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SESS. I . CHS. 518-520 .


JULY 21, 1932.

" SEc . 3. A money order shall not be issued for more than $100,
and the fees for domestic money orders shall be as follows :
"For orders"From $0.01 to $2 .50, 6 cents ;
" From $2.51 to $5, 8 cents ;
"From $5 .01 to $10, 11 cents ;
"From $10 .01 to $20, 13 cents ;
" From $20 .01 to $40, 15 cents ;
" From $40 .01 to $60, 18 cents ;
"From $60 .01 to $80, 20 cents ; and
"From $80 .01 to $100, 22 cents ."
Approved, July `21, 1932 .

Rates increased.

[CHAPTER 519.1

To provide a postage charge on notices to publishers regarding undeliverable
second-class matter.

July 21,1932.
[H. R. 10494.1
[Public, No . 301 .1

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the next to




the last paragraph of the Act entitled " An Act making appropria- and-class patter
tions for the service of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year u. s . d ., p. 061 263 .
ending June 30, 1911, and for other purposes," approved May 12,
1910 (36 Stat. 366 ; U. S. C ., title 39, sec. 277), is hereby amended by OII~atrlgee tto be made
the addition after the first sentence of the following sentence
"Provided, That there shall be a postage charge of 2 cents for such
notice regarding undeliverable copies, which shall be collected from
the publisher upon delivery of the notice ; except that where the Exception .
undeliverable copies bear the pledge of the sender to pay the return
postage no notice shall be sent to the publisher but the copies received
during the period specified in this paragraph shall be returned Rate, etc.
charged with postage due at the rate of 1 cent for each two ounces or
fraction thereof, with a minimum charge of 2 cents, and indorsed
to show the reason they are undeliverable and the new address of the
addressee, if known ."
Approved, July 21, 1932 .
[CHAPTER 520 .]

To relieve destitution, to broaden the lending powers of the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation, and to create employment by providing for and expediting a public-works program .
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States o f America in Congress assembled, That this Act may

be cited as the "Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932 .'
SEcxiox 1 . (a) The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is authorized and empowered to make available out of the funds of the corporation the sum of $300,000,000, under the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth, to the several States and Territories, to be used
in furnishing relief and work relief to needy and distressed people
and in relieving the hardship resulting from unemployment, but
not more than 15,per centum of such sum shall be available to any
one State or Territory . Such sum of $300,000,000 shall, until the
expiration of two years after the date of enactment of this Act, be

Juiy 21, 1932
[H. R . 9642.1
[Public, No . 302.)

Emergency Relief
and Construction Act
of 1932 .
Relief of destitution .
Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
Sum authorised from
funds of, for relief of
destitute persons, etc .
Ante, p. b .
Limitation to any
one State, etc.




72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 520 . JULY 21, 1932.


available for payment to the governors of the several States and Territories for the purposes of this section, upon application therefor
by them in accordance with subsection (c), and upon approval of
such applications by the corporation .
pay(b) A11 amounts paid under this section shall bear interest at the
ments .
rate of 3 per centum per annum, and, except in the case of Puerto
Rico and the Territory of Alaska, shall be reimbursed to the coresdd eidedmbnssimutur poration, with interest thereon at the rate of 3 per centum per
Federal annum, by making annual deductions, beginning with the fiscal ear
Highway Act.
1935, from regular apportionments made from future Feral
authorizations in aid of the States and Territories for the construcComputation.
tion of highways and rural post roads, of an amount equal to onefifth of the share which such State or Territory would be entitled
to receive under such apportionment, except for the provisions of
this section, or of an amount aqual to one-fifth of the amounts so
paid to the governor of such State or Territory pursuant to this
section and all accrued interest thereon to the date of such deduction, whichever is the lesser, until the sum of such deductions equals
the total amounts paid' under this section and all accrued interest
thereon . Whenever any such deduction is made, the Secretary of
the Treasury shall immediately pay to the corporation an amount
Deduction subject to
State, etc., agreements, equal to the amount so deducted . If any State or Territory shall,
except in default .
within two years after the date of enactment of this Act, enter into
an agreement with the corporation for the repayment to the corporation of the amounts paid under this section to the governor
of such State or Territory, with interest thereon as herein provided,
in such installments and upon such terms as may be agreed upon,
then the deduction under this subsection shall not be made unless
State or Territory shall be in default in the performance of
Means of recovery in
default of agreement.
the terms of such agreement . In the case of a default by the State
or Territory in any such agreement, the agreement shall thereupon
be terminated and reimbursement of the unpaid balance of the
amount covered by such agreement shall be made by making annual
deductions in the manner above provided (beginning with the fiscal
year next following such default) from regular apportionments
made to such State or Territory from future Federal authorizations
in aid of the States and Territories for the construction of highways
Terms imposed on
loans to Puerto Aico and rural post roads . Before any amount is paid under this section
and Alaska .
to the Governor of Puerto Rico or of the Territory of Alas a,
Puerto Rico or the Territory of Alaska shall enter into an agreement with the corporation for the repayment of such amount with
interest thereon as herein provided, in such installments and upon
such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon .
certificate of necessits, etc ., to accom(c) The governor of any State or Territory may from time to
pang Governor's ap•
time make application for funds under this section, and in each
application so made shall certify the necessity for such funds and
that the resources of the State or Territory, including moneys then
available and which can be m available by the State or Territory,
its political subdivisions, and private contributions, are inadequate
Governor to administerfunds .
to meet its relief needs. All amounts paid to the governor of a
Statements of dig- State or Territory under this section shall be administered by the
bursements to be filed governor, or under his direction, and upon his res onsibility . The
with State auditor, etc.
Governor shall file with the corporation and with t e auditor of the
State or Territory (or, if there is no auditor, then with the official
exercising comparable authority) a statement of the disbursements
made by llim under this section.
Applications otherwise acceptable not
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the
deen i ed b y legal inhibicorporation to deny an otherwise acceptable application under this
s cion because of constitutional or other legal inhibitions or because
Payment to goverhors on approved application, etc.


CH. 520. JULY 21,1932.


the State or Territory has borrowed to the full extent authorized by
law. Whenever an application under this section is approved by to governor,payment
on apthe corporation in whole or in part, the amount approved shall be prove!.
immediately paid to the governor of the State or Territory upon
delivery by him to the corporation of a receipt therefor stating that
the p ayment is accepted subject to the terms of this section .
(e) Any portion of the amount approved by the corporation for Ipalitmea o omike..
payment to the governor of a State or Territory shall, at his request, certificate. et
and with the approval of the corporation, be paid to any municipality Terms .
or political subdivision of such State or Territory if (1) the governor makes as to such municipality or political subdivision a like certificate as provided in subsection (c) as to the State or Territory,
and (2) such municipality or political subdivision enters into an
agreement with the corporation for the repayment to the corporation of the amount so paid, with interest at the rate of 3 per centum
per annum, at such times, and upon such other terms and conditions,
s may be agreed upon between the corporation and such munici- separation of
pality or political subdivision . The amount paid to any municipal- amounts.
ity or political subdivision under this subsection shall not be included
in any amounts reimbursable to the corporation under subsection
(b) of this section .
(f) As used in this section the term "Territory" means Alaska, "Territory" defined,
Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.



e eor:


201 . (a) The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is author- Antep
ized and empoweredconstrue
(1) to make loans to, or contracts with, States, municipalities tionFinancing
of self-liquidating
and political subdivisions of States, public agencies of States, of
thersecuiteas .
municipalities and of political subdivisions of States, public
corporations, boards and commissions, and public municipal
instrumentalities of one or more States, to aid in financing
projects authorized under Federal, State, or municipal law
which are self-liquidating in character, such loans or contracts
to be made through the purchase of their securities, or otherwise, and for such purpose the Reconstruction Finance Corporation is authorized to bid for such securities : Provided, That Long-term securities.
nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, in carrying out the provisions of this paragraph, from purchasing securities having a
maturity of more than ten years ;
To aid corporations
(2) to make loans to corporations formed wholly for the in providing housing,
purpose of providing housing for families of low income, or for etc., under
reconstruction of slum areas, which are regulated by State or regulation .
municipal law as to rents, charges, capital structure, rate of
return, and areas and methods of operation, to aid in financing
projects undertaken by such corporations which are selfliquidating in character ;
public works
(3) to make loans to private corporations to aid in carrying ofaiding
out the construction, replacement, or improvement of bridges, c eacter.
tunnels docks, viaducts, waterworks, canals and markets,
devoted to public use and which are sell-liquidating in
character ;
To limited dividend
(4) to make loans to private limited dividend corporations to corporations in aid
aid in financing projects for the protection and development of derregulationecc ., un •
forests and other renewable natural resources, which are regSEC.


'2d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 520. JULY 21, 1932 .

elated by a State or political subdivision of a State and are
self-liquidating in character ; and
(5) to make loans to aid in financing the construction of any
for bridge construction .
publicly owned bridge to be used for railroad, railway, and
highway uses, the construction cost of which will be returned
in part by means of tolls, fees, rents, or other charges, and the
remainder by means of taxes imposed pursuant to State law
enacted before the date of enactment of the Emergency Relief
and Construction Act of 1932 ; and the Reconstruction Finance
Purchase of bonds .
Corporation is further authorized • and empowered to purchase
bonds of any State, municipality, or other public body or agency
issued for the purpose of financing the construction of any such
bridge irrespective of the dates of maturity,4f,such bonds
Pr* For the purposes of this subsection a project shall be deemed to
be self-liquidating if such project will be made self-supporting and
financially solvent and if the construction cost thereof will be
returned within a reasonable period by means of tolls,' fees, -rents,
or other charges, or b such other means (other than by taxation)
as may be prescribed by the statutes which provide for the project .
Restriction on use of
All loans and contracts made by the Reconstruction Finance Corconvict labor.
poration in respect of pro jects of the character specified in paragraphs (1) to (5) of this subsection shall be subject to the conditions
that no convict labor shall be directly employed on .:any such project, and that (except in executive, administrative,' "and supervisory
of employpositions), so far as practicable, no individual directly employed on,
any such project shall be permitted to work more than thirty hours
in any one week, and that in the employment of labor in connection
Preference to ea serv
with any such project preference shall be given, where they are
ice men.
qualified, to ex-service men with dependents .
toProvisions extended
The provisions of this subsection shall apply with respect to proju
eGsein Puerto
to pro d Territories. ects in Puerto Rico and the Territories to the same extent as in the
case of projects
projects in the several States and as used in this subsection
the term "
" includes Puerto Rico , and the Territories.
(b). The Reconstruction Finance Corporation shall submit monthly
beaubn,tld ports to'
to the President and to the Senate and the House of Representatives
(or the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, if those bodies are not in session) a report of its activities
and expenditures under this section and under the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation Act, together with a statement showing the
names of the borrowers to whom loans and advances were made,
and the amount and' rate of interest involved in each case .
8 Financing
(c) In order that the surpluses of agricultural products may not
foreign markets.
have a depressing effect upon current prices of such products, the
corporation is authorized and directed to make loans, in such amounts
as may in its Judgment be necessary, for the purpose of financing
sales of such surpluses in the markets of foreign countries in whiA
such sales can not be financed in the normal course of commerce ;
but no such sales shalhbe financed by the corporation if, in its judg
inent, such sales will affect adversely the world markets for such
Co an held by Farm products : Provided however, That no such loan shall be made to
Board, etc ., excluded.
finance the sale in t'he markets of foreign countries of cotton owned
by the Federal Farm Board or the Cotton Stabilization Corporation .
eiaing corporations
In marketing s grio„i_
(d) The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is authorized and
tarsi commodities, etc.
empowered to make loans to bona fide institutions, organized under
the laws of any State or of the' United States and having resources
adequate for their undertakings, for the purpose of enabling them
to finance the carrying and orderly marketing of agricultural commodities and livestock produced in the United States .


CH. 520 . JULY 21, 1932 .



(e) The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is further author- creditg eorpor~su
ized to create in any of the twelve Federal land-bank districts where Establishment in
land bank dis
it may deem the same to be desirable a regional agricultural credit ?etsy
corporation with a paid-up capital of not less than $3,000,000, to
be subscribed for by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and con aptraeti ld F e
paid for out of the unexpended balance of the amounts allocated corporation .
and made available to the Secretary of Agriculture under section 2 subscription
of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act . Such corporations
shall be managed by officers and agents to be appointed by the ~~i . P
Reconstruction Finance Corporation under such rules and regulations as its board of directors may prescribe . Such corporations are cnAdv for ~
hereby authorized and empowered to make loans or advances to etc .
farmers and stockmen, the proceeds of which are to be used for an
agricultural purpose (including crop production), or for the raising, breeding, fattening, or marketing of livestock, to charge such Interest, etcs
rates of interest or discount thereon as in their judgment are fair
and equitable, subject to the approval of the Reconstruction Rediscounting paper.
Finance Corporation, and to rediscount with the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation and the various Federal reserve banks and Federal intermediate credit banks any paper that they acquire which is
eligible for such purpose . All expenses incurred in connection with operating expenses,
the operation of such corporations shall be supervised and paid by
the Reconstruction Finance Corporation under such rules and regulations as its board of directors may prescribe .
(f) All loans made under this section, and all contracts of the security required.
character described in paragraph (1) of subsection (a), shall be
fully and adequately secured . The corporation, under such conditions as it shall prescribe, may take over or provide for the administration and liquidation of any collateral accepted by it as security
notes to
for such loans. Such loans shall be made on such terms and con- bePromissory
given for loans.
ditions, not inconsistent with this Act, as the corporation may prescribe, and may be made directly upon promissor notes or by way
of discount or rediscount of obligations tendered for the purpose,
or otherwise in such form and in such amount and at such interest Proviso.
or discount rates as the corporation may approve : Provided, That coForrig securities as
no loans or advances (except loans under subsection (c)) shall
be made upon foreign securities or foreign acceptances as collateral .
(g) Each such loan may be made for a period not exceeding three Maturity, etc.
years, and the corporation may, from time to time, extend the time
of payment of any such loan, through renewal, substitution of new
obligations, or otherwise, but the time for such payment shall not
be extended beyond five years from the date upon which such loan
was made originally : Provided, That loans or contracts of the „~ or relief, eta
character described in subsection (a) may be made for a period
not exceeding ten years : Provided further, That loans or contracts Extensions
in cer
of the character described in paragraph (1) or (5) of subsection `II cases.
(a) may be made for a period exceeding ten years when at is the
judgment of the board of directors of the corporation that it is
necessary to purchase securities as provided in such paragraphs and
that it is not practicable to require the reimbursement of the corporation, within ten years, through the repurchase or payment of such
securities, or in any other manner.
(h) The corporation may make loans under this section at any aryCo23,tin
time prior to January 23, 1934.
(i) No fee or commission shall be paid by any applicant for a No commission to be
loan under the provisions of this section in connection with any charg ed.
such application or any loan made or to be made under this section,
and the agreement to pay or payment of any such fee or commission shall be unlawful .


enbject totoapproval of
Interstate commerce


SESS. I. CH. 520 .

JULY 21,1932 .

~~ No loan under this section shall be made to a railroad or to
a receiver of a railroad except on the approval of the Interstate
Commerce Commission. Any railroad may obligate itself in such
. obligations form as shall be prescribed and otherwise comply with the requiresecurity
ments of the Interstate Commerce Commission and the corporation with respect to the deposit or assignment of security hereunder,
without the authorization or approval of any authority, State or
Federal, and without compliance with any requirement, State or
Federal, as to notification, other than such as may be imposed by
the Interstate Commerce Commission and the corporation under the
provisions of this section .
van~moa~edn ad. SEC. 202. The last sentence of the second paragraph of section 5
Ante, p.7.
of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act is amended by striking~ out " 5 " and inserting " 2% " in lieu thereof .
Restriction on ea.
SEC. 203. The second sentence of the third paragraph of section 5
of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act is hereby repealed .
SEC. 204. Section 8 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Ante, P. S.
Act is amended to read as follows
Report,, records, etc.,
"SEC. 8. In order to enable the corporation to carry out the proavailable .
visions of this Act and the Emergency Relief and Construction Act
of 1932, the Treasury Department, the Federal Farm Loan Board,
the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve Board, the
Federal reserve banks, and the Interstate Commerce Commission are
hereby authorized, under such conditions as they may prescribe, to
make available to the corporation ; in confidence, such reports, records, or other information as they may have available relating to the
condition of applicants with respect to whom the corporation has had
or contemplates having transactions under either of such Acts, or
relating to individuals, associations, partnerships, corporations, or
other obligors whose obligations are offered to or held by the corporation as security for loans under either of such Acts, and to make,
through their examiners or other employees for the confidential use
of the corporation, examinations of applicants for loans . Every
applicant for a loan under either of such Acts shall, as a condition
precedent thereto, consent to such examination as the corporation
may require for the purposes of either of such Acts and that reports
of examinations by constituted authorities may be furnished by such
authorities to the corporation upon request therefor ."
ccrporation oblige. SEC. 205. (a) The amount of notes, debentures, bonds, or other
such obligations which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation is
Issue increased .
authorized and empowered under section 9 of the Reconstruction
Ante, p. s.
Finance Corporation Act to have outstanding at any one time is
increased to an aggregate of six and three-fifths times its subscribed
capital stock.
Advances made to
(b) The first proviso of section 2 of the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation Act is amended by inserting after " as set out in section
9 "1 the followin : " (as in force prior to the enactment of the
nte, it. b .
Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932)," but the Secretary
of Agriculture is directed to continue making loans to farmers under
the provisions of such section 2 .
a, extended to SEc , 206. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is authorized
and empowered to make loans under the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation Act to financial institutions, corporations, railroads, and
other classes of borrowers specified in section 5 of such Act, organized
under the laws of the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, and
inTerm "State °
Puerto Rico. As used in this title and in section 15 of the Reconclude Territories , ettc.
struction Finance Corporation Act the term " State " includes the
District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico .

72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 520 . JULY 21,1932 .


on loans
SEC. 207. No loan or advance shall be approved under this section to Restriction
institution if offar
or under the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, directly or
ationector of carindirectly, to any financial institution any officer or director of which is
is a member of the board of directors of -the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation or has been such a member within the twelve months
preceding the approval of the loan or advance .
of directors.
SEC . 208 . (a) The first sentence of section 3 of the Reconstruction , Board
Composition modiFinance Corporation Act is amended effective at the expiration of fled .
ten days after the date of enactment of this Act, to read as follows : Ante, p. 5, amended .
" The management of the corporation shall be vested in a board of
directors consisting of the Secretary of the Treasury (or, in his
absence, the Under Secretary of the Treasury), who shall be a
member ex officio, and six other persons appointed by the President
of the United States by and with the advice and consent of the
(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect in any membs.or appointed
manner the terms of office of the appointed members of the board
of directors of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, nor to
require their reappointment.
rporation obllga
SEC. 209 . Section 9 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act tins
Ante, p . 9, amended.
is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following :
"The Secretary of the Treasury, at the request of the Recon- Marketing, etc•
struction Finance Corporation, is authorized to market for the corporation its notes, debentures, bonds, and other such obligations,
using therefor all the facilities of the Treasury Department now
authorized by law for the marketing of obligations of the United
Proceeds credited to
States . The proceeds of the obligations of the corporation so mar- corporation.
keted shall be deposited in the same manner as proceeds derived
from the sale of obligations of the United States, and the amount
thereof shall be credited to the corporation on the books of the
Federal Reserve Act,
SEC. 210. Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, is amendment
further amended by adding after the second paragraph thereof the p .Vol.3v'o:42'p ."1479.
following new paragraph :
u . S . C ., p. 281 .
" In unusual and exigent circumstances, the Federal Reserve
Discounting in exiBoard, by the affirmative vote of not less than five members, may gency paper eligible for
satisfactoauthorize any Federal reserve bank, during such periods as the said dily~~~t
board may determine, at rates established in accordance with the
provisions of section 14, subdivision (d), of this Act, to discount
for any individual, partnership, or corporation, notes, drafts, -and
bills of exchange of the kinds and maturities made eligible for discount for member banks under other provisions of this Act when such
notes, drafts, and bills of exchange are indorsed and otherwise
secured to the satisfaction of the Federal reserve bank : Provided, Permtted only If unThat before discounting any such note, draft, or bill of exchange for able at secure accomor
an individual or a partnership or corporation the Federal reserve bank
shall obtain evidence that such individual, partnership, or corporation is unable to secure adequate credit accommodations from other
Limitations Imposed.
banking institutions. All such discounts for individuals, partnerships, or corporations shall be subject to such limitations, restrictions, and regulations as the Federal Reserve Board may prescribe ."
SEC. 211 . The first paragraph of section 5 of the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation Act is hereby amended to read as follows
"SEC. 5 . To aid in financing agriculture commerce, and industry, culture, commerce, etc.
including facilitating the exportation of agricultural and other Ane, p. 6, amended.
products the corporation is authorized and empowered to make
loans, upon such terms and conditions not inconsistent with this Act
as it may determine, to any bank, savings bank, trust company, building and loan association, insurance company, mortgage loan com-




Lit lien .

Public works.
Appropriation for
?mergency construe
Ton of.
Vol. 40, p . 1080.

Federal highways .
n Method of apportionVol. 42, p. 217; Vol.
. 805.
s. C ., p. 667;


Aosia'b e •a tern_
use to match annuli

Restriction on work.

Repayment over a
ID-year period.

Labor provisions.

Vol . 4s, p. 683.
to include
"Highway" defined .


CH. 520 .

JULY 21,1932 .

pany, credit union, Federal land bank, joint-stock land bank, Federal
intermediate credit bank, agricultural credit corporation, livestock
credit corporation, organized under the laws of any State or of the
United States, including loans secured by the assets of any bank or
savings bank that is closed, or in process of liquidation to aid in the
reorganization or liquidation of such banks, upon application of the
receiver or liquidating agent of such bank and any receiver of any
national bank is here authorized to contract for such loans and
to pledge any assets of the' bank for securing the same : Provided,
That not more than $200 000,000 shall be used for the relief of banks
(including savings bans) that are, closed or in the process of
liquidation .
SEC 301 . (a) For the purpose of providing for emergency construction of certain authorize public works wit a view to increasing
employment and carrying out the policy declared in the Employment
Stabilization Act of 1931, there is hereby appropriated, out of any
money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of
$322,224,000, which shall be allocated as follows
(1) For expenditure in emergency construction on the Federalaid highway system, $120,000,000. Such sum shall be apportioned
by the Secretary of Agriculture to the several States by the method
provided in section 21 of the Federal Highway Act, as amended and
supplemented (U. S. C. title 23, sec. 21) . The amounts apportioned to the States shall be available as a temporary advance of
funds to meet the provisions of such Act as to State funds . The
amount apportioned to any State under this paragraph ma be used
to match the regular annal Federal-aid a p ortinentsmade to
such State (including the one for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1933), and when so used such amount shall be available for expenditure in paying the share of such State in the cost of Federal-aid
projects. No amounts apportioned under this paragraph shall be
advanced except for work on the Federal-aid highway system performed before July 1 1933 : Provided, That the amounts so
advanced shall be ream ursed to the Federal Government over a
period of ten years, commencing with the fiscal year 1938, by making annual deductions from regular a portionments made from
future authorizations for carrying out the provisions of such Act,
as amended and supplemented : Provided further, That all contracts
involving the expenditure of such amounts shall contain provisions
establishing minimum rates of wages, to be predetermined by the
State highway - department, which contractors shall pay to skilled
and unskilled labor, and such minimum rates shall be stated in the
invitation for bids and shall be included in proposals or bids for the
work : And provided further, That in the expenditure of such
amounts, the limitations in the Federal Highway Act, as amended
and supplemented, upon highway construction, reconstruction, and
bridges within municipalities and upon payments per mile which
may be made from Federal funds, shall not apply . As used in this
paragraph, the term " State " includes the Territory of Hawaii .
The term "highway," as defined in the Federal Highway Act,
approved November 9, 1921, as amended and supplemented, for the
purposes of this paragraph only shall be deemed to include such
main State parkways as may be designated by the State and
approved by the Secretary of Agriculture as part of the Federalaid highway system .

72d CONGRESS. SESS. I. CH. 520 . JULY 21,1932 .


(2) For expenditure in emergency construction during the fiscal domergio construeRoadsinnationalforyear ending June 30, 1933, $16,000,000, as follows : (A) For the ests,
parks, and other
construction and improvement of national-forest highways, reservations.
$5,000,000 ; (B} for the construction and maintenance of roads,
trails bridges, fire lanes, and so forth, including the same objects
specified in the paragraph commencing with the words & 'Improve- P~ 46 . D.1 21589.
went of the national forests " under the heading " National Forest
Administration " in the Agricultural Ap ropriation Act for the
fiscal year ending June 30 1932, approve February 23, 1931 (46
St at. 1242), $5,000,000 ; (~) for the construction, reconstruction,
and improvement of roads and trails, inclusive of necessary bridges,
in the national parks and national monuments under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior, including areas to be established as national parks authorized under the Act of May 22 1926
(U. S. C., Supp . V-, title 16, sees . 403,to 403c), and under the let of Vol . 44, pp.6v ev;
May 25, 1926 (U . S . C ., Supp . V, title 16, sees . 404 to 404c), and Pp. 178,179.
national park and monument approach roads authorized by the Act
of January 31, 1931 (46 Stat. 1053), as amended, or any one section Vol . 48,pp.1053 3570.
of such roads of not less than eight miles, which crosses lands
wholly or to the extent of 90 per centum owned by the Government
of the United States, $3,000,000 ; (D) for construction and improvement of Indian reservation roads under the provisions of the Act Vol . 45,c.,p. 7590
snpp. V .
approved May 26 1928 (U . S. C., Supp . Vtitle 25, sec . 318a) p.IIiM4.s'
$1,000,000 ; and (9) for the survey, construction, reconstruction, anti
maintenance of main roads through unappropriated or unreserved
public lands nontaxable Indian lands or other Federal reservations
other than the forest reservations, under the provisions of section 3 46Vpll 425,p. 2812; Voi.
of the Federal Highway Act, as amended and supplemented (U . S . C. V,fr•s. 243.
.c .,p .ass;Bupp.
Supp. V, title 23, sees. 3 and 3a), $2,000,000. The Secretary ot~ p
Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior, respectively, are
authorized to make rules and regulations for carrying out the fore- mmaim- llaborof
going provisions of this section with a view to provng the maxi- be provided.
mum employment of local labor consistent with reasonable economy
of construction .
(3) For the prosecution of river and harbor projects heretofore herbPro river and
authorized, $30,000,000 .
Flood control pros(4) For the prosecution of flood-control projects heretofore sets.
authorized, $15,50,000.
(5) For the continuation of construction of the Hoover Dam and 1V:1-Dam
. 45,
incidental works as authorized by the Boulder Canyon Project Act, u . S . ~', Bnpp . V,
approved December 21, 1928 (U . S . C., Supp . V, title 43, ch . 12A), p.628 .
Department of Com(6) For expenditure by the Department of Commerce for air- mem
Air navigation faeillnavi ation facilities, including equipment, $500,000 .
(7) For constructing or purchasing and equipping lighthouse Ligbtbonse service .
tenders and light vesse s for the Lighthouse Service as may be specifically approved by the Secretary of Commerce, $950,000, and for
establishing and improving aids to navigation and other works as Aids to navigation .
may be specifically approved by the Secretary of Commerce,
(8) For the engineering work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, survey. and Geodetic
Department of Commerce, heretofore authorized, $1,250,000 .
('9) For the construction of projects included in the report of the Dag~NvYards and
Federal Employment Stabilization Board, laid before the Senate wont.
January 25, 1932, which have heretofore been authorized or which
do not require specific authorization, under the Bureau of Yards and
Docks, Navy Department, $10,000,000, of which not to exceed
$300,000 shall be available for the employment of classified personal Personal sew•
services in the Bureau of Yards and Docks and in the field service


72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 520 .

JULY 21, 1932.

to be engaged upon such work and to be in addition to employees
otherwise provided for .
Emergency public
(10) Far emergency construction of public building projects outGilding oonstructiou,
side the District of Columbia (including the acquisition, where necessary, by purchase, condemnation or otherwise, of sites and additionalland for such buildings, the . demolition of old buildings where
necessary, and the construction, remodeling, or extension of buildProjects selected .
ings), such projects to be selected by the Secretary of the Treasury
and the Postmaster General from the public building projects specified in House Document Numbered 788, Seventy-first
Seventy-first Congress, third
session, $100,000,000. Such projects shall be carried out within the
limits of cost specified in such document (except as modified by law),
and in selecting such projects preference shall be given to places
Displacing rented
buildings .
where Government facilities are housed in rented buildings under
leases which will expire on or before July 1, 1934, or which may
be terminated on or prior to that date by the Government .
Military posts, construction,etc .
(11) For the construction and installation at military posts of
Such buildings and utilities and appurtenances thereto as may be
Poet, p . 1580.
necessary $15,164,000, as follows
Albroo~ Field, Canal Zone : Quartermaster maintenance building,
$20,000 ; post exchange, theater, and gymnasium, completion of,
$42,000 .
Barksdale Field, Louisiana : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,
$252,000 ; officers' quarters, $609,000 ; barracks, $474,000 ; hospital,
completion of, $225,000 ; garage, completion of, $30,000 ; quartermaster warehouse, completion of, $15,000 .
William Beaumont General Hospital, Texas : Noncommissioned
officers' quarters, $7,000 ; warehouse, $15,000 .
Fort Benning, Georgia : Barracks, $650,000 .
Fort Bliss, Texas : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $50,000 ;
officers' quarters, $150,000 .
Bolling Field, District of Columbia : Noncommissioned officers'
quarters, $54,000 ; dispensary, completion of, , $30,000 ; post exchange,
theater, and gymnasium, completion of, $45,000 ; officers' mess,
$50,000 ; enlargement of central heating plant to provide for quarters
area, $95,000.
Fort Bragg, North Carolina : Barracks, completion of, $40,000 ;
noncommissioned officers' quarters, $160,000 .
Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania : Heating plant, $200,000.
Chanute Field, Illinois : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $137,Poet, p . 1580.
000 ; central heating lant for technical and quarters area, $200,000 .
Camp Devens, Massachusetts : Roads and sidewalks, $75,000 ;
service club, $30,000 . post exchange and gymnasium, $50,000 .
Fort Douglas, Utah : Noncol . missioned oIcers' quarters, $15,000 .
Dryden, Texas : Barracks, $20,000.
Duncan Field, Texas : Quartermaster warehouse, $40,000 ; quartermaster maintenance building, $20,000 ; garage, $40,000 ; fire and
guard house, $25,000 .
Fort Du Pont, Delaware : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,
Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,
Fitzsimons General Hospital, Colorado : Gymnasium, recreation,
and social hall, $150,000 .
Hamilton Field, California : Officers' quarters, $215,000 ; noncommissioned officers' quarters, $120,000 .
Fort Hamilton, New York : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,

72d CONGRESS . SESS . I .

CH. 520 . JULY 21, 1932 .

Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana : Noncommissioned officers'
quarters, $120,000.
Hensley Field, Texas : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $8,000 ;
officers' quarters, $30,000 ; roads, utilities and improvement of flying
field, $25,000 ; replacement of pumping pant, $3,000 ; sewage-disposal
plant, $3,000.
Holabird Quartermaster Depot, Maryland : Hospital, $120,000 .
Fort Sam Houston, Texas : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,
$150,000 ; officers' quarters, $350,000 .
Fort Howard, Maryland : Hospital, $150,000.
Fort Hoyle, Maryland : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $70,000.
Fort Humphreys, Virginia : Officers' quarters, $150,000 .
Fort Huachuca, Arizona : Post exchange, gymnasium, and service
club, $100,000.
Fort Jay, New York : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $130,000
barracks, completion of, $70,000 ; officers' quarters, $125,000 ; nurses ;
quarters, completion of, $35,000 .
Jefferson Barracks, Missouri : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,
$65,000 ; additions to kitchens and mess halls, $55,000 .
Camp Kixox, Kentucky : Hospital, $200,000 .
Langley Field, Virginia : Central heating plant for quarters area,
$60,000 ; quartermaster maintenance building, $20,000 ; fire house,
$20,000 ; barracks, medical detachment, $30,000 ; garage, completion
of, $15,000 ; magazine, completion of, $10,000 .
Fort Lawton, Washington : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,
$30,000 .
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas : Nurses' quarters, $60,000 .
Letterman General Hospital, California : Two wards, $150,000.
Fort Lewis, Washington : Barracks, completion of, $30,000 ; water
main, $30,000 ; noncommissioned officers' quarters, $75,000 ; officers'
quarters, $65,000 .
Fort Logan, Colorado : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, $53,000 .
Fort McClellan, Alabama : Headquarters, $50,000 ; recreation hall,
$35,000 ; gymnasium, $45,000.
Fort McPherson, Georgia : Nurses' quarters, $70,000 ; contagious
ward for hospital, $70,000 .
Maxwell Field, Alabama : Officers' quarters, $940,000 ; officers' mess,
$55,000 .
March Field, California : Barracks for medical detachment,
$25,000 ; contagious ward for hospital, $12,000 ; bakery, $15,000 ;
laundry, $60,000 ; enlisted men's service club, $50,000 ; officers' mess,
$50,000 ; theater, $40,000.
Fort Mason, California : Officers' quarters, $110,000.
Fort Meade, South Dakota : Riding hall, $25,000.
Fort ' George G . Meade, Maryland : Noncommissioned officers'
quarters, $150,000 ; officers' quarters, $50,000 .
Mitchel Field, New York : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,
$118,000 ; bakery, $15,000 ; incinerator, $10,000 ; enlisted men's service club, $50,000 ; theater, $40,000 ; sewage-disposal plant, $40,000 ;
fence, $31,000 ; quartermaster gasoline storage, $3,000 ; magazine,
$15,000 ; officers' mess, $50,000 ; coal storage aild handling system,
$70,000 ; roads, walks, and surface-drainage system, $86,000 .
Fort Monmouth, New Jersey : Addition to hospital, $75,000 ;
noncommissioned officers' quar+ - 's, $170,000 ; band barracks, $35,000.
Fort Myer, Virginia : Barracks, $100,000 .
Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,

Fort Ontario, New York : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,

Military posts, construction, etc.-Contd.




CH. 520 . JULY 21,1932 .

Plattsburg Barracks, New York : Additions to barracks, $25,000 ;
barracks, $255,000.
Pope Field, North Carolina for the Air Corps troops : Barracks,
$140,000 ; noncommissioned o&ers' quarters, $84,000 ; officers' quarters, $140,000 .
Post Field, Oklahoma, for Air Corps troops : Barracks, $140,000 ;
noncommissioned officers' quarters, $84,000 ; officers' quarters,
$140,000 .
Presidio of San Francisco, California : Noncommissioned officers'
quarters, $60000 ; addition to headquarters, $50,000 .
. n•
Randolph ;Field, Texas : Barracks, completion of, $56,000 ; gymnasium, completion of, $70,000 ; roads and utilities, $243,000 ; completion of chapel and school, $50 000.
Raritan Arsenal, New Jersey : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,
Walter Reed General Hospital, District of Columbia : Noncommissioned officers' quarters, 120,000 ; addition to nurses' quarters,
$300,000 .
Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,
$15,000 .
Rockwell Field, California : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,
$234,000 ; officers' quarters, $266,000.
Fort Winfield Scott, California : Noncommissioned oficers' quarters, $140,000 .
Selfridge Field, Michigan : Gymnasium and theater, $80,000 ;
garage, $40,000 ; quartermaster maintenance building, $20,000 ; post
exchange $45,000 • officers' mess, $60,000 ; enlisted men's service club,
$50,000 ; bakery, 15,000 ; roads and utilities, $75,000.
Fort Sill, Oklahoma : Barracks, $875,000 ; noncommissioned officers' quarters, $72,000 ; officers' quarters, $75,000 ; gun sheds, $48,000 ;
stables, $30,000 ; vehicle shed, $10,000 .
Fort Snelling, Minnesota : Quartermaster warehouse, $65,000 ;
barracks medical detachment, $40,000 .
Fort Totten, New York : Noncommissioned officers' quarters,
Fort Wadsworth, New York : Officers' quarters, $75,000 .
Fort Francis E. Warren, Wyoming : Noncommissioned officers'
quarters, $120,000.
West Point, New York : For addition to hospital, $250,000 ; barracks for service detachment, $250,000 .
Fort George Wright, Washington : Noncommissioned officers'
quarters, $60,000 .
No expenditures it
(b) o part of the sum appropriated by this section, except the
sums noavailable .
amount for expenditure under paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection
(a), shall be expended if the Secretary of the Treasury certifies to
the President that the amount necessary for such expenditure is not
available and can not be obtained upon reasonable terms .
Construction of techSEC. 302. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated not to
tin ~ ' ' at des- exceed $7,436,000, to be expended for the construction and installaignatedpostsd
tion at military posts, and at airports and landing fields, of such
technical buildings and utilities and appurtenances thereto as may
be necessary, as follows
Albrook Field, Canal Zone : Technical buildings and installations,
completion of, $293,000 ; gasoline-storage system, completion of,
$25,000 .
Barksdale Field, Louisiana : Hangars, $350,000 ; headquarters and
operations buildings, completion of, $89,200 ; gasoline-storage system,
completion of, $20,000 ; paved aprons, $100,000 .

strutionetpo gtc nt.

72d CONGRESS . SESS . I . CH. 520 . JULY 21,1932 .
Fort Benning Georgia : Hangar, combination, $88,000 ; gasoline- n ;~i b
storage system, 10,000 ; improvement of landing field and building Contd .
area, $25,000 ; heating plant, $20,000 ; paved aprons, $20,000 .
Benton Field, Alameda, California : Completion of shops, including assembly and test hangars, doe storage, heating and engine
test block, $605,500 ; depot warehouse, 500,000 ; administration building, $80,000 ; railroad spur $8,000 ; quartermaster warehouse, maintenance and salvage building, $35,000 ; garage, $48,000 ; fire and
guard house, $30,000 ; pier, $125,000 ; paint, oil, and dope storage and
oil reclamation, $35,000 ; gasoline-storage system, $20,000 ; paved
aprons, $80,000 .
Fort Bliss, Texas : Operations building, $10,000 .
Bolling Field, District of Columbia : Paved aprons, com letion
of $22,800 ; heating plant for technical area, completion of, $8,000 ;
field shops, com letion of, $6,000 ; improvement of landing field and
building area, 615,000 .
Chanute Field, Illinois : Hangars, $170,000 ; paved aprons, $30,000 ;
improvement of landing field and technical area, $15,000 ; enlargement of cei4tral heating plant and steam lines, $185,000 .
Dryden, Texas : Paved aprons and hangar floor, $15,000.
Duncan Field, Texas : Depof administration building, $60,000 ;
gasoline-storage system, completion of, $15,000 .
Hatbox Field, Muskogee, Oklahoma : Roofing and sidewalls for
hangar, and paved aprons, $15,000 .
Hamilton Field California : Headquarters and operations building, to complete, 35,000 ; improvement of landing field and building area, $120,000 .
Langley Field, Virginia : Remodeling two hangars into shops, and
for ceilings in and additions to hangars, $91,000 ; gasoline-storage
system, completion of, $21,000 ; bomb storage, $19,000 ; improvement
of landing field and building area, $25,000 ; machine-gun range,
$6,000 .
Luke Field, Hawaiian Department : Air depot, plane overhaul and
assembly, $200,000 .
March Field, California : Gasoline-storage system, completion of,
$10,000 ; aircraft-bomb storage, $5,000 .
Maxwell Field, Alabama : Squadron officers' school and/or additions to school building, $150,000 ; gasoline-storage system, $10,200 ;
improvement of landing field, $100,000 ; camera obscura, $4,000 ;
bomb storage, $13,000 ; machine-gun and bombing range, $6,000 .
Mitchel Field, New York : Improvement of landing field, $80,000 ;
gasoline-storage system, completion of, $5,000 ; bomb storage,
13,000 ; machine-gun range, $2,000.
Panama Canal Zone : Improvement of emergency landing fields
at Gamboa Reach and Camp Gaillard, $20,000.
Patterson Field, Ohio : Hangars, headquarters and operations,
and heating plant, completion of, $251,300 ; improvement of landing
field and building area, $5,000 ; gasoline-storage system, completion
of, $10,000 .
Pope Field, North Carolina : Hangar-balloon-dismantle, transfer,
and reerection of, $110,000 ; paved aprons. $15,000 ; paint, oil, and
dope storage, $5,000.
Post Field, Oklahoma : Hangar-balloon-dismantle, transfer, and
reerection of, $110,000 ; paved aprons, $15,000 .
Randolph Field, Texas : Engine-test stands and building, $40,000 ;
oil storage, $15,000 ; gasoline-storage system, completion of, $10,000 ;
aerial target range, $20,000 .
Rockwell Field, California : Hangars, $576,000 ; Air Corps warehouse, $80,000 ; operations building, $20,000 ; remodeling a perma3051 °-33--- i0





CH. 520.

JULY 21,1932 .

Construction of tech .
nical buildings, etc.Contd.

neat building for radio, parachute, and armament building, $20,000 ;
administration building, $80,000 ; photographic building, $36,000 :
paint, oil, and dope storage . $15,000 ; gasoline-storage system,
$30,000 ; paved aprons, $95,000 ; central heating plants, $100,000 ;
improvement of landing field and technical building area . $100,000 ;
camera obscura, $5,000 ; bomb storage, $15,000 .
Schoen Field, Indiana : Grading landing field, $5,000 .
Scott Field, Illinois : Hangar, $90,000 ; headquarters and operations buildings, $80,000 ; barracks, $271,000 ; radio building, $10,000 ;
photo building, $36,000 ; gas plant and chemical storage, $50,000 ;
central heating plants, $145,000 ; gasoline-storage system, $10,000 ;
paved aprons, $40,000 ; improvement of landing field and building
area, $50.000 ; machine-gun butts, $3,000 .
Selfridge Field, Michigan : Gasoline-storage system, completion
of, $10,000.
Wheeler Field, Hawaiian Department : Gasoline-storage system,
completion of, $31,000 ; paved aprons, $38,000.
Restriction on exSEC. 303 . No money shall be available for expenditure under this
penditure in District .
title in connection with a project in the District of Columbia, except
as provided in section 301 (a) (11) or 302 .
SEC . 304. The last paragraph of section 6 of the Federal Highway
Ac~teamendment . way
Vol. 42, p . 213 .
Act, approved November 9 1921, as amended and supplemented
U. S . C ., p . 666 .
(U. S. C ., title 23, sec. 6), is hereby amended to read as follows
State permitted ad- "
Whenever provision has been made by any State for the comditional mileage construction, when requi- pletion and maintenance of 90 per centum of its system of primary
per cent comor interstate and secondary or intercounty highways equal t 7o
pleted .
per centum of the total mileage of such State, as required by this
Act, said State through its State highway department, by and with
the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, is hereby y authorized to
increase the mileage of the primary or interstate and secondary
or intercounty systems by additional mileage equal to not more than
1 per centum of said total mileage of such State, and thereafter to
make like increases in the mileage of said systems whenever provision has been made for the completion and maintenance of 90 per
centum of the mileage of said systems previously authorized in
accordance herewith ."
Acquisition of sites
SEC . 305. After the date of the enactment of this Act, in the
for emergency construction .
isition of any land or site for the purposes of section 301 (a)
Period for proposals

(1) The period of solicitation of proposals by public advertisement shall be ten days in lieu of twenty days ;
Not applicable In
(2) In any case in which such site or land is to be acquired by conpublic domain.
R. S., sec . 355, p. 60. demnation, the provisions of section 355 of the Revised Statutes, as
amended, shall not apply ; and
Land, etc., for public
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1 of the Act entitled
Vol . 46, p . 1421,
"An Act to expedite the construction of public buildings and works
U . S . C ., Supp. V, outside of the District of Columbia by enabling possession and title
p. 599.
Taking of title by of sites to be taken in advance of final judgment in proceedings for
United States before
the acquisition thereof under the power of eminent domain "
final judgment .
approved February 26, 1931 (U . S . C ., Supp. V, title 40, sec . 258aj,
in any case in which any land or any interest therein is to be acquired
Post, p . 901 .
by condemnation, the Secretary of the Treasury, through the Attorney General, may, prior to the >nstitution of condemnation proceedings, file with the clerk of the district court of the district in which
Declaration of taking
such land is located a declaration of taking, containing the matters
to be filed.
required by such section to be included in a declaration of taking .
The declaration of taking shall be acco j anted by the deposit with
such clerk, to the use of the parties who may be found to be entitled
thereto, of the amount of the estimated compensation stated in the

72d CONGRESS. SESS. I. CH . 520. JULY 21,1932 .


declaration. As soon as practicable after the filing of such declara- Notice thereof posted .
tion of taking, the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause to be posted
in a prominent place upon the land a notice reciting (A) that the
land or the interest therein is taken by the United States for public
use, (B) that a declaration of taking in respect of such land or
interest therein has been filed with the clerk of the court of the district, and (C) that there has been deposited with such clerk, to the
use of the parties who may be found to be entitled thereto, the estimated just compensation for the land or interest therein taken . The otpiem on occupants
Secretary of the Treasury shall give written notice similar to the
posted notice, by personal service in the case of actual occupants of
the premises or, if with reasonable diligence such personal service
can not be made, he shall send such notice by registered mail directed
to the premises, and he shall send notice by registered mail directed
to their last known address in the case of all parties who the Secretary ascertains have or may have an interest in such land, and he
may give such additional notice by newspaper publication or otherwise as he deems necessary . Upon posting notice on the land, title
to the land pr interest therein shall vest in the United States, and the
right to just compensation therefor shall vest in the parties entitled
thereto. The Secretary of the Treasury shall cause notice to be personally served upon, or if with reasonable diligence such service can
not be made, to be sent by registered mail to actual occupants of the
premises, setting a time (not earlier than twenty days after the
service or sending of such notice) at which such parties shall surrender possession, and at the end of such time the right to possession
shall vest in the United States . The Secretary of the Treasury may
designate any person to serve any notice under the preceding provisions of this subsection and such person shall have power to enter
upon such land for the purpose of posting notice or to make personal service of notice. If any such party fails or refuses so to surrender possession, upon summary petition for an order to surrender
possession filed in such district court by or on behalf of the Secretary of the Treasury, the court may, by writ of assistance or other
process, order the surrender of possession . A petition in condem- ceedmgs
Condemnation pro•
nation shall be filed in such district court as soon after the filing
of the declaration of taking as practicable . In any such condemnation proceeding, no further declaration of taking shall be required,
and the provisions of section 1 of such Act of February 26, 1931
authorizin the court to fix the time when parties in possession shall
be require to surrender possession, shall not apply . If such peti- Petition to baffled.
tion for condemnation is not filed within a reasonable time
after the filing of such declaration of taking, any person
entitled to just compensation in respect of the property so taken
shall be entitled to sue the United States in the court in which such
declaration of taking was filed . The procedure in such suit shall be Procedurethe same as in suits against the United States founded upon contract,
except that such suit may be heard even if the amount of the claim
is greater than $10,000 and except that the procedure for the ascertainment of the amount of just compensation shall be the same as
such procedure in condemnation proceedings . If the petition for
condemnation is filed prior to the time the commissioners in condemnation, jurors, or other persons charged with the duty of valuing
the property are empaneled, such suit shall be dismissed, except
that such suit and the condemnation proceedings may, in the discretion of the court, and under rules prescribed by it be consolidated
to such extent as the court may deem practicable . In any suit
authorized to be brought under this subsection or in any condemnation proceeding involving land acquired in accordance with this sub-





Post oi$rss.
onsttrstandard plans

No convict labor to
be employed .

Thsions . our Woes
service men.



izations .
Vol. 40, p. 1312.
Past. P. 1492.

SESS. I . CHS. 520, 521 . JULY 21, 1932 .

section, the court shall enter judgment against the United States in
favor of the parties entitled for the sum or sums awarded as just
compensation, respectively, for the land or interest therein taken for
the use of the United States and such judgment shall be paid out
of the sums deposited with the court and such additional sums as
may be awarded shall be paid in the same manner as sums awarded
in judgments in cases in which the United States has consented to be
sued . The provisions of such Act of February 26, 1931, except as
modified by this subsection, shall apply to all such suits or condemnation proceedings . 'The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to be in substitution for, but shall be supplemental to, any
method of acquiring land or interests therein provided in existing
Sac. 306 . In the construction of post offices and of buildings for
post offices and other offices provided for in section 301 (a) g (10),
the Secretary of the Treasury with the cooperation of the Postmaster General may use such standard plans (heretofore or hereafter .
prepared) as may be most adaptable to the particular building to be
constructed .
Sire . 307. All contracts let for construction projects pursuant to
this title shall be subject to the conditions that no convict labor shall
be directly employed on any such project, and that (except in executive administrative, and supervisory positions), so far as practicable,
no individual directly employed on any such project shall be perto work more than thirty hours in any one week, and that in
the employment of labor in connection with any such project, preference shall be given, where they are qualified, to ex-service men with
dependents .
Sao. 308 . For each fiscal year beginning with the fiscal year 1934,
there is authorized to be appropriated, for the purposes of the sinking
fund provided in section 6 of the Victory Liberty Loan Act, a
amended, in addition to amounts otherwise appropriated, an amount
equal to 21/2 Per centum of the aggregate amount of the expenditures
made, out of appropriations made or authorized in this title on or
after the date of the enactment of this Act and on or before the last
day of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made .
Approved, July 21, 1932
[CHAPTER 521 .]

Relating to loans to veterans on their adjusted-service certificates .

11,112 1932.
" •]
[Public, No . 303.]

World War Adjusted
co m ensation Act,
amendments .
U. S.

sank authorized to
loan veteran upon his
" seureaso ertno



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the first
sentence of subdivision (b) of section 502 of the World War
Adjusted Compensation Act, as amended (U . S . C., title 38, sec .
MM), is hereby amended to read as follows
Any national bank, or any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of any State, Territory, possession, or the
District of Columbia (hereinafter in this section called `bank'),
is authorized to loan to any veteran upon his promissory note secured
by his adjusted-service certificate (with or without the consent of
the beneficiary thereof) any amount not in excess of the loan basis
(as defined in subdivision (g) of this section) of the certificate ".
Sae . 2 . (a) Subdivisions (c) and (d) of section 502 of such Act,
as amended (U . S . C ., title 38, sees. 642(c) and 642(d) ), are hereby
amended by striking out " 6 per centum " wherever occurring in
such subdivisions and inserting in lieu thereof " 31/2 per centum ".