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For immediate release

April 7, 1975

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
and the Federal Open Market Committee today released the attached
record of policy actions taken by the Federal Open Market Com
mittee at its meeting on February 19, 1975.
Beginning with the record for this meeting, such records
are being made available approximately 45 days after the date of
each meeting of the Committee.
The records of policy actions also are published in the
Federal Reserve Bulletin and the Board's Annual Report.


summary descriptions of economic and financial conditions they
contain are based on the information that was available to the
Committee at the time of the meeting, rather than on data as
they may have been revised since then.


Meeting held on February 19, 1975

Domestic policy directive
The information reviewed at this meeting suggested that

real output of goods and services,

which had declined throughout

1974, was falling sharply further in the first quarter of 1975;
that the rise in prices was moderating significantly; and that
nominal GNP was declining.

Staff projections suggested that

real economic activity would recede further in the second
quarter and that price increases would continue to moderate.
In January retail sales had risen somewhat,


to the advance estimate, but they had remained well below the
levels of last summer and early autumn.

For the third con

secutive month cutbacks in production and employment were
substantial and widespread, in part because of continuing
efforts to liquidate inventories.

The unemployment rate rose

a full percentage point, to 8.2 per cent, and the number of
persons working only part time increased further.
The advance in

the index of average hourly earnings

for private nonfarm production workers was substantial in
January, but as in

the final months of 1974,

less rapid than in

the spring and summer of last year.


was considerably



wholesale prices of industrial commodities--which were unchanged
in December--rose moderately in January, in part because of
increases in machinery and in fuels and power: wholesale prices
of farm and food products declined further.

In December the

consumer price index had continued to rise, although the increase
had not been so large as in most earlier months in 1974.
The latest staff projections for the first half of 1975
suggested that nominal GNP would change little and that real
GNP would contract substantially more than had been expected at
the time of the last meeting, to a considerable extent because
the curtailment in business fixed investment and the liquidation
of business inventories were now expected to be sharper than
had been anticipated earlier.

It was now expected that the

rise in disposable personal income would fall short of the
increase in consumer prices until late in the second quarterwhen tax rebates were scheduled under the Administration's
budget proposals--and that real personal consumption expenditures
would decline.

However, the more rapid liquidation of inventories

expected in the first half of the year--along with the tax rebates
and other stimulative fiscal measures in prospect--tended to
strengthen the prospects for an upturn in economic activity in
the second half.


The exchange rate for the dollar against leading foreign
currencies remained under downward pressure throughout January.
In early February the Federal Reserve System and some European
central banks began concerted intervention purchases of dollars
in the exchange markets which, in conjunction with sharp decreases
in European interest rates, arrested the decline in the value of
the dollar.

In the days just before this meeting, however, down

ward pressure was renewed and the value of the dollar declined

In December the U.S. foreign trade deficit had widened,

reflecting a substantial increase in imports of fuels and decreases
in exports of many nonagricultural products.
At U.S. commercial banks total loans and investments
rose moderately from the end of December to the end of January,
after having declined sharply in the preceding month.

Over the

2-month period, outstanding bank loans to business declined;
business demands for short-term credit weakened both at banks
and in the commercial paper market, reflecting the recession in
economic activity and business funding of short-term debts
through heavy capital market financing.

Consumer loans at

banks also declined, while real estate loans increased moderately.
In late January and early February most banks gradually reduced
the prime rate applicable to large corporations from 10 per cent



to 8-3/4 per cent, but reductions in the rate continued to lag
behind declines in short-term market interest rates.
The narrowly defined money stock (M )--which had grown
at an annual rate of about 4.5 per cent in the fourth quarter
of 1974--declined at a rate of about 9.5 per cent in January,
reflecting a sharp decrease in demand deposits; the amount of
currency in circulation continued to expand.

Net inflows of

consumer-type time and savings deposits at banks and at nonbank
thrift institutions were strong, and broader measures of the
money stock (M2 and M3 ) continued to grow, although at rates
well below those in the fourth quarter of last year.
On January 22 the Treasury announced that it would
auction up to $5.5 billion of notes and bonds, of which $3.55
billion represented refunding of publicly held notes that
were to mature in mid-February.

In auctions on January 28,

29, and 30, respectively, the Treasury sold $3 billion of
3-1/4-year notes at an average price to yield 7.21 per cent,
$1.75 billion of 6-year notes at an average price to yield
7.49 per cent, and $750 million of 25-year bonds at an average
price to yield 7.95 per cent.
System open market operations since the January 20-21
meeting had been guided by the Committee's decision to seek


bank reserve and money market conditions consistent with more
rapid growth in

monetary aggregates over the months ahead than

had occurred in recent months, while taking account of the
forthcoming Treasury financing, developments in domestic and
international financial markets, and the Board's action of
January 20 reducing reserve requirements on demand deposits.
Data that had become available in the weeks immediately after
the January meeting suggested that in the January-February
period the aggregates would grow at rates below the lower
limits of the ranges of tolerance that had been specified
by the Committee.


System operations persistently

had been directed toward further easing in bank reserve and
money market conditions.
averaged 7-1/8 per cent in

The Federal funds rate, which had
the statement week ending January 22,

had declined by the statement week ending February 5

to an

average of 6-1/2 per cent, the lower limit of its specified
range of tolerance.
The data that became available in

early February indicated

still greater weakness in the aggregates; it appeared that growth
rates for M1 and M2 in

the January-February period would fall

well below the lower limits of the ranges of tolerance specified
by the Committee.

On February 5 a majority of the members


concurred in the Chairman's recommendation that the lower
limit of the funds rate constraint be reduced to 6-1/4 per
cent, and over the period remaining until this meeting the
funds rate was close to that level.
Short-term market interest rates declined substantially
further over the inter-meeting period, in response to the
weakness in business demands for short-term credit and to
System open market operations to ease bank reserve and money
market conditions.

On the day before this meeting the market

rate on 3-month Treasury bills was 5.32 per cent, down about
1 percentage point from the rate at the time of the last meeting.
Federal Reserve discount rates were reduced at nine Reserve
Banks from 7-1/4 to 6-3/4 per cent, effective February 5;
shortly thereafter, rates were reduced at the remaining three
The continued easing in short-term interest rates
contributed to significant declines in longer-term rates,
notwithstanding a large volume of offerings of new issues.
Public offerings of corporate bonds rose sharply in January
to a near-record volume, and only a moderate decline was in
prospect for February.

In the home mortgage market contract

interest rates on new commitments for conventional mortgages


in the primary market and yields on commitments in the secondary
market for Federally underwritten mortgages declined substantially
further during January.
The Committee decided that the economic situation and
outlook called for more rapid growth in monetary aggregates
over the months ahead than had occurred in recent months.


staff analysis suggested that the demand for money would re
bound and that growth in M 1 would be substantial in the weeks
immediately ahead, in accordance with an expected shift toward
a more normal relationship between the transactions demands
for money and nominal GNP.

However, in part because of the

weaker behavior of nominal GNP now projected, it appeared likely
that if M1 were to grow at a rate consistent with the Committee's
longer-run objectives for the monetary aggregates, money market
conditions would have to ease further in the period immediately

Sustained strength in net inflows of consumer-type time

and savings deposits to banks and to nonbank thrift institutions
was anticipated, in response to the continuing decline in short
term interest rates.

Private demands for short-term credit were

expected to remain weak, but the Treasury was likely to borrow
additional new cash over the months ahead.


The Committee concluded that growth in M1 and M2 over
the February-March period at annual rates within ranges of
tolerance of 5-1/2 to 7-1/2 per cent and 6-1/2 to 8-1/2 per
cent, respectively, would be consistent with its longer-run
objectives for the monetary aggregates.

The growth rate of

reserves available to support private nonbank deposits (RPD's)
in the same period was expected to be low--in a range of 1/4
to 2-1/4 per cent--mainly because of the 2-week lag in reserve

The members agreed that in the period until the

next meeting the weekly average Federal funds rate might be ex

pected to vary in an orderly fashion in a range of 5-1/4 to 6-1/4
per cent, if necessary in the course of seeking monetary
growth rates within the ranges specified.

The members also

agreed that in the conduct of operations, account should be
taken of developments in domestic and international financial
The following domestic policy directive was issued to
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York:
The information reviewed at this meeting suggests
that real output of goods and services is continuing
to fall sharply in the current quarter.
In January
declines in industrial production and employment
were large and widespread for the third consecutive
month. The unemployment rate rose a full percentage
point to 8.2 per cent. Average wholesale prices of



industrial commodities, which were unchanged in
December, rose moderately in January, and prices
of farm and food products declined further. In
recent months increases in average wage rates
have moderated, although they have still been
The decline in the foreign exchange value of
the dollar was arrested in early February by con
certed central bank intervention and a sharp
decline in European interest rates, but in recent
days the dollar has declined somewhat. In December
the U.S. foreign trade deficit increased, but it
was smaller in the fourth quarter as a whole than
in the third.
The narrowly defined money stock, after having
grown at an annual rate of about 4-1/2 per cent over
the fourth quarter of 1974, declined sharply in
January. However, net inflows of consumer-type time
and savings deposits at banks and nonbank thrift
institutions were large, and broader measures of
the money stock continued to expand. Business
demands for short-term credit have weakened in
recent months, both at banks and in the commercial
paper market, while demands in the long-term market
have been exceptionally strong. Since mid-January
short-term market interest rates have fallen sub
stantially further, and yields on long-term secu
rities also have declined. Federal Reserve discount
rates were reduced from 7-1/4 to 6-3/4 per cent in
early February.
In light of the foregoing developments, it is
the policy of the Federal Open Market Committee to
foster financial conditions conducive to cushioning
recessionary tendencies and stimulating economic
recovery, while resisting inflationary pressures and
working toward equilibrium in the country's balance
of payments.



To implement this policy, while taking account
of developments in domestic and international financial
markets, the Committee seeks to achieve bank reserve
and money market conditions consistent with more rapid
growth in monetary aggregates over the months ahead
than has occurred in recent months.

Votes for this action:


Burns, Hayes, Black, Bucher, Clay,
Coldwell, Holland, Kimbrel, Mitchell,
Wallich, and Winn. Votes against this
action: None.
Absent and not voting: Mr. Sheehan.

Amendment to foreign currency directive
At this meeting the Committee amended paragraph 2(c) of

the foreign currency directive to delete the word "Special"
from the phrase "Special Manager" wherever the phrase appears
in that paragraph.

In other actions at the meeting the Committee

had approved a realignment of personnel who supervise System open
market operations at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York under
the Committee's direction.1/

The realignment--which followed

acceptance of the resignation of the incumbent Special Manager
in connection with his planned retirement from the New York Bankinvolved, among other things, the elimination of the position of
Special Manager for Foreign Currency Operations and the assignment
of responsibility for the conduct of open market operations in
foreign currencies, as well as in domestic securities, to the
Manager of the System Open Market Account.

The amendment to the

foreign currency directive was made to conform to these changes.
1/ Revisions in the Committee's Rules of Organization and Rules
of Procedure made for this purpose were published in the Federal
Register for March 7, 1975.


-11Votes for this action: Messrs.
Burns, Hayes, Black, Bucher, Clay,
Coldwell, Holland, Kimbrel, Mitchell,
Sheehan, Wallich, and Winn. Votes
against this action: None.

3. Amendment to authorization for domestic open market operations
On March 10 the Committee members voted to amend a pro
vision of paragraph 2 of the authorization for domestic open
market operations to raise from $1 billion to $2 billion the
limit on System holdings of special short-term certificates of
indebtedness purchased directly from the Treasury.

With this

amendment, paragraph 2 read as follows:
The Federal Open Market Committee authorizes
and directs the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
or, under special circumstances, such as when the
New York Reserve Bank is closed, any other Federal
Reserve Bank, to purchase directly from the Treasury
for its own account (with discretion, in cases where
it seems desirable, to issue participations to one
or more Federal Reserve Banks) such amounts of
special short-term certificates of indebtedness as

may be necessary from time to time for the temporary
accommodation of the Treasury; provided that the rate
charged on such certificates shall be a rate 1/4 of
1 per cent below the discount rate of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York at the time of such pur
chases, and provided further that the total amount

of such certificates held at any one time by the
Federal Reserve Banks shall not exceed $2 billion.
Votes for this action: Messrs.
Burns, Hayes, Baughman, Coldwell,
Eastburn, Holland, Mayo, Mitchell,
and Sheehan. Votes against this
action: None.
Absent and not voting:


Bucher, MacLaury, and Wallich.



This action was taken on the recommendation of the
Account Manager, who had advised that current projections of
Treasury balances had indicated that temporary cash low points
in mid-March and again in mid-April might require special
borrowing as high as $500 to $700 million.

In view of the

day-to-day volatility in the Treasury's account, and in
estimates of changes in that account, the Manager had recommended
the increase of the limit, with the understanding that he would
recommend restoration of the $1 billion limit as soon as it
appeared reasonable to do so.