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Q anch
Q ulletin
Vol. 16, No. 9

September 15, 1961

In east Texas, emphasis has shifted from cash
crops to livestock, with dairying becoming the
major enterprise on many farms, according to
the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.
Grade A milk production expanded rapidly
as a result of high milk prices during and imme­
diately after World War II. Because of these
favorable prices, dairying was a profitable enter­
prise, although many herds included a large
proportion of low-producing cows. As milk
prices adjusted downward and production costs
trended upward, the importance of high output
per cow increased.
During 1954-59, the Texas Agricultural Ex­
periment Station made a study to determine the
costs and returns of producing milk, to find
variations in costs and returns among different
farms and among herds of various sizes, and to
evaluate the effect of economic factors on
dairying in east Texas.
Information on milk output and production
requirements was obtained from about a hun­
dred representative dairies in Camp, Franklin,
Hopkins, Nacogdoches, Smith, Titus, Upshur,
and Wood Counties. The most detailed data on
the farms were obtained for the period 1954-57.
The operations of all of the farms in the study
were devoted primarily to the production of
Grade A milk.
During the first 4 years of the study, the num­
ber of cows per farm increased, but the average
number of acres per farm showed little change.
The total average investment for dairying
increased slightly more than $5,000 between



1954 and 1957, but investment per cow de­
clined from $951 to $938, mainly because more
cows were kept on approximately the same acre­
age. The total average investment per cow was
greater for the small herds than for herds of
above-average size, reflecting, in part, the fewer
number of cows per acre on the farms with
small herds.
Although the majority of the dairies in east
Texas are operated by farm families, the trend
is toward larger herds and a more highly spe­
cialized business, according to the Texas Agri­
cultural Experiment Station. Among the more
important reasons given by farmers for increas­
ing the number of cows per farm were (1)
attaining greater efficiency in the use of equip­
ment; (2) securing increased efficiency in the
use of labor; (3) producing larger volumes of
milk for sale and, thus, realizing higher gross
incomes; and (4) obtaining the volume of milk
needed to justify owning bulk tanks and related
When the study was initiated in 1954, all
except two of the herds were predominantly
Jersey. By the end of 1959, Holsteins comprised
almost one-fourth of the milking herds.
The average annual milk output per cow
greatly influenced production costs and, in turn,
materially affected dairy profits. The average
annual output per cow for all farms in the study
was 5,168 pounds of milk in 1954 but increased
each year to average 6,240 pounds by 1957. In
the latter year, 10 percent of the herds produced
less than 5,000 pounds of milk per cow annu­
ally, and a similar percentage of the herds pro-




duced 8,000 pounds or more per cow annually.
High output per cow was not closely related
to herd size.

Survival Ration From W h ea t
A compact, long-keeping emergency ration
made from whole wheat has been developed
and tested by United States Department of Agri­
culture scientists. The ration was developed for
stockpiling in fallout shelters.

The study shows that, at prices and costs
prevailing during 1959, the revenue from a herd
of 48 cows producing only 4,200 pounds of
milk annually (the average of the low-producing
The product — which is in the form of
herds) did not cover all production costs. Op­
— has an estimated shelf life of 5 years
erators with such low-producing herds might
The rations are made from wholemeet cash operating expenses but would not be
that has been parboiled, dried,
able to provide for the replacement of equip­
crumbled and made into
ment and for improvements. Moreover, they
worked for very low wages.
According to the USDA, the wafers pack a
Revenue from a herd of 49 cows that pro­
duced 6,200 pounds of milk per cow (the aver­ large amount of food value into a small space.
age for the farms in the study) lacked 32 cents In addition, they can be served quickly and
per hundredweight of milk paying for all costs easily, and the plentiful supplies of wheat make
of production. In other words, cows producing the ration practical for stockpiling.
at the average level paid all operating costs and
provided for interest on the dairy investment,
as well as for upkeep and depreciation. How­
ever, the operator and his family received only
about 70 cents per hour for the time spent in
caring for the dairy.
Under price conditions in 1959, dollar re­
turns from a herd of 52 cows averaging 8,700
pounds of milk annually paid all operating
expenses and overhead costs and allowed a
payment of $ 1 per hour to the operator and his
family for dairy work and an additional $2,080
as a management wage to the operator.
Dairy Cows Do Not Need Daily
Mineral-Vitamin Supplements
Increasing numbers of Texas dairymen are
feeding expensive mineral-vitamin supplements
because they have been advised that this prac­
tice will improve milk production and the gen­
eral health of dairy cows, according to A. M.
Meekma, Dairy Specialist with the Texas Agri­
cultural Extension Service.
The dairy specialist points out, however,
that in four separate experiments at Cornell
University, a complex mineral-vitamin mixture
— similar in composition to many now being
sold — failed to increase milk production, milk
fat, weight gain, feed intake, or digestibility.
Moreover, no improvement in the general
health and appearance of the cows was evident.

The wafers can be eaten plain or with other
foods, such as milk, peanut butter, bouillon, and
spaghetti. The latter two items and seasoned
toppings can be stored in dried form and mixed
with water before heating and serving.
Each wheat wafer contains 84 calories. In
fallout shelter tests, 12 wafers daily furnished
slightly more than one-half of the energy re­
quirements and about one-third of the protein
in a 2,000-calorie per day diet. Milk and pea­
nut butter supplied the remainder of the protein.
Although this fare does not meet all of the re­
quirements for a balanced diet, human survival
and health would not be affected during an esti­
mated shelter stay of 2 weeks.
New Honey Harvesting Method
The United States Department of Agriculture
has announced a new and improved procedure
for repelling bees from combs while honey is
being harvested. The method, which uses pro­
pionic anhydride, is more efficient than proce­
dures which beekeepers have used for over 30
years. Moreover, this volatile chemical presents
no residue problem.
The new method involves placing an absorb­
ent pad, impregnated with propionic anhydride,
in a special fume chamber. This chamber is
then fitted over a section of the hive called the
super, from which honey is harvested by bee­
keepers. Air forced with a bellows into the fume

chamber drives the bees into other supers or into
the brood chamber below the supers.
When propionic anhydride is used, bees
become gentle and easy to work with and are
repelled from sealed honey supers in 1 or 2
minutes. There is no change in the honey flavor
or odor when the chemical is used.
According to the USDA, the new honey
harvesting method should result in savings to
beekeepers. In addition, the procedure may
encourage expansion within the industry, which
will provide increased numbers of honeybees for
pollinating agricultural crops.
Bermuda Grasses Compared

ceptibility to leaf spot disease, which often
becomes severe by midsummer.
Snake Control
Snakes — often a concern of
suburbanites, as well as rural
people — can be controlled
through various practices, ac­
cording to E. A. Cancienne,
Entomologist with the Louisi­
ana A gricultural Extension
Service. The building of sub­
divisions in previously wooded
areas has created a snake prob­
lem for many people.

Although snake repellents are now on the
Texas cattlemen have been inquiring as to
many of them contain materials that
which Bermuda grass is best for improved pas­
to human beings and pets. Conse­
tures. According to George McBee, Pasture
repellents should be investigated
Specialist with the Texas Agricultural Exten­
being applied to play areas.
sion Service, Coastal Bermuda grass ranks at
of treating large areas with
the top of the list of several available varieties.
prohibitive, accord­
This hardy hybrid generally is adapted to all
sections of the State below 3,500 feet in eleva­
tion. However, supplemental irrigation is neces­
Although complete eradication of snakes is
sary in areas of low rainfall.
practically impossible, buildings can be made
Midland Bermuda grass, a cross between snakeproof by repairing cracks or holes in the
Coastal and a cold-resistant strain of common foundation or floors and making all doors and
Bermuda grass grown in Indiana, generally is screens fit as tightly as possible. Since rattle­
slightly less productive than Coastal Bermuda. snakes cannot climb vertical walls or dig under
On the other hand, its added cold resistance structures, they can be excluded relatively easily
makes it well suited for the Lubbock area and from buildings.
Removal of food and cover necessary to the
Suwannee Bermuda grass — also a hybrid — existence of snakes will discourage them from
is similar to Coastal. Georgia tests reveal that inhabiting an area. In addition, clean premises
Suwannee is more drought-resistant when will discourage rats and mice — the principal
grown on deep sands, but it is less tolerant of food of snakes.
heavy grazing and, under Texas conditions, is
A snake in a rodent burrow can be eliminated
less desirable than Coastal Bermuda grass.
quickly by applying 1 or 2 ounces of calcium
Other Bermuda grass varieties, such as hy­
brid Selection No. 3 and Greenfield, are not
presently recommended for Texas. Although it
has produced higher yields than Coastal Ber­
muda in some instances, Selection No. 3 is low
in palatability and is not readily grazed by cattle.
NK-37, a seeded variety of Bermuda grass
developed in Arizona, has given generally good
results during the first growing season. How­
ever, the variety showed a high degree of sus­

cyanide dust deep into the hole. The material
should be dropped with a long-handled spoon,
and the hole should be sealed with dirt.
Check Roofing for Rust Signs
Galvanized roofing on all farm buildings
should be checked each year for signs of rust,
says W. S. Allen, Agricultural Engineer with
the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. De­
lays in painting rusty roofs add to the cost when

the job is finally done, since more paint is
needed for rusty roofs than for those with little
or no rust. Extra labor is required to brush off
loose rust particles before roofs are repainted.
Moreover, rusty roofs may also need repairs.
Mr. Allen points out that a primer paint
which will adhere to the zinc surface should be
selected. Paints containing 80 percent metallic
zinc dust and 20 percent zinc oxide in an oil
vehicle have long proved successful both as a
prime coat and as a finish coat.
Serviceable primers for galvanized steel are
also available. Among these are formulas with
other pigments than zinc dust and zinc oxide.
According to Mr. Allen, the paint manufac­
turer’s recommendations should always be
checked to make certain the primer selected is
intended for use over galvanized steel. If a color
different from the prime coat is used, the finish
coat must be compatible with the primer coat.
Before being painted, new galvanized roof­
ing, guttering, and downspouts should be
washed thoroughly with a detergent and rinsed
with clear water. Then the primer coat should
be applied.
Mr. Allen says that the use of the proper
paint for a particular job is the best assurance
of an attractive, economical, and long-lasting
paint job.
Poultry Manure for Soil
Although it has been used as a fertilizer for
many years, poultry manure has been used on
a commercial basis only recently. As a result of
the increasing size of poultry operations and,
thus, a larger supply of poultry manure, there
has been greater interest in the use of manure
as a commercial product, reports the Texas
Agricultural Extension Service.
Based on prices and plant nutrients of in­
organic fertilizer materials, studies indicate that
poultry manure is worth about $6 to $8 per ton.
On this basis, almost $5 million worth of poultry
manure is produced annually as a by-product of
the Texas poultry industry. Commonly used
litters — such as wood shavings, cane pulp, and
other organic materials — add substantially to

the value of poultry manure because they im­
prove the friability, structure, and organic con­
tent of the soil.
Poultry manure may be applied to the soil in
either a processed or an unprocessed form.
Processing usually consists of drying the ma­
terial to a moisture content of approximately
10 to 12 percent for satisfactory packaging and
storing. The dried material generally is ground
or shredded.
Before applying poultry manure to soils, both
the fertility needs of the soils and the chemical
composition of the manure should be deter­
★ Forage yields of irrigated sweet Sudan grass
were increased when nitrogen was applied at
rates of 200 pounds and 400 pounds per acre,
points out the Texas Agricultural Experiment
Station. However, the amount of additional
forage produced at the 400-pound rate was
small and uneconomical as compared with that
produced at the 200-pound rate. As the nitro­
gen application increased, the percentage of
the protein in the forage also rose.
★ Since spring-sown small grains are not well
adapted to the Texas High Plains, good yields
can be obtained only in favorable years or with
intensive irrigation, according to the Texas
Agricultural Experiment Station. The Lee vari­
ety has given the best performance of spring
wheats tested; Alamo, Mustang, and Cimarron
appear to be the better adapted oat varieties for
spring seeding. The better adapted true-spring
barley varieties of Arivat, Otis, and Beecher
have produced larger yields than Cordova, the
highest yielding intermediate-winter variety.
★ The yellow corn hybrids Texas 28, Texas
30, and Harper 3 showed a wide range of
adaptation under both irrigated and dry-land
conditions, ranking at or near the top in each
of 16 individual tests during 1960, according
to the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.
In addition, Pfister 485 produced high yields
under irrigation. Asgrow 105W was the highest
yielding white corn hybrid.