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AN EXPOSITION OF THE COURSE AND PRINCIPLES OF THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION IN RELATION TO THE CUSTODY OF THE . PUBLIC MONEYS. BY ONE WHO FOR THE LAST NINE YEARS HAS BEEN INTIMATELY ACQUAINTED WITH THOSE WHO HAVE CONTROLLED THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT, PHILADELPHIA, AT THE OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL LABOEB*. 1833. &O1TB AVMHTA EXPOSITION, &c. The persevering and unjust attacks which annual messages of December, 1830 and made upon the late and present Admin- 1831. In the mean time, the bank had taken the istrations, in reference to banks and the publie revenue, induce one who has been inti- alarm, and put in requisition all its means of mately acquainted with those who have con- influence. It hired writers, paid for the are trolled the Executive Departments of the General government for the last nine years, to ask your patient attention, while he discloses, in sincerity and truth, the motives by which he believes they have been actuated r and the objects they hare desired to a^complish. printing and circulation of documents, corrupted editors by fat jobs and exorbitant and unusual loans upon nominal security, conciliated members of Congress and public officers by extraordinary favors; and, through hundreds of presses and thousand*? of orators, put in motion by its means, filled the COUR- RETROSPECT. try with argument and declamation in its faGenera} Jackson's hostility to the Bank of vor. the United States, not from any private conNotwithstanding the partial disclosure of siderations, but from a deep conviction that these abuses by the committee of investigait was dangerous to the liberties of the coun- tion at the session of 1831-2, the bank had try, existed long before he came to Wash- sufficient power in. Congress to procure the ington to enter upon the function* of Chiet passage of an act re-chartering it by a heavy In. a draft of his inaugural ad- majority. General Jackson hesitated as to Magistrate. dress, prepared in Tennessee, before he had his course as little as he did at New Orleans ever seen those \vho, it ha? since been alleg- in December, 1814, when he heard that the ed, controlled him on this point, there was British had landed below the city. He gave a passage in opposition to that bank, which r a direct veto to the bank, as both inexpediarier his arrival in Washington, he was in- ent and unconstitutional, and submitted the duced to omit. While his first annual raes- question, whether there should be a Bank sage was in preparation, it ia known that all of the United States or not, directly to be him from touching tested upon his re-election. The people inasmuch as it seemed to re-elected him almost by acclamation, and them unnecessary, if not prematuio; but he thereby decided against a_ Bank of the United his counsellors dissuaded upon that was then topic, inflexible. *'/ cannot sleep upon pillow." said he, "if I should omit to call the attention of my countrymen to the dangersofthat institution." He therefore, contrary to the wishes of his friends, even those who agreed with him in opinion, called the attention of the coarrtry to the approaching termination of its charter, and to the constitntionality as well as expediency of its reaewal. It produced report^ in favor of the institution from committees of both the Senato and House of Representatives, whish were widely circulated through the couni?/ States. though shown to be with abuses, and rejected by the peopie, did hot relinquish the hope of a continued existence. It had the public moneys in its keeping, and on every side it was renewStill that institution, lo ided ing- and strengthening men and its hold upon public with the evident object of renewing the struggle on the first favorainstitutions, This consideration, together with the necessity of providing_a new systern of depcwite- prior to the expiration of the ble occasion. bank's charter, its interference to prevent the payment of the national debt, A though the banli appeared to bo almost ita corrupt ''facilities" to editors and othomnipotent in the two houses of Congress, er^ the application of its funds, to poliand there wore scarcely half a doz( n Exe- tical p.irposes, the exclusion: of Governcutire officers who raised their voices against ment directors from its business,, tlie placit, the Hero of New Orleans again intro- ing of its funds at the disposition of the <>uced the subject more at length in Lia president* to bo expended without account*try. I 6 ofthe administration. On the contrary, they were taken to defeat its policy, and in opposition t.o its wishes and will. Let us now look at the position at present occupied by the Administration, the policy it has pursued, and the measures it proposes in reference to its own duties, and the curthe of rency country. SUSPENSION OK SPECIE PAYMENTS, AND THE back to England a which Mr. Biddle's pacurtailments had forced away, and put an end to the swelling bubble which was rising out of the interchange of credit between the two countries. Did Gen. Jackson recommend the sudden displacement of large sums of public money which had entered into the banking operao! a foolish desire to force portion ofthe specie Lnic tions of particular places, for the purpose of COURSE OF THE ADMINISTRATION THEREUPON. depositing it with the States, thereby inThe people had decided against having a creasing the embarrassments ofthe bank? No: it is well known that he was opposed to Bank of the United States in the re-election that measure, and signed the bill with reluc- of General Jackson, and Congress had providtance. ed by law for the safe-keeping ofthe pubAnd what act of Mr. Van Buren produced lic money in certain State banks. By the or hastened the catastrophe"! None what- Constitution and laws of the United States, He did indeed decline rescinding the nothing but gold and silver, or their equivaever. Specie Circular, being satisfied that its ope- lent, could be received or paid out by the rations were salutary both upon the country General Government; and the deposite law and the banks. itself prohibited the employment of any The causes ofthe suspension of specie bank as a depository, which did not pay its payments, are not then to be looked for in notes in gold and silver. All the funds ofthe the acts or designs of the Administration, Government, both ofthe Treasury and Post but chiefly in the mismanagement of the Office Departments, were deposited in State banks, in which the Bank of the United banks. States took the lead. That the design of Simultaneously, nearly every bank in the Mr. Biddle and his political associates was Union stopped payment. Treating the Govto produce this very result, is by no means ernment as they did the rest of their crediIt is a part of history that they tors, the bank refused to pay the warrants improbable. did, during the panic, coolly and deliberate- of the Treasury and the Post Office in any notes which ly, "calm as a summer's morning," pur- thing but their own rotes sue a course which produced the suspension could not be legally offered toa public creditor of several banks, and put many others in in payment. Threats of violence were used jeopardy, with the single view of controll- in Boston, New York, and at other places, ing the Government through the distresses with the view of compelling the Executive -ofthe people, producing a restoration ofthe to violate the plainest laws, in receiving dedeposites, and a re-charter of the bank. preciated and irredeemable paper for all pubWhat would have been the extent of this lic dues. These threats were disregarded, suspension, had not the policy ofthe bank and the public dues collected in gold and silbeen counteracted by an immense influx of ver. But there was a difficulty in complybut men ing with the laws in paying the public crespecie, it is impossible to know who were capable of conspiring to accom- ditors, and the funds ofthe Government beplish their objects in one mode are not too ing shut up in the banks, from which nothinggood to conspire its accomplishment in ano- but irredeemable paper could be obtained. The throwing out of twenty millions By the Post Office Department, the diffither. by Mr. Biddle, obtaining in Europe, and ex- culty was soon surmounted. The current tending his credit in every direction, was income of that Department being equal to the most insidious and at the same time the its current expenditure, it was only necessamost effective means to tempt the State ry to have its income paid in specie, to meet banks upon dangerous ground, which could all its expenditures in the same currency. have been devised. They had that effect, Prompt and successful steps were taken to and led the whale army ofbanks into a posi- effect that object, and not a warrant of the tion where they were unable to withstand Postmaster General has been returned profor a month the operations of an adverse tested since the suspension, which has not To the banks themselves, therefore, been promptly paid in specie; and for several trade. the whole mischief is to be ascribed, and months past, all payments have been made chiefly to the Bank of the United States. in that currency. This great establishment, The steps, taken by them which led to the having an income of about four millions of recent catastrophe, were neither the neces- dollars a year, now carried on, without the sary nor the natural result of the measures slightest difficulty, in the midst of thesus- 1 1 ; 1 peaded banks, receiving and disbursing gold and silver only. The difficulty would have been as readily surmounted by the Treasury Department, had not its necessary disbursements exceeded its current income. The sales of public lands, and the importations of dutiable mer- it is exacted from the people, the Adnunmtration proposes no longer to entrust it to the custody of corporations, but to keep it in an independent Treasury, The . following are some of the reasons upon which this propose tion is sustained: 1. It is obviously the plan originally intendIt is a provision of chandise, were almost stopped by the com- ed by the Constitution. mercial revulsion, and it was found necessa- that instrument, that " no money shall be ry to grant indulgence on duty bonds alrea- drawn from the Treasury except in pursudy given. Thus the resources of the Trea- ance of appropriations made by law." What sury were dried up, while the army and na- does this mean, but that the public money vy, the civil list and diplomatic corps, ne- shall, when collected, be put into a Treasucessarily gave rise to heavy demands upon ry, and there remain until drawn out to pay it almost daily. It had no alternative, but appropriations made by Congress? Is it not was obliged to render available, a* far as wholly inconsistent with the idea that it the funds in bank, and anticipate can be taken out, and lent to the merchants possible, its future receipts. The Secretary of the or others? Suppose that John Campbell, Treasury, therefore, continued to draw upon the Treasurer of the United States, had five the banks; and to enable the holders of his millions of dollars in the Treasury in a warrants or drafts to use them in payments, vault, room, or chest under his own care if they preferred it to taking banknotes, could he lend $10,000 to Daniel Webster, and to give them the highest practicable $10,000 to Henry Clay, and $1,000,000 to value, made them receivable for duties and Nicholas Biddle, for their private purposes, This very operation, though pocketing the interest himself ; without. public lands. just to the public creditors, cut off the specie drawing it from the Treasury, in palpable Is not this an receipts, by anticipating the revenue, and violation of the Constitution! gave no effectual relief to the department, application of the public money to private, At their extra-session, Congress granted the illegal, and unauthorized uses, the very thing power to issue Treasury notes, as a means which the restriction in the Constitution of keeping up the credit of the Treasury was intended to prevent? To lend out the with a deficient revenue. It was believed public money is the only purpose for which it. by many of our most sagacious men, that the banks They do not desire it to this paper would pass at specie par with a fceep, but to use. Their peculiar friends very moderate interest, or none at all; but as will not even hear of a special deposits present value cannot be had for them, ex- which would restrict or prevent their using cept by paying them in for public dues, and it The liberty of using it as Ihey please as the disbursements of the department are is what they demand; in other words, they still greater than its receipts, it has been in claim the privilege of lending it out to their the power of a powerful party press, and customers for their own profit And is it other hostile interests, to cry them down not then out of the Treasury? Has it not below par at certain points. Efficient mea- been drawn out, without appropriation, in sures have, however, been adopted to raise palpable violation of the spirit of the Constithem to specie par, and at that rate it is con- tution? It is not a satisfactory answer to say this fidently believed they will soon benegotiat-ed. In the meantime, the Treasury DepartIf it be a palpractice ie of long standing. ment has paid specie as far as it had the pow- pable violation of the Constitution, its instant tbe -er, and, since stoppage of specie pay- reformation is an imperative demand of orients by the banks, has actually disbursed principle and duty. The disasters which over six millions of dollars gold and silver, have followed an abandonment of the ConIt is expected that all its future disburse- stitution on this point, require a return to it ments will be in tx>in, or its equivalent/ as a matter of expediency as well as of prinReceipts are beginning to flow in, and in a ciple. short time they will probably exceed the 2. An Independent Treasury is necessary current expenditure, when all embarrass- to maintain the independence and efficiency ments will be at an end. have much in of the Government. THE INDEPENDENT TREASURY. English history as well as in the productions To avoid the embarrassments encountered of our own statesmen, about the "union of the from the stoppage of the banks for ever purse and the sword" in the same handt-\ In hereafter, and secure the faithful application Great Britain, the power to declare war and of the public money to the purpose for which raise an army and marine, is vested in the 1 wat m We King, and that power to raise is called "the sword." The to pay the army and money vested in the Parliament, and marine, that is called "the purse." The King holds "the sword" and the Parliament holds "the purse." This arrangement checks the King, and protects the liber ties of the people from is Executive aggression. Inour Government, Congress only can declare war and authorize the raising of an army and marine, and, therefore, Congress holds "the sword." Congress only can raise money to pay the army and marine, aad, therefore, Congress holds "the purse" also. In these provisions is a double check upon Executive aggression. He has neither "the purse" nor "the sword" until Congress put them into his hands by law; and although, after they have given him "the sword" by declaring war, they cannot withdzaw or close up "the purse" by refusing to gone to speculators and others, with the capital of the banks, (he stoppage of the banto was necessarily the stoppage of the TreaguThe Executive could not execute the ry. acts of Congress; he could not pay a soldier or sailor, a clerk or contractor, in the legal currency of the United States, though nominally there were twenty-seven millions of dollars in the Treasury, already apAnd the efpropriated for that purpose. made to fulfil the obligations and keep the faith of the Government, under circumstances brought upon it by these saftpurseholders, have been the constant theme of abuse, taunt, and ridicule, by their organs and advocates ever sihce! Now, are not the liberties of this people safe under the guardianship of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial departments of their Government! Must we have a third power to step in between the Legislaraise money. tive and Executive departments, nullify the But modern avarice and ingenuity have laws passed by the former by obstructing introduced a new purse holder it is the the constitutional action of the latter? Is banks. Congress or Parliament can no not the guardianship of Congress over the " the purse" it is When Congress longer be trusted with public purse sufficient? safe only in the hands of banks! Such is raised money, and appropriated it, is it not the modern theory. Let us see what may safe to let the Executive have it to apply be the practical operation of this theory, to the designated objects? Must a third Congress declares war and raises twenty power, independent of both, be broughtin millions of money to carry it on, which, in- to check the Executive, and refuse him stead of being deposited in the Treasury, the means to execute the laws of Congress, under charge of the appropriate officers, is and discharge the obligations of the Governforts 1 put into sundry banks, which now become ment? It must not be overlooked that this foreign the purse-holders of the Government. These banks are opposed to the war, and think power is as much achtck upon Congress as "the condition and circumstances of the upon the Executive. It is in vain that Conits prosecution, applies to them for the money provided by Congress to pay the army and navy, and they withhold it for the purpose of putting an end to the war. Is this the check which the Constitution intended to impose on the Executive? On the contrary, is it not a third power introduced into the Government, unknown to the Constitution, and subversive as well of the just powers of Congress as of the President? country," willjiot justify The Executive Look at what actually has happened, Last May the deposite banks had on hand about twenty-seven millions of the public money, every dollar of which was appropriated by Congress, or directed to be deposited with the States. These laws the Executive was proceeding to execute, when the banks suddenly stopped payment. If the money had been in the Treasury, as the Constitution requires, the Executive could have drawn it out in pursuance of law, and press raises money and appropriate it, if there be a third power which can interpose and prevent its expenditure. It is in vain that Congress declares war, and raises money to carry it on, if they put it into the custody of an independent and irresponsible power, which has the will as well as the ability to withhold it from the Rxeculive and thus prevent its application to the support of an army and navy. ThisprinciConpie puts not only the Executive, but of the gress also, directly under the control banks, and without their consent, a ship cannot sail, and an army cannot march, This check upon popular government is of modern invention. It is not one of those for safeguards of liberty which was fought There was not a bank in the Revolution. within the limits of the thirteen i n 1776 States. They are not found to constitute a part of the State Government in their earformed no part of the ly constitutions: they General Government under the Articles of carried into execution the will of Congress. But as the money of the Government was Confederation; and they were directly re- g which formed centre of the solar Wheiv system. pudiated by the Convention our present Constitution. If the Continen- the banks at that point stop, they all stop, nor can they resume with any convenience tal Congress resorted to a bank, it was not for the purpose of keeping their money, (for in their business, unless the banks of the When none they had,) but as a means of getting two great cities set the example. money to carry on the war. The first Bank the New York banks stepped payment in of the* Unite States was not created for a May last, the shock ran with electric sj eed depository of the public moneys, (for there through the whole credit system, and the is no such provision in its charter,) but rs hanks of all the States were prostrated at a a means of restoring and sustaining the pub- blow. And now we are told, that ihe banks In the charter of the second of Ohio, Kentucky and the most distant lie credit. Bank, of the United States, granted in 1816, States, cannot resume without a movement Thus the eight hundred is found the first germ of this power, which from the centre. it is now insisted must interpose between banks are one in their essential operations; the legislative and Executive Departments they are a consolidated* concentrated power, of the Government, in order to prevent an though seemingly under various jnrisdic"union of the purse and the sword." Of- tions, yet effectually controlled by the few ten and loudly has it been asserted by new- men who govern and direct fhe banks in Nor does it lights of the age, that the United States New York and Philadelphia. Bank had an absolute right to the public materially alter the case in this respec*, moneys, and that it was usurpation in the whether this controlling power be organizExecutive to deposite them elsewhere; and e d and regulated under the name of a Bank it has since been attempted to vest such a O f the United States chartered hy Congress, Constituting no or left in the hands of banks, great or small, right in the State banks. elected to any chartered by the Slates. Its organization part of the Government, not office of the people, or appointed by the under the name of a Bank of the United President or any public authority, indepen- States undoubtedly increases its influence dent of the people, and substantially irre- by concentrating its power in one head; but sponsible to the Government, it is main- the seat of the mischief is in the laws of tained that they ought to be entrusted with trade and the nature of out credit system, one of the most delicate ard resposible Though most fearfully illustrated in a Bank functions of the executive power. of the United States, its consolidated tenThe Constitutions of the States, of the dencies are equally palpable in the operaUnited States,establishGovernn ents which tions or' the State banks. Passing scenes when carried out by law, are complete in prove the dependence of the extremes upon The checks which the the centre too clearly an<l conclusively toreall their parts. the safety of liberty requires, a-e found in q H re argument as proof to satisfy the mind adjustment of the several Departments in of the reader. relation to each other, and various written J s jt not apparent that a? far as the GenThe interposition of banks e ral Government and State Governments prohibitionp. as purse-holders is no part of the constitu- identify themselves with the banks, they tional plan; it is a modern innovation; it is hecome consolidated into one ff'Ca/ whole ! the intrusion of a new and irresponsible yhe General Government and State Govthe Gov- ernments had hecome power, subversiveof the purity of dependent on banks ernment, fatal to its independence, a^nd for their actual currency and the keeping dangerous to its existence. If it be s fter- of their treasures. By a single blow their ed to progress and confirm itself in its us- currency is depreciated and the r treasures of are rendered unavailable. By whom and urpat on, questions of peace and war, commerce, trade, and taxation, will be de- where was this blow struck] Not by any cided, not hy the representatives of the peo- legitimate authority in the General GoveniThe blow ple and of the States in Congress, but hy rnent cr in the several States. the presidents and directors of banks in se- came through the banks of New York, and cret conclave assembled. was felt in the most distant Sta'es in the 3. Another argument in favor of an In- Union. All the States and the Union itdependent Treasury is found in the centra- se ]f wet e found to be dependent on that lizing influence and consolidating tendency centre, there was concentrated the power of the bank power. New York and Phila- t o control all our Governments and people 1 i 1 : delphia are so close together that they may j,, this respect; in relation to the currency he called the centre of our commercial and an(j credit system, the States were found monetary system. The interior banks, ihe t o be consolidated already, and thft ruling orb'' of our credit system, are as dependent power sits enthroned in New York and on that centre as the planets are on the Philadelphia! 10 Let the Southern, Western, and even Middle, and Northern States look to it. Every new bank they create upon the principles now approved, is a neic ligament to bind them to the central power. Every created in New York, and every of bank -capital, adds to the fatal attraction which binds the distant States to the centre. Every act of the General or State Governments which goes to new bank increase foreign land; and our consolidated States through their banks, and in their currency, but the provinces of the money are, king, who who sits enthroned in London. Those are but his s traps and tri* batarres, acting in submission to his power and in obedience to his will, And is it safe to trust our public moneys to the keeping of the dependents of the Bank of England 1 Is it safe to place our country in a position where a foreign power can shut up our Treasury, almost Bt will, control irs strengthen banks, adds to the intensity and <danger of this centralizing influence, and diminishes the power of the Slates and the and cripple our Government in all its ope? If so, let us rescind the Declarapeople over their own affairs. Already, a rations great corporation has sprung up in Phila- tion of Independence, and acknowledge delphia, which at this moment not only ourselves, as we really shall be, again procontrols the enti-e currency of the State, by vinces of the British Empire, 4. The Independent Treasury, instead preventing^ resumption of specie papments, but is entering deeply into their trade. It of fostering over-trading, and wild specuis another East India company, and the lation, like the deposite of the public moSouth and West are the rich provinces neys in banks, would be a most salutary which it aspires to conquer and to plunder, check upon those operations. The revenue competitor may be expected in New of the United States accrues from sales f York, not to restrain the inroads and usur- public lands and duties on imports. A.Q pations of the Philadelphia marauder, but soon as speculation in public lands and exto rival him in subjecting the golden South cessive importations commence, the reveand the teeming West to the cent; al bank- nue begins to increase beyond the mineing power. Consequences the most fear- diate wants of the Government. Depositful to the independent;^ of Lho States, .and ed in banks, and there made the basis of results the most fatal to all popular control new loans, it tends to swell the rising over the General Government, may be just- tide of over-trading and speculation. But ly apprehended from the growth, extension collected in gold and silver, and put into and organization of this pervading and sub- the Treasury, the accumulation itself tie power. would soon check the cause of it. If, inNor does the mischief end in throwing stead of being deposited in banks, the late the entire control of the currency into the surplus, as it rose from ten to twenty milhands of a few men 'n Philadelphia and lions of dollars, from twenty to thirty, and New York, Those men are at last but the from thirty to forty, had been locked up in instruments and agents, perhaps unwilling- the Treasury in gold and silver, who can ly, of the London bankers and the Bank of doubt that it would have prevented the imof England. London is the centre of the mense extension of credit which led to the credit system of the whole commercial general suspension of specie payments? world, and the Bank of England is the The shutting up of the specie would have *un of that system. The banks of New had the same effect as its exportation. It York and Philadelphia bear a relation to could not have risen to twenty millions bethe Bank of England, very similar to that fore the check would have been fell throughwhich the banks of Ohio and other distant out all the ramifications of the credit sysStates bear to them. Our interior banks tern, and the banks would not so indisare their dependent orbs, as the planets of erectly have extended their issues. The our solar system have their moons, and means of over-trading and speculation they themselves are but secondary bodies, could not have been obtained ; the receipts revolving around the distant sun of the ere- of the treasury would not have accumulatdit system. The immediate cause of their ed ; and the suspension would have been recent stoppage was a measure of the Bank averted. ounce of prevention is of England, cutting off American credit, worth a pound of cure." The Independ;and thus withdrawing from them the light ent Treasury would be a pregnant means and support in which they lived and mov- of preventing speculation in public propered. It was the Bank of England, there- ty and dutiable merchandise an evil fore, which stopped our banks, depreciated which, under the bank deposite system, our currency, and shut up our Treasury. its cure is general embarrassment, extenour central banking power is at last but the sive bankruptcy, an !, lately, an universal dependent of another power, seated in a supension of specie payments. Surely it . A i "An 11 would be better for the country, the Go- and long has been, complete illustration vernment, and the banks, that these opera- cf the Independent Treasury system. For tions should be checked in their early sta- many years past, nine-tenths of the postges, than that they should thus involve the masters have been the keepers of the moinnocent as well as the guilty in indiscri- neys which they collected until they minate ruin. But, if these advantages rs were paid over to the creditors of the De-considered insufficient to make it politic to partment. Upon the suspension of specie retain a growing surplus in the Treasury, payments last spring, they were all putupn that footing. No principle of administra foow easy it is to put the accumulating funds into State stocks, a*Kl thus throw the tion was changed, but the ONE-TENTH which had been deposited in banks, was placspecie into circulation. 5. The Independent Treasury would ed on the same footing that the NINE-TENTHS tend to preserve a currency of specie or its were before. Now, every postmaster keeps If no one would receive pa- the money he collects until it is paid out equivalent. per, we should have a specie currency. In to contractors or others, unless safety or the precise extent to which paper is refu- convenience requires that it shall be transsed^ specie will always General Government circulate. The the greatest crediif it receives nothing is tor in the ,country, but the constitutional currency in its transactions, it will keep many millions of ^old ferred to some other postmaster. For years, there have been TEN to ELEVEN thousand of these officers, and now there are twelve thousand, each performing ihe duties which would be required of an Independent Treasury, though generally on a small scale. Do the public hear of any inconvenience and silver in circulation which would otherwise be substituted by bank notes, ai*d shut up in the vaults of banks, or export- arising from this plan? Is not every thing ed from tlit country. In this way, it would going on with harmony, conveniene and The tiansfer of funds costs not a greatly increase the specie basis, restrict safety] the issues of banks, and give greater se- cent. On the contrary, the Department curity tojthe people. The Post Office Depart- could make money out of the operation if ment now collects and disburses about a it chose to do so. million of dollars a quarter, all in specie, Here, then, is a practical illustration of without the least difficulty or embarrass- the system in full and successful open tion ment. before the eyes of the people, contradicting 6. The Independent Treasury will place every day, in the most emphatic manner, the keepers of the public money under the the and party objections which self-interest direct ^authority and control of Congress, so eagerly iavent and so peroeve;feeling, the constitutional guardian of the public nat'oua! bank is too strong moneys. to be controlled, having heretofore with im- ingly propagate. A Another principle is illustrated by the With daily operations of that Department. punity shut its do >rs upon a committee of slight exceptions it receiver? and disburses Twelve thousand Congress. Over the Slate banks that bo- gold and silver only. dy has no legal authority or control what- postmasters in twelve thousand neighborsoever. When placed in those institutions, hoods receive and pay out about a million the public moneys are beyond their consti- of dollars a coin of the quarter, in legal tutional supervision. Neither the Legisla- United States, though surrounded with a tive nor Executive po^er can control does this provet paper circulation. What them. They are out of the possession of It will come when proves that specie the Government, without being in the there is a demand ibr it. It proves that it hands of the people. It is otherwise with a currency in proappears and is used as the officers of an Independent Treasury. portion to the demand. It proves that when Congress must first create them; must pre- ever any other Department of the General scribe their lespective duties, and fix their or State Governments, any corporation, salaries ; must direct the amount of the company or individual, refuses to take pabonds to be taken; -nay, at any time, inwill make its apper in payment, specie It proves that people can have quire into their conduct; may impose fur- pearance. ther restrictions; may turn them out by im- a specie currency at any time when they peachment, or abolish their offices. Through have the firmness to refuse it. them, Congress may exercise as direct suIf the people in every town, village and pervision over the custody of the public neighborhood in the country, can find spemoney as it is possible for them to possess; cie to pay tl^ir postages, is it to be believwhile their power of control over bank de- ed that it cannot be found by merchants in positories is nominal and impotent. 7. The Pest Office Department is the great cities to pay their duty b mils'? The purchase cf public is idle. now, the idea 12 lands in specie is going on every day; and in the faculty of acquisition, would be a vioso far as it maybe needed for other pur- lation of natural law, of individual rights, imposes, it can always be obtained, if requir- practicable and absurd. In a country where mind is free, all sorts of wild theories will ed by the people. OBJECTIONS CONSIDERED. spring up, like weeds in :i rich soil; but rootLet us now turn our attention to the ob- ed out by reason and common sense, they onTrea : ly tend to fertilise the land of liberty. It is jectioHs urged against the Independent sury and the Administration which proposes as. ridiculous as it is unjust, to pick up these it. declared to be a measure calculated to promote levelling principles which are traced to the declaration of Robert Dale Owen, in 1829, advocating "a civil revolution, which would leave behind it no trace of any Government that had not provided 1. It is teeming extravagances and attribute them to the Administration, or any political party in the country. Sure it is, that the idea of an equality of property, or of a general distributionof roperty, is utterly repudiated by every man connected with the Administration, and the charge might, with more plausibilifor every human being an equal amount of ty, be retorted upon those who so strenuousproperty on arriving at the age of maturity, ly maintain that Ihe banks should have and during minority equal food, clothing, the use of money which does not belong to and education, at the public expense." How them. the keeping of the money of the Government 2 It is charged that the Independent exclusively for its own use, instead of letting Treasury is a measure of hostility to the those use it to whom it does not belong, general credit system of the country, and tends to impair the right of property, it is j 9 ca ] cu l a ted, if not designed, to reduce the However that may operations of trade to the mere exchanao not easy to conceive. be, I venture to say there is not a man, con- O f one thing for arother, without the internected with the Administration who enterposition of credit paper in any shape, tains opinions in any degree analogous to This charge lias as little foundation in the wild and impracticablejschomc develop- fact as the preceding. It is almost as abIt would be equally just sur d to talk of ed by Mr. Owen. banishing credit from a civito attribute to them, as their settled opin- n ze d community as of producing -an equalCredit is found useful in ions, the incoherent givings outofanymad- jty of properly. man in bedlam. On the contrary, there is the most simple, as well as in the most believed not to be a man connected with complicated forms of society, nnd to dethe Administration who does not maintain, s troy it, would be to cut ono of the ligaman as a fundamental principle, that every m ents which bind men together in civil has a right to possess, enjoy and dispose of, communities. Doubtless, like all other whatever he has acquired by the efforts of honest men, the members of the Adminishis own mind, strength and industry, with- tiation are opposed to that abuse of credit out infringing upon the righls of others; and which robs the good man for the benefit of that one of the first objects of nil just institu- the knave, ruins multitudes by its excesses, j . , tion is to protect that right. EQUAL RIGHTS and produces demoralization, distrust, and is a sound doctrine; but it is wholly incompa- anarchy in the business of To society. tible with equality of property. "Equality draw the proper line, and say to credit of rights" secures to every man alike the privilege of enjoying the property he honestly acquires; but it does not require him to divide his acquisition with his neighbors who are less able to work, less fortunate, less industrious, or less economical. Whatever he givesout of the proceeds of his labor, is not required of him as a matter of right, but is exacted by holy charity, or other persuasive considerations, operating upon his and his will. The Supreme Being made men equal in physical strength, liberality has not in mental power, in excitability of passions, judgement, or in any other in solidity of thjngs between which it is possible to draw a parallel. Human institutions which should attempt to produce an equality of property, when Heaven itself has made men unequal far shalt thou come and no farther," perhaps impracticable ; and the only difforence on the subject which exists in the country is believed to be, not whether credit shall exist, but to what limit it is expe- "thus is dient to permit its extension. On that point scarcely any two intc>ll?gpnt m?n will 'be found to agree ; and as the Administration have no control over it, they do not entertain the question. While there is not one of its members who is hostile to the credit system, there may be the same diversity of opinion among them, as to some of its features, which exist among their fellow-citizens. 3 The Independent Treasury is charged with being part of a scheme to overthrow the State banks or "State Institutions." i3 a plausib'e foundation The single ground on charge. irhich it is got up is the known desire of ie Administration to be relieved from their id in the management of the public revenin the e, because they have signally Jailed er 'ormance of their public duties and olliMultitudes of inations in thaL reaped. ividuals, as well as the Government, had in the banks at eposites of s. erie funds is time of their stoppage. Suppose one f these private citizens, who was bound Ml his debts y the law and an oath to pay himself thus uni specie, and had found to obey xpectedly deprived of the power "here is not even this or t have done heretofore! And has the Governmental ways aimed to overthrow those banks to which it has entrusted none of the public money] The idea is absurd, and the imputation groundless, It is not intended to say, however, that all or any of those connected with the Administration, are theoretically in favor of the State banks as now organized, or approve course they have pursued within the There is probably or three years. on those points the same diversity of opinion among them which exists in the commuIt may, however, be safely asserted nity. thit, to a man, they think the banking sysic one, or comply with the other, should tern needs extensive reforms, and additional etermine hereaiter to keep his money in checks and responsibilities to protect the is own chest, ought he to be.charged with country from an eternal round of expansions Must eve- and contractions, apparent prosperity and design to destroy the banks? in banks, or be set real distress, sometimes leading to the temy man keep his money Must he buy their porary subversion of the currency establishj\vn as their enemy! ed by the Constitution. It is not banks to fendship, or encounter their hostility. The Administration has proposed no which they are hostile, but bank abuses. On the leasures for the injury of banks. 3. It is objcted that the Independent ontrary, it has applied for and obtained Treasury would expose the public money to om Congress an act of indulgence, giving oe misused and applied to private purposes, lem time to pay over the public moneys It would seem impossible to devise a system Its aim, from the time of their under which the public money could be n hand. apuspension, has been to separate from them, plied to more mischievous purposes than it to leave them to the has been under the bank deposite system, IK! let them alone to Where were the tates by which they were created many millions of public >ave them in tin- free and full exercise of money when the banks stopped payment in 11 their power? and privileges neither to May last? They were lent out to the presinot to interfere with dents and directors of the banks,their friends, elp nor hinder them leir business, imr ask their interference and their customers. Instead of being emto h-t them be \\hat ith the Government ployed for public purposes, or even in pro>ey are, "State Jwsfiluliona" for Sttttc pur- moting the agriculture, manufactures, and oses, and not practically constituent parts commerce of the country, they were instruIs there evi- mental in fthe General Gove nment. putting on foot speculation in city Must the Ad- ] ts, new towns, public lands, stocks, proence of hostility in tl is? linistration remiw its fdtal connection with duce, and merchandize speculations injuriIt is ous to lem, to prcvj it is not their enemy! public morality and fatal to the bestinit founJ them, as them to leave wholesale misapmore tercsts of society. just illingbre they were employed as depositories and misuse of the public money it plication to use their own is the public money impossible to conceive. The Independent )ital in their own way, without molestaTreasury would put an end to this enormous n on its part. abuse. "The keepers of the public moneys, 3ut if not giving public deposites to the under such a system, would not only be under ite banks is a measure of hostility calculheavy bonds, but would even be subject to d to destroy them, how is it that those fj nc and imprisonment for using or lending iks contrived to exist so- long without them for any purpose whatsoever, except to st> deposites? What sustained them while p av the appropriations of Congress. If the 13ank of the United State had the public same latitude were allowed to them as hereof the toforehis been to the banks; if they were neys? What has sustained those ite banks which have had none of tliote permitted to use the money in their private Under the late business, or to lend it out and pocket the in:ieys down to this day] tern, only about eighty banks out o.' eight terest; if they were permitted to extend their ulrecl had a dollar of those deposiles. O wn credit, and enter into all sorts of specuw did the others get along? Cannot any lation upon the credit of the public, then, intion or all of the banks sustain themselves deed, nothing but the most disastrous plun^eaflcr without deposites ns well as they of the Treasury could be expected. the last two A tiering it is to put nn end to these very mischiefs that the Independent Theasury is pro- But posed By whom is our revenue collected! By the Collectors of the Customs, hy Receivers of Public Moneys at the land offices, and by Into their hands the entire Postmasters. revenue of the Government now comes in And are not they all the first instance. Executive officers! Is not the money while in their possession in the hands of the Ex* pendant Treasury plan would, in a dangei ous and alarming degree, extend the pa tronage and iufluence of the Executive. Under the late system, there were abou eighty deposite banks, with 80 president and 80 cashiers, about 600 directors, an about 10,00< stockholders, besider othe Here were about fcL&Vfc officers. THOUSAND MEN whose pecuniary ir were directly affected by the actio of the Executive. A deposite of twent tereSts Do they plunder and misapply it, millions, on loan at six per cent, put int th*ir pockets upwards of a motion of ao bonds their notwithstanding, in a dangerous a r/ This the Executive couT or destructive degree? ^? or'take away by increasing or dimir 4ffain: by whom are our public moneys^v'e in the severs disbursed? By Paymasters, Pursers, Navy ishing the amount deposited banks. The eagerness with which the pul Agents, Postmasters* and other agents; all Do they Ite deposite* were sought after by the bank of whom are Executive officers. sufficient evidence of the important misuse and misapply it, except in occasionI hat they woul they attaeh^d to them. al instances of small importance? incline lo the support of those who the under dollar of our revenue Evo.ry tfirrej business and money in their path, it present and all former systems, is twice to prove. found in the hands of Executive officers, no evidence over an army c and subject to their contrd. Even when direct pecuniary influence rich and powerful men, the effect of whiel the it in in is, banks, contempladeposited * adroitly managed by an admimstra tion of law, in the custody of the Treasurto make the most of it, it is impog It is on* er, who is an Executive officer. deposed to eatculate. of the Executive- functions in every Gov- 8l [f Nor is it possible to calculate the secoi ernment, to collect, keep, and disburse, the j over the customers and d Dublic moneys, according to the pfenspie- dar y ^'^ence to '3 of the banks which might be exerte scribed by the legislative"power. In prinei^rough friendly presidents, directors, pic, banks might as well be employed to officer* bpeakmg well of the fcxecntr collect the taxes and disburse them, as to w !*' ch them, and nca of the the keep money during any portion dealt believe that t If it cannot be safe in wilfc w-hom they intermediate time. re nd ebted for accommodl other hands than those of banks, why let it P 1|C J ll >' we llon and indulgence, they might great go into other hands at all? Why not emthe sphere ot his popularity,? ploy the banks in every operation involving enlarge secure to his inierests] the whole dupes the public money? How would afcmi-figur* a* paymaster bank debtors, as well as their president other officer, stockholders, an e,orpurserofa ship, to prevent directors, the public moneys being kept by Execu- customers. Wow is it with the propoaed Independe, tiwQfficers' Would it be precisely safe, _, Most of the agents whic in the midst of a campaign or voyage, to Treasury! " be employed are a ready public of those^oVer the cash into th/hanrffl put whom the commanders had no control! ficers, and as much under the control oft! What if they should lend oat the money ^ecuteve as they can he, and perhaj and then sud- Reivers of Puhl.c Moneys, to merchants and speculators, 1 clerks would be the entire a< a off all thuseut and supdenly J- stop payment , do^n .. to the Executive ecutive? ^/Jj" f* f . ' , i added Uepi This is the whole accession to R ttonal force P Our sail, ship of State wilb banks for was recently under full its purser. Ui^pect- edly, and without notice, they stopped'poymen, and the commander has had gre'at ever difficulty to feed and pay his we for -/purser who will He ince. w noways en ! tlve patronage, so much dreaded a, If their influence w,-re deprecated. he pnsidei great ine hv.dua ly as i.hat of nd directors of the eighty batiU, it deer,. safely he loft to the people to "^ther, in the T,ggrPgte, t. would not < use keep the money in good faith for the sole immeasurably of the ship'* crew, instead of lending it out Is thi. wronger un.1 { pirates. trader re 8 ^ ^^ bo between a 4 .It is'further objected that the inde^ l,ss. man tween the I.dep sitting upon a mo 15 ohest, sternly defending its precious contents against an eagar multitude, and one distributsitting by such a chesfropen, and ing its contents with stalling face and rea- dy hand who asked to all dation." It is the "accommo- proposed to impose heavy penalties on any Exeeu-tive officer whomay lend or use the public njoney, whereas (he banks want it for no other purpose. The difference of the influence exerted in stern- expending it not for the purpose of withholding it from the community , but for the purpose of returning it in disbursenot for the purpose of impairing meiits the credit of banks, but of sustaining its own. Is it any cause of just complaint that the Government,, or a bank, or an indir vidual, should keep mon^y enough on hand to meet claims daily presented, and carry on business without embairassment? But if any fears are really, entertained of a naiscbievous accumulation of specie in the Treasury, they can be readily obviated, by providing for its investment ia State of keeping money and kindly lending it, is Does any not difficult of comprehension. man believe ihe Kxeeutive will obtain more influence and power by the appo ntmentoffour Receivers and a few clerks, stocks. How is the Independent Treasury an atthan he could by employing the eighly banks and conciliating eight hundred! If tack on the credit of banks? Does it prothe President were seeking to extend his pose to take from them any of their priviNo: it proinfluence by operating on the private inter- leges, or any of their capital? ests of men, he has resorted to the wrong poses to leave them just as they are, and, means. The absurdity of the charge is just as the States encore to ruako them. It evinced by the fact, that this veiy bank in- proposes to permit them to issue heir-no es, fluence which he refuses to purchase, is to pass them upon every body who is willboldly held up by those who make it as the ing to lake them; to use their credit and ly -t power which is to destroy him all the patronage of an Independent Treasury notwithstanding 5. It is further objected, that the Inde- capital without let, hindrance, or control from the General Government. It will not be maintained that the banks have any right to the deposites of the Government or indi- pendent Treasury system would withdraw ihe specie of the country from circulation, place it under the control af the Executive, take away the basis on which the bsnks sustain their circulation, and fatally affect viduals, or have a right to require the Government or individuals to take their notes. Every individual in the community has a right not to keep hi& money in bank; and he has a right not to leceive bank notes, For the exercise of tht se ^undoubted rights he ought not to be censured, or charged \vith attacking the credit of the banks. So it is wiiK the Government. To maintain its own credit under all vicissitudes, it proposes to keep its own money, and deal in its currency. This is a measure ef precaution and safety for itself, and not an act ot If they manage hostility to the banks. their affairs prudently,, they will have credit; if not, thuy will lose it. If they cannot ! the credit system, of the country. If Congress raise no more by taxas than is necessary f >r the curreat wants of the Government, the amount of specie on hand at any one time could not exceed four or five millions of dollars. Although the annual revenue may be twenty or thirty millions, it will, if not greater th^n the necesary disbursements, be paid out as fast as it is pai-J in; and the amount on hand need be only enough to enable the Government to carry on its business with c nvenrenee and safely. The United frequently had on- maintain their Bank has have none; and hand for considerable pe- a wrong to the vStales own credit, they ought to the Government would do people, by attempting to millions of dollars, in give them any. "The credit system" is a very indefinitespecie, and all the banks, are in the habit of If it be intended to impute to the retaining large sums; yet nobody complains. phrase. are there not loud complaints that the Administration a design to subvert credit banks needlessly shut up millions of specie in general, by the Independent Treasuryfrom the uses of the community? It is be- plan, the charge has no foundation in fact. cause every body knows that a considera- 'Die only, object is to withdraw the public ble sum cf money on hand is necessary to money from the credit system to proven ;. enable them t sustain tlieir credit and car- its being used as bank capital to prevent on their operations. ry Why, they, should its beir.g loaned out for the profit ofbariksnny one complain, if ilwe Government does to jre rent its beiog exposed Jo the hazard? the same thing, and for the same and bank manajjopurposes? ofprifate speculation It does not propose to keep specie for the ment, and to keep it to pay the debts ana purpose of hoarding it but for the purpose expenses of the Government,.. Ihe purposes riods, ten to fifteen Why > 16 for which the people pay it Trea- country with their notes, thrust them into every man's hands, and caused them to supersede the people's currency almost entirely, suddenly stop payment with over a safety, and hundred millions of dollars in circulation. into the Its effect would be to put an end to sury. a gross abuse of the credit system, in lending out the people's money for private thus hazarding its gain, violating the spirit of the Constitution. The people who are the holders of this currency, and generally have no other, arc that collectors of the customs, receivers of obliged, inconsequence of this general viopublic moneys, or postmasters, were lend- lation of law by the banks, to use it for a ing out the public money in their hand to time, contrary to their wishes and will. It their friends to speculate upon, and pocket- is absurd to say that they prefer a paper ing the interest themselves? They would dollar, at ten per cent, discount, to a silver be denounced through the country as guilty dollar; or a ten dollar note, worth nine of a gross -abuse, for which they ought to dollars, to a golden eagle. Thepoepleare be signally punished. Yet the principle is not so simple. But individuals not being the same, whether the public money be able, single-handed, to resist this violation lent out by one keeper or another; by indi- of their rights, submit unwillingly to the viduals or corporations; by collectors of the loss and inconvenience, and fall, one after customs or banks. It is an application of another, into the habit of using tor a cur* the public funds to private uses. rency the depreciated bank notes. And the And would a collector or a postmaster banks having thus, in violation of the Confind any justification in saying, that to keep stitution and laws, and of ihe will of the the money on hand would be an attack on popple, ./breed their notes upon them to the "Ihe credit system!" that it would bean exclusion of the legal currency, now turn improper shutting up and hoarding thespe- round and say, "behold! depreciated bank rie of the country] that it wouM be an at- notes are the currency of the people, and He might be luii'jh- the Government should look for nothing tack upon the banks! ed at for his fully, or stared at for his im- better!" That is to say, "having imposed pudence; but would receive little credit for our notes on the people, substantially as a Yet his rea- tender in of debts contrary to the hi* fidelity or his patriotism. payment sous would be just as good as those of the Constitution, and in violation of the laws, same character adduced against the Inde- the Government ought to acquiesce in the usurpation, and be content to see its fundjapendent Treasury. What would h is be said, if it were discovered further objected, that to dispense in the keeping of ihe money, is to make **&ne currency with banks altogether public for the people" Goveinment and another a for the patrician currency and a pie- Jbcian currency. This objection comes with a bad grace from those who assume to be the special It has originated friends of the banks. mental principles overthrown and trampled ih the dust!" The people created the Government to protect them, as far as possible, against wrong and outrage. They have, by their Constitution and laws, established gold and silver as the only legal currency of th e land. They have sworn every pub]{c officer to obey the laws, and to protect and defend the Constitution. The public officers could not recognise bank notes as since the stoppage of specie payment. The the legal currency of the United States the currency establish- tne people's currency currency of the Government without ed by the Constitution and protected by being guilty of perjury. In refusing to reis the laws gold and silver. Although cc ive them, they were true to their oaths to the States may establish banks, they can O i, e y the laws, and protect and defend the ijiake nothing hut gold and silver a tender Constitution. But if their had been no All the laws of the suc j, ca th, in payment of debts. public duty wonld have requirUnited States and of ihe several State* reThe Government had d the same course. CURRENCY, established by their Om*iitution, confirmed by their /#ics, and protected by their courts of justice. The banks could not be maintained without colfrom the debtors of the Government As in conthe money to pay its creditors. are authorised to i.ssue notes only tsponcon- sequence of the stoppage of the banks, ?iobut gold and sildition tint they shall pay them on demand thing could be legally paid in that .currency. But the banks having, V er, so no other currency tould be received, by .the indulgence of the people., fiHed the Had the officers of Government, therefore, fa jth Jectino- 17 been disposed to receive the bank paper for public tiues, they could not do so because they were prevented by the Constitution and laws of the land, by their oaths of of- and by their obligations to preserve public faith inviolate. But it was essential that resistance should commence somewhere to the attempt to subvert our fundamental laws, and impose on the country, for an indefinite and unknown period, an irredeemable paper currency. Single individuals were noc strong enough to raise their arms against the overwhelming power with which the foundations of morality snd law were suddenly assailed. If became the General Government, whose example and whose influence fice, tiie were likely to have great weight, to raise the standard of c.'-rrect principle, commence the resistance to this demoralizing innovation, ;nd aid in restoring to the people their legal and constitutional currency. The object was not to establish a better currency for the Government and a worse for the people, but to restore to the people the bet- and the people shall have k and that it shall be deprecia. and worthless shin-plasters, in the Constitution and laws, in the public faith and in derogation of au . ral principle. Let them who raise this cry of a better currency for the Government, and a worse for the people, come cut and tell us what Bank notes redeemable in they mean. gold and silver, they tell us, are a better currency than the gold and silver themIf the notes be redeemabl >, and selves. the Government do not take them, and the people do, the people, according to these gentlemen's theory, will have the better currency, and the office holders the worst. They cannot mean, therefore, that to give the office holders specie, and the people re- deemable bank notes, is to give the forcurrency than is enjoyed by the latter. What then do they mean by this catch-word ] Do they mean, that the people are forever to have no other currency than irredeemable banks notes tnd mis- mer a better Is it to make the ter currency, of which they had been wrong- erable shin-plasters ? It was to se- people forget their constitutional and fully and illegally deprived. legal cure to the people and Government both, rights, and be forever content to take for a whatever the currency which was established by the currency, paper may be thrown Constitution, and promised to be protected out by broken banks and bankrupts of all by the laws and the courts of justice. It sorts, that these men wish to force the Gowas, instead of subjecting the Government vernment to receive this abominable trash? to the wrongs the people suflered, to deliv- Having crammed it down the throats of trm er the people from these wrongs, and re- people, do they wi^h to make them conIt was *o tent with th; ir situation, store to them their lost rights. hy cramming it make the Government and people equal as down the throat ot the Government afso? have forced the people to submit to a to the currency; to secure to both the same of ihe Constitution and laws, its ba- %iolation currency the currency which finds sis in the Constitution, and is essential to sound policy and moral honesty why This was should not the Government submit also ? fair trade and honest dealing. the wanwill See! submit forever to not the equa'ity which the Federalists people Instead of raising the people up, they have a depreciated and fraudulent currency ted. would pull -the Government down. Instead why should not the Government submit This is in substance the of restoring their rights to the people, they also? language would make both Government and people of certain politicians. Instead If this cry be not wholly insincere and the victims of a common wrong. of placing them on an equality of wrong. hypocritical, those who utter it are striving This is what they mean when they charge to impose on the people forever, or at least the Administration wiih seeking to have for an indefinite period, a depreciated paone currency for the Government, and ano- per currency, and to force the Government for the people. They mean that the Gov- into their policy. Instead of making the ernment and people should both be compel- government and people equal, by restoring The a currency of specie or its equivalent, ther Jed to take depreciated bank notes. difference between the Administration and would make them equally the recipients of irredeemable and fraudulent paper. Whick its opponents, is this: The Administration insists that the Go- platform of equality will the people stand Will they have a currency of spet crnment and people shall have the same upon ? ? currency, and that it shall be gold and sil- cie or its equivalent or, will they be con^ Ter or their equivalent, as provided by the tent with irredeemable bank notes and Constitution and laws of the land. shin-plasters, and compel the Government that the Government to receive and pay them out also 1 Its They opponents insist We 18 answer these questions at the polls. OBJECT OF THE OPPOSITION. But the Independent Treasury and special deposites are condemned by the entire Federal party; but not more strongly than by are not content to lend their own capital two of three times over, but they want the The speculators are public mofiey also. not content to borrow all the capital of ths banks, all their deposites, and all their crebut they want the money in the the Republican party. The true object is United States Treasury also! To deny it disclosed with sufficient clearness in some to them, they call agrarianism, tyranny opof the resolutions adopted at a recent as- pression, usurpation, and consolidation; UK semblage of some of these individuals in attack on State institutions; hostility te New York. Of the Independent Treasury banks; experimentingupon the currency; the and a special deposite, they sny, 4 Both destruction of the credit system; barbarism, contemplate the same odious principle of loco focoisrn, abominable, intolerable, and hoarding the precious metals and shutting diabolical!!! Just give them the use of them out from circulation amor g the com- the public money, and all is sunshine and munity to whom they rightfully belong,'" freedom, piosperity and happiness. 1 beg &c. &c. The meaning of this cannot be rvery dispassionate man to consider, whemisunderstood. The government must not ther this is not the only principle for which keep its own money on hand although it certain conservative Democrats in N. Y. The Constitution says, and elsewhere appear to be contending ha-- no use for it! "No money shall be drawn from the TreaWith the Federal party it is otherwise. sury but in pursuance of appropriations Amidst their shouts of triumph after the made by law." These gentlemen say, that late N. Y. elections some of them had the to keep the public money in the Treasury, honesty and the boldness to denounce our is " hoarding the precious metals," and out free institutions, and advocate a hereditary Chief Magistrate and a restricted suffrage. jt must come, appropriation or no appropriOut it must come, because it * he- To wrest the controlling power from the ation ** longs" to the community." One would people by direct means, is impossible; but suppose rnt its belonging to the communi- it may be possible by circumvention. ty would be n conclusive reason why it see that the po.vcr which controls the curshould not come out until wanted for pub- rency f-its enthroned in Philadelphia and New York. Give the banks the public moIt is for no such purpose?, ~lic purposes. that these men insist that it shall come out, neys, and that power has hold of the sinor is it for the benefit of any other com- news of the Government, and can control If they be munity than that, of banks and borrowers. the destinies of the country. Translated into plain English, this declara- given to a National Bank, then some Nition means that the Government shall lend cholas Bidd;e becomes, like Caesar, empeout the public money for private uses, and ror or sole monarch of the land, with liue lest it srionld be too shameless an operation pageant of a Republic at Irs heels; if to the State Banks, then the supreme domito do it directly, they insist that it shall l> nion is in the leading men of those itistiiuIt would put into brinks for that purpose. be a crime for the Secretary of the Trea- tions in Piul.idelphia and New York. The sury or the Treasurer to lend out the public ohject-j of the ancient Federalists will then .money; but the banks may loan precisely have been accomplished in devising a plan the same money without impropriety or to tuke the control of the Government out of censure! Public officer-, cannot draw it the h/inds of the people, and pi-ice it in the from theTreasury without an appropriation, hands of a f-.w rich men, bankers and brobut the banks may gire it out to whom they kers. A Fec!er.l monarchy in the .sha;-eof a N. Bank, a conservative oli^ujchy .in .the please ! ! On this point the whole controversy shape of S. Bks. and bcth dependent on forturns. The struggle of the peculiar a<lvo- eign power; r a representative Republic, <ca'es of the banks is, PUB- in the shape of an Independent Treasury, certain individuals who claim to belong to dit, ! We < loGETTHK LIC MONEY FOR PRIVATE USES! "This, and nothing else, when stripped of nil disguises, is what they want. The bunk* want lend out, and their friends want is the substance of the Ah other considerations, so constantly introduced, and so zeal* ously urged, are mere make weights, to aid i*i The banks arriving at the main object. it to borrow it This whole controversy. to ! controlled by public officers responsible to the people, are th- alternatives which are now present, d for adoption. On the choice now to he made may depend ihe character of our Government, if not its existence, the progress ot liberal i>rincipleft,.aud .free- dom iiseJf. GENERAL REMARKS. There never was an Administration, the of which devoted themselves cause they decline another trip in the same more indostriou ly and honestly to the dis- boat with the same boilers There was no to the banks in the Administration. rharge of their public duties, and yet none hostility has r-ver been more vio'ently or incessantly It never asked nor expected their support, ! jtssailed. Usurpation violation of law I disregard 0f the Constitution have been rung through ! ! the land. By whoTi By men who 1 are applauding and supporting banks, for openConstitution ly and notoriously setting the iw at defiance, and abusing the meman'i bers of the Administration for sternly re1 fusing to become their coadjutors Corruption ! corruption ! has bten a conWhence does it arise! From tinual cry. presses and men who have received their thousands and tens of thousands from the Bank of the United States and other banks, o secure their personal service and legis! nor deprecated their political hostility. It looked upon them as public agents, to be encouraged and sustained as long a^ they faithfully .performed their public duties, and to be discountenanced and discharged when 1. Their failure has been genecomplete and overwhelming. The friends of the Administration propose to let them fco their way in peace, and try the they faile e*al, only remaining alternative short of a Bank of the United States. Although ihey may once have preferred the State banks to an Independent Treasury, is there any inconsistency JH preferring the latter to a bank of If they once preferred the United States ? lative assistance. If corruption o*ild have sound State banks to an Independent Treareached General Jackson, do y.-u think sury, is there any inconsistency in preferwe should have heard of the veto! If the ring the latter to broken State banks 1 Evfriends who stood by him in the removal of ery honest Democrat who joins in this imtoe deposites could liave been bought by putation of inconsistency, is unwillingly bank accommodations and jrratuities, do promoting the cause of the Bank of the you think that step would ever have been United States. A moment's reflection will taken 1 If mercenary considerations could show him, that tlv Adtttinistration did not reach the present Administration, do you abandon the State banks until they had believe we should ever hear of an Inde- made it impossible longer to employ them, pendent Treasury 1 The mea.-is of corrup- by suspending spe-cie payments. They are ii"a., the disposit on to corrupt, and the acynilty of the same inconsistency as when tual corruption, are all on the other si le. they employ an individual in the public Signal instance* ave been exhibited to the business, thinking him well qualified nd community, and the recipients of the vile honest, and discharging him when proved, bribes are the Inu est in charging the Ad- by experience, to be totally unfit for the jninistration wi;h corruption service. There are many other allegations against inconsistency! is another Inconsistency Secause the friends of the Ad the Administration, which are equally desAv.u-cry. aiinistration -were in favor of depositing the titute of candor and truth; but 1 have not \V are told that public funds in State Banks when they were time to expo.-e them. in good credit, and were believed compe- they have greatly increased the public extent t the public duties they undertook, penditures, when millions upon millions and are opposed tj it now when they have ha/e been appropriated by Congress and have vio- required to be expended by law, which the proved incompetency "Uted all their legal Contract oiilJgativins Executive never asked for or wanted. The .ka*e Hopped payment ia mas* in a time of increase of the ordinary expenditures withprofound peace, and thrown upon the conn- in the last nine years has rot kept pace and one with the increase of population, and exten-try a depreciated paper curreacy, t-rCter another are acknowledging their inasion ff our settlements. Nearly the whole real increase has been in the unsolicited apbility to pay their promises even in the promises of the .r neighbors after all thia propriations, and certain unusual incidents, ki&, that the friends of the Ad;ninist;ation such *as Florida war and the removal of the are charged with inconsistency! The ground Indian tribes. But if the Administration on which they st >od has been swept away is to be charged with tl e whole expendiwith by a flood, and yet they are charged ture, ought it not to have credit for the inconsistency because they do not stand whole income ! Ought it not to have creThe house in which they took dit for the immense augmr utation of reveu|.>onit! shelter, rus been overthrown by an earth- nue which enabled it to pay off the public i ! ! ! i ; quake; yet they are stigmatized because they did not abandon it The boat in which they embarked, has. burst her boiVrs ; be! meet the extraordinary appropriations, and deposit thirty-seven millions with th debt, 20 States! The Federalists make no entry brated by feastings, rejoicings, and a milllion of guns! This is a shadowing forth on the credit side of the account. In fine, there never was a time when of what may be expected, when all the more wanton atroc ous misrepresentation powers of the Government shall be made was resorted to, for the purpose of destroy- subservient to banks, speculators and siocking the Republican party, and bringing Fe- jobbers, who consider the people as the deralism into power. The best men are farmer does his horses or his oxen, the most nbused, and the purest actions are the mere instruments and means by which most strongly condemned. It jsthe whole they are to get rich. Republicans! a severe conflict is impending study of a powerful party in Congress, not to do the public business, but to break down Ultra Federalism, the ancient enemy of Demo the Administration, and put up another in cracy, after creeping stealthily along for almosi and assuming numberless die league with the money power, and Ihen to forty years, guises, is again in the field, bold, confident ant organize that power in the charter of a mendacious. It is not to be conquered but bj mammoth National Bank. If they shall firmness and perseverance. Let eve succeed, and shall thus bring the control industry, however high or humble, de of the money and credit system into an al- ry Republican, vote himself, in the most appropriate and eifi liance with the Executive of the United cient manner, to the cause of truth, justice am States, then indeed may the States begin to liberty the cause for which Washington toile< tho and their for tremble independence, and Montgomery bled. Let each aid in pro into people, for their liberties. Consolidated moting free discussion, in disseminating infor one great empire, and groaning under the mation within his own circle, in enabling tin galling chain* of unmitigated despotism, people to understand the principles in contest under the forms of a republic, the to arrive at just conclusions, and give them cf practised at the polls. So shall the present outbreak people of the States will look in vain for feet another Andrew Jackson of incorruptible ing of Federalism be repressed, and the blese and unbend- ings of a pure representative Government se integrity, fearless intrepidity, cured to another generation. ing devotion to liberty, to break the fatal Believing it now more than ever necessar When free. set his and alliance, country to revert to the fathers of the Republican part) the banks of New York stopped payment, and revive a recollection of their venerate troops were called out to awe the people, names and pure principles, I adopt the signa be act should leet one lawless avenged by ture of the most exemplary and clear-headc another; and after the late Federal triumph Democrat among them. was achieved in that State, it was celeTHOMAS JEFFERSON. : ; RETURN ^ TO CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 202 Main Library F HN