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The Economy in Perspective

FRB Cleveland • May 1998

Second guessing …With all the buzz about U.S.
economic statistics in recent public discourse,
one might almost believe that the ocean’s tides
are now governed by the waxing and waning of
the business cycle. Every statistic is analyzed not
only for revelations about economic performance, but also for its likely effect on the Federal
Reserve’s attitude about economic performance,
partly because many people think the economy
is at a turning point. Greater interest in economic
life is certainly heartening, but this frenzy seems
The current economic expansion has just entered its eighth year and shows every sign of continuing. Production of goods and services increased at roughly a 4 percent annual rate in real
terms last quarter, and domestic purchases excluding inventory adjustments rose at a 6 percent
clip. Second-quarter data show that the U.S.
manufacturing sector may finally be getting some
fallout from Southeast Asia, but these effects do
not yet seem overwhelming. Moreover, as we anticipated, the weakness in tradable goods is being
countered by added buoyancy from interestsensitive sectors like housing and automobiles.
Consumers, confident that the expansion will
continue, are picking up the pace of their retail
spending. The unemployment rate hit a 28-year
low in April, and earnings are climbing.
Inflation? What inflation? Wholesale prices, on
average, have been steady for a few years now,
and consumer prices advanced less than 2 percent
during the last 12 months. Even making allowances for large, temporary declines in food,
energy, and other items, consumer price inflation
has not accelerated for several years. The median
CPI, for example, has been recording 12-month
changes within a narrow range (around 3 percent) for about five years. Since the 1950s, inflation has accelerated over the course of business
expansions, often peaking at a higher rate than it
reached at the previous cycle’s peak. In the current cycle, the core inflation rate has been nearly
constant or on a slightly downward trajectory.
There are, of course, risks to consider. Continuing economic problems in Japan could combine
with Southeast Asia’s travails to weaken exports
even further. An inventory correction could depress manufacturing activity. Labor shortages
could lead to compensation increases large

enough to reduce corporate profits. Lending by
financial institutions may overreach the bounds
of good judgment, causing a retrenchment in
credit extensions that impairs economic activity.
Any number of possible events could reverse the
economy’s forward momentum. And then there
is the Federal Reserve.
Throughout this expansion, the Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC) has been willing to
supply whatever reserves the banking system has
demanded, at a predetermined federal funds rate.
Nevertheless, using the funds rate to judge the
stance of monetary policy can be misleading. The
intended funds rate, which the FOMC can
achieve almost precisely, may lie either above or
below the unobservable noninflationary equilibrium rate. If the demand for bank credit shifts
with economic circumstances, an unchanged
funds rate would alter the degree of pressure on
bank reserves and would consequently affect the
growth rates of money, credit, and output.
Early in the expansion, the FOMC pushed the
funds rate down to 3 percent (where it stood for
nearly two years), to provide the liquidity
needed to spark a pickup in economic activity.
Though successful, when this policy stance
threatened to rekindle inflation, the FOMC decisively raised the funds rate a total of 300 basis
points (to 6 percent) between January 1994 and
February 1995. The FOMC has since lowered the
funds rate to 5¼ percent for a year, then raised it
to 5½ percent last March.
Unless substantial shocks hit the economy, real
interest rates are unlikely to make sudden jumps.
Consequently, it would be unusual for small
changes in the federal funds rate—amounting to
less than 100 basis points within a 12-month period — to represent a significant change in the
thrust of monetary policy. Indeed, small movements may occasionally be necessary to prevent
the funds rate from drifting too far from marketdetermined rates and fostering undesirable
money and credit conditions.
In January, market sentiment favored a funds
rate cut; today, the balance of opinion has shifted
to the opposite side. Since the expansion has already withstood a 300-basis-point increase in the
funds rate, the small rise anticipated by financial
markets should not be as electrifying as some
commentators would have it.








Monetary Policy

FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Growth rates are percentage rates calculated on a fourth-quarter over fourth-quarter basis. The 1998 growth rate is a year-over-year percent change.
b. Adjusted for sweep accounts.
NOTE: All data are seasonally adjusted. Last plot is estimated for April 1998. For M2, dotted lines are FOMC-determined provisional ranges. For M1, the
monetary base, and total reserves, dotted lines represent growth rates and are for reference only.
SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Growth in the monetary aggregates
was mixed last month, with the narrow measures of money slowing
and the broadest aggregate, M2, expanding at a brisk 11.8% annual
rate. The rapid growth in M2 followed an 8.3% increase in March
and was markedly above the 7%
rise posted over the last 12 months.
Both numbers are well outside the
Federal Open Market Committee’s
(FOMC) 5% provisional range, a fact
that has many analysts worried that
higher inflation may be just around
the corner. Others are more san-

guine, however, noting that the bulk
of the M2 surge reflects continued
vigorous growth in real GDP, not an
“easy money” stance on the part of
the Fed.
M1, a narrower definition of
money, includes currency and
checkable deposits. Unlike M2, its
growth rate slowed last month to a
meager 0.2% — down dramatically
from 4.9% in March and also below
the 1.1% pace recorded over the
past 12 months. The slowdown can
be traced primarily to two factors: a
drop-off in the rate of home refi-

nancing and the distorting effects of
sweep accounts. Over the past year,
sweep-adjusted M1 growth has run
nearly 6.9 percentage points above
the nonadjusted measure. Total reserves also fell in April, contracting
4.8% and partly reversing March’s
10% rise. Because reserves are held
only on checkable deposits, these
changes largely reflect the same factors that are driving M1 growth.
The monetary base, which includes currency and reserves,
inched up at an annual rate of 1.9%
(continued on next page)








Monetary Policy (cont.)


FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Bond Buyer Index, general obligation, 20 years to maturity, mixed quality.
SOURCES: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; and the Chicago Board of Trade.

in April, down from 4.1% in March
and 6.2% over the past 12 months.
Because the monetary base consists
of Federal Reserve liabilities, many
economists believe that it is the
best indicator of the thrust of monetary policy.
Rather than controlling the monetary base directly, the Fed increases or decreases the supply of
reserves to ensure that the federal
funds rate hits its target. Although
the current 5.5% target has not
been altered for more than a year,
the thrust of monetary policy can

change with the underlying pressures on short-term interest rates.
For example, if real interest rates
declined, putting downward pressure on the 3-month Treasury bill,
fewer reserves would be needed to
keep the funds rate constant. A
constant federal funds rate target
would then imply a tightening in
monetary base growth.
The 3-month Treasury now
stands at 5.0%, down 9 basis points
from last month and 25 basis points
from a year ago. Although this
falloff is consistent with the theory

that monetary policy has tightened
slightly, the change is rather small
and probably means that policy is
fairly constant.
The federal funds futures market
indicates that most market participants now believe the Federal Reserve will maintain the 5.5% funds
rate target over the next six months.
Two months ago, however, the
market was betting that the next
move would be a lowering of the
funds rate.
In contrast to short-term interest
(continued on next page)








Monetary Policy (cont.)


FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Seasonally adjusted.
b. Nondeposit liabilities at commercial banks are total liabilities minus deposits and borrowings from banks in the U.S.
SOURCES: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; and Bank Rate Monitor, various issues.

rates, longer-term rates have inched
up slightly over the past month. The
30-year Treasury bond now stands
at 6.0%, up 13 basis points from
March’s level. That rise, however, is
swamped by the 100-basis-point
decline experienced during the past
year. The downward drift reflects
the market’s belief that the Federal
Reserve will not allow inflation to increase much over the long term.
Home mortgage rates remain at
historically low levels, although
they have crept up since the beginning of the year. The current 30-year

fixed rate is 7.2%, about 0.25%
higher than January’s average.
The number of consumer loans
extended fell 1.4% in March, continuing a yearlong descent. The reasons for this downturn are unclear.
Some believe that instead of reflecting a fundamental softening in demand, the decline may be due to the
cash that many lenders provide to
homeowners who refinance their
mortgages for amounts greater than
their previous loans. Commercial
and industrial lending also stalled in
March, increasing a slight 1.2% —
well below the 12.0% pace recorded

over the last 12 months. Although a
one-month respite is certainly no
cause for alarm, it does stand out as
one of the few slowdowns since
the series’ frenzied increase began
in 1994.
The spread between market rates
and bank CD rates has remained
nearly constant since mid-1996, a
pattern mirrored by stabilization in
the growth of small time deposits
and savings deposits. To finance
customers’ credit demand, banks are
increasingly relying on large time
deposits rather than on their nondeposit liabilities.








The Stock Market

FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. The final earnings/price ratio observation is a preliminary estimate.
SOURCES: The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland; Standard & Poor’s Corporation; DRI/McGraw–Hill; and Bloomberg information services.

The U.S. stock market continues to
amaze most observers. Early April
was characterized by a number of
record highs for the major stock
indexes, including the S&P 500.
Although reported first-quarter earnings have increased only modestly,
optimism abounds for horizons over
a year or two. Recently, however,
some nervousness has surfaced.
Pessimists fret that the earnings/
price ratio (E/P) has fallen to a record
low. Optimists, however, note that
the decline in the E/P since 1982
largely mirrors the downward trend in

bond yields, which is based in falling
inflation expectations. Declining expected inflation effectively produces
higher stock prices for a given level
of earnings and hence has been a
key element in the 16-year bull market. Continued low inflation is essential to support the current E/P.
A low E/P may also reflect an expectation of high earnings growth.
The stock market’s extraordinary
performance in recent years reflects
pervasive optimism about higher future earnings—a belief that has been
largely validated since 1994. Recent

skittishness in the market can be
attributed to both concerns about
rising bond yields and moderation in
expected earnings growth.
In today’s global economy, capital moves much more freely than
in earlier years. Financial troubles in
Southeast Asia have led many investors to redirect their capital from
Asian to U.S. markets, thus supporting higher U.S. stock prices. Improving economic conditions in Europe,
however, could make those capital
markets even more attractive.








Interest Rates

FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. All instruments are constant-maturity series.
b. Constant-maturity 10-year Treasury bond yield minus the secondary market 3-month Treasury bill yield.
c. Curvature equals the 5-year Treasury note yield minus the secondary market 3-month Treasury bill yield, less the 10-year Treasury bond yield minus the
5-year Treasury note yield.
SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

The yield curve has shifted only
slightly in the last month. At the short
end, the 3-month rate has moved
down just 14 basis points, while at
the long end, the 30-year rate has
increased only 10 basis points. Overall rates and the yield curve slope
(or steepness) remain below levels
seen at this time last year. The oftenwatched 3-year, 3-month spread
stands at 64 basis points, while the
10-year, 3-month spread is at 70 basis
points, below both their historical
averages and last year’s 130 and 155
basis-point spreads.

The yields on zero-coupon bonds
seem to have diverged from those
on coupon bonds even more than
usual in the past month: With a flatter yield curve, liquidity differences
between the markets may become
more apparent.
A natural and common way to
compare yield curves is to look at
their level, their slope, and their curvature. Level and slope moved in
opposite directions over most of the
1990s. As short rates rose or fell, long
rates changed less than proportionately. Relative stability in the yield

curve’s level since 1996, however,
has not created equal stability in its
slope. Most of the recent reduction
in slope has occurred at the long end
of the curve.
Slope and curvature show a closer
connection, with both measures
declining as the yield curve has
flattened since early 1997. This may
indicate that investors expect the
stable interest-rate environment to
continue as medium and long rates
converge, or that they perceive less
risk in holding long- and mediumterm bonds.








Mortgage-backed Securities

FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Annualized monthly prepayment rate.
b. Based on the PSA model.
SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Mortgage and Consumer Finance Section, Mortgage Debt Outstanding.

There are several reasons why the
American dream of home ownership has become a reality for
so many people. One of them is
growth and innovation in the mortgage market. Although mortgages
on commercial property and apartment buildings make up an important part of the market, the bulk
of mortgages are for family
residences — more than $4 trillion
of the $5.3 trillion total.
A large share of U.S. mortgage
debt is not held by the originator.
Rather, it is bundled into pools or
trusts and used to collateralize

mortgage-backed securities (MBS).
These securities allow investors to
reduce their risks (buying one
share in an MBS backed by thousands of mortgages is less risky
than buying a single mortgage that
might default). Standardizing such
securities also makes them more
salable and liquid.
A prime risk in the MBS market
arises from individuals prepaying
their mortgages, perhaps to refinance or to move. Valuing MBSs
means making assumptions about
prepayment rates. A baseline industry standard is the Public Securities

Association (PSA) model, which
assumes that prepayments rise linearly to 6% at 30 months and then
level off. Faster or slower prepayments are expressed as a percentage
of PSA.
The prepayment pattern determines the flow of principal payments to the MBS. These are often
assigned to different securities. For
example, one MBS may get all of the
principal payments until those payments reach $500,000. Another may
get only interest payments until that
amount is paid off, and then receive
principal payments.








Inflation and Prices
March Price Statistics
Annualized percent
change, last:
1 mo. 3 mo. 12 mo. 5 yr.


Consumer prices
All items






Less food
and energy












Finished goods –3.6 –4.2 –1.8



Less food
and energy

0.0 –0.1



Commodity futures
–8.4 –5.7 –8.0



Producer prices


FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Calculated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
b. Revised since January 1993 to reflect new BLS seasonal factors.
c. As measured by the KR–CRB composite futures index, all commodities. Data reprinted with permission of the Commodity Research Bureau, a Knight–Ridder
Business Information Service.
d. Upper and lower bounds for CPI inflation path as implied by the central tendency growth ranges issued by the FOMC and nonvoting Reserve Bank presidents.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland; and the Commodity Research Bureau.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) remained unchanged in March, bringing the past year’s inflation rate
down to a scant 1.4%. Energy costs,
which fell 1.2% during the month
(the fourth straight monthly decline)
again played a prominent role in
the favorable consumer inflation
performance. Excluding the food
and energy components, prices rose
an annualized 1.4%, still below the
trend established in 1997. The median CPI, an alternative measure of
inflation that also excludes energy

prices, was up a much higher 4.0%
for the month and 3.2% during the
first quarter.
The Producer Price Index (PPI)
was also influenced by the continuing slide in energy costs. Minus that
volatile component, the index remained unchanged; with energy
prices factored in, it fell 3.6%.
Another gauge of price movements, the GDP chain-weighted
price index, measures inflation in
the National Income and Product
Accounts. Because personal consumption expenditures amount to

only about 68% of total GDP, the influence of consumer prices on this
index is weighted similarly. In addition, the GDP chain-weighted measure incorporates the prices of
investment goods, exports, and
government purchases. In recent
years, these sectors have typically
shown more moderate price movements than have consumer goods.
Like the CPI, the GDP index also
shows a sharp reduction in inflation
over the past year.








The Employment Cost Index

ECI Total Compensation by Industry

ECI Total Compensation by Occupation
and Region

Annualized percent change, last:

Private industry
and public utilities
Wholesale trade
Retail trade
Finance, insurance,
and real estate
State and local

Quarter a

1 yr.

3 yr.













Annualized percent change, last:
Quarter a

1 yr.

3 yr.









FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Annualized data.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; and the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland.

The Employment Cost Index (ECI)
measures U.S. firms’ total compensation costs (wages plus benefits).
Similar to the way the Consumer
Price Index (CPI) measures product
prices, the ECI summarizes the cost
of procuring a workforce with a
fixed set of occupations. Because
workers and firms generally try to
maintain the real (inflation-adjusted)
value of compensation, the ECI and
CPI typically track each other
closely. In periods when productivity growth is high, however, the ECI
tends to exceed the CPI.

Even if benefit costs rise more
slowly than consumer prices, it does
not necessarily follow that the real
value of those benefits to employees
has declined. The benefits package
measured by the ECI is diverse: Vacations, health care insurance, pensions, and mandated benefits like
overtime pay and employer contributions to the Social Security and unemployment insurance funds are all
included. When the unemployment
rate is low, for example, firms’ payments to the unemployment insurance fund drop. This pushes the ECI
down, but the benefit to employees

—insurance coverage — does not
change. Likewise, employers’ cost of
providing health care benefits can
decline without affecting the quality
of workers’ health care coverage.
Even in a period that is generally
positive for workers, some employees gain more than others. Last year,
for instance, white-collar and
service-sector workers enjoyed
higher compensation increases than
blue-collar workers. Compensation
growth also continues to be particularly strong in the finance, insurance,
and real estate industries.








Economic Activity
Real GDP and Components, 1998:IQ
(Advance estimate a,b )
of 1992 $

Real GDP
Consumer spending
Business fixed
Residential investment
Government spending
National defense
Net exports
Change in business

Percent change, last:










FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Seasonally adjusted annual rate.
b. Chain-weighted data in billions of 1992 dollars.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; and Blue Chip Economic Indicators, April 10, 1998.

The U.S. economy grew much faster
in the first quarter than most analysts
anticipated. According to the Commerce Department’s advance estimates, real GDP rose an annualized
4.2%, primarily because of increased
residential investment, solid spending on business equipment, and continued growth in consumer spending. Most economists participating in
the April 10 Blue Chip survey were
anticipating growth of about 3.0%.

Real personal consumption expenditures jumped 4.1% in March,
the steepest gain since 1994. One
reason Americans relaxed their grip
on their wallets was a hefty 4.2%
gain in real disposable personal income. Consumer confidence continued to climb in April, indicating that
households expect the economy to
remain strong in the months ahead.
Signs of the Asian crisis were evident in the first-quarter GDP report.
Exports slipped 3.4%, while imports

were up 11.6%. Forecasters expect
the decline in net exports to continue
over the next few quarters, dampening real economic growth. The
National Association of Purchasing
Management (NAPM) index of new
export orders suggests that foreign
demand for U.S.-manufactured goods
contracted in April for the fourth
consecutive month. (NAPM indexes
indicate expansion when their value
exceeds 50% and contraction when
(continued on next page)








Economic Activity (cont.)
lndustrial Production Index
(Annual percent change b)





Total index


7.3 –1.9 –1.9




Durable goods

0.9 –2.7 –2.8

9.0 11.5 –3.2

0.0 –2.4

Computer and
office equipment 41.3 25.0 39.4 28.9 25.6
Motor vehicles
and parts

26.5 15.4 –67.9 –5.2 –7.0

Nondurable goods




Excluding motor
vehicles and parts



4.6 –1.8 –2.8


4.3 –5.3

3.0 –3.0 19.3 –1.1
15.1 –2.7 –45.1


1.1 57.8

FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. National Association of Purchasing Management indexes.
b. Seasonally adjusted annual rate.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; and National Association of
Purchasing Management.

they fall below that figure.) Imports
of materials grew faster in April than
in March.
The industrial production index
gained some ground in March after
edging down in the first two months
of the year. A return to more normal
weather led to a strong jump in the
utilities component, and computer
and office equipment production remained exceptionally strong. Manu-

facturing activity declined for the
second month in a row, however,
with sharp reductions in motor vehicle and parts production. Capacity
utilization also fell, slipping 0.1 percentage point to 82.2%.
A foreign capital inflow must
accompany any expansion in the
nation’s trade deficit, with positive
effects for U.S. investment. The
interest-sensitive sectors were indeed

strong performers in the first quarter.
Business investment in new equipment shot up 28.8%, the biggest gain
since 1983, and residential investment soared 17.7%. Spending on
consumer durables—expensive items
often purchased on credit—jumped
18.4%. One notable exception to this
pattern was business investment in
structures, which shrank 8.9%.








Labor Markets

FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Seasonally adjusted.
b. Vertical line indicates break in data series due to survey redesign.
c. Production and nonsupervisory workers on private nonfarm payrolls.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

April was a record-setting month for
many labor market indicators. The
unemployment rate fell to levels not
seen since 1970, the employment-topopulation ratio matched the record
high set at the beginning of this year,
and hourly earnings posted the
largest gain in more than a year.
The economy added 262,000 jobs
in April after a slight setback the
previous month. Service-producing
industries accounted for most of

the gain, boosting their payrolls
by 241,000. The construction sector
added 35,000 more jobs, rebounding
from April’s 85,000 loss. So far this
year, the economy has added an
average 224,000 jobs per month,
down somewhat from last year’s
267,000 posting.
The unemployment rate, which
measures the number of unemployed workers relative to the total
labor force, fell to 4.3% in April, a

28-year low. Both components declined, but the 2½% drop in the labor
force was not enough to offset a substantial contraction in the number of
jobless persons. The employment-topopulation ratio returned to 62.4%.
Average hourly earnings rose to
a record $12.68 — the largest yearover-year increase since the beginning of 1997. Average weekly earnings fell, however, the result of a
decline in average hours worked.








Skills and Unemployment
Education Level of
Unemployed Workers

Age of Unemployed Workers
(Percent of total unemployed)

(Percent of total unemployed)



No high



High school



16 to 24



25 to 34



35 to 44








College degree



45 to 54






55 to 65




FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Includes an associate’s degree.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, March 1997 Current Population Survey; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

The economy’s recovery from the
1990 – 91 recession has brought
with it very low unemployment levels reminiscent of those seen 40
years ago. But the tight labor market has created another kind of
problem: Many employers are
struggling to find appropriately
skilled workers. As the pool of unemployed workers dries up, the
skilled proportion also recedes.
This trend is most obvious in the

changing education levels and age
composition of the unemployed.
Between 1992 and 1997, the share
of jobless persons without a high
school education rose from 28% to
33%, while the share in the overall
workforce remained around 15%.
The fraction of unemployed workers with high school diplomas declined over the same period, while
the share with at least some college
stayed constant. Another indicator

of the skilled worker shortage is the
growing share of the unemployed
aged 16 to 24 — 32% today versus
25% in 1992.
Comparing the occupational composition of the employed and unemployed provides further evidence
about which jobs are hardest to fill in
today’s labor market. Administrative
support personnel, for example,
make up 14% of the workforce but
(continued on next page)








Skills and Unemployment (cont.)

SOURCES: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, March 1997 Current Population Survey; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

FRB Cleveland • May 1998

only 10% of the unemployed. Just
after the last recession, 12% of the
jobless fell into the administrative
support category. These figures suggest that further jobs growth in this
area will be hard to accommodate
from the existing pool of unemployed. People qualified for production, craft, and repair work may also
be increasingly difficult to find in
today’s job market. In 1992, workers

with these skills accounted for 18%
of the unemployed; last year, that figure fell to 12%. On the other hand,
workers engaged in services now
make up 20% of the jobless ranks,
up from 13% in 1992. (Often, these
are the younger, less skilled workers
mentioned above.) The service component of the workforce is fairly stable, however, so service jobs should
be easy to fill from the existing pool
of unemployed.

With unemployment at its lowest
point in more than a decade, fewer
workers of all proficiency and skill
levels are seeking jobs. However,
the composition of the unemployed
has changed over the course of the
expansion. The current pool includes a greater share of unskilled
workers, adding to the burden of
employers who have skilled positions to fill.








Fourth District Employment and Population Trends

Employment Growth by Industry
(Percentage-point change, 1992–97)










































FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Transportation and public utilities.
b. Finance, insurance, and real estate.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census; Kentucky Department for Employment Services, Labor Force Estimates Division; Ohio
Bureau of Employment Services, Labor Market Information Division; Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, Bureau of Research and Statistics; and
West Virginia Bureau of Employment Programs, Labor Market Information.

Employment growth in the Fourth
Federal Reserve District has been
closely associated with population
change. Sometimes, job opportunities may encourage workers to
move to areas with high employment; other times, it seems that population loss is reflected in lower
numbers of people working.
The greatest population gains have
occurred in the areas surrounding
Columbus, the suburban counties of
Cleveland and Cincinnati, and the
counties in Kentucky that border
I-75. To some extent, this reflects a

change in residential preference, as
people move from the inner-ring
suburbs to areas further from downtown. However, it also represents an
increase in the availability of durable
manufacturing jobs along the socalled auto corridor of I-75, as well
as a growing number of light manufacturing jobs in the Columbus area.
Continuing trends that began in
the 1970s and 1980s, the greatest
population loss is seen in the mountainous coal mining regions of the
District and in western Pennsylvania
more generally. The population loss

in the western counties of Pennsylvania may stem in part from the
demise of employment opportunities
in the area’s once-prevalent heavy
manufacturing industries.
Despite the lack of population
growth in large pockets of the region, employment growth has been
impressive throughout the Fourth
District. Even in the counties where
manufacturing is declining or expanding only slowly, jobs growth
has outpaced increases in labor force
participation, producing impressive
dips in unemployment.








Ohio Employment and Population Trends
Industry Share of Total Nonfarm Employment



1992 1997 1992 1997 1992 1997

















































FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Transportation and public utilities.
b. Finance, insurance, and real estate.
c. Not seasonally adjusted.
NOTE: Cleveland and Cincinnati data are for the primary metropolitan statistical area. Columbus data are for the metropolitan statistical area.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census; and Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, Labor Market Information Division.

Employment in Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus, Ohio’s largest
cities, is increasing at similar rates
and in step with the state’s overall
performance. The cities have comparable workforce compositions,
with two notable exceptions:
Columbus, the state capital, has a
larger share of government and
financial services workers, and
Cleveland has a slightly higher
share of manufacturing employees.
Business cycle events should have
about the same influence on all
three cities, and this in fact seems to
be the case. Since 1993, each has

experienced a 2-percentage-point
decline in manufacturing employment, matched by a similar increase
in service-sector jobs.
Despite these parallels, employment growth in the Cleveland area
has lagged that of Columbus and
Cincinnati over the current business
expansion. Columbus has added
83,500 new jobs since 1993, a 2.3%
average annual increase, while
Cleveland saw only a 1.5% rise.
Most of Columbus’s growth has
occurred in the service industries
(particularly business, health, and
education) and in engineering. The

capital city historically has enjoyed
a low unemployment rate, but
since 1993, Cleveland’s jobless
measure (which tends to follow the
state average) has demonstrated the
greatest improvement.
Population change has followed
a pattern not unlike that of employment growth. Columbus once again
led the way with a 1.0% annual
increase, while Cincinnati posted
an uninspiring 0.7% gain. Cleveland’s population growth has been
stagnant since 1993, and actually
declined 0.3% last year.








Housing Finance

FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Percent of new conventional mortgage originations with adjustable rates.
b. Purchase data include conventional and government-insured mortgages.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Thrift Supervision; Federal National Mortgage Association; Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation;
Mortgage Bankers Association of America; and Bank Rate Monitor, various issues.

After dropping more than 100 basis
points through the last three quarters of 1997, long-term mortgage
rates have remained relatively
steady at around 7% since January.
The stabilization may be due in part
to factors external to the mortgage
market. With the effects of the Asian
financial crisis becoming clearer,
there appears to be a general market perception that short-term interest rates will not decline again in
the near future.
Mortgage market factors are also

important, however. Indeed, recent
rises in application volumes may
have mitigated any remaining downward pressure on long-term mortgage rates. Last January, the refinancing index hit 22.13, its highest level
since the index was created and 29%
above its peak during the 1993 refinancing boom. Similarly, the purchase index was up 47% over the
course of 1997, confirming anecdotal
reports of strong housing markets.
In contrast to long-term mortgage
rates, one-year adjustable rates have
risen at a moderate pace since the

middle of last year, up just 25 basis
points since July. As a consequence,
the spread between fixed- and
adjustable-rate mortgages has
dropped to its lowest level this
decade. This in turn has led to a
sharp reduction in the share of
mortgage loans with adjustable
rates. As has been true when the
adjustable-rate share has declined in
the past, secondary mortgage market activity picked up substantially
over the last part of 1997.
(continued on next page)








Housing Finance (cont.)

FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Secondary market purchases by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a fraction of total mortgage originations.
b. Median sale price of existing single-family homes.
c. Measures whether a family with the median family income can qualify for a 20%-down-payment mortgage on an existing, median-priced, single-family
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; National Association of Realtors; Federal National Mortgage Association; and Federal Home
Loan Mortgage Corporation.

The most recent data on mortgage originations cover only the first
two quarters of last year. Nevertheless, past trends may give us some
insight into how mortgage originations will play out over the final half
of the year. Historically, the secondary market’s total share of mortgage originations has risen in tandem with overall mortgage market
activity. This has been particularly
true during periods when the fraction of loans with adjustable rates
was relatively low. As a consequence, third- and fourth-quarter

data should reveal a marked uptick
in the secondary market share of
total origination activity. At the same
time, the fraction of total mortgages
originated by mortgage banks will
likely have risen substantially in the
last half of 1997.
Consistent with the underlying
strength of the mortgage market,
housing prices rose steadily
throughout the country in 1997, with
median home prices climbing more
than 6% in the South and North Central regions. Although the West and
Northeast did not see the dramatic

increases posted in the mid-1980s,
last year’s appreciation stands in
marked contrast to the sluggishness
of the past several years. Despite
this rise in prices, housing affordability remained relatively steady
throughout most of the country in
1997, with the strongest gains in the
North Central region—the area with
the steepest growth in housing
prices. This suggests that overall income growth may be responsible
for much of the acceleration in median home prices over the course of
last year.








The Japanese Economy

FRB Cleveland • May 1998

a. Sales taxes imposed in April 1997 account for the recent jump in year-over-year price changes.
b. Index of 225 stocks listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
c. Index of all stocks (1100+) listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
SOURCES: Bank of Japan; Statistical Bureau of the Prime Minister (Japan); and DRI/McGraw–Hill.

Constrained by the weak state of its
financial sector, Japan’s recovery
from the recession of 1992 has been
tenuous at best. The recent financial
crisis in Southeast Asia has imposed
additional economic burdens by reducing Japanese exports to that region and by further weakening the
position of Japanese banks with
heavy exposures there.
Japan’s GDP contracted 0.2%
between the fourth quarters of 1996
and 1997, and most economists
expect virtually no growth this year
and very little in 1999. Economic
activity, particularly industrial pro-

duction and household spending,
remains weak. The nation’s trade
surplus has risen despite the dropoff in exports to Asia, with shipments to the U.S. and Europe taking
up most of the slack.
The Japanese unemployment rate
jumped to 3.9% in March from its
previous record high of 3.6% in February. The magnitude of the onemonth increase was unprecedented.
And the news gets worse. Some
economists are now predicting that
the jobless rate will reach 4.5% this
year and will rise above 5% in 1999.
Inflation remains nil. The current

2% reading (measured on a yearover-year basis) largely reflects the
effect of sales taxes instituted in
April 1997.
In an effort to regain its former
strength, Japan recently unveiled a
package of economic reforms that
includes more than $91.5 billion of
direct fiscal stimulus (temporary income tax cuts being one component). In addition, the government
has taken measures to increase the
deposit insurance subsidy and improve the capital base of the country’s financial institutions.