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of the






from time to time for the temporary accommodation of the Treasury shall
not be increased or decreased by more than 3 billion dollars.
The executive committee is further directed, until otherwise directed
by the Federal Open Market Committee, to arrange for the purchase for
the System open market account direct from the Treasury of such amounts
of special short-term certificates of indebtedness as may be necessary from
time to time for the temporary accommodation of the Treasury; provided
that the total amount of such certificates held in the account at any one
time shall not exceed 1.5 billion dollars.
Votes for this action: Messrs. McCabe, Chairman; Sproul, Vice Chair
man; Clayton, Draper, Earhart, Eccles, Evans, Gidney, Leach, McLarin,
Szymczak, and Vardaman. Votes against this action: none.
By late June the decline in business activity had gone further than had been
considered likely at the beginning of the year and there were indications that
it would go somewhat further. On the date of this meeting it was clear that
Congress would not extend the temporary authority of the Board of Governors
to increase reserve requirements of member banks and that the lapse of this
authority at the end of June would reduce reserve requirements of member
banks by about 800 million dollars and, therefore, would have a substantial
easing influence on the money market. It was also clear that Congress would
not extend the temporary authority of the Board for the regulation of con
sumer instalment credit which would result in greater availability of credit
in this field.
It was agreed at this meeting that the easing influence of the reduction of
800 million dollars in reserve requirements should be permitted to make itself
felt in the market, and that open market operations should be so conducted,
in the light of developments after the reduction in reserve requirements became
effective on July 1, as to continue the System's policy of monetary ease. The
direction set forth above was adopted for that purpose. The only change from
the previous direction was in the reference to orderly conditions as dis
tinguished from stable and orderly conditions in the Government security
This was a significant change in the direction and grew out of the sug
gestion that the declines in business activity that had taken place and the
credit policy being currently followed by the Federal Reserve System afforded
the Federal Open Market Committee an opportunity to adopt a more flexible
policy, first with respect to the general business and credit situation, and
second, with respect to support of the Government security market. Discus
sions at this meeting were in the light of further conferences that had been
held by representatives of the Committee with the Secretary of the Treasury
in which the view was expressed that the time had arrived when the Federal



Open Market Committee should begin to determine its policies on the basis of
the general business and credit situation and orderly conditions in the Govern
ment security market, without attempting to maintain a relatively fixed pat
tern of prices and yields on United States Government securities. Under
existing conditions, the revised policy contemplated increased availability of
reserve funds and some further decline in rates, and in all conditions somewhat
freer movements in prices and yields in the Government security market. The
members of the Committee were favorable to such a change in existing policy.
The statement issued to the press in connection with this change was as
The Federal Open Market Committee, after consultation with the Treas
ury, announced today that with a view to increasing the supply of funds
available in the market to meet the needs of commerce, business, and agri
culture it will be the policy of the Committee to direct purchases, sales,
and exchanges of Government securities by the Federal Reserve Banks
with primary regard to the general business and credit situation. The
policy of maintaining orderly conditions in the Government security
market and the confidence of investors in Government bonds will be con
tinued. Under present conditions the maintenance of a relatively fixed
pattern of rates has the undesirable effect of absorbing reserves from the
market at a time when the availability of credit should be increased.
AUGUST 5, 1949
1. Authority to Effect Transactions in System Account.

The following direction to the executive committee, which was in the same
form as the direction issued at the meeting of the Committee on June 28, 1949,
was approved.
The executive committee is directed, until otherwise directed by the
Federal Open Market Committee, to arrange for such transactions for
the System open market account, either in the open market or directly
with the Treasury (including purchases, sales, exchanges, replacement of
maturing securities, and letting maturities run off without replacement),
as may be necessary, in the light of changing economic conditions and the
general credit situation of the country, for the practical administration of
the account, for the maintenance of orderly conditions in the Govern
ment security market, and for the purpose of relating the supply of funds
in the market to the needs of commerce and business; provided that the
aggregate amount of securities held in the account at the close of this
date other than special short-term certificates of indebtedness purchased
from time to time for the temporary accommodation of the Treasury
shall not be increased or decreased by more than 3 billion dollars.



The executive committee is further directed, until otherwise directed
by the Federal Open Market Committee, to arrange for the purchase for
the System open market account direct from the Treasury of such amounts
of special short-term certificates of indebtedness as may be necessary from
time to time for the temporary accommodation of the Treasury; provided
that the total amount of such certificates held in the account at any one
time shall not exceed 1.5 billion dollars.
Votes for this action: Messrs. Sproul, Vice Chairman; Clayton, Draper,
Earhart, Eccles, Gidney, Leach, and McLarin. Votes against this
action: none.
During July the decline in business activity continued for the eighth con
secutive month. The decline had been orderly and, because of supporting
factors in the economy with high levels of activity in some segments, had been
relatively mild. The outlook was for a continued high level of activity with a
likelihood of some moderate increase in the immediate future. It was not
clear, however, whether the corrections that had been made had been sufficient
to prevent further declines over a longer term period. The indications were
that present credit policy should be one of continued monetary ease as one
means of encouraging a high level of business activity while at the same time
avoiding conditions of such ease as would prevent needed adjustments in the
economy or would encourage undue expansion.
At this meeting it was stated that, if the Federal Open Market Committee
should be willing to allow the System's holdings of Treasury securities to
go into the market in amounts sufficient to absorb the reserves that would be
released by a reduction in reserve requirements, the Board of Governors would
reduce reserve requirements by two percentage points on demand deposits
and possibly one percentage point on time deposits of all member banks, to
become effective on various dates in August and September.
It was agreed by members of the Federal Open Market Committee that,
in view of the tendency for declining economic activity in the United States,
the release of additional funds to banks by the proposed reduction in reserve
requirements was desirable. It was recognized, however, that unless banks
were supplied with securities for immediate investment of their additional
funds, there would be disorderly conditions in the money market and an
unnecessarily sharp and largely temporary decline in interest rates. It was
felt that sales of short-term securities by the System would provide banks with
liquid assets and prevent an undue decline in interest rates without interfering
with the major goal of the reserve-requirement reduction, namely, to encourage
the extension of credit beneficial to increased production and employment.
Accordingly, the members of the Committee indicated that if the Board
of Governors should reduce reserve requirements by the amount proposed



(approximately 1.8 billion dollars) they would act to reduce the System's
holdings of securities to offset the released reserves, and that securities would
be sold from the System account until transition to the lower reserve require
ments had been made so that the reduction would not result in a general
further lowering of short-term rates. The above direction was adopted for
that purpose and for the further purpose of continuing the System policy of
monetary ease.
DECEMBER 13, 1949
1. Increase in Short-Term Rates.
The members of the Federal Open Market Committee, on November 22,
1949, upon recommendation of the executive committee, authorized the pur
chase and sale of bills and certificates in the market at somewhat lower prices
(higher yields) than had recently prevailed. At this meeting this informal
action was approved, ratified, and confirmed.

Votes for this action: Messrs. McCabe, Chairman; Sproul, Vice Chair
man; Draper, Earhart, Eccles, Gidney, Leach, McLarin, Szymczak, and

Vardaman. Votes against this action: none.
Until the middle of November, operations in the System open market ac

count continued to be carried on under the policy of monetary ease adopted
at the meeting of August 5, 1949, as one means of restraining further declines
in production and employment. However, when the executive committee
met on November 18, 1949, there had been a moderate recovery from the
lows reached during the summer. The strength of the movement and the
indication that it would continue well into 1950 prompted the executive
committee of the Federal Open Market Committee to recommend to the full
Committee that it authorize the executive committee to increase short-term
rates somewhat in order to indicate a change from a policy of monetary
ease to a policy of mild restrictions on the availability of bank reserves through
open market operations. The purpose of this change in policy was to indi
cate the view on the part of monetary authorities that economic conditions
had changed, that it was believed to be desirable to adopt a policy of some re
straint and that, depending on developments, some further increases in rates
might be called for. The full Committee approved the increase for the
reasons that prompted the executive committee to make its recommendation.
2. Authority to Effect Transactions in System Account.
The following direction to the executive committee, which was in the same
form as the direction issued at the meeting on August 5, 1949, was approved.
The executive committee is directed, until otherwise directed by the
Federal Open Market Committee, to arrange for such transactions for the