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B ulletin
June 1964

Vol. 19, No. 6

A high school dropout faces prospects of
unemployment, a low-paying job, and a life­
time of meager income, according to the Eco­
nomic Research Service. In most states, a boy
can quit school when he reaches 16, and many
do in an effort to start earning money. How­
ever, getting a job is a serious problem for
dropouts, and obtaining a good job without a
high school education is practically impossible.
Although the number of 14- to 24-year-olds
in the United States who were school dropouts
declined from 7.8 million in 1950 to 6.1 mil­
lion in 1960, the problem is still serious, says
the ERS. In 1960, for example, 27 percent of
all youths dropped out of high school before
completing the 12th grade. An additional 3
percent were retarded two or more grades and
were likely to quit before graduation.
Generally, the more education a person has
the more money he earns in a lifetime. More­
over, unemployment rates are far higher for
dropouts than for graduates. A larger propor­
tion of farm youths than city boys fail to com­
plete high school. Only a small proportion of
rural boys can expect to become farmers; there­
fore, most of them seek employment in the city.
With poor qualifications, dropouts are likely
to be hired for only the most menial tasks at
minimum wages.
In 1960, about 385,000 persons in the 14to 24-year-old category had less than 5 years
of schooling. They are, for most practical pur­
poses, illiterate. The growth of the school-age
population lends itself to some ominous pro­



jections, according to the ERS. For example,
by 1970, there probably will be about 56.4
million persons 14 to 24 years old in the United
States. If the dropout rate for this age group
remains at the 1960 level, about 12.9 million
of these young people will fail to complete
high school.
Providing a high school education for the
dropouts 14 to 19 years of age who have al­
ready completed at least 1 year of high school
would be expensive. In 1960, there were about
1.5 million youths in this category. The cost
for educating a high school student is about
$472 a year. On this basis, approximately $1.4
billion would be required to provide further
education for these students. The ERS says
U. S. Bureau of the Census studies indi­
cate that additional education sharply increases lifetime earnings. Based on these
studies, the table below shows the estimated
earnings during the working years of a nor­
mal lifetime for people of various educational levels.
4 years of c o ll e g e ...................... $268,000
1-3 years of college
. . . .
4 years of high school . . . .
1-3 years of high school .
8th grade education . . . .
5-7 years elementary . . . .
1-4 years elementary . . . .
No education................................




that the additional cost would be more than
justified by the benefits of education to the in­
dividual, as well as to society, in the form of
higher incomes, increased knowledge and skill
of the labor force, and the reduction in rates
of unemployment and welfare expenses.
Reflective Paint for Rice Bins
The benefits derived from the use of reflec­
tive paint on rice storage bins are described in
a recent report issued by the U. S. Department
of Agriculture in cooperation with the Texas
Agricultural Experiment Station.
Studies by the USDA’s Agricultural Market­
ing Service researchers indicate that rice in
bins painted with reflective paint remains at a
lower temperature and has slightly higher ger­
mination than does rice in bins painted in the
standard way. During the hottest hours of sum­
mer days, the empty space above the grain in
the bins on which reflective paint is used is also
much cooler than the space in standard painted
Details of the study are included in the re­
port, Use of Reflective Paints on Rice Storage
Bins, AMS-531. Single copies of the release
may be obtained from the Marketing Informa­
tion Division, Agricultural Marketing Service,
U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington,
D. C. 20250.
H a y Important to Livestock Output
Hay may be considered as the “glue” that
holds the Texas livestock industry together
during the winter months, according to Shan­
non Carpenter, Area Dairy Specialist with the
Texas Agricultural Extension Service. How­
ever, hay barns across the State were left empty
as a result of the limited hay supply in 1963,
coupled with the long, cold winter which ne­
cessitated heavy supplemental feeding. Recent
rains are expected to help alleviate the supply
problem, but because of the large volume of
hay needed each year, Texas cattlemen face a
big challenge in refilling the empty hay barns
during the next few months.
In order to reach this goal, farmers and
ranchers must follow good hay-producing prac­

tices, says Mr. Carpenter. The “Build East
Texas” program has established a plan to reach
a goal of 12 tons of hay per acre annually.
Some of the practices recommended under this
program may be desirable for other areas of
the State, according to the dairy specialist.
These practices include the selection and
planting of the best hay crops, maintaining
well-established hay meadows, keeping soil
fertility levels high, controlling weeds, harvest­
ing often and in early stages of growth, and
good handling and storage of the hay.
Tests repeatedly have shown that higherquality roughages result in better performing
ability of animals. One ton of good-quality hay
produced by the practices outlined often con­
tains more feed nutrients than do 5 tons of
low-quality hay.
Two major points should be considered at
harvesttime. As the hay crop matures, crude
protein decreases and crude fiber increases.
Hay producers are advised not to sacrifice qual­
ity for quantity. The crop should be cut early
and often.
New High-Yielding Broomcorn
The seed of a new broomcorn, named Dex,
is being distributed to seedsmen, reports the
U. S. Department of Agriculture. The variety
is both high-yielding and anthracnose-resistant.
Dex was developed by scientists of the
USDA’s Agricultural Research Service in co­
operation with the Oklahoma Agricultural
Experiment Station. In 7 years of testing at
Woodward, Oklahoma, the new broomcorn
averaged 559 pounds of good-quality brush
per acre, compared with 411 pounds for Rennel’8 Dwarf No. 11 and 379 pounds for Black
Spanish — the predominant broomcorn varie­
ties grown in Oklahoma. The brush of Dex
broomcorn averaged 1 inch shorter than that
of Black Spanish and 2 inches shorter than that
of Rennel’s Dwarf No. 11.
Dex grows only as high as western dwarf
broomcorn — about two-thirds the height of
such standard broomcorns as Black Spanish —
and is slightly shorter than Rennel’s Dwarf
No. 11. Dex reaches maturity midway between

Black Spanish and Rennel’s Dwarf No. 11, be­
ing ready for harvesting in 85 days as com­
pared with 79 for the Black Spanish type and
91 for Rennel’s Dwarf No. 11.
A limited quantity of Dex seed may be ob­
tained from the Oklahoma Foundation Seed
Stocks, Inc., Oklahoma Agricultural Experi­
ment Station, Stillwater, Oklahoma. The
USDA has no seed for distribution.
New Clover for G ulf C o a st Pastures
Certified seed of a high-yielding new Persian
clover, called Abon, will be available to Gulf
Coast ranchers for planting this fall if seed
producers succeed in increasing the available
seed supply, reports the U. S. Department of
Agriculture. A total of 400 pounds of founda­
tion seed of the new clover was distributed for
increase last fall by the Rice-Pasture Research
and Extension Center of the Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station.
Abon — a winter annual forage legume —
is expected to improve the grazing potential
of ranges along the Gulf Coast, where minimum
temperatures do not fall below 10° Fahrenheit.
The new variety provides earlier grazing in
the fall and later grazing in the spring than
does common Persian clover.
In trials, Abon produced more forage than
did either common Persian clover or white
clover under frequent, close mowing to simu­
late grazing. The new variety’s resistance to
plant lodging and seed shattering also proved
superior to that of common Persian clover.
For an extra $2 or $3 a year, a home can be
built that will outlive the mortgage and require
little care, points out Bill Smith, Forester
with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service.
Through the use of preservatives, wood can be
protected from insects and decay for 40 years
or longer while repair and maintenance costs
are kept at a minimum. All exterior woodwork
and floorsills, beams, and joists should be pres­
sure-treated for complete protection of the
structure. Mr. Smith advises the use of pres­
sure-treated lumber when replacing the exterior
wood or supports.

Greenhouse Tomatoes in Texas
Greenhouse tomatoes are a
booming small industry in
Texas, says John Larsen,
H o rtic u ltu rist w ith th e
Texas Agricultural E xten­
sion Service. Because of
their outstanding quality,
greenhouse tomatoes bring a premium of about
10 cents per pound. A special taste and texture
result from the tomatoes being “vine-ripe,” a
characteristic that gives them field-fresh flavor.
Mr. Larsen states that greenhouse tomatoes
should not be confused with “hothouse” to­
matoes. Hothouse tomatoes are picked green
in the field and then ripened in a warm room.
The availability of low-cost plastic green­
houses has resulted in increased interest in
greenhouse tomatoes in recent years. A plastic
building can be constructed for 40 to 60 cents
per square foot, whereas a glass house costs
more than $2 per square foot.
Temperature control and ventilation are two
major factors in producing greenhouse toma­
toes. The tomatoes cannot stand freezing tem­
peratures; yet, south Texas growers often plant
in October to avoid extremely warm weather.
In north Texas, greenhouse tomatoes are
usually seeded in September. In order to main­
tain temperatures at the proper level, evapora­
tive coolers are used in warm weather and fur­
naces in cold weather.
The specialist says that good management is
very important in the production of greenhouse
tomatoes. Plants should be watered two to five
times each week, and as many as 15 fertilizer
applications per crop may be required. Manual
pollination should be done every other day.
New Chicken Products
Considerable work is being done toward
developing new products from chicken, reports
the Texas Agricultural Extension Service.
Items such as chicken frankfurters, chicken
bologna, chicken sticks, smoked chicken, and
chicken loaf are being marketed. Convenience
products — including chicken rolls, canned or
frozen chicken a la king, frozen barbecued

chicken, canned or frozen chicken chow mein,
pouch pack chicken fricassee, frozen chicken
pies, and TV dinners — continue to meet with
consumer approval. Many of these products
are now on the market, and others are being
market-tested and will appear soon.
Streamlining Lamb
“Streamlined” lamb carcasses are being con­
sidered as a means of fostering lamb sales in
the wholesale and retail markets, states Frank
Orts, Meat Specialist with the Texas Agricul­
tural Extension Service. The streamlined
carcass has the plate, flanks, brisket, and fore­
shanks removed.
The carcass is being studied at Texas A&M
University as a part of the investigations into
the different types of lamb carcasses. The work
is aimed at studying the yield of retail cuts
from lamb carcasses. The researchers are seek­
ing to determine how fatness, weight, muscular
development, breeding, and sex affect this
yield, according to Mr. Orts.
An additional part of the research is to study
the relationship of tenderness to meatiness and
carcass quality of lamb. Taste panels and ten­
derness testing machines are being used to
determine this relationship.
Many lamb producers have contributed ani­
mals for use in the research. The A&M scien­
tists hope their findings will aid the lamb
industry in both Texas and the Nation.
Moisture Meter for H ay
A fast and accurate moisture meter for
determining the moisture content of hay may
soon be available to farmers, reports the Agri­
cultural Marketing Service. The instrument is
portable, can be used in the field with no spe­
cial preparation, and provides a moisture con­
tent reading within 2 or 3 minutes.
Knowing the moisture content of forage
crops has always been important to farmers.
Hay containing an excessive amount of mois­
ture when harvested tends to pack, resulting
in heat and mold damage, while hay that is
too dry tends to shatter its leaves and become
brittle, discolored, and dusty.

Recent developments in harvesting, storage,
and preservation of hay have increased
the need for fast, accurate, simple, and versa­
tile methods for determining the crop’s moisture
content. Albert W. Hartsack, Jr., an Agricul­
tural Engineer with the Agricultural Marketing
Service, designed and constructed a press and
holder for the hay sample to be tested, along
with an electrode and a simple electrical cir­
cuit. The hay sample to be tested (alfalfa in
this case) is placed in a cylindrical holder, and
the holder is placed under a compression elec­
trode. A hydraulic jack then exerts a pressure
of 600 pounds per square inch on the hay
sample, a meter is adjusted, and the moisture
content is noted.
The instrument was measured for accuracy
in tests using the widely recognized ovendrying
method as a control. Although accurate, the
ovendrying method (which dries known
weights of hay and calculates moisture con­
tent from the weight loss of the hay) is slow
and cannot be used satisfactorily in the field.
The readings from the moisture meter and
the calculations made in the ovendrying tests
were highly correlated. The meter measure­
ments were sufficiently accurate for the instru­
ment to offer promise as an important tool
during haymaking, reports Mr. Hartsack.
In its present stage, the meter cannot be
used with hay containing moisture of more
than 50 percent, because juices squeezed out
by the high pressure cause erratic and mean­
ingless readings. Changes and improvements
to increase the efficiency of the meter and pro­
vide calibration guidelines for use with hay
crops other than alfalfa are now being tested.
Eroded cropland, rangeland, and woodland
— coupled with the resulting problems of
sedimentation — cost the United States nearly
$1 billion a year, states the Economic Research
Service. The potential loss from floods amounts
to another $955 million, with one-half of the
possible loss being agricultural. It is estimated
that over one-half of the Nation’s 311 million
acres of harvested cropland have a major prob­
lem of water erosion. Another 32 million acres
of grazing land need erosion treatment.