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A meeting of the executive committee of the Federal Open
Market Committee was held in the offices of the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System in Washington on Wednesday, December
18, 1940, at 11:00 a.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Harrison, Vice Chairman
Draper (alternate for Mr. Davis)

Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Wyatt, General Counsel
Mr. Rouse, Manager of the System Open
Market Account
Messrs. McKee, Parker, Schaller, and Day,
Members of the Federal Open Market Com
Messrs. Young, Fleming, Leach, Martin, and
Peyton, Alternate Members of the Federal
Open Market Committee
Messrs. Hamilton and Gilbert, Presidents of
the Federal Reserve Banks of Kansas City
and Dallas, respectively
Mr. Kimball, Secretary of the Conference of
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman of the
Board of Governors
Mr. Bethea, Assistant Secretary of the Board
of Governors
Chairman Eccles said that Mr. Davis was attending a meeting of
the National Defense Advisory Commission and for that reason could not
be present at this meeting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded,
and by unanimous vote, the minutes of the


-2meeting of the executive committee of the
Federal Open Market Committee held on No
vember 1, 1940, were approved.

Reference was made to action taken by members of the executive
committee of the Federal Open Market Committee on November 15, under
the authority of paragraph numbered 3 of the resolution adopted at the
meeting of the committee on November 1, 1940, in authorizing the Fed
eral Reserve Bank of New York, when market conditions permitted, to
make such outright sales of securities from the System open market ac
count as might be effected without adversely affecting the market, pro
vided that the total amount of securities in

the account be not de

creased through operations under paragraph numbered 2 of the resolution
adopted at the meeting of the committee on November 1 by more than

$100,000,000 in addition to the authority already granted by that para

It was stated that the additional authority was granted for the

reason that through November 14 the bank had sold
ties under the November 1 authorization and it

$86,200,000 of securi

was believed that the

additional authority to make sales from the account was justified in
the light of the prevailing market conditions.

Upon motion duly made and seconded,
and by unanimous vote, the action of the
members of the executive committee in

granting the additional authority to the
New York Bank was approved, ratified, and
Reference was made to the weekly reports of operations in the
System account which had been submitted to the members of the committee



by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, including the report for the
period ended December 11, 1940, and it
no transactions in

was stated that there had been

the account since that date.

Upon motion duly made and seconded,
and by unanimous vote, the transactions
in the System open market account for the
period since that covered by similar ac
tion taken by the executive committee on
November 1, 1940, to and including December
17, 1940, were approved, ratified, and con
Thereupon the meeting recessed to reconvene following the meet
ing of the Federal Open Market Committee.

Assistant Secretary.
