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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Frances Perkins, Secretary B U R E A U OF L A B O R ST ATISTIC S Isador Lubin, Commissioner in cooperation w ith W O R K S PROGRESS A D M IN IS T R A T IO N + Family Income and Expenditure in Selected Urban Communities o f the W e st Central-Rocky M ountain Region, 1935-36 VOLUM E I Family Income + Prepared by A. D. H. KAPLAN FAITH M. WILLIAMS and MILDRED PARTEN assisted by WARD S. BOWMAN Bulletin 7s£o. 646 U N IT E D ST ATES G O V E R N M E N T P R IN T IN G OFFICE W A S H IN G T O N : 1939 STUDY OF CONSUMER PURCHASES: URBAN SERIES For sale by the Superintendent o f Documents, Washington, D . C. - Price 50 cents UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Frances Perkins, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ISADO R L U B IN , Commissioner S idney W ilcox , A. F. H in rich s , Chief Statistician Chief Economist H ugh S. H a n n a , Chief, Editorial and Research STAFF FOR THE STUDY OF CONSUMER PURCHASES: URBAN SERIES F aith M. W illiams Chief, Cost of Living Division A. D . H. K a plan , Director B ernard B arton , Associate Director M ildred P a r te n , Associate Director, for Tabulation Sampling and Income Analysis J. M. H adley , Associate Director M ildred H artsough , Analyst, E x penditure Analysis Collection and Field Tabulations E rika H artman W u lff , Assistant A. C. R osander , Statistician, Tabular Director for Sampling Analysis W ard S. B ow man , Assistant Analyst F orest H all , Regional Director in preparation of manuscript CONTENTS P reface______________________________________________________ Chapter I.—Introduction_______________________________________ Chapter II.—Family income_____________________________________ Chapter III.—Occupational groups and family income_______________ Chapter IV.—Family composition and income______________________ Chapter V.—Sources of family income____________________________ Chapter VI.—Home ownership and rent in relation to income_________ Chapter VII.—Family income structure by cities___________________ Chapter VIII.—Summary_______________________________________ T abular Summary_____________________________________________ Section A.—All families, tables 1-3___________________________ Section B.—Native white families, including both husband and wife, tables 1-19_______________________________ Section C.—Incomplete native white families and foreign-born white, Negro, and other color families, complete and in complete, tables 1-7____________________________ Appendix A.—Sampling procedure in seven urban communities of the West Central-Rocky Mountain region______________ Appendix B.—Schedule forms and glossary_________________________ Appendix C.—Communities and racial groups surveyed by the Study of Consumer Purchases_____________________________ Page vii 1 7 18 35 47 70 86 101 107 108 120 350 401 415 436 List o f T ext Tables Chapter II T able 1.—Cumulative percentage distribution of families by income class. 2. —Percentage distribution of families, by income class______ 3. —Percentage of all families in major nativity groups______ 4. —Income of native- and foreign-born white families, percentage distribution_______________________________________ 4a.—Income of Negro and other color families, percentage distribu tion, median income, and percentage receiving relief_____ 5. —Income of native white complete families, percentage distribu tion, and median income____________________________ 6. —Income of nonrelief native white complete families, percentage distribution, and median income_____________________ 10 10 14 15 15 16 17 Chapter III T able 7.—Percentage distribution of families, by occupational group__ 8. —Percentage distribution of relief and nonrelief families, by oc cupational group___________________________________ 9. —Native- and foreign-born white families, percentage distribu tion, by occupational group_________________________ 10.—Occupational grouping of native white complete and incom plete families, percentage distribution--------------------------- m 20 22 23 24 IV CONTENTS T able 11.—Median income of families, by occupational group_________ 12. —Median income of native white complete families, by occupa tional group_______________________________________ 13. —Income of families of wage earners, percentage distribution, and median income_________________________________ 14. —Income of families of clerical workers, percentage distribution, and median income_________________________________ 15. —Income of families in the independent business group, percent age distribution, and median income________ ___________ 16. —Income of families in the business and professional groups, percentage distribution and median income___________ Page 26 26 30 31 32 33 Chapter IV T able 17.—Percentage distribution among native- and foreign-born white, of complete andincomplete families____________ 18. —Percentage distribution by income of complete and incomplete families; median income; and percentage receiving relief__ 19. —Median income of complete and incomplete families, by occu pational group_____________________________________ 20. —Percentage distribution of native- and foreign-born white families, by family type____________________________ 21. —Average number of persons and average number of children in economic families, by income class_________________ 22. —Median income and number of persons in families of different type_____________________________________________ 23. —Percentage of families in each type receiving relief during the year______________________________________________ 35 36 38 41 43 44 46 Chapter V T able 24.—Aggregate family income and percentage distribution, by sources of income__________________________________ 25. —Sources of aggregate income for native- and foreign-born white families, percentage distribution________________ 26. —Sources of aggregate income, for native white complete and incomplete families, percentage distribution___________ 27. —Number of earners in native- and foreign-born white families, percentage distribution______________________________ 28. —Number of earners in complete and incomplete families, per centage distribution________________________________ 29. —Median income of sole-earner and multiple-earner families among native- and foreign-born white families_________ 30. —Median income of sole-earner and multiple-earner families among complete and incomplete families______________ 31. —Percentage of sole-earner and multiple-earner families receiv ing relief during the year, shown for native and foreign families___________________________________________ 32. —Percentage of sole-earner and multiple-earner families receiv ing relief during the year, shown for complete and incomplete families___________________________________________ 33. —Median income of sole-earner and multiple-earner families, by occupational group_________________________________ 34. —Percentage of sole-earner and multiple-earner families, with specified incomes by occupational group______________ 48 50 52 52 53 53 54 55 55 55 56 CONTENTS V Page T able 35.—Percentage of families having more than one earner, by occu pational group________________________________________ 36. —Average number of earners per family, by occupational group and income class______________________________________ 37. —Percentage of families with male principal earners, by occupa tional group__________________________________________ 38. —Percentage distribution of male and female principal earners, by occupational group_________________________________ 39. —Average earnings of husbands and wives as principal earners, by occupational group_________________________________ 40. —Supplementary earners classified by sex and status in family, percentage distribution________________________________ 41. —Average earnings of supplementary earners by sex and status in family_____________________________________________ 42. —Age of husbands who were principal and supplementary earn ers, percentage distribution by age group and median age__ 43. —Age of wives who were principal and supplementary earners, percentage distribution by age group and median age____ 44. —Average earnings of husbands and wives who were principal earners, by age group__________________________________ 45. —Percentage of complete and incomplete families deriving income from roomers and boarders and casual work in home________________________________________________ 46. —Percentage of complete and incomplete families reporting money income from sources other than earnings__________ 47. —Percentage of families in various occupational groups reporting money income from sources other than earnings__________ 48. —Percentage of families receiving nonearned money income from specified sources, and average amounts received by such families__________________________________________ Chapter VI T able 49.—Percentage of home owners among foreign and native white families, and among complete and incomplete native white families______________________________________________ 50. —Percentage of home owners among complete and incomplete native white families, by income class___________________ 51. —Percentage of home owners, by occupational group______ 52. —Percentage of home owners, by occupational group and income class in Denver_______________________________________ 53. —Median income of home owners and renters, by occupational group________________________________________________ 54. —Average monthly rent reported by renters, by income class__ 55. —Average monthly rental value of owned homes, by income class_________________________________________________ 56. —Rent as a percentage of income among Denver renters, by nativity, race, and family composition groups____________ 57. —Rent as a percentage of income, by income class_________ 58. —Rent as a percentage of income, by occupational group and income class__________________________________________ 58 59 60 60 61 62 62 63 63 65 66 67 68 68 72 73 76 76 77 81 82 84 85 80 CONTENTS VI List o f Figures F ig ure 1.—Distribution of families by income class in seven West Central- Rocky Mountain communities, 1935-1936_______________ 2. —Distribution of families by occupational group in seven West Central-Rocky Mountain communities, 1935-1936________ 3. — Median income of families by occupational group in seven West Central-Rocky Mountain communities, 1935-1936________ 4. —Family types for income study_________________________ 5. — Median incomes of families of specified type in seven West Cen tral-Rocky Mountain communities, 1935-1936___________ 6. — Median income of wage-earner families containing one earner and two or more earners in seven West Central-Rocky Mountain communities, 1935-1936______________________ Page 12 19 25 40 45 57 PREFACE Family Income in Seven Urban Communities of the West CentralRocky Mountain Region is the fifth of a series of reports on annual incomes and expenditures of urban families in the United States. The reports which have already been released deal with family income in Chicago and in selected cities of the Pacific Northwest, New England, and Southeastern regions.1 These studies are based on data secured from a survey conducted in 1936 by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics in 32 cities, varying in size and representing different sections of the country. This investigation is paralleled by a similar study of small-city, village, and farm families conducted by the Bureau of Home Economics of the United States Department of Agriculture. Both surveys, which together constitute the Study of Consumer Purchases, were adminis tered under a grant of funds from the Works Progress Administra tion. The National Resources Committee and the Central Statistical Board both cooperated in the planning and coordinating of the Nation-wide study. The plans for the project were developed and the administration was coordinated by a technical committee composed of representatives of the following agencies: National Resources Committee, Hildegarde Kneeland, chairman; Bureau of Labor Sta tistics, Faith M. Williams; Bureau of Home Economics, Day Monroe; Works Progress xldministration, Milton Forster; and Central Statis tical Board, Samuel J. Dennis. The general purpose of the investiga tion was to throw light on the patterns of consumption prevailing among families of different income levels, occupations, and family types. The information will be presented in a number of special studies dealing with the economic distribution of families in the dif ferent communities, and with the consumption of commodities and services. This report on seven western cities deals with the distribution of the families according to income, occupation, and family composition as an aid in ascertaining their economic structure and their buying capacity. It serves as a necessary background for the sequel volumes 1 Family Income in Chicago, 1935-36, U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bull. 642. Family Income in Five New England Cities, 1935-36, U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bull. 645. Family Income in Five Southeastern Cities, 1935-36, U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bull. 647. Family Income in Four Urban Communities of the Pacific Northwest, 1935-36, U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bull. 649. VII VIII PREFACE which indicate how the families apportion their expenditures among the various goods and services. The need for such information bearing on buying capacity, expenditure patterns, and consumer preferences has been partially met in recent years by specialized studies intended to satisfy specific requirements of business units or public agencies which have sponsored them. A number of surveys of income and expenditures have also been undertaken by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, with particular reference to vrage earners and lowersalaried clerical families. But such isolated studies, each made with a different purpose in mind, have not presented any comprehensive outline of American consumption. The present Study of Consumer Purchases differs from any pre viously undertaken in that it is designed to cover a large enough number of families to allow for comparison, not only between different sections of the country, between urban and rural communities and between cities of different size, but also between families at different income levels, and, within any given income level, between families of different composition and occupational group. The Bureau of Labor Statistics wishes to acknowledge the assistance received from interested individuals and civic bodies, both within and outside the Government, in addition to the agencies mentioned above. Particular acknowledgment is due to two groups whose collaboration must be recognized as having made the studies possible: the W. P. A. workers who performed the field collection and office tabulation of the data, and the members of the households interviewed, who contributed the time and effort required to answer the detailed questions in the schedules. In view of the fact that responsibility for certain parts of this survey was shared by persons outside the regular staff of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Bureau takes pleasure in acknowledging the services of Guy W. Warner and Jesse R. Wood, Jr., associate regional super visors in the West Central-Rocky Mountain cities, Ethel Cauman, who served as check editor, and the following persons who served as super visors in the various cities: Joseph D. Iskow and Stanley L. Payne, Denver; William S. Parkinson, Omaha; Rose C. Bresnahan, Butte; Gene H. Harris, Dubuque; William H. Bunning, Pueblo; Robert G. H. Tallman, Springfield; and Jean Huntington, Billings. Acknowledgment is also made to Frances W. Valentine and William Loudon, who were in charge of computation and tables; Joseph A. Smith, in charge of machine tabulation; Dorothy McCamman, who served as chief check editor; Marie Bloch, Lenore A. Epstein, and Verna Mae Feuerhelm, who were in charge of editing and review. PREFACE IX The present volume on the West Central-Rocky Mountain com munities is concerned with the distribution of the families by income, occupation, and family composition. The succeeding volumes will analyze the manner in which the family incomes were spent. I sador L u b in , M ay 1939. Commissioner oj Labor Statistics. Bulletin 7S[o. 646 (Vol. I) of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Family Income in Seven Urban Communities o f the W e st Central-R ocky M ountain Region, 1935-36 Chapter I Introduction Data on family income and expenditures were obtained from families in seven West Central-Rocky Mountain communities by the Study of Consumer Purchases. Two of these communities were selected to represent large cities with populations ranging between 250,000 and 300,000, Denver, Colo., and Omaha-Council Bluffs, the one in Nebraska, the other in Iowa combining to form 1 city on the Missouri River just north of the confluence of the Missouri and the Platte. Four cities (Pueblo, Colo., Butte, Mont., Dubuque, Iowa, and Springfield, Mo.) were chosen as representative of middle-sized communities (populations between 30,000 and 75,000), while Billings, Mont., constituted the small city surveyed under the direction of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics in this region. The Bureau of Home Economics of the United States Department of Agriculture surveyed 4 small cities, 22 villages, and 13 farm counties in this section of the country.1 Publications of that agency should be consulted for parallel data on these smaller communities and rural areas. Altogether 18 income classes are differentiated in the analysis of the population, ranging from families having less than $250 in current annual income, to those with $10,000 a year and more. In addition to the wage-earner, clerical, and farm groups, which have been the subject of previous investigations, the current study included pro fessional and business categories, both salaried and self-employed, as well as families whose incomes were not dependent upon an occu pation. Families have been classified according to their composition into types varying from single individuals to families containing seven or eight persons, account being taken not only of the family size but also of the age of its members. i The Nation-wide Study of Consumer Purchases covered 2 metropolises, New York City and Chicago, 6 large cities averaging 250,000 to 300,000 inhabitants, 14 middle-sized cities ranging from 30,000 to 75,000 popu lation, 29 smaller cities of from 8,000 to 20,000 persons, 140 villages, and 77 farm counties. A list of all com munities covered by the Study of Consumer Purchases and a description of the techniques employed in the conduct of the investigation will be found in appendix A and appendix Q. 1 2 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION The number of families interviewed in each city was determined with a view to obtaining enough cases to provide reliable averages for an analysis by these factors. Except for the two large cities and Springfield, Mo., every address listed in the city directory was visited and an attempt made to interview the family. In Denver, 20 percent; in Omaha-Council Bluffs, 32 percent; and in Springfield, Mo., 60 percent of the addresses were included in the random sample of families approached.2 The seven communities included in this report represent the Rocky Mountain region with its mining and industrial cities on the one hand, and the West Central Plains area with its agricultural and trad ing centers, on the other. In the former region are included the cities of Denver, Pueblo, and Butte, in the latter are Omaha-Council Bluffs, Dubuque, and Springfield, Mo. Billings falls between these two regions with a semimountainous location in a rich agricultural region. Differences as between the mountain cities are, however, as great or greater than interregional differences of these two areas. All of the seven cities have enough characteristics in common, also, to justify their inclusion in a single report. Their nativity make-up, for example, is very similar; 80 percent or more of the inhabitants of six of these cities were native-born white persons, and in the other city—Butte, more than three-fourths were born in this country. Trade and transportation engaged significant numbers of the workers in each of the communities. A more detailed description of the various cities follows. 2 The addresses of families selected for interview were obtained from the address list of the most recent city directory in each city. (See appendix A, Sampling Procedure in Seven Urban Communities of the West Central-Rocky Mountain Region.) All white families interviewed which contained a husband and wife both of whom were born in the United States, who had been married at least 1 year, and who main tained housekeeping quarters, were asked to give the information on income and related items listed on the family schedule. (See appendix A for eligibility requirements.) In addition, a small random sample of all of the remaining families, i. e., foreign born, those not containing husband and wife (including 1-person households) and other color groups, was also asked to give the income information. (See appendix A for discussion of the Comprehensive Sample.) In order to compute the estimates of income for the community as a whole, it was necessary to weight the income data of this small sample to take account of the different sampling ratio from that used for native white families containing both husband and wife. In the present report, therefore, the distributions for all nativities combined represent estimated figures, but, as is indicated in the sampling discussion of the appendix, there is reason to feel that these estimates are fairly close to the true distribution. Method of investigation.—While the detailed analysis of collection procedure and the problems arising therein will be the subject of a separate publication, it is desirable to include a brief explanation at this point. The information was secured by the schedule method through visits to families. Following the inter view, the information obtained was carefully checked for consistency as well as for accuracy and complete ness. A random sample of the schedules of every agent was also rechecked by members of the supervisory staff who reinterviewed the families. The total family income figure was obtained by summing up the figures reported on income received from specific sources. Specific questions bearing on the positions held by each employed member of the family, the number of weeks of employment, the rate of pay, the dividends from securities held, interest from prop erty, the amounts received from roomers and boarders, and the nonmoney value of owned homes, yielded the figures from which the total family income was built up. INTRODUCTION 3 Denver Denver, with a population of almost 290,000 in 1930, is the capital of Colorado as well as the commercial center for a large region. This city has been called the “Little Capital” of the United States because it is the location of more governmental offices than any city in the United States other than Washington. The presence of three impor tant educational institutions—the largest of which is the University of Denver—contributes to the number of professional persons employed in this city. Located in the north central part of Colorado a few miles east of the first range of the Rocky Mountains, Denver is served by eight railroads. Almost three-tenths of the gainful workers classified in the 1930 census were engaged in wholesale or retail trade or in trans portation and communication. The large amount of tourist business attracted to this community is important in its influence on the volume of sales in the Denver retail-trade territory. Approximately onefourth of the gainful workers in Denver in 1930 were attached to the manufacturing and mechanical industries. The slaughtering and meat-packing industry of Denver is important as a source of employ ment. Other industries employing large numbers of workers are: foundries and machine shops, the manufacture of auto tires and rubber goods, clay products, the assembly of automobiles, flour mill ing, petroleum refining, beet-sugar refining, canning, and the packing and processing of dairy products. Only about one-tenth of the population of Denver was classed as foreign-born by the 1930 census; no nationality group predominated— Germans, Scandinavians, Russians, Italians, and English being found with approximately equal frequency. Negroes and other nonwhite groups comprised only a small fraction—3 percent of the population of this city in 1930. Omaha-Council Bluffs Omaha, a trade center of some 215,000 inhabitants in 1930, is located on the eastern border of the State of Nebraska. Across the Missouri River is Council Bluffs, Iowa, with its population of more than 40,000. Trade activities, which engaged almost one out of every four gainfully employed persons in 1930, are most important in the economic life of Omaha. The manufacturing and mechanical industries accounted for 28 percent of the workers, while 10 percent of the Omaha gainfully employed, were attached to the transporta tion and communication activities. In Council Bluffs, transportation and communication activities employed a larger proportion (20 per cent) of the gainful workers enumerated in the 1930 census while only 27 percent were associated with the manufacturing and mechani cal industries and 17 percent with wholesale or retail trade. 4 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION The stockyards and meat-packing industry represent one of the most important sources of employment in Omaha. Omaha is also the headquarters of one large railroad, the yards of which are located in Council Bluffs, and of the western division of two other lines. Flour milling and the manufacture and distribution of dairy products are other industries of great importance to the population of this community. As a financial and insurance center and as the location of county and Federal governmental agencies, Omaha provides employment for many clerical workers. Of the combined population in Omaha and Council Bluffs, 12 percent was classified as foreign-born by the most recent decennial census. The Scandinavian, German, Italian, and Czechoslovakian nationalities are most frequently represented; together they comprise approximately three-fifths of the foreign-born population. About 5 percent of the population enumerated in 1930 were Negroes. Dubuque The city of Dubuque, Iowa, located at the junction of Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin, with the Mississippi River as its eastern boundary, had a population of more than 40,000 in 1930. Economic conditions were poor in this manufacturing town in 1935 and 1936; manufacturing plants were running on reduced forces and several were closed down completely during the period of the Study. In 1930, however, the census classification reveals that two out of every five gainful workers in Dubuque were employed in the manufacturing and mechanical industries. Only 7 percent of the population of Dubuque was classified as foreign-born in the 1930 census. Of these foreign-born persons, approximately one-half were of German origin. Springfield Springfield, Mo., as the largest city in the Ozarks, is the distributing center for an extensive area. At the time of the 1930 census it had a population of nearly 60,000, less than 2 percent of which was foreign-born. Germans predominated in the foreign-born group, comprising about one out of every four foreign-born persons. Most important among the industries of Springfield are locomotive and car shops, creameries, garment-making factories, and furniture manufacturing. Missouri South Western Teachers College, with an enrollment of approximately 2,000, and a smaller denominational college are located in this city. INTRODUCTION 5 Butte Located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains in western Montana, Butte, with some 40,000 inhabitants (1930 census) is the largest city in the State. The livelihood of its population is either directly or indirectly bound up with the mining industry. Copper mining and other ore extraction engaged approximately two-fifths of the gainful workers in 1930. The manufacturing and mechanical industries claimed another 15 percent of the workers, while a comparable number were engaged in trade activities. As in all the other cities covered in the Study of Consumer Pur chases, the investigation was restricted to families residing within the corporate limits of Butte, thus necessitating the omission of a workingclass district adjacent to the city, which housed many workers whose places of business were located in Butte and who were actually part of the Butte economy. As much as 28 percent of the 1930 population of Butte was foreignborn white. Unlike the other cities surveyed in this region, the foreign-bom population was predominantly from the British Isles rather than from continental Europe. Approximately four out of every 10 foreign-born whites had been bom in one of the countries of the British Isles, while one-tenth was Canadian. Pueblo Pueblo, Colo., a city of approximately 50,000 inhabitants in 1930, is located on the Arkansas River, about 110 miles southeast of Denver. Primarily a manufacturing city, manufacturing and merchanical industries engaged 37 percent of the gainfully employed in 1930, according to the decennial census. Only 17 percent of the workers were attached to trade activities and another 12 percent to transporta tion and communication. Out of every 10 persons in Pueblo in 1930, eight were native-born white. About one in 10 was either a Negro or a member of another race, while the remaining 1 out of 10 was a foreign-born white, with Mexicans predominating. Italians and Yugoslavs were the next most frequently represented nationalities. Billings Billings, Mont., the one small city surveyed in the Urban Series in the Rocky Mountain region, had a population of over 16,000 in 1930. Despite its relatively small size, Billings is the trade center for a large area known as the Midland Empire, which embraces eastern Montana and northern Wyoming. Three railroads, one of which is transcon tinental, and a coast-to-coast bus line run through this city; an airline has a scheduled stop here. 6 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Billings represents a city of diversified interests and is dependent on no single industry. It is surrounded by a large irrigated area, where sugar beets, beans, and alfalfa are raised in large quantities and there are many small truck-garden farms near the city. Cattle and sheep are raised in the territory of Billings. Billings’ jobbing concerns dominate the region. Some of the products manufactured in Billings follow: sugar, ice, butter, ice cream, cereals, gasoline and by-products, tanks, oil-well supplies, soft drinks, awnings, and cleaning products. This city is also the territorial headquarters of several large insurance companies. One-eighth of the population of Billings in 1930 was foreign-bom white. The most frequently represented nationality was Canadian (other than French Canadian), followed by Russian, German, and Norwegian. Together these four nationality groups comprised approx imately one-half of the foreign-bom population. Chapter II Family Income The amount of current family income tends to govern the amount spent for consumer goods. Consequently the ascertainment of family income necessarily should precede or accompany the study of family disbursements if estimates of consumption are to be derived. For specific families, however, purchases may also be limited by the assets upon which they may draw, or by credit which may be extended to them. The present bulletin is concerned only with the current income and not with these latter items which relate to changes in family assets and liabilities. The significance of family income in different cities is dependent upon what that income will provide in the way of goods and services, as well as upon the distribution of income as between the various social groupings of the population. The number of earners con tributing to family income and their occupations, the size and make-up of families receiving different amounts of income, as well as the sources from which the income is derived, all must be considered when different income groups are compared and when the economic well being of the communities is appraised. The distribution of family income must not be confused with the estimates of total national income. As defined in the present study, family income refers only to that part of national income which passes through the hands of the family during the course of the year, and thus is available for purchases or for family savings and invest ments. It does not include such income as capital gains and profits held in business enterprises which, therefore, do not flow through the family exchequer.1 1 Family income, as the term is used in this study, includes the sums received by the family from the following sources: (1) Money earnings, including wages and salaries of all members of the economic family (after the deduc tion of occupational expenses); net money incomes of independent business and professional earners insofar as these were withdrawn for family spending; and estimated net income accruing from roomers and boarders and from casual work done in the home. (2) Money income other than earnings, including dividends and interest received in cash from stocks and bonds; net rent (after the deduction of maintenance expenses) from real estate other than the home; profits actually received by the family from businesses owned but not operated by members of the family; amounts paid on pensions and annuities; money gifts for current use received from those other than members of the economic family, along with miscellaneous items such as alimony and gambling gains; such amounts received from inheritances or the soldiers’ bonus as were used for current expenditures. (3) Nonmoney income from housing, including the estimated rental value of living quarters received in payment for services (such as might be received by a minister, a resident manager, or a janitor); and imputed income from owned homes, amounting to the difference between the total rental value of the home and money expenses for interest on mortgages and estimated money outlay for taxes and repairs. 78127 °- 7 8 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Median Incomes Although certain similarities can be observed in the family income distributions obtained for the seven communities surveyed in the West Central-Rocky Mountain region, pronounced variations appear. The midpoint of the income range, for example, varied from $1,001 in Dubuque to $1,572 in Billings, with the other four cities falling in between, as follows: Median family income OmahaSpringDenver Council Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings $1, 280 $1,414 $1,023 $1, 572 $1, 375 $1,001 $1,004 The averages for Billings and Butte are somewhat higher than those found by this study in other northern cities of comparable size; the other five cities approximate the levels obtained in urban centers of comparable size in other northern sections of the United States. The relatively high median of $1,572 obtained by Billings families is in part a real difference in income, and in part a result of the restric tion of the Study to families residing within the city boundaries. The prosperity of the agricultural, mining, and oil region in which Billings is located seems to be reflected in the income of this com munity. Even though Billings contains only some 16,000 persons, its function is very similar to that of larger cities because of the remote ness of other large urban centers in the area. Thus Billings serves as a focal point for a rather extensive territory. As we shall see, almost one-third of its families derive their chief earnings from business and professional activity while less than twofifths depend primarily upon wage-earner occupations. Residing outside the corporate limits of Billings is a colony of lower-paid Mexican factory workers who work within the city, but who were not included in this study. Thus the frequency of the lowest economic group in the population of Billings is less marked than would be the case if all elements obtaining income from the city economy were included. A later analysis will show, however, that families within given occupational groups, such as those deriv ing their incomes from business or professional activity, tended to secure higher incomes than did families in such occupations in other communities. In the case of Butte as in Billings, the exclusion from the survey of a district which was inhabited primarily by working-class families, tended to result in a higher median for the city than would have resulted had the Study not been restricted to the corporate limits of the city. But, as later analysis will show, the higher incomes of FAMILY INCOME 9 Butte families are not restricted to the wage-earner group alone. Similar differences are found in the other occupational groups as well. In Pueblo, for example, which is also located in the Rocky Mountain mining region, the average income of business and pro fessional groups falls considerably below that of such groups in Butte. The same is true of the income of clerical families. Thus the difference of almost $400 in the median income of all Butte and Pueblo families undoubtedly represents a real difference rather than one due entirely to the omission of a significant proportion of the wage-earner group. Omaha-Council Bluffs and Denver, the two large cities surveyed in this region, occupy a middle position in median income as com pared with the other five communities. The families in OmahaCouncil Bluffs are equally divided between those receiving more and those receiving less than $1,375 during the year; in Denver the mid point falls at $1,280. These medians compare favorably with the median of $1,273 received by Portland, Oreg., families, and $1,316 obtained by families in Columbus, Ohio—cities of comparable size in adjacent sections of the county. Approximately $1,000 represented the midpoint of the income range of families residing in Dubuque and Springfield. These rela tively low medians are correlated with comparatively small earnings of the chief breadwinner in these two communities. Further dis cussion of this topic will be found in chapter V. No data are available to show whether the cost of living in these cities is correspondingly low. Distribution of Families by Income Just as the average family income differs for these West CentralRocky Mountain cities, so does the distribution of families by income levels show great variability. Less than $500 was received during the year by almost one in four of the families in Springfield, and one in five in Dubuque and Pueblo. (See table 1.) This income group was least prevalent in Billings—only one in 10 families having such limited current funds. Less than $1,000 was received by approxi mately half the families in Dubuque, Springfield, and Pueblo, while for the remaining cities this income level represented the lowest third or less of the income scale. The bulk of all families were in cluded in the income ranges below $2,000—from 65 percent (in Bil lings) to 86 percent (in Dubuque) securing less than this amount. 10 . WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION T able 1 — Cumulative 'percentage distribution of families} by income class [All families, relief and nonrelief] Denver Income class Under $500 __________________ Under $1,000-................................. Under $1>500 ________________ Under $2,000_______ __________ Under $3,000____ ____ ________ Under $5,000-_ ______________ SpringOmahaCouncil Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. 14.9 37.2 57.9 72.8 89.0 97.1 11.4 32.7 55.1 72.6 90.3 98.1 21.4 50.0 72.0 85.6 96.2 99.1 Butte 24.2 49.8 69.5 83.8 95.2 99.2 Pueblo 15.2 34.1 54.0 73.2 92.0 98.3 20.1 48.9 70.7 85. 2 96.3 99.6 Billings 10.3 29.2 47.1 64.8 86.3 97.1 These income distributions include families which received relief during the year, either in the form of direct relief or work relief. The amount of aid received in cash or kind was not determined; only that portion of their income derived from work relief or from private resources or earnings was used in classifying such families in the above distributions. The number of families obtaining any type of public relief for which a needs test was necessary, was secured, however, and expressed as a percentage of all families in these cities: OmahaDenver Council Dubuque Springfield Bluffs 17.3 16.6 20.9 16.2 Butte Pueblo Billings 25.5 28.5 11.2 These percentages do not vary consistently with the median incomes of these cities since, as we pointed out above, other factors, such as cost of living, determine the significance of income in terms of pur chasing power and need. If the proportion of families in each income bracket (table 2) in the two large cities of this region is compared with the estimated distribution of aggregate income, we may visualize the purchasing power of the various income classes. T able 2,— Percentage distribution of families, by income class [All families, relief and nonrelief] Income class All families..................................... Under $500___________ ___ $500-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,499........................ $1,500-$1,999._____________ $2,000-$2,999_........................... $3,000-$4,999............................. $5,000 and over____________ Denver OmahaSpringCouncil Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 14.9 11.4 21.4 24.2 15.2 20.1 10.3 22.3 21.3 28.6 25.6 18.9 28.8 18.9 20.7 22.4 22.0 19.7 19.9 21.8 17.9 14.9 17.5 13.6 14.3 19.2 14.5 17.7 16.2 17.7 11.4 10.6 18.8 11.1 21.5 8.1 7.8 2.9 4.0 6.3 3.3 10.8 2.9 1.9 .9 .8 1.7 .4 2.9 FAMILY INCOME 11 Aggregate incomes in these seven cities vary not only with the number of families in each community, but with differences in the level of family income. On the basis of the field data secured, aggregate purchasing power has been estimated as follows: Denver________________________________________ $141, 021, 000 Omaha-Council Bluffs___________________________ 106, 145, 000 Dubuque__________________________________ 13, 232, 000 Springfield_____________________________________ 20, 344, 000 Butte__________________________________________ 15, 066, 000 Pueblo_________________________________________ 15, 359, 000 Billings________________________________________ 8, 619, 000 In both Denver and Omaha-Council Bluffs more than one-half of the buying power (56 and 52 percent respectively) is concentrated at the upper income levels of $2,000 and over; these income levels in clude only about one-fourth (27 percent) of the families in each city. At the other extreme, the 37 percent of Denver families and the 33 percent of Omaha-Council Bluffs families whose incomes amounted to less than $1,000 per family for the year had only approximately 12 percent of the purchasing power in each community. The remain ing 36 percent of the Denver families, with incomes between $1,000 and $2,000 obtained 31 percent of the aggregate income of the city while this 40 percent of Omaha-Council Bluffs families secured 36 percent of the community’s income. These estimates, however, understate aggregate family purchasing power at both the lowest and highest income levels. Because no attempt was made to ascertain the value of direct relief income of families securing public assistance* the actual effect which families with incomes under $1,000 had upon the market is underestimated. Even more important was the failure of families in the highest income brackets to report income from sources other than earnings. Within the technique of a field survey, it is impossible to secure complete reports as to the net amount of income received from all sources by families in the high income groups. While the number of returns showing family incomes of more than $3,000 may be slightly underestimated, due to inability of agents to find such families at home as well as to refusals of some families to give the requested in formation, the actual aggregate income reported is probably sig nificantly underreported. However, the understatement of the in come for these families at the upper limits does not seriously affect the broad outline of the distribution of family income in the com munities. Income oj nativity and color groups.—While the majority of all families in the West Central-Rocky Mountain cities surveyed be longed to the native white group, the foreign born were sufficiently numerous in some communities to affect the general income pattern. to DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILIES BY INCOME CLASS IN SEVEN WEST CENTRALROCKY MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES 1935-1936 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 0 2500 5000 INCOME IN DOLLARS U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS 7500 10,000 AND OVER FAMILY INCOME 00 14 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION The proportion of families in which either the husband or wife was born abroad ranged from 2 percent in Springfield to 39 percent in Butte. Denver, Pueblo, and Billings fell midway between these extremes, with 17 percent of all families belonging to the foreign group. Except for Pueblo, the Negro and other color groups were relatively infrequent in this region, comprising less than 5 percent of all families. In Pueblo, where 8 percent were classified in this cate gory, more than half were Mexicans and the rest were Negroes. T able 3 .— Percentage of all families in major nativity groups 1 Nativity All groups________________ ___ Native white. ____________ Foreign-born white___________ Negro and other color________ SpringOmahaDenver Council Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. 100.0 79.6 16.9 3.5 100.0 74.1 23.2 2.7 100.0 86.5 13.5 (2) 100.0 93.7 2.2 4.1 Butte 100.0 61.4 38.6 (2) Pueblo 100.0 75.0 17.2 7.8 Billings 100.0 83.0 17.0 (2) i As defined by Study of Consumer Purchases and from data collected by this study. * Negro and other color families were not included in the sample as they comprised a very minor propor tion of the population. In every city in this region families classified as foreign white re ceived lower average incomes than the native born. The differences may be attributed both to differences in the general occupational distribution of the two nativity groups and to differences in specific occupations within the broad categories—those occupations yielding lower annual earnings being more prevalent among the foreign than among the native group. This relationship between occupation and income forms the subject matter of the following chapter, so our im mediate discussion will be limited to the income differences obtained. The median incomes for the two nativity groups appear as follows: Nativity Native _ _ ___________________ Foreign______________________ Denver $1, 356 1,190 Omaha Dubuque $1,415 1,367 $1,004 973 Springfield, Mo. $1,023 0) Butte $1,444 1,372 Pueblo $1,137 941 Billings $1, 628 1,258 1Insufficient number of cases in sample upon which to base median. The greatest differences between the two groups existed in Billings— the midpoint of the income distribution of the native white group being $370 higher than that for the foreign families. In the Colorado cities, the difference amounted to between $150 and $200, while in the other communities there was less than $75 difference in the medians. Differences between cities within each nativity group are, how ever, greater than these intracity variations in income of the two nativity groups. Thus we may conclude that while differences in 15 FAMILY INCOME nativity make-up account for some variations in the income patterns of the seven cities, other more important factors are operating to produce the major difference in income observed. The medians given above reflect the greater relative frequency of the lowest income groups among the foreign as contrasted to the native families within given cities. Conversely, the higher income groups have a smaller representation, proportionately, among the income classes of $2,000 or more. T able 4. —Income of native- and foreign-born white families, percentage distribution [Relief and nonrelief families] Denver Income class SpringOmahaCouncil Dubuque field, Mo. Bluffs Butte Pueblo Billings Na F or Na F or Na F or Na F or Na F or N a For Na For tive eign tive eign tive eign tive eign tive eign tive eign tive eign All fam ilies..____________ Under $500___________ $500-$999_____________ $1,000-$1,499__________ $1,500-$1,999__________ $2,000-$2,999__________ $3,000 and over___ _ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 13.7 14.0 10.8 10.9 21.0 23.7 23.1 21.2 23.9 19.7 23.3 28.8 27.5 25.8 20.3 24.3 23.0 21.6 22.2 20.6 20.0 15.5 14.1 17.2 20.1 13.7 13.0 14.6 17.4 14.1 18.4 17.5 10.4 12.2 11.8 11.9 9.6 10.9 6.6 3.9 3.0 4.7 (0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0) 14.5 16.3 17.4 20.1 9.8 13.2 0) 18.4 19.8 26.7 33.2 17.2 27.5 0) 19.5 20.5 20.9 28.8 18.1 16.4 (0 19.8 18.0 17.6 7.6 17.9 16.9 0) 18.0 20.1 13.2 7.1 22.2 17.5 9.8 5.3 4.2 3.2 14.8 8.5 G) 1Insufficient number of cases in sample upon which to base distribution. Data on income of Negro and other color families are available for the four cities of this region in which these groups were most prevalent. Reference to table 4a reveals a consistently low median income for these color groups, especially as compared with the native white families in these communities. In Denver, Springfield, and Pueblo, the midpoint of the income distribution of the Negro and other color families fell between $500 and $550—or an average of between $42 and $46 per month per family. In Omaha-Council Bluffs, the median reached $698 or approximately $700 less than that of the native white groups in this city. T able 4a. —Income of Negro and other color families, percentage distribution, median income, and percentage receiving relief D E N V E R , OMAHA-COUNCIL BLUFFS, SPR ING FIELD , MO., PUEBLO [Relief and nonrelief families] Income class All families------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------Under $500..-------------- ----------------------------------- -- --------$500-$999________________________________________________ $1,000-$1,499___________ _________________________________ $1,500 and over _ ______ _____ _ _ - ________ ________ Median income-------------------------------------------------------------Percentage receiving relief___ __________________________ Denver 100.0 46.4 35.0 12.3 6.3 $535 53.6 Omaha- SpringCouncil field, Bluffs Mo. 100.0 30.6 49.0 14.3 6.1 $697 46.9 100.0 47.7 22.7 18.2 11.4 $549 27.3 Pueblo 100.0 45.0 40.4 14.6 $543 50.5 16 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION These income figures do not include cash relief or an evaluation of aid received in the form of goods or commodities. They do, however, include earnings from work-relief projects. During the year 1935-36 approximately half of the Negro and other color families in three of the four cities secured either direct or work relief. In Springfield slightly more than one-fourth obtained aid. These relief proportions run considerably higher than those found among the native white groups. Income oj native white complete families.—When the analysis is restricted to a relatively homogeneous group of families—the native white families containing both a husband and a wife—the median income is found to be between $100 and $275 higher than that found in the family population as a whole. Despite the relatively homogeneous composition of the native white complete group, wide differences in their income exist in the seven West Central-Rocky Mountain cities. The midpoint of the income distribution in one city, Dubuque, occurred at $1,111, while in another community, Billings, the native white families containing both hus band and wife received $1,840 as a median. The medians for this group in the seven cities follow the same rank order as in the case of the medians of the total family population—Billings and Dubuque representing the extremes; Butte, Omaha-Council Bluffs, and Denver having medians above $1,500, Pueblo $1,277, and Springfield $1,157 as a median. T able 5 . —Income of native white complete families, percentage distribution, and median income [Relief and nonreliefj Income class All families_________ ____ ____ Under $500---------------------$500-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,499______________ $1,500-$1,999______________ $2,000-$2,999______________ $3,000 and over___________ Median income_______________ Denver 100.0 8.3 18.8 21.5 18.4 19.7 13.3 $1, 535 SpringOmahaCouncil Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. 100.0 7.6 17.3 22.6 19.3 21.0 12.2 $1, 561 100.0 14.5 29.0 24.0 15.6 12.0 4.9 $1, 111 100.0 17.4 25.3 21.2 16.6 13.8 5.7 $1,157 Butte 100.0 7.6 13.8 23.2 22.9 21.3 11.2 $1, 624 Pueblo 100.0 11.2 25.1 24.0 19.9 14.7 5.1 $1, 277 Billings 100.0 6.1 11.5 18.4 20.7 25.1 18.2 $1,840 The relatively low medians in Dubuque and Springfield reflect the large representation in these cities of families in the lowest income classes. Families receiving less than $1,000 during the year were proportionately about two and one-half times as frequent in Dubuque and Springfield as in Billings, comprising 44 and 43 percent respec tively of the native white complete families in these two middle-sized cities and only 18 percent of such families in Billings. These differ ences, as later analysis will show, are partly attributable to the higher 17 FAMILY INCOME percentage of wage-earner families in these two cities as compared with Billings, and partly to the lower annual earnings of the principal earners within given occupational groups in the two communities. The relative number of native white complete families in the top income groups also vary markedly from city to city—being more than three times as frequent, proportionately, in Billings as in Dubuque, Springfield, and Pueblo. Whereas 18 percent of the Billings native white families containing both husband and wife secured $3,000 or more during the year, only 5 or 6 percent in the three cities mentioned above obtained incomes of this magnitude. In Butte, OmahaCouncil Bluffs, and Denver from 11 to 13 percent of the families in this sample received current funds averaging $3,000 or over, or the equivalent of $250 or more per month. If only families independent of relief during the year are con sidered, the average incomes, and the income distribution of these native white complete families is shifted upward. The midpoints of the income distribution, for example, are from $100 to $250 higher among the nonrelief group than among all native white complete families. A relatively small proportion of these nonrelief families had current incomes of less than $500 or $42 per month in the average. In Dubuque and Springfield, for example, while 6 percent and 9 percent of the nonrelief families had incomes of less than $500, the proportion is only about half that found among complete white families as a whole. In the other 5 cities less than 3.5 percent of the nonrelief complete families had current incomes of less than $500. A greater percentage of the self-sufficing than of all families obtained $3,000 or more, but the proportionate increase in this income class was not so large as the proportionate decrease in the lowest brackets resulting from the omission of the relief group. Thus the general effect of excluding the relief group is to shift the distribution from the lower to the middle income classes rather than from the middle to the upper groups. T able 6 .—Income of nonrelief native white complete families, percentage distribution, and median income Income class Total________________________ Under $500_______________ $500-1999_________________ $1,000-$1,499______________ $1,500-$1,999______________ $2,000-$2,999______________ $3,000 and over...... ................ Median income_______________ SpringOmahaDenver Council Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. 100.0 3.0 14.3 23.5 21.2 22.6 15.4 $1, 705 100.0 1.7 12.6 24.9 22.2 24.4 14.2 $1,733 100.0 6.1 25.5 28.4 19.0 14.9 6.1 $1, 279 100.0 8.9 25.3 23.9 19.2 16.0 6.7 $1, 315 Butte 100.0 .8 7.9 24.8 27.1 25.8 13.6 $1, 817 Pueblo 100.0 3.3 17.2 28.6 25.2 19.0 6.7 $1, 517 Billings 100.0 1.8 8.4 19.5 22.7 27.6 20.0 $1,947 Chapter III Occupational Groups and Family Income Some of the differences in the income patterns of the various cities may be attributed primarily to differences in the occupational com position of the various segments of the population. Communities containing a large wage-earner population, for example, may be expected to have lower income than those having a relatively large business and professional population. Seven occupational groups have been distinguished in the present study: (1) Wage earner; (2) clerical and kindred pursuits; (3) independent business; (4) independ ent professional; (5) salaried business; (6) salaried professional; (7) other, which included families with no gainfully employed members, i. e., those whose income was not derived from an occupation, and a few farmers which were not sufficient in number to warrant a separate classification.1 Families were classified according to the occupation from which the major part of family earnings was derived. Usually, the occupa tional classification of the family coincided with that of the principal earner. In a few instances, however, the combined earnings of two or more supplementary earners having the same occupational classi fication exceeded the earnings of the principal breadwinner and con sequently determined the occupation in which the family was classi fied. As an example, if the proprietor of a grocery store (independ ent business) had a net income of $2,400, while his two daughters who lived at home and pooled their incomes with the family were factory workers (wage earner), each earning $1,500 per annum— 1 A description of the specific occupations included within each of these categories will be found in the glossary, appendix B. The occupational classes used in the present study are based upon the Works Progress Administration's M anal of Work Division Procedure, Section 2—Occupational Classification (June 1935), and Index of Occupations, Circular No. 2A (September 1935). In general, the wage-earner category included all types of skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled manual jobs which are usually paid by the hour, day, or week rather than on a monthly or annual salary basis. In the clerical classification were grouped store clerks and salesmen working for others, as well as office workers. Professional, semiprofessional, and technical workers were included in the independent professional group when employed on their own account, and in the salaried professional group when they were employed by others on a salary basis. Persons classified in the independent business groups were entrepreneurs owning and operating businesses of any type. Also classified in the independent business group were families which derived their chief earnings from roomers and boarders. The salaried business category consisted mainly of salaried managers and officials; chief officers of corporations who drew salaries, as well as minor executives, were thus classified in the salaried business rather than the independent business groups. The seventh category, “other”, consisted of families which had no earnings from an occupation, whether due to retirement, receipt of a pension, nonemployment, or other causes; the number shown in this group also included a few farmers living within the city limits, but they were too infrequent to merit a separate occupational classification. 18 19 OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS AND FAMILY INCOME combined income $3,000—the family would be classified as wage earner. Occupational composition.—Before describing any of the income characteristics of these occupational groups, the occupational com position of the various cities will be examined. Although the occu pational make-up of the cities reflected considerable variation in the economic or industrial activity of the several urban centers, families whose earnings were obtained from wage-earning occupations pre dominated in the occupational pattern of each city. The proportion of families receiving their chief income from wageearner pursuits ranged from 40 percent in Denver and in Billings, to 58 percent in Pueblo. Families in the wage-earner group comprised 46 percent of all those in Omaha-Council Bluffs while in the other three cities more than half of the families were in this occupational group, as is evident from table 7. Fig. 2 DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILIES BY OCCUPATIONAL GROUP IN SEVEN WEST CENTRALROCKY MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES 1935-1936 A LL F A M IL iE S - RELIEF AND N O NR ELIEF PERCENT 0 20 40 60 80 WAGE EARNERS CLERICAL WORKERS PROFESSIONAL AND SALARIED BUSINESS OTHER U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS 100 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 20 T able 7. —Percentage distribution of families, by occupational group [All families, relief and nonrelief] O ccupational group A ll fam ilies...... ............................ W age earner______ _________ C lerical____________________ Independent b usin ess______ Independent professional— Salaried busin ess___ _______ Salaried professional----------O ther______________________ D enver 100.0 40.1 21. 7 13.5 2.1 5.9 6.9 9.8 SpringOmahaCouncil D ubuque field, B luffs M o. 100.0 46.5 25.3 10.7 1. 6 5.4 4.2 6.3 100.0 52.4 16.9 10.9 1.0 3.4 3.6 11.8 100.0 53.4 17.0 11.7 1.4 4.0 5.0 7.5 B u tte 100.0 55.4 19.5 8.9 1.0 4.3 4.7 6.2 P ueblo 100.0 57. 5 13. 2 10.3 .8 3.6 4.7 9.9 B illings 100.0 39.8 22.5 15.8 1.5 8.7 5.0 6.7 The smaller proportion of families deriving most of their income from wages in Denver and in Billings as compared with Butte and Pueblo may be attributed to the difference between commercial and industrial centers. Billings, although a small city, is a distributing center for a rather extensive region and has an occupational pattern not dissimilar to Denver which is many times its size. Families in Butte and Pueblo on the other hand are more dependent upon a particular industry for their livelihood. The very existence of Butte, for example, has been and is very largely tied up with copper mining. In fact, the price of this metal is probably one of the best single indices of the economic well-being of the majority of Butte families. The proportion of families which derived their chief income from wageearner pursuits would have been even greater had not a section of the community containing a significant number of the mine workers’ families been located just outside the corporate limits of the city of Butte. Although the income of such families was derived primarily from enterprises in the Butte area, the fact that they resided outside the city boundaries excluded them from this study. As mentioned above, the investigation was confined to families residing within the corporate limits of the city in the entire Study of Consumer Purchases. Families deriving their chief earnings from business and professional endeavors comprised approximately three-tenths of all families in Billings and in Denver, whereas in Dubuque, Butte, and Pueblo less than two-tenths of all families obtained their income from this type of work. Of the seven West Central-Rocky Mountain communities, OmahaCouncil Bluffs contained the largest proportion of clerical workers. That one out of every four families in this community secured its chief earnings from clerical pursuits is explained by the presence in Omaha of the headquarters of certain financial and insurance institu tions, railroad lines, Government agencies and by the fact that Omaha with its livestock marketing is the commercial center for a widespread wholesale-trade area. Approximately 22 percent of the Denver and OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS AND FAMILY INCOME 21 Billings families, but as few as 13 percent of those in Pueblo, received their chief earnings from clerical occupations. The remaining occupational group included for the most part families which were without earnings from any occupation during the year of the Study either because they were retired or because they were nonemployed, but included also those few families which, even though they lived within the city, received their chief income from farming.2 This occupational classification comprised about 10 percent of all families in Denver, Dubuque, and Pueblo but made up only around 6 or 7 percent of the family population of the other communities. Relief and nonrelief occupational composition.—The distribution of families by occupation included families whose incomes were derived from work relief (table 7). Furthermore, the group “other,” with no gainfully employed members, included families which were retired or which were living on their own savings as well as families which re ceived only direct relief. Since work relief, with the exception of a few clerical and professional projects, provides relatively unskilled manual jobs, most relief workers are classified as wage earners. Thus, a person who had previously been employed in a salaried business occupation might become a wage earner during the time he worked on a relief project and unless the earnings from his regular occupation provided the chief earned income for the family, the family would be classified in the wage-earner group. Therefore, our classifi cation portrays the occupational situation as it exists without regard to the occupational incidence of work relief. Likewise, the distribu tion of relief families does not reveal the occupational distribution of relief jobs. Any family which received relief at any time during the year is classified as a relief family. But the occupational classifica tion is based upon that occupation from which the family derived the greatest part of its income. Thus for example, if a family was operat ing an independent business during the major part of the year and was forced to apply for relief at any time during that year, it would be included as a relief family but classified as in independent business, unless the earnings from the work relief job had provided more income than was netted in the business. * Among native white complete families for which a separate classification is available, the following proportions of families classified as “other,” which included those with no gainfully employed members and farmers, actually had earnings from farming. (See Tabular Summary, sec. B, table 1.) Denver 6.2 OmahaSpringCouncil Dubuque field, Mo. Bluffs 11.9 4.4 9.4 Butte Pueblo Billings 9.3 4.5 25.6 22 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION The occupational distribution of families which received relief and those which were totally self-supporting is shown in table 8. Among the nonrelief families the proportion of wage earners varied from 34 percent (in Billings) to 53 percent (in Pueblo), whereas among relief families this proportion was, as might be expected, considerably larger, ranging from 64 percent (in Denver) to 84 percent (in Billings). The farmer and nonemployed group (“other”) was also proportionately greater among relief families (except in Billings); not more than 11 percent of the self-supporting families but as many as 21 percent of the group receiving public assistance were included in this classifica tion. As would be expected, the clerical and business and professional groups were much less significant, proportionately, among the families which received relief than among nonrelief families. T a b l e 8 .— Percentage distribution of relief and nonrelief families, by occupational group [All families] Denver Occupational group All families__________ ___ Wage earner_________ Clerical_____ _______ Independent businessindependent profes sional _______ ___ Salaried business___ _ Salaried professional. Other___ ________ .. . SpringOmahaCouncil Dubuque field Mo. Bluffs Butte Pueblo Billings Non- Re Non- Re Non- Re Non- Re Non- Re Non Re Non- Re re re re re re re re lief lief lief lief lief lief lief lief lief lief lief lief lief lief 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 35.1 64.1 40.9 75.0 46.6 74.1 24.5 8.4 28.7 8.2 20.0 5.2 15.5 4.2 12.1 3.6 12.7 4.3 1.2 2.5 .1 2.0 7.1 .1 6.4 .1 4.3 7.9 2.1 4.5 2.4 4.5 .3 7.4 21.0 5.4 10.7 10.7 16.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 48.0 80.6 47.9 77.2 52.7 69.9 34.2 .84.4 19.4 4.4 22.7 10.2 16.6 4.6 25.0 2.2 13.6 2.0 11.0 2.6 12.8 3.8 16.9 6.8 1.2 .5 . 2 1. 7 1.7 4.8 .1 5.8 . 1 5.0 . 2 9.8 5.6 1.8 5.9 1.1 6.0 1.4 5.6 .4 6.9 11.1 5.5 8.3 5.9 19.9 6.8 6.2 1.0 Occupational composition of nativity groups.—Even though the occu pational groups are rather broad and there is room for considerable variation in earnings from specific occupations within the several groups, significant differences in the occupational distribution of native white and foreign families are apparent from table 9. Much of the difference in income between native white and foreign family income may be attributed to these occupational differences. The native-born families have proportionately fewer families in those occupations, which, as we shall see in the remainder of this chapter, are the least remunerative, namely wage earner, independent business, and the miscellaneous “other” category. These three occupational groups accounted for between 73 and 89 percent of all foreign-born families as compared with 59 to 74 percent of the native. In only one city, Dubuque, Iowa, were there proportionately more wage earners among native white than among foreign-born families (54 versus 44 percent) but in this same city families with no gainfully OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS AND FAMILY INCOME 23 employed members (“other”) were twice as numerous proportionately in the foreign group as in the native group. T able 9 .—Native- and foreign-born white families, percentage distribution, by occupational group [All families, relief and nonrelief] Denver Occupational group OmahaCouncil Dubuque Bluffs Springfield, Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings For Na For Na For Na For Na For Na For Na For Na eigneigneigneigneigneigntive eignborn tive born tive born tive born tive born tive born tive born All families............................ Wage earner_________ Clerical______________ Independent business. Independent profes sional______________ Salaried business_____ Salaried professional. Other________________ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 39.3 42.0 44.1 51.4 53.7 43.5 52.4 23.5 17.6 28.6 17.3 17.4 13.7 17.7 12.5 20.1 9.1 15.6 9.8 18.3 12.0 2.4 .9 1.6 1.9 1.0 .8 1.5 6.7 3.1 6.3 3.1 3.7 1.5 4.2 7.5 5.6 4.9 1.7 3.7 3.1 4.9 8.1 10.7 5.4 9.0 10.7 19.1 7.3 0) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0) 52.2 60.4 54.2 61.4 37.6 50.3 0) 20.9 17.3 16.4 4.9 25.2 9.5 0) 8.2 9.9 10.0 15.8 15.1 19.0 0) 1.4 .4 .9 .5 1.7 .5 0) 5.5 2.5 4.3 2.2 9.3 5.8 1.7 5.2 3.3 5.1 4.8 0) 6.5 0) 5.3 7.8 9.0 11.9 6.0 10.1 i Insufficient number of cases in the sample upon which to base distribution. Occupational composition of native white complete families.—The occupational distribution of families containing a husband and wife, both of whom were native born is not materially different from that of all native white families as shown in table 9. It is apparent from table 10, however, that this restriction of the analysis to complete families has the effect of slightly increasing the proportion of wage earners and greatly reducing the proportion of “other” or retired and nonemployed families in each of the cities. Not more than 5 percent of the native white families containing a married couple were included in the “other” classification. Although the proportion of business and professional families is not very different when the incomplete families are omitted, there was a consistently lower proportion of salaried professional families, and a larger percentage in the salaried business group when complete families were considered by them selves. The intercity differences in the occupational distributions of families with a husband and wife both native born, however, exhibit the same general characteristics as have been mentioned when dis cussing all families (table 1). 78127 ° — 40- -3 24 T able WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 10 .—Occupational grouping of native white complete and incomplete families, percentage distribution [Relief and nonrelief families] Denver Occupational group All families________ Wage earner___ Clerical_______ In d e p en d e n t business_____ In d e p e n d e n t professional-.. Salaried busi ness_________ Salaried profes sional_______ Other_________ OmahaCouncil Bluffs Dubuque Springfield, Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings In Com In Com In Com In Com In Com In Com In Com com com plete com plete com plete com plete com plete com plete plete plete plete plete plete plete plete plete 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 42.1 32.2 46.7 34.4 60.1 37.8 23.5 23.5 28.1 30.8 16.9 18.6 13.1 11.0 8.5 11.2 9.2 11.2 2.5 2.2 1.9 .4 1.2 .5 7.8 3.9 7.9 .4 4.6 1.6 6.8 9.2 4.5 6.4 2.8 5.8 4.2 18.0 2.4 16.4 5.2 24.5 100:0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 56.1 40.5 56.1 44.1 59.1 38.7 38.9 33.6 18.3 15.7 19.9 22.9 17.0 14.8 25.2 25.0 10.9 15.7 8.5 7.6 9.5 11.6 14.3 17.7 2.0 .6 1.7 1.0 1.8 .8 1.2 5.2 .9 6.5 3.4 5.3 1.3 11.4 2.4 3.8 8.1 5.1 9.3 4.2 8.4 5.0 5.5 4.0 18.1 2.1 11.9 3.7 25.2 3.2 15.2 Median incomes of various occupational groups.—Although rather heterogeneous occupations have been included in the six broad groups, the classification serves to differentiate a fairly consistent income pattern in the several communities surveyed. In each city the occu pational group having the lowest median income excluding the mis cellaneous group of “other” families, was that of wage earner; the business and professional groups ranked highest (except in Pueblo), while the clerical families occupied an intermediate position. The spread between the incomes of wage earners and business and pro fessional groups was considerable, the median incomes of the latter group being between one and one-half to two times as large as those of the former. Whereas wage earners obtained medians between $831 (in Springfield) and $1,245 (in Butte), the business and professional families secured $1,451 and $2,075 respectively in these communities. The miscellaneous group classified as “other” contains a significant proportion of families with no gainfully employed members, so the median income of less than $500 in six cities is not surprising.3 In Billings, where a large segment of this group received earnings from farming, the median was somewhat higher—$732 for the year.4 Differences in median incomes between cities may be accounted for, in part at least, by the differences in the actual jobs held within these occupational groups. In some cities, for instance, the salaried professional group may consist largely of moderately paid workers such as school teachers, ministers, and a few graduate nurses or pos sibly editors and librarians, whereas in the larger centers doctors, * It should be noted in this connection that withdrawals from savings or other reductions in assets were not classified as current income. Also, no estimates of the amount of direct relief in cash or kind were requested from the families. 4 See footnote, ch. I ll, p. 28. MEDIAN INCOME OF FAMILIES BY OCCUPATIONAL GROUP IN SEVEN WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES INCOME IN DOLLARS 2500 2500 2000 2000 1000 1000 - 500 WAGE EARNER U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS CLERICAL WORKERS OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS AND FAMILY INCOME 1935-1936 A LL F A M IL IE S -R E L IE F AND N O NRELIEF INCOME IN OOLLARS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL to Or 26 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION T able 11 .— Median income of families, by occupational group [All families, relief and nonrelief] Denver Occupational group All families.__________________ Wage earner____ _________ Clerical __ _____________ Business and professional Other________________ ___ $1,280 1,020 1,601 1, 972 406 SpringOmahaCouncil Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. $1,375 1,125 1,704 1,946 404 $1,001 892 1,431 1, 557 278 $1,004 831 1,424 1,451 428 Butte $1,414 1, 245 1,832 2,075 405 Pueblo $1,023 920 1, 536 1,480 213 Billings $1,572 1.165 1,878 2.165 732 lawyers, accountants, and other highly paid persons providing pro fessional service for large institutions on a salary basis are included. The comparatively large median incomes in Butte are particularly striking when taken in relation to the proportion of families receiving relief at some time during the year, which was higher in Butte than in any other city studied in this region. (See p. 28). The apparent discrepancy is accounted for by the fact that employment was extremely low in Butte at the beginning of 1935 and a very large number of families were on the relief rolls, but that opportunities for work increased through 1935 and 1936. (99 percent of the Butte income schedules cover years ending before Sept. 30, 1936.) Many families which had been on relief at the beginning of the year covered by their reports were receiving full-time pay in the last months of that year. In the wake of the strong union organization of metal and coal miners in the Butte area, workers in almost all types of gainful employment in Butte are employed under union conditions. The median incomes of families in specified occupational groups are shown on table 12 for native white complete families. T able 12•— Median income of native white complete families, by occupational group [Relief and nonrelief families] Denver Occupational group All families......................... . Wage earner................... Clerical_________ ____ Independent business. Independent profes sional______________ Salaried business_____ Salaried professional. Other................................ SpringOmahaCouncil Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings NonNonNonNonNon NonNonAll re All re All re All re All re All re All re fam lief fam lief fam lief fam lief fam lief fam lief fam lief ilies fam ilies fam ilies fam ilies fam ilies fam ilies fam ilies fam ilies ilies ilies ilies ilies ilies ilies Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. 1,535 1,705 1,561 1,733 1, 111 1,279 1,157 1,315 1,624 1, 817 1,277 1,517 1,839 1,947 1,126 1,341 1,194 1,423 950 1,129 950 1,145 1,356 1, 569 1,100 1,374 1.347 1,562 1,773 1,824 1,842 1,887 1,541 1, 596 1, 532 1, 565 1,860 1,893 1,608 1, 687 2,020 2,031 1,682 1,742 1,657 1,736 1,292 1,341 1,191 1, 216 2,059 2,125 1,361 1,440 2,206 2,264 3, 217 3, 239 3,161 3,170 2,667 2,667 2, 455 2, 455 3, 312 3,312 2,500 2,656 3,438 3, 438 2,880 2,885 2,797 2,803 2,420 2,420 2, 255 2,266 2,852 2,859 2,208 2, 238 2,863 2,863 2,311 2,378 2,243 2, 369 1,940 1,975 1,962 2,008 2,463 2, 538 1,732 1,836 2,479 2,490 693 1, 023 648 949 246 438 480 631 832 940 234 625 786 911 OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS AND FAMILY INCOME 27 A comparison of the above figures with those in table 5 reveals that the median income of wage-earner and clerical families in the more homogeneous group of native white complete families was higher than the corresponding median which included all families, foreign and native, complete as well as incomplete. With the restriction of the wage-earner group to native white families having both husband and wife, the median income was in creased by amounts ranging from as little as $60 (Dubuque) to as much as $180 (Pueblo and Billings); among clerical families the amount of the increase ranged from $30 in B„utte to $170 in Denver. The median income of native white clerical families containing a married couple was lowest in Dubuque and Springfield, where it amounted to less than $1,550, and highest in Billings where it reached more than $2,000. For wage-earner families also, the median income of $950 in Dubuque and Springfield fell below that of the other cities while both Butte and Billings wage earners received median incomes of approximately $1,350. In each city except Butte and Billings the independent business families received lower median incomes than did the families of cleri cal workers. Entrepreneurial groups whose usual remuneration is relatively low, such as the rooming- and boarding-house keepers, small storekeepers, hucksters, and the like are all included in the inde pendent business classification. There apparently were enough of these cases among the native white complete group to result in a median income well below that of the professional and salaried busi ness groups. As a matter of fact, the incomes of independent business families are even lower when foreign-born and incomplete families deriving their incomes primarily from independent enterprises are included, since so many of the lowest-paid enterprises belong to such groups. Among the native white complete families, the independent business families received medians as low as $1,191 in Springfield and as high as $2,206 in Billings. Compared with the salaried business groups these independent business families received approximately $1,050 less in Springfield and $660 less in Billings. In the other cities the discrepancy in the median of these two business groups was just as great or greater than in these two communities. The highest median incomes of all occupational groups were re ceived by the families of independent professional persons. Their median incomes ranged between $2,455 in Springfield and $3,438 in Billings among these native white families containing both husband and wife. In all West Central-Rocky Mountain cities these medians were between two and three times as large as those obtained by fami lies of wage earners. Salaried business families received the second highest median in comes, the salaried professional the third, while the clerical, inde- 28 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION pendent business, and wage-earner groups generally followed in the order stated. Because, as we shall see later, the “other” classification included a relatively large proportion of relief cases, the median incomes for families in this category were increased by at least $100 in each com munity, and by more than $300 in Denver, Omaha-Council Bluffs, and Pueblo, when the analysis was restricted to nonrelief families. Since relief work is very largely concentrated in wage-earning jobs, it is to be expected that the exclusion of relief families will show more effect on the wage-earner medians than on those of clerical, business, and professional families. Propor tion of families receiving relief in various occupational groups.— The proportion of all families receiving relief at some time during the year by occupational group in each of the West Central-Rocky Moun tain communities studied follows: Occupational group Wage earner--------------------------Clerical.------ ------------------------Business and professional.......... Other________________________ OmahaSpringDenver Council Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. 27.7 6.7 3.9 37.3 26.7 5.4 4.6 28.2 29.6 6.4 5.1 28.5 24.5 4.2 2.9 23.8 Butte 35.6 13.3 5.8 34.1 Pueblo 33.9 10.0 8.7 60.7 Billings 23.7 1.1 2.6 10.3 Among all the families classified as wage earners, the proportion which received relief at some time during the year ranged from 24 percent in Billings to 36 percent in Butte. Among clerical families the proportion having received relief ranged from only 1 percent in Billings to 13 percent in Butte, and of the business and professional families no community had as many as 10 percent dependent on public assistance. Of the families classified as “other,” most of which were retired or nonemployed, as many as 6 out of 10 in Pueblo were dependent at some time during the year on public assistance. In the other com munities, with the exception of Billings, the proportion ranged between two-tenths and four-tenths. That only one-tenth of the Billings families classified in the “other” group received relief during the year may be explained in part by the inclusion of a fairly large proportion of farmers living within the city limits in Billings6 and in part by the number of families of retired persons living there. In cities where this category included a predominance of totally unemployed or unemployable persons, relief families might be expected to comprise a large proportion of the group. The rather wide variation in the proportion of relief families in this retired, nonemployed, and farmer group in the various cities also suggests its heterogeneous nature. It should be emphasized, however, that if any member of a family had * Of the native white complete families in this classification, 26 percent engaged in farming. OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS AND FAMILY INCOME 29 remunerative employment during any part of the year from an occupation other than farming, even though that employment was on a work-relief project, the family would not be included in this group. As has been stated, any family which received relief at any time during the year is included as a relief family, but all families were classified in the occupation from which the greatest part of their earnings was derived whether this activity was work relief or private employment. Thus these relief percentages do not indicate the occupational incidence of relief nor the frequency of relief jobs, but rather indicate the make-up of our several occupational groups with regard to this relief factor—a factor which may noticeably affect income differences among occupational groups. We have seen that the native white families containing both a husband and a wife represent a somewhat select group with regard to income. Their median incomes were far above those of the incomplete families and the nonwhite families especially, and significantly, though not so much, above the medians of the foreign group. It is of interest to examine, for this native white complete group, intercity variations within a given occupational group as well as variations in the income level of the different occupational groups. Wage-earner families.—Incomes received by wage-earner families are far from uniform within the several cities studied as is evidenced by the median incomes and income distributions of these families, presented in table 13. In Springfield, and in Dubuque, over one-half of the native white complete wage-earner families received less than $1,000 per year, which if averaged over the year amounts to less than $20 per week. Only in Billings and Butte did more than two-thirds of the wage-earner families secure more than $1,000 per year. In four of the seven communities studied (Denver, Dubuque, Springfield, and Pueblo) the native white wage-earner families which contained both husband and wife were most heavily concentrated in the income class $500 to $1,000, at least 30 percent of all native white complete wage-earner families obtaining incomes within this rather narrow range. In Omaha-Council Bluffs, Butte, and Billings, however, the modal income group fell between $1,000 and $1,500. In all of the communities except Dubuque and Springfield approxi mately 1 native white complete wage-earner family in every 9 or 10 had an income of less than $500 per year. In Dubuque almost 1 out of 6 of the families were in this income class, and in Springfield approx imately 1 out of 4 of these wage-earner families received less than $500 a year (or an average weekly income of less than $10 per week). Since the lower-paid wage-earner families are not often in a position to accumulate surpluses upon which to draw in periods of financial stress, many of these low income families may have received supple- 30 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION mentary income in the form of direct relief—a source which was not measured in the present study. T able 13 .—Income of families of wage earners, percentage distribution, and median income [Native white complete families, relief and nonrelief] Income class All families------------------ ---------Under $500. ............................. $500-$999...... ........................... $1,000-$l, 499_____________ $1, 500-$1,999__....................... $2,000-$2,999_____________ $3,000 and over----------------Median income........................... Denver 100.0 12.3 30.1 26.3 16.3 12.8 2.2 $1,126 OmahaSpringCouncil Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. 100.0 11.6 26.4 26.9 18.2 14.1 2.8 $1,194 100.0 15.9 38.0 25.3 13.1 6.7 1.0 $950 100.0 23.0 30.0 21.3 15.2 8.6 1.9 $950 Butte 100.0 11.4 18.0 30.6 21.4 15.5 3.1 $1,356 Pueblo 100.0 12.0 32.6 25.6 17.9 10.2 1.7 $1,100 Billings 100.0 11.1 19.9 25.7 23.1 15.5 4.7 $1,347 Relatively few wage-earner families received as much income as $3,000 even when all sources of income from all members of the family were pooled. Obviously, even more rarely did individual wage earners even in the most skilled trades attain yearly earnings of this amount. In Butte and in Billings where the median income was highest, the highest proportion also of wage-earner families received incomes of $3,000 or more. In these cities 3 and 5 percent, respec tively, of the wage-earner families obtained yearly incomes amount ing to as much as $3,000. In each of the other communities less than 3 percent of native white complete wage-earner families were in this income class, and in Dubuque, Springfield, and Pueblo less than 2 percent secured $3,000 or more. Clerical families.—Clerical families received median incomes which were approximately 50 to 75 percent higher than the medians for wage-earner families. This does not necessarily mean that whitecollar clerical workers normally earned this much more than wage earners. Relief families, which made up a rather large proportion of the wage-earner group, were not so frequent among clerical families; also many of the clerks, typists, and other office workers, especially the women workers, may have contributed their earnings to the family income in family groups where the major part of the earnings came from an occupation included under some other classification.6 There are included, however, in this category such workers as sales men (both on salaried and commission basis), real-estate agents, insurance agents, and firm representatives whose positions may be more similar to salaried business than to the store clerks and office workers mentioned above. For such persons we might expect incomes above the average for the majority of the clerical group. 6 As was pointed out on p. 18 above, the occupation of a family is determined by the occupational source of the greatest part of the family earnings. 31 OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS AND FAMILY INCOME The pattern of family income of clerical workers, like that of the income of wage-earner families, differed markedly among the West Central-Rocky Mountain communities as may be seen from table 14. The median incomes of native white clerical families headed by a married couple ranged from $1,532 in Springfield to $2,020 in Billings. Only in Springfield did the proportion of these clerical families receiv ing less than $500 amount to as much as 3 percent. The proportion of families which obtained less than $1,000 fell below 10 percent in Butte and Billings, between 11 and 13 percent in Omaha-Council Bluffs, and Denver, under 20 percent in Dubuque and Pueblo. In Springfield 24 percent of the complete native white clerical families received less than $1,000 in current funds. In each of the communities at least 40 percent of these clerical families secured incomes between $1,000 and $2,000. Also, in each of the cities more families in this clerical group received incomes greater than $2,000 than obtained less than $1,000. In Billings, over half of the native white clerical families with both husband and wife received $2,000 or more during the scheduled year, and in Denver, Omaha-Council Bluffs, and Butte well over one-third received incomes of this magnitude. T able 14 .— Income of families of clerical workers, percentage distribution, and median income [Native white complete families, relief and nonrelief] Income class All families— ................................. Under $500_ _____________ $500-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,499______________ $1,500-$1,999_.......................... $2,000-$2,999______ _______ $3,000 and over-----------------Median in c o m e .......................... Denver 100.0 2.0 10.8 22.4 25.7 28.1 11.0 $1,773 SpringOmahaCouncil Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. 100.0 1.9 9.0 23.0 24.4 29.9 11.8 $1,842 100.0 2.8 16.3 29.0 23.7 23.0 5.2 $1,541 100.0 3.3 21.1 24.2 23.3 22.9 5.2 $1,532 Butte 100.0 .7 7.9 17.1 35.1 31.0 8.2 $1,860 Pueblo 100.0 2.4 15.0 26.0 28.7 23.7 4.2 $1, 608 Billings 100.0 1.5 5. S 15.4 26.2 36.9 14.1 $2,020 The independent business group.—Although the median income of families receiving their major earnings from independent business enterprises is slightly lower than that of clerical families in all of the cities except Butte and Billings, they are much more evenly distri buted over the entire range of income than are the families in any of the other occupational groups. In other words, the independent business group is rather heterogeneous, consisting at one extreme of small-scale enterprises such as hucksters, tailors, small-shop keepers, and boarding-house operators, many of whom are operating near the subsistence level, and at the other extreme of individual owners or partners in large wholesale, retail, or manufacturing establishments. The income distribution of independent business families is shown on table 15. 32 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION T able 15 .— Income of families in the independent business group, percentage distribution, and median income [Native white complete families, relief and nonrelief] Income class All families__________________ Under $500. _____________ $500-$999_________________ $1,000-11,499______________ $1,500-$1,999______________ $2,000-$2,999______________ $3,000 and over___________ Median income_______________ Denver 100.0 5.9 15.8 20.8 19.9 19.2 18.4 $1, 682 OmahaSpring- Butte Council Dubuque field, Mo. Bluffs 100.0 6.5 16.0 21.3 16.9 18.7 20.6 $1, 657 100.0 8.4 24.8 25.1 17.0 17.0 7.7 $1, 292 100.0 15.2 24.2 24.4 15.1 13.2 7.9 $1,191 100.0 2.0 11.0 17.4 18.1 25.8 25.7 $2,059 Pueblo 100.0 10.1 19.2 27.5 16.2 16.2 10.8 $1,361 Billings 100.0 2.3 6.7 21.6 13.1 26.1 30.2 $2, 206 Because of the heterogeneous groups included, the distribution of the income of independent business families differed even more widely among the several cities than did the income of either wageearner or clerical families. In Billings, 1 native white complete family out of 10 which derived its chief income from independent business received less than $1,000 a year, whereas in Springfield, Mo., almost 4 in every 10 of these families had less than this amount. In Denver and in Omaha-Council Bluffs 2 of these families in every 10 received an income of less than $1,000. It is probably true that some of the families depending for their incomes on independent business occupations withdrew stocks of food or clothing for family use without properly evaluating such goods consumed as part of their income. This is especially likely among operators of small retail stores in which systematic accounting records are not employed. Furthermore, it is not unusual among such families to find no separation between funds used for the living expenses of the family and the capital account of the business. Independent business families obtaining annual incomes of $3,000 or more constituted over 30 percent of the native white complete families in this occupational group in Billings, 26 percent in Butte, and approximately 20 percent in Denver and Omaha-Council Bluffs. In Dubuque, Springfield, and Pueblo the proportion of the independ ent business families with incomes of at least $3,000 was somewhat lower, ranging between 8 and 11 percent. All business and professional groups.—The rather significant number of low income families found among the independent business group is not characteristic of the other business and professional occupations, so that when the four business and professional occupa- 33 OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS AND FAMILY INCOME tions are combined the family income average is noticeably raised. (See table 16.)7 T able 16 .— Income of families in the business and professional groups, percentage distribution, and median income [Native white complete families, relief and nonrelief] I n c o m e cla ss D enver O m ahaC o u n c il D u b u q u e B lu ffs Sp rin g field , M o. B u tte P u e b lo B illin g s A ll fa m ilies _ _______________ . . . 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 U n d e r $500___________________ $500-$999______________________ $1,000-$1,499________ ________ $1,500-$1,999______________ $2,000-$2,999_________ _______ $3,000 a n d o v e r _______________ 3 .0 9 .1 14.9 1 7.0 2 4 .5 3 1 .5 2 .9 8 .4 13 .6 16.4 2 5 .7 3 3 .0 5 .0 14.1 1 9.4 19.7 2 2 .6 19 .2 8 .8 16 .0 19.9 16.7 2 1 .5 17.1 1 .5 6 .5 1 0 .0 16.9 2 9 .2 3 5 .9 5 .5 1 3.6 1 9.9 2 1 .5 2 2 .7 16.8 1 .0 4 .1 12.0 15 .6 2 8 .9 3 8 .4 $2,191 $2, 315 $1, 789 $1, 649 $2, 471 $1, 764 $2, 553 M e d ia n in c o m e ________________ Families with incomes of less than $500, for instance, were propor tionately only half as frequent among all native white complete business and professional families as they were among independent business families alone. And when the income classes below $1,000 are considered, only 5 percent of the Billings business and professional families, 8 percent of those in Butte, and slightly more than 10 percentin Denver and Omaha-Council Bluffs received such relatively low incomes. The proportions were somewhat higher in the other cities, amounting to 19 percent in Dubuque and Pueblo and to 25 percent in Springfield, but were still definitely lower than for the independent business group considered separately. Similarly, the more favorable economic position of the native white complete families in the 4 business and professional occupational groups, as compared with the independent business group alone, is evident from the greater concentration of the combined occupations at the income level of $3,000 and over. Approximately 4 out of every 10 native white complete families which engaged in business and pro fessional occupations in Billings secured incomes of at least $3,000. The proportion was only slightly lower in Butte (36 percent) while more than 3 out of every 10 business and professional families in the large communities of Denver and Omaha-Council Bluffs were included in this highest income bracket. In the other 3 cities less than 2 out of 10 native white complete families in these occupational groups reported incomes of $3,000 or more. 7 The discussion given above has concerned itself to this point with the independent business group which, although comprising nearly as many families as the professional and salaried business families combined, does not accurately represent the status of all business and professional families. Because of the similarity of the independent business group to the other business and professional groups at the higher income levels and since data on the four business and professional groups are combined in the smaller communities for purposes of expenditure analysis in vol. II, the four groups will be treated as a single unit in the present discussion. 34 WEST CENTRAL-ROOKY MOUNTAIN REGION The present chapter has been primarily concerned with describing the occupational composition of the several communities and showing the difference in income pattern within these rather broad groups. Associated with these income differences, however, are rather impor tant factors which will serve as the subject matter of the following chapters. Important among these are the number of earners, the length of employment, and age and sex of the earners, as well as sources of income other than earnings. Chapter IV Family Composition and Income With the development and use of the concept of family income as distinguished from individual income, an understanding of the family composition of different income groups becomes increasingly important. The real significance of family income among the various social groupings of the population is to a large extent dependent upon the number of persons who must share in and who contribute to the family funds. Complete and incomplete families.—A complete family as defined in the present study, is one which contains both a husband and a wife.1 Thus in the group of incomplete families we find widowed or separated persons, single individuals maintaining their own quarters, and other groups, not necessarily related, which live together, pool their incomes, and share expenses. Among the native white group, the proportion of families which included a married couple ranged from 67 percent in Butte to 79 percent in Omaha-Council Bluffs. In four of these seven communi ties, complete families constituted between 75 percent and 80 percent of the native white family population. For the foreign-born families, however, there was somewhat more intercity variability in the pro portion of families having both husband and wife. In Springfield, where foreign-born families make up only slightly more than 2 percent of all families, approximately 56 percent of them were complete as contrasted with 82 percent in Omaha-Council Bluffs and Billings and 80 percent in Dubuque. In most of the other communities, however, there was relatively little difference in the proportion of complete families in these two nativity groups. (See table 17.) T able 17 .—Percentage distribution among native- and foreign-born white, of complete and incomplete families [Relief and nonrelief] Family composition SpringOmahaCouncil Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings Native Foreignborn Native Foreignborn Native Foreignborn Native Foreignborn Native Foreignborn Native Foreignborn Native Foreignborn Denver All families_____________ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Complete_______________ 71.7 72.1 78.9 81.5 71.5 80.2 76.2 55.6 67.3 65.0 75.6 75.0 76.7 81. 5 Incomplete___________ 28.3 27.9 21.1 18.5 28.5 19.8 23.8 44.4 32.7 35.0 24.4 25.0 23.3 18. 5 1 The designation, •‘complete” family, should not be confused with that used by demographers to refer to couples which have passed the child-bearing period and therefore are complete with respect to the number of children to be born. 35 36 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION That the presence of a married couple is associated with a more favorable economic status is indicated by the figures in table 18. The median income of the incomplete families, for instance, was only five- to six-tenths as great as that of the families containing both husband and wife. Whereas the median incomes of incomplete families were between $632 in Springfield and $972 in Omaha-Council Bluffs, the husband-wife families attained median incomes ranging from $1,111 in Dubuque to $1,839 in Billings. T able 18 .— Percentage distribution by income of complete and incomplete families; median income; and percentage receiving relief [Native white families, relief and nonrelief] Denver Income class OmahaCouncil Bluffs SpringDubuque field, Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings In Com In Com In Com In Com In Com In Com In Com com com plete com plete com plete com plete com plete com plete plete plete plete plete plete plete plete plete All families________ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Under $500____ 8.3 27.3 7.6 22.8 14.5 37.2 17.4 41.5 7.5 28.8 11.2 36.8 6.1 22.0 $500-$999______ 18.8 27.3 17.3 28.4 29.0 28.2 25.3 27.6 13.8 27.9 25.1 31.6 11.5 36.0 $1,000-$1,499----- 21.5 17.4 22.6 24.4 24.0 17.6 21.2 16.2 23.2 11.9 23.9 11.6 18.5 17.1 $1,500-$1,999___ 18.4 8.2 19.3 9.6 15.6 9.0 16.6 8.1 22.9 13.6 20.0 10.3 20.7 8.5 $2,000-$2,999___ 19.7 11.6 21.0 8.8 12.0 6.4 13.8 5.2 21.3 11.0 14.8 8.4 25.1 12.8 $3,000 and over. 13.3 8.2 12.2 6.0 4.9 1.6 5.7 1.4 11.3 6.8 5.0 1.3 18.1 3.6 Median income------ $1,535 $920 $1, 561 $972 $1,111 $676 $1,157 $632 $1, 624 $857 $1, 277 $683 $1, 839 $891 Percentage receiv ing relief________ 13.8 23.5 14.3 21.2 20.2 24.5 14.0 21.4 18.2 37.3 23.4 38.1 9.1 12.8 As a further measure of the relative economic status of these two major family composition groups, it is of interest to compare the proportion receiving incomes of less than $500 for the year. Although as many as 17 percent of the native white complete families in Springfield had less than $500 in income, in four of these communities corre spondingly low income families constituted only 8 percent or less of the complete group. Among the incomplete families, on the other hand, no fewer than 22 percent of the families (Billings) and as many as 42 percent (Springfield) received incomes under $500. Equally marked was the contrast at the upper income level of $3,000 and over where the complete families were from two to five times as numerous, proportionately, as the incomplete. In each community, a greater proportion of the incomplete families than of those which included both husband and wife was forced to apply for relief at some time during the year. In this respect, how ever, the communities showed considerable variation. Approxi mately 24 percent of the incomplete families of Dubuque, for instance, received public assistance as compared with 20 percent of the com plete. But in Butte the spread was much greater; 18 percent of the complete families and as many as 37 percent of the incomplete were relief cases. 37 FAMILY COMPOSITION AND INCOME There are several reasons why the incomplete families represent a less favorably situated economic group than the families which include a married couple. A large proportion of the incomplete group consisted of one-person householders; in these cases the number of potential earners was necessarily restricted to one. Moreover, a large group of the broken families had lost the chief breadwinner; such families were frequently dependent on the earnings of children just entering their economic life or upon the earnings of a female head whose previous training had not adapted her for employment outside of the home. In this connection it is of interest to compare the proportion of male and female principal earners among complete and incomplete native white families (relief and nonrelief): Sex and family composition Male earners: Complete _______________ Incomplete_______________ Female earners: Complete _ ____________ Incomplete _____________ SpringOmahaDenver Council Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. 94.8 39.8 5.2 60.2 95.9 43.1 4.1 5G.9 95.9 44.3 4.1 55.7 94.1 39.5 5.9 60.5 Butte 98.2 35.6 1.8 64.4 Pueblo 97.1 46. 7 2.9 53.3 Billings 96.3 39.7 3.7 60.3 Only from 2 to 6 percent of the families which included both husband and wife received their chief incomes from female rather than male principal earners. Of the incomplete families, on the other hand, more than half in each community, and as many as 64 percent in Butte, depended upon female principal earners. Insofar as a sex differential exists in wage rates and in types of work undertaken, we may expect a lower income for the group which relies primarily upon females as chief breadwinners. An additional explanation of the relatively low incomes of incom plete families lies in the fact that families with no gainfully employed members were from four to six times as prevalent, proportionately, in the incomplete families as in the families headed by a married pair. This difference in occupational distribution has already been pointed out in chapter III and its significance will become apparent in the dis cussion below. Family composition and occupation.—Not only were incomplete families relatively more numerous than complete in the occupational classification “other,” but they were less frequent, proportionately, in the more remunerative occupational groups; the salaried business, and independent professional. In each of the occupational groups the median income of incomplete families is considerably lower than that of families which included both husband and wife. This difference is apparent from the median incomes of table 19, presented for Denver and Omaha-Council Bluffs 38 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION only, since there were not enough incomplete families in the other cities to warrant such detailed analysis. Part of the difference between the median incomes of the complete and incomplete families is undoubt edly due to variation in the specific occupations which are included within each broad occupational classification, particularly since the incomplete families are much more apt to have female principal earn ers than are the complete families. For instance, in the salaried pro fessional group, which includes such occupations as teaching, nursing, and library and social work, which are available to women, we find a greater proportion of incomplete families than of husband-wife families. T able 19 .— Median income of complete and incomplete families, by occupational group D EN V E R A N D OMAHA-COUNCIL BLUFFS [Native white families, relief and nonrelief] Occupational group Denver Omaha-Council Bluffs Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete All families______________________ ___ _________ __ Wage earner ____________________________________ Clerical_________________ ____ ___________________ _____ ._ Independent business....... . . . _ Independent professional..____ ___________ ____ _ Salaried business. _ ______________________________ Salaried professional____________________________ Other__________________ ___________ ___________ _ $1,535 1,126 1,773 1,682 3, 217 2,880 2,311 693 $920 713 1,190 750 1.438 2,375 2.438 339 $1,561 1,194 1,842 1,657 3,161 2,797 2,243 648 (0 (0 $972 693 1,277 900 1,417 385 i Insufficient number of cases for computation of medians. In explaining the higher median income of the complete families we must take into account the fact that the principal earners of such families had employment during more weeks of the year than did the principal earners of incomplete families. Although no information is available on the actual amount of employment, data were obtained on the number of weeks during which some employment occurred. In six of the West Central-Rocky Mountain communities, the prin cipal earners of complete families worked on an average of 48 or 49 weeks out of 52, while among the families not containing a married couple the average number of weeks in which the principal earner worked ranged between 42 and 48. In the seventh community, Butte, the averages were 39 and 44 with the difference still favoring the com plete families. Family type.—We have limited our discussion above to the influence which the presence of a married couple in the family has on its eco nomic status. But also of importance in determining the level of living of the family is the number of adults and children which contribute to and share in the family income. For the purpose of taking into ac count the membership composition, both in respect to age and number 39 FAMILY COMPOSITION AND INCOME of members, complete families were classified into nine major groups:2 Family type I ______ __________________________________ II __________ _________________ ____ ______ III___ ____ ____________________ _____________ IV ________________________________________ V___________________________________________ VI _______________________________________ VII _____________________________________ VIII _____________________________________ Other 2 ______________ _____ ___ ___________ 16 Persons under Persons and 16 years of age years over1 2 1 3 or 4 1 1 1 3 or 4 Additional Total, includ persons of ing husband any age 1 and wife 1 or 0 1 or 2 4 or 5 2 3 4 3 or 4 5 or 6 5 or 6 7 or 8 5 or 6 * Not including husband and wife. 2Any combination containing husband and wife not described above. Figure 4 which represents these family types pictorially should assist the reader in visualizing them. The distribution of the native white and foreign-born white families among these various types is presented in table 20. Of the native families, the predominant type in each community consisted of a husband and wife only. Approximately 3 out of every 10 native white complete families had no members other than the married couple, except in Dubuque where they represented only 2 out of every 10 families. The family type which consists of a married couple only is heterogeneous from the point of view of income as well as age. Since it includes the young newly married couple, the childless middle-aged husband and wife as well as the older parents whose adult children have moved away, we find that some families have just entered their economic life, some have reached their maximum earning capacity, while still others have retired from industry. Family type IV, consisting of a husband and wife, one adult and possibly one other person, was the next most numerous type found in the native-born group. This family type comprised about twotenths of the families. These families in addition to the husband-wifeonly families accounted for approximately one-half of the family population in all of these seven communities except Dubuque. Among the foreign-born group in Denver and Billings, families with one adult in addition to the husband and wife were slightly more numerous, proportionately, than were families which contained only the married pair. In the other communities, however, the predomi nant type consisted of a husband and wife only. From five-tenths to more than six-tenths of the foreign complete families were of either type I or IV. 3 These family types are economic families, including a husband and wife and other persons living to gether, using the same housing facilities, dependent on a common pooled income. The number in the family was determined by the number of equivalent weeks with the family. More than 26 weeks in the family was necessary for a person to be regarded as equal to one full-time member. A child age 14 living with the family for 12 weeks only and another aged 12 living with the family 15 weeks, would equal one equivalent person under 16. (See glossary for further discussion of this method.) 78127°— 40----- 4 40 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Fig. 4 FAMILY TYPES FOR INCOME STUDY TYPE I TYPE II TYPE IV TYPE III TYPE V € C € C ® TYPE VI >6 YEARS TYPE VII t MEMBERS REQUIRED FOR TYPE © II ■ ■ ■ ■ I.__ j TYPE VIII 0 MEMBER REQUIRED FOR TYPE, BUT AGE ALTERNATIVE A U)( I| X MEMBER OPTIONAL FOR TYPE L'S ! . i ‘ U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS € $ age alternative 41 FAMILY COMPOSITION AND INCOME Table 20 permits a comparison of the family-type distribution of the two nativity groups. Families containing one, and possibly two, adults in addition to the married pair were relatively more frequent among the foreign born than among the native born. Furthermore, family type VIII which includes three or four adults other than the husband and wife occurred at least twice as frequently, propor tionately, among the foreign as among the native families except in Billings. On the other hand, families having one child under 16 years of age comprised between 13 and 18 percent of all native white complete families but constituted less than 10 percent of these foreign white families. These differences are to be expected since the foreignborn population is, on the average, considerably older than the native and would consequently be concentrated to a greater extent in the family types in which adults predominate. T able 20 .— Percentage distribution of native- and foreign-born white families, by family type [Complete families, relief and nonrelief] Denver Family type OmahaSpringCouncil Dubuque field, Mo. Bluffs Butte Pueblo Billings Na For Na For Na For Na For Na For Na For Na For tive eign tive eign tive eign tive eign tive eign tive eign tive eign All families______________ l i i i ______________________ IV ______________________ v V II_____________________ V III_____________________ Other _________________ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 32.6 26.3 27.6 25.9 21.7 37.1 28.6 17.6 9.0 16.7 9.5 13.4 6.7 16.1 11.3 9.6 12.5 8.5 11.6 5.7 11.0 21.5 27.9 19.7 25.5 20.3 25.7 21.1 7.1 9.3 8.6 11.0 10.1 7.6 9.2 5.6 7.7 7.9 5.4 9.3 4.8 6.4 2.3 4.3 4.2 5.7 7.6 3.8 4.8 1.3 3.1 1.5 4.4 2.9 6.7 1.7 .7 2.8 1.3 4.1 3.1 1.9 1.1 0) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0) 29.8 32.6 30.4 26.2 27.9 24.8 0) 18.2 8.7 17.4 8.8 20.1 9.1 0) 12.9 8.7 12.3 11.7 10.7 11.8 0) 19.4 28.2 18.9 23.4 19.4 26.1 0) 7.7 7.6 7.6 7.3 8.8 9.8 0) 6.9 4.9 7.6 6.6 6.3 9.8 0) 2.9 3.3 3.7 7.3 3.6 4.6 0) 1.3 3.3 1.2 7.3 2.0 2.0 .9 2.7 .9 1.4 1.2 2.0 0) t Insufficient number of cases upon which to compute percentages. As a further indication of the age difference in the foreign and native complete families, the proportions of families which are com posed primarily of husband and wife and children under 16 years and the proportions of predominantly adult families are presented below for the two white nativity groups: City and nativity Denver: Native Foreign Omaha-Council Bluffs: Native _ _ _ ___ Foreign Dubuque: N ative Foreign Young Adult families, families, types II, types IV and III, and VIII VI 34. 5 26.3 37.1 23.4 34. 3 17.2 33.5 22.8 31.0 21.2 29.9 23.2 32.4 22.8 City and nativity Butte: Native________ _ . . . Foreign___________ ____ Pueblo: N ative_________________ Foreign _ _________ _ Billings: Native ...... ......................... Foreign _____________ _ Springfield, Mo.: N ative_________________ Foreign _____ ___ 0) 0) 1 Number of cases insufficient for computation of percentage. Young Adult families, families, types II, types IV III, and and VI VIII 38.0 22.3 37.3 27.1 37.1 30.7 20.7 31.5 20.1 30.7 21.4 28.1 42 WEST CENTRAL-KOOKY MOUNTAIN REGION Thus we see that between 34 percent and 38 percent of the native complete families are “young” as compared with 17 to 31 percent of the foreign families. Conversely, the foreign group is concentrated in the adult types to a greater extent; between 28 and 32 percent of the foreign families have one or more persons over 16 in addition to the married couple, while only 20 to 23 percent of the native families are of this so-called “adult” composition. Among native white complete families we find that the average size of family was lowest in the large city of Denver (3.35 persons) and was highest in Dubuque (4.05). In the other communities aver age family size ranged between 3.48 in Butte and 3.63 in OmahaCouncil Bluffs. (See table 21 below.) In Dubuque also, the children were approximately twice as numerous as the additional adults, although the average number of persons in both age groups was higher than in the other cities. In each city, families receiving relief were definitely larger, on the average, than were nonrelief families. In Denver, for instance, relief families had an average size of 3.89 members while the self-supporting families averaged only 3.26; Dubuque’s nonrelief families contained, on the average, only 3.92 persons as compared with 4.55 in the families which received public assistance at some time during the year. For the other communities the size of relief families averaged between 3.77 and 4.27 members whereas the nonrelief group contained between 3.42 and 3.52 persons per family. The significance of this difference in size becomes apparent when the age composition of relief and non relief families is compared on the basis of the figures in table 21. The larger families of the relief group reflect the presence of more children— not more adults—than are found in the nonrelief families. Thus the composition of the relief group hinders attempts to become selfsupporting in that it represents additional consumers of family income rather than potential earners. Family size and income.—Large families are not, however, confined to the relief group but are found also in the high income groups. For each city, there was a consistent increase in family size with rises in the income scale until, at the level of $3,000 and over, the size of non relief families approximated that of the families securing public assist ance. In Denver, for example, families receiving incomes of less than $500 averaged 2.64 members; families with incomes between $1,000 and $1,500 had 3.21 members; while the average family attaining an income of at least $3,000 included 3.53 persons. That this trend was consistent throughout the West Central-Rocky Mountain communities is apparent from the figures of table 21. But the age composition of the large families at the upper income levels differs from that of the large relief families with young children. Substantiating the claim that increase in family income is associated 43 FAMILY COMPOSITION AND INCOME T able 21 .— A verage n u m ber o f person s an d average n u m ber of ch ildren in econom ic fa m ilie s , b y in com e class [Native white complete families, relief and nonrelief] Denver 3. 35 3.89 3. 26 2.64 3.05 3. 21 3.26 3. 35 3. 53 0.89 1.39 .81 .46 .78 .86 .84 .81 .78 3. 63 4. 27 3. 52 2. 75 3.19 3.49 3.53 3. 62 3.80 1.11 1.66 1.02 .47 .96 1.12 1.07 1.00 .91 4.05 4.55 3.92 2.82 3. 72 3. 93 4.09 4.38 4.33 1.34 1.79 1.22 .49 1.27 1. 33 1.28 1.26 1.08 3. 61 4. 26 3.50 3.10 3. 45 3.50 3. 62 3.62 3.66 1.05 1.64 .95 .78 1.06 .99 1.02 .84 .72 Pueblo 3. 48 3. 77 3. 42 2.69 3.11 3.25 3.36 3. 54 3.82 1.01 1.33 .94 .43 .79 .93 1.00 .93 .95 Billings 3. 51 3.80 3. 42 2. 78 3. 28 3. 42 3. 48 3. 51 3.60 1.05 1.32 .97 .55 .99 1.04 1.06 .88 .78 a Under 16 years 3 Under 16 years < Under 16 years < Under 16 years < I Under 16 [ years Under 16 years < Total____________________ Total relief______________ Total nonrelief...................... Under $500___________ $500-$999......................... $1,000-11,499__________ $1,500-$l,999__________ $2,000-$2,999__________ $3,000 and over_______ Butte Average Average Average Average Average Average Average number number number number number number number of persons of persons of persons of persons of persons of persons of persons Under 16 years Income class OmahaSpringCouncil Dubuque field, Mo. Bluffs 3. 54 4.23 3.47 2.62 3.27 3. 37 3.43 3. 53 3.69 1.02 1.70 .95 .42 1.02 1.03 1.05 .90 .86 with the presence of a greater number of adults contributing to the family exchequer, we find, among families with incomes of $3,000 and over, an average of between 0.74 and 1.25 adults in addition to the married couple. In Denver, families included, on the average, 0.18 adults other than the husband and wife in the income class under $500; 0.35 at the $1,000 to $1,500 level; and 0.74 at the $3,000 and over level. For the other cities, too, the trend in number of adults is steadily upward with the increase in family income. No such consistent correlation is expected between income and the presence in the family of children under 16 years of age since such persons are rarely contributors to family income. In each community, however, the average number of children among families receiving public assistance was considerably higher than the average number of children in nonrelief families at every income level. Income by family type.—As may be seen from the data presented in table 22 for the native white complete group, the nine family types distinguished in this study showed wide variation with respect to income. In each of the communities, the highest median income was attained by families containing five or six adults (type VIII). Be cause family income is affected by the number of earners which con tribute to the exchequer and since the number of potential earners is high in this family type, it is not surprising that in six of the West Central-Rocky Mountain communities the median income of these families was approximately twice as high as that received by some of the other family types. The intercity variation in median incomes 44 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION of families of type VIII, however, was more than $1,000, with Billings families receiving $2,950 and those of Dubuque, $1,606. T able 22,—Median income and number of persons in families of different type [Native white complete families, relief and nonrelief] City Average number of persons per family All Denver_______ O m aha-C ouncil Bluffs - . ______ Dubuque, . _____ Springfield, Mo___ Butte____________ Pueblo__________ B illin gs________ Number of persons'! in family______ / 3.35 3.63 4.05 3. 61 3. 48 3.51 3. 54 $1, 535 1,561 1, 111 1,157 1, 624 1, 277 1, 839 Median income of family types I II III IV V VI VII VIII Other $1, 443 1, 447 941 1,060 1, 506 1,183 1,700 2 $1, 466 1, 487 1,107 1,120 1,542 1,219 1, 730 3 $1, 483 1,487 1,058 1,134 1, 644 1,276 1,804 4 $1, 747 1,861 1,227 1,384 1, 781 1,477 2,145 3 or 4 $1,869 1,801 1, 313 1, 325 2,000 1,500 2, 216 5 or 6 $1, 281 1, 321 986 896 1, 430 1,147 1, 550 5 or 6 $1, 235 1,359 1,144 969 1, 490 1, 077 1,232 7 or 8 $1,966 $938 2, 640 1, 542 1,606 1,292 896 1,972 2, 750 1, 575 1,982 888 2, 950 1,292 f 7 or 5 or 6 \m ore Those family types which included one or two adults in addition to the married couple (types IV and V) vied for the second highest median income. Their medians ranged between $1,227 and $2,216. With a fair degree of consistency, the families with one or two children under 16 years of age had the next highest incomes but when the number of children exceeded two, family income ranked low. With a number of young children in the family, the wife is not likely to be a supplementary earner. The median income of the families composed of a husband and wife only was also relatively low, ranging between $941 in Dubuque and $1,700 in Billings, but the income per family member in this group was higher than for any of the other family types. It is probable that a significant proportion of the families containing just husband and wife were young couples who had not reached the peak of their earnings or older persons who had passed the age of maximum earnings. The largest families, those containing seven or more members and designated as type VII and “other,” received relief to a greater extent than did the smaller families. One out of every two or three families classified as “other” drew upon public assistance at some time during the year. The proportion was slightly lower for family type VII but still ranged between three- and four-tenths. (See table 23.) When the family contained five or six members, the need for relief was evidently associated with the age of its members. For instance, family type VI, which includes three or four children, uniformly ranked third in the proportion receiving relief. Families whose addi tional three or four members are adults (type VIII) had the lowest relief rate in five of the communities, and type V with a mixture of adults and children fell midway in relation to the other two types. Fi«. 5 MEDIAN INCOMES OF FAMILIES OF SPECIFIED TYPE IN SEVEN WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES 1935-1936 NATIVE WHITE COMPLETE FAMILIES-RELIEF AND NONRELIEF INCOME IN DOLLARS 3000 INCOME (N OOLLARS 3000 2500 2500 BU TTE PUEBLO r > ;\ BILLINGS - 2000 FAMILY COMPOSITION AND INCOME DENVER OMAHA-COUNCIL BLUFFS DUBUQUE 500 i n U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS_____________ Oi 46 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION T able 23 .—Percentage of families in each type receiving relief during the year [Native white complete families! City D enver.............................................. Omaha-Council Bluffs.................... Dubuque____________ __________ Springfield, M o______ •_.............. Butte.................................................... Pueblo........................................... . Billings___________________ ____ Number of persons in family____ Percentage in family type All I II 13.8 14.3 20.2 14.0 18.2 23.4 9.1 9.9 11.5 16.6 10.5 17.3 21.1 6.7 2 12.3 10.4 15.6 11.0 16.3 23.4 8.0 3 III IV V VI VII VIII Other 17.4 11.9 15.1 25.4 37.4 15.7 54.5 14.1 10.9 17.0 23.7 34.8 12.5 40.7 21.6 16.6 22.0 26.5 32.1 13.0 37.7 13.5 11.7 17.7 22.7 33.7 7.9 38.4 16.5 16.2 15.7 30.2 38.6 45.5 2.2 21.8 20.0 24.2 31.0 42.3 16.4 56.4 6.3 6.6 15.3 30.9 3.2 31.6 12.0 f 7 or 4 3 or 4 5 or 6 5 or 6 7 or 8 5 or 6 \ more As judged by their lack of relief income, the small families consisting of a married couple only or of one child in addition to the husband and wife were relatively self-supporting types although not so much so as the small families which included an extra adult (type IV). Chapter V Sources of Family Income The sources from which family incomes are derived, that is, whether from earnings, profits, property investments, pensions, inheritances, interest, etc., may determine not only the size but the expected stability of the income from year to year. Stability of income may in turn influence the manner in which family funds are spent. The number of persons contributing to the family income may also in fluence the expenditure pattern of families. Thus the analysis of sources of income in the different social and economic groups not only contributes to our understanding of differences in the amount of income obtained by the various elements of the population but gives a background to the study of differences in expenditures analyzed in later volumes. Family income has been classified into money and nonmoney income. Money income includes not only the earnings of family members working individually and as a group but also the money income from such sources as rents, interests, dividends, annuities, pensions, and gifts in cash. Nonmoney income, consisting of income imputed to home owners, and of rent received as pay, is of major importance in reflecting the relative level of living of home owners and of renters. This chapter will deal primarily with money income while the subject of nonmoney income will be reserved for discussion in the following chapter. As may be seen from the figures of table 24, the relative importance of the various sources of aggregate family income was remarkably similar in these seven western communities even though the cities differed widely in size and in types of economic activity. In each of the communities earnings provided the bulk of income, constituting between 85 and 89 percent of aggregate family income. By far the largest single source of income was the income from the employment of the principal earner who, by definition, is the family member with the largest amount of earnings for the year. His contribution to family income ranged from 75 percent in Denver to 81 percent in Pueblo. The amount of aggregate family income which was supplied by supplementary earners was more variable, but in no community did this source of income consist of more than 10 percent or less than 5 percent of total family income. An additional source of earnings such as the keeping of roomers or boarders or casual work in the 47 48 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION home—work w4iich is usually a joint family enterprise and the income from which is not attributable to any one member—provided only 1 or 2 percent of all income. T able 24.— Aggregate fa m ily incom e and percentage distribu tion , by sources of incom e [AH families, relief and nonrelief] Sources of income Denver OmahaCouncil Bluffs SpringDubuque field, Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings Estimated aggregate in come.. __ __________ $141,021,000 $106,145,000 $13,232,000 $20,344,000 $15,066,000 $15,359,000 $8, 619,000 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Percentage___________ 100.0 (92. 7) (92.4) (94. 3) (94.1) Money income______ (93. 6) (93. 0) (93. 5) Earnings... ______ (84.9) (86. 8) (85. 2) (87. 3) (88.1) (88. 8) (85. 7) Principal earner._ 76.7 77.6 75.3 74.6 79.9 81.1 76.5 Supplem entary 9.2 8.2 earner ______ 8.7 7.6 8.8 7.5 5.8 R o o m e r s and boarders and work in home.1.2 1.5 1.0 1.4 0.6 1.9 1.7 Money income other than earnings_____ 8.4 5.4 7.5 7.5 4.9 4.7 8.4 N onm oney income from housing______ 5.7 6.4 7.3 7.6 7.0 6.5 5.9 Money income from sources other than those which we have termed “earnings” constituted only between 5 and 8 percent of all family income.1 Such income was proportionately most significant for families in Billings and Denver and least significant in Pueblo. One additional source of income must be included if we are to place the purchasing power of the home owner on a level comparable with that of the renter. Since the current money expenses entailed by home ownership are usually less than the housing expenses of renters in comparable types of dwellings, owners will usually have more money available for nonhousing expenses than will renters with the same money income. Therefore, after deducting the expenses of home ownership (taxes, interest on mortgage, insurance, and building main tenance) from the rental value of the dwelling, the remainder has been treated as nonmoney income from home ownership and has been added to the money income to give the total family income of home 1 It should be kept in mind that this is a study of income available to the family, serving as the basis for our study of family expenditures. Family income necessarily includes a higher percentage of income de rived from earnings and a relatively small proportion from nonearnings, as compared with estimates made of the relative amounts contributed by these two sources when accounting for the total national income. One element of discrepancy which is immediately apparent between our distribution of family income data and that of other income studies, concerns the treatment of entrepreneurial profits. In the present study the net income made available to the family by an entrepreneur from the operation of his business or pro fession was treated as earnings, and was thus put on the same basis as the earnings from wages, salaries, fees, or commissions. Profits retained in the business, and not withdrawn for family use, were not included as family income in the Study of Consumer Purchases. In the same way gains from investments, which remained in corporate hands and were not released to members of the family, did not come within our pur view of family income. Losses sustained by the family, either in a business operated by family members, or on real estate or other property owned by family members, were deducted from income, so that the figures used were for net incomes of the family. Finally the technique of field interview must be expected to result in an underrepresentation of certain extremely high income families; and perhaps especially of that part of income derived from sources other than earnings. SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME 49 owners. A second item of nonmoney income is the free occupancy of a family dwelling received in payment for services, as in the case of the janitor or resident manager of an apartment house.2 Nonmoney income from housing constituted only between 6 and 8 percent of income, a relatively small proportion of the aggregate income of all families. It will become apparent, however, in the following chapter where nonmoney income is considered in detail, that for families having such income, it represented a fairly substantial amount. As has been indicated in chapter II, a further source of income— namely, the amount of direct relief in cash or kind which was obtained during the year—has not been ascertained in this study. Wages on work-relief projects, however, were determined and are included as money earnings. Sources of income by nativity and by family composition.—The above discussion of family income was concerned with all families in the community. A comparison of native white and foreign white families, on the basis of the figures presented in table 25, reveals that the foreign families received a slightly greater proportion of their aggregate income in the form of nonmoney income from housing. Anticipating the more detailed discussion of chapter VI, this difference may be partially accounted for on the basis of the greater frequency of home ownership among the foreign born. A little more than 10 percent of the income of the foreign-born group in Omaha-Council Bluffs was nonmoney income from housing as contrasted with less chan 7 percent of the income of the native group. It might be expected that this com munity would show the greatest difference since it is in OmahaCouncil Bluffs that the difference in frequency of home ownership between the two nativity groups is most marked. Between 93 and 94 percent of the income of native white families and from 90 to 92 percent of the aggregate of foreign white families is money income. Even though money income and earnings as a whole constituted a slightly smaller proportion of the aggregate income of foreign than of native white families, supplementary earnings were relatively more important to the former group. Among the native white families, supplementary earnings provided only between 5 and 8 percent of aggregate income whereas the correspond ng range for the foreign white group was between 9 and 15 percent. This greater dependence of the foreign-born families on supplementary earners is in part due to the age and family type composition of the foreign-born families as 2 Another source of nonmoney income to the family is the care of the home by the housewife, but due to the difficulty of evaluating such work the income figures shown in this report do not include this form of nonmoney income. 50 T able WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 25 .—Sources of aggregate income, for native- and foreign-born white families , percentage distribution [Relief and nonrelief families] Native All sources......................................................... Money income..-------------------- -------- Earnings---- ---------------------------Principal earner_____________ Supplementary earner_______ Roomers and boarders and work in home_____________ Money income other than earn ings----------------------- ------------Nonmoney income from housing____ . 100.0 (93.8) (85.0) 76.0 7.9 1.1 8.8 6.2 Springfield, Mo. Source of income Omaha-Council Bluffs Denver Source of income Foreign 100.0 (92. 4) (85.8) 71.1 13.3 1.4 6.6 7.6 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 100.0 (93. 4) (88. 5) 79.0 8.1 1.4 4.9 6.6 Butte For Native Native eign 1 All sources............................. .................. 100.0 Money income................................. (94. 4) Earnings______________ _____ (87. 2) Principal earner________ 78.1 Supplementary earner.._ 8.1 Roomers and boarders 1.0 and work in h om e____ Money income other than 7.2 earnings_________________ 5.6 Nonmoney income from housing. Native Dubuque Foreign 100.0 (89.8) (83.0) 68.6 13.1 1.3 6.8 10.2 Pueblo For Native eign Native Foreign 100.0 (92. 7) (85. 6) 76.4 7.9 1.3 7.1 7.3 100.0 (90.5) (80.4) 62.5 14.6 3.3 10.1 9.5 Billings For eign Native For eign 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 (93.8) (91. 6) (93.9) (91.0) (94.4) (91.9) (89.1) (86. 4) (89. 3) (85.1) (86. 3) (82.0) 82.7 74.8 82.3 72.3 77.5 69.7 5.7 10.0 5.2 11.0 7.3 9.0 .7 .6 1.5 1.8 2.8 3.3 4.7 4.6 5.2 5.9 8.1 9.9 6.2 8.4 6.1 9.0 5.6 8.1 i Insufficient number of foreign families in sample upon which to base percentages. compared with the native, the foreign having, as a rule, the greater number of adults who are potential earners.3 With the analysis limited to the native white group, the influence of the presence or absence of a married couple on the pattern of income sources may be observed. (See table 26.) The incomplete families derived proportionately less of their income from the earnings of the chief breadwinner and proportionately more from all other sources than did the families containing a husband and wife.4 Among native white families headed by a married couple, the principal earner contributed 80 to 86 percent of total family income, whereas among the families lacking either a husband or wife the proportion of total family income received from principal earners varied from 55 to 71 percent. This difference is primarily attributable to the loss or absence of male principal earners in the incomplete group, a fact reflected by the preponderance of widows over widowers among incomplete families, the relatively low earnings of female earners and the comparatively high proportion of these families which had no earners.5 ®See the discussion in ch. IV, pp. 38-42. 4The term “chief breadwinner” is synonymous with the designation “principal earner” and has been defined as the family member having the largest amount of earnings for the year. 1See Tabular Summary, sec. C, table 5, and text tables 28 and 39 of this chapter. 51 In line with the proportionately smaller contribution made by the chief breadwinner of incomplete families is their greater dependence upon joint family enterprises. Whereas, in all seven communities, the income from roomers and boarders and other work in the home comprised 1 percent or less of the aggregate income for families con taining both husband and wife, this source provided as much as 7 percent of the income of native white incomplete families in Pueblo. Even more striking is the difference in the relative significance of money income other than earnings to these two groups. In six of the communities, income in the form of interest, dividends, pensions, rents, etc., composed between 11 and 21 percent of the aggregate income of incomplete families but only 3 to 7 percent of all income of the husband-wife families. In Butte the proportion was 6 percent for the incomplete families as compared with 4 percent for the com plete. The greater importance of nonearned income to the incom plete families reflects the large proportion of retired persons in this group, widows and widowers whose earning capacity has diminished and who are dependent upon annuities, income from investments, gifts and the like. Number oj earners.—In a study of family income, the number of earners contributing to the family exchequer is of importance as well as the amount of earnings. In each of the West Central-Rocky Mountain communities, the bulk of the families had only one earner. Among the native white group the proportion of single-earner families varied between 68 per cent in Springfield and 82 percent in Butte. (See table 27.) The foreign-born group had a somewhat larger proportion of multiearner families, but the proportion with only one earner ranged from 57 per cent in Dubuque to 68 percent in Butte. Families without any earner, as well as multiple-earner families, were more frequent proportionately in the foreign-born than in the native-born group. Between 6 percent in Butte and 13 percent in Dubuque of the native white families had no earners; the corresponding range in proportion of families without earners among the foreign-born white was between 9 percent and 23 percent with the same two cities at the extremes. Butte contained also the lowest proportion of native families with two or more earners (12 percent). In each community the proportion of foreign-born fam ilies having at least two earners was higher than the corresponding proportion for the native. Of the foreign-born group, families with more than one earner comprised from 19 percent in Pueblo to 27 per cent in Omaha-Council Bluffs. The age and composition of the foreign-born families, which has been referred to above, undoubtedly influenced the number of earners in the two nativity groups. SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME 52 WEST CENTRAL-KOOKY MOUNTAIN REGION T a b l e 2 6 . — Sources of aggregate incom e, fo r native white com plete and incom plete fa m ilie s , percentage distribu tion [Relief and nonrelief] Omaha-Council Bluffs Denver Sources of income Com plete All sources__________ ____ ______________ Money income____________ _________ Earnings_______________________ Principal earner. ___________ Supplementary earner _ _ . _ _ Roomers and boarders and work in home . _ _ Money income other than earn ings__________________________ Nonmoney income from housing._ _. 100.0 (94. 4) (87. 8) 80.2 6.9 .7 6.6 5.6 Incom plete 100.0 (91.6) (75.0) 61.0 11.4 2.6 16.6 8.4 Springfield, Mo. Sources of income Com plete 100.0 (93. 7) (90.1) 81.8 7.2 1.1 3.6 6.3 Butte Incom plete 100.0 (91. 9) (79. 2) 62.5 13.5 3.2 12.7 8.1 Dubuque Com plete Incom plete 100.0 (93.8) (89.6) 81.0 7.8 .8 4.2 6.2 Pueblo 100.0 (88.8) (71.3) 60.2 8.3 2.8 17.5 11.2 Billings Com Incom Com Incom Com Incom Com Incom plete plete plete plete plete plete plete plete All sources.............................................- 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Money income----- -------- ----------- (94. 9) (91.7) (94. 7) (90. 9) (94. 5) (90.9) (94. 8) (92.3) Earnings__________________ (90. 0) (72. 8) (90. 5) (84.6) (91.1) (79. 9) (88. 7) (71.4) 71.2 85.5 66.3 81.2 Principal earner. ______ 81.7 59.1 86.4 54.8 Supplementary earner.__ 7.8 9.7 12.2 3.6 4.9 6.6 6.6 11.8 Roomers and boarders 1.2 4.0 and work in home____ .5 .5 .7 7.0 .9 4.8 Money income other than 4.2 3.4 4.9 18.9 6.3 earnings_______ _________ 11.0 6.1 20.9 5.1 8.3 5.3 9.1 5.5 9.1 5.2 Nonmoney income from housing. 7.7 T a b l e 2 7 . — N um ber of earners in native- and foreign-born w hite fa m ilies, percentage distribu tion [Relief and nonrelief families] Denver Number of earners SpringOmahaCouncil Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings Na For Na For Na For Na For- Na For Na For Na For tive eign tive eign tive eign tive eign1 tive eign tive eign tive eign All families-.-..................... No earner....................... learner. ....................... 2 or more earners_____ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 10.1 12.7 7.0 11.1 12.8 22.9 9.3 68.8 60.9 72.3 62.3 70.0 57.3 68.4 21.1 26.4 20.7 26.6 17.2 19.8 22.3 0) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0) 6.1 8.8 11.2 14.2 7.8 12.2 0) 82.0 68.2 75.6 66.8 69.9 63.0 0) 11.9 23.0 13.2 19.0 22.3 24.8 1 Insufficient number of cases upon which to compute percentages. Among native white families, we find that less than 6 percent of the families which included both husband and wife were without earners. (See table 28.) Of the incomplete families, on the other hand, not less than 14 percent (Butte) and as many as 32 percent (Pueblo) lacked earners. Correspondingly lower proportions of the incomplete families than of the husband-wife families had one earner but there do not appear to be consistent or significant differences between the 53 SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME complete and incomplete groups with regard to the proportions of multiple-earner families. T able 28. — N um ber of earners in com plete and incom plete fa m ilie sf percentage d istribu tion [Native white families, relief and nonrelief] Denver Number of earners OmahaCouncil Bluffs Springfield, Mo. Dubuque Butte Pueblo Billings In Com In Com In Com In Com In Com In Com In Com com com plete com plete com plete com plete com plete com plete plete plete plete plete plete plete plete plete All fa m ilies-..____ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 No earner_____ 4.7 23.7 2.9 22.0 5.8 30.3 4.3 25.2 2.1 14.4 4.4 32.3 3.1 23.2 1 earner_______ 73.7 56.5 76.6 56.4 76.3 54.3 73.1 53.3 88.1 69.5 81.9 56.1 74.2 55.4 2 or more earn ers__________ 21.6 19.8 20.5 21.6 17.9 15.4 22.6 21.5 9.8 16.1 13.7 11.6 22.7 21.4 Supplementary earnings as related to average family income among native- and foreign-born families. —In all but one city (Butte) the contribution of supplementary earners was more important among the foreign-born group than among the native group. For the native white families in six communities, the median income of nonrelief families having more than one earner ranged from almost $300 (Springfield) to $550 (Dubuque) higher than that of families with only one earner. For the foreign-born group in the same communities, the addition of supplementary earners raised the median incomes by more than $550. In the seventh community, Butte, occurred the greatest difference between median incomes of sole-earner and mul tiple-earner families in both nativity groups; this difference amounted to almost $1,000 for the native and to nearly $800 for the foreign families. Only in Dubuque, however, were the greater contributions of the supplementary earners of foreign-born families sufficient to T able 29. — M edian incom e of sole-earner and m ultiple-earner fa m ilies am ong nativeand foreign-born w hite fa m ilies [Nonrelief families] City Native • Foreign Number of earners Number of earners 1 Denver_______________________ ___________________ Omaha-Council Bluffs_______ _____ ____ _____________ Dubuque----------------------------------------------------------------Springfield, M o______________________________ ______ Butte______________ ______ ________ -----------------Pueblo____________________ ___________________ Billings__________________________ __ --------------------1 Insufficient number of cases upon which to base median. $1,532 1, 563 1,182 1,188 1,692 1,431 1, 755 2 or more $2,015 2,092 1,730 1,470 2,651 1,886 2,137 1 $1, 235 1,391 1,250 0)1,518 1,068 1,446 2 or more $1,955 2,038 1,813 0) 2, 305 1,625 2,042 54 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION raise the median income of foreign multiple-earner families to the levels attained by the multiple-earner families in the native white group. Effect oj supplementary earners on incomes of complete and incom plete families.—A similar comparison to determine the influence of supplementary earners may be made for the complete and the in complete families of the native white group As may be seen from table 30, the effect of the contributions of secondary earners upon the income of families was more marked among incomplete families than among those containing husband and wife. The smallest amount of increase in both groups was shown in Springfield where the inclusion of a supplementary earner increased the median income of complete families by only $240 and of incomplete families by $371. The greatest difference occurred in Butte where the multiple-earner families had median incomes which exceeded those of the one-earner families by $800 in the complete group and by more than $1,300 in the incomplete group. In the other communities the median in comes of complete families with multiple earners were between $300 and $600 higher than of one-earner complete families, while this difference for the incomplete families ranged between $600 and $1,000. The relatively large contributions made by supplementary earners in incomplete families served to bring the median incomes of such families in Denver, Butte, and Pueblo higher than those of multiple-earner families headed by a husband and wife. T able 30.— M edian incom e of sole-earner and m ultiple-earner fa m ilies am ong com plete and incom plete fa m ilies [Nonrelief native white families] Complete City Denver ____ __________________________________ Omaha-Council Bluffs_______________________ _______ Dubuque __________________________ ____ ______ Springfield, M o_____________________________________ Butte _ __________ _____________________ __ Pueblo ________________________________ ________ Billings_____________________________________________ 1 earner $1,661 1,667 1, 221 1, 279 1, 778 1, 488 1,909 Incomplete 2 or more earners $1,997 2,130 1,806 1, 519 2, 578 1,872 2, 236 1 earner $1,075 1,130 955 825 1, 422 1,075 949 2 or more earners $2,083 1,979 1,563 1,196 2, 750 1,917 1,875 From an examination of tables 31 and 32 it may be seen that the relationship between the proportion of families receiving relief and number of earners is much less clear-cut than between income and number of earners. It is probable that families which receive very low incomes and which are forced to obtain relief must utilize all of the potential earning capacity of the family. Consequently through the performance of odd jobs or part-time work by various family members, these families become classified as multiple-earner families. 55 SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME It must be remembered in this connection that any family member who received any earned income during the year, regardless of the length of time he worked or the amount of his earnings, was considered a supplementary earner. T able 31. — Percentage of sole-earner and m ultiple-earner fa m ilies receiving relief during the year, shown fo r native and foreign fa m ilies Native, number of earners City 1 Denver_________ _________ _______________ Omaha-Council Bluffs_____ ________________ ______ D ub u q ue..._____________ __________________________ Springfield, M o ..___________________________________ B u tte..____________ ________________________________ Pueblo._______ ______________________________________ Billings.________ ____________________________________ Foreign, number of earners 2 or more 15. 5 15.4 20.9 14.2 24.1 24.8 9.4 15. 4 14.2 20.3 18.1 24.9 20.6 11.3 1 2 or more 13.6 16. 3 14.7 (») 29.0 22.0 16.8 6.8 11.6 11.5 0) 15.4 20.0 17.0 1 Insufficient number of cases upon which to base percentages. T a b l e 33. — Percentage of sole-earner and m ultiple-earner fa m ilies receiving relief during the year, shown fo r complete and incom plete fa m ilies C om plete, num ber of Incom plete, num ber of earners earners C ity 1 2 or more 13.5 14.1 19. c 13. 17.9 22.7 8.6 D en ver________________________ . . . ____ ______________ O m aha-C ouncil B lu ffs_____________ ____________ ______ D u b u q u e .. . ________________ . . . . _________________ Springfield, M o _________________ _______ ________________ B u tte ___________________________________________________ P ueblo____ ______________________________________________ B illin g s_______________ _________________________________ 12.4 13.5 18.9 14.2 19.4 20.1 9.7 1 2 or more 22.0 22.0 25.5 17.0 41.5 34.5 13.2 23.7 16.7 24.1 31.1 31.6 22.2 17.1 Number of earners by income and occupation.—The relationship between the number of earners and the median income of the family varied with the different occupational groups. The supporting data for the analysis of multiple earnings by occupation are confined to native white nonrelief families containing both husband and wife and are presented in table 33. T a b l e 33. — M edian incom e of sole-earner and m ultiple-earner fa m ilies, by occupational group [Nonrelief native white complete families] City and pro Wage earner, num Clerical, number of Business fessional, number ber of earners earners of earners 1 Denver____________ ___________ ________ Omaha-Council Bluffs..................... ............... Dubuque.......................................................... Springfield, M o__________ ______________ Butte____ _____________ ______ ___ Pueblo.______________ _________________ Billings________________________________ 78127 °— 40 - $1, 258 1,334 1,078 1,097 1,507 1,333 1,481 2 or more $1,648 1.787 1,592 1, 349 2,390 1,742 1.788 1 $1,741 1,794 1,479 1,519 1, 837 1, 650 1,956 2 or more $2,107 2,268 1,943 1,708 2, 545 1,994 2,397 1 $2, 226 2,359 1,796 1,677 2,512 1,833 2, 603 2 or more $2, 557 2,787 2,429 1,890 3,344 2,183 2,786 56 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION In terms of proportional increase in all of the communities except Billings, the presence of supplementary earners had a more marked influence upon the income of wage-earner families—whose chief bread winners have relatively low earnings—than upon families in the other occupational groups. The median incomes of wage earners in Butte and Dubuque were raised most by additional earners. In five of the seven communities, the median incomes of clerical families were raised to a greater extent by the presence of multiple earners than were those of business and professional families. The spread in median incomes between the sole-earner and multiple-earner families in the wageearner group was between $250 and $500, except in Butte where it was close to $900. The dependence of wage earners upon supplementary earners to bring the family income into the higher income brackets is shown by the figures in table 34. Whereas not more than 4 percent (and in five of the communities the proportion was less than 2 percent) of the wage-earner families with only one earner attained incomes as high as $3,000, from 5 to 19 percent of the multiple-earner families in this occupational group received incomes of at least $3,000. This is in marked contrast to the situation which obtains for business and professional families. In this group, from 17 to 38 percent of the oneearner families found their way into the income class of $3,000 and over—proportions not so drastically different from the 22 to 58 per cent of the multiple-earner families with this much income. T able 34. —Percentage of sole-earner and multiple-earner families, with specified incomes by occupational group [Nonrelief native white complete families] OmahaDenver, Council Dubuque, SpringPueblo, Billings, Mo., Butte, of number number of Bluffs, number of field, of number of number of number number of earners earners earners earners earners Occupational group and earners earners income 2 or 1 2 or 1 2 or 1 2 or 1 2 or 1 2 or 1 2 or 1 more more more more more more more Wage earner: Below $i ,ono 29.6 16.7 24.1 10.3 44.8 17.5 $3,000 and over__ ____ 1.6 7.3 1.6 11.4 0.4 5.4 Clerical: Below $1,000 mrr _ 10.9 6.0 8.8 3.9 17.8 5.8 $3,000 and over_______ 8. 5 20.1 9.2 22.3 3.0 13.9 Business and professional: Below $1,000 9.2 6.1 7.8 3.7 16.5 6.5 $3,000 and over_______ 32.1 37.0 33.6 43.3 18.6 31.0 45.0 1.6 24.8 4. 5 23.8 17.1 31.1 4.8 15.0 8.3 13.1 21.6 10.7 2.7 6.1 6. 4 5.8 35.1 1.4 18.9 1.5 27.9 26.9 1.8 12.5 3.0 12.8 58.2 17.4 13 2 6.3 6.4 12.7 9.3 27.8 18.8 3.9 6.7 10.7 3.7 38.4 7.6 11.8 5.7 26.4 3.7 43.1 It is apparent from the above analysis that the presence of supple mentary earners is of particular importance to the wage-earner occupational group. The figures presented in table 35, reveal, how ever, that multiple-earner families are no more frequent, proportion ately, among the wage earners than among clerical families. Between Fig. € MEDIAN INCOME OF WAGE EARNER FAMILIES CONTAINING ONE EARNER AND TWO OR MORE EARNERS IN SEVEN WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES 1935-1936 NONRELIEF NATIVE WHITE COMPLETE FAMILIES SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME DENVER O M A H A -C O U N C IL B LUFFS DUBUQUE SP R IN G FIELD , MO. B U TTE P U EB LO B IL L IN G S U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS -4 58 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 10 percent (Butte) and 26 percent (Springfield) of the wage-earner families had supplementary earnings; the range was the same for clerical families; from 9 to 22 percent of the business and professional families had such earnings. T able 35.— Percentage of fa m ilies having more than 1 earner , by occupational group [N onrelief native w hite com plete families] City Denver __ ____ ___ __________________ _____ Omaha _______________ __________________________________ Dubuque__________________________________________________ Springfield, M o_______ _______________ ___________________ Butte.. _____________________________ ________ _______ Pueblo ______________________ ___ ___ _____ _________ Billings__________________________ ________ ______________ Wage earner 23. 7 20.9 18.9 25.7 10.1 14.2 24. 7 Clerical 26.1 24.0 22. 2 21.9 10. 3 17.1 22.5 Business and 1 professional 19.1 17. 7 16. 5 19. 4 9. 0 13. 6 21.8 But when the average number of earners per earner family, rather than the proportion of multiple-earner families, is compared for the several occupational groups at various income levels, significant differences are apparent. (See table 36.) In general, the clerical and wage-earner groups had a higher average number of earners per family with earners than did the business and professional groups. With a few minor exceptions, the average number of earners increased progressively from the $500 level to the top of the income scale for each occupational group and in each community. The increase was greatest for the wage-earner families. Using Denver to illustrate the trend in each community, we find that wage-earner families at the $500 to $1,000 level averaged 1.14 earners while an average of 1.90 earners was required to place families in this occupational group at the income level of $3,000 and over. Clerical families in these two income classes averaged 1.17 earners at the lower level and 1.61 earners at the top of the scale. Business and professional families receiving incomes between $500 and $1,000 had an average of 1.16 earners—a figure not very different from the average for wage-earner and clerical families—but an average of only 1.27 earners was required to attain the highest income level. In both Omaha-Council Bluffs and Billings, business and professional families having less than $500 in annual income had more earners per family than did such families at higher income levels. This is to be expected since the small-scale entrepreneurs, who represent the bulk of the business group with incomes of less than $500, frequently make the operation of the store a family enterprise. 59 SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME T able 36.— Average num ber of earners per fa m ily , by occupational group and incom e class 1 [Nonrelief native white complete families] Omaha-Council Bluffs Denver Income class All families_____________ Under $500_____ ____ $500-$999____________ $1,000-11,499.................. $1,500-$ 1,999.............. $2,000-$2,999_________ $3,000 and over.. ___ All families........................... Under $500................... $500- $999................... $1,000-$1,499................. $1,500-$1,999_________ $2,000-$2,999_________ $3,000 and over. ____ Dubuque Springfield, Mo. B u si Busi-j B u si B u si i ness ness 1 ness ness Wage Cler and Wage Cler- and IWage Cler and Wage Cler and earner ical pro earner ical pro earner ical pro- earner ical pro fes i fes fes- i fes sional j sional sional sional 1.28 1.27 1.14 1.19 1.32 1.45 1.90 1.31 1. 12 1.17 1.19 1.29 1.35 1.61 1.23 1.09 1.16 1.15 1.19 1. 27 1.27 1.25 1.14 1.11 1.17 1.25 1.41 2.01 1.29 1.18 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.36 1.65 1.21 1. 21 1.08 1.13 1. 19 1.20 1.28 1.27 1.07 1.10 1.20 1.40 1. 75 j 2.71 1.32 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.34 1.48 2.06 1.21 1.08 1.08 1.15 1.13 1.31 1.34 Pueblo Butte Income class j j 1.33 1.19 1.23 1.32 1.35 1.60 1.78 1.27 1.10 1.16 1.25 1.28 1.34 1.52 1.23 1.0* 1.15 1.21 1.29 1.25 1.31 Billings Busi Busi Busi Wage Cleri ness and Wage Cleri ness and Wage Cleri ness earner cal profes earner cal profes earner cal and pro sional sional fessional 1.12 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.28 1.69 1.12 1.00 1.03 1. 06 1.04 1.18 1.44 1. 12 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.07 1.09 1.19 1.17 1.11 1.07 1. 12 1.17 1.36 1.64 1.21 1.00 1.11 1. 13 1.16 1. 32 1.60 1.17 1.04 1.13 1.14 1.14 1.17 1. 28 1.31 1.10 1.18 1.21 1.31 1.42 1.79 1. 26 1.67 1. 14 1. 13 1.17 1.27 1.58 1. 29 1. 25 1.21 1. 18 1.21 1. 29 1.36 i Among earner families. Principal earners.—After the above discussion of the importance of supplementary earners in raising the family income level, it may be necessary to reemphasize that it is nevertheless the principal earner who contributes eight-tenths or more of the aggregate income of native white complete families. Of the native white nonrelief families which included both husband and wife, the principal earner was a male in at least 95 percent of the families with earners in each of the West Central-Rocky Mountain communities studied. In Denver and in Springfield, 5 percent of the principal earners were females; but in the industrial and mining cities of Butte and Pueblo only 1 and 2 percent, respectively, of the principal earners were women. From table 37, which shows the percentage of families with male principal earners by occupational group, we see that males as prin cipal earners were proportionately slightly less prevalent in the clerical families, although in no city did women constitute as much as 10 per cent of all clerical principal earners and in 5 of the communities they comprised less than 7 percent. That principal wage earners are not likely to be women is evidenced by the fact that in all of the com- 60 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION munities, except Springfield, 97 percent or more of the principal earners in wage-earner families were men. T able 37. — Percentage of fa m ilies with m ale p rin cip a l earners , by occupational g ro u p 1 INonrelief native white complete families) Occupational group City Wage earner All Denver____________ _______ _______ _________________ Omaha-Council Bluffs................ ........................... ................ Dubuque -- -- ___________________________________ Springfield, M o_____________________________________ B u tte _________________ ____ _______________________ Pueblo_____________________________________________ Billings_____________________________________________ 9 5 .3 9 6 .4 9 6 .2 9 5 .0 9 8 .9 9 7 .7 9 6 .9 9 7 .2 9 8 .0 9 7 .8 9 5 .5 9 9 .5 9 9 .1 9 8 .5 Clerical Business and pro fessional 9 1 .5 9 3 .8 9 0 .9 9 3 .1 9 7 .4 9 5 .1 9 5 .6 9 6 .1 97 .1 9 6 .7 95 . 5 9 8 .9 9 6 .6 9 6 .1 i Based on families with earners. The predominant type of activity of female principal earners was clerical in five of the communities.6 (See table 38.) In Springfield, on the other hand, almost one-half of the female principal earners were engaged in wage-earner pursuits, and in Billings 44 percent were in business and professional activity, as compared with 40 per cent in clerical occupations. T able 38. — Percentage d istribu tion of m ale and fem ale p rin c ip a l earners , by occupational group [Nonrelief native white complete families] Denver Occupational group OmahaCouncil Dubuque Bluffs w Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings Fe Male Fe Male Fe Male Fe Male Fe Male Fe Male Fe Male male male male male male male male All fam ilies-.......................... Wage earner........................... Clerical.................................... Business and professional.. Other.—_________________ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 38.9 22.8 43.0 23.7 58.1 32.4 53.5 47.8 50.6 21.9 56.0 20.4 35.7 16.3 25.8 48.5 31.0 55.6 19.7 49.1 21.1 29.6 23.1 53.1 20.0 43.7 27.8 39.5 35.0 28.7 25.7 20.7 22.0 18.5 25.0 22.6 26.2 25.0 23.9 35.9 35.7 44.2 .1 .3 .3 .2 .4 .1 .8 In each community, however, proportionately fewer male than female principal earners engaged in clerical activities. Only from 20 to 31 percent of the male principal earners were classified as clerical, while between 36 to 58 percent of them were wage earners. Only in Billings did business and professional activities claim as large a proportion of male principal earners as did wage-earner pursuits; here the proportion in each of these two occupational classifications was 36 percent. • Since in most cases, the occupation of the principal earner coincides with that assigned to the family, the discussion assumes this identity. 61 SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME Earnings of principal earner husbands and wives.—When the wives of native white complete families served as chief breadwinners, their earnings were considerably lower than those of principal earner husbands. (See table 39.) For both husbands and wives earnings were highest among the business and professional group and lowest among the wage earners, but the proportional difference between the earnings of husbands and wives was greatest in the wage-earner group. The earnings of the wage-earner wives who were the chief breadwinners for their families averaged only between one-third and one-half as great as the earnings of husbands who were principal earners in this occupational group. T able 39 .— Average earnings of husbands and wives as principal earners, by occupational group [Nonrelief native white complete families] All occupations City Denver...................................................... Omaha-Council Bluffs.......................... Dubuque............... .................................. Springfield, M o........................................ Butte.......................................................... Pueblo.............. ........................................ Billings....................................................... Wage earner Clerical Business and professional Hus Hus Hus Hus bands Wives bands Wives bands Wives bands Wives $1, 765 $1,067 $1,244 966 1,303 1,734 688 1,057 1,316 1,329 624 1,104 924 1,495 1,911 955 1,273 1, 470 1,938 1,122 1,455 $578 $1,680 $1,077 $2,404 587 l. 713 1,110 2,487 535 1,464 821 1,860 476 1, 421 760 1,739 482 1,791 1,194 2.817 552 1, 541 924 1,872 620 1,814 1,036 2,537 $1,439 1,190 974 933 (») 1,241 1,460 1 Insufficient number of cases for computation of average. In the clerical occupations, the difference in earnings between the two sexes was not quite so great, but even in this occupation the wives who were principal earners received less than two-thirds as much as the husbands in each of the cities. In six of the communities the spread between the earnings of husbands and wives acting as chief breadwinners in clerical occupations was approximately $600 while it was almost $800 in Billings. The same general relationship between husbands and wives as prin cipal earners existed among business and professional families, with the earnings of the wives averaging between one-half and two thirds the earnings of the husbands. The difference in average earnings was over $1,000 in Omaha-Council Bluffs and in Billings. Family relationship of supplementary earners.—Because of the fre quency with which the husbands of complete families serve as chief breadwinners, it is to be expected that husbands would assume a relatively minor function in supplying supplementary earnings. Only between 11 and 16 percent of the secondary earners in native white complete families were husbands. (See table 40.) The position of the wife in supplementing family income, however, is much more 62 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION important than her role as principal earner. Wives in 6 of the West Central-Rocky Mountain cities comprised two- to four-tenths of all supplementary earners. In the seventh community, Dubuque, only 1 out of every 10 secondary earners was a wife while other female members comprised almost 4 in 10 of all supplementary earners. Female members other than wives were relatively less important as a source of family income in the remaining 6 communities where they constituted only between 19 and 26 percent of the secondary earner group. The remaining three- to four-tenths of supplementary earners were males other than the husbands of the family. T able 40 .— Supplementary earners classified by sex and status in family , percentage distribution [Nonrelief native w hite com plete families] Earner classification AIL.................................................. Husbands..........................._ Other male.............................. W ives.. . _______________ Other female_____________ Denver 100.0 16.0 27.3 37.9 18.8 OmahaSpring- Butte Council Dubuque field, Mo. Bluffs 100.0 12.9 31.7 31.4 24.0 100.0 13.8 40.8 9.5 35.9 100.0 16.1 32.8 28.5 22.6 100.0 11.4 40.7 21.9 26.0 Pueblo 100.0 12.2 32.9 29.6 25.3 Billings 100.0 11.7 32.3 31.1 24.9 By combining the data for wives with other females and for hus bands with other males, we see that female supplementary earners were slightly more numerous in five of the communities than were males. Except in Dubuque and Butte, between 51 and 57 percent of all supplementary earners were women. Earnings of supplementary earners.—The amount of supplementary earnings showed considerable intercity variation. The average for supplementary earner husbands in Butte, for example, was $876—a figure more than double the $412 average in Springfield. Supple mentary earnings of wives varied between $431 and $609, with the same cities at the extremes. It is apparent from a comparison of these ranges with the figures in table 39 that there was considerably more difference in the amounts earned by husbands acting as supple mentary earners and as principal earners than there was between the earnings of wives in these two classifications. T able 41 .— Average earnings of supplementary earners by sex and status in family 1 Earner classification A ll..................................................... H usbands.............................. Other male 8................ ........... Wives............... ....................... Other female 8......................... [Nonrelief native white complete families] Denver $552 648 490 566 533 OmahaSpring- Butte Council Dubuque field, Mo. Bluffs $583 626 544 582 618 1 Average earnings per earner. * Earnings of children under 16 years of age not included. $407 478 484 465 448 $419 412 403 431 432 $664 876 662 609 662 Pueblo $479 592 450 505 436 Billings $529 658 533 468 675 63 SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME Age of earners.—The lower earnings of supplementary earners as compared with those of the chief breadwinners are due in part to the difference in age of these two groups. (See table 42.) The median age of principal earner husbands ranged between 41 and 43 years in these West Central-Rocky Mountain communities while husbands acting as secondary earners were between 49 and 56 years of age on the average—a difference of from 8 to 13 years. Two possible explanations present themselves: Husbands may become supplementary earners because they have passed their earnings peak; or, it may be that by the time the heads of families have reached their fiftieth birthday, they have adult children who step into the role of chief breadwinner, earning more than the father’s maximum earnings. T able 42 .—Age of husbands who were principal and supplementary earners, percent age distribution by age group and median age [Native white complete families, relief and nonrelief] All husbands___________ _ Under 35 years............. 35-49 years___________ 50 years and over_____ Median age........................... T able Pueblo Billings 1 j | j Butte P'S Ph Supple mentary P rin cipal Supplementary Age group SpringOmahaCouncil Dubuque field. Bluffs Mo. P r in c i pal Supple mentary P r in c i pal Supple mentary P rin ci- I pal j | Supple| mentary P r in c i pal Supple mentary P r in c i pal Supple mentary Denver 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 28.9 17.1 28.5 14.1 26.6 .2 29.0 14.4 30.6 10.5 30.3 12.2 30.1 16.3 43.9 35.6 46.8 30.1 45 3 19.9 41.2 29.8 43.9 29.8 41.8 29.5 44.5 27.3 27.2 47.3 24.7 55.8 28.1 71.9 29.8 55.8 25.5 59.7 27.9 58.3 25.4 56.4 42 49 41 51 43 56 42 52 41 54 41 52 42 53 43 .— Age of wives who were principal and supplementary earners, percentage distribution by age group and median age [Native white complete families, relief and nonrelief] All wives__________ _____ Under 35 years............. 35-49 years...................... 50 years and over.......... Median age___ _____ ____ Butte Pueblo Billings P r in c i pal Supple mentary P r in c i pal Supple mentary P r in c i pal Supple mentary P rin c i pal Supple mentary P r in c i pal Supple mentary P r in c i pal Supple mentary P r in c i pal 1 Supple| mentary Age group SpringOmaha Council Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. j Denver 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. f 100.0 33.8 52.2 24.8 51.2 28.0 45.9 34.8 57.8 21.1 43.2 16.9 53.0 38.5 49. 44.1 37.5 48.6 40.2 34.7 35.1 34.7 31.8 60.5 48. ( 52.9 34.3 35.8 38. 4 22.1 10.3 26.6 8.6 37.3 19.0 30.5 10.4 18.4 7.9 30.2 12.7 25.7 11.5 40 34 42 35 44 37 41 33 40 37 44 34 40 35 A different situation exists among wives as principal and supple mentary earners. Although the median age of chief earner wives (40 to 44) is not unlike that for husbands, wives who serve as supple mentary earners are relatively young in contrast to principal earner 64 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION wives. The median age of wives making supplementary contribu tions ranged between 33 and 37 years. (See table 43.) It appears that many of the wives who were secondary earners were young women helping their husbands to provide the family income until the earnings of the chief breadwinner became more sufficient. It may also be pertinent in this connection that many job opportunities which are open to women are available to the younger women only. Earnings by age.—The figures of table 44 serve to illustrate a general tendency for the earnings of chief earner husbands to increase with a rise in age level until a peak is attained; thereafter we find a decrease in the amount of earnings. The youngest principal con tributors earned only approximately half as much as did the older age groups. The age at which highest earnings were reached varied among the different communities. In Denver, Omaha-Council Bluffs, and Springfield, husbands who were principal contributors attained their maximum earnings at the age level of 45 to 49. In Dubuque and Pueblo the peak was reached somewhat earlier, between the ages of 40 and 44, while in Butte and Billings the highest earnings derived from husbands aged 55 to 59 and 60 to 64 respectively. Differences in the age level at which earnings reach a maximum are due, for the most part, to differences in occupational composition of the popula tion. The correlation of age and earnings may differ widely among different occupational groups because of the varying degrees of skill and training as well as physical fitness required by the several types of occupation. Wage earners, for example, attain their peak earning capacity at an earlier age than do the professional groups whose training period is long. Thus in Dubuque and Pueblo, where the proportion of wage earners among the native white complete families is highest, one would expect to find the principal earners reaching their largest earnings at a relatively early age. Conversely, in Billings where the proportion of wage earners is low and the propor tion of business and professional families comparatively high, the later age at which peak earnings were attained is to be expected. The small proportion of wives serving as principal earners precludes any specific conclusion with regard to the relationship of earnings and age. It may be said, however, that in five of the cities wives attained their maximum earning capacity at an earlier age level than did the husbands. Even in such cases, the highest earnings of the wives did not surpass those of the husbands who were at the same age level but who had not yet reached their peak earnings. 65 SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME T able 44 .—Average earnings of husbands and wives who were principal earners, by age group [Native white complete families relief and nonrelief] Denver Age group -dV)d 03 £2K > d M l 5 OmahaCouncil Bluffs to a £>toC3 1 d M is All ages__............ $1,615 $921 $1. 573 Under 2 0 .... 532 658 20-24.............. 915 (0670 930 25-29.............. 1,267 880 1,203 30-34.............. 1,439 1,082 1, 453 35-39............. 1,670 936 1,621 40-44.............. 1,770 890 1,681 45-49............ 1,895 971 1,816 50-54.............. 1,782 843 1,807 55-59............. 1,713 764 1,645 60-64-.......... 1,646 . 1,150 1,550 65 and over.. 1,470 660 1,352 SpringDubuque field, Mo. tO a £2Vi03 d M $837 $1,160 0)595 0)770 892 968 857 1,091 951 1,283 858 1, 294 796 1,190 810 1,155 737 1,204 834 1,118 620 1,007 1 is T)Via £2V}03 d W $587 $1,211 624 0) (>) 757 874 974 677 1,159 454 1, 275 694 1,369 525 1,372 446 1,322 550 1,252 421 1,194 376 969 > £ Butte T3a <3S JO Vid H $528 $1,690 0) 0) 593 1,083 587 1,321 508 1,613 548 1,687 602 1, 771 642 1,923 436 1,828 474 1,978 409 1,627 328 1,922 1 Pueblo Billings 'da £5too3 d W 'da £503 dVi m 3> % $601 $1,283 $736 $1,817 0) 0) 0) (0 863 536 1,013 0) 760 1,052 761 1.495 0) 1,236 773 1,676 685 1.324 1,042 1,826 584 1,451 614 1,990 304 1,409 624 1,993 2,050 0) 1.325 839 0) 1,367 911 1,940 0) 1,327 540 2,111 0) 1,161 267 1.496 3► s $912 0) 840 1,056 886 562 (0 758 988 0) 0) 0) 1 Insufficient number of cases in sample for computation of averages. Income from roomers and boarders and from casual work in the home.— Income from family enterprises, as contrasted with the earnings of individual members of the family, provided only 1 or 2 percent of the aggregate income of the native white group. Such “nonindividual” earnings were derived from the keeping of roomers and boarders or from work done intermittently in the home, such as sewing, baking, and laundering. Income from roomers and boarders and from other work in the borne formed a small proportion of aggregate income because few families received income from such sources and because families which did keep roomers and boarders or which reported casual work in the home realized little net income therefrom. Of the native white families containing both husband and wife less than 10 percent in each city, and as small a proportion as 3 percent in Butte, derived income from roomers and boarders. (See table 45.) Among the incomplete group, the proportion having roomers and boarders was somewhat higher in each city. In Springfield, Pueblo,-and Billings, more than 15 percent of the families lacking either a husband or wife reported income from roomers and boarders; in Denver, Omaha, and Dubuque, this proportion amounted to between 11 and 13 percent; but in Butte, only 4 percent of the incomplete families kept roomers and boarders. 66 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION T able 45 .— Percentage of complete and incomplete families deriving income from roomers and boarders and casual work in home [Native white families, relief and nonrelief' Incomplete Complete Incomplete Pueblo Billings 03 Complete Butte Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete SpringOmaha Dubuque field, Mo. Complete Incomplete Source of income Complete Denver a P. c o fl Roomers and boarders........ 6.9 11.2 9.7 12.8 5.3 11.2 5.7 15.2 3.3 4.2 7.0 15.5 7.9 15.9 Casual work in home_____ 1.2 2.4 .5 .8 . 6 .5 .8 3.3 .4 2.5 .6 1.9 1.4 4.3 The native white complete families which had income from roomers and boarders received the following average income from this source after the estimated cost of food had been deducted:7 Denver $180 OmahaCouncil Dubuque Bluffs $193 $187 sBMo.f- Butte Pueblo Billings $113 $259 $141 $214 Only a very few families reported income from casual work done in the home. Less than 2 percent of the complete families and only between 1 and 4 percent of the incomplete families engaged in such activity. Even for those native white complete families which reported hav ing income from intermittent work in the home, the average amount of such income for the year was only between $33 and $134. The average income from this source in each community was as follows: OmahaDenver Council Dubuque Bluffs $90 $33 $106 s& Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings $36 $133 $61 $134 Othtr sources of money income— As was pointed out earlier in this chapter, nonearned money income was relatively a more important source of the aggregate income of the incomplete native white fam ilies than of the families containing a married couple. Whereas not more than 7 percent of the income of complete families in these West Central-Rocky Mountain communities represented nonearned money income, between 6 and 21 percent of the total income of the incom plete families in these seven cities was derived from this source.8 Between 14 and 27 percent of the native white complete families reported money income other than earnings. In each community the 7 See glossary for method of estimating cost of boarders* food. * See table 26 of this chapter. 67 SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME proportion of incomplete families having such income was larger than the corresponding proportion for complete families; there was, how ever, considerable intercity variation. Only in Butte did less than one out of four (22 percent) incomplete families have nonearned money income while almost two out of four (46 percent) incomplete families in Billings reported income from this source (see table 46). T able 46 ,—Percentage of complete and incomplete families reporting money income from sources other than earnings [Native white families, relief and nonrelief] City Denver............... ................................................................................................................ Omaha-Council Bluffs . _____________ ________ ________________________ Dubuque___ _____ ______________________ _______ _______ _________ ______ Springfield, M o............................. ................................................................ .................. Butte _________________________________________________________________ Pueblo__________________________________________________________________ Billings................................................................. -........................................... .................. Complete families 20.9 16.0 17.1 18.0 18.6 14.2 26.8 Incomplete families 31.4 29.6 37.2 36.2 22.0 26.5 45.7 The items of nonearned money income which were most important in the current study were pensions and annuities, dividends and in terest from securities, rents from investment property, gifts and that portion of bonuses and inheritances which was spent during the year. It must again be emphasized that the nonearned money income re ported here does not represent the total nonearned money income of the community.9 That there were significant differences in the relative frequency of nonearned money income among the various occupational groups is illustrated for the native white complete families by the figures in table 47. As might be expected, this source of income was by far the most significant among the retired and nonemployed families, 65 to 84 percent of which had money income other than earnings. In each of the communities a larger proportion of business and pro fessional families reported nonearned money income than did clerical families, and relatively more clerical families than wage earners had such income. The percentage of families receiving money income other than earnings ranged from 21 to 32 percent among business and professional families, from 14 to 27 percent for clerical families, and from 12 to 20 percent among wage earners. • The important omissions must be kept in mind. To begin with capital gains are not included in our presentation of nonearned family income. Entrepreneurial profits are treated as earned income for the family, and were incorporated in the schedule only insofar as they are represented by drawing accounts actually accruing to the family. What is left in the business was not regarded as part of available family purchasing power. Similarly, large amounts of realized gains which found their way into investments, trust holdings, or special estate funds and were not made available for current family use, were not re ported as part of the family income. The primary purpose of the Study of Consumer Purchases was to study the manner in which families spent family incomes; hence what did not run through the mill of family disbursements (whether for consumers’ goods or for items like life insurance, purchase of or additions to homes, and family savings) is not included in the present discussion. 68 T able 47. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION —Percentage of families in various occupational groups reporting money income from sources other than earnings [Nonrelief native white complete families] All occu pations City Denver.. ____________________ Omaha-Council Bluffs_____ _____ _________ Dubuque_______ _______ __________________ Springfield, M o___________________________ B u t t e ....................................................................... Pueblo........................................................................ Billings___________________________________ 22.5 16.9 17.3 18.7 20.1 16.1 27.8 Wage earner Business and pro fessional Clerical 16.1 13.1 12.7 12.8 16.1 12.1 19.8 24.9 21.0 22.0 24.3 26.7 20.8 32.1 19.7 14.7 14.3 15.8 16.2 13.5 28.9 Other 84.2 74.1 65.4 81.8 81.5 78.4 74.4 For those native white complete families which had nonearned money income, the average amount of such income was fairly substan tial, ranging from $326 in Dubuque to $587 in Denver. These figures are summarized below: Denver OmahaCouncil Bluffs Dubu que Springfield, Mo. Butte Pueblo Billings $587 $411 $326 $371 $427 $332 $480 Interest and dividends, pensions and annuities, and rents from prop erty were the three major items of nonearned income. Table 48 presents the proportion of native white complete families which had income from these three sources with the average amounts received. T able 48. —Percentage of families receiving nonearned money income from specified sources, and average amounts received by such families [Native white complete families, relief and nonrelief] N et rent from property Dividends and interest Pensions and annuities City Denver........ ................................. Omaha-Council Bluffs.............. Dubuque....... ............................... Springfield, M o........................... B utte............................................. Pueblo............................................ Billings.......................................... Average Average Average P ercen tal amount Percentage amount Percentage amount of families per family of families per family of families per family having having having 7.0 4.7 6.5 6.7 4.2 4.0 11.4 $390 307 235 289 251 200 570 6.0 3.9 3.7 2.4 7.2 4.3 8.8 $832 420 296 246 538 163 276 5.1 3.1 2.2 3.0 4.3 3.7 4.3 $720 599 581 547 464 508 473 For each of these items, there was considerable variation both in the relative number of families affected and in the amount of income. Of the native families containing husband and wife, from 4 percent in Butte and Pueblo to 11 percent in Billings received net rents from investment in property other than the home; the average amount which they received ranged from $200 in Pueblo to $570 in Billings. SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME 69 Dividends and interest from stocks, bonds, bank accounts, trust funds, etc., formed a part of the income of between 2 percent and 9 percent of the native white complete families in these communities For the families having such income, the amount of interest and divi dends averaged only $163 in Pueblo but as much as $832 in Denver. Pensions and annuities proved a source of income for a smaller proportion of families (only 2 to 5 percent of the native white com plete group), but the average amounts received in this form were relatively high. In each of the seven West Central-Rocky Mountain communities, families having income from pensions and annuities realized at least $450 from this source during the year while Denver families had as much as $720. Chapter V I Home Ownership and Rent in Relation to Income By relating the rent data secured in the present study to family income, a useful tool for deriving income estimates on the basis of rent data is provided. Since the ascertainment of family income is relatively expensive and difficult and since rent data, on the other hand, are readily obtainable and often a matter of public knowledge such a short-cut device for estimating income is in demand. The extent to which the ratio changes at different income levels, and among different socio-economic groupings of the population will be brought out in the present chapter.1 The housing data secured from the random sample of families were limited to a few general questions, bearing on home tenure, monthly rent, and type of dwelling. The details of housing expenditure, and items included in the rental payment, were obtained only from the controlled sample of families which furnished data on all expenditures. Thus the analysis of rent in the present bulletin will not emphasize housing as an item of consumption, which is discussed in the succeeding volume on expenditures, but will treat home tenure only as it is related to income and rent as it may be used in estimating income. Factors in home ownership.—As in the case of the other major sources of family income we shall wish to know both of home owner ship and of rent as pay, how common each was as a source of income. Although in some instances the cost of ownership equaled or even exceeded rental value, by and large the frequency of home ownership may be taken to represent the proportion of families which received income from this source. In discussing the relationship between home ownership and other factors, certain measures of family status such as income and family type, change substantially from time to time, while others, like nativity, do not. Homes once purchased are usually kept over a period of years. Thus the income, family type, or even occupation, which characterized the family when it originally purchased the home, may have been quite different by the time of the 1935-36 survey. Ordinarily, for example, families must have a fair income before they can purchase their homes. Yet families may cling to their homes when i No attempt will he made in this volume to elaborate the steps which would be necessary in estimating income from rent. Such an estimate would necessarily involve the use of data on the dispersion of income at given rent levels. (See table 13, among homogeneous families. Tabular Summary.) 70 HOME OWNERSHIP AND RENT 71 their income has been reduced to the subsistence level even if this involves the incurring of liabilities or the reduction of assets. The presence of young children, also, might be considered as stimulating the tendency toward home ownership; but the children do not remain young, so that at any given moment of time the population of home owners would not necessarily be comprised of an unduly large propor tion of families with young children. With respect to occupation, the most probable change would doubtless be from any of the gainful occupations to the status of retired or unemployed, although shifts from one gainful occupation to another among home owners are not improbable. A carpenter (wage earner), for example, might build himself a house and several years afterwards he might become a con tractor (independent business). In connection with differences in home ownership as between cities, factors such as local real estate booms, suburban developments, the rise or decline of transportation facilities, the influx of rural or transient persons, the rate of population growth, and the like, might have influenced the rate of home purchase at some time in the past, leaving the proportion of home owners dif ferent from what it would have been if it had depended solely upon present conditions. The relationship between home ownership and nativity is the only one which is clearly and definitely independent of the element of change, since no family is of a different nativity now from what it was in the past. The relationship between home owner ship and the factors to be discussed in the present chapter is, therefore, not the same as the relationship between them and home purchase. We are not going to attempt to answer such questions as: Why do people purchase homes? Where is the market for homes? We are simply going to show at any given time, in this case, 1935-36, in which city, nativity, occupational group, family type, and income brackets home ownership was most common. Frequency of home ownership.—Between 40 and 50 percent of the families in these West Central-Rocky Mountain cities owned their homes. There does not appear to be any relationship between size of city and extent of home ownership. The large city of Denver and the small city of Billings both rank low in home ownership as com pared with the other five communities in this region. OmahaCouncil Bluffs and Pueblo, on the other hand, occupy the first and second rank positions with 50 and 49 percent of their families, re spectively, owning their dwelling quarters. In all the cities home ownership is more prevalent among the foreign than among the native families. This is true despite the fact that the average income of the foreign families is lower than that of the native, and that home ownership tends to be more prevalent at higher than at lower income levels. Whereas between 49 percent (in 78127°— 40 -----------6 72 T able WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 49#— Percentage of home owners am ong foreign and native w hite fa m ilie s , and am ong com plete and incom plete native white fa m ilies 1 [R e lief a n d n o n relief fam ilies! C it y D e n v e r ____________________________________ _____ O m a h a -C o u n c il B lu f fs ________________________ D u b u q u e . _____ ____________________________ S p r in g fie ld , M o _____________ __________ ________ B u t t e _______________________________________ ____ P u e b lo ___________________________________________ B illin g s __________________________________________ A ll fa m ilies 4 1 .2 4 9 .8 4 6 .5 47 .1 4 7 .6 4 8 .9 4 2 .5 N a tiv e w h ite A ll 3 8 .6 4 4 .1 4 4 .5 4 7 .1 4 2 .3 4 5 .0 4 2 .3 C o m p le te In c o m p le te 3 8 .4 4 4 .3 4 0 .9 4 7 .3 4 0 .2 4 4 .3 4 2 .5 3 9 .0 43. 2 5 3 .2 4 6 .7 4 6 .6 47 .1 3 7 .1 1 B a s e d u p o n to ta l o f o w n ers p lu s ren ters. F o reig n b o m w h ite 55.4 7 0 .6 5 9 .5 55 .7 5 5 .8 6 8 .0 4 8 .6 Billings) and 71 percent (in Omaha-Council Bluffs) of the foreign white families owned the homes which they occupied, only from 39 percent (in Denver) and 47 percent (in Springfield, Mo.) of the native white group were home owners. This greater incidence of home ownership among the foreign born as compared with the native is in accord with the findings in other cities of this survey as well as with previous studies of home tenure by nativity. Although no-analysis of the data on home tenure by nativity and income has been made for cities in the West Central-Rocky Mountain region, data of this nature in other communities surveyed in the Urban Series of the Study of Consumer Purchasers have indicated that the foreign born have a higher percentage of home owners than do the native born at every income level as well as for all income classes combined. The explanation may be found partly in the fact that foreign families consist of relatively older groups who, as was shown in the report on income of Chicago families,2show a higher percentage of home owners than do younger families, and partly in the old-world tradition of real property ownership signifying tangible evidence of economic success. The prevalence of home owners among the foreign born may also reflect the fact that the foreign group contains a relatively large number of independent business families whose homes also serve as business locations. In order to have stability of residence as well as freedom to use the property for business enterprise, such families may find it advisable to purchase their homes. If incomplete families as a whole are contrasted with complete families, no significant difference in the percentage of home owners appears. In Dubuque and Butte incomplete families show a higher percentage of home owners, while in Billings the percentage of incom plete families owning their homes is lower than among complete families. However, it will be recalled that complete families have substantially higher incomes than incomplete families. When we compare home ownership of these two groups within the same income * F a m ily I n c o m e in C h ica g o , B u ll. N o . 642, v o l. I, TJ. 8 . B u r e a u o f L a b o r S ta tis tic s . 73 HOME OWNERSHIP AND RENT class, we find considerably more home owners, proportionately, among the incomplete families in practically every income class. T able 50.— Percentage of home owners am ong com plete and incom plete native white fa m ilies, by incom e class 1 [R e lief a n d n o n r e lie f fa m ilies] O m ahaC o u n c il B lu ffs D ubuque S p rin g field , M o. B u t te P u e b lo B illin g s I D enver C o m p le te I n c o m p le te 53 47 47 40 47 44 47 43 37 24 45 33 60 22 51 20 54 31 42 27 58 27 50 39 52 21 45 24 39 U n d e r $ 500............. .............. $500-$999_........................... $1,000-$1,499.......................... $ 1 ,5 0 0 -$ 1 .9 9 9 ........................ $ 2 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 ,9 9 9 _ -.................. $3,000 a n d o v e r ................... 34 29 32 35 52 61 29 36 41 44 52 68 42 28 37 45 60 66 56 41 38 42 59 60 60 32 42 45 61 63 54 57 63 75 50 (2) 45 39 47 55 67 70 42 53 52 71 82 (2) 45 36 29 39 53 57 69 54 38 44 73 88 44 33 46 46 65 67 56 39 53 40 85 (2) 21 26 32 32 55 65 23 42 32 50 38 83 In c o m p le te I n c o m p le te 41 34 46 C o m p le te C o m p le te 43 25 48 I n c o m p le te I n c o m p le te 44 29 42 C o m p le te C o m p le te 39 20 41 C o m p le te I n c o m p le te 38 R e lie f.................................... .. N o n r e lie f-............................ A ll fa m ilie s ...................................... In c o m p le te C o m p le te I n c o m e class « B a sed u p o n th e to ta l o w n er s p lu s ren ters. *I n s u ffic ie n t n u m b e r o f ca ses to w a rra n t c o m p u ta tio n o f a p ercen ta g e. The reasons for the high representation of home owners among the incomplete families at any given income level are obvious. Since incomplete families consist, to a large extent, of widowed persons, those who owned their homes would be most likely to continue to maintain a family set-up, while the renters would be more likely to become boarders or move in with relatives who maintained house holds. This makes for a selection in favor of home owners among incomplete families. In the second place, the present income of incomplete families is probably less indicative of the highest economic position reached by such families than is the case among complete families. With the loss of the husband particularly, the family is usually deprived of a major source of income. Thus the purchase of the home among incomplete families has generally occurred when the family was better situated than it is at present. Very likely an incomplete family would consider home ownership a form of security, as well as a source of income if part of the dwelling could be sublet. Home ownership by income classes.—While the percentage of home owners varied within given income intervals from city to city, and was surprisingly high for families with incomes under $500 the pro portion of native white complete families owning their homes tended to increase with each rise in income level from $500 upward. (See table 50.) In Denver, for example, about 3 in every 10 families in the income bracket $500 to $1,000 owned their dwellings; at the $2,000 to $3,000 class, 5 in 10 were home owners; while at the $5,000 74 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION and over income level, 7 in 10 families owned their homes.3 Similar increases may be noted in the other cities among the complete families. Generally speaking, the percentage of home owners at the income level of $3,000 and over was about double that found among families with incomes of $500 to $1,000. With one exception, Billings, in every city the nonrelief native white complete families with incomes below $500 for the year have higher proportions of home owners than do families at higher income levels. Information was not obtained on the length of time families had owned their homes, but the large proportion of home owners among these families with low current incomes for the year 1935-36, suggests that such families were clinging to homes purchased when the family financial status was more favorable. Another condition which may have had some bearing on this seeming paradox of a high proportion of home owners among the lowest income group is that the homes owned by these low income families may have been, in general, of inferior quality, the cost of which in many cases may not have represented as large a proportion of income as that of homes owned by the middle income groups. In two cities, Dubuque and Butte, not until the $2,000-$3,000 income level was reached did the percentage of home owners exceed that found at the lowest income level. In using these figures it is important to know that in cities of the West Central-Rocky Mountain area, the apartment house is a rather new development. In these cities, apartments tend to represent a modern type of housing in which the mechanical conveniences asso ciated with labor-saving housekeeping are included. These apart ments cater as a rule to persons in the upper income classes. While home owners in the higher income levels continue to build houses in these cities, their number is small compared with the low income population which has owned its homes for a considerable number of years. Taking Denver as an example, it is found that whereas the average age of existing apartment houses is less than 10 years, that of the owned homes is more nearly 30 years. In a recent study4 of Denver housing along the Platte River—representing the poorest section of the city—the age of each living unit was checked, in 1934, over an area of square miles. It was found that the houses, the bulk of which were occupied by home owners, averaged 35 years of age. They represent a type of construction for which only those in the lowest income levels would provide the rental market. In many of these homes, families on relief are permitted to continue their owner* S ee T a b u la r S u m m a r y , sec. B , ta b le 12, for in co m e b r a c k ets 95,000 a n d o v e r . 4 S ee “ H o u sin g R e p o r t,” B u ild in g D e p a r tm e n t, C ity a n d C o u n ty o f D e n v e r , 1934. U n iv e r s ity o f D e n v e r R e p o r ts, v o l. 14, N o . 4, “ R e a l E sta te V a c a n c y S u r v e y of th e C ity a n d C o u n ty of D e n v e r , C o lo ., as o f S e p te m b e r 1938.” HOME OWNERSHIP AND KENT 75 ship and residence, inasmuch as it is cheaper to permit them to pay their property taxes out of relief receipts or earnings than it would be for the welfare agencies to rent homes for them. A further point to be made is that most of the families in these old homes are themselves in the upper age limits. Some who were formerly in the upper income brackets now have relatively meager current earnings. Families receiving relief during the year were home owners in no less than one-fifth of the cases. Obviously home ownership did not disqualify families from passing a means test in these communities. No data were obtained, however, on the status of the ownership, i. e., whether taxes and interest were delinquent, but it is possible that many of these families were on the verge of losing their homes. Although a number of exceptions may be noted, among incomplete families also, the trend toward increase in home ownership with rise in income level exists. Some allowance should be made for variation arising from the relatively small samples of incomplete families as well as variation due to the heterogeneous composition of this group. In Denver where the sample is somewhat larger than in the other communities, the proportion of home owners among incomplete families ranged from 29 percent in the lowest income class to 68 per cent of the families receiving $3,000 or more. Home ownership among occupational groups.—Of the wage-earner, clerical, and business and professional families, home ownership was most prevalent among the last-mentioned group. In six of the West Central-Rocky Mountain communities half or more of the business and professional groups owned their homes, and in the seventh city— Denver—47 percent were home owners. In all these cities except Butte and Pueblo, proportionately fewer wage-earner than clerical families possessed their homes. These differences must be con sidered in the light of income differences, however, since, as we saw from the discussion above, the higher the income bracket (with the notable exception of the lowest income group), the larger the propor tion of home owners. Limiting the analysis to Denver families, we find that, as income permits, home ownership becomes more prevalent among wage-earner than among either of the other occupational groups. Not only is the rate of increase of home ownership with rises in income greater among the wage-earner than among the clerical and business and professional groups, but in income classes of $1,500 and over wage earners actually had higher percentages of home owners than did the white-collar groups.5 This predominance of home owners among *In comparing ownership trends by occupational groupings, it may be recalled that wage-earner families do not ordinarily get into the upper income class unless the family is large enough to contain several earners. The cost of renting a modern aparatment of the requisite size for a large family might, therefore, encourage the purchase of a home by the wage earners; whereas in the business or professional family, the earnings of a single breadwinner may provide superior rented facilities for a smaller family. 76 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION these higher income wage-earner families is, in part at least, attribut able to the older age composition of this occupational group at the upper income level. As the Chicago analysis showed, home owner ship is highly correlated with age.6 T able 51 .— Percentage of home owners, by occupational group fN o n r e lie f n a tiv e w h ite c o m p le te fa m ilies! A ll o c c u p a tio n s C ity D e n v e r .. .......................................... ............................................ O m a h a -C o u n c il B lu ffs _____ D u b u q u e __________________________________________ S p r in g fie ld , M o __________________________________ B u t t e . ........................................................................................... P u e b lo ............................................................................................ B illin g s ___ ________________________________________ W age earner 4 1 .3 4 7 .5 45 .2 51.3 4 2 .3 49. 5 4 4 .5 B u s in e s s a n d pro fessio n a l C lerical 3 6 .0 4 3 .6 4 0 .5 4 6 .2 41 .1 4 8 .8 3 6 .4 3 7 .5 45.1 4 3 .4 5 2 .0 3 5 .0 4 4 .7 4 0 .2 47.1 5 4 .3 5 1.3 5 7 .3 4 9 .8 5 3 .3 55 .1 O th e r 1 6 7 .2 77. 5 8 1 .0 7 9.8 5 8 .5 68. 2 5 1 .3 » F a m ilie s w it h n o g a in fu lly e m p lo y e d m e m b e r s a n d fa rm ers. T able 52,—Percentage of home owners by occupational group and income class in Denver [N o n relief n a tiv e w h ite c o m p le te fa m ilies] Wage earner Income class Tntal nnnrplipf TTnripr $500- ___ _ _ ____ $500~$749 ................................................................ ......................... $750-$999 .......... .................... ................................................... $1,000-$1,249...................................................................................... $1,250-$! ,499.................... .................................................................. $1,500-$1,749 ................ .................................................................... $1,750-$1,999 .................................................................................. $2,000-$2,499 ....................................... ..........___............................ $2,500-$2,999 ........................................................ .......................... _ $3,000-$4,999 ............................................................................... $5,000 and over________________________________________ Clerical 36.0 23.9 19.9 22.5 28.4 35.1 36.4 36.8 60.6 64.7 61.5 37.5 28.6 27.8 22.3 15.8 29.8 32.8 28.5 48.7 53.2 55.4 81.8 Business and professional 47.1 33.3 36.0 47.4 33.3 42.0 33.8 35.3 38.8 53.7 57.3 70.2 Income oj owners and renters.—In view of the increased percentage of home owners at the higher income levels, it is not surprising to find that the median income of home owners is consistently greater than that of renters in each of the cities surveyed. (See table 53.) The least difference between the two home tenure groups among nonrelief native white complete families occurred in Dubuque—where the median income of home owners was approximately $275 greater than that of renters. The greatest difference was found in Billings—the owners in this city averaged $654 more in median income than did the renters. As the following analysis will show, this spread in income is substantially greater than the average amount imputed for home ownership, indicating that even without the addition of non money income from housing, the income of home owners would exceed that of renters. « F a m ily I n c o m e in C h ica g o , B u r e a u o f L a b o r S ta tis tic s B u ll. N o . 642, v o l. I , c b . V I . 77 HOME OWNERSHIP AND RENT T able 53. —Median income of home owners and renterst by occupational group [Nonrelief native white complete families] City A ll o c c u p a tio n s W a g e earn ers C lerica l B u s in e s s a n d p ro fessio n a l O w n e r s R e n ter s O w n e r s R e n ter s O w n e r s R e n ter s O w n e r s R e n ter s D e n v e r ........................................................................ $2,044 O m a h a -C o u n c il Bluffs.......... .. ............. 2,011 D u b u q u e .................................................................. 1,450 S p rin g field , M o ................................................ 1,527 2,016 B u t t e . ................................................................... P u e b lo ...................................... .................................. 1,666 B i l l i n g s . . . .............................................................. 2,384 $1,553 1,527 1,176 1.139 1 701 1.366 1.730 $1,615 1,681 1.320 1,387 1,767 1.556 1,868 $1,223 1,228 1,055 995 1,446 1, 235 1,449 $2,171 2,1 6 8 1,833 1, 743 2 ,154 1,886 2 ,417 $1.69 0 1,698 1,445 1,384 1,780 1,593 1.824 $ 2 ,69 9 2,7 2 9 2,033 1,908 2 ,732 2 ,035 2 ,9 6 5 $2,00 7 2,0 6 6 1, 716 1.492 2,394 1 ,709 2,321 The above differences are found within given occupational groups also, the median of owners usually being several hundred dollars greater than the median of renters within any given occupational category. Nonmoney income from housing.—Since one of the sources of family income, as defined in this study, is an imputed income from home ownership, the present discussion completes the analysis undertaken in the preceding chapter. It has been assumed that home owners tend to have an advantage in purchasing power over renters receiving money income of the same magnitude since, generally speaking, in any given year the expenses of home ownership, i. e.,repairs, insurance, taxes, and interest on mortgage tend to fall below the amounts paid by renters for rent in comparable types of living quarters.7 Thus a nonmoney addition to money income of home owners was used in the computation of their family income. This imputed income was derived by subtracting the expenses of home owners from the esti mated rental value of their quarters; the difference was then added to their money income.8 r This does not mean that in the long run home ownership is necessarily more economical than tenancy. It merely assumes that housing is the return on an investment comparable with the interest return which is obtained from investments in bonds. In estimating the current expenses on owned homes no account was taken of interest on funds invested in the owner’s equity, it was assumed that such interest was received in the form of nonmoney income from housing. To be sure, no account is taken of depreciation or of increase in value of owned homes, but neither are such changes on investments in stocks or bonds taken into account when determining current income. It should be emphasized at this point that family income as shown in this study covers income received by the family during a single year, and does not take Into account changes in assets and liabilities which affect the net worth of the family. Since the rental value of owned homes is in itself only an estimation (checked, to be sure, by the agent’s estimate of what renters are paying for comparable types of quarters in the same neighborhood), there is a possibility that home owners consistently overestimate the value of their housing. Since, however, some home owners might have anticipated that the data obtained would be used for tax assessment purposes, there is also the likelihood that underevaluation also took place. * For the purpose of reducing the interview time necessary for the extensive random sample, certain devices had to be employed when deriving the figure for imputed income of home owners from housing. While the rental value and the actual amount paid as mortgage interest were obtained from the family owning the dwelling, other current expenses (taxes, insurance, and repairs), were calculated from the rental value in accordance with an experience table based upon previous detailed studies of housing by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Thus home owners who made very extensive repairs during the schedule year incurred expense higher than the estimate and actually had less Imputed income from housing than was attributed to them. On the other hand, there were undoubtedly some owners, at least in the lowest income brackets, who did not, during the year, pay the normal expenses of ownership attributed to them, such as taxes, in surance, and repairs. For these families, the imputed income from housing for the schedule year was actually greater than the estimated figure. 78 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION The rental value of quarters occupied by families which received free housing in compensation for services rendered*—such as janitors, resident Rectors of institutions, or apartment house managers was added to the money income of such families. Together, imputed income from owned home and rent as pay accounted for between 6 and 8 percent of the aggregate family income of the West Central-Rocky Mountain communities surveyed. (See table 24, ch. V.) Of the two sources, home ownership is far more important. The proportion of the total nonmoney income derived from each of these sources for native white complete families in the seven cities studied follows: Source of nonmoney income All nonmoney income from housing: Percentage.............................. From home ownership____ From rent as pay.................. SpringOmahaCouncil Dubuque field, Bluffs Mo. Denver 100.0 97.8 2.2 100.0 94.8 5.2 100.0 97.7 2.3 100.0 97.2 2.8 Butte 100.0 96.2 3.8 Pueblo 100.0 96.8 3.2 Billings 100.0 98.0 2.0 Although the income imputed to home owners constitutes the major portion of nonmoney income the net effect of this item upon family income as a whole is not very marked. Only between $68 and $112, on the average, was added to family income by virtue of the adjustment in the income of home owners among native white com plete families as a whole. If, however, the average adjustment in income of home owners alone is considered, the income imputed is obviously greater. Nonmoney income from housing per home owner is more than double the figure based on owners and renters combined, due of course to the fact that home owners comprise less than half of all families. The following table shows nonmoney income from home ownership for all native white complete families and for home owners in this group. OmahaSpringN ativity, family composition, Denver CouncilDubuque field, and tenure Bluffs Mo. Average based on— All native white complete families.............. ................... Home owners.......................... $100 270 1 $112 256 $79 197 $68 146 Butte $96 246 Pueblo $75 171 Billings $108 272 Since the amount of income imputed is a function of the rental value of the home, and of the proportion of home owners it is to be expected that the amount varies at different income levels. Refer ence to the Tabular Summary, section B, table 2—indicates that this is the case—in fact there is almost a consistent tendency for imputed income to increase with rise in income. In Denver for 79 HOME OWNERSHIP AND RENT example, in the income bracket under $250, $41 represented the imputed income of home owners; at the $1,000 to $1,250 income class, $44; at the $3,000 to $3,500 class, $192; and in the $5,000 to $7,500 group, $391 constituted the nonmoney income from housing. Housing Expenditures Nature oj data on rent and rental value.—Before entering upon a dis cussion of rent and rental values, it is desirable to have in mind the nature of the rent data secured in the present study. The rent of tenants is the amount payable to the landlord for the occupancy of the dwelling; it is the rental rate reported at the date of interview. In the lowest income brackets, therefore, the actual ratio of rent to income was overstated for cases in which the tenant was unable to pay the rent which is compared with his income. Another disturbing factor is that rent averages cover houses as well as apartments and only in the latter are expenses of such items as fuel, refrigeration, or even light, likely to be included in the rental. This last fact is of considerable importance if rents or the ratio of rent to income is to be compared between cities. The following percent ages of native white complete families among the renters, resided in dwellings of various types: City Denver. . ________________ _____ ___ _____ ______ _____ ___________ Omaha-Council Bluffs_________ ___ ______ ____________ _________ Dubuque._______________________ _____ ______________________ Springfield, M o______ ________ _________________ __ _____ __ ____ B u tte ____________________________ ____________________________ Pueblo ___________________ _________ ____________________ Billings____________ ____ _____ ______ ______ ____________________ 1- and 2family houses Apartment building (3 or more families) 72.5 81.1 80.2 91.3 62.9 84.9 74.5 24.8 16.2 13.1 6.2 33.8 12.4 23.3 Other 2.7 2.7 6.7 2.5 3.3 2.7 2.2 Insofar as different types of dwellings are more prevalent at certain income levels than at others and among certain occupational groups, comparisons of rent differences should, theoretically, take into account items included in the rental payment. Since, however, the more detailed treatment of housing expense is available only for the sample of families giving expenditure data, it is not possible to treat the rental item in detail in the present volume. Later volumes on family expend itures will contain a fuller analysis. Rental value reported by owners is the amount for which they estimate their quarters would rent, in the light of amounts paid for rented homes of similar accommodations in the same neighborhood. We have already pointed out that the income of home owners is an adjusted figure which includes nonmoney income imputed to owners and that the actual expenditures on the owned home varied from the estimated expenditures. 80 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Rent and income.—We find considerable variation in average rent paid by native white complete families in these seven West CentralRocky Mountain cities. There appears to be a correlation between the general level of income in these communities, as judged by the medians, and average rent. Families in Billings reported the highest monthly rent—$28.20—while renters in Springfield, Mo., had the lowest at $15.20 per month. Rents in these two cities represent the extremes at practically every income level—the Billings renters averaging the highest monthly rents and the renters of Springfield the lowest of all seven cities. At the top income bracket of $3,000 and more, however, the rents of Denver and Omaha families run somewhat higher than do those of Billings families in these income classes. Although at any given income level, a wide range of rents is paid in every city, the average rents increase consistently with each rise in income level from $750 upward. Taking Denver as an example we find nonrelief families in the income groups $750 to $1,000 averaging $18 for rent; at the $1,500 to $1,750 income class monthly rents amount to $26 on the average; families with current funds of $3,000 to $4,000 pay an average of $42 per month for rent; while at the $5,000 and higher income class $66 per month constitutes the average rent. In only one city, Springfield, do renters in the lowest income brackets consistently average lower rents than do families receiving $750 to $1,000 for the year.9 T able 54 .— A verage m onthly rent reported by renters, by incom e class [N a t iv e w h ite c o m p le te fa m ilies] D enver I n c o m e cla ss A ll fa m ilie s . _ r x _ - R e l i e f ............................................................ N o n r e lie f_________ __ ___ ____________ Under $250.................... ............. $250-$499................................... $500-$749................................... $750-$999 ................................. $1,000-$1,249............................. $1,250-$1,499_........................... $1,500-11,749......................... .... $1,750-$1,999............................. $2,000-$2,249............................. $2,250-$2,499............................. $2,500-$2,999............................. $3,000-$3,999 ....................... $4,000-$4,999............................. $5,000 and o v e r _______________ $25.20 15.00 27. 40 20. 40 18. 50 18. 30 17. 90 22.00 23.10 25. 90 28. 40 30. 40 35. 20 34. 70 42.40 50. 50 65. 50 O m ahaC o u n c il D u b u q u e B lu ffs $24.90 14.60 27.40 21.90 17.00 17.60 18.10 21. 30 24.20 26.40 29.50 31.00 35.10 36. 30 43.90 49.60 60.80 . $18.00 12.00 20.00 16.50 14.90 14.70 14.80 17.70 20.00 22.50 24.80 26.60 28.40 30.10 36.60 46.00 50.30 s§ er! d f M o. $15.20 8.40 17.00 11.10 11. 40 11. 60 13.10 16.20 16.20 18.70 21.90 24. 60 25.70 27.00 32. 50 35.40 39. 70 B u tte $22.20 14.60 24.20 26.00 16. 40 19. 30 18.40 18. 60 17. 80 21.70 24.60 25.80 29.40 29. 30 38.20 40.50 52. 20 P u e b lo $17.00 11.30 19.50 16.50 13.10 13.10 14.00 16.80 18.40 20. 40 23. 50 25. 40 27.10 27.60 32.00 38.00 42.50 B illin g s $28. 20 15.80 29.90 21.00 16. 50 21.40 20.80 23.50 26.10 27. 60 30. 00 34.30 34.90 38.20 40. 70 47.10 43.30 • I t h a s b e e n p o in te d o u t a n u m b e r o f tim e s in th is b u lle tin , th e se n o n r e lie f lo w in c o m e fa m ilie s rep resen t a r a th er h e ter o g e n eo u s g ro u p — fa m ilie s w h o se cu r r e n t in c o m e is n o t in d ic a tiv e o f th e ir le v e l o f liv in g sin c e t h e y m a y b e d r a w in g u p o n s a v in g s or o th er reso u rces for cu rren t liv in g e x p e n se s, or th e y m a y b e s p e n d in g b e y o n d th e ir reso u rces a n d n o t p a y in g th e ir b ills . T h u s th e a v e r a g e r e n ts r e p o r te d b y th e se lo w in c o m e g ro u p s m a y b e e x p e c te d to b e s o m e w h a t o u t o f lin e as c o m p a r e d w it h r e n ts o f fa m ilie s w h o se c u r r e n t e x p e n d i tu r e s are m o re n e a r ly a d ju s te d to c u r r e n t in co m e . 81 HOME OWNERSHIP AND RENT The “floor” of rents, as judged by average rents of families receiving relief, varies considerably as between the seven cities, being almost twice as high in Billings as in Springfield ($15.80 as compared with $8.40). In the two large cities as well as in Butte, the relief group averaged close to $15 in rent while in Dubuque and Pueblo $12 and $11 represented the average rents for such families. Rental value and income.—Although the rental value of owned home represents an estimate of the rent which could be obtained were the dwelling for rent, the similarity of the pattern from city to city, and the consistency of the increase in rental value with rises in income indicates a certain reliability in these estimates. Since proportionately more home owners than renters have rela tively high incomes, it is not surprising to find that the average rental value of home owners exceeds the average rent of tenants in each of the cities surveyed. Whereas mean rents range from $15 to $28 per month, the rental values of owned homes vary from $22 (in Springfield) to $38 (in Billings and Denver). Generally speaking, rental values are from one-third to one-half higher than rents in these seven West Central-Rocky Mountain cities. At comparable income levels, however, the discrepancies are not so pronounced. Rental values run about $4 or $5 higher, usually, than rents.10 T able 55. —Average monthly rental value of owned homes, by income class [N a tiv e w h ite c o m p le te fa m ilies] I n c o m e cla ss A ll fa m ilie s ............................................... R e lie f ---------------------------------------N o n r e lie f........ .............................................. U n d e r $250.................................. $250-$499......................- ......... $500-$749....................... ............... $750-$999. ................................. $1,000-$1,249....... ........... .............. $1,250-11,499......... .................. $1,500-$1,749............................. $1,750-$1,999......... ................... $2,000-$2,249_______ ______ $2,250-$2,499............................ $2,500-$2,999............................ $3,000-$3,999............................. $4,000-$4,999__________ _ $5,000 a n d o v e r .............................. D enver $37.50 20. 50 38. 70 23.20 22. 90 26.80 26. 50 26. 00 27. 50 30. 80 32.20 33.80 38.60 40.90 49.70 56.50 83.30 O m aha* S p rin g C o u n c il D u b u q u e field , M o. B lu ffs $34. 70 18. 50 36.10 20.20 26.90 23.40 24 30 24.60 27.60 29.50 32.50 35.10 36.70 39.90 46.90 55.40 70.40 $26. 40 17.30 27.60 18.40 22.50 21. 30 20.50 23. 40 25.00 26.60 29.10 29.70 33.70 35.10 41.80 47.20 58.30 $22.10 11.20 22.80 13.00 15.70 15.80 15.90 17.60 19.70 21.20 22.80 25. 30 30.40 31.80 36.20 44.40 53.40 B u t te $30.40 20.00 32.10 22.50 19.40 20.10 24.40 22.60 23.40 24.60 28.50 31.80 32.80 36.50 41.10 47.60 61.70 P u e b lo $24.90 17.10 26.20 15.90 21.00 17.00 17.40 20.60 22.70 24.50 26.80 29.60 30.80 33.00 39.10 43.40 51.00 B illin g s $37.90 21.30 38.70 15.00 22.50 24.70 28.80 27.30 28.40 30.50 33.60 39.30 38.10 41.10 45.10 49.90 5 2 .00 An almost consistent rise in rental value with increases in income from $750 upward (and in some cities from $250 and up) occurs in every city. In Denver, for instance, families receiving $250 to $500 io W h e th e r th is m e a n s th a t th e n o n m o n e y in c o m e a d d e d to th e in c o m e o f h o m e o w n er s s h o u ld h a v e b e e n larger th a n w a s a c tu a lly im p u te d so th a t fa m ilie s r e p o r tin g g iv e n r e n ta l v a lu e s s h o u ld b e c la ssifie d in h ig h e r in co m e b r a c k ets th a n w a s d o n e or w h e th e r h o m e o w n er s a c tu a lly liv e in d w e llin g s o f h ig h e r r e n ta l v a lu e th a n d o ren ters or w h e th e r o w n ers te n d e d to o v e r e v a lu a te th e ir q u a rters c a n n o t b e a sc er ta in e d fro m th e d a ta a t h a n d . 82 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION lived in homes whose rental value averaged $23; homes of families obtaining $1,000 to $1,250 had an average rental value of $26; at $2,000 to $2,250 homes would rent for $34 per month, while at the level of $3,000 to $4,000 in income and $5,000 and over, rental value amounted to $50 and $83 respectively. (See table 55.) Rent as a percentage oj income among Denver families.—Before turning to the rent-income ratio found among native white complete families, found in all seven cities, we shall examine the Denver figures to deter mine the extent to which the generalizations for this selected group of families are applicable to the other groups of the population; i. e., the incomplete native white families, the foreign and color groups. Rents of the family population as a whole in Denver, formed approximately one-fifth of family income of renters; among the relief groups, however, rent assumed one-third of their earned and nonrelief income. T able 56 .— Rent as a percentage of income among Denver renters, by nativity, race, and family composition groups [Relief and nonrelief families] Income class All families.............................................. Relief____________ _________ _____ Nonrelief...................... ........................ Under $500....................................... $500-$749.......................................... $750-$999______________ ______ $1,000-$1, 249........ .......................... $1, 250-$l, 499_________________ $1, 500-$l, 749_________________ $1, 750-$l, 999._______ _________ $2,000-$2, 499_______________ $2, 500-S2, 999.................................. $3,000-$4, 999 _____ _______ $5,000 and over___......................... All families 20.8 33.2 19.8 73.8 33.9 28.0 24.1 21.0 19.3 18.3 17.8 16.1 14.0 10.7 Native-born white All 20.9 34.3 19.8 72.9 34.9 28.4 25.1 21.4 19.6 18.4 18.1 16. 2 14.2 10.6 Complete Incom plete 19.0 31.1 19.0 73.9 34.0 24.6 23.4 20.4 19.4 18.3 17.6 15.5 14.7 10.9 26.8 40.6 24.8 72.1 36.0 35.7 31.4 25. 5 20.2 19. 7 20. 6 18.4 11.3 9.5 Foreignborn Negro Other color white 20.0 27.8 19.6 81.2 36.0 28.2 20.4 17. 7 18. 2 17. 4 15.9 15.3 12.8 27.4 37.9 22.4 0) 20.5 19.7 0) 24.3 25.7 20.7 63.3 14.7 0) 8.8 0) 0) 1 Fewer than 3 cases of renters in sample. A consistent decline in the ratio occurred with each successively higher income group. At the lowest income class, under $500, rent rep resented almost three-fourths of family income; at $1,000 to $1,250, one-fourth; $2,000 to $2,250 less than one-fifth, and at $5,000 or more about one-tenth of the income was allotted to the rental item. The difference in housing expenditures as between the nativity groups was slight but consistent at the various income levels. The foreign-born renters devoted a lower percentage of their incomes to housing than did the native at practically every income bracket except the lowest. The explanation may be found in the difference in occupa tional make-up of the foreign group. Wage-earner families which, as later analysis will show, have relatively low rent income ratios as HOME OWNERSHIP AND RENT 83 compared with the white-collar occupational groups are proportion ately more prevalent in the foreign groups than in the native. The number of Negro and other color families drawn in the sample in Denver was not large enough to warrant any detailed analysis. In the few low-income brackets where data are available on 3 or more cases, their ratio of rent to income seems to fall considerably below that of the native or foreign white families. In the non relief income class $500 to $750, rent comprised 35 percent of the income of native white families, and 36 percent of that of the foreign, while among the Negro and other color groups 21 and 15 percent, respectively, of income was allocated to rent. The relatively low rents of dwellings occupied by these color groups may be correlated with differences in the occupational composition of these racial groups as compared with those of the white families. As we pointed out above, wage earners tend to spend smaller proportions of their incomes for rent than do the white-collar workers; and since the color groups as a rule are em ployed in the wage-earner occupations, a relatively low rental level would accord with other findings of this Study. Residential restric tions may also operate to keep the colored groups in the more deteri orated low-rent areas of the city. Among the native white families, the incomplete group allocated a larger share of income to rent than did the complete families. Rents of the former group assumed 27 percent of their income while the rental item of the latter group formed 19 percent. This trend holds, how ever, only up to the $3,000 level, above which the rent-income ratio of the complete group was larger. The explanation of the larger rent bill of the incomplete families at low income levels may be found in the fact that such families had past savings or other resources upon which to draw to meet the rent item, and that current family income did not indicate the real economic status of these broken families. Among some incomplete families, furthermore, the rent reported covered rooms occupied by lodgers; thus the gross rent represented an overstatement of the real rent bill of such families. As pointed out in the discussion of the preceding chapter, the incomplete families took in lodgers more frequently than did the complete. Rent-income ratio of native white complete families in 7 cities.—Rents of native white complete families averaged between one-fifth and onesixth of the family income of renters in the 7 cities surveyed in the West Central-Rocky Mountain region. The share of income repre sented by rent varied greatly, however, at different income levels, becoming consistently smaller as income increased. Although, as we saw above, average rents rose at each successively higher income class, the rate increase in rent did not keep pace with the rate of increase in income; thus the rent-income ratio shows a continuous decline with each rise in income. In the income class $250 to $500, rent constituted 84 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION between one-third and one-half of nonrelief family income in these cities. At the $1,000 to $1,250 income level, rent represented from 17 percent (in Springfield) to 25 percent (in Billings). In these same 2 cities families receiving $3,000 to $4,000 allocated 12 and 15 percent respectively, of such income for rent, while in the top bracket of $5,000 or more the proportion rent formed of income had declined to less than 8 percent. In the other cities similar trends may be noted in table 57. At practically every income level Billings families spent the highest proportion of their incomes for rent; this follows from the higher average rents at given income levels in this community. Springfield families, with their relatively low rents correspondingly allocated a smaller proportion of income for the rent item. In Denver and Omaha, a somewhat higher rent-income ratio is found than in the smaller communities, with the exception of Billings. T able 57 .— Rent as a 'percentage of income, by income class [N a t iv e w h ite c o m p le te fa m ilies] Income class All families................................... Relief............................................... Nonrelief-......................................... Under $250_______________ $250-$499__________ - ......... $500-$749 ................................ $750-$999................................... $1,000-$1,249._____________ $1,250-$1,499_.......................... $1,500-$!,749............................. $1,750-$1,999........................... $2,000-$2,249............................ $2,250-$2,499............. -............. $2,500-$2,999._____________ $3,000-$3,999............................ $4,000-$4,999_........................... $5,000 a n d o v e r ............................... Denver 19.0 31.1 19.0 0) 56.8 34.0 24.6 23.4 20.4 19.4 18.3 17.4 17.8 15.5 15.1 13.8 10.9 OmahaSpringCouneil Dubuque field, Mo. Bluffs 19.8 30.7 19.0 0) 51.5 32.8 24.4 22.7 21.3 19.8 19.2 17.6 17.7 16.1 15.7 13.5 1 0 .6 19.0 28.4 17.7 0)43.0 27.2 20.4 19. 2 17.6 17.0 16.2 15.1 14.4 13.4 13.3 1 2 .8 8 .9 16.2 22.6 15.7 0) 35.2 22.1 18.0 17.2 14.3 14.0 14.2 14.0 13.0 1 2 .0 1 1 .8 9.5 8 .0 Butte 16.2 26.1 15.2 O) 51.1 35.1 25.3 19.6 15.3 16.3 15.9 14.7 14.9 1 3 .0 13.9 1 1 .0 7 .8 Pueblo 16.9 23.1 15.8 0) 38.6 24.4 19.1 17.8 16.0 15.3 15.2 14.4 13.7 12.3 11.5 10.3 7.1 Billings 19.4 35.5 18.8 0) 50.6 41.2 28.0 24.8 22.8 20.8 19.4 19.4 17.6 16.8 15.0 1 2 .6 6 .8 1 P e r c e n ta g e is n o t g iv e n b e c a u se n e t cu r r e n t in c o m e s u n d e r $250 fo rm ed o n ly a fra ctio n o f cu r r e n t r e ce ip ts w h ic h in c lu d e d b o rr o w in g s, d r a w in g o n s a v in g s, etc. Families receiving relief during the year reported rents which aver aged between 23 percent (in Springfield) and 36 percent (in Billings) of their incomes (excluding income from direct relief). It should be emphasized again, that rent, as defined in this analysis, does not rep resent amounts actually paid, but rather is the rent bill—whether paid or not. Rent-income ratio by occupation.—-Because of differences in income between occupational groups, we may expect to find differences in the average rent bill and in the average ratios of rent to income among families in the various occupations. A more interesting analysis is provided by the ratio of rent to income by income classes and by major occupational groups. Although in each of the cities, the 85 HOME OWNERSHIP AND RENT clerical families, on the average, paid the highest proportion of thenincome for rent, at comparable income levels the business and pro fessional families allocated more of their income for rent than did either the clerical or the wage-earner groups. In each income class the ratio of rent to income among clerical families was closer to that of business and professional than to that of wage-earner families. Thus we may conclude that among the occupational groups, business and professional families tend to maintain somewhat more expensive homes than do clerical and wage-earner families while clerical families have somewhat more costly quarters than do wage earners at any particular income level. Wage earners are not so apt to spend large amounts for housing even when they receive high incomes, while business and pro fessional and clerical families are not so likely to occupy low-rent dwellings even though they receive low incomes. In each occupational group, however, the proportion of income spent for rent decreases as family income increases. The above data on housing seem to imply varying living standards among different occupational groups. A more thorough analysis of the housing expenditures by occupational group will be contained in volume II. T able 58. —Rent as a 'percentage of income, by occupational group and income class [Nonrelief native white complete families] Omaha-Council Bluffs Denver Income class All families____ _________ Under $500............. ....... $500-$999.--.................... $1,000-$1,499.................. $1,500~$1,999................. $2,000-$2,999____ ____ $3,000-$4,999_................ $5,000 and over______ All families............................ Under $500..................... $500-$999__..................... $1,000-$1,499.................. $1,500-$! ,999.................. $2,000-$2,999.................. $3,000-$4,999.................. $5,000 and over............. 18.5 53.3 24.8 19.4 16.3 14.2 10.9 0) 19.5 81.1 28.8 23.6 20.1 16.8 14.2 10.8 18.1 84.7 35.7 25.1 20.4 17.9 15.5 10.6 18.7 44.8 24.2 20.3 17.5 14.2 11.2 19.7 80.2 28.9 23.4 20.5 18.0 15.0 11.4 18.0 83.0 32.8 26.2 21.1 18.4 15.8 10.1 17.5 49.2 21.3 17.1 14.9 12.1 10.9 8.3 17.8 73.0 23.5 20.4 17.5 14.2 11.7 17.3 77.2 29.4 21.9 18.4 16.3 13.8 9.1 14.7 37.9 18.0 14.2 11.4 10.1 9.3 0) Pueblo 16.7 46.9 21.6 17.9 16.8 14.3 11.2 0) 16.0 47.1 24.1 18.6 16.4 14.8 11.9 8.3 Billings Busi Busi Busi ness Wage ness Wage ness Wage and earner Clerical and earner Clerical and earner Clerical profes profes profes sional sional sional 14.4 57.9 25.9 15.5 13.8 11.8 8.5 16.6 36.4 19.1 17.7 14.3 14.0 0) 14.9 44.2 35.9 24.6 18.4 17.4 13.8 7.8 15.4 37.4 19.8 16.1 13.4 12.1 8.7 16.3 60.4 22 1 17.9 17.1 13.5 9.0 i Insufficient number of cases in sample for computation of percentages. Springfield, Mo* Busi Busi Busi Busi ness ness ness ness and Wage Cler and Wage Cler and Wage Cler and Wage Cler- propro* proearner ical fes- earner ical fes- earner ical fes- earner ical professionsionsionsional al al al Butte Income class Dubuque 15.7 68.0 24.7 19.2 16.4 15.2 12.1 7.1 18.8 46.4 31.6 21.4 18.1 15.3 11.0 0) 19.8 0) 31.0 24.7 21.3 18.6 14.5 0) 17.3 63.3 34.5 28.2 21.3 18.8 14.6 7.1 Chapter V II Family Income Structure by Cities The emphasis throughout the preceding chapters has been placed upon the similarity and contrasts in income structure of the seven West Central-Rocky Mountain communities. The search for gener alizations pertaining to the income of the various social and economic groups within the region inevitably obscures the pattern of each city. At this point, however, a summarization by cities is presented for readers whose primary interest lies in the family income structure of any or all of the seven West Central-Rocky Mountain communities. Denver Denver, although the largest of the West Central-Rocky Mountain cities studied, had a median family income which was about halfway between the lowest and the highest median incomes for the seven cities surveyed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in this region. Incomes of less than $1,000 were received by approximately three out of every eight Denver families; incomes greater than $1,000 but under $2,000, by slightly less than three-eighths; and of the remaining families which constituted more than one quarter of the total family popula tion, the majority secured incomes between $2,000 and $3,000. Our calculations show that these two out of eight families which had in comes of $2,000 and over had more buying power than the six with lower incomes. When the median income of the native white family population, which comprises four-fifths of all families in Denver, is compared with the income of the foreign group, one finds a difference of more than $150 in favor of the native white group ($1,356 versus $1,190). Half of the native-born nonrelief families containing a husband and wife had incomes of $1,705 or more. More than three-eighths of this rela tively favorably situated group of families received incomes of $2,000 and over. Income of occupational groups.—Although wage-earner families constituted a somewhat smaller proportion of the total family popu lation in Denver than in most of the other communities studied in this region, they still represented 40 percent of all families in the city. The Denver wage-earner group contained the major portion of all the relief families in the city, 28 percent of the wage-earner families having received relief at some time during the year of the Study. The median income of all wage-earner families was $1,020 for the year. 86 FAMILY INCOME STRUCTURE BY CITIES 87 Clerical occupations accounted for the major earned income of 22 percent of Denver families. They obtained a median income of $1,601, almost $600 higher than the median for the wage-earner group. The business and professional groups, comprising 28 percent of all families in this city, secured a median income of $1,972—almost double that of the wage-earner group. Within the business and professional classification, there are marked differences between various groups of families. Business entrepreneurs obtained a lower median income than did the clerical families while the independent professional group ranked highest of all groups in average income. Salaried business families who ranked next to the independent professionals received higher median incomes than did salaried professional families. The retired and nonemployed group fell, as would be expected, at the bottom of the scale—with a median of only $406 for the year. Income and family composition.—More than seven-tenths of the native white families in Denver contained both a husband and wife. The relatively advantageous economic position occupied by these husband-wife families may be seen from their median income of $1,535 as contrasted with $920 for the incomplete families, and from the fact that only 14 percent of the complete families had recourse to relief while 24 percent of the incomplete families needed outside assistance. Over half (54 percent) of both the native and foreign complete groups consisted of husband and wife only and of families with one adult in addition to the married couple. The relative importance of these two family types, however, differed for the two nativity groups in that the additional adult was found more frequently in the foreignborn families than in the native families. The average native white complete family was smaller in Denver than in the other West Central-Rocky Mountain cities, containing 3.4 persons. In the nonrelief group family size increased consistently with each rise in income, but even at the highest income level the average size of these families, 3.5, did not equal the average of 3.9 persons per relief family. Families consisting of five or six adults (type VIII) secured the highest median income ($1,966) of any of the native white complete family types. But families consisting of husband and wife only proved to be the most self-supporting, having less than one-tenth of its families on relief during the year. Sources of family income.—Of every $100 income which Denver families obtained during the scheduled period, $85 was earned money income. Of this amount $75 was contributed by the chief bread winners; approximately $9 was earned by other members of the family while $1 represented earnings from work not attributable to individual 78127°— 40----- 7 88 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION family members (i.e., the keeping of roomers and boarders and casual work for pay done in the home). More than $8 of the remaining income was money income from such sources as interest, dividends, rents, gifts, etc.; while over $6 represented nonmoney income imputed to home owners or resulting from housing received without direct money expense. A comparison of native white complete families with those which lacked a married couple reveals that 88 percent of the aggregate income of the former group and only 75 percent of the income of incomplete families was derived from earnings. Of primary impor tance in effecting this difference was the contribution of the principal earner, which constituted eight-tenths of the income of husband-wife families as compared with six-tenths for the incomplete families. The proportion of income which consisted of nonearned money income differed also for the two-family composition groups. Only 7 percent of the aggregate income of the families which included both husband and wife represented money income other than earnings while this source contributed 17 percent of the total income of incom plete families. Home tenure and income.—Of the West Central-Rocky Mountain cities studied, Denver contained the lowest proportion of home owners, 41 percent of all families. Home ownership was more frequent among the foreign born than among the native born. Approximately 55 percent of the foreigners as compared with 39 percent of the natives owned their living quarters. The presence or absence of a married couple in the native white families appeared to have little relationship to the frequency of home ownership. The proportion of owners among the native white complete fam ilies increased with each rise in income over $500 until, at the $3,000 and over level, more than three-fifths of the families owned their homes. Occupational differences in the relative frequency of home owners among Denver’s native white nonrelief families with husband and wife existed for the other cities as well. Ownership was most preva lent in the classification which included families with no gainfully employed members; four out of six of these families owned their homes. Of every six business and professional families, three were owners while more than two in six of both wage earners and clerical families reported home ownership. Home owners in the nonrelief native white complete group secured a median income of $2,044 which was approximately $500 higher than the median for renters. These nonrelief renting families paid an average of $27.40 for monthly rent. Although the average rent increased with a rise in income level, the ratio of rent to income became progressively less at each higher income bracket. For all FAMILY INCOME STRUCTURE BY CITIES 89 renters in the native white complete group, rent amounted to approx imately two-tenths of family income but in the lowest income class rent assumed almost six-tenths of current income. At the highest level only about one-tenth of income was allocated to the housing item. Omaha-Council Bluffs Omaha-Council Bluffs' median family income of $1,375 was approx imately $100 higher than that of Denver. About 33 percent of these families received less than $1,000 in income for the year; 73 percent secured less than $2,000; and 90 percent of all families reported in comes which were under $3,000. When analyzed by nativity, the median income of the foreignborn white amounted to $1,367 as compared with the native white average of $1,415. If the median is computed for the nonrelief native white families, containing a married couple, the midpoint in Omaha-Council Bluffs is raised to $1,733. Of these native white complete families which were self-supporting, as many attained incomes of $3,000 and over (14 percent) as had incomes of less than $1,000. Income of occupational groups.—In Omaha-Council Bluffs there were slightly greater proportions of families in wage-earning and clerical pursuits and relatively fewer families in the other occupa tional groups than in Denver. The wage-earner group in this com munity made up 46 percent of all families, and received a median income of $1,125. The 27 percent of Omaha-Council Bluffs wageearner families which received relief represented three-fourths of all relief families in this community. The one-fourth of all Omaha-Council Bluffs families which engaged in clerical occupations secured a median income of $1,704. The fami lies of business and professional persons, constituting 22 percent of the families, obtained a median income of $1,946. The retired and nonemployed families made up the remaining 6 percent of the fam ilies; they were equally divided between families receiving more and those receiving less than $404 for the year. Income of family composition groups.—Families headed by a married couple represented a slightly larger proportion (four-fifths) of the native white group of Omaha-Council Bluffs than of the other West Central-Rocky Mountain cities. Their median income of $1,561 was almost $600 higher than that of the native incomplete families. Only 14 percent of the complete families, in contrast to 21 percent of the incomplete received public assistance during the year. Of the native white complete families, 28 percent consisted of a husband and wife only (type I) while 20 percent contained an adult in addition to the married couple (type IV). Among the foreign born, 90 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION however, the families in type IV were approximately as numerous as those in type I; together the two types comprised one-half of all foreign-born complete families. The average size of the native white complete families was 3.6 persons. Relief families averaged 4.3 members while nonrelief families of all incomes had an average size of only 3.5 and at the income level of $3,000 and over, 3.8 persons per family. The highest median income for native white complete families was found for the family with five or six adults (type VIII). This median of $2,640 was more than $1,000 higher than the median income for native white complete families of all types combined. Sources of family income.—Wages and salaries yielded more than 87 percent of the aggregate income of all families in Omaha-Council Bluffs. Supplementary earners were relatively more important in this community than in the other West Central-Rocky Mountain cities—they contributed over 9 percent of all income. The principal earners were responsible for approximately 77 percent of the total in come while slightly more than 1 percent came from earnings not attributable to individual family members. Of the remaining family income, more than 5 percent was money income other than earnings and a little over 7 percent was nonmoney income from housing. Marked differences were found in the relative importance of the components of the aggregate incomes of native white families headed by a married couple and of incomplete native white families. The former group derived 82 percent of its total income from the earnings of the principal breadwinner and only 7 percent from secondary earners; in contrast, 63 percent of the aggregate income of the families which lacked a married couple, was contributed by the principal earner, and 14 percent by supplementary earners. Home tenure and income.—Home owners, who comprised one-half of Omaha-Council Bluffs families were more prevalent proportionately among the foreign than among the native white families. Only 44 percent of the native white families in contrast to 71 percent of the foreign-born white families owned the quarters in which they lived in 1935-36. Home ownership was more than twice as frequent proportionately among the nonrelief native white complete families with incomes of $3,000 and over as it was among families receiving only between $500 and $1,000 in annual income. Of all native white complete families, 44 percent owned homes. As in Denver, there was a spread of approximately $500 between the median incomes of Omaha owners ($2,011) and of renters ($1,527) in the group of nonrelief native white families headed by a married couple. The average monthly rent paid by the nonrelief families was $27.40 which amounted to 19 percent of income, figures identical with FAMILY INCOME STRUCTURE BY CITIES 91 those found in Denver; but, at the highest income levels, rents paid by Omaha families were slightly lower than those paid by Denver families with corresponding incomes. Dubuque The income data secured in this study placed the families of Dubuque in the least-favored economic position among the seven cities surveyed in the West Central-Kocky Mountain region. For all families, the median income was only $1,001. Thus, almost 50 percent of the families reported incomes of less than $1,000 for the year; another 36 percent received incomes between $1,000 and $2,000; and less than 4 percent attained incomes as high as $3,000. The contrast between the median income ($973) of the foreign-born families and that of the native born ($1,004) was less marked in this city than in the others. Even when the analysis was confined to nonrelief native white families containing husband and wife, relatively the most favorably situated group in all cities surveyed, Dubuque’s median income was $1,279. Only Springfield, Mo., had a lower median for this group. Even in this selected group in Dubuque, approximately one-third of the families received less than $1,000 annual income. Income of occupational groups.—In Dubuque slightly more than half of the families were classified in the wage-earner group. These wage-earner families, 30 percent of which received relief, received a somewhat lower average income than did wage earners in the other cities of this region with the exception of Springfield. The median income of Dubuque wage-earner families was $892. Approximately one Dubuque family in six was engaged in a clerical pursuit while a slightly larger proportion of the families derived their incomes from the business and professional occupations. The median incomes among these clerical and business or professional families ($1,431 and $1,557, respectively) were also somewhat lower than in the larger cities of Denver and Omaha. More than half of the business and professional families were engaged in independent business enter prises. Nearly 12 percent—a proportion larger than in the other communities—of the families in Dubuque were without earnings from an occupation. Income of family composition groups.—Large families were more prevalent in the native white group of Dubuque than in the other communities and only 22 percent were composed of just the married couple. One out of every three families contained at least five mem bers and the average family size was 4.0 persons. The average size of nonrelief families reached a peak of 4.4 persons at the income level of $2,000-$2,999, but even these relatively high income families were 92 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION smaller than the relief families which contained an average of 4.6 persons. When the large families were composed of five or six adults, as in the case of type VIII, they attained a median income of $1,606, which was approximately $500 higher than the median for all com plete families. Moreover, the proportion of families of type VIII which received relief was smaller than for the other family types, 13 percent as compared with 20 percent for all native complete families. As in Denver, more than seven-tenths of Dubuque’s white families included a husband and wife. Although the median income of $1,111 for complete families was low in comparison with the incomes of the other cities, it was considerably higher than the median of $676 for the incomplete families in Dubuque Sources of family income.—A slightly smaller proportion of the total income of Dubuque families, as compared with families in the other six communities, was money income (92 percent) and a correspondingly larger proportion was nonmoney income imputed to home owners or resulting from housing received without direct money expense (8 percent). The two sources of money income, earnings and nonearned money income, contributed 85 percent and almost 8 percent, respec tively, of aggregate income. The principal earner in Dubuque families provided 75 percent of all income; other family members working as supplementary earners supplied 9 percent while the third type of earnings (net revenue from roomers and boarders and pay for casual work carried on in the home) accounted for nearly 2 percent of the total. We find from a comparison on the basis of family composition that when the native white family includes a husband and wife, more than eight-tenths of income was contributed by the principal earner and when the family is incomplete in this sense, only six-tenths of income was derived from the principal earner. Secondary earners, however, were of approximately equal importance to the two groups and contributed 8 percent of income. Home tenure and income.—Home ownership was reported by 46 percent of all Dubuque families. When analyzed for nativity differ ences, 60 percent of Dubuque’s foreign-born white families and 44 percent of the native white families were home owners. In this city, we find that the presence or absence of a married couple in the native white group is associated with the frequency of ownership. Approxi mately 53 percent of the incomplete families as compared with 41 percent of the families which included a husband and wife owned their homes. At the income level of $3,000 and over, however, as many as 63 percent of the complete families reported home owner ship—this proportion was approximately twice as great as that for nonrelief families receiving incomes between $500 and $1,000. FAMILY INCOME STRUCTURE BY CITIES 93 Nonrelief native white complete families which were owners ob tained a median income of $1,450 while the renters secured only $1,176 for the year. The average monthly rent of $20 reported by the nonrelief families represented almost 18 percent of their income. Springfield, Mo. Springfield in its median income of $1,004, as well as in its distri bution of incomes, resembles Dubuque more than the five other cities surveyed in the West Central Rocky Mountain region. Again, ap proximately 50 percent of the families obtained less than $1,000; 34 percent received incomes between $1,000 and $2,000 and only about 5 percent attained incomes as high as $3,000. Since only 2 percent of the Springfield families were foreign-born whites, there were insufficient cases upon which to base a comparison with the native white families, whose median income was $1,023. Self-supporting native white families including husband and wife had a median income of $1,315 for the year. The nonrelief families receiving incomes of less than $1,000 were slightly more numerous, proportionately, in Springfield than in Dubuque, but this insignificant difference was more than compensated for by the greater frequency of Springfield families, as compared with those of Dubuque, which secured incomes of $2,000 or more. Income oj occupational groups.—The occupational distribution of Springfield families is not unlike that of Dubuque, but the incomes of these various occupational groups were lower in comparison with the other communities studied in this region. The median income of Springfield wage earners was $831—the lowest for the seven cities—and approximately a quarter of these families received relief. The median income of clerical families was $1,424, and of business and professional groups $1,451—these medians, too, were lower than the corresponding ones in any of the other communities. The 8 percent of the families which were either retired, nonemployed, or farmers obtained a median income of $428. Income oj family composition groups.—Three out of every four native white families in Springfield were headed by a married couple. The median income of $1,157 which was obtained by the complete families was almost double the average income of the families which lacked a husband and wife. The most prevalent family type among the complete group was that composed of only a husband and wife. Such families constituted about three-tenths of all complete families; another two-tenths of the families included one adult member in addition to the married couple. Springfield had an average size of 3.6 persons per native white complete family, and, as in the other cities, family size increased 94 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION consistently with income. Half the families in type VIII (five or six adults) received incomes greater than $1,972, a figure more than $800 higher than the median for all native white complete families. Relief recipients were only about half as numerous, proportionately, among families of type VIII as they were among families of all types combined. Sources oj jamily income.—All but 13 percent of the total income of Springfield families consisted of earnings from gainful occupations. Less than 8 percent of this aggregate represented money income from sources other than earnings while 6 percent represented the net money value of housing received without direct expense to the family. Of this aggregate, principal earners contributed approximately 78 percent while supplementary earners provided another 8 percent. Only 1 percent of the aggregate came from earnings not attributable to individual family members. As in the other cities of this region, the native white complete families relied to a greater extent (82 percent of all income) upon principal earners than did the incomplete families of the same nativity (59 percent of income). Home tenure and income.—The incidence of home ownership was the same for native white complete families as for all Springfield families (47 percent). In no other West Central-Rocky Mountain city, did the proportion of home owners among complete families reach this height. As many as four-tenths of the nonrelief families receiving incomes of $500 to $1,000 owned their living quarters; while at the highest income levels, seven out of every ten families were home owners. Nonrelief renter families, whose median income was only $1,139 as compared with $1,527 for owners, spent only 16 percent of their in come for rent. The average monthly rent of $17 paid by Springfield families was the lowest average for nonrelief native white complete families in the seven cities. Butte Butte families received a median income of $1,414 which was ex ceeded only by the average income obtained by families in Billings. In Butte, incomes under $1,000 were secured by 34 percent of the families; under $2,000 represented the incomes of 73 percent of the families; while all but 8 percent of the families received less than $3,000. The median income for the native white population, which com prised only three-fifths of all families in Butte, was $1,444 as com pared with that of $1,372 for the foreign group. The median income of nonrelief native white families with husband and wife was $1,817. Of these latter families, less than one-tenth were in the income FAMILY INCOME STRUCTURE BY CITIES 95 brackets under $1,000 while approximately 4 percent attained the income class of $3,000 and over. Income of occupational groups.—Butte wage earners comprised slightly more than 55 percent of all the families in this city. Although over one-third of these wage-earner families received relief at some time during the year, the median income of wage earners, $1,245, was higher in Butte than in any of the other communities surveyed in this region. (See p. 24.) Business and professional groups, too, had a high median income of $2,075, coming second only to Billings among the seven communities. They comprised less than one-fifth of the family population. The two-tenths of the families which were engaged in clerical pursuits obtained an average income of $1,832. Income and family composition.—More than two-thirds of Butte’s native white families contained both husband and wife. Not only was their median income of $1,624 approximately double the income of the families which lacked a married couple but the proportion of complete families which received public assistance was only half as great as the proportion of incomplete families securing aid. Families consisting of only the married couple predominated among the native white complete group, making up 30 percent of the families. Next in order of frequency were families with one adult in addition to the husband and wife (19 percent), but of almost equal importance numerically were families composed of a married couple with one child (18 percent). The average native white complete family contained 3.5 members. In Butte, families attaining incomes of at least $3,000 averaged 3.8 members, a size equal to that of the relief families. The five or six adults which comprise family type VIII placed native white families of this classification in an advantageous position as measured by the high median income, $2,750, and the very low pro portion on relief, 2 percent. Sources of family income.—Approximately 88 percent of the aggre gate income of all Butte families was derived from occupational earn ings. About 5 percent of all income was nonearned money income from such sources as rents, interest, dividends, pensions, etc. ;7 percent represented nonmoney income from owned homes and rent as pay or gift. The contribution of the principal earners amounted to about 80 percent of the total, while supplementary earners added 8 percent of aggregate income. Less than 1 percent was obtained from the keep ing of roomers and boarders or from casual work in the home. Differences in the relative importance of these sources to complete and incomplete families in the native white group were less marked than for the other cities. Principal earners, however, provided 71 96 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION percent of the income of the broken families as compared with 86 per cent of the total income of families which included both husband and wife. Secondary earners were definitely more important to the incom plete families than to the families headed by a married couple; supple mentary earnings constituted 12 percent of the income of incomplete families as compared with 4 percent of the income of complete families. There was relatively little difference, however, in the pro portions which consisted of nonearned money income (6 percent for the incomplete families and 4 percent for the complete). Home tenure and income.—Home ownership was reported by 48 per cent of all Butte families. The proportion of home owners amounted to 42 percent among native-born families and 56 percent among the foreign born. Only 57 percent of the native white complete families which re ceived $3,000 and over in income were home owners. Although this proportion was lower than the proportion of home owners among correspondingly high income families in the other cities, it was con siderably higher than the percentage of home owners among all Butte nonrelief families in the native white complete group (42 percent). These home owners obtained a median income of $2,016. The renters in this group of nonrelief native white complete families received $1,701 as a median income for the year and allocated 15 percent of this income, or an average of $24.20 per month, to the housing item. Pueblo Half of the families in Pueblo received incomes of less than $1,023 in 1935-36. This median income is little higher than that for Du buque and Springfield, Mo. As in the other two cities, almost half of Pueblo’s families reported incomes of less than $1,000 while 36 percent received between $1,000 and $2,000 and only 4 percent had annual incomes which equalled or exceeded $3,000. Pueblo had a higher proportion of nonwhite families than the six other cities surveyed in the West Central-Rocky Mountain region. The proportion of foreign-born families was substantially higher than in Dubuque and Springfield, though not higher in the other cities surveyed in this region. These two racial groups, which together constituted one quarter of Pueblo’s families, had lower incomes than native white families. The median income of Pueblo’s foreign-born white families ($941) was the lowest for this group in the seven cities studied by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in this area. Native white families in Pueblo had a median income of $1,137, more than $100 greater than that of native whites in Dubuque and Springfield. Of the native whites, the families which contained a husband and wife and which were not dependent on public assistance during the FAMILY INCOME STRUCTURE BY CITIES 97 year secured a median income of $1,517. Only one-fifth of these lastmentioned families had incomes which were below $1,000 while 7 percent obtained $3,000. Incomes of occupational groups.—Pueblo families were predomi nantly in wage-earning pursuits, over 58 percent being so engaged. One-half of these families secured less than $920 in annual income and approximately one-third received relief at some time during the year. The clerical occupations provided the principal earnings of 13 percent of all families in Pueblo, a somewhat lower percentage from such occupations than in any of the other West Central-Rocky Mountain communities surveyed. The median income of this group was $1,536. Independent business enterprises provided the major source of earnings for 1 Pueblo family out of 10; about the same proportion of families were in other business or professional occupa tions and another tenth were farmers or without gainful employment. The median income of business and professional families, $1,480, was second lowest of the seven cities in this region. Income of family composition groups.—The median income of the native white families, containing husband and wife, which comprised three-fourths of Pueblo’s native white group, was $1,277. The re maining one-fourth of the native white families received a median income of only $683. Approximately 23 percent of Pueblo’s com plete families had been on relief at some time during the year. Al though this proportion was higher than for any of the other seven cities, it was still considerably lower than the figure for Pueblo’s incomplete families, of which 38 percent had public assistance. Three-tenths of the native white complete families consisted of husband and wife only, while slightly less than two-tenths contained an adult in addition to the married couple. As in Butte, the average size of native white complete families receiving some relief was 3.8 persons as compared with 3.4 persons among the nonrelief. Families with five or six adults (type VIII) in Pueblo, as in the other six cities surveyed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in this area, were outstanding with the highest median income ($1,982) and the lowest proportion of relief recipients (16 percent). Sources of family income.—Earnings constituted a slightly larger proportion (almost 89 percent) of the total income of Pueblo families than they did in the other West Central-Rocky Mountain cities. Money income other than earnings was a relatively unimportant source of family revenue, making up less than 5 percent of all income. Nonmoney income from housing comprised the remainder of the aggregate income (less than 7 percent). 98 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Supplementary earners contributed a smaller proportion (6 percent) of aggregate income in Pueblo than in the other six communities. The principal earners, however, were the source for 81 percent of all family income. Family enterprises were slightly more productive in this city than in the others, but still yielded only 2 percent of the total income. Native white families with a husband and wife derived a larger proportion of their income (86 percent) from their principal earners than did incomplete families (66 percent), but income from roomers and boarders and from work in the home was much more important to the incomplete families than to the complete group (7 percent versus 1 percent). Home tenure and income.—As in the other cities, home owners who comprised approximately one-half of Pueblo’s families, were more prevalent proportionately among the foreign- than among the nativeborn families. Of the foreign-born families, 68 percent as compared with 45 percent of the native owned the quarters in which they lived during 1935-36. The proportion of home owners among the native nonrelief com plete families at the $500 to $1,000 income level was 33 percent, just half of the proportion of home owners at the highest income level. The median income secured by renters in the nonrelief native white complete group was $1,366, a figure $300 lower than that for owners. The average monthly rent of $19.50 which was paid by these renting families amounted to almost 16 percent of income. Billings Throughout the analysis, the income of families in the small city of Billings proved to be consistently higher than those of families in the other West Central-Rocky Mountain communities surveyed. The median based on the incomes of all families was $1,572, more than $150 greater than the next highest median income which was found in Butte. Less than 30 percent of Billings families received incomes lower than $1,000; 36 percent realized between $1,000 and $2,000 in annual income; while as many as 14 percent attained incomes of $3,000 and over. Billings, as compared with the other cities, showed the greatest difference between the two nativity groups—the native born having a median income of $1,628 and the foreign born, of $1,259. Among native white families, which contained a husband and wife and which did not receive relief, the median income was $1,947. Only one-tenth of these families received less than $1,000 income, while two-tenths attained incomes of at least $3,000. Income of occupational groups.—Although the wage-earner group in Billings constituted a lower percentage of its family population than FAMILY INCOME STRUCTURE BY CITIES 99 did families classified in this group in any other city surveyed in this region, they still represented two-fifths of the families in the city. As in the other communities studied, the wage earners were lowest among the occupational groups with respect to income; their median income was $1,165. Clerical occupations, employing 22 percent of all families, yielded a median family income of $1,878. Independent business families constituted 16 percent of all Billings families, while the occupational groups of salaried professional, salaried business, and independent professional comprised another 15 percent of the family population of Billings. The median income for the combined business and profes sional groups was $2,165. The remaining 7 percent of all families were either farmers or nonemployed; the proportion of farm families living within the Billings city limits was somewhat higher, at least among the native white complete group, than in the other cities studied in this region. Incom e of fa m ily com position grou p s .—More than three-fourths of Billings native white families were headed by a married couple. The median income of these complete families was $1,839, more than twice as large as the average income of families which lacked a husband and wife. The proportion of relief families in both the complete and incomplete groups was the lowest for the seven communities sur veyed, 9 percent for the husband-wife families and 13 percent for the broken families. Although families composed of only a married couple outnumbered families of any other type, Billings differed from the other cities surveyed in the region in that families with one child were somewhat more numerous than families with one adult in addition to the hus band and wife constituting 20 percent and 19 percent, respectively, of all families. Families in Billings had an average size of 3.5 persons. The aver age of 4.2 persons per relief family was much greater than the average size of nonrelief families at any income level. The median income of families with five or six adults (type VIII) was $2,950, more than $1,000 higher than the average for all complete native white families. Only 3 percent of these families which con tained five or six adults had recourse to public assistance during the year. Sources of fa m ily in com e .—Approximately 86 percent of the aggre gate income of families in Billings was derived from occupational earnings. As in Denver and Springfield, the nonearned money income of Billings families comprised a larger portion of their aggre gate income (8 percent) than did nonmoney income from housing (6 percent). 100 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Principal earnings accounted for 76 percent of the income of these families, while supplementary earnings constituted less than 8 percent of aggregate income. Almost 2 percent of the income was earned revenue from family enterprises. A comparison of native white complete families with those which lacked a husband or wife reveals even greater differences in the relative importance of sources of earnings than in the other cities. Whereas 81 percent of the income of the complete families was provided by the principal earner, only 55 percent of the income of broken families came from this source. About 21 percent of the income of the incom plete families was nonearned money income as compared with only 6 percent of the income of families containing a married couple. Home tenure and income.—Home ownership was reported by 42 percent of all Billings families. As in the other West Central-Rocky Mountain communities, the incidence of home ownership was greater among the foreign-born white group than among the native, but, unlike the other cities, the complete families in the native white group were home owners more frequently than the incomplete families (42 percent versus 37 percent). Although home owners comprised only 21 percent of the nonrelief complete families with incomes of less than $500 and 26 percent of those receiving incomes between $500 and $1,000, almost two-thirds of the families attaining incomes of at least $3,000 were owners. Billings showed the greatest difference with respect to incomes of owners and renters among the nonrelief native white complete families—the former group secured a median income of $2,384 as compared with $1,730 for tenants. The average monthly rent of $29.90 which was reported by these families was higher than the averages reported in the other cities but amounted to less than 19 percent of income. At the income level of $5,000 and over, Billings rents averaged less than those in all cities except Springfield and Pueblo, and represented not quite 7 percent of income. Chapter V IE Summary In this final chapter, we abandon the technique used in the preceding pages of analysing such factors as nativity, family composition, and occupation over the entire income range, and shall summarize the characteristics of all the families within certain broad income bands. For this treatment, families have been grouped into four income classes: (1) under $1,000; (2) $l,000-$2,000; (3) $2,000-$3,000; (4) $3,000 and over.1 Families with incomes of less than $1 flOO.—The following discussion of families receiving incomes of less than $1,000 during the year includes as many as one-half of all families in Dubuque, Springfield, and Pueblo. In the other four communities, families in this lowest income group were proportionately less numerous; in Billings as few as three-tenths of the families were included. Although Negro and other color families, as well as the foreign born tended to be more prevalent at this low income level than at higher levels, the families with incomes of less than $1,000 were never theless predominantly native-born white. From 6 out of 10 (Butte) to more than 9 out of 10 (Springfield) of the families under con sideration were native white. Foreign-born white families comprised as much as four-tenths of the group in Butte but the proportion was considerably lower in the other communities, being as small as 2 percent in Springfield. Negro and other color families formed a negligible proportion of this group in most of the cities but repre sented almost one-seventh of the Pueblo families which received less than $1,000. The majority of the families receiving less than $1,000 in annual income derived their chief earnings from wage-earner pursuits. In Denver and in Billings wage-earner families comprised 53 percent and 56 percent, respectively, of the group, but in the other five com munities between 60 and 64 percent of these low income families were in the wage-earner classification. One or two out of every 10 families at this income level had no gainfully employed members or engaged in farming. Families engaged in independent business were next most important numerically, constituting from 8 percent in Butte to 15 percent in Billings of all families with incomes under $1,000. Most 1 Supporting data for this “horizontal” presentation will in general, be found in the Tabular Summary rather than in the text tables of the preceding chapters. 101 102 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION of these families were operating small-scale businesses which yielded low or irregular returns or were occupied primarily in keeping roomers and boarders. Almost as numerous as these entrepreneurs were the families of clerical workers. Between 6 and 12 percent of the families at this income level were in the clerical classification. Of the remain ing 1 to 3 percent of these families, salaried professionals tended to be more numerous than were independent professional or salaried business families. Native white families which lacked a married couple made up a larger sector of the group having incomes less than $1,000 than of the group at succeeding income levels. Between 25 and 38 percent of all of the families at the lowest rung of the income ladder were incomplete native white families. The concentration at the lowest income level of the broken families is to be expected since many of them have lost their chief breadwinner. But it is the native white complete families which comprised the largest portion of the group having incomes under $1,000 and which will be analyzed in greater detail in the remainder of this section. Native white families containing both a husband and wife represented, roughly, four-tenths of the families with incomes of less than $1,000 in Denver, Omaha, Pueblo, and Billings; six-tenths in Springfield; five-tenths in Dubuque; but less than three-tenths in Butte. As would be expected, nearly all of the families which received rel:ef at some time during the year were concentrated in this bottom income class. Of the native white complete families receiving less tl an $1,000 income, only about one-tnird (Butte) to two-thirds (Springfield) had been self-supporting during the entire year. These nonrelief families contained an average of 3.0 persons in Denver to 3.6 persons in Dubuque and wTere considerably smaller than the average relief family or the families at the higher income levels. The small size of the nonrelief families in the native white complete group is associated with the low average number of earners per family. For the group under consideration, the number of earners averaged about one per family. The need for multiple earners to contribute to the family exchequer is readily apparent when one notes that the earnings of principal breadwinners, in the nonrelief native white complete families at this low income level, averaged only between $586 (Springfield) and $697 (Omaha-Council Bluffs). But a relatively small proportion of these families had supplementary earners. In Butte only 1 percent of the families had earnings from members other than the chief breadwinner; in the other cities, however, the proportion was considerably higher, ranging from 8 percent in Dubuque and Pueblo to 17 percent in Springfield. The contributions of these secondary earners was over $100 in each community except Billings, where it was only $89. Omaha SUMMARY 103 supplementary earners added, on the average, $124 to family income during the year; those in Butte provided $179, with the other four cities falling in between these extremes. Much of the difference between the average earnings of principal and of supplementary earners is explainable on the basis of the sex of the worker. More than nine-tenths of the chief breadwinners were males. Women, on the other hand, were relatively important in supplementing family income and comprised more than half of the secondary earner group in four of the cities. Renters outnumbered home owners among the native white com plete families which were self-supporting on an income under $1,000. Owners were least frequent, proportionately, in Billings where they comprised fewer than 3 in 10 families, and most frequent in Springfield where 4 out of every 10 families owned their homes. Renting families in Billings paid the highest average monthly rent, $20.50, an amount which represented well over a third of their average monthly incomes. At the other extreme, the lowest average rent of $12.15 which was paid by Springfield tenants amounted to less than one-fourth of their incomes. Families with incomes from $1,000 to $2fl00 .—Families receiving incomes between $1,000 and $2,000 comprised between 34 percent and 40 percent of all families in these West Central-Rocky Mountain com munities. In Omaha, Butte, and Billings, families at this income level were more numerous than were families having less than $1,000 in income for the year. Although the nativity of families wThich secured incomes between $1,000 and $2,000 showed the same intercity variation as was evidenced among families in the bottom income class, the group now under con sideration was more predominantly native white. Except in Butte, where only 62 percent of the families were native-born white, at least three out of every four families were of a white race and had been born in this country. In Springfield, native white families comprised as much as 95 percent of the total family population of the city. At this income level as well as at the bottom one, wage-earner families predominated. They were least numerous, proportionately, in the large city of Denver but even here wage-earner occupations accounted for more than four-tenths of the families, and most numer ous in Butte, where 6 out of every 10 families were dependent pri marily upon wage earners. At this income level, unlike the one already discussed, families of farmers and families without earnings from occupation were relatively infrequent, comprising less than 5 percent of all families. Clerical families were much more numerous at this income bracket from $1,000 to $2,000; between two-tenths and three-tenths of the families received the major part of their earnings from clerical occu78127°—40------8 104 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION pations. The proportion of independent business families, however, did not differ greatly from that found among families having less than $1,000. Even when grouped together professional and salaried business occupations engaged relatively few of the families receiving incomes between $1,000 and $2,000, the proportion varying from 6 to 12 percent in the communities. Restricting our further analysis to the native white families which included both husband and wife—a group comprising between fiveand eight-tenths of the family population—we find that only 2 percent to 8 percent required public assistance when their incomes were from $1,000 to $2,000. In each city, nonrelief families at this income level were larger than at the lowest level. The average size of the self-sup porting complete family reached 4.0 in Dubuque but was considerably lower in the other communities, ranging between 3.2 and 3.5. As would be expected more earners per family were required to attain incomes of $1,000 to $2,000 than of less than $1,000. In Butte there was an average of 1.1 earners to each native white com plete family which did not receive relief, while in Springfield the average reached 1.3 earners per family. But the lower number of earners in Butte was compensated for by the high average earnings of the principal earner ($1,410) as compared with the average in Springfield of only $1,237. Although home ownership was more prevalent at this income level than at the level of under $1,000, only in Springfield did as many as one-half of the native white nonrelief families containing a married couple own their homes. In the other communities, between 53 percent and 68 percent of the families were renters. Tenants paid an average monthly rent ranging from $17.85 in Springfield to $26.80 in Billings. This amount for the year represented between 15 and 22 percent of their annual income. Families with incomes from $2,000 to $3,000.—Only one or two families out of every 10 attained incomes within the range of $2,000 to $3,000. Such families were relatively twice as numerous in Billings as in Dubuque, Pueblo, and Springfield. The nativity composition did not differ consistently in the several cities from that found at the lower income levels; but in Dubuque, Springfield, and Butte, the foreign born were slightly more frequent, proportionately, among families having $2,000 to $3,000 in income than among families receiving less than $2,000. In four of the communities, wage earners yielded precedence, as measured by relative frequency, to the clerical group. These two occupational classifications together accounted for approximately six-tenths to seven-tenths of the families securing incomes between $2,000 and $3,000. Although independent business families were somewhat more numerous at this income level than in the lower STJMMAKY 105 brackets, the most marked difference occurred in the classifications of professional and salaried business. Approximately, one out of every four or five of these familes engaged in professional or in salaried business activities—a proportion at least double that found among families receiving income of $1,000 to $2,000. The average size of the native white nonrelief family with husband and wife ranged between 3.3 in Denver and 4.4 in Dubuque. To attain the $2,000 to $3,000 income class, roughly, two- to three-tenths of these families depended upon more than one earner. The money earnings of the chief breadwinner averaged between $1,879 and $2,083, amounts approximately three or four times as great as the average contribution of supplementary earners. In each community more than one-half of the native white non relief complete families were home owners. The rents paid by tenant families showed an intercity variation of not more than $10, for the averages. As in the income brackets previously discussed, the lowest rents were paid in Springfield (averaging $25.55 per month) and the highest in Billings (averaging $35.70 per month). But in each com munity, these rents represented less than one-fifth of income and the ratio of rent to income was as low as 13 percent in Springfield. Families with incomes oj $3,000 or more.—Only in Denver, OmahaCouncil Bluffs, and Billings did as many as one-tenth of the families secure incomes of $3,000 or more. In Dubuque, Springfield, and Pueblo not even one family out of twenty attained this upper income class while in Butte the ratio was somewhat higher (1 in 12). Families receiving as much as $3,000 were predominantly in the native white group. Even in Butte, where nearly two-fifths of all families were foreign born, three out of every four families in this highest income bracket were native-born white. In Springfield the foreign born in this income bracket were slightly more numerous, proportionately, than they had been at any lower level but they still comprised less than 10 percent of the family population. Showing a distinct contrast to the occupational distribution of families with less than $3,000 income for the year, we find that in five of the West Central-Rocky Mountain communities, two-thirds of the families which attained incomes of $3,000 and over were in business and professional occupations. In Omaha and Butte, busi ness and professional families were slightly less predominant, con stituting 57 and 51 percent, respectively, of the families at this income level. Of the four business and professional classifications, salaried business claimed the most families, with independent busi ness, salaried professional, and independent professional following in the order named. Between 14 percent (Dubuque) and 27 percent (Omaha-Council Bluffs) of these families derived their chief earnings from clerical 106 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION pursuits. Wage-earner families tended to be slightly less numerous than the families of clerical workers and were definitely less numerous than they had been at the lower income brackets. Only from 8 percent (Denver) to 21 percent (Butte) of the families receiving in comes as high as $3,000 were in wage-earner occupations. From six-tenths to slightly over eight-tenths of all families with $3,000 or more in income were native white families containing both husband and wife; it is with these families that the remainder of the chapter will be concerned. These families were larger than the average nonrelief families at lower income levels; they included an average of 3.5 to 4.3 persons with additional adult members largely accounting for the increase. A corresponding increase in the number of earners in these families, as compared with lower income families, was apparent. Whereas the income group under $1,000 averaged only about three earners to every three families, in the highest in come bracket there was an average of four or five earners to every three families. But even without these additional earners, the aver age earnings of the chief breadwinners (ranging from $3,210 to $4,035) would have been sufficient to place the families at the top of the income scale. Supplementary earners contributed an average of between $800 and $950—an amount considerably greater than the average earnings of principal earners in families with incomes of less than $1,000. Associated with rise in income level, the increase in home owner ship reaches the peak at the $3,000 and over income bracket. In these seven West Central-Rocky Mountain communities, from slightly less than six-tenths to more than seven-tenths of the native white complete families at this level were home owners. Of the renting families, those in Springfield and Butte paid the lowest aver age rent of approximately $34. The highest rents were paid by Denver families and averaged $48.33. At this income level, the rent item in the family budget consumed a much smaller proportion of total income than it did at the lower levels, amounting to between 11 percent and 14 percent of income. TA B U LA R SU M M ARY Tables presented on the following pages show the distribution of families by income class, by family type, by occupational group, and by color and nativity group in seven cities in the West CentralRocky Mountain region: Large cities Denver, Colo. Omaha, Nebr.-Council Bluffs, Iowa. Middle-sized cities Springfield, Mo. Pueblo, Colo. Dubuque, Iowa. Butte, Mont. Small city Billings, Mont. Data on family income, earners, and housing are shown according to these major classifications. The tables are presented in three sections. Section A tables show the estimated distribution of all families, ac cording to income, color, nativity group, and occupational group in each of the cities. Section B tables present data only for the native white “complete” families—those including both husband and wife. The collection of expenditure data, presented in volume II, was limited to families in this group. The size of this sample from which families were selected to give expenditure data was, therefore, made substantially larger than other samples. The tables in this section accordingly are more complete and detailed than those in sections A and C. (For a dis tribution of the native white complete families according to the periods covered by the report year, see table 19.) Section C tables present summarized data similar to those presented in more detail for the native white complete families in section B for the following color and nativity groups: Native white incomplete families. Foreign-born white complete and incomplete families. Negro complete and incomplete families. Families of other color, complete and incomplete. The data in the tables of sections B and C form the basis for the esti mated frequency distribution of all families given in section A tables. Averages.—Unless otherwise specified on the table, averages reported in the tables are based on all families scheduled at the given income level, regardless of whether each family reported data contributing to the particular average. In order to obtain an average only for fami lies reporting data for a specified item, multiply the average for all families by the total number of families in the income class and divide 107 108 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION the resulting aggregate by the number of families in the income class reporting the specific item. A discussion of the sampling methods employed in securing the data recorded in these tables will be found in appendix B. SECTION A . A L L FAMILIES Estimated Distribution by Income, Color, N ativity Group, and Occupational Group, 1935-36 The three tables in this section present estimated distributions of native white, foreign-born white, Negro and other color families in each of the seven cities in the West Central-Rocky Mountain region by income class, color and nativity group, and occupational group. Samples of varying size were secured for each of the nativity groups. The frequencies of families in these samples as reported in sections B and C of the Tabular Summary form the basis upon which the dis tributions shown in the following section A tables were estimated. In order to obtain these approximate total distributions the following weights were applied to the individual samples: City Denver, Colo...................................................... Omaha, Nebr.-Council Bluffs, Iowa............ Springfield, M o________________________ Pueblo, Colo........................................................ Dubuque, Iowa______ _________ _________ Butte, M ont_________ ______ ______ ____ _ Billings, M ont................................. ................... Native Native Foreignwhite white complete incomplete born white 5. 734601 3.401930 1.823845 1. 220853 1.152405 1.113960 1.954194 39. 583673 41.112000 17. 719047 15. 270967 14. 505319 16.093220 5. 597561 32.439732 36.135071 13. 703703 12.108695 11.427480 12.908127 4.264550 Negro 43.317073 36.081632 15.409090 11.368421 Other color 16.890410 11.372549 It is not to be assumed that the data are accurate to the number of digits shown in these weights, but in order to make the separate in come classes add up to the totals estimated for each community these weights with six decimal places should be used. For a description of the method used in securing these weights, see appendix B on sampling procedures. 109 TABULAR SUMMARY CONTENTS Billings, Mont. Butte, Mont. Dubuque, Iowa Pueblo, Colo. Springfield, Mo. Denver, Colo. Table Omaha, Nebr.-Council Bluffs, Iowa Page 1. N ativity G roups by I ncom e : Es timated number of families of specified color and nativity, by income, 1935-36_______________ _ 109 111 112 114 115 117 118 2. O ccupational G roups by I nco m e : Estimated number of families of specified occupational groups, by income, 1935-36_________________ 110 111 113 114 116 117 119 3. N ativity G roups by O c cupatio n : Estimated number of families of specified color and nativity, by occupational group, 1935-36_____ j 110 112 113 115 116 118 119 D EN VER , COLO. T a ble 1 .—Nativity g ro u p s by in c o m e : Estimated number of families of specified color and nativity, by income, 1935—361 [Belief and nonrelief families] Native white Income class All (l) (2) (3) 14,913 71,182 86,095 5, 587 7,217 9,229 9, 861 10, 247 7, 599 6,993 5,876 5, 318 3, 557 5,078 2,998 1,947 2,062 2, 526 11,353 57,200 68, 553 3,949 5,417 6, 755 7,810 7,703 6,236 5,830 4,804 4, 507 3,103 4, 300 2,576 1,493 1,802 2,268 Relief families........................ Nonrelief families.................. All families.................................... . $0-$249.............................................. $250-$499_____________ _______ $500-$749_____________________ $750-$999______________ ____ $1,000-$1,249_............................... $1,250-$! ,499________ _________ $1,500-$1,749..................................... $1,750-$1,999 ............................. $2,000-$2,249 $2,250-$2,499 ______________ $2,500-$2,999 $3,000-$3,499 ................................. $3,500-$3,999 ........ .................... $4,000-14,999 ........ ...................... $5,000 and over _________ All Foreignborn white Complete Incom plete (5) (4) (6) 6,801 42, 356 49,157 1, 336 2, 724 4,301 4,960 5,764 4,811 4,840 4, 210 3,716 2,470 3, 469 2,100 1, 255 1,486 1,715 4, 552 14, 844 19, 396 2,613 2,693 2,454 2,850 1,939 1,425 990 594 791 633 831 476 238 316 553 1,946 12, 587 14, 533 1,038 1,005 1,688 1, 784 2,303 1,233 1,103 942 811 454 778 422 454 260 258 Negro Other color (7) (8) 736 1,040 1, 776 347 390 347 216 193 110 43 130 878 355 1, 233 253 405 439 51 48 20 17 i A family is classified as native if both husband and wife are native born (or, in the case of an incomplete family, if the head is native born); otherwise, the family is classified as foreign born. A family is classified as a complete family if it includes both husband and wife, and as an incomplete family if it does not include both husband and wife. Single individuals are included in the incomplete families. See appendix B for further explanations. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 110 DEN VER , COLO. 2 . —Occupational groups by Income: Estimated number of families of specified occupational groups, by income, 1985-86 T able {Relief and nonrelief families] Business and pro fessional Income class (1) All families----------------------$0-$249........................................ $250-$499__________ _______ $500-$749.................................... $750-$999................. .................. $1,000-$1,249...................... . $1,250-11,499.............................. $1,500-$1,749............................$1,750-$1,999.............................. $2,000-$2,249.............................. $2,250-$2,499.............................. $2,500-$2,999........................... $3,000-$3,499............................ $3,500-$3,999........................... $4,000-$4,999...........-................. $5,000 and over............. ........... Wage Cleri earner cal All (2) (3) (4) Independent All (5) Salaried Busi Profes Busi Profes ness sional ness sional (7) (6) (8) (9) 86,095 34, 509 18, 696 24,475 11, 655 667 565 159 5, 587 1,437 998 7, 217 4, 229 459 1,110 997 1,333 1,023 9, 229 5,602 9,861 5,593 2,074 1, 654 1,146 10, 247 5,006 2,464 2,288 1,554 7, 599 3,233 2,282 1,826 1,052 939 6,993 2,830 2,265 1, 716 847 5, 876 2,008 1,860 1. 849 648 5, 318 1, 738 1, 708 1, 721 497 3, 557 854 1,073 1, 551 726 5,078 1,199 1,442 2,301 390 454 883 1, 592 2,998 333 1,947 527 1,199 198 356 2,062 122 377 1,432 581 2, 526 126 2,236 6 1,804 6 6 11 130 115 113 40 128 92 109 114 172 136 200 432 5,091 50 57 91 125 149 228 395 426 391 364 532 578 365 572 768 5, 925 46 49 208 253 470 433 342 448 590 581 929 452 365 304 455 Other! (10) 8.415 3,324 1,419 1, 297 540 489 258 182 159 151 79 136 69 23 131 158 i This group contains families engaged in farming and families having no gainfully employed members D EN VER , COLO. T able 3.—Nativity groups by occupation: Estimated number of families of specified color and nativity, by occupational group, 1985—36 [Relief and nonrelief families] N ative white Occupational group All ( 1) ( ) All families.......................... Wage earner_____ ______ Clerical....................-........... Independent business___ Independent professional. Salaried business________ Salaried professional____ Other.................................... 2 86,095 34,509 18, 696 11,655 1,804 5,091 5,925 8,415 All (3) 68. 553 26,927 16,090 8, 589 1,674 4, 594 5,114 5, 565 Complete Incom plete (4) (5) 49,157 20, 673 11, 538 6,452 1,238 3,842 3, 332 2,082 19. 396 6,254 4, 552 2,137 436 752 1, 782 3, 483 Foreignborn white Negro Other color 6 (7) ( ) ( ) 14, 533 6,099 2, 563 2,919 130 454 811 1, 557 1, 776 1,213 43 130 43 347 8 L, 233 270 17 946 111 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 1 .—Nativity groups by income: Estimated number of families of specified color and nativity, by income, 1985-86 1 [Relief and nonrelief fami’ies] Native white Income class All (1) (2) (3) Com plete (4) 10,901 54,812 65, 713 3,087 4,393 7,093 6,893 8,083 6,635 6,034 5,504 4,256 3,216 4,208 2,258 1,550 1,274 1,229 7,6<s6 41,010 48,696 1,967 3,309 4,889 4,689 6,241 4,937 4,324 4,070 3,296 2, 519 3,154 1,861 1,369 1,058 1,013 5,507 32,911 38,418 939 1,994 3,079 3, 579 4,719 3,950 3,872 3,535 2,844 2,313 2,908 1,656 1,041 976 1,013 Relief families......................___________ Nonrelief families...................................... All families. . . ........ .................... ...................... $0-$249.................................................................. $250-$499....................................................... $500-$749_________ _____________________ $750-$999............................................................. $1,000-$1,249....................................................... $1,250-$1,499__________ ____________ _____ $1,500-$1,749....................................................... $1,750-$1,999_____ ___________ _____ _____ $2,000-$2,249____ _______________________ $2,250-$2,499_________ ___________________ $2,500-$2,999................................................ $3,000-$3,499........................................................ $3,500-$3,999........................................................ $4,000-$4,999........................................................ $5,000 and over ________________________ All Incom plete (5) Foreignborn white Negro (6) (7) 2,179 8,099 10,278 1,028 1,315 1,810 1,110 1,522 987 452 535 452 206 246 205 328 82 2,385 12,864 15,249 795 867 1,771 1,771 1,662 1,626 1,662 1,410 940 687 1,048 397 181 216 216 830 938 1,768 325 217 433 433 180 72 48 24 20 10 6 i A family is classified as native if both husband and wife are native born (or, in the case of an incomplete family, if the head is native born); otherwise, the family is classified as foreign born. A family is classified as a complete family if it includes both husband and wife, and as an incomplete family if it does not include both husband and wife. Single individuals are included in the incomplete families. See appendix B for further explanations. O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 2 .—Occupational groups by income: Estimated number of families of specified occupational groups, by income, 1935-86 [Relief and nonrelief families] Business and professional Income class (1) All families............................... $0-$249........................................ $250-$499.................................... $500-$749.................................... $750-$999.................................... $1,000-$1,249_______________ $1,250-$1,499............................ $1,500-SI,749............................. $1,750-$1,999............................. $2,000-$2,249............................. $2,250-$2,499.................. ........... $2,500-$2,999.............................. $3,000-$3,499.............................. $3,500-$3,999............................. $4,000-$4,999.............................. $5,000 and over......................... All (2) Wage Cleri earner cal (3) (4) Independent All (5) 65, 713 30, 578 16,624 14,379 3,087 1,229 193 87 439 4,393 2,934 227 690 1,036 7,093 4,709 6,893 4,308 1,303 1,041 8,083 4,210 2,364 1,302 6,635 3,231 2,092 1,111 6,058 2,984 1,896 1,094 5,480 2,150 1,951 1,240 4, 256 1,816 1,500 875 3,216 1,105 1,286 815 4,208 1,098 1,497 1,693 2,258 448 783 945 210 436 860 1, 550 1,274 373 761 133 1,229 13 139 1,074 Salaried Other1 Busi Profes Busi Profes ness sional ness sional (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 7,028 183 411 941 763 806 609 576 495 366 196 674 246 194 242 326 1,072 3,542 7 10 14 27 101 54 41 27 73 208 95 130 92 193 7 27 34 135 141 244 395 225 330 490 383 345 299 487 2,737 10 14 58 230 334 260 220 309 257 216 221 221 191 128 68 4,132 1,578 793 658 241 207 201 84 139 6£ 1C 21 82 44 1 i This group contains families engaged in farming and families having no gainfully employed members 112 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 3, —Nativity groups by occupation: Estimated number of families of specified color and nativity, by occupational group, 1935-36 [Relief and nonrelief families] - Native white Occupational group All 0) (2) (3) Com plete (4) 65, 713 30, 578 16,624 7,028 1,072 3,542 2,737 4,132 48, 696 21,474 13,950 4,427 783 3,072 2,376 2,614 38,418 17,938 10,784 3,276 742 3,031 1,718 929 All families.......................................................— Wage earner...................................................... . Clerical-------------------- ---------------------------Independent business...................................... Independent professional________________ Salaried business_______________________ Salaried professional......................................... Other.................................................................... AAJ11i Incom plete (5) 10,278 3, 536 3,166 1,151 41 41 658 1,685 Foreignborn white Negro (6) (7) 15, 249 7,841 2,638 2,385 289 470 253 1,373 1,768 1,263 36 216 108 145 S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T able 1. —Nativity groups by income: Estimated number of families of specified color and nativity, by income, 1935-36 1 [Relief and nonrelief families] Native white Income class All 0) (2) (3) Com plete (4) 2,700 13,955 16, 655 1,381 2, 652 2, 211 2,053 1,897 1,391 1,254 1,120 732 472 690 286 204 174 138 2, 460 13,147 15, 607 1,141 2, 472 2.066 1.962 1,791 1,333 1, 211 1,060 709 466 662 265 184 161 124 1,663 10,223 11,886 574 1,498 1,464 1,536 1,383 1,138 1,016 954 656 431 555 265 166 126 124 Relief families............................................. Nonrelief families..................................... All families..................................... - ................... $0-$249_............................................................. .. $250-$499............................................................... $500-$749_..................... ........................... ........... $750-$999_ ............................................................. $1,000-$1,249........................................................ $1,250-$1,499.................. ..................................... $1,500-$1,749................ ..................................... $1,750-$l,999........................................................ $2,000-$2,249...................................................... $2,250-$2,499........................................................ $2,500-$2,999................ ...................................... $3,000-$3,499............................................... ......... $3,500-$3,999 ..................................................... $4,000-$4,999......................................... ............. $5,000 and over ____________________ All Incom plete (5) 797 2,924 3,721 567 974 602 426 408 195 195 106 53 35 107 18 35 Foreignborn white Negro (6) (7) 55 315 370 55 41 68 14 14 27 28 14 7 6 28 21 20 13 14 185 493 678 185 139 77 77 92 31 15 46 16 1 A family is classified as native if both husband and wife are native born (or, in the case of an incomplete family, if the head is native born): otherwise, the family is classified as foreign born. A family is classified as a complete family if it includes both husband and wife, and as an incomplete family if it does not include both husband and wife. Single individuals are included in the incomplete families. See appendix B for further explanations. 113 TABULAR SUMMARY S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . 2.—Occupational groups by income: Estimated number of families of specified occupational groups, by income, 1935-86 T able [Relief and nonrelief families] Business and pro fessional All Income class Wage Cleri earner cal Independent All Salaried Other ! Busi- Profes Busi Profes ness sional ness sional (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) All families............................... $0-$249____________________ $250-$499_______ __________ $500-$749________ _________ $750-$999__________________ $1,000-$1,249_______________ $1,250-$1,499_______________ $1,500-$1,749______ ________ $1,750-$1,999____ __________ $2,000-$2,249____ __________ $2,250-$2,499_______________ $2,500-$2,999______ ________ $3,000-$3,499_________ _____ $3,500-$3,999 ______________ $4,000-$4,999____ __________ $5,000 and over........................ 16, 655 1,381 2, 652 2,211 2,053 1,897 1,391 1,254 1,120 738 466 690 292 198 174 138 8,876 712 1,949 1,361 1, 280 1,019 703 581 510 290 148 185 78 42 14 4 2,831 53 124 266 402 343 327 329 332 215 130 184 66 20 33 7 3, 693 183 306 355 298 436 334 286 267 228 186 296 144 122 125 127 1,952 179 248 289 217 248 169 133 98 49 93 96 46 26 30 31 (7) (8) 240 2 5 20 4 38 2 15 16 20 20 26 7 18 14 33 (9) 668 833 2 44 32 53 112 87 80 98 108 31 101 25 9 37 14 9 14 24 38 76 58 55 51 42 73 66 69 44 49 (10) 1,255 433 273 229 73 99 27 58 11 5 2 25 4 14 2 i This group contains families engaged in farming and families having no gainfully employed members. S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T able 3.—Nativity groups by occupation: Estimated number of families of specified color and nativity, by occupational group, 1935-36 [Relief and nonrelief families) Native white Occupational group All (1) (2) (3) Com plete (4) 16, 655 8,876 2,831 1,952 240 668 833 1, 255 15, 607 8,172 2,763 1,880 240 654 757 1,141 11,886 6, 666 2,178 1,295 204 619 456 468 All families_____________________________ Wage earner____________________________ Clerical................................................................. Independent business__________________ Independent professional ___ _ ___ Salaried business________________________ Salaried professional____________________ Other........................................ ............................ All Incom plete (6) 3,721 1,506 585 585 36 35 301 673 Foreignborn white Negro (6) (7) 370 165 68 41 14 14 68 678 539 31 62 46 114 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION PUEBLO , COLO. Estimated number of families of specified color and nativity, by income, 1935-S6 1 T a b l e 1. — N a tiv ity g ro u p s b y in c o m e : [Relief and nonrelief families] Native white Income class All 1 ( ) All (3) 2 ( ) 3,684 9,253 12,937 1,091 1,506 2,130 1,606 1,499 1,320 1,028 846 630 427 393 193 128 107 47 Relief families___ Nonrelief families. All families........... ....... $0-$249............................ $250-$499............. .......... $500-$749____________ $750-$999.................— . $1,000-$1,249 ________ $1,250-$l,499_________ $1,500-$l, 749_________ $1,750-$1,999.................. $2,000~$2,249.................. $2,250-$2,499............ $2,500-$2,999.................. $3,000-$3.499................. $3,500-$3,999_________ $ 4, 000- $ 4,999______________ $5,000 and over........... . Complete (4) 2,616 7,081 9,697 751 942 1,411 1,177 1,034 995 931 774 558 352 369 181 92 83 47 Foreignborn white Incom plete (5) 1,715 5,615 7,330 262 560 983 856 912 842 794 667 451 337 293 166 92 68 47 ( 6) 901 1,466 2, 367 489 382 428 321 122 153 137 107 107 15 76 15 15 557 1,671 2,228 158 291 424 315 351 291 97 72 72 61 24 12 36 24 Negro and other color3 (7) 511 501 1,012 182 273 295 114 114 34 i A family is classified as native if both husband and wife are native born (or, in the case of an incomplete family, if the head is native born); otherwise, the family is classified as foreign born. A family is classified as a complete family if it includes both husband and wife, and as an incomplete family if it does not include both husband and wife. Single individuals are included in the incomplete families. See appendix B for further explanations. 3 This group includes 432 Negro families and 580 families of other color. PUEBLO , COLO. Estimated number of families of specified occupational groups, by income, 1935-36 T a b l e 2.— O c c u p a tio n a l g r o u p s by in c o m e : [Relief and nonrelief families] Business and professional Income class A ll (1) (2) All families................................ $0-$249...................................... $250-$499.................................... $500-$749.................................... $750-$999.................................... $1,000-$1,249.............................. $1,250-$1,499.............................. $1,500-$1,749.............................. $1,750-$1,999.............................. $2,000-$2,249.............................. $2,250-$2,499............................. $2,500-$2,999.............................. $3,000-$3,499.............................. $3,500-$3,999.............................. $4,000~$4,999............................. $5,000 and over......................... 12,937 1,091 1,506 2,130 1,606 1,499 1,320 1,028 846 630 420 386 193 128 107 47 Wage Cleri earner cal Independent All Salaried Other» Busi Profes Busi Profes ness sional ness sional (3) (4) (5) (6) 7,448 229 1,066 1,683 1,100 930 817 528 426 271 199 115 38 35 10 1 1,704 36 25 98 222 251 185 245 212 165 92 105 51 9 6 2 2, 503 73 200 249 204 276 271 251 189 188 122 158 103 84 91 44 1,329 72 166 170 148 222 120 94 73 71 37 32 23 42 40 19 (7) (8) 102 467 13 5 1 2 4 8 6 11 6 10 7 9 11 9 2 4 11 21 53 67 58 37 38 62 57 24 22 11 (9) 605 1 19 70 44 31 94 82 52 69 41 54 16 9 18 5 (10) 1,282 753 215 100 80 42 47 4 19 6 7 8 1 ! This group contains families engaged in farming and families having no gainfully employed members. 115 TABULAR SUMMARY PUEBLO , COLO. T able 3 .— Nativity groups by occupation: E stim ated number of fam ilies specified color and n ativity , by occupational group , 1985-36 of [Relief and nonrelief families] Native white Occupational group All 0) (2) (3) 12,937 7, 448 1,704 1, 329 102 467 605 1,282 9, 697 5,249 1,595 967 90 419 509 868 All fam ilies.................................................... Wage earner. _________________________ Clerical________________________________ Independent business__________ _______ _ Independent professional___ ___________ Salaried business_______________________ Salaried professional.. _________ _____ Other________________ ____ ___________ Ah Com plete (4) Incom plete (5) 7,330 4, 333 1, 244 692 90 388 310 273 2,367 916 351 275 31 199 595 Foreign- Negro born and other color white (6) (7) 2,228 1,369 109 351 12 48 73 266 1,012 830 11 23 148 D U B U Q U E , IO W A T a b l e 1.— Nativity groups by income: Estim ated number of fam ilies of specified nativity , by incom e , 1935-86 1 [Relief and nonrelief families] Native white Income class A ll3 (1) (2) (3) 2,311 8,741 11,052 1,068 1,291 1,671 1,492 1,328 1,098 826 680 474 349 352 170 59 93 101 2,048 7, 507 9,555 954 1,051 1,419 1,332 1,214 904 723 588 417 292 283 147 59 82 90 Relief families________________________________ Nonrelief families_____________________________ All families__________________________________ ____ $0-$249.............................................................................. ....... $250-$499........................................................ ..................... .. $500-$749.................................................................................. $750-$999................................................................................. $1,000-$1,249........................................................................... $1,250-$1,499 ...................................................... .................. $1,500-$1,749 ...... .................................................................. $1,750-$1,999........ ...................................................... $2,000-$2,249........................... ............................................... $2,250-$2,499............................. .............................................. $2,500-$2,999....................... ................................................... $3,000-$3,499.......................................................................... $3,500-$3,999........................................................................... $4,000-$4,999............................................................................ $5,000 and over___________________________________ All Com plete (4) 1,381 5,447 6,828 374 616 926 1,056 996 643 592 472 301 263 254 147 59 68 61 Incom plete (5) 667 2,060 2, 727 580 435 493 276 218 261 131 116 116 29 29 14 29 Foreignborn white (6) 263 1,234 1,497 114 240 252 160 114 194 103 92 57 57 69 23 11 11 i A family is classified as native if both husband and wife are native born (or, in the case of an incomplete family, if the head is native born); otherwise, the family is classified as foreign born. A family is classified as a complete family if it includes both husband and wife, and as an incomplete family if it does not include both husband and wife. Single individuals are included in the incomplete families. See appendix B for further explanations. 3 This and subsequent tables exclude Negro families because of their relative infrequency. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 116 D U B U Q U E , IO W A T a ble 2 .— Occupational groups by income: E stim ated number of fam ilies oj specified occupational groups , by incom e , 1985-86 [Relief and nonrelief families] Business and pro fessional All Income class Wage Cleri earner cal Salaried Independent All Othen Busi Profes Busi Profes ness sional ness sional (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) All families................................ $0-$249 .................................... $250-$499_______ __________ $500-$749__ - .......... $750-$999................... ................ $1,000-$1,249_______________ $1,250-$1,499_______________ $1,500-$1,749______________ $1,750-$1,999_______ _____ $2,000-$2,249______________ $2,250-$2,499_______________ $2,500-$2,999...........-...........— . $3,000-$3,499............................. $3,500-$3,999_______________ $4,000-$4,999............................. $5,000 and over....................... 11,052 1,068 1,291 1,671 1,492 1,328 1,098 826 680 474 349 352 160 69 93 101 5,782 402 776 1,125 1,035 816 534 414 263 162 99 81 44 9 16 6 1,870 13 45 150 233 265 316 200 234 117 110 128 32 18 7 ,2 2,093 34 165 208 181 187 226 199 159 180 140 142 84 41 70 77 1,208 32 160 172 172 125 154 115 42 63 74 41 10 12 12 24 (7) (8) (9) 108 380 2 1 2 2 19 24 30 38 44 32 56 49 17 48 18 5 6 3 9 3 8 25 5 6 4 32 397 2 2 34 7 38 42 51 70 70 26 20 20 6 6 3 GO) 1,307 619 305 188 43 60 22 13 24 15 1 1 16 i This group contains families engaged in farming and families having no gainfully employed members. D U B U Q U E , IO W A T abl e 3. — Nativity groups by occupation: E stim ated number of fam ilies of specified n ativity , by occupational group , 1985-86 [Relief and nonrelief families] Native white Occupational group All (1) (2) (3) 11,052 5,782 1,870 1,208 108 380 397 1,307 9,555 5,131 1,664 934 97 357 351 1,021 All families............................................................................... Wage earner............................................................. -............. Clerical..................................................................................... Independent business......................................................... Independent professional.................................................... Salaried business.................................................................... Salaried professional............................................................. Other................................................................- ....................... AH Com plete (4) 6,828 4,101 1,157 629 83 313 191 354 Incom plete (5) 2,727 1,030 507 305 14 44 160 667 Foreignborn white (8) 1,497 651 206 274 11 23 46 286 117 TABULAE SUMMARY B U TTE , M O N T. Nativity groups by income: Estimated number of families of specified nativity, by income, 1985-86 1 T a b l e 1 .— [Relief and nonrelief familiesl Income class All' (1 ) (2 ) Native white All (3) 2,415 7,047 9,462 323 1 ,1 12 950 843 781 1,103 964 848 636 517 623 345 152 10 1 164 Relief families____________ __________ N onrelief families........................................ All families--------------------------------------------$0-$249_________ _____________________ $250-$499____ ___________________________ $500-$749________________________________ $750-$999________________________________ $1,000-$1,249_____________________________ $1,250-$1,499_____________________________ $1,500-$!,749_____________________________ $1,750-$1,999_____________________________ $2,000-$2,249_____________________________ $2,250-$2,499____________________________ $2,500-$2,999_____________ _______________ $3,000-$3,499_____________________________ $3,500-$3,999______________________ ____ _ $4,000-$4,999_____________________________ $5,000 and over------------ --------------------------- Complete Incomplete (4) (5) 1,421 4,388 5,809 713 3,197 3,910 76 219 256 283 416 492 428 467 294 251 289 177 84 72 106 220 622 562 508 497 637 589 564 391 299 353 241 100 88 138 Foreignborn white (6) 994 2,659 3,653 103 490 388 335 284 466 375 281 245 218 270 104 52 13 26 708 1,191 1,899 144 403 306 225 81 145 161 97 97 48 64 64 16 16 32 i A family is classified as native if both husband and wife are native born (or, in the case of an incomplete family, if the head is native bom); otherwise, the family is classified as foreign born. A family is classified as a complete family if it includes both husband and wife, and as an incomplete family if it does not include both husband and wife. Single individuals are included in the incomplete families. See appendix B for further explanations. a This and subsequent tables exclude Negro families and families of other color because of their relative Infrequency. B U TTE , M O N T. T able 2 .—Occupational groups by income: Estimated number of families of specified occupational groups, by income, 1985-86 [Relief and nonrelief families! Business and professional Income class (1) All (2 ) 9,462 All fam ilies.-....................... 323 $0-$249 . . _______ _______ 1 , 1 1 2 $250-$499 . 950 $500-$749_____________ ____ 843 $750-$999__________ _______ 781 $1,000-$1,249_______________ _______ 1,103 $1,250-$1,499 964 $1,500-$1,749 . _______ 848 $1,750-$1,999........................... 636 $2,000-$2,249............................. 517 $2,250-$2,499......................... 623 $2,500-12,999.............................. 345 $3,000-$3,499................ ............. 152 $3,500-$3,999 .............. $4,000-$4,999 ..................... 101 164 $5,000 and over........................ Wage Cleri earner cal (5) (3) (4) 5,239 81 809 667 521 553 816 563 413 257 190 207 80 60 1,847 20 2 Independent All 1 84 118 91 131 175 237 262 196 174 183 109 24 27 35 1,786 34 77 91 144 88 104 147 157 170 151 232 142 68 54 127 Salaried Other 1 Busi Profes Busi Profes ness sional ness sional (6) (7) (8) (9) 840 17 73 51 124 81 36 97 409 30 3 63 54 76 39 18 15 39 6 6 3 15 3 25 27 52 32 59 62 42 33 22 33 88 66 1 3 5 2 4 26 11 1 440 17 3 7 2 3 43 32 33 69 35 83 56 15 13 29 ( 10 ) 590 207 142 74 87 9 8 17 16 13 i This group contains families engaged in farming and families having no gainfully employed members. 2 1 14 118 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B U TTE , M O N T. T able 3. —Nativity groups by occupation: Estimated number of families of specified nativity, by occupational group, 1935-86 [Relief and nonrelief families) Occupational group All (1 ) (2 ) All families........................................................... Wage earner........................................................ Clerical....... ........................................-...............Independent business...................... .. -........... Independent professional................................. Salaried business................................................. Salaried professional........ .................................. Other......................................................-...........- Native white All (3) 9, 462 5,239 1,847 840 97 409 440 590 Complete Incomplete (5) (4) 5,809 3,031 1,215 478 84 319 376 3C6 3,910 2,194 780 333 68 255 199 81 1,899 837 435 145 16 64 177 225 Foreignborn white (6) 3,653 2,208 632 362 13 90 64 284 B IL L IN G S , M O N T . T able 1. —Nativity groups by income: Estimated number of families of specified nativity, by income, 1935-86 1 [Relief and nonrelief families] Income class All 2 (1 ) (2 ) Relief families............................................. Nonrelief families_______ _____ ______ All families.......................................................... $0-$249................................................................ . $250-$499.......................................................... $500-$749...................... ......................................... $750-$999_______________________________ $1,000-$1,249__________ __________________ $1,250-^1,499___ ____ _____________ _______ $1,500-$1,749_____________________ ______ _ $1,750-11,999. ___________ ____________ ____ $2,000-$2,249_________________ _____ _____ $2,250-$2,499_....................................................... $2,500-$2,999................................................. ....... $3,000-$3,499......................................................... $3,500-$3,999............ ........................................... $4,000-$4,999.......................................................... $5,000 and over................................................... 531 4, 222 4,753 222 270 443 458 498 351 470 372 372 269 379 294 90 128 137 Native white All (3) 394 3,553 3,947 192 193 320 360 425 291 376 329 312 239 327 252 86 116 129 Complete Incomplete (4) (5) 276 2, 753 3,029 86 98 157 192 312 246 309 318 250 2 11 299 235 86 106 124 118 800 918 106 95 163 168 113 45 67 11 62 28 28 17 10 5 Foreign born white (6) 137 669 806 30 77 123 98 73 60 94 43 60 30 52 42 4 12 8 1 A family is classified as native if both husband and wife are native born (or, in the case of an incom plete family, if the head is native born); otherwise, the family is classified as foreign born. A family is classified as a complete family if it includes both husband and wife, and as an incomplete family if it does not include both husband and wife. Single individuals are included in the incomplete families. See appendix B for further explanations. 2 This and subsequent tables exclude Negro families and families of other color because of their relative infrequency. 119 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 2 .—Occupational B IL L IN G S , M O N T . groups by income: Estimated number of families of specified occupational groups, by income, 1935-86 [Relief and nonrelief families] Business and professional All Income class 0 (2 ) ) All families_______ _______ 4,753 222 $0-$249_....................... ............... $250-$499__________________ 270 $500-$749_____________ 443 $750-$999__________________ 458 498 $1,000-$1,249_______________ 351 $1,250-$1,499_______________ $1,500-$1,749_______________ 470 372 $1,750-$1,999_______________ 372 $2,000-$2,249____ __________ $2,250-$2,499____ __________ 269 379 $2,500-$2,999____ __________ $3,000-$3,499____ __________ 288 96 $3,500-$3,999____ __________ 128 $4,000-$4,999_______________ $5,000 and over____________ 137 1 Wage Cleri earner cal Independent All (4) (5) 1,889 1,069 15 12 55 66 107 90 126 124 128 84 145 78 1,476 13 42 74 108 118 82 120 104 117 110 149 146 66 113 114 190 250 225 242 171 210 132 117 69 81 62 8 2 10 20 8 11 Other 1 Busi Profes Busi Profes ness sional ness sional (6) (8) (7) (9) (3) 120 Salaried 750 13 42 66 89 98 49 48 34 55 43 60 41 18 39 55 71 415 2 2 10 10 ( 10) 240 319 74 26 64 59 31 8 14 8 6 4 2 8 12 8 4 6 19 17 8 23 25 19 16 23 16 40 19 16 41 47 44 36 61 57 25 52 30 12 10 6 4 2 2 10 2 This group contains families engaged in farming and families having no gainfully employed members. T able 3. —Nativity B IL L IN G S , M O N T . groups by occupation: Estimated number of families of specified nativity, by occupational group, 1985-86 [Relief and nonrelief families] Occupational group All ) (2 ) 0 All families______________________________ Wage earner_________ ___________________ Clerical__________________ _____________ Independent business_____________ ____ Independent professional________________ Salaried business________________________ Salaried professional_______________ _____ Other. _________ ________________________ 78127°— 40------ 9 4, 753 1,889 1,069 750 71 415 240 319 Native white All (3) 3,947 1,484 992 596 67 368 202 238 Complete Incomplete (4) (5) 3,029 1,176 762 434 61 346 152 98 918 308 230 162 6 22 50 140 Foreignborn white (6) 806 405 77 154 4 47 38 81 120 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION SECTION B. N A T I V E W H IT E FAMILIES, IN C L U D IN G B O T H H U S B A N D A N D WIFE Sources o f Income, Number and Earnings o f Principal and Supplementary Earners, R ent or Rental Value, and Size o f Family, According to Family Income, Occupational Group, and Family T ype, 1935-36 Tables in this section present data for native white “complete” families only (those including husband and wife, both native born). The figures are based on random samples in each of the seven cities. CONTENTS Billings, Mont. 1 Butte, Mont. Dubuque, Iowa Pueblo, Colo Springfield, Mo. Omaha, N e b r Council Bluffs, Iowa Table Denver, Colo. Page 1. Number of families of specified types and average number of persons per family, by income, 1935-36___________ A . F a m il y T y p e : Number of amilies of specified types and average number of persons per family, by occupation and income, 1935-36____________ 2. S o u r c e s o f F a m i l y I n c o m e : Number of families receiving income from specified sources, and average amount of such income, by income, 1935-36___ A . S o u r c e s o f F a m il y I n c o m e : Number of families receiving income from specified sources, and average amount of such income, by occupation and income, 1935-36____________ 2B. S o u r c e s o f F a m il y I n c o m e : Number of families receiving income from specified sources, and average amount of such income, by family type and income, 1935-36____________ 3. M o n e y E a r n i n g s : Number of families receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source, by income, 1935-36____ A . M o n e y E a r n i n g s : Number of families receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source, by occupation and income, 1935-36____________ F a m il y T y p e : 124 172 220 246 272 298 324 1 125 173 221 247 273 299 325 128 176 224 250 276 302 328 2 130 178 226 252 278 304 330 132 180 136 184 228 254 280 306 332 3 137 185 229 255 281 307 333 121 TABULAR SUMMARY CONTENTS—Continued 3B. Number of families receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source, by family type and income, 1935-36________ 4. P rincipal E a r n e r s : Number and average yearly earnings of prin cipal earners, classified as hus bands, wives, and others, with weeks of employment of prin cipal earners, by income, 193536_________________________ 4A. P rincipal E a r n e r s : Number and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, with weeks of employment of principal earners, by occupa tion and income, 1935-36____ 4B. P rincipal E a r n e r s : Number and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, with weeks of employment of principal earners, by family type and income, 1935-36____ 5. N um ber of E arners in F am ily : Number of families with speci fied number of individual earn ers, family relationship of sole earners, and average number of supplementary earners per family, by income, 1935-36____ . S ole a n d S u p pl e m e n t a r y E a r n e r s : Number of families with individual earners; number and average earnings of supplemen tary earners classified as hus bands, wives, and others; and average earnings of family from supplementary earners; by in come, 1935-36_______________ A. S ole a n d S u p pl e m e n t a r y E a r n e r s : Number of families with individual earners; num ber and average earnings of supplementary earners classi fied as husbands, wives, and others; and average earnings of family from supplementary earners; by occupation and income, 1935-36____________ Billings, Mont. o Butte, Mont. fl <D n Dubuque, Iowa o O Pueblo, Colo. Table Springfield, Mo. Page M o n e y E a r n in g s : 6 138 186 140 188 230 256 282 308 334 141 189 230 256 282 308 334 144 192 149 197 231 257 283 309 335 150 198 232 258 284 310 336 6 151 199 233 259 285 311 337 WEST CENTRAL-KOOKY MOUNTAIN REGION 122 C O N T E N T S — Continued Dubuque, Iowa Butte, Mont. Billings, Mont. 153 201 156 204 234 260 286 312 338 157 205 235 261 287 313 339 158 206 236 262 288 314 340 160 208 237 263 289 315 341 161 209 238 264 290 316 342 162 210 239 265 291 317 343 163 211 240 266 292 318 344 Supplem entary Number of families with individual earners; num ber and average earnings of supplementary earners classi fied as husbands, wives, and others; and average earnings of family from supplementary earners; by family type and income, 1935-36____________ 7. E a r n in g s of S u p p l e m e n t a r y E a r n e r s : Number of supple mentary earners with earnings of specified amount, by family income, 1935-36______________ S. H usba n d s as E a r n e r s : Number and average yearly earnings of husbands classified as principal or supplementary earners, by age and family income, 1935-36 _ 9. W ives as E a r n e r s : Number and average yearly earnings of wives classified as principal or supple mentary earners, by age and family income, 1935-36________ 10. M oney I ncome O th er T han E a r n in g s : Number of families receiving money income other than earnings, and average amount received, by source and total income, 1935-36____ 11. N onmoney I ncome F rom O w ned H om es : Number of families owning homes with and with out mortgages; average rental value, average expense, and average nonmoney income from home ownership; by in come, 1935-36______________ 12. M onthly R ental V a l u e : Num ber of home-owning families having homes with specified monthly rental value, by in come, 1935-36______________ 13. M onthly R e n t : Number of rent ing families reporting specified monthly rent, by income, 193536_________________________ Pueblo, Colo. and E arners: Springfield, Mo. 6B. S o l e Omaha, Nebr.Council Bluffs, Iowa Table Denver, Colo. Page TABULAR SUMMARY 123 C O N T E N T S — Continued 16. 17. 18. 19. T ype of L iv in g Q uar ter s: N um ber and p e rcen ta g e of o w n in g fa m ilie s o c c u p y in g s p e c if ie d t y p e s o f l i v i n g q u a r t e r s , b y i n c o m e , 1 9 3 5 —3 6 _________ T ype of L iv in g Q uarters: N u m ber and p e r c e n t a g e of r e n t 'n g fa m ilie s o c c u p y in g sp( ried t y p e s o f l i v i n g q u a r t e r s , b y i n c o m e , 1 9 3 5 —3 6 M e m b er s of H o u seh o ld N ot E c o n o m ic F a m i l y : N u m b e r o f f a m i li e s h a v i n g p e r s o n s in t h e h o u s e h o ld w h o w e r e n o t m e m b ers o f th e e c o n o m ic fa m ily , an d a ve rage n u m b e r o f su ch n o n fa m ily m em bers, by in c o m e , 1 9 3 5 —3 6 __________ _________ ___ A ge H u sba n d s a n d W iv e s : N u m b e r of hu sban ds an d n u m b er o f w iv e s, b y a g e a n d fa m ily i n c o m e , 1 9 3 5 - 3 6 ____________ _ _ R e p o r t Y e a r : N u m b e r a n d per c e n t a g e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f f a m i li e s b y d a te o f e n d o f re p o rt y e a r, b y o c c u p a t i o n , 1 9 3 5 —3 6 ____________ Butte, Mont. 15. Dubuque, Iowa 14B, A verage M onthly R ental V a l u e a n d A v e r a g e M on th ly R e n t : N um ber of h o m e -o w n i n g and r e n tin g fa m ilie s , a v e r a g e m o n t h ly re n ta l v a lu e , and average m o n t h ly r e n t, b y o c c u p a tio n a n d i n c o m e , 1 9 3 5 —3 6 _____ Average M onthly R ental V a l u e a n d A v e r a g e M o n t h l y R e n t : N u m b er of h o m e -o w n i n g and re n tin g fa m ilie s , a v e r a g e m o n t h ly r e n ta l v a lu e , and average m o n t h ly r e n t, b y fa m ily t y p e a n d i n c o m e , 1 9 3 5 —3 6 Pueblo, Colo. A. Springfield, Mo. 14 212 241 267 293 319 345 215 242 268 294 320 346 168 216 242 268 294 320 346 169 217 243 269 295 321 347 170 218 244 270 296 322 348 171 219 245 271 297 323 349 Denver, Colo. T a b le Omaha, Nebr.Couneil Bluffs, Iowa Page 164 165 213 167 "30 S CO 1 5 in of 124 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DEN VER , COLO. T able 1.— F a m ily ty p e : N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by incom e, 1 93 5-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Average number of persons per family * Number of families of type Income class All I II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) All families *.............. 8 , 572 2, 793 1,509 969 1,846 Relief fam ilies-------- 1,186 277 186 169 219 Nonrelief families— 7, 386 2, 516 1, 323 800 1,627 3 3 8 $0-$249..................— 62 45 7 21 $250-$499 .............. . 158 91 28 $5C0-$749_.............. . 357 175 52 41 58 $750-$999_________ 698 265 142 82 127 $1,000-$1,249 _____ 935 348 198 95 171 $1,250-$1,499_......... 799 255 170 94 158 $l,50O-$l,749______ 835 282 ICO 78 176 $1,750-$1,999_____ 730 253 148 90 133 $2,000-$2,249_____ 642 193 120 77 153 $2,250-$2,499 429 135 78 55 102 $2,500-$2,999______ 602 184 86 59 155 $3,000-$3,499_.......... 365 102 47 30 125 $3,500-$3,999_.......... 219 51 33 30 64 $4,000-$4,499............ 166 42 16 16 50 $4,500-$4,999______ 91 27 11 32 8 $5,000-$7,499 .......... 213 46 24 28 70 5 12 $7,500-$9,999______ 36 7 2 5 2 12 $10,000 and over 4__ 49 15 611 92 519 477 (1 ) 4 10 20 50 52 60 43 52 28 66 41 24 23 7 26 4 9 12 1 356 3 3 12 45 52 42 52 38 30 16 21 7 8 9 1 9 4 4 Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers U n 16 der and 16 over (9) GO) ( 1 1 ) ( 12 ) (13) (14) 198 74 124 3 5 10 14 114 18 96 55 30 25 3 4 5 7 1 1 21 12 11 12 11 1 2 2 6 12 8 6 8 2 9 9 15 4 3 2 1 7 4 1 3 2 3 3 1 4 1 2 1 3 3.4 3.9 3.3 2.4 2. 7 2.9 3.1 3.2 3. 3 3.3 3.2 3.3 3. 2 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3. 5 3.6 3.7 3.5 0.9 1.4 .8 .3 .5 .6 .8 .9 .9 .8 .9 .8 .8 .8 .7 .8 .8 .7 .9 .9 .8 0.5 .5 .5 ] .2 !3 .3 .3 .4 .5 .4 .ft . ft .0 .7 .7 .8 .8 .8 .8 .6 1 Family type: I. 2 persons. Husband and wife only. II. 3 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16 and no others. III. 4 persons. Husband, wife, 2 children under 16 and no others. IV. 3 or 4 persons. Husband, wife, 1 person 16 or over, and 1 or no other person regardless of age. V. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16,1 person 16 or over, and 1 or 2 other persons regard less of age. VI. 6 or 6 persons. Husband, wife ,3 or 4 children under 16 and no others. VII. 7 or 8 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16,4 or 5 other persons regardless of age. VIII. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 persons 16 or over. Other. 7 or more persons. All types not included in I through VIII. 2 These are year-equivalent persons. The sum of columns (13) and (14) plus 2 (husband and wife) does not always equal column ( 12 ). For the methods used in deriving these averages see glossary. 3 6 families which reported a net loss are excluded from this and subsequent tables. These are families which had gross business expense and losses exceeding their gross earnings and other income. 4 Largest income reported between $60,000 and $65,000. 125 TABULAR SUMMARY DEN VER , COLO. T a b l e 1A . — F a m ily ty p e : N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e , 1 93 5-36 [White nonrelief families including husband and w ife, both native born] Number of families of type *- Income class and occupational group All I II III IV V VI Average number of persons pei family 3 Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem Un bers der 16 and 16 over (9) ( 10 ) (ID (1 2 ) (13) (14) (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1 ) Wage earner 8 3.3 0.9 0.4 A 11 nonrelief fair ilies 2, 706 876 505 323 558 187 152 65 32 1 2 15 12 2. 5 . 5 $0-$249 5 13 1 1 4 3 3.0 $250-$499___________ 84 36 21 .7 .3 10 81 42 28 28 3 8 3.1 $500-$749 200 .8 .3 31 9 2 2 3.2 1 .0 $750-$999___________ 421 144 91 57 73 12 .2 $1,000-$1,249_______ 494 177 115 57 85 25 25 8 2 3.2 .9 .3 .4 380 107 79 49 73 28 28 12 4 3.4 1 .0 $1,250-41,499 7 5 $L500-$L749_______ 331 99 61 35 66 32 23 3 3.5 1 .0 .5 7 5 $1,750-$1,999________ 248 81 35 37 51 19 12 1 3.4 .9 .5 $2J000-$2r249 11 6 232 67 29 28 66 22 3 3.4 .8 .6 1 9 2 5 26 $2,250-$2,499 ___ 98 31 13 1 1 3.4 .9 .5 6 42 16 5 1 $2,500-42^999________ 123 24 14 1 1 4 3.7 .8 .9 2 1 1 2 47 1 1 22 8 3.6 .6 1 .0 $3,000-43,499 ___ 1 ] . 7 1 .0 4 3 10 3 22 3.7 $3^500-43^999 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 4.6 . 7 1 9 $4,000-$4,499 1 1 (*) (*) 2 $4,500-44,999 1 1 $5,000-$7,499 (*) (*) $7,50049,999_______ $10,000 and o v e r___ Clerical 7 3.2 .7 All nonrelief fam ilies 1,907 641 377 197 420 133 81 26 25 .5 1 1 $04249_____________ 2 (*) (*) 1 1 .l 9 2 $2504499___________ 15 2 2. 7 ".6 1 4 $5004749___________ 40 19 4 10 2 2.9 .4 .5 $7504999___________ 127 45 34 15 2 1 2 7 1 1 3.1 1 .8 .3 1 1 3.1 $1,00041,249_______ 208 79 43 19 39 13 13 .8 .3 $1,25041,499 _____ 219 73 52 24 43 14 7 6 3. 2 .8 .4 $1,50041,749_______ 271 92 60 25 62 1 1 14 4 3 3.2 .8 .4 $1,75041,999 ____ 241 86 58 29 37 12 3.2 .9 .3 11 4 3 1 $2,00042,249_______ 202 66 44 26 34 17 1 1 3.3 .9 .4 1 2 1 $2,250-$2,499_______ 154 49 27 23 37 7 7 1 3.2 3 .8 .4 $2,50042,999 _____ 208 68 28 18 50 31 6 3 4 3. 4 .8 .6 1 1 $3,00043,499_______ 1 1 1 5 .5 34 1 1 4 43 1 2 3.4 .9 1 1 1 $3,50043,999_______ 51 1 1 9 5 18 3.5 5 .7 .8 $4,00044,499_______ 24 4 2 2 10 2 3.6 .6 4 1 .0 $4,50044,999 _______ 12 2 1 1 1 2 5 4.2 .8 1.4 $5,00047,499_______ 19 1 1 2 2 4.1 8 3 2 9 1 .2 $7,50049,999_______ 1 1 1 $10,000 and over 3 __ 3 5.0 1.3 1. 7 Independent business 7 3.3 .8 Alllnonrelief families 1,061 374 155 91 260 92 52 16 14 .5 1 1 1 .1 $04249____________ 12 2. 4 .3 9 $2504499___________ 24 18 .1 .2 3 3 2.3 1 3 2. 7 .4 4 14 2 .3 $5004749___________ 58 34 3 3.0 .7 .3 7 22 7 $7504999........ ............. 94 42 13 $1,00041,249_______ 133 48 24 10 26 10 2 1 8 4 3.3 .9 .4 1 . 7 .4 $1,25041,499______ 8 3 2 97 38 18 9 18 3.1 1 $1,50041,749_______ 116 39 15 10 31 12 8 3. 3 .8 .5 1 $1,75041,999............... 108 32 27 1 1 21 4 3.3 .9 .4 9 3 $2,00042,249............. . 78 27 11 1 3.2 .7 2 5 23 9 .5 1 1 $2,25042,499_______ 57 12 3.6 1 .0 10 5 16 10 2 .6 $2,50042,999— ........ . 80 27 12 2 8 17 8 1 4 1 3.5 .9 .6 1 1 4 5 21 8 3.6 .8 .8 $3,00043,499_______ 51 1 1 1 2 9 7 6 3 2 40 10 3.8 1 . 1 .7 $3,50043,999............. 1 1 1 8 4 13 5 3.6 .7 .9 $4,00044,499............. . 33 1 9 2 2 4 3. 5 1 . 1 .4 $4,50044,999______ 1 2 5 5 11 5 2 3. 7 1.0 .7 $5,00047,499_______ 43 12 1 1 12 4 3.1 .3 6 .8 $7,50049,999_______ $10,000 and over 3__ 16 1 2 i 6 2 3 I 3.9 1 . 1 .8 For footnotes 1 and 2 , see table 1 on p. 124. 3 Largest income reported between $55,000 and $60,000. 126 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION T a b l e 1A . — F a m ily ty p e : N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types an d average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and in com e , 1 98 5-36 — Average number of persons per family Number of familif s of type— Income class and occupational group (1) All I II III IV VV VI (2 ) (3) (4) (V (6) (7) (8) Independent profes sional All nonrelief families 214 75 30 28 53 21 $0-$249 ................ $250-$499...................... 2 $500-$749...................... 2 1 1 2 $750-$999__.................. $i ;nnn-$i, 24Q 1 2 8 13 1 1 1 2 6 1 $1,250-$1,499............... 1 1 3 2 $1,500-$1,749............. 7 1 7 3 $1,750-$1,999............... 11 2 2 5 4 3 $2,000-$2,249—............ 16 $2,250-$2 499 . _ 1 2 19 12 3 1 3 4 2 $2,50O-$2,999............... 20 10 $3;nft0-$3;499 2 9 6 23 3 3 $3;50n-$3J999 2 4 3 5 18 3 $4f000-$4j499 _ 1 1 5 2 2 13 $4;5nO-$4;999 1 1 1 3 8 2 $5;00ft-$7j499 14 5 6 3 8 37 1 2 1 2 9 2 $7,500-$9,999............... 4 2 3 $10,000 and over 4___ 10 1 Salaried business All nonrelief families 668 202 122 77 167 46 $0-!K249 2 2 $250-$499 1 2 3 1 1 $500-$749.................... 9 7 $750—$999 1 1 2 3 8 $1;000-$1,249 1 7 26 11 6 I 4 10 9 .7 $1,250-$1,499_______ 33 $1;50ft-$1r749 l 45 17 12 7 5 4 54 16 13 8 8 $1,750-$1,999______ 1 4 11 $2,000-$2,249_______ 43 11 11 $2 250-$2J499 51 15 12 7 13 5 $2,500-$2,999_______ 78 19 13 11 20 6 $3,000-$3,499__............ 70 20 13 6 20 7 6 16 $3,500-$3,999.__.......... 58 16 12 6 4 5 15 $4,000-$4,499— .......... 50 16 $4,500—$4, 999 4 8 4 36 12 7 7 $5,000-$7,499............... 76 18 10 10 25 11 1 1 2 2 $7,500-$9,999.......... 1 2 8 2 I $10,000 and over 8___ 15 4 Largest income reported between $20,000 and $25,000. 8 Largest income reported between $60,000 and $65,000. 4 Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) 2 1 3.2 1 (*) (*) 3.0 3. 7 3.0 2.8 3.5 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.3 3.4 3.8 3.5 3.2 1 1 2 1 1 36 Continued 7 9 2 3.3 (*) 1 2 2 5 3 3 6 3 3 4 3 I 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3.0 2.3 3.0 2.7 3.2 2.9 3.3 3.3 3.1 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 4 .7 3.0 0.7 .7 1.0 .6 .4 .9 .3 .6 .7 0.5 (*).3 .7 .4 .4 .6 .3 .2 .4 .9 .5 .7 .2 .4 .9 .4 .7 .8 .5 .8 1.1 1 .0 1 .1 .3 .3 .4 .4 .7 .7 1.0 1.0 .8 .9 .9 .7 .8 .8 .8 1.4 .7 .7 .6 .3 .5 .2 .3 .3 .3 .6 .5 .6 .6 .6 .7 1.3 .3 127 TABULAR, SUMMARY 1A.—Family type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and in com e , 1 98 5-36 —Continued T able Average number of persons per family Number of families of type— Income class and occupational group (1) All I II III IV V VI (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 175 118 68 120 34 22 1 3 8 13 12 22 21 15 11 28 15 5 5 8 6 1 1 1 2 5 12 7 15 21 12 15 13 6 3 1 4 1 2 1 5 4 3 5 10 7 9 9 4 6 3 1 2 5 7 6 10 13 8 21 12 6 10 8 10 1 172 21 26 29 22 12 15 10 10 5 4 8 2 1 3 1 2 1 16 1 1 3 4 1 3 16 3 1 2 1 3 3 49 6 1 5 6 7 5 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 Salaried profesjioval All nonrelief families 558 $0-$249...... ............ 2 $250-$199__............ . $500-$749..................... 9 $750-$999__________ 13 $1,000-$1,249_______ 29 $1,250-$1,499_______ 39 $1,500-$1,749______ 47 $1,750-$1,999_______ 54 $2,000-$2,249_______ 64 $2,250-$2,499_______ 43 $2,500-$2,999______ 83 $3,000-$3,499_______ 58 $3,500-$3,999_______ 26 $4,000-$4,499_______ 33 $4,500-$4,999_______ 20 $5,000-$7,499___ 32 3 $7,500-$9,999___ _ $10,000 and over 6__ 3 Other 7 All nonrelief families. 272 $0-$249.......... ............... 31 $250-$499...................... 30 $500-$749.__............... 39 $750-$999__________ 33 $1,000-$1,249_______ 32 $1,250-$1,499_______ 25 $1,500-$1,749_______ 18 $1,750-$1,999______ 14 $2,000-$2,249_______ 7 $2,250-$2,499_______ 7 $2,500-$2,999_______ 10 $3,000-$3,499_......... 5 $3,500-$3,999______ 4 5 $4,000-$4,499______ 4 $4,500-$4,999___ $5,000-$7,499_______ 5 1 $7,500-$9,999_______ $10,000 and over 8__ 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) (10) (11) (12) (IS) (14) 7 6 i 1 1 1 0.7 0.5 (*) (*) 3. 1 .7 3.0 . 5 2.8 .5 .8 3.1 .7 3.1 2.9 . 7 3.3 1.0 3.2 .8 3. 2 .7 3.3 .8 3. 5 1.0 3.9 1.2 3.3 .3 3. 7 .8 3.0 .7 4.3 1.6 .4 .5 .3 .3 .4 .2 .3 .4 .5 .5 .5 .7 1.0 .9 .3 .7 2 4 1 3 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 9 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 3.2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 5 5 1 5 1 5 2 14 1 1 i 1 1 2.7 .4 .3 .2 2.4 .2 2.2 .2 (**) 1 2.7 .5 .2 2.4 .2 .2 3.2 .9 .3 2. 7 .3 .4 2.8 .4 .4 2.6 .2 .4 2.4 .3 .1 2.9 .6 .3 2.3 . 1 .2 2.8 .6 .2 3.3 .8 .5 3.0 .6 .4 3.0 1.0 3.4 .4 1.0 (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) 1 8 Largest income reported between $10,000 and $15,000. 7 This group contains 17 families engaged in farming, a group too small to be separately classified, and families having no gainfully employed members. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. **0.05 or less. 128 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DENVER, COLO. T a b l e 2 . —Sources of family income: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by incom e , 1 9 3 5 -3 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving— Income class Number of families (1) (2) All families..................................... Relief families____ ____ _______ Nonrelief families_____________ $0-$249____________________ $250-$499__________________ $500-$749__________________ $750-$999__________________ $1,000-$1,249_______________ $1,250-$1,499_______________ $1,500-$1,749_______________ $1,750-$1,999_______________ $2,000-$2,249_______________ $2,250-$2.499_______________ $2,500-$2,999_______________ $3,000-$3,4S9_______________ $3,500-$3,999_______________ $4,000-$4,499____ ____ _____ $4,500-$4,999_______________ $5,000-$7,499_______________ $7,500-$9,999_______________ $10,000 and over___________ 8,572 1,186 7,386 62 158 357 698 935 799 835 730 642 429 602 365 219 166 91 213 36 49 Money income from— Nonmoney income from— Other Owned sources Any home Rent as Earnings 1 (positive or source 3 (positive or pay negative) 2 negative) 4 (4) (5) (3) (6) (7) 8,223 1,099 7,124 30 131 318 665 903 775 817 717 635 423 592 361 217 162 88 209 34 47 1,792 128 1, 664 10 44 91 127 134 177 152 156 128 93 163 94 55 58 28 104 17 33 3,421 256 3,165 22 60 119 219 278 313 307 264 318 222 341 203 123 103 57 151 26 39 3,236 222 3,014 19 53 104 138 250 291 293 249 310 215 337 200 123 102 55 150 26 39 185 34 151 3 7 15 21 28 22 14 15 8 7 4 3 1 2 1 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 2 Includes 1,742 families, 1,616 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings and no business losses met from family funds; 24 families, all of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds and no money income other than earnings, and 26 families, 24 of which were non relief, which had both money income and business losses met from family funds. There were, therefore, 1,768 families, 1,640 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings, whether or not they had business losses met from family funds; and there were 60 families, 48 of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds, whether or not thay had money income other than earn ings. These latter 48 families were found in the following income classes: $0-$249, 1; $250-$499, 2; $500$749, 1; $750-$999, 2; $1,000-$1,249, 2; $1,250-$1,499, 3; $1,500-$1,749, 8; $1,750-$1,999, 5; $2,000-$2,249, 4; $2,250-$2,499, 3; $2,500-$2,999, 3; $3,000-$3,499, 2; $3,500-$3,999, 1; $4,000-$4,499, 1; $4,500-$4,999, 1; $5,000$7,499, 7; $10,000 and over, 2. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. 4 Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. There were 31 families, 25 of which were nonrelief, with losses from owned homes (i. e., families whose estimated rental value was less than estimated expenses). The latter 25 families were found in the following income classes: $0-$249, 1; $250-$499, 1; $500-$749, 2; $750-$999, 4; $1,000-$1,249, 2; $1,250-$1,499, 2; $1,500-$1,749, 3; $1,750-$1,999, 4; $2,250-$2,499, 1; $2,500-$2,999, 2; $3,500-$3,999, 1; $5,000-$7,499, 1; $10,000 and over, 1. Excludes 2 families whose estimated rental value of owned homes was equal to estimated expenses. 129 TABULAR SUMMARY DENVER, COLO. T able 2.— Sources of fam ily incom e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by incom e , 1 93 5-86 1—Con 'White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Average family income Income class (1) Money income from— Total (2) All families---------------------- 8 $1, 861 606 Relief families___________ Nonrelief families_________ 5 2,063 $0-$249_______________ 130 $250-$499_____________ 396 $500-$749_____________ 645 $750-$999_____________ 875 $1,000-$1,249__________ 1,128 $1,250-$1,499__________ 1, 366 $1,500~$1,749__________ 1,606 $1,750-$1,999__________ 1, 866 $2,000-$2,249__________ 2,111 $2,250-$2,499__________ 2, 374 $2,500-$2,999__________ 2, 708 $3,000-$3,499__________ 3,199 $3,500-$3,999__________ 3, 717 $4,000-$4,499__________ 4, 217 $4,500-$4,999__________ 4, 731 $5,000-$7,499__________ 5,935 $7,500-$9,999 ...... ......... 8,378 $10,000 and over_______ 16, 206 Nonmoney income from— (3) Other Owned Earn sources All home Rent as ings 2 (positive or sources (positive or pay negative) 3 negative) i (5) (6) (4) (8) (7) $1,755 578 1,945 85 335 582 822 1,076 1,292 1, 530 1, 787 1,997 2, 236 2, 548 3,004 3,498 3,964 4,447 5, 543 7,808 15, 234 $1, 632 563 1, 805 72 278 513 768 1,021 1, 221 1,463 1, 709 1,932 2,144 2, 424 2,870 3, 301 3, 719 4,173 5,003 7,004 9,464 All sources $123 15 140 13 57 69 54 55 71 67 78 65 92 124 134 197 245 274 540 804 5, 770 $106 28 118 45 61 63 53 52 74 76 79 114 138 160 195 219 253 284 392 570 972 $100 23 112 41 54 54 47 44 67 71 73 110 131 157 192 219 249 279 391 570 972 $6 5 6 4 7 9 6 8 7 5 6 4 7 3 3 4 5 1 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2) of table 2, whether or not they re ceived income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2), (3), (5), (6), and (7) are net figures, after deduction for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 2 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 3 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” < Represents the estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. 8Median income for all families in this group was $1,535; for nonrelief families, $1,705. 130 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DENVER, COLO. T able 2A..— Sources of fam ily in com e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources, and average am ount of such incom e, by occupation and incom e, 1 98 5-86 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving— Income class and occupational Number of families group (2) Wage earner All nonrelief families__________ $0-$499________ _______ -.........$500-$749___________ ____ _____ $750-$999______________________ $1,000-$1,249__________________ $1.250-$1,499____ ____ _________ $1,500-$1,749____ ______________ $1,750-$1,999___________________ $2,000-$2,499__________________ $2,500-$2,999......... .......................... $3,000-$4,999_______ ___________ $5,000 and over_________ ____ Clerical All nonrelief families___________ $0-$499_.............................. .......... $500-$749.......................................... $750-$999________ _____________ $1,000-$1,249__________________ $1,250-$1,499_______________ _ $1,500-$1,749__________________ $1,750-$1,999.................................... $2,000-$2,499..................................... $2,500-$2,999__________________ $3,000-$4,999____ _____ ________ $5,000 and over_____ __________ Business and professional All nonrelief families___________ $0-$499_............................................ $500-$749................. ......................... $750-$999_......................... ............... $1,000-$1,249______ ____________ $1,250-$1,499__________________ $1,500-$1,749_______ ______ ____ $1,750-SI,999.................................. . $2,000-$2,499..................................... $2,500-$2,999................................... . $3,000-$4,999................................... $5,000 and over................................ Other All nonrelief fam ilies.................... Money income from— Nonmoney income from— Other Owned sources Any source3 home Rent as Earnings 1 (positive or (positive or pay negative) * negative)4 (4) (5) (3) (7) (6) 2,706 99 200 421 494 380 331 248 330 123 79 1 2,706 99 200 421 494 380 331 248 330 123 79 1 437 15 31 50 49 79 47 52 57 33 23 1 1,045 31 46 109 154 146 126 99 203 82 49 956 22 37 92 135 133 120 94 197 78 48 89 9 9 17 19 13 6 5 6 4 1 1,907 17 40 127 208 219 271 241 356 208 198 22 1,907 17 40 127 208 219 271 211 356 208 198 22 376 4 6 21 22 39 46 44 80 49 54 11 728 5 11 31 38 66 92 69 177 110 111 18 706 5 11 27 34 63 90 67 172 110 109 18 22 2,501 43 78 117 201 175 215 227 371 261 546 267 2,495 41 78 116 200 175 214 227 371 261 546 266 622 7 17 24 32 35 42 45 71 71 144 134 1,210 15 34 54 72 78 77 86 148 141 314 191 1,172 15 29 54 67 72 71 78 144 141 311 190 38 272 16 229 182 180 2 4 4 3 2 2 5 2 5 5 6 6 8 4 3 1 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 2 Includes families having money income other than earnings, families having business losses met from family funds, and families having both such income and such losses. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. 4 Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. TABULAE SUMMARY 131 DEN VER , COLO. T 2A.— Sources of fam ily in com e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources, and average am ount of such incom e, by occupation and incom e, 1 98 5-86 1—Continued able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Average family income Income class and occupa tional group (1 ) Money income from— Total * (2 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families.......... «$1,457 371 $0-$499...... ...................... ......... 647 $500-$749_________________ 875 $750-$999_________________ 1,124 $1,000-$1,24P______________ 1,363 $1,250-SI, 499______________ 1,608 $1,500-SI, 749______________ 1,870 $1,750-$1,999______________ 2,190 $2,000-$2,499______________ 2, 722 $2,500-$2,999______________ 3,481 $3,000-$4,999............................ (*) $5,000 and over___________ Clerical All nonrelief families---------- s 2,000 367 $0-$499 .................................648 $500--$749_________________ 880 $750-$999_________________ 1,130 $1,000-$1,249______________ 1,371 $1,250-$1,499______________ 1,607 $1,500-$1,749______________ 1,867 $1,750-$1,999______________ 2,226 $2,000-$2.499______________ 2,690 $2,500-$2,999________ _____ 3, 550 $3,000-$4,999______________ 8,828 $5,000 and over___________ Business and professional All nonrelief families---------- 8 2,836 329 $0-$499 __________________ 651 $500-$749______ ___________ 874 $750-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,249______________ 1,137 1,364 $1,250-$1.499_______ ____ 1,604 $1,500-$1,749______________ 1,862 $1,750-$1,999______________ $2,000-$2.499______________ 2, 229 $2,500-$2,999______________ 2,713 $3,000-$4,999______________ 3,779 7,841 $5,000 and over____________ Other 1,424 All nonrelief families______ All sources Earn ings 3 (3) (4) $1,384 335 613 839 1,076 1,297 1,539 1,792 2,054 2,556 3,307 (*) $1, 348 317 591 820 1,060 1,259 1, 508 1,732 2,008 2, 496 3,182 (*) 1,902 333 600 839 1,103 1,317 1,536 1,805 2,108 2,545 3, 348 8 , 219 Nonmoney income from— Other Owned All sources home Rent as (positive or sources (positive or pay negative) 3 negative ) 4 (6) (5) (7) (8) $36 18 22 19 16 38 31 60 46 60 125 $73 36 34 36 48 66 69 78 136 166 174 $64 24 26 27 38 58 64 71 129 152 167 $9 1,808 301 579 824 1,081 1,287 1,491 1,779 2,043 2,451 3, 213 4, 705 94 32 21 15 22 30 45 26 65 94 135 3, 514 98 34 48 41 27 54 71 62 118 145 202 609 94 34 48 34 25 51 68 58 114 145 199 609 4 2, 663 270 569 774 1,059 1 , 266 1,524 1,771 2,123 2, 553 3, 548 7,354 2,481 250 540 731 1,018 1,225 1,471 1,711 2,071 2,461 3,412 6,265 182 29 43 41 41 53 60 52 92 136 1,089 173 59 82 100 78 98 80 91 106 160 231 487 167 59 64 100 70 89 72 82 102 160 227 486 1,205 97 1,108 219 218 (*) 20 12 8 9 10 8 5 7 14 7 7 2 3 3 4 4 3 6 18 8 9 8 9 4 4 1 1 i The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2 ) of table 2A, whether or not they received income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2 ), (3), (5), (6), and (7) are net figures, after deduc tion for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 3 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 3 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned home for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. 5 Median incomes were as follows: Wage-earner families, $1,341; clerical families, $1,824; business and professional families, $2,242. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 132 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION T a b l e 2 B . — Sources DEN VER , COLO. of fam ily incom e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by fa m ily type and incom e , 198 5-36 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Number of families receiving— of Income class and family type Number families (1 ) Type 1 All nonrelief families..................... $0-$499________ _______________ $500-$749________ _____________ $750-$999............................................ $1,000-$1,249................ ..................$1,250-$1,499..................................... $1,500-$1,749............................... $1,750-$1,999..................................... $2,000-$2,499__________________ $2,500-$2,999....................................$3,000-$4,999............................... $5,000 n.nd nvp.r Types II and III All nonrelief fam ilies.................... $0-$499._......................... .................. $500-$749__________ ____ ______ $750-$999______________________ $1,000-$1,249______ _____ ______ $1,250-$1,499.........-____ ________ $1,500-$1,749_____ _____________ $1,750-$1,999_.________________ $2,000-$2,499__________________ $2,500-$2,999__________________ $3,000-$4,999____ ____ _________ $5,000 and over________________ Types IV and V All nonrelief fam ilies ___________ $0-$499________________________ $500-$749______________________ $750-$999______________________ $1,000-$1,249__________________ $1,250-$1,499__________________ $1,500-$1,749________ _____ ____ $1,750-$1,999__________________ $2,000-$2,499..................................... $2,500-$2,999___ _____ _________ $3,000-$4,999___ ______ ________ $5,000 and over________ _______ See footnotes on p. 134. (2 ) Money income from— Nonmoney income from— Other Owned Any sources home Rent as Earnings 1 (positive or source 3 (positive or pay negative) * negative ) 4 (4) ( 6) (5) (3) (7) 2,516 136 175 265 348 255 282 253 328 184 2,344 90 146 242 335 241 272 243 320 176 215 64 621 40 54 57 50 59 48 69 76 63 70 35 1,056 62 70 104 94 106 98 98 161 98 12 2 43 989 55 61 94 80 10 1 95 91 153 97 119 43 2,123 41 93 224 293 264 238 238 330 145 191 2,096 37 91 221 286 260 236 238 328 145 189 65 406 7 13 26 37 51 43 40 61 32 60 36 706 668 8 15 45 62 83 71 60 147 76 93 46 6 13 39 55 73 67 58 144 75 92 46 2,146 33 68 147 2,095 26 62 140 213 205 232 173 333 219 362 130 508 5 21 28 39 48 52 32 68 56 91 1,158 1,118 40 11 10 3 5 7 5 7 222 68 66 221 210 236 176 335 221 366 133 68 29 57 104 100 112 83 190 137 233 102 26 52 97 95 105 77 188 135 232 10 1 67 7 9 10 14 5 3 7 8 1 3 38 2 2 6 7 4 2 3 10 1 1 1 6 2 2 1 1 133 TABULAR SUMMARY D EN VER , COLO. T a b l e 2 B . — Sources of fam ily in com e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by fa m ily type and incom e , 1 9S 5-S 6 1—Continued [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Average family income Income class and family type (1 ) Money income from— Total (2 ) Type I All nonrelief families______ «$1,879 $0-$499___________________ 302 $500-$749_________________ 640 $750-$999_________________ 869 $1,000-$1,249______________ 1,123 $1,250-$1,499______________ 1, 367 $1,500-$1,749______________ 1,594 $1,750-$1,999______________ 1,869 $2,000~$2,499_______ _______ 2, 213 $2,500-$2,999______________ 2, 693 $3,000-$4,999______________ 3, 679 $5,000 and over___________ 9,489 Types II and III All nonrelief fam ilies_____ «1,916 374 $0-$499___________________ $500-$749_______ __________ 651 874 $750-$999________ _________ $1,000-$1,249______________ 1,133 1,361 $1,250-$1,499______________ $1,500-$1,749______________ 1 , 608 1 , 862 $1,750-$1,999______________ 2, 219 $2,000-$2,499______________ $2,500-$2,999______________ 2, 698 $3,000-$4,999______________ 3, 689 5,000 and over__ _______ _ 6, 847 Types IV and V All nonrelief fam ilies_____ * 2,400 $0-$499___________________ 329 $500-$749_________________ 652 $750-$999_________________ 886 $1,000-$1,249______________ 1,131 $1,250-$1,499______________ 1, 373 $1,500-$1,749______________ 1,618 $1,750-$1,999______________ 1,870 $2,000-$2,499______________ 2, 219 $2,500-$2,999______________ 2, 725 $3,000-$4,999______________ 3,705 $5,000 and over____________ 7, 622 See footnotes on p. 135. All sources Earn ings 2 (3) (4) Nonmoney income from— Other Owned sources All Rent as home (positive or sources (positive or pay negative ) 3 negative) 4 (5) (6) (7) (8) $1,759 233 562 793 1,071 1,283 1,518 1, 774 2,073 2,515 3,433 8,891 $1,569 176 461 723 1,013 1,181 1,438 1,660 1, 965 2,305 3,175 5,845 $190 57 10 1 70 58 102 80 114 108 210 258 3,046 1,837 342 623 849 1,1 0 1 1,306 1, 553 1,816 2 ,12 0 2, 552 3,512 6, 464 1, 761 333 612 822 1, 063 1, 263 1, 503 1, 771 2,064 2, 504 3, 335 5, 704 2,244 278 574 817 1,047 1,280 1,512 1, 774 2,086 2, 564 3, 471 7,080 2,090 246 504 745 975 1, 204 1,438 1, 692 2, 019 2, 447 3, 327 5,968 $113 61 66 67 42 79 73 88 131 175 239 598 $7 69 78 76 52 84 76 95 140 178 246 598 76 9 11 27 38 43 50 45 56 48 177 760 79 32 28 25 32 55 55 46 99 146 177 383 75 28 23 22 25 45 50 44 95 143 176 383 4 4 5 3 7 10 5 2 4 3 154 32 70 72 72 76 74 82 67 117 144 156 51 78 69 84 93 106 96 133 161 234 542 151 47 71 60 76 85 96 85 131 158 232 541 5 4 9 1,1 12 $120 8 12 9 5 3 7 9 3 7 10 1 8 8 io ll 2 3 2 1 134 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DEN VER, COLO. 2B.— Sources of family income: Number of families receiving income from specified sources, and average amount of such income, by family type and income, 1935-36 1— Continued T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Number of families receiving— Income class and family type Number of families ( 1) Types V I and VII All nonrelief families___________ $0-$499___........ ............................. $500-$749______________________ $750-$999______________________ $1.000-11,249____ ______________ $1,250-$1,499__________________ $1,500-$1,749__________________ $1,750-$1,999___________________ $2,000-$2,499__________________ $2,500-$2,999___________________ $3,000-$4,999.................................... $5,000 and over________________ Types V III and other All nonrelief families___________ $0-$499________________________ $500-$749________________ _____ $750-$999______________________ $1,000-$1,249__________________ $1,250-$1,499__ ________________ $1,500-$1,749____ _____ ________ $1,750-$1,999__________________ $2,000-$2,499__________________ $2,500-$2,999__________________ $3,000-$4,999___ ____ __________ $5,000 and over________________ (2 ) Money income from— Nonmoney income from— Other sources Earnings 1 (positive or negative )2 (3) (4) Owned Any home Rent as source 3 (positive or Pay negative ) 4 (5) (6) (7) 480 9 17 55 66 63 64 49 64 36 34 23 471 7 16 55 62 63 63 49 63 36 34 23 106 183 178 5 2 2 1 1 2 11 1 12 1 118 1 1 4 7 7 7 15 14 14 16 28 8 3 7 7 6 14 14 14 16 28 8 13 8 17 7 13 3 11 15 12 10 9 13 18 36 19 21 18 15 18 21 18 34 19 21 18 23 62 61 2 2 2 2 1 3 20 21 2 2 1 3 4 5 5 2 6 2 17 7 4 6 11 2 2 1 3 4 5 5 6 11 16 7 1 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 2 Includes families having money income other than earnings, families having business losses met from family funds, and families having both such losses and such income. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. * Includes families with losses from owned homes as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. 135 TABULAR SUMMARY DEN VER , COLO. 2B .— Sources of family income: Number of families receiving income from specified sources, and average amount of such income, by family type and income, 1935-86 1— Continued T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Average family income Money income from— Income class and family type Total (2 ) (1) Types V I and VII All nonrelief families______ f$2, 041 328 $0-$499 ..................................... 638 $500-$749_________________ 883 $750-$999............ ..................... 1,1 2 2 $1,000-$1,249______________ 1, 365 $1,250-$1,499______________ 1,596 $1,500-$1,749______________ 1 , 862 $1,750-$1,999._____________ 2,207 $2,000-12,499_________ ____ 2, 724 $2,500-$2,999______________ 3,803 $3,000-$4,999______________ $5,000 and over____________ 8,494 Types VIII and other All nonrelief families--------- « 2, 571 $0-$499___________________ $500-$749_____ ____ _______ V 671 846 $750-$999_ ______________ $1,000-$1,249______________ 1,128 1, 356 $1,250-$1,499___________ 1,640 $1,500-$1,749______________ 1,870 $1,750-$1,999______________ 2, 224 $2,000-$2,499______________ 2,714 $2,500-$2,999______________ 3, 773 $3,000-$4,999______________ 6,703 $5,000 and over___________ Nonmoney income from— (3) Other Owned All Earn sources home Rent as ings 2 (positive or sources (positive or pay negative ) 2 negative ) 4 (5) (6) (4) (7) ( 8) $ 1 ,949 317 607 858 1,083 1,312 1, 543 1,784 2,085 2 , 602 3,617 8,052 $1,847 249 575 838 1,013 1,282 1,503 1,732 2,017 2 , 528 3, 400 7,143 2,429 2,311 (*) 416 728 1,048 1,0 20 1,458 1, 735 2,026 2,535 3, 328 6,194 All sources ^ 566 815 1,048 1,261 1, 570 1, 778 2,124 2 , 567 3, 573 6, 254 $10 2 $92 $90 68 11 11 32 20 70 30 40 52 68 74 217 909 186 442 18 25 39 49 53 78 113 122 186 442 118 142 139 150 87 241 112 43 98 32 245 60 105 31 80 95 70 92 100 147 200 449 105 31 80 95 70 92 100 147 192 449 31 25 39 53 53 78 122 122 $2 13 4 9 (*) 8 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2) of table 2B, whether or not they re" ceived income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2), (3), (5), (6), and (7) are net figures* after deduction for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned home. 2 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 3 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses. See glossary for defi nitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses” . * Represents the estimated rental value of owned home for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. * Median incomes were as follows: Families of type I, $1,570; families of types H and III, $1,654; families of types IV and V, $1,974; families of types VI and VII, $1,617; families of types VIII and other, $2,172. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 78127°—40- ■10 136 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION D EN VER , COLO. 3 . — Money earnings: Number of families receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source, by income, 1985-36 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class Number of families (1) (2 ) All families. ............................... Relief families....................... Nonrelief families__________ $0-$249. _______ ________ $250-$499_ ___________ $500-$749_______________ $750-$999_ ______ _______ $1,000-$1,249....................... $1,250-$1,499....................$1,500-$1,749____________ $1,750-$1,999____________ $2,000-$2,249____________ $2,250-$2,499____________ $2,500-$2,999____________ $3,000-$3,499____________ $3,500-$3,999____________ $4,000-$4,499 ____ _____ $4,500-$4,999 ___________ $5,000-$7,499 ___________ $7,500-$9,999 ___________ $10,000 and o v e r ........... . , 572 1,186 7,386 62 158 357 698 935 799 835 730 642 429 602 365 219 166 91 213 36 49 8 Average net money earn ings from i— Other Roomers not and Indi Roomers work Indi boarders Any vidual All attrib and vidual source earners boarders utable sources earners and 2 to indi other viduals work 3 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) , 223 1,099 7,124 30 131 318 665 903 775 817 717 635 423 592 361 217 162 88 209 34 47 8 8,168 1,082 7,086 29 124 311 656 897 772 814 716 633 423 592 361 217 162 88 209 35 47 591 88 503 3 14 39 62 59 61 66 53 43 16 38 21 7 5 2 12 1 1 99 $1, 632 $1,619 24 563 553 75 1,805 1,793 72 70 278 262 6 5 513 494 752 6 768 12 1 ,0 2 1 1,009 14 1 , 221 1,206 6 1,463 1,450 12 1, 709 1,692 2 1,932 1,915 3 2,144 2,137 3 2,424 2,410 5 2,870 2,854 1 3, 301 3, 290 3, 719 3, 711 4,173 4,172 5.003 4,991 7.004 7,004 9, 464 9,462 $13 10 12 2 16 19 16 12 15 13 17 17 7 14 16 (•*) 11 8 1 12 2 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2 ), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. 2 Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross income from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were a few families which had roomers and boarders but which received from them no net money earnings. 3 Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to indi viduals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were $1 . ** $0. 50 or less. 137 TABULAR SUMMARY D EN VER , COLO. 3A.— Money earnings: Number of families receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source, by occupation and income, 1935-36 T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class and occupa tional group Number of families (1 ) (2 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families............... $0-$499___ ____ ____________ $500-$749______ ____________ $750-$999__________________ $1,000-$1,249_______________ $1,250-$1,499__........................... $1,500-$1,749____ ____ ______ $1,750-$1,999____ ____ ______ $2,000-$2,499 ______ $2,500-$2,999______ ________ $3,000-$4,999 $5,000 and over Clerical All nonrelief families_______ $0-$499_______ _____________ $500-$749____ ______________ $750-$999__________________ $1,000-$1,249_______________ $1,250-11,499_______________ $1,500-$1,749 . $1,750-$1,999_______________ $2,000-$2,499_______________ $2,500-$2,999 ______ $3,000-$4,999_______________ $5,000 and over Business and professional All nonrelief families_______ $0-$499_______ _____________ $500-$749_____ _____________ $750-$999__________________ $1,000-$1,249_______________ $1,250-$1,499_______________ $1,500-$1,749_______________ $1,750-$1,999_______________ $2,000-$2,499_______________ $2,500-$2,999____ ___________ $3,000-$4,999_______________ $5,000 and over Other All nonrelief families __ __ Other Roomers not and Indi boarders Indi Roomers work Any vidual attrib All and vidual and source earners boarders sources earners 2 utable to indi other viduals work 3 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 182 3 21 30 27 2,706 99 200 421 494 380 331 248 330 123 79 2,706 99 200 421 494 380 331 248 330 123 79 2,705 98 200 421 494 380 331 248 330 123 79 1,907 17 40 127 208 219 271 241 356 208 198 1,907 17 40 127 208 219 271 241 356 208 198 1,907 17 40 127 208 219 271 241 356 208 198 22 10 12 1 43 78 117 201 175 215 227 371 261 546 267 2, 495 41 78 116 200 175 214 227 371 261 546 266 2, 457 33 71 107 194 172 2 11 226 369 261 546 267 199 13 13 25 17 21 29 17 17 15 19 13 272 16 17 1 22 , 2 £01 Average net money earnings from i— 1 22 1 22 20 18 24 13 4 28 $1,348 $1,338 2 317 314 2 591 581 4 820 810 8 1,060 1,052 6 1, 259 1,251 1 1,508 1, 497 4 1, 732 1,719 2,008 1,991 1 2,496 2,474 3,182 3,179 (*) (*) 122 20 1 1 2 1 5 7 15 18 17 18 18 3 2 5 4 2 27 3 1 1 1 6 5 3 1 2 4 1,808 301 579 824 1,081 1, 287 1,491 1,779 2, 043 2, 451 3, 213 4, 705 1,794 291 559 816 1,069 1, 272 1,481 1, 764 2,032 2, 440 3,195 4, 696 2,481 250 540 731 1,018 1, 225 1, 471 1, 711 2, 071 2, 461 3, 412 6,265 2, 464 97 97 200 487 686 995 1,198 1,445 1,685 2,055 2,447 3, 405 6, 257 $10 3 10 10 8 8 11 13 17 3 22 14 10 20 8 12 15 15 10 11 11 18 9 17 50 53 45 23 27 26 26 16 14 7 8 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. * Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross income from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were some families which had roomers and boarders but which had no net money earnings from them. 3 Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to indi viduals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were as follows: Wage-earner families, $1; clerical families, $2 ; business and professional families, $1 . ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 138 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DEN VER . COLO. 3B.— Money earnings: Number of families receiving net money earnings, and average net money earnings received from each source, by family type and income, 1935-86 T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class and family type Number of families (1 ) (2 ) Average net money earn ings from i— Other Roomers not and Indi Roomers work Indi boarders Any vidual All attrib and vidual utable sources earners source earners boarders and 2 to indi other viduals w ork 3 ( 6) (7) (3) (4) (8 ) (5) (9) Type 1 2,516 2,344 2,316 165 17 $1,569 $1,554 All nonrelief families.............. $15 136 4 176 90 82 11 $0-$499__...................................... 162 14 175 1 461 146 142 18 $500-$749_................................440 21 265 242 4 723 236 31 $750-$999_________ _____ ___ 700 23 348 1,013 1,000 335 22 2 332 $1,000-$1,249............................... 13 241 1,181 1,170 255 1 239 17 $1,250-$1,499................- ........... 11 282 272 268 18 3 1,438 1,422 $1,500-$! ,749_______________ 16 253 243 2 243 16 1,660 1,641 $1,750-$1,999........ ...................... 19 328 1,965 1,950 320 318 13 $2,000-$2,499 ______________ 15 184 176 176 7 2,305 2,297 8 $2,500-$2,999___________ ___ 11 222 215 3,175 3,164 215 9 $3,000-$4,999_______________ 9 68 64 3 5,845 5,836 65 $5,000 and over_____________ Types II and III 2,123 2,096 2,094 127 25 1,761 1,751 All nonrelief families. ............ 10 41 $0-$499......................................... 37 37 333 333 93 91 91 612 11 2 $500-$749__................................. 602 10 224 221 822 $750-$999_.................................. 220 8 1 817 5 293 286 286 17 1,063 1,054 $1,000-$1,249______ _________ 6 9 264 21 4 1,263 1,252 260 $1,250-$1,499.______________ 260 11 238 236 236 17 3 1.503 1,497 $1,500-$1,749_______________ 6 238 238 237 17 $1,750-$1,999.______ ________ 5 1,771 1,758 13 330 2,064 2,057 328 328 17 2 $2,000-$2,499_______________ 7 145 2,504 2,488 145 145 12 1 $2,500-$2,999_______________ 16 191 4 1 189 189 3, 335 3, 331 $3,000-$4,999.______________ 4 7 66 5,704 5,697 65 3 65 $5,000 and over_________ ___ Types IV and V 2,146 2,095 2,086 179 27 2,090 2,071 All nonrelief families_______ 19 $0-$499......................................... 33 26 25 6 2 246 224 22 68 62 504 $500-$749..................................... 59 6 2 479 25 147 $750-$999...................................... 138 18 1 140 745 722 23 221 $1,000-$1,249............................... 213 2 210 19 975 959 16 204 $1,250-$1,499.............................. 210 205 20 7 1,204 1,181 23 236 232 $1,500-$1,749............................... 233 28 1,438 1,419 19 176 173 $1,750-$1,999............................... 173 16 5 1,692 1,668 24 $2,000-$2,499............................... 335 333 333 2 25 2,019 2 ,0 0 1 * 18 221 1 219 219 18 $2,500-$2,999_____________ 2,447 2,428 19 366 362 362 $3,000-$4,999_______________ 16 5 3,327 3,312 15 133 $5,000 and over________ ____ 130 130 7 1............ . 5,968 5,960 8 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. 2 Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross income from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expense). In addition, there were some families which had roomers and boarders but which had no net money earnings from them. 3 Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to indi viduals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were as follows: Family type I, $0.50 or less; family types II and III, $2; family types IV and V, $2; family types VI and VII, $2; family types VIII and other, $1. 139 TABULAR SUMMARY DEN VER , COLO. 3B.— Money earnings: Number of families receiving net money earningsr and average net money earnings received from each source, by family type and income, 1935-86— Continued T able Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class and family type Number of families (1 ) (2 ) Types VI and VII All nonrelief families. ............ $0-$499______ ________ _____ $500-$749.................................... $750-$999 ................................ $1,000-$1,249_______________ $1,250-$1,499_______________ $1,500-$1,749_.......... .................. $1,750-$1,999_______________ $2,000-$2,499_______________ $2,500-$2,999_______________ $3,000-$4,999 ........................ $5,000 and over ____ _ _ Types VIII and other All nonrelief fam ilies.............. $0-$499 ..................................... $500-$749.................... ................. $750-$999_______ ___________ $1,000-$1,249 ______________ $1,250-$1,499_............................ $1,500-$1,749_______________ $1,750-$1,999 ............ . $2,000-$2,499......................... $9^^00-^000 $3J000-$4J000 $5,000 and over Other Roomers not and Indi Roomers work Indi boarders Any vidual attrib All vidual and sources earners boarders utable sources earners and to indi other viduals work (3) (5) (7) (4) ( 6) (8) (9) 480 9 17 55 66 63 64 49 64 36 34 23 471 7 16 55 62 63 63 49 63 36 34 23 472 25 8 16 55 62 63 63 49 63 36 34 23 4 5 1 3 1 3 4 1 2 1 5 $1,847 $1,839 249 249 575 550 834 838 2 1,013 1,009 2 1,282 1,278 1,503 1,502 1,732 1,728 2,017 2,006 1 2,528 2,509 3,400 3,385 7,143 7,140 12 1 118 118 7 1 1 1 1 4 7 7 7 15 14 14 16 28 8 3 7 7 6 14 14 14 16 28 8 ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. Average net money earn ings from— 3 7 7 6 14 14 14 16 28 8 2 1 1 4 2,311 (*) 416 728 1,048 1.0 20 1,458 1,735 2,026 2, 535 3, 328 6,194 2,298 (*) 416 728 1,048 1,0 20 1,412 1,715 2,019 2,535 3,309 6,194 8 25 4 4 4 1 4 11 19 15 3 13 46 20 7 19 140 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 4.—Principal earners: Number and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, with weeks of employment of D EN VER , COLO. T able principal earners, by income, 1985-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] ALL OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS » Number of principgil earners Income class Number of fami lies A ll 3 Hus bands Wives (1 ) (2 ) (3) (4) (5) 8,572 1,186 7, 386 62 158 357 698 935 799 835 730 642 429 602 365 219 166 91 213 36 49 8,168 1,082 7,086 29 124 311 656 897 772 814 716 633 423 592 361 217 162 88 209 35 47 7, 570 954 6,616 27 103 287 619 845 712 760 668 599 398 541 332 207 154 84 200 35 45 All fam ilies-.-......................-............................ Relief families------------------- -------------------Nonrelief families----------------------------------$0-$249________________________ ___ $250-$499___________________________ $500-$749___________________________ $750-$999___________________________ $1,000-$1,249________________________ $1,250-$1,499________________________ $1,500-$1,749________________________ $1,750-$1,999________________________ $2,000-$2,249________________________ $2,250-$2,499________________________ $2,500-$2,999________________________ $3,000-$3,499_____ ___________________ $3,500-$3,999________________________ $4,000-$4,499______ ____ _____________ $4,500-$4,999______ _______ __________ $5,000-17,499________________________ $7,500-$9,999_____ _____ _____________ $ 10,000 and o v e r _________ _________ Average weeks of employ Income class ment of principal earners 3 (9) (8) 49 All families_____________________________ 39 Relief families_______ ________ ______ . 50 Nonrelief families----------------------------------33 $0-$249 _____ ___________________ $250-$499 _______ ___________________ 35 44 $500-$749___________________________ 48 $750-$999__________ _________________ $1,000-$1,249________________________ 50 51 $1,250-$1,499.____ ___________________ 51 $1,500-$1,749.____ ___________________ 51 $1,750-$1,999________________________ 51 $2,000-$2,249____ _________________ 51 $2,250-$2,499________________________ 52 $2,500-$2,999________________________ 52 $3,000-$3,499________________________ 52 $3,500-$3,999_______ _________________ 51 $4,000-$4,499.........................— ........... 52 $4,500-$4,999................................................. 52 $5,000-$7,499______ ______ ___________ 52 $7,500-$9,999 _ 52 $ 10,000 and over. _______________ _ Others Male (6) 313 69 244 Female (7) 175 39 136 1 15 17 24 27 34 24 25 17 12 22 12 4 6 1 2 1 110 20 90 1 6 4 5 11 15 15 14 9 9 19 15 5 3 8 14 11 15 9 8 4 5 2 2 2 1 10 2 1 1 Average earnings of principal earners * Others Male Female (14) (13) ( 12 ) ( 10 ) $1,566 $921 $1,025 $924 404 516 560 617 1,171 1, 720 1, 067 992 140 (*) (*) 287 273 317 342 544 420 435 601 464 680 777 1,015 812 788 761 1,182 849 813 853 1,377 1,049 908 1,047 1 , 601 952 1,187 956 1,374 1, 779 1,180 1,123 1,249 1,987 1, 327 1,130 2,141 1, 565 1,523 1,103 2, 560 1, 742 1, 570 (*) 2,433 1,868 1,960 (*) 3, 440 1,901 (*) 3,869 (*) (*) (*) 2, 2 11 4, 738 (*) (*) 6,908 9, 556 (*) (*) i Includes 272 families classified in the occupational group “ Other”, who are not included in table 4A, pp. 141-143. These families had 17 principal earners. 3 The total number of principal earners given in column (3) is equivalent to the total number of families having individual earners, since a family can have only one principal earner. The difference between the totals in columns (2) and (3) is explained by the fact that column (2), number of families, includes cases in which none of the family income was attributable to individual earners. 8 Averages in this column are based on the number of principal earners reporting weeks of employment. * Averages in this section of the table are based on the corresponding counts of principal earners in columns (3) through (7). ♦ Averages not computed for fewer thaD 3 cases. All Hus bands (1 1 ) $1,615 572 1,765 144 324 555 788 1,029 1 , 210 1,404 1 , 639 1,811 2,032 2, 205 2, 639 2,988 3, 525 3,934 4,815 6,908 9,800 Wives 141 TABULAR SUMMARY D EN VER , COLO. 4A.— Principal earners: Number and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, with weeks of employment of principal earners, by occupation and income, 1 935-S 6 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] OCCUPATIONAL GROUP: WAGE EAR NER Number of principal earners Income class Number of families (1 ) All nonrelief fam ilies.______________ ___ $0-$499_________________________________ $500-$749_______________________________ $750-$999 _________________________ . $1,000-$1,249 . —_______ _______ _____ $1,250-$1,499 ________________________ $1,500-$1,749 ________________________ $1,750-$1,999 ____ _______________ -$2,000-$2,499 _____ __________________ $2,500~$2,999 _______ ______________ $3,000-$4,999 _________________________ $5,000 and over _ _____________ A1U Hus bands Wives (2 ) (3) (4) (5) 2,706 99 200 421 494 380 331 248 330 123 79 2,705 98 200 421 494 380 331 248 330 123 79 2,570 81 185 407 472 365 317 236 319 113 74 1 ncome class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (8) (9) All nonrelief families________________ _ . $0-$499 _________ ________________ $500-$749 ______________________________ $750-$999 ________ _________________ $1,000-$1,249 __________________________ $1,250-$1,499 _ ______________ _____ $1,500-$1,749 ________________________ $1,750-$1,999 ___________________________ $2,000-$2,499 __________________________ $2,500-$2,999 . . . ____________________ $3,000-$4,999 ________________________ $5,000 and over _________ __________ (*) 49 35 43 48 50 50 51 51 51 52 52 For footnotes 1, 2 , 3 see 2, 3 and 4 of table 4 on p. 140. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 1 Others Male (6) 63 12 11 10 14 8 5 2 1 1 Female (7) 59 5 2 3 6 7 7 9 7 9 4 13 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 Average earnings of principal earners 3 All Hus bands Wives ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) $1, 219 295 558 791 1, 013 1,186 1,373 1, 588 1, 780 2 , 016 2, 366 $1, 244 298 569 801 1,026 1, 205 1, 393 1, 630 1, 805 2, 057 2,434 (*) (*) $578 267 435 498 769 645 856 (*) (*) Others Male (13) $957 319 (*) 476 784 823 1,014 818 1,059 1, 619 1,452 Female (14) $595 (*) (*) (*) (*) 576 (*) (*) 142 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DEN VER , COLO. 4A.— Principal earners: Number and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, with weeks of employment of principal earners, by occupation and income, 1985-36— Continued T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] OCCUPATIONAL GROUP: CLERICAL Number of principal earners Income class Number of families (1) All nonrelief families. $0-$499 ____________ $500-$749___________ $750-$999___________ $1,000-$1,249________ $1,250-$1,499________ $1,500-$1,749________ $1,750-$1,999________ $2,000-$2,499__........ . $2,500-$2,999__.......... . $3,000-$4,999________ $5,000 and over____ . All * Hus bands Wives ( 2) (3) (4) (5) 1,907 17 4C 127 208 219 271 241 356 208 198 22 1,907 17 40 127 208 219 271 241 356 208 198 1.696 13 35 113 187 186 242 216 326 183 177 18 Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (8) (9) All nonrelief families.. . ........ ..................... $0-$499 ____________ _________________ $500-$749____________ ___________________ $750-$999.___________________________ _ $1,000-$1,249_________________________ — $1,250-$1,499____________________________ $1,500-$1,749____________________________ $1,750-$1,999____________________________ $2,000-$2,499_ _____ _____________________ $2,500-$2,999____________________________ $3,000-$4,999____________________________ $5,000 and over_______ __________________ 51 22 44 49 51 51 51 52 51 52 52 52 For footnotes 1, 2, 3 see 2 , 3 and 4 of table 4 on p.140. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 22 Others Male (6) 103 3 2 8 8 18 13 18 17 11 5 Female (7) 49 59 2 1 5 9 1 1 4 5 4 3 7 6 14 3 10 12 4 6 8 2 1 Average earnings of principal earners 3 All Hus bands Wives ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) $1,615 278 520 793 1,034 1,192 1, 382 1 , 612 1,864 2,093 2,635 4,282 $1 , 680 304 530 803 1, 059 1,249 1,425 1,660 1,923 2 , 208 2, 746 4,745 $1,077 250 (*) 713 859 912 1,126 1,194 1,228 1, 347 1,662 Others Male (13) $1, 255 (*) (*)819 788 555 1,390 1,384 1,314 1,718 1,689 Female (14) $992 (*) (*) 721 781 843 1,062 1,083 1,019 1,075 (*) o 143 TABULAR SUMMARY D E N V E R , COLO* T 4A.— Principal earners: earners , classified as husbands , Number and average yearly earnings of prin cipal wives, and others, with weeks of em ploym ent of prin cipal earners, by occupation and income , 19S5-86 — Continued able [White families including hu band and wife, both native bora: All family types combined] OCCUPATIONAL GROUP: BUSINESS A N D PROFESSIONAL Number of principal earners Income class Number of families ) 0 All nonrelief families_____________ ______ $0-$499__............................................................... $500-$749__________ ___________________ $750-$999__________ ____________________ $1,000-$1,249____ ___ ______ _____________ $1,250-$1,499 ____ ______________________ $1,500-$1,749_____ _____________________ $1,750-$1,999____________________________ $2,000-$2,499 ____ ____ _______________ $2,500-$2,999_____ ____________________ __ $3,000-$4,999____________________________ $5,000 and over_________________________ All i Hus bands Wives ( 2) (3) (4) (5) 2,501 43 78 117 201 175 215 227 371 261 546 267 2,457 33 71 107 194 172 2 11 226 369 261 546 267 2,334 31 67 98 185 160 200 216 351 245 521 260 Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (8) (9) All nonrelief families____________________ $0-$499 ______________________________ $500-$749_______________________________ $750-$999_______________________________ $1,000-$1,249________ _________________ $1,250-$1,499 ___________________________ $1,500-$1,749 ___________________________ $1,750-$1,999______________ _____________ $2,000-$2,499____________________________ $2,500-12,999____________________________ $3,000-$4,999 __________________ ____ $5,000 and over__________ _________ _____ 51 39 46 49 51 50 51 51 52 52 52 52 For footnotes 1, 2, 3 see 2, 3, and 4 of table 4 on p. 140. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. Others Male (0) Female (7) 78 27 1 1 4 6 5 18 1 1 2 3 3 4 1 4 4 5 3 8 6 7 10 11 17 3 1 1 2 4 1 3 1 Average earnings of principal earners Others All Hus bands Wives GO) (1 1 ) ( 12 ) Male (13) $2,356 260 518 706 1,000 1,160 1,377 1,606 1.936 2,237 3,186 5,925 $2. 404 258 529 715 1,008 1,180 1,394 1 , 626 1, 964 2,271 3, 246 5,982 $1,439 (*)322 623 727 912 1,045 1,170 1,289 1,784 1,880 5,866 $1,500 (*) (*) (*) 830 1,075 (*) 1,624 1,621 2, 302 2, 305 Female (14) $1, 251 (*) 937 (*) (*) 1,366 <*) 1,502 (*) 144 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION D EN VER , COLO. T able 4JB.— P rincipal earners: Num ber and average yearly earnings of prin cipal earners , classified as husbands, wives, and others, with weeks of em ploym ent of principal earners, by fa m ily type and incom e, 1935-36 | White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] FAM ILY TYPE I Number of principal earners Income class Number of families ( 1) All nonrelief families. $0-$499_____________ $500-$749___________ $750-$999___________ $1,000-$1,249________ $1,250-$1,499________ $1,500-$1,749________ $1,750-$1,999________ $2,000-$2,499________ $2,500-$2,999............. $3,000-$4,999________ $5,000 and over_____ A ll 1 Hus bands Wives ( 2) (3) (4) (5) 2,516 136 175 265 348 255 282 253 328 184 2, 316 82 142 236 332 239 268 243 318 176 215 65 2,167 72 131 221 315 220 253 228 298 159 207 63 222 68 Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (8) (9) All nonrelief families. $0-$499_____________ $500-$749___________ $750-$999___________ $1,000-$1,249________ $1,250-$1,499________ $1,500-$1,749________ $1,750-$1,999-........... $2,000-32,499________ $2,500-$2,999_______ $3,000-$4,999_______ $5,000 and over_____ 50 36 44 49 50 50 51 51 51 51 52 52 148 10 11 15 17 19 15 15 19 17 8 2 Others M ale 4 Female ( 6) (7) 1 _____ ________ ________ ........... ________ ________ ________ 1 ________ _____ _____ Average earnings of principal earners 3 All Hus bands Wives ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) $1, 568 253 524 758 1,0 02 1,188 1,388 1, 587 1,841 2,148 2, 967 5,854 $1 , 602 251 533 769 1, 014 1 , 216 1,405 1,609 1,880 2,206 3,009 5,875 $1,066 266 407 588 793 854 1,110 1.258 1,257 1,605 1,885 (*) Others Male (13) Female (14) (*) ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ ______ (*) ______ ______ -------- For footnotes 1 , 2 , 3 see 2 , 3, and 4 of table 4 on p. 140. 4 This individual was a member of the family for less than 27 weeks. His presence in the family, there fore, was not inconsistent with classification of the family type. See glossary for further explanation of family type. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 145 TABULAR SUMMARY D EN VER , COLO. 4B.— P rincipal earners: Number and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, with weeks of employment of principal earners, by family type and income, 1935-36— Continued T able FAM ILY TYPES II A N D III Number of principal earners Income class Number of families (1) All nonrelief families. $0-$499_____________ $500-$749................ $750-$999___________ $1,000-$1,249________ $1,250-SI,499________ $1,500-$1,749________ $1,750-$1,999________ $2,000-$2,499________ $2,500-$2,999________ $3,000-$4,999________ $5,000 and over_____ All i Hus bands Wives (2) (3) (4) (5) 2,123 41 93 224 293 264 238 238 330 145 191 66 2,094 37 91 220 286 260 236 237 328 145 189 65 2, 056 34 90 216 281 253 232 233 324 142 186 65 Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 ( 8) (9) All nonrelief families. $0-$499........................ $500-$749___________ $750-$999___________ $1,000-$1,249________ $1,250-$1,499________ $1,500-$1,749________ $1,750-$1,999________ $2,000-$2,499________ $2,500-$2,999.......... $3,000-$4,999________ $5,000 and over_____ 51 38 45 50 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 For footnotes 1, 2, 3, see 2, 3, and 4 of table 4 on p. 140. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. Others Male (6) Female (7) 38 3 1 4 5 7 4 4 4 3 3 Average earnings of principal earners 3 All Hus bands Wives ( 10) (ID ( 12) $1,734 354 605 820 1, 070 1, 240 1, 462 1, 726 2, 012 2, 388 3,297 5,708 $1,749 362 606 822 1,075 1, 251 1, 470 1, 739 2, 022 2, 405 3, 328 5,708 $934 261 (*)676 757 864 982 1,002 1,230 1, 583 1,327 Others Male (13) Female (14) 146 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DEN VER , COLO. 4B.— P rincipal earners: Number and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, with weeks of employment of principal earners, by family type and income, 1935-36— Continued T able FAM ILY TYPES IV AND V Number of principal earners Income class Number of families 0) $0-$499 _______________________________ $500-$749_________ _____________________ $750-$999_______________________________ $1,000-$1,249 ___________ ____ ___________ $l'250-$L499 ___________ _____________ $1,500-$1,749____________________________ $1,750-$1,999____ ____ ___________________ $2,000-$2,499_____ ______________________ $2,500-$2,999____________________________ $3,000-$4,999__ ____ ____________________ $5,000 and over______________ _______ ___ A1U Hus bands Wives (2) (3) W (5) 2,146 33 68 147 221 210 236 176 335 221 366 133 2,086 25 59 138 210 204 233 173 333 219 362 130 1,837 17 48 122 183 174 202 146 303 192 327 123 Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (8) (9) All nonrelief fam ilies___________________ $0-$499________________ _________________ $500-$749 ______________________________ $750-$999_______________ ______________ $1,000-$1,249____________________________ $1,250-$1,499____________________________ $1,500-$1,749______________________ ___ $1,750-$1,999____________________________ $2,000-$2,499____________________________ $2,500-$2,999____________________________ $3,000-$4,999____ ____ ______ ______ _____ $5,000 and over ______________________ _ 50 29 43 46 50 50 50 51 51 52 52 52 For footnotes 1, 2, 3, see 2, 3, and 4 of table 4 on p. 140. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 53 2 5 4 4 7 4 6 6 2 12 1 Others Male (6) Female (7) 115 5 3 4 10 13 13 12 15 16 20 4 81 1 3 8 13 10 14 9 9 9 3 2 Average earnings of principal earners3 Others A11 All Hus bands Wives GO) (ID (12) Male (13) $1,863 281 489 729 953 1,094 1, 259 1,454 1, 741 1,984 2, 858 5,630 $1,963 290 507 744 976 1,140 1,304 1, 535 1, 786 2,080 2,969 5,773 $1, 209 (*) 416 594 844 835 903 1,136 1,198 (*) 1,855 (*) $1,179 230 377 503 822 785 920 1,004 1, 398 1, 446 1,792 2,239 Female (14) $987 (*) 435 680 768 876 1,027 956 1,146 1,066 1,925 (*) 147 TABULAE SUMMARY DEN VER , COLO. T 415.— Principal earners: Number and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, weeks of employment of principal earners, 6t/ family type and income, 1 98 5-86 — Continued able FAM ILY TYPES VI A N D VII Number of principal earners Income class Number of families (1) (2) All nonrelief families. _________________ $0-$499_________ _______ . . . _________ $500-$749_...............—____ ________________ $750-$999______________________________ $1,000-$1,249____________________________ $1,250-$1,499____________________________ $1,500-$1,749____________________________ $1,750-$1,999____________________________ $2,000-$2,499___________________________ $2,500-$2,999_______________________ . . . $3,000-$4,999____________________________ $5,000 and o v er_________ _____________ 480 9 17 55 66 63 64 49 64 36 34 23 Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (S) (9) All nonrelief families. $0-$499_____________ $500-$749.................. $750-$999___________ $1,000-$1,249________ $1,250-$1,499________ $1,500-$1,749________ $1,750-$1,999............ $2,000-$2,499________ $2,500-$2,999________ $3,000-$4,999________ $5,000 and over-------- 51 33 43 49 50 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 A1U Hus bands Wives (3) (4) (5) 472 8 16 55 62 63 63 49 63 36 34 22 Male (6) 4 1 Female (7) 6 1 1 1 1 3 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 Average earnings of principal earners ! Others A ll Hus bands Wives ( 10 ) (ID (12) Male 03) $1, 790 268 584 832 1,055 1,217 1,472 1,672 1,933 2, 202 3, 230 6,965 $1,816 258 584 832 1,068 1,242 1,480 1,697 1,951 2,223 3,238 7, 240 $620 (*) $1,076 (*) For footnotes 1, 2, and 3 see 2, 3, and 4 of table 4 on p. 140. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 459 6 16 55 60 60 62 48 62 35 33 22 Others (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) 8 Female 04) $912 (*) (*) (*) 148 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION D EN VER , COLO. 4B.—Principal earners: Num ber and average yearly earnings of prin cipal earners, classified as husbands , wives, and others , with weeks of em ploym ent of prin cipal earners , by fa m ily type and incom e, 1985-86 — Continued T able FAM ILY TYPES VIII A ND OTHER Number of principal earners Income class Number of families 0) (2) All nonrelief families. _________________ $0-$499 . . __________ _____ $500-$749 ________ ______________________ $750-$999 _________ __________________ $1,000—$1,249____________________________ $1,250-$1,499_____________________ _____ _ $1,500-$1,749_____________________________ $1,750-$1,999_____ _______________________ $2,000-$2,499______ ______________________ $2,500-$2,999__ _______________________ $3,000-$4,999_____________________________ $5,000 and over__________________________ Hus bands Wives (3) (4) (5) 121 1 4 118 1 3 7 15 14 14 16 28 8 6 14 14 14 16 28 8 7 7 Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (8) All nonrelief families____________________ $0-$499__............................................................. $500-$749____________ ___________________ $750-$999_____________________________ $1,000-$1,249__________ ____ _____________ $1,250-$1,499........................................................ $1,500-$1,749____________________________ $1,750-$1,999____________________________ $2,000-$2,499__________________ _____ ___ $2,500-$2,999____________________ _______ $3,000-$4,999.................... .................................... $5,000 and over______ ___________________ A ll 1 14 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 7 1 3 2 Average earnings of principal earners 3 Others All Hus bands Wives (9) (10) (11) (12) Male (13) 49 (*) 30 41 41 52 50 52 51 51 51 52 $1, 641 (*)493 624 914 997 1,279 1, 276 1,417 1,822 1,889 4,675 $1, 758 (*) (*)709 946 957 1,358 1,312 1,597 1,797 2,012 5,043 (*) $1,143 For footnotes 1, 2, and 3 see 2, 3, and 4 of table 4 on p. 140. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. Female (7) Male (6) 1 97 1 2 5 6 5 11 13 10 13 24 7 7 Others (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) 1,933 (*) (*) Female (14) $1,098 (*) 1,062 C) 149 TABULAR SUMMARY D EN VER , COLO. 5 . — Number of earners in family: Num ber of fam ilies with specified number of individual earners, fa m ily relationship of sole earners , and average number of supplem entary earners per fam ily, by incom e , 1935-36 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families with individual earners Income class a) Families with more than one One only Num earner as ber of percent fami Four age of Other lies Any Two Three or families family Hus Wife more with any mem band individual Fe Male male ber earner 1 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (2) (4) (3) (11) All fam ilies............ 8,572 Relief families____ 1,186 Nonrelief families.. 7,386 $0-$249.................. 62 $250-$499............ 158 $500-$749............... 357 $750-$999_______ 698 $1,000-$1,249____ 935 $1,250-$1,499........ 799 $1,500-$1,749........ 835 $1,750-$1,999____ 730 $2,000-$2,249____ 642 $2,250-$2,499____ 429 $2,500-$2,999____ 602 $3,000-$3,499 365 $3,500-$3,999 219 $4,000-$4,499 166 $4,500-$4,999 91 $5,000-$7,499 213 $7,500-$9,999____ 36 $10,000 and over. 49 6,318 852 5,466 23 99 260 572 766 619 611 557 473 316 378 238 142 116 62 163 29 42 6,124 793 5,331 22 88 251 555 747 600 597 540 467 313 370 233 140 115 62 161 29 41 98 37 61 53 13 40 9 7 10 6 10 3 9 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 5 4 5 4 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 43 1,580 9 195 34 1,385 1 6 25 1 49 5 78 9 121 4 142 7 178 3 139 1 139 96 2 169 89 1 60 35 19 30 5 5 226 30 196 44 5 39 1 5 10 11 22 16 18 10 37 28 13 6 6 12 1 1 1 3 4 3 1 8 6 2 5 1 4 23 21 23 (t) 20 16 13 15 20 25 22 25 25 36 34 35 28 30 22 17 11 Average number of sup plemen tary earners per fam ily2 (12) 0.26 .25 .27 .21 .20 .17 .14 .16 .21 .28 .26 .29 .28 .45 .45 .42 .40 .40 .32 .20 .11 1 This percentage was computed by dividing the sum of columns (8), (9), and (10) by column (4) of table 3 on p. 136. 3 Based on the number of families with individual earners, column (4) of table 3 on p. 136. fPereentages net computed for fewer than 30 cases. 6.—Sole and supplementary earners: Number of fam ilies with individual earners; number and average earnings of supplem entary earners classified as husbands , wives , and others; and average earnings of fam ily from supplem entary earners; by incom e , 1935-36 DENVER, CO LO . T able h-*. § [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and family types combined] Number of families with individual earners (1) (2) All families................................................. 8,572 Relief fam ilies........................................ 1,186 Nonrelief families................................. . 7,386 $0-$249........................................ ......... 62 $250-$499.............................................. 158 $500-$749.............................................. 357 $750-$999........................................... 698 $1,000-$1,249__..................................... 935 799 $1,250-$1,499__..................................... $1,500-$1,749____________________ 835 $1,750-$1,999___________ ________ 730 $2,000-12,249........................................ 642 $2,250-$2,499____________________ 429 $2,500-$2,999...... ............................... 602 $3,000-$3,499._........ ......................... . 365 $3,500-$3,999....................................... 219 $4,000-$4,499........................................ 166 $4,500-$4,999........................................ 91 $5,000-$7,499.................................... 213 $7,500-$9,999__.................................... 36 $10,000 and over................................. 49 One only Any Any fam Hus ily mem band ber (4) (3) (5) 8,168 1,082 7,086 29 124 311 656 897 772 814 716 633 423 592 361 217 162 88 209 35 47 6,318 852 5,466 23 99 260 572 766 619 611 557 473 316 378 238 142 116 62 163 29 42 6,124 793 5,331 22 88 251 555 747 600 597 540 467 313 370 233 140 115 62 161 29 41 Others * More than one 3 All (6) (7) 1,850 230 1,620 6 25 51 84 131 153 203 159 160 107 214 123 75 46 26 46 6 5 2.170 271 1,899 6 25 54 91 141 164 232 184 184 119 267 163 92 64 35 66 7 5 Hus bands Wives (8) 357 54 303 1 g 8 17 30 37 37 29 26 22 40 23 8 7 4 5 1 (9) 796 76 720 5 15 27 44 71 66 99 81 73 52 84 42 29 11 10 7 2 2 Male Female (10) (11) 612 94 518 405 47 358 2 15 22 28 33 62 43 47 24 81 56 33 26 10 31 3 2 4 8 12 28 34 31 38 21 62 42 22 20 11 23 2 All Average earnings per fam Others 5 ily from supple Hus mentary bands Wives earners 1 Male Female (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) $506 181 552 43 84 136 173 226 318 380 485 555 638 685 726 913 913 1,115 1,116 1,493 2,935 $580 198 648 (*) 74 184 197 300 398 430 655 687 800 867 973 1,144 1, 562 1,410 1, 612 (*) $527 155 566 41 93 129 169 224 312 426 549 622 725 767 797 1,190 1,006 1,694 2,250 (*) (*) $440 184 486 $494 198 533 (*) 131 180 191 255 325 342 475 407 568 642 782 703 591 916 1,010 (*) 109 124 131 301 292 355 433 517 610 631 660 909 959 931 (*) 1 Averages in this section of the table are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in the preceding section, “Number of supplementary earners.” 2 Averages in this column are based on the number of families as shown in column (2). 3 Families that have supplementary earners. * Includes 5 males and no females under 16 years of age. * Average earnings of persons under 16 years of age amounted to: Males, $95. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. (17) $128 41 142 4 13 21 22 34 65 106 122 159 177 304 324 384 352 429 346 290 299 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class * Num ber of fami lies Average earnings of supplementary earners 1 Number of supplementary earners D EN VER , COLO. 6A.— Sole and supplementary earners: Number of fam ilies with individual earners; number and average earnings of supplem entary earners classified as husbands , wivesy and others; and average earnings of fa m ily from supplem entary earners; by occupation and income , T able 78127°—40------ 11 1935-86 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Income class and occupational group (1) Number of families with individual earners Average earnings of supplementary earners 1 Number of supplementary earners Others * Any One only More than one All (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 2,706 99 200 421 494 380 331 248 330 123 79 1 2,705 98 200 421 494 380 331 248 330 123 79 1 2,065 72 169 371 411 308 233 186 224 58 32 1 640 26 31 50 83 72 98 62 106 65 47 747 26 34 55 90 78 112 74 122 84 72 85 8 4 8 16 8 12 7 9 8 5 317 16 18 27 50 37 49 28 50 24 18 199 2 8 13 14 19 35 18 33 29 28 146 1,907 17 40 127 208 219 271 241 356 208 198 22 1,907 17 40 127 208 219 271 241 356 208 198 22 1,409 15 28 111 181 170 207 181 257 129 103 17 498 2 12 16 27 49 64 60 89 79 95 5 589 2 12 16 30 52 74 73 103 92 127 8 133 1 2 4 11 20 18 16 23 20 17 1 223 1 6 9 10 21 31 33 43 33 36 134 99 4 3 8 3 14 17 22 24 36 3 1 8 11 7 15 15 38 4 Hus bands Wives (7) (8) Male Female (10) (9) 4 7 10 14 16 21 30 23 21 All Hus bands Wives Average earnings per family Others5 from supple mentary Male Female earners * (14) (15) (16) (11) (12) (13) $430 81 137 151 211 314 362 441 570 668 892 $471 77 229 208 335 522 492 571 780 679 986 $417 86 125 141 185 317 402 508 672 738 1,027 $432 (*)134 154 231 246 314 361 455 612 881 $433 586 (*)126 185 232 338 369 500 587 784 872 1,137 675 (*) (*)220 278 379 371 664 748 1,031 1, 225 (*) 612 (*)104 179 248 318 450 586 627 861 1,006 449 596 115 154 134 172 196 290 418 569 635 1,420 (*) 348 356 232 477 628 810 759 109 116 111 280 245 376 464 660 766 $119 21 23 20 38 64 122 132 211 456 812 TABULAR SUMMARY Wage earner All nonrelief families____ ________ $0-$499................................................... $500-$749________ __________ ____ $750-$999________________________ $1,000-$1,249_____________________ $1,250-$1,499________ ______ _____ $1,500-$1,749_____________________ $1,750-$1,999.....................................__ $2,000-$2,499_____________________ $2,500-$2,999............... ................... $3,000-$4,999_____________________ $5,000 and over................................... Clerical All nonrelief families......................... $0-$499__________________________ $500-$749............................ ................... $750-$999________________________ $1,000-$1,249______ _______ ______ $1,250-$1,499.......................................... $1,500-$1,749____ ________ _______ $1,750-$1,999___________ _________ $2,000-$2,499........................................ $2,500-$2,999......................................... $3,000-$4,999.............................. ........... $5,000 and over..________________ See footnotes at end of table. Number of families 1S1 12 38 23 33 80 101 152 170 347 559 413 Ox DENVER, COLO. 6A — Sole and su p p lem en tary earners; Number of families with individual earners; number and average earnings of supplementary earners classified as husbands, wives, and others; and average earnings of family from supplementary earners; by occupation and income, 1935-86— Continued T able Ox to ]White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] 0) (2) Business and professional All nonrelief families ......................... ......................... 2,501 $0-$499............................................................................. 43 $500-$749_____________________________________ 78 $750-$999_____________________________________ 117 $1,000-11,249__________________________________ 201 $1,250-$1,499__________________________________ 175 $1,500-$1,749__________________________________ 215 $1,750-$1,999__________________________________ 227 $2,000-$2,499__________ ____ ___________________ 371 $2,500-$2,999_________________________ ________ 261 $3,000-$4,999_______________________ ____ _____ 546 $5,000 and over______________ _____ ________ 267 Other All nonr-elief families________________ ____ ____ 272 Number of families with individual earners Average earnings of supplementary earners 1 Number of supplementary earners Any One only More than one 3 All (3) (4) (5) (6) 2,457 33 71 107 194 172 211 226 369 261 546 267 1,979 30 63 89 173 140 170 190 297 191 421 215 478 3 8 18 21 32 41 36 72 70 125 52 558 3 8 20 21 34 46 36 78 91 151 70 17 13 4 5 Hus bands Wives (8) (7) 84 Others4 All Male Female (9) (10) (11) 184 111 2 5 3 9 7 5 16 12 20 5 179 3 3 8 11 8 19 20 32 27 37 11 3 6 6 11 13 8 16 28 60 33 1 1 1 Hus bands Wives 02) 788 (13) 1 1 6 7 3 14 24 34 21 669 14 148 225 283 297 444 544 615 602 789 1, 281 (*) 161 189 331 478 778 702 718 1,117 2,452 766 14 203 252 381 274 449 546 706 680 1,069 2,563 2 1,248 (*) (*) Average earnings per family from Others4 supple mentary Male Female earners 2 (15) (16) (14) 570 587 147 250 175 292 494 408 494 522 627 873 (*) (*) 288 300 503 448 551 578 971 149 1 15 38 30 58 95 86 129 210 218 336 (*) 23 (*) For footnotes 1, 2, 3, see table 6 on p. 150. * Includes persons under 16 years of age as follows: Business and professional, 1 male and no females; wage -earner families, 1 male and no females; clerical families 3 males and no females. 4 Average earnings of persons under 16 years of age were as follows: Wage-earner families, males (*); clerical families, males $110. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. WEST CENTRAL-BOCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class and occupational group Num ber of fami lies D EN VER , COLO. 6B.— Sole and supplem entary earners: Number of families with individual earners; number and average earnings of supplementary earners classified as husbands, wives} and others; and average earnings of family from supplementary earners; by family type and income, T able 1 93 5-86 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Income class and family type (2) Type 1 All nonrelief families___________________ ______ 2,516 $0-$499.......... ................................................................ 136 $50G-$749_______________ ______ ___________ ____ 175 $750-$999_______________ ______ ______ ______ 265 348 $1,000-$1,249__________________________________ $1,250-$1,499— _____ ________ ___________ 255 282 $1,500-$1,749___________________ ____ ___ ____ $1,750-$1,999__________ _______________________ 253 $2,000-$2,499___________________ ____________ 328 184 $2,500-$2,999_________ ________________________ $3,000~$4,999_________ _____ __________________ 222 $5,000 and over____________ ______ _____ ______ 68 Types II and III All nonrelief fam ilies............................................. 2,123 $0-$499_............ ............................................................ 41 $500-$749....................................................... ................. 93 $750-$999_________ ___ _______ ________ ______ _ 224 $1,000-$1,249__________________________________ 293 $1,250-$1,499__........ ....................................................... 264 $1,500-$1,749_______ _____ ________ ____________ 238 $1,750-$1,999__.............................................................. 238 $2,000-$2,499__................................................................. 330 $2,500-$2,999_— ............................................................. 145 $3,000-$4,999................................................................... 191 $5,000 and over.............................................................. 66 For footnotes, see end of table. Number of families with individual earners Average earnings of supplementary earners 1 Number of supplementary earners Others 4 Any One only More than one3 All (3) (4) (5) (6) 2,316 82 142 236 332 239 268 243 318 176 215 65 1,853 64 124 206 274 202 205 193 242 122 163 58 463 18 18 30 58 37 63 50 76 54 52 7 464 18 18 30 59 37 63 50 76 54 52 7 112 4 4 10 15 14 13 9 19 15 8 1 349 14 13 20 43 23 50 41 57 38 44 6 3 2,094 37 91 220 286 260 236 237 328 145 189 65 1,914 31 82 203 268 237 211 219 296 129 176 62 180 6 9 17 18 23 25 18 32 16 13 3 181 6 9 17 18 23 25 18 32 17 13 3 27 2 1 2 2 6 3 2 4 3 2 145 4 7 14 16 17 21 15 25 13 11 2 7 Hus bands Wives (7) (8) Male Female (10) (9) 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 I 2 I i (11) Average earnings per family Others • from Hus supple bands W ives mentary Male Female earners 3 (15) (12) (13) (16) (14) $597 70 142 224 254 386 455 587 708 824 1, 241 2, 362 $614 40 149 199 290 456 381 701 789 1,046 1, 366 (*) $595 79 135 236 246 343 475 562 680 746 1, 218 2,355 477 91 98 154 168 355 446 514 581 830 988 1,705 628 (*) (*) (*) (*) 524 336 (*) 918 960 (*) 471 93 106 131 153 296 483 502 573 862 867 (*) All $245 $110 9 15 25 43 56 102 116 164 242 291 243 (*) (*) (*) 100 (*) (*) 196 (*) (*) (*) C) (*> 41 13 9 12 10 31 47 39 56 97 67 77 TABULAR SUMMARY (1) Num ber of fami lies D EN VER , COLO. 6B. — Sole and sup p lem en tary earners: Number of families with individual earners; number and average earnings of supplementary earners classified as husbands, wives, and others; and average earnings of family from supplementary earners; by family type and income, 1935-36— Continued T able Oi [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combinedl (1) (2) Types IV and V All nonrelief families.................................................... 2,146 33 $0-$499_...................................-....................................... $500-$749........................................................................... 68 $750~$999.......................................................................... 147 221 $1,000-$1,249._....................................................... $1,250-$1,499.................................................................... 210 $1,500-$1,749............................................................. 236 $1,750-$1,999.................................................................... 176 $2,000-$2,499................................................................... 335 221 $2,500-$2,999................................................................... $3,000-14,999.................................................................... 366 $5,000 and over............................................................... 133 Types VI and VII All nonrelief families.................................................... 480 $0-$499 ....................... .................................................... 9 $5Q0-$749........................................................................... 17 $750-$999...................................................... .................. 55 $1,000-$1,249..................................................................... 66 $1,250-$1,499 ...............................................................— 63 64 $1,500-$1,749................................................................... $1,750-$1,999.................................. ................................. 49 64 $2,000-$2,499....................................... ............................ $2,500-$2,999................................................................... 36 $3,000-$4,999.................................................................... 34 $5,000 and over............................................................... 23 Number of families with individual earners Others < Any One only More than one 3 All (3) (4) (5) (6) 2,086 25 59 138 210 204 233 173 333 219 362 130 1,257 20 37 108 163 126 136 96 195 100 186 90 829 5 22 30 47 78 97 77 138 119 176 40 1,016 5 25 35 53 89 117 91 162 161 226 52 146 2 3 4 10 17 19 16 21 20 30 4 198 2 7 6 11 22 24 22 39 32 30 3 396 1 11 18 21 28 51 31 52 61 97 25 276 472 8 16 55 62 63 63 49 63 36 34 23 403 7 16 51 56 51 54 44 52 23 28 21 69 1 4 6 12 9 5 11 13 6 2 90 1 5 8 12 14 6 17 16 7 4 7 1 15 44 24 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 3 7 1 9 11 4 3 1 6 4 2 6 3 1 1 Hus bands Wives (7) (8) 2 1 1 1 1 Average earnings per family Others ® from supple mentary Male Female earners2 (14) (16) (15) Average earnings of supplementary earners 1 Number of supplementary earners All Male Female (10) (9) (11) 4 7 11 22 23 22 50 48 69 20 Hus bands Wives 01) (13) $552 78 150 158 220 279 356 458 559 634 785 1,172 $699 (*) 268 139 313 307 482 666 689 775 1,082 2,465 $589 (*) 142 108 251 295 332 535 693 745 872 2,987 $494 (*) 137 196 200 252 349 362 470 564 704 918 $540 425 (*) 32 157 314 245 456 387 685 753 1,007 347 (*) 535 439 354 41 (*) 187 C) C) o (•) (*) (*) 99 286 178 (*)418 709 476 1,103 (*) 391 298 (*) 173 654 (*) C) C) (•> (•) (•) (•) 109 116 143 276 293 368 494 589 732 959 $261 12 55 38 53 118 176 237 270 462 485 458 80 10 3 19 60 54 56 103 305 155 175 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class and family type Num ber of fami lies Types VIII and other All nonrelief families________ _____ ____________ $0-$499 ............................................................. $500-$749 ............................................................. — $750-$999 ........................— ...............................— $1,000-$1,249 ............................................................... $1,250-$1,499 ........................................................... .. $1,500-$1,749__............................................................— $1,750-$1,999_....................................................... ........... $2,000-$2,499............... ......................... ....................... $2,500-$2,999 ............................................................. . $3,000-$4,999__............................................................... . $5,000 and over_______________________________ 121 1 4 7 7 7 15 14 14 16 28 8 118 1 3 7 7 6 14 14 14 16 28 8 39 1 4 5 3 5 5 4 4 5 3 79 1 2 3 2 3 9 9 10 12 23 5 148 1 2 4 3 3 13 19 16 19 56 12 11 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 13 1 1 2 1 3 5 68 1 2 2 2 2 3 11 7 7 24 7 56 7 6 3 11 25 4 569 (*) (*) 179 313 384 250 324 527 600 710 1,011 570 (•) (*) <*) (*) 525 (*) (*) (*) 525 (*) (•) (*) (*)645 668 523 (•) (•) (*) (*) (*) 355 313 478 469 655 970 634 287 252 525 693 771 885 46 102 134 164 217 439 602 713 1,420 1,517 TABULAR SUMMARY For footnotes 1, 2, 3, see table 6 on p. 150. * Includes persons under 16 years of age as follows: Families of types IV and V, 3 males and no females; families of types VI and VII, 2 males and no females. * Average earnings of persons under 16 years of age were as follows: Families of types IV and V, males $88; families of types VI and VII, males (*). •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. ••$0.50 or less. 696 (**) Or Oi T able 7.— Earnings of supplementary earners: DEN VER , COLO. N um ber of supplem entary earners w ith earnings of specified am ount , by fa m ily incom e , 1935-36 Oi 05 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] (1) All families......................... . Relief families Nonrelief families.................. $(>-$249 $250-$499 ___ $500-$749_._........... . $750-$999 .. $1,000-$1,249 $1,250-$1,499_ _ $1,500-$1,749__ ___ $1,750-$1,999 _ $2,000-$2,249_ _ $2,250-$2,499 $2,500-$2,999 $3,000-$3,499__ $3,500-$3,999 __ $4,000-$4,499_............... $4,500-$4,999............ . $5,000-$7,499............... $7,500-$9,999__________ $10,000 and nvp.r 1,850 230 1,620 6 25 51 84 131 153 203 159 160 107 214 123 75 46 26 46 6 5 Average earnings of supple mentary Any Under $50-$99 $100$199 earners amount $50 (3) $506 181 552 43 84 136 173 226 318 380 485 555 638 685 726 913 913 1,115 1,116 1,493 2,935 (4) 2,170 271 1,899 6 25 54 91 141 164 232 184 184 119 267 163 92 64 35 66 7 5 (5) (6) 181 49 132 3 7 9 15 20 15 13 10 11 5 8 5 7 3 1 194 57 137 3 9 12 18 16 14 24 10 6 2 6 8 2 3 1 3 (7) Number of supplementary earners with earnings of$200$299 $300$399 $400$499 $500$599 $600$699 $700$799 $800$899 (8) (9) GO) (11) (12) (13) (14) 308 66 242 194 41 153 190 29 161 161 14 147 136 6 130 183 5 178 8 20 22 41 28 33 20 18 9 16 12 2 7 2 4 1 11 18 13 19 29 13 12 10 13 6 5 1 1 1 2 13 25 23 26 11 10 4 26 12 4 2 1 2 5 14 27 24 15 16 6 18 15 3 2 1 1 9 16 20 27 15 10 18 4 4 2 1 4 3 20 34 29 30 12 21 12 3 6 4 4 178 1 177 78 3 75 2 25 31 19 18 41 18 9 2 6 5 1 3 8 18 13 12 11 3 6 1 $900- $1,000- $1,500- $2,000 and $999 $1,499 $1,999 over (18) (17) (15) (16) 92 196 60 19 92 196 60 19 10 14 12 25 12 5 8 2 4 I 15 18 63 41 26 13 4 14 2 7 19 11 9 10 2 1 i 4 10 l 3 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Number with any supple mentary earners (2) T able 8. —Husbands as earners: D EN VER , COLO. N um ber and average yearly earnings of husbands classified as p rin c ip a l or supplem entary earners , by age and fa m ily incom e , 1935-36 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Principal earners by age groups Income class (1) Supplementary earners by age groups 65 Un Any Under and Any der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 over 20 (5) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) 65 and over (25) Number of husbands 4 3 1 1 253 53 200 3 7 17 52 60 28 15 8 4 3 2 1 865 1,067 1,210 1,109 1,005 126 127 140 131 U7 738 927 1,079 992 879 1 2 3 4 2 9 12 20 9 12 39 40 38 23 29 109 95 91 70 52 93 132 143 120 121 99 113 132 94 82 119 130 112 118 98 92 80 117 129 89 85 112 110 54 72 27 62 70 72 53 62 102 30 92 88 37 15 55 56 55 12 12 27 53 32 5 3 21 29 29 7 9 24 10 3 6 28 36 41 4 6 13 1 2 5 3 12 786 99 687 2 6 27 53 63 61 bO 70 63 41 82 46 32 28 16 24 5 8 545 62 483 2 9 23 25 52 50 53 39 43 41 45 30 14 20 7 19 4 7 387 58 329 3 11 16 37 33 29 29 20 31 19 21 22 13 10 8 22 3 2 339 357 38 54 301 303 5 1 8 8 35 8 34 17 28 30 24 37 26 37 24 29 25 26 10 22 17 40 15 23 12 8 9 7 3 4 21 5 5 1 12 3 9 19 2 17 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 4 2 1 30 30 1 1 5 1 3 4 6 5 2 1 1 42 5 37 4 1 5 5 3 4 2 7 3 1 2 43 8 35 2 1 2 3 6 2 4 5 2 4 1 1 1 1 42 7 35 53 12 41 39 5 34 34 5 29 3 2 1 7 4 5 4 2 4 2 1 3 7 5 5 3 2 5 4 3 2 3 3 4 6 3 2 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 1 5 3 1 2 1 1 2 43 36 1 1 3 2 7 2 7 4 6 2 1 TABULAR SUMMARY All families________ 7,570 Relief families______ 954 Nonrelief families. _. 6, 616 $0-$249.... ............ 27 $250-$499_________ 103 $500-$749_________ 287 $750-$999_________ 619 $1,000-$1,249_____ 845 $1,250-$1,499_____ 712 $1,500-$1,749_____ 760 $1,750-$1,999_____ 668 $2,000-12,249_____ 599 $2,250-$2,499_____ 398 $2,500-$2,999_____ 541 $3,000-$3,499_____ 332 $3,500-$3,999______ 207 $4,000-$4,499_____ 154 $4,500-$4,999........... 84 $5,000-$7,499_____ 200 $7,500-$9,999_____ 35 $10,000 and over... 45 1 Average earnings of husbands 1 All nonrelief fam ilies. $1,765 (*) $1,010 $1, 386 $1, 569 $1, 800 $1,909 $2,078 $1, 952 $1, 869 $1,834 $1, 618 $648 $638 $686 $740 $690 $634 $747 $654 $570 $633 $511 i Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of husbands in the upper section of the table; the two averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total numbers of husbands. *Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. DEN VER , COLO. T able 9.—Wives as earners: N um ber and average yearly earnings of wives classified as p rin cip a l or su pplem en tary earners , by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 93 5-36 00 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combinedl Income class 0) Un 65 Any Under and Any der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 over 20 04) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (15) (12) (4) (13) (7) (6) (8) (10) (2) (9) (3) (5) (ID 65 ani over (25) Number of wives 1 All families-............... Relief families___ Nonrelief families. __ $0-$249..................... $250-$499.................. $500-$749.............. $750-$999_................. $1,000-$1,249........... $1,250-$1,499........... $1,500-$1,749........... $1,750-$1,999.......... $2,000-$2,249........... $2,250-$2,499........... $2,500-$2,999.......... $3,000-$3,499.......... $3,600-$3,999........... $4,000-$4,499_.......... $4,500-$4,999........... $5;nnn-$7,4Q9 $7,500-$9,999........... $10,000 and over... 313 69 244 1 15 17 24 27 34 24 25 17 12 22 12 4 6 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 18 4 14 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 38 8 30 3 2 4 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 i 48 6 42 4 1 6 5 4 2 2 2 9 5 2 52 9 43 42 11 31 44 12 32 24 8 16 20 7 13 16 2 14 4 1 2 4 10 3 4 4 4 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 5 3 6 5 2 1 2 1 3 5 2 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 4 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 9 795 2 76 7 719 5 1 15 2 27 1 44 70 1 66 1 99 81 1 73 52 84 42 29 11 10 7 2 2 7 5 2 1 96 187 125 115 109 9 10 11 10 8 87 177 114 105 101 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 2 4 4 2 4 8 9 5 6 5 20 15 5 9 12 10 17 8 11 7 23 30 11 11 8 7 22 14 16 4 5 24 9 13 14 5 12 8 13 3 17 26 12 13 12 10 6 7 1 6 6 1 9 2 1 2 1 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 74 13 61 3 5 3 5 5 5 10 3 5 6 3 4 3 1 49 5 44 1 3 5 2 6 7 5 3 2 5 2 1 2 19 3 16 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 12 2 10 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Supplementary earners by age groups Principal earners by age groups Average earnings of w ives 3 All nonrelief families $1,067 (•) $785 $1,014 $1,187 $1,058 $1,007 $1,173 $1 ,1 0 1 $968 $1 , 2 2 1 $767 $566 (*) $420 $588 $628 $586 $691 $484 $402 $621 $540 C) 1 Excludes 1 supplementary earner who did not report age. 2 Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of wives in the upper section of the table; the two averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total number of wives, including 1 who did not report age. ^Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. TABULAR SUMMARY Or CO DENVER, COLO. T able h -1 10.—Money income other than earnings: Number of families receiving money income other than earnings, and average amount received, by source and total income, 1935-36 1 ® [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1 ) (2 ) (3) 8,572 1,186 7,386 62 158 357 698 935 799 835 730 642 429 602 365 219 166 91 213 36 49 1,768 128 1, 640 All families— _________________________ Relief families—____ ___________________ Nonrelief families_____________________ $0-$249____________________________ $250-$499_______ __________________ $500-$749__________________________ $750-$999______ __________________ $1,000-$1,249_______________________ $1,250-$1,499_______________________ $1,500-$l,749_______________________ $1,750-$1,999—_____________________ $2,000-$2,249______________________ $2,250-$2,499_______________________ $2,500-$2,999.______________________ $3,000-$3,499_______________________ $3,500-$3,999________ ____ _____ _ $4,000-$4,499__......................................... $4,500-$4,999........................................ . $5,000-$7,499................. .................... . $7,500-$9,999............. ................................ $ 10,000 and over................................ . Any source 10 44 91 126 133 175 149 151 125 90 162 93 54 57 27 104 17 32 Average money income, other than earnings, received from 2 — Rent from Interest Pensions, Gifts for Rent from Interest All property and divi property and divi annuities, current sources (net) dends benefits dends (net) use GO) (6) (9) (7) (8) (4) (5) 599 33 566 4 21 38 44 37 59 45 42 49 30 73 35 15 18 9 31 4 12 516 3 513 3 6 13 14 18 28 37 36 35 31 63 37 26 35 18 74 15 24 439 33 406 325 42 283 $125 15 142 $27 3 31 1 11 22 2 21 6 36 47 53 50 43 28 23 37 17 13 8 3 8 3 3 9 18 .38 30 39 28 32 25 9 17 16 5 4 1 8 2 60 56 56 71 71 80 67 96 127 136 197 249 274 552 804 5,771 68 29 26 16 10 17 11 17 24 29 45 40 31 23 63 115 90 975 $50 (**) 58 7 2 5 4 4 5 13 8 7 10 26 41 58 153 177 355 473 4,328 Pensions, Gifts for Miscel annuities, current laneous benefits use sources 3 (1 2 ) (13) (1 1 ) $37 7 42 6 22 28 25 38 43 41 49 27 48 52 38 74 52 21 51 241 156 $6 2 6 2 6 6 9 3 4 4 3 5 1 2 10 $5 3 5 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 4 8 2 28 7 13 2 3 110 202 14 8 11 20 See glossary for definition of “money income other than earnings.” Averages are based on all families, column (2 ), whether or not they received money income other than earnings. Includes money income other than earnings from sources other than those specified, including profits from business enterprises partially or wholly owned but not operated by family members. See glossary for further definition of “profits.” **$0.50 or less. 1 2 3 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Number of families receiving money income other than earnings from— Number of fami lies T able 11.— Nonmoney income from owned homes: Number of families owning homes with and without mortgages; average rental valuer average expense, and average nonmoney income from home ownership; by income, 1935-86 D EN VER , COLO. [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families Income class All All families.................................... Relief families _____________ Nonrelief families____________ $0-$249____________ ____ $250-$499_________________ $500-$749_________________ $750-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,249______ _______ $1,250-$1,499______________ $1,500-$1,749______________ $1,750-$1,999______________ $2,000-$2,249______________ $2,250-$2,499______________ $2,500-$2,999______________ $3,000-$3,499______________ $3,500-$3,999______________ $4,000-$4,499______________ $4,500-$4,999______________ $5,000-$7,499______________ $7,500-$9,999_ ................... . $10,000 and over__________ (2 ) , 572 1,186 7,386 62 158 357 698 935 799 835 730 642 429 602 365 219 166 91 213 36 49 8 Mortgaged homes Families owning Families owning homes free from Average mortgaged homes Average Average expense 3 Average Interest as per Average Average mortgage non Owning non rental rental expense 3 money money ofcentage homes 1 rental value 2 value 2 income 4 value income 4 Interest Other Number Percent Number Percent age 5 age 5 (15) ( 10 ) ( 12 ) (13) (7) (9) ( 6) (4) (14) (3) (5) (8) (ID 3,236 222 3,014 19 53 104 198 250 291 293 249 310 215 337 200 123 102 55 150 26 39 1,475 109 1,366 10 32 55 96 120 128 123 104 116 91 135 99 53 45 26 90 16 27 46 49 45 $443 199 463 60 53 48 48 44 42 42 37 42 40 50 43 44 47 60 (t) 69 221 (t) 265 319 292 275 318 351 373 378 455 458 564 598 603 768 825 1,136 1, 700 $115 73 118 77 85 94 88 86 94 99 102 104 117 119 136 142 142 175 181 235 332 $328 126 345 144 180 225 204 189 224 252 271 274 338 339 428 456 461 593 644 901 1, 368 1,761 113 1, 648 9 21 49 102 130 163 170 145 194 124 202 10 1 70 57 29 60 10 12 54 51 55 (t) 40 47 52 52 56 58 58 63 58 60 50 57 56 53 40 (t) 31 $435 275 446 327 287 306 309 326 332 357 374 407 436 501 539 649 667 662 798 1 , 2 12 1,482 $ 11 2 $113 $210 75 115 86 114 216 111 68 80 86 87 81 91 104 10 1 119 135 139 159 149 165 202 364 282 115 95 88 90 90 94 96 99 103 108 113 125 130 150 154 151 176 248 280 12 1 131 136 133 145 155 167 167 198 204 241 270 340 364 346 420 600 920 26 27 26 34 24 26 28 27 24 26 28 25 27 27 26 25 22 25 25 30 19 1 Includes all families occupying owned homes at any time during the report year, but excludes 2 families whose expenses exactly equaled the annual rental value of their homes. Data for the latter families, however, are included in the computation of averages. 2 Based on estimate made by home owner, for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. This period averages, in general, approximately 12 months. 3 Expense for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Expense other than interest, columns (7) and (13), estimated on basis of average relationship between cental value and expense. O 4 Nonmoney income for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Obtained by deducting estimated expense (including interest) from rental value. 5 Based on number of families owning homes, column (3). fPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 3ases. TABULAR SUMMARY (1 ) Homes free from mortgage I—*■ I— 1 DENVER, COLO. T a b l e 1 2 .— Monthly rental value: Number of home-owning families having homes with specified monthly rental value, by income, 1935-36 1 Oto [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] ( 1) All families________ Relief families__ __ Nonrelief fam ilies.. $0-$249__................ $250-$499 ___ $500-$749 _____ $750-$999_.............. $i,nnn-$i,949 $1,250-$1,499.......... $1,500-$1,749.......... $1,750-$1,999.......... $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499.......... $2,500-$2,999.......... $3,000-$3,499___ $3;5nn-$3,999 $4,000-$4,499 __ $4,500-$4,999.......... $5,000-$7,499_„ $7,500-$9,999 ____ $10,000 and over.. Number Home-owning of home families owning and renting Percent families Number age 3 (3) (4) (2 ) 8,253 1,117 7,136 60 147 341 663 895 773 802 706 627 415 587 357 218 162 90 2 11 34 48 3,168 218 2,950 18 52 102 194 245 286 283 241 305 210 330 197 122 102 54 146 25 38 38 20 41 30 35 30 29 27 37 35 34 49 51 56 55 56 63 60 69 74 79 Average Number of home-owning families reporting monthly rental value of— monthly rental value of owned Under $100 and homes 2 $5 $5-$9 $10-$14 $15-$19 $20-$24 $25-$29 $30-$34 $35-$39 $40-$44 $45-$49 $50-$54 $55-$64 $65-$74 $75-$100 over (20) (9) ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (5) (6) (7) (8) $37.50 20. 50 38.70 23.20 22.90 26.80 26.50 26.00 27 50 30.80 32. 20 33.80 38.60 40.90 47.40 53.40 54.00 61.00 69. 20 98. 60 127.00 25 14 11 114 35 79 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 5 14 14 16 10 9 5 4 250 53 197 4 14 12 21 47 40 19 15 11 5 6 2 1 334 39 295 4 9 12 45 50 52 44 23 18 12 13 6 3 1 2 1 467 39 428 4 8 17 47 50 56 60 48 59 24 35 13 4 3 353 439 315 175 280 131 64 126 95 21 10 429 2 313 175 2 1 1 63 126 94 6 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 332 1 5 16 20 23 40 44 36 47 36 41 11 3 5 3 1 15 14 24 41 38 55 79 49 53 24 13 8 1 5 1 3 5 13 12 26 33 24 33 23 55 28 22 15 12 9 4 6 8 11 11 24 14 33 21 9 14 6 9 278 130 1 1 6 7 7 7 17 17 16 28 46 45 21 20 6 34 2 3 3 2 3 4 2 9 6 23 19 13 10 6 19 2 3 4 2 3 2 5 7 8 8 8 2 12 1 1 3 5 16 14 18 13 6 30 8 7 1 2 1 3 2 6 6 5 10 27 11 21 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families, as of end of report year, column (3). * Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2). WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class DEN VER , COLO. T able 13.— Monthly rent: Number of renting families reporting specified monthly rent, by income, 1935 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1) * 8, 253 5,085 1,117 899 7,136 4,186 42 60 95 147 341 239 663 469 895 650 773 487 802 519 706 465 627 322 415 205 587 257 357 160 96 218 162 60 36 90 211 65 9 34 48 10 62 80 59 70 65 70 71 73 63 65 66 51 49 44 45 44 37 40 31 26 21 $25. 20 15.00 27.40 20.40 18 50 18. 30 17.90 22.00 23.10 25.90 28.40 30.40 35.20 34.70 40.40 45. 60 48. 70 53.70 59.80 61.10 93.70 3 2 1 187 105 82 2 1 9 32 13 6 4 3 12 1 689 328 361 7 26 66 108 77 39 19 9 5 1 3 1 984 268 716 12 23 70 159 181 103 97 39 19 4 6 3 777 103 674 5 15 36 70 139 131 97 88 44 15 22 8 2 2 781 49 732 504 419 253 149 133 90 40 30 15 28 22 10 409 2 251 2 147 133 1 89 1 30 15 6 22 1 10 5 15 19 63 47 72 67 65 43 48 16 2 2 2 2 6 2 1 2 2 8 8 8 11 22 20 22 20 8 1 1 1 1 23 62 112 10 1 120 128 74 32 42 17 6 2 1 1 482 6 8 6 1 1 12 6 38 35 64 67 53 39 50 25 10 3 2 3 15 13 26 35 27 25 40 29 16 7 2 4 4 14 14 15 19 13 11 9 1 2 8 11 1 4 1 1 1 6 6 11 39 1 1 3 2 7 8 13 12 14 7 15 1 2 3 1 2 2 7 4 5 5 6 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 3 3 1 1 1 4 2 4 9 1 2 1 1 7 1 5 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Rent reported at date of interview. Averages are based on the number of renting families in each class that reported monthly rent, including families receiving rent free, the amount of which was estimated by the family. * Based on the number of home-owning and renting families column (2 ). 4 Consists of families receiving rent as gift. * Includes 3 families that did not report monthly rent; these 3 families were found in the following income classes: $750-$999,1; $1,250-$!,499, 1 ; $2,000-$2,249,1. TABULAR SUMMARY All families.............. Relief families.......... N onrelief families. _. $0-$249................. $250-$499............ $500-$749._.......... $750-$999______ $1,000-$1,249___ $1,250-$1,499___ $1,500-$1,749___ $1,750-$1,999___ $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499___ $2,500-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,499___ $3,500-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,499___ $4,500-$4,999___ $5,000-$7,499___ $7,500-$9,999___ $10,000 and over. fam Number of renting families reporting monthly rent ofNumber Renting ilies of home Average owning monthly and renting Num- Per- rent 3 Un- «po—5>y $10 - $15- $20- $25- $30- $35- $40- $45- $50- $55- $65- $75- $100 Rent families ber age 3 $14 $19 $24 $29 $34 $39 $44 $49 $54 $64 $74 $99 over free 4 $5 ( 6) (7) (8) (9) (10 ) (ID (12 ) (13) (U) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (2 1 ) (3) (4) (5) ( 2) o> CO DENVER, COLO. T able 14A.—Average monthlyrental rentalvalue value and average monthly rent: Number of home-owning and renting families, average monthly , and average monthly rent, by occupation and income, 1935-86 1 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Income class (1 ) All nonrelief families 5___ $0-$499________ _______ $500-$749____________ $750-$999______________ $1,000-$1,249__............... . $1,250-$1,499...................... $1,500-$1,749___................. $1,750-$1,999_________ $2,000-$2,499___________ $2,500-$2,999_................... . $3,000-$4,999___............. $5,000 and over___........ . Percentage of home-owning and renting fam ilies 2 Number of families Occupational group: Clerical Average monthly— Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting fam ilies 2 Average monthly— Occupational group: Business and professional Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting fam ilies 2 Average monthly— Home Rent Home Rent Rental R en t 4 Home Rent Home Rent Rental R en t 4 Home Rent Home Rent Rental Rent owning ing owning ing value 3 owning ing owning ing value 3 owning ing owning ing value 3 (15) (2 ) ( 12 ) (14) (19) (3) (6) (8) (9) (13) (16) (17) (18) (4) (5) (7) (10 ) (ID 938 22 38 89 135 132 115 88 194 77 48 1,664 70 153 306 340 244 201 151 126 42 30 1 36 24 20 22 28 35 36 37 61 65 62 64 $27.10 $20.40 76 17.40 16.00 80 22.60 17.00 78 21.70 16.20 72 21.50 19.50 65 24.10 20.20 64 27.10 22.50 63 27.40 24. 60 39 32.30 26.90 35 33.40 28.60 38 37.10 30.90 (t) C) 689 4 10 27 31 61 87 67 168 108 108 18 1,148 10 26 94 165 144 178 168 177 95 87 4 38 (t) 28 16 30 33 28 49 53 55 22 (t) 62 $37.60 $28.80 25.00 24.80 (t) 72 28. 70 20.70 78 26.90 19.50 84 25.60 23.30 70 28.10 25.80 67 31.70 27.90 72 33.40 30.00 51 35.60 33.10 47 41.80 33.60 45 47.90 42. 30 88.00 50.20 (t) 1,147 14 27 55 65 71 69 77 141 137 307 184 1,288 28 48 61 130 98 135 141 222 118 229 78 47 33 36 47 33 42 34 35 39 54 57 70 53 $48. 50 67 25.50 64 26. 70 53 31.60 67 34.10 58 31.10 66 33.40 65 36.40 61 39.80 46 43. 70 43 54. 70 30 80.40 $35.00 21.80 22.2 0 23.20 25.40 26. 30 28.50 30.10 34.60 37.50 47.40 65.20 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. Includes 3 families that did not report monthly rent. 2 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families in the respective occupational group. 3 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during the report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families as of end of report year. 4 Rent as reported at date of interview. Averages in this column are based on the number of families reporting monthly rent, including families receiving rent as gift, the amount of which is estimated by the family. 5 Of the families classified in the occupational group “Other,” 262 did not change their living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Of the latter group 176 families, or 67 percent, were owning families. Their average monthly rental value was $41.80. The remaining 86 families, or 33 percent, were renting families. Their average monthly rent was $26.80. tPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Occupational group: Wage earner D EN VER , COLO. T able 14B.—Average monthlyrental rental value and average monthly rent: Number of home-owning and renting families, average monthly value, and average monthly rent, by family type and income, 1935-36 1 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Family type I Number of families Income class Average monthly— Numbei of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Family types IV and V Home Rent Home Rent Rental R ent 4 Home Rent Home Rent Rental Rent owning ing owning ing value 3 owning ing owning ing value 3 (3) (5) (7) (12 ) (13) (6) (8) (9) ( 10 ) (2 ) (4) (ID All nonrelief families___ $0-$499__........ ................... $500-$749_......................... . $750-$999........................... . $1,000-$1,249__.................... $1,250-$1,499...................... $1,500-$1,749___________ $1,750-$1,999___________ $2,000-$2,499— .................. $2,500-$2,999__.................... $3,000-$4,999....................... $5,000 and over........ ......... 961 53 60 92 79 97 91 89 150 94 116 40 1,446 75 111 156 252 143 178 155 166 83 103 24 40 41 35 37 24 40 34 36 48 53 53 62 60 $38.10 $27.80 59 2 2 .10 18. 60 65 26. 50 19. 30 63 27. 80 19. 30 76 26.10 22 . 60 60 29. 40 23.90 66 31.60 27. 60 64 33. 50 30.00 52 38.10 33. 60 47 44. 00 36.20 47 56. 40 47. 30 38 102.80 62.20 658 6 13 39 54 72 64 57 141 74 93 45 1,389 32 72 173 224 189 163 173 180 68 94 21 32 16 15 18 19 28 28 25 44 52 50 68 68 84 85 82 81 72 72 75 56 48 50 32 Number of families Average monthly— 3 $37. 20 $26.10 27.00 17.60 24. 40 16. 30 21.80 16. 50 23. 40 20.30 25.40 22. 50 28. 90 24.80 30.10 28.10 35. 60 33.00 43.80 36. 20 52.40 44. 90 74.80 65.90 Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Average monthly— Home Rent Home Rent Rental owning ing owning ing value 3 R en t 4 (18) (16) (19) (15) (14) (17) 1,096 1,0 0 1 10 22 25 50 94 95 105 73 184 132 229 99 39 92 108 127 99 144 85 131 33 12 1 52 31 39 35 44 47 45 42 56 61 64 75 48 $40. 60 69 26. 00 61 28. 30 65 28.10 56 27. 00 53 27.80 55 31. 70 58 32. 40 44 34. 50 39 38. 60 36 50.20 25 83. 90 $29.50 23.00 18.80 19.20 24.40 24.00 26. 30 27.20 30.90 33.20 43. 70 59.80 TABULAR SUMMARY ( 1) Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Family types II and III See p. 166 for footnotes. 165 DENVER, COLO. T able h -4 14B.— Average monthly rental value and average monthly rent: Number of home-owning and renting families, average monthly rental value, and average monthly rent, by family type and income, 1935-36 1— Continued Family types VIII and other Family types VI and VII (1 ) All nonrelief families......................................................... $0-$499 .................................................................................. $500-$749.................................................................................. $750-6999.................................................... ..................... $1,000-41,249....................- .................................................... $1,250-61,499............... ................... -...........-...................... $1,500-61,749_________ ____ ____________________ _ $1,750-61,999............... ......................................................... $2,000-62,499............... ..................-...................................... $2,500-62,999— ..................................................................... $3,000-64,999— ..................................................................... $5,000 and over..................... ................................................. Percentage of home owning and renting Average monthly— families 2 Number of families Home Home owning Renting owning Renting (3) (4) (5) (2 ) 174 1 2 11 15 18 18 17 34 19 21 18 291 7 15 43 49 44 41 30 29 16 ( t) (t) ( t) ( t) 20 23 29 30 36 54 54 64 12 5 63 37 (t) ( t) 80 77 71 70 64 46 46 36 Rental value 3 (6) R en t 4 $35.60 (*) (*) 19.50 26.50 24.50 28.50 32.80 33.50 33.90 47.60 67.80 $23.90 (7) Home Home owning Renting owning Renting GO) (8) (9) (1 1 ) 61 2 0 .10 18.80 15.80 20.00 20.20 23.00 25.80 28.00 31.60 40.20 96.40 Percentage of home owning and renting Average monthly— families 2 Number of families 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 11 16 7 51 59 1 2 5 4 3 10 8 8 5 12 1 ( t) ( t) (t) ( t) ( t) ( t) ( t) ( t) ( t) ( t) 49 r) (1\) (1\) (1 (1\) (1\) (1\) (1\) (1\) (1\) e\) dt) Rental value 3 ( 12 ) $40.00 (*) (*) 37.70 30.00 31.40 31.00 32.50 34.10 47.20 56.40 R ent 4 (13) $26. 70 (*) C)18.00 22.80 26. 70 24.00 27.10 29.40 24.20 32.90 C) 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. Includes 3 families that did not report monthly rent. 2 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families in the respective family types. 3 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during the report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families as of end of report year. 4 Rent as reported at date of interview. Averages in this column aro based on the number of families reporting monthly rent, including families receiving rent as gift, the amount of which is estimated by the family. fPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class O* Os 167 TABULAR SUMMARY DEN VER , COLO. T able 15.—Type of living quarters: Number and percentage of owning families occupying specified types of living quarters, by income, 1985-86 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of owning families occupying— Income class Num ber of owning fami lies (1 ) One-family house Two-family house Apartment building for— At Side by Two Three De tached tached side decker fami lies (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) (6) Dwell ing unit in busi Other Five or Four ness fami more build lies fami ing lies ( 10) (8) (9) (ID Number All families............... 3,168 Relief families ___ 218 Nonrelief fam ilies.. 2,950 $0-$249.................... 18 $95ft-$4Q« 52 $«m-$74Q _______ 102 $750-$999 .............. 194 $i,nno-$i,949 245 $1,950-$1,499 286 $i,5nn-$i,749 283 $1,750-$1,999......... 241 $9J000-$9)949 305 $9,95A-$9,490 210 330 $2,500-$2,999......... $3,rtnn-$a,4QQ 197 $3,5nn-$a,«QQ 12 2 $4,nnn-$4,499 102 $4J.'V¥V-$4J0QQ 54 $5,000-$7,499 146 $7,500-$9,999. .. 25 $10,000 and over.. 38 2,938 204 2, 734 17 41 83 176 228 259 265 216 290 196 306 186 118 99 51 141 24 38 10 10 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 51 5 46 65 5 60 1 3 6 3 3 2 3 4 2 7 5 3 9 4 2 1 32 3 29 2 10 10 30 29 3 1 29 29 3 22 22 3 4 2 3 23 5 1 4 7 1 3 1 6 8 8 5 23 3 23 23 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 9 4 4 4 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Percentage All families_______ Relief families ___ Nonrelief families.. $0-$249_................ $250-$499................ $finn-$749 $750-$999............. $l,0ft0-$lr24Q $1,25n-$1,49f) $1,5nO-$1,749 $1,7/50-$ 1,999 $9,000—$9,249 $9,9/50-$2,499 $2,600-$2,999.......... $a,ooo-$a,499 $a,.'500-$a,999 $4,00O-$4,499 $4,/500-$4,999 $/5,00O-$7,499 $7,500-$9,999 $10,000 and over.. 100 100 100 (t) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (t) 100 92 95 93 (t) 79 81 91 93 91 94 90 95 94 93 94 96 97 94 96 (t) 100 2 22 (t) (t) (t) 2 2 (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 3 3 1 3 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 (t) (t) (t) 1 1 (t) 1 1 (t) 11 5 (t) (t) 2 (t) 1 1 (t) (t) «) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 (t) (t) (t) (t) 2 5 22 1 1 1 (t) (t) 1 i Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. t Percentages not computed for fevfer than 30 cases. J0.5 percent or less. 78127°—40- •12 168 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION D EN VER , COLO. T able 16.— Type of living quarters: Num ber and percentage of renting fam ilies occupying specified types of living quarters , by incom e , 1935—86 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of renting families occupying— Income class Num ber of renting fami lies (1 ) (2) Two-family house One-family house Apartment building for— Dwell ing unit in busi or ness Other Four Five At Side by Two Three D e more build fami fami tached tached side decker lies lies fami ing lies (9) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) GO) (ID Number All families............. . 5,085 Relief families_____ 899 Nonrelief fam ilies.. 4,186 42 $0-$249 ................ 95 $250-$499________ 239 $500-$749________ $750-$999________ 469 650 $1,000-$1,249_____ 487 $1,250-$1,499_____ 519 $1,500-$1,749_____ 465 $1,750-$1,999......... 322 $2,000-$2,249......... 205 $2,250-$2,499_____ 257 $2,500-$2,999 160 $3,000-$3,499 . . . 96 $3,500-$3,999 60 $4,000-$4,499 36 $4,500-$4,999 65 $5,000-$7,499 9 $7,500-$9,999 10 $ 10,000 and over.. 2,561 481 2,080 16 41 87 197 311 244 262 234 173 119 132 91 61 39 19 41 7 360 116 244 3 8 30 46 48 30 25 24 15 2 5 3 1 1 3 610 83 527 4 6 22 66 88 73 71 78 32 22 32 19 6 3 3 2 153 35 118 3 5 23 23 15 73 18 55 115 2 2 13 14 19 13 7 11 8 10 11 7 7 4 9 5 2 1 20 95 1 2 12 11 9 4 3 2 4 1 1 2 2 6 1,073 126 947 14 28 67 88 126 88 119 95 84 52 74 42 22 13 10 19 2 4 113 16 97 4 5 27 4 23 11 20 2 2 23 9 11 7 5 5 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Percentage All families______ Relief fam ilies____ Nonrelief families.. $0-$249__________ $250-$499________ $500-$749________ $750-$999._........... $1,000-$1,249_____ $1,250-$1,499_____ $1,500-$1,749_____ $1,750-$1,999____ $2,000-$2,249_____ $2,250-$2,499_____ $2,500-$2,999 . . . $3,000-$3,499 . . . $3,500-$3,999_____ $4,000-$4,499_____ $4,500-$4,999 . . . $5,000-$7,499 ____ $7,500-$9,999 $10,000 and over.. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (t) (t) 51 54 50 38 44 36 42 48 50 50 50 53 58 51 57 64 65 53 63 (t) (t) 7 13 6 7 8 13 10 7 6 5 5 5 1 2 2 1 2 8 12 9 13 10 6 9 14 13 15 14 17 10 11 12 12 6 5 8 3 3 4 3 3 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 5 3 3 3 3 (t) 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 21 14 23 33 30 28 19 19 18 23 20 26 25 29 26 23 21 28 29 (t) (t) 2 2 2 1 (t) (t) 10 5 5 4 4 (t) 2 2 2 1 1 2 (t) (t) (t) (t) 1 1 1 1 3 2 i Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. t Percentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. t 0 .5 percent or less. T able DENVER, COLO. 17.— M em bers of househ old not in econom ic fam ily: Number of fam ilies having persons in the household who were not members of the economic fa m ily , and average number of such nonfam ily members , by incom e , 1935-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families having in the household nonfamily members of specified type 1 Income class Occupying rooms on nontransient Occupying rooms on nontransient Num basis basis ber of Any All Board Tour Tour Board fami non non ers ists ists ers lies family Sons and with with and Guests family and Guests Other Room Sons and Other Room tran tran mem mem daughters room ers out out room ers daughters ber rooming ers with Paid bers rooming ers with Paid help room sients help room sients with and out and with out boarding board board boarding board board (3) (18, (2 ) (17) (6) (13) (14) (15) (16) (4) (5) ( 12 ) (8) (9) ( 10 ) (7) (ID All families________________ 8, 572 Relief families_____________ 1,186 Nonrelief families. _________ 7, 386 $0-$249_________________ 62 $250-$499_______________ 158 $500-$749_______________ 357 $750-$999_______________ 698 $1,000-$1,249____________ 935 $1,250-$1,499____________ 799 $1,500-11,749____________ 835 $1,750-$1,999____ _______ 730 $2,000-$2,249____________ 642 $2,250-$2,499....................... 429 $2,500-$2,999____________ 602 $3,000-$3,499____________ 365 $3,500-$3,999____________ 219 $4,000-$4,499____________ 166 $4,500-$4,999____________ 91 $5,000-$7,499____________ 213 $7,500-$9,999____________ 36 $ 10,000 and over _______ 49 2,858 272 2,586 9 36 93 181 262 252 288 250 242 149 229 163 104 82 51 126 29 40 107 11 96 4 17 8 10 10 15 9 9 2 3 3 5 1 316 48 268 1 15 26 32 36 34 27 24 11 26 13 5 4 6 1 210 35 175 3 6 17 27 22 21 23 21 13 3 9 5 2 1 1 1 537 8 529 9 3 6 6 6 18 36 31 36 34 58 51 42 37 17 81 22 34 200 1,887 6 22 4 8 20 2,087 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 65 133 198 197 2 12 192 182 124 169 11 2 70 54 35 79 17 20 0.5 .5 .5 .4 1 .0 .8 1 .0 1. 5 .6 .6 .5 .4 .5 .4 .5 .5 .4 .6 .5 .6 .5 .4 .8 .8 1.1 1 .2 1 .0 1 .2 1.0 1 .0 .9 .8 1 .1 .8 .9 1 .0 1 .0 1 .1 1 .2 1 .2 1 .1 1 .0 .8 (*) (*) 1 .2 0.9 .7 .9 (*) .7 .5 .7 1. 9 .9 (*) 1.5 0.7 1.1 1.6 .1 .6 1.5 .7 1 .0 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.1 2.0 2 .0 1.2 1.5 1. 5 (*) (*) (*) (*) .7 1.4 (**) 0 .2 (**) 1 .2 . .2 .5 .5 .4 .3 .5 .5 .6 .5 .8 .7 .8 .7 .9 .9 .9 1.2 (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) .1 .2 .2 (*) (*) (*) (*) .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 1 .2 .2 .2 1 . . 1 Excludes a small number of families which had nonfamily members in the household but which did not report the duration of their membership. 2 Averages in each column are based on the corresponding counts of families, in columns (3) through (10). The number of nonfamily members is expressed in terms of yearequivalent persons. This figure is computed for each family by dividing by 52 the total number of weeks of rcsidcnco in the household for all nonmembers of the economic family. ^Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. **0.05 or less. TABULAE SUMMARY (1 ) Average number of nonfamily members of specified typ e 3 (based on families having such members) H- 4 OS QD 170 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DEN VER , COLO. T able 18.— Age of husbands and wives: Num ber of husbands and number of wives , by age and fam ily income , 1935-36 White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class Number with ages of— Number re porting Under 20-29 age* 20 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-64 65-69 (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (1 ) (2 ) (4) and 70-74 75over GO) (1 1 ) Husbands All families_______ Percentage-----------Relief families_____ Nonrelief families $0-$249 .................. $250-$499 ___ $*nn-$740 $750-$999________ $1,000^1,040 $125ft-$l’499 $1,500-$1,749 $1,750-$1,999_____ $9 nnn_$9 94Q $2,250-$2,499 $9 SOO-$9,000 $3,000-$3,499 $9;Rnn-$aJ0QQ $4 onn_$4 400 $4,500-$4,999 $5,000-$7,499 $7,500-$9,999_____ $10,000 and over.. 8,572 100.0 1,186 7,386 62 158 357 698 935 799 835 730 642 429 602 365 219 166 91 213 36 49 (J) 4 3 1 1 1,156 IS.5 187 969 2,396 28.0 291 2,105 8 20 8 59 163 196 135 135 90 59 30 36 18 12 4 3 1 35 84 192 277 255 252 257 203 136 174 99 41 29 17 35 4 7 2,298 26.8 277 2 ,0 2 1 1,530 17.9 203 1,327 7 34 62 131 238 196 230 197 192 134 189 114 89 58 36 79 19 16 8 23 93 134 131 132 122 113 91 135 84 47 51 24 48 9 16 66 492 6.7 77 415 7 16 25 50 37 39 36 26 34 21 32 27 14 323 3.8 63 260 5 ]0 27 32 27 20 26 23 4 9 5 241 2.8 55 186 9 11 28 18 93 1.1 12 10 2 21 21 8 20 12 9 6 2 225 2.6 48 177 11 9 14 23 18 14 19 7 15 148 1.7 37 111 g 11 20 13g 9 6 10 5 3 10 9 4 2 2 3 4 13 3 1 1 02 Wives All families............... 8,557 Percentage.—.......... 100.0 Relief families_____ 1,186 Nonrelief families. _ 7,371 62 $0-$249.... ............... 158 $250-$499________ 356 $500-$749________ 696 $750-$999________ 933 $1,000-$1,249_____ 799 $1,250-$1,499_____ 835 $1,500-$l,749_____ 729 $1,750-$1,999_____ 637 $2,000-$2,249_____ 429 $2,250-$2,499_____ $9,50049,000 601 365 $3,000-$3,499_____ 219 $3,500-$3,999_____ $4 000—$4 400 166 91 $4,500-$4,999_........ $5,000-$7,4QQ 210 36 $7,500-$9,999.......... 49 $10,000 and over.. 64 0.7 20 44 1 1 6 11 12 6 3 2 1 1 1,894 22.2 309 1,585 2,534 29.6 288 2,246 2,118 10 8 10 31 89 292 2 11 216 166 116 64 71 42 22 13 11 s 222 1 Excludes 15 wives who did not report age. JO.05 percent or less. 1 30 69 177 267 248 256 247 234 175 215 114 63 39 21 63 8 12 2 4 .8 254 1,864 36 74 203 185 206 192 158 104 179 118 78 68 34 62 17 19 12 1 1,209 14.1 167 1,042 7 22 54 92 99 105 99 81 87 67 104 70 37 30 17 50 9 12 358 4.2 62 296 8 19 24 36 39 23 32 15 17 10 18 11 11 g 6 13 2 4 12 12 18 19 18 7 g 7 5 5 1 10 22 71 5 6 7 11 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 3 1 2 1 3 46 0.5 9 37 4 2 5 8 4 4 2 1 3 1 j 1 171 TABULAR SUMMARY DEN VER , COLO. T a ble 19.— Reportof year: Num ber and percentage distribution of fam ilies by date end of report year , by occupation , 1985-36 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Occupational group Business and professional Date of end of All Relief report year fami fami lies lies All (1 ) (2 ) Independent Wage Cleri All earner cal busi ness Pro and profes Busi fes sional ness sional (6) (7) (8) (9) (5) (4) (3) Salaried Other Busi Pro fes ness sional ( 10 ) (1 1 ) ( 12 ) N um ber of fam ilies All riatfls Dec. 31,1935— Jan. 31, 1936___ Feb. 29,1 9 3 6 Mar. 31, 1936.Apr. 30, 1936.— M ay 31, 1936._. June 30,1936___ July 31, 1936___ Aug. 31, 1936-.Sept. 30, 1936— Oct. 31, 1936.— Nov. 30, 1936... 8,572 1,186 7,386 2, 706 1,907 2,517 308 2,209 779 527 78 69 268 107 337 441 318 1, 306 204 1 ,1 0 2 1,611 260 1,351 541 344 2, 238 324 1,914 791 509 45 51 194 17 177 125 4 12 1 1 29 143 37 143 92 92 1 14 9 9 2,501 799 76 317 420 564 75 84 88 70 8 1,061 349 37 143 171 229 31 29 40 28 4 214 80 5 19 19 48 7 12 11 11 2 668 190 14 75 124 164 22 30 23 25 558 180 20 80 106 123 15 13 14 1 6 1 100 272 104 7 26 46 50 6 7 18 7 1 Percentage All dates______ Dec. 31,1935— . Jan. 31, 1936 Feb. 29, 1936— . Mar. 31, 1936.__ Apr. 30, 1 9 3 6 May 31, 1936,.. June 30, 1936___ July 31, 1936— Aug. 31, 1936.__ Sept. 30, 1936-. Oct. 31, 1936___ Nov. 30, 1936 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 30 4 15 19 26 26 30 4 15 18 26 29 4 16 20 29 2 (t) (t) 27 4 17 18 26 3 32 3 13 17 23 3 3 4 2 (t) 33 3 13 16 22 3 3 4 3 a) 38 29 2 2 11 (t) t0.5 percent or less, 2 1 2 1 6 17 22 28 1 (t) U) 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 9 9 3 6 5 5 22 1 19 25 3 4 3 4 U) 100 33 4 14 19 22 3 «) 2 2 1 (t) 37 3 10 17 18 2 3 7 3 172 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-A N D COUNCIL BLUFFS, IO W A T able 1.—Family type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by incom e, 1 9 3 5 -8 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Average number of persons per family 2 Number of families of type 1— All I II III IV V VI (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) GO) (ID (12) (13) (14) 970 165 805 894 477 Income class (1) All families 3______ 11, 293 3,113 1,884 1,407 2,230 Relief families_____ 1, 619 358 196 198 242 Nonrelief fam ilies.. 9, 674 2, 755 , 688 1,209 1,988 7 37 26 3 $0-$249_.......... ....... 26 $250-$499________ 132 70 14 $500-$749________ 369 161 60 46 58 118 97 $750-$999________ 853 299 $1,000-$1,249_____ 1, 299 392 279 185 207 159 184 $1,250-$1,499_____ 1,107 323 $1,500-$1,749____ 1,114 312 215 159 206 207 $1,750-$1,999_____ 1,029 291 178 $2,000-$2,249_____ 828 216 144 95 192 $2,250-$2,499_____ 678 163 103 87 162 $2,500-$2,999......... 853 207 113 89 247 $3,000-$3,499_____ 484 113 72 63 132 36 34 95 $3,500-$3,999......... 306 $4,000-84,499_____ 183 35 26 13 24 $4,500-$4,999_____ 104 29 $5,000-$7,499_____ 58 37 29 44 7 3 3 16 $7,500-$9,999_____ 4 $10,000 and over i 33 3 1 200 202 1Family type: 8 5 16 29 80 90 87 87 71 73 103 45 33 16 15 39 168 212 166 21 682 311 147 1 2 7 18 8 32 85 22 105 37 89 45 67 74 41 9 87 34 12 59 29 14 5 53 22 37 24 25 150 61 89 2.8 7 9 12118 108 19 16 19 5 66 17 9 13 3 66 6 10 6 5 8 208 6 56 147 25 221 13 8 2 2 31 1 5 3 8 8 121 3.6 4.3 3.5 2.4 3.0 3. 3 3.4 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 40 4.7 1.1 0.5 1.0 .6.5 1.7 .2 .5 .8 1.1.11 1.2 1.1.9 .9 .9 .8 1.0 1.07 1.4 .2 .3 .3 .2 .3 .4 .4 .5 .6.6 .8 1.0 1. 3 .7 l! 4 I. 2 persons. Husband and wife only. II. 3 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16 and no others. III. 4 persons. Husband, wife, 2 children under 16 and no others. IV. 3 or 4 persons. Husband, wife, 1 person 16 or over, and 1 or no other person regardless of age. V. 6 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16, 1 person 16 or over, and 1 or 2 other persons re gardless of age. VI. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 children under 16 and no others. VII. 7 or 8 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16, 4 or 5 other persons regardless of age. VIII. 6 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 persons 16 or over. Other. 7 or more persons. All types not included in I through VIII. These are year-equivalent persons. The sum of columns (13) and (14) plus 2 (husband and wife) does not always equal column (12). For the methods used in deriving these averages see glossary. 3 3 families which reported a net loss are excluded from this and subsequent tables. These are families which had gross business expense and losses exceeding their gross earnings and other income. * Largest income reported between $40,000 and $45,000. 2 173 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-A N D C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 1A.—F am ily type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e , 1 93 5-36 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born] Average number of persons per family 2 Number of families of type i- All I II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) ( 10 ) (1 1 ) (12 ) (13) (14) 691 517 781 316 327 178 6 2 12 1 1 6 Income class and occupational group (1 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families. 3, 994 1,098 8 3 $0-$249____________ $250-$499___________ 62 26 $500-$749 _________ 243 92 $750-$999___________ 534 165 $1,000-$1,249_______ 754 206 $1,250-$1,499_______ 572 154 $1,500-$1,749_______ 539 131 $1,750-$1,999_______ 398 109 $2,000-$2,249_______ 316 82 $2,250-$2,499_______ 210 46 $2,500-$2,999_______ 2 1 1 54 $3,000-83,499_______ 86 20 7 $3,500-$3,999............. . 39 $4,000-84,499_______ 16 2 2 $4,500-84,999___ 1 $5,000-87,499 3 $7,500-89,999_______ 1 $10,000 and over 3___ Clerical All nonrelief families. 3,011 776 $0-$249_________ __ 5 4 $250-$499__.................. 12 4 $500-$749 __________ 39 14 $750-8999___________ 173 57 $1,000-81,249_______ 365 105 $1,250-81,499_______ 336 88 $1,500-$1,749 ______ 347 106 $1,750-$1,999_______ 416 120 $2,000-82,249............... 326 68 $2,250-82,499_______ 290 67 $2,500-82,999_______ 330 68 $3,000-83,499_______ 164 38 $3,500-83,999 .. . 92 16 $4,000-84,499............... 52 9 $4,500-84,999_______ 23 5 $5,000-87,499_______ 38 6 1 $7,500-89,999 2 1 $10,000 and over 3___ See footnotes at end of table. 2 11 45 128 151 105 91 56 49 25 18 4 4 35 87 118 81 81 44 25 16 21 3 2 37 54 122 97 11 2 83 71 65 70 33 16 6 9 19 47 49 43 40 39 28 24 10 3 3 17 61 71 47 37 35 25 14 8 3 2 8 17 32 31 27 19 17 13 5 5 2 1 1 1 49 3 3 8 7 2 6 9 5 3 1 1 1 37 5 5 9 5 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 578 1 2 8 48 96 70 75 80 66 42 52 19 7 7 1 4 407 1 6 24 48 54 54 52 48 48 31 27 13 1 629 3 6 20 56 54 55 78 79 61 97 45 33 22 7 13 255 204 10 12 6 5 7 59 31 I 1 15 26 27 20 39 22 22 17 7 5 2 1 3 4 9 9 9 9 8 11 5 1 1 1 1 I 1 4 1 5 5 4 11 11 5 3 3 6 2 3 1 5 5 6 4 2 2 1 1.1 .8 8 . .9 1 .2 1.3 1.3 1 .2 1 .2 1 .1 1 .1 .7 .7 .7 .6 (*) (*) (*) 3.5 1 .0 2 .1 1 3 6 24 30 27 28 24 32 39 72 3.6 3.0 3.0 3. 2 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.6 3.9 4.1 4.4 (*) 3. 7 3.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.8 4.1 4.0 (*) (*) .2 .6 .8 1 .0 1 .0 1 .1 1 .0 1. 1 1.1 1.1 1.0 .9 .9 .6 .6 .6 (*) (*) 0.5 .2 .2 .3 .2 .3 .4 .5 .5 .7 .8 .9 1 .2 1.4 1 .8 (*) 1. 7 .5 .7 .3 .2 .3 .4 .4 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.2 1. 5 1. 4 (*) (*) 174 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-A N D T able C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 1A.—F am ily type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified typ es an d average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation an d in com e , 1985—86 —Continued Average number of persons per family * Number of families of type l- Other than husband and wife Income class and occupational group 0 ) I II III IY V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 329 125 75 67 47 Independent business All nonrelief families. 901 3 $0-$249 .................. $250-$499 - ____ 24 43 $500-$749 ............ . $750-$999 _________ 94 $1,000-$1,249 ______ 95 $1,250-$1,499_______ 102 $1 ,500-$lr749 95 $1,750-$1,999 ____ 68 53 $2,000-$2,249 _____ 46 $2^250-$2^499 $2,500-$2,999________ 80 51 $3,000-$3,499 33 $3,500-$3,999_______ $4,000-$4,499_______ 27 23 $4,500-$4,999_______ 46 $5,000-$7,499 ___ $7,500-$9,999 ............. 10 8 $10,000 and over *___ Independent pro~ fessional All nonrelief families. 217 $0-$249_____________ 1 $250-$499 __ _____ 3 $500-$749................. 4 $750-$999__________ 8 $1,000-$1,249 ______ 7 $1,250-$1,499 _______ $1,500-$1,749_______ 16 12 $1,750-$1,999_______ 8 $2,000-$2,249_______ 11 $2,250-$2,499_______ $2,500-$2,999............... 29 $3,000-$3,499 ............. 28 $3,500-$3,999_______ 17 $4,000-$4,499............... 18 9 $4,500-$4,999........... 31 $5,000-$7,499 $7,500-$9,999 ____ 8 7 $10,000 and over 5___ Salaried business All nonrelief families 888 $0-$249......................... $250-$499_................. 2 7 $500-$749___________ $750-$999...... .........___ 10 $1,000-$1,249............... 28 $1,250-$1,499............... 31 $l,50O-$l,749_______ 61 $1,750-$1,999............ 83 $2,000-$2,249_........... 66 $2,250-$2,499..........—_ 76 $2,500-$2,999_______ 132 $3,000-$3,499_______ 102 $3,500-$3,999.__.......... 80 $4,000-$4,499________ 56 $4,500-$4,999............... 32 $5,000-$7,499............... 88 $7,500-$9,999.............. 18 16 $10,000 and over 1 17 29 47 46 37 39 20 17 13 15 13 10 6 4 11 2 2 4 17 16 13 13 12 7 8 10 8 4 3 2 5 1 1 1 2 2 3 6 7 3 2 4 2 4 4 9 13 13 21 25 20 40 23 17 14 11 14 2 6 4 7 15 8 5 6 6 6 4 1 4 6 27 3 2 2 2 1 4 4 7 4 2 1 5 167 15 13 10 12 10 4 14 1 20 22 18 15 14 31 19 7 11 5 10 4 1 1 4 4 8 5 5 2 3 10 6 5 1 3 7 6 7 6 6 3 4 1 2 1 2 i 1 3 3 1 1 i 2 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 15 13 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 42 28 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 5 4 1 1 2 120 6 5 9 12 12 11 18 18 10 4 2 11 1 1 4 3 1 1 8 3.9 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 (*) 3. 7 4. 2 3. 4 2. 9 3.4 4.0 3.0 3. 8 3.5 3.4 3. 7 4.3 3. 5 4. 8 4.8 6. 3 5 5 2 1 6 18 13 5 3.5 1 5 4 7 2 2 1 189 80 4 1 6 2 5 14 11 16 25 8 6 4 14 20 8 21 9 18 4 9 * 2 25 17 11 2 2 5 6 1 58 1 1 3 1 2 1 6 1 1 2 1 10 6 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 i i 7 7 3 5 6 4 3.3 3.0 2.4 2. 5 2.9 2.9 3.3 3.1 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.8 3.3 3. 7 3.7 4.4 3. 9 3.7 4.4 4 2 1 2 7 4 18 21 9 18 21 25 5 7 15 15 1 2 2 1 1 1 238 1 2 1 2 41 3 3 5 220 2 41 S e e f o o t n o t e s a t e n d o f ta b le . All YII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) GO) (ID ( 12 ) (13) (14) All 1 1 3 1 i 2 1 (*) 3.0 2. 7 3. 0 3. 5 3. 5 3.4 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.8 3.7 3.9 0 .8 .2 .2 .7 .9 .7 .6 1 .0 .8 .8 1 .0 .6 .8 .5 0.5 1 .0 .2 .3 .2 .3 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 .8 .7 .9 1.2 .6 1 .8 1 .0 .6 1.1 1 .2 .7 1.5 .9 .9 1. 4 1. 9 (*) .7 .l .3 .4 .6 .5 .4 .6 .5 .4 .9 .7 1 .0 14 2.4 1 .0 .5 1 .0 2 .2 1.3 .6 1 .0 1.4 .5 1.4 .9 .9 1.3 1.4 .8 1 .8 .3 .2 ]7 1. 4 1. 2 1 .0 .8 1 .0 1 .0 1 .1 1 .0 .9 .8 1 .0 .5 .7 .7 .5 .3 *1 13 .4 .4 .3 .5 .4 .7 .6 .6 .8 1 .2 1.2 175 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-A N D C O U N C IL B L U F F S . IO W A 1A.—F am ily type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e, 1 9 3 5 -8 6 —Continued T able Average number of persons per family Number of families of type— Income class and occupational group (1 ) All i II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 138 76 58 90 48 31 2 1 1 6 Salaried professional All nonrelief families 462 $0-$249_....................... $250-$499..................... 2 $500-$749___________ 5 $750-$999 ...... ........... 1 1 $1,000-$1,249............... 24 $1,250-$1,499 _______ 32 $1,500-$1,749_______ 42 $1,750-$1,999_______ 43 $2,000-$2,249_______ 52 $2,250-$2,499_______ 42 $2,500-$2,999_______ 65 $3,000-$3,499_______ 53 $3,500-$3r999 44 $4JOftft-$4.4Q9 14 $4, 50ft-$4rQQQ 13 $5,000-$7,499............... 15 $7,500-$9,999_______ 5 $10,000 and over. Other 7 All nonrelief fami lies______________ 201 $n-$249 $9.V>-$4QQ $500-$749_................. $750-$999_..............___ $ iJnoo-$i,249 $L95ft-$1 r4Q9 $1, *00-$ 1,749 $1,750-$1,999_______ $2,000-$2,249 ______ $9 9*0-$2.4Q9 $9)*0O-.$9,QQ9 $aJnon-$3J4QQ $3,500-$3,999_______ $4^000-^4,4QQ $4,500-$4,999_______ $fiJftftft-$7.4QQ $7,*00-$9,999 flil 0.000 a n o v e r 21 29 29 27 25 27 14 9 7 3 6 I 3 4 9 12 10 12 18 12 21 12 13 2 3 5 4 6 15 7 9 8 8 9 5 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 5 10 13 5 13 10 16 4 2 3 4 5 6 4 4 8 7 6 3 1 2 1 135 18 20 19 21 14 16 8 7 4 2 3 2 1 2 2 6 2 8 11 7 2 1 4 1 2 1 10 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 37 3 4 5 2 2 11 3 5 8 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 7 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 12 1 6 2 1 3 3 2 5 4 3 3 Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) (10 ) (1 1 ) ( 12 ) (13) (14) 1 1 i 1 3.5 (*) 2.6 3.2 3.1 3.6 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.6 3.5 3.8 3.3 3.7 4.3 3.8 4.2 1 .0 0.5 (*) .2 .3 .3 .3 .3c .8 A 1.1 .5 .5 1 .0 .7 1.1 .7 .6 1 .2 .5 1.3 1 .0 .9 .9 .4 1 .8 .4 .9 .8 1.3 1 .0 .9 2 .6 .3 .3 2 .2 .1 .1 .2 2. 7 2. 5 2.3 2 .8 2. 5 2.9 2.3 3. 2 2.7 2.5 .5 C) (*) .2 .2 .4 .2 .5 .1 .8 .7 .3 .1 .4 .3 .4 .2 .4 .5 (*) (*) (*) 1 1 For footnotes 1 and 2, see table 1 on p. 172. 3 Largest Income reported between $10,000 and $15,000. 4 Largest income reported between $40,000 and $45,000. 5 Largest income reported between $20,000 and $25,000. 6 Largest income reported between $35,000 and $40,000. 7 This group contains 24 families engaged in farming, a group too small to be separately classified, and families having no gainfully employed members. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 176 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 2. — Sources of fam ily incom e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by incom e , 1 93 5-36 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] N um ber of fam ilies receiving— Incom e class (1) All fam ilies_____________________ R elief fam ilies.................................... N onrelief fam ilies....... ..................... $0-$249............................................ $250-$499____________________ $500-$749__________ _____ $750-$999........................................ $1,000-$1,249________________ $1,250-$1,499_________ _____ $1,500-$1,749........................ .. $1,750-$1,999______________$2,000-$2,249______________ $2,250-$2,499_________ _____$2,500-$2,999________________ $3,000-$3,499...............................$3,500-$3,999............................... $4,000-$4,499. ..........................$4,500-$4,999________________ $5,000-$7,499________________ $7,500-$9,999 ____________ $10,000 and o v e r ----------------- N um ber of fam ilies (2) 11, 293 1,619 9,674 37 132 369 853 1,299 1,107 1,114 1,029 828 678 853 484 306 183 104 221 44 33 M oney incom e from— Other sources Earnings i (positive or negative) 2 (3) (4) 11,047 1,550 9,497 16 109 344 828 1, 277 1,081 1,100 1,021 822 676 851 484 306 183 102 221 43 33 1,809 175 1,634 7 39 66 112 149 164 172 166 137 115 162 112 65 49 28 55 16 20 N onm oney incom e from— A ny sou rce3 (5) 5,069 422 4,647 16 58 135 226 414 510 507 455 467 383 555 304 179 126 69 168 37 28 O wned hom e R ent as (positive or pay negative) 4 (6) ( 7) 4,969 401 4, 568 16 57 127 217 404 489 501 458 462 381 552 302 177 126 68 166 37 28 100 21 79 1 8 9 10 21 6 7 5 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 2 Includes 1,788 families, 1,613 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings and no business losses met from family funds; 15 families, all of which were non relief, which had business losses met from family funds and no money income other than earnings, and 5 families, all of which were nonrelief, which had both money income and business losses met from family funds. There were, therefore, 1,793 families, 1,618 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings, whether or not they had business losses met from family funds; and there were 20 families, all of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds, whether or not they had money income other than earn ings. These latter 20 families were found in the following income classes: $250-$499, 2; $500-$749, 1; $750$999, 1; $1,250-$1,499, 1; $1,500-$1,749, 4; $1,750-$1,999, 3; $2,000-$2,249, 3; $2,250-$2,499, 2; $3,500-$3,999,1; $4,50O-$4,999, 1; $5,000-$7,499,1. See glossary for definition of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. 4 Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. There were 38 families, 30 of which were nonrelief, with losses from owned homes (i. e., families whose estimated rental value was less than estimated expenses). The latter 30 families were found in the following income classes: $500-$749, 3; $750-$999, 5; $1,000-$1,249, 12; $1,250-$1,499, 2; $1,500-$1,749, 2; $1,750-$1,999, 1; $2,000-$2,249, 5. Excludes 2 families whose estimated rental value of owned homes was equal to estimated expenses. 177 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 2.— Sources of family income: Number of families receiving income from specified sources, and average amount of such income} by income, 1935-861— Con. T able Average family income Money income from— Income class Total (1 ) (2 ) All families ........................... *$1,818 598 Relief families......................... Nonrelief families ................ 52,0 22 135 $0-$249 ______________ 384 $250-$499_......................... $500-$749_____________ 637 886 $750-$999_____________ 1,128 $1,000-$1,249__________ $1,250-$1,499__________ 1,371 $1,500-$1,749__________ 1,612 $1,750-$1,999__________ 1,859 2,115 $2,000-$2,249__________ $2,250-$2,499__________ 2,376 $2,500-$2,999__________ 2, 720 $3,000~$3,499__________ 3,192 3,705 $3,500-$3,999__________ 4,203 $4,000-$4,499__________ 4,722 $4,500-$4,999__________ $5,000-$7,499__________ 5, 790 8,445 $7,500-$9,999__________ $10,000 and over_______ 16,653 All sources Earn ings 2 (3) (4) $1,703 568 1,893 69 297 575 840 1,077 1 , 282 1, 520 1. 755 1,975 2 , 222 2, 521 2,959 3,479 3,909 4,391 5, 373 7,862 15,937 $1,638 545 1 , 820 56 271 533 804 1,047 1, 227 1,467 1,703 1,920 2,169 2,445 2,876 3,394 3,787 4,075 5, 205 7,178 12,790 Nonmoney income from— Other Owned sources home All Rent as (positive or sources (positive or pay negative ) 2 negative) 4 (5) (6) (7) (8) $65 23 73 13 26 42 36 30 55 53 52 55 53 76 83 85 122 316 168 684 3,147 $115 30 129 $113 28 127 66 66 86 87 62 46 51 89 92 104 140 154 199 233 226 294 331 417 583 716 58 43 49 82 90 102 138 152 196 230 222 294 326 411 583 716 $2 2 2 1 4 3 2 7 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2) of table 2, whether or not they re ceived income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2 ), (3), (5), (6), and (7) are net figures, after deduction for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 2 See glossary for definition of “ earnings.” 3 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned home for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. 6 Median income for all families was $1,561; for nonrelief families, $1,733. 178 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 2A.— Sources of family Income: Number of families receiving income from specified sources, and average amount of such income, by occupation and income, 1985-86 T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving— Income class and occupational Number of families group (1 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families—.................. $0-$499................................................ $500-$749............................................ $750-$999_.......................................... $1,000-$1,249...................................... $1,250-$1,499...................... ............. $1,500-$1,749...................................... $1,750-$1,999...................................... $2,000-$2,499..................................... $2,500-$2,999..................................... $3,000-$4,999...................................... $5,000 and over________________ Clerical All nonrelief families...................... $0-$499„_........................................... $500-$749_.......................................... $750-$999.......................................... $1,000-11,249..................................... $1,250-$1,499..................................... $1,500-$1,749..................................... $1,750-$1,999..................................... $2,000-$2,499..................................... $2,500-$2,999...................................._ $3,000-$4,999................................... $5,000 and over________________ Business and professional All nonrelief families..................... $0-$499 ............................................ . $500-$749........................................__ $750-$999............................................ $1,000-$1,249...................................... $1,250-$1,499...................................... $1,500-$1,749...................................... $1,750-$1,999...................................... $2,000-$2,499.................. .................. $2,500-$2,999..................................... $3,000-$4,999...................................... $5,000 and over................................ Other All nonrelief families—.................. (2 ) Money income from— Nonmoney income from— Other Owned sources Any source3 home Rent as Earnings i (positive or (positive or pay negative ) 2 negative ) 4 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 3,994 70 243 534 754 572 539 398 526 2 11 143 4 3,994 70 243 534 754 572 539 398 526 2 11 143 4 522 16 23 45 72 3, 011 17 39 173 365 336 347 416 616 330 331 41 3, Oil 17 39 173 365 336 347 416 616 330 331 41 2,468 32 58 119 155 172 214 206 354 306 600 252 201 1,775 19 72 111 251 264 261 213 337 143 100 4 1,729 18 65 102 245 251 256 2 11 336 142 99 4 444 3 6 24 40 33 51 56 86 49 1,359 3 12 39 96 127 131 167 332 218 210 24 1, 349 3 11 39 95 124 130 164 331 218 210 24 2,468 32 58 119 155 172 214 206 354 306 600 252 519 13 19 15 37 41 38 64 72 130 80 1,358 15 32 53 50 92 104 79 173 190 366 204 1,335 15 32 53 47 87 104 77 168 188 362 24 149 155 155 68 66 64 94 38 34 2 88 8 10 202 46 1 7 9 6 13 5 2 1 1 1 10 1 1 3 1 3 1 23 3 5 2 5 2 4 2 * See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 2 Includes families having money income other than earnings, families having business losses met from family funds and families having both such income and such losses. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. 4 Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. 179 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A of fam ily in com e: Number of families receiving income from specified sources, and average amount of such income, by occupation and income, 1985-86 1— Continued T a b l e 2 A . — Sources Average family income Income class and occupational groups (1 ) Money income from— Total (2 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families............ 5$1,542 374 $0-$499....................................... 642 $500-8749................................... 888 $750-$999_............................. 1,126 $1,000-$1,249............................. 1, 371 $1,250-81,499..................... . 1,616 $1,500-$1,749.......................... 1,857 $1,750-SI,999______________ 2,214 $2,000-$2,499_....................... ... 2, 700 $2,500-$2,999..................... ....... 3,469 $3,000-$4,999.........................7,248 $5,000 and over___________ Clerical All nonrelief families............ fi2,026 335 $0-$499 ..................................... 636 $500-$749................................... 892 $750-$999 ____ _____ ____ 1,129 $1,000-$1,249____________ 1,372 $1,250-$1,499_........................... 1,611 $1,500-$1,749______________ 1 , 860 $1,750-81,999______________ 2,240 $2,000-$2,499............................ 2,711 $2,500-82,999........................... 3,601 $3,000-84,999 ____________ 5,906 $5,000 and o v e r ___________ Business and professional All nonrelief families......... 62,870 350 $0-$499 ............................... . 623 $500-8749 ................................ 872 $750-8999 .............................. 1,135 $1,000-$1,249_....................... . 1,365 $1,250-81,499............................. 1,606 $1,500-81,749 ....................... . 1,857 $1,750-81,999._____________ 2,247 $2,000-82,499............................. 2,744 $2,500-82,999............................. 3, 729 $3,000-$4,999............. ............... 7,627 $5,000 and over...................... Other 1,088 All nonrelief families............ Nonmoney income from— (3) Other Owned Earn All sources home Rent as ings 2 (positive or sources (positive or pay negative ) 3 negative ) 4 (4) (6) (5) (7) (8) $1,456 341 604 858 1,080 1, 293 1, 529 1, 746 2,068 2, 525 3,243 6,820 $1,422 318 595 844 1,064 1,268 1, 498 1, 705 2, 015 2,447 3,139 5,443 $34 23 9 14 16 25 31 41 53 78 104 1,377 1,868 38 All sources 1,906 303 575 863 1,082 1,301 1,530 1,765 2 ,1 0 1 2, 513 3, 364 5,611 297 547 842 1,070 1,291 1,498 1,735 2,063 2, 464 3, 245 5,528 6 28 21 12 10 32 30 38 49 119 83 $86 33 38 30 46 78 87 111 146 175 226 428 120 32 61 29 47 71 81 95 139 198 237 295 $83 32 32 25 44 71 85 109 146 172 222 428 118 32 53 29 46 68 79 93 138 198 237 295 2,669 273 521 782 1,076 1,239 1,494 1,756 2,097 2,530 3,468 7,123 2, 543 280 489 739 1,058 1,153 1,428 1,695 2,052 2,439 3, 367 6,506 126 -7 32 43 18 61 45 91 10 1 617 150 214 261 504 198 77 102 90 52 115 112 97 146 2 11 257 496 856 139 717 232 232 86 66 201 77 102 90 59 126 112 10 1 $3 1 6 5 2 7 (**) 2 2 3 4 2 8 1 3 2 2 1 3 7 11 4 4 3 4 8 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2 ) of table 2A, whether or not they re ceived income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2 ), (3), (5), (6) and (7) are net figures, after deduction for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 2 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” s Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income” other than earnings and “business losses.” 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned home for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. * Median incomes were as follows: Wage-earner families, $1,423; clerical families, $1,887; business and professional families, $2,391. **$0.60 or less. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 180 O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A Sources of family Income: Number of families receiving income from specified sources, and average amount of such income, by family type and T a b l e 2 B .— income, 1985-36 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Number of families receivingof income class and family type Number families 2,627 60 142 280 379 307 304 284 373 206 241 51 529 34 37 57 56 58 57 49 61 38 62 2,897 25 106 318 464 361 374 299 429 202 260 59 2,887 25 105 314 462 359 373 299 429 202 260 59 411 5 11 25 37 38 46 56 62 37 69 25 2, 793 38 74 126 287 274 293 294 498 350 426 133 2,756 30 69 124 280 266 289 293 497 349 426 133 507 993 10 26 107 142 134 115 12 1 163 61 88 9fi 26 20 Owned home 4a (positive Ren pay or negative ) 4 (6) (7) JO $500-$749__........................$750-$999________________ $1,000-$1,249_____________ $1,250-$1,499________ ____ $1,500-$1,749_____________ $1,750-$1,999_____________ $2,000-$2,499......................... $2,50O-$2,999_____________ $3,000-$4,999_____________ $5 000 and over__________ Types II and III All nonrelief fam ilies____ $0-$499._........................... — $500-$749_________ ______ $750-$999________________ $1,000-$1,249_____________ $1,250-$1,499_____________ $1,500-$1,749_____ _______ $J,750-$1,999_............ ........... $2,000-$2,499._.......... ........... $2,500-$2,999_____________ $3,000-$4.999 ___________ $5,000 and over__________ Types IV and V All nonrelief families------$0-$499._............- .................. $500-$749________________ $750-$999________________ $1,000-$1,249____________ $1,250-$1,499_____________ $1,500-$1,749____________ $1,750-$1,999......................... $2 000-$2,499......... — $2,500-$2,999______ ______ $3,000-$4,999.......... — $5,000 and over................ Types V ian d VII All nonrelief families_____ $0-$499.................................... $500-$749............................... $750-$999___........................... $1,000-$1,249...................— . $1,250-$1,499...................— . $1,500-$1,749------------------$1,750-$1,999____ ________ $2,000-$2,499____ ____ $2,500-$2,999 ______ ____ _ $3,000-$4,999____________ $5,000 and over__________ See footnotes on p. 182. 2,755 96 161 299 392 323 312 291 379 207 243 52 CO Type I All nonrelief families. (2 ) Other sources Earnings 1 (positive or negative ) 2 (3) (4) Nonmoney income from— P£ 0) Money income from— 1,306 47 70 10 1 138 150 144 116 214 133 154 39 1,267 46 66 96 132 139 142 39 132 152 38 2 1 2 1 1,1 0 0 1,083 17 2 20 2 112 2 12 58 114 145 143 118 208 115 136 41 19 56 139 141 117 206 115 136 40 16 23 44 42 52 41 88 67 93 35 1,662 23 36 46 122 148 164 160 321 244 291 107 1,649 23 34 45 120 147 162 158 320 242 291 107 991 148 433 423 10 1 2 26 107 142 134 114 12 1 162 61 88 9fl 26 6 7 25 13 18 36 12 18 10 a 6 2 7 21 35 61 49 54 83 44 57 90 20 11 2 2 6 20 35 58 49 54 81 44 54 90 20 1 4 5 6 11 2 4 1 2 2 6 2 1 2 1 13 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 10 1 1 3 2 3 TABULAR SUMMARY 181 O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 2B.— Sources of family income: Number of families receiving income from specified sources, and average amount of such income, by family type and income, 1985-86 1— Continued T able fWhite nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Average family income Money income from— Income class and family type (1 ) Total (2 ) Type 1 All nonrelief fam ilies______ «$1,818 302 $0-$499 __________________ 634 $500-$749_________________ 877 $750-$999_________________ 1,130 $l,000-$b249_____________ $1,250-$1,499............................ 1, 361 1,606 $1,500-$1,749______________ $1,750-$1,999______________ 1, 858 $2,000-$2,499______________ 2,228 2 , 713 $2,500-$2,999______________ 3. 658 $3,000-$4,999______________ 7,621 $5,000 and over __________ Types II and III All nonrelief fam ilies--------- «1, 850 389 $0-$499...................................... 645 $500-4749-________________ 889 $750-$999_________________ 1,127 $1,000-$1,249______________ 1, 371 $1,250-$1,499______________ 1 , 606 $1,500-$1,749______________ 1, 851 $1,750-$1,999______________ 2,224 $2,000-$2,499______________ $2,500-$2,999______________ 2, 716 $3,000-$4,999__ 3, 556 6,780 $5,000 and over_________ Types IV and V All nonrelief fam ilies_____ 52, 325 348 $0-$499 ___ 632 $500-$749____________ ____ 890 $750-$999_________________ 1,130 $1,000-$ 1,249______________ 1,385 $1,250-$1,499______________ $1,500-$1,749______________ 1 , 626 1 , 862 $1,750-$1,999______________ 2,242 $2,000-$2,499______________ $2,500-$2,999______________ 2, 728 3, 692 $3,000-$4,999______________ 7,150 $5,000 and over . Type VI and VII All nonrelief fam ilies--------- 51,972 368 $0-$499 ........................... . 645 $500-$749_________________ 895 $750-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,249 1,125 1. 365 $1,250-$1,499______________ 1,610 $1,500-$1,749_____ _ $1,750-$1,999 1 , 866 2,238 $2,000-$2,499______________ 2, 715 $2,500-$2,999______________ 3, 711 $3,000-$4,999______________ 8, 888 $5,000 and o v er___________ See footnotes on p. 183. Nonmoney income from— Other sources (positive or nega tive )3 (5) Owned home (positive or nega tive ) 4 (7) All sources Earn ings 2 (3) (4) $1, 685 207 543 806 1, 063 1,252 1,496 1, 757 2, 063 2,509 3, 391 7,164 $1, 585 180 481 734 1 , 020 1,160 1,413 1, 687 1. 994 2, 428 3, 237 5,838 27 62 72 43 92 83 70 69 81 154 1,326 1,757 386 622 865 1,096 1, 306 1,536 1, 764 2,097 2, 534 3, 339 6, 434 1, 713 359 605 852 1 , 081 1 , 281 1,510 1,718 2 . 066 2,466 3, 243 5, 899 44 27 17 13 15 25 26 46 31 68 96 535 93 3 23 24 31 65 70 87 127 182 217 346 30 60 69 85 125 182 217 339 2,156 232 565 826 1,058 1,281 1,508 1.735 2,081 2, 523 3, 430 6, 621 2,072 84 221 519 788 1,007 1,217 1, 445 1, 689 2,027 2, 436 3, 326 6,178 11 46 38 51 64 63 46 54 87 104 443 169 116 67 64 72 104 118 127 161 205 262 529 167 116 59 61 71 103 116 125 160 202 262 529 1,873 340 611 878 1,099 1, 292 1, 544 1, 773 2,131 2, 506 3, 477 8,453 , 822 313 606 874 1,090 1,261 1, 505 1, 732 2,046 2,462 3, 377 8, 097 51 27 5 4 9 31 39 41 85 44 100 356 99 28 34 17 26 73 66 93 107 209 234 435 95 28 22 14 26 1 $100 All sources (6) $133 95 91 71 67 109 110 10 1 165 204 267 457 $127 94 87 68 61 97 108 97 163 201 263 442 91 3 22 22 66 66 93 103 209 219 435 Rent as pay (8) $6 1 4 3 6 12 2 4 2 3 4 15 2 1 2 1 5 1 2 2 7 2 8 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 12 3 7 4 15 182 W E S T C E N T R A L -R O C K Y M O U N T A IN R E G IO N O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C I L B L U F F S , IO W A T able 2 B .— Sources of fam ily in com e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by fa m ily type and incom e , 1 93 5-86 — Continued [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Number of families receiving— of Income class and family type Number families (1 ) Types VIII and other All nonrelief families. .................... $0-$499.—....................................... $500-$749........................................... $750-$999.......................................... $1,000-$1,249_.............. ............... $1,250-$1,499................................. $1,500-$1,749__ _______ ________ $1,750-$1,999_.................................. $2,000-$2,499.................................... $2,500-$2,999.................................... $3,000-$4,999.................................. $5,000 and over............................... (2 ) Money income from— Nonmoney income from— Other sources Earnings 1 (positive or negative ) 2 (4) (3) Owned Any home Rent as source 3 (positive or pay negative )4 (5) (6) (7) 236 236 2 3 14 15 20 24 37 33 60 28 3 14 15 20 24 37 33 60 28 39 2 2 1 4 2 5 8 12 5 146 146 2 2 5 6 7 17 24 19 40 26 5 7 17 24 19 40 26 6 1 See glossary for definition of ‘‘earnings.” * Includes families having money income other than earnings, families having business losses met from family funds, and families having both such losses and such income. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. 4 Includes families with losses from owned homes as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. 183 TABULAR SU M M A R Y O M A H A , N E BR .-C O U N CIL BLUFFS, IO W A T able 2 B .— Sources of fam ily in com e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , hy fa m ily typ e and incom e , 19S5-S 6 — Continued [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Average family income Money income from-— Income class and family type Total All sources Earn ings (2 ) (3) (4) $3,132 $2, 935 $2 , 866 (*) 884 1, 133 1, 364 1, 632 1 , 880 2, 227 2, 736 3, 766 7,947 (*) 884 1,107 1,293 1, 573 1, 748 2, 075 2,665 3, 536 7,391 (*) 884 1,097 1 , 268 1, 526 1, 726 2, 033 2, 501 3,408 7,311 (1 ) Types VIIJ and other All nonrelief fam ilies--------$0-$499 _________ _________ $500-$749 ................................. $750-$999 ......................... ....... $1,000-$1,249............................ $1,250-$1,499._......................... $1,500-$1,749............................. $1,750-$ 1,999........................... $2,000-$2,499................ ........... $2,500-$2,999.......................... . $3,000-$4,999........................... $5,000 and over...................... 8 Nonmoney income from— Other sources (positive or nega tive) (5) $69 All sources (6) $197 (*) 10 25 47 22 42 164 128 80 26 71 59 138 152 71 230 556 Owned home (positive or nega tive) (7) Rent as pay (8) $197 (*) 26 71 59 138 152 71 230 556 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2) of table 2 B, whether or not they received income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2 ), (3), (5), (6), and (7) are net figures, after deduction for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned home 2 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 3 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses. See glossary for defini tions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned home for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. 8 Median incomes were as follows: Families of type I, $1,585; families of types II and III, $1,617; families of types IY and V, $2,010; families of types VI and VII, $1,668; families of types VIII and other, $2,545. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 78127°— 40-— —IS 184 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 3.— M oney earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving net m oney earnings and average net m oney earnings received from each sourcef by in com e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving net Average net money earn money earnings from— ings from i— Income class Number of families (1 ) (2 ) All families................................. Relief families. .......................... Nonrelief families..................... $0-$249.................................. $250-$499.............................. $500-$749.................. ........... $750-$999.............................. $1,000-$1,249.......... ............. $1,250-$1,499........................ $1,500-$1,749........................ $1,750-$1,999........................ $2,000-$2,249........................ $2,250-$2,499.......... ............. $2,500-$2,999........................ $3,000-$S,499........................ $3,50O-$3,999_...................... $4,000-$4,499........................ $4,500-$4,999.......... ............. $5,000-$7,499___________ $7,500-$9,999........................ $10,000 and over................ Other work not Indi Roomers Indi Any vidual and attribut All vidual source earners board able to sources earners ers * individ uals (4) (3) (5) (7) (6) (8) 11, 293 11,047 10,964 1, 619 1, 550 1,530 9,674 9,497 9,434 37 16 16 109 101 132 344 369 330 811 828 853 1,299 1, 277 1,272 1,107 1,081 1,072 1,114 1,10 0 1,093 1,029 1,0 2 1 1,0 20 822 822 828 678 676 676 853 850 851 484 484 484 306 306 306 183 183 183 104 102 101 221 221 221 43 44 43 33 33 33 1,097 135 962 2 16 46 91 125 126 137 85 83 58 93 46 29 9 7 8 1 60 $1,638 $1 , 620 19 545 534 41 1,820 1 , 800 56 55 2 271 252 533 7 512 804 2 784 11 1,047 1,029 8 1,227 1,206 2 1,467 1,438 5 1, 703 1,688 2 1,920 1,901 1 2,169 2,148 1 2,445 2, 418 2,876 2 , 860 3, 394 3, 375 3, 787 3, 779 4,075 4,051 5,205 5,199 7,178 7,153 12, 790 12,790 Roomers and boarders and other work 3 (0) $18 11 20 1 19 21 20 18 21 29 15 19 21 27 16 19 8 24 6 25 i The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2 ), whether or not they received monoy earnings from the specified source. * Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross’ income from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses) In addition, there were a few families which had roomers and boarders but which received from them no net money earnings. s Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to indi viduals (casual work in home such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were $0.50 or less. 185 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 3A.— M oney earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving net m oney earnings and average net m oney earnings received from each source , by occupation and incom e , 193 5-36 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving net Average net money earn money earnings from— ings from *— Income class and occupa tional group Number of families (1 ) (2 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families............... $0-$499........................................ $500-$749................. .................. $750-$999._________________ $1,000-$1,249____ ___________ $1,250-$1,499_______________ $1,500-$1,749_______________ $1,750-$1,999_______________ $2,000-$2,499______ _________ $2,500-$2,999_______________ $3,000-$4,999_............ ............. $5,000 and over______ ______ Clerical All nonrelief families............... $0-$499......................................... $500-$749................................... $750-$999_................................... $1,000-$1,249_............................ $1,250-$1,499_............................. $1,500-$1,749............ .................. $1,750—$1,999.......... .................. $2,000-$2,499..................„........... $2,500-$2,999_.......... .................. $3,000-$4,999............................... $5,000 and over___________ _ Business and professional All nonrelief families_______ $0-$499..................................... . $500-$749........................ ............ $750-$999.................................... $1,000-$1,249.......... ................ $1,250-$1,499_............................. $1,500-$1,749................................ $1,750-$1,999............................... $2,000-$2,499_............................. $2,500-$2,999........................... $3,000-$4,999............................... $5,000 and over.......................... Other All nonrelief families............... Other work not Indi Roomers Indi Any vidual ana attribut All vidual source earners board able to sources earners ers 2 individ uals (7) (5) (3) (6) (4) (8) 3,994 70 243 534 754 572 539 398 526 2 11 143 4 3, 994 70 243 534 754 572 539 398 526 2 11 143 4 3,994 70 243 534 754 572 539 398 526 2 11 143 4 407 21 6 2 3, Oil 17 39 173 365 336 347 416 616 330 331 41 3,011 17 39 173 365 336 347 416 616 330 331 41 3,011 17 39 173 365 336 347 416 616 330 331 41 283 12 2,468 32 58 119 155 172 214 206 354 306 600 252 2,468 32 58 119 155 172 214 206 354 306 600 252 2,405 24 44 102 150 163 207 205 354 305 599 252 271 201 24 24 23 36 78 59 62 47 63 18 15 (9) $1,422 $1, 403 318 315 5 595 585 844 1 837 7 1,064 1,046 3 1,268 1,253 1 1,498 1,471 1 1,705 1,685 1 2,015 1,991 2,447 2,422 3,139 3,122 5,443 5, 443 2 3 21 29 35 41 26 54 37 32 3 Roomers and boarders and other work 3 1 4 5 1 1 1,868 297 547 842 1,070 1,291 1,498 1, 735 2,063 2,464 3,245 5,528 1,850 287 538 827 1,059 1,273 1, 479 1,722 2,045 2,442 3, 223 5, 516 $19 3 10 7 18 15 27 20 24 25 17 18 10 . 9 15 11 18 19 13 18 22 22 12 6 2, 543 280 489 739 1,058 1,153 1,428 1,695 2,052 2,439 3, 367 6, 506 404 646 1,018 1,104 1,383 1,684 2,034 2,406 3,352 6,498 85 93 40 49 45 11 18 33 15 1 139 136 3 8 10 19 34 18 32 34 12 24 38 44 2 1 3 2 2,514 29 2 12 68 8 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received monoy earnings from the specified source. 2 Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross in come from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were some families which had roomers and boarders but which had no net money earnings froin them. 3 Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to individ uals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were $0.50 for all occupations. WEST CENTRAL-ROOKY MOUNTAIN REGION 186 O M A H A , N E B B .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 3B.— M oney earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving net m oney earnings and average net m oney earnings received from each source , by fa m ily type and incom e, 1 9 8 5 -8 6 | White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Number of families receiving net Average net money earn money earnings from— ings from i— Income class and family type Number of families (1 ) (2 ) Type 1 All nonrelief families............... $0-$499........................-............... $500-$749..................................... $750-$999..................................... $1,000-$1,249._........................... $1 250-$l,499 ................... $1 500-$li749 ........................... $l’7fKV-$lj999 . ______ $2,000-$2A99..................-........... $2,500-$2,999 $3 000-$4’999 ...................... Types II and III All nonrelief fam ilies............. $0-$499 ............................. $500-$749..................................... $750-$999 ............................. $1,000-$1,249.......... ...............— $1,250-$1,499_............................. $1,500-$1,749 $1,750-$1,999............................... $2 000-$2,499 . ... . $2500-$2,999 $3[00O-$4,999 ...................... $5 000 nnd over _____ Types IV and V All nonrelief families_______ $0-$499......................................... $500-$749..................................... $750-$999 ............................... $1,000-$1,249_.............................. $1,250-$1,499............................... $1,500-$1,749......................... . $1,750-$1,999............................... $2,000-$2,499............................... $2,500-$2,999_............................. $a,ooo-$4JQ99 $5,000 and over ____________ Types VI and VII All nonrelief families............... $0-$499......................................... $500-$749.................................... $750-$999..................................... $1,000-$1,249............................... $1,250-$1,499............................... $1,500-$1,740 .............................. $1,750-$1,999............................... $‘?J000-$2r499 $9JKOO-$9rQOQ 2,755 96 161 299 392 323 312 291 379 207 243 52 2,627 60 142 280 379 307 304 284 373 206 241 51 2,577 53 129 267 376 299 299 283 373 206 241 51 330 13 31 45 41 51 51 21 33 23 2,897 25 106 318 464 361 374 299 429 202 260 59 2,887 25 105 314 462 359 373 299 429 202 260 59 2,884 25 105 313 462 359 371 299 429 202 260 59 223 11 1 8 2 2,793 38 74 126 287 274 293 294 498 350 426 133 2,756 30 69 124 280 266 289 293 497 349 426 133 2,747 29 278 265 289 293 497 348 426 133 301 4 7 13 37 32 33 32 59 40 41 3 993 991 991 71 10 10 10 ............................. $3,000-$4,999............................... $5,000 and over.......................... See footnotes at end of table. Other work not Indi Roomers Indi Any vidual and attribut All vidual source earners board able to sources earners ers a individ uals (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 26 107 142 134 115 12 1 163 61 88 26 26 107 142 134 114 12 1 162 61 88 26 20 1 25 35 31 40 21 30 18 11 3 68 12 1 26 107 142 134 114 12 1 162 61 88 26 7 11 11 10 7 14 4 1 6 1 7 $1, 585 $1,560 1 180 159 2 481 442 1 734 701 2 1,0 20 996 1,160 1 , 1 2 2 1,413 1, 379 1,687 1, 674 1 1,994 1,978 2,428 2,398 3, 237 3,219 5, 838 5,823 Roomers and boarders and other work 3 (9) $25 21 39 33 24 38 34 13 16 30 18 15 1,713 359 605 852 1,081 1 , 281 1, 510 1. 718 2 , 066 2, 466 3,243 5,899 1,700 358 601 840 1,072 1,267 1,484 1. 707 2, 050 2, 450 3,236 5,896 4 9 14 26 11 16 167 3 15 2,072 1 2 221 519 788 1,007 1,217 1,445 1,689 2,027 2,436 3,326 6,178 2,049 206 504 766 975 1,199 1,413 1,667 2,000 2,406 3,308 6,175 23 15 15 22 32 18 32 22 27 30 183 1,822 313 606 874 1,090 1,261 1,505 1,732 2,046 2,462 3,377 8,097 1 1,812 313 604 872 1,083 1,252 1,494 1,717 2,028 2,451 3, 366 8,079 4 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 8 1 1 3 2 1 13 1 12 10 2 2 7 9 15 18 11 11 11 18 187 TABULAR SU M M A R Y O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C I L B L U F F S , I O W A T 3B.— M oney earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving net m oney earnings and average net m oney earnings received from each source , by fa m ily type and incom e , 1 9 3 5 -3 6 —Continued able Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class and family type Number of families (1 ) (2 ) Types VIII and other All nonrelief families_______ $0-$499......................................... $500-$749 ________________ $750-$999 _____ ____________ $1,000-$1,249_______________ $1,250-$1,499 __ ___________ $1,500-$1,749_______________ $1,750-$1,999_____________ . $2,000-$2,499_______________ $2,500-$2,999_______________ $3,000-$4,999___ . _ . . . $5,000 and over_____________ Other work not Indi Indi Roomers Any vidual and attribut All vidual source earners board able to sources earners ers 2 individ uals (7) (6) (8) (5) (3) (4) Roomers and boarders and other work 3 $2,866 $2,835 $31 236 236 235 2 3 14 15 20 24 37 33 60 28 2 3 14 15 20 24 37 33 59 28 3 14 15 20 24 37 33 60 28 Average net money earn ings from i— 37 2 1 1 1 3 4 5 8 13 1 (*) 884 1,097 1 , 268 1, 526 1, 726 2. 033 2, 501 3,408 7,311 (*) 804 1,092 1,267 1,482 1, 705 2,006 2,454 3,355 7, 303 (9) 80 5 1 44 21 27 47 53 8 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2 ), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. 2 Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross income from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expense). In addition, there were some families which had roomers and boarders but which had no net money earnings from them. 3 Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to indi viduals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were $0.50 or less for all family types. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 188 W E S T C E N T R A L -R O C K Y M O U N T A I N R E G IO N O M A H A , N E B B .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T 4.— P rincipal earners: N um ber an d average yea rly earnings of p rin cip a l earners , classified as husbandsy w ivest an d others , w ith weeks of em ploym ent of p rin c ip a l earnersf by incom e , 193 5-36 able [W h ite fa m ilie s in c lu d in g h u s b a n d a n d w ife , b o th n a tiv e b o rn : A ll fa m ily ty p e s c o m b in e d ] A L L O C C U P A T IO N A L G R O U P S * N u m b e r o f p r in c ip a l earn ers Income class Number of fami lies All * Hus bands Wives (1 ) (2 ) (3) (4) (5) 11,293 1,619 9,674 37 132 369 853 1,299 1,107 1,114 1,029 828 678 853 484 306 183 104 221 44 33 10,964 1,530 9,434 16 10 1 330 811 1,272 1, 072 1,093 1,0 20 822 676 850 484 306 183 10,257 1,351 8,906 14 87 297 773 1,204 1 , 021 1,040 968 773 639 782 461 294 171 96 2 11 42 33 All families.............. ........................................... Relief families..................................................... Nonrelief families____________ ____ . ____ $0-$249.................................................... $250-$499— ..................- .............................. $500-$749....................................................... $750-$999....................................................$1,000-11,249................................................. $1,250-$1,499....................................... ......... $1,500-$1,749.................... ........................... $1,750-$1,999................ -.............- ............. $2,000-$2,249_.............................................. $2,250-$2,499.............................................. $2,500-$2,999................................................. $3,000-$3,499................................................. $3,500-$3,999................................ ............... $4,000-$4,499................................................ $4,500-$4,999 .................. ........................... $5,000-$7,499................................................. $7,500-$9,999________________________ $10,000 and over ___________________ Income class (8) All families............................... .......................... Relief families......... .......................................... Nonrelief fam ilies....................................... . $0-$249............................ ........................... $250-$499..................................................... $500-$749....................................................... $750-$999............................ .......................... $1,000-$1,249.............. ....................... ......... $1,250-$1,499............................................... $l,50O-$l,749.............................................. $1,750~$1,999______ _____ ____________ $2,000-$2,249___ ________ ____________ $2,250-$2,499_____ ___________________ $2,500-$2,999................................................ $3,000-$3,499........................................... . $3,500-$3,999................................................. $4,000-$4,499................................................ $4,500-$4,999.............................................. $5,000-$7,499................................................. $7,500-$9,999 ............................................. $10,000 and over........................................ Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 8 (9) 49 39 51 24 39 46 50 50 51 51 52 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 10 1 221 43 33 274 68 206 1 7 24 25 30 22 19 19 18 12 18 9 1 1 Others Male (6) Female (7) 262 72 190 171 39 132 1 5 6 6 17 18 24 20 13 9 34 10 6 8 3 9 1 2 3 7 21 11 10 13 18 16 16 4 5 3 2 1 Average earnings of principal earners * All GO) $1, 532 510 1,697 123 312 560 812 1 ,0 2 1 1,190 1,374 1, 592 1, 769 1,974 2,133 2,502 2,948 3, 215 3,673 4,790 6,697 12,540 Hus bands (ID $1,573 508 1,734 129 331 573 818 1,036 1, 207 1,398 1,619 1,801 2,017 2,197 2,550 2, 993 3,320 3, 760 4,893 6 , 756 12, 540 Wives ( 12 ) $837 448 966 (•) 226 488 645 733 849 1,033 1,164 1,372 1,368 1,495 1, 736 (*) (*) Others Male Female (13) (14) $1,064 $887 582 574 1,246 980 (*) 167 (*) 271 408 736 604 789 771 934 789 904 761 1,095 1,024 1,319 1 ,1 1 1 1,196 1,145 1,456 1,147 1,468 1 ,2 2 2 2,281 1,506 1,838 1 , 288 (*) 2,040 2,807 (*) (*) i In c lu d e s 201 fa m ilie s c la ssifie d in th e o c c u p a tio n a l g r o u p “ O th e r ” , w h o are n o t in c lu d e d in ta b le 4 A , p . 189 to p . 191. T h e s e fa m ilie s h a d 24 p r in c ip a l earn ers. * T h e to ta l n u m b e r o f p r in c ip a l earn ers g iv e n in c o lu m n (3) is e q u iv a le n t to th e to ta l n u m b e r o f fa m ilie s h a v in g in d iv id u a l ea rn ers, s in c e a fa m ily c a n h a v e o n ly o n e p r in c ip a l earn er. T h e d ifferen ce b e tw e e n th e to ta ls in c o lu m n s (2) a n d (3) is e x p la in e d b y th e fa c t th a t c o lu m n (2 ), n u m b e r o f fa m ilie s , in c lu d e s ca ses in w h ic h n o n e o f th e fa m ily in c o m e w a s a ttr ib u ta b le to in d iv id u a l ea rn ers. 8 A v e r a g e s in th is c o lu m n are b a se d o n th e n u m b e r o f p r in c ip a l earn ers r e p o r tin g w e e k s o f e m p lo y m e n t. < A v e r a g e s in th is s e c tio n o f th e ta b le are b a se d o n t h e co r r esp o n d in g c o u n ts o f p r in c ip a l ea rn ers in c o lu m n s (3) th r o u g h (7 ). •A v e r a g e s n o t c o m p u te d for fe w e r th a n 3 ca ses. 189 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 4A.— P rincipal earners: N um ber and average yearly earnings of p rin cip a l earners, classified as husbands , w ives , and others , w ith weeks of em ploym ent of p rin cip a l earners, by occupation and incom e , 1985-86 T able [W h ite n o n r e lie f fa m ilie s in c lu d in g h u s b a n d a n d w ife , b o th n a tiv e b o rn : A ll fa m ily ty p e s c o m b in e d ] O C C U P A T IO N A L G R O U P : W A G E E A R N E R Number of principal earners Income class Number of fami lies A ll 1 Hus bands Wives (1 ) (2 ) (3) (4) (5) 3,994 70 243 534 754 572 539 398 526 2 11 143 4 3,994 70 243 534 754 572 539 398 526 2 11 143 4 3,834 60 222 519 729 554 519 382 514 198 133 4 All nonrelief families,.. $0-$499................................................................ $500-$749............................................................... $750-$999 ............................................................. $1,000-$1,249 ................ ............- _________ $1,250-$1,499........................................................ $1 500-$l,749 . _______ _________________ $1,750-$1,999....................................................... $2,000~$2,499............................................-......... $2 500-$2,999 . . ................................................ $3 000-$4,999 ........................... .................... $5 000 and over. _ ______________________ Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (8) (9) All nonrelief families____________________ $0-$499 ................................ -............................ $500-$749............................................................$750-$999.............................................................. $1 ,000-$1,249............................................... ....... $1,250-$1,499........................................................ $1,500-$1,749 __________________________ $1,750-$1,999_________ _____ _____________ $2,000-$2,499_________ ______ ____________ $2,500-$2,999_______ ____ ____ ___________ $3,000-$4,999 ..................................................$5,000 and over _______________________ 50 34 46 50 50 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 Male (6) Female (7) 64 80 16 8 1 1 1 2 17 12 12 6 3 2 4 3 1 9 10 17 13 7 4 2 1 1 2 2 11 8 Average earnings of principal earners 8 AIT All Hus bands Wives ( 10 ) CD ( 12 ) $1,283 301 573 825 1,017 1,193 1,365 1, 564 1,811 1,994 2,283 4,200 $1, 303 318 584 833 1,030 1,204 1,383 1, 584 1,827 2,048 2,349 4,200 $587 217 482 563 596 698 858 (*) 1,216 For footnotes 1, 2, 3, see 2 , 3, and 4 of table 4 on p. 138. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. Others Others Male (13) $1,009 (*)302 (*) 767 990 895 1,094 1,140 1 , 218 1,444 Female (14) $649 (*) (*) (*) 529 (*) (*) (* ) (*) (*) 190 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A — Principal earners: Number and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, with weeks of employment of principal earners, by occupation and income, 1985-86— Continued T able 4A . OCCUPATIONAL GROUP: CLERICAL Number of principal earners Income class Number of fami lies A ll» Hus bands Wives (1) ( ) 2 (3) (4) (5) 3, O il 3, O il 17 39 173 365 336 347 416 616 330 331 41 17 39 173 365 336 347 416 616 330 331 41 All nonrelief families. $0-$499............... $500-$749........... $750-$999_____ $1,000-$1,249___ $1,250-$1,499___ $1,500-$1,749___ $1,750-$1,999___ $2,000-$2,499___ $2,500-$2,999__ $3,000-$4,999__ $5,000 and over. Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (8) (9) All nonrelief families. $0-$499_.___________ $500-$749...................... $750-$999................ . $1,000-$1,249................ $1,250-$1,499................ $1,500-$1,749_.......... $1,750-$1,999..........— $2,000-$2,499..........$2,500-$2,999_.............. $3,000-$4,999................ $5,000 and over........... 51 35 43 50 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 For footnotes 1, 2,3, see 2, 3, and 4 of table 4 on p. 188, ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 2, 751 14 33 154 329 315 327 388 557 292 300 36 Others Male (6 ) Female (7) 95 72 3 9 16 8 9 14 19 2 2 10 5 10 12 93 1 1 5 5 14 7 8 9 30 6 6 3 5 18 8 10 Average earnings of principal earners 3 All Hus bands Wives ( 10 ) CD (12 ) $1,660 280 521 808 1,028 1, 217 1, 390 1,610 1,856 2,118 2,630 4, 501 $1, 713 295 540 819 1,052 1,238 1, 419 1,647 1,930 2, 214 2,716 4,812 $1 , 1 1 0 492 699 831 922 1, 069 1,151 1,384 1, 459 1,496 Others Male (13) $1 , 266 (*) (*) 758 745 942 851 1,164 1,259 1,455 1,791 2,260 Female 04) $998 (*) (*) 711 813 836 776 991 1 ,1 0 2 1,113 1,412 191 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 4A.— Principal earners: Number and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, with weeks of employment of T able principal earners, by occupation and income, 1985-86— Continued O CCUPATIONAL GROUP: BUSINESS A N D PRO FESSIO NAL Number of principal earners Income class 0 ) All nonrelief families____________________ $0-$499 ................................................................. $500-$749............................................................. $750-$999............................ ..................... ........... $1,000-$1,249_______ ______ ______ _______ $1,250-$1,499____ _______ ________________ $1,500-$1,749................ ...................................... $1,750-$1,999._________________ ________ $2,000-$2,499 __________________ ________ $2,500-$2,999____ _______________________ $3,000-$4,999 _____________ _______ ___ $5,000 and o v er________________________ Number of fami lies All i Hus bands Wives (2 ) (3) (4) (5) 2,468 32 58 119 155 172 214 206 354 306 600 252 2,405 24 44 102 150 163 207 205 354 305 599 252 2,298 Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (8) (9) All nonrelief fam ilies.__________________ $0-$499 .......................................................... $500-$749............................................................. $750-$999 .................................. ......................... $1,000-$1,249 .......... ....................................... $1,250-$1,499 ................................................. $1,500-$1,749 . ........ ...................................... $1,750-$1,999 ..................................................... $2,000-$2,499 _____ ______ _______________ $2,500-$2,999 _ _.......................................... $3,000-$4,999 ___________ —..................... $5,000 and o ver_________________________ 51 43 47 50 50 50 51 51 51 52 52 52 For footnotes 1, 2 , 3, see 2 , 3, and 4 of table 4 on p. 188. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 47 21 39 98 143 151 194 197 339 288 582 246 4 4 Others Male (6 ) Female (7) 23 37 3 1 3 2 2 2 8 7 3 7 2 2 4 2 5 5 9 5 6 6 3 3 6 2 1 Average earnings of principal earners 3 Others All Hus bands Wives ( 10 ) (1 1 ) ( 12 ) Male (13) $2,438 260 528 743 1,029 1,130 1,372 1,610 1,945 2,246 3,125 6,187 $2,487 283 536 742 1,036 1,152 1,398 1,629 1,966 2,286 3,157 6,260 $1,190 $1,745 509 770 O)889 1,063 1, 306 1,422 1, 568 1,905 100 (*) (*) 983 (*) 1,468 1,983 2,191 3,632 Female (14) $1,138 O) 898 09 O)1,117 1,516 1,257 O) O) 192 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 4B.—Principal earners: Number and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, weeks of employment of principal earners, by family type and income, 1935-36 T able {White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native bcrn: All occupational groups combined] FAM ILY TYPE I Number of principal earners Income class Number of fami lies A ll 1 Hus bands Wives (1) (2 ) (3) (4) (5) 2, 755 96 161 299 392 323 312 291 379 207 243 52 2. 577 53 129 267 376 299 299 283 373 206 241 51 2,466 48 114 251 365 288 290 272 355 195 237 51 All nonrelief families. $0-$499......................... $500-$749...................... $750-$999 .................... $1,000-$1.249.........— . $1,250-11,499................ $1.500-11,749................ $1,750-$1.999________ $2,000-12,499.............. . $2.500-$2 999................ $3,000-$4,999.............. . $5,000 and over_____ Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners * (8) (9) All nonrelief families. $0-$499.......................... $500-$749...................... $750-$999_.................... $1.000-$1,249................ $1,250- $1,499................ $1,500-$1,749_.............. $1,750-$], 999............ $2,000-$2,499________ $2,500-$2,999_.......... $3,000-$4,999................ $5,000 and over........... 51 39 47 49 51 50 51 52 52 61 52 52 For footnotes 1, 2 , 3, see 2 , 3, and 4 of table 4 on p 188, Others Male (6) Female (7) 111 5 15 16 11 11 9 ] 18 11 4 1 Average earnings of principal earners 3 All Hus bands W i ves ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) $1. 572 275 543 771 1, 015 1,162 1,361 1. 615 1,879 2,161 3,020 5,771 $1, 598 284 552 780 1,023 1,175 1,371 1.631 1,900 2.194 3 038 5,771 $987 190 475 637 757 803 1,026 1 ,2 1 2 1,458 1,584 1,978 Others Male (13) Female (14) 193 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 4B.—Principal earners: Nvrnber and average yearly earnings of principal earners, classified as husbands, uives, and others, vith weeks of employment of T able principal earners, by family type and income, 1985-36— Continued FAM ILY TYPES II A N D III Number of principal earners Income class Number of fami lies All ' (1 ) (2 ) All nonrelief fam ilies___________ ______ $0-$499 _______ ___________________ .. . $500- $749________ ______________________ $750-$999 ...................-____ _______________ $1,000-$1,249 ________________________ $1,250-$1,499 _________________________ $1,500-$1,749_ _________________________ $1,750-81,999 __________________________ $2^000-$2,499 _________________________ $2,500- $2.999_______ _________ ____ ______ $3,000-$4.999 _______________ _______ $5 ,0 0 0 and over.. --------- ---------------------- 2 . 897 25 106 318 464 36] 374 299 429 202 260 59 Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (3) (9) 51 37 46 50 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 For footnotes 1, 2, 3, see 2, 3, and 4 of table 4 on p. 188. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. Wives (3) (4) (5) 2. 884 25 105 313 462 359 371 299 429 202 260 59 2,846 24 99 308 453 355 367 293 428 202 258 59 Others Male (6) Female (7) 38 1 6 5 9 4 4 6 1 2 Average earnings of principal earners 3 All Hus bands Wives ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) $1, 671 353 600 847 1,064 1,248 1,459 1,662 2, 013 2,371 3,136 5,857 $1 , 681 352 604 850 1,070 1,251 1,463 1,675 2,015 2,371 3,146 5,857 or *9 A ll nonrelief families - _______ $0-$499 ......................... ........................$500-$749 ............................... ....... ............ $750-$999 -- -- ______ -........ ......... $1 000-$l,249 . . .................. $1,250-$! ,499 ............... ......................................... $1 500-$l,749 . . ................. .. $1,750-$1,999 .................................. ................$2,500-$2,499 .......................................$2 500-$2,999 .................................. $3,000-$4,999 ........................... - ............- .......... $5 OHOpnd over __ __ __________ Hus bands (*) 533 661 745 1,042 1, 142 1,071 (*) (*) Others M ale (13) Female (14) 194 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 4B.— Principal earners: N um ber and average yearly earnings o f p rin c ip a l earners , classified as husbands , w ives , and others , w ith weeks of em ploym en t of T able p rin c ip a l earners , by fa m ily typ e and incom e , 1985-86 — Continued FAM ILY TYPES IV AND V Number of principal earners Income class Number of fami lies A11 I* All Hus bands \KT\xrt±a W1V0S (1 ) (2 ) (3) (4) (5) 2,793 38 74 126 287 274 293 294 498 350 426 133 2,747 29 2,445 51 20 2 All nonrelief families __________________ $0-$499 .............................................................. $500-$749........................................... .................. $750-$999 ________ ___________________ $l,000-$l,249__ _____ ____________________ $1,250-$1,499._ ________ ___________ $1,500-$1,749____ ____ ___________________ $1,750—$! ,999__ _____ _______ ______ _____ $2,000-$2,499__ _____ _____________ ____ $2,500-$2,9S9...................................................... $3,000-14,999, ............ ...................................... $5,000 and over................................................. Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (8) (9) All nonrelief fam ilies___________________ $0-$499_________________ ________________ $500-$749__........................................................... $750-$999_............................................................ $1,000-$1,249.................................................. $1,250-$1,499 ................................................... $1,500-$1,749..................................................... $1,750-$1,999 ...................................................... $2,000-$2,499____ ____ ________ ________ __ $2,500-$2,999__.................................................... $3,000-14,999. .................................................... $5,000 and over..... ................................ ............. 51 31 44 49 49 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 For footnotes 1, 2 , 3, see 2 , 3, and 4, of table 4 onp. 188. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 68 12 1 278 265 289 293 497 348 426 133 3 3 9 6 5 57 105 235 234 256 264 441 309 398 126 2 10 7 4 Others Male ( 6) Female (7) 148 5 5 6 15 14 19 16 22 23 16 7 103 2 3 7 19 11 9 11 24 9 8 Average earnings of principal earners3 AAllll Hus bands IUL w rvTtao 6s ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) $1,800 240 520 760 940 1,135 1,260 1,482 1, 715 2,000 2.690 5.690 $1,888 274 550 773 974 1,174 1,312 1,523 1, 778 2, 078 2,749 5,847 $981 (*) 463 709 705 786 926 (*) 1,236 1, 356 1,555 Others Male (13) $1,218 151 273 736 786 907 880 1.135 1,268 1,471 2,041 2,857 Female (14) $958 (*) 408 604 754 789 765 1,057 1,166 1,155 1,633 195 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 4B.—Principal earners: N um ber and average yea rly earnings of p rin c ip a l earners , classified as husbands , wivesy and othersy w ith weeks of em ploym ent o f p rin c ip a l earners , by fa m ily type an d incomey 1 98 5-86 — Continued T able FAM ILY TYPES VI A N D VII Number of principal earners Income class Number of fami lies A1H Hus bands Wives (1 ) (2 ) (3) (4) (5) All nonrelief fam ilies..__________________ $0-$499................................................................. $500-8749........................................................ $750-$999......................................................... $1,000-$1,249__________ ____ ______ _____ _ $1,250-$1,499______ ________ _____________ $1,500-$1,749............................. .......................... $1,750-$1,999................................................... . $2,000-82,499....................... ............................. $2,500-82,999....................... ............................. $3,000-$4,999_ ................ ................................... $5,000 and o v e r ____ ____ ____ ____ _ 993 991 10 10 26 107 142 134 115 121 163 61 88 26 Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 2 (8) (9) All nonrelief families____________________ $0-$499................................................................ $500-$749.............................................................. $750-$999............... ............................................ $1,000-$!,249................................. ............... $1,250-$1,499____________________________ $1,500-$1,749_________ _____ _______ _____ $1,750-$1,999_____ ___________ ______ ____ $2 000-$2,499............................... ........................ $2,500-82,999_________ __________ ____ ___ $3,00G-$4,999.................................................... $5,000 and over_________________________ 51 42 46 51 50 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 For footnotes 1, 2 , 3, see 2 , 3, and 4 of table 4 on p. 188. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 26 107 142 134 114 12 1 162 61 88 26 972 9 26 106 142 131 112 119 159 57 85 26 Others Male (6 ) 2 Female (7) 11 6 1 1 1 3 . 2 3 ] 3 2 1 Average earnings of principal earners3 All Hus bands Wives ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) $1, 734 312 597 865 1, 064 1, 217 1,449 1,666 1,955 2,324 3, 054 7,650 $1, 744 337 597 868 1,064 1 , 220 1,458 1,678 1,973 2, 382 3, 092 7,650 (*) (*) (*) Others Male (13) $1,338 (*) Female (14) $1 , 021 1,093 (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) 979 196 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 4B.—Principal earners: N um ber and average yea rly earnings o f p rin c ip a l earners, classified as husbands, w ives, and others, w ith weeks of em ploym ent of p rin cip a l earners, by fa m ily type and incom e, 1 93 5-86 —Continued T able FAM ILY TYPES VIII A N D OTHER Number of principal earners Income class Number of fami lies A ll 1 Hus bands Wives (l) (2 ) (3) (4) (5) All nonrelief families_______________ ____ $0-$499............................................................. . . . $500-$749............................................................... $750-$999............................................................... $1,000—$1,249 ...................................................... $L250-$1,499........................................... ............. $1,500-$1,749........................................................ $1,750-$1,999......................................................... $2,000-$2,499......................................................... $2,500-$2,999......................................................... $3,000-$4,999........................................................ $5,000 and over__ _ _ ______ ___________ 236 235 177 2 3 14 15 20 24 37 33 59 2S 2 3 9 13 15 20 29 19 44 24 3 14 15 20 24 37 33 60 28 Income class Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners * (8) (9) All nonrelief families. __________________ $0-$499................................................................... $500-$749............................................................. . $750-$999 ............................................................. $1,000-$1,249................ ....................................$1,250-$1,499 ............................................. $1,500-$1,749................................................... $1,750-$1,999.....................................................$2,000-^2,499........................................................ $2,500-$2,999......................................................... $3,000-$4,999 .................................................... $5,000 and over_________________________ (•) Male (6) Female (7) 4 31 1 1 2 1 1 23 1 2 5 1 2 2 8 6 7 5 9 3 1 1 Average earnings of principal earners 3 Others AU Hus bands Wives ( 10 ) (1 1 ) ( 12 ) Male (13) 51 $2,034 $2,302 $1, 078 $1,347 42 49 52 52 52 51 51 51 52 (*) 650 1,004 1,128 1,238 1,427 1,479 1,547 1,942 5,888 (*)650 1,106 1,163 1,320 1,534 1,580 1,758 2,174 6,438 For footnotes 1, 2, 3, see 2, 3, and 4, of table 4 on p.188 •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. Others (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)994 (*) 1,375 1,304 3,153 Female (14) $1,064 (*) (*)1,059 1,1 10 1,190 C) 197 TABULAE SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 5.—Number of earners In family: N um ber of fa m ilie s w ith specified num ber of in d ividu a l earners , fa m ily relation sh ip of sole earners , and average num ber of supplem en tary earners per fa m ily , by incom e , 1 93 5 -3 6 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families with individual earnors Income class (I) Families with more One only than one earner as Num percent ber of Otltier Four age of families Any Two Three or families family Hus Wife more with mem band any in Fe Male male ber dividual earner 1 (4) (2 ) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) ( 11) All families.............. Relief families........ Nonrelief fam ilies.. $0-$249.................. $250-$499............... $500-$749............... $750-$999............... $1,000-$1,249........ $1,250-$1,499____ $1,500-$1,749........ $1,750-$1,999........ $2,000-$2,249........ $2,250-$2,499........ $2,500-$2,999........ $3,000-$3,499____ $3,500-$3,999........ $l,000-$4,499........ $4,500-$4,999........ $5,000-$7,499......... $7,500-$9,999........ $ 10,000 and over. 11,293 1,619 9,674 37 132 369 853 1,299 1,107 1,114 1,029 828 678 653 484 306 183 104 221 44 33 8,652 1,217 7,435 15 83 296 732 1,115 889 879 804 634 506 556 328 204 106 64 166 30 28 8,431 1,150 7,281 13 77 275 707 1,089 872 867 794 624 499 547 323 202 106 64 164 30 28 95 34 61 82 27 55 44 1,918 250 6 38 1 , 668 1 1 1 1 4 15 15 5 6 5 2 4 1 1 2 3 6 10 8 4 5 4 3 5 1 2 2 1 3 4 11 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 18 32 75 142 162 188 203 161 143 242 114 68 50 24 32 9 4 327 49 278 67 14 53 21 20 21 (t) 2 3 15 19 25 13 24 21 46 33 28 21 10 16 1 1 1 2 1 3 6 6 9 6 6 3 7 3 18 10 10 12 17 20 21 23 25 35 32 33 42 37 25 30 15 Average number of supple mentary earners per family * ( 12 ) 0. 25 .26 .25 .06 .18 .11 .10 .14 .19 .22 .22 .27 .30 .42 .43 .47 .61 .52 .18 i This percentage was computed by dividing the sum of columns (8), (9), (10) by column (4) of table 3 on p . 184. * Hased on the number of families with individual earners, column (4) of table 3 on p. 184. tPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. T able 6.— Sole and supplementary earners: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith in d ividu a l earners; num ber and average earnings of supplem entary earners classified as husbands , w ives , and others; and average earnings of fa m ily from su pplem en tary earners; by incom e , 1935—36 O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A r - qq [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and family types combined] Number of families with indi vidual earners (1 ) All families........ ........................................ Relief families_______________ ______ Nonrellef families______ ______ _____ $(>-$249.................................................. $250-$499_______________________ $500-$749............ .......................... . . . . $750-$999.............................................. $l,000-$l,249....................................... $1,250-$1,499____________________ $1,500-$1,749____________________ $1,750-$1,999____________________ $2,000-$2,249____________________ $2,250-$2,499____________________ $2,500-$2.999____________________ $3,000-$3,499____________________ $3,50O-$3,999___________ ________ $4,000-$4,499_______________ ____ $4,500-$4,999.___________________ $5,000-$7,499____________________ $7,500-$9,999____________________ $ 10,000 and over________________ (2 ) One only Any (3} 11,293 10,964 1,619 1,530 9,674 9,434 37 16 132 10 1 369 330 811 853 1,299 1,272 1,107 1,072 1,114 1,093 1,029 1,0 20 822 823 676 678 853 850 484 484 306 306 183 183 104 101 221 221 44 43 33 33 Any family Hus member band (5) (4) 8,652 1,217 7,435 15 83 296 732 1,115 889 879 804 634 506 556 328 204 106 64 166 30 28 8,431 1,150 7,281 13 77 275 707 1,089 872 867 794 624 499 547 323 202 106 64 164 30 28 Others 4 More than one 3 All (6) (7) 2,312 313 1,999 2,790 392 2,398 403 95 808 832 79 753 1 18 36 84 172 207 241 229 221 204 353 208 144 112 53 89 1 7 7 10 43 61 18 34 79 157 183 214 216 188 170 294 156 102 77 37 55 13 5 Hus bands Wives (8) 20 6 (9) 11 12 39 29 34 30 31 24 50 14 8 7 5 6 1 1 86 102 83 72 58 98 53 36 19 10 11 3 Male Fe male ( 10 ) (ID 908 147 761 3 8 21 42 55 57 65 70 67 118 83 58 44 22 37 7 4 647 71 576 i 7 8 30 37 48 51 48 55 87 58 42 42 16 35 9 2 All Average earnings per family Others« from Hus supple bands W ives Fe mentary Male male earners * ( 12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16} $531 213 583 (*) 92 120 134 213 284 412 484 540 600 710 830 911 920 948 1,0 20 1,378 1,384 $549 297 626 $541 153 582 (*) 106 90 95 191 324 449 526 574 648 808 1,013 1 ,1 1 0 1,088 1,127 1,279 1,867 $486 204 541 $571 185 618 $131 52 145 (*) 13 12 13 28 53 89 108 144 180 294 357 429 563 483 41 *J 626 252 102 190 213 303 398 472 643 711 636 847 1,009 910 1,086 1,410 1,712 (*) 55 106 142 160 207 296 349 438 548 610 724 823 860 809 879 1,166 1.658 66 201 214 213 430 495 528 596 657 774 861 881 882 968 1,199 (*) Averages in this section of the table are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in the preceding section, “Number of supplementary earners/* Averages in this column are based on the number of families as shown in column (2 ). Families that have supplementary earners. Includes 4 males and no females under 16 years of age. Average earnings of persons under 16 years of age amounted to: Males, $80. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 1 8 8 4 5 (17) 2 WEST CENTIiAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Num ber of fami lies Average earnings of supplementary earners 1 Number of supplementary earners 6A. Sole and supplementary earners: O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able — N um ber of fa m ilies w ith in d ividu a l earners; num ber and average earnings of supplem entary earners classified as husbands , wives, and others; and average earnings of fa m ily from su pplem en tary earners; by occupation and incom e I [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Income class and occupational group ( 1) Any One only More than one 3 All ( 2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 3,994 70 243 534 754 572 539 398 526 211 143 4 3,994 70 243 534 754 572 539 398 526 211 143 4 3,159 60 216 485 663 464 420 306 382 111 50 835 1 002 10 27 49 91 108 119 92 144 100 93 10 2 28 54 104 12 1 136 100 174 126 144 5 3,011 17 39 173 365 336 347 416 616 330 331 41 3, Oil 17 39 173 365 336 347 416 616 330 331 41 2,288 14 35 152 317 282 286 333 453 205 188 23 723 3 4 21 48 54 61 83 163 125 143 18 882 3 4 21 50 62 68 87 194 151 208 34 2 Average earnings of supplementary earners 1 Number of supplementary earners , Hus bands Wives (S) (7) Others 4 All Male Fem ale ( 10 ) (9) (ID Average earnings perramuy from Others 6 supple Hus Wives mentary bands Male Fem ale earners 5 ( 12 ) (14) (15) (13) (16) 347 238 $481 $520 100 12 2 1 5 17 33 33 35 33 67 49 71 4 1 6 9 324 5 9 27 35 54 52 35 52 31 23 4 27 34 23 45 35 41 165 268 229 220 1 1 1 1 93 4 8 6 14 7 15 9 10 11 3 5 17 11 19 39 30 15 3 22 13 18 35 31 56 43 45 3 22 2 5 15 12 18 48 43 73 12 22 1 5 8 10 19 51 35 75 16 115 125 283 418 480 543 718 836 996 194 194 361 476 530 637 598 774 956 646 41 170 161 222 301 451 525 595 709 941 1, 217 646 (*) 183 232 266 393 477 653 712 814 1,099 1,993 2 11 $480 94 86 93 171 331 460 574 625 860 993 (*) $465 635 (*) (*) 116 234 323 473 548 616 806 1,138 1,080 622 (*) (*) 89 228 333 386 496 595 878 1.155 94 142 167 210 308 336 475 660 801 796 $492 (*) 72 164 245 226 419 483 538 656 782 $1 2 i 14 13 13 29 60 106 12 1 180 429 842 1,245 685 189 7 17 20 30 56 (*) 123 184 485 490 576 638 854 1,144 TABULAE SUMMARY Wage earner All nonrelief families............................... $0-$499...................................................... . $500-$749..................................................... $750-$999— .............................................. $1,000-$1,249.............................................. $1,250-$1,499...................... ..................... . $1,500-$1,749............. ............................ $1,750-$1,999............................................ . $2,000-12,499___________ ___________ $2,500-$2,999_............................................ . $3,000-$4,999_........................................... $5,000 and over......................... ................ Clerical All nonrelief fam ilies............................. $0-$499__.................................................... $500-$749_.................................................. . $750-$999.................................................... . $1,000-$1,249............................................... $1,250-$1,499............................................... $1,500-$1,749__............................................ $1,750-$1,999............................................... $2,000-$2,499............................................... $2,500-$2,999............................................. . $3,000-$4,999............................................... $5,000 and over....................................... See footnotes a t end of table. Num ber of fami lies Number of families with individual earners 88 110 187 324 592 U009 CO CO oto 6A.— Sole and supplem entary earners: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith in dividu a l earners; num ber and average earnings of supplem entary o earners classified as husbands , w ives , and others; and average earnings of fa m ily from su pplem en tary earners; by occupation and incom e , 1985-36 —Continued O M A H A , N E B B .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able income class and occupational group (2 ) Business and professional All nonrelief families____ _____ __________ _____ 2, 468 32 $0-$499.............................................................................. $£00-$749........................................................................... 58 $750-$999-._............................................................. 119 155 $1,000-$1,249............. ..................................................... 172 $1,250-$1,499______________ ___________________ 214 $1,500-$1,749.......................... ........................................ $1,750-$1,999................................................. ..............._ 206 354 $2,000-$2,499.............................. .................................... $2,500-$2,999-.............................................................. 306 $3,000-14,999. ................................................................. 600 $5,000 and o v e r .______________________________ 252 Other All nonreliei iami lifts __ _ _ 201 Number of supplementary earners All Others 4 (6) Any One only More than one 1 (3) (4) (5) 2,405 24 44 102 150 163 207 205 354 305 599 252 1,969 19 42 93 133 142 173 164 304 237 463 199 24 19 436 5 2 9 17 21 34 41 50 68 136 53 Hus bands Wives (8) (7) 507 5 2 9 17 24 37 42 55 75 165 76 7 Average earnings of supplementary earners 1 Male Female ( 10 ) (9) 50 160 179 118 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 8 2 6 9 4 10 8 10 15 17 24 50 21 10 [ 3 7 10 14 21 25 63 32 3 3 2 4 9 7 17 42 30 All Hus bands Wives Average earnings per family from Others supple mentary Male Female earners < (14) (15) (16) (1 1 ) (12 ) (13) $679 104 (*) 126 197 240 317 410 562 694 854 1,056 $760 (*) (*) 302 305 356 (*) 594 1,050 1,082 1,822 $699 (*) 28 185 288 352 387 532 744 1,031 1. 463 $593 (*) (♦ ) (*) 177 149 208 332 556 516 675 946 <*) 294 355 For footnotes 1, 2 , 3, see table 6 on p. 198 4 Includes persons under 16 years of age as follows: Wage-earner families, 3 males and no females; business and professional families, 1 male and no females * Average earnings of persons under 16 years of age were as follows: Wage-earner families, males $29. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. $747 (*) 211 143 (*) 378 538 642 695 860 935 $139 16 4 10 22 33 55 84 87 170 235 318 12 3tel Ul H CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (1 ) Number of fami lies Number of families with individual earners O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C 1 L B L U F F S , IO W A 6B.— Sole and supplem entary earners: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith in d ividu a l earners; num ber and average earnings of supplem entary earners classified as husbands , wives , and others; and average earnings of fa m ily from su pplem en tary earners; by fa m ily type and incom e , T able 1985-86 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Incom e class and fam ily type (2 ) Number of families with individual earners Average earnings of supplementary earners 1 Number of supplementary earners Any One only More than one 3 All (3) (4) (5) ( 6) , 577 53 129 267 376 299 299 283 373 206 241 51 2,175 46 122 239 337 261 251 228 302 152 191 46 402 7 7 28 39 38 48 55 71 54 50 5 2,666 218 H u s bands Wives (7) ( 8) Others 4 Male Female ( 10 ) (9) (1 1 ) ( 12 ) (13) Average earnings per family from Others supple mentary Male Fem ale earners * (15) (14, (16) $610 108 168 129 228 384 488 549 686 942 1,087 1, 740 $564 (*) 194 227 305 377 521 643 716 996 <*) $624 $196 483 (*) 85 102 217 282 403 567 601 693 1, 183 (*) 464 All Hus bands Wives Type 1 A ll n o n r e lie f fa m ilie s ........................................ $0-$499................................................................... $500-$749..................................................................... $750-$999_.................................................................. $1,000-$1,249_......................................................... $ 1 ,25 0-$1,499 .......................................................... $1,500-$1,749._................................................... $ l,7 5 0 -$ i,9 9 9 ............................................................. $2,000-$2,499...................................................... $2,500-$2,999_........................................................... $3,000-$4,999............................................................. $5,000 a n d o v e r ..................................................... 2, 755 96 161 299 392 323 312 291 379 207 243 52 2 3 69 1 2 $89 8 102 (*) 99 209 386 484 531 680 929 1 ,1 10 1, 740 C) (*) 7 23 45 75 104 128 246 224 167 12 TABULAR SUMMARY 1 ( ) Num ber of fami lies Types 11 and 111 A ll n o n r e lie f fa m ilie s ........................................ $0-$499__...................................................................... $500-$749................................................................... $750-$999__................................................................ $1,00 0-$1,249 ........................................................... $1,250-$1,499_...................................................... $1,500-$1,749............................................................. $1,750-$1,999.............................................................. $2,000-$2,499._......................................................... $2,500-$2,999._......................................................... $3,000-$4,999............................................................ $5,000 a n d o v e r ...................................................... S e e f o o t n o t e s a t e n d o f t a b le . 2,897 25 106 318 464 361 374 299 429 202 260 59 2,884 25 105 313 462 359 371 299 429 202 260 59 23 96 295 437 326 336 276 401 180 238 58 2 9 18 25 33 35 23 28 22 22 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (*) (*) 318 304 293 688 (*) C) 498 (*) 87 91 170 288 420 540 586 720 t, 181 (*) $123 (*) (*) (*) (*) O (*) C) 5 7 6 12 26 38 44 39 79 100 41 to o bO 6B.— Sole and sup p lem en tary earners: N um ber of fam ilies w ith in dividu al earners; num ber and average earnings of supplem entary oto earners classified as husbands , w ives, and others; and average earnings of fa m ily from su pplem en tary earners; by fa m ily typ e and incom e, 1935-36 —Continued O M A H A N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able (1) Types IV and V All nonrelief families___________ $0-$499_____ ____ _____ _________ $500-$749______________________ $750-$999_________ ____________ $1,000-$1,249...................... ................ $1,250-$l ,499. . _______ __________ $1,500-$1,749___________________ $1,750-$1,999___________________ $2,000-$2,499. _________ _________ $2,500-$2,999__________ _________ $3,000-$4.999___________________ $5,000 and over__________ ______ Types V I and VII All nonrelief families____________ $0-$499_______________ _________ $500-$749________ ______________ $750-$999_______________________ $1,000-$1,249_______________ ____ $1,250-$1,499____________________ $1,500-$1,749____________________ $1,750-$1,999____________________ $2,000-$2,499_________ ___________ $2,500-$2,999____________________ $3,000-$4,999_______ ____________ $6,000 and over................................. Number of families with individual earners Any One only More than All (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) 2, 793 38 74 126 287 274 293 294 498 350 426 133 2,747 29 1,648 1,099 9 16 26 79 88 107 113 214 180 227 40 1,320 9 18 29 91 101 126 12 2 256 216 299 53 993 991 124 159 10 10 1 1 1 1 26 107 142 134 115 12 1 163 61 88 26 68 12 1 278 265 289 293 497 348 426 133 26 107 142 134 114 12 1 162 61 88 20 20 52 95 199 177 182 180 283 168 199 93 867 9 25 102 132 116 99 110 139 52 64 19 5 10 18 15 11 23 9 24 7 Average earnings of supplementary earners i Number of supplementary earners Hus bands Wives (7) 5 (8) 172 5 2 3 20 18 23 10 37 30 18 6 11 11 Male Female (9) ( 10 ) 195 549 404 1 2 6 11 2 6 7 14 37 39 45 54 99 93 136 23 1 7 6 23 27 35 40 81 64 102 18 31 73 44 17 23 18 39 29 43 1 1 12 22 18 11 29 11 38 Others 4 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 9 6 3 3 5 1 3 5 7 6 3 18 6 17 7 5 6 5 3 5 3 14 3 All (ID Average earnings per family from O thers« supple Hus mentary bands Wives Male Female earners 2 (14) ( 12 ) (13) (15) (16) $588 96 110 162 201 277 399 450 558 676 880 1,219 $682 93 (*) 177 299 439 505 657 670 882 1,107 2,092 $605 (*) (*) 94 154 277 423 512 535 725 1,000 1,128 $532 (•)119 156 162 228 294 337 506 609 814 1,095 $614 (•) 66 237 199 240 448 523 581 656 877 1,117 $278 23 27 37 64 102 172 187 287 418 617 486 509 (*) (*)131 233 215 368 553 473 708 715 1,015 644 450 508 (*) 105 140 160 190 692 464 711 641 1,177 518 82 294 126 491 384 549 576 710 843 6 20 (*) (•) (*) 475 (*) (•) (*) (*) C)317 454 459 400 899 (•) 7 1 35 58 50 84 128 309 430 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class and family type Number of fami lies Types V III and other All nonrelief fam ilies......................................................... $0-$499............................................................................. .. $500-$749____ ____________ _______________________ $750-$999............. .................................................................... $1,000-$1,249___ _____________________ _____ $1,250-$1,499_______ ^____________ ________________ $1,500-$1,749......................................... ......... $1,750-$! ,9 9 9 ..._____ ____________ _______________ _ $2,000-$2,499____ _________________________________ $2,500-$2,999____ ______________________________ $3,000-$4,999__________ ________________________. . . $5,000 and over.......................................... .......................... 236 235 79 156 298 29 2 3 14 15 20 24 37 33 60 28 2 3 14 15 20 24 37 33 59 28 1 1 10 9 11 10 15 4 10 8 1 2 4 6 9 14 22 29 49 20 1 4 5 13 14 18 41 49 108 45 1 3 1 1 3 1 8 10 1 11 134 124 642 589 3 3 4 1 3 9 5 7 20 18 54 18 1 2 3 g 8 17 20 40 25 (*) 116 246 162 348 373 476 612 801 882 <*> 282 (*) (*) 447 (•) 518 884 (*> 706 « 527 470 842 612 682 811 150 155 455 310 442 612 776 772 (*) (*) 210 310 400 488 671 810 948 100 155 88 140 244 280 527 908 1,442 1,418 TABULAR SUMMARY For footnotes 1, 2, 3. see table 6 on p. 198. 4 Includes persons under 16 years of age as follows: F am ilies of types IV and V , 3 m ales and no females; fam ilies of typ es V III and other, 1 m ale and no females. * Average earnings of persons under 16 years of age were as follows: F am ilies of typ es IV and V , m ales $29; fam ilies of typ es V III an d other, m ale $234. ♦ Averages n ot com puted for fewer than 3 cases. to o CO T able 7 ,— Earnings of supplem entary earners: Number of supplem entary earners with earnings of specified am ount , by fam ily income , 198 5-86 204 O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C 1L B L U F F S , IO W A IW hite fam ilies including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all fam ily types com bined] (1) A ll fam ilies................................. R elief fam ilies...................... .. Nonrelief fam ilies.................... $0-$249 ____________ $250-$499 ................ $500-$749 ...................... $750-$999 .................. $1,000-$1,249 .................. $1,250-$1,499 $1,500-$1,749 .............. $1,750-$1,999 ............ $9/noo-$9194Q $9,960-4159,400 $9,600—$9,000 $3,oon-$a,400 $3,500-$3,999 ................ $4,000-$4,499...................... $4,500-$4,999...................... $5,000-$7,499....................... $7 600—$0 QQQ $10,000 a n d o v e r 2,312 313 1,999 j 18 34 79 157 183 214 216 188 170 264 156 102 77 37 65 13 5 A verage earnings of supple Under $50-$99 $100A ny m entary $50 $199 earners am ount (3) $531 213 583 (*) 92 120 134 213 284 412 484 540 600 710 830 911 920 948 1,020 1,378 1,384 'A verages not com puted for fewer than 3 cases (4) 2,790 392 2,398 1 18 36 84 172 207 241 229 221 204 353 208 144 112 53 89 20 6 (5) (6) 219 83 136 6 11 25 21 27 10 13 6 7 5 2 1 1 1 (7) 221 67 154 1 5 6 15 29 18 18 18 15 6 5 3 3 1 3 s N um ber of supplem entary earners w ith earnings of— $200$299 $300$399 $400$499 $500$599 $600$699 $700$799 $800$899 $900$999 (8) (9) (10) (ID (12) (13) (14) (15) 347 86 261 241 54 187 5 11 23 45 42 32 24 18 18 27 6 4 2 1 3 2 7 11 23 29 26 19 25 11 18 8 4 2 1 1 202 29 173 189 27 162 177 21 156 190 15 175 342 5 337 144 3 141 155 1 154 1 7 27 24 28 18 15 11 25 6 1 5 3 1 1 3 16 26 26 16 16 14 22 6 3 6 4 4 8 23 30 13 17 23 18 10 8 2 1 3 3 17 35 27 20 29 14 11 10 4 1 3 1 1 31 55 37 32 69 46 23 21 6 11 4 5 18 19 12 32 12 18 10 4 10 1 8 24 19 33 28 17 10 6 7 2 $1,000- $1,500- $2,000 and $1,499 $1,999 over (16) (17) (18) 300 1 299 9 22 82 62 43 35 15 25 4 2 52 11 52' 6 10 9 8 12 6 1 2 1 5 2 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN incom e class N um ber of fam ilies w ith any su p p le m entary earners (2) O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T a b l e 8 .— H usbands as earners: Number and average yearly earnings of husbands classified as principal or supplem entary earners , by age and fam ily incomet 1935-86 [W hite fam ilies including husband and wife, both native born: A ll occupational groups and all fam ily typ es com bined] Principal earners by age groups Incom e class A ny 0) (2) Supplem entary earners by age groups Under 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 20 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (ID (12) 65 and over (13) U n A ny der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 20 (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) 65 and over (25) N um ber of husbands 1 10,256 1,351 8,905 14 87 297 773 1,204 1,021 1,040 967 773 639 782 461 294 171 96 211 42 33 6 4 2 1 1 323 1,127 1,479 1, 791 1,649 1,358 1,096 172 64 208 169 238 161 116 259 958 1,307 1,553 1,441 1,197 980 ! 1 1 1 2 2 4 16 16 5 8 8 7 6 24 42 40 31 28 39 18 79 125 77 147 68 59 116 138 77 236 98 225 190 115 25 148 187 165 171 117 94 23 146 175 190 170 127 90 14 136 132 90 105 201 187 112 161 158 5 110 79 57 4 31 87 129 122 81 97 4 38 83 145 138 150 108 58 16 85 77 65 74 45 52 6 27 59 58 1 9 26 30 41 33 11 6 18 18 20 1 6 31 41 49 33 1 1 2 6 9 14 1 1 11 5 6 643 100 543 1 5 26 48 48 45 52 47 38 48 60 39 30 16 8 25 5 2 407 57 350 6 24 21 39 38 31 30 32 24 31 23 13 9 9 16 1 3 377 403 62 95 315 308 1 10 7 25 11 32 12 37 39 31 29 36 34 25 30 21 31 16 24 25 50 24 14 4 8 6 7 6 5 9 6 1 3 4 Average earnings of husbands A ll nonreliel fam ilies............................... $1, 734 C) 7 2 5 26 4 22 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 l 3 2 2 1 1 24 2 22 37 9 28 43 11 32 3 4 1 4 1 1 6 1 2 5 3 1 5 3 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 6 5 j 5 2 1 1 1 1 41 13 28 84 25 59 47 8 39 1 2 4 5 2 2 5 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 6 2 12 6 7 5 10 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 6 5 4 2 3 4 5 3 2 45 12 33 49 9 40 2 1 4 3 3 3 3 1 6 2 3 1 1 3 1 5 2 1 2 3 9 1 2 1 2 1 2 $1,041 $1,320 $1,575 $1, 783 $1,846 $1, 989 |$1,964 $1.867 $1, 747 $1, 554 $626 $502 $770 $768 $734 $612 $574 $609 $593 $516 $606 * E xcludes 1 principal earner w ho did not report age. * A verages for each age group are based on the corresponding num bers of husbands in the upper section of th e table; the 2 averages for all age groups com bined are based on the corresponding total num bers of husbands, including the one who did not report age. •A verages not com puted for fewer than 3 cases. TABULAR SUMMARY A ll fam ilies................... R elief fam ilies _ N onrelief fam ilies___ SO-S249____________ $250-$499._ ____ $5ftft-$749 $75ft-.$999 _____ $1,000-$1,249 $1,250-$1,499 $1,500-$1,749........... $1r750-$1,999 $2,000-$2,249 $2,250-$2,499__......... $2,500-12,999______ $3,000-$3,499______ $3,500-$3,999______ $4,000-$4,499______ $4,500-$4,999______ $5,000-$7,499............ $7,500-$9,999 $10,000 and o v e r ... to o Or O M AH A, NEBR.-CO U N CIL BLUFFS, IO W A 9.— Wives as earners: N um ber and average yearly earnings of wives classified as 'principal or su pplem en tary earners , by age and fa m ily incom e, 1 93 5-86 206 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combinedl Principal earners by age groups (1 ) Any Under 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 20 (3) (2 ) (5) (4) (6) (7) (9) (8) GO) (ID ( 12 ) 65 Un and Any der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 over 20 (13) 04) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20 ) ( 2 1 ) (22 ) (23) (24) 65 and over (25) Number of wives S All families________ Relief families .... Nonrelief fam ilies.. . $0-$249...... ............... S250-J&499_________ $7/ift-$QQQ $1,250-$1,499._........ $1,500-$1,749______ $1,750-$1,999______ $9)2£n-$9J4Q9 $2,600-$2,999 $3,000-$3,499........... $3 KOO-$3j999 $4>00O-$4i499 $4,500-$4,999............ $5,000-$7,499........... $7,600-$9,999_____ $10,000 and over... 274 6 68 1 206 5 28 5 23 34 45 10 8 24 37 1 1 1 49 14 35 39 4 4 5 3 5 3 2 3 5 2 6 2 6 1 10 29 32 7 25 13 5 8 14 5 9 1 7 24 25 30 22 19 19 18 12 18 9 1 1 14 832 3 79 11 753 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 2 5 2 4 3 2 2 7 7 3 4 4 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 7 2 1 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 I I 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 89 169 163 150 105 4 8 14 15 17 85 161 149 135 88 1 7 43 61 10 86 102 83 72 58 98 53 36 19 10 11 3 3 1 2 10 11 9 20 11 8 3 7 2 1 2 7 16 24 22 26 15 11 20 11 5 2 l 2 8 8 17 16 u 11 23 15 8 3 4 21 1 1 1 2 4 6 12 12 11 15 15 21 13 6 8 2 6 80 12 68 1 1 2 6 8 15 8 11 5 9 7 8 4 2 1 1 5 6 8 7 6 5 6 12 2 3 2 1 4 43 3 40 2 1 2 3 6 4 5 4 2 3 3 3 15 2 13 1 1 2 1 1 12 2 2 10 1 1 __ _.]____ j 3 2 2 1 1 T 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION income class Supplementary earners by age groups Average earnings of wives i All nonrelief fam- j ilies.......... ................ $960 $630 $996 $1,009 $1,064 $984 $897 $930 $969 $1,077 j $737 $582 $47 $475 $561 $643 $700 $582 $558 $482 $334 $373 (*) * Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of wives in the upper section of the table; the 2 averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total numbers of wives. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. TABULAE SUMMARY 207 10.— Money income other than earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving m oney incom e other than earnings , and average amount received , by source and total incom e , 1985—36 1 208 OM AHA, NEBR.-COUNCIL BLUFF'S. IOW A T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1) (2 ) (3) 11, 293 1,619 9, 674 37 132 369 853 1,299 1,107 1,114 1,029 828 678 853 484 306 183 104 221 44 33 1,793 175 1,618 7 37 All fam ilies...................... ............................ Relief families............. ................................... Nonrelief families......................................... $0-$249........................... ................ $250-$499_................................................. $500-$749.................................................... $750-$999__................................................ $1,000-$l,249_............................................ $1,250-$1,499.............................................. $1,500-$1,749__..................................... $1,750-$1,999__.......................................... $2,000-$2,249............................................. $2,250-$2,499.............................................. $2,500-$2,999............................................. $3,000-$3,499.............................................. $3,500-$3,999.............................................. $4,000-$4,499.............................................. $4,500-$4,999.............................................. $5,000-$7,499.............................................. $7,500-$9,999............................................. $10,000 and over ......................... .......... Any source 66 11 2 149 163 168 164 134 113 162 112 63 49 28 55 16 20 Average money income, other than earnings, received from»— Rent from Interest Pensions, Gifts for Rent from Interast Pensions, Gifts for Miscella All property and divi annuities. current sources property and divi annuities, current neous sources 8 benefits use benefits (net) use dends dends (net) (13) (1 2 ) 00) (6) (9) (4) (7) (1 1 ) (5) (8) 532 16 516 439 9 26 38 42 56 50 47 34 69 42 27 16 14 14 4 7 6 10 21 21 1 438 24 29 39 28 35 28 34 38 38 25 16 9 30 13 15 348 38 310 383 1 14 15 28 46 32 35 42 27 19 22 17 2 9 3 4 3 17 34 30 47 42 27 22 20 30 13 8 7 2 5 2 66 317 1 1 $66 23 73 13 31 44 36 31 55 54 52 57 53 77 85 86 120 322 169 681 3,153 $14 1 17 10 15 8 7 12 10 10 16 15 25 31 29 28 104 65 29 105 $16 (**) 19 $19 7 11 5 15 17 15 29 27 17 17 19 27 18 17 33 37 14 35 4 5 3 4 5 1 7 2 2 8 13 12 18 72 37 551 2,866 20 2 $4 3 4 (**) 10 8 4 2 1 5 4 6 5 2 3 3 9 10 17 26 $13 12 13 2 i 4 3 8 11 14 16 15 20 25 32 99 36 40 182 12 See glossary for definition of "money income other than earnings.” *Averages are based on all families, column (2 ), whether or not they received money income other than earnings. Includes money income other than earnings from sources other than those specified, including profits from business enterprises partially or wholly owned but not operated by family members. See glossary for further definition of "profits.” **$0. SO or less 1 3 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN Number of families receiving money income other than earnings from— Number of families T able II.— Nonmoney income from owned homes: O M AH A, N EB B .-C O U N C I1 BLUFFS, IO W A N um ber of fa m ilies ow ning homes w ith and w ithout m ortgages; average rental value, average expense, and average nonm oney incom e from home ow nership; by incom e , 1 98 5 -8 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Homes free from mortgage Number of families Incom e class All families___________ ________ Relief families Nonrelief families______________ $0-$249...................................... $250-$499 $500-$749 $750-$999 $1,000-$1,249.................. ......... $1,250-$1,499.................. ......... $1,500-$1,749_.......................... $1,750-$1,999............................ $2,000-$2,249_.......................... $2,250-$2,499________ _____ $2,500-$2,999............................ $3,000-$3,499............ -............. $3,50O-$3,999............................ $4,000-$4,499........................... $4,500-$4,999 ......................... $5,000-$7,499........................... $7,500-$S,999 ......................... $10,000 and over__________ (2 ) 11,293 1, 619 9,674 37 132 369 853 1,299 1,107 1,114 1,029 828 678 853 484 306 183 104 221 44 33 Families owning homes free from mortgage Families owning Average mortgaged homes Average Average expense 5 Average Interest as per Average Average non Owning nonrental rental expense money money ofcentage homes 1 value 2 rental value 2 expense 3 income income 4 4 value Number Percent Number Percent Interest Other age 5 age 5 (9) ( 10 ) ( 12 ) (13) (4) (8) (15) (7) (3) (5) (14) (6) (ID 4,969 401 4,568 16 57 127 217 404 489 501 458 462 381 552 302 177 126 68 166 37 28 2,402 184 2,218 12 39 78 116 177 199 2 12 205 198 179 267 167 95 66 46 11 1 26 25 48 46 49 (t) (t) 68 61 54 44 41 42 45 43 47 48 55 54 52 68 67 70 $430 203 448 253 325 298 303 286 328 350 392 412 433 485 565 561 629 706 781 972 1,114 $114 73 116 83 95 90 91 88 96 100 106 110 114 122 136 135 148 161 174 207 232 $316 130 332 170 230 208 212 198 232 250 286 302 319 363 429 426 481 545 607 765 882 , 567 ‘217 2,350 4 18 49 101 227 290 289 253 264 202 285 135 82 60 22 55 11 3 2 (t) (t) 52 54 51 $394 233 409 32 39 46 56 59 58 55 57 53 52 45 46 48 32 33 30 210 290 247 263 288 325 347 377 421 432 469 527 593 664 697 754 920 960 $90 56 94 33 75 63 64 78 76 81 91 104 92 101 107 119 139 136 168 150 327 $107 78 109 75 87 81 83 88 95 99 103 111 11 2 120 130 142 153 160 169 226 200 $197 99 206 102 128 103 116 122 154 167 183 206 228 248 290 332 372 401 417 544 433 23 24 23 16 26 25 24 27 23 23 24 25 21 22 20 20 21 20 22 16 34 1 Includes all families occupying owned homes at any time during the report year, but excludes 2 families whose expenses exactly equaled the annual rental value of their homes. Data for the latter families, however, are included in the computation of averages. 2 Based on estimate made by home owner, for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. This period averages, in general, approximately 12 months. * Expense for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Expense other than interest, columns (7) and (13), estimated on basis of average relationship between rental value and expense. fcO 4 Nonmoney income for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Obtained by deducting estimated expense (including interest) from rental value. 5 Based on number of families owning homes, column (3). CO tPeroentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. TABULAR SUMMARY (1 ) All Mortgaged homes O 12.— Monthly rental value: N u m ber of hom e-ow ning fa m ilie s having hom es w ith specified m on th ly ren tal va lu e , by in co m e , 19 3 5 -8 6 1 210 T able O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] (1 ) All families-.............. Relief families.......... Nonrelief families— $0-$249________ $250-$499_........... $500-1749............. $750-$999_........... $1,000-11,249— „ $1,250-SI,499— . $1,500-$1,749— . $1,750-$1,999— _ $2,000-$2,249— $2,250-$2,499— _ $2,500-$2,999— . $3,000-$3,499— . $3,500-$3,999— _ $4,000-$4,499— $4,500-$4,999___ $5,000-$7,499___ $7,500-$9,999___ $10,000 and over. 11,161 4,942 1,597 402 9,564 4, 540 16 37 129 54 362 126 843 215 1,281 400 1,091 485 1,103 498 1,016 455 820 462 672 377 843 552 483 300 304 175 180 126 68 103 221 166 44 37 32 28 44 25 48 43 42 35 26 31 44 45 45 56 56 66 62 58 70 66 75 84 88 Number of home-owning families reporting monthly rental value of— Average monthly rental value $75- $100 of owned Un and $5-$9 $10-$14 $15-$19 $20-$24 $25-$29 $30-$34 $35-$39 $40-$44 $45-$49 $5Q-$54 $55-$64 $65-$74 $100 homes 2 der over $5 (6) (8) (9) ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20 ) (7) (5) $34.70 18.50 36! 10 20 . 20 26. 90 23. 40 24.30 24.60 27.60 29. 50 32.50 35.10 36.70 39.90 45.90 48.50 53.80 58.50 64.40 80.80 92.10 3 1 2 69 43 26 202 87 115 1 1 1 2 6 8 5 3 2 3 13 25 33 20 H 5 3 1 390 96 294 4 10 29 40 71 57 36 19 11 7 6 3 435 47 388 5 6 17 31 77 72 66 45 29 13 21 3 2 1 1 805 69 736 6 6 26 46 92 128 122 81 83 58 52 15 12 3 2 4 657 32 625 10 12 19 53 74 91 93 71 66 82 26 13 7 3 5 749 17 732 9 7 23 34 61 95 111 100 97 95 56 20 11 1 11 1 442 273 2 2 440 271 357 4 353 2 8 4 2 4 4 9 10 33 35 47 65 48 88 36 22 17 6 11 2 1 6 11 23 18 40 23 61 39 17 8 8 6 1 2 2 12 22 11 14 38 39 78 45 29 17 11 24 1 4 231 124 141 64 1 1 141 64 230 2 2 3 3 4 12 7 14 50 35 28 27 13 22 7 1 123 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 4 6 5 8 22 15 18 8 26 5 1 6 6 6 9 18 13 15 9 36 9 8 1 1 1 2 4 3 6 20 11 13 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families as of end of report year, column (3). * Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2 ). WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Home-own Number ing families of home owning and renting Num Per families ber cent age 3 (3) (4) ( 2) T able 13, — Monthly rent: O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A N u m ber of ren tin g fa m ilie s rep ortin g specified m o n th ly ren t , by in c o m e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 ! [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1 ) Renting fam Number of renting families reporting monthly rent ofNumber ilies of homeAverage owning monthly and Per rent 2 Un $15- $20- $25- $30- $35- $40- $45- $50- $55- $65- $75- $100 renting Num cent 10 and Rent der $5-$9 $$14 free 4 $19 $24 $29 $34 $39 $44 $49 $54 $64 $74 $99 over families ber age 3 $5 (5) (6) (7) (8 ) (9) ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (2 1 ) (2 ) (3) (4) 56 75 52 57 58 65 74 69 56 55 55 44 44 34 38 42 30 34 25 16 12 $24.90 14.60 27.40 21.90 17.00 17.60 18.10 21.30 24.20 26.40 29.50 31.00 35.10 36.30 42.00 46.90 48.30 51.90 58.50 61.40 76.00 15 11 4 312 207 105 860 1,007 411 278 449 729 2 11 2 1 1 23 41 17 7 4 2 23 69 142 123 35 26 17 6 3 2 10 11 55 188 205 119 69 35 24 6 5 2 949 1,007 143 82 806 925 1 4 11 8 35 33 86 111 215 163 141 139 125 163 138 68 42 79 30 41 16 40 19 6 2 7 2 2 1 2 1 698 37 661 1 5 35 83 76 110 117 77 45 63 27 8 11 1 2 515 12 503 1 2 6 12 41 41 54 103 55 72 60 30 13 5 3 4 1 310 4 306 168 149 110 39 41 8 29 168 149 110 39 41 8 8 21 1 1 2 1 3 1 8 13 30 26 52 35 38 38 20 23 8 6 4 1 4 7 13 11 20 24 30 28 12 12 4 1 7 3 7 12 12 21 21 22 19 6 5 10 1 1 2 2 1 4 3 3 2 4 9 9 21 22 13 4 13 3 5 4 1 2 1 2 4 3 5 9 2 3 6 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 7 3 5 10 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 i Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. ®Rent reported at date of interview. Averages are based on the number of renting families in each class that reported monthly rent, including families receiving rent free, the amount of which was estimated by the family. * Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2). 4 Consists of families receiving rent as gift. fcO *Includes 2 relief families that did not report monthly rent. TABULAR SUMMARY All families.................................................... *11,161 6,219 Relief families 1, 597 1,195 Nonrelief families......................................... 9,564 5,024 $0-$249 .............. _ _ 21 37 $250-$499..................... ........ 129 75 $500-$749......................................... 362 236 $750-$999 843 628 $1,000-$1,249............................ 1,281 881 $1,250-$!,499................................... 1,091 606 $1,500-$1,749_____________________ 1,103 605 $1,750-$1,999_ __________________ 1,016 561 $2,000-$2,249_....................................... 820 358 $2,250-$2,499_____ ________________ 672 295 $2,500-$2,999_____________________ 843 291 $3,000-$3,499.............. ........................__ 483 183 $3,500-$3,999........................................... 304 129 $4,000-$4,499___ ____ _____________ 54 180 $4,500-$4,999.................. ....................... 103 35 $5,000-$7,499__________ ___________ 221 55 $7,500-$9,999________________ ____ 44 7 4 $10 ,000 and over __ __________ 32 h-* OMAHA, NEBR.-COUNCIL BLU FFS, IOWA T able fcO h-* 14A.—Average monthlyrenrental value and average monthly rent: N u m ber of hom e-ow nin g a n d ren tin g fa m ilie s , average m o n th ly ^ tal va lu e a n d average m onthly ren t by occu pation and in com e, 1 9 3 5 -8 6 , , 1 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Income class (1) Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Average monthly— Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families 3 Average monthly— Occupational group: Business and professional Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Average monthly— Home Rent Home Rent Rental Home Rent Home Rent Rental Home Rent Home Rent Rental owning ing owning ing value 3 R en t 4 owning ing owning ing value 3 R en t 4 owning ing owning ing value 3 Rent 4 (18) ( 12 ) (13) (16) (17) (3) GO) (2 ) (15) (14) (19) (6) (4) (5) (9) (7) (8) (1 1 ) All nonrelief families s- .. 1, 719 $0-$499................................ 18 $500-$749............................ 64 $750-$999............................ 10 1 $1,000-$1,249...................... 242 $1,250-$1,499_._............... 249 $1,600-$!, 749...................... 256 $1,750-$1,999_._.................. 210 $2,000-$2,499___.................. 335 $2,500-$2,999....................... 141 $3,000-$4,999....................... 99 $5,000 and over________ 4 2,228 52 174 427 505 313 275 186 185 68 43 44 26 27 19 32 44 48 53 64 68 70 (t) 56 $27. 90 $2 1 . 20 74 20 . 20 14.10 73 18. 40 16.00 81 20.26 16. 70 68 22. 30 19.80 56 25. 00 21.80 52 26.90 24.00 47 29.90 26.00 36 32.10 26. 50 32 33.80 30.60 30 39. 60 32.60 47.50 1,340 3 11 38 94 122 128 164 328 219 209 24 1, 633 14 27 132 263 209 216 245 283 108 119 17 45 (t) 29 22 28 37 37 40 54 67 64 58 55 $36. 30 $29. 80 31.70 22 . 80 (t) 71 25.00 20. 70 78 21.90 20. 40 74 27. 60 22.40 63 28. 60 26.00 63 30. 50 27.70 60 34.10 31.20 46 36. 20 34.60 33 39. 80 37.80 36 47. 50 44.70 42 56.90 54. 70 1,326 12 32 53 47 87 103 75 168 188 359 202 1,118 17 26 65 105 84 111 127 183 113 238 49 54 (t) 55 45 31 51 48 37 48 62 60 80 46 $46.70 24.80 (t) 45 26.00 55 28.00 69 28.80 49 31.70 52 33.60 63 35.60 52 41.60 38 44.40 40 53.00 72.60 20 $35.90 23.10 22. 50 21.90 25. 50 29.00 29.70 31.00 36.40 38.60 48.00 61.70 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families in the respective occupational group. 3 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during the report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families as of end of report year. 4 Rent as reported at date of interview Averages in this column are based on the number of families reporting monthly rent, including families receiving rent as gift, the amount of which is estimated by the family * Of the families classified in the occupational group “ Other," 200 did not change their living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Of the latter group 155 families, or 78 percent, were owning families. Their average monthly rental value was $35.20. The remaining 45 families, or 22 percent, were renting families. Their aver age monthly rent was $29.50. tPercentage not computed for fewer than 30 cases. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Occupational group: Clerical Occupational group: Wage earner O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 14B.— Average m on th ly rental value and average m on th ly rent: N um ber of hom e-owning and renting fa m ilies, average m onthly rental value , and average m onthly rent, by fa m ily typ e and incom e , 1985—36 1 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Family type I Income class Percentage of home-owning and renting families 3 Number of families Average monthly— Percentage of home-owning and renting families * Average monthly— Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families 3 Average monthly— Home- Rent Home Rent Rental Home Rent Home Rent Rental Home Rent Home Rent Rental owning ing owning ing value 3 R en t 4 owning ing owning ing value 3 R en t 4 owning ing owning ing value 3 R en t 4 (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9) ( 10 ) (7) (ID (12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) All nonrelief families___ 1,263 44 $0-$499________________ $500-$749........ ................... 67 96 $750-$999______________ 132 $1,000-$1,249 ............... . 137 $1,250-$1,499_________ 141 $1,500-$1,749___________ 112 $1,750-$1,999__________ _ 213 $2,000-$2,499___________ 132 $2,500-$2,999....................... 151 $3,000-$4,999_ .................... $5,000 and ovor 38 1,465 50 92 200 256 181 170 175 163 74 90 14 46 47 42 32 34 43 45 39 57 64 63 73 54 $36.10 $28.30 53 25. 66 2 0 .10 58 26. 10 18. 30 68 27. 20 20.00 66 26.50 22. 90 57 30. 80 27. 20 55 32. 20 29.20 61 33. 90 31.20 13 38. 80 34.10 36 41. 20 37. 00 37 51. 00 49. 30 27 68. 90 61. 90 1,074 i 1 18 55 111 138 141 114 206 115 135 40 1,770 23 83 258 347 214 227 181 215 81 122 19 38 (t) 18 18 24 39 38 39 49 59 53 68 62 $34.90 $26.20 15.30 (t) (*)50 15. 82 19. 60 82 22 . 20 16. 80 76 22.40 20. 70 61 25. 70 23.10 62 29. 00 25.00 61 32. 30 29. 50 51 36.60 33.80 41 42.20 37.80 47 52.40 46.50 32 65.80 65. 00 1,638 23 34 44 119 146 160 158 316 242 289 107 1,134 15 40 81 163 126 130 132 180 105 136 26 59 60 46 35 42 54 55 54 64 70 68 80 41 $37.50 40 25. 60 54 20. 70 65 24.60 58 26.30 46 27. 80 45 29. 20 46 32.10 36 34. 50 30 38. 60 32 48. 00 74. 80 20 $29. 80 19. 40 21. 30 20.00 21.90 23.80 27. 69 29. 1 32.10 39 10 44.70 55.60 TABULAR SUMMARY (1 ) Number of families Family types IV and V Family types II and ID See fo o tn o tes a t en d o f table. to cc 14R.— Average m on th ly rental value and average m on th ly rent: N um ber of hom e-owning and renting fam ilies, average m onthly rental value, and average m onthly rent, by fa m ily typ e and incom e, 1 9 8 5 -3 6 1—Continued 214 O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Family types VI and VII (1 ) All nonrelief families ______________ ______________________________________ $0-$499__________________________ __________________________________ _ $500-$749________ _______ _______________________ _________ _______ ______ $750-$999_______________ ____ ________________________ _______________ _ $1,000-$1,249_________________ ___________________ ____ ________ __________ $1,250-$1,499__________________________ ____________ _______ ______________ $1,500-$1,749_______________________ __________________ _____ ____________ $1,750-$1,999_______ ___________ ____ _________________________________ $2,000-$2,499_____________________ _____ ___ _____ _________________________ $2,500-$2,999_—_________________________________ ______ _________________ $3,000-$4,999_____________ ________ ___________________ __________________ $5,000 and over___________ _______ _________ ____ ________________________ Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Average monthly— Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Number of families Average monthly— Home Rent Home Rent Rental Home Rent Home Rent Rental owning ing owning ing value 3 R en t 4 owning ing owning ing value 3 R en t 4 (7) (13) ( 10 ) ( 12 ) (2 ) (3) (5) (6) (8) (9) (4) (1 1 ) 420 565 2 8 21 86 5 34 58 49 54 80 44 54 20 20 105 76 65 66 82 17 34 5 43 (t) (t) (t) 19 24 43 43 45 49 72 61 57 $32. 50 $23.40 1 1 . 20 (t) (*) 15.70 (t)81 17.00 16.20 15. 60 76 19.40 18. 70 57 23.90 21.60 57 25. 50 22. 70 55 31.80 26. 70 51 32. 30 30.60 28 39. 40 32.50 39 48.10 37.80 (t) 63. 50 59.00 145 90 2 3 9 13 7 13 14 19 4 6 7 17 24 19 40 26 10 2 62 (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) 65 58 (t) 68 38 $40.70 $27.60 (*) 18.00 25.80 2 2 .10 30.90 31.80 35.30 44.40 66.30 22.70 24. Of) 19.20 21.80 19. 70 26. 60 30.90 36. 60 O (l[) (’[) (1 [) 1\) (1 [) 35 42 32 (t) 1 Includes only these families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families in the respective family types. 3 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during the report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families as of end of report year. 4 Rent as reported at date of interview. Averages in this column are based on the number of families reporting monthly rent, including families receiving rent as gift, the amount of which is estimated by the family. fPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Family types VIII and other 215 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 15.occupying —Type of living quarters: N um ber and percentage of ow ning fa m ilies specified types of livin g quarters , by incom e , 1 9 3 5 -3 6 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of owning families occupying— Income class Num ber of owning fami lies (1 ) (2 ) One-family house Tw'o-family house Apartment building for— Dwell ing unit in busi Other Five or ness D e At Side by Two Three Four more build tached tached side decker families families fami ing lies (5) (8) (6) (3) (7) (9) ( 10 ) (4) (ID Number All families............... 4,942 402 Relief families ___ Nonrelief families.. 4, 540 $0-$249 .................. 16 54 $250-$499 .............. $500-$749 _______ 126 215 $750-$999 _____ $1,000-$1,249.......... 400 485 $1,250-$1,499......... $1,500-$1,749 .. . 498 455 $1,750-$1,999 ___ 462 $2,000-$2,249 ___ 377 $2,250-$2,499 552 $2,500-$2,999 $3,000-$3,499 ___ 300 $3,500-$3,999 175 $4,000-$4,499__...... 126 $4,500-$4,999 68 $5,000-$7,499 166 $7,500-$9,999 37 $10,000 and over . 28 4, 763 394 4, 369 16 52 119 200 382 462 477 443 442 365 539 289 171 12 2 65 162 36 27 11 24 68 15 3 65 2 11 2 22 12 28 20 1 13 1 11 28 20 1 1 3 o 4 4 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 5 4 1 1 2 6 10 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 9 11 7 7 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 7 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 t 1 2 3 1 2 1 ] 1 Percent age All families............... R e lie f fa m ilies Nonrelief families.. $0-$249 ............___ $250-$499 ............ $500-$749 _ . . $750-$999 $1,000-$1,249 $1,250-$1,499____ $1,500-$1,749 $1,750-$1,999 $2,000-$2,249 $2,250-$'?,499 $2,500-$2,999 $3,000-$3,499 $3,500-$3,999 $4 000-$4,499 $4,500-$4,999 $5 000-$7 499 $7,500-$9,999 $10,000 and over.. 100 100 100 (t) too 100 too 100 100 100 100 100 ICO 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (!) 96 98 96 (!) 96 94 93 96 95 96 97 96 97 98 96 96 96 94 97 97 (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) 1 1 1 4 (!) (t) 1 (!) (!) (!) (!) 2 (!) (!) (!) 1 (!) l l l o 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 Ct) (!) 1 1 (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) l (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) l (!) (!) i l 1 (!) (!) 1 (!) (!) 1 1 1 1 (!) (t) 1 1 l (!) (!) l l 2 1 1 (t) 2 1 (!) (!) l (!) (!) (!) 2 1 3 i Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. tPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. tO.o percent or less. 78127n— 10------15 216 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 16,—Type of living quarters: N um ber and percentage of renting fa m ilies occupying specified types of livin g quarters , by incom e , 1 9 8 5 -8 6 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of renting families occupying— Income class Num ber of renting fami lies (1 ) (2 ) One-family house Two-family house Apartment building for— Dwell ing unit in busi Other Five or ness De At Side by Two Three Four more build tached tached side decker families families fami ing lies (7) ( 10 ) (8) (5) (6) (3) (4) (9) (ID Number 6,219 1,195 Nonrelief fam ilies.. 5,024 $n-$249 . _. 21 $250-$499 _____ 75 236 $500-$749................ 628 $750-$999 ............ 881 $1,000-$1,249 ........ 606 $1,250-$1,499_____ $1,500-$1,749_____ 605 561 $1,750-$1,999......... $2,000-$2,249 ___ 358 295 $2,250-$2,499_____ 291 $2,500-$2,999.......... 183 $3,000~$3,499.......... Knn-$a 9QQ 129 54 $4 000- $4,499 35 $4,500-$4,999 ____ 55 $5,000-$7,499 ___ 7 $7,500-$9,999 4 $10,000 and over . All families............... 4,443 929 3, 514 13 50 165 440 624 428 426 408 257 203 187 122 87 38 21 38 4 3 81 12 69 1 12 10 9 8 7 7 2 6 5 2 255 30 225 263 60 203 7 12 16 34 1 22 21 24 19 18 21 11 10 2 4 4 60 108 11 20 88 49 1 4 10 39 42 25 28 18 5 4 13 3 7 5 4 2 5 12 6 8 2 2 2 15 13 20 11 8 5 5 5 3 1 3 1 2 837 98 739 5 8 33 74 113 88 89 77 49 54 50 38 27 10 9 11 3 169 35 134 3 3 3 3 3 1 6 8 28 25 17 15 13 5 4 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Percent age All families............... Relief families.......... Nonrelief families $0-$249 .................. $250-$499................ $500-$749................ $750-$999............. $1,000-$1,249......... $1,260-$1,499_____ $1,500-SI,749......... $1,750-$1,999.......... $2,000-$2,249.......... $2,250-$2,499_____ $2,500-$2,999.......... $3,000-$3,499.......... $3,500-$3,999.......... $4I000-$4r499 $4,500-$4,999.......... $5,000-$7,499.......... $7,500-$9,999.......... $10,000 and over.. 100 100 100 (t) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (t) (t) 71 78 70 (t) 67 70 70 71 71 70 73 72 69 64 66 67 70 60 69 (t) (t) 1 1 1 (t) 4 2 4 9 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 6 2 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 6 8 4 7 11 4 5 4 5 4 6 5 4 5 3 3 2 3 1 2 6 3 4 1 2 14 1 2 2 8 l (t) (t) (t) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 15 (t) 11 14 12 13 14 15 14 14 18 17 21 20 18 26 20 (t) (t) (t) it) 8 3 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 (t) (t) 3 (X) (t) a) 1 2 1 Includes on ly those fam ilies that did not change livin g quarters betw een the end of the report year and the date of interview . t Percentages not com puted for fewer than 30 cases. JO.5 percent or less. —Members of household not in economic family: O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 17. N um ber of fa m ilies having persons in the household who were not m em bers of the economic fa m ily, and average num ber of such n on fam ily m em bers , by incom e , 1 9 8 5 -8 6 (White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families having in the household nonfamily members of specified typ e 1 Income class Num ber of Any fami non lies family mem ber (2) (3) All families_____ _____ -......... Relief families............................ Nonrelief families________ _ _ $0-$249 ______________ $250-$499 ........ ...............$500-$749 ........ .............. $750-$999 ........................ $1,000-$1,249- ........... $1,250-$1,499........................ $1,500-$1,749____________ $1,750-$1,999___________ $2,000-$2,249____________ $2,250-$2,499____________ $2,500-$2,999____________ $3,000-$3,499____________ $3,500-$3,999____________ $4,000~$4,499____________ $4,500-$4,999____________ $5,000-$7,499____________ $7,500-$9,999____________ $30,000 and over. _______ 11, 293 1 , 619 9,674 37 132 369 853 1,299 1,107 1,114 1,029 828 678 853 484 306 183 104 221 44 33 4, 399 447 3,952 Occupying rooms on nontransient basis All Board Tour Board Tour non ers ists and ers ists and Sons and Other Room Sons and Other Room without tran Guests family without tran Guests mem daughters roomers daughters room sients room Paid roomers ers Paid ers sients bers rooming with without help rooming with without help and and board board board board boarding boarding (16) (8) GO) 07) (9) (13) (14) (15) (7) (18) ( 6) ( 12 ) (4) (5) (1 1 ) Occupying rooms on nontransient basis 178 22 156 579 63 516 6 35 114 264 464 416 430 383 343 278 408 258 174 107 69 148 25 30 2 11 15 23 22 22 11 10 17 11 4 5 2 1 6 18 50 66 63 72 54 44 37 45 27 17 6 3 1 412 61 351 826 25 22 2 1 3 5 23 45 52 48 66 44 56 10 1 80 64 44 32 96 21 24 9 32 45 47 53 28 31 9 43 17 5 4 4 22 1 804 23 3 3 1 4 5 3 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 3,159 334 2, 825 4 18 75 183 359 294 300 289 250 204 299 177 118 75 43 91 19 21 0. 5 .4 .5 .2 .7 .6 .5 .4 .5 .6 .5 .4 .6 .6 .5 .5 .6 .6 .7 1.0 1 .1 . 1 2 1 .0 .8 .8 1 .0 3.2 (*) .8 1.4 1. 2 1 .2 1.1 .9 1.7 1 .0 1. 2 1.4 (*) (*) 1 .0 1.0 .9 1 .1 .9 .8 1.1 .9 1.4 1. 2 1 .0 1.1 1 .0 1.4 1. 3 C) 1.1 1.3 0.6 1.1 .1 .6 1.4 (*) 1.5 1.3 1 .1 1. 4 1.4 1. 6 1 .6 1.3 1.3 1. 5 1.1 .9 .7 .9 (*) .2 .3 .2 .4 .4 .4 .5 .6 .5 .6 .8 .7 .8 .9 .8 .9 1.2 0.7 (*) .8 .9 .6 .4 (*) (*) (*) .9 (*) (*) 0 .2 0 .1 .2 .1 .1 (*) (*> (*) .3 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .l .l .1 .l .l .l .l .2 .1 .1 .2 .2 * Excludes a small number of families which had nonfamily members in the household but which did not report the duration of their membership. * Averages in each column are based on the corresponding counts of families, in columns (3) through ( 10 ). The number of nonfamily members is expressed in terms of yearequivalent persons. This figure is computed for each family by dividing by 52 the total number of weeks of residence in the household for all nonmembers of the economic family. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. TABULAR SUMMARY (1 ) Average number of nonfamily members of specified type * (based on families having such members) < 1 * WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 218 O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 18*— Age of whusbands and wives: N um ber of husbands ives , by age and fa m ily incom e, 1 93 5-36 and num ber oj [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1 ) Number with ages of— Num ber re porting Under 20-29 age i 20 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-64 65-69 (3) (5) (0) (7) (8 ) (9) (2 ) (4) and 70-74 75over GO) (H) Husbands All families_______ Percentage.......... .. Relief families......... Nonrelief fam ilies.. $0-$249 . . . $250-$499...... ......... $500-$749 . $750-$999________ $1,000-$1,249_____ $1,250-$1,499____ $1,500-$1,749 $1,750-$1,999_____ $2,000-$2,249 $2,250-$2,499____ $9,500-48. QQQ $3,000-$3,499 . $3,500-$3.999 $4,000-$4,499 $4,500-$4,899 ___ $5,000-$7,499.......... $7,500-$9,999_____ $10,000 and over.. 11,291 100.0 1,619 9,672 132 369 853 1,299 1,107 1,114 1 . 028 828 678 853 484 305 183 104 221 44 33 (t) 6 4 2 1,488 3,363 3,153 1. 973 17.5 17 240 1.248 433 2, 930 7 25 81 250 437 361 369 347 276 219 237 144 73 35 25 38 4 415 2, 738 5 30 63 154 268 296 311 329 275 227 300 145 109 72 32 91 15 16 280 1, 693 7 18 62 121 169 157 160 164 135 139 186 *20 90 53 27 58 19 85 449 5 9 32 32 52 54 39 39 39 28 39 24 15 9 12 17 1 3 IS. 2 2 1 1 13 70 226 303 176 175 105 66 36 45 17 8 3 1 1 1 29.8 2 27.9 8 534 367 3.3 74 293 17 18 27 38 27 38 21 24 16 24 20 4 3 4 8 1 3 213 194 1.9 1 .7 45 168 4 43 151 7 21 17 25 19 25 15 9 8 8 12 6 4 ? 2 5 2 1 20 22 12 11 7 14 5 5 10 8 2 6 1 3 1 Wives All families............... Percentage............... Relief fam ilies____ Nonrelief fam ilies.. $0-$249.................... $250-$499................ $500-$749................ $750-$999...... ......... $1,000-$1,249.......... $1,250-$1,499.......... $1,500-$1,749.......... $1,750-$1,999.......... $2,000-$2,249.......... $919.PWV-$9 4Q0 $2,500-$2,999 . $3,000-$3,499 ........ $3,500-$3,999.......... $4,000~$4,499 . . $4,500-$4,999.......... $5,000- $7,499 _ . $7,500-$9,999 ........ $10,00 and over... 100.0 0 .6 70 2,394 3, 629 2, 837 1, 530 1. 619 9,668 37 132 369 853 1,299 1,107 1,114 1,027 828 678 853 484 304 183 104 219 44 33 29 41 375 2,019 3 23 95 303 439 286 277 184 142 77 99 49 23 8 4 448 3,181 389 2, 448 1,319 8 rj 11.287 1 11 14 12 2 1 21.2 6 1 32. 2 24 62 223 397 388 391 410 311 262 281 164 97 47 34 67 8 25.1 27 68 151 233 226 259 262 224 215 286 157 107 77 33 84 19 15 i Excludes 2 husbands and 6 wives who did not report age. J0.05 percent or less. 13.6 2 11 8 25 74 94 141 130 125 123 100 96 137 78 63 38 24 42 13 8 397 3 .5 71 326 5 12 24 27 36 39 41 22 30 17 25 19 8 3 5 11 1 1 267 103 60 2 .4 0 .9 0 .5 66 201 14 89 16 44 4 7 7 5 4 5 1 3 2 10 16 27 24 25 15 12 14 7 18 11 3 7 3 5 1 1 2 3 9 13 6 4 11 5 3 6 5 12 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 l 1 1 TABULAR SUMMARY 219 O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T 19.— Report year: Number and percentage distribution of families by date able of end of report year, by occupation 1935-36 |White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Occupational group All Relief Date of end of fami fami report year lies lies (1 ) (3) (2 ) Business and professional Independent Salaried Wage Cleri All Other earner cal busi ness and Busi Profes Busi Profes profes ness sional ness sional sional (9) (10 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (12 ) (1 1 ) All (4) Number of families All dates______ 11,293 1, 619 9, 674 3,994 3,011 Dec. 31, 1935___ 1,729 206 1,523 601 488 Jan. 31, 1936. __ 40 41 140 30 110 Feb. 29, 1936— Mar. 31, 1936— 749 114 635 240 220 335 1,946 818 609 Apr. 30, 1 9 3 6 - 2,281 297 1, 788 718 543 May 31, 1936... 2,085 54 321 127 90 June 30, 1936___ 375 July 31, 1936.... 1, 027 141 886 385 271 Aug. 31, 1936. . . 2,069 335 1, 734 776 527 93 625 253 181 Sept. 30, 1936... 718 41 14 106 36 Oct. 31, 1936-.- 120 Nov. 30, 1936. 2,468 397 28 165 489 492 96 204 386 183 28 901 142 14 67 182 173 37 75 135 67 9 217 36 1 10 43 43 7 19 34 20 4 8 462 69 4 39 82 91 23 33 77 37 7 888 150 9 49 182 185 29 77 140 59 201 37 1 10 30 35 8 26 45 8 1 Percentage All dates______ Dec. 31, 1935— Jan. 31, 1936___ Feb. 29, 1936— . Mar. 31, 1936... Apr. 30, 1 9 3 6 May 31, 1936.__ June 30, 1936. .. July 31, 1936 .. . Aug. 31, 1936.__ Sept. 30, 1936... Oct. 31, 1 9 3 6 No v. 30, 1936 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 15 13 16 15 16 16 16 17 15 1 2 1 1 1 2 17 U) 5 20 19 3 9 16 9 1 6 20 20 1 8 to.5 percent or less. 7 19 3 9 18 7 18 3 9 21 21 6 1 20 6 1 7 18 3 9 18 6 1 21 20 6 1 10 20 6 1 18 3 7 18 3 9 IS 21 6 1 7 7 19 4 8 15 7 20 20 21 1 1 4 8 16 7 2 3 9 16 7 1 100 19 (t) 18 195 7 17 8 2 (t> 5 15 17 4 13 23 4 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 220 S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T able 1.— Family type: Number of families of specified types and average number of persons per family, by income, 1935-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combinedl Average number of persons per family 3 Number of families of type 1 Income class (1 ) All I II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) All families 3............... 6, 517 1 , 862 1,052 Relief families............ 912 196 116 Nonrelief families__ 5, 605 1,666 936 $0-$249_ .................... 148 85 16 $250-$499_................ 351 150 52 $500-$749.................. 638 206 114 $750-$999.................. 782 240 161 $1,000-$1,249........... 724 227 147 $l,250-$i,499_......... 613 155 115 $1,500-$1,749.......... 555 127 87 $1,750-$1,999___•__ 522 157 87 $2,000-$2,249............ 358 95 64 $2,250-$2,499............ 235 70 25 $2,500-$2,999._........ 304 63 37 $3,000- $3,499........... 145 40 10 $3,500-$3,999........... 91 24 8 $4,000-$4,499______ 40 8 3 7 $4,500-$4,999._........ 30 1 $5,000-$7,499______ 51 10 8 1 1 $7,500-$9,999______ 13 1 $10,000 and over 44 717 1,373 97 161 620 1 ,2 1 2 9 20 42 54 12 1 66 109 125 138 66 84 131 65 135 62 116 31 91 18 59 35 95 11 48 6 28 3 16 9 5 7 19 1 6 1 599 '415 106 94 493 321 7 8 18 22 43 59 46 57 65 37 51 30 60 39 43 23 40 10 30 1 1 43 12 21 5 15 3 1 5 2 2 2 2 2 Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers 16 Under and 16 over (9) GO) (ID (12 ) (13) (14) 312 105 207 3 11 21 32 32 29 25 21 9 9 8 3 2 1 1 114 9 105 ‘ 73 28 45 1 1 7 5 5 3.6 4.2 3.5 2 .8 7 7 12 12 9 15 12 8 4 5 3 3 2 2 2 1 6 6 4 3 1 3 3 1 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.6 3. 7 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.5 3.8 4.0 1 .0 0.6 1 .6 1 .0 .6 .6 .6 .8 .2 1.0 1 .1 .9 1.1 1 .1 .4 .4 .4 .5 .5 .9 .6 .6 .9 .8 .7 .6 .9 8 .8 .8 1.0 1 .2 1.0 .8 .8 .8 .6 i 7 .7 1.2 2 .0 i Family type: I. 2 persons. Husband and wife only. II. 3 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16 and no others. III. 4 persons. Husband, wife, 2 children under 16 and no others. IV. 3 or 4 persons. Husband, wife, 1 person 16 or over, and 1 or no other person, regardless of age. V. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16,1 person 16 or over, and 1 or 2 other persons, regard less of age. VI. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 children under 16 and no others. VII. 7 or 8 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16. 4 or 5 other persons, regardless of age. VIII. 6 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 persons 16 or over. Other. 7 or more persons All types not included in I through VIII. 3 These are year-equivalent persons. The sum of columns (13) and (14) plus 2 (husband and wife) does not always equal column (12). For the methods used in deriving these averages see glossary 3 1 family which reported a net loss is excluded from this and subsequent tables. This family had gross business expense and losses exceeding its gross earnings and other income. 4 Largest income reported between $15,000 and $20 ,000. TABULAE SUMMARY 221 1A.—Family type: Number of families of specified types and average number of persons per family, by occupation and income, 1985-36 S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T a b l e [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born] Average number of persons per family * Number of families of type Other than husband All and wife — VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) (13) (14) Income class and occupational group ( 1) All I II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 478 332 5 30 48 80 35 49 32 29 13 5 5 546 16 28 66 73 76 58 54 53 46 22 27 13 7 2 4 275 5 11 34 38 43 33 36 26 15 13 9 6 4 287 105 Wage earner All nonrelief families. 2,865 790 $0-$249................... 77 29 204 73 $250-$499____.. .. $500-$749............... 401 117 $750-$999_______ 507 136 421 122 $1,000-$1,249......... $1,250-$! ,499......... 323 74 $1,500-$1,749......... 290 62 262 82 $1.750-$1,999____ $2,000- $2,249____ 148 35 $2,250-$2,499......... 80 22 84 19 $2,500-$2,999......... $3,000-$3,499____ 35 12 7 $3,500-$3,999____ 23 4 $4,000-$4,499____ 4 $4,500-$4,999____ 2 $5,000-$7,499____ $7,500-$9,999____ $10,000 and over.. Clerical All nonrelief families' 1,158 299 6 5 $0-$249.................. 25 1 1 $250-$499.............. 94 29 $500-$749.............. $750-$999.............. 137 40 134 37 $1,000-$1,249........ $1,250-$ 1,499____ 148 28 134 28 $1,500-$1,749........ $1,750-$1,999____ 145 45 29 $2,000-$2,249........ 111 $2,250-$2,499........ 71 23 91 12 $2,500-$2,999____ $3,000-$3,499____ 36 9 11 1 $3,500-$3,999____ 1 8 $4,000-$4,499____ 1 3 $4,500-$4,999____ 3 $5,000-$7,499........ 1 $7,500-$9,999____ $10,000 and over.. All nonrelief families 690 $0-$249......................... 22 $250-$499...................... 72 $500-$749..................... 89 $750-$999..................... 79 $1,000-$1,249............... 96 $1,250-$1,499............... 75 $1,500-$1,749............... 63 $1,750-$1,999_............. 44 $2,000-$2,249............... 27 $2,250-$2,499............... 32 $2,500-$2,999............... 35 $3.000-$3,499............... 18 $3.500-$3,999............. 14 4 $4,000-$4,499............... 3 $4,500-$4,999............... $5,000-$7,499............... 13 3 $7,500-$9,999............... 1 $10 ,0 0 0 and over See 235 14 36 32 28 31 32 19 9 7 10 5 4 4 11 32 71 98 87 61 45 34 20 6 9 1 3 8 20 45 49 26 20 26 15 4 3 3 1 144 3 9 13 25 27 19 19 15 6 3 5 239 1 3 23 37 34 34 22 31 24 9 15 2 2 1 1 109 3 10 17 18 12 9 7 13 4 5 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 131 3 9 16 19 17 19 15 10 6 12 2 1 1 1 70 3 7 8 11 7 6 6 8 3 2 6 1 1 1 3 30 27 43 41 37 22 13 32 11 3 21 2 49 1 4 2 5 11 5 8 5 5 31 1 6 4 3 4 5 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 footnotes at end of table. 1 220 1 4 3 4 7 11 17 8 17 13 11 5 3 41 6 5 6 7 4 3 2 2 5 1 24 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 1 26 6 1 1 2 4 2 3 5 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 167 51 24 18 2 1 11 5 2 14 19 16 27 15 20 9 7 9 11 7 4 2 1 4 2 4 3 12 7 3 3 2 1 7 2 3 5 1 3 1 5 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 ................ 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3.7 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.8 4.0 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.5 3. 6 4. 5 3. 5 (*) 1.1 1 .0 1.1 1 .2 1.3 1 .1 1.2 1.3 1 .0 .8 .8 .8 .7 .4 .5 3.4 .9 2 .2 .2 3. 2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.3 3.6 3. 5 3.7 3.8 4.2 4.2 4. 0 3.2 (*) 3.3 2. 5 2.9 3.2 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.0 3.0 3.7 5.1 (*) .7 .8 .9 .9 .9 1 .0 .8 1 .0 .7 .9 .7 0 .6 .4 .3 .4 .4 .5 .6 .7 .6 .9 1 .0 1.1 .8 1 2 2 .0 . 1. 5 (*) .6 .5 .4 .4 .4 .6 .6 .5 .6 .8 .8 1 .1 1 2 1.6 . . 7 1.3 .1 1.1 (*) (*) 1 .1 .6 .8 .4 .5 .9 .7 .7 .7 1 .0 .9 .8 .8 1.1 .7 .5 .7 1.0 1 .0 1 .0 .5 .1 .4 .4 .3 .7 .5 .5 .5 .7 .7 .8 1 .0 .8 .5 .3 2. 1 (*) 222 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . 1A.— Family type: Number of families of specified types and average number of persons per family, by occupation and income, 1985-36— Continued T able Average number of persons per family Number of families of type— Income class and occupational group (1 ) All I II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 7 34 7 Independent professional All nonrelief families. 1 1 2 1 $0-$249____________ $250-$499___________ 3 1 $500-$749___________ $750-$999__________ 2 $1,000-$1,249_______ 11 1 $1,250-$1,499._-.......... g $1,500-$1,749................ $1,750-$1,999_______ 9 11 $2,000-$2,249_______ $2,250-$2,499............... 1 1 $2,500-$2,999_______ 14 $3,000-$3,499............... 4 $3,500-$3,999._............ 10 $4,000-$4,499............... 5 3 $4,500-$4,999.............. $5,000-$7,499............... 13 $7,500-$9,999.............. 3 $10,000 and over <__ 2 Salaried business All nonrelief families. 337 $0-$249_....................... $250-$499..................... 4 $530-$749_.................... 7 $750-$999..................... 13 $1,000-$1,249............... 2 1 $1 , 250-$l,499_............. 32 $1,500-$! ,749 32 $1,750-$1,999 30 $2,0U0-$i249__............ 28 $2,250-$?499............... 23 $2,500-$2,999............... 40 $3,000-$3,499............... 36 $3,500-$3,999........... 28 $4,000-$4,499_............. 1 1 $4,500-$4,999............... 13 $5,000-$7,499............... 1 2 6 $7,500-$9,999 __ $10,000 and over * ... 1 44 11 1 2 1 5 1 2 3 4 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 86 1 2 3 9 5 6 8 9 7 11 10 7 2 2 3 1 See footnotes at end of table. 1 54 3 3 3 8 9 5 6 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 3.1 (*) 2.5 (*) (*) 2.9 (*) 3.6 3.1 2 .6 3.4 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3. 7 3.4 3.7 (*) 1 1 1 3 4 2 3 2 1 7 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 6 4 6 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 33 3 9 5 5 3 1 3 77 53 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 4 5 2 1 1 1 4 2 Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) GO) 0 1 ) ( 12 ) (13) (14) 4 6 7 8 2 6 10 11 1 i 1 7 5 3| 2 2 1 17 3 2 ! 5 2 7 4' 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 i 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 7 8 1 1 3 |_____ 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 , 1 3. 5 3.9 3.3 3. 6 3.0 3.7 3.4 3.4 3.4 3. 6 3. 7 3.4 3.8 3.7 4.2 3. 6 3.1 (*) 0.5 0 .6 .l .4 (•) (*) (*) 0 .6 0. 3 .6 .4 .3 1 .1 .4 .5 .4 .4 .3 .6 .3 1 .0 .7 .4 .3 .9 .5 .6 .6 1.4 .8 1.4 (*) .5 1.0 1.5 .5 .i .4 .4 •. 43 •5 •3 •8 •6 •6 1 .2 1.2 .7 1.4 .9 1 .0 1.1 .8 1.1 .8 .8 .5 1.4 1 .0 .5 1.0 1.2 •. OQ ft O ft 223 TABULAR SUMMARY S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T 1 A . — Family type: Number of families of specified types and average number of persons per family, by occupation and income, 1935-86— Continued able Average number of persons per family Number of families of type— Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) ( 10 ) ( 1 1 ) ( 12 ) (13) (14) Income class and occupational group (1 ) All I II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) ( 6) (7) (8) Salaried projessional All nonrelief families 240 68 35 23 69 $0-$249....................... 1 $250 $499................. 4 3 $500~$749................. 7 2 2 1 $750-$999..................... 15 7 3 1 $1,000-$1,249............. . 24 10 6 3 $1,250-$1,499............... 19 2 2 6 6 $1,500-$1,749............... 24 6 4 3 8 $1,750-$1,999............... 26 6 4 5 6 $2,000-$2,249............... ?0 7 2 13 6 $2,250--$2,499_______ 17 4 2 2 5 $2,5)0 -$2,999_______ 36 6 5 10 8 $3,000-$3,499............... 14 3 2 4 1 $3,500-$3,999........... 5 4 $4,000-$4,499_______ 7 2 2 i ! l $4,500-$4,999............... 4 2 1 1 1 $5,000-$7,499_______ 8 2 3 $7,500-$9,999............... $10,000 and over........ Other5 All nonrelief families. 203 144 10 4 32 2 1 1 $0-$249____________ 42 36 1 $250-$499._.......... ....... 39 24 6 7 1 12 $500-$749___________ 39 24 1 $750-$999___________ 29 26 2 1 1 $1,000- $1,249.............. 17 13 1 1 $1,250-$1,499............. 9 15 3 1 $1,500-$1,749............... 5 4 1 $1,750-$1,999_______ 2 6 $2,000-$2,249............... 3 3 1 1 $2,250-$2,499 .............. $2,500-$2,999............... 2 i i 4 1 i_____ $3,000-$3,499............ 2 $3,500-$3,999 ............ 1 i $4,000-$4,499 _______ I $4,500-$4,999__........ . | $5,000-$7,499........... . _____!_____ |_____ $7,500-$9,999_______ $10,000 and over____ .......... 1........... !........... 16 1 2 14 9 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 3 5 1 1 3.5 2.4 4.3 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.3 3.6 3.6 <3.8 3.2 4.0 3.9 3.3 0.9 0.6 1.9 .7 1.0 .9 .9 1 .1 .5 .5 .4 .6 .3 .5 .5 .4 .8 .5 1.1 1 .0 1 .1 .2 .7 .8 .7 .6 .8 1.0 1. 3 1 .1 .6 l 3 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i. 1 1 j ! | ! 1 ...... 2.5 2.3 2. 6 2. 6 2 2 .2 2 .6 2 6 2 2 . . 4.2 2 .0 (*) 3.0 (*) (*) .3 .2 .2 .1 .3 .2 .1 .5 .3 1.2 .3 .4 .1 .1 .3 .2 1 .0 (*) .8 (*) I (*) _____ 1____ ..................i _ _ _____■_____ 1___ .2 (*) For footnotes 1 and 2, see table 1 on p. 220. 3 Largest income between $15,000 and $20,000. 4 Largest income between $10,000 and $15,000. 3 This group contains 19 families engaged in farming, a group too small to be separately classified and families having no gainfully employed members. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases 224 WEST CENTRAL-ROOKY MOUNTAIN REGION S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T 2 . — Sources of family income: Number of families receiving income from specified sources and average amount of such income, by income, 1985-86 able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: AH occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving— Income class (1 ) All families....................................... Relief families................................. Nonrelief families........................... $0-$249...................................... $250-$499.................................... $500-$749.................................... $750-$999.................................... $1,000-$1,249.............................. $1,250-SI,499.............................. $1,500-$1,749.............................. $1,750-$1,999.............................. $2,000-$2,249.............................. $2,250-$2,499.............................. $2,500-$2,999.............................. $3,000-$3,999.............................. $4,000-$4,999_............................ $5,000 and over......... .............. Number of families (2 ) 6,517 912 5, 605 148 351 638 782 724 613 556 522 358 235 304 236 70 68 Money income from— Other sources Earnings 1 (positive or nega tive) 1 (3) (4) 6,277 862 5,415 109 316 603 753 708 599 550 516 355 234 300 235 69 68 1,176 126 1,050 40 89 94 106 102 10 1 89 86 67 52 94 71 30 29 Nonmoney income from— Any source * (5) 3,106 207 2,899 67 159 252 314 314 329 307 284 230 152 226 154 56 55 Owned home (positive or nega tive) * (6) 3,039 195 2,844 65 152 245 304 307 323 302 283 229 149 224 152 55 54 Rent as pay (7) 67 12 55 2 7 7 10 7 6 5 l 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” * Includes 1,141 families, 1,015 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings and no business losses met from family funds; 2 1 families, all of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds and no money income other than earnings, and 14 families, all of which were nonrelief, which had both money income and business losses met from family funds. There were, there fore, 1,155 families, 1,029 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings, whether or not they had business losses met from family funds; and there were 35 families, all of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds, whether or not they had money income other than earn ings. These latter 35 families were found in the following income classes: $0-$?49, 2; $500-$749, 5; $750-$999, 2; $1,000-$1,249, 5; $1,250-$1,499, 4; $1,500-$1,749, 3; $1,750-$1,999, 2; $2,000-$2,249, 3; $2,250-$2,499, 2; $2,500$2,999, 3; $3,000-$3,999, 1: $4,000-$4,999, 2 ; $5,000 and over, 1. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 8 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. * Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. There were 131 families, 117 of which were nonrelief, with losses from owned homes (i. e., families whose estimated rental value was Jess than estimated expenses). The latter 117 families were found in the follow ing income classes: $0-$249, 6 ; $250-$499, 12; $50O-$749, 20; $750-$999, 16; $1,000-$1,249, 10; $1,250-$1,499, 13; $1,600-$1,749, 13; $1,750-$1,999, 11; $2,000-$2,249, 7; $2,250-$2,499, 4; $2,600-$2,999, 5. Excludes 17 families whose estimated rental value of owned homes was equal to estimated expenses. 225 TABULAE SUMMARY S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T a ble 2. — Sources of family Income: N um ber o f fa m ilie s receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by incom e , 1 9 8 5 -3 6 1— Con. Average family income Money income from— Income class (1 ) Total (2 ) All families.............................. 8$1,363 453 Relief families......................... Nonrelief families................. 81,511 153 $0-$249............................... 387 $250-$499........................... 631 $500-$749........................... 872 $750-$999........................... 1,128 $1,000-$1,249..................... 1,359 $1,250-$1,499..................... 1,614 $1,500-$1,749..................... 1,858 $1,750-$1,999..................... 2,107 $2,000-$2,249..................... 2,369 $2,250-$2,499..................... 2, 712 $2,500-$2,999................. 3, 395 $3,000-$3,999..................... 4,449 $4,000-$4,999._.................. 6,828 $5,000 and o ver............. All sources Earn ings 1 (3) (4) $1,294 442 1,432 $1,227 413 1,360 94 298 556 788 1,027 1,224 1,477 1,706 1,934 2,149 2,376 3,062 3,915 5,995 120 348 595 833 1,081 1,291 1,538 1,780 1,995 2,232 2,538 3,212 4,160 6,466 Nonmoney income from— Other sources (positive or nega tive) 8 (5) $67 29 72 26 50 39 45 54 67 61 74 61 83 162 150 245 471 A ll sources (6) Owned home (positive or nega tive) * (7) Rent as pay (8) $69 $68 $1 11 10 1 2 79 33 39 36 39 47 68 76 78 112 137 174 183 289 362 77 31 37 34 37 45 67 74 76 110 135 171 180 280 348 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 9 14 i The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2) of table 2, whether or not they received income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2 ), (3), (5), (6), and (7) are net figures, after deduc tion for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 8 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 8 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” < Represents the estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. *Median income for all families was $1,157; for nonrelief families, $1,315. 226 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T a b l e 2 A .— Sources of fam ily incom e: N um ber of fa m ilie s receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by occupation and incom e , 1 93 5-36 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving— Money income from— Income class and occupational Number of families group (1 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families. ................... $0-$499.......................................... $500-$999______________________ $1,000-$1,499. ______ ___________ $1,500-$1,999_____ _____________ $2.000-$2,999______________ _ $3,P00-$4,999____ _____ ________ $5,000 and over____ _____ _____ Clerical All nonrelief families.................... $0-$499.......................................... $500-$699....................... ............... $1,000-$1,499..................................... $1,500-$1,999..................................... $2,000-82,999.................................... $3,000-84,999__________________ $5,000 and over________________ Business and 'professional All nonrelief families................. $0-$499............................................. $500-8999.____ ________________ $1,000-$1,499..................................... $1,500-$1,999__________________ $2,000-82,999..................................... $3,000-84,999.............. .................... $5,000 and over........ ........................ Other All nonrelief fam ilies.................... (2 ) Other Owned sources home Earnings 1 (positive Any source3 (positive or nega or nega tive) 2 tive) 4 (3) (4) (6) (5) 2, 865 2 S1 908 744 552 312 2, 864 281 907 744 552 312 2 2 1, 158 31 231 282 279 273 58 4 1,158 31 231 282 279 273 58 4 183 1, 379 106 213 279 236 304 179 62 203 66 Nonmoney income from— (7) 1,335 97 320 334 318 215 50 1,303 93 306 326 316 2 11 50 14 32 45 61 19 4 601 16 87 133 141 186 35 3 595 15 86 132 139 185 35 3 1,374 104 212 278 235 304 179 62 335 30 34 55 54 76 61 25 797 52 103 148 122 199 12 2 51 783 51 10 1 144 120 198 119 50 14 19 166 166 163 3 66 366 41 Rent as pay 88 86 65 18 68 8 1 32 4 14 8 2 4 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 1 3 1 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 2 Includes families having money income other than earnings, families having business losses met from family funds, and families having both such income and such losses. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. * Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. 227 TABULAR SUM M A RY SPRINGFIELD, M O . T a b l e 2 A.— Sources of fam ily in com e: Number of fam ilies receiving income from specified sources , and average amount of such incom e , by occupation and incom e , 1935-86 1— Continued Average family income Money income from— Income class and occupational group (1 ) Total (2 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families .......... s $1,267 327 $0-$499____________ _____ _ 764 $500-$999...____ _____ ____ $1,000-$1,499.................... .. 1,226 $1,500-$1,999............................ 1, 734 $2,000-$2,999......................... . 2, 345 $3,000-$4,999____________ 3, 544 $5,000 and over___________ (*) Clerical All nonrelief families______ 51, 643 362 $0-$499___________________ 775 $500-$999___________ _____ $1,000-$1,499___....................... 1,250 $1,500-$!,999............................ 1, 740 $2,000-$2,999............................ 2 , 370 $3,000-$4,999._. ...................... 3, 489 $5,000 and over.__________ 6, 042 Business and professional All nonrelief families .......... *‘2,017 $0-$499..................................... 337 760 $500-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,499______________ 1, 236 $1,500-$1,999______________ 1, 718 $2,000-$2,999.......................... . 2,426 $3,000-$4,999_.......................... 3, 718 6,936 $5,000 and o ver........... ......... Other 778 All nonrelief families........... Nonmoncy income from— Other sources All Earnings 2 (positive sources or nega tive) 3 (3) (4) (5) All sources (6) Owned home (positive or nega tive) * (7) $1,2 2 0 307 741 1,187 1, 676 2, 240 3, 363 (*) $1,188 290 723 1,159 1,644 2,160 3, 253 (*) $32 17 18 28 32 80 no 1, 561 303 741 1,194 1, 657 2 , 228 3, 349 5, 788 1,500 265 729 1,164 1,596 2,142 3,185 3,891 61 38 12 30 61 86 164 1,897 82 59 34 56 83 142 140 254 80 56 33 55 80 140 140 254 289 708 1,147 1, 615 2 , 260 3, 484 6, 561 1, 789 256 672 1,079 1, 520 2,171 3,324 6,166 97 33 36 68 95 89 160 395 131 48 52 89 103 166 234 375 129 47 52 87 10 1 165 227 361 624 46 578 154 151 1,886 $47 20 23 39 58 105 181 (*) (*) Rent as pay (8 ) $44 19 21 38 57 103 181 $3 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 2 (•*) 1 2 2 1 7 14 3 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2 ) of table 2A, whether or not they re ceived income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2), (3), (5), (6), and (7) are net figures, after deduction for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 2 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 3 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned home for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. 5 Median incomes were as follows: Wage-earner families, $1,145: clerical families, $1,565; business and professional families, $1,680. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. •*$0.50 or less. W E S T C E N T R A L -R O C K Y M O U N T A I N R E G IO N 228 SPRINGFIELD, M O. 3.— M oney earnings: Num ber of fam ilies receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source , by income, 1935—86 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class Number of families (1 ) (2 ) All families......................... — Relief families............................ Nonrelief families..................... $0-$249.............. .................. $250-$499............................. $500-$749.............................. $750-$999— ........................ $1,000-11,249.................. . . $1,250-11,499....................... $1.500-$l,749_-................... $1,750-$1,999_................. $2,000-$2,249.__________ $2,250-$2,499___________ $2,500-$2,999....................... $3,000-$3,999.__________ $4,000-$4,999___________ $5,000 and over.................. 6,517 912 5,605 148 351 638 782 724 613 556 52? 358 235 304 236 70 68 Average net money earn ings from l— Other Roomers not and Indi Roomers work Indi boarders Any vidual attrib All vidual and source earners boarders2 utable sources earners and to indi other work 2 viduals (3) (5) (6) (8) (7) (9) (4) 6,277 862 5,415 109 316 603 753 708 599 550 516 355 234 300 235 69 68 6,237 856 5,381 99 307 598 750 707 595 548 516 355 234 300 235 69 68 374 43 331 13 34 30 50 40 34 33 29 21 12 18 13 3 1 52 $1,227 $1 , 220 12 409 413 40 1,360 1, 352 3 94 90 9 287 298 6 556 550 782 6 788 5 1,027 1,0 2 0 5 1,224 1, 217 3 1,477 1,472 3 1,706 1,699 1,934 1,928 2,149 2,140 2,376 2, 365 3,062 3,049 3,915 3,911 5,995 5,988 $7 4 8 4 11 6 6 7 7 5 7 6 9 11 13 4 7 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2 ), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. 2 Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross income from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, thpre were a few families which had roomers and boarders but which received from them no net money earnings. 3 Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to in dividuals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were $0.50 or less. 229 TABULAR SUMMARY S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . 3A.— Money earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving net m oney earnings and average net m oney earnings received from each source , by occupation ana incom e , 1 93 5-36 T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class and occupa tional group Number of families (1 ) (2 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families.............. $0-$499........................................ $500-$999..................................... $1,000-$1,499............................... $1,500-$1,999.............................. $2,000-$2,999 ............................. $3,000-$4,999 ______________ $5,000 and over_____________ Clerical All nonrelief families............... $0-$499......................................... $500-$999..................................... $1,000-$!,499............................... $1,500-$1,999......................... — $2,000-$2,999.............................. $3,000-$4,999 ........................... $5,000 and over_____________ Business and professional All nonrelief families............... $0-$499......................................... $500-$999..................................... $1,000-$1,499......................... — $1,500-$1,999............................... $2,000-$2,999............................... $3,000-$4,999.............................. $5,000 and over_____________ Other All nonrelief families..... ......... Average net money earn ings from i— Other Roomers not and Indi Roomers work Indi boarders attrib All Any vidual and vidual and source earners boarders utable sources 2 to indi earners other works viduals (3) (4) (6) (9) (7) (5) (8) 2,865 281 908 744 552 312 2,864 281 907 744 552 312 2,863 281 906 744 552 312 138 14 47 32 27 17 1,158 31 231 282 279 273 58 1,158 31 231 282 279 273 58 61 7 2 11 1 1 4 1,158 31 231 28? 279 273 58 4 1,379 106 213 279 236 304 179 62 1,374 104 2 12 278 235 304 179 62 1,341 85 205 273 233 304 179 62 129 30 21 28 19 19 203 19 19 3 66 2 4 66 2 66 2 1 13 16 15 4 27 $1,188 $1,184 8 286 290 10 723 719 6 1,159 1,155 3 1, 644 1,639 2,160 2,151 3,253 3,252 (*) (*) 3 2 5 2 1 1 1 11 1 1 1,500 265 729 1,164 1,596 2,142 3,185 3,891 1,493 262 726 1,159 1,589 2,135 3,175 3,891 1,789 256 672 1,079 1,520 2,171 3,324 6 166 1,775 227 653 1,062 1,512 2,161 3,309 6,159 46 44 , $4 4 4 4 5 9 1 7 3 3 5 7 7 10 14 29 19 17 8 10 15 7 2 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2 ), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. 2 Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross in come from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were some families which had roomers and boarders but which had no net money earnings from them. * Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to in dividuals (casual work in home, such as laundry or sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were $0.50 or less for all occupations. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 230 4-4A.—Principal earners: N um ber of p rin cip a l earners, classified as hus bands, vnves, and others, w ith weeks of em ploym ent and average yea rly earnings S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T able of p rin cip a l earners, by occupation and incom e, 1 98 5-36 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Income class and occu pational group (1 ) A ll occupations All families_____________ Relief families................ .. Nonrelief families *_____ . $0-$249........... ..................... $250-$499..........- .................$500-$749________________ $750-1999________________ $1,000-$1,249 __________ $1,250-$1,499_____________ $1,500-$1,749_____________ $1,750-$1,999................... $2,000-$2,249____ ________ $2,250-$2,499 ................ . $2,500-$2,999_____________ $3,000-$3,999 $4,000-$4,999...................... $5,000 and over _____ Wage earner All nonrelief families_____ $0-$499_________ ________ $500-$999.............................. . $1,000-$1,499................ ......... $1,500-$1,999......................... $2,000-$2,999 ........ $3,000-$4,999 $5,000 and over _________ Clerical All nonrelief families_____ $0-$499................................... $500-$999............. ................... $1,000-$1,499_........................ $1,500-$1,999_____ _______ $2,000-$2,999_____________ $3,000-$4,999 $5,000 and over ______ Business and professional All nonrelief families_____ $0-$499.............................. $500-$999 ........................... $1,000-$1,499_____________ $1,500-41,999.-.......... ........... $2,000-$2,999_____________ $3,000-$4,999 ............. $5,000 and over............... . Num ber of fam ilies Number of principal earners All 3 Hus bands Wives (5) (2 ) (3) (4) 6,517 912 5,605 148 351 638 782 724 613 556 522 358 235 304 236 70 6,237 856 5, 381 99 307 598 750 707 595 548 516 355 234 300 235 69 5,673 722 4,951 2,865 281 908 744 552 312 2,863 281 906 744 552 312 2,639 249 809 703 520 295 62 89 15 59 12 3 68 66 2 68 66 2 86 276 523 688 653 552 501 491 329 222 277 226 63 64 216 67 149 5 16 46 30 20 10 8 5 3 5 1 1 Others Male Female (6) (7) 194 34 160 6 10 13 15 19 18 21 15 13 8 6 8 4 4 12 1 2 5 16 17 15 15 18 5 10 4 12 1 1 95 13 22 19 22 14 4 40 4 16 10 7 3 (*) 1,158 31 231 282 279 273 58 4 1,158 31 231 282 279 273 58 4 1,041 27 201 247 260 250 52 4 31 37 49 1 10 12 1 6 11 2 1,379 106 213 279 236 304 179 62 1,341 85 205 273 233 304 179 62 1,252 77 195 252 2 12 283 174 59 29 5 7 6 6 4 1 14 9 6 4 12 6 28 32 2 1 7 5 7 4 3 (8) 154 33 1 4 4 Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 1 13 2 3 8 10 10 Average earn ings of principal earners 2 All Hus bands (9) (10 ) 49 $1,164 40 396 50 1,287 37 129 45 314 49 561 50 777 51 978 51 1,131 51 1,352 51 1,590 51 1,765 52 1,936 52 2,125 52 2,753 52 3, 303 52 5,566 $1 , 2 1 1 399 1,329 134 320 575 792 998 1,158 1,395 1,620 1,817 1,956 2,198 2,791 3,437 5,626 50 42 49 51 51 52 52 1,066 272 686 1,050 1,489 1,836 2.600 C) 1,104 278 711 1,072 1,529 1,880 2, 642 (*) 51 40 50 51 51 52 52 52 1,369 255 699 1,073 1,469 1,949 2,686 3,894 1,421 279 708 1,116 1.504 2,009 2,786 3,894 51 47 50 51 51 52 52 52 1,698 274 645 1,019 1,414 2,014 3,047 5,760 1,739 279 646 1,031 1,455 2,064 3,084 5,784 i Averages in this column are based on the number of principal earners reporting weeks of employment. 8 Averages in this section of the table are based on the corresponding counts of principal earners in columns (3) and (4). 3 The total number of principal earners given in column (3) is equivalent to the total number of families having individual earners, since a family can have only 1 principal earner. The difference between the . totals in columns (2) and (3) is explained by the fact that column (2), number of families, includes cases in which none of the family income w~as attributable to individual earners. ^Includes 203 families classified in the occupational group “Other.” These families had 19 principal earners. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 231 TABULAR SUMMARY S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . 5 . — Number of earners in family: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith specified num ber of in d ividu a l earners , fa m ily relation sh ip of sole earners , an d average num ber of supplem en tary earners per fa m ily , by incom e , 1935—36 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families with individual earners Income class Num ber of famiies (1 ) (2 ) All families—........ . 6,517 912 Relief families____ Nonrelief families— 5,605 $0-$249............. 148 351 $250-$499.............. $5Q0-$749_______ 638 782 $750-$999_______ 724 $1,000-$1,249____ $1,250-$1,499........ 613 $1,500-$1,749____ 556 522 $1,750-$1,999____ 358 $2,000-$2,249____ $2,250-$2,499____ 235 304 $2,500-$2,999____ $3,000-$3,999____ 236 $4,000-$4,999 ___ 70 $5,000 and over.. 68 One only Four Other Any Two Three or family Hus Wife more mem band Fe Male male ber (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) (4) (3) 4, 766 647 4,119 87 262 491 609 561 426 400 397 256 165 207 167 40 51 4, 575 587 3,988 78 245 458 589 544 415 394 391 253 161 205 165 40 50 90 38 52 3 11 18 9 4 4 1 2 52 8 44 5 4 6 5 9 3 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 49 1,194 14 171 35 1,023 1 2 9 6 4 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 10 41 99 124 126 143 120 95 71 51 67 45 18 13 214 28 186 63 1 1 1 3 8 14 19 21 20 10 53 3 1 5 16 18 15 8 8 10 7 3 4 20 21 3 6 2 1 Families withmore than one Average earner as number of percent supple age of mentary families earners with any per individ fam ily 2 ual earner 1 ( 12 ) (ID 24 24 23 12 15 18 19 21 28 27 23 28 30 31 29 42 25 0.29 .31 .29 .16 .16 .19 .2 1 .24 .34 .34 .29 .39 .38 .43 .40 .65 .32 1 This percentage was computed by dividing the sum of columns (8 ), (9), (10) by column (4) of table 3 on p. 228. 2 Based on the number of families with individual earners, column (4) of table 3 on p. 228. 78127°— 40----- 16 232 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . — Sole and supplementary earners: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith in d iv id ual earners; num ber of su pplem en tary earners classified as husbands , wives and others; average earnings of su pplem en tary earners; and average earnings of fa m ily from su p p lem en tary earners; by in com e , 1 9 3 5 -3 6 T able 6. {W h ite fa m ilie s in c lu d in g h u s b a n d a n d w ife , b o th n a tiv e born : A ll o c c u p a tio n a l g ro u p s a n d a ll fa m ily ty p e s c o m b in e d ] Number of families with individual earners Num One only of Income class ber fam ilies Any Any family Hus mem band ber (2 ) (3) (4) (5) 0) Number of supplementary earners Average earnings of all supple More Hus Wives mentary than All bands one 3 Fe earners 1 Male male Others ( 6) (7) All families____ 6,517 6,237 4,766 4,575 1,471 1,825 Relief fam ilies.. 912 856 647 587 209 262 Nonrelief fami lies.................... 5,605 5,381 4,119 3,988 1,262 1, 563 $0-$249.............. 148 99 16 87 78 12 $250-$499.......... 351 307 262 245 45 50 $500-$749.......... 638 598 491 458 107 115 $750-$999.......... 782 750 609 589 141 161 $1,000-$!,249.. 724 707 561 544 146 167 $1,250-$1,499_. 613 595 426 415 169 200 $1,500-$1,749.. 556 548 400 394 148 186 $1,750-$1,999 . 522 516 397 391 119 151 $2,000-$2,249_ _ 358 355 256 253 99 139 $2,250-$2,499.. 235 234 165 161 69 90 $2,500-$2,999_. 304 300 207 205 93 128 $3,000-$3,999. _ 236 235 167 165 68 93 $4,000-$4,999._ 70 69 40 40 29 45 $5,000 and over. 68 68 51 50 17 22 (8 ) (9) ( 10 ) (ID (1 2 ) 305 54 251 4 10 36 38 30 26 34 17 19 6 17 6 5 3 481 35 446 5 18 33 54 57 73 64 51 26 24 19 14 4 4 615 424 71 353 4 4 13 24 33 46 35 37 36 25 42 38 14 $378 133 419 41 86 136 181 278 369 415 437 457 548 634 780 1,0 21 1, 307 102 513 3 18 33 45 47 55 53 46 58 35 50 35 22 13 2 Average earnings per family from sup plemen tary earners 2 (13) $106 38 117 4 12 24 37 64 120 139 126 178 210 267 308 656 423 Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in column (7). * Averages in this column are based on the number of families in each class, column (2 ). *Families that have supplementary earners. 1 233 TABULAR SUMMARY S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . 6A.— Sole and supplementary earners: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith in d i vidual earners; num ber of su pplem en tary earners classified as husbands} w ivest and others; average earnings o f su pplem en tary earners; and average earnings of fa m ily from supplem entary earners; by occupation and incom e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] NumIncome class and occu ber of fami pational group lies (1 ) (2 ) Number of fami lies with individ ual earners Number of supplementary earners Others One More Hus Wives Any only than All bands one 3 Fe Male male (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families. _ 2,865 2,863 2,127 $0-$499............................ 281 281 235 908 906 723 $500-$999..................... $1,000-$1,499_.................. 744 744 545 $1,500-$1,999................... 552 552 409 $2,000-$2,999.................... 312 312 182 66 $3,000-$4,999_.................. 66 33 2 2 $5,000 and over.............. Clerical All nonrelief families __ 1,158 1,158 904 31 31 28 $0-$499............................. $500-$999_______ _____ 231 231 196 $1,000-$1,499................... 282 282 220 $1,500-$1,999...... ............. 279 279 214 $2,000-$2,999...... ............. 273 273 205 58 58 37 $3.000-$4,999........ ........... 4 4 4 $5,000 and over.............. Business and profes sional All nonrelief fam ilies.. 1,379 1,341 1,073 $0-$499 ........................... 106 85 79 $500-$999_______ _____ 213 205 176 $1,000-11,499.................... 279 273 220 $1,500-$!,999_________ 236 233 174 $2,000-$2,999_............... 304 304 241 179 179 136 $3,000-$4,999_ ............... 62 62 47 $5,000 and over............. Other 203 19 15 All nonrelief families. 299 15 65 62 57 78 219 7 24 56 48 64 19 736 46 183 199 143 130 33 931 54 207 237 192 188 49 4 143 13 57 27 27 14 4 270 19 61 92 60 32 5 1 21 1 254 3 35 62 65 315 3 38 71 78 93 32 67 80 100 68 11 18 3 7 19 25 35 7 13 12 26 2 68 21 29 53 59 63 43 15 313 7 30 58 67 76 57 18 4 4 268 6 1 13 14 14 5 21 41 1 4 8 10 14 2 2 27 18 6 1 Average earnings of all supple mentary earners 1 Average earnings per family from supple mentary earners * (1 1 ) (12 ) $366 73 152 327 432 522 881 1,018 $119 14 35 104 150 314 654 <*) 456 59 162 343 425 552 887 124 7 27 86 119 188 489 123 7 32 64 115 147 262 398 3 11 10 94 3 14 20 28 19 7 3 113 3 65 17 30 25 13 23 1 540 106 230 310 404 588 824 1,372 2 1 1 152 6 20 12 6 10 12 i Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in column (6). * Averages in this column are based on the number of families as shown in column (2 ). • Families that have supplementary earners. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. T able 7.— Earnings of supplementary earners: S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . tO N um ber of supplem entary earners w ith earnings of specified am ount, by fa m ily incom e , 1985-36 CO ^ [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] (1 ) All families............................. Relief families____________ Nonrelief families.-.............. $0-$249.............................. $250-$499........................... $500-$749........................... $750-$999________ ____ $1,000-$1,249__________ $1,250-$1,499__............. $1,500-$1,749_................. $1,750-$1,999_____ ____ $2,000-$2,249._........ ....... $2,250-$2,499. ................. $2,500-$2,999_____ ____ $3,000-$3,899_................. $4,000-$4,999.................... $5,000 and over............... 1,471 209 1,262 12 45 107 141 146 169 148 119 99 69 93 68 29 17 Average earnings of supple Any Under $100 mentary amount $50 $50-$99 $199 earners (3) (4) $378 133 419 41 86 136 181 278 369 415 437 457 548 634 780 1 ,0 2 1 1,307 1, S25 262 1,563 16 50 115 161 167 200 186 151 139 90 128 93 45 (5) 22 (6) 248 85 163 10 13 23 33 25 12 12 14 13 2 5 1 (7) 197 68 129 5 19 27 17 11 13 9 9 7 5 3 2 2 268 50 218 1 15 31 49 30 23 22 12 10 10 8 4 1 2 Number of supplementary earners with earnings of— $200$299 $300$399 $400$499 $500$599 $300$699 $700$799 $800$899 (8) (9) ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) (13) (14) 159 22 137 3 23 25 16 23 21 7 11 3 3 1 1 191 17 174 173 13 160 160 5 155 12 18 34 27 28 16 9 15 4 3 2,000 $900- $1 ,000- $1,500- $and $999 $1499 $1,999 over (16) (15) (17) (18) 155 113 40 44 54 19 4 1 1 112 40 44 54 19 4 154 11 24 30 34 16 21 16 7 9 3 2 1 35 30 21 12 14 13 14 8 1 1 2 27 39 21 18 13 16 14 4 4 18 19 9 19 20 20 2 1 1 5 3 6 5 7 11 2 2 3 8 10 12 7 2 1 8 20 16 6 3 4 9 6 2 2 WEST CENTRAL-KOOKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Number of families with any supple mentary earners (2 ) T a Rl e 8 .— Husbands as earners: S P R IN G F IE L D , M O , N um ber and average yearly earnings of husbands classified as p rin cip a l or supplem entary earners , by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 93 5-36 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Principal earners by age groups Income class (1 ) Supplementary earners by age groups 65 and Any Un der 20 24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 and 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65over Any Under 20 20 over (4) (7) (9) ( 10 ) ( 1 1 ) ( 12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20 ) (2 1 ) (22 ) (23) (24) (25) (5) (8) (6) (2 ). (3) All families,-........- - 5,670 Relief families. ___ 722 Nonrelief families. . . 4,948 $0-$249 _______ 86 $250-$499............. 276 * $500-$749............. 523 $750-$999_______ 688 $1,000-$1,249 — . 653 $1,250-$1,499____ 552 $1,500-$1,749 500 $1,750-$1,999____ 491 $2,000-$2,249____ 329 $2,250-$2,499........ 221 $2,500-$2,999____ 276 $3.000-$3.999____ 226 $4'000-$4,999........ 63 64 $5,000 and over_. 5 1 4 241 39 202 6 1 1 1 1 26 59 47 29 18 6 6 2 1 2 621 68 553 9 40 80 128 91 71 57 42 11 11 9 4 780 96 684 6 24 70 12 1 117 105 69 81 42 13 18 13 3 2 840 91 749 14 33 78 96 97 79 86 95 60 33 37 25 4 12 793 94 699 8 20 54 81 69 79 84 82 58 41 58 39 18 8 697 66 631 7 22 49 56 73 69 81 67 59 42 45 40 12 9 583 82 501 9 26 36 57 69 49 45 45 37 29 47 32 8 12 482 81 401 5 22 32 51 62 40 29 33 30 24 24 34 4 11 319 56 263 7 22 26 31 22 24 20 21 18 15 19 23 8 7 309 305 ___ 48 54 261 251 15 4 40 10 38 36 19 38 23 30 18 26 23 34 19 17 12 19 12 6 19 17 14 6 6 5 3 3 11 1 10 18 15 1 17 2 23 5 18 35 9 26 33 7 26 38 7 31 49 9 40 13 3 1 7 2 3 5 3 5 7 1 2 3 7 4 4 1 1 6 4 2 4 2 7 3 4 3 5 4 5 7 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 3 6 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 42 41 7 6 35 : 35 1 3 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 6 4 5 2 9 1 4 5 TABULAR SUMMARY Number of husbands 1 • 1 2 2 2 Average earnings of husbands 2 All nonrelief families. $1,329 | $719 $828 $1,039 $1, 263 $1,380 $1,493 $1,472 $1,477 $1, 434 $1,372 $1,089 $412 $416 $370 $401 $350 $528 $315 $491 $421 $402 $379 1 Excludes 3 principal earners who did not report age. ^ , ' 2 Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of husbands in the upper section of the table; the 2 averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total numbers of husbands, including those who did not report age. 00 ^ able 1 S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . 9.—Wives as earners: N um ber and average yearly earnings of wives classified as p rin cip a l or supplem entary earners, by age and fa m ily income, 1 93 5-36 236 T [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Supplementary earners by age groups Principal earners by age groups (1 ) Any Under 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 20 (2 ) (3) (4) (6) (5) (7) 40-44 (8) 65 and Any Udern 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 and 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65over over 20 (9) (10) (1 1 ) (12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20 ) (2 1 ) (22 ) (23) (24) (25) Number of wives All families. __ _ Relief families __ Nonreliof families... $0-$249________ $250-$499 $500-$749.............. $750-$999 $1,C00-$1,249........ $1,250-$1.499____ $1,500-$1,749........ $1,750-$1,999........ $2,000-$2,249........ $2.250-$2,499........ $2,500-$2,999........ $3,000-$3,999........ $4,000-$4.999........ $5,000 and over.. 216 67 149 5 16 46 30 20 10 8 5 3 5 1 1 17 17 31 5 26 26 6 20 1 9 1 5 1 1 8 1 2 7 4 4 3 6 8 1 25 5 20 3 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 27 9 18 2 2 4 3 23 27 8 10 15 2 6 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 17 1 2 7 2 3 15 $ 7 3 13 11 6 9 7 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 -- 481 35 446 5 18 33 54 57 73 64 51 26 24 19 14 4 4 3 3 49 131 l 5 48 126 2 2 1 1 1 7 7 8 9 8 3 1 1 5 4 21 22 26 19 13 5 3 5 3 95 5 90 1 9 10 10 13 14 13 7 2 7 3 1 59 7 52 53 9 44 1 1 2 4 2 5 5 6 5 7 5 5 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 5 8 7 5 3 1 2 1 41 23 2 1 22 39 1 3 4 5 9 4 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 4 1 2 2 1 2 19 3 16 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 6 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Average earnings of wives i All nonrelief fami lies $624 $593 $612 $531 $599 $752 $770 $498 $781 $549 (*) $431 $311 $396 $443 $464 $442 $399 $416 $383 $500 $187 (*) * Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding number of wives in the upper section of the table; the 2 averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total numbers of wives. *Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION income class S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T able 10*— Money income other than earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving m oney incom e other than earnings , and average am ount received , by source and total incom e , 1 9 8 5 -8 6 1 (White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving money income other than earnings from— (1 ) (2 ) (3) , 517 912 5, 605 148 351 638 782 724 613 556 522 358 235 304 236 70 1,151 125 1,026 38 88 91 104 98 99 86 85 64 51 93 71 29 29 All families— ................................................ Relief families....................... .......................... Nonrelief families-------------------------......... $0-$249........................................................ $250-$499.................................................... $500-$749.................................................. . $750-$999_.................................................. $1,000-$!,249.............................................. $1,260-$! ,499...... ................................. $1,500-$1,749..........................._............... $1,750-$1,999............................................ $2,000-$2,249............................................. $2,250-$2,499............................................. $2,500-$2,999............................................. $3,000-$3,999.............................................. $4,000-$4,999............................................. $5,000 and over........................................ 6 68 Any source Average money income, other than earnings, received from *— Rent from Interest Pensions, Gifts for Miscel Rent from Interest Pensions, Gifts for All property and divi annuities, current laneous property and divi annuities, current sources dends benefits sources 3 benefits (net) use (net) use dends ( 10 ) ( 12 ) (13) (8) (9) (4) (6) (7) (5) (1 1 ) 435 13 422 17 32 48 32 33 47 35 31 26 19 40 30 16 16 159 2 157 3 6 3 11 8 12 21 12 11 9 19 20 9 13 195 14 181 2 17 23 32 25 14 14 16 10 5 12 9 1 l 161 29 132 15 29 16 15 15 14 6 3 5 2 6 2 1 3 $67 28 74 26 50 39 45 55 67 62 75 62 84 163 150 245 472 $19 1 22 9 13 16 11 11 22 18 13 11 55 46 160 172 20 $6 (*) 8 1 1 1 4 7 6 4 2 11 12 7 21 46 149 $16 4 18 3 16 15 18 22 18 15 21 17 13 26 24 8 49 $4 3 4 10 13 5 4 3 4 3 r**> (**) (**) 1 l 2 13 $22 20 22 3 7 2 8 17 16 20 29 21 47 73 59 31 89 TABULAR SUMMARY Income class Number of fami lies See glossary for definition of “money income other than earnings.” * Averages are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money income other than earnings. 3 Includes money income other than earnings from sources other than those specified, including profits from business enterprises partially or wholly owned bat not operated by amily member*. See glossary for further definition of “profits.” • Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. **$0.60 or less. 1 237 S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T able 11.— N onm oney in com e from owned hom es: Num ber of fa m ilies owning homes w ith and without mortgages; average rental value , average expense, and average nonm oney incom e from hom e ow nership; by incom e, 1 98 5-86 to CO 00 fWhite families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1 ) families..................................... elief families______ ____ ____ ronrelief families_________ _ $0-$249................. ............... $250~$499................. ................. $600-$749.................................. $750-$999_________________ $1,000~$1,249................ ........... $1,250-$1,499___ ____ _____ $1,500-$1,749........................... $1,750-$1,999_____ ________ $2,000-$2,249______________ $2,260-$2,499______________ $2,500-$2.999______________ $3,000-$3,999_________ ____ $4,000-$4,999_____ ________ $5,000 and over...................... 11 Homes free from mortgage Mortgaged homes Families owning homes free from mortgage Families owning Average expense 3 Average mortgaged homes Average Average Interest Average as per Owning Average non non rental expense 3 money rental homes 1 money ofcentage value 2 rental value 2 income 4 income 4 value Interest Other Number Percent Number Percent age 5 age 6 All (2 ) (3) (4) 6,517 912 5,605 148 351 638 782 724 613 556 522 358 235 304 236 70 3,039 195 2,844 65 152 245 304 307 323 302 283 229 149 224 152 55 54 1,836 94 1,742 48 92 132 180 181 205 183 156 143 88 145 107 41 41 68 (6) (5) 60 48 61 74 60 54 59, 59 64 61: 55 62 59 65 70 74 76 $272 125 280 152 176 194 202 210 238 268 266 308 38? 389 421 514 622 (7) $87 60 87 65 69 72 73 75 80 85 85 92 105 107 113 127 146 (8) $185 65 193 87 107 122 129 135 158 183 181 216 277 282 308 387 476 GO) (9) 1.203 101 1 ,1 0 2 17 60 113 124 126 118 119 127 86 61 79 45 14 13 40 52 39 26 40 46 41 41 36 39 45 38 41 35 30 26 24 (1 1 ) $241 136 251 156 200 179 166 198 222 224 274 287 318 355 443 566 702 (12 ) $82 45 85 70 76 60 58 63 78 86 99 98 10 1 113 132 158 208 (13) $79 61 82 65 72 69 66 72 76 77 86 87 95 100 116 137 161 (15) (14) $80 30 84 21 52 50 42 63 68 61 89 102 122 142 195 271 333 34 33 34 45 38 34 35 32 35 38 36 34 32 32 30 28 30 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Number of families 1 Includes all families occupying owned homes at any time during the report year, but excludes 17 families whose expenses exactly equaled the annual rental value of their homes Data for the latter families, however, are included in the computation of averages. 8 Based on estimate made by home owner, for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. This period averages, in general, approximately 12 months. 3 Expense for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Expense other than interest, columns (7) and (13), estimated on basis of average relationship between rental value and expense. 4 Nonmoney income for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Obtained by deducting estimated expense (including interest) from rental value. * Based on number of families owning homes, column (3). S P E IN G F IE L D , M O . T able 12 .— M onthly rental value: N um ber of hom e-owning fa m ilies having homes w ith specified m onthly rental value, by incom e, 1935-36 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1 ) 6,365 881 5,484 144 336 625 765 699 606 543 513 352 234 298 231 70 68 3,008 194 2,814 66 148 238 303 302 317 302 283 225 147 223 152 54 54 Average Number of home-owning families reporting monthly rental value of— monthly rental value of owned Under $5-$9 $10-$14 $15—$19 $20-$24 $25-$29 $30-$34 $35-$39 $40-$44 $45-$54 $55-$74 $75 and over homes 3 $5 (17) (16) (10 ) (14) (15) (8) (12 ) (5) (6) (7) (9) (13) Ul) 47 $2 2 .10 5 22 1 1 .2 0 2 51 46 44 38 40 43 52 56 55 64 63 75 66 77 79 22.80 13.00 15. 70 15.80 15. 90 17. 60 19.70 2 1.2 0 22 . 80 25. 30 30. 40 31.80 36. 20 44.40 53.40 3 1 1 1 192 64 128 17 15 30 34 18 5 6 1 1 1 653 74 579 23 50 87 110 82 83 61 37 24 7 12 2 1 673 37 636 16 45 58 73 102 86 84 83 40 21 21 5 2 361 365 191 193 155 139 53 28 8 6 1 2 155 139 53 28 1 1 1 353 5 18 20 40 38 45 52 45 33 12 31 13 1 359 4 8 18 19 33 46 37 46 53 26 34 28 5 2 190 4 11 12 7 22 12 24 23 19 31 17 6 2 191 4 7 5 12 13 19 20 21 24 30 22 8 6 7 4 10 16 13 15 14 26 29 6 8 6 2 6 4 12 12 13 19 22 21 11 15 1 1 2 2 1 3 12 11 9 11 1 1 2 1 4 4 4 TABULAR SUMMARY All families...................................... Relief families. _ _ . . . . Nonrelief families________ ______ $0-$249 ........................................ $250-$499....................................... $500-$749 ............................... $750-$999................................. $1,000-$1,249........................... . $1,250-$1,499_............................. $1,500-$1,749............................... . $1,75Q-$1,999................................. $2,000-$2,249_........................... $2,250-$2,499............................... $2,500-$2,999................................. $3,000-$3,999._............................. $4,000-$4,999................................. $5,000 and over Number Home-owning families of homeowning and renting Percent families Number age 3 (2 ) (3) (4) 11 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families, as of end of report year, column (3). 3 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2). 239 240 SPRING FIELD, MO. T able 13.— M onthly rent: N um ber of renting fa m ilies reporting specified m onthly rent, by incom e, 1985 86 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] 0 ) All families_____________ ___________________ Relief families____ ______ ___________________ Nonrelief families___________ ____ ________ $0-$249__________________________________ $250-$499________________________________ $5O0-$749________________________________ $750-$999________________________________ $1,000-$ 1,249____ ________________________ $1,250-$ 1,499_____________________________ $1,500-$1.749_____________________________ $1.750-$1,999_____________________________ $2,000-$2,249_____________________________ $2,250-$2,499_____________________________ $2,500-$2,999_____________________________ $3,000-$3,999_________ _____ _____ ________ $4,000-$4,999___ _______ __________________ $5,000 and over__________________________ 6,365 3,357 881 687 5, 484 2 , 670 144 78 336 188 625 387 765 462 699 397 606 289 543 241 513 230 352 127 234 87 298 75 231 79 70 16 14 68 53 78 49 54 56 62 60 57 48 44 45 36 37 25 34 23 21 $15.00 8. 40 17.00 1 1 .1 0 11.40 11.60 13.10 16. 20 16. 20 18. 70 21.90 24.60 25. 70 27.00 32. 50 35.40 39.70 57 735 1,059 388 183 34/ 876 24 27 78 60 12 1 166 75 233 29 153 17 107 54 9 5 30 3 9 2 12 2 7 628 36 592 10 27 63 104 110 91 72 65 23 12 9 5 1 276 4 272 3 12 11 26 49 35 48 40 22 12 9 5 238 8 230 2 3 6 9 28 21 31 37 33 16 16 22 4 2 134 3 131 76 42 46 10 1 76 42 46 10 1 1 1 5 3 13 12 12 26 16 10 14 14 3 1 $75 and Rent over free 4 (17) (18) 1 1 2 3 6 1 7 15 11 10 5 11 2 3 2 2 1 3 4 8 3 2 9 4 3 1 3 1 3 6 1 4 13 3 10 1 8 6 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 55 17 38 9 5 2 1 1 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Renting Number of renting families reporting monthly rent of— Num ber families of home Average owning monthly and Per rent * Under renting Num cent families ber age 3 $5 $5-$9 $10-$14 $15-$19 $20-$24 $25-$29 $30-$34 $35-$39 $40-$44 $45-$54 $55-$74 (4) (7) (3) ( 6) (9) ( 10) ( 1 1 ) ( 12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (2 ) (8) (5) 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as homeowning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. * Rent reported at date of interview. Averages are based on the number of renting families in each class that reported monthly rent including families receiving rent free, the amount of which was estimated by the family. * Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2 ). * Consists of families receiving rent as gift. S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T able 14A.—Average m on th ly rental value and average m on th ly rent: N um ber of hom e-owning and renting fa m ilies, average m onthly rental value , and average m onthly rentt by occupation and incom e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 1 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native bom: All family types combined] Occupational group: Wage earner All nonrelief families *... $0-$499............................. . $500-$999............................. $1,000-$1,499_—.................. $l,500-$l,999-__.......... .. $2,000-$2,9S9....................... $3,000-$4,999....................... $5,000 and over________ Average monthly— Home Rent Home- Rent Rental owning ing owning ing value 3 Rent (3) (2 ) (6) (7) (4) (5) 1 , 296 93 305 323 316 208 50 1 1,511 177 584 406 227 100 16 1 46 34 34 44 58 68 76 (t) Number of families 4 54 $16.90 $13.60 66 12.60 10.40 66 13.00 11.40 56 15.40 14. 50 42 17.60 16. 40 32 22 . 70 19. 60 24 31.10 26. 60 (t) (*) (*) Percentage of home-owning aud renting families 2 Average monthly— Occupational group: Business and professional Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Average monthly— Home Rent Home Rent Rental Home Rent Home Rent Rental owning ing owning ing value 3 Rent 4 owning ing owning ing value 3 ±v6HD (1 2 ) ( 18 ) (17) (13) (15) (19) ( 10 ) (H) (16) (8) (9) (1 1 ) 590 15 84 128 140 184 36 3 545 15 143 149 129 87 21 1 52 50 37 46 52 68 63 (t) 48 $24.30 $20. 40 50 19.10 13.20 63 17. 20 13.80 54 19. 70 18.40 48 25.00 24. 30 32 29. 00 27. 50 37 32. 20 31.50 40.00 (*) (t) 770 50 97 141 119 195 118 50 574 51 111 127 114 102 57 12 57 50 47 53 51 66 67 81 43 $31. 30 50 17. 40 53 17. 70 47 24.40 49 29.00 34 35.00 33 43. 00 19 54. 80 $22.50 12.60 15.30 18. 70 23.50 29. 60 35.30 41. 90 TABULAR SUM M ARY (1) Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Number of families Income class Occupational group: Clerical 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families in the respective occupational group. * Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during the report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families as of end of report year. 4 Rent as reported at date of interview. Averages in this column are based on the number of families reporting monthly rent, including families receiving rent as gift, the amount of which is estimated by the family. * Of the families classified in the occupational group “Other,” 198 did not change their living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Of the latter group, 158 families, or 80 percent, were owning families. Their average monthly rental value was $24.10. The remaining 40 families, or 20 percent, were renting families. Their average monthly rent was $17.00. tPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. to 242 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T ables 15-16.— Type of living quarters: N um ber and 'percentage of ow ning and renting fa m ilies occupying specified types of livin g quarters , by tenure and incom e , 1 93 5-86 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families occupying— Percentage of families occupying 2— Number of fami One- TwoOne- Twolies family family Apart Other 8 family family Apart Other 3 house house ment house house ment (4) (6) (3) (5) (7) (8) (2 ) (9) ( 10 ) Income class 0 ) O wning families, all______________ Relief fam ilies-----N onrelief families.. $0-$249—............... $250-$499.......... $500-$749............... $750-$999________ $1,000-$1,249 . .. . $1,250-$1,499;........ $1,500-11,749........... $1,750-$1,999.......... $2,000-$2,249_____ $2,250-$2,499 $2,500-$2,999 $3,000-$3,999........... $4,000-$4,999_____ $5,000 and over__ 3,008 194 2,814 66 1 Renting families, all. Relief fam ilies-----Nonrelief families.. . $0-$249..................... $250-$499............... . $500-$749............. $750-$999________ $1,000-$1.249_____ $1,250-$1,499........... $1,500-$1,749_____ $1,750-$1,999.......... $2,000-$2,249_____ $2,250-$2,499.......... $2,500-$2,999.......... $3,000-$3,999_____ $4,000-$4,999........... $5,000 and over__ 148 238 303 302 317 302 283 225 147 223 152 54 54 3, 357 687 2,670 78 188 387 462 397 289 241 230 127 87 75 79 16 14 2,860 180 2 , 680 63 132 222 286 293 296 294 278 219 144 2 12 144 46 51 2,759 567 2,192 55 141 307 390 325 246 200 198 105 71 62 65 16 11 79 40 29 11 68 2 38 1 2 1 7 7 5 11 5 2 3 1 7 3 5 10 5 3 3 7 2 1 2 2 4 5 28 4 6 4 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 307 79 228 13 19 38 41 42 20 17 14 7 10 3 3 208 29 179 7 13 19 22 24 18 20 17 14 5 83 1 2 8 10 95 93 96 95 89 93 95 97 94 97 98 98 98 95 95 85 94 12 71 3 15 23 9 6 5 4 1 1 1 2 1 (t) (t) 3 1 6 2 1 1 3 5 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 it ) 9 17 10 10 9 11 7 7 6 5 11 4 4 (t) 2 1 «) 1 1 2 «) 1 1 1 1 3 2 4 4 6 3 2 4 7 9 7 5 5 12 8 1 3 3 1 1 3 2 9 82 82 82 70 75 79 84 82 85 83 86 83 82 82 82 1 (t) 6 6 8 8 11 6 11 13 2 3 4 (t) 8 6 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 (t) 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. 2 Percentages are based on number of families in each class, column (2). 3 Includes dwelling units in business buildings, other types of living quarters not elsewhere specified, and unknown types of living quarters. t Percentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. t0.5 percent or less. S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T able 17.—Members ofof household not in economic family: N um ber of fa m ilies having 'persons in the household who were not members the economic fa m ily, and average num ber of such n on fam ily m em bers, by incom e , 1935—36 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined) Number of families having in the household nonfamily members of Average number of nonfamily members of specified typ e 2 (based on families having such members) specified type 1 Income class (2 ) All families............................... 6, 517 Relief families.................... ....... 912 Nonrelief families..................__ 5, 605 $0-$249 ............ 148 $250-$499_______________ 351 $500-$749_________ 638 $750-$999 ... 782 $1,000-$1,249................ . . 724 $1,250-$1,499_____ ______ 613 $1,500-$1,749............ . 556 $1,750-$1,999.................... 522 $2,000-$2,249............. 358 $2,250-$2,499................ 235 $2,500-$2,999.................... 304 $3,000-$3,999____________ 236 $4,000-$4,999____________ 70 §5,000 and over______ 68 Occupying rooms on nontransient basis Any non family Sons and Other mem daughters roomers ber rooming with and boarding board (5) (4) (3) 1 885 143 1,742 31 85 148 204 204 186 178 179 127 90 123 103 35 49 50 6 44 2 8 4 8 7 5 2 1 3 l 1 2 148 15 133 5 11 13 21 18 10 15 13 8 5 8 5 1 Room ers with Paid help out board (6) (7) 203 26 177 8 16 15 27 18 23 17 17 10 7 10 6 3 359 6 Occupying rooms on nontransient basis All Board Tour noners ists with and Guests family Sons and Other mem daughters roomers out tran bers rooming with room sients and boarding board (13) GO) (9) (8) (ID : ( 12 ) 7 4 1 353 1 6 3 4 27 25 28 41 33 28 21 35 32 24 35 1 2 1 20 1 1 2 1 1,370 101 1, 269 17 56 106 144 152 139 128 133 100 71 91 78 23 31 0.4 .3 .4 .3 .5 .3 .3 .4 .3 .4 .4 .5 .4 .5 .5 .7 .8 Room ers with Paid help out board (14) (15) 0.8 0.8 1 .0 .5 .9 .6 .8 .8 1.1 (*) .9 .5 1 .6 1 .0 1 .0 (*) (*) .6 (*) (*) (*) .8 .7 .6 .5 1.4 .8 .6 1 .1 .8 .7 .9 1.0 (*) .4 .7 1 .0 .9 .9 1.0 .8 1 .1 2 .6 1 6 . 1.4 2 .1 .8 0.6 (**) .6 .2 .3 .2 .4 .3 .7 .4 .6 .6 .7 .7 .8 .9 Board Tour ers ists with and O uests out tran room sients (16) 0 .8 (*) .8 (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (17) (18) 0 .6 0 .1 (*) .5 .2 .1 (*) (*) .1 .2 .2 .1 .2 .1 .1 .2 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 TABULAR SUMMARY (1 ) Num ber of fam ilies 243 i Excludes a small number of families which had nonfamily members in the household but which did not report the duration of their membership. 3 Averages in each column are based on the corresponding counts of families, in columns (3) through (10). The number of nonfamily members is expressed in terms of year-equiva lent persons. This figure is computed for each family by dividing by 52 the total number of weeks of residence in the household for all nonmembers of the economic family. *Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. **0.05 or less. : 244 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . T able 18.—Age of whusbands and wives: N um ber of husbands and ives , by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 98 5-86 num ber of [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class Number with ages of— Num ber reporting Under age i 20-29 20 30-39 10 -49 50-59 60-64 65-69 (3) (5) (6) (7) (8 ) (9) (1 ) (2 ) (4) and 70-74 75over ( 10 ) (ID Husbands All families............... 6,513 Percentage................ 100.0 912 Relief families_____ Nonrelief families.. 5, 601 148 $0-$249................ 351 $250-$499............ 638 $500-$749............ 782 $750-$999______ 724 $1,000-$1,249---$1,250-$1,499---613 555 $1,500-$1, 749— 521 $1,750-$1,999---$2,000-$2,249---358 $2,250-$2,499---234 $2,500-$2,999___ 303 $3,000-$3,999___ 236 $4,000-$4,999___ 70 68 $5,000 and over. 5 0.1 1 4 1 1 1 1 891 IS.7 109 782 15 67 145 177 130 93 66 48 13 12 9 7 1,679 25.8 197 1,482 22 62 167 229 215 190 156 177 101 46 55 39 8 15 1,608 217 187 1,421 16 55 119 157 152 153 176 154 120 84 111 76 31 17 1, 231 18.9 204 1,027 21 62 83 123 148 100 90 84 75 58 76 69 15 23 435 6.7 77 358 15 33 44 45 31 32 28 23 24 15 26 24 9 9 291 4-4 44 247 334 5.1 51 283 18 33 35 37 28 23 25 13 15 12 14 19 5 199 S.l 46 153 19 20 22 33 24 19 21 22 23 17 10 16 14 5 1 202 S.l 47 155 17 28 22 16 18 10 14 8 5 6 5 3 1 3 171 2.6 46 125 22 21 24 10 10 14 3 4 3 4 5 4 1 Wives All families............... 6, 509 Percentage............... 100.0 911 Relief families_____ Nonrelief families. _ 5, 598 148 $0-$249................ 351 $250-$499............ 638 $500-$749............ 782 $750-$999............ $1,000-$1,249---723 613 $1,250-$1,499---554 $1,500-$1,749---$1,750-$1,999__._ 520 $2,000-$2,249__._ 358 $2,250-$2,499_... 234 $2,500-$2,999.... 303 236 $3,000-$3,999---$4,000-$4,999___ 70 68 $5,000 and over. 70 1.1 17 53 3 10 15 13 6 5 1 1,375 21.1 195 1,180 19 79 184 236 213 142 110 94 40 21 20 16 2 4 1,812 27.8 205 1, 607 24 71 159 231 186 209 178 194 116 63 89 50 17 20 1, 555 2S.9 213 1, 342 19 58 120 136 159 145 145 132 105 80 106 85 29 23 Excludes 4 husbands and 8 wives who did not report age. 1,0 20 15.7 156 864 20 61 87 107 109 64 77 71 72 49 60 57 15 15 6 22 21 14 15 13 14 9 7 6 10 3 94 1.4 50 0.8 20 42 9 4 7 4 5 74 17 13 10 4 2 10 3 5 1 3 4 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 19. 245 S P R IN G F IE L D , M O . —Report year: N um ber and percentage d istribu tion of fa m ilies by date of end of report year, by occupation, 1 9 8 5 -8 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Occupational group All Relief Date of end of fami fami report year lies lies (1 ) (2 ) (3) Business and professional All Independent Salaried Wage Cleri busi All earner Other cal ness and Busi Profes Busi Profes profes ness sional ness sional sional (4) (5) (6) (9) ( 10 ) (8) (7) ( 12 ) (11) Number of families All dates______ 6,517 567 Dec. 31, 1935— Jan. 31, 1936___ Feb. 29,1936__ Mar. 31, 1936... Apr. 30, 1936___ May 31, 1936... 544 June 30, 1936. _ . 1 .1 0 1 July 31,1936— 1,463 Aug. 31,1936-.. 2. 525 Sept. 30, 1936— 288 29 Oct. 31, 1936— Nov. 30, 1936--. 912 5,605 2,865 1,158 76 491 246 91 438 233 100 150 951 494 204 1, 259 691 351 2,174 1. 071 24 264 125 5 28 1 89 256 461 55 4 202 1,379 128 690 64 96 227 277 553 79 19 55 113 157 254 40 7 7 19 12 48 8 3 60 59 144 19 8 12 1 112 15 337 26 21 240 23 13 35 49 107 203 26 20 28 35 89 5 Percentage All d a te s___ _ Dec. 31, 1935.__ Jan. 31, 1936___ Feb. 29, 1936 .. Mar. 31, 1936-.Apr. 30, 1936___ May 31, 1936--. June 30, 1936— . July 31, 1936— . Aug. 31, 1936.-. Sept. 30, 1936. „ Oct. 31, 1936— Nov. 30, 1936 _ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 9 8 9 9 8 9 9 13 8 10 13 8 17 24 38 4 (t) 7 17 40 6 J 16 23 37 8 17 11 43 3 8 17 23 39 4 a) J0.5 percent or less. 12 16 39 3 (t) 22 17 39 5 «) 22 8 8 17 40 5 22 (t) 20 6 1 6 5 15 45 5 6 18 18 42 6 2 20 (0 10 14 17 44 2 246 W E S T C E N T R A L -R O C K Y M O U N T A I N R E G IO N PUEBLO, COLO. T able 1.— F am ily type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by incom e, 193 5-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Average number of persons per family 2 Number of families of type 1 Income class (1) I II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 454 455 141 314 All fam ilies 3.............. 6, 004 1,823 1,047 Belief families--------- 1,405 384 245 Nonrelief families. 4, 599 1,439 802 4 $0-$249...................... 41 29 57 17 $250-$499.................. 1 1 1 $500-$749...... ........... 298 130 60 $750-$999................. 493 167 88 $1,000-$1,249........... 666 208 136 $1,250-$1,499........... 648 193 120 $1,500-$1,749........... 628 180 132 $1,750-$l,999........... 533 149 93 $2,000-$2,249______ 366 105 62 $2,250-$2,499-........ 270 81 31 $2,500-$2,999-.......... 239 67 23 $3,000-$3,499............ 136 29 14 10 $3,500-$3,999........... 75 2 1 5 8 $4,000-$4,499............ 35 1 6 $4,500-$4,999______ 20 7 3 $5,000-$7,499______ 29 $7,500-$9,999______ 8 5 3 $10,000 and over 4. 740 1,135 161 227 579 908 1 4 12 15 34 35 69 77 96 1 1 2 78 129 84 107 74 104 42 80 28 71 30 68 14 55 5 20 4 14 2 7 6 6 2 2 110 344 4 7 37 30 49 50 51 31 30 25 12 11 1 2 3 1 1 3 23 34 60 51 50 36 21 14 10 3 3 222 73 94 128 12 61 1 1 3 6 14 17 20 16 19 12 9 7 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 5 3 7 6 12 6 6 5 4 1 1 1 1 55 31 24 2 4 2 5 2 1 1 3 3 1 CO All Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) (13) (14) 1 .0 3.8 3.4 2. 5 2. 9 3.1 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.6 3. 5 3. 7 3. 5 3. 7 3. 0 4. 5 1.3 1 .0 .3 .7 .9 1.1 1 .1 1.1 1 .0 1 .1 .9 .9 .9 .7 .7 .9 .6 1.2 4 l! 7 0.5 .5 .4 .2 *2 '.2 .3 .3 .4 .4 .4 .6 .6 .9 .8 8 ;9 .5 .6 !9 1 Family type: I. 2 persons. Husband and wife only. II. 3 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16 and no others. III. 4 persons. Husband, wife, 2 children under 16 and no others. IV. 3 or 4 persons. Husband, wife, 1 person 16 or over, and 1 or no other person, regardless of age. V. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16,1 person 16 or over, and 1 or 2 other persons, regard less of age. VI. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 children under 16 and no others. VII. 7 or 8 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16, 4 or 5 other persons, regardless of age. VIII. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 persons 16 or over. Other. 7 or more persons. All types not included in I through VIII. 2 These are year-equivalent persons. The sum of columns (13) and (14) plus 2 (husband and wife) does not always equal column (12). For the methods used in deriving these averages see glossary. 3 1 family which reported a net loss is excluded from this and subsequent tables. The family had gross business expense and losses exceeding its gross earnings and other income. 4 Largest income reported between $10,000 and $15,000. 247 TABULAE SUMMARY PUEBLO , COLO. 1A.— Family type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types an d average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e, 1 98 5-86 T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born] Average number of persons per family 3 Number of families of type 1— Income class and occupational group 0 ) All I II III IV V VI All VII VIII Other mem bers (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ( 8) (9) ( 10 ) (1 1 ) ( 12 ) 301 479 197 195 90 27 17 3.5 1.1 3 5 29 22 34 36 27 13 14 1 2 2 .6 .7 Wage earner All nonrelief families- 2. 460 732 422 1 6 9 $0-$249____________ $250-$499___________ 56 23 1 1 $500-$749__________ 203 78 42 $750-$999__________ 345 106 64 $1,000-$1,249_______ 419 117 81 74 $1,250-$1,499_______ 398 110 $1,500-$1,749_______ 351 96 64 $1,750-$1,999_______ 263 78 38 $2,000-$2,249_______ 165 47 30 29 9 $2,250-$2,499 _______ 110 4 $2,500-$2,999_______ 82 22 11 3 $3,000-$3,499_______ 31 8 19 $3,500-$3,999_______ 1 4 $4,000-$4,499_______ 1 4 $4,500-$4,999_______ 1 $5,000-$7,499_______ $7,500-$9,999_______ $10,000 and over____ Clerical All nonrelief families 917 267 186 1 1 2 $0~$249____________ 7 3 2 $250-$499___________ 7 30 17 $500-$749__________ 24 15 66 $750-$999__________ $1,000-$ 1,249_______ 119 36 35 29 26 $1,250-$1,499_______ 12 1 $1,500-$1,749_______ 152 44 39 $1,750-$1,999_______ 135 33 26 $2,000-$2,249_______ 103 27 15 75 23 10 $2,250-$2,499_______ 8 $2,500-$2,999_______ 64 21 1 29 6 $3,000-$3,499_______ 7 2 $3,500-$3,999_______ 1 4 $4,000-$4,499_______ 1 $4,500-$4,999_______ 1 2 $5,000-$7,499_______ $7,500-$9,999_______ $10,000 and o v e r ___ Independent business All nonrelief families. 509 185 73 1 4 3 $0-$249......................... 2 10 $250-$499___________ 20 9 $500-$749___________ 44 25 2 $750-$999___________ 49 21 $1,000-$1,249_______ 85 34 15 $1,250-$1,499............... 69 30 10 7 $1,500-$1,749............... 40 1 1 9 10 $1,750-$1,999_______ 49 5 $2,000-$2,249_______ 35 10 6 9 $2,250-$2,499_______ 29 3 6 $2,500-$2,999_______ 25 1 2 $3,000-$3,499_______ 19 4 15 $3,500-$3,999_______ 5 $4,000-$4,499_______ 5 4 $4,500-$4,999_._........ . 2 3 10 $5,000-$7,499_______ 5 4 $7,500-$9,999............... $10,000 and over 3___ 1 See footnotes a t end of table. 78127 ' Other than husband and wife Un 16 der and 16 over (13) (14) 1 9 29 49 60 48 41 29 16 6 23 53 78 76 59 58 40 36 32 12 4 6 10 2 1 8 1 166 8 14 26 27 24 17 14 18 23 25 17 14 9 12 ]6 1 1 3 114 1 1 6 6 11 11 12 7 13 7 6 7 4 2 3 9 12 11 7 6 10 6 2 1 1 - - 3 1 3 - - - 1 13 15 13 11 9 6 2 64 62 1 2 2 2 5 2 4 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 14 15 1 2 4 1 5 2 2 1 12 11 8 6 2 1 3 4 7 10 8 13 8 3 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 31 29 1 1 1 6 1 4 1 ___ 1 8 9 5 2 6 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 7 4 4 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3.3 2 .2 2 .8 2 .6 1 1 3 3 5 3.2 3.2 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.7 3.6 3.3 3.6 4.5 4.2 (*) 3.4 (*) 2.8 2.7 3.1 3.2 3.5 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.8 (*) (*) 1 3 4 8 9 2 1 1 55 7 2 6 12 1 I 3 11 21 20 6 4 1 1 143 17 26 45 34 35 1 3.2 3.3 3.0 3.5 3.6 3.3 3.2 3.8 4.1 3.5 5.0 2.4 3.5 3.2 C) 1 .0 1.0 1 .2 1 .2 1 .1 1.1 1.0 .9 .9 .7 .5 .6 1 .0 1 .0 1.0 (*) .7 .7 1.0 1 .0 1.1 1.0 1 .1 1.0 1.0 .8 .6 .4 1 .0 .8 2 .2 .5 .4 .7 1 .0 .7 1 .0 1.1 .6 .6 1 .2 .9 .5 2 .2 .2 0.4 .2 .2 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 .6 .8 .9 .8 1 .1 1.5 1.2 (*) .4 .1 .2 .2 .4 .3 .4 .6 .5 .7 1 .0 1.0 .8 (*) (*) .5 .3 .5 .3 .4 .5 .5 .7 .6 .7 .2 1 .2 1 .0 .8 .2 .8 .6 .7 .6 (*) (*) 248 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION PUEBLO, COLO. 1A.— Family type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e , 1 9 3 5 -3 6 —Continued T able Average number of persons per family 2 Number of families of type 1— Other than husband and wife Income class and occupational group 0 ) Independent professional All nonrelief families. $0-$249.... .................. $250-$499...................... $500-$749__.................. $750-$999...... ............... $1,000--$1,249___.......... $1,250-$1,499_______ $1,500-$1,749_______ $1,750-$!,999_______ $2,000-$2,249_______ $2,250-$2,499............... $2,500-$2,999_-_.......... $3,000-$3,499._............ $3,500-$3,999___.......... $4,000-$4,499_______ $4,500-$4,999._............ $5.000-$7,499___.......... $7,500-$9,999_.............. $10,000 and over____ Salaried business All nonrelief families. $0-$249____________ $250-$499_............ ....... $500-$749..................... $750-$999...... ............... $1,000-$1,249_______ $1,250-$1,499............... $1,500-$1,749............... $1,750-$1,999___.......... $2,000-$2,249............... $2,250-$2,499___.......... $2,500-$2,999„............ $3,000-$3,499............... $3,500-$3,999............... $4,000-$4,499— .......... $4,500-$4,999_______ $5,000-$7,499............... $7,500-$9,999_______ $10,000 and over 3___ See footnotes a t All I II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 69 28 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 7 4 9 5 8 6 4 4 3 2 2 1 2 1 14 3 3 311 88 56 1 1 2 6 6 1 6 2 2 14 15 8 12 11 6 3 2 1 end of table. 2 2 2 1 3.0 1 (*) (*) (*) 2.3 2 2 .8 2 .0 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 40 71 4 1 1 1 31 13 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 1 1 1 3 5 6 11 8 4 2 4 7 4 1 1 3 1 1 5 3 16 20 34 47 30 31 38 37 20 13 5 14 1 7 6 3 7 2 2 6 6 All VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over ( 10 ) (9) (ID ( 12 ) (13) (14) 1 1 3 6 8 1 3 5 7 2 1 2 3 3 6 5 7 6 9 12 5 6 3 1 1 2 4 4 3 5 6 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0.6 C) .7 3.6 2.4 2 .8 3.1 3.4 3. 2 3.0 3. 2 .5 .4 1 .1 .5 .7 1. 2 3.4 .9 (*) (*) 3.4 3.2 3.3 3.0 3. 5 3.4 3.3 3. 7 3.7 3.4 3.2 4.4 4. 3 (*) (*) .8 0.4 (*) .3 .1 .8 .4 .4 .7 .3 .7 .3 .5 (*) C) .3 1.2 .4 .8 1.0 .3 .8 1 .1 .9 1.0 1.2 1 .0 .8 .5 .8 1 .8 (*) .2 .4 .6 .3 .5 .7 .6 .7 1. 6 (*) (*) 5 249 TABULAR SUMMARY PUEBLO , COLO. T able 1A.— F am ily type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e , 1 98 5-86 —Continued A verage n u m b er of persons per fam ily 3 N u m b er of fam ilies of ty p e l- O ther th an h u sb an d and w ife In co m e class and o ccu p ation al group (1 ) A ll I II III IV V VI V II (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 31 44 A ll V III O ther m e m bers U n 16 der and 16 over ( 10 ) (ID 2 1 (12 ) (13) (14) Salaried professional A ll nonrelief fam ilies $0-$249__...................... $250-$499_................. $500-$749................... $750-$999___________ $1,000-$1,249_______ $1,250-$1,499............. $1,500-$1,749............... $1,750-$1,999............... $2,000-$2,249............... $2,250-$2,499............... $2,500-$2,999__............ $3,000-$3,499............... $3,500-$3,999-............ $4,000-$4,499__............ $4,500-$4,999__............ $5,000-$7,499 ______ $7,500-$9,999_______ $10,000 and over __ Other 4 All n on relief fam ilies. $0-$249_ ....................... $250-$499..................... $500-$749_................. $750-$999___________ .$lJftftn-.$1J249 $1,250-$1,499_______ $1,500-$1,749_........... $1,750-$! ,999............... .$2,000-.$2;249 $2,250-$2,499__............ $2,500-$2,999............. . $3,000-$3,499______ $3,500-$3,999........... „ $4,000-14,499_______ 222 66 45 3 5 13 10 28 41 32 19 4 4 11 13 1 1 2 20 22 13 7 3 2 3 10 6 5 5 2 3 I 1 5 2 5 10 8 4 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 7 5 4 3 3 2 1 I 1 73 19 19 7 9 10 5 5 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 7 5 3 3 6 6 4 1 1 11 7 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 20 4 5 1 4 4 1 .7 1.2 .6 .8 .7 1.3 1 .0 1 .0 .8 1.1 .9 .6 .7 (*) 3.3 2 2 .6 1 1 2. 5 2.3 .3 .1 .2 .4 .3 2.4 3.0 3.6 3.2 1.0 (*) (*) 2 .8 2 .6 2 .6 1 1 2 3.0 3.4 2.9 3.1 3.1 3.4 3.6 3.2 3.4 3.7 4.0 3.6 3.3 (*) 5.6 1 .0 2 1 1 1 2 1 3.4 (*) 1 26 23 13 13 15 9 111 15 .3 1 .2 0.4 .3 .2 .3 .3 .4 .4 .3 .2 .6 .6 1 .2 1 .0 .7 .3 (*) .3 .4 .1 .5 .3 .4 .4 1.7 $4,500-$4r999 .$5,000-.$7,499 $7,500-$9,999............... $10,000 an d o v er.......... For footnotes 1 and 2 , see table 1 on p. 246. 3 Largest income reported between $10,000 and $15,000. 4 This group contains 5 families engaged in farming, a group too small to be separately classified, and families having no gainfully employed members. ■ "Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 250 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION PUEBLO , COLO. T 2.— Sources of fam ily in com e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by incom e , 1 9 3 5 -3 6 able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving— Income class (1 ) All families....................................... Relief families_______ ______ Nonrelief families........................ $0-$249_______ ______ _____ $250-$499.................................... $500-$749__________________ $750-8999_______ ______ $1,000-$1,249_______________ $1,250-$1,499_______________ $1.500-$1,749_______________ $1,750-$1,999_______________ $2,000-82,249_____ _________ $2,250-82,499.................... ......... $2,500-82,999. ........................... $3,000-83,999_______________ $4,000-84,999_______________ $5,000 and over_________ Number of families (2 ) 6,004 1,4C5 4. 599 41 111 298 493 666 648 628 533 366 270 239 2 11 55 40 Money income from— Other sources Earnings 1 (positive or nega tive ) 2 (4) (3) 5,787 1, 294 4,493 15 89 286 480 651 641 625 530 361 270 239 2 11 55 40 852 113 739 10 35 41 49 73 97 77 74 72 63 58 59 16 15 Nonmoney income from— Any source 3 (5) 2, 718 393 2,325 15 56 92 178 255 371 313 262 244 160 169 140 36 34 Owned home (positive or nega tive ) 4 (6) 2. 642 376 2 . 266 14 51 90 173 244 356 305 257 242 159 168 138 35 34 Rent as pay (7) 76 17 59 1 5 5 11 15 8 5 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 2 Includes 833 families, 723 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings and no business losses met from family funds; 13 families, 10 of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds ana no money income other than earnings, and 6 families, all of which were nonrelief, which had both money income and business losses met from family funds. There were, therefore, 839 families, 729 of which were nonrelief, which had money income ether than earnings, whether or not they had business losses met from family funds; and there were 19 families, 16 of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds, whether or not they had money income other than earnings. These latter 16 families were founa in the following income classes: $0-$249, 1; $250-$499, 2: $750-$999, 2; $1,000$1,249, 8; $1,250-$1,499, 2; $1,750-$1,999, 3; $2,000-$2.249, 1; $3,000-$3,999, 2. See glossary for definition of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” * The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. 4 Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. There were 44 families, 31 of which were nonrelief, with losses from owned homes (i. e., families whose esti mated rental value was less than estimated expenses). The latter 31 families were found in the following income classes: $250-$499, 1; $500-$749, 2; $750-$999, 7; $1,000-$1,249, 5; $1,250-$1,499, 8; $1,500-$! ,749, 6; $1,750-$1,999, 1; $2,250-$2,499, 1. Excludes 6 families whose estimatea rental value of owned homes was equal to estimated expenses. 251 TABULAR SUMMARY PUEBLO , COLO. T a b l e 2 . — Sources of fam ily in com e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by incom e , 1 9 8 6 -3 6 1—Continued [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Average family income Money income from— Income class Total (2 ) (1 ) All fam ilies ______ _____ ____ Relief families____________ Nonrelief families_________ $0-$249............................. . $250-$499_____________ $500-$749_____________ $750-$999_____________ $1,000-$1,249__________ $1,25CK$1,499__________ $1,500-$1,749__________ $1,750-$1,999..................... $2,000-$2,249__________ $2,250-$2,499__________ $2,500-$2,9*9__________ $3,000~$3,999__________ $4,000-$4,999__________ $5,000 and over________ 8 $1, 410 618 81,652 112 399 642 884 1,128 1,373 1,608 1,861 2.106 2, 368 2. 710 3, 373 4, 394 6, 648 Nonmoney income from— Other sources All sources Earnings2 (positive or nega tive ) 3 (4) (5) (3) $1, 332 590 1,559 72 ?27 611 848 1,079 1,287 1,531 1,770 1,956 2, 237 2, 525 3,167 4,170 6, 289 $1,286 573 1,503 64 280 568 813 1,040 1,243 1,494 1,716 1,887 2,171 2, 444 3,029 4,003 5,930 $46 17 56 8 47 43 35 39 44 37 54 69 66 81 138 167 359 All sources (6) $78 28 93 40 72 31 36 49 86 77 91 150 131 185 206 224 359 Owned home (positive or nega tive)* (7) $75 26 90 38 67 30 34 47 81 74 89 148 131 182 203 220 359 Rent as pay (8) $3 2 3 2 5 1 2 2 5 3 2 (**) 2 3 3 4 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2 ) of table 2 , whether or not they received ncome from the specified source. Averages in columns (2), (3), (5), (6) and (7) are net figures, after deduc tion for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 2 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 3 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions cf “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. « Median income for all families was $1,277; for nonrelief families, $1,517 **$0.50 or less. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 252 PUEBLO , COLO. T able 2A.— Sources of fam ily in com e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by occupation and incom e , 1 93 5-86 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving— Income class and occupational Number of families group (1 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families. .................. $0-$499............................................$500-$999....................................— . $1,000-$1,499...................... .............. $1,500-$1,999_________ _________ $2,000-$2,999...................... .............. $3,000-$4,999..................................... $5,000 and nvPir Clerical All nonrelief families. ................. $0-$499............. ................................. $500-$999................. .......................... $1,000-$1,499___ _____ _________ $1,500-$1,999................ ................... $2,000-$2,999.................... ............. $3,000-$4,999..................................... $5,000 and over________________ jBusiness and professional All nonrelief fam ilies.................... $0-$499____________ ___________ $500-$999.......................................... $1,000-$1,499___ ____ _____ ____ $1,500-$1,999..................................... $2,000-$2,999..................................... $3,000-$4,999..................................... $5,000 and over________________ Other All nonrelief families..................... (2 ) Money income from— Nonmoney income from— Other Owned Any sources home Rent as Earnings 1 (positive or S( u.. - J 3 (positive or pay negative) 2 negative) 4 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 2, 460 65 548 817 614 357 58 2,460 65 548 817 614 357 58 297 1,230 10 32 77 74 86 17 20 917 9 96 240 287 242 41 917 9 96 240 287 242 41 124 1 ,1 11 1 ,1 1 1 1 2 1 2 179 390 350 243 47 1,195 17 174 368 347 242 46 35 3 5 22 3 404 3 21 95 105 152 26 7 31 48 17 411 3 22 96 108 154 26 1 6 22 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 29 12 1 233 254 271 166 37 29 12 1 233 254 271 166 37 231 7 27 49 40 54 40 14 607 17 51 120 113 173 102 31 591 15 50 117 106 172 100 31 111 5 87 77 76 16 2 1 3 7 1 2 1 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 2 Includes families having money income other than earnings, families having business losses met from family funds, and families having both such income and such losses. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. 4 Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. TABULAR SUMMARY 253 PUEBLO , COLO. T able 2A.—Sources of fam ily in com e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by occupation and incom e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 1—Continued Average family income Income class and occupa tional group Money income from— Total All sources Earn ings 3 (2 ) (3) (4) $1, 451 381 794 1,246 1,719 2,316 3, 529 (*) $1,374 351 766 1,186 1 , 626 2,172 3, 278 (*) $1,342 361 755 1,168 1, 593 2,098 3,102 (*) 1, 743 327 824 1, 252 1, 724 2,350 3,432 A 1, 659 288 799 1,197 1, 664 2, 207 3, 257 (*) 1,619 288 785 1,179 1, 640 2,153 2,958 (*) 345 774 1,260 1,738 2, 404 3,643 6, 710 1,980 275 724 1,169 1, 650 2, 233 3, 443 6, 348 1,908 254 666 1,114 1, 587 2,180 3,348 5, 965 754 621 54 (1 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families______ $0-$499______________ ____ $500-$999_________ _______ $1,000-$1,499______________ $1,500-$1,999............................ $2,000-$2,999______________ $3,000-$4,999............................ $5,000 and over___________ Clerical All nonrelief families_____ $0-$499 ___............................. . $500-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,499............................. $1,499-$1,999................. ........... $2,000-$2,9P9______________ $3,000-$4,999______________ $5,000 and over___________ Business and professional All nonrelief families---------$0-$499______________ ____ $500-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,499______________ $1,500-$1,999________ _____ $2,000-$2,999______________ $3,000-$4,999________ _____ $5,000 and over___________ Other Ail nonrelief families............ 8 8 , 82 111 Nonmoney income from— Other Owned sources All home Rent as (positive or sources (positive or pay negative) 3 negative) 4 (5) (6) (7) (8) $32 -10 11 (*) 18 33 74 176 40 14 18 24 54 299 72 $77 30 28 60 93 144 251 (*) 84 39 25 55 60 143 175 (*) (*) $74 24 26 55 91 144 247 6 2 5 (**) 82 39 22 55 (*) 57 142 175 58 55 63 53 95 383 131 70 50 91 88 171 200 362 127 62 49 88 83 169 193 362 567 133 133 21 $3 2 4 2 (**) 3 3 1 4 8 1 3 5 2 7 (**) 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2) of table 2A, whether or not they re ceived income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2), (3), (5), (6), and (7) are net figures, after deduction for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 2 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” . 3 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned home for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. 8 Median incomes were as follows: Wage-earner families, $1,374; clerical families, $1,687; business and professional families, $1,846. *Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. **$0.60 or less. 254 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION PUEBLO , COLO. 3.— M oney earnings: Number of families receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source, by income, 1985—36 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class Number of families (1) (2) All fam ilies................................ Relief fa m ilies......... ............ Nonrelief families__________ $0-$249 ............................— $250-$499.............................. $500-$749..........................$750-$999.............. — ......... $1,000-$1,249....................... $1,250-$1,499............ ........... $1,500-$1,749.................. $1,750-$1,999...................... $2,000-$2,249....................... $2,250-$2,499........................ $2,500-$2,999....................... $3,000-$3,999 ..................... $4,000-$4,999..................... $5,000 and over.................. 6,004 1,405 4, 599 41 298 493 648 628 533 366 270 239 55 40 111 666 Average net money earn ings from 1— Other Roomers work and not Indi Roomers Indi boarders and All Any vidual vidual and sources source earners board attrib earners other ers 3 toutable indi work 3 viduals (6) (5) (4) (7) (3) (9) (8) 5,787 1, 294 4,493 15 89 286 480 651 641 625 530 361 270 239 55 40 5,740 1,280 4, 460 14 84 280 475 644 637 622 528 361 270 239 55 40 211 211 211 422 81 341 81 27 39 43 54 53 30 26 26 16 13 4 1 34 $1, 286 $1, 276 573 566 24 1,503 1,493 64 62 280 272 5 568 553 813 802 1,040 1,030 5 1,243 1,232 1,494 1,483 1, 716 1, 705 1,887 1,876 2,171 2,159 2,444 2,433 3,029 3,016 4,003 3,994 5,930 5,927 10 2 81 21 $10 107 28 15 1110 111111 1112 11 13 g 3 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross income from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were a few families which had roomers and boarders but which received from them no net money earnings. Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to indi viduals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were $0.50 or less. 2 3 255 TABULAR SUMMARY PUEBLO , COLO. 3A.— M oney earnings: Number of families receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source, by occupation and income, 1935-36 T able fWhite nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class and occupapational group Number of families (1) (2) Wage earner All nonrelief fam ilies.._____ $0-$499___ ______________ $500-$999 ................................... $1,000-$1,499._____ _________ $1,500-$1,999_______________ $2,000-$2,999 ______________ $3,000-$4,999 _____________ $5,000 and over ___________ Clerical All nonrelief fam ilies_______ $0-$499_ _________________ $500-$999___________________ $1,000-$1,499 _______________ $1,500-$1,999 __ .. _____ $2,000-32,999 _____________ $3,000-$4,999 ________ __ _ $5,000 and over ___ _ __ __ Business and professional All nonrelief fam ilies______ $0-$499____________________ $500-$999___________ _____ $1,000-$1,499_______________ $1,500-$1,999_______________ $2,000-32,999 ______________ $3,000-$4,999 ______________ $5,000 and over_____________ Other All nonrelief families ___ Other Roomers Roomers work and Indi not Indi boarders All Any vidual and vidual and source earners board attrib sources earners utable ers 2 to indi other work 3 viduals (5) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) 2,460 65 548 817 614 357 58 2,460 65 548 817 614 357 58 2,460 65 548 817 614 357 58 181 3 40 57 43 33 5 917 9 96 240 287 242 41 917 9 96 240 287 242 41 917 9 96 240 287 242 41 56 1 Average net money earn ings from 1— 1 1 2 2 2 1,111 1,111 1,078 29 29 23 121 121 110 233 233 222 254 254 249 271 166 37 271 166 37 271 166 37 111 5 5 4 14 18 16 4 104 22266 2219 81 16 $1, 342 $1,332 361 358 755 750 3 9 1,168 1,158 1,593 1,581 2,098 2,087 3,102 3,074 (*) (*) 1 21 4 1 3 4 1,619 288 785 1,179 1, 640 2,153 2,958 (*) 1,612 288 780 1,172 1, 637 2,144 2,948 (*) 1,908 2,180 3, 348 5,965 1,891 225 613 1,093 1, 571 2,168 3, 341 5,962 54 54 254 211 1,114 666 1, 587 $10 3 10125 11 28 7 5 7 3 9 10 17 29 53 16 7 3 21 12 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross in come from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were some families which had roomers and boarders but which had no net money earnings from them. Incl iides net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to individ uals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief fam ilies from other work not attributable to individuals were $0.50 or less for all occupations. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 2 3 256 WEST CENTRAL-KOOKY MOUNTAIN REGION PUEBLO , COLO. 4-4 A . — P rincipal earners: Number of 'principal earners, classified as hus bands , wives, and others, with weeks of employment and average yearly earnings of principal earners, by occupation and income, 1935-86 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of principal earners Num Income class and occupa ber of fami tional group lies (1) All occupations All families........................... Relief families....................... Nonrelief fam ilies4............. $ft-$249 $250-$499......................... $500-$749 . .. _ ____ $750-$999___________ $1,000-$!,249.................. $1,250-$1,499.................. $1,500-$1,749.................. $1,750-$1,999................ $2,000-$2,249.................. $2,250-$2,499.................. $2,500-$2,999.................. $3,000-$3,999__............... $4J00ft-$4,999 $5,000 and over Wage earner All nonrelief families____ $0-$499 $500-$999........................ $1,000-$1,499_................ $1,500-$1,999_................ $2,000-$2,999.................. $3,000-$4,999.................. $5,000 and over. _ ... _ Clerical All nonrelief families........ . $0-$499 S500-$999 . . $1,000-$1,499.................. $1,500-$1,999................ $2,000- $2,999.................. $3,000-$4,999.................. $5,000 ana over______ Business and professional All nonrelief families_____ $0-$499 $500-$999 $1,000-$1,499_.............. .. $1,50)-$1,999.................. $2,000-$2,999._.............. $3,000-$4,999___............. $5,000 and over............. 12 3 4 Hus bands Wives All* Others Fe male (7) Male (6) (5) Average weeks of employ ment of principal earners 1 (2) (3) (4) 6,004 1,405 4, 599 41 298 493 648 628 533 366 270 239 55 40 5,740 1,280 4,460 14 84 280 475 644 637 622 528 361 270 239 55 40 5,477 1,174 4,303 14 80 272 453 631 619 603 514 341 258 230 197 52 39 106 43 63 98 44 54 59 19 40 7 14 3 9 4 9 4 2 6 3 5 5 5 5 5 11 6 6 102 1 5 4 7 5 5 5 3 2, 460 65 548 817 614 357 58 2, 460 65 548 817 614 357 58 2,409 63 534 805 602 349 55 16 30 5 917 9 96 240 287 242 41 917 9 96 240 287 242 41 854 111 666 211 211 1 1 2 2 1,111 1,078 23 12129 222 110 233 254 249 271 166 37 271 166 37 1 22 1 812 4 1 8 87 22 1 7 2 1 226 276 223 32 4 4 5 1,035 25 217 239 257 161 36 63 5 9 11 22 103 1 4 87 7 3 (8) (*) 22 7 7 28 5 7 1 6 1 221 12 11 1 4 3 2 Hus bands (9) (10) $1,283 599 1,470 178 356 583 826 1,049 1,218 1,460 1,656 1,820 2,051 , 220 2,754 3,689 5,649 2,022 2 2 22 1 23 All 49 $1, 261 44 590 50 1,454 32 178 41 354 45 579 814 49 51 1,045 51 1,208 52 1,444 51 1,638 52 1,784 52 52 2,184 52 , 668 52 3, 571 52 5, 633 2 12 18 Average earn ings of principal earners * (*) 50 39 48 51 51 52 51 1,263 350 738 1,129 1,516 1,891 2. 505 (*) (*) 51 28 48 51 52 52 51 1, 505 288 756 1,137 i, 564 1,970 2,348 (*) 1,541 285 771 1,151 1, 590 2,039 2,583 (*) 51 45 49 51 52 52 52 1,846 281 643 1,103 1,537 2,066 3,105 5, 674 1,872 275 654 1,106 1, 552 3,158 5,693 *2 1,273 353 744 1.135 1, 531 1,908 2. 559 2,101 Averages in this column are based on the number of principal earners reporting weeks of employment. Averages in this section of the table are based on the corresponding counts of principal earners in columns (3) and (4). The total number of principal earners given in column (3) is equivalent to the total number of families having individual earners, since a family can have only one principal earner. The difference between the totals in columns (2) and (3) is explained by the fact that column (2), number of families, includes cases in which none of the family income was attributable to individual earners. Includes 111 families classified in the occupational group “Other." These families had 5 principal earners. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 257 TABULAR SUMMARY PUEBLO , COLO. T 5.—Number of earners in family: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith specified num ber of in d ivid u a l earners , fa m ily relation sh ip of sole earners , and average num ber of supplem en tary earners per fa m ily , by incom e , 1 9 3 5 -3 6 able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families with individual earners Families with more Average than one number of Num earner as supple ber of mentary Four percentage families families earners Other Two Three or ofwith any per Any more individual fam ily 1 family Hus Wife band earner 1 member Fe Male male ( 12 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10 ) (1 1 ) (2 ) On<3 only Income class (1 ) All fam ilies.......... . 6,004 Relief families____ 1,405 Nonrelief families.. 4, 599 $0-$249.................. 41 $250-$499.............. 111 $500-$749.............. 298 $750-$999........... 493 $1,000-$1.249____ 666 $1,250-$! ;499____ 648 $1,500-$1,749........ 628 $1,750-$1,999____ 533 $2,000-$2,249........ 366 $2,250-$2,499........ 270 $2,500-$2,999____ 239 $3,000-$3.999____ 2 11 55 $4,000-$4,999 ___ $5,000 and over.. 40 4, 915 1,114 3,801 13 77 260 432 590 555 539 447 287 2 12 167 149 41 32 4,812 1,056 3, 756 13 75 257 424 585 550 534 443 283 208 165 146 41 32 52 31 21 31 19 12 1 3 ____% 5 1 3 1 3 4 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 20 8 12 i 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 700 147 553 106 17 89 2 17 (t) ' 1 7 19 41 48 72 78 69 59 52 51 40 9 7 1 2 5 9 5 9 13 6 19 17 2 1 14 13 15 19 1 1 3 2 2 5 3 8 7 9 8 13 13 15 20 22 30 29 25 20 0.17 .15 .18 .07 .08 .08 .09 .1 0 .14 . 14 .18 .25 .24 .40 .42 .42 .2 2 1 This percentage was computed by dividing the sum of columns (8), (9), (10) by column (4) of table 3 on p. 254. 2 Based on the number of families with individual earners, column (4) of table 3 on p. 254. tPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. 258 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION PUEBLO , COLO. T 6.—Sole and supplementary earners: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith in d i vidual earners; num ber of su pplem en tary earners classified as husbands , w ivest and others; average earnings of su pplem en tary earners; and average earnings of fa m ily from su pplem en tary earners; by incom e , 1985-36 able White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families with individual earners Income class (1 ) Num One only ber of fami lies Any Any family Hus mem band ber (5) (4) (2 ) (3) Number of supplementary earners Average Average earnings Others4 earnings fam of all per from supple ily supple More mentary mentary Hus Wives than All bands one 3 Fe earners1 earners2 Male male (6) All families............ 6,004 5, 740 4, 915 4, 812 825 Relief families----- 1, 405 1 , 280 1,114 1.056 166 Nonrelief families. 4, 599 4. 460 3,801 3, 756 659 1 14 13 13 $0-$249 .............. 41 84 $250-$499........... . 1 1 1 77 75 - 7 $500-$749............. 298 280 260 257 20 $750-$999______ 493 475 432 424 43 $1,000-$1,249___ 666 644 590 585 54 $1,250-$1,499___ 648 637 555 550 82 $1.500-$1,749___ 628 622 539 534 83 $1,750-$1,999___ 533 528 447 443 81 $2,000-$2,249___ 366 361 287 283 74 $2,250-$2,499___ 270 270 2 12 208 58 $2,500-$2,999___ 239 239 167 165 72 149 146 62 $3,000-$3,999___ 2 1 1 2 1 1 41 41 14 $4,000-$4,999___ 55 55 32 32 8 $5,000 and over.. 40 40 (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) (1 1 ) ( 12 ) 974 187 787 132 36 96 282 49 233 329 70 259 231 32 199 2 9 14 23 43 24 34 16 19 26 14 7 1 1 2 4 8 18 $427 208 479 (*) ' 77 132 190 197 305 373 451 477 570 626 824 1,008 1, 302 1 7 45 65 93 88 96 91 64 95 89 23 9 21 5 12 8 12 10 9 12 7 7 8 3 1 2 3 11 16 17 33 37 38 22 38 31 8 3 2 21 21 16 25 16 24 36 5 3 (13) $69 28 82 1 5 9 17 19 44 52 81 118 135 249 347 422 293 Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in column (7). Averages in this column are based on the number of families as shown in column (2 ). 3 Families that have supplementary earners. 4 Includes 3 males and no females under 16 years of age. ‘Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 1 2 259 TABULAR SUMMARY PUEBLO , COLO. T 6A.— Sole and supplementary earners: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith in d i vidual earners; num ber of su pplem en tary earners classified as husbands , w ives , and others; average earnings of su pplem en tary earners; and average earnings of fa m ily from supplem entary earners; by occupation and incom e, 1 9 8 5 -8 6 able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born; All family types combined] Number of fam ilies with indi vidual earners Income class and occupational group (1 ) Number of supplementary earners Number of fami Others 4 lies Any One More Hus Wives All bands only than one 3 Fe Male male (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families... 2, 460 2, 460 2 , 1 1 1 65 65 58 $0-$499 ___________ 548 548 509 $500-$999 _________ $1,000-$1,499_________ 817 817 733 614 614 522 $1,500-$1,999_________ 357 357 252 $2,000-$2,999_________ 58 58 36 $3,000-$4,999 ................ 1 1 1 $5,000 and over______ Clerical All nonrelief families._. 917 917 760 9 9 9 $0-$499 ..................... 96 96 86 $500-$999 _________ 240 240 2 11 $1,000-$1,499...... .......... $1,500-$1,999__________ 287 287 247 $2,000-$2,999_________ 242 242 184 41 41 22 $3,000-$4,999_________ 1 $5 000 and over 2 2 Business and profes sional All nonrelief families... 1 , 1 1 1 1,078 927 29 23 22 $CH$499 . _________ 97 $500-$999 ....................... 12 1 110 233 222 200 $1,000-$1.499_________ 254 249 217 $1,500-$1,999_________ $2,000-$2,999__________ 271 271 230 166 166 131 $3,000-$4,999_________ 37 37 30 $5,000 and over_______ Other 5 3 All nonrelief families... 1 1 1 349 412 7 7 39 40 84 95 92 105 105 127 22 38 32 126 145 109 2 2 1 8 2 8 157 190 29 40 58 19 10 31 45 77 25 151 183 1 1 1 11 1 13 32 41 35 7 14 31 34 46 49 2 2 22 8 Average earnings of all supple mentary earners 1 Average earnings per family from supple mentary earners 2 (1 1 ) ( 12 ) 6 19 45 56 16 30 22 34 13 $417 76 143 240 380 549 867 43 56 50 41 516 107 5 9 13 5 4 18 17 5 13 28 1 2 1 6 206 272 446 542 980 (*) 24 35 70 172 597 510 21 50 64 4 13 8 13 2 583 (*) 237 305 475 606 797 1.338 96 1 1 (*) 9 6 6 6 3 11 3 3 4 7 3 1 15 40 32 31 12 10 2 1 6 5 19 9 1 5 12 12 14 17 3 48 2 3 10 12 19 $70 s 10 28 65 195 568 2 27 40 64 103 235 289 5 Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in column (6). Averages in this column are based on the number of families as shown in column (2). 3 Families that have supplementary earners. 4 Includes persons under 16 years of age as follows: Clerical families, 2 males and no females. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 1 2 T a b l e 7 .— Earnings supplementary earners: of to PUEBLO , COLO. N u m ber of su p p lem e n ta ry earners w ith earn in gs o f specified a m ou n t , by fa m ily in com e , 1 9 3 5 -S 6 Oi o [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] (1 ) All families—.......................... Relief families. __________ Nonrelief families_________ $0-$249__........................... $250-$499 .... $snn-$749 _ $750-$999___ $i,oon-<Ki,249 $1,250-$1,499.................... *i,50o-$i,749 . $2,000-^2,249 $2J25n-*2J499 $2,50n-*2;999 *3I000-S3.9Q9 $4,000-$4,999.................... $5,000 an d over 825 166 659 1 7 20 43 54 82 83 81 74 58 72 62 14 8 Average earnings of sup plemen Any Under 100tary $50-$99 $$199 earners amount $50 (3) $427 208 479 (♦ ) } 77 132 190 197 305 373 451 477 570 626 824 1,008 1,302 * Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. (6) (5) (4) 974 187 787 1 7 21 45 65 93 88 96 91 64 95 89 23 9 (7) 43 67 75 30 45 153 44 109 3 4 1 1 6 3 5 14 21 13 18 110 8 10 14 10 5 9 1 3 3 8 8 3 5 2 1 4 2 1 11 12 4 6 2 Number of supplementary earners with earnings of— $200$299 $300$399 $400$499 $500$599 $600$699 $700$799 $800$899 (8) (9) GO) (1 1 ) (12 ) (13) (14) 85 23 62 4 10 8 10 5 8 5 4 2 6 111 16 95 2 7 9 15 10 17 12 6 10 5 2 79 13 66 3 6 13 10 4 8 5 11 4 1 1 66 83 4 62 8 2 5 9 9 14 7 12 2 1 1 75 82 3 79 2,000 $900- $1 ,000- $1,500- $and $999 $1,499 $1,999 over (15) 27 27 (17) (16) (18) 39 51 12 1 39 2 1 11 1 49 1 13 12 13 9 6 11 9 1 2 7 19 9 10 14 15 2 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 2 2 3 11 8 6 10 1 2 1 15 21 7 3 6 5 i WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Number of fami lies with any sup plemen tary earners (2 ) T able 8. —Husbands as earners: PU EBLO , COLO. N um ber and average yearly earnings of husbands classified as p rin cip a l or supplem entary earners , by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 98 5-36 [White families including husband and wife, both native bom: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Principal earners by age groups Income class (1 ) Supplementary earners by age groups * 65 and Any Un 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65over Any Under der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-64 55-59 60-64 and 20 20 over (6) (7) (9) ( 10) (ID (12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (2 1 ) (22 ) (23) (24) (25) (4) (5) (2 ) (3) (8) All families................. 5,477 ■ R.filiflf familips 1,174 Nonrelief fam ilies... 4, 303 14 $0-$249_............... $250-$499 80 .$snn-$749 . _ 272 $750-$999_ ........ . 453 $1,000-$1,249____ 631 $1,250-$1,499____ 619 $1,500-$1,749____ 603 $1,750-$1,999____ 514 $2,000-$2,249____ 341 $2,250-$2,499____ 258 $2,500-$2,999____ 230 $3,000-$3,999____ 197 52 $4,000-$4,999____ $5,000 and over.. 39 2 1 1 208 71 137 1 1 3 30 35 32 16 13 4 1 1 1 661 187 474 3 8 33 99 100 76 74 43 12 11 7 4 3 1 788 152 636 3 7 53 63 116 96 107 87 45 26 16 16 1 870 170 700 737 119 618 1 11 37 61 11 2 11 2 113 104 51 34 35 20 6 4 7 25 54 72 80 81 89 77 47 36 30 12 7 683 138 545 7 40 67 77 76 62 53 47 43 41 20 6 6 552 125 427 8 21 34 54 58 52 49 39 33 38 28 10 3 386 82 304 1 8 13 27 32 34 38 34 28 30 25 21 8 5 304 60 244 10 13 26 25 36 26 26 22 17 16 20 1 6 286 132 69 36 217 96 5 11 2 26 5 14 12 21 8 34 12 23 10 16 9 13 12 13 7 14 7 17 8 4 3 3 8 1 2 2 6 5 13 5 2 11 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 8 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 (*) $1,057 $1,241 $1, 384 $1,486 $1,608 $1,595 $1,526 $1,580 $1,519 $1,411 $592 C) $567 $665 $526 6 3 15 3 23 12 11 12 2 2 2 i 4 23 7 16 17 3 14 2 1 2 1 2 2 14 4 10 1 1 2 1 1 11 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 TABULAR SUMMARY Number of husbands 2 1 1 2 Average earnings of husbands 1 All nonrelief fam dies. $1,470 $668 $632 $695 $432 $571 | $628 1 Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of husbands in the upper section of the table; the 2 averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total numbers of husbands. O *Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. h-* fcO 9. PUEBLO, COLO. —Wives as earners: N um ber and average yearly earnings of wives classified as p rin cip al or supplem entary earners, by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 93 5-36 262 T able ["White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Principal earners by age groups 0 ) 65 and Any Un Any Under 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65over der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 and 20 over 20 (2 ) (3) (5) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) do) (ID (12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (2 1 ) (22 ) (23) (24) (2 5) Number of wives All families................ Relief fam ilies_____ Nonrelief families__ $0-$249.................. $250-$499.......... . $500-$749.............. $750-$999_______ $1,000-~$1,249____ $1,250-$1,499____ $1,500-$1,749____ $1,750-$1,999____ $2,000-$2,249____ $2,250-$2,499____ $2,500-$2,999........ $3,000-$3,999____ $4,000-$4,999____ $5,000 and over.. 106 43 63 3 1 2 2 1 7 14 3 6 9 4 9 4 8 7 1 2 7 5 3 1 2 1 19 9 10 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 19 7 12 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 18 9 9 6 12 2 4 4 8 9 4 5 5 4 1 2 1 1 S 49 233 2 2 5 36 1 4 10 26 57 7 50 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 9 14 23 43 24 34 16 19 26 14 7 2 51 8 43 37 3 34 32 6 26 28 5 23 20 8 6 2 3 17 2 6 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 5 4 3 1 4 7 12 6 6 3 3 5 2 3 4 5 3 7 5 5 7 4 1 5 8 6 6 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 5 4 2 6 2 3 1 2 5 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 4 1 3 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ____j____ __i 2 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Supplementary earners by age groups Average earnings of wives 1 All nonrelief families. $955 (*) $862 $804 $1, 514 $695 $878 $1,085 $1 , 1 1 2 $737 (*) $505 $194 $413 $462 $494 $388 $791 $408 $800 $614 $253 (*) i Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of wives in the upper section of the table; the 2 averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total numbers of wives. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. PUEBLO , COLO. >LZl$L T able 10.—Money income other than earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving m oney incom e other than earnings, and average am ount received , by source and total incom e , 1 9 3 5 -3 6 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] 1 0 i-i1 Income class Number of families (1 ) (2 ) 00 6,004 1,405 4,599 41 111 298 493 666 648 628 533 366 270 239 2 11 55 40 Any source (3) 839 110 729 9 33 41 47 71 98 77 72 71 63 58 58 16 15 Average money income, other than earnings, received from 2— Rent from Interest Pensions, Gifts for Rent from Interest Pensions, Gifts for Miscella All property and divi annuities, current neous property and divi annuities, current sources benefits dends use sources 3 (net) benefits use (net) dends (1 2 ) (13) GO) (6) (4) (5) (7) (8) (ID (9) 243 27 216 2 8 11 6 19 22 24 19 24 18 19 28 9 7 261 11 250 4 12 9 10 18 31 23 24 33 25 23 22 9 7 223 24 199 2 11 20 20 32 29 20 17 13 15 7 12 1 81 20 61 1 4 6 10 5 12 8 1 3 1 6 4 $48 17 57 20 57 43 36 39 47 37 55 71 66 82 143 166 357 $8 2 10 3 9 7 2 4 4 6 7 11 11 17 54 56 68 $7 1 9 9 9 3 1 6 3 3 6 14 8 22 29 81 113 $19 4 23 5 30 28 22 24 31 20 19 29 28 11 24 2 $2 $ 12 2 3 8 12 1 4 2 4 4 5 3 7 1 3 1 3 1 (**)4 5 2 6 7 20 16 19 28 31 27 176 TABULAE SUMMARY All families___________________________ Relief families________________________ Nonrelief families_____________________ $0-$249...... ...................... ..................... ... $250-$499.... ............................................... $500-$749__............................................ $750-$999_.......................................... $1,000-$1,249__....................................... $1,250-11,499........................................... $1,500-$1,749........................................... $l,750-$l,999-_...................................... $2,000-$2,249_......................................... . $2,250-$2,499_................... ................... $2,500-$2,999-........................................... $3,000-$3,999............................................ $4,000-$4,999_........................................... $5,000 and over____________________ Number of families receiving money income other than earnings from— 1 See glossary for definition of “money income other than earnings.” Averages are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money income other than earnings. Includes money income other than earnings from sources other than those specified .including profits from business enterprises partially or wholly owned but not operated by family members. See glossary for further definition of “profits.” **$0.50 or less. 2 3 263 T able 11.— N onm oney in com e from ow ned hom es: Number of fam ilies owning homes with and without mortgages; average rental valuey average expense^ and average nonmoney income from home ownership; by income, 1935-36 264 PUEBLO, COLO. [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1 ) All families.................................... Relief families............................... Nonrelief families............ ............ $0-$249____________ _____ _ $250-$499......... ...................... . $500-1749.................................. $750-$999.................................. $1,000-$1,249........................... $1,250-$1,499______ _______ $1,500-81,749............................ $1,750-$1,999.............. ............. $2,000-82,249.................. ......... $2,250-82,499............................ $2,500-82,999............................ $3,000-83,999............................ $4,000-84,999........................... $5,000 and over...................... All (2 ) 6,004 1,405 4, 599 41 111 298 493 666 648 628 533 366 270 239 2 11 55 40 Homes free from mortgage Mortgaged homes Families owning Families owning homes free from mortgaged homes Average Average expense 3 Average Interest Average Average Average as per Owning mortgage non nonrental rental homes 1 money money ofcentage value expense 3 income value 3 rental 4 income 4 value Number Percent Number Percent Interest Other age * age 5 ( 10 ) ( 12 ) (13) (6) (7) (4) (9) (8) (14) (3) (15) (5) (ID 2,642 376 2,266 14 51 90 173 ‘ 244 356 305 257 242 159 168 138 35 34 1,429 176 1, 253 11 36 46 83 111 183 144 146 155 89 109 91 25 24 54 47 55 (t) 71 51 48 46 51 47 57 64 56 65 66 71 71 $302 184 319 194 252 197 199 230 266 271 316 354 362 400 500 473 623 $91 69 94 73 82 73 73 79 84 86 93 100 10 1 107 125 12 1 146 $ 2 11 1, 213 115 225 200 12 1 170 124 126 151 182 185 223 254 261 293 375 352 477 1,013 3 15 44 90 133 173 161 111 87 70 59 47 10 10 46 53 45 (t) 29 49 52 54 49 53 43 36 44 35 34 29 29 $281 209 295 180 225 193 208 245 259 289 316 347 371 385 386 594 564 $74 55 77 27 65 55 64 65 70 79 85 85 92 85 106 113 123 $86 $ 12 1 73 89 70 76 70 74 78 81 86 93 99 105 105 105 141 136 81 129 83 84 68 70 102 108 124 138 163 174 195 175 340 305 26 26 26 15 29 29 31 26 27 27 27 24 25 22 28 19 22 1 Includes all families occupying owned homes at any time during the report year, but excludes 6 families whose expenses exactly equaled the annual rental value of their homes. Data for the latter families, however, are included in the computation of averages. 2 Based on estimate made by home owner, for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. This period averages, in general, approximately 12 months. 3 Expense for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Expense other than interest, columns (7) and (13), estimated on basis of average relationship between rental value and expense. 48 Nonmoney income for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Obtained by deducting estimated expense (including interest) from rental value. Based on number of families owning homes, column (3). t Percentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. WEST CENTRAL-KOOKY MOUNTAIN REGION Number of families JPUEBLO, COLO. M onthly ren tal value: Number of home-owning fam ilies having homes with specified monthly rental value , by income , 1 9 3 5 -3 6 1 T a b l e 1 3 .— [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1 ) $0-$249 $500-<R749 $750-$999.................. ................... *1,000-$ 1,249 _ $1,2fi0-$1,499 $1,500-$1,749......................... $1,750-$1,999................................. $2,ono-$2,249 $2,2.10-$2)499 _____ $2,500-$2,999_............................... $3,000-$3,999................................. $4,000-$4,999_-............................. $5,000 and over........................... 5, 940 1,389 4,551 39 109 296 488 655 640 621 531 363 268 238 209 54 40 2,632 378 2,254 14 51 89 172 245 355 302 256 242 159 167 135 33 34 44 27 50 36 47 30 35 37 56 49 48 67 59 70 65 61 85 Average Number of home-owning families reporting monthly rental value of— monthly rental value of owned Under $5-$9 $10-$14 $15-$19 $20-$24 $25-$29 $30-$34 $35-$39 $40-$44 $45-$54 $55-$74 $75 and over homes 2 $5 (9) (8 ) (10) (ID (1 2 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (6) (7) (5) $24. 90 17.10 26. 20 15.90 2 1.0 0 17.00 17.40 20.60 2 2 . 70 24„50 26.80 29. 60 30. 80 33.00 39.10 43. 40 51.00 1 1 81 41 40 299 105 194 1 2 12 6 11 10 4 6 2 ~ 5 420 87 333 7 13 29 53 51 69 40 33 17 1 5 24 44 44 28 20 10 2 2 10 6 414 54 360 523 54 469 296 14 282 278 9 269 141 9 132 2 8 10 2 6 3 2 7 15 40 35 44 44 25 31 27 5 4 3 4 13 29 28 29 46 34 42 26 4 5 6 2 1 26 54 81 69 48 29 19 10 3 1 • 14 24 46 92 78 59 61 36 29 17 4 1 66 13 15 20 16 26 15 9 3 128 3 125 30 21 1 29 21 1 3 694 13 17 15 20 25 4 8 1 1 2 3 2 1 8 2 9 1 3 1 TABULAR SUMMARY All families. __ Relief families . N onrelief families______ ______ Number Home-owning families of home owning and Percent renting families Number age 3 (3) (4) (2 ) 8 4 4 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families, column (3). 3 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2). to 05 Oi 266 PUEBLO, COLO. T able 13.— M onthly rent: Number of renting fam ilies reporting specified monthly rent , by income , 1935-86 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] (1 ) All families............... Relief families____ Nonrelief families.. $0-$249._............ $250-$499............ $500-$749_.......... $750-$999........... $1,000-$1,249._.. $1,250-$1,499__ $1,500-$1,749__ $1,750-$1,999__ $2,000-$2,249— . $2,250-$2,499_... $2,500-$2,999___. $3,000-$3,999__ $4,000-$4,999__ $5,000 and over. 5,940 3,308 1,389 1,011 4, 551 2, 297 39 25 109 58 296 207 488 316 655 410 640 285 621 319 531 275 363 121 268 109 238 71 209 74 21 54 40 $17.00 11.30 19. 50 16.50 13.10 13.10 14.00 16.80 18.40 20.40 23.50 25.40 27.10 27.60 32.00 38.00 42.50 13 528 332 196 878 416 462 19 67 108 125 63 40 18 8 5 4 1 1 693 160 533 9 11 48 81 115 89 86 55 14 12 10 3 451 51 400 2 4 15 44 61 63 90 58 30 16 10 5 2 334 183 118 21 8 1 37 36 1 313 175 117 37 2 1 10 12 4 1 1 46 34 45 71 28 30 12 17 3 2 35 $75 and Rent over free4 (17) (18) 6 2 29 6 2 19 10 1 2 21 18 28 36 20 20 12 14 2 5 4 15 22 13 15 14 19 3 6 2 3 1 2 6 5 5 4 7 1 5 7 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 7 8 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Rent reported at date of interview. Averages are based on the number of renting families in each class that reported monthly rent, including families receiving rent free, the amount of which was estimated by the family. a Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2 ). 4 Consists of families receiving rent as gift. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Renting Number of renting families reporting monthly rent of— Num ber families of home Average owning monthly and Per rent 2 Under renting Num cent $5 $5-$9 $10—$14 $15—$19 $20-$24 $25-$29 $30-$34 $35-$39 $40-$44 $45-$54 $55-$74 families ber age 3 (3) (4) (5) ( 6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) (ID (12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (2) PUEBLO, COLO. T able 14A.—Average monthlyrental rentalvaluevalue and average monthly rent: N um ber of hom e-owning and renting fa m ilies, average m onthly , and average m onthly ren t , by occupation and incom e , 1 98 5-36 1 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Income class Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Average monthly— Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Home Rent Home Rent Rental Home Rent Home Rent Rental owning ing owning ing value 3 Rent 4 owning ing owning ing value 3 Rent (9) ( 12 ) (13) (6) (8) ( 10) (4) (7) (6) (3) (2 ) (1 1 ) All nonrelief families «___ 1,189 $0-$499........................... . 18 172 $500-$999 ......................... $1,000-$1,499___............ . 366 344 $1,500-$1,999___________ 242 $2,000-$2,999___________ $3,000-$4,999 46 $5,000 and over. 1 1,249 46 370 443 266 11 2 12 (t) 49 28 32 45 56 68 79 51 $23.00 $16. 50 72 16. 40 ii. eo 15. 70 12.90 68 55 20.20 16.50 44 24. 30 19.00 32 28. 30 23. 30 21 37.00 25.50 (*) 404 3 21 97 105 151 25 2 499 5 75 136 180 88 15 45 (t) 22 (t) 42 37 63 62 (t) Number of families Average monthly— 4 55 $27. 00 $21. 70 14. 20 20 . 00 78 17. 60 15. 30 58 22.20 18. 40 63 25. 60 24.50 37 30. 60 26. 30 38 36.00 26. 30 (*) Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Average monthly— Home Rent Home Rent Rental owning ing owning ing value 3 R en t 4 (19) (16) (17) (15) (18) (14) 586 15 50 117 105 171 97 31 514 14 70 112 146 98 68 6 47 $32. 60 53 (t) 42 51 42 64 59 84 (t) 58 49 58 36 41 16 20.20 20.40 26.10 29.20 34. 80 42. 40 52.00 $24.80 18.60 15.90 20.00 23.60 30.40 36. 30 42.50 TABULAR SUM M ARY (1 ) Number of families Occupational group: Business and professional Occupational group: Clerical Occupational group: Wage earner 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families in the respective occupational group. 3 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during the report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families as of end of report year. 4 Rent as reported at date of interview. Averages in this column are based on the number of families reporting monthly rent, including families receiving rent as gift, the amount of which is estimated by the family. « Of the families classified in the occupational group “Other,” 110 did not change their living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Of the latter group, 75 families, or 68 percent, were owning families. Their average monthly rental value was $24.30. The remaining 35 families, or 32 percent, were renting families. Their average monthly rent was $18.30. fPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. to 268 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION PUEBLO , COLO. 15-16.— Type of living quarters: N um ber and 'percentage of ow ning an d renting fa m ilies occupying specified types of living quarters, by tenure and T ables incom e, 1 93 5-36 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1 ) Owning families, all. Relief families_____ Nonrelief families.__ $0-$949 $950-$499 $500-$749_............ $750-$999_______ $1,000-$1,249___ $1,250-$1,499___ $l,500-$i,749___ $1,750-$1,999___ $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499___ $2,500-$2.999___ $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over. Renting families, all. Relief families-------Nonrelief fam ilies... $0-$249................ $250-$499.............. $500-$749__.......... $750-$999______ $1,000-$1,249___ $1,250-$1,499___ $1,500-$1,749___ $1,750-$1,999___ $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499___ $2,500-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over.. Number of families occupying— Num ber of One- Twofamilies family family Apart Other a house house ment (6) (4) (5) (2 ) (3) 2,632 378 2, 254 14 51 89 172 245 355 302 256 242 159 167 135 33 34 3,308 1 , Oil 2,297 25 58 207 316 410 285 319 275 12 1 109 71 74 21 6 2,484 361 2,123 13 42 81 163 237 335 291 240 230 i50 156 123 30 32 2, 474 780 1,694 14 37 147 242 303 198 236 2 11 94 82 50 57 19 4 73 12 61 6 3 5 4 7 5 8 7 2 5 6 2 1 336 10 1 235 6 4 19 27 39 37 43 22 10 12 6 8 1 1 45 5 40 3 3 2 1 3 3 5 4 6 4 5 Percentage of families occupying 2— Onefamily house (7) Twofamily house (8) 94 96 94 3 3 3 30 30 1 (t ) 2 2 3 10 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 407 ill 296 4 10 32 34 51 38 36 37 17 13 14 8 1 1 91 19 72 1 7 9 13 17 12 4 5 (t ) 2 1 1 (t ) (t ) 82 92 95 97 94 96 94 95 94 94 91 91 94 75 77 74 64 72 76 74 70 74 77 78 75 71 77 Apart Other s ment 2 6 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 3 4 6 3 4 2 4 3 10 12 10 10 13 3 (t) (t ) 17 15 11 12 13 13 14 11 12 20 11 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 11 8 8 11 8 11 (t ) (t ) 1 (t ) 3 2 2 2 7 9 9 10 13 14 1 1 2 12 (t ) (10 ) (9) 2 3 (t) 12 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 1 1 (t ) (t) 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the ena of the report year and the date of interview. 2 Percentages are based on number of families in each class, column (2). * Includes dwelling units in business buildings, other types of living quarters not elsewhere specified, and unknown types of living quarters. •[Percentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. JO.5 percent or less. PUEBLO , COLO. T able 17.— Members ofof household not in economic family: N um ber of fa m ilies having persons in the household who were not members the economic fa m ily, and average num ber of such n on fam ily m em bers , by incom e , 1 98 5-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families having in the household nonfamily members of specified type 1 Income class (2 ) All families................................ 6,004 Relief families______________ 1,405 4, 599 Nonrelief families................. 41 $0-$249.................................. 111 $250-$499.............................. $500-$749.......................... 298 $750-$999............................ . 493 $1,000-$1,249........................ 666 $1,250-$1.499........................ 648 $1,500-$1,749........................ 628 $1,750-$1,999........................ 533 $2JftOO-$2,249 366 $2,250-$2,499_...................... 270 $2,500-$2.999........................ 239 $3,000-$3,999........................ 2 11 $4,000-$4,999........................ 55 $5,000 and over.................. 40 (3) 1,438 275 1,163 5 16 57 104 135 160 177 124 93 85 78 81 25 23 Occupying rooms on nontransient basis Sons and Other daughters roomers rooming with and boarding board (5) (4) 311 74 237 13 12 9 39 18 27 39 29 23 15 6 5 2 216 36 180 2 4 16 21 16 26 33 19 14 14 6 7 2 Room ers with Paid help out board (6) (7) 126 32 94 2 9 13 14 11 15 5 3 7 8 5 1 1 232 30 202 6 7 17 13 19 29 17 10 23 31 14 16 Board ers with out room (8) 14 3 11 3 2 3 Occupying rooms on nontransient basis All Tour non ists and Quests family Sons and Other mem daughters roomers tran bers rooming with sients and boarding board (13) ( 12 ) ( 10 ) (9) (ID 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 903 170 733 3 9 29 65 85 104 122 76 59 58 53 53 12 5 0.4 0.5 .4 .5 1 .2 .5 .5 .5 5 .4 .6 .5 .5 .5 .2 .4 (**) .6 .6 .6 .8 .2 .2 1.0 .8 .8 (*) .3 .4 .5 .4 .3 .7 0.9 .7 .9 (*) 1.0 .9 .8 1 .1 .8 .7 1.4 .8 1.0 8 1 .2 (*) Room ers with Paid help out board (14) (15) 1 .0 1 .0 .9 (*) .8 1.1 .9 .7 .8 .8 .9 1.0 1.0 1.7 (*) (*) 0.5 .5 .5 .3 .3 .4 .4 .3 .5 .3 .6 .8 .6 .8 .9 Board ers with out room (16) 0.3 .6 .2 Tour ists and Quests tran sients (17) (18) 0.6 0 .2 .6 .2 .2 .1 .1 .2 .1 .2 .2 .5 (*) (**) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) TABULAR SUMMARY (1) Num ber of Any fam non ilies family mem ber Average number of nonfamily members of specified type * (based on families having such members) .2 .2 (*) .2 .2 .1 .2 .1 .1 269 1 Excludes a small number of families which had nonfamily members in the household but which did not report the duration of their membership. 3 Averages in each column are based on the corresponding counts of families, in columns (3) through (10). The number of nonfamily members is expressed in terms of yearequivalent persons. This figure is computed for each family by dividing by 52 the total number of weeks of residence in the household for all nonmembers of the economic family. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. **0.05 or less. 270 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION P U E B L O , COLO. 18.—Age of husbands and wives: N um ber of husbands and num ber oj T able w ives , by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 93 5-36 [White iamilies including husband and wife, both native born- All occupational groups and all familytypes combined] Income class 0 ) Num ber report ing Under 20-29 age 1 20 (2 ) (3) (4) Number with ages of— 30-39 40-49 (5) (6) 50-59 60-64 65-69 (7) (8) (9) 1 and 70-74 75over GO) (ID Husbands All families............... Percentage-----------Relief families_____ Nonrelief fam ilies.. $0-$249.... .........__ $250-$499________ $500-$749________ $750-$999 ___ $1,000-$1,249____ $1,250-$1,499 . . . $1,500-$l,749_____ $1,750-$1,999 ___ $2,000-$2,249____ $2,250-$2,499 ___ $2,500-$2,999____ $3,000-$3,999_____ $4,000-$4,999____ $5,000 and over___ 6,004 100.0 1, 405 4, 599 41 111 298 493 666 648 628 533 366 270 239 2 11 55 40 (t) 2 879 1 4 .6 1 1 1 263 616 4 12 63 134 132 93 87 47 15 11 7 5 4 2 1,690 28.2 329 1,361 5 19 93 130 228 210 223 192 100 61 51 37 7 5 1,485 24.8 280 1,205 5 17 48 99 143 159 161 157 134 97 80 74 18 13 1,0 2 1 17.0 242 779 3 18 37 69 90 99 97 86 69 67 65 53 18 376 6.3 79 297 2 17 33 31 39 29 30 26 18 20 23 21 253 4.2 85 168 6 11 19 12 22 22 14 12 10 10 10 14 3 3 8 2 6 830 13.8 196 634 247 4-1 60 187 177 8.0 6 22 16 17 11 23 26 24 12 17 11 9 17 1 11 171 2.8 64 107 9 9 9 12 14 17 9 127 2.1 62 65 7 8 7 2 1 4 6 9 8 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 75 1.3 29 46 4 57 0.9 30 27 4 4 7 7 5 3 4 2 4 6 8 3 4 4 Wives All families_______ 6,002 Percentage........... . 100.0 Relief families_____ 1, 405 Nonrelief fam ilies.. 4, 597 $0-$249...... ............. 41 111 $250-$499.... ......... $500-$749________ 298 $750-$999________ 493 $1,000-$1,249_____ 666 $1,250-$1,499_____ 647 $1,500-$1,749_____ 627 $1,750-$1,999_____ 533 $2,000-$2,249____ 366 270 $2,250-$2,499...:_. 239 $2,500-$2,999_____ $3,000-$3,999„_ 2 11 $4,000-$4,999_____ 55 40 $5,000 and over... 63 1.0 32 31 3 7 8 3 6 2 1 1 1,404 28.4 371 1, 033 3 19 95 174 210 162 148 102 48 29 21 14 4 4 Excludes 2 wives who did not report rge. t0.05 percent or less. 1 1,746 29.1 340 1,406 4 23 74 135 203 195 227 200 119 85 69 52 10 10 1,403 23. 4 281 1,1 2 2 5 17 52 86 130 154 143 140 114 85 82 76 27 11 33 59 76 81 67 64 56 53 52 42 10 13 2 1 66 111 9 13 12 12 12 9 7 4 10 3 6 2 1 3 6 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 271 TABULAR SUMMARY PUEBLO , COLO. 19.—Reportof year: N um ber and percentage distribu tion of fa m ilies by date end of report year , by occupation , 1 93 5-86 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Occupational group All Relief Date of end of fam fam report year ilies ilies (1 ) (2 ) Business and professional All Independent Salaried Wage Cleri busi Other earner cal ness and Busi Profes Busi Profes profes ness sional ness sional sional (5) ( 10 ) (6) (7) (9) (8) ( 12 ) (1 1 ) All (4) (3) Number of families All dates______ 6,004 1,405 4, 599 2, 460 Dec. 31, 1935___ 608 116 492 228 Jan. 31, 1936___ 1 4 3 Feb. 29 1936___ 725 199 526 279 Mar. 31, 1936. Apr. 30, 1936.... 698 198 500 297 556 May 31,1936... 1,413 340 1,073 89 359 183 June 30, 1936.... 448 July 31, 1936.-. 2,040 454 1, 586 888 35 17 37 2 Aug. 31, 1936. 12 4 27 Sept. 30, 1936.— 31 Oct. 31,1936___ Nov. 30, 1936--. 917 109 1 106 90 224 76 298 6 7 , 1 111 145 134 10 1 267 88 358 10 8 509 76 69 9 57 49 130 39 153 3 7 25 3 19 6 2 311 33 222 111 27 10 42 19 29 116 4 7 12 26 12 42 2 29 26 46 17 70 3 4 66 2 Percentage All dates______ 100 Dec. 31, 1935. 10 Jan. 31, 1936 „ Feb. 29, 1936.__ (t) 12 Mar. 31, 1936... 12 Apr. 30, 1936.__ 24 May 31, 1936.__ 8 June 30, 1936___ July 31, 1936.... 33 Aug. 31, 1936... 1 Sept. 30, 1936 . (t) Oct. 31, 1936—_ Nov. 30, 1936 . to.5 percent or less. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 8 11 9 12 13 15 13 11 12 9 9 10 36 4 28 6 21 (t) 14 14 25 6 33 (t) (t) (t) 11 11 23 8 34 1 1 11 12 23 7 37 1 (t) (t) 12 10 24 8 32 1 1 12 11 10 9 24 8 32 1 1 26 8 29 (t) 1 14 9 37 1 1 13 12 21 8 31 1 2 6 11 23 11 38 2 272 T able WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION D U B U Q U E , IO W A 1.—Family type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types an d average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by incom e , 1 93 5 -8 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Average number of persons per family 3 Number of families of type *■ Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) GO) ( 1 1 ) (1 2 ) (13) (14) Income class (1 ) All I II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 796 124 672 689 1,2 0 2 149 199 540 1,003 596 131 465 5 6 30 53 67 61 55 52 33 30 29 16 8 7 3 7 3 551 146 405 All families................. 5, 925 1,287 Relief families______ 1,198 213 Nonrelief families__ 4, 727 1,074 113 80 $0-$249 $250-$499............ — 174 88 $500-$749............ — 428 126 $750-$999............ — 779 181 $1,000-$1,249........... 808 167 $1,250-$1,499_.......... 536 104 $1,500-$1,749........... 497 103 $1,750-$1,999............ 399 66 $2,000-$2,249............ 257 45 $2,250-$2,499............ 227 33 $2,500-$2,999 ......... 218 38 $3,000-$3,499........... 126 18 8 $3,500-$3,999........... 51 $4 nnn-.$4J4QQ 4 38 4 $4,500-$4,999........... 22 8 $5,000-$7,499 _____ 42 8 $7,500-$9,999 4 1 $10,000 and over 3„ 8 25 64 124 140 84 70 59 33 18 18 12 6 7 1 3 2 5 44 119 63 64 39 23 18 18 12 3 12 1 2 3 1 1 12 34 99 136 148 114 93 104 52 64 70 35 15 11 4 9 1 2 7 38 90 38 47 25 14 100 12 12 13 2 3 2 1 1 452 145 307 3 5 17 48 47 32 28 29 32 27 15 9 5 3 3 6 169 147 183 69 114 2 2 1 2 22 5 17 10 21 20 12 13 17 7 10 2 2 2 4 1 5 6 13 17 17 13 12 8 13 1 2 1 1 1 1 4.0 4.6 3.9 2.7 3.0 3.6 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.3 4. 5 4.7 4.4 5.8 3.2 1.3 0.7 1 .8 1.2 .8 .4 .6 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.4 1 .2 1 .1 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.2 1. 6 .8 .7 .3 .4 .5 .4 .5 .7 .7 .9 1 .0 1 .2 1 .2 1 .1 1.4 1. 3 1.4 1.2 2 .1 .5 1 Family type: I. 2 persons. Husband, and wife only. II. 3 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16, and no others. III. 4 persons. Husband, wife, 2 children under 16, and no others. IV. 3 or 4 persons. Husband, wife, 1 person 16 or over, and 1 or no other person, regardless of age. V. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16,1 person 16 or over, and 1 or 2 other persons, regard less of age. VI. 6 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 children under 16 and no others. VII. 7 or 8 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16, 4 or 5 other persons, regardless of age. VIII. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 persons 16 or over. Other. 7 or more persons. All types not included in I through VIII. 2 These are year-equivalent persons. The sum of columns (13) and (14) plus 2 (husband and wife) does not always equal column (12). For the methods used in deriving these averages see glossary. 3 Largest income reported between $10,000 and $15,000. 273 TABULAR SUMMARY T able 1A.— Family type: D U B U Q U E , IO W A N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation ana in com e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born] Number of families of type l- Income class and occupational group (1 ) All I II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Average number of persons per family 2 Other than husb:and All ana avife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) (10 ) (ID (12 ) (13) (14) Wage earner All nonrelief families. 2,567 510 391 310 506 237 269 182 2 4 $0-$249 ........................ 30 15 2 2 2 4 13 5 3 $250-$499...................... 91 38 20 5 $500-$749...................... 313 84 55 36 66 17 32 14 $750-$999__.................. 583 117 91 100 96 42 88 38 $1,000—$1,249................ 518 96 92 73 87 44 67 34 $1,250-$1,499............... 317 61 49 36 60 39 29 16 $1,500-$1,749................ 269 48 38 36 49 27 26 18 52 23 11 19 $1,750-$1,999................ 176 20 25 12 5 16 $2,000-$2,249................ 105 16 10 5 21 15 5 1 23 10 9 11 2 $2,250-$2,499................ 72 3 4 4 4 22 7 4 $2,500-$2,999................ 58 1 1 8 2 3 $3,000-$3,499................ 18 $aJfinn-$aJ0Q9 1 1 2 3 8 $4, non-$4,409 2 2 $4'5nn-.$4'999 1 1 2 $fiJ0n0-$7J409 1 1 4 2 1 $7,500-$9,999............... $10,000 and over____ Clerical A 11 nonrelief families. 937 188 140 1 1 1 224 92 73 56 4 $0-$249_........................ 4 2 2 1 8 3 $250-$499..................... 2 $500-$749_.................... 33 10 4 12 3 2 20 $750-$999...................... 97 23 22 12 7 5 8 9 15 6 $1,000-$1,249__............ 149 31 31 25 30 $1,250-$! ,499............... 134 19 25 20 35 14 6 7 i4 29 12 11 $1,500-$1,749__............ 113 24 5 11 24 20 14 26 15 10 6 $1,750-$1,999............... 122 $2;nnn-.$2r249 75 14 12 19 5 8 7 6 $2,250-$2,499._............ 72 10 5 10 14 1 1 3 8 5 $2,500-$2,999............... 79 18 5 24 1 1 4 6 2 7 2 9 4 3 $3,000-$3,499_.............. 36 6 $3,600-$3;999 1 2 7 2 $4,nnn-$4)499 1 4 2 .$4;Rnn-$4:999 1 2 $^000-$?, 499 1 2 $7,500-$9,999_.............. $10,000 and over____ Independent business All nonrelief families. 515 137 60 55 114 62 30 37 $0-$249 _ ._ 1 1 10 8 .$250-$499 1 1 1 1 24 15 2 3 $500-$749 1 55 17 6 3 13 1 1 3 15 $750-$999...................... 69 24 10 4 3 2 8 10 14 16 $1,000-$1,249................ 81 21 4 7 6 4 $1,250-$1,499................ 51 14 4 15 4 2 6 6 $1,60C-$1,749................ 56 1 1 9 7 10 4 6 $1,750-$1,999 34 8 3 5 8 6 2 $2;0nn-$2J249 . 1 32 3 4 6 6 5 6 2 35 4 13 $2,250-$2,499 4 4 7 1 1 5 4 4 7 $2,500-$2,999 26 3 $3,000-^3,499 1 1 1 1 2 2 9 $3J500-.$3.999 1 2 1 1 1 3 10 $4,000-414,499... 4 2 9 3 $4,500-.l!4r999 1 1 2 $3J000-w$7J499 1 1 1 9 3 3 $7,K00-$9,999 1 1 2 1 i $10,000 and over 3__ See footnotes at end of table. 84 78 2 1 1 2 4 7 14 13 14 8 7 8 3 3 5 4 14 13 11 6 10 3 7 1 1 35 18 4.1 3.3 3.2 3.7 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.3 1,2 4.8 4.7 4.8 4.4 5. 5 (*) (*) 5. 8 (*) 3.9 2 .0 2 .8 2 6 5 2 4 7 3 3 2 2 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3.3 3.6 3.6 3.9 3.9 4.0 3.9 4.7 4.2 4. 2 5.1 7.8 (*) (*) 3.8 2.5 2.8 3.4 3.4 3.7 3.9 4.2 4.0 4.4 4.5 4.1 3.9 5.0 4.0 (*) 4.4 (*) (*) 1.4 .8 .8 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.1 1.4 0.7 .5 .4 .5 .4 .5 .7 .8 1.1 1.4 1.7 1.7 .5 1.9 .5 3.0 (*) (*) (*) 1.8 2 .0 (*) (*) 1 .0 1.1 1 .2 .6 .8 1 .2 1 2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1 2 . . 1.5 1 .1 1 .0 .6 .7 .2 .5 .4 .4 .7 .8 .8 .7 1 .2 1 .1 1 .2 2. 5 l. 5 4. 3 (*) (*) (*) 1 .1 .4 .6 .7 .9 1.2 1 .0 1 .6 1 2 1. 5 1. 5 1.4 .8 1.9 1.1 1 .0 (*) (*) .7 .1 .2 .7 .5 .5 .9 .6 .8 .9 .7 1 .0 1.1 1.1 .9 1.4 (*) (*) 274 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION D U B U Q U E , IO W A 1A.—Family type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 —Continued T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born] Average number of persons per fam ily 2 Number of families of type lIncome class and occupational group All I II III IV V VI ) (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 9 18 9 4 0 Independent professional All noDrelief families. 72 $0-$249.......................... 2 $250-$499..................... $500-$749..................... $750-$999___________ 4 $1,000-$1,249_______ 5 $1,250-$1,499_______ 3 $1,500-$1,749_______ 8 $1,750-$1,999_______ 3 $2,000-$2,249—........ . 7 $2,250-$2,499_______ 12 $2,500-$2,999~........ _ 4 $3,000-$3,499-........ . $3,500-$3,999_______ 5 1 $4,000-$4,499............... 3 $4,500-$4,999............... $5,000-$7,499_______ 9 4 $7,500-$9,999 _ 2 $10,000 and ovev 3 __ Salaried business AH nonrelief families 272 $0-$249____________ 1 $250-$499__________ $500-$749__________ 2 $750-$999___________ 2 $1,000-$1,249—........... 17 $1,250-$1,499............. . 11 $1,500-$1,749............... 26 $1,750-$1,999............... 33 $2,000-$2,249............... 25 $2,250-$2,499............... 28 $2,500-$2,999__............ 25 42 $3,nnn-$3,4QA $3,500-$3,999—............ 15 $4,000-$4,499_______ 19 $4,500-$4,999............... 10 $5,000-$7,499............... 14 1 $7,500-$9,999__............ $10,000 and over3. __ 1 15 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 57 4 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 43 2 1 1 1 32 56 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 37 19 16 1 8 1 4 1 3 9 8 3 7 5 5 5 2 2 2 4 i 2 2 7 4 5 5 5 5 2 3 1 1 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 6 1 2 1 3 1 2 7 4 6 9 11 3 4 2 3 4.0 1 .1 (*) 1 1 See footnotes at end of table. 8 Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) GO) (ID (12 ) (13) (14) 3 2 3 4 2 3 3 5 3 4 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 6 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 0.9 (*) 2.5 4.5 40 2.9 3.0 3.6 5.1 3.0 3.6 (*) 4.0 5. 2 4.8 (*) . .7 13 15 (*) (*) 3.9 1 .2 .3 . .5 1 .0 .9 1. 3 .5 1 2 2 .0 1 .2 .2 1.4 .4 .7 1 .8 .5 .4 2 .0 2 6 .7 (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) 4.0 1.5 .5 3.9 1.5 .4 3.3 1 .0 .3 3.8 1 . 2 .6 4.5 1.7 .8 3. 7 1.3 ,4 3.5 .7 .8 4.0 1 . 2 .8 3.5 .9 .6 4.5 1.5 1 .0 4.0 1 . 1 .9 .6 3.8 1. 2 (*) (*) (*) (•) 275 TABULAR SUMMARY D U B U Q U E , IO W A 1A.— -Family type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e , 1 9 8 5 -8 6 •—Continued T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native-born] Average number of persons per family 2 Number of families of type Income class and occupational group (1 ) All I II III IV \rV VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 40 23 9 3 2 3 4 4 2 3 1 Salaried professional All nonrelief families 159 1 $0-$249 _________ 2 $250-$499___________ $500-$749___________ 5 $750-$999 __________ $1,000-$1,249_______ 19 11 $1,250-$1,499............. $1,500-$1,749_........... 19 $1,750-$1,999............. 25 $2,000-$2,249............... 16 $2,250-$2,499........... 13 $2,500-$2,999__........... 17 $3,000-$3,499_______ 17 5 $3,500-$3,999-.............. $4 nnn-$4J499 3 $4 snn-$4 999 . 3 nnn-$7 499 3 $7,500-$9,999._........... $10,000 and over___ Other * All nonrelief families. 205 $0-$249 - .................... 68 46 $250-$499 .................. 25 $500-$749 . ____ $750-$999 ............ 23 $1 000-$l,249_„ 20 7 $1 250-$1,499 _ $i 749 $1 7.5fl-$l 999 $9. nnn_$9 949 $2*250-$2,499_.............. $2 500-$2 999 $3,’000-$3,499........... _ $a Ron-$a 999 $4,000-$4,499............. . fci snn-$4J999 $5 000-$7,499____ $7 500-$9,999— $10 000 and over. Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) ( 10 ) ( 1 1 ) (12 ) (13) (14) 11 1 1 1 24 28 6 1 4 3 3 3 1 4 3 5 1 4 6 2 1 1 3 2 4 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 7 2 6 5 3 5 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 6 1 5 45 5 8 2 14 7 4 1 1 8 3 1 1 | 1 1.4 1.2 1 .1 1.1 1 2 1 .0 . .9 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 .6 .2 1 2.4 2.5 .2 .1 .3 .3 .2 .4 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 .8 2 .8 2 .8 2 .0 2.7 1 (*) (*) (*) (*) 0.8 (*) .8 1 1 1 I 1 .0 1 1 139 52 30 15 15 11 7 7 1 1 3.8 (*) (*) 3.6 3.9 44 3.5 3.7 3. 6 3. 8 4.0 4.3 3. 6 3.2 5. 7 3.7 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1.2 .2 1. 7 .3 (*) .8 .5 . .4 .6 .4 1 2 .8 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.2 2 .0 1.4 .4 .2 .4 .5 .5 .6 .3 (*) (*) (*) (*) 1 For footnotes 1 and 2, see table 1 on p. 272. 3 Largest income reported between $10,000 and $15,000. 4 This group contains 9 families engaged in farming, a group too small to be separately classified, and families having no gainfully employed members. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 276 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION D U B U Q U E , IO W A 2.— Sources of family income: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources and average am ount of such incom e , by in com e , 1 93 5-36 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving— Incomo class (1 ) All fam ilies.................................. . Relief families............................... Nonre-ief fam ilies_____________ $0-$249........................................ $250-$499............ ..................... $500-$749................................. $750-$999_................................. $1,000-$1,249_........................... $1,250-$1,499............................. $1,500-$1,749._.......... .............. $1,750-$1,999_........................... $2,000-$2,249________ ______ $2,250-$2,499............................. $2,500-$2,999....................... $3,000-$3,999............................. $4,000-$4,999............................. $5,000 and o v e r ...................... Number of families (2 ) 5,925 1,198 4,727 113 174 428 779 808 536 497 399 257 227 218 177 60 54 Money income from— Other sources Earnings 1 (positive or nega tive) 8 (3) (4) 5,625 1,097 4, 528 44 127 405 757 789 530 488 398 257 227 217 176 60 53 1,016 197 819 18 59 67 80 113 97 87 74 48 39 50 48 18 21 Nonmoney income from— Any sources (5) 2,430 287 2,143 65 107 143 238 298 270 219 182 139 140 151 111 40 40 Owned home (positivo or nega tive) * (6) 2,393 280 2.113 65 106 142 236 295 265 215 177 139 139 150 106 39 39 Rent as pay (7) 37 7 30 1 1 2 3 5 4 6 1 1 5 1 1 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 8 Includes 998 families, 803 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings and no business losses met from family funds: 14 families, 12 of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds and no money income other than earnings, and 4 families, all of which were nonrelief, which had both money income and business losses met from family funds. There were, therefore, 1,002 families, 807 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings, whether or not they had business losses met from family funds; and there were 18 families, 15 of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds, whether or not they had money income other than earnings. These latter 15 families were found in the following income classes: $250—$499, 1; $500-$749, 1; $750-$999, 2; $1,000$1,249, 4; $1,250-$1,499, 2 ; $1,500-$1,749, 2 ; $1,750-$1,999, 2; $2,500-$2,999, 1 . See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney incomo from both sources. * Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. There were 21 families, 14 of which were nonrelief, with losses from owned homes (i. e., families whose estimated rental value was less than estimated expenses). The latter 14 families were found in the following income classes: $0-$249, 2; $250-$499, 2; $750-$999,1; $1,250-$1,499,1; $1,500-$1,749,1; $1,750-$ 1,999, 2; $2,000-$2,249, 2 ; $2,500-$2,999, 3. Excludes 1 family whose estimated rental value of owned homo was equal to estimated expenses. 277 TABULAR SUMMARY D U B U Q U E , IO W A 2.— Sources of family income: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such in com e , by in com e , 1 9 3 5 -3 6 1—Con. T able Average family income Money income from— Income class Total (1 ) (2 ) All families______ ________ 8$1,312 556 Relief families....... ........... . Nonrelief f a m i l i e s ______ 8 1, 504 $0-$249_............................. 131 $250-$499_................... 398 $500-$749_____________ 642 $750-$999_____________ 873 $1,000-$1,249..................... 1,114 $1,250-$1,499__________ 1, 364 $1,500-$1,749__________ 1, 607 1,858 $1,750-$1,999_.................. $2,000-$2,249..................... 2,106 $2,250-$2,499__________ 2, 360 2,729 $2,500-$2,999..................... $3,000-$3,999..................... 3, 364 $4,000-$4,999..................... 4,392 6,807 $5,000 and over.............. All sources Earn ings 3 (3) (4) $1,232 530 1,409 58 297 591 827 1, 053 1, 271 1, 522 1,755 1,988 2,193 2,538 3,159 4,119 6, 446 $1,175 493 1,349 48 237 548 795 1,009 1 ,2 2 2 1,461 1, 694 1,935 2,136 2,467 3, 028 3,935 5,725 Nonmoney income from— Other sources (positive or nega tive) 3 (5) $57 37 60 10 60 43 32 44 49 61 61 53 57 71 131 184 721 All sources (6) $80 26 95 73 10 1 51 46 61 93 85 103 118 167 191 205 273 361 Owned home (positivo or nega tive) 4 (7) $79 25 93 73 100 50 45 60 90 82 99 118 165 188 195 264 354 Rent ay pay (8) $1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 2 3 9 7 10 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2 ) of table 2 , whether or not they received income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2 ), (3), (5). (6), and (7) are net figures, after deduc tion for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 3 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 3 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. 8 Median income for all families was $1,111; for nonrelief families, $1,279. 278 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION D U B U Q U E , IO W A A.— Sources of family income: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by occupation and T able 2 from incom e , 1 98 5-36 White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving— Income class and occupational group (1 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families.................... $0-$499................................................ $50O-$999........................................$1,000-$1,499................................— $1,500-$1,999...................................... $2,000-$2,999..................................... $3,000-$4,999...................... .............. $5,000 and over________________ Clerical All nonrelief families................... $0-$499 ___________________ .$50n-$999 ___________________ $1,000-$1,499...................................... $1,500-$1,999..................................... $2,000-$2,999..................................... $3,000-$4,999_................................... $5,000 and over________________ Business and professional All nonrelief families___________ $0-$499_.............................................. $500-$999_........................................ . $1,000-$1,499................................... . $1,500-$1,999...................................... $2,000-$2,999..................................... $3,000-$4,999__................................. $5,000 and o v e r___________________ Other All nonrelief families___________ Number of families (2 ) Money income from— Other sources Earnings 1 (positive or nega tive) 2 (3) (4) 2,567 2,567 12 1 12 1 Non money income from— Owned home (positive or nega tive) 4 (6) Any source 3 (5) Rent as pay (7) 327 17 68 107 73 53 9 1,035 52 248 341 221 150 20 3 1,024 51 245 338 218 150 405 4 30 109 90 137 33 403 4 30 107 90 137 33 896 835 445 235 30 5 896 835 445 235 30 5 937 937 134 12 12 2 20 2 130 283 235 226 49 130 283 235 226 49 14 34 30 40 13 1,018 40 133 199 204 239 157 46 1,015 37 133 199 204 239 157 46 224 9 19 43 48 43 43 19 537 520 22 64 98 79 142 98 34 22 64 95 73 140 92 34 205 9 134 166 166 2 2 1 2 11 1 3 3 3 ] 2 2 2 17 3 6 2 6 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 2 Includes families having money income other than earnings, families having business losses met from family funds, and families having both such income and such losses. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. 4 Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. 279 TABULAR SUMMARY DUBUQUE, IOW A T 2 A.— Sources of fam ily in com e: Number of families receiving income from specified sources, and average amount of such income, by occupation and income, 1935-36 1— Continued able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Average family income Money income from— Income class and occupational group Total (1) (2) Wage earner All nonrelief families --------- *$1,251 $0-$499._.................................351 $500-$999__-....................— 793 $1,000-$1,499______________ 1,206 $1,500-$1,999______________ 1,713 $2,000-$2,999.......................... 2,348 $3,000-$4,999______ _______ 3,550 $5,000 and over___________ 6,265 Clerical All nonrelief fam ilies........... *1,694 $0-$499...................................... 333 $500-$999._............................... 824 $1,000-$1,499............................ 1,233 $1,500-$1,999._......................... 1,729 $2,000-$2,999__......................... 2,405 $3,000-$4,999............................ 3,415 $5,000 and over............-......... (*) Business and professional All nonrelief fam ilies........... *2,152 $0-$4Q9 325 $500-$999........ .......................... 764 $1,000-$1,499.......................... 1,223 1,724 $1,500-$1,999.__....................... $2,000-$2,999_......................... 2, 394 3,703 $3,000-$4,999_......................... $5,000 jvnd over 6,976 Other All nonrelief fam ilies........... 609 1 28 8 Nonmoney income from— Other sources (positive or nega tive) 3 (5) All sources Earn ings 2 (3) (4) $1,185 304 755 1,142 1,624 2,219 3, 366 6,058 $1,155 287 743 1,117 1, 576 2,139 3,270 6,058 $30 17 25 48 80 96 1,594 263 789 1,163 1,637 2, 241 3, 224 (*) 1,560 253 770 1,147 1,596 , 200 3,108 (*) 34 2,006 255 684 1,119 1,634 2, 217 3,462 6,606 446 12 1019 All sources (6) Owned home (positive or nega tive) < (7) $66 $65 46 37 63 87 129 184 138 47 38 64 89 129 184 207 100 99 70 35 92 164 191 16 41 41 116 70 35 70 92 164 191 (*) 1,913 215 657 1,065 1,579 2,169 3, 322 5,867 93 40 27 54 55 48 140 739 146 70 80 104 90 177 241 370 140 70 80 98 80 172 226 370 38 408 163 163 2 (*) 68 (*) Rent as pay (8) $1 11 21 69 1 2 6 106 5 15 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2) of table 2A, whether or not they received income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2), (3), (5), (6) and (7) are net figures, after deduction for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. See glossary for definition of “earnings.” Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “ business losses.” * Represents the estimated rental value of owned home for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. Median incomes were as follows: Wage-earner families, $1,129; clerical families, $1,596; business and professional families, $1,832. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 78127°— 40------- 19 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 280 DUBUQUE, IO W A T able 3.— M oney earnings: Number of families receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source, by income, 1935—36 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class Number of fami lies (1) (2/ All families................................. Relief families.......................... Nonrelief families................. $0-$249................................ $250-$499_ ........................... $500-$749............................. $750-$999. ...................... $1,000-$1,249..................... $1,250-$1,499....................... $1,500-$1,749__............ ....... $1,750-$1,999__................. $9 ,0 0 0 -^ 2 4 9 $2,250-$2,499........................ $2,500-$2,999_.......... .......... $3,000-$3,999........................ $4,000-$4,999........................ $5,000 and over _______ 5,925 1,198 4, 727 113 174 428 779 808 536 497 399 257 227 218 177 60 54 Average net money earnings from 1— Other Roomers not Indi Roomers work Indi and Any vidual All vidual attrib and boarders source earners boarders3 utable to sources earners and other indivi w ork3 duals (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) (5) 5,625 1,097 4,528 44 127 405 757 789 530 488 398 257 227 217 176 60 53 5,582 1,087 4,495 43 115 397 753 783 529 487 398 257 227 217 176 60 53 314 38 276 6 13 28 36 54 39 38 16 9 14 12 101 38 $1,175 $1,165 9 493 489 29 1, 349 1,337 48 41 3 237 219 3 548 535 795 786 4 1,009 997 1,208 1,461 1,439 1,694 1,685 1,935 1,925 2,136 2,129 2,467 2,453 3,028 3,015 3,935 3,931 5,725 5,725 2 12 2 1,222 2 1 $10 124 7 18 13 9 14 9 7 14 13 12 22 10 4 i The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross income from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were a few families which had roomers and boarders but which received from them no net money earnings. Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to indi viduals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were $1. 3 3 281 TABULAR SUMMARY DUBUQUE, IO W A 3A.— M oney earnings: Number of families receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source, by occupation and income, 1985-86 T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class and occupa tional group Number of families (1) (2) Wage earner All nonrelief families_______ $0-$499_ ________ ___________ $500-$999______ ____ _______ $1,000-$1,499_______________ $1,500-$1,999...... ........................ $2,000-$2,999_______________ $3,000-$4,999__........................... $5,000 and o v e r ___________ Clerical All nonrelief families_______ $0-$499 ................................... . $500-$999..................................... $1,000-$1,499............................... $1,500-$1,999_............................. $2,000-$2,999_........................... $3,000-$4,999_______________ $5,000 and o v e r ____________ Business and professional All nonrelief families_______ $0-$499_ ______ ____ ______ $500-$999................................. $1,000-$1,499........................... . $1,^00-^1,999 $2,000-$2,999 ........ .................... $3,000-$4,999 ........................... $5,000 and over_____________ Other All nonrelief families_______ Average net money earn ings from Other Roomers not and Indi Roomers work Indi boarders Any vidual attrib All and vidual and source earners boarders2 utable sources earners other to indi viduals work3 (4) (5) (6) (3) (9) (7) (8) 2,567 2,567 2,567 134 835 445 235 30 5 835 445 235 30 5 835 445 235 30 5 52 27 19 3 20 1144 1 937 937 937 51 4 283 235 226 49 283 235 226 49 283 235 226 49 1,018 40 133 199 204 239 157 46 1,015 37 133 199 204 239 157 46 982 24 192 203 239 157 46 89 16 23 23 14 3 205 9 9 2 121 896 121 121 896 896 12 130 2 12 130 2 12 130 2 121 2 31 10181 116 5 10 $1,155 $1,147 287 283 743 739 1,117 1,109 1, 576 1, 566 2,139 2,123 3, 270 3,245 6,058 6,058 1,560 253 770 1,147 1, 596 , 200 3,108 (*) 1, 552 241 757 1,140 1, 586 2,195 3,088 (*) 1,913 215 657 1,065 1, 579 2,169 3, 322 5,867 1,885 133 604 1,026 1, 541 2,162 3,318 5,867 38 38 2 2 2 5 221 $8' 4 4 108 16 25 8 12 13 1057 20 28 82 53 39 38 7 4 (**) 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross in come from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were some families which had roomers and boarders but which had no net money earnings from them. Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to indi viduals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were as follows: Wage-earner families, $0.50 or less; clerical families, $1; business and professional families, $2. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. **$0.50 or less. 2 3 282 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DUBUQUE, IO W A T able 4-4A.— P rincip al earners; Number of principal earners, classified as hus bands, wives, and others, with weeks of employment and average yearly earnings of principal earners, by occupation and income, 1985-36 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of principal earners Income class and occu pational group Num ber of fami lies (1) (2) Average earn Average ings of principal weeks of earners 2 employ Others ment of Hus A ll3 bands Wives principal Hus Male Female earners 1 All bands (7) (6) (5) (3) (9) (4) (8) 5,925 1,198 4, 727 113 174 428 779 808 536 497 399 257 227 218 177 60 54 5, 582 1,087 4,495 43 115 397 753 783 529 487 398 257 227 217 176 60 53 5,141 976 4,165 40 99 367 717 739 477 452 368 236 206 193 166 57 48 75 24 51 2, 567 2,567 835 445 235 30 5 835 445 235 30 5 2,417 106 856 796 419 26 28 7 13 5 21 29 18 18 3 937 937 806 15 283 235 226 49 283 235 226 49 240 204 196 45 1,018 40 133 199 204 239 157 46 982 24 192 203 239 157 46 933 A ll occupations All families____ ____ ___ Relief families— .......... . _ Nonrelief families 4______ $0-$249______________ $250-$499___.......... ......... $500-$749____________ $750-$999____________ $1,000-$1,249_________ $1, 250-$l, 499............. $1, 500-$1, 749________ $1,750-$1,999........... $2,000-$2,249_________ $2,250-$2,499_________ $2,500-$2,999_________ $3,000-$3,999_________ $4,000-$4,999_________ $5,000 and over______ Wage earner All nonrelief families------$0-$499___....................... $500-$999................. ....... $1,000-$1,499.................. $1,500-$1,999_.............. . $2,000-$2,999.............. . . $3,000-$4,999_________ $5,000 and over______ Clerical All nonrelief fam ilies-----$0-$499_______ ______ $500-$999____________ $1,000-$1,499.............. $1,500-$1,999.............. $2,000-$2,999.............. $3,000-$4,999_.............. . $5,000 and over______ Business and professional All nonrelief families_____ $0-$499 $500-$999___.................... $1,000-$1,499.................. $1,500-$1,999_________ $2,000-$2,999.................. $3,000-$4,999_________ $5,000 and over______ 12 3 4 (10 121 896 121 896 12 130 2 12 130 2 212 2 11 109 1 21 121 116 178 195 226 152 45 26 893 9 4 4 3 1 11 6 11 3 * 4 8 11 21 3 210 156 34 48 $1,128 491 41 50 1,282 24 107 38 326 566 47 50 798 51 999 51 1,137 51 1, 368 51 1,509 52 1, 715 51 1,854 52 2,098 52 2, 584 52 3,381 52 5,093 $1,160 495 1,316 104 331 572 811 1,014 1,171 1,406 1,548 1, 757 1,941 2,198 2, 659 3,457 5, 419 1 10165 2227 11 20 13 8 13 5 2 4 122 115 12 19 20166 12105 4 11 94 28 2 2 9 5 6 4 11 49 33 48 51 51 51 52 52 1,039 278 725 1,053 1, 398 1, 706 2,181 3, 145 1,057 278 736 1, 067 1, 432 1, 766 2.323 (*) 46 70 6 10 123 1 17 17 51 33 50 51 51 52 52 1,388 241 737 1,088 1,443 1,930 2 341 (*) 1,464 240 771 1,133 1, 508 2. 055 436 (*) 51 40 49 50 51 52 52 52 1,820 1,860 219 660 1,039 1, 514 2,033 3,082 5,476 53 157 6 18 14 17 26 3 4 11 121 23 (*) 24 227 63 4 220 1,1,492 065412 2,3,042 001 5,435 2 Averages in this column are based on the number of principal earners reporting weeks of employment. Averages in this section of the table are based on the corresponding counts of principal earners in col umns (3) and (4). The total number of principal earners given in column (3) is equivalent to the total number of families having individual earners, since a family can have only one principal earner. The difference botween the totals in columns (2) and (3) is explained by the fact that column (2), number of families, includes cases in which none of the family income was attributable to individual earners. Includes 205 families classified in the occupational group “Other.” These families had 9 principal earners. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 283 rABULAR SUMMARY DUBUQUE, IO W A 5.— N um ber of earners in fam ily: Number of families with specified number of individual earners, family relationship of sole earners, and average number of supplementary earners per family, by income, 1985-86 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families with individual earners Income class Num ber of fami lies (1) (2) All families---------- 5,925 Relief families____ 1,198 Nonrelief families.. 4, 727 $0-$249_______ 113 $250-$499_____ 174 $500~$749_____ 428 $750-$999_____ 779 $1,000-$1,249__ 808 536 $1,250-$1,499__ 497 $1,500-$1,749— $1,750--$1,999__ 399 257 $2,000 -$2,249__ $2,250-$2,499__ 227 $2,500-$2,999.__ 218 $3,000-$3,999__ 177 $4,000-$4,999__ 60 54 $5,000 and over. 1 2 One only Four Other Two Three or Any family Hus Wife more mem band Fe Male male ber (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (3) (4) 4, 520 886 3, 634 42 106 360 692 699 416 387 285 175 153 137 107 37 38 4,350 836 3,514 40 95 339 673 677 399 379 279 167 150 135 106 37 38 36 17 19 2 3 63 11 11 1 83 51 2261 4011 3 1012 896 9 7 5 7 778 153 625 1 9 205 35 170 79 13 66 8 1i 22 3 5 81 5 11 7 21 11 1296 22 8 6 46 54 33 52 69 90 78 84 60 45 46 39 13 4 14 14 18 16 17 25 Families with more than one Average earner as numberof percent supple age of mentary families earners with any per individ family 2 ual earner 1 (12) (ID 19 18 19 28 9 11218 20 28 32 33 37 39 38 28 0.26 .24 .26 .02 .08 . 10 .09 . 13 .26 .27 .39 .43 .53 .59 . 61 .68 .66 This percentage was computed by dividing the sum of columns (8), (9), (10) by column (4) of table 3 o n p. 280. Based on the number o f families with individual earners, column (4) of table 3 on p. 280. 284 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DUBUQUE, IO W A 6. — Sole and su pplem entary earners: Number of families with individ ual earners; number of supplementary earners classified as husbands, wives, and others; average earnings of supplementary earners; and average earnings of family from supplementary earners; by income, 1935-36 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families with Number of supplementary earn individual earners ers Income class (1) Num One only ber of fami Any lies Any fam ily Hus mem band ber (5) (2) (3) (4) Average earnings of all supple More mentary Hus Wives than All bands earn one 3 Fe ers 1 Male male Others * (6) (7) All families_______ 5,925 5,582 4,520 4, 350 1,062 1,452 836 264 Relief families___ 1,198 1,087 Nonrelief families- 4, 727 4, 495 3,634 3,514 861 1,188 42 40 $0-$249................. 113 43 9 9 $250-$499_______ 174 115 106 95 $500-$749„.......... 428 397 360 339 37 41 $750-$999______ 779 753 692 673 61 71 $1,000-$1,249___ 808 783 699 677 84 $1,250-$1,499___ 536 529 416 399 113 137 131 $1,500-$1,749....... 497 487 387 379 $1,750-$1,999___ 399 398 285 279 113 154 $2,000-$2,249___ 257 257 175 167 82 $2,250-$2,499___ 227 227 153 150 74 $2,500-$2,999___ 218 217 137 135 80 129 $3,000-$3,999___ 177 176 107 106 69 108 $4,000-$4,999___ 60 60 37 37 23 41 38 38 15 35 $5,000 and over.. 54 53 886 (8) (9) (10) (11) 206 137 586 523 201 42 24 102 96 164 113 484 427 1 1 3 11 3 2 9 6 17 9 101 281518 152117 324618 364221 100 56 49 211016 10 14 65 54 110 8 56 36 120 1813 56 4461 4557 62 8 4818 4621 1 20 9 5 (12) $417 192 467 (*) 69 103 177 233 340 369 463 493 522 618 728 806 1,117 Average earnings per fam ily from supple mentary earn ers 2 (13) $102 42 117 (**) 10 4 16 29 87 97 179 276 360 444 550 724 211 i Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in column (7) * Averages in this column are based on the number of families as shown in column (2). * Families that have supplementary earners. <Includes 6 males and no females under 16 years of age. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. ** $0 50 or less. 285 TABULAR SUMMARY D U B U Q U E , IO W A 6A.— Sole and supplementary earners: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith in d iv id ual earners; num ber of su pplem en tary earners classified as husbands, wives and others; average earnings of su pplem en tary earners; and average earnings of fa m ily from supplem en tary earners; by occupation and incom e, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Num Income class and occu ber of fami pational group lies (1 ) (2 ) Number of families with individual earners Number of supplementary earners Others 4 One More Hus Wives Any only than All bands Fe one 3 Male male (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) (3) (4) (5) Wage earner All nonrelief families... 2, 567 2,567 2,082 $0-$499.............................. 12 1 12 1 113 $500-$999......................... 896 896 819 $1,000-$1,499_.................. 835 835 701 $1,500-$! ,999................. 445 445 317 $2,000-$2,999...... ............ 235 235 123 30 30 $3,000-$4,999__________ 7 5 5 2 $5,000 and o v e r ______ Clerical All nonrelief families __ 937 937 729 12 12 12 $0-$499_____________ _ $500-$999......................... 130 130 118 $1,000-$1,499__................ 283 283 245 $1,500-$1,999___.............. 235 235 174 $2,000-$2,999................... 226 226 158 $3,000-$4,999_________ 49 49 22 2 $5,000 and over_______ 2 Business and profes sional All nonrelief families— 1,018 982 814 $0-$499_______________ 40 24 22 $500-$999......................... 133 12 1 1 1 2 $1,000-$1,499_.......... . 199 192 167 $1,500-$1,999_________ 204 203 179 $2,000-$2,999__________ 239 239 183 $3,000-$4,999_________ 157 157 115 $5,000 and over_______ 46 46 36 Other All nonrelief families.. 205 9 9 485 681 8 8 65 295 244 2 20 1 26 14 3 27 62 84 89 2 25 60 65 70 77 134 128 112 23 3 89 167 180 177 45 15 77 3 17 19 17 15 3 3 208 297 67 26 6 22 2 38 61 68 27 2 13 43 79 108 49 5 168 210 12 2 9 25 24 56 42 10 2 10 28 26 74 55 15 18 19 1 1 20 1 5 2 7 4 1 Average earnings of all supple mentary earners 1 Average earnings per fami ly from supple mentary earners 2 (1 1 ) (12 ) 20 2 $408 74 148 276 414 550 708 970 $108 5 15 55 167 414 1,063 2,910 93 111 513 162 5 7 8 4 3 8 25 37 18 200 29 44 26 51 143 267 743 22 96 72 2 3 9 24 21 5 1 5 3 8 4 1 22 10 2 5 8 12 35 26 8 2 8 2 10 336 426 559 743 968 592 (*) 10 1 347 444 526 788 1, 314 20 (*) 12 2 2 8 49 56 163 276 429 Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in column (6). Averages in this column are based on the number of families as shown in column (2). 3 Families that have supplementary earners. 4 Includes persons under 16 years of age as follows: Wage-earner families, 2 males and no females; business and professional families, 2 males and no females. * Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 1 2 able 7.— Earnings of supplementary earners: N um ber of supplem entary earners w ith earnings of specified am ount , by fa m ily incom e , 1 93 5-86 286 T D U B U Q U E , IO W A [White families, including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] (1 ) All families_____ _________ R e lie f fa m ilies Nonrelief families........ ......... $0-$249.............................. $250-$499........................... $500-$749........................... $750-$999__...................... $1,000-$1,249.................... $1,250-$1,499.................... $1,500-$1,749.................... $1,750-$1,999.................... $2,000-$2,249.................... $2,250-$2,499.................... $2r5ftO-$2,999______ _ $3,000-$3,999___ ___ $4,000-$4f999________ $5,000 and over_______ 1,062 201 861 1 9 37 61 84 113 100 113 82 74 80 69 23 15 Average earnings of supple mentary Any Under earners amount $50 (4) $417 192 467 (*) 69 103 177 233 340 369 463 493 522 618 728 806 1,117 1,452 264 1,188 •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. (5) (3) 1 9 41 71 101 137 131 154 110 120 129 108 41 35 136 51 85 1 4 15 11 12 6 9 6 9 6 5 1 Number of supplementary earners with earnings of— $50$99 $100$199 $200$299 $300$399 $ 100$499 $500$599 $600$699 $700$799 $800$899 (6) (7) (8) (9) GO) (ID (1 2 ) (13) (14) 133 51 82 3 11 11 13 10 10 6 3 6 4 4 1 239 67 172 138 37 1 12 5 15 13 15 25 32 23 18 11 15 9 7 3 1 101 128 24 104 133 17 116 107 6 7 16 15 15 14 9 9 8 99 130 5 125 (16) (15) 153 44 2 1 151 2,000 $900- $1 ,000- $1,500- $and $999 $1,499 $1,999 over 43 (17) (18) 38 56 13 4 38 1 13 4 55 1 10 20 8 10 8 7 4 2 9 15 17 12 22 9 4 10 1 2 1 15 29 12 17 5 13 8 8 3 8 4 2 1 16 9 31 12 19 12 16 7 2 1 20 22 26 20 29 26 4 3 1 7 4 8 13 4 3 3 2 5 6 10 8 5 2 2 6 13 18 6 10 4 1 8 2 2 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Number of fami lies with any supple mentary earners (2 ) Table 8 .— Husbands as earners: D U B U Q U E , IO W A N um ber and average yearly earnings of husbands classified as p rin cip a l or supplem entary earners , by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 93 5-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Principal earners by age groups Income class (1 ) Supplementary earners by age groups Any Under 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 20 (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (7) (6) (8) ( 10 ) (9) (1 1 ) (12 ) Un 65 and Any der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 20 over (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (2 1 ) (22 ) (23) (24) 65 and over (25) All families............... 5,141 Relief families......... _ 976 Nonrelief families— 4,165 $0-35249 _______ 40 $250-$499.............. 99 $500-$749........... . 367 $750-$999_______ 717 $1,000-$1,249____ 739 $1,250-$1,499____ 477 $1,500-$1,749........ 452 $1,750-$1,999____ 368 $2,000-$2,249 236 $2,250-$2,499____ 206 $2,500-$2,999........ 193 $3,000-$3,999 166 $4,000-$4,999........ 57 $5,000 and over.. 48 1 1 123 35 88 3 25 32 16 6 4 1 1 503 93 410 13 51 94 48 41 21 9 4 7 122 740 146 594 5 11 55 142 134 68 63 42 26 13 15 14 5 1 800 129 671 784 150 634 745 148 597 533 117 416 414 74 340 264 55 209 2 12 6 8 6 8 1 2 8 22 37 104 144 87 86 62 45 34 21 24 6 7 39 98 101 89 83 58 35 28 31 31 10 17 19 47 60 97 63 69 64 48 46 38 29 8 3 9 36 59 54 38 47 45 28 34 24 22 8 4 7 23 46 41 43 29 35 30 24 26 23 7 5 29 32 17 15 20 6 18 15 11 9 5 234 206 28 42 206 164 10 9 32 25 26 18 15 20 9 5 15 12 4 6 3 9 15 18 28 16 21 10 4 6 6 2 2 1 2 6 13 22 2 1 12 8 14 2 3 7 4 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 6 2 $876 $1,076 $1, 232 $1,427 $1, 481 $1, 368 $1, 332 $1,365 $1, 302 $1,093 $478 7 2 2 13 18 Average earnings of husbands 1 All nonrelief families. $1,316 4 1 36 9 27 4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 1 38 8 30 4 1 4 6 4 3 2 4 1 1 30 5 25 44 9 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 5 4 1 2 6 TABULAR SUMMARY Number of husbands 2 2 2 3 3 7 2 1 2 1 1 2 j $505 $848 $544 |$812 $633 $333 $485 $466 $438 $397 287 1 Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of husbands in the upper section of the table: the 2 averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total numbers of husbands. T able 9.— Wives as earners: D U B U Q U E , IO W A fcO N um ber and average yearly earnings of wives classified as p rin cip a l or su pplem en tary earners , by age and fa m ily incom e , 198 5-36 QO [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Supplementary earners by age groups Principal earners by age groups (1 ) 65 Un65 Un Any der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 and Any der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 and over 20 over 20 (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) ( 1 1 ) ( 12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (2 1 ) (22 ) (23) (24) (25) Number of wives All families................. R e lie f fa m ilies Nonrelief families.-$0-$249 $250-$499 ___ $500-$749 $750-$999 ___ $1,000-$1,249 -_ $1,250-$1,499 — $1,500-$1,749 $1,750-$1,999 $2,000-$2,249 . $2,250-$2,499 $2,500-$2,999 — $3,000-$3,999 -. $4,000-$4,999 $5,000 and over 75 24 51 1 2 6 1 1 7 13 7 2 11 7 5 13 3 2 10 1 1 1 5 7 3 4 1 1 1 6 1 1 9 8 3 9 4 4 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 5 3 12 6 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 137 24 113 2 8 2 2 6 1 1 6 17 15 2 8 6 1 2 1 1 2 4 3 5 2 4 1 2 1 5 1 16 17 1 2 15 15 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 15 4 11 12 7 4 3 5 7 1 6 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 27 3 24 1 21 10 1 26 3 23 8 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 7 1 2 3 5 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Average earnings of wives 1 All nonrelief families. $688 (*) $874 $730 (*) $784 $517 $568 $740 (*) $321 $465 (*) $289 $442 $535 $601 $320 $415 $710 $340 (*) (*) 1 Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of wives in the upper section of the table; the 2 averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total number of wives. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. D U B U Q U E , IO W A T able 10.—Money income other than earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving m oney incom e other than earnings , and average a m o u ii received , by source and total incom e , 1 93 5 -3 6 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class Number of fami lies (1 ) (2 ) 5,925 1,198 4, 727 113 174 428 779 808 536 497 399 257 227 218 177 60 54 Average money income, other than earnings, received from 2 — Interest Pensions, Gifts for Rent from Interest Pensions, Gifts for Miscella Any Rent from and All property and divi annuities, current neous divi annuities, current sources sources property (net) dends dends benefits use benefits use sources3 (net) ( 12 ) (3) (4) (5) (7) (9) GO) (6) (8) (13) (ID 1,0 0 2 195 807 18 58 66 78 111 96 85 71 48 39 50 48 18 21 387 35 352 7 40 33 40 44 40 37 29 17 10 25 18 5 7 217 3 214 10 11 11 15 22 19 19 10 11 15 20 27 10 14 130 18 104 7 13 16 21 16 1 6 10 8 112 11 8 5 6 1 4 3 1 20 84 15 13 7 2 3 2 4 11 1 1 $56 37 61 10 60 44 32 44 49 63 63 52 55 72 129 186 723 $15 2 19 7 38 18 13 14 16 19 18 12 15 29 41 21 92 $ 11 (**) 13 2 7 7 2 6 1 6 4 4 7 20 32 125 505 $13 5 15 9 13 11 16 19 16 15 9 15 1 32 13 83 $15 28 $2 2 2 1 4 3 1 1 2 6 3 (**) 2 2 11 6 1 12 (••) 2 3 5 7 11 16 23 25 18 20 L3 21 42 TABULAR SUMMARY All families....................................................... Relief families................................................ N onrelief families........................................... $0-$249_..................................................... $250-$499__________________________ $500-$749_________________________ $750-8999.................................................... $1,000-81,249_______________________ $1,250-81,499_______________________ $1,500-81,749_______________________ $1,750-81,999_______________________ $2,000-82,249_______________________ $2,250-82,499................. ........................... $2,500-82,999_______________________ $3,000-83,999_______________________ $4,000-84,999_______________________ $5,000 and over__________ _________ Number of families receiving money income other than earnings from— See glossary for definition of “money income other than earnings." Averages are based on all families, column (2 ), whether or not they received money income other than earnings. Includes money income other than earnings from sources other than those specified, including profits from business enterprises partially or wholly owned but not operated by family members. See glossary for further definition of “profits." **$0.50 or less. 1 2 2 289 T able 11.—Nonmoney income from owned homes: N um ber of fa m ilies ow ning homes w ith and without m ortgages; average rental value average expense , and average nonm oney incom e from home ow n ersh ip; by incom e , 1 93 5-36 290 D U B U Q U E , IO W A [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined! Number of families (1 ) All families..................................... Relief families_______________ Nonrelief families__________ $0-$249...................... ............... $250-$499_________________ $500-$749................................ $750-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,249_____ ________ $1,250-$1,499............................ $1,500-11,749..................... $1,750-$1,999........................ $2,000-$2,249______ _______ $2,250-$2,499_____________ $2,500-$2,999..................... $3,000-$3,999................ ........ $4,000-$4,999..................... $5,000 and over................. All Owning homes 1 (2 ) (3) 5,925 1,198 4, 727 113 174 428 779 808 536 497 399 257 227 218 177 60 54 2,393 280 2,113 65 106 142 236 295 265 215 177 139 139 150 106 39 39 Families owning homes free from mortgage Families owning Average expense 3 mortgaged homes Average Interest as per Average Average Average Average non nonrental rental expense 3 money money ofcentage rental value 2 value 2 income 4 value income 4 Number Percent Interest Other Number Percent age 5 age 5 (13) (151 (1 2 ) (14) ( 10 ) (6) (8) (9) (4) (5) (7) (ID 1,687 179 1. 508 56 81 97 178 197 182 138 132 93 104 114 73 31 32 70 64 71 $316 86 210 76 68 75 67 69 64 75 67 75 76 69 80 82 201 330 276 255 247 278 302 316 348 340 412 415 461 590 672 $94 74 96 76 87 83 81 87 91 94 99 98 110 111 119 142 154 $222 127 234 134 189 172 166 191 2 11 222 249 242 302 304 342 448 518 706 101 605 9 25 45 58 98 83 77 45 46 35 36 33 8 7 30 36 29 14 24 32 25 33 31 36 25 33 25 24 31 20 18 $3C9 217 324 263 231 251 232 278 282 306 350 378 385 419 568 445 716 $86 60 91 103 78 62 66 76 79 87 108 103 104 134 139 87 195 $93 77 94 81 77 83 79 86 87 91 100 105 105 114 137 115 159 $130 80 139 79 76 106 87 116 116 128 142 170 176 171 292 243 362 28 28 28 39 34 25 28 27 28 28 31 27 27 32 24 20 27 1 Includes all families occupying owned homes at any time during the report year, but excludes 1 family whose expenses exactly equaled the annual rental value of their home. Data for this family, however, are included in the computation of averages. 2 Based on estimate made by home owner, for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. This period averages, in general, approximately li? months. 8 Expense for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Expense other than i n t e r e s t , columns (7) and (13). estimated on basis of average relationship between rental value and expense. 4 Nonmoney income for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Obtained by deducting estimated expense (including interest) from rental value. 5 Based on number of families owning homes, column (3). WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Mortgaged homes Homes free from mortgage T a b l e 12. —Monthly rental value: D U B U Q U E , IO W A N um ber of hom e-owning fa m ilies having homes w ith specified m onthly rental value , by incom e , 1985—3 6 1 [Whit© families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1) 5,794 1,164 4, 630 110 173 416 761 794 526 487 390 252 226 213 172 58 52 2,370 278 2.092 63 107 141 233 292 262 215 177 138 138 147 103 38 38 41 24 45 57 62 34 31 37 50 44 45 55 61 69 60 65 73 Average Number of home-owning families reporting monthly rental value ofmonthly value of owned Under $5-$9 $10-$14 $15—$19 $20-$24 $25-$29 $30-$34 $35-$39 $40-$44 $45-$54 $55-$74 $75 and over homes 2 $5 (16) (17) ( 12 ) (15) ( 10 ) (13) (14) (7) (9) (8) (6) (5) (ID $26. 40 17. 30 27. 60 18. 40 22.50 21.30 20.50 23.40 25. 00 26. 60 29.10 29. 70 33. 70 35.10 41. 80 47 20 58. 30 1 1 1 28 19 9 1 1 2 3 1 1 174 59 115 9 9 18 32 17 10 5 6 4 2 2 1 414 100 314 26 27 29 75 52 51 22 9 11 7 4 1 422 47 375 12 21 40 51 76 53 43 33 9 14 14 7 1 1 511 33 478 13 18 29 37 85 70 72 44 39 31 20 16 3 1 245 6 239 15 11 14 28 34 23 31 27 20 23 7 4 2 203 9 194 143 3 140 159 42 28 2 42 28 157 2 10 6 7 17 23 26 25 24 19 20 12 5 2 4 9 9 9 14 10 13 16 32 13 4 5 3 1 5 5 1 18 2 1 10 8 8 22 23 30 11 11 1 1 3 5 9 8 4 9 5 8 10 2 TABULAR SUMMARY All families_______ Relief families____ Nonrelief families... $0-$249................ $250-$499______ $500-$749............ $750-$999_____ $1,000-$1,249— . $1>250-$1,499._.. $l,500-$l,749-_. $1,750-$1,999.__. $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499___ $2,500-$2,999---$3,000-$3,999---$4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over. Number Home-owning fam ilies of homeand Percent renting families Number age 3 (4) (3) (2 ) 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families, column (3). * Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2 ). K) CO T able 13.— Monthly rent: D U B U Q U E , IO W A CD to fcO N um ber of renting fa m ilies reportin g specified m onthly rent , by incom e , 1 9 8 5 -8 6 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] ( 1) All families...........__ Relief families____ Nonrelief families.. $0-$249_.............. $250-$499______ $500-$749_____ $750-$999............ $1,000-$1,249... $1,250-$1,499___ $1,500-$1,749___ $1,750-$1,999__ $2,000-$2,249__ $2,250-$2,499__ $2,500-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,999__ $4,000-$4,999__ $5,000 and over. 35,794 3,424 1,164 886 4,630 2,538 47 110 173 66 416 275 761 528 794 502 526 264 487 272 390 213 252 114 226 88 66 213 172 69 58 20 52 14 59 76 55 43 38 66 69 63 50 56 55 45 39 31 40 34 27 $18.00 12.0 0 20.00 16. 50 14.90 14. 70 14.80 17.70 20.00 22. 50 24.80 26. 50 28! 40 30.10 36.60 46.00 50.30 265 1,092 189 468 76 624 2 17 5 29 21 12 1 31 226 9 141 3 43 3 24 1 1 11 6 5 1 836 174 662 16 14 84 180 174 73 61 28 14 6 9 3 500 33 467 3 11 31 65 89 76 77 54 30 16 9 6 321 9 312 5 4 8 16 50 47 56 58 24 22 10 11 1 $75 and Rent over free 4 (17) (18) 141 90 72 57 17 5 2 2 88 2 1 1 5 139 7 3 16 12 26 28 12 16 10 6 3 1 1 2 7 13 18 4 11 8 11 9 3 70 3 56 16 1 4 2 7 11 10 4 10 12 5 1 3 3 3 1 5 11 3 15 6 6 1 1 20 2 1 4 8 1 1 2 5 5 2 25 5 1 1 3 1 2 * Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. * Rent reported at date of interview. Averages are based on the number of renting families in each class that reported monthly rent, including families receiving rent free, the amount of which was estimated by the family. 3 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2). < Consists of families receiving rent as gift. 5 Includes 3 families that did not report monthly rent. These families were found in the following income classes: $0-$249, 1 ; $1,250-$1,499, 1; $2,500-$2,999, 1 . WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Renting Number of renting families reporting monthly rent of— Number families ofhomeownmg monthly and Per rent 3 Un renting Num cent der $5-$9 $10-$14 $15-$19 $20-$24 $25-$29 $30-$34 $35-$39 $40-$44 $45-$54 $55-$74 families ber age 3 $5 (9) ( 10 ) (I D ( 12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (6) (8) (3) (4) (5) (7) (2 ) D U B U Q U E , IO W A T able 14A*—Average monthly rental value and average monthly rent: Num ber of home-owning and renting fam ilies, average monthly rental value, and average monthly rent , by occupation and income, 1935-36 1 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Occupational group: Wage earner Income class Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Average monthly— Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families 3 Average monthly— Occupational group: Business and professional Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families 2 Average monthly— Home- Rent Home- Rent Rental Home- Rent Home- Rent Rental HomeHome- Rent Rental own ing own ing value 3 R en t 4 own Rent ing value 3 Rent ing own ing own ing value 3 R en t 4 own ing ing ing ing ing ing (19) (18) (17) (1 2 ) (15) (13) (16) (9) (4) (5) ( 10 ) (3) (6) (7) (8) (14) (2 ) (ID All nonrelief families 4-__ 1,016 $0-$499_............................... 51 $500-$999............................. 243 $1,000-$1,499....................... 334 $1,500-$1,999....................... 218 $2,000-$2,999....................... 149 $3,000-$4,999___________ 19 $5,000 and over................. 2 1,493 67 626 486 219 82 10 3 40 43 28 41 50 64 (t) (t) 60 $23.10 $16.70 57 19.00 14.10 72 19.30 14.10 59 2 2 .2 0 16.90 50 25.20 20.90 36 27.90 23.00 32.40 32.10 (t) 41.70 (t) (*) 398 4 28 107 90 135 32 2 519 8 10 1 169 139 87 15 43 (t) 22 39 39 61 68 (t) 57 $30.60 $22. 50 25.00 16.60 78 21.60 16.30 61 25. 50 20 . 60 61 31.60 25.00 39 34. 20 28.10 32 37.30 32.70 (*) (t) 513 22 64 93 73 138 90 33 487 18 67 104 126 98 63 11 51 55 49 47 37 58 59 75 49 $35.20 45 21.30 51 23.20 53 28.00 63 29.60 42 37.00 41 47.60 25 58.90 $27. 70 19.30 18.60 22.00 26.30 31. 90 41.00 52.60 TABULAE SUMMARY 0) Number of families Occupational group: Clerical 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. Includes 3 families that did not report monthly rent. 2 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families in the respective occupational groups. 3 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during the report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families as of end of report year. * Rent as reported at date of interview. Averages in this column are based on the number of families reporting monthly rent, including families receiving rent as gift, the amount of which is estimated by the family. 4 Of the families classified in the occupational group “Other,” 204 did not change their living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Of the latter group, 165 families or 81 percent were owning families. Their average monthly rental value was $25. The remaining 39 families, or 19 percent, were renting families. Their average monthly rent was $18.50. t Percentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. * Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 293 294 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION D U B U Q U E , IO W A 15-16.— Type of living quarters: Num ber and percentage of owning and renting fam ilies occupying specified types of living quarters , by tenure and incom,e, T ables 1 9 3 5 -3 6 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1 ) Owning families, all. Relief families.......... Nonrelief families.__ $n-$249 $250-$499_............ $500-$749.............. $750-$999_______ $1,000-$1,249___ $1,250-$1,499___ $1,500-$1,749___ $1,750-$1,999___ $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499___ $2,500-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over.. Renting families, all. Relief families ____ N onrelief families. _. $0-$249................. $250-$499............. $500-$74G............. $750-$999______ $1,000-$1,249___ $1,260-$1,499___ $1,500-$1,749___ $1,750-$] ,999___ $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499___ $2,500-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over.. Number of families occupying— Percentage of families occupying *— Number of TwoOneOne- Two- Apart families family Other 3 family family Apart family Other 3 house house ment house house ment (8) (5) (7) (4) (9) (6) (3) GO) (2 ) 2,370 278 2,092 63 107 141 233 292 262 215 177 138 138 H7 103 38 38 3,424 886 2,538 47 66 275 528 502 264 272 213 114 88 66 69 20 14 1,978 232 1,746 52 76 111 190 246 220 176 145 12 1 125 128 89 33 34 1,477 333 1,144 18 20 111 205 196 144 132 116 60 45 39 37 14 7 301 40 261 37 4 33 54 10 5 3 5 1 2 24 30 35 35 27 22 14 9 16 11 4 22 2 1 4 8 1 2 1 1 2 1,269 350 919 18 28 103 235 202 84 88 59 36 27 20 16 2 1 449 124 325 8 10 40 60 67 26 31 29 14 14 6 13 4 3 83 84 84 82 71 78 82 84 84 82 82 87 91 87 2 52 5 8 9 6 8 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 12 16 16 13 12 14 12 12 10 7 11 11 11 8 21 28 37 10 21 9 4 2 1 (t) (I) 90 43 38 45 39 30 40 39 39 54 49 54 52 51 59 54 (f) (t) 5 37 39 36 38 43 38 45 41 32 32 28 32 31 30 23 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 5 22 86 86 229 79 150 3 3 3 13 14 (t) 4 3 3 2 4 2 2 1 2 5 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 5 7 9 13 14 13 17 15 14 11 13 6 6 12 8 5 7 4 8 4 4 10 11 14 12 16 9 19 2 2 (t) m 4 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. 2 Percentages are based on number of families in each class, column (2 ). 2 Includes dwelling units in business buildings, other types of living quarters not elsewhere specified, and unknown types of living quarters, t Percentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. 1 0.5 percent or less. D U B U Q U E , IO W A T able 17.— Members of household not in economic family: 78127 Num ber of fam ilies having persons in the household who were not members of the economic fam ily, and average number of such nonfam ily members, by income, 1935-36 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families having in the household nonfamily members of specified type i Income class (2 ) All families______ __________ ■ Relief families Nonrelief families...................... 5 ,925 1,165 81 159 100 248 1,198 4, 727 131 1,034 10 71 17 142 13 87 15 233 113 174 428 779 808 536 497 399 257 227 218 177 60 54 13 25 64 110 143 116 125 101 72 61 72 76 25 31 2 3 7 11 19 29 2 2 2 $750-$999........................................ $1,000-$1,249............................... $1,250-$1,499 $1,500-$1,749............................... $1J7fin-$1JQQQ $2,000-$2,249 $2,250-$2,499 $9 fina-$9 QQQ $annn-$2 qqq $4,000-$4,999 $5,000 a n d o v er 7 8 8 8 5 8 6 5 4 8 2 21 22 9 7 3 5 5 1 4 9 12 19 16 8 5 3 3 3 3 7 14 22 15 22 28 8 17 22 33 16 25 4 4 7 716 2 .1 1.2 1 .0 1.3 0 .6 7 79 637 2 .0 2 .1 .8 1 .3 .8 1 .0 .1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 10 32 70 77 73 79 72 56 40 49 47 16 12 2 .0 2 .2 2.0 2 .1 2 .1 2 .1 2 .1 2 .2 2 .1 2 .1 2 .2 2 .2 2 .3 2 .2 (*) 1 .1 1 .1 1.8 1.0 1 .1 1.2 1 .2 1.0 1.2 1 .6 1 .0 1 .2 1.4 (*) 1 .0 1 .3 L3 1 .3 1 .3 .9 .8 .9 .5 1 .0 (*) 1 .4 (*) .8 1 .1 .9 .9 1 .9 1 .9 1.9 3.0 1.4 1 .3 1.7 .6 0 .6 0.5 0 .2 .6 .5 .2 .2 (*) (*) .1 .2 .2 .4 .5 .4 .4 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 .0 (*) (*) (*) (*) n (*) n (*) .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .1 .1 1 Excludes a small number of families which had nonfamily members in the household but which did not report the duration of their membership. 2 Averages in each column are based on the corresponding counts of families, in columns (3) through (10). The number of nonfamily members is expressed in terms of yearequivalent persons. This figure is computed for each family by dividing by 52 the total number of weeks of residence in the household for all nonmembers of the economic family. ‘Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. TABULAE SUMMARY Occupying rooms on nontransient Occupying rooms on nontransient basis basis Board Tour Board Tour Any All non ists noners ers ists with and Guests family Sons and Other Room with and Guests family Sons and Other Boommem daughters room ers tran mem daughters room ers out p ai(J out tran "Pair! dlU room sients bers rooming ers with Xhelp ber rooming ers with help room sients with and with and out out boarding board board boarding board board (4) (6) (7) (8) GO) (ID (12 ) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (3) (5) (9) (1 ) $n-$949 .$9*n-$499 $snn-$749 Average number of nonfamily members of specified type 2 (based on families having such members) ^ qq Oi 296 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION D U B U Q U E , IO W A 18.—Age of wives, husbands and wives: Num ber of husbands and number of by age and fa m ily income, 1985-36 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family type combined] Income class 0 ) Num ber re port ing Under 20-29 20 age 1 (4) (3) (2 ) Number with ages of— 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-64 65-69 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) and 70-74 75over ( 10 ) (ID Husbands All families.......... Percentage................ Relief families.. . . . Nonrelief families.. $0-$249 ______ $250-$499........... $500-$749 ___ $750-$999 $1,000-$1,249___ $1,250-$1,499---$1,500-$1,749---$1,750-$1,999_„_ $2,000-$2,249____ $2,250-$2,499.— $2,500-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over. 5,925 100.0 1,198 4, 727 113 174 428 779 808 536 497 399 257 227 218 177 60 54 ($) 1 1 635 10.7 128 507 2 16 75 156 109 57 45 23 9 4 10 1 1, 571 26.5 282 1,289 15 25 95 248 280 155 149 108 72 48 36 39 11 8 1,617 27. S 338 1, 279 14 30 93 166 204 158 155 126 87 75 71 60 18 22 1,106 18,7 245 861 379 6.4 12 22 19 30 40 45 24 21 28 77 118 108 94 88 86 60 64 56 49 16 11 86 293 11 10 21 19 9 5 11 284 4.8 59 225 19 17 28 27 24 25 20 16 5 7 15 14 5 3 184 8.1 30 154 15 22 15 18 20 15 10 9 11 3 8 3 1 4 148 2.5 29 119 25 23 15 6 IS 8 9 3 3 5 3 1 Wives All fam ilies............ Percentage________ Relief families_____ Nonrelief families. _ $0-$249__............ $250-$499______ $500-$749______ $750-$999______ $1,000-$1,249___ $1,250-$1,499___ $1,500-$1,749___$1,750-$1,999..._ $2,00O-$2,249____ $2,250-$2,499___. $2,500-$2,999_.__ $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over. 5,921 100.0 1,198 4, 723 28 0.5 9 19 112 174 428 779 807 534 497 399 257 227 218 177 60 54 2 1 11 4 1 1,0 2 0 17.2 226 794 6 22 104 215 177 86 83 43 20 10 16 9 1 2 Excludes 4 wives who did not report age. $0.05 percent or less. 1 1,715 29.0 321 1,394 13 28 99 241 279 180 165 114 85 54 55 46 14 21 1,462 24.7 312 1,150 15 22 79 145 171 135 138 129 82 79 63 58 23 11 1,016 17.1 210 806 19 34 84 104 100 80 72 84 48 61 54 41 15 10 316 5.8 54 262 21 21 26 36 34 22 23 16 11 11 18 14 4 5 217 8.7 38 179 14 21 21 21 24 23 8 9 7 7 8 8 3 5 10 1 1.7 21 80 12 18 11 5 13 6 2 3 2 4 3 1 46 0.8 7 39 12 6 3 1 5 1 6 1 2 1 1 297 TABULAR SUMMARY D U B U Q U E , IO W A T a b l e 19,—Report year: Num ber and 'percentage distribution of fam ilies by date of end of report year} by occupation , 1935-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Occupational group All ReDate of end of fami lief report year lies fami lies (1 ) (3) (2 ) Business and professional Wage Cleri All Independent Salaried earn- cal busi Other er ness and Busi Profes Busi Profes profes ness sional ness sional sional ( 8) (5) (6) (7) (9) ( 10 ) (1 2 ) (1 1 ) All (4) Number of families All dates______ 5,925 1,198 4,727 2,567 Dec. 31, 1935---- 2,376 405 1,971 1,024 Jan. 31, 1936___ Feb. 29, 1936..._ Mar. 31, 1936... Apr. 30, 1936.... 448 100 348 179 M ay 31, 1936. _. 411 99 312 177 148 518 277 666 June 30, 1936. July 31, 1936.__ 782 198 586 338 Aug. 31, 1936... 784 183 601 362 63 360 195 Sept. 30, 1936... 423 4 34 30 15 Oct. 31, 1936___ 1 1 Nov. 30, 1936... 937 432 74 65 104 81 74 7 110 1,018 434 515 224 72 31 272 76 67 116 133 73 42 45 56 60 58 27 9 3 7 7 8 7 14 12 35 34 41 22 4 7 15 26 17 19 13 28 25 18 110 8 1 2 1 110 159 69 11 12 2 205 81 21 Percentage All dates______ Dec. 31, 1935— . Jan. 31, 1936___ Feb. 29, 1936___ Mar. 31, 1936... Apr. 30, 1936.... May 31, 1936. __ June 30, 1936__ July 31, 1936.... Aug. 31, 1936. __ Sept. 30, 1936... Oct. 31, 1936___ Nov. 30, 1936... 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 34 41 39 45 43 44 43 41 44 40 8 8 8 12 7 7 7 7 13 14 8 6 12 11 11 11 5 4 13 12 15 7 4 9 16 6 10 7 13 13 7 1 (t) 11 1 0.5 percent or less. 17 16 5 (t) 11 12 13 8 1 tt) 11 8 1 9 8 1 7 7 13 7 1 (t) 8 12 11 12 11 10 10 11 10 9 5 (t) It) 4 8 2 8 11 1 9 14 9 12 298 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B U TTE , M O N T. T able 1.— Family type: Num ber of fam ilies of specified types and average number of persons per fam ily, by income, 1985—86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Average number of persons per family 2 Number of families of type1- Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other m em bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) ( 10) (ID ( 12 ) (13) (14) Income class (1) All I II III IV V VI (2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 638 104 534 454 75 379 681 268 42 226 242 73 169 All families________ 3,510 1,047 Relief families______ 640 181 Nonrelief fam ilies... 2,870 866 7 5 $0-$249 ................... $250-$499............... 16 9 $500-$749............... 75 36 $750-$999_................ 152 50 $1,000-$1,249__........ 296 113 $1,250-$1,499______ 415 130 $1,500-^1,749............ 363 104 $1,750-$1,999______ 414 1 1 1 $2,000-$2,249_____ 260 74 $2,250-$2,499........... 225 72 $2,500-$2,999______ 254 54 $3,000-$3,499............ 157 49 $3,500-$3,999__........ 76 18 $4,000-$4,499_.......... 43 10 $4; 6nn-$4r999 21 4 $5,000-$7,499_.......... 54 16 ^ K O n -^ Q Q O 23 5 $10,000 and over3. 19 6 1 32 57 96 85 98 51 31 26 18 5 3 3 5 1 1 571 10 1 46 39 62 1 45 33 15 18 2 1 1 2 1 3 18 36 64 52 70 25 36 38 15 4 11 28 55 60 68 75 47 48 77 36 4 7 11 7 5 2 21 110 11 2 2 1 20 11 1 1 5 12 31 19 26 33 23 29 18 9 5 1 5 4 5 3 14 17 22 22 27 18 7 13 9 4 1 5 2 4 2 4 9 7 5 6 4 8 5 5 3 3 1 11 3 3 4 8 4 1 1 6 1 1 331 1 6 2 6 1 1 3.5 3.8 3.4 2 .4 2 .8 2 7 3.3 3.1 3.4 3.4 3.4 3. 5 34 3.7 3.6 4.0 4.1 3. 9 3.8 41 3.8 1.0 1.3 .9 .3 ’5 ’5 .9 .8 1.1 1.1.0 1. 009 1.0 1.0 1 .1 .8 .7 ; . '.7 9 1 2 0.5 .5 .5 .1 ;3 *2 '.4 .3 .3 .4 .4 .5 ’5 18 .7 .9 1.3 1 .2 [9 .9 l!l Family type: I. 2 persons. Husband, and wife only. II. 3 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16 and no others. III. 4 persons. Husband, wife, 2 children under 16 and no others. IV. 3 or 4 persons. Husband, wife, 1 person 16 or over, and 1 or no other person, regardless of age. V. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16,1 person 16 or over, and 1 or 2 other persons, regard less of age. VI. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 children under 16 and no others. VII. 7 or 8 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16, 4 or 6 other persons, regardless of age. VIII. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 persons 16 or over. Other. 7 or more persons. All types not included in I through VIII. 2 These are year-equivalent persons. The sum of columns (13) and (14) plus 2 (husband and wife) does not always equal column (1 2 ). For the methods used in deriving these averages see glossary. 3 Largest income reported between $35,000 and $40,000. 1 299 TABULAR SUMMARY T able B U TTE , M O N T. 1A.—Family type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and in com e , 1985—86 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born] Average number of persons per family 2 Number of families of type 1— Income class and occupational group (1) All I II III IV V VI (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Wage earner All no nrelief families_ 1,416 419 281 179 288 107 2 2 $0-$249_________ 2 2 4 $250-$499_______ 9 2 6 $500-$749_______ 43 21 13 16 26 8 4 $750-$999_______ 20 84 $1,000-$1,249___ 196 73 40 22 36 7 $1,250-$1,499____ 97 73 48 51 21 318 $1,500-$1,749___ 203 52 44 31 38 12 $1,750-$1,999____ 52 46 32 46 13 201 36 21 $2,000-$2,249___ 6 22 121 18 $2,250-$2,499____ 23 9 15 23 11 $2,500-$2,999___ 19 30 12 9 11 5 $3,000-$3,499___ 4 10 34 10 1 4 3 2 8 $3,500-$3,999___ 19 1 1 $4,000-$4,499___ 5 $4,500-$4,999___ 1 $5,000-$7,499___ 1 $7,500-$9,999___ 1 $10,000 and over. Clerical All nonrelief families. 659 196 141 91 12 1 51 $0-$249— ..............— 1 $250-$499_.......... ......... 1 7 5 $500-$749___________ 16 4 $750-$999---------------- 20 7 4 3 4 9 3 8 $1,000-$1,249_______ 56 19 15 $1,250-$1,499_______ 53 17 14 1 1 2 6 5 $1,500-$1,749............... 107 36 29 13 19 $1,750-$1,999............... 134 35 31 28 19 7 9 $2,000-$2,249___.......... 78 20 15 10 15 $2,250-$2,499_______ 73 23 14 7 15 8 $2,500-$2,999_______ 64 17 8 18 8 7 $3,000-$3,499_______ 37 10 8 3 5 5 $3,500-$3,999_.............. 3 3 7 1 1 $4,000-$4,499_............. 2 7 1 1 $4,500-$4,999_______ 3 $5,000-$7,499_______ 1 1 $7,500-$9,999_______ 1 1 $10,000 and over 3— 1 Independent busi ness All nonrelief families. 284 91 33 37 65 26 $0-$249...... ............ $250- $499._.......... . 3 3 1 1 $500-$749_............. 4 7 3 1 1 21 $750-$999_______ 8 6 1 $1,000-$1,249____ 5 2 4 30 15 $1,250-$1,499____ 3 6 3 5 2 20 1 $1,500-$1,749......... 7 5 6 6 28 7 $1,750-$1,999____ 6 3 5 2 24 $2,000-$2,249......... 5 2 4 3 3 18 $2,250-$2,499......... 4 3 2 25 11 4 $2,500-$2,999____ 6 4 32 4 2 9 $3,000-$3,499........ 22 6 3 5 3 2 $3,500-$3,999____ 7 2 4 16 1 $4,000-$4,499........ 3 5 10 1 3 $4,500-$4,999........ 4 $5,000-$7,499____ 4 1 1 4 2 17 1 1 1 $7,500-$9,999____ 3 1 1 $10,000 and over 2 See footnotes at end of table. Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other members Un 16 der and 16 over (9) (10) (ID (12) (13) 04) 85 1 1 10 12 17 17 11 9 4 1 2 32 31 18 4 8 5 1 4 2 3 3 1 1 1 5 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 13 9 4 10 7 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 8 5 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 18 7 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 6 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 3.4 (*) 3. 2 2. 7 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.3 3.6 36 3.7 3. 7 4.1 4. 4 (*) (*) (*) 0.9 0.5 .9 .5q :9 .3 .2 3 !3 .4 .4 3.4 .9 (*) 2 6 3.5 3.1 3.3 3.1 3.5 3.6 3.4 3.5 3.9 3.0 4.4 5.2 (*) (*) (*) 1 .0 1.2 .9 1.0 1 .0 .8 .9 .9 .6 .3 . . 1 .0 8 1.2 7 1 .2 1 .1 .8 .9 1.1 .1 .4 1. 3 (*) .4 .6 .6 .9 .8 l! 2 1 .8 (*) (*) (*) .5 (*) .3 .5 ,3 .2 ”4 .3 .5 !6 .6 .8 .9 . 2 0 2 .0 (*) 3.5 .9 .6 2 .0 .9 .8 1.0 1. 0 .9 1.0 .7 1.3 1.3 .8 .4 1.0 .3 .8 .3 .7 .3 .4 .5 .3 .4 .4 .8 .5 .9 1.4 .2 1.1 1.4 1.0 3.2 3.3 3.1 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.4 31 4.1 3.8 3.7 3.8 2. 2 4.0 3. 7 3.8 .6 300 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B U TTE , M O N T. T 1A.—Family types N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 —Continued able Average number of persons per family Number of families of type— Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der an 16 over (9) GO) (11) (12) (13) (14) Income class and occupational group (1) All I II III IV V VI (2) (3) (4) (b) (6) (7) (8) 10 4 17 Independent professional All nonrelief families. 61 $0-$249...... ................... $250-$499..................... $50O_$74Q 1 3 $750-$999 __ 1 $1 000-$l,249 ____ $1,250-$1,499............... $1,500-$1,749__........... 5 $1,750-$1,999 _______ $2 nnn_$9,940 5 $9 950—$9,499 3 $9,500-$2,999 10 $9 nnn_$3,499 4 $9 500-$3,999 2 $4 non_ $4 4QQ 2 $4 50ft-$4,999 2 $5 nnn-$7,499 8 $7 snn-^QQQ 13 2 $10,000 and over 8__ Salaried business All nonrelief families. 226 $0-$249.... ..................... $250-$499_................... $500-$749...................... 3 2 $750-$999_............ ....... $1,000-$1,249............... 3 $1,250-$1,499................ 7 $1,500-$1,749 _____ 10 $-|,75n-.<fi1,999 32 $2,000-$2,249............. 17 $2,250-$2,499................ 16 $2,500-$2,999............... 32 $3,000-$3,499................ 37 *3,500-$3,999 . 18 $4,000-$4,499 14 $4,500-$4,999 5 $5 000-$7 499 20 $7,500-$9,999_______ 4 $10,000 and over 8__ 6 17 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 61 40 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 6 13 4 10 2 1 6 1 4 For footnotes, see end of table. 1 5 1 1 2 1 32 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 44 19 17 1 3 9 7 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 7 4 3 2 6 6 4 4 1 1 i 2 4 3 3 10 9 2 4 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 0.9 0.7 (*) 3. 7 (*) (*) .3 1.4 3.4 2.6 3.2 3.9 2.5 1 (*) (*) (*) 3.4 1 4.1 (*) 1 1 2 1 3.6 3.6 1.4 4 .2 1.3 *8 1.1 3 .2 (*) (*) (*) (*)* (*) 1 0 .4 1.6 "7 (*j 1 .1 3. 7 1. 7 (*) (*) 3. 7 1. 7 3.9 1 .6 2. 8 .6 3.3 .9 3.3 1 . 1 3.1 .9 3.9 1 .0 3. 5 .9 3.9 1 . 6 4.3 1.3 3. 7 1 . 2 3.8 .8 4.0 1 . 2 2.7 .4 .5 .3 .2 4 ’2 .2 .9 .6 .3 l" o .6 l! 1 Is .3 301 TABULAR SUMMARY B U T T E, M O N T. T able 1A.— F am ily type: Num ber of fam ilies of specified types and average number of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e , 1935-86 — Continued Average number of persons per family Number of families of type— Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) (10) 01) (12) (13) (14) Income class and occupational group (1) All I II III IV V VI (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 53 21 30 29 18 10 1 2 3 3 5 5 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 7 3 2 3 2 1 Salaried professional All nonrelief families. 170 $0-$249......................... $250-$499.................... $500-$749__________ 2 1 $750-$999___............ . $1,000-$1,249............... 3 $1,250-$1,499__............ 10 $1,500-$1,749_............. 14 $1,750-$1,999_.............. 15 $2,000-$2,249__............ 21 $2,250-$2,499___........ . 17 $2,500-$2,999................ 26 $3,000-$3,499............... 22 $3,500-$3,999............... 14 $4,000-$4,499............... 5 $4,500-$4,999............... 6 7 $5,000-$7,499 .............. 1 $7,500-$9,999_______ $10,000 and over 8__ 6 Other 7 All nonrelief families. 54 5 $0-$249......................... $9*0-$499 3 $500-$749___________ 3 $750-$999 ............. 21 $1,000-$1;249 7 $1 9*0-$1 4QQ 7 $1 K00-$1,749 1 $1 7*0—$1,999 3 $9,000-$9,249 $9(95.0—$9,499 2 $9 *00-$9,99Q 1 $3 000-$3 499 1 $2 *00-$3,999 $4 OOO—$4,499 $4,500-$4,999 __ . $5,000-$7,499_______ $7,500-$9,999 $10 000 and nvar 1 1 6 4 4 7 9 6 8 1 3 3 1 3 3 5 1 3 3 1 1 29 3 2 2 7 4 6 1 2 1 1 8 1 1 5 6 5 7 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3.6 1.0 0.6 (*) (*) 2. 7 2.8 3.4 3.8 3. 2 3.0 3.7 3.3 4.6 3.3 4.3 3.4 (*) 5.4 (*) .5 1.0 1. 5 .7 .8 1.1 .7 1.7 .4 .7 1.0 (*) 1.4 (*) .7 .3 .4 .3 .5 .2 .6 .6 .9 .9 1.7 .4 2.9 2.9 2.6 2.3 2.4 3.4 2. 7 2.6 (*) 2.3 (*) (*) (*) .7 .4 .4 1.3 .1 .6 .3 .2 .2 .3 .1 .6 (*) (*) For footnotes 1 and 2, see table 1 on p. 298. 3 Largest income reported between $10,000 and $15,000. 4 Largest income reported between $25,000 and $30,000. 8 Largest income reported between $35,000 and $40,000. • Largest income reported between $30,000 and $35,000. 7 This group contains 5 families engaged in farming, a group too small to be separately classified, and families having no gainfully employed members. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 302 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION BUTTE, M O N T . T a b l e 2 . — Sources of fam ily Incom e: Num ber of fam ilies receiving income from specified sources and average amount of such incom e , by incom e , 1935-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving— Income class Number of families (1) (2) All families....................................... Relief families_________________ Nonrelief families_____________ $0-$249 $250-$499_................................. $500-$749.__............................... $750-$999.............................— $1,000-$1,249_____ _________ $1,250-$1,499........................... $1,500-$1,749_________ _____ $1,750-$1,999............................. $2,000-$2,249______ _____ $2,250-$2,499_________ _____ $2,500-$2,999............................. $3,000-$3,999............................. $4,000-$4,999............................. $5,000 and over____________ 3,510 640 2,870 7 16 75 152 296 415 363 414 260 225 254 233 64 96 Money income from— Nonmoney income from— Other Owned sources Any source3 home (pos Rent as Earnings 1 (positive or itive or pay negative) a negative) 4 (6) (3) (4) (5) (7) 3,441 621 2,820 2 13 73 133 288 409 362 411 260 223 253 233 64 96 652 75 577 1 6 11 41 41 56 59 69 51 43 66 66 21 46 1,438 214 1,224 5 7 24 58 83 129 156 152 121 110 154 129 31 65 1,384 191 1,193 5 5 23 57 78 121 150 151 118 110 153 128 30 64 54 23 31 2 1 1 5 8 6 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 2 Includes 623 families, 549 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings and no business losses met from family funds; 22 families, 21 of which were nonrelief,‘which had business losses met from family funds and no money income other than earnings, and 7 families, all of which were nonrelief, which had both money income and business losses met from family funds. There were, therefore, 630 families, 556 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings, whether or not they had business losses met from family funds; and there were 29 families, 28 of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds, whether or not they had money income other than earnings. These latter 28 families were found in the following income classes: $500-$749,1; $750-$999, 1; $1,000-$1,249, 2; $1,250$1,499, 5; $1,500-$1,749, 1; $1,750-$1,999, 3; $2,000-$2,249, 3; $2,250-$2,499, 4; $2,500-$2,999, 3; $3,000-$3,999, 4; $4,000-$4,999,1. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. * Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. There were 6 families, 4 of which were nonrelief, with losses from owned homes (i. e., families whose estimated rental value was less than estimated expenses). The latter 4 families were found in the following income classes: $1,250-$!,499,1; $1,750-$1,999,1; $2,250-$2,499,1; $5,000 and over, 1. 303 TABULAR SUMMARY BU T T E, M O N T . T 2 . — Sources of fam ily in com e: Num ber of fam ilies receiving income from specified sources , and average amount of such incom e, by income, 1935-86 1— Con. able Average family income Income class (1) Money income from— Total (2) All families_______________ «$1, 888 Relief families_________ 718 Nonrelief fam ilies________ «2,149 $0-$249 ______________ 159 $250-$499.... ...................... 400 $500-$749_____________ 652 $750-$999_____________ 881 $1,000-$1,249__________ 1,137 $1,250-$1,499__________ 1,392 $1,500-$1,749__________ 1, 611 $1,750-$1,999__________ 1,859 $2,000-$2,249__........ ......... 2,114 $2,250-$2,499__________ 2, 368 $2,500-$2,999.................... 2,729 $3,000-$3,999„_................ 3, 371 $4,000-$4,999__________ 4,420 $5,000 and over__............ 9,001 Nonmoney income from— (3) Other Owned Earn sources All home (pos Rent as ings 2 (positive or sources itive or pay negative) 8 negative)4 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) $1, 788 670 2,037 41 359 605 810 1,090 l, 336 1,530 1, 773 2,000 2,238 2,543 3,175 4,208 8,632 $1, 709 643 1,947 40 257 565 678 1,032 1,297 1,493 1, 736 1,955 2,188 2,472 3,101 4,075 7,507 All sources $79 97 90 1 102 40 132 58 39 37 37 45 50 71 74 133 1,125 $100 48 112 118 41 47 71 47 56 81 86 114 130 186 196 212 369 $96 42 108 118 33 46 70 42 52 78 84 112 130 183 193 199 360 $4 6 4 8 1 1 5 4 3 2 2 3 3 13 9 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2) of table 2, whether or not they received income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2), (3), (5), (6), and (7) are net figures, after deduc tion for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 2 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 8 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “ money income other than earnings” and “ business losses.” 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. 8 Median income for all families was $1,624; for nonrelief families, $1,817. 304 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B U TTE , M O N T. T a b l e 2 A.— Sources of fam ily in com e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , an d average am ount of such in com e , by occupation and incom e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving— Income class and occupational Number of group families (1) Wage earner All nonrelief fam ilies--................ $0-$499................................................ $500-$999_.......................................... $1,000-$1,499................................... . $1,500-$1,999...................:................. $2,000-$2,999...................... ............... .^.nnn-ijUjQpp $5,000 and over________________ Clerical All nonrelief families..................... $0-$499 $500-$999__...................................... . $1,000-$1,499.................................... $1,500-$1,999..................................... $2,000-$2,999...................................... $3,000-$4,999..................................... $5,000 and over________________ Business and professional All nonrelief families___________ $0-$499_............................................ $*nn-$ooo $1,000-$1,499.................................... $1,500-$] ,999..................................... $2,000-$2,999...................................... $3,000-$4,999..................................... $5,000 and over......... ... .................. Other All nonrelief fam ilies.................... (2) Money income from— Other sources Earnings 4 (positive or negative)2 (4) (3) Nonmoney income from— Any source8 (5) Owned home as (positive Rent pay or negative)4 (6) (7) 1,416 11 127 514 404 299 59 2 1,415 11 127 513 404 299 59 2 228 2 13 59 68 68 17 1 583 4 38 152 192 157 38 2 569 3 37 144 189 156 38 2 14 1 1 8 3 1 659 1 36 109 241 215 54 3 659 1 36 109 241 215 54 3 107 1 5 10 30 45 14 2 231 1 8 22 71 96 32 1 227 1 7 20 70 96 32 1 4 741 3 40 74 128 222 183 91 741 3 40 74 128 222 183 91 198 1 13 15 26 44 56 43 378 2 27 28 41 129 89 62 365 1 27 25 38 126 87 61 13 1 3 3 3 2 1 54 5 44 32 32 1 2 1 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings." 2 Includes families having money income other than earnings, families having business losses met from family funds, and families having both such income and such losses. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings" and “business losses." 2 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. 4 Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. 305 TABULAR SUMMARY B U TTE , M O N T. Sources of fam ily in com e: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such in com e , by occupation and in com e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 1— Continued T a b l e 2 A .— Average family income Income class and occupa tional group (1) Money income from— Total (2) Wage earner All nonrelief families______ «$1,697 $0-$499........................... ........... 338 812 $500-$999— ............................. $1,000-$1,499______________ 1,300 $1,500-$1,999........................... 1, 735 2,369 $2,000-$2,999............... ........... 3, 484 $3,000-$4,999............................ $6,000 and nvar (*) Clerical All nonrelief families______ «1, 989 $0-$499___________________ (*) $500-$999___............................. 777 $1,000-$1,499........................ 1, 261 $1,500-$1.999.......................... 1,748 $2,000-$2,999............................ 2, 382 $3,000-$4,999 ..................... 3, 485 7, 752 $5,000 and over___________ Business and professional All nonrelief families_____ 63, 233 $0-$499........................... ........... 463 $500-$999............................. . 786 $1,000-$1,499............. ............... 1, 229 $1,500-$1,999______________ 1, 758 $2,000-$2,999............................. 2,467 $3,000-$4,999............... ............. 3, 667 $5,000 and over___________ 9,098 Other All nonrelief families______ 1,071 Nonmoney income from- - Other sources All (positive sources or negative)8 (5) (6) All sources Earn ings * (3) (4) $1,612 299 762 1, 252 1,641 2, 239 3, 289 (*) $1, 571 271 739 1,222 1,605 2,175 3,202 (*) 1,904 (*) 736 1, 224 1,682 2,270 3, 287 7, 566 1,864 (*) 704 1,208 1, 664 2,234 3, 217 5,333 3,052 398 654 1,143 1, 683 2, 275 3, 469 8, 716 2,874 385 604 1,110 1,658 2,243 3,374 7,606 178 13 50 33 25 32 95 1,110 940 120 820 C) $41 28 23 30 36 64 87 $85 39 50 48 94 130 195 C) 32 16 18 36 70 2,233 C) $83 35 49 44 92 130 195 (**) $2 4 1 4 2 83 2 36 33 63 112 198 186 5 4 3 181 65 132 86 75 192 198 382 175 35 132 74 70 187 191 373 6 30 12 5 5 7 9 131 131 85 40 (*) Owned home as (positive Rent pay or negative)4 (7) (8) (*) 41 37 66 112 198 186 (*) 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2) of table 2A, whether or not they re ceived income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2), (3), (5), (6), and (7) are net figures, after deduction for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 2 See glossary for definition of “earnings." * Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings" and “business losses." 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned home for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. * Median incomes were as follows: Wage-earner families, $1,569; clerical families, $1,893; business and professional families, $2,518. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. ** $0.50 or less. 306 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B U TTE , M O N T. 3.— M oney earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving net m oney earnings and average net m oney earnings received from each source , by incom e , 1985—36 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born; All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class Number of families (1) (2) All families........ ........................ Relief families.......................... Nonrelief families..................... $0-$249............................... $250-$499............................. $500-$749.................. ........... $750-$999............................. $1,000-$1,249....................... $1,250-$1,499....................... $1,500-$1,749........................ $1,750-$1,999__.................... $2,000-$2,249....................... $2,250-$2,499..................... $2,500-$2,999_..................... $3,000-$3,999....................... $4,000-$4,999 $5,000 and over................. 3,510 640 2,870 7 16 75 152 296 415 363 414 260 225 254 233 64 96 Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Average net money earn ings from i— Other Roomers not Indi Roomers work Indi and All vidual Any vidual attribut and boarders source earners boarders 2 able to sources earners and other individ work 2 uals (7) (8) (3) (4) (6) (5) (9) 3,441 621 2,820 2 13 73 133 288 409 362 411 260 223 253 233 64 96 3,436 621 2,815 2 12 71 132 287 409 362 411 260 223 253 233 64 96 115 14 101 i 4 5 7 6 21 17 13 9 8 9 1 14 $1,709 $1, 701 643 4 636 10 1, 947 1,938 40 40 1 232 257 565 553 2 678 668 1,032 1,029 1 1, 297 1, 294 2 1,493 1,480 1 1,736 1,729 1, 955 1,940 1 2,188 2,174 2,472 2,464 2 3,101 3,084 4,075 4,066 7,507 7, 507 $8 7 9 25 12 10 3 3 13 7 15 14 8 17 g i The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. a Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross income from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were a few families which had roomers and boarders but which received from them no net money earnings. a Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to individ uals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were $0.50 or less. 307 TABULAR SUMMARY B U TTE , M O N T. T a ble 3A.— M oney earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving net m oney earnings and average net m oney earnings received from each source, by occupation and incom e, 1 93 5-86 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class and occupa Number of tional group families (1) (2) Average net money earn ings from i— Other Roomers not Indi Roomers work Indi and Any vidual attribut All vidual and boarders source earners boarders 2 able to sources earners and other individ work * uals (7) (5) (3) (8) ' (9) (6) (4) Wage earner All nonrelief families----------- 1, 416 1,415 1, 415 $0-$499...................................... .............. $500-$999....................... ........................ $1,000-$1,499........................................ $1,500-$1,999........................................ $2,000-$2,999........................................ $3,000-$4,999 ..................................... $5,000 an d o v e r . . ___ _ 11 127 514 404 299 59 2 11 127 513 404 299 59 2 11 127 513 404 299 59 2 Clerical All nonrelief families ............... 659 659 659 $0-$499_ ............................................. $500-$999_______________ _____ $1,000-$1,499....................................... $1,500-$1,999 ...................................... $2,000-$2,999__................................... $3,000-$4,999_.................................. $5,000 and over_____________ 1 36 109 241 215 54 3 1 36 109 241 215 54 3 1 36 109 241 215 54 3 Business and professional All nonrelief families ______ 741 741 $0-$ 49 9 _ _ ....................... ........................ $500-$999_ ....................................... $1,000-$1,499_...................................... $1,500-$1,999 ______ ___________ $2,000-$2,999 ..................................... $3,000-$4,999__................................... $5,000 and over_____________ 3 40 74 128 222 183 91 3 40 74 128 222 183 91 Other All nonrelief families__ ___ 54 5 5 51 5 2 7 1 1 3 16 1 23 16 3 2 1 6 $1,571 $1,563 $8 271 739 1, 222 1,605 2,1 7 5 3 ,2* 0 2 271 738 1, 221 1,595 2 ,156 3,181 1 1 10 19 21 1 ,864 1,858 6 252 704 1,208 1,664 2,2 3 4 3, 217 5, 333 252 692 1,206 1, 661 2,2 2 2 3,2 1 7 6,333 12 2 3 12 7 1 736 34 4 2,8 7 0 2,854 16 2 37 73 128 222 183 91 1 5 5 9 7 1 1 385 604 1,110 1,658 2, 243 3, 374 7, 606 250 557 1,089 1,637 2 ,233 3, 356 7,6 0 6 135 47 21 21 10 18 120 120 7 2 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money earnings from the specifiedsource. 2 Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross income from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were some families which had roomers and boarders but which had no net money earnings from them. s Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to indi viduals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were as follows: Wage-earner families, $0.50 or less; clerical families, $0.50 or less; business and professional families, $1. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 308 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B U TTE , M O N T. 4-4A.—Principal earners: N um ber of p rin cip a l earners, classified as hus bands, wives, and others, w ith weeks of em ploym ent and average yea rly earnings of p rin cip a l earners, by occupation and incom e, 1 93 5-36 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of principal earners Num Income class and occu ber of fam pational group ilies (1) (2) A ll occupations All families.......................... 3,510 640 Relief families...................... Nonrelief families 4---------- 2,870 $0-$249._......................__ 7 $250-$499.................... 16 75 $500-$749__..................... 152 $750-$999____________ 296 $1,000-$1,249_............... $1,250-$1,499.................. 415 $1,500-$1,749_ ................ 363 $1,750-$1,999__.............. 414 $2,000-$2,249_________ 260 $2,250-$2,499__.............. 225 $2,500-$2,999__........... 254 $3,000-$3,999__.............. 233 64 $4,000-$4,999............... $5,000 and o v e r 96 Wage earner All nonrelief families_____ 1, 416 11 $0-$499.......................... $500-$999....................... 127 $1,000-$1,499__.............. 514 404 $1,500-$1,999__........... $2,000-$2,999 . ___ 299 $3,000-$4,999_ ............... 59 2 $5,000 and over_____ Clerical 659 All nonrelief families_____ 1 $0-$499........................... $500-$999........................ 36 $1,000-$1,499__............. 109 241 $1,500-$1,999.................. $2,000-$2,999................ . 215 54 $3,000-$4,999_.............. $5,000 and o v e r 3 Business and professional 741 All nonrelief families.......... $0-$499 3 $500-$999........................ 40 $1,000-$l,499................. 74 $1,500-$1,999................ . 128 222 $2,000-$2,999.................. $3,000-$4,999_................ 183 91 $5,000 and over............. earn Average Average of prin weeks of ings cipal earners8 Others employ ment of Hus Wives A ll3 bands principal Hus earners 1 All Male Female bands (6) (7) (3) (4) (9) (5) GO) (8) 3,436 621 2,815 2 12 71 132 287 409 362 411 260 223 253 233 64 96 3, 313 572 2,741 2 12 65 129 280 403 353 406 253 219 244 224 58 93 38 24 14 61 19 42 24 6 18 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 5 2 6 2 6 7 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 1,415 11 127 513 404 299 59 2 1,386 11 122 506 402 289 56 5 22 2 3 2 1 4 2 10 3 2 1 1 659 1 36 109 241 215 54 3 628 1 33 103 231 208 49 3 14 10 736 2 37 73 128 222 183 91 722 2 36 73 126 219 176 90 7 $1,690 631 1,911 (*) 308 587 770 1,062 1,305 1,474 1,728 1, 894 2,106 2, 308 2,886 3, 532 7,486 46 13 35 45 49 50 51 1,487 271 735 1,215 1, 569 1, 987 2, 592 (*) 1,495 271 741 1, 223 1, 570 2,012 2,637 50 1, 771 (*) 687 1,191 1,649 2,109 2, 691 5,333 1, 791 (*) 703 1,202 1,672 2,124 2, 731 5, 333 2, 799 (*) 602 1,089 1, 614 2,189 3,168 7,528 2,817 (*) 603 1,089 1,623 2,195 3, 221 7,558 (*) 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 3 4 1 2 4 3 2 6 6 1 1 44 $1, 666 623 26 48 1,896 (*) (*) 309 16 585 32 765 39 43 1,054 48 1,299 50 1, 463 50 1,723 51 1,876 51 2,098 51 2, 283 52 2, 842 51 3,418 52 7, 343 (*) 50 (*) 1 1 3 1 2 4 34 48 51 52 52 52 41 49 50 51 52 52 i Averages in this column are based on the number of principal earners reporting weeks of employment. 8 Averages in this section of the table are based on the corresponding counts of principal earners in columns (3) and (4). s The total number of principal earners given in column (3) is equivalent to the total number of families having individual earners, since a family can have only one principal earner. The difference between the totals in columns (2) and (3) is explained by the fact that column (2), number of families, includes cases in which none of the family income was attributable to individual earners. ♦ Includes 54 families classified in the occupational group “Other.” These families had 5 principal earners. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 309 TABULAR SUMMARY B U TTE , M O N T. T a ble 5.—Number of earners In family: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith specified num ber of in d ividu a l earners , fa m ily relation sh ip of sole earners , and average num ber of supplem en tary earners per fa m ily , by incom e , 1 98 5-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families with individual earners Income class (1) Families with more than one On<3 only earner as percent Num age of ber of Four families Other families Any Two Three or with any family Hus Wife more indivi mem band dual Fe Male male ber earner 1 (5) (7) (8) (9) (4) (6) (10) (3) (2) (11) All families---------- 3,510 Relief fam ilies.. _ 640 Nonrelief families.. 2,870 7 $0-$249.............. $250-$499........... 16 75 $500-$749 . 152 $750-$999 $1,000-$1,249___ 296 $1,250-$1,499.__ 415 $1,500-$1,749___ 363 $1,750-$1,999___ 414 260 $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499___ 225 $2,500-$2,999___ 254 $3,000-$3,999__ 233 64 $4,000-$4,999__ 96 $5,000 and over. 3,091 554 2, 537 2 12 71 129 280 390 340 393 227 196 189 183 38 87 3,033 525 2, 508 2 12 65 128 276 386 333 393 224 194 188 183 38 86 25 17 8 23 9 14 10 3 7 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 290 58 232 3 7 19 21 16 31 23 54 38 15 5 42 5 37 1 2 1 4 9 10 7 3 Average number of sup plemen tary earners per fam ily 2 (12) 13 4 9 10 11 10 0.12 .13 .12 1 1 2 4 1 2 2 5 6 4 13 12 25 21 41 9 .02 .02 .05 .00 .05 .14 . 14 .30 .27 .66 .14 1 This percentage was computed by dividing the sum of columns (8), (9), (10) by column (4), of table 3 on p. 306. 2 Based on the number of families with individual earners, column (4) of table 3 on p. 306. 310 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B U TTE , M O N T. 6.—Sole and supplementary earners: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith in d iv i dual earners; num ber of su pplem en tary earners classified as husbandst wives and T able others; average earnings of su pplem en tary earners; and average earnings of fa m ily from su p p lem en tary earners; by incom e , 1 9 3 5 -3 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families with Number of supplementary earn ers individual earners Income class 0) Num One only ber of fami lies Any Any family Hus mem band ber (2) (3) (4) (5) All families............. 3,510 3,436 3,091 3,033 Relief families----- 640 621 554 525 Nonrelief families. 2,870 2,815 2,537 2,508 2 2 2 $0-$249_................ 7 $250-$4Q9 12 12 16 12 71 65 $500-$749_............ 75 71 $750-1999............- 152 132 129 128 $1,000-$1,249___ 296 287 280 276 $1,250-$1,499___ 415 409 390 386 $1,500-$1,749___ 363 362 340 333 $1,750-$1,999___ 414 411 393 393 $2,000-$2,249___ 260 260 227 224 $2,250-$2,499___ 225 223 196 194 $2,500-$2,999___ 254 253 189 188 $3,000-$3,999___ 233 233 183 183 38 38 $4,000-$4,999___ 64 64 87 86 $5,000 and over__ 96 96 Average Average earnings Others 4 earnings per fam of all ily from supple supple More Hus Wives mentary mentary than All bands one 8 Fe earners1 earners8 Male male (6) (7) (8) 345 67 278 416 82 334 57 19 38 88 15 73 3 7 19 22 18 33 27 64 50 26 9 3 7 19 23 20 36 31 75 64 42 14 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 7 8 3 2 1 3 8 10 3 9 9 18 10 2 (9) GO) (11) (12) (13) 168 32 136 103 16 87 $580 236 664 $69 30 77 2 8 6 10 13 13 24 31 21 8 1 5 3 10 7 26 15 16 4 179 278 289 333 387 452 670 642 877 991 1,105 4 6 13 21 19 62 92 189 241 650 161 * Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in column (7). 2 Averages in this column are based on the number of families as shown in column (2). 8 Families that have supplementary earners. 4 Includes 7 males and 1 female under 16 years of age. 311 TABULAR SUM M ARY B U TTE , M O N T. 6A.— Sole and supplementary earners: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith in d i vidual earners; num ber of su pplem en tary earners classified as husbands , w ives , and others; average earnings of su p p lem en tary earners; and average earnings of fa m ily from supplem en tary earners; by occupation and incom e , 1 93 5 -3 6 T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] NumIncome class and oc ber of cupational group fami lies (1) (2) Number of families with individual Number of supplementary earners earners Average Average earnings earnings fam of all per from Others 4 supple ily .supple mentary mentary Hus Wives One More Any only than All bands earners 1 earners 3 one3 Fe Male male (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (9) (10) (12) (8) (11) Wage earner All nonrelief families __ 1,416 1, 415 1,272 11 11 11 $0-$499.............................. $500-$999__ ____ _____ 127 127 125 514 513 495 $1,000-$l ,499............... $1,500-$1,999__................ 404 404 381 $2,000-$2,999.................. 299 299 226 59 59 34 $3,000-$4,999__................ 2 $5,000 and over.. __ Clerical All nonrelief families.. 659 659 591 1 1 1 $0-$499 ...................... 36 36 35 $500-$999 .................. $1,000-$1,499_................. 109 109 103 $1,500-$1,999__________ 241 241 232 $2,000-$2,999 _____ 215 215 182 54 54 35 $3,000-$4,999________ 3 3 3 $5,000 and over__ Business and professional All nonrelief families.. 741 736 669 $0-$499 ____________ 3 2 2 $500-$999 .................... 40 37 37 $1,000-$1,499____ _____ 74 73 71 $1,500-$1,999 ____ 128 128 120 $2,000-$2,999__________ 222 222 204 $3,000-$4,999.......... ....... 183 183 151 91 91 84 $5,000 and over_______ Other 5 5 All nonrelief families. _ 54 143 169 17 35 82 35 $641 $76 2 18 23 73 25 2 2 18 24 83 37 5 2 1 1 8 3 2 7 8 17 3 9 11 36 23 3 1 4 22 8 (*)261 409 613 936 1,601 3 9 24 170 587 68 80 15 19 18 28 716 87 1 6 9 33 19 1 6 10 38 25 3 5 4 3 1 2 1 13 2 1 2 7 8 2 14 12 (*)275 268 643 1,131 5 15 11 114 524 67 85 6 19 36 24 661 76 2 8 18 32 7 2 9 21 44 9 1 5 2 4 6 7 3 7 21 5 2 7 11 4 (*) 323 470 793 829 15 23 44 191 82 C) 1 Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in column (6). 2 Averages in this column are based on the number of families as shown in column (2). 3 Families that have supplementary earners. 4 Includes persons under 16 years of age as follows: Wage-earner families, 4 males and no females; clerical families, 2 males and no females; business and professional families, 1 male and no females. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 78127°—4< 21 —E arnings of su pplem entary earners: N um ber of supplem entary earners w ith earnings of specified am ount , by fa m ily incom e , 1 9 8 5 -3 6 312 T able 7. B U TTE , M O N T. [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] (1 ) All families........................... Relief families___________ Nonrelief families_________ $0-$249.............................. $250-$499............__ „ $500-$749......................... $750-$999_____________ $1,000-$1,249_ . . $x,250-$l,499................... $1,500-$1,749.................... $1,750-$1,999__________ $2,000-$2,249............. $2,250-$2,499.................... $2,500-$2,999. $3,000-$3,999-_ $4,000-$4,999............. $5,000 and over............ Average earnings of supple mentary* Any Under $50-$99 $100$199 earners amount $50 (3) (4) (5) 345 67 278 $580 236 664 416 82 334 3 7 19 22 18 33 27 64 50 26 9 179 278 289 333 387 452 670 642 877 991 1,105 3 7 i9 23 20 36 31 75 64 42 14 (7) (6) Number of supplementary earners with earnings of— $200$299 $300$399 $400$499 $500$599 $600$699 $700$/99 $800$899 (8) (9) (10 ) (1 1 ) (1 2 ) (13) (14) 26 13 13 34 i7 17 49 15 34 39 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 i 1 2 6 1 5 5 4 3 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 3 4 3 7 5 2 11 28 2 1 4 3 5 47 13 34 l 1 6 3 6 4 6 6 1 21 6 15 1 2 1 1 6 2 2 23 2 21 2 3 1 2 5 3 2 1 2 2,000 $900- $1 ,000- $1,500- $and $999 $1,499 $1,999 over (15) (17) (16) (18) 30 16 19 71 15 2 24 30 3 13 1 1 15 2 3 3 2 6 8 1 2 24 2 6 2 6 1 1 3 4 2 10 5 2 2 18 70 1 2 2 4 5 3 7 3 2 2 4 19 24 17 6 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Number of fami lies with any sup plemen tary earners (2 ) T able 8. — Husbands as earners: B U TTE , M O N T. N um ber and average yea rly earnings of husbands classified as p rin c ip a l or supplem entary earners , by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 93 5-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Principal earners by age groups Income class (1) Supplementary earners by age groups Un65 Any der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 and Any 20 over (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) Un der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 20 (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) 65 and over (25) All families............... 3,310 Relief families.......... 572 Nonrelief fam ilies.. 2,738 $n-.$24Q 2 12 *2Sn-$4QQ 64 $50O-$749 $750-$999............ 129 $l,000-$l,249-__. 280 $l,250-$l,499-_._ 403 $1,500-$1,749___ 353 $1,750-$1,999___ 406 $2,000-$2,249___ 252 $2,250-$2,499_„_ 218 $2,500-$2,999.___ 244 $3,000-$3,999___ 224 58 $4,000-$4,999___ 93 $5,000 and over. 1 1 120 43 77 383 84 299 510 77 433 585 92 493 7 8 18 20 10 9 1 2 2 1 8 17 47 77 55 43 18 16 11 5 1 1 8 13 47 79 70 84 45 25 26 26 5 4 2 7 20 43 57 65 86 58 55 43 43 7 7 487 68 419 1 1 5 17 36 51 63 63 42 25 54 37 9 15 381 57 324 348 48 300 224 37 187 158 39 119 3 5 11 26 40 25 33 35 42 46 36 9 13 3 8 12 24 37 29 43 24 28 32 29 10 21 7 12 16 21 19 21 12 11 12 30 9 17 5 6 11 15 10 15 15 7 13 13 4 5 113 26 87 1 1 4 13 12 6 7 9 2 7 5 5 4 11 57 19 38 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 7 8 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 6 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 2 1 1 6 2 4 7 1 6 5 1 4 10 4 6 12 3 9 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 TABULAR SUMMARY Number of husbands 1 Average earnings of husbands 2 All nonrelief fami lies........................... $1,911 $1,327 $1,501 $1,778 $1,876 $1,958 $2,138 $2,024 $2, 267 $1. 986 $2, 375 $876 (*) (*) $831 C) $225 $908 $1,125 $906 $1,102 313 1 Excludes 3 principal earners who did not report age. 2 Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of husbands in the upper section of the table; the 2 averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total numbers of husbands, including those who did not report age. *Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 314 T able 9.—Wives as earners: XUTTE, MONT. N um ber and average yearly earnings of wives classified as p rin cip a l or supplem en tary earners , by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 98 5-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family tpyes combined] Principal earners by age groups (1) Un Un 65 Any der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 and Any der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 20 20 over (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (ID (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (S) 65 and over (25) Number of wives All families Relief families......... Nonrelief families. _. $0-$249.................. $250-$499.............. $500-$749.......... . $750-$999.............. $l,00(h$l,249____ $1,250-$1,499........ $1,500-$1,749____ $1,750-$1,999........ $2,000-$2,249........ $2,250-$2,499 $2,500-$2,999____ $3,000-$3,999........ $4,000-$4,999....... $5,000 and over.. 2 38 24 14 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 2 3 1 1 11 9 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 3 3 1 1 6 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 88 15 73 1 1 1 3 8 10 3 9 9 18 10 2 4 1 3 1 2 15 2 13 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 18 18 1 1 1 1 3 2 7 2 17 2 15 2 6 1 2 2 1 1 15 2 13 11 3 8 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 Average earnings of wives 1 All nonrelief families. $924 (*) $1,080 C) $608 $375 (*) $609 $1,024 $603 $651 $595 $452 $577 C) (*) i Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of wives in the upper section of the table; the 2 averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total number of wives. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Supplementary earners by age groups B U TTE , M O N T. T a b l e 10.—Money income other than earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving m oney incom e other than earnings, and average am ount received, by source and total incom e, 1 93 5 -8 6 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combinedj Income class Number of famil ies U) (2) 3.510 640 2,870 7 16 75 152 296 415 363 414 260 225 254 233 64 96 Any source (3) 630 74 556 1 6 10 40 39 51 58 67 48 42 65 63 20 46 Average money income, other than earnings, received from i— Rent from Interest Pensions, Gifts for Miscel Rent from Interest Pensions, Gifts for All property and divi annuities, current laneous property and divi annuities, current sources sources3 dends benefits use use (net) dends benefits (net) (12) (13) GO) (9) (7) (6) (8) (4) (11) (5) 148 16 132 1 3 13 5 9 21 15 12 9 19 13 5 7 251 4 247 1 1 2 7 7 12 15 30 26 24 31 36 15 40 152 26 126 69 18 51 2 2 17 23 26 14 18 6 3 5 5 1 4 1 4 7 2 5 7 6 6 4 5 3 1 $81 27 93 10 102 40 132 59 41 37 42 45 54 72 79 135 1,124 $11 5 12 22 6 14 7 7 11 7 8 10 16 10 37 70 $39 1 47 10 2 6 11 7 2 2 4 16 22 28 37 87 1,009 $20 12 22 $3 2 4 $8 7 8 42 12 86 41 27 16 21 6 7 7 7 11 28 28 11 13 1 1 2 5 7 1 5 3 8 5 8 3 4 6 5 8 14 16 22 17 (**) TABULAR SUM M A RY All families_____ _ __________________ Relief families_________________________ Nonrelief families_____________________ $0-$249 . . $250-$499_________________________ $500-$749____________ ____ ________ $750-$999__________________________ $1,000-$1,249_______________________ $1,250-$1,499_______________________ $1,500-$1,749_______________________ $1,750-$1,999________ ______________ $2,000-$2,249_______________________ $2,250-$2,499_______________________ $2,500-$2,999_______________________ $3,000-$3,999______ ________________ $4,000-$4,999 ........................... $5,000 and over----------------------------- Number of families receiving money income other than earnings from— 1 See glossary for definition of “money income other than earnings.” * Averages are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money income other than earnings. * Includes money income other than earnings from sources other than those specified, including profits from business enterprises partially or wholly owned but not operated by family members. See glossary for further definition of “profits.” ** $0.50 or less. 315 a b l e 11.—Nonmoney Income from owned homes: B U TTE , M O N T. N um ber of fa m ilies owning homes w ith and w ithout m ortgages; average rental value , average expense , and average nonm oney incom e from home ownership; by incom e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 316 T [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class 0) All families................................... Relief fa m ilie s......................... N o n r e lie f families......................... $0-$249................................. $250-$499.................................. $500-$749______ __________ $750-$999.................................. $1,000-$1,249..................... $1,250-$l,499....................... $1,500-$1,749........................... $1,750-$1,999........................... $2,000-$2,249........................... $2,250-$2,499......................... $2,500-$2,999......................... $3,000-$3,999............................ $4,000-$4,999............................ $5,000 and over....................... All Owning homes 1 (2) (3) 3, 510 640 2, 870 7 16 75 152 296 415 363 414 260 225 254 233 64 96 1, 384 191 1,193 5 5 23 57 78 121 150 151 118 110 153 128 30 64 Mortgaged homes Homes free from mortgage Families owning homes free from mortgage Families owning Average expense3 Average Interest as per Average Average Average mortgaged homes Average non rental rental expense 3 non money ofcentage money rental valu e2 value2 income 4 value income 4 Number Percent Number Percent Interest O th er age 5 age 5 (15) (12) (14) (13) (4) (5) GO) (8) (6) (9) (7) (ID 1,123 150 973 4 4 21 47 56 96 114 129 89 92 126 112 28 55 81 78 82 (t) (t) (t) 82 72 79 76 85 75 84 82 88 93 86 $362 228 383 255 178 230 271 270 282 287 337 366 396 426 491 569 760 $101 78 105 83 64 79 85 85 87 88 97 102 107 113 123 138 170 $261 150 278 172 114 151 186 185 195 199 240 264 289 313 368 431 590 261 41 220 l 1 2 10 22 25 36 22 29 18 27 16 2 9 19 22 18 (t) (t) (t) 18 28 21 24 15 25 16 18 12 7 14 $342 249 359 (•) (•) (*) 376 265 226 299 329 384 360 482 441 (*) 613 $78 54 83 (•) (*) (*) 72 77 49 64 83 78 93 94 99 (*)178 $97 81 100 (*) (*) (*)104 85 73 89 95 103 101 122 115 (*)145 $167 114 176 (*) (*) (•) 200 103 104 146 151 203 166 266 227 (*) 290 23 22 23 33 46 33 19 29 22 21 25 20 26 19 22 28 29 * Includes all families occupying owned homes at any time during the report year. * Based on estimate made by home owner, for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. This period averages, in general, approximately 12 months. 8 Expense for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Expense other than interest, columns (7) and (13), estimated on basis of average relationship between rontal value and expense. 4 Nonmoney income for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Obtained by deducting estimated expense (including interest) from rental value. *Based on number of families owning homes, column (3). fPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Number of families T a b l e 1 2 .— Monthly rental value: B U TTE , M O N T. Number of home-owning fam ilies having homes with specified monthly rental value , by income , 1935-36 [White families including husband and wife, both native bom: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class ( 1) Relief families____ N onrelief families— $0-$249............ .. $250-$499_____ $500-$749_____ $750-$999_____ $l,000-$l,249_-_ $1,250-$1,499_$1,500-$1,749_$1,750-$1,999_ — $2,000~$2,249__ $2,250-$2,499__ $2,500-$2,999__ $3,000-$3,999__ $4,000-$4,999__ $5,000 and over. 3, 413 613 2,800 6 14 72 146 285 405 356 405 252 220 248 233 64 95 1,373 188 1,185 4 5 23 55 78 121 149 150 117 110 151 127 30 65 40 31 42 (t) (t) 32 38 27 30 42 37 46 50 61 54 47 68 Average Number of home-owning families reporting monthly rental value of— monthly rental value of owned Under $5-$9 $10-$14 $15-$19 $20-$24 $25-$29 $30-$34 $35-$39 $40-$44 $45-$54 $55-$74 $75 and over hom es2 $5 (13) (17) (16) (6) (9) (15) (10) (12) (14) (7) (8) (5) (ID $30.40 20.00 32.10 22. 50 19. 40 20.10 24. 40 22. 60 23. 40 24. 60 28. 50 31.80 32.80 36. 50 41.10 47. 60 61.70 12 8 4 2 2 79 38 41 1 2 4 7 10 9 5 2 1 158 42 116 1 1 6 10 17 21 26 13 8 6 6 1 219 40 179 1 1 4 10 11 41 37 31 17 13 5 8 236 32 204 1 2 4 12 18 19 28 30 25 19 31 11 3 1 170 9 161 1 3 9 15 10 23 20 18 19 22 16 2 3 146 12 134 122 2 120 148 4 144 2 6 6 8 14 18 11 13 29 22 3 2 3 2 6 6 22 13 17 23 19 6 3 1 6 5 11 19 22 20 30 7 23 51 51 32 1 31 1 4 11 15 6 14 4 5 3 19 TABULAR SUM M A RY A ll fam ilies-............. Number Home-owning families of home owning and renting Percent families Number age3 (3) (4) (2) 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families, as of end of report year column (3). 3 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2). tPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. CO -4 318 B U TTE , M O N T. T able 13.— Monthly rent: Number of renting fam ilies reporting specified monthly rent , by income , 1935-86 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] ( 1) All families.............. Relief families____ N onrelief families __ $0-$249............... $250-$499_____ $500-$749__........ $750-$999........... $1,000-$1,249___ $1,250-$1,499___ $1,500-$1,749___ $1,750-$1,999— $2,000-$2,249— $2,250-$2,499__ $2,500-$2,999__ $3,000-$3,999__ $4,000-$4,999— $5,000 and over. 3,413 2,040 613 425 2,800 1, 615 6 14 72 145 285 405 356 405 252 220 248 233 64 95 49 90 207 284 207 255 135 110 97 106 34 30 60 58 (t) (t) 68 62 73 70 58 63 54 50 39 46 53 32 $22.20 14. 60 24.20 (*) 16.40 19.30 18.40 18.60 17.80 21.70 24. 60 25.80 29.40 29.30 38.20 40.50 52.20 65 40 25 406 174 232 497 127 370 1 2 6 6 4 1 2 1 1 1 8 17 53 86 24 18 11 7 5 2 4 19 26 64 91 64 57 17 14 4 7 2 1 1 348 53 295 1 1 8 14 34 51 46 68 27 15 22 5 3 252 16 236 1 4 13 26 28 35 37 38 22 23 6 2 1 129 7 122 123 3 120 75 3 72 $75 and Rent over free * (17) (18) 92 37 3 13 92 37 3 11 1 4 5 12 9 17 21 18 11 10 11 3 3 4 5 8 8 26 13 15 13 19 4 2 1 5 5 4 14 3 13 5 16 2 4 1 1 3 9 6 10 12 28 13 9 1 4 1 1 l 2 3 1 2 2 11 5 10 2 3 1 3 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Rent reported at date of interview. Averages are based on the number of renting families in each class that reported monthly rent including families receiving rent free, the amount of which was estimated by the family. a Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2). 4 Consists of families receiving rent as gift. fPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. *Averages not computed for fewor than 3 cases. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Renting Number of renting families reporting monthly rent ofNumber families of home Average owning monthly and Per ren t2 Un renting Num cent der $5-$9 $10—$14 $15-$19 $20-$24 $25-$29 $30-$34 $35-$39 $40-$44 $45-$54 $55-$74 families ber age 3 $5 (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (6; (10) (ID (7) (8) (9) (4) (5) (3) ( 2) B U TTE , M O N T. T able 14A.—Average monthlyrental rentalvalue, value and average monthly rents Number of home-owning and renting fam ilies, average monthly and average monthly rent, by occupation and income, 19S5-S6 1 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Occupational group: Wage earner Income class All nonrelief families 5_._ $0-$499 ........ ................... $500-$999...... ...................... $1,000-$1,499—........ ........... $1,500-$1,999....................... $2,000-$2,999_._.................. $3,000-$4,999...................... $5,000 and over......... ....... Percentage of home-owning and renting families2 Average monthly— Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families2 Average monthly— Occupational group: Business and professional Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families2 Average monthly— Home Rent Home- Rent Rental Home Rent Home Rent Rental Home Rent Home Rent Rental owning ing owning ing value3 R ent4 owning ing owning ing value3 Rent 4 owning ing owning ing value 3 R en t4 (10) (8) (6) (9) (2) (3) (7) (4) (5) (ID (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) 566 3 36 144 187 156 38 2 810 6 85 352 209 137 21 41 (t)30 29 47 53 64 (t) 59 $26. 40 $19. 00 16. 70 (t)70 21.70 22.00 17.20 71 21. 70 16.80 53 25.50 20. 00 47 30.40 23.20 36 35. 50 26.20 (*) 225 1 7 20 70 94 32 1 417 26 88 169 111 22 1 35 (t)21 19 29 46 59 (t) 65 $30.60 $25.70 (*) 79 25.00 23.70 81 22.80 20.10 71 27. 40 25. 60 54 31.90 28.00 41 39.20 39. 60 (t) (*) (*) 363 1 26 25 38 125 86 62 366 2 13 47 84 94 97 29 50 (t)67 35 31 57 47 68 50 $42. 30 (*) (t)33 24.90 65 29.40 69 30.30 43 39.60 53 46.40 32 62.20 $34. 30 (*) 23.60 24.90 27.00 34.60 41. 30 52.60 TABULAR SUMMARY (1) Number of families Occupational group: Clerical 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families in the respective occupational groups. 8 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during the report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families as of end of report year. 4 Rent as reported at date of interview. Averages in this column are based on the number of families reporting monthly rent, including families receiving rent as gift, the amount of which is estimated by the family. 6 Of the families classified in the occupational group “Other,” 53 did not change their living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Of the latter group, 31 families, or 58 percent, were owning families. Their average monthly rental value was $27.90. The remaining 22 families were renting families. Their average monthly rent was $17.10. t Percentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. * Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. CO h- 4 SO 320 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B U TTE , M O N T. 15-16.— Type of living quarters: Number and 'percentage of owning and renting fam ilies occupying specified types of living quarters , by tenure and incom e , 1935-86 1 T ables [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class Nuinber of families (1) (2) Owning families, alL Relief families ____ Nonrelief fam ilies... $0-$249................. $250-$499............. $500-$749............. $750-$999............. $1,000-$1,249___ $1,250-$1,499___ $1,500-$! ,749___ $1,750-$1,999___ $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499___ $2,500-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over_. Renting families, all. Relief families_____ Nonrelief families... $0~$249 _______ $250-$499 ___ $500-$749______ $750-$999._ ___ $1,000-$1,249___ $1,250-$1,499___ $1,500-$1,749___ $1,750-$1,999___ $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499___ $2,500-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over.. 1,373 188 1,185 4 5 23 55 78 121 149 150 117 110 151 127 30 65 2,040 425 1.615 2 9 49 90 207 284 207 255 135 110 97 106 34 30 Number of families occupying— Onefamily house (3) Twofamily house (4) 1,247 172 1,075 4 4 17 46 75 104 129 139 110 103 143 115 25 61 901 236 665 82 11 71 4 4 1 13 11 9 6 4 6 7 4 2 381 69 312 6 23 42 84 131 81 100 58 38 39 36 12 15 1 16 40 64 39 50 23 16 19 24 7 6 Percentage of families occupying*— OneApart Other s fainily ment house (6) (7) (5) 25 5 20 2 2 2 7 1 1 1 1 3 690 108 582 22 17 27 73 81 82 94 50 53 37 41 15 8 19 91 91 90 19 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 68 12 56 2 5 10 8 5 11 4 3 2 5 1 Twofamily house (8) (+1 (t) (t) (t) 84 96 86 87 92 94 93 94 90 84 94 44 58 42 47 46 41 46 39 39 43 35 40 34 35 50 Apart Ot ment (9) (10) 6 6 6 2 3 2 7 1 10 7 6 5 4 4 6 13 3 19 16 19 4 3 2 5 1 1 1 2 34 25 36 5 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 (t) 14 18 19 23 19 20 17 14 20 23 21 20 (t) (t) 35 30 35 28 40 37 37 48 38 38 44 27 4 6 5 3 2 4 3 3 2 5 3 (t) 1 2 (t) (t) 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. 2 Percentages are based on number of families in each class, column (2). 3 Includes dwelling units in business buildings, other types of living quarters not elsewhere specified, and unknown types of living quarters. t Percentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. B U TTE , M O N T. T a b l e 1 7 .— Members ofof household not in economic family: Num ber of fam ilies having persons in the household who were not members the economic fa m ily , and average number of such nonfam ily members , by incom e , 1935—36 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families having in the household nonfamily members of Average number of nonfamily members of specified typ e9 (based on families having such members) specified typ e1 Income class All families................................. 3,510 Relief fam ilies.............. ........... 640 N onrelief families.................._. 2,870 $0-$249.................................. 7 $250-$499............................... 16 $500-$749____________ 75 $750-$999............................... 152 296 $1,000-$1,249........................ 415 $1,250-31,499....................... $1,500-31,749________ 363 414 $1,750-11,999........................ 260 $2,000-$2,249........................ $2,250-$2,499....................... 225 $2,500-$2,999........................ 254 $3,000-$3,999........................ 233 $4,000-$4,999........................ 64 $5,000 and over ___ 96 680 74 606 30 3 27 70 7 63 17 3 14 3 14 33 38 49 67 79 62 55 60 65 24 57 2 2 1 2 7 5 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 16 9 7 7 5 8 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 121 5 116 4 3 3 6 9 7 14 20 9 40 7 3 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 505 57 448 0.4 .3 LI 1.3. 1.1 0.9 .7 .9 1.2 1.0 1.3 2 12 26 31 44 48 62 41 44 43 47 17 31 .4 .5 .4 .2 .3 .5 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 .5 .8 (*) (*) (*) (*) 1. 6 .6 1.3 1.0 H (*) (*) .5 .7 .7 .7 1.0 .9 1.2 1.0 1.3 (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) 1.6 (*) .5 (*) (*) 0.7 (**) .7 .6 C) .2 .7 .6 ,4 .6 .8 .6 .8 .9 0.8 .4 1.2 (*) L2 (**) O H (•) (*) 0.2 .1 .2 <*) 2 .2 .1 .1 .2 1 !i .2 .3 1 Excludes a small number of families which had nonfamily members in the household but which did not report the duration of their membership. 2 Averages in each column are based on the corresponding counts of families, in columns (3) through (10) . The number of nonfamily members is expressed in terms of year-equiva lent persons. This figure is computed for each family by dividing by 52 the total number of weeks of residence in the household for all nonmembers of the economic family. ‘Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. ** 0-05 or less. H-*> TABULAE SUMMAEY (1) Occupying rooms on nontransient Occuping rooms on nontransient basis Num basis ber of Any Board Tour All non Board Tour families non ers ists and Guests ers ists and Guests family Sons and family Sons and Other Room trans without Room Other without mem trans daughters roomers ers mem daughters roomers ers room ients Paid room Paid ients bers rooming ber rooming with without help with help without and and boarding board board boarding board board (17) (16) (14) (10) (18) (15) (12) (13) (3) (2) (8) (4) (5) (7) (9) (6) (ID CO 322 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION BUTTE, M O N T . 18.— Age of husbands and wives: N um ber of husbands and num ber of T able w ivesy by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combinedl Income class 0 Num ber re porting Under 20-29 age 1 20 ) (2 ) (3) (4) Number with ages of— 30-39 .40-49 (5) 50-59 60-64 65-69 (7) (8) (9) (6) and 70-74 75over GO) (1 1 ) Husbands All fam ilies............ 3,507 Percentage............ . 100.0 Belief families_____ 640 Nonrelief fam ilies.. 2,867 $0-$249_.................. 7 $250-$499............ . 16 $500-$749_.............. 74 152 $750-$999 .............. $1,000-$1,249_____ 296 $1,250-$1,499_____ 415 $1,500-$1,749.......... 363 $1,750-$1,999_____ 414 $2,000-$2,249......... 259 $2,250-$2,499 224 $2,500-$2,999_........ 254 $3,nno-$a;ft99 233 $4,000-$4,999_____ 64 $5,000 and over... 96 U) 1 l 509 14.5 127 382 1 16 28 66 97 65 52 19 18 14 5 1 1,125 82.1 184 941 905 25.8 143 762 3 16 40 92 137 136 171 103 81 69 69 13 5 12 31 65 94 90 99 78 67 100 73 18 28 11 2 613 17.5 96 517 3 4 17 26 43 60 52 65 38 39 46 65 20 39 183 5.2 47 136 425 12.1 79 346 114 3.2 2 2 1 1 1 6 8 13 16 12 16 17 9 13 13 5 7 88 2.5 20 68 4 11 9 7 3 6 3 5 2 6 46 1.3 13 33 1 1 5 5 3 4 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 5 2 20 13 0.4 8 1 2 1 42 1.2 19 23 0.6 5 15 4 37 1.1 9 28 5 1 1 2 Wives All families_______ 3, 500 Percentage.......... ... 100.0 Relief families_____ 639 Nonrelief fam ilies.. 2 , 861 $0-$249_.......... ....... 7 $250-$499_.......... . 16 74 $500-$749__............ $750-$999.... ........... 151 $1,000-$1,249.......... 295 $1,250-$1,499_____ 415 $1,500-SI,749_____ 363 $1,750-$1,999_____ 414 $2,000-$2,249.......... 258 $2,250-$2,499_____ 224 $2,500-$2,999.......... 254 $3,000-$3,999.......... 232 $4.000-$4,999_____ 63 $5,000 and over... 95 27 0.8 11 16 1 3 2 3 7 883 25.2 193 690 2 19 37 102 143 12 0 117 49 42 24 25 7 3 1,137 82.5 180 957 1 16 49 80 125 130 156 104 86 102 78 12 18 839 2 4 .0 124 715 3 7 11 27 58 89 71 85 70 62 84 82 23 43 i Excludes 3 husbands and 10 wives who did not report age. X 0.05 percent or less. 17 17 36 38 33 44 25 27 32 36 11 26 22 92 5 9 12 10 7 8 9 4 5 9 9 3 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 6 7 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 l 1 1 323 TABULAR SUM M A RY BU TTE, M O N T. T able N um ber and percentage distribu tion of fa m ilies by date of end of report yeart by occupation , 1 9 8 5 -3 6 19.— R e p o rt y e a r: lWhite families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Occupational group All Relief Date of end of fami fami report year lies lies (1 ) (2 ) (3) Business and professional Wago Cleri All busi Independent Salaried All earner Other cal ness and profes Busi Profes Busi- | Profes sional ness sional ness sional (6) ( 12 ) (9) ( 10 ) (4) (5) (7) (8 ) (ID Number of families All dates............. 3, 510 Dec. 31,1935— 946 Jau. 31, 1936___ Feb. 29, 1936___ 11 Mar. 31, 1936... 132 Apr. 30. 1936... . 175 Mav 31. 1936... 385 June 30 1936.... 480 Julv 31, 1936.... 668 Aug. 31, 1936. . . 618 Sept. 30, 1936... 88 7 Oct. 31. 1936___ Nov. 30, 1936 640 2,870 1,416 165 781 367 11 5 32 100 55 71 45 130 89 296 143 87 393 213 141 527 290 77 541 248 24 84 4 7 659 198 1 16 30 73 82 116 128 14 1 741 201 5 27 26 73 86 113 160 44 6 284 81 2 9 61 20 1 1 1 226 54 170 46 54 15 1 1 10 2 29 50 56 3 5 6 16 7 26 29 33 56 7 23 24 82 8 2 2 12 22 21 2 8 6 12 2 22 3 7 12 8 5 Percentage All dates______ 100 Dec. 31, 1935.... 27 Jan. 31. 1936___ Feb. 29, 1936.... (t) 4 Mar. 31. 1936__ Apr. 30. 1936.... 5 May 31, 1936. 11 14 June 30, 1936___ 19 July 31, 1936___ Aug 31, 1936. . . 18 Sept. 30, 1936... 2 Oct. 31. 1936___ (t) Nov. 30. 1936 1 0.5 percent or less. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 28 > (i) 4 5 4 7 14 10 14 14 22 18 12 19 1 3 (i) 26 (t) 4 5 10 15 20 18 31 (t) 2 5 27 28 32 24 26 27 1 1 3 4 2 2 2 (t) 3 1 6 18 7 26 13 4 6 13 22 15 9 4 100 25 2 11 12 18 19 2 U) 3 3 10 12 8 10 22 6 1 20 15 1 5 8 10 3 13 15 24 5 12 1 4 13 14 14 19 2 1 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 324 BILLINGS, M O N T. T able 1.— F am ily type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types an d average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by incom e , 1935—86 IWhite families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups combined] Average number of persons per fam ily» Number of families of type iIncome class All (1 ) (2 ) All families— .......... 1,550 Relief families............ 141 Nonrelief families__ 1,409 $0-$249__.............. 1 1 $250-$499_............ 15 $500-$749.............. 43 $750-$999_............ 76 $1,000-$1,249____ 151 $1,250-$1,499____ 124 $1,500-$1,749........ 157 $1,750-$1,999____ 162 $2,000-$2,249____ 128 $2,250-$2,499____ 108 $2,500-$2,999____ 153 $3,000-$3,499____ 120 $3,500-$3,999____ 44 $4,000-$4,499........ 31 $4,500-$4,999........ 23 ;5,000-$7,499____ 45 $7,500-$9,999____ 10 $10,000 and over 3 8 I III II V IV All VII VIII Other mem bers VI (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8 ) (9) GO) (ID 432 29 403 9 9 16 30 46 37 50 43 28 32 35 34 13 7 4 5 3 311 25 286 166 301 19 282 137 9 98 15 83 55 17 38 31 19 1 6 2 1 2 10 22 42 25 31 40 33 28 21 12 2 3 5 7 2 20 146 1 5 6 17 11 18 23 10 8 16 16 2 3 2 7 1 1 1 8 4 25 27 25 32 18 44 34 22 11 10 6 11 2 1 128 I 1 2 7 7 13 19 11 11 18 9 6 6 3 9 2 3 2 5 15 10 10 6 7 4 9 8 2 30 4 3 6 2 1 Un 16 der and 16 over ( 12 ) (13) (14) 3.5 4.2 3.5 2 .2 1 1 5 3 4 1 5 2 3 13 2 2 3 3 5 4 5 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 -- Other than hus band and wife 2.9 3.1 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3. 5 3.4 3.6 3.5 3.8 3.8 3.7 4.0 3.4 4.2 1 .0 1.7 1 .0 .1 .7 .8 1.2 1 .1 1 .0 1 .0 1 .1 .9 .9 .9 .8 .8 .8 .8 1.1 .8 1 .0 0.5 .5 .5 .l .3 .3 .2 .3 .4 .4 .4 .6 .5 .7 .7 1 .0 1 .0 .9 .9 .6 1 .2 ' Family type: I. 2 persons. Husband and wife only. II. 3 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16 and no others. III. 4 persons. Husband, wife, 2 children under 16 and no others. IV. 3 or 4 persons. Husband, wife, 1 person 16 or over, and 1 or no other person, regardless of age. V. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16, 1 person 16 or over, and 1 or 2 other persons, regard less of age. VI. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3, or 4 children under 16 and no others. VII. 7 or 8 persons. Husband, wife, 1 child under 16,4 or 5 other persons, regardless of age. VIII. 5 or 6 persons. Husband, wife, 3 or 4 persons 16 or over. Other. 7 or more persons. All types not included in I through VIII. ' These are year-equivalent persons. The sum of columns (13) and (14) plus 2 (husband and wife) does not always equal column (12). For the methods used in deriving these averages see glossary. 3 Largest income reported between $25,000 and $30,000. 325 TABULAR SUMMARY T able BILLINGS, M O N T . N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e, 1 985-86 1A .— F a m ily ty p e : [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native bornl Average number of persons per family 2 Number of families of type l~Income class and occupational group All I II III IV V VI (2 ) (1 ) Wage earner All nonrelief families 481 1 $0-$249...... ................... $250-$499__........ ......... 9 $500--$749___________ 21 $750-$999.......... .......... 47 $1,000-$1,249............... 80 $I,250-$1,499_ —........ . 65 $lj500-$l,749............... 71 $1,750-$1.999 . .. 66 $2'000-$2,249_______ 38 $2,250-$2,499_______ 25 $2,500-$2,999. ............. 30 $3,000-$3,499_______ 18 4 $3^500-$3,999 . 1 $4'OOO-$4'499_______ $4.500-$4,999............... $5,000-$7,499............... 2 $7,500-$9,999............... 2 1 $10,000 and over *__ Clerical All nonrelief families 386 1 $0-$249...... .............. $250-$499..................... 2 $500-$749 .............. 10 $750-$999..................... 12 $1,000-$1,249_______ 27 $1,250-$1,499 ............ 33 $1,500-$1,749 46 $1,750-$1,999............... 56 $2,000-$2,249_______ 49 $2,250-$2,499 ............ 40 $2,500-$2,999 _ . _ 55 $3,000-$3,499 41 7 $3,500-$3,999_______ (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 128 112 58 70 42 34 1 1 2 2 $4,000-$4,499 $4,500-$4,999 5 6 15 26 17 13 17 10 5 7 6 2 4 17 21 12 16 14 9 7 5 1 1 2 1 11 6 1 2 4 11 9 11 10 3 1 3 2 1 5 9 2 11 10 11 6 5 5 4 1 4 4 9 7 4 4 4 2 1 1 5 7 3 2 4 3 1 4 2 3 3 1 10 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 114 91 34 80 1 1 1 2 32 22 4 7 2 1 2 3 8 9 13 23 17 6 11 11 10 1 5 1 11 6 8 18 14 13 10 3 1 1 4 6 6 3 4 7 1 1 7 7 13 7 17 8 12 1 2 1 1 2 2 6 4 1 9 3 3 3 4 1 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 64 1 1 2 2 9 3 7 3 4 5 9 6 2 1 3 3 2 1 34 23 59 1 13 7 1 3 8 3 3 1 3 4 1 4 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 F o p f o o t n o t e s , s e e e n d o f t a b le . 20 1 2 2 3 $5,000 $7,499 $7,500-$9,999........... $10,000 and over____ Independent busi ness All nonrelief families 214 1 $0-$249 .............. $950-$499 3 $500-$749 3 6 $750-$999 . . . _ $1,000-$1,949 32 $1,950-$1,499 15 $1,500-fcl,749 18 11 $1,750-$l ,999 $2,000-!P2r249 17 $91950-$9,499 18 $2,500-$2,999 23 $3,000-$3f499 19 $3,500- $3,999 9 6 7 $4,500-$4,999 $5,000-$7,499 19 4 $7,500-$9,999 3 $10,000 and over 4___ Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) ( 10 ) ( 1 1 ) ( 12 ) 03) (14) 7 4 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 4 2 1 1 4 8 5 3 3 7 3 1 1 1 2 8 6 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 I 3.6 (*) 2.5 3. 5 3. 5 3. 4 3.6 3.8 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.7 4.1 4.3 (*) (*) (*) (*) 3.3 (*) (*) 2.8 3.2 3.1 3.1 2 .8 3.2 3. 7 3. 3 3. 5 3.7 4.6 (*) (*) 3.7 3.4 (*) 5.0 2.3 2 .8 3.3 3.6 3.5 3.3 3. 5 3.9 3.1 3.0 3.8 4.2 3.1 3.6 3.2 3.7 1.1 .4 1 .1 1 .2 1 .2 1.2 1.4 1.0 1 .0 0.5 .1 .4 .3 .2 .4 .4 .5 .9 .6 .8 .8 .5 .7 1.3 . 5 1 .8 (*) (*) (*) (*) O 1 .0 .8 (*) .7 1 .0 .9 .8 .6 .9 1 .0 .8 .9 .9 1.4 (*) (*) .1 .2 .2 .3 .3 .7 .5 .2 .6 .8 1.2 (*) (*) 1.7 .8 .6 2 .0 1.0 .8 .9 .9 1 .0 1 .0 .8 1.3 .5 .6 .7 r.2 .4 .7 .2 .3 .4 .7 .5 .3 .7 .6 .6 .4 1.1 1 .0 .7 .9 1.7 1 .0 326 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION BILLINGS, MONT. T a b l e 1A. —F am ily type: N um ber of fa m ilies of specified types and average num ber of persons per fa m ily , by occupation and incom e, 1 9 8 5 -8 6 —Continued , Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) Income class and occupational group 0) All I II III IV V VI (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (S) Independent profes sional All nonrelief families 31 $0-$249.............. ............. $250-$499.............. ........ $500-$749.................. $750-8999...................... 1 $1,000-$! ,249........... . . $1,250-$1,499........... $1,500-$1,749_.............. 3 $1,750-$1,999___.......... 2 1 $2,000-$2,249................ $2,250-$2,499............... 2 $2,5CG-$2,999........ ........ 3 $3,000-$3,499........... .. 4 $3,500-83,999.................. 2 3 $4,000-$4,499............... $4,500-$4,999............... $5,000-$7,499............... 8 $7,500-$9,999............... 2 $10,000 and over'8. - . Salaried business All nonrelief families. 177 $0-$249......................... $250-$499____ ______ $500-$749___________ 1 $750-8999___________ $1,000-81,249. ____ 2 $1,250-81,499............... 5 $1,500-81,749................ 11 $1,750-81,999_______ 22 $2,000-82,249................. 14 $2,250-$2,499.................. 11 $2,500-82,999 . 31 $3,000-83,499.................. 27 $3,500-83,999„__......... 13 $4,000-84,499_________ 16 $4,500-84,999.................. 11 $5,000-87,499.................. $7,500-89,999................. 3 2 $10,000 and over3___ 8 3 11 4 4 6 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 43 31 19 1 1 2 3 5 5 5 9 4 5 1 3 3 7 3 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 F o r fo o tn o te s , se e end o f tab le. Average number of persons per family Number of families of type— 1 1 o 2 3 1 1 4 4 j- 2 1 1 41 1 1 2 3 4 1 9 2 2 3 8 1 1 2 2 26 1 4 1 2 5 3 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 9 1 1 3 2 1 1 4 4 1 1 ] l 1 2 1 ........... 3.5 0.9 (*) 2.7 (*) (*) t*) 3. 7 3.0 (*) 3. 7 4.2 (*) (*) 3.6 0.6 .7 (•) 1.7 5 .5 1.4 (*).3 1.9 .3 (*) (*) . 1.0 .6 (*) (*) (*) (*) O .6 .2 2.8 3.8 1.2 .6 3.9 1.5 .4 3.0 .6 .4 3.1 .8 .3 3. 9 1.1 .8 3. 2 .7 .5 3.9 1.2 3. 7 .7 i! o 4.1 1.0 i . i 4. 2 1.0 1. 2 3.7 1. 4 .3 (*) (*) 327 TABULAR SUM M A RY B IL L IN G S , M O N T . 1A.— F am ily type: Number of families of specified types and average number of persons per family , by occupation and income, 1985-86— Continued T able Average number of persons per family Number of families of type— Other than husband All and wife VII VIII Other mem bers Un 16 der and 16 over (9) 00) (11) 02) (13) (14) Income class and occupational group (1) Salaried, professional All nonreliel families. $0-$249____ ______ $250-$499__________ $500-$749_........ ........... $750-$999..................... $1,000-$1,249_______ $1,250-$1,499_______ $1,500-$1,749_______ $1,750-$1,999......... $2,000-$2,249. . $2,250-$2,499......... .. $2,500~$2,999_______ $3,000-13,499............... $3,500-$3,999........... ... $4,000-$4,499............... $4,500-$4,999 $5,000-$7,499 .............. $7,500-$9,999_______ $10,000 and over Other6 All nonrelief families. $0-$249......................... $2S n~< M 9 9 $500-$749...................... $750-$999 .............. _ $1,000-$1,249 $1,250-$1,499__........ .. $1,500-$1,749_______ $1,750-$1,999........ $2,000-$2,249 $2,250-$2,499_______ $2,500-$2,999_______ $3,000-$3,499 $3,500-$3,999 $4,000~$4,499_______ $4,500-$4,999_______ $5,000-$7,499........... . $7,500-$9,999 $10,000 and over All 1 II III IV V VI (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 77 17 13 6 22 5 7 1 3 1 4 7 5 6 12 9 10 8 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 43 8 ] 8 7 8 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 4 3 2 l 1 26 7 1 4 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 6 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3.7 1.0 0. 7 (*) .3 4.0 1.7 (*) (*) 1 4.3 1. 5 .8 .2 2.9 .4 4.2 1.8 .5 .5 3.0 3. 2 .8 .4 4.0 1.0 1.0 4.1 1.8 .3 3. 1 1.1 3. 7 .3 1.4 3. 4 . 7 .7 1 6. 0 2.8 1.2 (*) (*) 2.9 2.1 (*) 2,9 2.9 4. 3 (*) (*) 3.0 (*) (•) C) .6 .8 .6 1.4 .7 .3 .1 .i .3 .9 .3 (*) (*) (*) For footnotes 1 and 2, see table 1 on p. 324. 3 Largest income reported between $10,000 and $15,000. 4 Largest income reported between $25,000 and $30,000. 5 Largest income reported between $15,000 and $20,000. 6 This group includes 11 families engaged in farming, a group too small to be separately classified, and families having no gainfully employed members. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 7 8 1 2 7 °— 40-------22 328 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B IL U N G S , M O N T . — Sources of fam ily in com e: Number of families receiving income from specified sources and average amount of such income, by income, 1935—36 T able 2. [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving-I n c o m e c la ss Number of families (1) (2) A ll fa m ilie s ............................................... Relief families...............................Nonrelief families________ ____ $0-$249 .................................. $250-$499............. ....................$500-$749.................................... $750-$999....................... ............ $1,000-$1,249---------------------$1,250-$1,499_______________ $1,500-$1,749 ___________ $1,750-$1,999_____ _____ ___ $2,000-$2,249.............................. $2,250-$2,499..............._...........$2,500-$2,999............................. $3,000-$3,999.............................. $4,000-$4,999.............................. $5,000 and over_._.................. 1,550 141 1,409 11 15 43 76 151 124 157 162 128 108 153 164 54 63 Money income from— Nonmoney income from— Other sources Earnings 1 (positive or negative) s (3) (4) Owned Any home Rent as source3 (positive or pay negative) 4 (5) (6) (7) 1,512 135 1,377 4 14 37 70 148 122 156 162 126 108 151 163 54 62 416 25 391 3 5 12 18 24 29 32 36 29 31 47 62 26 37 649 30 619 3 2 8 25 40 46 44 53 63 57 96 95 37 50 640 29 611 3 2 8 23 39 45 44 53 62 57 96 94 35 50 9 1 8 2 1 1 1 1 2 i See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 3 Includes 407 families, 382 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings and no business losses met from family funds; 7 families, all of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds and no money income other than earnings, and 2 families, both of which were nonrelief, which had both money income and business losses met from family funds. There were, therefore, 409 families, 384 of which were nonrelief, which had money income other than earnings, whether or not they had business losses met from family funds; and there were 9 families, all of which were nonrelief, which had business losses met from family funds whether or not they had money income other than earnings. These latter 9 families were found in the following income classes: $1,250-$1,499, 2; $1,750-$1,999, 1; $2,250$2,499, 2; $2,500-$2,999,1; $3,000-$3,999, 1; $4,000-$4,999, 1; $5,000 and over, 1. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” a The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. * Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. There were 11 families, 10 of which were nonrelief, with losses from owned homes (i. e., families whose estimated rental value was less than estimated expenses). The latter 10 families were found in the following income classes: $1,000-$1,249, 1; $1,250-$1,499, 1; $1,500-$1,749, 3; $1,750-$1,999,1; $2,000-$2,249, 2; $2,250-$2,499, 1; $2,500-$2,999,1. 329 TABULAR SUMMARY B IL L IN G S , M O N T . 2 .— Sources o f fam ily in com e: Number of families receiving income from specified sourcesy and average amount of such income, by income, 1985—36 1— Con. T able Average family income Income class (1) Money income from— Total (2) All fam ilies............................... 8 $2, 111 544 Relief families......................... Nonrelief fam ilies................. 8 2,268 $0~$249_________________ 125 $250-$499................. ............ 395 $500-8749_____________ 626 $750-$999_____________ 901 $1,000-$1,249__________ 1,139 $1,250-$1,499__________ 1,376 $1,500-$1,749..................... 1,605 $1,750-$1,999................... . 1,868 $2,000-82,249.................... 2,113 $2,250-$2,499................. __ 2,380 $2,500-$2,999_______ ___ 2, 726 $3,000-83,999__________ 3, 321 4,432 $4,000-84,999__________ $5,000 and over............... 7,418 All sources (3) $2,001 515 2,150 107 383 597 848 1,091 1,312 . 1,557 1,799 1,982 2,242 2, 546 3,125 4,144 7,092 Nonmoney income from— Other Owned Earn All sources home Rent as ings 2 (positive or sources (positive or pay negative)3 negative) 4 (4) (6) (7) (8) (5) $1,872 478 2,012 62 303 487 746 1,033 1,260 1,507 1,752 1,891 2,194 2,410 2,936 3.887 6,031 $129 37 138 45 80 110 102 58 52 50 47 91 48 136 189 257 1,061 $110 29 118 18 12 29 53 48 64 48 69 131 138 180 196 288 326 $108 27 116 18 12 29 50 47 61 48 69 127 138 180 193 266 326 $2 2 2 3 1 3 4 3 22 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2) of table 2, whether or not they received income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2), (3), (5), (6), and (7) are net figures, after deduc tion for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. 2 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” s Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. *Median income for all families was $1,839; for nonrelief families, $1,947. 330 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION BILLINGS, M O N T. T abl e 2 A . — Sources of family Income: Num ber of fam ilies receiving income from specified sources , and average amount of such incom e , by occupation and incom e , 1935-86 fWhite nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined! Number of families receiving— Income class and occupational Number of group families (1) Wage earner All nonrelief families...................... $0-$499..................... ......................... $500-$999.......................................... $1,000-$1,499........................ ....... $1,500-$1,999_.............. ............... . . $2,000-12,999______ ______ _____ $3,000-$4,999................................... $5,000 and over________________ Clerical All nonrelief fam ilies..-................ $0-$499_________ ________ ____ _ $500-$999_...................................... $1,000-$1,499..................................... $1,500-$1,999____ ______________ $2,000-$2,999................................... $3,000-$4,999________________ $5,000 and over________________ Business and professional All nonrelief families__________ $0-$499 _________________ ____ $500-$999 .......................................... $1,000-$1,499..................................... $1,500-$!, 999...................................... $2,000-$2,999__________________ $3,000-$4,999..................................... $5,000 and over___ _________ _ Other All nonrelief families...................... (2) Money income from— Other sources Earnings 1 (positive or nega tive)2 (4) (3) Nonmoney income from— Any source5 (5) Owned home (positive or nega tive) 4 (6) Rent as pay (7) 481 10 68 145 137 93 23 5 481 10 68 145 137 93 23 5 95 3 9 20 ' 29 25 8 1 170 1 17 38 39 57 16 2 168 1 15 38 39 57 16 2 2 386 3 22 60 102 144 52 3 386 3 22 60 102 144 52 3 104 156 154 2 5 13 22 38 25 1 3 18 26 80 28 1 3 16 26 80 28 1 499 4 14 60 79 147 141 54 499 4 14 60 79 147 141 54 160 1 3 12 16 40 54 34 272 1 4 27 32 75 87 46 268 1 4 27 32 74 84 46 43 11 32 21 21 2 2 4 8i 1 See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 2 Includes families having money income other than earnings, families having business losses met from family funds, and families having both such income and such losses. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 3 The total of the numbers of families in columns (6) and (7), since no family reported nonmoney income from both sources. 4 Includes families with losses from owned homes, as well as families whose estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy exceeded estimated expenses allocable to that period. 331 TABULAR SUMMARY BILLINGS, M O N T . A.— Sources of family income: Number of fam ilies receiving income specified sources, and average amount of such incom e, by occupation and T able 2 from income, 1985-36 1— Continued Average family income Money income from— Income class and occupa tional group (1) Total (2) Wage earner All nonrelief families—......... 3$1,700 369 $0-$499............ .......................... 804 $500-$999................................... 1, 242 $1,000-$1,499............................. 1,736 $1,500-$1,999............................ 2, 383 $2,000-$2,999__......................... 3, 356 $3,000-$4,999........................... 8,481 $5,000 and over___________ Clerical All nonrelief families............. 3 2,107 $0-$499_..................................... 304 797 $500-$999.... ............................ 1, 281 $1,000-$1,499............................ 1,752 $1,500-$1,999_____ ________ 2,415 $2,000-$2,999............................ 3,348 $3,000-$4,999............................ 5,821 $5,000 and over.......... ............. Business and professional All nonrelief families______ 3 3,034 347 $0~$499—......................... ......... 837 $500-$999...... ........................ $1,000-$1,499............... .......... 1,226 $1,500-$! ,999................. .......... 1, 728 2,471 $2,000-$2,999— ............ ........... 3, 729 $3,000-$4,999............................. 7,440 $5,000 and over___________ Other 1,182 All nonrelief families______ Nonmoney income from— Other sources (positive or nega tive) 3 (5) Owned home (positive or nega tive)4 (7) All sources Earn ings 2 (3) (4) $1,627 366 769 1,199 1, 691 2,230 3,121 8,354 $1, 5784 301 731 1,182 1,642 2,159 2,937 8,303 $49 65 38 17 49 71 184 51 $73 3 35 43 45 153 235 127 $73 3 33 43 45 153 235 127 2,000 304 779 1, 240 1,694 2,258 3,154 5,820 1,932 304 714 1,223 1,663 2,164 3,023 5,722 68 107 105 65 17 31 94 131 98 18 41 58 157 194 1 18 33 58 157 194 1 2, 861 307 802 1,134 1.640 2, 325 3, 501 7,075 2,639 276 759 1,049 1,591 2, 263 3,285 5, 952 222 31 43 85 49 62 216 1,123 173 40 35 92 88 146 228 365 167 40 35 92 88 141 213 365 1,075 276 799 107 107 All sources (6) Rent as pay (8) (**) $2 2 8 6 5 15 i The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2) of table 2A, whether or not they received income from the specified source. Averages in columns (2), (3), (5), (6) and (7) are net figures, after deduc tion for all families of business losses met from family funds or expenses for owned homes. * See glossary for definition of “earnings.” 3 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. See glossary for definitions of “money income other than earnings” and “business losses.” 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned home for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period. 3 Median incomes were as follows: Wage-earner families, $1,562; clerical families, $2,031; business and pro fessional families, $2,587. ** $0.50 or less. 332 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION BILLINGS, M O N T . T a ble 3. — Money Earnings: Num ber of fam ilies receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source , by incom e , 1985-86 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class Number of families 0) (2) All families............... Relief families____ Nonrelief families. $0-$249............... $250-$499______ $500-$749............ $750-$999............ $1,000-$1,249_._ $1,250-$1,499_._ $1,500-$1,749__. $1,750-$1,999__. $2,000-$2,249_... $2,250-$2,499_... $2,500-$2,999__ $3,000-$3,999__ $4,000-$4,999__ $5,000 and over. Average net money earn ings from i— Other not Indi Roomers work Any vidual All attrib and source earners boarders2 utable sources to individuals (3) 1, 550 1,512 141 135 1,409 1,377 11 4 15 14 43 37 76 70 148 151 122 124 157 156 162 162 126 128 108 108 153 151 164 163 54 54 62 63 (4) 1, 502 133 1,369 4 14 36 70 144 121 155 162 126 108 151 162 54 62 (5) ( 6) 123 12 111 1 3 10 10 14 17 5 8 7 20 12 3 1 (7) Roomers and Indi vidual boarders and earners other work 3 (8) 22 $1,872 $1, 853 478 459 2,012 1,994 62 62 2 303 286 1 487 475 746 729 1 1,033 1,019 3 1,260 1,240 2 1,507 1,488 3 1,752 1,745 ... 1,891 1,883 2 2,194 2,178 2 2,410 2,372 2 2,936 2,909 — 3,887 3,860 1 6,031 6,024 (9) $19 19 18 17 12 17 14 20 19 7 8 16 38 27 27 7 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. 2 Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross in come from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were a few families which had roomers and boarders but which received from them no net money earnings. 3 Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to indi viduals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were $2. 333 TABULAR SUMMARY BILLINGS, M O N T. 3A.— Money earnings: Num ber of fam ilies receiving net money earnings and average net money earnings received from each source , by occupation and income , 1935-86 T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of families receiving net money earnings from— Income class and occupa tional group Number of families ( 1) (2) Wage earner All nonrelief families______ $0-$499__ _____ __________ $500-$999_............................... $1,000-11,499______________ $1,500-Sl,999. ___________ $2,000-$2,999______________ $3,000-$4,999_____________ $5,000 and over___________ Clerical All nonrelief families______ $0-$499_________ ____ ____ $500-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,499_____________ $1,500-$1,999_____________ $2,000-$2,999_____________ $3,000-$4,999_____________ $5,000 and over---------------Business and professional All nonrelief families_____ $0-$499.................................... $500-$999. ................ ............... $1,000-$1,499_____________ $1,500-$1,999_____________ $2,000-$2,999_____________ $3,000-$4,999_____________ $5,000 and over___________ Other All nonrelief families_____ Average net money earn ings from 1— Other Roomers not and Indi Roomers work Indi boarders All Any vidual attrib and vidual and source earners boarders2 utable sources earners to indi other viduals work 3 (3) (4) (5) (7) (8) (6) (9) 481 10 68 145 137 93 23 5 481 10 68 145 137 93 23 5 480 10 67 145 137 93 23 5 37 386 3 22 60 102 144 52 3 386 3 22 60 102 144 52 3 386 3 22 60 102 144 52 3 41 1 1 8 9 18 4 4 499 4 14 60 79 147 141 54 499 4 14 60 79 147 141 54 492 4 14 55 78 147 140 54 33 3 1 7 7 8 10 2 1 43 11 11 11 9 6 9 1 1 12 $1, 578 $1,564 301 2 286 731 1 711 4 1,182 1,172 2 1,642 1,637 3 2,159 2,133 2,937 2,920 8,303 8,278 1 2 1 $14 15 20 10 5 26 17 25 1,932 304 714 1,223 1, 663 2,164 3,023 5, 722 1,913 268 708 1,209 1,644 2,145 2,996 5,641 19 36 6 14 19 19 27 81 2,639 276 759 1,049 1, 591 2, 263 3,285 5, 952 2,615 276 732 1,009 1, 569 2,241 3,255 5,952 24 276 276 27 40 22 22 30 1 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money earnings from the specified source. 2 Includes only families which had net money earnings from roomers and boarders (i. e., whose gross in come from roomers and boarders exceeded estimated expenses). In addition, there were some families which had roomers and boarders but which had no net money earnings from them. 3 Includes net money earnings from roomers and boarders and from other work not attributable to indi viduals (casual work in home, such as laundry and sewing). Average net money earnings of all nonrelief families from other work not attributable to individuals were as follows: Wage-earner families, $2; clerical families, $2; business and professional families, $1. 334 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION BILLINGS* MONT. 4-4A.—Principal earners: N um ber of p rin c ip a l earners, classified as husbands, wives, and others, w ith weeks of em ploym ent and average yea rly earnings T able of p rin cip a l earners, by occupation and incom e, 1 98 5-36 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Number of principal earners Income class and occu pational group (1) Num ber of fam ilies (2) All occupations All families.. . ................... 1,550 141 Relief families..................... Nonrelief families *............. 1,409 11 $0-$249........................... $250-$499.............. 15 43 ___ $500-$749___ 76 $750-$999......................... 151 $1,000—$1,249............ 124 $1,250-$1,499_________ 157 $1,500-$1,749 162 $1,750-$1,999.............. . 128 $2,00Q-$2,249.............. .. 108 $2,250-$2,499................ 153 $2,500-$2,999.................. 164 $3,000-$3,999............ 54 $4,000-44,999................ 63 $5,000 and over Wage earner 481 All nonrelief families_____ 10 $0-$499 ........................... 68 $500-$999 . . 145 $1,000-$1,499 137 $1,500—$1,999 93 $2,000-$2,999 ________ 23 $3,000-$4,999 _____ $5,000 and over 5 Clerical 386 All nonrelief families_____ 3 $0-$499 22 $500-$999__..................... 60 $1,000-41,499.................. 102 $1,500-$1.999_________ 144 $2,000-$2,999.............. 52 $3,000-$4,999 __ $5,000 a n d o v e r 3 Business and professional 499 All nonrelief families_____ $0-$49Q 4 $500-$flflft 14 60 $1,000-41,499 ________ 79 $1,500-41,999_________ 147 $2,000-$2,999_________ 141 $3,000-$4,999_________ 54 $5,000 and over........... A ll3 Hus bands Wives Avorage weeks of employ ment of principal earners 1 Others Fe male (7) Male (3) (4) 1,502 133 1,369 4 14 36 70 144 121 155 162 126 108 151 162 54 62 1,407 115 1,292 3 13 33 61 136 114 149 158 118 101 145 153 49 59 39 9 30 1 1 3 5 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 40 6 34 16 3 13 3 3 5 2 5 3 4 3 4 2 1 1 1 5 I 2 2 480 10 67 145 137 93 23 5 460 9 fi2 140 136 88 20 5 6 1 3 I 1 13 1 2 5 4 2 1 386 3 22 60 102 144 52 3 357 2 18 54 97 134 49 3 12 1 3 2 2 3 1 12 5 1 32 4 2 1 1 3 492 4 14 55 78 147 140 54 464 4 11 51 74 141 132 5! 12 9 7 (5) (6) (S) Average earn ings of principal earners 2 All Hus bands (9) (10) 48 $1,769 31 436 50 1,899 17 138 31 295 37 552 44 775 49 1,044 49 1,209 50 1,414 51 1, 659 51 1, 796 51 2, 042 52 2, 202 51 2,597 52 3,498 52 5, 596 $1,817 458 1,938 164 308 571 794 1,058 1,232 1,427 1,667 1,830 2,104 2,238 2,658 3,603 5,692 48 21 40 48 50 50 51 52 1,430 281 705 1,126 1, 516 1,917 2, 242 7,080 1,455 298 720 1,142 1,520 1,960 2,379 7,080 50 39 43 50 51 52 52 52 l, 766 227 692 1,173 1,574 2,018 2, 572 3, 500 1,814 (*) 734 1,192 1,584 2,064 2, 628 3,500 2,482 2,537 248 248 2 1 720 711 1 3 1,061 l, 089 4 1, 534 1, 564 2 4 2,105 2,147 4 3 1 3,013 3,063 1 2 5,575 5,685 1 Averages in this column are based on the number of principal earners reporting weeks of employment. 2 Averages in this section of the table are based on the corresponding counts of principal earners in columns (3) and (4). 3 The total number of principal earners given in column (3) is equivalent to the total number of families having individual earners, since a family can have only one principal earner. The difference between the totals in columns (2) and (3) is explained by the fact that column (2), number of families, includes cases in which none of the family income was attributable to individual earners. * Includes 43 families classified in the occupational group “Other.” These families had 11 principal earners. *Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 51 43 44 51 50 52 52 52 335 TABULAR SUMMARY BILLINGS, MONT. T a b l e 5.— Number of earners in family: N um ber of fa m ilies w ith specified num ber of in dividu a l earners, fa m ily relation sh ip of sole earners, and average num ber of su pplem en tary earners per fa m ily , by incom e, 1 9 8 5 -3 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families with individual earners Incomo class (1) Families with more than one One only Num earner as ber of percent fam Oilher Four age of ilies Any Two Three or families family Hus Wife more with mem band any in Fe ber Male male dividual earner 1 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (3) (2) (11) All families.............. 1,550 Relief families........ 141 Nonrelief families.. 1, 409 11 $0-$249_________ 15 $250--$499.............. $500--$749.............. 43 $750-8999_______ 76 $1,000~$1,249____ 151 $1,250- -$1,499 „ 124 $1,500-$1,749__ 157 162 $1,750-81,999____ $2,000-$2,249 ___ 128 $2,250-$2,499____ 108 $2,500-82,999____ 153 $3,000-83,999____ 164 54 $4,000-84,999____ $5,000 and over.. 63 1,151 99 1,052 2 12 31 61 127 93 118 129 99 80 107 112 38 43 1,124 92 1,032 2 11 30 58 124 91 115 127 98 80 105 112 37 42 10 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 10 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 6 1 5 1 1 3 284 28 256 2 2 4 7 16 25 34 31 23 23 36 34 8 11 52 4 48 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 3 5 12 8 6 15 2 13 1 1 2 3 4 2 23 26 23 (t) (t) 14 13 12 23 24 20 21 26 29 31 30 31 Average number of supple mentary earners per family 1 (12) 0.29 .32 .29 .50 . 14 . 17 . 17 .12 .26 .20 .22 .25 .32 .37 .44 .44 .47 1 This percentage was computed by dividing the sum of columns (8), (9), (10) by column (4) of table 3 on p. 332. * Based on the number of families with individual earners, column (4) of table 3 on p. 332. t Percentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. 336 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B IL L IN G S , M O N T . 6.— Sole and su p p lem en tary earners: N u m ber o f fa m ilies w ith in d i vidu al earners; num ber o f su pplem en tary earners classified as husban ds , wives, and others; average earnings of su pplem en tary earners; and average earnings of fa m ily from supplem en tary earners; by incom e, 193 5-86 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families with individual earners Income class Num ber of fam ilies (1) (2) All families............. Relief families___ Nonrelief families. $0-$249................. $250-$499......... $500-$749............. $750-$999______ $1,000-$1,249----$1,250-$1,499----$1,500-$1,749___ $1,75G-$1,999..__ $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499.. . . $2,50O-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over.. Number of supplementary earners Aver age earn One only Others4 ings of all More supple Hus Wives Any Any than All bands mentary family Hus one3 Fe earn Male male mem band ers 1 ber (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (ID (12) 1,550 1,502 1,151 1,124 141 133 99 92 1,409 1,369 1,052 1,032 11 2 4 2 12 11 15 14 43 36 31 30 76 70 61 58 151 144 127 124 124 121 93 91 157 155 118 115 162 162 129 127 99 98 128 126 80 80 108 108 153 151 107 105 164 162 112 112 38 37 54 54 43 42 63 62 351 34 317 2 2 6 9 17 28 37 33 27 28 44 50 16 19 436 43 393 2 2 6 12 18 31 41 35 31 35 56 71 24 29 55 9 46 1 1 6 4 3 3 2 6 5 3 7 4 1 139 139 103 17 12 5 122 127 98 1 1 1 i 2 2 2 2 2 8 3 3 14 11 3 21 8 9 3 23 7 8 10 7 10 10 10 12 20 21 15 28 21 1 8 11 8 4 16 $492 154 529 (*) (•) 94 93 195 239 351 387 466 416 535 789 816 1,126 Aver age earn ings per family from supple mentary earn ers 2 (13) $138 47 148 12 10 13 15 23 60 92 84 113 135 196 342 362 518 1 Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in column (7). 2 Averages in this column are based on the number of families as shown in column (2). * Families that have supplementary earners. 4 Includes 9 males and no females under 16 years of age. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 337 TABULAR SUMMARY BILLINGS, MONT. 6 A . — Sole and supplementary earners: N u m ber of fa m ilies w ith in d i vidu al earners; num ber o f su pplem en tary earners classified as husbandst wives, and others; average earnings o f su pplem en tary earners; and average earnings of fa m ily from supplem en tary earners; by occupation and incom e, 1 98 5-36 T able [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Num Income class and oc ber of fam cupational group ilies (1) Wage earner All nonrelief families __ $0-$499...................... ....... $500-$999.............. ........... $1,000-$1,499__________ $1,500-11,999__________ $2,000-$2,999__________ $3,000-$4,999__________ $5,000 and over _ Clerical All nonrelief families. _ $0-$499.................. ......... $500-$999 $1,000-$1,499__________ $1,500-$1,999__________ $2,000-$2,999__________ $3,000-$4,999__________ $5,000 and over__ Business and profes sional All nonrelief families. _ $0-$499.............................. $500-$999____ ________ $1,000-$1,499______ .. $1,500-$1,999__________ $2,000-$2,999__________ $3,000-$4,999__________ $5,000 and over_______ Other All nonrelief families. _ (2) Number of families with individual earners Number of supplementary earners Others4 One More Hus Wives than All bands Any only one 3 Fe Male male (8) (9) (10) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 481 10 68 145 137 93 23 5 480 10 67 145 137 93 23 5 361 9 59 117 98 64 10 4 119 1 8 28 39 29 13 1 148 1 12 31 43 39 21 1 14 61 3 4 1 4 2 2 16 27 13 3 386 3 22 60 102 144 52 3 386 3 22 60 102 144 52 3 299 1 19 52 85 110 32 87 2 3 8 17 34 20 3 101 2 3 8 17 39 27 5 16 1 2 2 2 6 3 499 4 14 60 79 147 141 54 492 4 14 55 78 147 140 54 383 3 11 46 64 112 108 39 109 1 3 9 14 35 32 15 142 1 3 10 16 43 46 23 16 43 11 9 2 2 2 1 2 4 6 1 40 1 4 6 9 11 8 1 33 35 1 1 4 11 8 9 1 34 16 1 1 15 13 4 1 3 10 2 25 1 1 2 6 8 4 3 52 49 7 6 14 14 11 2 17 22 8 1 1 3 5 6 11 8 Average earnings of all supple mentary earners 1 Average earnings per family from supple mentary earners2 (ID (12) $445 (*) 96 215 386 508 740 (*) $137 5 17 46 121 213 676 1,200 559 121 263 420 461 825 1,284 146 40 16 35 70 125 428 2,140 592 (*) 55 215 262 468 804 880 168 28 12 36 53 137 262 375 (*) (*) 41 1 Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of supplementary earners in column (6). 2 Averages in this column are based on the number of families as shown in column (2). 2 Families that have supplementary earners. 4 Includes persons under 16 years of age as follows: Wage-earner families, 3 males and no females; clerical families, 1 male and no females; business and professional families, 3 males and no females. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 7.— Earnings of supplementary earners: 338 T able BILLINGS, MONT. N um ber of supplem entary earners w ith earnings of specified am ount , by fa m ily incom e , 1 98 5-36 [White families including husband and wife, both native bom: All occupational groups and all family types combined] (1) All families _____________ Relief families ________ Nonrelief families_____ $0~$249__ ____________ $250-$499_____ _______ $500-$749_____ _______ $750-$999_____________ $1,000-$1,249__________ $1,250-$1,499__________ $1,500-$1,749.......... ......... $1,750-$1,999__________ $2,000-$2,249__________ $2,250-$2,499__________ $2,500-$2,999__________ $3,000-$3,999__________ $4,000-$4,999__________ $5,000 and over_______ (2) 351 34 317 2 2 5 9 17 28 37 33 27 28 44 50 16 19 (3) $492 154 529 (*) (*) 94 93 195 239 351 387 466 416 535 789 816 1,126 ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. (4) 436 43 393 2 2 6 12 18 31 41 35 31 35 56 71 24 29 (5) 41 11 30 1 1 4 3 5 6 2 1 2 2 1 2 (6) (7) 37 9 28 1 1 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 4 L 66 9 57 1 1 4 4 4 9 7 3 4 5 7 3 3 2 (8) (10) (9) (12) (11) 37 7 30 36 4 32 31 2 29 35 1 34 3 2 1 6 3 2 7 3 2 1 1 2 3 5 5 4 6 1 2 2 1 2 4 4 3 4 4 7 1 1 2 8 4 5 4 7 2 1 (13) (14) $900- $1,000- $1,500- $2,000 and $999 $1,499 $1,999 over (15) (16) (17) (18) 28 46 10 13 42 12 2 28 46 10 13 42 12 2 1 5 2 1 4 4 9 2 1 2 6 7 1 9 14 2 4 1 1 1 2 4 1 3 2 5 1 2 2 1 7 15 9 8 5 2 5 2 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Number Average Number of supplementary earners with earnings of of families earnings with any of supple supple Any Under $50-$99 $100- $200- $300- $400- $500- $600- $700- $800mentary mentary $199 $299 $399 $499 $599 $699 $799 $899 earners earners amount $50 T a b l e 8. —H usbands as earners: B IL L IN G S , M O N T . N um ber and average yea rly earnings of husbands classified as 'principal or supplem entary earners , by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Supplementary earners by age groups Principal earners by age groups Income class (1) Un 65 and 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Any Under 20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 over Any der 20 (10) (ID (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (6) (7) (8) (2) (3) (4) (5) (9) 65 and over (25) All families_________ 1,405 R e lie f fa m ilies 115 Nonrelief families.— 1,290 3 $0-$249 13 $250-$499 ___ $500-$749 33 $750-$999 61 $1,000-$1,249 136 $1,250-$1,499 113 $1,500-$1,749. _ 149 $1,750-SI,999 158 $2,000-$2,249 118 $2,250-$2,499 101 $2,500-$2,999 145 152 $3,000-$3,999 $4,000-$4,999 49 $5,000 and over.. 59 2 1 1 46 10 36 177 6 171 198 25 173 1 1 4 5 9 4 8 3 2 6 12 26 28 37 27 13 8 5 4 1 2 2 4 10 21 19 24 29 21 13 11 11 1 1 4 4 218 13 205 1 7 8 15 15 32 33 21 16 19 26 7 5 202 22 180 1 2 8 17 14 10 21 21 20 21 24 9 12 203 14 189 161 8 153 79 4 75 68 6 62 2 5 7 13 16 7 16 17 21 38 28 8 11 2 15 8 13 12 11 11 23 34 8 12 2 1 2 6 5 6 3 7 4 15 12 5 7 2 1 2 7 2 10 6 5 5 6 9 2 5 4 51 6 45 1 2 1 3 7 1 2 8 2 2 7 3 5 1 55 9 46 1 1 6 4 3 3 2 6 5 3 7 4 1 2 4 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 4 1 3 5 2 3 1 1 1 10 3 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 ' 10 1 4 9 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 TABULAR SUMMARY Number of husbands 1 2 Average earnings of husbands 2 All nonrelief families. $1,938 (*) $1,163 $1,530 $1,833 $1,917 $2,173 $2,110 $2,137 $2,021 $2,282 $1, 674 $658 (*) $924 (*) $852 $540 j$377 $695 $991 $326 $532 1 Excludes 2 principal earners who did not report age. * Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of husbands in the upper section of the table; the 2 averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total numbers of husbands, including those who did not report age. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. CC 00 CO B IL L IN G S , M O N T . 9.— Wives as earners: N um ber and average yearly earnings of wives classified as p rin cip a l or supplem entary earners , by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 9 3 5 -8 6 340 T able [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Principal earners by age groups i (1) 65 and Any Un Any Under 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65over der 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 80-64 and over (2) (4) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (ID (12) (13) (14) (15) 06) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) 20 20 Number of wives All families................. R .A liA f ff l.m il ia s Nonrelief families.. _r $0-$249 $25ft-$4Q9 $/50ft-$749 $750-$Q99 $1,000-$1,249 $1,250-$1,499 $1,500-$1,749 $1,750-$1,999 $2,000-$2,249 $2,250-$2,499 $2,500-$2,999 $3,000-$3,999 $4t0OO-$4,999 $5,000 and over.. 39 9 30 11 3 5 4 1 221 22 4 11 4 6 1 4 5 2 1 1i 1 11 1 5 5 21 1 2 2 5 2 3 1 1 7 3 4 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 22 139 17 122 1 1 2 1 1482 21 23 10128 15 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 i l l 1 14 25 122 232 2 3 3 4 1 6 2 21 5 3 3 30 5 25 11 1 3 3 6 243 1 23 212 1 11 4 3 21 25 1 16 15 7 5 1 2 1 2 15 13 6 3 1 4 4 1 11 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 3 12 1 1 1 11 2 3 4 2 2 Average earnings of w ives1 All nonrelief families. $1,122 1 $840 $1,254 $886 $718 (*) $1,229 (*) (*) (*) (*) $468 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Supplementary earners by age groups $255 $402 $402 $591 $661 $696 $167 $269 $369 Averages for each age group are based on the corresponding numbers of wives in the upper section of the table; the two averages for all age groups combined are based on the corresponding total number of wives. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. B IL L IN G S , M O N T . T able 10.—Money income other than earnings: N um ber of fa m ilies receiving m oney incom e other than earnings, received , by source and total incom e , 1 98 5 -3 6 1 and average am ount [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and ail family types combined] Income class (1) (2) 1,550 141 1,409 11 15 43 76 151 124 157 102 128 108 153 164 54 63 source (3) 409 25 384 3 5 12 18 23 27 32 35 29 29 46 62 26 37 Rent from Interest property and divi(net) dends (5) (4) 177 4 173 1 2 3 5 8 14 12 14 12 12 25 31 11 23 Average money income, other than earnings, received from 2— Rent from Interest Pensions, Gifts for Miscel Pensions, Gifts for AA l11l property and divi annuities, current laneous annuities, current sources sources3 (net) dends benefits use use benefits (13) (12) (9) (10) (6) (7) (8) (11) 136 1 135 66 5 61 2 3 10 8 10 10 8 16 13 24 14 17 1 4 10 8 4 6 4 7 2 6 5 1 3 39 4 35 2 2 2 1 4 1 3 5 5 1 3 4 1 1 $131 37 141 45 80 110 102 58 62 49 50 92 56 136 190 257 1,066 $65 3 71 14 20 21 17 15 30 16 15 25 18 81 111 74 743 $24 (**) 27 $20 15 21 14 1 11 12 12 4 22 20 17 26 145 181 24 46 74 31 14 16 4 22 3 21 25 1 15 $5 3 5 31 36 (**) 28 1 (**) (•*) 6 14 (**) (**) 5 4 10 $17 16 17 i 10 (**> 6 5 21 9 15 17 23 33 117 TABULAR SUMMARY All families................ ..................................... Relief families_________ _______ _______ Nonrelief families................................ ......... $0-$249....................................................... $250-$499............................. ...................... $500-$749................................................. $750-$999.................................................... $1,000-$1,249............................................ $1,250-$1,499-....................... ............... $1,500-$1,749...................................... $1,750-$1,999.............................................. $2,000-$2,249......................................____ $2,250-$2,499............... ............................. $2,500-$2,999.............................................. $3,000-$3,999.......................................... $4,000-$4,999__....................................... $5,000 and over......................................... Number of families Number of families receiving money income other than earnings from— i See glossary for definition of “money income other than earnings.” 3 Averages are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received money income other than earnings. * Includes money income other than earnings from sources other than those specified, including profits from business enterprises partially or wholly owned but not operated by family members. See glossary for further definition of “profits.” **$0.50 or less. 00 T able 11.—Nonmoney income from owned homes: Num ber of fa m ilies owning homes w ith and without m ortgages; average rental value , average expense , and average nonm oney incom e from home ow nership; by incom e , 1 93 5-36 342 B IL L IN G S , M O N T . [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families (1) All fam ilies.................................. Relief families....... ....................... N onrelief families......................... $0-$249...................................... $250-$499................................ . $500-$749................................ . $750-$999__............................... $1,000-$1,249........................... $1,250-$1,499........................... $1,500-$1,749........................... $1,750-$1,999............................ $2,000-$2,249........................... $2,250-$2,499.............. ............. $2,500-$2,999........................... $3,000-$3,999____ _________ $4,000-$4,999____ _________ $5,000 and over.._________ All Owning homes 1 (2) (3) 1, 550 141 1,409 11 15 43 76 151 124 157 162 128 108 153 164 54 63 640 29 611 3 2 8 23 39 45 44 53 62 57 96 94 35 50 Families owning homes free from mortgage Families owning mortgaged homes Average Average expense 3 Average Interest Average Average Average as per nonnon rental rental money money ofcentage value 2 rental value2 expense3 income 4 income 4 value Number Percent Number Percent Interest Other age 5 age 5 (13) (12) (9) GO) (11) (8) (4) (5) (6) (7) (15) (14) 303 15 288 1 6 11 18 16 16 22 26 22 46 50 22 32 47 (t) 47 (t) (t) (t) 46 36 36 42 42 39 48 53 63 64 $439 230 450 (*) 244 310 303 329 338 393 396 433 471 503 598 630 $114 77 116 (*) 77 92 91 96 97 107 107 113 120 125 141 148 $325 153 334 (*) 167 218 212 233 241 286 289 320 351 378 457 482 337 14 323 2 2 2 12 21 29 28 31 36 35 50 44 13 18 53 (t) 53 (t) (t) (t) (t) 54 64 64 58 58 61 52 47 37 36 $435 293 441 (*) (*) (*) 332 323 317 351 354 494 444 490 565 554 579 $117 94 118 (*) (*) (*)118 79 97 118 98 130 106 136 143 95 150 $112 89 113 (*) (*) (*) 93 92 91 97 95 123 115 122 136 132 137 $206 no 210 (*) (*) (*) 121 152 129 136 161 241 223 232 286 327 292 27 32 27 13 33 35 35 24 30 34 28 26 24 28 25 17 26 1 Includes all families occupying owned homes at any time during the report year. 2 Based on estimate made by home owner, for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. This period averages, in general, approximately 12 months. 3 Expense for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Expense other than interest, columns (.7) and (13), estimated on basis of average relationship between rental value and expense. 4 Nonmoney income for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Obtained by deducting estimated expense (including interest) from rental value. 5 Based on number of families owning homes, column (3). fPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. *Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Mortgaged homes Homes free from mortgage T a b l e 1 2 .— Monthly rental value: B IL L IN G S , M O N T . N um ber of hom e-owning fa m ilies having homes w ith specified m onthly rental value , by incom e , 1 9 8 5 - 8 6 t 78127' [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1) ( 2) (3) 1,452 127 1,325 10 14 39 69 140 113 147 151 126 100 147 154 54 61 617 27 590 3 2 7 21 37 43 43 51 59 54 94 92 35 49 (4) (5) 42 21 44 (t) (t) Average Number of home-owning families reporting monthly rental value of— monthly rental value of owned Under $5-$9 $10-$14 $15-$19 $20-$24 $25-$29 $30-$34 $35-$39 $40~$44 $45-$54 $55-$74 $75 and over homes 2 $5 18 30 26 38 29 34 47 54 64 60 65 80 $37.90 21.30 38. 70 15.00 (*) 24. 70 28. 80 27. 30 28. 40 30. 50 33. 60 39. 30 38.10 41.10 45.10 49. 90 52.00 (6) (8) (7) 3 1 2 2 (10) (9) 10 6 4 1 1 1 1 (11) 34 6 28 1 2 2 6 6 5 2 2 1 40 4 36 1 1 2 2 7 7 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 (12) 72 4 68 60 3 57 1 3 9 10 7 8 10 7 9 3 1 2 7 5 8 11 3 7 7 6 1 (13) 87 (14) (15) 87 85 2 83 159 159 1 3 2 6 11 9 7 9 19 16 2 2 7 3 6 1 6 11 7 18 16 4 4 1 2 3 6 9 15 16 30 36 19 22 (17) (16) 56 1 55 11 11 1 7 4 9 14 5 15 1 1 1 1 3 TABULAR SUMMARY All families----------Relief families____ Nonrelief families.. $0-$249_______ $250-$499........... $500-$749.......... $750-$999_____ $1,000-$1,249— $1,250-$1,499— $1,500-$1,749— $1,750-$1,999... $2,000-$2,249.__ $2,250-$2,499.__ $2,500-$2,999._. $3,000-$3,999__ $4,000-$4,999__ $5,000 and over. Number Home-owning families of home owning and rent ing fam Number Percent ilies age3 4 i Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. * Based on estimate made by home-owner for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families, as of end of report year, column (3). s Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2). •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. tPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. 343 13.— Monthly rent: ( 1) All families.............. Relief families......... Nonrelief families.. $0-$249___.......... $250-$499............ $600-$749............ $750-$999_____ $1,000-$1,249_._ $1,250-$1,499___ $1,500-$1,749___ $1,750-$1,999___ $2,000-$2,249__. $2,250-$2,499.__ $2,500-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,999__ $4,000-$4,999__ $5,000 and over. , 1 Num Renting Number of renting families repoiting monthly rent of— families ber of Average homeowning monthly Per- rent2 Under and $10- $15- $20- $25- $30- $35- $10- $45- $55renting Nuracent$5 5>o~ipy $14 $19 $24 $29 $34 $39 $44 $54 $74 families ber age3 (8) (6) (7) (4) (5) (2) (3) (9) 00) 01) 02) 03) 04) 05) 06) 1,452 127 1,325 10 14 39 69 140 113 147 151 126 100 147 154 54 61 835 100 735 7 12 32 48 103 70 104 100 67 46 53 62 19 12 58 79 56 (t) (t) 82 70 74 62 71 66 53 46 36 40 35 20 $28.20 15.80 29.90 21.00 16.50 21.40 20.80 23.50 26.10 27.60 30.00 34.30 34.90 38.20 40.70 47.10 43.30 15 9 6 1 1 1 2 1 69 38 31 1 4 7 5 11 1 1 1 90 28 62 3 2 1 16 18 7 9 3 1 1 1 131 11 120 5 7 13 24 17 23 15 6 4 2 4 153 9 144 1 10 5 28 25 24 25 10 5 6 3 1 1 104 104 2 4 9 9 22 25 11 7 9 6 $75 Rent over free4 07) 08) 96 4 92 81 1 80 75 16 1 4 75 16 1 4 2 2 2 2 4 15 17 22 12 7 6 1 2 1 1 4 4 3 8 9 11 14 17 4 4 1 4 1 6 6 6 6 14 20 8 3 1 1 1 2 1 5 4 2 1 1 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or is renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Rent reported at date of interview. Averages are based on the number of renting families in each class that reported monthly rent, including families receiving rent free, the amount of which was estimated by the family. 3 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families, column (2). 4 Consists of families receiving rent as gift. fPercentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. WEST CENTRAL-ROOKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class , N u m b e r o f re n tin g fa m ilie s re p o r tin g sp e c ifie d m o n th ly r e n t b y in c o m e 1 9 3 5 -8 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] 344 T able B IL L IN G S , M O N T . B IL L IN G S , M O N T . T able 14A.—Average monthlyrental rentalvalue, value and average monthly rent: N um ber of hom e-owning and renting fa m ilies, average m onthly and average m onthly rent, by occupation and incom e, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 1 [White nonrelief families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Occupational group: Wage earner Income class All nonrelief families $0-$499________ __________ $500-$999............................. $1,000-$1,499___________ $1,500-$1,999___________ $2,000-$2,999....................... $3,000-$4,999___________ $5,000 and over_________ Percentage of home-owning and renting families 1 Average monthly— Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families3 Average monthly— Occupational group: Business and professional Number of families Percentage of home-owning and renting families2 Average monthly— Home Rent Home Rent Rental Home Rent Home Rent Rental TJ ati 4* 4 Home Rent Home Rent Rental owning ing owning ing value 3 rwcni * owning ing owning ing value3 R en t4 owning ing owning ing value3 (17) (18) (2) (3) (4) (16) (6) (8) (9) (10) (12) (13) (7) (14) (5) (11) (15) 162 1 15 37 38 53 16 2 283 8 50 93 87 37 6 2 36 (t) 23 28 30 59 (t) (t) 64 $30.90 $24.20 (* ) 14.20 (t) 77 28.90 20.80 72 24.80 21.80 70 26.90 26.00 41 34.90 30.60 41.90 30.00 (t) (t) (•) (*) 149 1 15 26 78 28 1 222 3 17 43 74 61 22 2 40 (t) 26 26 56 56 (t) 60 $39. 60 $31. 30 21.70 (t) 20.40 (t) (*) 26.40 74 29.90 74 32.00 30.80 44 41.90 35.70 44 46.10 39.90 (t) C) (*) 259 1 3 26 30 72 82 45 211 3 8 31 42 67 52 8 55 (t) (t) 46 42 52 61 85 45 $43.80 (t) (*) 29.00 (t) 54 30.60 58 39.00 48 41.60 39 47.60 15 52.90 'P a6Qn tI 41 IV 09) $36.30 16.30 23.40 28.90 30.40 38.50 44.70 44.00 TABULAR SUMMARY (1) Number of families Occupational group: Clerical 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Families are classified as home-owning families or as renting families according to their status at the date of interview. 2 Based on the number of home-owning and renting families in the respective occupational groups. 3 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during the report year. Averages are based on the number of home owning families as of end of report year. 4 Rent as reported at date of interview. Averages in this column are based on the number of families reporting monthly rent, including families receiving rent as gift, the amount of which is estimated by the family. * Of the families classified in the occupational group “Other,” 39 did not change their living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. Of the latter group, 20 families were owning families. Their average monthly rental value was $27.50. The remaining 19 families were renting families. Their average monthly rent was $28.60. fPercentage not computed for fewer than 30 cases. ‘Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. CO O* 346 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B IL L IN G S , M O N T . T able 15-16.—Type of living quarters: N um ber an d percentage of ow ning renting fa m ilies occupying specified types of living quarters , by tenure and and incom e , 1935—36 1 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class (1) Owning families, all. Relief families........... Nonrelief families. __ $0-$249................. $250-$499.............. $500-$749.............. $750-$999— ........ $1,000-$1,249___ $1.250-$1,499___ $1,500-$1,749___ $1,750-$1,999___ $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499___ $2,500-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over.. Renting families, allRelief families........... N onrelief families... $0-$249................. $250-$499............. $500-$749............. $750-$999.............. $1,000-$1,249.__. $1,250-$1,499___ $1,500-SI,749___ $1,750-$1,999___ $2,000-$2,249___ $2,250-$2,499___ $2,500-$2,999___ $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999___ $5,000 and over.. Number of families occupying— Percentage of families occupying *— Num ber of One- TwoOne- Twofamilies family family Apart Other 2 family family Apart Other3 house house ment house house ment (6) (3) (4) (7) (10) (2) (8) (9) (5) 617 27 590 3 2 7 21 37 43 43 51 59 54 94 92 35 49 835 100 735 7 12 32 48 103 70 104 100 67 46 53 62 19 12 564 25 539 2 2 5 20 31 38 42 49 53 51 84 85 32 45 513 71 442 3 6 19 28 60 35 64 65 38 27 36 37 16 8 30 2 28 1 1 3 5 1 1 4 1 4 5 1 1 109 11 98 1 2 5 3 19 6 13 15 13 7 6 8 20 20 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 3 194 17 177 2 3 7 16 20 25 25 20 15 12 9 16 3 4 3 3 1 91 (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) 2 19 1 18 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 2 1 (t) (t) (t) (t) 91 (t) 5 3 1 5 3 1 5 3 (t) (t) 84 88 98 96 90 94 90 92 91 92 62 71 60 8 12 2 2 7 2 4 6 3 2 13 11 13 59 59 58 50 62 65 57 59 68 59 (t) (t) 16 6 19 8 12 15 19 15 11 13 (t) (t) 2 3 4 4 2 6 6 23 17 24 (t) (t) 22 33 19 36 24 20 22 26 17 26 (t) (t) 2 2 1 3 (t) (t) 3 2 4 6 2 2 4 2 1 Includes only those families that did not change living quarters between the end of the report year and the date of interview. 2 Percentages are based on number of families in each class, column (2). 3 Includes dwelling units in business buildings, other types of living quarters not elsewhere specified, and unknown types of living quarters. t Percentages not computed for fewer than 30 cases. BILLINGS, MONT. T able 17.— M em bers of household n ot in econom ic fam ily: N um ber of fa m ilies having persons in the household who were not m em bers of the economic fa m ily , and average num ber of such n on fam ily m em bers , by incom e , 1 93 5-36 IWhite families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Number of families having in the household nonfamily members of Average number of nonfamily members of specified type * (based on families having such members) specified typ e1 Income class All families.............. Relief families........ Nonrelief families.. $0-$249............... $250-$499........... $500-$749........... $750-$999........... $1,000-$1,249— $1,250~$1,499— $1,500-$1,749— $l,750-$l,999-._ $2,000-$2,249-_ $2,250-$2,499— $2,500-$2,999... $3,000-$3,999___ $4,000-$4,999_._ $5,000 and over (2) 1,550 141 1,409 11 15 43 76 151 124 157 162 128 108 153 164 54 63 Occupying rooms on nontransient basis Any non family Sons and Other mem daughters roomers ber rooming with and boarding board (3) 733 32 701 (4) (5) Occupying rooms on non transient basis Room ers with Paid help out board (6) (7) Board Tour All ers ists non with and Guests family Sons and Other mem daughters roomers out tran room sients bers rooming with and boarding board (13) ( 12) ( 10) (8) (9) (ID 605 67 3 138 22 583 0.5 1.1 (*) (*) (*) '(*)'' "(Vf (*) 1.2 .9 1.3 (*) .5 1.4 .8 .9 1.0 .9 2.0 3.4 1.2 (*) Room ers with Paid help out board (14) 05) Board Tour ers ists with and Guests out tran room sients (16) 1.1 1.4 0.6 (" ) 0.9 (*) (*) (*) 1.9 1.1 .9 (*) .7 .8 1.4 .7 (,).4 .9 .5 .4 .4 .7 .5 (*) (*) (*).3 1.1 8 .6 .8 .7 .8 07) (18) (*) 0.2 (*) .2 .2 (*) C) '(*)'■ (**) .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .3 347 1 Excludes a small number of families which had nonfamily members in the household but which did not report the duration of their membership. 2 Averages in each column are based on the corresponding counts of families, in columns (3) through (10). The number of nonfamily members is expressed in terms of yearequivalent persons. This figure is computed for each family by dividing by 52 the total number of weeks of residence in the household for all nonmembers of the economic family. *Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. ** 0.05 or less. TABULAR SUMMARY 1 ( ) Num ber of fami lies 348 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION B IL L IN G S , M O N T . T able 18.— Age of husbands and wives: N um ber of husbands and num ber of wives, by age and fa m ily incom e , 1 93 5 -3 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All occupational groups and all family types combined] Income class Num ber reporting age 1 Under 20-29 20 (1 ) (2 ) (4) (3) Number with ages of— 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-64 65-69 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) and 70-74 75over GO) (ID Husbands All families............... 1,548 Percentage............... 100.0 141 Relief families.......... Nonrelief fam ilies.. 1,407 11 $0-$249 .................. 15 $250-$499................ 43 $500-$749............... $750-$999.._.......... 76 $1,000-$1,249.......... 151 $1,250-$1,499.......... 123 $1,500-$1,749.......... 157 162 f9lnnn-$9I940 128 108 $2,250-$2,499.......... $2,500-$2,999.......... 153 163 $3,000-$3,999.......... $4,000-$4,999.......... 54 63 $5,000 and over... 2 0.1 1 1 229 U .8 16 213 429 27.7 39 390 3 19 35 32 45 31 14 10 5 6 1 2 13 19 40 35 57 62 42 29 31 38 12 9 10 1 1 2 424 27.4 43 381 3 3 9 17 31 30 17 37 39 41 60 54 17 23 275 17.8 81 5.2 59 3.8 255 20 75 6 49 2 2 3 3 5 8 3 3 8 23 14 19 17 22 19 39 51 14 22 10 1 2 2 7 5 6 9 3 5 9 4 5 5 3 3 8 4 3 1 54 3.5 4 50 1 1 3 3 6 3 4 5 5 2 7 6 4 32 2.1 4 28 1 2 3 1 6 1 4 1 2 3 1 3 11 6 28 1.8 3 25 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 3 21 1.4 3 18 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 10 0.6 2 8 1 7 0.5 2 Wives All families............... 1,547 Percentage............... 100.0 R A liof fftmilifts 141 Nonrelief fam ilies.. 1,406 11 $0 $249 ................ .$9AO-$4QQ .... 15 43 $500-$749................ $7Kft-$Q0Q 76 151 $1,000-$1,249.......... 123 $1,250-$1,499.......... 157 $1,500-$1,749.......... $1,7JiA-$1r0QQ 162 128 $2,000-$2,249-........ 108 153 163 $4)nnO-$4,999 54 62 $.5,000and over... 12 0.8 7 5 i 1 1 2 392 25. S 37 355 464 SO.O 34 430 5 18 30 55 51 65 52 25 24 14 11 3 2 4 1 10 13 33 30 49 62 48 37 51 53 17 22 381 2 4 .6 85 346 3 1 4 18 34 24 13 28 32 35 49 65 18 22 i Excludes 2 husbands and 3 wives who did not report age. 195 12.6 18 177 4 5 10 14 11 20 13 17 8 27 26 7 15 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 349 TABULAR SUMMARY B IL L IN G S , M O N T n T able 19.— R eport year: N um ber and percentage distribu tion of fa m ilies by date of end of report yea r1 by occupation, 1 98 5 -3 6 [White families including husband and wife, both native born: All family types combined] Nonrelief families in specified occupational groups All Relief Date of end of fami fami report year lies lies (1) (2) (3) Business and professional All Independent Salaried Wage Cleri busi All earner Other cal ness and Busi Profes Busi Profes profes ness sional ness sional sional (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (11) Number of families All dates______ 1, 550 Dec. 31,1935___ 859 Jan. 31,1936___ Feb. 29,1936 ._ 17 29 Mar. 31,1936... Apr. 30,1936.... 51 43 May 31,1936... 94 June 30,1936... July 31,1936— . 258 Aug. 31,1936.... 111 Sept. 30,1936... 79 8 Oct. 31,1936.... 1 Nov. 30,1936... 141 1,409 79 780 2 15 3 26 8 43 37 6 11 83 23 235 6 105 3 76 8 1 481 280 6 10 21 11 30 87 23 11 2 386 204 3 5 10 12 24 69 38 19 2 214 135 1 5 5 2 14 28 8 15 1 31 13 100 63 (t) 2 2 1 7 13 4 7 (t) 100 42 499 268 5 9 12 14 27 72 42 45 4 1 1 8 7 2 177 85 3 2 4 9 10 27 15 22 77 35 1 2 3 2 3 9 12 6 3 1 43 28 1 2 100 48 2 ’1 2 5 6 15 9 12 100 45 1 2 4 2 4 12 16 8 4 1 100 65 2 5 2 7 2 1 Percentage All dates______ 100 Dec. 31,1935— _ 55 Jan. 31,1936 Feb. 29,1 9 3 6 1 2 Mar. 31, 1936. _. 3 Apr. 30,1 9 3 6 3 M ay 31,1936... 6 June 30,1936. . 17 July 31,1936-.-. 7 Aug. 31, 1936. . . 5 Sept. 30,1936. „ 1 Oct. 31,1936----Nov. 30,1936... (t) t0.5 percent or less. 100 57 1 2 6 4 8 16 4 2 100 55 1 2 3 3 6 17 7 5 1 (t) 100 58 1 2 5 2 6 18 5 2 (t) 100 53 1 1 3 3 6 18 10 5 (t) 100 54 1 2 2 3 5 14 8 9 1 (t) 3 26 23 6 5 16 5 2 SECTION C. IN CO M PLETE N A T I V E W H IT E FAMILIES A N D F O R E IG N -B O R N W H IT E , N E G R O , A N D O T H E R C O L O R FAMILIES, COM PLETE A N D IN CO M PLETE Number o f Families Scheduled, Sources o f Income, Principal and Supplementary Earners, R en t or Rental Value, According to Family Income, Occupational Group, and Family T ype, 1935-36 The distribution of families by income, color and nativity groups, occupational group, and family type as shown in tables 1-3 of this section represents the number of families which furnished the infor mation as indicated. The remaining tables in this section present data on family income, earners, and housing for families not included in the main body (sec. B) of the Tabular Summary. They show the distribution for native white incomplete families, and for foreign-born white, Negro, and other color families, both complete and incomplete. Because the data on these special groups are based on samples of different sizes, no valid combinations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory notes of section A. 350 351 TABULAR SUMMARY CONTENTS 1. C o l o r a n d N a t iv it y G r o u p s b y I n c o m e : Number of families scheduled of specified color and nativity, by income, 1935-36___ 2. O c c u p a t io n a l G r o u p s : Number of families scheduled of specified occupational groups, by color, nativity, and income, 1935-36 __ 3. F a m il y T y p e s : Number of fami lies scheduled of specified types, by color, nativity, and income, 1935-36_____________________ 4. S o u r c e s o f F a m il y I n c o m e : Num ber of families scheduled receiv ing income from specified sources, and average amount of such in come, by color, nativity, and income, 1935-36______________ 5. P r in c ip a l E a r n e r s : Number of principal earners scheduled, by sex, with average weeks of em ployment, and average annual earnings, by color, nativity, and income, 1935-36______________ 6. N u m b e r o f E a r n e r s i n F a m i l y : Number of families scheduled with specified number of indi vidual earners, number and aver age earnings of supplementary earners, and average earnings of family from supplementary earners, by color, nativity, and income, 1935-36______________ 7. A v e r a g e M o n t h l y R e n t a l V a l u e and A verage M onthly R e n t : Number of home-owning Billings, Mont. Butte, Mont. Dubuque, Iowa Pueblo, Colo. Springfield, Mo. Omaha, Nebr.-Council Bluffs, Iowa Table Denver, Colo. Page 352 359 366 373 380 387 394 353 360 367 374 381 388 395 354 361 368 375 382 389 396 355 362 369 376 383 390 397 356 363 370 377 384 391 398 357 364 371 378 385 392 399 and renting families scheduled, average monthly rental value, and average monthly rent, b}' color, nativitv, and income, 1935-36____ 1_______________ 358 365 372 379 386 393 400 352 T a ble WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DENVER, COLO. n a tiv ity g ro u p s by in c o m e : N um ber of fa m ilies scheduled of specified color and n ativity, by incom e, 1 9 3 5 -3 6 1 1.—C olor a n d Foreign-born white Native white Income class (1) Relief and nonrelief families * All families..................................... $0-$249....................................... $250-$499_____________________ $500-$749_____________________ $750-$999_____________________ $1,000-$1,249_____________ ____ $1,250-$1,499_...............................— $1,500-$1,749__............................. $1,750-SI,999— _______________ $2,000-$2,249___________ ______ $2,250-$2,499.................................. $2,500-$2,999................... ................ $3,000-$3,499.................................... $3,500-$3,999________ _____ ___ $4,000-$4,499___________ ______ $4,500-$4,999................................... $5,000-$7,499__________________ $7,500-$9,999................. ................... $10,000 and over______________ Nonrelief families All families__________ _______ _ $0-$249_....................................— . $250-$499_____________________ $500-$749._____ _______________ $750-$999_________________ $1,000-$1,249__________________ $1,250-$1,499__________________ $1,500-$1,749____________ _____ $1,750-$!,999................................. $2,000-82,249____________ _____ $2,250-$2,499„._______________ $2,500~$2,999__________________ $3,000-$3,499__................................ $3,500-$3,999_______ __________ $4,000-$4,499.................................... $4,500-$4,999_............................... $5,000-$7,499____________ _____ $7,500-$9,999__________________ $10,000 and over______________ Other color3 (7) (8) Incom plete (3) 8,572 233 475 750 865 1,005 839 844 734 648 431 605 366 219 167 92 214 36 49 490 66 68 62 72 49 36 25 15 20 16 21 12 6 6 2 12 1 1 448 32 31 52 55 71 38 34 29 25 14 24 13 14 6 2 4 4 323 9 16 38 41 54 29 26 22 20 10 22 10 11 5 2 4 4 125 23 15 14 14 17 9 8 7 5 4 2 3 3 1 41 8 9 8 5 4 3 1 3 73 15 24 26 3 4 1 7.386 62 158 357 698 935 799 835 730 642 429 602 365 219 166 91 213 36 49 375 23 42 43 58 42 32 25 14 19 16 21 12 6 6 2 12 1 1 388 16 19 35 48 66 38 32 28 25 14 24 13 14 6 2 4 4 283 4 9 22 34 50 29 26 21 20 10 22 10 11 5 2 4 4 105 12 10 13 14 16 9 6 7 5 4 2 3 3 1 24 2 2 4 5 4 3 1 3 21 6 2 7 1 4 1 All (4) Complete Incom plete (6) (5) N egro3 Com plete 2 (2) 1 See the introductory note to sec. A for a comparison of the samples represented in this and subsequent tables. A family is classified as native if both husband and wife are native born (or, in the case of an incom plete family if the head is native born); otherwise, the family is classified as foreign bom. A family is classi fied as a complete family if it includes both husband and wife; as an incomplete family if it does not include both husband and wife. Single individuals are included in the incomplete families. See glossary for fur ther definitions. Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid combinations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. 2 See sec. B tables for tabular analysis of native white complete families. » Complete families (all family types combined) and incomplete families. 4 Relief families are distributed according to their income, which excludes direct relief received in cash or kind. 353 TABULAR SUMMARY D EN V E R , COLO. T a b l e 2. — O ccupational groups: N um ber of fa m ilies scheduled of specified occupational grou ps , by color , n a tiv ity, and incom e, 1 93 5-36 1 Occupational groups Income class (D Native white incomplete families All families—__________________________ __________ Relief fam ilies..____ _________ ____________________ Nonrelief families______ ____________ ____________ $0-$499_____ __________________________________ $500-1749_____ _______ _____ ___________________ $750-$999.____ ________________________________ $1,000-$1,249_________________________ ________ _ $1,250-$1,499_.________________________________ $1,500-$1,749__________________________________ $1,750-$1,999__________________________________ $2,000-$2,499__________________________________ $2,500-$2,999.____ _____ _______________________ $3,000-$4,999__________________________________ $5,000 and over. _ ________________ ____________ Foreign-horn white families 4 All families------------------------------------------------- --------Relief families------------------------------------------------------Nonrelief families------------------------------- ---------------$0-$499________ _______________________________ $500-$749______ _______________________________ $750-$999 ______________ _____ ________________ $1,000-$1,249__________________________________ $1,250-$1,499_______________________ ____ ______ $1,500-$1,749__________________________________ $1,750-$1,999._________________________________ $2,000-$2,499_________________________ ____ _ $2,500-$2,999__________________________________ $3,000-$4,999-________________________________ $5,000 and over______________ ________________ Negro families4 All families......................... .......................... ......................... Relief families____________________________________ Nonrelief families.................................................... ............. Families of other color * All families. ____________________________________ Relief families____________________________________ Nonrelief families__________________________ ______ All Wage earner (2) (3) Business Clerical and pro Other3 fessional * (5) (4) (6) 490 115 375 65 43 58 42 32 25 14 35 21 26 14 158 65 93 17 18 19 7 5 9 4 6 4 4 115 15 100 4 8 18 21 14 10 6 12 3 4 129 7 122 18 9 14 10 12 4 2 14 12 15 12 88 28 60 26 8 7 4 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 448 60 388 35 35 48 66 38 32 28 39 24 35 8 188 39 149 8 10 28 35 17 15 9 12 10 5 79 2 77 133 5 128 11 8 9 18 10 9 13 18 10 15 7 48 14 34 16 11 4 1 41 17 24 28 13 15 1 4 1 4 8 4 4 73 52 21 61 45 16 1 11 1 4 6 11 9 10 8 6 8 4 15 1 l i Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid com binations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. * The business and professional families are classified as follows: All families Occupational group Native Foreignwhite in born complete white Independent business______ __ ______________________ I n d e p e n d e n t p ro fessio n a l S alaried b u sin e ss S a la ried p rofessio n al _ _ _ ___________ ______ ________ _________ 54 11 19 45 90 4 14 25 Other color Negro 3 1 , 3 This group contains 2 native white broken families, 4 foreign-born white families and 1 other family engaged in farming, and families having no gainfully employed members. 4 Complete families (all family types combined) and incomplete families. 354 T able WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 3. D EN VER , COLO. —F am ily types: N um ber of fa m ilies scheduled of specified ty p e s , by color , n a tiv ity , and incom e , 1 9 8 5 -8 6 1 Complete families of type - Income class All (1) Any I II III IV V VI (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 448 60 388 35 35 48 66 38 32 28 39 24 35 8 323 40 283 13 22 34 50 29 26 21 30 22 28 8 85 10 75 8 11 13 14 7 8 3 4 2 3 2 N o n re lie f fa m ilie s 41 17 24 26 6 20 13 3 10 Families of other color All families................... Relief families........ . Nonrelief families____ 73 52 21 55 43 12 6 3 3 Foreign-born white families All families................. Relief families_______ Nonrelief families____ $0-$499.................... $500-$749________ $750-$999................ $1,000-$1,249......... $1,250-$1,499.......... $1,500-$1,749_____ $1,750-$1,999_____ $2,000-$2,499_......... $2,500-$2,999.......... $3,000-$4,999_____ $5,000 and over__ Negro families All families................... Relief families_______ 29 5 24 1 2 6 2 4 3 4 1 1 7 5 2 In com plete VII Other fam ilies (10) 01) (12) 31 1 30 1 1 3 5 3 5 2 5 2 3 90 7 83 4 5 11 13 9 5 8 11 9 7 1 30 3 27 25 4 21 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 5 4 3 7 5 3 1 2 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 7 1 3 3 5 4 1 13 10 3 10 8 2 2 14 5 9 19 5 14 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 7 1 125 20 105 22 13 14 16 9 6 7 9 2 7 15 11 4 3 3 18 9 9 1 Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid com binations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. 2 For definitions of family types, see footnote 1 of table 1 of sec. B on p. 124. 355 TABULAR SU M M A R Y DENVER, COLO. —Sources of family Income: N um ber of fa m ilies scheduled receiving incom e from specified sources , and average am ount of such incom e , by color , n a tiv ity , and incom e , 1 93 5-36 1 T able 4. Number of families receiving— N um bel of fam ilies Income class (2) (1) Average family income2 Money income from— Earn ings (3) Non money Other income Total sources from (positive housing3 or nega tive)5 (6) (4) (5) Money income from— Earn ings (7) Non money Other income sources from (positive housing4 or nega tive)® (8) (9) N a tive w h ite in co m p lete fa m ilie s All families.......... .............. Relief families__________ Nonrelief families— ___ $0-$499................ ......... $500-$749...................... $750-$999____ ______ $1,000-$1,249________ $1,250-$1,499________ $1,500-$1,749............... $1,750-$1,999........ ....... $2,000-$2,499.......... . $2,500-$2,999............. $3,000-$4,999.......... . $5,000 and over........... 490 115 375 65 43 58 42 32 25 14 35 21 26 14 404 88 316 39 35 51 38 31 24 12 32 19 23 12 154 17 137 24 13 22 17 12 4 4 14 10 11 6 205 34 171 22 15 26 16 15 12 8 20 9 18 10 $1, 297 473 1, 550 283 635 886 1,126 1,354 1, 595 1,839 2,233 2, 698 3, 693 6, 928 $973 404 1,148 159 436 614 866 1,080 1,376 1, 365 1,808 2, 057 2, 733 4, 544 $215 34 270 78 117 172 161 175 78 281 284 489 654 1,844 $109 35 132 46 82 100 99 99 141 193 141 152 306 540 448 60 388 35 35 48 66 38 32 28 39 24 35 8 404 46 358 19 27 48 62 37 32 28 38 24 35 8 109 10 99 10 17 9 15 9 3 4 10 9 8 5 253 31 222 19 24 19 32 26 12 18 23 18 24 7 1, 549 558 1, 702 201 618 898 1, 111 1,385 1,613 1,863 2, 209 2, 723 3, 639 10,008 1,330 467 1,462 117 347 809 926 1,121 1, 471 1, 622 1, 982 2,410 3, 279 8,287 102 34 113 -7 175 21 99 110 84 87 111 105 141 1,166 117 57 127 91 96 68 86 154 58 154 116 208 219 555 41 17 24 33 13 20 7 2 5 19 5 14 697 330 957 584 301 784 53 15 80 60 14 93 F oreign -born w h ite f a m ilie s 7 All families....................... Relief families........ .......... N onrelief families........___ $0-$499.................... . $500-$749.................... $750-$999___________ $1,000-$1,249________ $1,250-$1,499________ $1,500-$1,749________ $1,750-$l,999.......... $2,000-$2,499________ $2,500-$2,999_.......... .. $3,000-$4,999_.......... . $5,000 and over_____ N eg ro fa m ilie s 7 All families......................... Relief families.................... Nonrelief families______ F a m ilie s o f other color 7 496 29 73 63 9 9 458 9 All families......................... 52 451 432 12 Relief families........ ........... 45 6 4 7 21 606 520 71 18 3 5 Nonrelief families______ 15 1 Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid com binations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. 2 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received income from the specified source. See glossary for definition of terms. 3 Includes all families that owned homes during the report year (see table 7, cols. 2, 6, 10, and 14) as well as 12 native white incomplete, 5 foreign born white families, and 1 family of other color who received rent as pay. 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period, and the value of rent received as pay. * Includes families having money income other than earnings, families having business losses met from family funds, and families having both. 8 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. 7 ComDlete families (all family types combined) and incomplete families. 356 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION DENVER, COLO. 5.—Principal earners: N um ber of p rin cip a l earners scheduled, by sex, w ith average weeks of em ploym ent, and average ann u al earnings, by color, n ativity, an d T able incom e, 1 93 5-86 1 Average Average Number Number of principal earners weeks of of fami employ annual lies A ll2 Male Female ment 3 earnings* (4) (3) (5) (7) (6) (2) Income class (1) N a tiv e w h ite in co m p lete fa m ilies 490 115 375 65 43 58 42 32 25 14 35 21 26 14 374 84 290 29 31 45 34 30 24 11 32 19 23 12 149 27 122 6 7 15 13 11 15 4 18 10 16 7 225 57 168 23 24 30 21 19 9 7 14 9 7 5 47 38 49 38 48 49 51 49 52 52 51 51 52 52 $1,036 439 1,209 263 561 715 978 1,031 1,022 1,312 1,690 1,867 2,224 4,131 All families............................................ ............. Relief families---------------------------------------Nonrelief families........ . .................................... $0-$499.............................................. .......... $500-$749....................................................... $750-$999....................................................... $1,000-$1,249.................. .............................. $1,250-$1,499_________ _______________ $1,500-$1,749_______ _________________ $1,750-$1,999___ ______ _______ _____ _ $2,00G-$2,499______ __________________ $2,500-$2,999 ............................... ........... $3,000-$4,999........................... ................$5,000 and over ____ ___ _ 448 60 388 35 35 48 66 38 32 28 39 24 35 391 45 346 13 25 47 61 36 31 28 38 24 35 8 335 39 296 12 17 37 56 30 30 20 30 24 32 8 56 6 50 1 8 10 5 6 1 8 49 42 50 48 45 47 49 51 50 52 51 51 52 52 1,262 528 1,357 243 411 753 922 1,080 1,286 1,335 1,671 1,885 2,372 7,070 All families.......................................................... Relief families..................................................... Nonrelief families.......... ................................... 41 17 24 33 25 9 16 47 40 52 640 376 811 All families.......................................................... Relief families............................... . . ................ Nonrelief families....................-.............-......... $0-$499.......................................................... $500-$749....................................................... $750-$999.............................. ....................... $1,000-$1,249............................................... $1,250-$1,499...................... ......................$1,500-$1,749_______ _________________ $1,750-$1,999...................... .......................... $2,000-$2,499...................... ......................... $2,500-$2,999................................................. $3,000-$4,999......................................... ..... $5,000 and over............................ . . . ......... F oreign -born w h ite f a m ilie s 8 N eg ro f a m ilie s 8 F a m ilie s o f other c o lo r 8 8 13 20 8 3 8 4 4 73 63 54 9 43 All families........................................................ 506 52 45 42 40 Relief families..................................................... 5 492 21 Nonrelief fam ilies.......................................... 18 14 4 47 541 1 Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid com binations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. 2 The total number of principal earners given in column (3) is equivalent to the total number of families having individual earners, since a family can have only one principal earner. The difference between the totals in columns (2) and (3) is explained by the fact that column (2), number of families, includes'cases in which none of the family income was attributable to individual earners. 8 Averages in this column are based on the number of principal earners reporting weeks of employment. * Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of principal earners in column (3). Average earnings of principal earners according to sex were as follows: Nativity group Native white incomplete................................................... .................... ................ Foreign-born w hite....................................................................................................... N eg ro ________________________ ______ ___ _____ ______________________ _ Other color...................................................................................................................... 8 Complete families (all family types combined) and incomplete families. All families Male $1,306 1,332 685 523 Female $858 840 499 405 357 TABULAR SUMMARY DEN VER , COLO. 6.—Number of earners in family: N um ber o f fa m ilies scheduled with specified num ber of in d ividu a l earners , num ber and average earnings of su pple m entary earners, and average earnings of fa m ily from su pplem en tary earners, by color, n ativity, and incom e, 1 93 5-86 1 T able Income class Number of families (1) (2) Number of families with spec Average ified number of individual Number Average earnings earners of sup- earnings family piemen- of supple per from sup tary mentary plementary Two or earners earners a Any One earners 3 more (3) (4) (5) (7) (6) (8) N a tiv e w h ite in co m p lete fa m ilie s All families.............. ............... Relief families____________ Nonrelief families.................. $0-$499_________ _____ $500-$749_____________ $750-$999_____________ $1,000-$1,249__________ $1,250-$1,499__________ $1,500-$1,749__________ $1,750-$1,999..................... $2,000-$2,499............. .. $2,500-$2,999.................... $3,000-$4,999............. . $5,000 and over............... 490 115 375 65 43 58 42 32 25 14 35 21 26 14 374 84 290 29 31 45 34 30 24 11 32 19 23 12 277 61 216 28 29 42 30 23 11 6 21 12 9 5 97 23 74 1 2 3 4 7 13 5 11 7 14 7 122 28 94 1 2 3 4 9 18 7 14 9 20 7 $596 282 690 (*) (*) 74 206 304 452 445 590 843 994 1,954 $148 69 173 2 7 4 20 85 325 222 236 361 764 977 448 60 388 35 35 48 66 38 32 28 39 24 35 8 391 45 346 13 25 47 61 36 31 28 38 24 35 8 273 37 236 12 22 38 49 27 19 17 22 11 15 4 118 8 110 1 3 9 12 9 12 11 16 13 20 4 173 9 164 1 3 12 15 9 17 16 25 24 36 6 535 281 548 206 42 232 4 12 57 63 91 212 254 330 485 884 1,218 41 17 24 33 13 20 28 12 16 5 1 4 5 1 4 73 52 21 63 45 18 56 42 14 7 3 4 8 3 5 F oreign -born w h ite f a m ilie s 4 All families..................... . . . Relief families...................... Nonrelief families_________ $0-$499_............................. $500-$749.......................... $750-$999____________ _ $ 1,000-$1,249__________ $1.250-$1,499_____ ____ $1,500-$1,749__________ $1,750-$1,999__________ $2,000-$2,499__________ $2,500-$2,999__________ $3,000-$4,999__________ $5,000 and over............... (*) 140 227 277 384 398 444 515 485 859 1,623 N eg ro fa m ilie s 4 All families............................. Relief families......................... N onrelief families.................. 504 (*) 571 61 14 95 183 125 218 20 72 52 F a m ilie s o f other color 4 All families.............................. Relief families......................... Nonrelief families_________ 1Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid com binations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. 2 Averages in this column are based on the number of supplementary earners, column (6). 3 Averages in this column are based on the number of families in each class, column (2). * Complete families (all family types combined) and incomplete families. •Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. 7.—Average monthly rental value and average monthly rent: N um ber of hom e-owning and renting fa m ilies scheduled, average m onthly rental value , and average m onthly rent , by color , n a tiv ity , and incom e , 1 93 5-86 1 Native white incomplete families ( 1) All families.............. Relief families........ . Nonrelief families.. $0-$499_______ $500-$749.......... $750-$999___ — $1,000-$1,249... $1,250-$1,499— $1,500-$1.749— $1,750-$1,999— $2,000-$2,499.~ $2,50G-$2,999— $3,000-$4,999— $5,000 and over. Number of families Average monthly— Number of families Average monthly— Number of families Average monthly— Number of families Average monthly— Home- Rent Rental HomeHome- Rent Rental Home- Rent Rental Rental own ing value3 Rent 4 own Rent ing value3 R ent4 ing value 3 R en t4 own ing value 3 R en t4 own ing ing ing ing (9) (5) (2) (6) (7) (8) GO) (3) (4) CD (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 191 33 158 19 14 22 15 10 7 20 9 17 10 299 82 217 **46 29 36 **27 17 15 7 15 12 9 4 $33 19 37 20 30 30 33 29 36 44 31 40 54 83 $24 16 27 17 19 26 15 29 29 27 31 39 42 35 50 248 31 217 17 24 19 31 25 12 18 23 18 23 7 200 29 171 18 11 29 35 13 20 10 16 **6 12 1 $28 17 30 23 20 22 24 28 22 32 33 35 43 71 $22 13 24 17 19 21 19 20 25 27 30 35 39 (*) 19 5 14 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 22 12 10 2 3 3 1 1 $20 14 22 (*) (*) (*)24 19 (*) (*) $12 10 15 (*) 11 14 (*) (*) 8 4 4 2 1 1 65 48 17 8 5 1 3 $15 13 16 O (*) (*) $9 10 9 10 8 (*) 8 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Income class Families of other color 2 Negro families 2 Foreign-born white families1 358 DENVER, COLO. T able 1 Families are classified as home-owning or renting families according to their status at the date of interview. Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid combination? of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. 3 Complete families (all family types combined) and incomplete families. 3 Based on estimate made by home owner for period of ownership and occupancy during report year. Averages are based on the number of home-owning families as of end of report year. * Rent reported at date of interview. Averages are based on the number of renting families in each class that reported monthly rent, including families receiving rent as gift, the amount of which is estimated by the family. ♦ Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. •♦ Rent not reported for 1 family. 359 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , NEBR .-C OUNCIL BLUFFS, IO W A T able 1.— Color and n ativity groups by in com e: Number of families scheduled of specified color and nativity, by income, 1935-36 1 Native white Income class (1) Relief and nonrelief families 4 All families................................................. . . . $0-$249._____________ __________________ $250-$499........................ .................... - .......... $500-$749......................................................... $750-$999______ _______ _________________ $1,000-$1,249....................................... ............... $1,250-$1,499_________________ _____ ____ $1,500-$1,749_____ _____ _________________ $1,750 $1,999 _ _________ ____________ $2,000-$2,249 __________ ____________ $2,250-$2,499______ ____ _________________ $2,500-$2,999_____ _______ _______________ $3,000-$3,499 _______ _________ $3,500-$3,999_______ ____________________ $4,000~$4,499____________________________ $4,500-$4,999____ _______________________ $5,000-$7,499_____________________ ____ $7,500-$9,999 .. _ ... _ $10,000 and over_______ _________________ Nonrelief families All families.......................................................... $0-$249__________ ________ ______________ $250-$499_____ ____________ _____ _______ $500~$749_____ _________________________ $750-$999_______________________________ $1,000-$1,249____________________________ $1,250-$1,499___ ____ ____________________ $1,500-$1,749____ _______________________ $1,750-$1,999____________________________ $2,000-$2,249 __________________________ $2,250-$2,499____________________________ $2,500-$2,999____ _______________________ $3,000-$3,499 ____ _________ _____________ $3,500-$3,999___________ ________________ $4,000-$4,499 _____ ________________ $4,500-$4,999____ ____ ______ ____________ $5,000-$7,499 ___________________ _____ $7,500-$9,999 ______________________ $10 000 a nd o v e r Foreign-born white Com plete 2 (2) Incom plete (3) 11,293 276 586 905 1,052 1,387 1,161 1,138 1,039 836 680 855 487 306 183 104 221 44 33 250 25 32 44 27 37 24 11 13 11 5 6 5 8 1 1 422 22 24 49 49 46 45 46 39 26 19 29 11 5 4 2 5 1 344 11 19 38 37 39 36 38 35 23 17 24 11 5 3 2 5 1 78 11 5 11 12 7 9 8 4 3 2 9,674 37 132 369 853 1, 299 1,107 1,114 1,029 828 678 853 484 306 183 104 221 44 33 197 5 20 30 26 34 21 11 13 11 5 6 5 81 1 356 11 9 29 42 43 41 44 38 25 18 28 11 5 4 2 5 1 289 6 6 20 30 36 32 36 35 22 16 23 11 5 3 2 5 1 67 5 3 9 12 7 9 8 3 3 2 All (4) Com plete (5) Incom plete (6) 5 Negro (7) 49 9 6 12 12 5 2 2 1 1 5 26 1 7 9 4 2 2 1 1 1 See the introductory note to sec. A for the size the samples represented in this and subsequent tables. A family is classified as native if both husband and wife are native born (or, in the case of an incomplete family if the head is native born); otherwise, the family is classified as foreign born. A family is classified as a complete family if it includes both husband and wife; as an incomplete family if it does not include both husband and wife. Single individuals are included in the incomplete families. See glossary for further definitions. There are 3 families of other color not shown on this or any of the subsequent tables, due to their relative infrequency. Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid combinations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. 2 See sec. B tables for tabular analysis of native white complete families. 3 Complete families (all family types combined) and incomplete families. * Relief families are distributed according to their income, which excludes direct relief received in cash or kind. 78127°— 40------ 24 360 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E BR .-C O U N CIL BLUFFS, IO W A T able 2.— O ccupational groups: Number of families scheduled of specified occupational groups, by colory nativity, and income, 1935—36 1 Occupational groups income class (1) Native white incomplete families All families......................... ......................... ......................... Relief families........................................................- ............... Nonrelief families_____________________ ____ _______ $0-$499--------- ------------ ----------- ------------------------$500-$749.................. ..........— .................................— $750-$999_____________________ _______ ________ $1,000-$1,249___________________ _______________ $1,250-$1,499 _ _________________________ $1,500-$1 749 __________________________________ $1,750-$1,999 ______________ _______ _________ $2,000-$2,499__________________________________ $2,500-$2,999_____________ _____ ___ _____ _____ $3,000-$4,999.................................................................... $5,000 and over________________________________ Foreign-born white families4 All families........ .................... ........................- ...................... Relief fam ilies..------ ---------------------------------------------Nonrelief families------------------------------------------- ------$0-$499 _______________________________ $500-$749______ _______________________ _______ $750-$999_________ _____________________ ______ $1,000-$1,249__________________________________ $1,250--$1,499__________________________________ $l,500-$l,749__________________________________ $1,750-$1,999________________ ________ _________ $2,000-$2,499 _________________________________ $2,500-$2,999 ____ ____________________ _______ $3,000-$4,999 _____ _____ ______________________ $5 000 and over ____________________________ Negro fam ilies4 All families............................................................................ Relief families ___________________________________ Nonrelief families_________________________________ All Wage earner (2) (3) Business Clerical and pro Other3 fessional 8 (4) (5) (6) 250 53 197 25 30 26 34 21 11 13 16 6 15 86 35 51 5 12 8 5 4 3 4 6 2 2 77 5 72 1 4 9 19 13 7 4 7 2 6 46 2 44 4 6 8 8 4 1 5 2 2 4 41 11 30 18 5 1 2 422 66 356 20 29 42 43 . 41 44 38 43 28 22 6 217 49 168 5 9 26 28 22 26 17 22 7 6 73 4 69 94 4 90 3 11 6 7 7 8 8 11 13 10 6 38 9 29 12 6 3 1 3 1 3 49 23 26 35 17 18 1 9 2 4 4 3 7 7 9 9 10 10 8 6 1 1 3 i Since the data on these nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid combinations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. * The business and professional families are classified as follows: All families Occupational group Independent business................................................................ Independent professional. _ ___________________ _____ Salaried business_____________________________________ Salaried professional----------------- --------------------- -------- - Native white Foreign-born incomplete white 28 1 1 16 66 8 13 7 Negro 6 3 3 This group contains 1 foreign-born family engaged in farming and families having no gainfully employed members. 4 Complete families (all family types combined) and incomplete families. 361 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A T able 3 .— Family types: N um ber of fa m ilies scheduled of color, n a tiv ity , and incom e, 1 9 8 5 -8 6 1 specified types, by Complete families of type s_ Income class All (1) Foreign-born white families All families.................... Relief families............. Nonrelief families____ $0-$499 .................. $500-$749 .............. $750--$999................ $1,000-$1,249_........ $1,250-$1,499.......... $1,500-$1,749.......... $1,750-$1,999.......... $2,000-$2,499.......... $2,500- $2,999 $3,000-$4,999 $5,000 and over__ Negro families All families.................... Belief families_______ Nonrelief families------ Any 1 II III IV V VI (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 422 66 356 20 29 42 43 41 44 38 43 28 22 6 344 55 289 12 20 30 36 32 36 35 38 23 21 6 95 15 80 8 9 11 9 8 12 9 6 3 4 1 34 6 28 1 1 5 3 3 6 3 2 2 1 1 19 4 15 49 23 26 35 16 19 19 7 12 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 In com plete VII Other fam ilies (10) (11) (12) 92 5 87 1 7 9 10 11 10 10 9 12 5 3 42 9 33 1 4 2 5 2 5 7 2 4 1 17 3 14 5 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 1 16 6 10 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 29 7~ 22 1 1 1 2 9 3 5 78 11 67 8 9 12 7 9 8 3 5 5 1 1 1 3 2 1 14 7 7 i Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid com binations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. a For definitions of family types, see footnote 1 of table 1 of sec. B on p. 172. 362 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 4.—Sources of family income: N um ber of fa m ilies scheduled receiving incom e from specified sources, and average am ount of such incom e, by color, n ativity, and incom e, 1 98 5-36 1 T able Average family income 2 Number of families receiving— Income class Num ber of fami lies (1) (2) Money income from— Non money Other income Total Earn sources from ings (positive or housing8 negative)5 (5) (6) (3) (4) Money income from— Non money Other income Earn sources from ings (positive or housing4 negative)8 (8) (7) (9) N a tiv e w h ite in c o m p le te fa m ilie s All families......................... Relief families.................... N onrelief families............ $0-$499.......................... $500-$749...................... $750-$999.................. . $1,000-$1,249_.............. $1,250-$1,499_.............. $1,500-$1,749............... $1,750-$1,999.......... . $2,000-$2,499.......... . $2,500-$2,999........ $3,000-$4,999.......... . . . $5,000 and over 250 53 197 25 30 26 34 21 11 13 J6 6 15 209 42 167 10 22 25 32 21 11 13 15 6 12 74 11 63 15 12 7 10 5 1 3 4 1 5 110 19 91 14 16 8 13 8 2 8 9 4 9 $1,149 433 1, 341 325 618 865 1,122 1, 381 1, 593 1,876 2,185 2, 629 3,680 $910 346 1,061 92 360 700 863 1,229 1,544 1,593 1,861 2,290 2,759 $146 48 172 161 160 119 179 88 0 96 154 66 663 $93 39 108 72 98 46 80 64 49 187 170 273 258 422 356 20 29 42 43 41 44 38 43 28 22 6 385 57 328 9 23 39 42 38 43 35 43 28 22 6 102 11 91 9 10 12 7 12 9 10 11 5 4 2 301 36 265 18 20 27 27 35 34 27 31 22 19 5 1,523 674 1, 680 289 654 878 1, 122 1,378 1,601 1,851 2,209 2,769 3, 667 6, 274 1,265 561 1,395 54 417 632 970 1,052 1,325 1,479 1,878 2,455 3,318 5,823 104 36 116 89 122 128 34 163 122 200 144 81 26 102 154 77 169 146 115 118 118 163 154 172 187 233 323 349 49 23 26 45 19 26 7 4 3 14 3 11 725 413 1,002 624 367 852 64 32 93 37 14 57 F oreign -born w h ite fa m ilie s 7 All families...................... Relief families................... Nonrelief families______ $0-$499......................$500-$749...................... $750-$999...................... $1.000-$1,249.... ........... $1,250-$1,499__.......... $1,500-$1,749............... $1,750-$1,999................ $2,000-$2,499________ $2,500-$2,999................ $3,000-$4,999________ $5,000 and over_____ N e g ro fa m ilie s 66 7 All families......................... Relief families.................... Nonrelief families............. i Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid com binations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A . 8 The averages in each column are based on all families, column (2), whether or not they received income from the specified source. See glossary for definition of terms. 3 Includes all families that owned homes during the report year (see table 7, cols. 2,6, and 10) as well as 1 native white incomplete, 3 foreign-born white, and 1 Negro and other color family who received rent as pay. 4 Represents the estimated rental value of owned homes for the period of ownership and occupancy, less estimated expenses allocable to that period; and the value of rent received as pay. 3 Includes families having money income other than earnings, families having business losses met from family funds, and families having both such income and such losses. 8 Includes money income other than earnings, after deduction of business losses met from family funds. 7 Complete families (all family types combined) and incomplete families. 363 TABULAR SUMMARY O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 5 . — Principal earners: N um ber of p rin cip a l earners scheduled , by sexy w ith average weeks of em ploym en t , and average an n u al earnings , by color , n a tiv ity , and incom e , 1 98 5-86 1 T able Average Average Number Number of principal earners weeks of of fami employ annual lies A ll3 Male Female ment 3 earnings4 (3) (4) (2) (6) (7) (5) Income class (1) N a tiv e w h ite in co m p lete fa m ilie s All families....................................... Relief families.................................. Nonrelief families____________ __________ $0-$499...................................................... $500-1749............... ..................................... $750-$999................. ................................ $1,000-$1,249............................................... $1,250-$1,499...................... . .. $1,500-$1,749................ ............................ $1,750-Sl,999................ ........................... $2,000-$2,499_____ ________________ $2,500-$2,999_______ ______ _________ $3,000-$4,999_____________ $5,000 and over_______________ _____ F oreign -born w h ite fa m ilie s * All families........................................ . _ Relief families__________ ________________ Nonrelief families______________________ $0-$499__________ __________________ $500-$749________________ ____ ______ $750-$999...................................................... $l,000-$l,249_____ _____ ____ ________ $1,250-$1,499________________________ $1,500-$1,749________________________ $1,750-11,999________________________ $2,000-$2,499________________________ $2,500-$2,999________________________ $3,000-$4,999........................................... $5,000 and over_________ __________ Negro families 1 All families_____ ________ _______________ Relief families_______ _________ _________ Nonrelief families.......... .............................. 250 53 197 25 30 26 34 21 11 13 16 6 15 195 40 155 7 18 23 29 21 11 13 15 6 12 84 18 66 3 6 7 7 6 6 7 10 5 9 111 22 89 4 12 16 22 15 5 6 5 1 3 48 39 50 35 49 50 50 51 51 50 51 52 51 $920 408 1,052 235 631 693 872 1,155 1,401 1,224 1,454 1,461 2,037 422 66 356 20 29 42 43 41 44 38 43 28 22 6 375 56 319 7 20 36 42 38 42 35 43 28 22 6 327 51 276 6 15 29 38 34 41 29 36 23 19 6 48 5 43 1 5 7 4 4 1 6 7 5 3 48 40 60 29 47 46 50 51 51 51 52 51 52 52 1,176 570 1,282 129 522 662 948 1,036 1,207 1,348 1,498 1,807 2,340 5,050 49 23 26 42 19 23 38 17 21 4 2 2 45 37 51 615 389 802 1 Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid com binations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. 3 The total number of principal earners given in column (3) is equivalent to the total number of families having individual earners, since a family can have only one principal earner. The difference between the totals in columns (2) and (3) is explained by the fact that column (2). number of families, includes cases in which none of the family income was attributable to individual earners. 8 Averages in this column are based on the number of principal earners reporting weeks of employment. 4 Averages in this column are based on the corresponding counts of principal earners in column (3). Aver age earnings of principal earners according to sex were as follows: N ativity group Native white incomplete Foreign-born white.......... Negro................................... 5 Complete families (all family types combined) and incomplete families. All families Male $1,066 1,211 617 Female 937 601 364 WEST CENTRAL-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION O M A H A , N E B R .-C O U N C IL B L U F F S , IO W A 6.—Number of earners in family: N um ber of fa m ilies scheduled w ith specified num ber of in d ividu a l earners , num ber and average earnings of su pple m entary earners, and average earnings of fa m ily from su pplem en tary earners , by colory n a tiv ity , and incom e , 1 9 8 5 -8 6 1 T able Income class Number of fami lies (1) (2) Number of families with spec Average ified number of individual Number Average earnings earners of sup earnings per family plemen of supple from sup tary mentary Two or earners earners 2 plementary Any One earners8 more (4) (5) (6) (3) (7) (8) N a tiv e w h ite in c o m p le te fa m ilie s All families.............................. Relief families......................... Nonrelief families.................. $0-$499............................... $50O-$749........................... $750-$999........................... $1,000-$1,249..................... $1,250-$1,499___................ $1,500-$1,749..................... $1,750-$1,999__............... $2,000-$2,499..................... $2,500-$2,999..................... $3,000-$4,999_.................... 5,000 and over________ 250 53 197 25 30 26 34 21 11 13 16 6 15 195 40 155 7 18 23 29 21 11 13 15 6 12 141 31 110 7 17 19 23 17 9 7 6 3 2 54 9 45 70 11 59 1 4 6 4 2 6 9 3 10 1 4 6 4 2 8 11 5 18 422 66 356 20 29 42 43 41 44 38 43 28 22 6 375 56 319 7 20 36 42 38 42 35 43 28 22 6 263 43 220 6 17 33 36 32 27 21 23 11 11 3 112 13 99 1 3 3 6 6 15 14 20 17 11 3 161 18 143 1 3 3 8 8 18 17 29 27 25 4 49 23 26 42 19 23 33 15 18 9 4 5 12 4 8 $554 140 631 (*) 247 183 294 (•) 561 710 696 936 $155 29 189 8 38 32 56 101 345 488 580 1,123 F oreign -born w h ite f a m ilie s 4 All families.............................. Relief families.—................... Nonrelief families.................. $0-$499...... ........................ $500-$749........................... $750-$999— ...................... $1.000-$1,249..................... $1,250-$1,499..................... $1,500-$1,749_................... $1,750-$1,999_................... $2,000-$2,499..................... $2,500-$2,999..................... $3,000-$4,999..................... $5,000 and over—............ 524 268 557 (*) 268 91 236 402 375 532 519 662 850 860 200 73 224 1 27 6 44 78 154 238 350 639 966 574 239 224 247 59 39 78 N eg ro f a m ilie s 4 All families.............................. Relief families......................... Nonrelief families.................. 1 Since the data on these color and nativity groups are based on samples of different size, no valid com binations of the data can be made without applying weights shown in the explanatory note of sec. A. 2 Averages in this column are based on the number of supplementary earners, column (6). 8 Averages in this column are based on the number of families in each class, column (2). 4 Complete families (all family types combined) and incomplete families. * Averages not computed for fewer than 3 cases. Federa