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B u l l e t in
April 15, 1960

Vol. 15, No. 4

Hand-grubbing is the most economical
1. Young plants which are hidden among
method for killing mesquite— a plant that can the grasses.
take over, and virtually destroy use of, the range
2. Older plants with sand blowouts around
— says Dr. Carlton Herbel, Agronomist with them.
the Federal Agricultural Research Service at
3. The disastrous mesquite dunes.
New Mexico State University. This method is a
“sure kill” for mesquite if the root is cut below
When the invasion reaches the third stage,
the budding zone, about 4 inches beneath the the range is beyond reclamation under present
ground surface. On the other hand, 3 years are economic conditions. In this stage, the carry­
required to determine whether the kill from ing capacity of the range usually has been re­
chemical treatment is certain.
duced to three or fewer head of cattle per sec­
annually, contrasted with 18 head to a sec­
In 1959 — the second year of the grubbing
project on the United States Department of tion in the first stage of the invasion.
Agriculture’s Jornada Experimental Range,
The only economic benefit of mesquite is that
near Las Cruces, New Mexico — the total aver­ the plant’s beans are eaten by some cattle. How­
age cost of the operation was 67 cents per acre, ever, Dr. Herbel says that the cattle which eat
which is much less than the cost for chemical the beans disseminate the seed over good grass­
control. The per acre cost in 1958 was 44 cents. land and offset any feed value of the beans.
A total of 8,565 acres in three Jornada pastures
Mesquite grubbing is a range conservation
was grubbed during the past 2 years.
measure. Although grubbing may not result in
The honey, or many-stemmed, mesquite additional forage, a rancher may lose much of
grows on an estimated 10 million acres in New the forage on his range in 10 to 15 years if no
Mexico, but there is no estimate as to how much control is carried out.
of it is grubbable. Only plants with a crown
In 1959, mesquite grubbing on the experi­
width of less than 36 inches are suitable for
ranges was begun in January and com­
pleted in early March. There are two advan­
As a result of the work performed in 1959, tages in doing the work early in the year: It is a
Dr. Herbel believes that, before grubbing is cool part of the year, and it is the off-season for
undertaken, there should be twice as much cotton farm labor. Crews of 10 or more men
grubbable as nongrubbable mesquite. If this were used, and the laborers commented that
ratio is smaller, a chemical treatment should be grubbing was relatively easy work. At the rate of
65 cents an hour for a laborer, the average cost
55 cents per acre. The average cost for the
There are three stages of mesquite invasion
who was paid $1.25 per hour, was
of the ranges:






12 cents per acre. The total time on the 4,300
acres was 3,666 man-hours. The number of
plants grubbed per acre in 1959 was about 25,
the number missed was approximately 3, and
plants which were too large to be grubbed to­
taled about 13 per acre.
A small part of the grubbed area was treated
with chemicals in 1958, and more extensive
chemical treatments were applied in June and
July of 1959. No hand-grubbing is planned for
1960 because chemicals will be used on the
plants that were missed and those which were
too large to be grubbed on the 8,565 acres.
Hand-grubbing on the Jornada Range was
done systematically. The grubbers were spaced
at 30-foot intervals and were kept in line by a
system of flagging. Several different colors of
flagging material were fastened to lath stakes
in order that no workman would be confused as
to which was his guide flag.
The rows of flags were placed about onefourth of a mile apart; however, the distance
varied somewhat according to the topography
of the land. As the grubbers passed a row of
flags, the guides were moved over so that they
would be in place for the return swath. Chang­
ing the flags required the full time of one man
with a pickup truck. A supervisor followed
closely behind the grubbers to check their work
and to grub occasional plants which had been

Plant Diseases C a n C u t Livestock
Prevention and control of plant diseases are
important in livestock production since profits
depend on maximum yields from pastures and
crops, says Harlan E. Smith, Extension Plant
Pathologist with the Texas Agricultural Exten­
sion Service.
In many instances, weather, soils, or planting
seed are blamed for low crop output when plant
diseases actually cause the losses. In addition,
poor-quality feed or forage often results from
damages caused by plant diseases. Such feed
does not contain the vitamins, minerals, and
other elements necessary for good animal

The fungi, bacteria, or other germs which
cause plant diseases cannot be seen with the
naked eye; and the diseases are difficult, if not
impossible, to control once they have infected a
crop. However, many plant diseases can be pre­
vented. For example, treating of planting seed
with a good fungicide will help in controlling
some feed and forage crop diseases.
The pathologist recommends the planting of
good, carefully selected seed which is dry,
sound, and free from combine-injured seed
coats. The seed should be planted in a warm,
mellow soil because cold, wet soil favors seed­
ling diseases.
Growing the same crop on the same land
year after year tends to increase plant disease
problems; therefore, annual feed and forage
crops should be rotated. If available, diseaseresistant crop varieties or hybrids should be

N ew Blackberry fo r East Texas
Brazos is a new, erect-type blackberry which
is adapted to the east Texas area, according to
the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. The
large, attractive fruit should find acceptance on
the fresh market.
The Brazos blackberry —
Matures early.
i f Produces good yields and large fruits.
i f Maintains fruit size longer throughout
the season.
i f Is softer than the Lawton variety.
Plants and cuttings of the new blackberry
may be obtained from commercial sources; no
supplies are available from the Texas Agricul­
tural Experiment Station.

Southern Peas G aining Popularity
Southern peas — a favorite vegetable in the
South for many years — are gaining fast in pop­
ularity, points out the Texas Agricultural Ex­
tension Service. Since World War II, Southern
peas have become a welcome addition to the
diet of many people in the North. Eaten as green
snaps, green shell peas, dried peas, and canned

S a fe ty Hints fo r H andling Farm Chem icals
With the new crop year under way, both farmers and city folks should keep in mind
these safety hints from the Louisiana Agricultural Extension Service.
1. Read the labels on the containers, follow instructions, and take the recommended
precautions when using insecticides or herbicides.
2. Store pesticides and other chemicals where children or careless adults are not likely
to get into them. Keep the chemicals in a locked shed or closet, away from feed and food.
3. Keep pesticides and other agricultural chemicals in their original labeled containers
so that everyone will be able to tell exactly what material he is using.
4. Dispose of empty containers promptly and in such a manner that no dangers to
human beings, animals, or valuable plants will be created.
or frozen peas, they are a leading staple in the
diet of many families.
The following are the groups of principal
horticultural importance which are included in
the classification “Southern peas” : black-eye,
purple hull, crowder, black crowder, speckle
crowder, brown-eye crowder, brown-eye, spot­
ted crowder, brown crowder, cream crowder,
and cream groups. The yard-long bean and the
lady cream pea are also members of the South­
ern pea group.

Feed Milk Cow s Enough
Research by Cornell University shows that
most dairy farmers do not give their cows
enough to eat. The average cow will produce up
to 5 pounds more milk a day if her daily menu
includes 20 pounds of good grain, but the Cor­
nell studies indicate that most dairymen give
their cows less than 15 pounds.
The amount of grain a cow should get de­
pends partly on the animal’s inherited potential
and partly on the quality of the forage she is
getting, according to Professor J. K. Loosli at
Cornell. Some cows should get even more than
20 pounds of grain, especially if the hay is of
low quality. Cows brought to Cornell Univer­
sity for study gave 1,000 to 3,000 pounds more
milk a year when their feed was increased.
Other research at Cornell shows that cows
give more milk and gain more weight on con­
centrate mixtures containing distillers’ grains
than some other protein feeds. For example,

milk production averaged 42.4 pounds daily for
cows fed corn distillers’ grain, while cows given
linseed meal produced only 39.7 pounds daily.

Liquid Versus Dry Fertilizers
Liquid fertilizers are proving to be a good
source of plant nutrients, and their use is be­
coming widespread. However, W. F. Bennett,
Extension Soil Chemist with the Texas Agricul­
tural Extension Service, says that liquid and dry
fertilizers generally are of equal value in im­
proving crop yields.
Little difference was noted in the results of
27 experiments in which liquid and solid, or dry,
fertilizers were compared. The experiments cov­
ered a wide area, and the same methods of ap­
plication were used. In only three instances
were higher yields obtained with liquid ferti­
lizers. In one case, greater yields resulted from
the use of solid fertilizers. In all four instances,
differences in yields were small and were not
apparent on the same soil type in succeeding
The major considerations in determining
which type of plant food to use are the relative
costs and the ease of handling and application.
In some areas, the costs are comparable, while
price differences prevail in others. If proper
equipment is available, liquid fertilizers usually
are easier to handle and apply than are dry fer­
tilizers. On the other hand, storage tanks and
special applicators are required for liquid ferti­
lizers but are not needed for dry fertilizers.

Screwworm Eradication Program
An all-out eradication program against the
screwworm in the southwestern section of the
Nation and adjacent parts of Mexico does not
appear feasible at the present time, according to
the United States Department of Agriculture.
Further research and field trials will be con­
ducted to ascertain whether the use of sterile
male flies or other techniques may be feasible.
Lack of natural barriers—which would deter
the migration of the fly in the vast infested areas
of the Southwest and Mexico—was a key factor
in deciding against an all-out eradication
The average overwintering area of the screw­
worm in the Southwest includes about 70,000
square miles in Texas, 40,000 square miles in
California, 34,000 square miles in Arizona, and
1,000 square miles in New Mexico, plus several
hundred thousand square miles in adjacent sec­
tions of Mexico. In the southeastern United
States, where the eradication program was quite
satisfactory, the average overwintering area is
less than 50,000 square miles.
In the Southeast, the ocean and gulf form an
extensive fly-free boundary, thus providing an
effective natural barrier against reinfestation. In
the southwestern parts of the country, numerous
valleys through mountain ranges result in corri­
dors that facilitate migration of the fly. Some
type of permanent buffer zone would be needed
in order to protect the United States and adjoin­
ing areas of Mexico from infestation from far­
ther south.

C entennial Sw eet Potato Best
The Louisiana Agricul­
tural Experiment Station
has developed a new sweet
potato variety that produces
more than any other sweet
potato ever grown in the State. The new variety
is being named “Centennial” in recognition of
Louisiana State University’s 100 years of serv­
ice to the State and also because it has yielded,
in 30 tests over a 3-year period, approximately
100 bushels more per acre than commercial
varieties now being grown.

The Centennial sweet potato was developed
by Dr. Julian C. Miller, Head of Horticultural
Research at the Louisiana Agricultural Experi­
ment Station; Dr. Teme P. Hernandez and
Travis P. Hernandez of the Horticulture D e­
partment; and Dr. Weston J. Martin of the
Plant Pathology Department.

Light and Plant D evelopm ent
A discovery by United States Department of
Agriculture scientists promises to be the key to
man’s complete control of plant growth from
seed germination through plant flowering and
fruiting. Drs. Harry A. Borthwick and Sterling
B. Hendricks at the Agricultural Research C en­
ter at Beltsville, Maryland, have determined
how light triggers plant development processes.
Pigment forms have been recovered from
corn plants, and some of the impurities have
been removed. The isolated material is a p ro ­
tein and functions as an enzyme. The selective
absorption of various colors of light by the dif­
ferent kinds of pigment forms apparently gov­
erns many phases of a plant’s development,
including flowering, germination, and elonga­
tion. The pigment forms can be converted from
one to the other outside the plant, and this ac­
tion can be detected by laboratory instruments.
In the past, conversion of one particular form to
another was detected only by plant responses.
As the pigment forms are purified further, the
scientists believe that they will be able to iden­
tify and modify the forms at will, thereby in ­
fluencing the character of plant growth. The
discovery opens the door to further research of
this triggering action in order to enable man to
tailor plants for his needs. Possible results are
crops of special heights for better harvesting,
flowering of plants at times convenient to man,
or plants less susceptible to damage from plant
Six Texas plants produce American cheese,
according to a recent survey of the Agricultural
Marketing Service.
■>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------—-------------------------- — *
T h e F A R M A N D R A N C H B U L L E T IN Is p r e p a re d In th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t u n d e r th e d ire c tio n o f J . Z . R o w e,
A g r ic u ltu ra l E co n o m ist.