this table on page 1 4 [of the Bluebook].
that's short term.

We should [adopt] that, I think, although

MR. PARTEE. The midpoint of it, yes, but not really [the
whole range].

It looks to the fourth quarter.

MR. PARTEE. It looks to June and to the middle of the fourth
quarter. It tells us how much growth we have to have in the future to
make up what has happened to date. And I believe the midpoint of the
~1 range is what's now being proposed [as our objective], isn't it?
long-term range--

That's correct

So, to get up to the midpoint of the proposed


Which is the 1-1/2 to 4 - 1 / 2 percent.

MR. PARTEE. --we'd have to have 8 . 3 percent growth between
now and March and 5.1 percent between now and June. And those are--



growth for-MR. PARTEE.

That’s only because we had negative rates of
I understand that, but we’ve got that behind us.


Yes, and that’s why it can grow faster from

here on.
MR. PARTEE. I don’t think the comment you made that it
implies higher interest rates is necessarily true, Nancy. It depends
on the economy. If the economy is strong and we get a lot of
inflation, they probably would go higher; but otherwise I think it is
fairly neutral.
MS. TEETERS. The [projected funds rate] ranges [shown in
Appendix I of the Bluebook] are 10 to 10-1/2 percent for the first
quarter, 10 to 10-314 for the second quarter, 9-3/4 to 10-3/4 for the
third, and 9-1/2 to 10-1/2 for the fourth.
reliable, Paul.

That may not be the most reliable

Well, I don’t think any of these projections is

MR. AXILROD. If I may say s o , Mr. Chairman, on our projected
interest rates perhaps we’ve swung too much to giving ranges. We
thought they would be helpful. But, Governor Teeters, while we have
allowed for some increase. it’s the midpoints that we think are the
most likely [for the funds rate] and the midpoints are 10-1/4 and 103/8 percent [for the first and second quarters respectivelyl. We’ve
allowed for the possibility of some upward drift in the midpoint
because we think the economy looks stronger in the first half than in
the second half. Basically, the staff feels that interest rates would
be essentially unchanged ov@r the year, with a possibility of a little
upward drift in the first half and a little downward drift in the
second half. That’s how we have been interpreting it. If we had just
put down the midpoints down, that table would read 10-1/4, 10-3/8,
[10-1/41, and 10 percent, in essence.
MS. TEETERS. Well, Steve, in my limited experience on the
Board I have found that the interest rates are always at the top of
the range.


Your experience only covers a very short period.
That’s right.

I thoroughly agree with you,

but-CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, these ranges have been created from
the fourth quarter, without the expectations of the low rate of growth
we have had in the aggregates so far in the year. Is that correct?
MR. AXILROD. Well, no, the interest rate assumptions take
all of that into account. They were merely meant to express the
staff’s view that if interest rates were going to go anywhere, it is
more likely to be up than down in the first half and more likely to be



down than up in the second half given the GNP projections. This was
just meant to give that sense to the Committee.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. All right. Let’s try the 1-1/2 to 4-112
percent again. How many of the voting members would be willing to
support that? I saw Paul’s hand, and I count Chuck, Ernie, Bob, Dave,
Phil, myself--oh and Nancy. How many is that? Okay, thank you. How
many would not? I count two. That sounds like a pretty overwhelming
concensus. Now we will have to work on the other two members to get
them straightened out so we can have a unanimous vote! Before we
decide on that, however, let’s look at M2 and M3. It’s hard to make
much of the figures and it‘s tough to come up with the right numbers.
The question of widening the ranges is with us again. If we were
willing to widen them, Steve’s suggestion, if I interpret it
correctly, was for ranges of 5-112 to 8 percent and 6-112 to 9-112
MS. TEETERS. No, it was 5-1/2 to 8-1/2 percent.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Excuse me, did I say something wrong? It
was 5-1/2 to 8-1/2 percent and 6-112 to 9-112 percent. Jot those
down. Put along side them two alternatives of 5 to 8 and 6 to 9 .
That is shaded down just 1/2 point. How many of the voting members
would like the widened Axilrod numbers of 5-112 to 8-1/2 percent and
6-112 to 9-112 percent? Two members. How many would like the 5 to 8
percent and 6 to 9 percent? Three. How many could accept it? Four,
and I could accept that, so it’s five. Five and two is seven.
Apparently three want something else. Is that right?

Mark, I think, wants it much lower

CHAIRMAN MILLER. I‘m just looking [at my notes]. You would
want something lower, [Mark]. Who didn’t vote? Dave, what would you



I’d prefer something a little higher

So you ought to be put at least in the Axilrod


I would prefer Steve’s original [suggestion].

MR. BAUGHMAN. Given the presumption, M r . Chairman, that we
have a consistent set of numbers in alternative B, so far as one can
argue there’s consistency there.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. I just want to get the votes again. These
were straw votes. There were two for the wider Axilrod ranges and
five for the slightly lower ones. [One] would like to be higher than
either of these and I gather the other two would like to be lower, is
that right? Having heard all of that, let’s put together another
proposal of 1-112 to 4-112 percent for M1, 5 to 8 percent for M2, and
6 to 9 percent for M3, with an associated range of 7-1/2 to 10-1/2
percent for bank credit. Maybe I should have left that off. We can
come to that separately, if you like. I didn’t find anybody differing
from what Steve suggested [on bank credit]. Well, in fact there was
only one suggestion that was different. Kyle, I think you suggested
shading it a bit. But I think everybody else either accepted it or



ignored it. Now, forgetting bank credit, just taking M1, M2, and M3,
let's do a tentative vote by roll call to see if we could get support
for that. I would support that package.
MS. TEETERS. What interest rates go with this?

Well, it's for a whole year. We can't really


I mean what does it imply?

CHAIRMAN MILLER. For the upper end of the ranges, it could
imply, I would assume it would imply the higher-MR. PARTEE. The staff thinks that the interest rates in
Appendix I go with it, assuming that their GNP projection is right.

Except that we have M2 and M3--

MR. PARTEE. A little higher.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. --a little higher than the staff's " B . "
MR. WALLICH. With the M1 range, I think we can get to 10 or
10-1/2 percent growth here, which is equal to nominal GNP growth and
therefore would require no rise in interest rates. I'm talking about
10 percent, not the midpoints.
MR. PARTEE. On the other hand, if we get a cyclical decline
of the kind Frank was talking about-CHAIRMAN MILLER.

We'll have lower rates.

--rates are going to come down.

MR. ROOS. Mr. Chairman, are you planning to elaborate on the
adjustments in M1 as has been discussed at the staff level? Or are we
going to go public, in effect, with these M1 figures, making some
allusion to the ATS effects in the-CHAIRMAN MILLER. These will be disclosed publicly in the
written report to Congress. That will be the first and only public
disclosure. It is contemplated that the report will make it very
clear that the M1 numbers are based upon an adjustment for ATS and it
will say something about velocity and demand, but I don't think-MR. PARTEE. We're hopeful that velocity will grow more than
normal but we won't put that in those numbers.

percent on the--

Will the 3 percent figure be described or the 5

CHAIRMAN MILLER. I don't think the 5 percent will be but 3
percent will get discussed because if it isn't in the report I will be
asked specifically what we have assumed. We can't be deceitful about
it; we have to tell them the truth. The truth is that on the basis of
[our estimate of the effects of] ATS accounts, forgeting any change in
demand curve, we have 4-1/2 to 7-1/2 percent for MI.




Which is an increase.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Which is what we were trying to do before,
so we could get within it.


The prior M1 range was 4-1/2 to 6 percent.
No, 4 to 6-1/2

And we were taking 6-1/4.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. We were going from 4 to 6-1/2 percent and
we were always on the upper side or out of the range.
MR. WALLICH. We were essentially ratcheting it up by first
going to the upper side of it and then by chosing a range that would
make the upper side fall in the middle.

MR. PARTEE. Assuming that ATS accounts continue to grow.
Vice Chairman Volcker
President Baughman
Governor Coldwell
President Eastburn
Governor Partee
Governor Teeters
Governor Wallich
President Willes
President Mayo


Now let's take an official vote.

Do you want me to call the roll again?

vote from that?

oh, I guess so


Does anyone wish to change his or her

I'll change my "I guess so" to "yes."

to an affirmative.

Okay, thank you.

That was a pause brought

MR. WALLICH. Is it appropriate to ask, Mr. Chairman, whether
this dissent would cause you any serious inconvenience in the hearing?
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, I don't think so. We should operate
on a rule that everyone votes as they see fit; that has been our
policy. We are in a time when we see foolish stories about this sort
of thing in the press that people love to play on, but I don't think
we should let that change our desire to vote our conscience. I don't
see any embarrassment. It always is better to have stronger support,
but it isn't essential.

Thank you very much.

May I ask Scott a question, sir?




You certainly may.

MR. ROOS. When the Chairman describes the adjustment for ATS
accounts and so forth, if that is perceived as being a more expansive
policy than the one we had last year, would that have a depressing
effect on the dollar?
MR. PARDEE. If it is perceived that way, but I'm not sure it
would be written that way.
MR. PARTEE. All these numbers are lower than before, and the
foreigners might perceive it-CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, no matter what we say about M1, the
fact is that M2 and M3 are lower. So in that sense the people who
don't want to listen to us on M1 are people who just don't want to
listen, because we are just getting a more logical M1 range consistent
with monetary restraint and the other ranges are coming down. S o if
they are willing to give us even the first opening statement, they
have to see this as a posture that is consistent with what we have
been trying to do.
MR. COLDWELL. What these numbers say is that we can go as
low as 1-1/2 percent and as high as 9-1/2 percent and still be within
the range.
MS. TEETERS. No, it means we can go as low as minus 5
MR. COLDWELL. No, we won't publish it, but if we add the 3
percent plus the 2 percent shift, that gets it to 9-1/2 percent.


1-1/2 percent is not the bottom.

MR. COLDWELL. If we don't get either one of those it could
go to 1-1/2 percent, so I say the range is 1-1/2-MS. TEETERS. No it's a minus-MR. PARTEE.
on the demand shift.

It's below that because we might have a negative

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Yes, I think that's right.
go the other way but we could get-MR. PARTEE.

The ATS doesn't

The ATS won't reverse; it can stop, but it won't


So we are talking 0 to 9 percent.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. That's what I said when I introduced the
subject. I said we have widened the range. The probability of
hitting it is better.
MR. PARTEE. This kind of a range, of course, is just for
discussion inside this room.



CHAIRMAN MILLER. Of course. I hope we don't hear about it
elsewhere or in any other way. Dave, do you have a question?
MR. EASTBURN. Yes. Can I assume, in the part of the report
that asks us to talk about the consistency between [our objectives]
and the Administration's program, that this will pose no problem of

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, the question is not the consistency,
but the relationship.
MR. EASTBURN. All right, the relationship.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. If one looks at the Administration's shortrange goals, I would say based on our own [projections] that for 'I9
those goals could be achieved within this [set of ranges]. Now, I
think that we have more possibility of divergence in 1980, but we have
not yet locked in our 1980 ranges. And, therefore, I think our report
can indicate that kind of posture.
MR. PARTEE. I think we can say it's supportive but that we
will have to review it as time goes on.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. And it depends, of course, upon real events
in the economy over the period of time as distinguished from goals.
They have changed and shifted a little, of course. We have been
talking about our projections of what will happen under certain
assumptions. But our comments are to be against what the
Administration might be intending to accomplish. And they may not be
able to achieve what they are hoping.

It's goals rather than projections on their

CHAIRMAN MILLER. That's right. So they have an out. They
can say well that's what we tried to do and then we got higher or
lower-MR. COLDWELL. I'd tell them it's unrealistic even to try.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, we will get into the report next
week. Did we have any final shifts one way or the other? We didn't
pick up any more positive votes. All right then, that's a vote.
Let's turn to the next subject on my agenda which is to deal
with current monetary policy and the domestic policy directive. We
will turn to Steve again for his recommendation. As you know, [on the
long-run decision] we have been referring to the alternatives as "A,"
"B," and "C." We now will go through alternatives "I,""11,"and
"III" on page 11, which is also relevant to page 14.

[Statement--see Appendix.]

CHAIRMAN MILLER. S o are you suggesting alternative I for M1
or are you suggesting 4 to 9 percent?

I would think about 4 to 9.



CHAIRMAN MILLER. And leaving the fed funds range where is
is. Is that what you're saying?
MR. AXILROD. And an asymmetrical interpretation of the
directive--that is, to permit tightening if growth moves above the
midpoint of the 4 to 9 percent range but not easing until growth got
to the bottom of the range. That was [the bias] the Committee adopted
last time in its directive at the December meeting.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. May I ask the Committee, all members,
whether there is any sentiment for the alternate directive, which
would deal with the proposition of not reducing the funds rate between
now and the next meeting but would look to the possibility of raising
it? That is, in effect, putting upper side limits on M1 and M2 and
upper limits on the fed funds rate. This is the alternative
[directive wording1 that's on page 21 in the Bluebook. If there is a
sentiment for that, we should go into depth on it; if there is not we
might turn back to the more-VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER.

I like it.

MR. PARTEE. I would prefer the other.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Would you raise your hand if you are
interested in this [alternative language] on page 21 and then we will
see who is not.
SPEAKER(?). Voting members only?
for the moment.

Well, let's just get everybody's sentiment

MR. ROOS. What are we voting on right now, sir?
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Just whether you'd be interested in--not
that you are voting for it--what's on page 21. If there is no reason
to discuss it, we needn't waste our time. One, two, three, four,
five. How many would not be interested in it? Okay. We'd better do
that again with voting members, hadn't we? HOW many voting members
would not be interested in the directive type on page 21? One, two,
three, four, five. That's going to make it tough. Why don't we see
if we can work out the other [directive formulation] to everyone's
If I could give you a little guidance, my preference, if we
go for the directive language on page 19, is to have the same sort of
asymmetrical directive we had last time. My reasons are simply that
all of the discussion today, taking into account both domestic and
international considerations and the confusion about what the real
economy's performance means in relation to the performance of the
aggregates, would indicate that we should be in an even keel stance
until we see some reason to change. Or to put it another way, when
you don't know what to do, do it very cautiously. Therefore, that
would be my approach. Do you want to say something, Chuck? I was
going to say if that is the case, then I think Steve's suggestions of
4 to 9 percent for M1 and 5 to 9 percent [for M21, looking at the
possibilities indicated on page 14, would seem to be reasonable. That
would mean that if we got toward the upper end of those ranges we'd be



looking at tightening; but we'd have to go to the bottom and through
it before we thought of relaxing. I would also like to say that,
considering the time between this meeting and the next, if there is
any real reason to shift policy, it seems to me that we should have a
telephone conversation. I feel that we shouldn't get ourselves too
locked into these numbers with the situation so fluid. We have a good
telephone set-up now--it seems to work well--so it's not so hard to
get everybody on [a conference call] to discuss [a policy move]. Now,
if we do what I've just described, the question I'd like to hear
discussed is: Should we leave the fed funds range at 9-3/4 to 10-1/2
percent or should we change it to 9-3/4 to 10-1/4 percent, looking at
the fact that an even keel approach means we're not going to be
putting much room on either side. Why don't we just get inputs.
M R . PARTEE. I was simply going to point out that I agree
totally with what you said about even keel--that is, I think this is a
time for a sticky funds rate unless we see something big happening.
But then your specific proposal was a biased proposal, that we raise
the funds rate if the aggregates are strong in the range and not
[reduce] it if they are low. I see no reason for that asymmetrical
treatment when, looking at that table on page 14, we are well below
the lower end and indeed won't be getting up to the midpoint of the
[longer-run] range by March unless we are at the very top of the
[February-March] M1 range. I'm speaking of M1 now. So it seems to me
that the idea at this stage of the cycle of an unbiased approach to
rate-setting, depending on the performance of the aggregates is the

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Yes, Chuck, I'm probably influenced a bit
by the concern that if we reduce the fed funds rate in the next few
weeks--unless something is happening that we can explain--I'd be
worried about the international situation
MR. PARTEE. I agree with that, but I don't see why we should
raise the funds rate if the aggregates are strong.


VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, I suspect that is the issue
more than any particular numbers we put down. I would want to be
biased, so I'm on the opposite side of this from Mr. Partee. I might
just interject that I consulted very carefully with my resident
monetarist guru in New York and he assured me that he is not worried
about the money supply figures at all at this time; [this weakness]
would have to go on for several more months.

He is absolutely purist.

VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. He is absolutely purist. He is as
pure as he can be. He looked back at historical experience and these
one-quarter deviations don't mean anything.

Only on the up side.

VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I think this is precisely the point.
We have had a pattern where the deviations on the down side have not
been a one-quarter deviation but a one-cycle deviation. And we now



have a one-quarter deviation on the down side and I want to be

Bob Black.

MR. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, I was just going to ask for some
clarification and maybe offer an alternative solution. If I
understood what Steve was saying, we would treat it on the down side
as a money market directive; that is, we would ease the funds rate
down if the rate of growth in the aggregates came in below 4 percent.
Now, at the top, if we used a money market directive, that would not
trigger [action] until [Ml growth reached1 9 percent. But if we
treated that as if it were an aggregates directive, the midpoint would
be 6-1/2 percent and it would trigger action at 7-1/2 percent. So as
an alternative, it seems to me that if we took a straight money market
directive, using 4 to 7-1/2 percent [for the M1 range], we wouldn't
have to think about treating it asymmetrically. Action would be
triggered at the top and the lower points at the two extremes.

Thank you, Bob.


MR. EASTBURN. It seems to me that we get caught up in the
formality of our system here as against the reality of the way we
operate. In reality, the way we operate is that we have a federal
funds rate that we more or less peg. We've been pegging it at 10
percent plus. If I interpret your recommendation right--and I would
agree with you that we should keep it there--it seems to me that we
can put any ranges in here that we want and we're going to peg the
funds rate at 10 percent plus and we're going to have a telephone call
if it varies.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Our directive would be even keel and we
would [have a conference] call if we think a change [is needed]. That
solves our directive because it gets us ready for the Merrill case.
If we lose the Merrill case, that will be our directive for the
future. Go forth and do well and we'll be in touch.
MR. MORRIS. I think that's more of a description of how the
Committee feels about all of these ranges because it seems to me that
if we have a telephone meeting it will take something really
tremendous to trigger us off the 10 percent [funds rate] in the next
few weeks.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. That's not a bad point. Maybe we ought to
have a directive that says we will even keel it and if there are any
significant changes, we'll consult.
MR. WALLICH. Well, if Steve is right, we should have a month
of very large increases [in monetary growth]. And it seems to me that
that might very well trigger either a telephone conversation or-MR. PARTEE. It would. I have great confidence in Steve but,
on the other hand, there just isn't a wisp of evidence of what he's

CHAIRMAN MILLER. On average Steve is always right, but not
from month to month. Larry.



MR. ROOS. I just can't resist pointing out that, as I read
this, there isn't very much sentiment within this group to use the
Humphrey-Hawkins situation to signal a relatively important change in
how we [handle] this--in other words, to widen the fed funds ranges
significantly. By doing so we can be masters of the aggregates'
destinies to a greater extent than we are. Apparently a great
majority of us is still committed to pretty much sticking to doing
business as we have in the past on these fundamentals.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, Larry, I don't know what the
sentiment is. but I have a bit of a trouble thinking that we know
enough about these aggregates and their stability to operate that way.
We have this phenomenon that at some point, for some reasons, the
money function shifts around on us. And how one measures that in a
particular week or at a particular time I think is a very tricky
on the base but--

Your St. Louis guru would suggest targeting more

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Yes, but you keep adjusting the base so
that you go back to a constant situation and give no effect to the
shifting around of the demand function of money. I would have very
deep trouble [with that] because that isn't what is happening in the
economy. The economy is shifting its preference as to how it holds
these funds. If we say we're going to ignore that, yes we can operate
that way. But I think we'd be out of touch with reality.
MR. EASTBURN. And there is a significance attached
internationally to what happens to the funds rate.


MR. ROOS. I will shut up [after this], Mr. Chairman, but I
think there are a lot of sophisticated people who are trading in the
dollar foreign exchange market who are aware of the realities of the
aggregates too and who are somewhat suspicious [of our commitment to
these ranges], due to the fact that our past practice has permitted
the aggregates to overshoot. And I believe those people would
welcome, in a dollar-supportive manner, some basic shift in our manner
of functioning, although I perceive that we don't feel now is really
the time to do that.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, if we want to put reserve
requirements on mutual money market funds, that would be one place to
start in order to get our aggregates back under the same definition
and so forth. Mark.
MR. WILLES. I have a feeling that I'm about to vote for a
money market directive, which means that in the years I've contested
with this Committee the Committee has won and I've given in.
in we would--

If we could only get other members to give

MR. WILLES. I would like to say that I'm very sympathetic to
the suggestion Dave made; I think that's probably right. But I wonder
if we ought not have some concrete notion just among ourselves as to



what magnitude of growth in the aggregates would tend to precipitate a
call. I say that because if Steve is right on the shift in demand for
money in the first quarter at 3 percentage points and we have the ATS
effect at 3-1/2 percentage points, we could have zero growth in
measured MI for the first quarter and [in effect] M1 would still be
growing at 6-1/2 percent. So if M1 growth were coming in at 6 percent
on average during the first quarter, that would be [equivalent to
growth of1 12-1/2 percent, and I don't think that's what we want.
MR. PARTEE. Which is what the nominal GNP is; that's how it
gets there.

I understand. I just think we ought to have a

notion-CHAIR" MILLER. Well, we ought to have an understanding and
I don't know how best to articulate that understanding. Each of you
sees the money numbers as they are published each Thursday. Having
seen them, if we haven't called a meeting and you think we need to
talk, just call us. I think we can leave it to communication; if
anybody feels that it's time to talk, we'll talk. That's one way to
do it. Then we don't have to [set] numbers.
MR. PARTEE. You're talking about a real money market
directive without any aggregates specified. It has been a long time
since- MR.


BALLES. Has anybody thought about "tone and feel of the


CH?+IR" MILLER. No, we haven't thought of that
MR. AXILROD. May I suggest, if the Committee's sentiment is
moving that way, that you might want to reconsider the virtues of the
optional paragraph we put [in the Bluebook]. It's quite consistent
with holding [current conditions in] the money market but it permits
some tightening, which I assume the Committee wouldn't object to, if
the aggregates were exceptionally strong. The Committee merely has to
m a k e a decision in advance of what [exceptionally strong] is. And
that language would be quite consistent with reconvening through a
telephone conference if the aggregates [were weak]. It really doesn't
specify how weak they would have to be, but that could certainly be
developed with the Committee.

MS. TEETERS. Steve, that doesn't give us any leeway if they
are exceptionally weak.

options at this time.

No, but as I say, if--

It s@ems to me that we'd want to have both


We're talking about discussing either

MR. PARTEE. I think we want to look even-handed, too, and
that [Bluebook] directive would not look even-handed.



MR. COLDWELL. I don’t want to look even-handed.
MR. WALLICH. There is a strong reason for not letting the
rate drop if we think the dollar is vulnerable. So I think we ought
to limit that possibility--not cut it off absolutely, but not allow it
without further discussion. We can make that decision, but it
shouldn’t come about through the automatic workings of our

MR. PARTEE. But it’s equally true, Henry, that there is a
strong reason for not letting the rate rise if we think the economy is
vulnerable, and I think the economy is vulnerable.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, if the directive were even keel, then
we would not have any change from that even keel unless there were the
votes for that. So it’s decided by whether more people think [the
funds rate should be moved] in one direction or the other.
MR. BAUGHMAN. I think it would be a mistake at the present
time to adopt a directive, which would then be published, that does
not have a reference to monetary aggregates. It will touch off a wave
of speculation and concern as to what this group is doing and what
changes we have made either in our mode of operation or our concept of
how the system works. That would be unfortunate. Even if we are not
going to pay attention to them, I think our statement should
incorporate some aggregates.
VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. It’s going to have the long-term
ranges in there and it makes some reference to-MR. BAUGHMAN.

I mean the short-term ranges.

We could refer to the improved telephonic



MR. BLACK. M r . Chairman, Mark has said that he would go for
a money market directive and I dislike them as much as he does. But
to me something like 4 or 4-1/2 to 7-1/2 percent would make sense, so
that we wouldn‘t let the aggregate fall below 4 or 4-1/2 percent
without doing something about it. I think that’s really the crucial
issue on the low end at this time. If they should grow at 1-1/2
percent, in view of the [recent] weakness we would still be pretty
much around that 3 percent long-run growth path that we projected; in
fact we wouldn’t be up to the midpoint.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, there is no reason we can’t design a
money market directive in the traditional sense with the understanding
that if we get near the [limits] on either side [of the ranges] we
won’t really move until we consult. It’s very simple. That will
serve everybody’s purpose, and then if something is happening in the
economy or something is happening that we don’t understand, we can
have a telephone conference. How would you all like that?
VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Not too well. That definitely seems
a little too neutral. I like that less than just saying that we’re
going to stick with [a funds rate of] around 10 percent.



CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, we are going to even keel and we're
going to have a money market directive, but we're going to have an
understanding that we are not going to move the funds rate until we
talk to each other.
VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. In practice, I'm not sure it makes a
lot of difference; obviously it's not going to be published for
another month anyway.
MS. TEETERS. That raises another problem, though. You're
testifying on the 20th of February, and I'm sure you're going to be
questioned fairly closely.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, this information will not be
published. They never have bothered us on that.
MS. TEETERS. They never bother you on the short-term rates?
good about that.

No. they really haven't: they've been very

VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. My problem is that there is a
reference [to neutrality] in the directive but the fact is that I
don't feel neutral. And to word the directive like that sounds as if
we're operating entirely biased against any change at all and that the
only thing that's going to [trigger a] change is the aggregates. It
ignores the foreign exchange market aspects entirely and ignores the
fact that the risks to the domestic economy are on the inflationary
side anyway. And we should be able to-CHAIRMAN MILLER. I'm not sure I follow that. If this were a
regular directive with ranges for fed funds and ranges for M1 and M2,
why would it seem neutral?

Because it tells me that--

It's tied in to the aggregates.

VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, that's my problem. My problem
is that it's tied entirely to the aggregates when I'm not indifferent
on whether [the funds rate] goes up or down. I think the adverse
risks of [the funds rate] going down are greater, due to the foreign
exchange situation, than the adverse risks of it going up.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. The trouble with that argument, Paul, is
that we have a directive out now that has the same characteristic.
[Money growth is] below the bottom of the range we published and yet
we haven't reduced the fed funds.
VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Is the directive we have out now
symmetrical or is it written in this asymmetrical way?
MR. AXILROD. We've ignored the asymmetry.
with asymmetrical wording.

It was written

VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I understand we've ignored the bottom
limit but it has some asymmetrical language.



CHAIRMAN MILLER. It’s money market on the down side and
[refers to the] aggregates on the other.
I’d want to repeat that performance.

That sounds all right to me.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. All right. Let‘s go around to the voting
members and ask what you want to do. I’m not talking about the range
now but I think we need to crystalize this one way or the other. Are
we going to have a money market directive, are we going to have just
an understanding, or are we going to have an asymmetrical directive or
what? Let me go right down the list. Ernie.
M R . BAUGHMAN. I could go either with the suggestion Bob
Black made, which seems to me to capture--


Okay, that would be a money market.

MR. BAUGHMAN. A money market directive with a 7-1/2 percent
top on the range.
one second.

We’ll come to the top of the ranges in just

MR. BAUGHMAN. Or I can go with the biased alternative where
we have essentially a money market on the down side and aggregates on
the up side.

Okay, the type we had last month.


MR. EASTBURN. Well, I would hold the funds rate at 10
percent plus and consult if any of us feels that the aggregates are
getting out of hand.

missed the initials here.

I’m sorry, I skipped Phil Coldwell; I just

MR. COLDWELL. I would revise it upward, Mr. Chairman. I
would go with 10 to 10-1/4 percent as a range for the federal funds
rate in the coming months primarily because I think now is the time we
run the greatest danger of an additional inflationary problem. Down
the road we may have some chance to reduce [the funds rate range].

You have a narrow bias upward.


M R . PARTEE. Well, I would like an unbiased money market
directive. I would accept some language about taking account of
foreign exchange market developments but that’s as much of a bias as I
would want.



MS. TEETERS. I would take a money market directive with a
funds rate range of 9-3/4 to 10-1/4 percent and consultation if the
aggregates really get out of hand either way. I’d also have an eye on
the foreign exchange market but [act] only upon consultation.



CHAIRMAN MILLER. And, Paul, you‘ve expressed the view that
you would prefer the asymmetric directive. Henry.


MR. WALLICH. I‘d like something that, if the aggregates
strengthen, would quickly raise the rate into the 10 to 10-3/4 percent
range and wouldn’t trigger [action] on the down side. So my
preference, if it has to be done in an asymmetrical form, would be a
money market directive on the down side--and I’d want a very low
limit--and aggregates on the up side. That would suit me.


I think I’d like an unbiased--



unbiased money market directive?

MR. WILLES. --but I’d like to retract what I said earlier; I
think we have to have some aggregates in it.


Bob Mayo.

MR. MAYO. Surprisingly, I agree with Mark for a change. I
think it would be a mistake, Mr. Chairman, to cut [the upper limit of
the funds range1 from 10-1/2 to 10-1/4 percent. When it is published,
it would give a wrong signal.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, if I read this right, Ernie would
accept the money market alternative, Dave would prefer just the
consultation-M . EASTBURN. I have no particular concern about how we
express this as long as the policy action--

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Nancy was for a money market directive, as
were Mark and Bob, and Chuck--one, two, three, four, five, six. I
think that‘s the way we‘re going to have to go if we are going to hang
this together. Can we just look at this and see if we can get some
agreement on the ranges and a money market directive? The suggestion
that Steve made was 4 to 9 percent on M1, 5 to 9 percent on M2, and
the present range for fed funds, which is 9-3/4 to 10-1/2 percent.
Perhaps I’d better have another go-around now that we’ve decided what
we’re going to do [on the directive wording]. Assuming we‘re going
with a money market directive, what is the sentiment on those ranges?

Too high on the aggregate ranges.


MR. BAUGHMAN. I share that feeling; I think 9 or 9-1/2
percent [money growth] is too high for a money market directive.


Too high.






I would buy these.



MR. PARTEE. I would take a somewhat lower range on M1 and M2
than those suggested, but I would want to cut the funds range to
10-1/4 percent, [not retain] the 9-3/4 to 10-1/2 percent. I‘d focus
on aggregates around those ranges, which I think is very close to what
Dave proposed to us.



MS. TEETERS. I would buy 4 to 9 percent and 5 to 9 percent
for M1 and M2 and cutting the upper limit on the funds range to 10-1/4


MR. WALLICH. The aggregate ranges are too high for me,
particularly the midpoints.

M R . WILLES. I agree with what Chuck said, assuming he meant
a low enough range on the aggregates.

MS. TEETERS. HOW low is low?

I was thinking of cutting a point off


Both ends or just on top?

Both ends.

MR. COLDWELL. 3 to 8 and 4 to 8 percent.

All right. Bob.

MR. MAYO. I would buy the 3 to 8 and 4 to 8 but I would
stick to the 9-3/4 to 10-1/2 percent funds rate range.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Okay. Now. we‘re in good shape. Let’s
leave the rate question; the rate question sounds as if it’s whether
to leave the top side at 10-1/2 percent or cut it back to 10-1/4
What we’re going to do now is see if there’s a majority who
will accept 3 to 8 percent and 4 to 8 percent.
MR. WILLES. Sorry, Mr. Chairman, may I just ask a question?
I‘m not sure what Steve is assuming in these numbers about the demand
shift for the first quarter.

A lot--3-1/2 percent.

MR. WILLES. So if we got 8 percent growth for the 2 months,
what would that be for the quarter if we get the 3-1/2 percent shift?



MR. AXILROD. The quarter is about 3/4 percent, so add 3-1/2
to that plus 3 percent [for A T S J . if you want to put it in those


So we‘d get 6-1/2 to I-1/2 percent.

Somewhere on that order.


MR. PARTEE. I must say, Mark, that I really do think we’re
talking about an arithmetic--

MR. WILLES. I’m just trying to understand, Chuck, what the
numbers are. I think we’re talking about policy and not arithmetic.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, Steve is frank to say that he is
expecting these aggregates to pop back up and adjust this process. He
is very frank to say so and is worried about dealing with that, right?
MR. AXILROD. Well, also, a considerable pop back up is
needed to get them back on the Committee’s path.
MR. PARTEE. Yes. we’re way below.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. We had a lot of sentiment going for ranges
of 3 to 8 percent and 4 to 8 percent. We had at least 3 or 4 folks
who said they would buy that.
MS. TEETERS. May I ask a question? If we went with that,
what would that do to the funds rate? Does that continue to make the
ranges consistent with a funds rate of around 10 percent?
M R . AXILROD. We think a 10 percent funds rate will yield
about a 7 percent growth rate [for Ml]. The odds on that are not
extremely high, so what the Committee is discussing is where it may
wish to trigger a funds rate movement. I would interpret this [Ml]
range to mean that if M1 were growing at a rate close to 7 percent or
above, the Desk would probably be raising the funds rate.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, I want to be sure we understand that
we’re going to consult before we move [the funds rate]; we’re going to
do that in any case. So these are triggering consultation more than
they are triggering action, and I think that should be borne in mind
in trying to resolve this.
MR. PARTEE. That’s why I think we ought to cut the funds
rate range to a range [centered] around where we are, [by going to]
9-3/4 to 10-1/4 percent. I must say my notion for accepting these
lower aggregates is associated with [the presumption of a centeredl
funds rate--with the idea that [we will consult] if we run up toward
the high end or down toward the low end.

How would you like 9-7/8 to 10-3/8 percent?

MR. PARTEE. Where is it exactly now?

About 10 percent or a little above.



MS. TEETERS. What are you suggesting?
to play with--


9-7/8 to 10-3/8 percent--1/8th on either side
I would be much more liberal.

I'll bid 3/53.

MR. MORRIS. Well, all this not very important if we're going
to have a consultation before we move.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Here is a proposal, and you've got 3
minutes to decide and then we're going to lunch. Steve is suggesting
that we could say this: "System open market operations are to be
directed at maintaining the weekly average funds rate at about the
current level, provided that over the February-March period the annual
rates of growth of M1 and M2, given approximately equal weight, appear
to be within ranges of 3 to 7 percent and 5 to 9 percent,
respectively. If growth of M1 and M2 for the two-month period appears
to be outside the indicated ranges, the Manager will promptly notify
the Chairman, who will then consult with the Committee for
supplemental instructions."


So we use the full range of 3 to 7 percent?



And there is no fed funds range

But he has 5 to 9 instead of 4 to 8 percent

[for M21.

But he compromised; he gave you 3 to I.

On M .

VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. This says we don't do anything while
they are within the range but consult when [either] is outside.
MR. MILLER. And if any of you wants to consult earlier, give
me a call. I'm a very good consulter; I'll consult with the Committee
on whether the situation calls for supplementary instructions.

And leave the funds rate alone.

Did you specify a range or not?

CHAIRMAN MILLER. No range on fed funds; leave it alone and
if we're within these ranges, we hang in there. If growth moves out
of those ranges we consult with the Committee to see if anybody wants
to supplement the instructions. This is known as "copping out."
MS. TEETERS. With the general understanding that we expect
the rates to stay approximately where they are right now.

Well, the instruction would be to do that.

Maintain about the current rate.



CHAIRMAN MILLER. Alan, do you have any problems with that?


None at all, Mr. Chairman.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, we could have said it in fewer words,
couldn't we? Let's call the roll. I'll vote for that, which is known
as the Axilrod compromise.
VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. There is no mention of the federal
funds rate in here at all except it says we stay where we are.

Maintain the funds rate.

MR. WALLICH. It [sounds] a slightly ominous note because it
suggests that if the aggregates behave for another period of time as
they have behaved so far, then we'll make a decision to ignore them.

Just as we've done in the last seven weeks.

That's what one can read into that.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. What we can read now is that we've decided
after our consultation not to lower the rate despite the aggregates.
If anybody wants to read that the reverse is true now, they haven't
read recent history. I'll vote for it anyway.
Vice Chairman Volcker
President Baughman
Governor Coldwell
President Eastburn
Governor Partee
Governor Teeters
Governor Wallich
President Willes
President Mayo


CHAIRMAN MILLER. Okay, we have two recalcitrants who can
finally redeem themselves by shifting their votes.
VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. [I'd like to] get a little more
language in there about foreign exchange. It's in there but as such
it says we look at the foreign exchange market.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. We'll give you up to 6 words to improve
that if you change your vote.
VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We might improve it just by
eliminating the words that follow the foreign exchange--those on the
domestic financial markets.
MR. PARTEE. Who cares about the domestic economy? We're
only concerned about the foreign exchange rates!

CHAIRMAN MILLER Well, what it says is "while giving due
regard to the program supporting the foreign exchange value of the
dollar, to developing conditions in domestic financial markets, and to
uncertainties associated with the introduction of ATS."



MR. BLACK. M r . Chairman, could I just ask if we shouldn't
elaborate beyond ATS and also mention money market funds? That has
been a very powerful force.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Well, we could say "to the uncertainties
associated with the introduction of ATS and other shifts"-MR. PARTEE.

I really think we could do away with that whole


That phrase could be left out, really.

foreign exchange market.

Leave out everything except the

CHAIRMAN MILLER. We probably should take out the reference
to ATS; I think you're right, Bob. We're singling out something
that's a dead horse. We can just say "due to uncertainties," the fact
that we don't really know. Phil, we're up to you. Did you shift your
phrases or what?

Where are we?

Did we leave out these

CHAIRMAN MILLER. While you're thinking about it, we'll go on
to consideration of the Manager's recommendation with respect to
foreign currency operations. Alan Holmes.
MR. HOLMES. [Statement--seeAppendix.]
[Secretary's note:
Mr. Holmes recommended an increase from $150 to $500 million in the
Committee's informal limit on foreign currency holdings.]

CHAIRMAN MILLER. Alan, as I understand it, this informal
limit i s really a limit [within the formal amount] of what otherwise
could be held under the Foreign Currency Authorization. So what we're
doing is saying that if we're on the long side, it will be less than
the total allowable position--which could be bigger if we were on the
short side. And I think that's a reasonable proposition, particularly
if it is to be coupled with your proposal to bring us a memorandum on
this so we can give it more careful attention. I don't think we run a
risk during the period until you submit that memorandum, at the next
meeting or so, in contemplating that we could hold up to $500 million
of currencies. Does anybody feel differently?
MR. HOLMES. I would guess that we wouldn't get to that
amount. But the markets are so volatile these days.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. I don't think we will either. But we have
[acquired] a billion dollars of D-marks in a couple of days which was
very favorable to us. And we might have other occasions where we want
to continue-M R . PARTEE. Well, I don't think we ought to get ourselves
into a substantial long exposure willy nilly, but I think what Alan is
suggesting is within the range of operating necessity. Nevertheless,
I would hate to see us acquiring $500 million, [going] up to $1
billion and then to $1.5 billion. Those things sometimes happen.



CHAIRMAN MILLER. Also, we don't want to make such a decision
unless we intend to look at it in depth; this is not something we are
trying to sneak up on. I just think we need some operating room.
MR. WALLICH. But we do need to look at this in depth at some
point because we are getting to the point where we are operating in
foreign currencies.



VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We have to look at this question; I
don't think this $500 million implies that we've answered it.

That's right.

MR. COLDWELL. Well, Mr. Chairman, I'd be satisfied as long
as we don't get beyond the debt we now owe in any single currency.


Then you are going to be long.

Well, we're buying right now.

VICE CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We have yen and we don't have any
[yen] debt.

I meant in terms of the $500 million

M R . WALLICH. You mean overall total debt equal to total
balances. We have a large D-mark debt and we have yen balances. The
$500 million will be much smaller than the D-mark debt.
MR. COLDWELL. Well, that would be true for today, assuming
we come back to this subject.

CHAIRMAN MILLER. ? y other comments? Alan, we need approval
on the rollover of some our maturing swaps, right?

MR. HOLMES. I recommend that they be rolled over on maturity
if we can't pay them off before.
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Is everyone familiar
[Information on] this has been circulated. May
that? Hearing no dissents, it is so approved.
our short-range specifications in the directive
famous switch for the final count.

with this?
we have approval of
I must say the vote on
was 9 to 1. We had a

MS. TEETERS. Who switched?
CHAIRMAN MILLER. Paul switched; Phil decided to be lonely.
I thank you all for your patience. It has been a very difficult task
to cope with this and we're breaking some new ground. I hope we can
continue to make the process work to your satisfaction. We will now
adjourn for lunch.