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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR J A M E S J . D A V I S . SECRETARY WOMEN'S BUREAU M A R Y ANDERSON, Director BULLETIN OF THE WOMEN'S BUREAU, N o . 46 FACTS ABOUT WORKING WOMEN A GRAPHIC PRESENTATION BASED ON CENSUS STATISTICS AND STUDIES OF T H E WOMEN'S BUREAU WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1925 A D D I T I O N A L COPIES o r THIS PCBUCATIOM MAT BE PEOCCBKD FBOM THE SUrZBtNTENDENT OF IXXTUMKNTS OOVEBlfMENT PBUmNQ OFTICE WASmMQTOK, P. C. AT 16 C E N T S PER COPY CONTENTS Page Letter of transmittal v Introduction 1 Tables and charts: 1. Proportion of women and of men gainfully occupied: 1880-1890-_ 4, 6 2. Distribution of workers, by sex, in each main occupational division: 1910 and 1920 6, 7 3. Distribution of women by main occupational divisions: 1910 and 1920 8, 9 4. Proportion of women in each State gainfully occupied: 1920 10,11 5. Proportion of women i n specified nativity and race groups gainfully occupied: 1910 and 1920 12,13 6. Nativity and race of working women: 1910 and 1920 14,15 7. Distribution of working women i n specified nativity and race groups, by main occupational divisions: 1910 and 1920 16-21 8. Nativity and race of women i n each main occupational division: 1910 and 1920 22,23 9. Proportion of women in each age group, gainfully occupied: 1920 24,25 10. Age of working women and men: 1920 26, 27 11. Age of women in each main occupational division: 1920 28, 29 12. Distribution of working women in each age group by main occupational divisions: 1920 30,31 13. Proportion of women in specified nativity and race groups, gainfully occupied, by age groups: 1920 32, 33 14. Proportion of working women in each marital class: 1890-1920-- 34, 35 15. Marital condition of working women: 1890-1920 36 16. Distribution of working women i n each marital class by main occupational divisions: 1910 and 1920 37-39 17. Marital condition of women i n each main occupational division: 1910 and 1920 40, 41 18. Marital condition of working women by nativity and race groups: 1920 42,43 19. Proportion of women in each marital class gainfully occupied, by nativity and race groups: 1920 44 20. Distribution of working women i n each marital class, by nativity and race groups: 1920 45 21. Marital condition and age of working women, by nativity and race groups: 1920 46,47 22. Scheduled weekly hours of work of women in 13 States 48, 49 23. Women's earnings in 10 States. (Chart only) 50 APPENDIX TABLE Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupation, classified by sex, for the United States: 1910 and 1920. (Reprinted from the U. S. Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth ^census. Population: 1920. v . 4, Occupations, p. 35-43, table 4.) m LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U N I T E D STATES D E P A B T M E N T OP L A B O R , WOMEN'S BUREAU, Washington, Fehruary 7,1925. SIB: There is transmittoi herewith a graphic presentation of facts relating to women workers. The study is based on the United States Censiis of Occupations and surveys made by the Women's Bureau and is offered i n the belief that i t will prove a useful handbook in the study of the working woman of the United States and her status in the industrial world. This study was made by Miss Florence P. Smith, research assistant in the Women's Bureau. M A R Y A N D E R S O N , Director. H o n . JAMES J . D A V I S , Secretary of Labor. FACTS ABOUT WORKING WOMEN INTRODUCTION That more than eight and one-half million women i n the United States are working outside their homes for wages and salaries is a fact which invariably challenges attention and evokes innimierable questions. W h a t do they do—these women?* What proportion are they of all the women i n the country, and has that proportion, as well as the actual number of working women, increased since 1910? Who are these millions of women who earn their own living and in so many instances contribute to the support of their families as well? How many are native or.foreign born, how many are white, and how many are of other races? H o w old are they? H o w many of them are under 25 years of age, and how do the ages of working women compare w i t h the ages of working men? How many of these wage-earning women are married, and what proportion do they form of all the married women i n the country? Has that proportion increased or decreased i n the last decade? I n what occupations are the greatest niunbers of married women to be found, and how old are the most of these women who continue i n or return to their jobs after marriage? These and many other questions have been answered i n the statistics of the Fourteenth Census of the United States, published b y the Bureau of the Census i n a detailed and comprehensive report on occupations.® These facts disclosed b y the census of 1920, i n so far as they relate to women at work, are presented here i n graphic form for ready reference. The charts and tables which follow cover outstanding facts concerning the working women of the United States as a whole; i t is impractical to present i n similar manner the data for the 48 States. Comparison between 1910 and 1920 is shown i n all cases where comparable figures were available and where the facts could be well presented graphically. »In this connection seo U , S. Women's Bureau. Occupational progress of women: A n Interpretation of census statistics of women i n gainful occupations. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1922. 37 p. (//« Bulletin 27.) > U. S. Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth census. Population: 1920, v. 4, Occupations. Washington, Govermnent Printing Office. 1923. 1309 p. 1 2 FACTS ABOUT WOEKING WOMEIT I n comparing the figures for 1910 and 1920 i t is necessary to bear in m i n d that the census date changed from A p r i l 15 in 1910 to January 1 i n 1920. This change i n date, the Bureau of the Census points out,® probably accounts for the'decrease shown in the number of women engaged in agricultural pursuits, since i n most localities agricultural work is at or near its lowest ebb i n January, However, this decrease " m a y have been apparent only and due to an overenumeration i n 1910. I n a considerable measure, however, each decrease probably was actual. To the extent the decreases were actual, they are believed to have resulted mainly from the change in the census date and changes i n the enumerators' instructions." Another fact to be noted relates to the statistics shomng marital condition. Since marital condition i n relation to occupation was considered of greater importance i n the case of women than of men, the marital condition of working women b u t not of working men is brought out in the report of the Bureau of the Census.* Likewise, because of the special significance attached to the employment of married women, special tabulations were made for this class of women—that is, wives—as a separate group, while the returns for aU other marital classes—that is, women who were single, widowed, divorced, or of unknown status—^were tabulated together. Hence no separate statistics for single women are available. Furthermore, i t was assumed at the censuses of 1910 and 1920 that all married women at work were at least 15 years of age. The tabulations regarding marital condition, therefore, were made on that basis, whereas other facts presented relate to women and girls 10 years of age and over. Only two charts do not present data taken from the census tables; charts 22 and 23 are based on studies made b y the Women's Bureau. Although surveys of hours of work of women i n industry have been made i n 13 States, wage studies have been conducted b y the bureau i n b u t 10 States.® I n surveying a State no attempt is made to include all the women at work i n that State, b u t sufficiently representative numbers of women and establishments are covered to present a cross-section picture and provide a fair index t o the conditions under which the wage-earning women of the whole State work. , This bulletin is presented i n the belief t h a t i t w i l l prove a useful handbook i n the study of the working woman of the United States and her status i n the industrial world. » Op. Clt., p. 23. *op.cit.,p. m , 4 Data for State studies In process of preparation have not been tocludeO. 10 FACTS ABOUT W O E K I N G WOMEIT TABLE PROPORTION OF W O M E N A N D OF M E N GAINFULLY OCCUPIED: 1880-19201 Sex and census year Population 10 years of age and over Persons 10 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations Number WOMEN: 18S0 1890 « 1900 1910 1920 MEN: 1880 1890. . 1900.-_ 19101920 _ Percent 18,025,627 23.060,900 28,246,384 34,552,712 40,449,346 2,647,157 4,005,532 6,319,397 8,075.772 8,549,511 14.7 17.4 1&8 23.4 2L1 18,735,980 24.352,659 29,703,440 37,027,658 42,289,969 14,744,942 19,312,651 23,753,836 sa 091,664 33,064,737 m7 78l3 8ao 8L3 7&2 * TJ. S. Bureau of tho Census. Fourteenth census. Population: 1920. v . 4, Occupations, p. 33, table I. »Figures for 1890 are exclusive^of exclusive - p r ^ q n s i n Indjan Territory and on Indian reservations, areas specially enumerated at t l i a t census* b u t for which occupation statistics are not available. 5 FACTS ABOUT WOEKING WOMEIT CHART 1.—PROPORTION OP WOMEN A N D OF M E N OCCUPIED: 1880-1920 P^r o&nt IOQ\ GAINFULLY cn Men tvom&f 90 60 00.0 76.7 ei.3 733. 70 eo SO 40- iSO 10 17.4 /6.6 14.7 10 0 I taeo IS90 ffoo jno azo FACTS ABOUT W O E K I N G W O M E I T 6 T A B L E 2 — C H A R T 2 . — D I S T R I B U T I O N O F W O R K E R S , B Y SEX, Occu^tiona! e/M^ • •• 1 Ttta/ iVomerr t 3S./6ZJ36 M occupations fzfisapaz /igrlcu/ture Per Men cent S.07S,772 2LZ 30,09/.S6^ 764 G.S49JS// Z0.5 33.0^737 /.OB'^./sa cenf795 es.7 oeozso! /ass^/sa Per •• 9.9 9l36S,030 90J \ Monufacrurii^ T/'anspomthn Trade Professimof /Q6Ze.73/ /,02aS70 /2,6/e^Z^ /7./ 6Z3 /SJ fO,QQd.ie3 649 2.530,795 960 2JB37/920 /06,62S 3j:>63.sez 2i3.0S4 7,0 2,eso,sz& 930 3,fin€70 J2.9 •MfidO 667^792 J5.7 3J46,5p£ ,67./ 3,575^/67 &43 /j695,36t 73909/ 959,470 /,/27,39/ SZ!& 67/ /,24/,330 329 64.2 /,2t7.360 35:6 34£ A/43^29 656 4S6 1.700,425 544 i.O/Bt^se Domestic C/<6rica/ 3772,559: /,737,053 3/20,5'^/ 5€J 1 U.S.Bureau « the Census. Fourteenth mMu^ • Includes extrsetion of mioersis andpuDlie serv 'fo FACTS ABOUT WORKINGWOMEN"81 I N E A C H M A I N O C C U P A T I O N A L D I V I S I O N : 1910 A N D 1920» /9/0 /920 Population: 1930. v. 4, Occupations, p. 34, tabte 3. 1C6. Not presented graphically because of small number tavglv^i}, 8 FACTSABOUT W O R K I N G WOMEN" 81 TABLE 3.—DISTRIBUTION OF W O M E N B Y M A I N OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS: 1910 A N D 1920 ^ Females 10 years of age and over Occupational division Number A l l occnpations Agriculture, forestry, and animal h u s b a n d r y . . . — . . . . . . . . . Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation ..... .. Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service ........... Domestic and personal service Clerical o c c u p a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1920 1910 Per cent of total i n each division Number Per cent of total in each division 8,076,772 100.0 8,549,511 loao 1,807,501 1,094 1,820,570 106,625 468,088 13,558 733,891 2,531,221 693,224 22.4 (0 22.5 L3 5.8 .2 9.1 31.3 7.3 1,084,128 2,864 1,930,341 213,054 667,792 21,794 1,016,498 2,186,924 1,426,116 12.7 (0 22:6 2L5 7.8 .3 11.9 25.6 1&7 1U, S. Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth census. Population: 1920. v, 4, Occupations, p. 34, table 2. * Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. PACTS ABOUT W O K K I N G W O M E K CHART 9 3.—DISTRIBUTION OF WOMEN BY M A I N OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS: 1910 A N D 1920 Pen /oo- • f9W /9&0 35f 313 tS' to- 7 J5 /R7 78 a 6 Ai A^iouh lianufoC' Thns-^ Trach Profes- Domes- C/er/ca/ rurc turing porfat/an siona/ tic. 10 FACTS ABOUT W O R K I N GW O M E N "81 TJIBLE 4 — P K O P O R T I O N OF W O M E N OCCUPIED: I N EACH 1920» STATE GAINFULLY Females 10 years of age and over State Total number Engaged in gainful occupations Number Alabama Arizona Arkansas California— Colorado Connecticut. Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Ijouisiana Maine Mtiryland Massachusetts... Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire.. New Jersey. New Mexico New York N o r t h CaroUna— North Dakota-— Ohio OklahomaOregon-. Ptonnsylvanla. Rhode Island South Carolina... 8outh Dakota Tennessee l^Bias Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming—.- 869,077 223,868 111,810 18,386 634,033 115,810 1,339,057 286,647 351,853 62,587 540,073 146,352 18,102 87,128 365,637 85,262 288,745 1,050,976 17,609 146,103 2,537,438 .640,938 1,157,492 185,385 141,321 932,795 92,510 676,228 131,493 904,259 152,726 681,106 64,845 306,658 137,221 £76,020 1,591,865 503,155 245,383 1,358,977 164,066 890,255 194,964 670,099 244,615 1,352,024 23,278 185,857 71,789 484,262 4,334 24,500 49,302 180,644 295,990 1,237,914 14,041 123,769 1,135,295 4,215,068 202,697 926,790 28,328 218,221 409,970 2,242,416 94,594 716,198 64,492 295,928 686,232 3,321,983 80,662 246,672 205,656 615,092 29,686 223,612 152,108 884,810 303,843 1,708,209 21,783 159,235 26,899 139, W7 156,210 862,375 92,900 496,641 67,439 612,778 182,365 997,362 9,402 62,677 Per cent 25w8 16.4 18-2 21.4 17.8 27.1 20.8 23.3 26.7 12.0 a. 3 16.0 15.2 13.7 14.5 22.4 21.1 23.8 31.6 18.1 18.4 29.1 18.1 15.2 14.8 17.7 27.3 23.9 121 26.9 2L9 13.0 1&3 ia2 18.4 20.7 32.7 33.4 13.3 17.2 17.8 13.7 19.2 IB.1 18.7 11.2 18.3 15.0 ^ U . S* Bureau of the Oenuss.^ Pourteentb census. Population: 1920. t * 4, Occupations, p. 47, tables* 81 FACTS ABOUT WORKING W O M E N " CHART 4 . — P R O P O K T I O N OF W O M E N OCCUPIED: IN EACH STATE ocnt g.k) ZO 30 40 €Q €0 yo 60 So Coroltna J^f] J ^MtJahrtd 23tj\ Ma^zachuse/fs Af/ssJs^pjb/ Ncvf^mpshir^ Connecticut' NowVorK Ccorgfcc A/atoma Afcrj/oftti Florida i.oufs/ixna //aCaro/zna CaZ/for/jia I//mo/s I>eA2ivars P^tjnsyfvoniQ Vermont i/\fest3/nft0n Orc^or? Mmrfcsotit Ohio W/Sconun Artionso^ Wctf/fon /4/s^ovri JO/1 y/r^inia Co/orach lld\ iZ6\ Tcjc^s in\ AWot? Tenmes^c. nt\ Arlzom I6.i\ Imt/cna h loyya AJO^tOftQ / 5 2 i Wyoming li tte/ffucHy H5\ Ut^h 33985^—25t 3 GAINFULLY 1920 m 12 FACTS ABOUT W O E K I N G WOMEIT TABLE 5.—PROPORTION OF W O M E N I N SPECIFIED N A T I V I T Y AND RACE GROUPS G A I N F U L L Y OCCUPIED: 1910 A N D 19201 Females 10 years of age and over 1930 1910 Nativity and race group Engaged in gainful occupations Total number A l l fTOBPI Native white—Native parentage Native white—Foreign or mixed parentage. Foreign-bom white Negro Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other... Indian Chinese J a p a n e s e . . . . . . . . . . A l l other Kn^ged in gainful occupations Total number Per cent Number Per cent 84,652.718 8,076,772 23.4 40,449,346 8,649,511 91,1 18,147,527 6,998,781 5,623,333 3,6S0,530 102,535 96,176 3,445 6,852 G2 5,098,639 1,722,279 1,222,791 2,013,981 18,082 14,710 17.1 24.6 21.7 54,7 17,6 16.0 21,716,069 8,494,749 6,078,195 4,043,763 116,570 85,379 5,189 25,432 570 3,733,329 2,110,454 1,118,463 1,571,289 15,976 9,848 732 5,289 107 17,2 24.8 1&4 3&9 13.7 11.5 14.1 20.8 18.8 »3,351 32.5 21 C) Number »U. S. Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth census* Population: 1920. v. 4, Occupations, p. 340, table Z * Separate occupation figures for Chinese and Japanese are not available for 1910. » Per cent not shown, base being less than 100. FACTS ABOUT W O B K I N A IS WOMEN' CHART 6.—PROPORTION OF WOMEN I N SPECIFIED N A T I V I T Y A N D RACE GROUPS G A I N F U L L Y OCCUPIED: 1910 A N D 1920 Per cenf 56 t n mo nzo 40 339 >30 Z4-6&1-6 U7 ZO 16.4- /76 n.iJZL 1 s i to 1 1 1 I' li I i III I f 14: FACTS ABOUT W O E K I K G WOMEN TABLE 6 . — N A T I V I T Y A N D R A C E OF W O R K I N G W O M E N : 1910 A N D 19201 Females 10 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations Nativity and racc group Total number TotaL. Native ivhito—Native parentage Native white—Foicign or miicd parentage . Foreign-born white Negro., Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and all other., 1920 igio Per cent of total in cach group Total number Per ccnt of total in each group 8,076,772 100.0 8,549,511 100.0 3,098,639 1,722,279 1,222,791 2,013,981 18,082 38.4 21.3 15.1 21.9 .2 3,733,329 2,110,454 1,118,463 1,571,289 16,976 43.7 217 13.1 18.4 .2 1U. s. Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth census. Population: 1920. v. 4, Occupations, p. 33&-34Q, tables 1-2. TACTS ABOTJT WOEJKING W O M E K ^Chart 6,—NATIVITY A N D RACE OF WORKING WOMEN: 1910 A N D 1920 15 TABLE 7.—DISTRIBUTION OF WORiaNG WOMEN I N SPECIFIED N A T I V I T Y AND RACE GROUPS, BY M A I N OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS: 1910 AND 1920i A l l groups j Native w l i i t o Natlvo parontago Occupational division 1910 1020 1920 1910 Native w i i i t e Foreign or m l i c d pareotago Foreign-bom white 1910 1920 1910 loao I,7a2,a79 2,110,454 l,»a,79I 1,118,463 Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and a l l other Negro 1910 1920 1910 1920 NUMBER A l l occupatioiii.. Agrlcolture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere daaslfled) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical occupations 8,075,772 8,549,611 3,098,630 3,733,339 1,807,601 1,094 1,820.570 l«Vfl25 468,088 13,558 733,8912,631,221 693,224 1,084,128 2,864 1,030,341 213, OM 667,792 21,791 1,016,498 2,186,924 1,420,110 621,781 398 708,461 62,706 216,913 9,577 460,027 712,714 306,059 377,276 1,158 772,297 127,078 352,388 14,910 655,344 650.655 782,223 71,382 211 612,396 36,953 171, m 2,802 m, 542 398.726 212,717 -60,076 658 631,316 71,430 213,976 4,862 250,920 310,311 643,976 425,173 5,614 72,355 811 68,205 661,076 41,187 2,015,981 1,671,289 IS, 082 15,976 414,552 10,938 89,649 1,QI0 70,657 399,961 91,309 1,051,137 81 67,937 1,286 7,027 349 29.645 853,387 3,132 612,261 337 104,983 3,525 11,158 966 39,127 790,631 8,301 6,232 10 6.003 36 263 19 472 6,318 129 4,854 15 4,193 83 621 16 650 6,336 308 PER CENT AU occupttioiii Agriculture, forestry, and animal huaban'lry-. Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mcchanlcal industries Transportation Trado Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service.. — Domestic and personal service Clerical occupations 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 22.4 12.7 20.1 10.1 4.1 2.4 4.7 3.6 6Z2 39.0 28.9 «3lis .6 6.9 .1 37.1 <\7 .2 .7 .1 30.6 .2 1.5 .1 30.4 .1 26.2 .6 3.9 .1 3.4 .5 .7 .2 9.1 31.3 7.3 2.5 7.8 .3 11.0 25.6 lfl.7 2.0 7.0 .3 14.8 23.0 9.0 3.4 9.4 .4 17.6 17.4 2t.0 2.1 10.0 .2 10.8 23.2 14.1 3.4 10.1 .2 11.9 10.1 25.8 » U . S. Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth consua. Population: 1920. v. 4, Occupations, p. 340, tables 3 and 4. > Lieaa tban one-tenth ol l per cent. 4.8 45.9 3.4 .1 1.0 8.0 a 0.3 35.8 8.2 42.4 .2 .1 1.0 a> 81 FACTS ABOUT WORKING WOMEN" 7-A.—DISTRIBUTION OF WORKING WOMEN I N SPECIFIED N A T I V I T Y A N D RACE GROUPS, BY M A I N OCCUPATIONAL D I V I SIONS: 1910 A N D 1920 CHART Aic7//Ve white - /yatf^^e parentage Per cent too im mo tZ9 to ZOJ no E07 /76 to- 10,1 Aqfi ^ncuh ManufaoTrartS' Trade Profes- Domz^- Clzrical rut ^urz turmg fiorfafion ^iono! tic FACTS ABOUT WOEKING WOMEIT 18 7-B.—DISTRIBUTION OF W O R K I N G WOMEN I N SPECIFIED N A T I V I T Y A N D RACE GROUPS, BY M A I N OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS: 1910 A N D 1920 CHART fiafiye white - Fore/^n or mii^ed parohfagc Per cont /OQx 1=] • ivo mo 3S.6 30.f da m zo f6J HL /Cl^ /o [Ik 'Ml r l Agncu/'/iQnufijc-TrprjS' Trade, Prcfes--Domos-Ckrkal tur^ faring ftorfafion s/onaJ tie 81 FACTS ABOUT W O R K I N G W O M E N " CHAKT 7 - C . — D I S T R I B U T I O N O F W O R K I N G W O M E N I N S P E C I F I E D N A T I V I T Y A N D R A C E GROUPS, B Y M A I N O C C U P A T I O N A L D I V I SIONS: 1910 A N D 1920 Foreign'horn Per wh/te, cent 100 \ C=3 mo 4S.9 40 ^7/ ZQ 10 7Cc//-» MonufQC' fare. taring 33985®—25t 4 Trado Pfpfzs^ ^tono/ JDp/nc,a~ tio Cizrhal 20 FACTS ABOUT WOEKING WOMEIT 7-D.—DISTRIBUTION OF W O R K I N G WOMEN I N SPECIFIED N A T I V I T Y A N D RACE GROUPS, B Y M A I N OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS: 1910 A N D 1920 Chart Hzgro • iOO\ mo mo SijL so,^ 50' no 40 zo w €7 Ayiculturti Monufaoiurmg Dornz'^tio FACTS ABOUT WORKING WOMEN" 81 7-E.—DISTRIBUTION OF W O R K I N G WOMEN I N SPECIFIED N A T I V I T Y A N D RACE GROUPS, B Y M A I N OCCUPATIONAL D I V I SIONS: 1910 A N D 1920 CHART Indtott^ Ch/msc,,, and all oiher P^R CC/T/ iQO\ t=3 40 mo 304 ao £5.9 ZO iO Agriculture Morxjfacturing Professional Domeatic TABLE 8—CHART 8.—NATIVITY A N D RACE OF WOMEN I N EACH M A I N OCCUPATIONAL DIVISION; 1910 A N D 1920 i Naf'mwhth foreign " fizgro- Ihdian, Naftvewhtfz, Foreign orbor/s whJfc frtix^pcttti fiarento^c other ag^ Per Per per Per Per Humher cent gcff/ Number rchtNumber ceMNumber ^3.7 14.7 divhion iSfOi tap6lat /S/ 364fjtip^ ZU UtZTSl iH /SZ& O.Z /JJ /,S7{269 M-f fcO to 03 g § Agriculture, %m J.9 sojm as 5<3tZ S^dSl . ^ ^ JLZ f,0S/J37 4fi54a4' 3.7 /9/OL m i moL : m i1-4 i IV Ut 40A ssei$s HZ w / / / / / / M m m m ^ to 0.9 < et 79617M 337aa /3Z01 SSas mssssssi Q I w fe; > 36.9 4C.06 H i / 6 415/73 MS 3.7 a4 /9/OL S.4 '4m ax /9ZOL TrmsporfaUoh 62p0isaA S9i€ iZi^CTi S3 f^Bf.A Z SJ 3.SZ& /7 JC ( / ) (/) /9/OL mssmsmammm v////////////mm v////////////^^ msjo JJt.0 SLB Trod^ fSS 7pt7AS //JS6/ 7 a/ moZ i^jsoL M M ! Fubilo ,5cwcc PJS7J 7a6 tfiot mr eak M^ifo 6tt ec seaZZJ /,04C 07 40 a/ Professional /Biol J.d c./ IBZ^ SB^m 7.9 Hdsfiil 627 6.9 zsqnoMJ 7qSS7 - v////////y /9/oL w Z6 4A V/////////A 07 Qomcsfic 7/A7/f ztx /se SS/^<r76 zz:2 BS3,}67 JJ.7 eso^ssi 19.Bmn WM /AJ sjta imV SJ3H J9ZO\L OcfiCQl 516 mjrn 4a9 ^jej tf.9 3i.i SU se,si7s 4/3Z 6.4 ^JO/ a6 fta r / * moL 006f/^ JBZQL -^Native, white.Nativc .pamitagc X^D/ofive whiteForeign or mixed parentage f^^Foreign-born vfhiis. C than one-fenih of / yocr cwt I V , B, Bureau of iho census. Fourteeuth census. Population: 1020. v, 4, Occupations, p. 341» table 4. i i § g § y / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ^CI ^ Y / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / m m Q. p=j Negro Chinese, Japanese,and c// other fcO CO 24 FACTS ABOUT W O E K I N G WOMEIT TABLE 9.—PROPORTION OF W O M E N I N EACH AGE GROUP GAINF U L L Y OCCUPIED: 19201 Females 10 yeara of age and over Age group Total number Engaged in gainfuloecupatii3ns Number 10 year* and oTer. Under 16 years 16 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25to44yeats ........ 45 to 64 years 65 years and over. Age unknown ... ... . ... * .. . . Percent 40,449,546 8,649,511 21.1 6,207,597 3,820,998 4,749,976 15^249,602 7,915,205 2,450,144 55,824 346,610 1,411,427 1,809,075 3,417,373 1,352,479 196,900 15,647 5.6 3&9 3SL1 22.4 17.1 8.0 2&.Q 1 rr. S. Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth census. Populfttion: 1920. v. A, Occupations, p. 376, table 2. 81 FACTS ABOUT WORKING WOMEN" CHART 9.—PROPORTION OF WOMEN I N EACH AGE GROUP GAINF U L L Y OCCUPIED: 1920 Per czrrt iOOr 35./ 30- ao to ao (//7cter/6 years leioN years aotoZ4- l5fo4^ *y^rs years 45fo6^ eSyears year3 ana over 26 FACTS ABOUT W O E K I N G WOMEIT TABLE 10.—AGE OF W O R K I N G W O M E N A N D M E N : 19201 Men Women Ago group Number 10 yeara and oTer. Under 16 years I 6 t o 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 to 64 years 65 years and over Ago unknown Per cent Number Per ccnt 8,549,511 100.0 33,064,737 100.0 346,610 1,411,427 1,809,075 3,417,373 1,352,479 196,900 15,617 4.1 las 21.2 4ao 1&8 2l3 .2 714,248 2; 547,424 4,121,392 15,579,586 8,552,175 1,492,837 57,075 2.2 7.7 12.5 47.1 25.9 4.5 .2 1 U. 8. Bureau of tho Census. Fourteenth ccnsus. Population: 1920. v. 4, Occupatioifi, p. 375, tables 1-2. FACTSABOUT WORKING CHART Per WOMEN" 81 10.—AGE OF WORKING WOMEN A N D M E N : 1920 c^nt IQQ' Women CI3 Men SO 47J 40.0 40 ' 30.4 ZLZ 10 /aj je.5 \IZ.5 iO Ui t jlzL Under 16 years 33985®—25t J6tol9 years 5 20 to 14years ZSfo44 years years ana over to 11.—AGE OF WOMEN I N EACH M A I N OCCUPATIONAL DIVISION: 1920» TABLE Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Age group Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and Transpormechantation ical industries Trade Public scrvlco (not elsewhere olassifled) 00 Professional service Domestic and personal servicc Clerical occupations NUMBER Under 16 years 16 to 19 years - 25 to 44 years 45 to 64 years 65 years and over Age unknown - 1*084,198 9,8M 188,071 1S2.921 130,790 337,087 219,802 54,356 1,098 146 603 610 1,125 405 66 9 813,054 I 81,002 435,038 382,765 730,250 271,017 26,986 2,653 3,295 67,362 70,702 63,266 7.660 547 222 fil,TM 1,016,498 2,188,924 1,426,118 a 14,134 122,786 138,915 291,658 91,725 7,408 1,166 45 641 2,929 12,096 6,654 471 68 1,486 80.899 294,827 490,804 130,600 10,976 2,916 37,924 206,877 302,220 972,489 668,448 93,135 6,825 20,507 343,697 481,411 618,508 57,338 2,955 1,700 S > 10years and oTer... — 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 I 17.3 14.1 12.1 31.1 20.3 5.0 .1 fi.1 21.0 17.8 39.3 14.1 2.3 .3 4.2 22.6 19.8 37.8 H.0 1.4 .1 1.5 31.6 33.2 29.7 3.6 .3 .1 Z1 18.4 20.8 43.7 13.7 1.1 .2 0,2 %9 13.4 65.6 25.6 2.2 .3 > U. S. Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth census. Population: 1930. y, 4, Occupations, p. 376, table 3. w o CJ ^ 0 w PEn CENT Under 16 years.. 16 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25to 44 years 45 to 64 years.,: 65 years and over Age unknown 2 667,792 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 5 0. 1 8.0 29.4 48.3 12.8 1.1 .3 1.7 9.4 13,8 44.6 26.0 4.3 .3 1.4 24.1 33.8 36.4 4.0 .3 • I 1 CI m CHART 11.—AGE OF W O M E N I N E A C H M A I N O C C U P A T I O N A L D I V I S I O N : 1920 Percent /oot /fey O Under ts years m /etoJS jears Ea zotoz^years ES zsto^years so -MS 30 20 m to Ayicu/turc Manufacturing Tran^rtatton Trade Profezsfonat Domestic Cter/cat TABLE 12.—DISTRIBUTION OF WORKING WOMEN I N EACH AGE GROUP BY M A I N OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS: 1920» Age group A l l groups AgriculManufacture, Eitraction turing and Transporforestry, of minerals mcchanical tation and animal Industries industry Trade Public Domestic scrvlco and (not else- Professional service personal where classervice sincd) 05 O Clerical occupations NUMBEU 10 yeari and orer Under 16 years 16 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 to 64 years 65 years and over Ago unknown - 8.549,511 1.034.128 2,864 1,090,341 913,054 667,782 91,7»4 1,010,498 2,188,924 1,428,118 5 346,610 1,411.427 1,809.075 3.417,373 1,352.479 106,000 15,&17 18S.071 152,02 ( 130,790 337,087 219,802 64,356 1,098 146 603 610 M25 40.'i 66 9 81,002 435,638 382,76.5 730,250 271.017 26,986 2,653 3,293 67.362 70.702 63,206 7.660 617 222 14,131 122,786 138,915 29I,6.'>8 91,725 7,408 1,166 45 611 2.929 12.096 5.654 471 58 1,486 8a 899 298,827 490.894 130.500 10.976 2,916 37,924 206,877 302,226 972,489 568,448 93,135 6.825 20.507 343.697 431,411 618,508 67,338 2.955 1,700 2 Cft PEll CENT 10 year* and orer Under 16 years 16 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 to 64 years 65 years and over Age unknown 12.7 <») 92. e 9.5 7.8 100,0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 54.3 10.8 7.2 9.9 16.3 27.6 7.0 (>) («) 23.4 30.9 21.2 21.4 20.0 13.7 17.0 1.0 4.8 3.9 1.9 .6 .3 1.4 4.1 8.7 7.7 8.5 6.8 3.8 7.6 1 U. S. Bureau of the Census, Pourteectb census. Topulatioa: 1920. v. * Less than one-tenth of 1 per ceut. ^ 100.0 0.1 > S g g Occupations, p. 37(V-377f tables 3-4. 0.3 11.9 25.6 18.7 S .2 .4 .4 a4 5.7 16.5 H.4 9.6 5.6 18.6 10.9 14.7 16.7 28.5 42.0 47.3 37.2 5.9 24.4 26.6 15.2 4.2 tf § g ia9 w (') .4 o FACTS ABOUT WORKING WOMEN" 81 12.—DISTRIBUTION OF W O R K I N G W O M E N I N EACH AGE GROUP BY M A I N OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS: 1920 CHART 22 Monufoeh^ 3/J Ti-on^pvfthtn 33 Tnxim 77 fYvfksiionat t6S £>ommjttc /6J OvM 26S Man^^oefurtty 2/.4 Thinjpoifaffon /3 Troef &5 firof€S3hnof MA DoftfJtie 2AS Oarcaf iSZ 4Sto 64 M^tuAicturiny ZCuO Trma* Prof99ihnpt 316 Dogmatic 4ZJO Cfrieof 42 ZZ6 ManufiKfurin^ /3J TraOt M /ye^jahnaf SJ6 Oomm^ m a«ricat /J Ptcfa^hnof fKt fnc/udeet because cf smaff im^vvd. Tfonsporh^ not irKAM bmi^ mff p^mrit^ intend. TABLE 13.—PROPORTION OF WOMEN I N SPECIFIED N A T I V I T Y A N D RACE GROUPS GAINFULLY OCCUPIED, BY AGE GROUPS: 1920» Native white—Native parentage Age group Total nambor Engaged In gainful occupations Number Native white—Foreign or mlied parentage Total number Per cent Engaged In gainful occupations Number Foreign-bora white Total number Perccnt to Negro Engaged tn gainful occupations Number CO Total number Engaged in gainful occupations Number Per cent Per cent a H 10 y e t r t » n d orer Under 18 years to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 to 64 ywars 05 year? and over 91,710,069 3,733,329 17.9 3,746,11® 2,241,771 2,629,880 7,807,162 ^884,369 1,373,349 33,410 136,032 642,614 855,946 1,439,349 558,203 93,033 7,353 3.7 2&7 3Z5 18.4 K4 6.8 22.0 0,494,749 9,110,454 94.8 6,078,195 1,118,463 18.4 4,043,763 1,571,289 33.9 1,501,064 881,660 1,067,020 3,15^386 1.623,864 ^ 202,350 5,396 67,650 452,396 521,017 774,177 271,734 21,686 1,794 4.5 51.3 48.8 24.6 16.7 8.3 33.2 205,829 227,053 469,856 2,720,964 1,799,118 648,843 6,532 1^766 129,166 177,030 506,267 25a 084 38,453 1,697 7.7 56.9 37.7 18.6 13.9 5.9 26.0 731,682 458,780 507,678 1,525,792 591,006 158,832 9,993 125,354 185,787 252,417 689,933 269,955 43,096 4,747 17.1 4a 5 44.5 45.2 45.7 27.1 47.5 I U . S. Bureau of the Census. Foortocath ceasu5. Population: 1930. v . 4, Occupatfom, p. 377, table 03 Id H § M 25 O ^ O CHART 1 3 . — P R O P O R T I O N O F W O M E N I N S P E C I F I E D N A T I V I T Y A N D R A C E GROUPS G A I N F U L L Y O C C U P I E D , B Y A G E GROUPS: 1920 ' WkNativz whitB^ ^rorzkn-borrt Native, parentoge^ P^r cznt white. for^grt ormix^ fiar^ntagZ' 60 4S7 45Z 40 JO • ao m /67 A6 6S\ to Urtcfer/6ycarts iBfx>i9yzQrs ZOtoZ^ytar^ ZStoi-i-yzats i-SfoG^-ycar^ GSyzar^ and over 34 FACTS ABOUT WOEKING WOMEIT TABLE 14,—PROPORTION OF W O R K I N G W O M E N I N EACH MARITAL CLASS: 1890-1920 > Women 15 years of age and over Census year and marital condition Total number Engaged In gainful occupations Number Percent 1890 Afgrejtie Married Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown 19,602,178 3,712,144 18.9 11,124,785 8,4n,393 515,260 3,196,884 16 37.7 24,249,191 4,997,415 20.8 13,810,057 10,439,134 769,477 4,227,938 5l6 4a5 90,047,325 7,639,828 25.4 17,684,687 12,362,638 1,890,661 6,749,167 ia7 46.5 35, i n , 615 8,346,796 217 21,318,933 13,868,582 1,920,281 6,426,515 9.0 4&4 1900 AjfrefUe-Married Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown 1910 Aggreftte Married Single, widowed, divorccd, and unknown 1920 Married Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown »U. 8. Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth census. Population: 1920. v. 4, Occupations, p. 692, table 1. FACTS ABOUX WOBKING WOMEN^ CHAET 35 14.—PROPORTION OF W O R K I N G W O M E N I N E A C H M A R I T A L CLASS: 1890-1920 Per cejit /a?- s3Z7 xSO-' 10- mi io.. 90 Jdso /BOO is/0 Married mo mo /900 /9ia jszo ^ingh, w/dovsfed, dlvorced^anct un Known TABLE 15—CHART 15.—MARITAL CONDITION OF WORKING WOMEN: 1890-19201 Wome/f /S ycar^ 0^09® ancfovtr zngogedin qatnM occupations o /Vumt^ Per conf disfr/hution ^g^reyaf^ Jwjsfe, foo.o mchkyeot, <ffyon:ccC,andun/p7orm A^re^fe ^ifJSaza /,63Qi€ef s,74s^t£7 30 40 Pcrc^ro^e. so eo /aso /BOO I S 100.0 7SJ Afarriad ZXO ^/nff/e's *v/dotyfid, divorced, ondun^mm G,4ZG^Si5 77.0 zo ae/ ^,S97A/S /oao Agqreoa^^ Married^ S^fe^^ nwbmsat dJyorced^ctndw^Cnom 'iizzzssa MarrM /o M /B/0 /92L0 E B lEB SI t IT. 8. Bureau of tho Oensns. ^ourteoBtb oensas. Population: 1020. v. Ocscupattons, p. 693. table 2. 70 CO Oi 60 Bojoo 81 FACTS ABOUT WORKING W O M E N " 16.—DISTRIBUTION OF WORKING WOMEN I N EACH MARITAL CLASS BY M A I N OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS: 1910 A N D 1920» TABLE Women 15 years of age and over engaged i n gainful occupations 1910 Occupational division Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown Married Number AUoccnpadons .Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical occupations Per cent 1,880,661 100.0 692,745 36.6 371 O 330,914 8,602 83,0S9 4,377 76,287 662,199 33,077 1920 17.5 Per cent Number Per cent 5,749,167 100.0 1,920,281 100.0 6,426,515 100.0 663,425 1,503 8.8 (») 22.4 2.9 7.9 13.9 23.8 Number 780,616 4.4 4.0 35.0 1.7 9,178 657,055 1,822,078 556,132 Number 371.637 1,278 19.3 24.3 1.4 6.6 466,663 26,480 156,490 ai 1,437,469 185,902 507,449 11.4 31.7 9.7 7,642 123,678 637,675 129,038 .4 6.4 33.2 6.7 14,226 892,326 1,631,775 1,292,440 13.6 O 1,445,003 97,432 381,084 .6 Per cent Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown Married 25.1 1.7 .1 .2 2ai 1 U.S.Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth census. Population: 1920. v . 4, Occupations, p. 693, table 4. »Less than one-tenth of i per cent. 38 FACTS ABOUT WOEKING WOMEIT CHART 1 6 . — D I S T R I B U T I O N O F W O R K I N G W O M E N I N EACH MARI AfarrJed Per certt /9J0 36.6 Ayhu/ture /9Z0 /9.3 /9/0 n.s Manufaduring /920 TTvcfe /9/0 /9Z0 P/r/kssJond B,i /9/0 /920 1 6!f /9/0 Jf.O Domestic /9Z0 Cferia^ 332 iStO 17 f920 6,7 /O 20 30 SO TACTS ABOUT WOBKING WOMEN" 89 TAL CLASS, B Y M A I N O C C U P A T I O N A L D I V I S I O N S : 1910 A N D 1920 40 FACTS ABOUT W O E K I N G WOMEIT TABLE 17.—MARITAL C O N D I T I O N OF W O M E N I N EACH M A I N OCCUPATIONAL DIVISION: 1910 A N D 1920» Women 15 years of ago and over engaged i n gainful occupations 1920 1910 Occupational division Married Total Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown number Number A l l occupations.. Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 1,473,261 Extraction of minerals 1,000 Manufacturing and mechanical industries 1,775,917 Transportation 106,034 Trade 464,173 public service (not elsewhere classified) 13,655 Professional service 733,342 Domestic and personal service 1 2,483,277 Clerical occupations 539,200 Per cent Number Married Total number Number Per cent Per cent Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown Number Per cent 1,890,661 S17 5,749,167 76.5 8,546,796 1,920,281 23.06,426,515 77.0 692,745 47.0 371 35.0 330,914 8,602 934,962 2,781 371,537 39.7 563,425 6a3 1,503 54.0 1,278 4a 0 81.4 1,904,132 9L9 212,382 381,034 82.1 663,939 406,663 24.5 1,437,469 75.5 26,480 12.5 185,902 87.5 156,490 216 607,44^ 76.4 9,178 67.7 21,768 657,055 89.6 1,015,904 7,542 34.6 123,578 1Z2 780,516 53.0 C5.0 1&6 1,445,003 &1 97,432 17.9 4,3n 32.3 76,237 ia4 661,109 20.6 1,822,078 73.4 2,169,450 33,077 5.6 656,132 94.4 1,421,478 14,226 65.4 87.8 637,675 29.4 1,631,775 129,038 9.1 1,292,440 7a6 9a9 » U . S . Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth census. Population: 1920. v . 4» Occupations, p. 693, table 3. 81 FACTS ABOUT W O R K I N G WOMEN" CHART 17.—MARITAL CONDITION OF WOMEN I N EACH OCCUPATIONAL DIVISION: 1910 AND 1920 HI Married I—\3fngf^, m'dow^cf, cf/Vorcect and unHnown Agricutture. !9/0 Esa Eg iBlO e g g m Extraction of minerals J9iO 12551 i9Z0, tlanufactunn^ /3/0 m mo^ m . Tran^sportaJ-ton /9/0 B T T [ Trade iBJQ J9Z0 m m . Public Qerv/c<z tBtO m mo m Profes^'onat ^zrv/Co | /9to\ M mo\i Dom^^tio /B/0 m /SZO C/^r/caf /S/0 /9Z0\ m • MAIN lO TADLB 18.—MARITAL C O N D I T I O N OF WORKING WOMEN, B Y NATIV^ I T Y A N D RACE GROUPS: 1920 ^ Women IG years of qro and over cDgngcd In fatnful occupations Nativity and race group Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown Married Total number Number Tcl4L Native white—Notlvo parentage Native white—Foreign or miicd parentage... Foreign-born white Negro Chinese, Japanese, and all other 652, WO 2,088, 431 1,113, 2in 1,470,915 G,m 707,fi03 245,311 29a I M 662,684 3,929 4,728 > U. S. Bureau ot tho Census. Fourteenth Census. Population: 1920. v. Per cent Number SIO 6,430,516 77.0 19.4 11.7 av.6 44.0 42.9 77.5 2,915,460 1,^13,120 817,090 814,231 5,230 1,375 80.0 85.3 73.4 6,M 57.1 22.5 i A 0 c3 Per wnt 1 s 0 Occupations, p. 605* tabic 6. 1 CHART 1 8 . — M A R I T A L C O N D I T I O N O F W O R K I N G W O M E N B Y N A T I V I T Y A N D R A C E GROUPS: 1920 Pzr cent o /p Ahtlkic tvMte -/iatUm parentay: ^ liatlve y^hlte - Foreigt^ or mtACcT pare^nta^^ QZl 4 /brei^'born /ndian Jp ^p so ep rp so op wmsmmmmsmsmmm v//////////////////////////////^^^^ . Bsa ^^mmmwi^^^i^^' ^ y/////////////////^^, msssssssmsmmm C/7/nes<T,Japar7BSG,and a/t other /oo mmmmmBBBBBBBBmm ^hlte /fcffro zo •• AfarrhdL ^ S/n^fQ, mdo^^d, ctfvorcedt^and un/Cnoi^n. TABLE CHART 19.—PROPORTION OF WOMEN I N EACH M A R I T A L CLASS GAINFULLY OCCUPIED, BY N A T I V I T Y A N D RACE GROUPS: 1920 » liiomen 15 years ofage and over Engagedin gai/t" fui ocoupafions Tofa! Number ^ ^ f nutntxucent /^otiYe ryhife -Mtiye parentooe Married ilJ95,Q65 7a7,S03 63 SJn^k, n^/clotvecl, divorced, ana unKnom l^-^S.-Ha 4QZ ISktive wlitB'Fi^-^ orn^dpormwe Married ' a.69a&70 Z4-5.3II &3 H Mdomd. d/ycrced.and unHnown 3.J2QeS3 / , 6 4 3 . 7 2 0 5 5 . 5 ^ Foreign'bom ¥\rhife Married ^J23.SOd Z96,/26. 7.2 Sin^e, widomd,diyorced,and uni(hown 1,790/fGZ GI7,090 45.6 Mq/X> i^arrJed Z.039,fQ/ 6&Z.684 SZ5 Single • iy/doned, divorced,and unKnom t,S63,S}9 ei4,Z9t SOB hdian 3.929 69 Married 43.323 Single, n/domd, dimxed.andunHnatvn 5.239 /9£ 26,600 Chines, Japanese, ana ai/ ether 2S.SS/ Married 4.72G /as Single, widowed.divorced,midun/rnom 3.5S2 /,375 307 U . B. B u r e a u of the Census. Tourteenth census. Population: 1920. v . 4» Occupations, p. 694, table C. ^ S^ Sf 6f 7f SO A^ . 81 FACTS ABOUT W O R K I N G WOMEN" TABLE 20.—DISTRIBUTION OF W O R K I N G WOMEN I N EACH MARITAL CLASS BY N A T I V I T Y A N D RACE GROUPS: 19201 Women 15 years of age and over engaged i n gainful occupations Nativity and race group Single, widowed, divorced, and unknown Married Number TotaL Native white—Native parentage Native white—Foreign or mixed parentage Foreign-born white Negro Indian Chinese, Japanese, and all other - Per cent Number Per cent 1,920,281 100.0 6,426,615 100.0 707,503 245,311 296,126 662,6&1 3,929 4,728 36.8 12.8 15.4 34,6 .2 .2 2,945,460 1,843,120 817,090 814,231 6,239 1,375 45.8 28.7 12.7 1Z7 .1 (0 »U. S. Bureau of the Census. Fourteenth census. Population: 1930. v . 4, Occupations, p. 695-696, tables 6 and 8. »Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. CHART 20.—DISTRIBUTION OF W O R K I N G WOMEN I N EACH M A R I TAL CLASS, B Y N A T I V I T Y A N D RACE GROUPS: 1920 Married its Sing/^, w/dowcd^diVarcz^d^and unMnowff IZ7 at 267 dl NaHvz. whiti&'/iQtivo parentage. XSZiNaftve^ whitc-For&gn or mixedparcnta^e^ Far^ign-borrt whJfz. Hi Xrfd/on, Chmese^ and a// 46 I'ACTS ABOUT W O R K I N G WOJIEN- TABLE M A R I T A L C O N D I T I O N A N D AGE OF W O R i a N G WOMEN, BY N A T I V I T Y A N D RACE GROUPS: 1920 ^ WomcQ 15 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations N a t i v i t y and rac© and ago group Number A l l groups IT) to 19 yeara 20 t o 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 years and o v e r ' Natire white—Katiro pu-entJige 16 to 19 years 20 to 24 years... 25 to 44 years 45 years and over» Single, widowed, div o r c e , and unknown Married i Native white-Foreign or mixed parentage Per cent 100.0 1 6,426,515 100.0 74,305 283,870 1,143,706 418,400 3.9 1 1,481,017 1,525,205 its 2.273,667 59.6 1,146,626 21.8 23.0 23.7 35.4 17.8 707, &0S 100.0 { 8,W5,4C0 lOOO 29,980 100,191 407,769 163,563 4,2 15.0 57.6 23.1 669,100 749,755 1,031,580 495,025 22.7 25.5 35.0 16.8 100.0 1 1,843,120 100.0 490,346 483,733 627,792 241,249 26.6 26.2 34.1 13.1 7,677 37,284 146,385 53,965 Foreign-born white Number 1,920,231 245,311 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 years and over > Per cent 3.1 15.2 59.7 22.0 817,090 100.0 15 to 19 years... 20 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 years and over J 4,382 27,876 189,138 74,730 1.5 9.4 63.9 25.2 135,303 149,154 317,129 215,504 16.6 1&3 38.8 26.4 Negro 688,684 100.0 I 814,231 100.0 31,911 111,095 394,916 124,762 4.8 16.8 59.6 18.8 184,856 141,322 295,017 193,036 22.7 17.4 36.2 23.7 6,259 100.00 1,114 901 1,595 1,629 21.3 17.2 30.4 31.1 296,126 15 to 19 years..-*. 20 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 years and over > 100.0 1 Indian 3,929 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 years and over > 258 548 2,169 954 6.6 13.9 55.2 213 4,728 100.0 1 1,375 100.0 97 876 3,329 426 2.1 1 18.5 70.4 9.0 298 340 554 183 21.7 24.7 40.3 13.3 Chineae, Japanese, a n d all other 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 years and over» - V* u. u u i o a u w i,uD tables 5 and 7. ) Includes ago unknown. , . ^ 100.0 1 CHART 2 1 . — M A R I T A L C O N D I T I O N A N D A G E O F W O R K I N G W O M E N , B Y N A T I V I T Y A N D R A C E GROUPS: 1920 Married Per cc/f/ iOO 90 60 70 €Q 50 40 JO ZO iO o O mdow^d, divorozd.onciunKfiown Per oe^t to to JO AO SO 60 70 do SO m All groups Naf/ve i^h/t^^ /Vo//Ve parenf^Q^e, A/Qf)ve whife-Poreign or mix^dpar^tas^ mzosmsosamm Porcf^t^ horn white i^gro Indian V / / / / / / / / / / / / / / M Chinese, Wapanz-^c, and o/i ofh^K ^^^O to Z^years W///M 1 WS^car^and over' TABLE 22.—SCHEDULED W E E K L Y HOURS OF WORK OF WOMEN I N 13 STATES ^ Numbor of cstablisbmcnts and number of womon whoso scheduled weekly hours were— Number reported State ToUl Per cent dJs* tributlon.. Alabama Arkansas Qeorgla Indiana.......... Iowa Kentucky Maryland Missouri New Jersey Ohio Rhode Island South Carolina Virginia 4,220 1»773 7,433 8,785 7,878 8,399 11,148 18,834 34,615 30,461 6.537 8,453 11,001 1 From surveys made by the U. 8. Women's Bureau. * DetaUs aggregate more than total becausc some establlshn 1 appear in more than one group. 00 81 FACTS ABOUT W O R K I N G WOMEN" CJHXRT" 2 2 . ^ C H E D U L E D W E E K L Y I N 13 HOURS OF WORK Ovcr^ B2 Missouri KzntucK^ mm^mm SJSB ma I/7Cfic/7Q a,76S NNL Aiabama 4:2Z0 3a Coroiina » * From smreys made b y U . S. Women'3 Bureau. OF STATES hour^ W O M E N CHART 23.—WOMEN'S EARNINGS I N 10 STATES » Do//ars ^aes /S f/^ss S/2SS ^//ss pa7s /O aaao S /ihodghhfKl NmJerts^ Ohio Date i920 i9ZZ /dumber hf mrmn zy^ 3^,e5S 30.S63 Oeorp/o MJssouH Han^s /920 /92Z /BSO ArKansas J(enfucty Sa(kirvJho Atba^ /SJSZ /92/ A7S3 S^BS <S6B I From surveyB mado by tho XJ. 8. Women's Bureau. Half of tbo women surveyed In each Stuto Gamed less and half more in ono woolc than tlie auiouiita sliowu. APPENDIX Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupation, classified by sex, for the United States: 1910 and 1920 » [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also h r certain individual occupations bave been corrected to conform to the classification for 1920] 1910 Total POPULATION 10 Y E A R S OF A G E A N D OVER 71,580, AU occupationi., 1920 Male Female Total Male Female 37.027, 558*34, 553,712 82,730,315 42,289,009 40,449,346 38,167,3381 30,091.5S4 8,075,772 41,614,848 33,064,737 8,549,511 Amctiltizre, forestry, and animal flttsbandry 12,659,088 10,851,581 1,807,501 10,953,158 9,869,030 1,084,128 Dairy fanners, farmers, and stock raisers. 6,079,341 fi, 717,384 Dairy farmers. 61,811 59.240 Fanners, general farms 5,864,4» 5,606,789 Farmers, turpentine farms 511, 508 Stock raisers 52,52l| 50,847 261,956 6,201,261 6,947,425 114,867 118,813 2,576 257,703 6,004,580 5,757,327 309 309 3 74,922 77,559 1,674 253,836 3,946 247,253 Dairy farm, farm, and stock farm laborers 6.069,32 4,551,247 1,518,074 4,041,627 3,248,712 60,770 Dairy farm laborers 63,367 35,014 32,237 2,777 Farm laborers (home farm)* 3,310,534 2,133,949 1,176,585 1,850,119 1,273,477 2,636,966 2,299,444 Farm laborers (working out)».... 337.522 2,055,276 1,843,307 15,790 16.099 27,55^' Farm laborers (turpentine farm) 316 27.241 55,368 56,766 59,Stock herders, drovers, and feeders---. 874 58,376 792,915 2,597 576,642 211,969 309 1,393 Dairy farm, farm, garden, orchard, etc., foremen Dairy farm foremen. Farm foremen, general farms Farm foremen, turpentine farms. Farm foremen, stock farms. Garden and greenhouse foremen Orchard, nursery, etc., foremen Fisbermen and oystermen Foresters, forest rangers, and timber cruisers. 78,708 2,339 65,251 724 4,800 1,698 3,896 14,34L 140 13,767 88 87 93,048 2,479 79,018 724 4,894 1,874 4,059 476 52,836 52,457 379 3,653 3,651 2 43,419 1,001 34,017 89S 3,593 1,223 2,687 7,776 85 7,504 1 67,799 11 4,332 Gardeners, florists, fruit growers, and nurFruit growers Gardeners Landscape gardeners Nurserymen Garden, greenhouse, orchard, and nursery laborers Cranberry bog laborers. Garden laborers Greenhouse laborers. Orchard and nursery l a b o r e r s " ! ! ! ! ^ . . 2,637 94 176 163 131,421 7,977 41,255 75,481 3,777 2,931 7,834 1,051 2,27d 4,413 15 79 169,399 8,345 55,402 98,591 4,402 2,659 160,116 7,407 52,208 93,523 4,377 2,601 9,283 938 3,194 5,068 25 58 126.453 1,316 76,372 16,796 31,969 7,474 137,010 241 81,532 16,239 38,998 127,589 236 75,234 15,075 37,044 6,298 1,164 1,954 205,036 6,090 2,344 17,106 279 1.503 Lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchop* 9,421 Foremen and overseers I Inspectors, scalers, and surveyors Teamsters and haulers Other lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchoppers 15,038 15,038 205,315 6,090 2,344 17,106 139,322 139,246 179,775 179,490 279 Owners and managers of log and timber camps Managers and o f f i c T a i s . I i r i " I " I I I " I l Owners and proprietors 7,931 1,725 6,206 7 927 1,725 6,202 8,410 2,095 6,315 8,397 2,090 6,307 13 6 8 44,238 2,145* 40,408 2,020 40,599 2,893 36,939 2,759 3,660 134 6,617 15,198, 2,883' 12,1511 3.233! 3.0111 5,617 15,198 2,874 8.921 2,856 2,9221 5;379; 2,600 14,116| 4,599 1.3061 9,642 5,379 2,597 11,792 3,687 1.183 3 2,324 1,012 183 161, pers Other agricultural and animal husbandry pursuits Apiari^ Com shellers, hay balers, gr^in threshers, etc Ditchers (farm)* Irrigators and ditch tenders Jou try raisers Poultry yard laborers Other and not specitted pursuits 43^ 161,191 4,798 2,100 Census. Fourteenth census. 3,830 12^ Population: 1920. v . 4, Occupations, p. 35- ' Decreaa, 1910 to 1920, probably due mainly to change of census date from A p r . 15 in 1910 to Jan. 1 in 1920. 61 FACTS ABOUT W O E K I N G W O M E I T 52 Toted persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupationf damjied by sex, for the United StaUs: 1910 and 1920—Couiinned [The fleures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occapations haye been corrected to conform to the classiflcatlon for IftflOJ 1930 1010 OCCUrATlON Total Total Female 1,094 14,387 »M,07fi 2J.328 22,133 1,105 25,127 9,786 1,140 14,201 613,924 39,270 65,436 49, WS Operatives i n other and not spodfitd mines Lead and zinc mine operatives Other specified mine operatives N o t specified mine operatives Extraction of minerals.. 965,168 Male 10 Silale Female 1,090,223 1,087,SW 8,8«4 0 1 36,931 27,945 8,986 27,939 8»984 107 12 9 86 34,325 14,469 2,522 17,334 34,143 14,446 2,481 17,216 '182 613,519 39,251 55,397 49,909 405 19 39 733,936 36,054 32,700 38,704 732,441 35,918 32,666 38,605 1,495 136 » 47,252 19,486 7,945 19,821 47,109 19,471 7,891 19,807 83 15 54 14 41,389 20,798 11,320 9,271 41,282 20^749 11,271 9,262 107 49 49 Quarry operatives 80,840 80,795 45 45,162 45,084 Oil, gas, and salt well operatives O i l a n d gas well operatives Salt well and works operatives 29,927 2^662 4,365 29,580 25,548 4,032 347 14 333 91,022 65,550 6,472 90,297 85,303 4,994 Foremen, overseers, and Inspectors Foremen and overseers.. Inspectors 23,338 22,142 1,19€ OTOrators, ofHcials, and managers Managers •lanagers.... Officials Operators..., 25,234 9,79S Coal mine operatives. Copper mine operatives Qold and silver mine operatives.... Iron mine operatives l,14g Hannfactnrinf and mechanical i n dustries 110,628,731 Apprentices to building and hand trades. Blacksmiths' apprentices Boiler makers' apprentices Cabinetmakers* apprentices Carpenters' apprentices Coopers' apprentices Electricians* apprentices Machinists' apprentices < Masons' apprentices Painters', glaiiers', and varnishers' apprentices Paper hangers' apprentices Plasterers' apprentices Plumbers' apprentices Roofers' and slaters' apprentices Tinsmiths' and coppersmiths' appren- O >^816 Apprentices, other Architects', designers', and draftsmen's apprentices Jewelers', watchmakers', g o l d ^ i t h s ' , ' and silversmiths* apprentices Printers' and bookbinders* a p p r e n t i ^ l Other apprentices Bakers., Blacksmiths, forgemen, and hammermen Blacksmiths, Forgemen, hammermen, and w d d ^ " •2,814 ilm •2,660 O •2,501 O (0 (0 •2,653 440 »G69 •9,903 304 12,011 6,996 6,015 t >4 2 302 (>) 31 7 24 0) 23 41 US Od 9 725 247 47S 73,897 2,659 2,005 1,020 4,797 365 9,557 39,448 1,434 1,616 172 398 7,386 250 1,598 165 2 6 IS 18 7 7,386 250 o 2,816 2,815 11,980 5,989 6,991 4,326 2,715 1,611 17 4 13 2711 65,898 60^532 5,366 3,479 2,247 10,366 44,440 (0 1,110 43 3,777 >1,839 •12,395 (») •1,770 •11,454 •941 2,633 11,603 47,885 89,631 84,762 4,779 97,940 93,347 240,174 232,988 7,186 240,143 232,957 7,186 31 31 221,421 195,255 221,416 195,251 26,165 1 • Cpmparablo figures for 1910 not available. • Figures for 1910 approximate only. ' apprentices" probably are machine tenders. 73,953 2,661 2,005 1,030 4,805 365 9,562 39,463 1,434 1,153 o 6 2 1,820,670 12,818,624 10,888,183 1,980, Ml h IL O Apprentices to dressmakers and milliners Dressmakers' apprentices Milliners' apprentices 18,808,161 O 8 26,166 4,300 tm 386 1,237 3.445 4,593 5 4 I 81 FACTS ABOUT W O R K I N G W O M E N " Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupation, classified by sex, for the United States: 1910 and i f i ^ J ^ O — C o n t i n u e d [Thefiguresfor 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations have been corrected to conform to the classification for 1920] 1910 Total Male 1920 Female Total Male Female Hannfftcturing and mechmnicU induatriea—Continued. Boiler makers 44,761 44,761 Brick and stone masons » 169,402 U69,387 174,422 Builders and building contractors 173,573 41,892 Cabinetmakers 41,884 817,120 Carpenters —. 817,082 127,589 Compositors, linotypers, and typesetters. 113,538 25,299 Coopers 25,292 Dressmakers and seamstresses (not in factory) 449,342 1,582 Dyers 14,050 13,396 Electricians j l . . »120,241 >120,155 14,051 7 74,088 131,264 90,109 45,511 887,379 140,165 19,066 74,088 131,257 90,030 45,503 887,208 128.859 19,061 7 79 8 171 11,306 5 447,760 654 >86 235,855 15,109 212,964 14,978 212,945 235,519 131 19 577 100 477 13,716 5,494 8,222 13,530 5,484 8,m 186 10 176 279,984 242,096 37,88^ 279,940 242,064 37,876 44 32 12 » 15 849 Electrotypers, stereotypers, and lithographers.. Electrotypers and stereotypersLithographers 12,506 4,368 8,13fi 11,929 4,268 7,661 Engineers (stationary), cranemen, hoistmen, eta Engineers (stationary) Cranemen, derrickmen, hoistmen, etc.- (>) 231,041 (») (') 231,031 (') Engravers 13,967 13,429 538 15,053 14,492 561 Filers, grinders, buffers, and polishers (metal) Buffers and polishers Filers Grinders 49,525 30,496 10,236 8,793 46,679 28,191 10,069 8,419 2,846 2,305 167 374 59,785 30,511 10,959 18,315 57,315 28,484 10,893 17,938 2,470 2,027 66 377 Firemen (eicept locomotive and fire department) Foremen and overseers (manufiacturing). 111,248 175,098 111,248 155,358 19,740 143,875 307,413 143,862 277,242 13 30,171 Fnmacemen, smeltermen, heaters, pouretc Fumacemen and smeltermen Heaters l^adlers and pourers Puddlers 36,251 19,735 10,120 679 5,717 36,226 19,719 10,111 679 5,717 40,806 18,201 16,470 1,020 5,115 40,800 18,197 16,468 1,020 6,115 Glass blowers-. 15,504 15,474 0,144 9,055 Jewelers, xvatchmakers, goldsmiths, and silversmiths Goldsmiths and sUversmiths II^ Jewelers and lapidaries (factory) Jewelers and watchmakers (not in factory) 32,574 5,757 10,631 30,037 5,553 8,783 2,537 204 1,848 4,828 8,757 37,914 4,771 7,701 1,678 57 1,056 16,186 15,701 485 20,007 25,442 565 869,478 853,679 15,799 Laborera(n.o, s.«): laborers specified 623,203 608,075 16,128 C t o i r a l and allied industries Fertilizer factories. Paint and varnish factories Powder, f r i d g e , dynamite, fuse, and fireworks factories Soap factories Other chemical factories II! 41,741 9,847 2; 959 39,711 9,757 2,842 74,289 12,943 4,841 70,994 12,808 4,677 3,295 135 164 4,277 3,433 21,225 3,ftl7 3,173 19,992 8,467 4,715 43,323 7,821 4; 346 41,342 646 369 1,981 Cigar and tobacco factories 16,3921 11,436 35,157 21,295 13,862 1 uti™ 4,9561 indudo cement finishers; these numbered 7,,621 in 1920. "cranemen, derrickmen, hoistmen, etc.," were classified w i t h the semiskilled oper- 54 FACTS ABOUT WOEKING WOMEIT Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupaiiont classified hu sdx, for the United States: JO JO and 1920—Continued [The figures for lUlOfor ccrtainofthn dl^isltm totaL<i nnf! nJso for crrlnin ln<iIvliJual ottmpations hare been ' corrcitcd to conform to the dassiflcation for I920J 1920 1910 OCCUPATION Total Male Total Female Male Female Manulkcturing and meGh&ZLie&l industries—Continued Laborers (n. o. s.i)—ConUnucd. Clay, glass, and stone industries Brick, tile, and terra cotta factories-. Glass factories l i m e , cement, and artificial stone factories Marble and stone yards Potteries Clothing industries Corset factories Glove factories H a t factories (felt) Shirt, collar, and cuflt factories Suit, coat, cloak, and overall factories. Other clothing factories 152,438 77,333 23,686 2,388 621 124,544 48,636 28,837 120,215 48, OW 537 35,931 6,847 8,641 152 68 599 30,051 5,084 11,836 29,884 5,081 10,710 W7 23 1,13« 5,424 286 446 1,541 ^816 6,414 194 sis 821 1,651 679 1,363 1,301+ 994 12,776^ 771 1,757; 9S9, 2,708j 2,567 1,317 2,219 960 6,362 577 858 164 1,391 1,7M 1,607 75,691 3,755 6,324 755 159,535 8,315: 143,397 6,869 16.138 1,446 128 1,133 233 91 9S7 1,432 108 1,457 15,190^ 6,584 6,300 13,058 59, M8l 15,733 16,686 14,174 4,39S 5,291 17,983 9,743 55,436 15,414 14,119 1,885 63,519! 1,727 63,412 158 107 717,022 11,292 8a 874 2.')6,548 53,280 68,917 9,594 173,734 62,783 12,591 117 2,467 *MS 424 218 26, m 2;47« m r o o d industries Bakeries Butter, chcese, and condensed m i l k factories , Candy factories Fish curing and packing Flour and grain mills F r u i t and vegetable canning, etc Slaughter and packing bouses Sugar factories and refineries Other food factories 4,81C 2,878] 4,870, 9,243; 4,670, 33,903! 8,270 4,688 1,845 4,637 9.152 3,083 32,471 8,647 6,813 ITarness and saddle Industries Helpers i n buUding and hand trades.., 1,298 06,303 66,222 81 Iron and steel Industries Agricultural implement factories Automobile factories Blastfurnaces and steel rolling mills >, Car and railroad shops Ship and boat building Wagon and carriage factories Other iron and steel factories» N o t specified metal industries 482,941 n,or>7 15,783 202,352 48,342 ll,»S3 12,391 138,059 42,924 476,801 ia953 15,644 201,030 48,114 11,975 12,232 134,295 42,558 6,140 114 139 1.362 228 159 3,764 366 729,6131 11,409, 83,3411 258,830 53,643 69,196 9,817 179,607 03,770 Other metal industries Brass mills Clock and watch factories Copper factories Gold and silver factories Jewelry factories Lead and rinc factories Tinware, enamelware, etc., factories. Other metal factories 44,773 10,885 1,879 11,580 l,277j GGS 7.945 7,587 2.946 *42,134 10,606 1,202 11,532 1,101 528 7,871 6,709 2,525 2,f»39 279 617 54 176 140 74 878 421 67,887 18,485 3,108 10,963 2,272; 1,421 8,927 17,605 6,106j 62,771 17,614 1,929 lasos 317,244 23,618 4,459 26a 142 29,025 313,228 23,089 4,099 258,361 27,679 4,016 529 360 1,781 1,346 320,613{ 35,272 5,32l| 245,683: 34,337 309,874 32,600 4,596 241,334 31,344 10,739 2,672 725 31,388 29,959 1,429 52,263 49,7S6 2,477 7,041 5,217 1,824 11,436 8,886 2,550 1,557 5»4S4 1,096 4,131 461 1.363 3,455 7,981 6,240 zm 809 1,741 10^277 20,798 7,952 20,491 14,194 19,210: 26.703 27,480. ) Includes iron foundries. * Includes box factories (wood). 5'22 777 Lumber and furniture industries Furniture factories Piano and organ factories., Saw and planing mills < Other woodworUng factories.. Paper and p u l p mills Printing and publishing Blank book, envelope, tag, paper bag, etc.. factories Printing, publishing, and engraving. Shoe factories., Tanneries 1 N o t otherwise spedflcd. * Includes tinplate mills. 1,210 88 8 4325 307 18,121 1,01ft 2,186 1,039 138 3,315 4,112 319 2.567 ^^ 279 223 2,061 211 1,255 8,859 15,436 4,709 6S 2,169 397 FACTS ABOUT WOBKINQ WOMEK 55 Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupation, classified by sex, for the United States: 1010 and Continued fThefiguresfor 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations have been * corrected to conform to the classiflcatioa forl920l 1910 Total Male 1920 Female Total Male Female Uanofacturing and raechanical iAdostries—Continued Laborers (n. o. s.^—Continued. Textile industriesCarpet mills Cotton mills Knitting mills., Lace and embroidery mills Silk mills. Textile dyeing, finishing, and printing mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Hemp and jute mills.. Linen mills.. 3,769 37,804 7,8(M 705 3,79S 3,437 32,037 4,2&4 468 2; 686 332 5,767 3,540" 237 1,112 3,953 76,315 11,943 944 10; 080 3,378 6,603 677 7,350 575 16,669 5,340 267 2,730 9,958 12,290 9.S62 10^245 596 2,045 10,605 22,227 9,885 18,238 720 3,989 11,018 1,462 733 3,797 2,410 167 259 4,757 8,608 1,295 479 3,131 234 3,469 17,243 1,254 458 4,268 283 10,980 14,564 1,110 304 3,805 237 9,018 2,679 144 94 463 46 1,932 246,677 1,565 1,105 11,446 8,176 11,434 16. M9 229,517 1 340 790 11,431 8,011 10,053 16,534 17,160 225 315 15 165 1,381 15 2,800 1,407 9,384 15,417 26,789 18,845 426,398 2,407 1,093 9,352 15,255 23,562 18,787 37,493 393 314 32 162 3,227 1,90S 18,857 1,403 11,215 13,546 413 985 6,405 32,237 109,433 1,757 18,294 791 11,151 12,224 319 909 6,354 29,836 99,723 151 3,274 10,295 2,401 31,566 47,515 513 304 235 983 229 2&1 Other Industries Broom and brush factories Button factories Charcoal and coke works Electric light and power plants Electrical supply factories Gasworks Leather belt, leather case, etc., factories Liquor and beverage Industries Paper hot factories Petroleum refineries Rubber factories Straw factories Tnmk factories Turpentine distUleries Other miscellaneous industries Other not specified industries Loom flxets,.^.. 666 1, 30 1,322; 94 76 51 2,401 9,710 3,678 10,530 3,384 31.795 51,467 577 2,486 9,731 84,337 191,354 9,605 77,583 170,921 217 126 6,754 20,443 13,254 13,254 15,961 15,958 3 488,019 461,344 17,442 9,263 487,956 461,271 17,442 0,243 894,662 801,901 37,669 55,092 894,654 801,896 37,669 55,089 8 Managers and superintendents (manufacturing) 10i210 102^748 1,462 201,721 196,771 4,950 Manufacturers and officials. Manufacturers Officials 256,591 235,107 21,484 251,892 230,809 21,083 4,699 4,298 401 231,615 183,386 48,229 223,289 178,441 44,848 4,945 3,381 281,741 4,645 3,727 273,369 281,690 4,638 3,727 273,325 44 23,265 3,657 7 69,598 M ^ i n l s t s , millwrights, and toolmakers Machinists and die setters and sinkers. ^^ Mechanics (n.o.s.i) 248 3,732 (') OtiMD^^lwksmlth3,andbel^ Molders. founders, and casters ( m e t a l ) - . . Brass mplders, founders, and castersIron molders, founders, and casters.. Other molders, founders, and casters. Oilers of machineiT ^(build.^. Painters, 8 liers, and vamlshers tory).. (fac- »Not Otherwise specified. M (») 5 61 7 23,152 127,906 23,093 6,459 122,447 23,272 73.255 120,900 120,783 6,609 112,070 2; 204 117 3 52 62 123,681 7,238 114,031 2,412 123,668 7,238 114,022 2,408 13 112,122 2; 266 14,013 13,990 24,612 24,568 44 337,355 2,999 334,814 1,968 2»641 1,031 323,032 4,137 319,697 3,168 3,335 969 273,441 273,060 381 248,497 248,394 103 60,916 69,786 1,129 70,398 68,135 2,263 Painters, glaiiers, vamlshers, enamelers. querers, and Japaimers.., ^lers, and varaishers 73 * Comparable figures for 1910 not available. 9 4 FACTS ABOUT WOEKING WOMEIT 56 Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupation^ cUusiJUd by sex, for the United States: 1910 and Continued [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain Individual occupations have been corrected to conform to the dassiflcation for 1^20] IKSO 1010 OCCUPATION Total Male Female Total ^lale Fenuae H&nnfactnrinc and mechanical industries—Continued 25,fi77 23,fi59 24,780 23,006 797 553 18,746 27,730 18,338 27,663 Plasterers and cement finishers Cement finishers Plasterers.. 147,082 t 47,676 to 47,C82 47,676 45,876 7,62i: 38,255^ 45,870 7,621 38,249 Plumbers and gas and steam fitters Pressmen and plate printers (printing)—, Rollers and roll hands (metal) Roofers and slaters. Sawyers 148,301 20,084 18,407i 14,078 43,276 148,304 19,892 18,384 14,078 43,257 192 23 200,718 18,CS3 25,001* 11,378 33,809 206,715 18,683., ?5,0G1. 11,378!. 33,800, 30^705' 635. 3,920 17,158 622 3,292 13,517 13 628 50,341 1,407, 5,521 32,072 1,352 4,686 55 835 5,263' 4,44^ 16,444 2,858 2,516 7,870 2,405 1,927 8,574 7,379 6,288' 29,74«, 4,811 ^239 17,984 2,568 3,049 11,762 Paper hangers Pattern and model makers.. Semiskilled operatives (n. o. s.»): Chemical and allied industries Fertilizer factories Paint and varnish factories Powder, cartridge, dynamite, fuse, and fireworks factories. Soap factories Other chemical factories (0 408 57 151,801 70,956 71.845 145,222 61,262 83,960 Clay, fijoss- and stone industries Brick, tile, and terracotta factories.. Glass factories Lime, cement, and artificial stone factories Marble and stone yards. Potteries 88,691 13,407 41,877 79,230 1Z619 37,927 758 3,950 85,434! 9,987 44,831 72,269 9,357 37,636 13,165 630 7,195 8,539 16,259 8,480 8,389 11,785 129 150 4,474 7,633 5,546 17,437 7,436 5,478 1:^372 307 68 5,065 Clothing industries Corset factories Glove factories Hat factories (felt) Shirt, collar, and cufi factories Suit, coat, cloak, and overall factories, Other clothing factories.-.,,^ 386,136 13,073 19,339 33,020 60,169 138,012 122,493 148,866 1,375 5,353 22,702 13,311 75,444 30^681 237,270 409,361 12,642 23,357 21,178 52,377 143,872 155,935; 143,718 1,115 6,584 14,716 10,361 79,357 31,585 64,515 124,350 Food industries Bakeries Butter, cheese, and condensed milk factories Candy factories Fish curing and packing Flour and grain mills F r u i t and vegetable canning, etc Slaughter and packing houses Sugar factories and refineries Other food factories.,. 105,283 8,938 3,008 188,895 20r441 116,493 8»&58 11,583 11,508 3a 943 2,776 3,992 6,290 25,897 1,871 13,978 11,065 13,608 1,786 3,750 2,127 23,492 1,655 8,192 Cigar and tobacco factories Harness and saddle Industries I r o n and steel industries Agricultural implement factories Automobile factories Blast furnaces and steel rolling mills > Car and railroad shops Ship and boat building Wagon and carriage factories Other i r o n and steel factories * N o t specified metal industries 13; 986 10,318 46,858 62,598 91,812j 36,600! 2,745 31,368 562 22,650 21,958 17,573 345,483 4,494 20,243 67,889 47,406 14,464 21,255 138,677 31,055 24?; 4 ^ 16,942 632,161 7,13^ 108,376 89,536 97,ooa 97,175 8,749 309,112 15,084 91,291 17,482 18,244 2,986 6,239 60,844 13,576 10,043 2,834 4,432 1.084 16,043 2,383 Other metal industries 69,815 48,956 20,859 Brass mills. 16,885 14,350 2,535 Clock and watch factories 15,628 9,252 6,376! Copper factories 1,968 1,915 53 Gold and silver factories 6,831 4,14lJ I,690l » Cement finishers were Included w i t h brick and stone masons*' i n 1910. «Not otherwise spedfied. * Includes tin-plate mills. i r o n foundries. for< Indudes FRASER Digitized 16,096 20,913 4,363 7,524 3,898 41,906 3,144 9,791 369,040 4,866 21,091 70,273 47,783 14,530 22,339 154,720 33,438 121,164 93,627 97,979 97,666] 16,773 6,462 42,016 6,306 8,065 662 7,843 976 491 681 36,338 3,906 8,201 152 81 FACTS ABOUT W O R K I N G WOMEN" Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupationj classified hy sex^ for the United States: 1910 and 1920—Continued [Thefiguresfor 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations have been corrected to conform to the classification for 1920] 1910 Total Male 10,834 1,91& 10,611 6,143 168,271 44,&40 18,953 36,618 6,334 1,652 6,674 4,638 154,324 40,936 17,400 63,6^1 32,304 Paper and pulp mills 36,383 25,803 Printing and publishing Blank book» envelope, tag, paper bag, etc., factories Printing, publishing, and engraving- 68,790 32,851 10,032 58,758 3,422 29,429 Shoe factories Tanneries^ 181,010 33,652 Textile industries: Carpet mills Cotton mills Knitting inill? Lace and embroidery mills Silk mills Textile dyeing, finishing, and printWoolen and w o r s t ^ ' m f l b r i X I X I Z I - 1920 Female Total Male Female UumfactnTing and mechanical industriea—C ontinued SemiskiUed operatives (n. o. s.O—Contd. Other metal industries—Continued. Jeweky factories Lead and zinc factories Tinware, enamelware, etc., factories. Other metal factories Lumber and furniture industries—. Fumiture factories Piano and organ factories Saw and planing mills ' Other woodworking factories 4,500 263 3,937 1,505 13,947 3,704 1,553 2,376 6,314 15,083 2,464 19,356 9,437 168,719 55,717 19,852 57,320 35,830 150,079 48,906 16,949 54,016 30,208 10,680 54,669 41,321 13,348 3^939 80,403 39,281 41,122 6,610 29,329 13,694 66,709 5,117 34,164 8,577 32,545 121,744 31,746 1,906 206,225 32,226 132,813 28,598 73,412 3,628 37,347 280,149 87,866 16,027 79,379 17,655 139,483 22,528 4,336 29,019 19,692 140,666 65,338 11,691 50,360 23,387 302,454 107,604 19,083 115,721 13,003 153,269 26,922 6,086 42,953 10,384 149,185 80,682 12,997 72,768 16,371 105,186 11,168 53,130 5,203 52,056 17,736 126,418 12,154 64,703 5,582 61,715 67,228 4,621 1,084 6,517 3,365 50,741 26,287 2,007 703 3,022 2,324 18,231 40,&41 2,614 1,281 3,495 1,041 32,510 79,994 4,168 2,574 8,454 3,543 61,255 34,944 1,951 860 4,714 2,533 24,881 45,050 2,217 1,714 3,740 1,005 36,374 Other industries Broom and brush factories Building and hand trades Button factories Charcoal and coke works Electriclight and power plants... Electric^ supply factories Gasworks leather belt,leathVr"^Ve'tc^7actoriM Liquor and beverage industries,— Paper box factories Petroleum refineries Rubber factories Straw factories Trunk factories T o n t i n e distilleries Other miscellaneous industries.... Other not specified Industries 346,430 11,163 11,733 11,461 1,634 8,880 24,677 5,732 11,653 31,503 17,917 1,739 31,593 5,915 4,944 1,449 71,050 93,487 222,111 9,037 10,212 6,682 1,618 8,701 13,636 6,689 8,473 29,664 4,862 1,669 21,170 1,945 4,381 1,441 41,244 51.684 124,319 2,126 1,521 4,779 16 176 11,041 43 3,080 1,839 13,055 70 .10,423 3,970 563 8 29,806 41,803 622,662 12,606 7,003 12,977 410,256 10,219 1,138 121,968 207,047 7,768 1,692 15,610 37,452 9,294 12,809 14,960 7,077 8,229 67,370 7,751 4,644 1,130 75,772 121,496 212,406 2,387 20 5,209 Shoemakers and cobblers (not in factory) 69,570 68,788 782 78,859 78,599 260 Stffled occupations (n. o. s.i) Annealers and temperers (metal)... gano and organ tuners W ^ carvers Other skilled occupations 16,808 1,901 6,633 5,368 2,906 16,560 1,894 0,528 5,308 2,830 248 7 105 60 76 19,395 2,913 7,(M7 3,025 6,411 19,326 2,910 7.007 3.008 6,401 69 3 40 17 35,731 11,427 204,606 35,726 11,427 163,795 40,813 Other textUe mills Hemp and jute mUls Linen mills Hope and cordage factories Sail, awning, and tent factories Not specified teitUe mills Stonecutter Stmctiiral iron workers (building) ^ Not otherwise specified. 60,000 15; 949 64,841 m 8,891 86,204 »Includes box factories (wood). 8,946 2,186 12,167 6,660 22,096 18,836 160,404 6,137 278 7,189 2,777 18,640 6,811 2,903 3,304 5,622 27,389 168 4,380 695 13,375 662 18,834 6,351 812 8 46,196 85,551 3 31,828 68 FACTS ABOUT W O E K I N G WOMEIT Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupation^ ctassified by sex, for the United States: 1910 and 19S0—Continued [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations have been corrected to conlorm to tbe classification for 1920) 1920 1910 Total Male Female Total Male Female Manufacturing and mechanical industries^Continued 21 24 74,9f»S 74,957 5,232 C9,72S 11 1 27. 2,850,528 2,267 Tinsmiths and coppersmiths..-. Coppersmiths Tinsmiths and sheet metal workers 3,410 56,423 59,809 3,410 £6,399 Upholsterers X,221 IS,92S 2,637,420 2,530,795 5,304 24,242 62,857 46,510 5,289 24,242 62,813 46,498 35,376 45,785 40S,469 35,339 45,752 406,396 6,606 5.279 63»3SS 5,2V> 63,382 6,600 3,866 41,944 15,973 207 194,882 4,468 1HS76 4,462 158,204 31,339 278 111 180,468 9^946 34,795 18a 468 8,&46 34,612 115,673 11,192 163 183 11,168 15,598 15,368 230 23,231 17,033 12,273 4,760 17,028 12,273 4,755 16,819^ 11,878 4,941 16,789 11,875 4,914 30 3 27 Boiler washers and engine hostlers Brakemen Conductors (steam railroad) Conductors (street railroad) 10^409 92,572 65,604 56.932 10,409 92,572 65,604 56,932 25,3W 114,107 74,539 63,7C0| 25,271 114,107 74,539 63,507 253 Foremen and overseers Steam railroad Street railroad 60.933 65,260 4,673 65,038 4,655 240 222 18 79,294 73,046 6,248 79,216 72,980 6.236 78 66 12 570,975 ^13,168 27,807 567,522 539,920 27,602 3,453 3,248 305 495,713 470,199 25,514 488,659 463,613 25,046 7,054 6,586 Transportation Water transportation (selected occupations): Boatmen, canal men, and lock keepers.. Captains, masters, mates, and pilots... Longshoremen and stevedores Sailors and deck hands Road and street transportation (selected occupations}: CarriflRe and hack drivers Chauffeurs Draymen, teamsters, and expressmen L Foremen of l i v e r y and transfer companies Garage keepers and managers Hostlers and stable hands Laborers (garage, road, and street) Garage Road and street building and repairing Street cleaning.^ l i v e r y stable keepers and managers... Proprietors and managers of transfer companies Railroad transx>ortation (selected occupations): Baggagemen and freight agents.. Baggai Baggagemen... Freight agents.. Laborers Steam railroad-, Street railroad.. 1,293 5,23^ 69,735 29,605 106,625 3,063,582 10 313, «M 54,800 33 2 323 33 284,096 41^484 01 649 04S 6,2S6 25,318 85,005 2 3 4 72 2G6 Locomotive engineers ». Locomotive flremen 96,229 76»381 96,229 76,381 109,899 91,345 109,899 91,345 — MotorraenSteam railroad Street railroad 68,705 2; 487 56,218 58,705 2,487 56,218 66,519 3,660 66,499 3,560 62; 939 "26 62^959 20 51 35,830 22,236 35,881 41 32,385 19,80? 32,426 10 2,433 2,433 3,445 3,455 » Tcanwters I n agriculture, forestry,f and "-V. the 1 extracUon minerals Are are c***iH classified « » . v iof minerals 11 tiviw i t h the other work^s -- , i n those industries, respectively; and drivers for bakeries and laundries are classified w i t h dcliTcrymen in trade. Cfflcials and superintendents. Steam railroad Street railroad 22,238 19,8a5 PACTS ABOtTT WOBKING WOMEN 59 Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupaiionj classified by sex, for the United States: 1910 and Continued rrbe figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations have been correctcd to conform to tho classification for 19201 1910 1920 OCCUPATION Total Male Female Total Male Female Transportation—Continued Eailroad t r a n ^ r t a t i o n (selected occupations)—Continued, Switchmen, flagmen, and y a r d m e n — Switchmen and fiagmen (steam rail road) Switchmen and flagmen (street rail road) Yardmen (steam railroad) 85,147 85,095 111,565 111,000 565 73,419 73,367 101,917 101,359 558 2,153 9,575 2,153 9,575 2,500 7,148 2,496 7,145 24,138 22,930 1,208 26,585 24,324 2,261 Express, post, telegraph, and telephone (selected occupations): Agents (express companies) 5,875 5.804 71 5,293 5,193 100 Express messengers and railway mail clerks Express Railway 22,021 6,781 15,240 22,018 6,778 15,240 3 25,005 9,138 15,867 24,996 9,129 15,867 Mail carriers Telegraph and telephone linemen,.. Telegraph messengers Telegraph operators Telephone operators 80,678 28,350 9,152 69,953 97,893 79,667 28.347 9,074 61,734 9,631 1,011 3 78 8,219 88,262 91,451 37,917 9,403 79.434 190,160 90,131 37,905 8,969 62,574 11,781 1,320 12 434 16,860 178,379 14,738 14,333 405 25,995 25,958 37 7,064 3,843^ 3,016 815 7,064 3,439 3,016 814 404 .... 9,558 6,822 3,488 6,127 9,657 6,797 3,488 6,116 1 25 50,233 42,721 3,451 1,340 33,432 9,089 7,369 5,088 5,966 5,920 49,848 42,675 3,445 2,491 1,237 33,229 9,067 7,362 5,011 5,963 5,826 18,957 11,603 7,354 48,124 18,384 11,059 7,325 46,634 573 544 29 1,490 4,331 4,435 350 28,621 27,916 299 9,259 40 9,088 1,831 221 1,410 1,774 40 1,753 2,204 43 2,136 3,676,187 468,088 4,242,979 104 705 171 421 21 68 667,792 5,3(W 4,226 Ticket and station agents Other transportation pursuits: Foremen and overseers (n. o. sJ) Road and street building and repairing Telegraph and telephone Water transportation Other transportation' Inspectors 32,962 33,237 Steam railroad 27,525 27,661 Street raikoad _ __ 2,265 2,268 Telegraph and telephone 2,485 2,619 Other transportation 687 689 26,300 26,655' Laborers (n. o. s,») 2,979 3,010, Express companies-2,605 2,605 Pi^-lines 5,251 5,312 Telegraph a n ^ t e l V p h o n V r " " ! " " ! ^ 14,177 14,267 Water transportation 1,288 1,361 Other transportation Proprietors, officials, and managers „ ( n . 0,8.1) 13,411 14,839 8,680 Telegraph and telephone 4,731 Other transportation _ 4,750 37,749 Other occupations (semiskilled) 38,742 Rpad and street building and repairing 4,726 5,076 Steam railroad 24,125 24,424 5,147 Street raikoad ] 5,187 992 Telegraph and telephone 1,213 1,905 Water transportation 1,945 854 Other transportation 897 Trade.^t 3,614,670 8,148,582 B^kere, brokers, and money lenders.... Bankers and bank officials Commercial brokers and commission men I^an^brokers and loan company offlS^tockbrokera Brokers not specified and promoters 275 136 3 134 2 255 31 '"ei 90 73 1,428 1,409 19 2,821 3 203 • 22 7 77 3 94 105,804 56,059 103,170 54,387 2,634 1,672 161,613 82,375 156,309 78,149 24,009 23,690 319 27,552 27,358 194 2,111 1,232 13,729 8,664 1,989 1,191 13,522 8,391 122 41 207 273 4,385 1,088 29,609 16,6M 4,255 1,066 29,233 16,248 130 22 376 366 \ Not otherwise specified. , „ , jjj^Marked increase, 1910 to 1920, probably duo mainly to Increase in garage and pipe-line foremen, here FACTS ABOUT WOEKING WOMEIT 60 Total versons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupation, classified by s^, for the United States: 1910 and 1920—Continued [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain Individual occupations have been corrected to conform to the classiacation for 1920] 1930 1910 OCCUPATION • Total Male Female Total Male Female Trade—Continued Clerks I n stores» Commercial travelers Decorators, drapers, and window dressers 387,183 163,620 5,341 275,589 161,027 4,902 213,521 176,514 7,69S 170,397 2,806 1,155 Deliverymen» Bakeries and laundries Stores ® 229,619 24,030 205,589 229,4€9 24,012 205,457 170,039 20,858 149,181 196 30 166 20,724 17,&46 2,778 17,649 14,900 2,749 22,367 16,565 6,802 4,070 4,039 31 Floorwalkers, foremen, and overseers Floorwalkers and foremen i n stores Foremen (warehouses, stockyards, etc.) Inspectors, gangers, and samplers 13,446 11,685 12,683 1,031 Insurance agents and officials Insurance agents Officials of insurance companies........ 97,964 88,463 9,501 95,302 85,926 9,376 134,978] 119,918 15,000 129,589 114,835 14,754 5,083 306 Laborers i n coal and lumber yards, warehouses, etc Coal yards Elevators Lumberyards Stockyards Warehouses 81,123 16,663 6,346 43,398 6,998 8,718 80,450 16,655 6,335 43,389 5,991 8,080 125,009 25,192; 11.312, 43,351 124,713 25,157 11,244 43,297 22,859 22,156 35 63 54 29 710 Laborers, porters, and helpers i n stores.. Newsboys 102,333 29,708 98,169 29,435 116,602 27,635 8,405 326 22,362 2,200 6,118 4,393 21,352 I,640 6,105 4,368 33,715 2,357 8,836 6,310 1,061 669 22 43 10,591 10V339 16,539 16,212 327 149,135 139,927 Pro^rietorSj^ officials, and 22,888 22, 4,16 managers EmploymentVfflOBkw^rsrrillll"^ Proprietors, etc., elevators Proprietors, etc., warehouses Other proprietors, officials, and man- Beal estate agents and officials.. Retail dealers* Agricultural implements and wagons.. A r t stores and artists' materials... Automobiles and accessories Bicycles Books Boots and shoes Butchers and meat dealersBuyers and shippers of grain Buyers and shippers of livestock Buyers and shippers of other farm produce Candy and confectionery Cigars and tobacco Carpets and r u g s . . . : Clothing and men's furnishings Coal and wood Coffee and tea Crockery, glassware, and queensware-. Curios, antiques, and novelties Delicatessen stores Department stores Drugs and medicines, including drug^ g i s t s and pharmacists D r y goods, fancy goods, and notions... Five and ten cent and variety stores... Florists (dealers)» Flour and feed 125,862 122,935 2,927 1,328,275 1,249,295 7,760 7,789 1,989 2,646 28,626 28,768 2,200 2,221 2,600 3,035 21,781 22,544 120,940 122,105 7,288 7,305 30,433 30,464 1,127,926 8,410 1,955 4,545 1,486 2,796 18,470 122,757 II,454 32,346 6,806 21,601 16,375 1,152 34,229 23»&42 5,112 2,298 2,377 2,313 8,564 68 7,937 1,353 86 1,044 624 239 210 358 718 406 10,640 40,091 19,141 1,132 46,653 26,656 6,044 1,618 3,353 4,333 11,752 80,167 2,161 65,414 63,909 7,962 67,321 6,963 1,037 3,294 6,746 407 2,627 9,309 106 0,363 « M a n y of the "clerks i n stores" probably are "salesmen and saleswomen." • * Not*ot^mTse s ^ d f i ^ f ^ ^ ^ mainly to substitution of motor for horse-drawn J Includes, also, managers and superintendents of retail stores. • Growers of flowers are shown under " A g r i c u l t u r e , " p. 61. 10,607 32,368 18,031 1,116 43,440 26,057 4,766 1,505 2,593 3,665 10,800 76,995 66,158 4,899 4,784 9,2121 78,990 29 657 142 21 435 763 31 7,723 1,110 16 3,213 278 113 760 768 953 3,162 7,751 1069 962 97 deUvery wagons. 81 FACTS ABOUT WORKING W O M E N " Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupation, classified by seXy for the United States: 1910 and iP^i?—Continued [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occuoations have been corrected to conform to the classification for 1920] 1910 Total Male 1920 Female Total Male Female 23,385 26,013 4,789 4,420 80,026 239,236 41,144 2,706 50,402 8,203 21,433 22,749 4,350 27,687 13, m 7,909 8,474 6,577 12,632 34,473 2,024 5,951 52,681 65,728 22,185 25,337 4,434 4,335 76,317 216,059 40,453 2,685 48,493 8,166 20,652 22,596 4,307 27,589 12,509 7,360 7,808 6,298 11,743 32,873 1,985 5,260 49,955 1,200 676 355 85 3,709 23,177 691 21 1,909 37 781 153 43 98 595 549 666 279 889 1,600 39 691 2,726 6,245 257,720 1,177,494 5 5,048 3,130 4,823 4,098 41,841 250,487 1,125,782 816,352 5,045 1,639 40,207 769,461 361,142 3 3,184 1,634 356,321 1,127 Trade—Continued Eetail d e a l e r s C o n t i n u e d . Fruit Furniture Furs Gas fixtures and electrical suppliesGeneral stores ' Groceries Hardware, stoves, and cutlery Harness and saddlery Hucksters and peddlers Ice Jewelry. Junk Leather and hides Lumber MUk.. Music and musical instruments. Newsdealers Oil, paint, and wall paper Opticians Produce and provisions Rags__ Stationery., Other specified retail dealers. Not specified retail dealers Salesmen and saleswomen Auctioneers. Demonstrators Sales agents Salesmen and saleswomen (stores) 195,432 39,663 7,541 80,415 7,361 29,962 15,219 2,475 27,250 14,694 5,222 7,075 6,818 6,284 29.639 1,975 5,823 38,612 45,621 921,130 3,990 4,380 35,522 877,238 1,281 170 687 1,746 4,128 663,410 3,985 1,250 31,424 626,751 tlndertakers Wholesale dealers, importers, and exporters 20,734 19,921 813 24,469 23,342 51,048 50,123 925 73,574 72,780 794 Other pursuits (semiskilled) Fruit graders and packers Meat cutters Packers, wholseale and retail trade Other occupations 41.640 4,715 15,405 13,401 8,119 34,068 2,677 15,378 10,392 5,621 7,572 2,038 27 3,009 2,498 67,611 8,074 22,884 19,701 16,952 52,106 4,988 22,804 13,603 10,711 15,505 3,086 80 6,098 6,241 459,291 445,733 13,658 21,794 PubHe senrice (not elsewhere clawifled) 770,460 748,666 Firemen (fire department) Guards, watchmen, and doorkeepers 35,606 78,271 35,606, 78,168 50,771 115,553 50,771 115,154 399 L^orers (public service) Garbage men and scavengers Other laborers 67,234 4,227 63,007 66,505 4,227. 62,278 106,915 5,481 101,434 105,385 5,475 99,910 1,530 6 1,524 Marshals, sherifis, detectives, etc Detectives Marshals and constables J o b a t i o n and truant officers Sheriffs 23,599 6,349 9,073 1,043 7,134 23,219 6,162 9,071 855 7,131 30,968 11,562 188 3 32,214 11,955 6,897 2,679 10,683 10,627 1,246 393 17 780 56 Officials and Inspectors (city and county). Officials and inspectors (city) Offiaals and inspectors (county). 52,254 33,210 19,044 49,668 32,199 17,469 2,586 1,011 1,575 55,597 33,505 22,092 50,748 31,918 18,830 4,849 1,587 3,262 Officials and inspectors (state and tTnited States) ' Officials and inspectors (state) Postmasters Other United States officios 52,926 7,202 27,849 17,875 43,389 6,662 19,127 17,600 9,537 540 8,722 275 80,334 9,126 31,935 39,273 67,944 8,596 20,727 38,621 12,390 630 11,208 652 Policemen Soldiers, sailors, and marines» h 82,120 1 81,884 61,980.. 61,980 225,503 225,503 77,153 .. 77,153 J Includes, also, managers and superintendents of retail stores. ' Includes only those resident i n continental United States at the date of the enumeration. 62 FACTS ABOUT W O R K I N G WOMEN Total vcrsom 10 years of age and over engaged in cach specified occupation, dasBiJied by sextfor the United StaUs: 1010 and Continued fTho figures for 1910 for cxirtain of tho division totals and also for certain individual occupations have been corrected to conform to the classification for 19201 1930 1910 cxrirPATioN Total ^lalc Female Total Male Female Public serrice (not eltwhere c U t t i fled>—Continued Other pursuits Lifo-savers LiRhthouso keepers.. Other occupations 10,2fiS 2,158 um 6,517 1,693.361 Profesdoual serTlce Actors and showmen.. Actors ShottTnen, 48,31« 28,297 » 20,096 10,045 2;i5S 1,652 6,335 9S9.470 35,293 16,305 118,988 223 21,453 2,287 41 182 17.703 1,144 2 21 1,121 7M,89l 2,143,889 1,127,391 1,016,408 13.100 48,172. 33,818 14,354 11,992 28,361 15,124] 13,237 1 1,108 19,811 18,6&1 1,117 Architects Artists, sculptors, and teachers of art 16,613 34,104 16,311 18,675 Authors, editors, and reporters Authors Editors and reporters..... 33,750 4,3CS 34,382 32,611 2,310 30,201 34,197) 118,018 15,6r>8 39,99^ 16,273 18,185 35,402 137 14,617 40,865 .6,668 8,736 3,006 5,730 15, CM 117,333 12,710 38.743 32, W1 127,270 33,407 56,152 101075 47,449 11,788 33,314 2,34 44,437 9,211 32,923 2,303 70,651 15,410 52,865 2,376 114,704 139,310 114,146 54,832 31,775 »151,132 « 142,117 122,519 130,265 5,030 34,259 144,977 120,781 57,587 3,367 27,140 137,758 1,738 72,678 1,663 7,119 7,219 Teachers Teachers (athletics, dancing, etc.).. Teachers (school) 599,237 3,931 505,306 121,210 2,768 118,442 478,027 1,163 476,864 761,766 9,711 752,055 116,848 639,241 4,054 635,207 Technical engineers C i v i l engineers and surveyors... Electrical engineers Mechanical engineers» M i n i n g engineers 88,755 62,033 <15,278 14,514 6,930 88.744 52;02S * 15,272 14,514 6,930 II 136,121 82,327 11,652 5,819 11,652 76,508 149,12S 13,494 Other professional pursuits. Aeronauts Librarians Other occupations 15,677 (') 7,423 8,254 7,585 8,092 5,091 5,829* 2,263 35,018 1,312 15,297 18,409 13,502 5,763 Semiprofessional pursuits Abstractors, notaries, and jiisticta'of' peacc FOTtune^^lers, hypnotiste,"VpirUu-" 64,036 44,632 20,394 116,555 45,929 7,445 6,660 785 10,071 1,483 1,220 928 6,834 2,162 4,672 14,774 7,491 5,246 2,245 12,884 2,929 8,215 15,970 2,706 6,24.1 7,081 223 1,970 8,889 3,360 11,736 41,07S 11,322 2,744 376! 11,027 2,743 282 295 1 94 18,395 1,826 1,503 Chemists, assayers, and metallurgists.... Clergj'men Cone^oj>residents and'profc^VsT Designers, draftsmen, and inventors. Designers Draftsmen Inventors Lai —Mans and teachers of music Osteopaths Photographers Physicians and surgeons Trained nurses Veterinary surgeons I.I I! Healers (exceprost^pVthsanTph^^^ dans and surgeons) K w ^ r ^ o f charitable and penal instiKeci>crs of pleasure tcrorts,"ra^tracksV etc Officials o f i o d g o s , " s ^ i e t Y ^ r e V c V " I " " Religious, charity, and welfare workers. T h ^ t r i c a l owners, managers, and oflidals Tiwfmen and s p o r t s m e n l l l l l l l l l l l l l l . Other occupations 15,4 S,811 1,600 5 «6 I " s h o w m e n " i n I9I0. 1 l^JoaDly I n c l u d e some teachers i n schools below cjollegiatc rank. * lucIudcs, also, all technical engineers not elsewhere classified. 64,6^ 27,077 37,689 6,695 1,714 1,787 1,829 6^987^ 9,758 5a 880 2,349^ 136,060 64,642 27,065 37,678 6,695. 7,664 5,652 41 18 12 11 143,664 19,273 7,902 4,931 197 371 63 PACTS ABOUT WOBKING W O M B K Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupation^ classified hy sex, for the United States: 1910 and 1920—Continued [The figures for 1910 for certain of the division totals and also for certain individual occupations have been corrected to conform to the classification for 19201 1910 Total Male 1920 Female Total Male Female Professional serrice—Continued Attendants and helpers (professional scrv< ice) -Dentists* assistants and apprentices... Librarians' assistants and attendants.. Physicians* and surgeons' attendants.. Stage hands and circus helpers. Theater ushers Other attendants and helpers Domestic and personal serrice.. (») 2,0-18 4,140 6.836 2,278 507 689 6.444 2,131 (}) 3,772,560 1,241,338 0) Barbers, hairdressers, and m a n i c u r i s t s - 195,275 Billiard room, dance hall, skating, etc., keepersBilliard and pool room keepers Dance hall, skating rink, etc., keepers. 2,792 3,451 392 147 31,712 6,708 2,279 7,051 5,803 6,221 4.650 14,693 1,768 1,067 641 5,377 2,868 2,972 17,019 4,940 1,212 6,410 426 2,353 1,678 (') 2,531,221 3,404,892 1,217,968 2,186,924 172,977 216,211 22,298 182,965 33,246 15,943 13,700 2,243 818 159 659 24,897 22,140 2,757 24,655 22,067 2,588 242 73 169 142,400 64, SW 189,273 113,081 23,052 14,000 7,195 25,010 50,269 15,940 91,629 133,392 15,175 36,803 40,713 55,583 221,612 178,628 18,652 15,142 11,848 33,376 41,449 17,262 149,590 114,740 33 24,955 7,337 14,134 204,350 29,038 Boardi] lOuse keepers.. Bootblj Charwomen and cleaners •Elevator tenders Hotel keepers and managers Housekeepers and stewards Janitors and seitons Laborers (domestic and professional serv' ice). Launderers and laundresses (not i n laundry) 53,480 50,265 3,215 32,893 31,224 1,669 533,697 13,693 520,004 396,756 10,882 385,874 Laundry operatives > Foremen and overseers Laborers Other operatives 3 112,264 3,071 8,786 100,407 35,909 1,674 5,432 76,355 1,397 3,3W 71,601 120,715 3,611 13,107 103,997 39,968 2,076 6,570 31,322 80,747 1,535 6,537 72,675 18, (H3 2.602 15,441 17,057 2,362 14,695 240 746 13,692 4,665 9,027 12,239 4,081 8,158 1,453 584 869 133,043 6,205 126,838 117,117 6,205 110,912 156,769 4,773 151,996 19,338 15,926 137,431 4,773 132,658 84,128 84,055 88,168 87,683 485 54,612 17,298 12,218 54,560 17,297 12,198 1 20 43,208 22,513 2^447 42,929 22,486 22,268 279 27 179 fi0,3lC 10,516 87,987 72,343 15,644 - Laundry owners, officials,and managers». Managers and officials Owners and proprietors * Midwives and nurses (not trained)Midwives Nurses (not trained) Porters (except i n stores) Porters, domestic and professional service..,^ Porters, steam railroad Other porters (except i n stores) Eestaurant, caf6, and lunch-room keepers. Servants.. Bell boys, chore b o y ^ e t c " ! Butlers.. Chambermaids Coachmen and footmen Cooks Ladies' maids, valet^ etc.., Nurse maids Other servants JI 60,832 1,572,225 18,329 13,168 39,789 25,667 450,440 • 24,222 1,000,610 15,926 ao 26,839 25 14,235 173,333 21,452 262,676 1,309,549 1,270,946 17,231 662 17,667 10,690 13,168 29,302 39,602 187 2,427 25,667 398,475 117,004 333,436 f 6,791 2,436 21,786 1 11,890 795,140 86,547 914,063 19,338 258,813 1,012,133 16,472 759 10,689 250 29,052 2,427 129,857 •"268,"618 1,268 4,523 11 11,879 697,301 97,839 Waiters 188,293 102,495 85,798 228,985 112,064 116,921 Other pursuits Bartenders Bathhouse keepers and attendants Cemetery keepers Cleaners and renovators (clothing, etc.) Hunters, trappers, and guides Saloon keepers Umbrella menders and scissors grinders Other occupations 109,119 101,234 4.595 4,842 14,860 3,887 68,21 1,053 433 192,931 100,984 3,125 4,811 12,215 3,840 66,724 1,016 6,188 250 1,470 31 2,645 47 1,491 37 217 84,967 26,085 2,858 5,540 21,667 7,332 17,835 917 2,733 78,475 25,976 2,032 5,496 17,094 7,28S 17,312 899 2,378 6,492 109 826 44 4,573 44 523 18 355 216 J Comparable figures for 1910 not avaUable. > Some of the owners of hand laundries probably are included w i t h laundry operatives. 64 FACTS ABOUT WOEKING WOMEIT Total persons 10 years of age and over engaged in each specified occupaiion, classified by sex, for the United States: 1910 and Continued [The figures for 1910 for certain of tho division totals and also for certain Individual occupations have been corrected to conform to the classification for 1920J 1910 Total Clerical occupAtions Male 1,737,053 1,143,829 1920 Female Total 593,224 3,126,541 Male Female 1,700,426 1,428,116 Agents, canvassers, and collectors Agents Canvassers Collectors 105,127 60,785 18,595 35,747 96,325 48,495 13,980 33,850 8,802 2,290 4,615 1,897 175,772 130,338 14,705 30; 729 159,911 121,428 10,514 27,999 15,831 8,910 4,191 3,730 Bookkeepers* cashiers, and accountants.. Accountants and auditors Bookkeepers and cashiers 486,700 39,239 447,461 299,545 35,653 263,892 187,155 3,586 183,569 734,688 118,451 616,237 375,564 105,073 27a m 359,124 13,378 345,748 Clerks (except clerks i n stores) Shipping clerks Weighers Other clerks 720,498 80,353 11,504 628,581 597,833 78,192 10.984 508,657 122,065 1,487,905 1,015,742^ 2,161 123,684 118,9 ^ 5S0 16,229 14,7 119,924 1.347,992 882,0 472,163 4,740 1,499 465,924 108,035 10,806 96,748 4,274 113,022 6,973 96,76! 14,254 4,467 07,169 92; 474 4,695 106,049 96,2 316,693 53,378 263,315 615,154 Messenger, bundle, and oflQce boys and girls I Bundle and cash boys and girls Messenger, errand, and ofDco boys and girls» Stenographers and typists 1 Except telegraph mcsscngeis. O 11,287 6,692 2,5' 9,787 564,744